Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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Deferred Grain Futures 1 5-8 to 2 Point
Lower -Market Erratic.
Loagi Liquidated Large l inen of De
cember and Onithi-ll.iii 1-1 fur
Vn. 2 Wheat la Omaha la.
Ible supply (oali.
UMA1IA, Aug. fi. 19.
There was more ma,. i..u .... i.4ie
mem in me iai,i innxeia knu iim nuu
lua.i,oii wtre, Hiinin a ,uige .ansie. i ne
ui the wins igli i.i.rifii
aou u,e nortuftesi ine.eiiic lu'i Uftudi
i mt iI l ua ami ualu.i, l.r i(-s. ui. .. n..
Mile n'wi wm rciM'O irmn mat u.recu ..i
ina trom oin-r puinn was 01 a c.unuet
to liispire confluence In lite itonianii m
tne bun element. However, the prices Bre
raploly reacinrig tnat stage wntrc spei j
laiors c annul las K-pt trom selling wneat
rid wnere the long cannot resist too
temptation to take profits. It Is not pus
ltie for the market to go one way all
trie time anrl wiicre there la nothing in
the way of an .open mamet, nomlng like
manipulation, there will tie wme fluCi na
il one. thieiign did a large volume of busi
ness. Indications were all In favor of
higher prices at the opening and the range
Of the first tratisai lion simply snows
flalnly the excited state of the speculative
u 1 1 1 1 -. September wheat nprneu th're at
11.10 to $1.12. Dcember at II 12 to $1.14,
anil May at $1 ln to U.K. . Such erratic
ranees are not at all common In the
great pit Later op there was free liqui
dation. The advance had discounted the
damage and the dumping of long wheat,
broke the three futures mentioned to tl.' 4,
$101 and $1.12, respectively. There were
nome ralllee from the low point, but every
harp advance Induced a flood of selling
and another reaction.
In Omaha there was an excellent de
mand for car lota na there will be for
many weeks and months to come, both of
wheat and corn, and the prlcea paid,
quality considered. Is tnnpy.
The decline sustained after the first hour
proved to be the low point of the session.
While the liquidation continued unite freely
there was considerable covering In the Inst
hour and partial recoveries wire made, es
pecially In the September future, where the
trade la disposed to exercise unusual cau
tion because of the probability of difficulty
In covering tradrs. The recovery brought
September up to within i of a point of
yesterday's close, while December closed
off and May followed suit to the extent
Of 2 points net loss.
In Omaha speculative prices worn also
laded and there were some slight conces
sions on cash wheat, but the figures were
till $1.024 being paid for No. 2 wheat.
Corn was firm early., but did not make
much change either way, closing a little
easier. The rains have been generous nnd
there la every evidence of a good crop,
Omajia had good receipts of corn and the
demand from millers and starch men con
tinues unabated.
Omaha Grain Inspections In: 1 car No.
3 hard wheat, 10 cars No. 8 hafd wheat, 5
cars No, 4 hard wheat, 3 cars no grade
wheat, 1 car No. 2 corn, 1! cars No. 3 coin,
2 cars No. 2 yellow oorn, 12 cars No. 3 yel
low corn, I cars No. 8 white corn, 1 car No.
8 oats, 2 cars No. 2 white oats, 1 car No. 4
white oats, 1 car standard oats; total. 54
cars. Out: 1 car No. 2 hard wheat, 15 cars
No. 2 corn 8 cars No. 3 oorn; total, 19 cars.
Omaha Canh Sales Oats: 1 car No. 2
white, 32 lbs.. 34c; 1 car No. 2 white, 294
lbe 324c: 1 car No. 3 white. 294 lbs.. 324c:
1 car mixed oats, Slr. Corn: 1 car No. 3
white, 4S4e: 1 car No. 3, 44c; 1 car No. 3
white, 4c; 2 cars No. 3 white, 49c. Wheat:
1 car No. 3, HO Iba., 31 024: 1 car No. 3.
f6 lbs., 68c; 1 car No. 3, 8c. Rye: 1 car No.
3, 66c .
Omaha Grain In Store. .
Contract Wheat
.112 3
. f.6.914
. 14.743
. 47.86?
. 47.784
Visible gnpply.
This Week. Changes.
Wheat 12.808.000 rec. 236.C0O
t.orn 4, Dec. 4fi0.poo
Oata 4,120,000 Inc. 1,741,000
Northwestern Receipts:
Wheat Corn. Oats,
Chicago 148
MlnneapolJ 37
Duluth 158
Omaha it
" TaSh' Grain Market,
No. 2 hard wheat 1.024
No. 8 hard wheat 98
No. 4 hard wheat..... 85(397
No. 2 red Wheat
No. 8 red wheat
No. 2 spring wheat..
No. 8 spring wheat... 1.024
No. 3 corn....
No. 8 oorn
No. 4 corn
No. 1 yellow corn
No. 3 yellow corn
jno, i wnite corn.
No. 3 white com
No grade corn
No. 2 oats
No. 3 oats
No. 4 oats
No. 2 white oats....
No. 3 white oats,...
No. 4 white oata.,...
No. 3 rye
Omaha Grata, Quotations.
The range of prlceon the Omaha mar
ket for future delivery and the close today
Wheat Open. High. Low. Today. Bat'y
AIIH. . VI l.vl l.l'l 1 .111 A 1.U1 5
I.014H 1.014B 99 (19 B l.oiwu
1.02 B 1.02 B 984 9N4B 1.02 11
48 R
.48 B
32 R
82 B
474 B
ti B
Receipts and Shipments.
Wheat Today 1,823,690 636 879
Last waek ...l,34t.47i 431.W2
1'"tJre,r M4.S.W 214.7W
Corn Today 77.10 tteJ,7ns
Last week 3c2.660 107.7S4
Lawt year 627.4JO 6Ja,u.7
Grain Market Rlaewhere.
Closing prices of grain today and Satur
day at the markets named were as follows:
Today. Saturday.
Heptemher ..
December i .
Beptember ..
December ...
September ..
December ...
... LOOT,
... i n
... 1.13H
... K44
... 6;i,
... 52 B
... 3.T,
... 84!
May .
87 B
December .
Decern ber
.. 994
.. 1.00
.. 47H
Be pimber
1 14U
Commercial Goeala.
Minneapolis wires: Party that went to
Winnipeg la back this morning and aajs
wheat Is in all aiages from bloom to dough
I.ots of It not ready to cut before Septem
ber 16.
A. H. Jaqulth returned this morning after
an .tlisnce jf two weeks In Chicago, New
lork, Minneapolis and St. Paul. Arrange
ments have been completed for the switches
lid the work of erecting the Jnuiilth Oral!.
l"" r" icvaior ai council lilulTs 1111
The frlce Current says: "Wheat situa
tion In the northwest la such that a satis
factory Intelligent conclusion cannot be
reached as to what may be expectrd as to
harvest results. There km lin r ...
tent of serious Injury to the crop. Tlure
ii"rn n mrge nan or ine crop not
... ,v, B urarr, or i mporia n' e.
tlliuatlon some aecks ago was one of h gh
vrnmlae. In fact, in.lnti lllf to M iron A. 1.1
dly above tisukf (iroportlons. Ciunpariaons
w being made are wlll that high promts?
.--..r, i.,a ,trrii or uBimi pi. Mil,, n t In. t
r.uanKHm siaenienis rroni sonie
. . 7 percentage may lie leganled
of less slirnini iini' In r.yl.i...
Ii0n i" i' r,""I'ratlve situation than the
i.n niay give itiem credit for.
Financial Gaaslp.
London still bullish on Erie.
Wheat damage reports continue swloua.
parUyrtrn ,ook 'iln steady about
Uvldenlk,"h00, f ,ncrf" ln Smelters
dy!'1"4 frm ubtr''ry nee Frl-
lUaMBt Om flr,t Indications of
outward movement of currency for the
Boo eamlrgs second week of August de
creased $1.9i.
fiond demand for American Sugar and
Pennsylvania In loan crowd.
Heavy blocks of flugar recently sold are
bring borrowed in loan crowd.
Thirty-four roads for second week of Au
gust shows average grots increase of l.-S cent.
Kighiy-onv roads for June show sverngj
net increase of ) per cent, and for fiscal
year average net decrease 01 1.44 per cent.
'1 nomas f. Hyan and syndicate buy Wil
liam Mut'leiidert s holdings ot enoira at
n lor prelTieu and la lor common, getting
control ot evatmarrt Air line.
