THC OMAHA DAILY DEE: THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1901. ! ! GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Fntnrei Break Fire Cents Liqui dation on an Enoraoni Scale. CLOSING FLAT AND AT BOTTOM QUOTATION Cora, Iaflaenced by Wheal ana Fine Weather, Galas an Decline Oat Easier Commercial boaalp. OMAHA. Aug. 24, 1904. It wag a real bear day In the grain market of the world. Omaha wu no eeption. but the decline In actual rush grain were not severe a the break In the Juturea. The break In future In Chicago .ama other markets wu caused by the gen eral liquidation of long lines of wheat thought at much lower figures and In many protected by atop orders. Then again the rust nawa la taking a vacation. There re a few damage message every day, out they are In a measure counteracted by reports of larger yields of poor wheat and by the prevailing high prices which are considered aa more than equalling damage. It la against all precedent that the market should go one way all the time, and the reaction that Is now on la but a natural sequence to-th big advance. Chicago longa poured out wheat at the opening not only for the Im mediate futures but also for the deferred dellverlea At the low point the short sel lers of the morning commenced to buy and there win also some little demand from new buyer. The put prlcea were reached for the first time In weeks and the $5 speculators reaped their first harvest of the month. This brought some Inquiry for the wheat st low prices and added to the strengthening Influence. After Imperative demands of the shorts had been tilled and a reaction of 4 point made, there came a Hood of selling orders thst turned the last half hour of the session Into a bear movement with lower prices than anything reached In the morning. It vis a tinge of positive weakness that the market ha not shown for weeks nor did there appear to be any uneasiness on the part of the short stllera, for there was nothing like the customary rally In the last few minutes. September wheat opened In Chicago at $1.08'.,, a loss of , and the low point was il.iU'i December ranged from $1.6 to $1,044, while September declined from 11.10?, to 11.06V The weakness In wheat was reflected In corn and In thia the decline was added to because of the uniformly rising tempera ture. September corn broke from a close at 664 on Tuesday to fxl, December from MSJ to 624c while May so:d from i3V,c to Ue. The selling became rather fast In tne closing hour, the fine weather and the excellent reports as to corn together Willi the diaaapation of the Idea of frost brought a liberal uumber of selling orders tor luige amounts. Oatu shared to the extent of 50 t? He In the weakness In other cereals. The volume of business transacted during the day was enormous and the position of the entire market Is much more healthful today toan for several days past. The re action was good for the list. Omaha. Cash Salts One car No. 4 white oats, 414c; 2 cars No. 2 yellow corn, '24c; I car N 8 yellow corn, 44c; 1 car io. II yellow com, 6tVic; 1 car No. 4 corn, 48c; 1 car No. S corn. 494c; 3 cars No. 8 white coin, 494c.; 1 car No. 3 yellow corn, COc, 1 car No. 3 wheat, 674 lbs., 99',c; 1 car No. 2 wheat. 59 lbe.. I1.01; 1 car No. 4 wheat, 64 lbs., 96c; 1 car No. 4 wheat, 64 lbs., ftw; 1 car No. 4 wheat, 49 lbs., 6c; 1 car No. 4 Omaha OraJn Inspection In: 1 car No. J hard wheat. 17 cars No. 3 hard wheat, ID cy s No, 4, hard wheat, 1 car No. 4 apt ins whoat, 1 oar no grade wheat, 2 cars No. I corn, 17 car No. 8 corn, t cars No. 4 corn, 1 car No. 2 yellow corn, 4 cars No. I yel low corn, 4 cars No. 8 white corn, 1 ca.- No, i white oats and 1 oar No. 6 barley. Total, 63 cars. Northwestern carlot receipts: w neat. com. oats. 51 . ...133 .... 22 1SI SO Market, Oma.Ua. .. 4 . 92 ' Chicago Minneapolis Duluth Kansaa City Omaha Cash Ural No. 1 hard, wheat. . No. 3 hard wheat.. No. 4 hard wheat.. No. 2 red wheat No. 3 red wheat....... ,.., No. t spring wheat.... .... '" No. 8 spring wheat.... 1.01 No. 2 corn . 60 No. 3 corn ... 494 No. 4 corn 49 No grade corn ' 46 No. 2 yellow corn.... fc'4 No. 8 yellow corn 494 No. 1 white corn 60 No. 3 white corn 499494 No. 2 oats 82 No. 3 oats ' 81 ' No. 4 oats 30 No. 2 white oats 33 Nc. 8 whin oats 32 No. 4 white oats Soft 31 standard oatu M Grata Market loS 11 31 183 Chicago. 1.03 (Ul.n s (a i.oj i.6s"i!ii" 1.05 (BL09 1.14 ' - 1.06 1.10 5544 65i 65 u 654 M W M 60 (tf 54 664J' 57 68 t 664 64'IJ 66 66 B 66V 82 814 844ji 364 34rj 34 Elsewhere. Clos'.ug prices of grain today and Tuea davat the market named ware aa follows! Too ay. lue-aaay. Wheat Beptemher December . May Corn Septembor December May Cats September May " December Wheat- fclrptember iJeceniber . Corn September ' ijetei.iber . Wheat September ' December . Corn-September Ouceniner Wheat . September December . Wheat i September i December KANSAS CITY. l.4 l.W l.W-4 .. 63 .. 52 .. 61 5. .. 3.VA .. 34' l.TOs 1.04 1.11' 65H 85 87, ST. U) U1S. S4 93 4S 1.04 A MINNEAPOLIS. 53 60 DULUT11. 1.0SH T4 8 B 4S; 47H . 1 DOS 111 50i l.l!-H l-s 1.08 1.04, NEW YORK. Wheat , Reptember l 118 Uecember 10e' l.lUi Corn September 6o) Cammerrlal ( p. Bradstrcefs World'a Visible Decrease, lSu.Ouo buahela. . W. H. 'eks of Seotla and M. McBeth jf tjreeley Center were on 'change today. ' Mcy. tays there Is more or lem buying Of Decemtwr wheat around l.0t4 against puts. John Inglls wires from Manitoba: "Ter ritories prospects fair to good. Western Manitoba wheat will run S to 20 bushela; commenced cutting; duality poor to fair. Bruilstreet's: Wheat, east of Kockies, December, 4ju,000 bu-1 Europe and afloat, Increase, 2W),A bu.; net decrease, ISo.mlo bu. Corn, decrease, 1,041,000. Oats, In crease, 4,(C2.00O bu In extreme north and northwest It Is generally cloudy and cool, 44 to 60 degrees. General rains, trace to .14 Inch. North west Is partly cloudy, with rising tempera tures, 32 to VO degrees. West and south west, clear; Nebraska, 70; Iowa, i2 to 6k; Illinois, toil to 70, Kansas. 72 to 74; Mlasouil, 6t to 72: Oklahoma, 70: Fort Worth, 75; Ohio valley, clear, HO to 72. Financial Goaslp. Plentiful supply of stocks In loan crowd. All labor difficulties on Manhattan ad justed. Amsterdam still bullish on Missouri, Kan sas Teias. Brooklyn surplus after charges equal to J per cent on stock . PreasaU Steel Car Interests behind new Canadian Car company. Chicago begins drawing on New York for currency to move crops. New York banks' have gained from sub treasury since r'rlday tUt.uuO. Forty-one railroads for second week In August show average gross Increase of 1.(9 per cent. Stcnks In London wesk. 6o lower. Loudon still nervous on violations of neu trality by belligerents. Philadelphia froaaea Market. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 24-Bl'TTER market firm, axtra western creamery, 1V: extra nearby prints, line. KiiOH-Market stedy; fair demand. Neiiily firsts. lTc at mark; western lirsta, li .iv. st mark. CUElUE-Market unchanged. New York full cream choice to fancy, 8VJIc; fair to good, s-u'o. I'eorla Grala Market. PFOHU. in., Aug 4.