TITE OMAHA DAILY DK: TITFRPDAY. AFGrST ZTk 1P04. Y. AMONG HIE" POLITICIANS Ii-CLa:ra.ai; Lebr Visits Headquarters, C(lu die ting Canards of Tricton. KL'V.ORS ABOUT SCHNEIK.H PUNCTURED ( bilrma Borri Take Oeen.lon t ElfertlTely Ksplode Cmpii I'tkri Conrorted b tkr Opposi tion 1're.a for Thunder. Hnry F. thr f AlHm, who res:gnd from the chairmanship of the repub.lcan n.te central committee because of press of private busine and the llln" of his wife, was a caller el the state headquar tera. "Mr. Lehr-" visit demonstrated better titan anything elm- that h. resigi.arlr n m not the result of uisautisfaxlion with the nominee or the propria d conduct of the campaign," declared Chairman Burgers. He rae every Indlcati'ia that he Is anxiu for republican success In Nebraska this year end 1 doing what he can la bring it about. He in the head of one of the beat county organisations we have, and a republican, ail the time. He expressed the belief that the republican ticket will carry the Hate raslly thl year." Chairman Purge s.lso ha taken occa ion to deny statements to the cffct tha.t National Commituwnmn R. B. Schneider of Fremont Is trying to arrange matter o that republican members of the next b-g- lslatura would be unfriendly to the Farm ers" and independent elevator Interests of the stale. The fart that Mr. Schneider la heavily Interested In the grain and ele vator business, not only in Nebraska, but throughout the west. wa raid to have been uand a the basis for this argument. "Th matter was brought up at the meet Ing of tha committee and candidates last Saturday," aaid Chairman Burguas, "and Mr. Schneider denied ajiy such Interest or efforts. His statement satisfied the In quire and Jeft no doubt but that tha re ports are unfounded. There la pimply no truth In these allegations, which have been started by tha democratlo press for cam paign fuel." Effort era under way toward retting speakers of national prominence from the eaat to apeak In .Nebraska, but who may be assigned will not be known till after the first of the month. Borne of the best stump talkers of the party are In view and no pains or effort will be spared to get the best there Is to expound republican doc trine to reputolioans and other open-minded voters of the state. Efforts' f local democrats to organise a Parker and Davis league in - Omaha are limping along without much display of spontaneity or enthusiasm. , After the St. Louis convention leaders of the defunct Success league, which was unmercifully turned down at tha primaries, announced that a big Jollification meeting would be held to gloat over the downfall of Bo an In the national convention. Le-ter this idea was abandoned and a plain "ratification" meeting at which W. J. Bryan and demo crats of all factions would be Invited was proposed. Finding do special response to this proposition, the Suocee leagtffcrs dumped the thing on the Jacksonian club, which stood It In a dark and lonely ooroer, to accentuate the "ghastilness" that Dan Custer talks about. No tneetiag of any kind ha been held and since the fusion deal at Lincoln about every democrat In town of any prominence not out for an office begs to be excused when asked to talk "politic. The proposal lor a Parker league 1 the last hope of the chosen few who desire to reap a harvest by federal appointment tf the democratic ticket should win out. While little Is being said and the work jelng done at republican state headquarters is on the Quiet, It has been given out thnt cue of the principal campaign documents to be used in the state fight la the re markable showing the republican state ad ministration has made in the economical conduct of publlo institutions. Figures al J ready prepared show a great saving over ' the last fusion regime, the analysis re 's veallng that it has coat 118 less per inmate f per annum under the Mickey administra tion than when stats affairs were handled by the democrats said pops. No secret whatever Is being made of the fact that the Union Pacific is doing all It can to force the nomination of W. F. Gurley for