Features of the Iradlna and Closing;
Prices on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO. Aug. Z2. l"ndr heavy realiz
ing salts iiie nnt marKit t .nay tiroxe
n iisuionaliy alter haMr.g sur-a to ii. w
heiKhis. hom the lop ngjrcs oi tne s -siou
tne Hcptimn.r uelivtry dropped tf-c
and Deceinoer 44c. Tne tltilsti was if
fclectivcly VllV oelow nnal guot.itons of
baturdiiy. ritembrr corn Is up. while
Lm niier la off 'c. nut ar down 4c
t rovleioiis show louses of cV to l.'V. '' "
lcndncy In whs ncm rally rtonnwrd
after en excited but ehon-iived nuUe at
the beginning. In which reptemner langed
un-hniiKcil 10 c higher at H.Pi to
ml December 0 lower to 4o rilKhe.
at $1,114 to $1 14. September sold down ti
$U4 and Deeemher to $1.1 9. The coi
showed a partiiil recovery of the os, the
causfi ot the reaction being covering at
the bottom prices, but the nnal tone was
weak. Beptember finished at $l.n:s and De.
ce:nber at 1.11. The quantity ot flour and
wheat on passage during the we"K in
crcaaed lftfi.iMii bushels. Clearance-; were
equal to lUl.isn bushels, l'rlmary receipts
were 377.ft busheia, against 672. 4) bushels
a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chi
cago reported receipts of 373 cars, com
pared with .''34 last week and 570 a year
Corn started s did wheat under the In
fluence, of the frnr of frost. Like wheat,
corn also recovered from the scare, being
a promise of the rising temperatures for
tomorrow. September opened 'c up nt
64Vi544?. December opened 'c to "SiC
higher at 33V'"to. The opening range In
cluded the highest prices scored. Hubse
quent buslnesw showed a loss of the Initial
gains ami more. Trading was light nnd
there considerable Increased bearlsh-n-ss.
Chief among them were the enor
mous receipts and the good quality of the
grain. Beptember so'd down to Mc, but
rallied under free covering at the decline
and closed firm at 544c December de
clined to 52c, closing at G3'.o. Local re
ceipts were 441 cars, of which 72 cars
Were graded contract.
nuRlnesa In the oats market was mod
erate In volume. The tendency was to
ward lower prices In accord with the ac
tion of wheat. September opened at 34VJC.
an advance of Vtr, sold at 8lc, and closed
at 33c, being v.rj off the bottom. Receipts
were liberal, 414 cars, and contributed to
the easier tone.
The provision market lacked support suf
ficient to reslnt the downword tendency in
grains and a large hog movement. Sep
tember pork suffered a' loss of 124c . In the
closing transactions, at $11.74. Lard was
off 2V3c at $6RM?6 874. Ribs closed 741)
10c lower at $7.3'(7.37-.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
177 cars: corn, ,467 cars; eats, 629 cars;
hogs, 22.000 headV
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Artlcles. Open. High.! Low. Close.! Sat y.
a Sept. 112 1 124 1 10 1 11 1 124
b Sept. 1 12 .1 17 1 084 1 09 1 104
Dec. 1 14 1 14 1 0!l 1 11 1 K
May 1 17 1 17 1 12 1 13 1 15
Corn I
Bopt. 54-864 54 53 544 54
Dec. 63(ti64l 64 62! 6341 63
May j62-34;o34l, 61: 5:'G"624 52'U
Oata I
Sept. 34"(g 34 33H 33 84
Dec. 3f.Va'4 3"4134'6 34 35
May 37'& 87 37 37337 4 374
Pork I I
Sept. 11 774 H 8241 11 65 11 674 U 80
Oct. 11 90 11 924 11 90 11 724 11 874
Jan. 13 174 IS 20 13 00 13 05 13 12
Sept. 6 874 6 874 6 85 6 874 6 90
Oct. 6 974 6 974 924 6 95 7 00
Jan. 7 05 7 10 7 00 1 7 05 7 10
Sept. 7 45 I 7 45 7 32 7 374 7 45
Oct. 7 50 7 60 7 40 7 40 7 524
Jan. 6 874 90 6 80 6 SO 6 874
No. 2. a Old. b New.
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOUR Market steady; winter patents,
5.()o4j$.20; istralghts, $4.60fi4.9; spring pat-ent.-
l6rO04J6.i0;' straights, KSOo-lO; bakers,
83. lira 4.80.
WHEAT No. 2 spring. 31.10ffl.12; No. 3.; No. 2 red, $l.i8fl.U.
CORN No. 2, 544c; No. 2 yellow. 66c.
OATS No. 2. 32324c: No. 2 white, 35
35-V-; No. 3 white. 3446'36c.
RYE No. 2, 76(754c
BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 45'S,n0c.
8KED8 No. 1 flax, $1.18; No. 1 North
western,, $1.26: prime timothy, $3.00; clover,
contract grade, $11.50&)11.25.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.,
tll.7injill.76. Lerd. per 100 lbs., $fi.824fifi.K8.
Short ribs side (loose). $77.Vrj7.374- Short
clear side (boxad), $8.0O&8.25.
Shipments of Hour and grain were as
follows: Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 11.600 25.1o0
Wheat bu Lfi7,ouO , 217.40
Corn bu 1S2.HO0 633 0X)
Oats, bu B91.60O
U v hu 17.0D0
Uariey. bu 12.100 1.1O0
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was firm; creameries, 13ffl8c;
dairies, 12gl64c. Eggs, steady; at mark,
cases Includod, 13tjl4C Cheese, steady,
St. Louis Grain and lrovlslons.
ST. LOIUS. Aug. 22. WHEAT Lower;
No. 2 red cash, elevator, $l.Hr; track, $114;
Beptember, $1.1; December, tl-1261-12,;
No. 2 haa-d, tl.UKftl.10.
CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 624c; track,
634((i&4c; September, 62c; December, 4c.
OATS Dower ; No. 2 cash, 334c; truck,
34o; December, 344c; May, Stic; No. 2
white, 364c.
FLOUR St endy; red winter patents, $5.60
6.76; extra fancy and straight, $3.3uigo.46;
clear. t4.501i-4.8U
BKfcD Timothy, steady. $2.40f2.70.
Ct)HNMKA I Steady, $2.76.
BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 90993c.
HAY Blow; timothy, new, $.uu8 U.bu; oM,
tlOi'fu 13.60; praliie, $6.fO1i9.00.
PROVISION'S Pork, higher; jobbing,
$117;4. Ird, higher; prime steam, $8 374.
Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, $8.50;
clear ribs, $S124; short clear, $9.00.
1'Ol'LTRY Steady; chickens, 94c;
springs 124c; turkeys, 14o; ducks. 7c;
'IbUTTKR Steady; creamery, HffilSc; dai
ries. 104) 15c.
KOQS Higher at MH. case count.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 11.000
Wheat bu 2O,0iM 71.0U0
Corn, bu 69,000 24.ix)
Outs, 24'0u0 24'0
Kansas City Grain nnd Provisions.
to lower; September, 9U4c; Decem
ber, $1.00; May, $1.02. Cash: No. t hard,
tl.03.'al.04; No. 3. Wctj$1.02: No. 4. 96c19H4c;
No. 2 red. 1.06r 1.07 1 No. 4, tl.U&1.02; No. 1,
tttCotl.""). N
CORN Steady; September, 47Sc: Decem
ber. 4Me; May, 46c. Cash: No. 2 mixed,
4c; No. 3, 4s4'049c; No. 3 white, eOU-jlc; No.
t. 44c .
OATS Steady; No. 3 white, 34(59; No. !
mixed. 334-83440.
HAY Firm: choice timothy, $8 50; choice
prairie, $4 5mi1.75.
RY F, Nominally steady; 75e.
lll'TTER Creamerv. HrflHc: dairy. 12c.
EQG8 Firm: Missouri and Kansas, new
No. 3 whltenood cases Included, l"4c; case
count, licj caaes retujned, 4c less.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bushels 232. S"0 93,X
Corn, bushe s lW,4c) li,4'K
Outs, buahels lO.ooO l,lM
Vlsslbl gapply of Grain.
NEW YORK. Aug. 22 The visible sup
ply of grain Saturday, August 20, as com
plied bv the New York Produce exchange,
la us follows: Wheat, 12.32J.uoo bu , a de
crease of 236,000 bu. ; corn, 4,6le.oo0 bu.. a
decreuae of 460 01 0 bu.: oats, 4.12a. 0(O bu.,
an Increase of 1.741.KO bu.; rye, 3.000 bu.,
n Increase of 25i) bu.; barley, 7T9,ii) bu..
a decrease of 4H.OO bu.