-OORN-Bteady No, I, MStc: No. 4, UVic . Tnlrge Be Market. TOI.rnO, O.. Aug K PEFTV-Clovw, cash, October, Uecember, 7.ka. rrlme allk. 17 ; August, I7.8S. Prime timothy, 11.46; September, tl 46. CHICAGO GftAI ASD PROVIl01 Peatares of the Trad lag aad (losing Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Aug. 24. Pronounced skepti cism today In the what trade displaced nild credulity as to frost damage. In en sequence September wheat fell a1! from the previous close snd suffered a net loss of 4 c. Corn Is off lc. Onts closed Vc down. Provisions range from MjT'-rs sd vsncs to 2'fi6o. decline Constant liquidation attended the Iocs In wheat values. An almost total absence of "scare news" Influenced the selling The bottom apparently had dropped out of the market. Few of the bulls were active In the pit todny. They seemed to have re tired at least temporarily and left the market without support. September start ing at II. i a loss of c stopped only when It hsd touched 81. 03V December with sn Initial decline of VaHo to V.iHo at I1.0H to $1 Kt went off to f 1. 04 4,. The close In both deliveries was but a smnll frac tion up from the bottom, the nenrer op tion finishing at 11.081 snd the deferred at Jltm,. The early corn market had a very firm undertone regardless of the fact that the weather was all that could he desired for the furtherance of the crop. September opened unchanged to fl holier at 5f.Sc to 654c. December was up SflSc to Mc off at MHfiMHc. Firm cables and small re ceipts, the chief sustaining factors, could not, however, withstand the effect of the declining tendency In wneai. ai h September reached 5M.0 and December 54V. From there prices gradually waned as the weakness becume more and more marked. The corn market though yielded so slowly that It seemed as If the holders of large lines were still hoping for some accident before the crop reached matur ity. The final quotations were the lowest for the day. &.1c for September and 52c for December. The tone at the close was weak. Local receipts were 108 . The onts market could not holly re sist the effect of the heaviness 111 wheat, although the loss sustained was compara tively Tight I,ocal receipts of oats showed a marked falling off. This fact and the very conservative action of corn traders prevented a sharp break In the oata quo tations. Both September and December de liveries started at top nnd closed at bot tom prices. September opened unchanged at Kc and finished at 2rtS.c December opened HfiV,c off at 84tt34"o and closed at 34V Local receipts were 11-3 cars. In provisions a better cash demand for lard and ribs stimulated speculative pur chases In the later deliveries. Buying was not active, but being In excess of offerings, led to some enhancement in values. Sep tember pork was contracted and closed at 2,'fi3c off at 11.67Va 11.70. Lnrd Is up StiTHc at 8.96. Ribs gained 5c at 7.37yS7.40. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 120 cars; corn, 19 cars; oats, 193 cars; hogs, 23,m0 head. , . -.. The leading futures ranged as follows. Articles.! Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.l Mon. Wheat a Sept. b Sept. Dec. May Corn Sept. Deo. May Dec. May Poik Sept. Oct. Jan. Lard Sept. Oct. Jan. Bibs Bept. Oct. Jan. 1 1R 1 14 1 OS 1 W)W 1 OSWi 1 034 1 09 1 09Mi 1 044l 110-4-4. 1 10 1 WHI 55 H 6& ft 64Vfr1 64S KH-S'a 63 33; 83 33H 37(&37V 37H 3GS, 11 70 11 73 11 67,i 11 11 87H 11 77H 13 00 13 10 12 VI 6 90 6 9S 6 90 6 97"i 7 06 6 97H 7 10 7 12K 1 77Vi 7 3! 7 7 32H 7 U! 7 47 7 42 6 80 6 85 6 80 105H 110, 1 ' 1 04S 119'4-S 1 OtvVUlVhi 63i 62, S34! 34'i 801, 11 70 6 95 7 06 7 10 7 40 7 47H 6 80 6SH 54V4 53-, 35 - 374 33 11 72 11 m 13 02 6 91 , 6 97 7 07 7 25 7 45 fi 80 No. 1 a Old. b New. Cash quotations were as Klow"-FIXH'R-Market easy; winter ptentg, FLOUR-Market gteady; winter patents, 10 IHXa.'i.ju; siraiginw, ei-wu-i.', ' fnts 85.00UJ6.60; straights. 4.303G.10; bakers. V 11 KAT No. J spring. $1.13; No. 8. $1.00 1.08; No. 2 red, $1.04 1.09. CORN-No. 1 54c; No. 2 yellow Roc. OATS-No. 2, S1M532"; No. 3 white, 329 35'',c; No. 3 White. 34S34C. RTF No 2 70c. BARLEY-Fair to choice maltlneT. 48(??62c. SEEDS No. 1 flax. $1.18; No. 1 north ti Tlmnthv. Drime. $2.80. Cither, rontract grade, $12.76. Itril 80 rLafd. T"'l"11 b V. 9 92H. Short ribs side., (loose). I7.87S7.50; ehort clear Ides tboxed), $8.00fi.25. Shipments 01 uuur nu f " follows.: Recshlpm,c7i1 Flour bblg 29.700 26,f00 Wheat, bu --Wg-SJS AS? Porn bu 239. 90 43,90') 0II: bu ............. Ma.jno 374.700 Rye. bu IJ-gW Barley bu 4u,hm On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, 13itflc; dairies, 12516a lRga. steady, at mark, cases Included, 1316c. Chetse, steady, 8 9c . MEW YORK CES-HAI MARKET tlaotatUaa at I Varloaa Commodities. - KBW TORK. Aug. rjrL03vRR1; 21 il bbls.; exports, .85 bhls. Market steady with a little better Inquiry. Minne sota patent. $6.9u4'V40; Minnesota bakers. $4.40iH6; winter straights, $6.(KVR.80; ex tras, 83.45rtJ4.0O; low grades, $X2o''a3.80. Rye flour, barely steady; lair to good. $4.25 4 50; choice to fancy. $4.504.75. CORNMEAL Barely steady i yellow west ern, $ city. $1.12'!11.15. RYE Nominal. BARLEY Quiet; feeding, 47c, r. I. I. NWHEAT-Reee!pte 27,000 bu. .B,i;1.wJa: No. 2 red nominal elevator 'and L0R4 f. o b. afloat; No. 1 northern DuHith, $1.14 f. 0 b afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba nominal f ' o. b. afloat. The public became some what demoralised today and offered wheat at big sacrifices to get rid of It. The price broke 4c a bushel, gating absolutely no support from recent big bulls or from the north went. Stop losses selling was es pecially heavy In the laat hour' and the Hrket closed weak al I Wftc net de- way 11.08W1.12S; closed. $l.m. Stemb?r"y$l.5l3H: Ue" cemher. $; closed, H-WV,. , CORN-Recelpts. M.77ti bu. Market spot weak- No o elevator and 60c f. o. b afloat No. .yellow, M-i No. 2 white, ii" Option market onened ateady on small receipts and cash demand but was i.tlfr rtenressed by wheot and closed l'i avrnedt Vow" BVpt?mber KrHfl-lo; closed. 50Sc. December. Wu: closed, o9c. OAT4 Receipts. 146.500 bu. : exoorts. 1.S00 M.rkTteasy- mixed oats Jfi32 pounds, &VU37c natural 30A32 pounds. 8ffi39c; clli-I.ed white" W. 40 pounds. 4V440. HAY-Ijulet; shipping. 67c; good to C'VI("ipsFlrm: common to choice, 1903, 35V; ltt.. nominal; olda, 713c; 1902. nom- l7uD0Ea-Flrm?'aaIveston, 20 to punll 17c California, 21 to 25 pounds. 19c; Texas dry. 24 to 30 pounds, Ho. LEATHER Firm; acid. 24fr?6!. Wom,-St,nny; domestic fleece. ntOVlSIONrV-Beef. steady: family. $ 0.60 fill 50; mee. $8 501 9 00: beef hems. 1-4.00 fi25.50 packet. 9.ftKai0.6; city extra India mess $14 0"filO0 Cut meats, steady: Plck bellies $.ou10.50; nlckled shoulders, $7.00: pickled hams. $10 .OOPJPJ". Lard, steady; western sieamed, $760; refined, quiet; continent. $7.40; Routh America, 88 00; compound. $5 87Ti7.12. Pork ''y: family i4RHtsoo; short clear. $13-60-rfl.00; mess. $13 25fllS.7B. TALLOW Kasy; city. 4c; country, 4H 4lVlicE; Quiet; domestic, fair to extra. 8 ffffi.,c; Jaiwn, nominal. ...,., PEANl'TS Dull: fancy hand-picked. 6c; nth.r doroeetlc, 3'iiiio. POULTRY Alive, easy: western chickens. 14c fowls, 13c; turkeys, 130, Tiressed, Irregular: western chickens, 14'&"15c; fowls. 