congress. Political callers In John N. i Baldwin's office are told so frankly and i urged to work for the road's preferred candidate, The Burlington, also, is not ' Inclined to place any obstacles In Gurley's path. Burlington man said the other day: "Yea, the Union Pacific gets the credit of backing Gurley, but we are en tirely satisfied with conditions, reports to ' the contrary notwithstanding." "I doubt whether the railroads will dare to get out and bustle openly for Gurley at the primaries," said the local attorney ; for a third railway company. "I should think the lesson taught two years ago In ' the Mercer fight should be sufficient. It ' was the activity jf the railroad agents at the polls and throughoia'. the whole scrap 10 PUR CENT CF THE ADL'LT POP ULATION SUFFER FROM ONE PAINFUL AILMENT. Think what this means. Imagine the amount of misery that exists and is endured simply because people do not know there Is an absolute cure. The only way to cur any complaint is to remove ths cause. There are very few dis eases or ailments that can be cured by ex ternal application and piles is not on of them. 1'Ues can be cured; the treatment nt, however, be internal, for the cause of piles is an internal disorder of the liver or the bom els. Even catarrh of th stomach ai d bowel can be cured by Da. PFaklx'l Pile Sriciric, Th Internal Remedy. Here is an instance of what this practically infallible remedy will do Dr. C A. Perrin, Helena, Mont Dear Sir. I hare nearly finished the former bottle cf Perm's Pile Specific and am practically well. My caae was one which most phyu ciant would ha pronounced incurable, at I was afflicted with a dysentery and compelled to goto the toilet room from three to five timet each dsy and each time would bleed from one-half to on teacupful I had to resort lo bandages and absorbent cotton to check th now of blood, and now th past tea or twelv day there hat been no sign of Ueeding and m appetite is rood; have p.aa4 ten pounds in weight and fed like a -' Wee of hi was given me. yt truly yours, T. JL Hasan, October Khh, 1801 , Verbgton. Nev. Dr. renin's Tile Specific Is sold by U itllalle druggist at $1.00 th bottle, under ia abeolut guaratue to refund th money ,'.ould this great Internal tcmedy fail to cara. Da. PKaalM aITcaiX-0. IIlXMA. VIokX that went -a lox.g ways tuwagi neUiruc Hitch"' ck. However, Jjst now the two llr. . thnt r.E-ure the b;irget In Nebraska .oiltlcs are logins no opportunity to turn ut tri ks for Mr Gurley. r-emonnily. I m for John r. Bren. because I do Urt th Ink tvat Gurley can be elected if nom inated." CROPS IN GOOD CONDITION All Farm Tro4arts Tenia; Along Hie la Territory Covered by the B. at M. With a few exceptions there has b"n plenty of mol.ture sire the last Burllnr ton crop report. In the vicinity of Fair mont, Sutton and Hasting on the Lincoln division of the B. & M the surface of the ground Is somewhat dry and practically no fall plowing Is being done. There la also a narrow strip of country between Norcatur and Kanona where the around la extremely dry, hut with rthfs excep tions the rainfall hns been ample on both the Lincoln and McCook divisions for -rowing vegetation and frill work. There are points on the Alliance division where the rainfall ha not bcn abundant, although there Is no suffering for the want of mois ture. Light rains have also benefited vegetation en the Sherldnn division. Threshing In the efit-m part of Ne braska ia nearly completed and the small grain crops have turned out better than was predicted when the harvest began. This is particularly true of the Llnco'n and Mr-Cook dlvislcns, although on fhe Wymote division complaints verify the un favorable reports first sent out. On the Alliance division the harvesting has been somewhat later than on the western di visions, but the small (Trains are surpass ing the earlier expectations. An average yield ia also reported on the Sheridan division. Com la in good condition on all parts of the line west of the Missouri. All the re ports of this crop are exceedingly favor able and the only danger now to be feared