Minneapolis Grain Market.
Beptember. 31.154; December, tl 12; May,
$1 14- No. 1 northern, $1.22; No. 2 northern,
$1 20; No. 1 bard. $1.25.
FLOl'R First patxiits. $i! 5a Kft 60; second
njtenta $! 2"ii 30; ttrM cloars, $4.15; second
clears. $2 7f.n2afi
RHAN-ln bulk. tl.v0l-!6: short, l OOff
Mllnankee Grain Market.
No. 1 northern. $11.i119; No. 3
northern. $114'-ill8; December, $111 bid.
11 A RLE Y Firm; No. 2. tc; sample, 3vd
CORN-nie-hHlf cent lower; No. 3, 66c I
December, 64-;34e Wd.
l.tvergtonl Grain Market.
nominal; futures, Quiet; Beptember. 7d;
December. 7s &Vd.
CORN Spot, firm: American mised, 6s:
fiaurea. firm; Soyiamber, 4s Sil; Decem
ber. 4o8d.
Vo!utjo of Business 8maller and Depress
ing Influences Diminished.
Irreanlarlty of the Market at the
Untset Larscely Dne to er Tarn
of I'.vents In the Far
NEW YORK, Aug. 22 The same Influ
ences which gave tne stock market a re
actionary tone in the last half ot the pre
vious week were once more at woi k to
day, though the forces were much dimin
ished n no t lip vulnmu nt tiii..lnns4 ws
I smaller. Reports of further damages to
I the crops In the west and northwest were
again largely responsible lor an erratic
:ieut market nun In the Industrial aul
labor co. nlmons continued In a somewhat
ililicate state. Nevertheless. the list
showed ont-l'lcrable resistance to bear at
tacks, which veie at no time very severe.
In fact, ihe Irregularity of the market at
the outaet waa argelv due to the new turn
of eicnts In the far east, but London's
purchases at this center turned the tide
of uncertainty. Further encouragement
came from London in the form of a state
ment emanating from conservative sources
to the effect that our market bears gen
uine evidence of broadening activity.
These favorable features were pertly off
set, however, by an analysis of last week's
bank statement, showing that the recent
increase In loans conies largely from the
commercial banks and suggesting hevy
borrowing by merchants for fall nnd win
ter trade. Yet. on the other hand, this
very fact Is accepted by many as an In
dication that mercantile circles are con
fident of good trade conditions and are
borrowing money with which to extend
I their operations. Furthermore, commercial
i'iiiiik Hre iirum man.- bi 1 er ceni,
whereas 6 per cent was the prevailing rate
for similar accommodations a year ago.
An ear'y test of the market today reerrel
to Indicate that the weak holders had
been wr-cded out In last week's decline,
nnd It was soon apparent that a falr-slze.l
short Interest existed In many of the more
active Issues. I'nlon Pacific and Southern
Pacific were well supported and what wis
commonly believed to be a large hort In
terest was driven to cover In St. Paul. The
early movement In I'nited State Steel pre
ferred was somewhat puizllng. the selling
being regarded as good; but Pittsburg and
other points, where close watch Is kept on
the steel and iron trade, sent In buying or
ders. WhIV only moderately active, the
market held Its early rallv all through the
morning session. In addition to the stocks
mentioned there was some activity ln
Atchison, and the grangers, ns a group,
were helned by late reporta of a big corn
crop In Iowa and Kansas. A sharp break
In wheat gave additional Impetus to th-s
market In the afternoon and caused very
extensive covering of shorts. It Is note
worthy that n comparatively small amount
ot' stock came out 011 the rise, and this,
together with further heavy buying of
Fnlon Pacific and Southern Pacific by so
called Insiders produced the strong close.
In addition to the railway issues a'ready
mentioned, the movement In Reading at
tracted soime attention, a specialist taking
round lots of that stock caued a net giln
of 1 points. Other stocks which advanced
from 14 to Hi points Include! Atchison.
New York Central. Missouri Pacific and
Louisville & Nashville. The tractions wer
up a point. Amalgamated Copper gained
2 and Smelting. Consolidated Oas and
t'nlted States Steel preferred one each.
The railroad . list was up a point or so.
Southern Pacific, with Its gain of 2 points,
was the most active Issue. There were no
developments In the foreign exchanges,
which he'd stepdy on the lleht volume of
business, t'nlted States government ! ad
vanced ; per cent on the last call. Rill
rond bonds were steady. Total sales, par
value. T'ere $2 Ofa ftfia.
Following was the range of prices on the
Stock exchange today:
Sales. HI th. Low. Close.
Atchison 23,210 81 4 70 81
do pfd HOO 94 974 9h
Baltimore & Ohio.... 8,300 85 64 Kf4
do pfd 91
Canadian Pacific 2.4K) 127 126 li.4
Central of N. J 100 Itio 165 164
Chesapeake A Ohio.. 2,9uO 37 36 374
Chicago & Alton 804
do pfd 804
Chicago O. W 700 15 14 H-4
Chicago & N. W 6H) 183 1x24 1x3
C, M. & St. P 14,000 1614 149 161 'A
do Pfd .-. ,.. 179
Chi., Ter. ac Trans 7
do pfd 100 15 15 144
C, C, C. & St. L.... 100 75 ' 75 74
Colorado Southern.... . 600 14 14 144
do 1st pfd tWO 49 4K4 48
do 2d pfd 600 20 19 19
Delaware & Hudson.. 80O 161 ltK)4 161
Del., L. & West 370
Denver & Rto Grande 300 26 24 2(4
do pfd 744
Erie 11,700 27 26 26
do 1st pfd 1.600 6.14 62 63
do 2d pfd 2,100 39 384 39
liockirg Valley .. .. .. . 72
do pfd .. 824
Illinois Central 1,500 137 186 13h
Iowa Central 200 20 20 204
do pfd 200 394 39 304
K. C. Southern 22
do pfd 44
Louisville & Nash.... 4.6'0 121 120 121
Manhattan L 2'0 154 164 1534
Met. Securities 12.200 90 89 9o
Met. St. Ry 6.900 1224 121 4 122
Minn. & St. Louis.... 100 6 4 53 53
M.. St. P. & S. Ste. M. 2(0 72 71 71
do pfd 800 130 129 129
Missouri Pacific ",5o0 95 914 95
M , K. & T 4,700 22 214 22
do pfd 4.S0O 46 43 46
N. R. R. R. of M. pfd 37
New York Central... 1.900 121 120 121
Norfolk &Yest 2,000 65 04 66
do pfd SO
Ontario & West 5.900 33 32 33
Pennsylvania. 36,7o 1344 1-2 124
P., C. C. & St. L 66
Reading 18,300 664 56 6ti
do 1st pfd ex-div 82
do 2d pfd 200 72 72
Rock Island Co 8,300 24 24 24
do pfd 60O 67 4 66 674
St. L. & 8. F. 2d pfd 1.7iK) 58 574 67
St. Louis S. W. .... 0 li; 16 16
do pfd 800 88 38 38
Southern Pacific 67.5ro 67 64 6t.
Southt rn Railway.... 18.400 281, 27 2K4
do pfd 3'W 934 93 934
Texas Pnclflo 3.4"0 29 2 8 28
Toledo. St. L. & W... KM 25 25 20
do pfd 100 39 89 38
I'nlon Pacific 2fi.8ati 9i 97 994
do pfd 2.2C0 96 96 94
Wabaah 1.100 18 )7 ih
do pfd 1.000 37 SH'fi 37
Wheeling & Lake E 144
Wisconsin Central.... 6n0 17 17 17
do pfd 34
Mexican Central 6,5n0 124 114 H
Adams Express Co 225
Am. Express Co 108
I'. S. Express Co 116
Wella-Fargo Ex. Co I 225
Am. Copper 63.500 66 544 664
Am. Car & Foundry.. 400 18 l 18
do pfd 200 78 78 78
Am. Cotton Oil 32
do pfd 914
American Ice 100 7 "4 6
do pfd 27
Am. Linseed Oil 6 114 11 11
do pfd 800 81 80 $0
Am. locomotive 300 21 21 21
dn pfd 84
Am. Smelt A Refln'g. .ao 64 64 64
do pfd 2.2 0 1"fi lim l(r;4
Am. Sugar Refining.. 7.4( 13o 124 13i4
Anaconda Mining Co. 7no 794 79 784
R. R. T 9,100 63 62 634
Colo. Fuel & Iron 354
Consolidated Oaa .... 3,400 196 1954 196
Corn Products 100 12 12 12
do pfd 67
Distillers" Securities 22
Oeneral Electric 20 164 163 163
International Paper.. 14
do pfd 100 72 72 72
International Pump 31
do pfd 100 76 76 76
National Iad 100 22 22 224
North American ' 88,4
Pacific Mall 28
People's Oas 4O0 100 1004 lrv
Pro sed Stee! Car 324
d pfd 76
Pullman Palace Car 100 217 217 216
Republic Bteel 7
do pfd 600 41 414 41
Rubber Goods 174
do pf d 79
Tenn. Coal & Iron.... 400 44 434 4.:
V. 8. Leather '4) 7 74 7
do pfd 300 86V, 86 86
I'. B. Realty ft Imp 48
V. S. Rubber 18
do pfd 75
I'nited States 8teel.. 4.8 124 11 12
do pfd 28,300 69 58 . 59
Westinghotise Elec 159
Western I'nlon 89
Total aiiles fur Ihe day, 464.600 shares.