13c; turkeys, 14il6c. Bl'TTER Firm; street rlce. extra creamery. Ht-SlSc. Official: Creamery, common to extra. 13J18c; state dairy, com. Dion to etra 1217c. CHEESIO-Flrm: state full creams, small, white and colored, poor to fancy. W?i:ic; large, colored, poor to fa ncv 0uc; Urge, white, poor to fancy, tl8e. EUOS Steady ; western fancy, selected. He; extra, average best. 19a20o. Mllwaakee Grata Mnrket. MILWAUKEE. Wis.. Aug. Jl.-WHKAT-No 1 northern. $1 14; No. 2 northern. $1.0lu 1 1- December. $1 04 ssked. 11 ARLKY-Market steady; No. 3. 6.fl58c; samples, 40iltJ:. ' CORN Market gteady; Dejemler, 63c skod. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 24-WHEAT-Beptember. $1 .06: December. 1.W; May. $1 07S No. I hard. 81.HS: No. 1 northern, II I : No. northern, 11.07V FLOUR Firs patents. M 20fl.30; second pater.ts, l.iVij 10- first clears.; second clears. $2 85. BRAN In bulk. $l.00oie 26. Dalath Grain Market. DULUTH, Aug. 21. WHEAT New to ar rive. No 1 northern, $1 0; No. 3 northern. 11 W; pld. to arrive. No. I northern, $t.ll: No. t northern, $107; on track: No. 1 northern. II 11; No t, $1.07; September. $10; Dtceniber, $1.04. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market Getierallj Higher in Spito of Dis conraging Conditions. DAY S TRADING IS LARGELY PROFESSIONAL Inlon Pacific, Koathera Pacific aad the Sonth western Gronp ghares Show Snrprlsins; Strength. NEW TORK, Aug. 24. In the fece of con ditions which ordinarily make for lower prices, such as lncreaHl excitement lr the commodity-mm ket, a further strain In the local laixT troubles and selling by London on the International political ultuatlon, to day's stock market showed a general ten dency toward higher price. Trading was dull and narrow, however, end again Inrxely professional. At the outset the tone was decidedly bearish. The speculative element was apparently of the opinion that a further reaction was due, pasmg this beller largely ot, ihe iree dom with which atocks were offered for loan at the close of the previous day. Union Pa cine and Southern Paclilo were among the early features by reason of their irer.gtn, out tneir rise railed to stimulate ny immediate response and the market hung back. The Gould or southwestern group of railway lsues became conspicuous and under the lead of Missouri facinc ana Kansas A Texas preferred, and thla move ment was followed by a general advance In many of the Industrial and miscellaneous Usuea Amalgamated Copper, Smelting, Sugar, Consolidated Gas and Brooklyn Transit all moved up, but the Improved tone, while well maintained, failed to bring any real demand. In thi lMte sesAion business became more dull and restricted and while traders seemed less inclined to take a bullish view 11 was clear that little long stock had come Into the market. The specialties were taken up In the last hour and there was an In creased demand for the coalers, chiefly Reading and Jersey Central. Rumors of a plan to dlstrioute a easn uivimim m holders of Northern securities were cur rent in exchange circles Just before the close of the market, but they lacked of ficial confirmation, and after the close a denial was made. r There were some Interesting develop ments In the monetary situation, these In cluding a transfer of crop money to Chicago the first of the year and $160,000 to Canada. These shipments, It Is under stood, will be followed by even a larger transfer to the west and to Canada to n.nrrnor .mi hv further exoorts to Cuba. The cash holdings of the banks sre so large that they could afford to lose as mucn 10 the Interior aa last year and still have a larger surplus than" they had at the Incep tion of that year's crop movement. Today market for bonds was steady. Total sales. par value, were, $2.56,000. The quotations on the New York StocK " Sales HlKh.Low.Close. ..94,4) 81 80 80 8i ) 100 200 2O0 800 1.000 200 600 4.400 1,3"0 O0 200 &10 ..17.600 .. 7,600 123 8.400 5,800 2.M0 300 4,400 Atchison do preferred ... Baltimore & Ohio do preferred . . . Canadian Pacific Central of N. J... Ches. & Ohio Chicago Alton . do preferred ... Chicago G W... Chicago & N. W. C, M. St. P.... do preferred Chicago T. & T.... do preferred C. C C. & St. I,... Colorado Southern . do 1st preferred... do 2d preferred.... Del. & Hudson Del.. Iack. A West. Denver & R. O do preferred Erie do 1st preferred... do 2d preferred.... Hocking Valley .... do preferred Illinois Central Iowa Central do preferred K. C. Southern do preferred Louisville & Nash.. Manhattan L. . .. Met Securities Met. Street Ry.. Minn, ft St. L, M.. St. P. & 8. S. M do preferred , Missouri Pacific 50.8W) Mo., Kan. t TfX do preferred N. R. R. of Mex., pfd New York Central..., Norfolk A Western.., do preferred Ontario & Weet... Pennsylvania P., C. C. & St. L. . Reading do 1st preferred. do 2d preferred.. Rock Island Co... do preferred Pt. L. & S. F. 2d pfd. 2,700 6t. L. 8. W 8 000 do preferred B.SW Southern Pscjflo 18,100 do preferred Wabash do preferred Wheeling A L. E... Wlaconoln Central . do preferre-d Mexican Central .... Adams Express American Express.. V. 8. Express Wells-Fnrgo Exp... Amal. Copier 66.RO0 Am. Car A Foundry.. W do preferred 100 Am. Cotton Oil 100 do preferred American Ice 400 do preferred Am. Linseed Oil 100 do preferred Am. IxM-omotlve 70 dc preferred 300 Am. Smelt. A Refln.. 5.1O0 do preferred Am. Buar Refining Anaconda Mln. Co.. Brooklvn Rnpld T. . Colo. Fuel A Iron.. Consolidated Gas ... Corn Products do preferred Distillers' Securities General Electric .... International Paper do preferred International Pump. do preferred National Lead North American .... Pacific Mll , People's Gas , Pressed Steel Oar .., do preferred Pullman Plsce Oar, Republic Steel do preferred Rubber Goods , do preferred Tenn. Coal A Iron.. IT. S. Leather do preferred U. S Really A Inv.. V. 3. Rubber , do preferrel U. 8. Steel do preferred WestlnrhoiiKe Elec.. Western Union 300 '9"6 300 16 1,800 37i 80 85 98 86 92 127 127 127 1W lXi 37 37 39 80 1.400 15 14 14 183 ....14,100 1514, 160 151 178 6 15 15 14 76 7j 75 14 14 14 48 48 48 Vt 20 m 5,400 163 11 162 600 273 270 27Z 2: 34, ID 27 63 39 73 83 24 73 26 63 39 72 83 137 2 40 23 43 1.700 121 120 120 1.400 lno 154 154 90 1.9T0 138 210 20 100 3X 23 75 26 1 39 73 83 137 2i 40 23 ' f9 .121 122 K 71 , 128 9i 95 96 22 22 22 48 46 47 86 700 121 12074 121 6) 64 60 91 91 90 33 32 32 ..21.201 124 123 124 .. 100 6S B8 60 6 . 5,000 . 200 . 900 . 6,900 1.000 600 X.O.1O 100 1,000 100 2,910 24 67 68 18 42 67 19 1 17 39 11 55 67 84 84 72 72 24 24 67 67 67 67 17 18 40 42 66 6T 14 1 M 87 31 16 lf 17 17 89 S9 11 11 TM 214 21-.' 120 122 235 65 66 18 18 79 79 33 R? 91 6 6 26 11 11 29 21 a 90 89 6V 631 imo w,u inr,v 10fi 6,500 131 1?9 131 7S 79 4 64 53 S6 8,400 197 197 400 13 13 100 214 800 120 67 18 79 33 "6 "ii" 71 60 64 300 20.0O1 3X) 200 1,000 l.'ftrtO 1.90 1.2"0 3 410 $3 "fa" ?4 91 30 8 400 101 100 32 100 76 1! 5m 200 'roo 71 00 2'X 61 2 ft'lO ....20.2O1 7 42 18 '44 7 86 'is" 76 r 51 14 72 76 23 8f' S7 101 82 76 7 4? 18 'ii 7 Ml 'iw 75 11 6 78 53 35 196 13 . 68 22 163 14 7"i 31 "4 23 90 '9 101 32 76 216 7 42 18 79 44 7 86 48 1S 7" 11 6' 2O0 iKftii ip;n Ifiq VI VO Total sales for the day, 487,2(i0 shares. Boston Stork Qnota t Ions. BOSTON. Aug. ?4 -Call loans. 