is an early and severe frost. The pastures and range are still In ex cellent ehape, and, while th ranges in the northwest are turning brown, the feed is still good and cattle are In superb shape for the market. Haying is about finished and the crop win be a large one. Sugar bwts are in splendid ahape and the danger from dry weather is now past. Another large and promlslas; crop Is found In potatoes and farmers are highly pleased at the unusual quality of the crop this year In eartem Nebraska. CALLS FANNINCTS ACT HOLDUP W. J. Connell Iterlarea Contractor's Intervention In Lbeek Case Kot In Good Faith. The mandamus proceeding begun by the Nebraska Bitullthlc company to compel Comptroller Lobeck to Issue a warrant to it for the payment of 13.091.70 for paving re pairs, was heard by District Judge Kedick yesterday. City Attorney "Wright appeared for the comptroller and said the latter official was ready to order the amount paid, but had been estopped by the Intervention of Charles E. Fanning, who opposed the mat ter before the council and has since given notice that he intends to appeal to the courts from the order for payment. Attorney TV. J. Connell, who represented the petitioner, declared the action of Fan ning was not brought in good faith and was In the nature of a "holdup." The court took the matter under advisement. "GOOD GROWING WEATHER," Wkea the Kew Scalp Antiaeptlo ,1s leed. A good head of hair la as much a "crown of slory" for a man as It Is for woman, notwithstanding all the poetry on the sub ject is applied to the female sex exclusively. In the season when files bite, the bald headed man can sympathize with the Egyp tians who were so sorely plagued on ac count of the children of Israel. Why not try Newbro's Herplclde? Others have been benefited and are lcid In Its praise. It cleanses the scalp, kills the germ at the root of the hair and by keeping the soalp sweet, pure and whoiesorpe, the hair Is bound to grow' as. nature .intended, rerurd lfss of the temperature.. Try It and be con vinced. Bold by leading druggists. Send 10c in stamps for sample to the Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. Sherman & McConncl Drug ccmpany, special agent. home: visitors' txtiRsiots Tei Indiana and Ohio. On September 6, II, 20 and 27 the Mis souri Pacific will sell round trip tickets at very low rate to points in states of Indiana and Ohio, located on and west of line drawn through Sandusky, Columbus, Washington, D. C, Wilmington, Cincin nati. C, and to Louisville, Ky., and Inter, mediate points. For further Information call on or ad drees any sgent of company, or Thomas F. Godfrey, P. tt T A., south east corner Fourteenth and Douglas streets, Omaha, Neb. LOW KATES. M. Lonlt nnd Retara. Coach excursion tickets at very low rat of fS.50 from Omaha to St. Louis and re turn on the Missouri Pacific will be on sale for all trains arriving in St. Louis September 4 snd up to noon SeptemlxT S. This in addition to every Tuesday and Thursday during August and September. For full Information call or address City Ticket Office, Southeast Corner of Four teenth and Douglas streets, Omaha, Neb. F. F. Godfrey. P. T. A. Popular Einriloi to San Franrlaeo. The Grand Commandery Knights Tem plar of Nebraska have made arrangements with the Union Pacific for a handsomely equipped special train to leave Omaha at 11:120 p. m. Sejjtember 1, making only neces sary slops, arriving at Bait Lake City at lam. Saturday, September t, leaving Salt Lake City 6 p. m. Saturday, September 3, arriving at Bun Francisco at S a. ni. Mon day, September I. One of the special feareres of this trip Will be a stopover at Salt Lake City, where arrangements have been made to visit all places of Interest. Sleeping car reservation will be made In the order reoeived and all are advised to make their reservations prompuy. All Knights Templar and families and friends are cordially invited to Join, as this will be a most enjoyable trip. If rot convenient to com to Omaha the train may be boarded at Intervening points. For further information call or write to