Foreign Financial.
PARIS, Aug. 22 Three per cent rentes,
98 francs 22 centimes for account. Ex
change on London, 25 francs, 26 en
times were firm. Prices on the Bourse
today were him. Rusalan Imperial 4s
closed at 92 46, and Ruaalan bonds of 19 4
at 63. The private rale of discount was
14 per cent,
UtMXiN, Aug. 22. Money was In mod
erate demand in the market today. Sup
plies continued abundant. Discounts were
steady. Trading on the stock exchange
was Inactive and the tone was unsettled,
owing 10 the tittle -of far eaalern affairs.
Consols opened fairly steady put Mwd
later on the uncertainty i( th situation
at Shanghai. Home rails were depressed;
Americans opened weik, but eoe-d In bet
ter demand. Var bonds were somewhat
nervous in view of the situation, snd de
cisive news ws anxiously awaited. Japan
ese were maintained, the mount of bul
lion taken Into the Hank of England on
balance today was v.,ii.
BERLIN. Aug 22 Exchange on London,
to marks 45V. pfennigs for checks. Dis
count rates for short, bills. 14 per cent;
for three months bills, 24 per tent.
' eer York Money Market.
NEW YORK. Aug ?? MONEY On call.
eiv. til per cent, closing bid; 1 per cent
offered at 14; time loans eaey and dull;
sixty davs. 2 per cent; ninety dys, 24;
six months. 34
per cent.
t.ial businees in bankers' bills at 4 8S1O1I
4 8815 for demand and $4.8.Vrir4 LW for sixty
day bills: posted rates. $4 86 and J4.89; com
mercial Mils, $4 4"-"i4.f5.
SILVER Par, 67c; Mexican dollars,
BONDS Oovernmcnt. firm; railroad,
The following are the closing quotations
on stoi ks nnd bonds:
f. S. ret It. reg ill .Vinhttun e. g. 4i..l0.'
1I1 coupon 1 1 M. cmtml 4r f2"4
lte ta. rg. .
4e emip.'n
4a nw 41,
do coupon
ICS lo lot Inc uv
I'-W'i Minn. St St
L. la
.1.1"4'M . K A T 4...
.mm do la
.1H N R. H. of M c
l" N. V. C. X J4
.li'di. N. J. C. g. fa...
. fW No Pacific 4a ...
IC'V do 3s
. . . . 9
4a. TS4
.... 7,
do old 4r, reg..
do rnupoQ
Atrhiion gen. 4a..
do adj. 4s
Atlantlo C L. 4s
a. a n. t
.11 N. A W. . 4a.
do Xa
... HVo 8. L 4 A par... M1
Central of Ga. Rs llV Tnn ron. Ia
do lat tne
3V-iTMdlnc sen. in.
I hea. A Ohio 4a....l07 SI
Chlraso A A. S'o.... 7"4.St
L.. A I. M. C. U 1IH
LAS F. ff. 4a. M',
C B. A O. n. 4. ... 7 St I, S W la
('. M AS P. ( 4a. let Aeahoard A. L. 4a
C. A N. W e. 7S....121H So. I'aelfle 4a
C. R. 1. A P. 4a.... TT!fn Rallwaj Ja...
do col. (a S44 Texas A P. Is....
Crr ft Bl L. g. 4S..KUVT., St. U A W. 4i
.. 7514
.. NS
. .11(1
.. 74
. .114
.. 7
.11. 'a
.. 41
.. l
.. M4
.. 724
Chlrago Ter. 4a
a rtnon earisi1 a.
Con. Tohai-eo 4a....
Colo. A So. 4a
P A R. G. 4a
Erie prior lien 4a..
do gen. 4a. ...... .
P. W. A r C la .
Horklng Val. 4Ha..
L. & N unl. 4a...
. a f do ronv. 4a.
. M f 8. Sleel 2d Ha.
.101 Wahaah la
. 9V do deb. B
. Miltv. A L. B. 4a...
.104 Iwia. central 4a..
.1" 'Colo. r. A I. c. I
.101 1
Boston Stork Quotations.
ROSTON. Aug. 22 -Call loans, im 34 per
cent; time loans, 3p44 per cent, umciai
closing of stocks nnd bonds:
Atrhlaon ad). 4a 44 Weatlna;. common
... so
... IV
... 114
.... Pu.
... 13
... 114
... t44
.. .50(1
... 24
... M14
.... 114
... 60
... 74
... 134
.... 3
... 44
.... 42
... 4
.... 11
... 44
... 24
... 824
... S
.... M
... 7a
... 214
... 10
... 3PH
... 1.
... s
.... S04
do 4a
... ti'1 iAllouea
... I14 Amalgamated ....
... :AmrW-an Zinc ..
Mea. Central 4a..
do pfd
lloalon A Albany.
Ronton A Maine...
Hoaton Klevated ..
Pllehburf pfd
Mex. Central
N. Y., N. H. A H.
Pare Marquette ...
2S Atlantic
.HO illlngham
.lf.n Cal. A Hrcla
.1S7 'Centennial
. llH, I'npprr Han ...
.10 I Paly Weat
. 74 Pomlnlon Coal ..
I nlon raciflc
. toy.: Franklin
Amrr. Arge. Chem... HSfl"!' Koyale
do pfd
Maaa. Mining .
Amer. Pnev. Tube.
Amer. augar
do pfd
Amer. T. A T
Amer. Woolen ....
do pfd
Pominlnn t. A 8..
F.fllaon Elec. Ilia..
Oeneral Eloctrto ..
Maaa. Electric ....
do pfd
Maaa. Oaa
t'nlled Fruit
lotted Shoe Mach.
do pfd
V. S. Steel
do nfd
... v; Mlihlgan
...110 Mohank
...HI I Mont. C. A C.
. old Pomlnlon
. .. 114 Osceola
. .. t 'Parrot
... M, Qutnrr
...?ai jShannon
... H Trlnltr
... imil'. 8. Mining..
... 48V t'. ll
...104V I'tah
... 51 IVIctnrla
. .. fl Iwinona
. .. ItVWolverins
... 69Stl
London Stock Market.
LONDON. Aug. 22.-Closlng:
Console, money M
N Y. central.
Norfolk & W..
do pfd
Intarlo A W..
Hand Mima ...
do lat pfd..
do 2d pfd..
Ho. Railway ..
do pfO
So. Pacific ....
Union Paclflo .
do pfd .....
V. S. Sfel
do pfd
Wa baah
- do pfd
.... S.'.-ii
.... fi
.... 334
.... 91
.... 43 4
.... 2tt
.... Hi
.... D7I4
.... 124
69 a
.... 15
.... as
do account M 11-16
Anaconda 3TV
Atchlaon S2
do pfd :.i"0 !
P.altlmore A Ohio M
Canadian Pacinc lJfl
Chea. A Ohio...
Chliaao C.t. W.
C. M. A 81. P.
P. A R. O
do pfd
do lat pfd...
do 2d pfd...
llllnola Central
Loula. A Naah.
37 1,
. is
. 1 1-s
. 4H
. asi
. l
M . K. A T...
Spanish 4a
BILVER Rar, steady, 26d per ounce.
MONEY lt- per cent.
X It's mir v 1 u'i)i.uuiii 111 1110 vi
for short bills is 2 13-16 per cent:
months' bills, 2 13-162 per cen
The rote of discount in the open market
for three
New York Mffllnat Stocks.