23 per cent: time loans, 3(4 per cent. Official closing or stocks ana Donns: Atchltna sdj. 4.. do Mel. Central 44. .. Atchison do pfd llmtnn A Albany ftnston A Maine.. Poetnn Klevated . Fltrhhurg pfd .... Me. Centra 4 I Adventure to ..l"j! Allouei II .. 41 Amalgamated (44 .. American Ems II .. 4H Atlanlle 11 . t4HlRlntiam if, .140 leal. A Hecla 44 . .lio Centennial J5 ..117 I Copper Rans 4H .. HViPalr Wnt 11 N. T.. N. H A H..W Pomlnloa Coal to Per Marquetl 74 'Franklin I t'nlon Fa.Mllo Oranr Anwr. Ar, Chela .. 14 ' tela, Roralt 14H do pfd to IMaaa Mining Amer. Pneu. Tub.... 4 I Michigan 4 Ainer. Sugar Mhw 41 do pfd lit I Mont. C. A C 4 Amer. T A T.. .,....! KMx-aola 4 Amer. Wooleo 11H Parrot ... do pfd 1H Ouln.-r .. Cldaon Klec. 11IU....I42 Shaunns General Kleetrlc ... .144 Tamarack Uu Flxtrle IS Trlnltr . do pfd a 14 I Inited 8hoa Maeh.... I" It 14 M S 10 TV4 s. Mining 71 s on to M It'l ah 14V llV''irtorta t Ih W'lnnna 114 14 IWoltertna tl do pfd V. I. meal do pld Wealing, common Foreign Flaaaelal. LONDON, Aug. 24 Rates for money were easy In the market t inlay and dis counts were Arm. On the stock exchanse stock were heavy and the trading mostly was featureless. Prices closed with an Improvement. Consols wore easier Amer icans owned dull, moved fractionally above parity, became liianinate and cloned steady. Grand Trui.ks wero lower on the decrease In the traffic returns, being 6G,0u) below expectations. Imperial Jupuneae govern ment 6s of 1904 were quoted at K Ths amount of bullion taken Into the Hank of England on balance I nlay was 22.0u. PARIS. Aug. 24 Trading on the limine today was Inactive. Ruislan Imperial 4s closed at 92 90 and Russian bonds of 1 -t at & 4 The private rate of discount was 1. Thice ler cent rentes, f !7o for the account. Exchanga on London, f t 2c for cheeks. BERLIN. Aug. 24 Trading on the Bore today was sluggish and prices In most departments were weaker. Americans were lower. Sen York Money Market. NEW TORK. Aug 14-MONEY-On call, essy at ?il per cent: eks ng bid. per cent; offered st 1 pet cent; time loans, essy and dull: sixty days. 2 per cent; ninety dsys. 21ig2 per cent; six months. 8 per cent PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 3t4 per cent. SILVER Par. 67c; Mexican dollars, 45e. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with ac tual biislneiw in bunkers' hills st $4.8in for demand and $4 SMMM.SSfiO for o-day hills: Cos ted rate. $4.86 and $4.89; commercial Ills. 14 .85 4 8.i. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, dull. The following are the closing quotation on stocks and bonds: V S. ret la. reg....ic Manhattan e. 4a...irv di coupon 1V iMet. Central 4e It4 do la. ret )04 do lt Inc H do roupon .vm evmn. A St I 4s.. !7 do new 4a, ref . .. .HI M. . K A T. 4a 1 do coupon 1st do 2 7!Vi do old 4a. reg t N R. R. of M c. 4a. 1f4 do coupon T N. T. C. g. IH 10014 At'Mson gen. 4a HWi J C. g. U?'4 do adj te 'No. Pacific 4 104H Atlantic C. L. 44....l"";4, do Is 74H B. A O. 4a l'i It A W. c. 4 101 do la t4 n. g. L 4a A par... H Central of Oa Sa...llS 'Penn. cone. u,a do 1st Inc 4 Jteadln aen 4e t Chee A Ohio 44a ...174 St. U A I. M c. il lllt Chicago A A. "7H M. U I F. fg. 4a. M4 C. B A Q. n 4a .... 7 ,rtt. L. S W la ' C. M. A S. P. 4a. .lit Seaboard A. L. 4.,.. 42 C A fJ. W. c. 7....1J"4, So. Pacific 4e 4T, C, R I. A P. 4.... TS4 So Rallwar 5a 1174 do col Sa H 'Teiaa A P l 114 CCC. A St L. . 4a..lAl T . St. L A, W'. 4 . 744 Chicago Ter. 4a 7H fnlon Pc:5c 4a 10f .14 Con. Tohacce 4a...... MTt, do con. 4a 1044, Colo. A 80 4a 4 it'. S. Steel Jd a 7K4 D A R. O. 4a 10S 'Wahaeh la 11714 Erie prior Han 4a.... t'' do deb. n (1 do gen. 4a MVW. A U B. 4a 41 T. W A D. C. la...l(ii4iWI Central 4 0 Hocking Val. 4Ha...lo4 Colo. Fuel. c. 6a 7IH L A N. unl. 4a 101V4I Bid. London Stock Market. LONDON. Aug. 24.-Cloalng: Coneola. money ..17 11-16 N. Y. Centra 12J do account f?S Norfolk A W 4'4 Anaconda ST4 do pfd 42 Atchlaon 1H Ontario A W Ui do pfd loo Penneylvanla 4.11, Baltlmora A Ohio.... S74 Rand Mlnea Canadian Pacific 130 Reading JSH Chea. A Ohio do lrt pfd 43 Chicago Ot. W I.M4 do Jd pfd IS C. , M. A 8t. P 1S4V, So. Rallwajr CeBeera li do pfd IS ., D. A R. O MH So. Pscine (8 do pfd 1t t'nlon Pacific 10114 Erie t74 do pfd 17 do lat pfd 64S, I'. S. Steel 12V, do td pfd 40 do pfd eHi Illlnola Central 140 Wabaah ls boula. A Naah 1114 do pfd 344 M.. K. A T 2244 Spanlah 4a 84 H SILVER Bar, uncertain, 26d per ounce. MONEY lirt2 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short hills is 2 13-lfVfi2 ner cent; for three months' bills, 2m per cent. err York Mlnlngr Stocks, NEW YORK. Aug.'24-The followln me closing prices on mining stocks:. Adams Con ... Alice Breeca Brunawlrk Con ,. Comatoi k Tunnel Con. Cal. A Va.. Horn surer Iron Rllver LMdrtlls Cea .... 30 ILIttla Chief . Z! (Ontario . li lOphlr . 16 !PI,oenlx . 9 Pol on I .105 Savage .UO I Sierra Nerada .176 Small Hopea .. . I Standard g are . i ...360 ...Mfl ... 16 ... 14 ... to ... S! ... to ...UO Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON, Aug. 24.-Today s state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balanoe, $146,587, 130; gold, $43,812,308. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 24 -COTTON-Markct. spot closed unchanged; middling uplands, ll.ime; middling gulf, 11.46c. Sales none. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 24.-COTTON Market firm; sale., 625 bales; ordinary, 8 7-16c; good ordinary, 9c; low middling, 10e; middling, 11c; good middling. 11 6-16c; middling fair, 11 8-16c. Receipts, 889 bales; stock, 23,490 bales. Futures: August. 11.31 till. 40c; September, 10.64f10.56c; October, 10.874(10 38c; November, 10.3310.35: Decem ber, lo.3nno.36e: January, $10.39? 10.41c; Feb ruary. lO.mfl 10.05c; January. $10.48'S'10.50. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 24.-COTTON-Bpot In limited demand; prices 4 points higher; American middling fair. 6.66d; good mid dling, 6.62d; middling, 6. 40d; low middling, 8.24d; good ordinary. B.02d; ordinary, 6.78d. American middling G. : O,. C. August, 8.26d; August-September, 6 04d September-October, 6.83d: October-NoYdrnber, 5.71d; November-December. 6.67d: December-January, 6.64d; January-February. 5.63d; February March. 5.63d: March-April, 6.64d; April-May, 5.64d; May-June. 5.64d. 8T, LOCIS, Mo., Aug. 24.-COTTON-Market steady to c higher; middling, 10c. Sales none; shipments, 201 bales; stock, 6,984 bales. ' Metal Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 24. METALS There wss a fair advance In the London tin mar ket with spot closing at 122 7s 6d and fu tures at 123. Locally, however, the mar ket showed little change, with spot held at $26.85((i27.00. Copper wss unchanged in Lon don, closing at 57 7s 6d for both spot and future Tne local market was firmer In tone, but without quotable changes. Lake and electrolytic are held at $12.5V!2.76 and easting at $12. 26. J 12.50. Some of the larger producer Quote lake at $12.