City Ticket Office, 1U Fartiam street, 'phone SIC Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Marrlae Licensee. The following marriage licences were Is sued up to noon August 4: Name and Address. Age. Harry Rex. Omaha 23 Llia Grace Oranth, Omaha in Arthur H. Gross. Omiha 3 Bertha Saxman, Omaha li Guy R. Mardia. Omaha 23 Marie Onek. Omaha Is U K Wedding Rings. Edhdlm. Jcaelrr. DIED. GOETZ FMmon, aged years, at his resi dence, 2ViI Maauu street. Tuesday niurn ltig. August 1. Funeral Thursday afternoon, Augi-at S. It 1 u civM-k from (he faml.y resifleiire. In terment at Pleasant Hill cemetery, friends invited. CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Toting Kchine Question Eat Sot Tet Been Finally Decided. PURCHASE LIKELY 10 BE POSTPONED L-al Objections Their lee sfvet Be Hratitl ky Legislative Aetlea Before the Machine tan Be I aed In Ontnha. The c ity council '1 m s-v-..y night declined to adopt a report presented by Councllmen Nicholson and Evans declaring that the city is not financially able at this time to buy voting machines and postponing the mattir indefinitely. Councilman Hoye said thnt the Juit.t committee from the Omaha and South Omal.a councils and the Koaid of Coui.ty Commissioners would pre sent a rtport within a week, comprehend li.g the objections raised by the city at torney, and making recommendations. He asked that the Nicholson report be recom mitted and considered with the other. This was ordered, only Nicholson, Evsna and Huntington voting against It. City Attorney Wrlgbt, In an opinion, said he did not think the eity bad the right to enter into a contract for muchlnee on the installment plan, thus mortgaging fulur city revenues, nor to make the purchase without advertising for bids. He also pointed out certain sections of the statutes which militate ogainet the use of votlna machines, one of them being the limitation of iiKi voters to a machine. He advised that nothing be done for a while, as the city would not really need the macninoe for use until UuE. Whit May Be Recommended. Councilman Hoye said that the oommlt tue will probably recommend the purchase of sixty-eight Standard machines, the con tract not to be signed until after the laws have been changed at the legislative ses sion next wln'.er and all thauoe for legal diflicultlcs removed. Acting Mayor Zlmman Introduced his ordinance making it obligatory upon city emrioye6 or appointive oflloere to pay their debts or subject themselves to dismissal. The ordinance is brief and provides that in cases where debts that have been reduced to a Judgment are evaded, the offenders shall be removed from the service of the city. The rejection of the bid of the Nebraska Bithulithic company for repaying South Thirty-second avenue west of Haneoom park with asphalt at $1.71 a yard, was reconsidered and the award approved. A recess .was taken until this morning at 11 o'clock, so the council can meet and ap prove the contract In order to expedite the work. The bid was turned down a week ago because It was thought too high and the eouncllmen wanted a chance to Investigate. luklag for Krw Fire Hoase. A resolution was sdopted directing that suitable temporary quarters be obtained for the fire department force in the house at Twenty-fourth and Cuming street in order that the bouse, which ha been de clared unsafe, may be torn down and an other built as soon a th eity ha the necessary fund. Comptroller Lobeck was directed to fur nish the city claim agent with a list of leases for city property and Information whether or not th rent had been paid and the amounts owing In each case. This was done to help along the work started by Acting Mayor Zlmman to get efty prop erty occupied by private parties Into reve nue bearing condition. Comptroller Lobeck submitted the fol lowing report of tbe cash in the hands of the city treasurer on Saturday, August 13: Cash in drawer $ g 373 9 Checks for deposit LJSSE BaJunce in banks, city funds: Commercial National IllG trTl OS First National H6,P04 74 Merchants National HB.1H6 33 Nebraska National M.416 82 Omaha National 12S 0K 15 I'nlon National f.2S3 48 United States National.. 