NEW YORK. Ati; Jli"-The following are
the closing price on joining stocks:
Adama Con M i UtlU Chief 3
Alice 16 'Ontario 351
Breeca 10 Ophlr 230
Brunawlrk Con 14 jPhoenl 14
C'nmatock Tunnel .... 'Poloal 1
Con. Cal. A Va 110 gavage .. 16
Horn Sllrer 1C0 Klerra Nevada 13
Iron 8 liver 160 Small Mopea 22
Leadrllle Con I Standard 1)6
Assessment paid.
Condition of the Treasury.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 22. Today's state
ment of the treasury balances in the gen
eral fund, exclusive of the tl60,KKi.OiX) gold
reserve In the division of redemption,
hows: Available cash balance, $148,3ol,87.!;
gold. $43,179,872.
Quotations of the Day on Various
NEW YORK, Aug. 22 FLOl'R Receipts,
14,93 bbls.: exports, 7.778 bbls.; market ex
tremely dull, but firmly held; winter
straights, $5.005.23; Minnesota patents,
$6.10(fi!': winter patents, $5.2iS5.80; extras,
$;t.46ti4.0O; low grades, $3.25$i3.H0; Ixikers,
$4.l"'y 4.75. Rye flour, firm; fair to good,
Jl 25(6 1.50; choice to fain-, $4 6it4.90.
COHNMEAL Firm ; yellow western. $1.10
112; city, $1.12(f)1.15; kiln dried, $3.20(83.30.
RYE Nominal.
UARLEY Steady; feeding, 40c, c. I. f.
New York.
WHEAT Receipts, 83,000 bu.; exports, 30,.
971 bu. Spot, easy; No. 2 red, nominal ele
vator nnd $1,134 r. o. b. afloat; No. 1 north
ern, Duluth, tl.29 fob afloat; No. 1 hard,
Manitoba, nominal f. o. b. afloat. Options
were generally less active and Weak all
day until Just at the close, when prices ral
lied somewhat on enverlnp, last figures
showing MrftWc decline. Early declines
were due to less rust news and a lot of un
loading by professionals and the public;
ig nv professionals ana tne purine;
$1.13J1.1; closed at $1,154; 8.p
ir. $1.12H1.15; erased nt $1,144; De
r. tl.lSwl.15; closed at tl.14-
CORN Receipts, 121,8."i0 bu.; exoorts, 185.
087 bu. Spot, firm; No. 2, 6!)c elevator and
6i'4c f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 634c; No.
2 white, 60c. Option market was dull and
fenturelees, closing unchanged; September,
lt f 9c ;- closed at 59c; December closed
at 68c,
OATS Receipts, 172,500 bit. Sot, quiet;
mixed, 26 to 32 lbs.. 884ft 394c; natural
white, 80 to 32 lbs , 41?424c; clipped white,
36 to 40 lbs., 424'845c.
HAY Quiet; shipping, 67c; good to
choice. 96c.
HOPS Firm; common to choice, 1903,
27(a3oci 1902, nominal; olds, 7313c ; 1W2, nom
inal; olds. 7713c.
HIDES Firm; Galveston. 20 to 26 pounds.
17c; California. 21 to 25 pounds, 19c; Texas
drv. 24 to 30 pounds, 14c.
LEATHER Firm; acid, 24(9260.
WOOL Steady; domestic fleece, S2ifi35.
PROVISIONS Reef, steady; family, $10 50
All 60; mess. $8.50i9fl0: beef hams, $24 3
1626 60; packet. $9.6Vnl0 06; city extra India
mese $14.flfifil6.f1. Cut rfneats. steady; pick
led bellies. $.0fr5 10.50; pickled shoulders.
$6 50; pickled hams, $10. OOfi 10.60. Lard,
steady; western steamed. $7.50; refined,
quiet; continent. $7.40; South America,
$8.0"; compound. $5.874ii7.124. Pork, steady;
family. $14 fnffrlS 00; short clear, $13.5uf16.00;
mess. $13 50?? 18.76.
TALLOW Easy; city, 4c; country, i
V- . . .
KICK W'liet; oomeswc, jair 10 extra, 4
ffifii.e' .Tmian. nominal.
PEANT'tS Dull: fancy hand-picked, 8e;
other domestic, 8W64C
RI'TTER Firm: street price, extra
creamery, 18.frl84c. Official: Creamery,
common to extra 13jl8c; state dairy, com
mon to extra. 12"al7e.
niEl-TSE Finn: state full creams, small,
white and colored, poor to fancy. 6WfJ9c;
large,, colored, poor to fa no v. 4t)SV;
larpe. white, poor to fancy, 64ijilic.
KtJGS Steady ; western fancy, selected,
2lc: extra, average beat. 194f20o.
POI'LTRY Alive, easy; western chickens.
14c: fowls, 13c: turkeys. 13c. Dressed.
Irregular; western chickens, 14$T5c;
fowls, 13c; turkeys, 14(15c.
Wool Market.
BOSTON. Aug. 22. WOOL Th mrket
Is quiet. Fleeces and territory are firm and
tli present demand for tleeco Is largely for
th medium grades. Old wools are quiet.
Quotations ais as follows: Idaho Fine. 17
Ole: fine medium, 17(uTSo. Wyoming Finn,
ltvwnc; fine medium, Lfjliic. I'tah and Ne
vadaFine. 164'yl74-; flue medium, 17(aUc.
Montana Fine choice. 2ci21c; hue me.
dlum choice, 'ih'iW; average, 194r2uc. Colo
rado Fine, 13oi4c: tine medium. lMjhio;
coarse. Hi j 17c. Pulled Scoured basis, fine,
4S6uc; extra, fift'andc; extra superfine, u(t
ST. IXII'IS, Mo., Aug 23 WOOIy-Mar-ket
steady. Medium grades, conibing and
clothing. 2f.4J2f.4c; light fine, liimis'; heavy
fine, lu.U'16c; tub washed, 2HSi44c.
Elgin Baiter Market.
EIilN. 111. Aug. 22. BUTTER A d
vsnced 4" a -pound rm the Board of Trade
today, filing at l4c. Sales In Ihe "''rivt
fur the week were 712, wo pounda.
Best Steers Steady, Others Blow arid Cows
and Feeders Higher.
Bl Ran of heer and Lambs, but
Better tirades Held Abont gteady,
While Indralrable Kinds
Were Slow and Lower.
SOI TH OMAHA. August 22, lrot
Receipts were; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday 4.3') i -iM S 01 7
Same day last week 3.174 4. 8.'
Same day week before.. iA'S 4.:;9 2.2li
Same three weeks ago.. 2.4M 2,'S".8 2 6.
Same four weeks ago.... 4'S 03 ....
Sam day last year S.us7 2.M8 lS.fto
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
for the year to date, with comparison lth
last year:
1904 19"3 Inc. Dec.
Cattle 62ifVr? is.R92 .... 8i.l-
Hogs 1.6M.649 1 5o.'.'21 .... 8.67.i
Sheep 800.893 784,121 16.772
Avenge prices paid for hogs at South
Omaiiu iur loe iasi ao.eial uu with com
parison: Data, I 1$H. 110a.110j.180i.iiv.:i59.lct8l.
l. 4 99 I
4 7
4 9
6 02'
i H
6 OJi
6 U)
6 ia"
6 23
a 2oj
5 lo,
6 21
) 41 1 t 6GI S 151
7 K I 76 t 18
1 6 7H 6 liii
7 3i I 6 10i
7 3 I S4 I
7 36 6 80 B 04
7 2ij 6 tV 6 14
7 Is, 6 oo 6 15
7 16 6 Ul 6 04
4 131 8 79
M 3 74
4 31 3 n
4 4-i, 3 1
4 40 I 71
I 3 77
4 te
4 3.! 8 81
4 321 I 67
3-1 4 W4
4. 1 6 0t4i
51 6 O6V41
t 6 074
I . I
S I t 10 1
l 6 U6
IV 0 I I
7 041 J 4 99,
6 7l 6 741
4 2;-1 8
11 si
Ul 4 Hi
4 2l
3 2
3 43
3 i4
3 75
3 78
3 74
8 05
3 67
3 75
3 09
4 J
13, 4 H4
tf 81 6 77 4 43i
14 I
lot 6 01i
16 6 0241
l,j 4 9h't
ls 4 90
1 1 6 l'J'4
2i'i 6 12',.