(2'913.78. Lead closed at 11 13s 9d In the London market and at $4.20t;4.2. In New York. Spelter was also unchanged In both markets, closing at 22 12s Cd In London and at $4.85'ff4.95 In the local market. Iron closed at 61 od in Glas gow and at 42s 10d In Mlddlesborough. Locally Iron was easier. No. 1 foundry, northern, Is quoted at $13.75fl4 25; No. 2 foundry, northern, at $13.26'u13.75; No. 1 foundry, southern, and No. 1 foundry, southern, soft, at $13.50gl3.75. ST. LOl'lS, Aug. 24 . M ETA LB Lead , steady at $4.0O4.O5. Spelter, stronger at $4.76. Oils and Rosin. NEW YORK. Aug. 24.-OILS-Cotton-eed, steady; prime crude, nominal; prime yellow, 28c. Petroleum, steady; refined New York, $7.70; Philadelphia and Balti more, $7.65; Philadelphia and Baltimore, In bulk. $4.75. ROSIN Firm; strained, common to good, $2.60 Turpentine, weak at 67'ti 67Ho. OIL CITY, Aug. 24-OIL8-Credlt bal ances, $1.50: certiorates, no bid; shipments. Pennsylvania, 43.463 bhls. : average. 73.074 bhls.; runs, Pennsylvania. 93,310 bhls.; aver age, 77,614 bbls.; shipments, Lima, 48,178 bhls.; average. 64,443 bhls.; runs, Lima, 78.636 bbls.; average, 61,667 bbls. SAVANNAH, Oa.. Aug. 24.-OILS-Tur-pentlne, ateady, 73c. ROSIN-Flrm. A. B, C, $2 73; D, $2.40; E, $2 45: F. $2 50: G. $2 60; II, $2.75; I, $3.36; K. $157; M. $3.S5; N, $4.00; W Q, $4.35; W W, $4.62 Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 24. COFFEE The market future opened steady at sn ad vance of Ave to ten points on a fair de mand, promoted by an advance of half a cent In the price of the brands of pack age coffee, the continued steadiness of Eu ropean markets snd further rumors of un favorable Brazilian crop progress. But there was realising by old buyers at the advance and the market toward the middle of the afternoon turned easier, losing Its Initial gain and closing steady at un changed prices to a decline of five points. Sales were reported of 150.750 bags Includ ing September. 6.7ift6.8oc: tietober, 4.85c; December at 7.07tff7 loe: January at 7.10 7.20c; February. 7.25f7.30c; March, 7.3ow 7.4ftc; May. 7.65h7.60c; June, 7.65c: July. 7.70 t7.75c. Spot Rio firm; No. 7 Invoice, 8cj mild, steady. Wool Market. BOSTON, Aug. 24.-WOOL The position of wool In the Boston mnrket Is firm, al though the demand Is not heavy. The mills sre well supplied with stock for the present, but dealers believe that the goods market will be favorable and that the mill owners will be obliged to stock up again. Values are generally well maintained on all grades of wool. The prices of domestic wool In this market am based on actual sales, as follows: California Northern, choice, 22irf 23c; middle counties, lTfllSc; southern, 13j, 14c. Idaho Territory, fine, 19ii-:ooj fine me dium, mn8e. Wyoming Fine, 16fl7c; flue medium, 17'ft'18c. Utah and Nevada Fine. 17il7c; fin medium, l&4tl6c; coarse, 1617e. , ST. LOCIS. Aug 24.-VVOOL Steady; ter ritory and western mediums, 82ii;3ci fine medium, 16018c; line. 15'16c. agar aad Molasses. NEW YORK. Aug. 24 BCOAR Raw, quiet; fair refining, 8H-16c; centrifugal, im teat, 4c; mnlussea sugar, 8 7-16c; refined, quiet; crushed, 6.9oc; powdered, 6.80c; gran ulated. 6.3"c. NEW ORLEANS. Aug 24 Sl'G A R Mar ket strong. Open kettle. 2iiJ ll-16c; centrifugal. StilSic; centrifugal whites, 4c: yellows. V4e: Seconds. 2fr3c. MOLASSES Market nominal; open ket tle, 2iu26o. BYRUP-20162 Dry Ueods Market. NEW YORK, Aug 24-DRY OOODS The advance In cotton has caused conalil rrshle comment, hut on the whole has benn a rather disconcerting factor In the dry fowls market, as It hus Influenced buyers a Increasad conservatism, while Sellers, who have been operating n a low basis, besln to feel somewhat nervous about the future. Jobbing activity continues. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle BeceipU Again Light and Prices Improred All Around. LIGHT HOGS STEADY, OTHERS WEAK Heaviest Ron of neep In Many Weeks aad While Killers Were About a Dime Lower Feeders old Readily at Steady Trices. SOl lI OMAHA. Aug. C4. 1901. Receipts wen,: Cattle. Hogn. Seep. Official Monday 4.rfol o...-d .6i Official Tuesday ..418 ll.t -'! 6.46 Oftlclal Vvedneexiay 1,60 7. I'M 17.3-a Three days this week.. 8.309 23.652 32, 378 Same days last week 11.61 13,46 U.o21 Same wek hefore 7.1.-.U ".8l3 9.7" Same three weeks ago..6,et'4 1.4.44S 6 0 75 Same four weeks ago 1M 8 i'i7 6.44 Sam" rtflv last year 12. 1"! 21.CTJ 29.4U RECEIPTS FOR THE Vr.AH TO DATE. The following table shows Ihe receipts ot cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, with comparison with last year: 1904. 193. Inc. Dec. Cattle 526.576 ?3.79 97,218 Hogs 1,699.750 l,t93,039 0,711 Sheep 8.'4.6.4 80O.661 23.9.3 Average prices paid for Hogs al South Omaha tor uis last several as with coiiv parlsou; Pat. 1804. ilK)J.ll1.l01.lll4ej.:!!tf.!llii. Murnst aufUil Auust August August. August August Augus: August Augiikt August August August Augum August August August August August August August August August August l. 99 4 971 4 D2UI 4 93 6 06 6 ui 107 R in ! 9 1 6 00l ! B I lj 11 4 87 L3i 4 81 U 4 94. 14 15 6 01 16 5 O'.'li 17) 4 9A l&l 4 W 1WI 6 lu , 20 6 12 21 22 1 6 02i 23 1 6 03! 24 1 6 04 I Wl t W i 04 I U6 M t u 6 19 6 231 6 20 6 16 1 6 211 6. 6 211 6 is; 12( 6 15, 6 Mi Bill 5 46, ' 41J 7 ttSl a j 7 39! 7 321 7 86) 7 27 7 li 7 16 1 7 04 781 81 1 73. 6 OS 6S 6 63j e 73i 8 80 6 8i 7 01) 6 99 661 6 76 6 7i I 6 Ml 6 80) & H 6 0b . t 73 6 74i a 1 6 74 6 77 6 73 6 78 5 77 684) 6 89! 6 S7 5 8,1 6 9l 5 Dli 6 151 I U 6 16 6 1U .'04! 11 5 151 6 041 a 10 4 VJ. a 4 43 4 97 4 97 4 98i 6 00 4B D 03 0 0J; 5 01 4 97 6 0J, 4 18' 8 1. 4 M 8 1 4 Ml 8 7 4 4.1 j 3 61 4 4 . 8 71 I T7 4 .li 1 81 1 r 3 6i 8 3 3 48 8 4 a 3 75 3 78 4 861 8 74 4 47 1 3 66 4 601 3 6? 8 76 4 42 " 4 42 3 00 4 41 8 74 4 4i 81 4 V i 82 4 28i 4 23i 4 3. a 4 431 4 44 4 32' Indicates Sunday. The official number of car of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'rses. C, M. & St. P. 4 3 Mo. Pac. Ry... 2 1 V. P. System.. 28 26 2 C. A N. W. Ry .... 2 F., E. A M. V. 28 83 22 C, St P, M & O 2 6 B. & M. Ry.... 23 26 22 C, B. Q. Ry .... 8 C, R I P, east 1 i C, RIP, weet .... i 8 Illinois Cent 1 C. O. W 2 2 Total Rec'pt 68 107 66 2 The disposition of tne day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs Sheep. Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company Armour & -Company Cudohy Packing Co , Sol Degan Vansant & Co Carey & Benton Lobman & Co McCreary & Carey Hill Hamilton & Rothschild.. L. F. Hubs Root Lelghton Merwin North , Buller & Kline Other buyers 83 270 476 218 7 4 45 25 94 66 571 85 21 60 141 639 1.612 1,953 926 122 317 2,147 202 281 l',9 462 i,737 8,'602 Total 2.100 7.50 11,391 CATTLE There was a light run of cauls here today, which, following yesterday's light receipts, makes the supply for the three days this week considerably short of the same days last week and also of last year. The table above will show the exact figure. With a fairly good demand from ail sources the market ruled active and stronger on all desirable grades. The few cars of corn-fed steers that ar rived changed hands freely nt prices rang ing strong to a dime higher than yesterday. All the buyers wanted n few and there did not seem to be enough of the desirable grades to go around. Common stuff also sold to better advantage owing to the small number of westerns In sight. Except for a few late arrivals most everything In the corn-fed line was cleaned up In good season. As high as 85.75 was