1U2.85 16 Kountxe Urns , N. Y 4S.J1M 7S9,yfr) 72 Balances In banks, school funds: Commercial National $ So 73POO First National IS. 710 R5 Merchants National 7.744 (15 Omaha National S 'itn Ry United States National.. 14.9T36 Knuntse Bros., N. Y...,. 76 7 81170 0 Police relief fund: Merchants National.. $ 8,000 00 Union National 2Q 24 J 381 24 Speciiil fund: Union National B 000 00 Total funds on hand I8H6.!7 08 KIDNAPED MAN NOW IN OMAHA Mr. McKoon, Who Wn Cnxrled Arroa Continent, Visits Slater, Mr a. SanannI Reea. Mr. McKoon of New York, who jassed through the thrilling sensation of being kidnaped In tbe Bmpir City and rescued In Lo Angeles, having been taken across the continent by hi captor. U In Omaha vl Itlng his sister, Mr. Samuel Res. Mr. McJCoon declined to be Interviewed on his exciting experience, the recalling of which Is not a source of strength to his nornt, Special F.sruretona. To Oklahoma, Indian Territory snd Texas points are run by Rock IsUnd system, August 23, September 13 and 27, at which time unusually low rates will apply. These In addition to regular homeseekers' excur sion rates In effect on first and third Tues days of each month. Rock Island makes several hours quicker time to above mentioned territory than other lines. Inquire Rock Island agents. F. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A., 1313 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Mortality statlatlra. The followlns births and deaths have been reported to the Board of Health dur ing the twenty-four hours ending at noon Wednesdny : Itlrihs l:. R Kimball, 123n South Seventh, boy; 8. KalieiiiMii. boy; George Blakeley, 21 "6 South Fciiy-xecond, boy; Andrew Cooper, 1C47 VliUin. boy; John Empkey, iV7 South -ventei nth. girl; Andrew Kaer, :i',L'4 Charles, tul; Brewster Cribb, SiiJ Franklin, boy. Deaths lniaiit Shallberg, 1130 South Twenty-ninth, J; Infant Howorth, Swil Big Meals Big Rooms Small Cost Notwithstanding the malicious reports t tha contrav. the ln:-.lJe Inn at the World ! Fair, BU Louis, hi'. thoroughly sustained 1 the high reputation of Mr. L. M. Sailer, It I manager, for giving ftrfct-clas accommo j dalioiis at reasonable ratea ! Thanks to Its encrrr.ous else and wonder ful equipment. It hi. ; Um enabled to prop ! eriy care for the n irnious crowds which 1 have sought Its hospitality, without over loading or dlscomfi.rt. I Standing, as It dt upon an eminence, ' snd surrounded by htauliful natural for est. It hue enjoyed t. t popular verdict of being the couUst ai a :iui.t delightful spot In ail St. Louis Tti extraordlnay ci i.venlence of being right Inside the ground ur.J thereby saving all Urcsum street car Journeys has been appreciated by every fj.n, and the man agement have won high praiaf fur their tun. ceasful efforts in catering to the comfort, safety and enjoyment of each arid every via tor. The rates, which are very reasonable, range from II 60 to (L int per day European, and from X.06 te 7 0 American plan. m.or.da, 1 T-"T!tv.; Henrj D St. FelVx, S3 p-ru-h TMrueih. 77; Slmoa Ooet 3J Mamxa, aa LIST OF CLERKS AND JUDGES Onlrers itemed for Jelat rifteUaal and'jnalrlal Primaries Third f September. The following list of Judrrs and clrks for th congressional and Judicial primaries PWiptemher t was given out yesterday by Chairman Plaikburn as the result of the congressional committee meeting Tuesday afternoon : OMAHA. First Ward Judges, Otto W. Homers and A H. Wlihs; clerk J. A. Dunlap. fecend Ward Judces. Joseph Choal and Emmett Dorxn- cletk Frank J. Kasper, Jr. Third Ward-Judpes. Frank Lynch and C. H. Kubat; clerk, l-ouis Rubin Fourth Ward Judges. James G. Carpen-' ter and Thomas Grovox; clerk, W. A. An- dTson. Fifth Ward Jurts-es. John R Harding and A P.. Walker: clerk. T. B. Elllngwuod. Sixth Ward Jurices J. S. Bennett and Charles McDonald; clerk, Bam J. Rumel. Seventh Ward Judges. 