"I :
22 1 5 02
73, 6 73 4 97
t 6 6 '.a, 4 (7
6 68 6 77 14 9S
4 43
4 44
0 i
4 321
4 S6
4 4V
4 but
4 42
t 21
15 84 6 00,
6 181
6 12,
6 15 1
o 24i
& 31,
8 68 I 4 96
6 73, 6 83 I I
80 6 87 5 03;
6 l B 7s t I'-
7 fll 5 Si; 6 01,
Indicates Sunday.
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs, Sli'p.Hor's.
C, M. & St. P. Ry 4
Mo. i'Hcllic Ry 28 14 11 3
C. & N. W. Ry 2
F.. E. A M. V. R. R..126 42 20 2
C. St. P., M. & 0 4
M. ot M. My 33 12 1
K. C. A bt. J 1
C, 11 1. 4 P., east.. 1 2
Total receipts 188 79 32 t
The disposition of the day's receipts wat.
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaim Packing Co
260 MS l
Bwift nnd Company 675 1.318 91
Cudahy Packing Co Su 1.128 765
Armour & Co 3i5 1,653 1,'JoH
iswlft, from country 436
Vnnsant & Co 112
Carey & Henton 77
Lobman & Co 2)6
Hill & Son 61
l.ivingtiton & Root 133
L. F. Hush Ill
Cudahy Rros. & Co 235
Wolf Murnnn 20
Sam W'erthelmer 47
Hamilton ft Rothschild. . 146 ... ...
bol Degnn 8
Keneau 277 ... ft ( line 86
Ager Packing Co lW)
Other buyers 2S1 ... J.R02
Totals 2.9f7 6.218 7 635
CATTLE Receipts of cattle this morning
were very Heavy at nearly Hil points. Chi
cago reported ;,00o, with the market 10i2.c
lower, and Kansas City lti.OOO, With pr.res
I1K&20C lower. The run at this po.nt was
about 4,3110, hut of this number ZZ cars were
billed through, so that the actual number
on sale was rather small for a Monday.
That helped out the situation here maleil
ally and a fairly satisfactory market was
There were comparatively few corn fed
steers Included In the offerings, and as buy
ers all wanted a few the better grades sold
without much trouble at good s.eady pip es.
The medium to commajn kinds, though,
were rather neglected and hard to sell at
steady prices and some may have been a
shade easier. Most everyihlng, though, ln
the corn fed line was disposed of In fairly
good season.
A large proportion of the .rrivls con
sisted of western grass beef steers, nnd
owing to the big runs at other points pack
ers were inclined to be bearish. The mar
ket was slow and while some of the more
desirable grades changed hands at about
steady prices the commoner kinds were
rather slow end weak.
There were o few cow on sale that the
competition among buyers forced prices up
fully a dime and some of the better loads
showed even more improvement thun that.
The demand from packers was not heavy,
btit at the same time they all wanted a
few, and as a result salesmen held for more
money and buyers had to pay the advance.
Most everything changed hands at an early
Bulls also Advanced fully n, dime because
of the limited supply and a fair demand.
Veal calves did not show much ehnhge.
As reported nt the close of last week
speculators succeeded In disposing of most
everything they had on hand, and as a re
sult they were all anxious for 1'rosh supplies
tills morning. There were only a few on
sale nnd prices Improved fully a dime nnd
in some cases the more desirable loads sold
ns much ns 15c higher. Representative
4 CO
4 i
1 ir
5 :
8 it,
i 65
5 70
. I0
. cr.o
. H7
. 477
. 770
. I4
I tl
I (0
1 00
I 00
1 to
4 SO
31 4 4 n0 15
1 1070 4 60 17
1 1M I 20 I
t 926 1 1 t
1 1!0 3 60 1
1 1000 t 60 2
It 71 I 06 . 4
4 to
. ..lim t so
...1 f'S.'. 1 60
...WO 1 60
...IMS 1 75
... 712 II
t 1070 2 10 1 S0 t 40
1 1160 2 M 1 1660 3 10
1 460 !W I 76 J 40
Ti steers.. ..1177 3 15 1 cow 9W 2 25
1 bull IfO 1 50 13 cows S22 2 25
14 feeders.. 707 3 10 21 steers ... 852 2 65
1 steer 8-0 2 ill 1 steer KM 2 85
1 cow 870 2 05 1 bull 920 1 85
26 cows 960 2 26 14 steers.... 945 i 15
6 steers.... IO11O 2 80 1 steer 1000 2 90
1 steer 1020 2 90 1 cow looo 2 If.
6 steers.. ..1008 8 85 1 steer 830 2 90
45 steers. ...1106 8 06
10 cows 1054 1 90 19 feeders.. 929 2 85
1 cow I06O 2 40 A feeders.. M5 2 30
24 cowb 975 2 40 1 stag 13X0 3 00
9 cows 930 1 IK) 4 cows Mi ltd
M. C. Hubbell-Neb.
95 feeders.. 1123 8 60 6 feeders. .1123 2 85
43 feeders.. 1171 3 50 3 feeders. . 1171 2 86
6 feeders.. 11 m 8 3o 1 reeder. . .1140 z M
14 feeders.. 1137 3 00 2 feeders. . 965 8 00
J. E. Clapp Neb.
37 feeder.. 1127 8 36 S feeders. .1127 3 75
6 feeders.. IZ18 ao l leeaer... isou 3 su.
1 feeder... 1190 2 75
R. I -arson Wyo.
28 feeders.. 887 3 86 23 heifers... 879 3 05
10 feeders'. .loo 1 40 1 neirer.... 4U lib
1 feeder... If) 2 75 1 bull 13tl 3 00
Ous Anderson Wyo.
17 feeders.. 11 64 3 45 2 feeders.. 1080 8 33
M. M. Herbert Neb.
1 cow 970 1 60 1 feeder... 770 3 00
3 cows 512 2 00 1 feeder... 760 J 50
1 heifer.... 830 2 25 1 feeder... S.V) 2 50
7 heifers... 1-25 $ 25 1 feeder... 770 8 00
1 bull 1330 1 fel 1 feeder... 760 3 50
16 feeders.. 641 3 00 2 feeders.. 70 8 00
J. Raugh ft Son Wyo.
1 bull 920 2 15 t cows 1010 J 50
1 bull 1410 t 10 1 cow 9 3 00
1 cow 940 2 60
ft steers.... 933 2 8 6 steers. ...llt 3 95
2 steers.. ..13ii6 3 10 3 steers. ...1130 3 10
4 steers. ...1142 3 10 3 steers. ...1170 3 10
17 steer.. ..1240 3 60 -
O. V. Bebern Wyo.
21 feeders.. 1136 8 46 1 bull 820 3 60
1 steer 9on 8 75
2 steers.. ..1180 8 00 4 feeders. .1059 8 18
12 feeder.. IN5 8 60 8 feeders. .1210 2 75
1 feeder... 9(0 3 75 1 feeder. . .1230 3 15
1 feeder... 940 8 15 3 feeders. .10u0 i li
B. S. Thomas Wyo.
13 steers . . 1176 8 36 4 cows 1070 2 40
1 cow fJ 1 75
T L. Hopkins Neb.
10 feeders. !lfT7 8 2o , 1 cows 677 $80
0 f..-ders.. 800 3 20 1 bull 12:i) 2 26
4 cows 940 $ ?o $ feeders.. M4 3 20
13 cows 921 3 20 8 cows 833 3 60
4 cows 1132 8 to
A. Ruckflnch Neb.
30 cows 1027 J 60
H. Lamm Neb.
4 cow 1135 2 50 1 cow 1150 2 50
W. O. McOoa-Ncb.
1 cow 910 1 75 1 cow 900 00
23 cows k'l 3 60 1 cow 1Ki I ()
Scows 946 t 60 1 bull IXm S 00
Swan lind A Cattle Co. Wyo.
f feeders.. 1136 2 75 120 feeders. 1135 3 30
John WhltUker Wyo.
1 cow vo 3 75 21 feeders.. 1154 8 4$
24 feeders.. lovt 3 I
John Young 9 D.
2 cows YTh I Mi 31 steers. ..1''45 $V
1 steers. ...1W4 2 9a 2 steers ...12-ta 2 80
l.vtimn 8 - B. IV
Pi cows !'l 2 20 ;i4 feeders.. 902 2 0
W. H Thayer W yo.
27 feeders. .1".'2 3 4o 21 corn s. ... 142 2 4
1 cow l"i. J 40 1 cow H10 2 40
2 feeders.. 1 -
Hlichms Wyo.