paid for a choice bunch of cattle. The market on western grass beef steers could also be quoted strong to a dime higher on anything at all desirable. The same aa with corn-fed there did not seem to be enough to go around and as a result everything sold In good season at very sat isfactory price aa compared with recent sales. A larger proportion of the offering than usual consisted of cow stuff, between fifteen and twenty loads being on sale. The sup- fly, however, was none too large to meet he requlrementa of the trade and In fact the market was active and right around a dime higher on all grades. Buyers evidently had to have some cattle and If they could not get the kind they wanted they took what they could get. Bulls, veal calves and stags all Bold freely at strong prices. There were only a few cars of stocker and feeders in the yards this morning and as over twenty cars were shipped to the country yesterday speculators were all anx ious for cattle and the mnrket ruled active and strong to a dime higher. Representa tive sales: BEEF STEERS. No. At. Pt. No. At. Pr. I IM 00 16 124S t 36 4! 1144 4 10 19 12 S 40 I ltot 4 IS 4 IMt I 75 ti 104! 4 40 14 14t 6 75 STEERS AND COWS. 7 7l 4 00 COWS. I S5 I OS 21 1114 t 75 1 1JO0 t tS I S?5 t 30 J) 443 3 46 1 1100 3 li 1 1000 3 (0 i litis 3 iO 10 .-.. 7 ! 45 HEIFERS. 1 480 1 60 7 441 1 10 BULLS. 1... 1430 1 00 CALVES. 1...' r?o t so 1 o urn 1 80 S 60 1 lf.O 4 00 STOCKEHS AND FEEDERS. 13 454 3 40 NEBRASKA 2 cows 1065 2 25 11 cows 1059 2 26 1 cow b20 1 60 ' 3 feeders.. 806 2 00 7 feeders.. 924 3 45 18 cows 1"!! 2 35 1 feeder... 640 2 60 6 cows 814 2 35 24 cows 922 8 80 1 cow 2 16 4 cows 877 2 85 1 calf 140 4 50 9 steers.. ..1078 3 00 25 cows SMI 2 65 8 cows 1010 2 00 18 feeders.. 9j7 3 40 1 cow 1010 2 00 2 steers.... 8,X 2 25 2 heifers... 755 2 40 8 steers.. ..146 3 25 2 cow 1120 2 60 1 calf Vv) 4 00 cows ti0 1 75 1 cow i:'.40 2 60 7 feeders.. 660 3 25 1 cow 1130 2 60 1 cow 830 2 00 2 heifers... 7;i6 2 40 22 feeders.. "l 8 40 8 feeders.. 9M 2 65 24 feeders.. 993 3 20 2 feeders.. 9.13 2 65 1 cow 920 2 55 1 cow l'Mi 2 85 28 feeders.. 734 8 25 8 feeders.. 2 60 J cows 916 2 75 16 cows 870 2 20 1 steer 970 8 75 2 cow louo 2 00 1 steer 1000 8 00 16 cow 927 2 60 20 steers.... 916 3 60 8 cows 88 2 60 J steer 1010 8 60 8 cows 8o 2 60 2 steer.. ..12ml 860 1 heifer... 670 2 15 43 steer.... 1 8 65 1 heifer... 6S0 2 16 1 cow 9"0 2 60 W. Harvey Mont. 8 teers...,1154 2 7u 2 feeder. .1340 too 21 heifers.. 692 2 40 15 feeders. .V 07 3 20 21 steers.. ..112 3 25 1 feeder... 11 10 I 00 ( cows 9i 2 80 1 cow 830 2 23 C. Kennedy Wyo. 2 steers.. ..1076 8 40 1 steer 1020 3 15 1 steer 10'tO 8 00 48 cows 1101 2 80 2 cows 930 2 80 2 cows 910 2 Ou 1 cow K0 2 00 45. iJiwier Wyo. 66 steers.. ..100 8 6) Fulton J. Mont. 1 cow 1030 8 75 7 steers.. ..1161 8 15 2 now K"0 ! 75 2 steers.... 976 8 15 10 steers.. ..1077 8 80 1 steer 1040 8 00 C. C. French Colo. T cow 1010 2 76' 1 cow 900 "75 2 cows 810 2 76 24 feeders.. li!"l S 40 1 feeder... 12M 2 40 14 steers. ...1262 2 2 4 steers. ...1190 2 75 D. Egsn Neb. 12 feeder.. 1H7 2 40 2 leeder. .1017 2 75 Schlee & W Mont.' 1 teer 1170 2 15 9 cow 933 2 60 1 steer 1440 3 16 1 cow Km i 2 2 Sleers.... 910 8 00 Scows Kilt) 2 76 2 steers.... l"2n 8 20 1 cow 1170 2 25 2 steers.. ..V'M 8 20 t cows 1016 2 76 17 Steers.. ..1107 8 70 1 cow mo 2 75 (steers....)'; 8 JO 6 cows 90O 2 75 1 steer V' IW 6 teerv....lol0 2 75 I cows loin 76 M. Cornahan Neb. I heifers.. 770 2 21 cows 85 2 45 I cow 1m 2 on 1 cow i;oO 2 45 T. Neeland Neb. 1 feeder... 11 8 41 4 cow r" 2 60 1 feeder. .1140 40 Inciter... I 'o 12 feexler..1140 8 4o 1 h-frr... 4J0 3 25 A Fultoo Neb. 13 steer.. ..1076 8 10 1 cow rv J el 2 teer..- 1X6 8 10 t cow 10-jO 2 25 J cows tiro T 1 cow 40 2 25 2 cow linn 2 25 1 cow 0 2 00 HOGS There ws not n excee. r run of hogs In sight this morning, but alter the liberal run of yesetdiy local pickevi Oil not seem to be partlc.iVarl snxiuis tor fresh supplies and were rather bearish. Shipper, however, took h"ld In firly good sh.tpe and the good light srd butcher weight hogs thst ould do for thtir p ir pose sold without a great deal of tro.iMe at about s good prices as were paid yes terday. Sirlctly choice bogs, such . topped the market yesterliv, were lick ing. The shipping grades tdav sold lirp!y from 85.08 to 85 15. Packers were lw 10 take hold and on the hetvler loads thev were bidding no more than steady lin yesterday s weak close, or about s nickel lower than yesterday's opening. The hei fer grades of hevy hoes thev wnn'cl fi buy from it 95 to IV.00 and wouid 00 asion aily pay from le.Ou to o. n lor mixed 1104s that were not too heavy. Ccai se hea", .c they wanted to buy from lo d, wn. As sale. men were not eitisfted Willi these prlce.4. traoing was slow, snd It was late before much business whs transacted. There was no material change In the close of the mirket. except f llrSTf 1 c:it loose, there bring no Indication of an Improvement In the sltuntlon. A good clearance was made before noon. Repre sentative sales: No. . At Sh. Pr No At. ?h Pr J ...1. S4 ... 4 41 - (4 1 40 s f 47. ..... .34 o 4 4n t..t.... M 40 4 04 7 t. ',40 4 Wl 47 JA ... J 0,4 M l?0 4 S 4)l it4 ... $04 M 37 120 4 95 ir. i 7 III I C 57. 4 ... 4 44 t rvi ... 50- 69 ;r 40 4 e;i. -, mi ... ( m .1.4 140 4 471a II II ... K 74. .. 714 140 Oi . . .2' 40 $ "S .. in lit I o . . 7 iO . . J 05 ...If 0 06 . . 341 4.1 ( fl . . J7.1 SO 4 04 ... 40 t 05 ..141 ... I HI . . 5:,4 ... 6 04 ...rj ... f o-i, ...321 40 4 OT, .. 7-3 40 4 07i4 ...r:l ... 4 07t .Z44 ... 4 i ' -t 70. "o . . . 71...! 49 ... 44 ... !.... H ... 7.... 44.... 4? ... 71 ... 41 ... 7! ... 70 . . 70 I" 751 ... 4 0-i, 57 ?4 40 ( 071. 47 2J7 o S 07V, M 25.1 80 5 07' 4.1 774 ... B 07!, fS 150 ... 4 07 1, ft 712 40 f, 10 47. .14 140 S 0 44 714 40 S 10 49 720 ... J II) 44 145 ... 4 10 47 40 t 10 44 214 240 t 10 34 24S 40 5 10 M 229 170 5 10 44 775 ... 5 10 55 744 ... I 10 70 24 ... 4 10 54 2"4 ... 6 12i, 74 104 240 I 12'a 44 !."9 40 I ll'l 79 157 ... t IS (3 !r 40 S 15 70 221 40 5 15 70 211 40 4 15 49 19 ... 5 20 30 314 ... & 30 44 !7S SO 4 471, a.' T.i' n b no 41 24 40 6 00 5? t'H 5" J 0O 41 !4 200 I 00 71 7SJ 200 5 00 41 , 151 40 I 00 99. 0 f 0l 71 t.:4 140 8 00 44 240 40 8 04 57 770 ... 4 ,10 73 350 340 4 00 64. 21 ... 5 00 (4 771 40 B 00 41 2 ' 7 40 B 0O 67 147 ... S 00 41 777 ... 4 no 14 240 ... B 00 40 3 120 6 00 o ;s; 40 5.00 73 2M ... 6 09 54 Sll ... 6 00 52 7H 40 4 0?i 57 11 ... I 0?', 74 244 40 B 02i, 5 2r.3 40 I 01V4, 46 330 40 4 03 Va 71 244 40 4 r.2l C .244 40 S 02', 42 270 ... 4 01V, 47 2M 40 4 021, 5D. . 24 ... 6 074 71 ?.17 ... B 05 TO ;J7 140 B 06 71 340 40 6 04 45 294 40 8 00 54 251 130 i 04 60 , 143 ... I 04 C2 244 SO R 04 63 740 200 S 05 75 244 130 I 06 6 :,', 80 I Ou 24 2il ... 