11 E I'eterson and C L. Thomas: clerk. J. D. Ptsrr. Eighth Ward Judces. li. A. Whipple and Will Whitmore; clerk. W. C. McLean. Ninth WardJudges. A. M. Evans and H. O. Beattv; clerk. P. S. MoGuire. SOUTH OMAHA. First Ward Judges, Ed Hofsky and W. F. Hofskr; clerk. James Smith. Second Wsrd Judges. John Larson and John Mangold; clerk. C Griggs. Third Ward Judges, John Smith and Gln Miller; clerk. Ivor Thomas. Fourth Ward Judge. Atipust Miller and Urnev Tavlor; clerk, John A. Nelson. Fifth Ward Jodpea. William Tepena and J. Jefferson; clerk. Joseph Strselecki. Sixth Ward Judpea, Henry Peterson and Henry Moseiv; clerk. Frank A. PhotwelL CO 1'XTKT PBECLNCTS. Benson Judges. Dr. li- F. McCoy and McGuire; elrk EL. E IlaJch. Chidtgo Jutgs, Charles Wltte and H. A, Nolle; clerk, Andrew McCormick. Douglas Judges, T. T. Hunt and E. C. Hensman; clerk. Henry J. Roesss. Dundee Judges, Jacob P. Fyke and George Voorhuis- clerk. E. R. Hume. Bast Omaha-Judges, C. I'. Cowden and Fred Mtira.11; clerk, C. W. Moore, Elkhoru audges, C. V. Shumaker and F. J. Bessey; sieia. Zui acArdle. Florence Judes. Frank Leach ami L Khipley ; clerk. Hngft Puttee. Jefferson Judges. Fred C. Gortscfi and P. A. Anderson; clerk, Georre M. Ms.r(roJd. McArdie Judges- Wiillam Nicke and Geurg Rulir; clerk, William GlaraJt. M'.liard Judrea, Join Lemke and Wil liam &ekeuer, cierk. Henry VanDuhren. Platte Valley Judges, John H, Ingram and William Peterson; clerk, Lewis R. TCeagr. UriHjn Judges. C. C. Curtis and G. B. Williams- clerk. Win. A- Slotenbrrg. Waterloo Jutiges. J. C. KcWnson and EtJulU Hopper; cierk. Smith Brown. WAaHLSGTUJi COCTCTT. De Bato Judge. A. Laxure and George Cacheiin: cltra. Win, Michaelaea. Fort evnoun-Judges, W. K. Duncan and John Trialer; cierk, C. H, Jipp. - ttiair Township J udgea, Peter Keeh and M C Bustuu: clerk, Jacob Bros. Klalr OU Judges. J. P. Siricklett and George P. DeTemple; clerk. John Hender son. Herman Judges, W. T. Meador and A. Jones; clerk, U. N. Rose Cummlng City Judges. Carl Rowner and Robert Wllaon: clerk W alter McCracken. Richland J udges, H. T. Welse and Ole Larson: cleik, Fritx Jahnel. Lincoln Judges, Sam eitewart and Chris B. Hansen; clerk. Hoy Blolee. Grant Judges, H. J. Fiats and H. P. Slocum; clerk, Peter Jensen. Fontanelle Judges. W. F. Cole and William Lallman; clerk. E. H. Carpenter. Sheridan Judges, L. Bartllng and H. Weitkamp; clerk, T. B. pawling. Arlington J udgea. Jas. Brlce and O. N. Unthank; clerk, Edgar Reynolds. SARPY COUNTY. Papllllon Judges, Jamee Robinson and Perry Jarman; clerk, C. B, Tower. Fafrview Judges, John Becker and Ed. Fase; clerk, J. F. StandeA. Bellevue Judges, Ed. Hoover and H. V. Baker; clerk, O. Kayser. Forest City Judge P. J. Langdon and N. Buinbridge; clerk, H. G. Buroank. La Platte Judges. George Wall and Henry Upjohn; clerk, David Hann. Springfield J udgea, George Behm and Frank Conte; e'erk, Charles Thompson. Richland Judges, Henry Bletil and Chris Zimmerman; clerk, W. Slckkntter. Plattford Judges, Byron Sage and Zack Jarman; clerk, W. J. Morrison. OFFERS REWARD FOrTuSBAND Illinois Woman Will Give Five Dol lars lo Locate Msn Who De serted Her. Mrs. D. W. Scannell, Hamilton, 111., is anxious to find her husband and like an avenging nemesis Is exhausting her efforts In her search. In order once more to get her hands on the man who bears the title of husband to Mrs. Scannell and prevent him from marrying another woman she offers to give ta to the person who will lead her to the absconding spouse or sup ply Information that will disclose his where abouts. "It has been four years since he deserted me," writes Mrs. Scannell to Chief of Po lice Donahue. And instead of time lending enchantment, or, in other words, softening the wrath of this deserted wife. It has ma terially accentuated it. "I want to advertise this man," she wrote, to keep him from marrying some girl and ruining her life, as be Is not di vorced from me." The letter lays bare the broken heart of a wronged woman. "My husband deserted me four years ago," It says, "leaving with me four chil dren, tiie oldest of whom was 7 years of age. I have had to slave to keep them alive and the 15 reward that I offer for the arret t of this man is all that I can give. The warrant