1 Steer ll'-o 3 ! 14 cows 2 60
W steers.. ..1223 3 1"
F. Carrnlhers-Neli.
86 fleers... 1314 3 po
N. Thaxton Mont.
1 cow W 3 00 11 feeders.. 1123 2 65
1 steer lt'10 2 50 17 feeders.. Kk 3 40
HOtJS-Rei elpts of hogs weie libers! her?
this mornln. lor a Monday, and si Oil-
cago there Were 4'.f'0 hem) wnlrh caused
a decline In prices of lojl.V.The nia set
here was about UK: lower, but lather slow.
Uuyers seemed to be playing for a big run
tomorrow and conseijneiitly did not want
to get too many on hand today unless the
could get them chrap enough to pay. Their
bids In many cases were boii.'.c lower, par
ticularly on the h'-nvler hog, but whenever
s salesman could get within n dime of Sit
unlay 's prices he rut loos. It was lat" b"
fnre n clearance wns made. The bulk of
the hogs sold frorTI .' f0 to $5.05. with C'H'i
beavlcs from $5 dovrn and choice lights
from $. as to $s 15
At noon there were still several loids in
first hands for which there seemed little
demand Hovers apparently had their
orders filled and did not appear to pnre
whether they got any more hogs or not.
Representative sales:
No. At Sh Pr No. Av. 5h. Tr.
u 2:9 M0 4 Hi 71 1H 130 6 l't4
67 !M an 4 4 64 Ml ... 6 M4
66 a 140 4 6 66 3v 40 h
t .! ... 4 ? Id tit ... 4 OS
77 Stt 160 4 74 J I SO $ Ot
in ::i 80 1 00 U 3:1 60 0i
1C ill o 6 00 i.2 2:11 ... 6 04
66 :.' 10 t no 0 ??4 10 6 l'J
74 in tl i 0" 71 t:4 ... 4 OS
67 H (W 70 ;-3 180 I 0
4.1 li ... 6 0" U Ill ... 0
10 ... 00 as m to J os
67 37 40 S 00 a 341 10 t 1
lit lt 6 no 46 146 ... t 04
6ft tM 40 6 00 04. 3 4 120 4 '
an ;u ... 6 00 ; i..?.t 40 Sue
66 34 40 S rn 76 2.15 ') 6 f'i
69 372 n l m it ;i no 6 06
6 Sail 40 6 00 11 310 40 I (
64 tH2 SO S 00 74 313 ... 5 06
in 13 80 4 Or to 1 80 4 074
M 247 ... 6 034 71 3n7 340 6 074
SS 8C4 130 t 024 7! ... 4 074
60 2.M 120 60:4 76 1 r. ... I 0"S
66 ...224 4il.4 0-.'4 7! SI0 40 6 074
61 242 160 ( 034 ' J "0 4
It. 2m ... 4 OS 4 0.1. 184 130 6 10
7fi 2:4 ... 4 03 4 8 ... 6 10
74 271 ... 4 074 74 186 ... 4 124
84 331 10 4 M' HO 167 ... 4 14
III 248 40 6 034 4 l- ' '4
86 .0 140 4 U7 4
SHEEP There was a liberal run of sheet)
hero this morning, and in fact supplei
were the heaviest innt have bet n sen her,
in a long time. Other markets were quoted
lower, which made ttuyers hesrlsh her. , I ut
still they did not Micceed In inking oft any
great nfnount. They all needed few and
the better grades sold close to steady, while
the commoner kinds were a lltt lower.
Buyers complained ihnt Ihe quality today
was not very good. 'Iraulng was raiher
slow, so that It was late before, a clejranco
wns made.
Receipts Included mille a few feeders,
and as the demand was brisk, everything
at all desirable sold without much irouule
at good steady prices.
Quotations for grass "sheep and Inmbs
Good to choice yearlings, 3-1. W 4.00; fair to
good yearlings, t3.3odJ.76; good to choice
wethein. $3..iuu 3.7j. I.ilr to good wethers.
$3.26(&3.50; good to choice ewee, $3.25(33.50;
fair to good e'vrs. ti .o(rf3 2i: good to choice,
lambs, $5.fHVu3.S5; fair to good lambs. 4.73
fiS.OO; feeder yesrlings, 3. 26(53.60; feeder
weinerb, J.wfru.ic.; itruei wn, . in .
feeder lambs, $J.75a4.'j0. P.eprcseniiU'vc
No. Av. Pr.
3 Nebraska cull ewes 90 2 25
3 Nebraska ewes luu 3 6o
9 Nebraska feeder yearlings.... i0 3 50
2 Nebraska feeder yearlings... MJ 3 60
1 Nebraska feeder yearling.... bO 3 60
226 South Dakota wethers 103 3 65
49 Neb. welhers and yearlings.. 73 3 76
30 Neb. wethers and yearlings.. 85 3 75
32 Neb. wethers and yearlings. .b'6 S 75
6 Nebraska lambs 66 4 00
1 Nebraska iamb o 4 00
15 Wyoming cull ewes 8 2 10
?rot Wyoming twes 102 3 20
240 Wyoming ewes 94 3 26
49 Wyoming wethers 63 3 26
10 Wyoming yearlings 62 S 25
196 Wyoming ewes 87 8 3u
4 Wyoming ewes 87 3 30
26 Wyoming wethers 103 8 36
707 Wyoming wethers 100 t 36
277 Wyo. wethers and yearlings.. 77 3 b5
27 Wyoming mixed 64 3 75
63 Wyoming feeder iambs 67 4 23
608 Wyoming feeder lambs 67 4 26
8 Wyoming bucks 203 2 50
4 Wyoming bucks 116 2 50
9 Wyoming culls OS 3 00
99 Wyoming ewes 97 8 91
137 Wyoming ewes 90 8 60
."3 Wyoming feeder yearlings.. 78 3 60
280 Wyoming yearlings 18 t 60
2X0 Wyoming feeder lambs 68 4 80
210 Wyoming feeder lambs 55 4 60
33 Wyoming feeder ia-nbs C6 4 50
633 Wyoming feeder lambs 65 4 60
634 Wyoming feeder lambs 65 4 50
199 Wyoming lambs 75 & 00
326 Wyoming lambs ; 61 5 00
Cattle and Hoga Are Lower and Sheep
and Lambs Higher.
CHICAGO, Aug. 22. CATTLE Receipts,
29.000 head; market Iij'-'Tic lower; good :o
prime steers, t6.0fatf6.uu; poor to medium,
r3.MK-i4.9o; stockers und feeders, K.&tn&.V.;
cows. $1.234.00; heifers, ?. 4.7B; canners,
tl.25itf2.00; bulls, t2.0(f(4.10; calves, $2.50(Jiu.5l.
HOfJS Receipts, 40.000 head: market llifl,
15C lower; mixed and butchers. $.).liKl(5.l);
good to choice heavy, $u.l6-u3.30; rough
henvv, $4.7i-'fM.lO; light, $i.2O(io.50; bulk ol
suics! $5.20fl5.4O.
SHEEP AND LAMRS- Receipts. 2?.'KI
head; sheep steady; Inmbs lOWl.lo higher;
good to choice wethers. $3.65114.00: fair to
choice mixed, t3 .OOJJ3.90; western sheep.
e3.104iM.iiO; native lambs, $3.50ty'i.8,; western
inmbs, $3.757,5.75.
Kansas City Live Stork Market.
Hecelpts, IS.Oofi head. Including 4.00a
southerns. Market steady to 2oc lower.
Choice export and dressed beef Meers, $."i.25
(iia.90; fair to good. $3.7r5i..jO; weatern fed
steers. $3.75(650; stockers and feeder.
$2.50fat.2o; southern steers, $2.50'p3.75;
southern cows, $1.5oti2.7s; native cows, 31.60
(ftt.OO; native heifers. $2.25&4.75; bulls, $2.' 0
ra3. 5o; calves, t2.Ooitf4.75. , .
HOGS Receipts, 6.000 head. Market 10ft
15c lower. Top price. $5.25; bulk of sales.
$").06ifl'5.20; heavy. tn.nCft'i.lO; packers, $5. tin ft
6.20; pigs und fights, r .'ii i.2a,
SHEEP AND LAM 118 Receipts, 4,M
head. Market steady to 10c lower. Native
lambs, $4.0oj3 60; native wethers. IS.MsS4.l8:
native ewes. $3.00(7(3 60; western lambs. 14 00
C(i.i; western year'lngs. 83.60ftf4.on; western
sheep, $3.2j(tf3.7ii; stockers and feeders, $2.50
St. Loots Live Stork Market. ,
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Aug. 22 CATTLE Re
ceipts, 5,000 head, including 3.300 Texans.