6 OS SHEEP The heaviest run of sheep since the beginning of the strike arrived tnls morning, about 58 cars being reported. A lnrge proportion of the off"ilngs consift-d of feeders, but still there were tlso a good many killers on sale. Packers all wanted some freeh supplies, but In view of the big run they were bearish, and the market could safely be quoted slow nnd nbout a dims lower on sheep. There were com paratively few lambs, and good stuff In particular was scarce, so that choice grade may not have been a great deal low-r than yesterday. It was late before the bulk or the killers was disposed of. A large number of feeder buyers were In the yards this morning, so that, although offerings were liberal, the demand was sufficient to hold price steady, and trading was active. The mom of the desirable grades was disposed of In good season. Quotations for grass shefp and lnmbs: Good to choice yenrllngs. 83.751 .00; fair to good yenrllncs. 83.50A3.75; srool lo choice wethers. $3.6013.75; fnlr to good wethers, 83.251i3.60: good to choice ewes. 2517 3.50; fnlr to sroorl ewes, $2.7541 3.25: good to choice lambs, $f OfiffS 36: fair to good Inmbs, M.75'? 60"; feeder yearling. $3.2f.473.SO: feeder wethers, $3. POT 3. 31; feeder ewes. $2 .Wtti.M; feeder lambs, $3.75l54.50. Representative sales: 1119 Wyoming ewes nnd wethers 91 3 ?5 2f0 Wyoming yearlings 78 3 6" 3 Wyoming buck lambs 56 3 75 72 Nebraska feeder ewes S2, 2 35 269 Nebraska yesrllng feeders (mixed) 70 3 25 150 Nebraska yearling feeders (mixed) 72 3 45 88 Nebraska feeder wethers 87 3 T5 29 Idiho feeder wethers 91 3 25 63 Wyoming feeder wethers ire 3 30 451 Wyoming feeder wethers 105 8 " 49 Wyoming feeder wethers 1f6 3 SO 438 Wyoming feeder wethers m 8 30 238 rtnh ewes 95 3 30 168 T'fnh feeder yearlings 79 3 n 276 TTtah feeder yearHnjr 79 3 65 276 Vtah feeder yearlings 80 3 65 loR Idaho ewes 304 8 40 ?78 Wyoming feeder vearllngs.. 76 8 6" 120 South Dakota yearlings 89 3 65 46 Tdsho wethers w $ 75 12S Wyoming feeder lambs 51 4 00 193 Wyoming feeder lnmbs 46 4 f0 1R3 Wyoming feeder lambs 63 4 35 559 Wyoming lambs 60 8 00 198 Idaho lambs 60 5 00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady and Higher Hogs Strong; and Higher. CHICAGO. Aug. 24. CATTLE Receipts, 17.000 head; Tex, 2.000 head; western, 4.0OT head. Market st early to 10o higher; good to prim eteers, 38 606 10; poor to medium. t3.5fKS5.00: stockers and feeders. ?3.oofl39i); cowI 8.55ji4.r.O; heifers, $1.76C(i 4.75: canners, 81.5W7.50; bulls, 2.ifj4 15; calves. $4.00o 6.25; Texas fed steers, $3.003.50; western steers, $3.10fl3.V). HOGS Receipts, 22,000 head. Market whs strong to 5c higher. Mixed and btttchrr", 8S.10f;5.55; good to choice heavy, $5 3'(i 5. 45 ; rough heavy, $4 65t5.25; light, $6.2fi5..'5; bulk of sales. 85.20fi5.4O. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 25 000 head. Market for sheep and lnmbs steady to lower; good to choice wethers. $3 50f 4 25; fair to choice mixed, $3.25fi3.75; western sheep, $3 25itr4.10; nntive lambs, $4.26fitj.0'J; western lambs. $4.00fj4.25. snd mixed. $!2S5J-': storkers M feeders,' $i' Tf-tf 3 60; reives and yearling-, $2.h t3n HXn S Receipt $-1 heed, market etmrg. jelling at $6ffJlS; bulk. 8 08. Stork lrt Slant. Fol'owlrg ie the receipt of l:v stock for the fix j". tmlpal weslrm cltl. s yester da y : Cnttl. Hc. Sheep South Oinsh l.M 7. 1'W 17.800 Sioux City 1 .6" 4) 3. i4) Kansi C:ty 9 0 0 8.0 0 $ 6 C St Lo.ils 4.5x1 4 y $ iJ St Ji seph ?.0"0 ?.'J Chicago 17.i41 22.0i IJ.OO) Total OMAHA 34. 4) 61.400 60. f 3 WllOI.n.Vtl.l. MARKET Condition of Trade and Qaotatlons oa Stni'le and Fancy Produce. EO7S-Receipt moderate; candied stock is LIVE POTI.TRT-Hen. 9',r: mover. 5c; turkeys. 12c; duck. 7c; geese, 6c; spring Chickens. liViJllV Bl'TTEK-Vacklng sttn-k. 11c; choice 10 fancv dalrv. li'iltc; separator, 17,f7li1,fl. FRESH FISH-Vtout. ltc; plakerel, 80; pte, ii ; peien. 7c, n.uefiiin. 1j . ivoliefl;!). 10c; salmon, He; rcdsnarper. lie; lobster, .ien, :m'j loohter. ixdien. jOc; bullheads. He; ciitllen lie, blur!- bss 2if; halibut. 10c; crapples, 12c; roe shad, $1; buffalo. 7oi white bass. 11c; frog legs, per do., 25c. BKA.N- k er ton, ji. HAY Prices ouoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' aspoclotlon : Choice No. 1 upland, 17.09; Ni. 2. $6.Dt: medium. $6 00; coarse, $5 60. Ry straw, $5 60. These price irt for hay of good color ard quality. ll'.'.'IICAL KKLi'lS. ORANGF-S 8wcet, choice, all alie. 8121 Q3 6t: Valenclna. all sizes, $4.00. LEMONS California fancy, 270. $00 and J6t. V.V'M Ml: choice. $3 75ii4fO LIMES Florida, per tV-basKet crates, 84.80, CALIFORNIA F IMS ler 10-lb. carton, 60;; Imported Smyrna, 2-crown, 12c; -crown. 14c: 7-crown. 15c. BANANAS Per medium-sited bunch. $108 &2.50; Jumbo, $2.75if32&. FRLIT9. APPLES Home c;own. per bu. basket, 4'4tuic; per bbl., $2.25. i i'.ACiitlS Cnllmrnla Elbert and 611, queliannas, $1.10; home grown cllnga per 10-lb. basket, 25c; Missouri, per t-basket crote, $1 66; Colorado, sJefo$1.10. PLUMS California gross prune. $1.50 Tragety, (1.16, luillan prune, $1.26. PEARS California, per box, $1.90:.OOj Colorado, $1 5c'(jl.7o. C A NT ELOL'l'E Arkansas and Indian Territory, per crate, $i.0u4&2.2S. WATERMELONS-Per lb. (crated), la CELERY Per do. .vtf.'U)c. VEOKTABLIiHI. POTATOES New hom groam. In sacka per bu., S5'(t45c. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $1.90(52.00. ONIONS Home grown. In sacks, per be. o.'b7:c. TOMATOES Home grown, per market basket. 2"'a30c. CABBAGE Home grown, per lb IVio. Cl 'CUMBERS Per do., lSc. TI'RNll'S Home grown, per bu., 50c. BEETS Home grown, per DU., 60c. PA RSLE V Per do., 25c. WAX BEANS Per market basket, 60 . STRING BEANS -Per market basket, 60i. GREEN PEPPERS Per bushel basket, $1.00. S'jCASH Home grown, per dor, 60c. . PEAS-Per bu. basket, 75c&$1.00. EGG PLANT Southern, per do., 81.60. SWEET POTATOES Home grown, per market basket, 75c: Virginia, per bbl., $4.23. MISCELLANEOUS. NEW HONEY Per ti frames. $3 50. MAPLE Sl'OAR-Ohoo. per lb.. 105. CH EESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, lie; Wisconsin Young America, 12c: block Swiss, new, 15c; old, lftrt717c; Wisconsin brick. 134e: Wisconsin llmberger. 13c. HIDES No.J green, 74c; No. 2 green 6'4c; No. 1 sail '., 9c; No. 1 salted, 8c; No. 1 vral calf. 8 u"l2 lbs., 9c; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 16 lbs.. 7e; dry salted. 815110; sheep pelts. 24i27c: horse hides. $2.75. NUTS-'Walnuts. No. 1, soft shell, oer lb.. 16c; hard shell, per lb.. He; No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 13c: No. 2 hard hell, per lb.. 12c; pecans, lurge, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., Xew York lire Stork Market. NEW TORK. Aug. 24. BEEVES Re ceipts 1.978 head. Market, steers more hc tlve and higher: bulls dull and lower; seven cars western bulla on sale, but no demand; cows steady to lower. Steers. $3 7565.76; half breeds, $3.7rW4 30; bulls. $2 2.TO4 05; cows, l.!5ffiS.26. Cables quoted live cattle higher at 10V4'al24c per pound dressed weights. Sheep firmer at lOtv&lc lower; refriger ator beef 11c per pound. Exports. 4 .300 quar ters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 2.293 head. Market, veals firm and higher; grassers and butter milks steady. Veals. 85.kVrfr7.26; few tops. $8.37i'8.6ii: culls. 84.KOfi6.00: buttermilks and grassers. $3 ,00ffi 4.00: dressed calves, strong; city dressed veels 84',7l2Hc per pound; country drenaed. Stfllc per pound; dressed grassers- and buttermilks, 6t7c per pound. HOGS Receipts. 5 604 head. Market strong. State and Fepvsvlvnnla hogs, $5.80 filter.: mixed western. $5.60. SHEEP AND LA MRU-Receipts. 