ia out against him, so do not be afraid to arrest h(ni." The letter goes on to say that the wife has followed the huslmnd to several towns. TWO HUNDRED GO TO BEATRICE Large Cuntlnarnt of Oanahn, Business Men Will Go to Gage County Races, A delegation of &0 will go on the special train leaving the Hurlinpton depot this morning for the Beatrice races. They will take with them Klpllnger's band and will carry umbrellas made In Ak-Sar-Ben colors. Beatrice business men are delighted with the acceptance of their Invitation to the Omaha people nnd will return the courtesy by visiting the horae show and tbe Ak-Sar-Ben festival. The eacursionlsts will leave Beatrice at 7 o'clock this evening and return over the 'n!on Pacific road. All the excursion ists will wear the colors of the local knights and they are expected to display Omaha enthusiasm hi large wads to the Beatrice neighbors. OLD-TIME SPORT LOSES MIND James J, llsrdlu Declared Hopelessly Insane and le Seat te Aay lnm. James J. Hardin, who kept a sporting supply store in Omahs for many years, was taken to the Hate asylum at Lincoln yesterday by Jailer Itouch and Turnkey Heaton. The physicians who examined him declare Hardin's mind is hopelessly wrecked. Hardin was taken into custody Baturday r.ight after his friends decided it would be unaafe. to allow him at liberty any longer. He has been violent at intervals since and made repeated eff n-le Tuesday r.ight 10 tear his way through the iron bars of his cell to freedom. Hardlti is 40 years of age and at one time was considered tbe bwt shot in Nehratka slih a gun. Alleged nMlle -r Arrested. Ieputv I'niled States Marshal Pides re turned Tuesday night from lecatur, Keb . hih.tUt.g with him Lou biiayer, an tileg-d hoout;er. and lodged hitn in the i'o.j'-r.ta coui.t jail in ddauit of hall. feti)er was arraigned bclor L'nlied nlatns Libia- It's astonishing what a little thing will spoil your butter. Lven the delicate odor of ripe berries will entirely change its flavor. That's the reason ordinary butter is. worse sometimes than others. It depends upon whether it has been associated with flowers or fish. Meadow Gold Butter is made amid wholesome surroundings and packed at the creamery in airtight, odor-proof packages, which protect it against W 1 I a. . A t. (Tuesdays and Thursdays; August and September Sixty Day Tickets Fifteen Day Tickets Every one should visit thia, the greatest Exposition the world has ever kno-ca. -This is a delightful season for viewing the wonderful sights. Ample hotel and boarding house accommodations for all. REASONABLE RATES. . See local agents for further information. City Ticket Offices S. E. Cor. !4th & Douglas St Omaha T. F- CODFREY, Pass, and Ticket Ceneral Passenger and Ticket Agent. missioner Floan at Fender and was bound over to the federal grand Jury on the charge of nelling liquor to Indians. PLANS FOR THE NEW TERM Kaperlntendent Davldeon Prrparea fur Opening of Public Schools Sixth of Srptentber. Superintendent of Schools Davidson la making general preparation for the open ing of sessions September 6. The assign ment cf teachers will not be made until the lest of Augutt. The new Monmouth Park school is nearlng completion, the heating and ventilating plants and plumbing now being installed. Architect Kimball says It will be ready for the opening. Superin tendent Iavldson has not yet decided what grade school will be used for the exierl mental manual training course In the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades, which the board baa authorised. A special exam ination fur teacher held at the high school Monday and Tuesday was for the particular benefit of E. A. I'otler, who was elected to the position of teacher of pen manbhlp and arithmetic at the hfgh school In the place of F. A. I5Hrler. resigned. Mr. Potter had never qualified for the plae by taking the required examinations. Only three or four other candidates for certificates applied. WATER BOARDHIRES EXPERT Emptors Chicago Man to saalat At torney and CnKlnrcr la A y prniaal of stent. The Water board has decided to