8,507 head. Market, pood sheep firm: others Steady: lomhs higher. flhen $"2.50ii 1.26; few choice, $4 60; culls, $20O1j2.25; lamb., $3.50&7.00; no really prime here; culls, $5.00. Kansas Cllr Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Aug 24 CATTLE Receipts, 90f0 head. Including KO south erns. Market strong. Choice export and dreesed beef steers, $5.26fj5.90; fair to good, $3.75'!ififi0: western fed sleers $3.75tfr5 50; stockers snd feeders $2 2574.26; southern steers, $2.5Kj;4 76: southern cows. $l.75?r'1 25: native cows, f1.5ifr4.0O; nntive heifers, $1.50 (6 4.76: bill's. $?.fl01i3 50: calves. $",.xVrT4 75 HOGS Recetutp, 8 OfO head. Mtrket Wit TUc higher. Ton. 5 :6; bulk of sales. 35.107! 6 25; heavy. 85.10475 f: packers, $5.05ti5.25; piers ond lights. $5.0085.35 BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. S.600 head. Mnrket steady to active. Native larch. $4 00fi6 6n; native wethers. $8 50-04 00: native ewes, 88.008 60; western larnhs 34.00 46. t'O: western yearlings. 83 6(ff 4 60: western sheep, $3. 2643 3. 75; totker and feeder, $2.50 W3.E0. St. I.onla Live Stork Market. ST. Ilt'Ifl. Aug. 24 CATTLE Receipts. 4.500 head, Including 2.50(1 Texnns: niark-t steniy; native shipping nnd export steers, $4 .600.85; dressed beef and butcher steers. $4 25()j5.60: steers under l.Ooo Ihs.. $3.751i 4 .6(1; strKkers and feedfrs. $1 2'ft.t 80: cows and heifers. $2.76&'3 70: ennners. $1.15fii 50; bulls, $2 403.00; calves. M.f'ml.11); Texns snd Indian steers, $2.103.65; cows and heifers. $l.751t2.f5. HOGS Ret clpts. 4.600 head: market 6fl10o higher; pigs nnd lights. 85 0005 5o; packers. $0.01446.46: butchers and best heavy, $5.20f( (.65. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.000 head; market steadv; native muttons. $3 & to .75: lamb. $4 iKiflVfci: culls and bucks. $2 OfS Oo; strn kt-rs, 13.WQSM; Texuna, $3.w jt.OO. St. Joseph l.lve rtoek Market. ST. JOSEPH. Aug 24 -CATTLE Re ceipts, 2.0O head; good luc higher, others lower: natives, 13 011K6.OO; cows and heifers, $1 2"l 75; stockers nnd feeders, $J 7r'-; ivi. Hi i;rt Itecelpts. 4,8oO head; nuuket for lights and butchers higher, others lower; light mixed. l''io 25, inrdluin and lieav), $b iil'lf, 22'. BHEEP AND LA M RB Recelots, 2 03! head; market steady; 1m 111 1. a, V4n. Ion City lie Stuck Market. BIOUX CITY. Ia., Aug. XI (Biieclal Tele, gram CATTLE Rex elpts 160 head; mar ket loc lower; beeves, J.'o,.iw, cows, bull 10c; peanuts, per Ib 12c; roasted peanuts, per lb, 8c; Chlil walnuts, per lb., 12iil3Sc; large hickory nuts, per lb, 11c; almonds, soft shell, per lb.. 15c; hard shell, 13c; shellhnrks, per bu., $2.00; black walnut, per bu., $1.15. St. Loo l Grain and Provision. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 24 WH&AT-Largely lower on liquidating sales; No. 2 red canh, elevator. $1.00; track. $1.11B1 11V4,; Decem ber, $1.(Y.H: No. 2 hard, $1.071.08. CORN Lower: No. 2 cash. 63c; track, StVt'MSie; September. 53a; December, 60c. OATS I-ower; No. 2 cash, 834ic; track, 31'4'S36c: December, Stc; May, 36Vc; No. 2 white. 36Vic . F'LOUR Slow; red -winter patents, $5.40 (fi5.0; extra fnncy and straights, $6.10(36.J clear. $4.50'34.70. SEED Timothy, steady: $2 8033.00. CORN MEAIy Sleady; $2.75. I) RAN Demand good; sacked, east track, 91'693c. HAY Slow and unchanged; timothy, $6 00 4)13.00: prairie, $6.001i8 50. IRON COTTON TIE8-96C BAGGING 7Mift7c. HEMP TWINE 7e. PROVISIONS-Pork. higher; Jobbing, $11.90. Lard, higher; prime steamed. $6.45. Bacon, steady and unchanged; boxed extra short, $8.50; clear rib. $S.12H; hort clear, $9.00. - . POULTRY Steady 1 chicken. 10c;spfng, 12He: turkeys. 14c; ducks, 7c; geese, 6c. BUTTER Slow; creamery, 14ifl9',4e: dairy. Jorfl5c. EG38 Steady at lTHci case count. Receipts. Shlpmont. Flour, barrel 8.000 t.m Wheat buhel 104.000 . M.000 Corn, bushels 83,OuO , 86.0.0 Oat, bushels 23.0CO 16,000 Kansas Cltj (iraln and ProTlslon. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 24.-WTIEAT- I. ower: September. 93,4c; December, 98c; Msv 95'ic; cash. No. 2 hard, 93c8$l; No. 3. iFiSSe; No. 4. RVu93c; No. 2 red. 21.06; No. I. II. o2ifit.04; receipts. 266 cars. CORN Higher; September, 48iie: Decem ber. 4tlW46c: Msv. 46c; cash. No. 2 mixed, 50Hc: No, 8, 60c; No. 2 white. Sic; No. 3. 5016504c. ... OATS Firm: No. 2 white, Sr.fj36ct No. t mixed. St'SlSc. , ' HAY Firm; choice timothy, $8.6639.00; choice jTrnlrle. 30.60(ff6.75. RYE Steady, 76c, BUTTER Creamery, MHfiKHic; dairy, 12c. EGGS Firm ; Missouri and Kansas, new No, 2, whltewood esses Included. 174c; ease count, 15c; case returned. 4c less. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bushels 144.800 211.200 Corn, bushels 8.800 18.4HO Oats, bushels 12,000 7,000 Visible Supply of Grain. NEW YORK, Aug 24. cable nd te'egraphle communications received by Bradstreets show the following changes In available supplies as compared with last account : WHEAT I'nltd Btnte and Canada, east of Rockies, decrease, 330,000 bushel. Afloat for and In Europe. Increase. 2H0.O0O bush els. Total supply, decrease. 13O.OH0 bushels. CORN United Stntes snd Canada, east of Rockies, decrease, 1,041,000 bushel. OATS United State and Canada, esat of Rockies. Increase, 4 022,000. The lead ing decrease reported thl week Includes: 256,fO0 bushel In Manitoba, 220.000 bushel at the Milwaukee private elevators. 30.000 bushels at Portland. Me., and 64.000 bushela at depot harbor. The leading Increase a rat EOl.nno bushels st the Chicago private le vators, and 86.000 bushel at Coteau. Evaporated Apple aad Dried Frnlts. NEW YORK, Aug. 24 -EVAPORATED APPLES The market I more or lean nominal, so far a spot quotations r con cerned, owing to the absence of offering and the consequent absence of Important transactions Common are held at 4'354c. prime at 6-v,i6c; rhoice at 6U65c, nd fancy nt 1tlAc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS -Prune remain quiet, with quotations rsnglng from, 2c to 6'4o. acordlng to description, slxe, etc. Apricots are firm In spite of a moderate demand. Choice are ouoted at 944J10C; ex tra choice at 10'fnn4e and fsnty at 115? 13c Peaches show no change; extrn choice are quoted at 8c and fancy at 8447100. Whisky Market. CHICAGO. Aug. 24.-WHISKY-Steady, on a basis of 21.28. PEORIA, Aug. 24. WHISKT-On a bail of $1 28 for finished goods. ST. IXiUIS. Aug. 24.-WHISICY Steady, on a h ie! of $1,324- CINCINNATI. Aug 24-WHI8KT-On a, basis of $1.U for finished goods. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL Aug 24. WHEAT Rpot. nominal. Fulures, easy; September, 74d; December. 7 64d. CORN- Spot, firm: American mixed. 6a 2d. Futurt. quiet; September, 4 BTtjd; Decern, ber, 4a td. ItEAI. ESTATE TRAJSFKHf. Deed filed for record August 23, fur nished by the Midland (luarantee and Truat company, bonded abstracter, loll Furuani irert, for The Bee: T. B Nlchi.'ss to H B. Howard, part In lot k. 1-15-8. and other properly . . . .$150 Ftigrne J Sullivan to Hannah MlchuelU, lot 9, block 8, Ambler place 1J City of Omulia lo Mullle 1,1. Mark a. part i f alley In rear of lota 1, 2 and 8, Luk A Ti'inplrton' I Mallle M Mark to Ororge T. Nlchole son. same property J F. W. t'trmlchael to O E. Bnowden. lots 21 and it, block 6, Halcyon Hlhl tOU