employ L. W. Cooley. an engineer connected with the Chicago drainage canal, to assift City Attorney Wright and City Engineer Rose water in handling the city's side of the controversy In the water works appraisal. Mr. Wright while In Chicago this week ar ranged with Mr. Cooley to do the work. He will arrive soon, and, besides checking over the showing made by tie water com pany, will design an independent water plant and estimate Its cost in order that the appraisers can be shewn that the city la not absolutely dependent upon the pre. Hit plant for supply. The city engineer ban outlined one or two tentative plana of this nature. TWO MEN EXCHANGE PLACES Mlaakriai Takes (.plaisrr Vn-ate hf tlaipioa, Uko Succeed. Ie suiri Aealalnnt utrf. C. P. Wlndhelm. who wu reduced by the Board of Kire and Police Comniisxiotirrs from sJii-lHturit chief in tbe fire depurtmen'. to captaincy has been ansiied to in line house No. t at tlghiotnih ai d Htn.tr tree'., t the ioeiUui mad vacaut Ly Berries " Butter contact with anything harmful or injurious. Its delicious flavor and appetizing freshness invite a trial. Try a package to-day. ASK YOUR DLAXLR TOR IT. BEATRICE CREA5TERY COMPANY, 10th and Howard Sts. M !J mm eh TO Agent. H. C. TOWWSErJD. the elevation of Captain J. W. Simpson. Tbe transfer was made Tuesday night. The IMrect Route. The Vandalla line will sel! tickets from St. Louis to Terre Haute for the Old Boys' reunion. August 2H to September S, one fare for round trip. Trains leave union station, St. Louis, at 8:44 a. m. and 12:45 noon, daily. This Is the direct route. You can leave Omaha at 6:30 p. m. and arrive at Terre Haute next day at 12:uX Be sure your tickets read via Vandaiia, line. Town Lot Sale. The new townsite of Gllliat, Pottawatta mie county, Ior.'tt, on the Chicago Great Western railway, will be opened to the public by an auction sale of lots at the townsite Tuesday. August Si), at 10:30 o'clock a. m. For plt.tt and full particulars ad dress Edwin B. Magill, manager, Townsite department Chicago Greut Western railway. Fort Dodge, la. tr.nd of Meek kir.rai.. to Cleat Lake, la. Via Chicago Great Western railway. For trains Friday night and ail trains Satur day of each week round trip tickets will be sold at one tar to Clear Lake, la. Tickets good returning dn any train untl tbe fol lowing Monday. For further Information appiy to b. H. Parkhurst, general agent, lilt Farnam street, Otuana. Neb. If you have anything to trade, advertise it in the Thl for Th.it column in The Bee Want Ad I'ages. Bolldlnti Per ui it a. Biilding permits have neen Issued to A H. Feiters for a Ili-SnO frame dwelling at 7711 Poppleton avenue, and to Joseph Kwasniewskl for a -" frame dwelling at Thirtieth and Spring streets. Visit the New Studio Finest in the West. 81H-SXO-X22 f. 15th St. WEST Side of Street. Be Sure it U II II E Y N HUBERMAfJrJ, FURRIERS Itosia f CoiiUocctal block, I5is ft Dosrlai U AHA 1 1 n unng $15.35 $13.80 TOM HUGHES, Trav. Passenger AerenL 1 ST. LOUIS. MO A SKIN OP EEiTf IS A 3T.Y FORgVTTt. B T. FEI.IX OOt KATDt OBIItTiL tKlASI, OK MAGICAL BCAlTlTllk UnmeTe. Tap, rUnplecrrackl. : u . ...l ....... ...... aiul every bieDiUb teautr. aim JirflM irMotlon. It Cm UMS tli tut of M ytara. and la ' bar nilex we twtr It to tie Bur. ilia firnperl)' niad fl. coj.uu cuiiuirr flt of lml 1st Hume. lir. L burie said to e (loiiy 01 ia. uanu kvu (a &tl.iit.if 'A. v .0 1 ad In will um them. 1 tiro is n t B I 'Gouraud I Cram' a the IrMt harmful of all tbe (kin tintpnreUmit." I m ulB bj all bruitrl"t and Fumy GuoU lwuleri in tlie 1T. ft., CatikUa. 4BU turla. fi.it!'. T. riOPMNa, Prep r. 87 Great Jon, tt, K. It SHOES TOMORROW iqo 100 iairs iut-n's ricvcle Shoes, tnken nizew, but most sizes in the lot, have been .-felling all season fur ?2 to ?4, tomorrow at iqo 100 pair boys' and youth'B Tan Shoes, sizes 10 to 13$, 1 to 2 and 2 J to 3 J none ever sold for less than if 2.00 and $2.50 tomorrow to close out at 100 This is a pood time to pet the boy a new pair of Bchool Shoes Droxel Shoo Co. i UI9 FAmtl STREET. Cx&hi't l'p-t9-Ca!i StDi Eesti I r v