Market lower. Native shipping find export
steers, $4 8.Vn'5.75; dressed beef and butcher
steers, t4.6urri3.60; steers under 1.000 pounds,
t3.80r-cM.75; stockers and feeders, $2.2&tl.uO;
cows and heifers. $2 6' f. 3. 25: ennners. not
quoted; bulls, $2.261-2.60; calves, $.).fMri.0J;
Texas nnd Imllin steers, $2.7f-j?4.0(i; cows
nd heifers. $1.502.76.
HOGS Receipts. 6.f head. Market lflc
lower. Plga and lights. $5.H0J7Y85; packe's
IVom&S.SO; butchers snd best heavy, $5.15ff
SHEEP AND I. A MRS Receipts, 3,500
hesd. Market steadv. Native muttons,
3 2M53 77.; lambs, $3 60415 25; cull' and bu-ks
$ir(h,2 25; stockers, $2 5t '03.45; Texans, $3.50
St. Joseph Live Stork Market.
Receipts. 4.30 hend; aood steadv to 10c
lower: others 1Vci26c off: natives. i3.7.V&"3.75:
cows and heifers, $1.26474.75; stockers and
feeders. $2 75(1(3.75. v
HOOS Receipts, 8.642 head; lOflirjc lower;
light, tS.16fq6.20; medium and heavy, $5.fVf1
SHEEP AND IAMRS-Recelpls. 8,668
head: market steady to strong; light west
ern lambs, $5 10; western sheep, J3.75.
Slonx Clt LIvax. Stock Market.
BIOl'X CITY. la.. Aug. 2!. (Special Tele
gram.) -ATTLE Receipts, 1,68) head; mar
ket lower: stockers, loo lower; beeves. $100
ft5 50; cows bulls nnd mixed, $2.254.00:
stockers and feeders, $2 7't3.6o; calves anrl
yearlings. $2,504)3 60.
HOGS Receipts. 2 000 head; market 6rf10n
lower, selling at $4 ki.'irVIO: bulk, $4.3.Vtfr5.W.
Stork In Slbl.
Following sre the
for Ihe six principal
South Omaha
Sioux City
Kansas City
St. Louis
St. Jnseph
receipts of liv stock
western cities yester-
Catfe. Hogs. Sheon
.. 4.8'I0 5.4r.l 8.617
.. 2i
..16.'0 6,(o 4.f'i0
.. 6,fJ 5.'0 2 U
.. 4.1U0 3 64$ 6 fv,1
..29.0 0 40,( 22 010
..S0,2' 62.(93 43.785
Oil and Roaln. .
NEW YORK. Aug. 22 OIIJ? Cotton
seed, steady: prime crude, nominal; prime
yellow, !14i284c. Petroleum, steady; re
fined New York, $7.7.1; Philadelphia and
Baltimore, $7.06. 1'hlladclphla nnd Balti
more. In bulk. $1.75.
ROSIN yulet; sirained. common to good,
$2 60. Turpentine, quiet, 87ft74
SAVANNAH Aug. 22. OILS Turpentine,
teadv at 6.'.4a5:.c.
pi8I.N-Hrm; A, B. C. $2 3'(2 3'4: D.
2 3o; B. $2 41)2.42; F, $2.462 474; G, 2 60
ft J 5!4; H. $271: I. $3 524; K. tl tT: M. tl Sl
N $4 00; W O, 84 . W W. A2.
OIL CITY. Aug 22-Oh.S-Crerllt bal
snces. $1 en; certificates, no htd; shipments,
Pennsylvania. lcS.Rt bbls.; average. 74.78
bhls , runs. Pennsylvsnla. 14,i4. bbls.: Av
erage. 74..1 bbls ; shipments, Lima, 13H.S61
bhls ; average. 63.596 bbls.; run. Lima, 1 15.
7 bbls.; average, 6.1.620 lbl.
Staple and Fancy Prodare.
F.OC18 Receipt modrrtt: candled tock
L1VPJ POCLTR Y Hens, tv; rooster, te:
turkeys, 12c; ducka, ic; gees, be; spring
chl-kens. U4S13u
BI TTER-Packing stock. 11c: choice lo
fanrv daliv. 12 il4c; Separator, 17tl74c.
; FRESH FISH ,.'out, 10c; pickerel. 8c;
; pi.c, 11; pen 7c; lout ftsii. L . , i cM-h.
; 10c; salmon, 14r; redsnapper, llo; lobeter.
skcii. i.i ; loostcr. bolieu. J0C; uiliiiiin.i),
lie; csinalv lc. black bs 2fe; hllb'it.
' 10c; rrspples, 12c; roe shad, tl: buffalo, 7c;
I white bass. 11c; frog legs, per do.. Jsa.
1 nKA.-(fi ton, js
I HAY Prices quoted by Cmahft Wholesale
l'eniers association: t hoice No, I upland,
$7.00; N.i. 2. $6 80; medium. $6 00; coarse.
$.Y50. Hyo straw, $5 60. Three prices art)
for hay of good color ard quality. .
'I ttopiCAL TMl 4 i s.
ORANGES Sweet, choice, nil ie, 3311
tit". Vnlenclss. all slies, $4.00.
LEMONS California fancy. 370, 300 and
860. 4 2iv.f 4 W: choice. f.7"i4 0i).
LIMES Florid, per A-basket crates. $4 50.
CA1.1FOKMA ri3 per 10. u. . vai in.
60c-; Imported Smyrna. 2-crown, IJcj I
crown, ltci 7-crown, I60.
BANANAS Per medium-aiied buneh. tl H
62. W, Jumbo, $2.75.0 3 25
APPLE. Home crown, per tu. bask!.
oti-'Oc; per bbl.. $235
PEACiiKS cnlliornl Elberta and Su.
qurhannas, $; home ' grown clings,
per 10-lb. basket, 25c; Missouri, per 6 basket
crate. $1 , Colorado, laVtitt.lO.
PLl'MS California gross prune. $160:
Trngety. $1.15; Itullan prunes, $1.26
PEARS-Callfornls. per box. tl.90iJ2.00;
Colorado, $i.5(ffI.7S.
CANTELOI'PE Arkansas and Indian
Territory, per crate. 2(HM12.a.
WATERMELONS Per lb. tcrUd, lo.
CELERY Per dog.. 28r-,i35e.
POTATOES New homo grown. In sacks,
per bu.. ,ViH6c.
NAVY BEANS Per bu.. tl.80rfrt.0fl.
ONIONS Home grown. In sacks, per bu.,
Of -h 76c.
TOMATOES Home grown, per market
basket. 20ri8uc.
CABBAUE Home grown, per lb'., 14c.
ri'Cl'.M HERS-Per doi., lie.
TCRN'li'B-Home grown, per bu., 10c.
BEETS Home grown, per DU., 60c.
PARSLEY Per dos., Ac.
WAX RKANS--Per market basket. SOe.
STRING BEANS -Per market basket, if"?.
GREEN PEPPERS-Per bushel basket,
! 31.09.
oCASH-Ilome grown, per aoi., 000.
l'EAS-Per bu. basket, "BcA
EGG PLANT Southern, per dog.. J1.S0.
8WEKT POTATOES Home grown, per
murket basket, 75c: Virginia, per bbl., $47.25.
NEW HON SY -Per 24 Trames, t30.
MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10c.
CHEESE WI.-onln twin, full cresm.
11c; Wisconsin Young America, 12c; block
Swiss, new, 16c; old, ldal7c; Wisconsin
brick, 134c; Wisconsin llmberger, 18c.
IIIDES-No. 1 green. 74c; No. 3 gren
64c; No. 1 salted, 9c; No. 2 salted, tc; No. 1
veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs.. 9c; No. 2 veal rlf.
12 to 15 lbs.. 7c; dry salted. 8ff12o; sheep
pelts, 24fi27c: horse hides, $2.75.
NI'TS-w alnuts. No. 1. soft hell. per lb..
15c; hnrd shell, per lb., 14c; No. t soft hell,
per lb 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c;
pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb..
10c; peanuts, per lb., 12c; roasted peanut,
per lb.. 8c; Chill walnuts, per lb., I2(?134e;
large hickory nuts, per lb.. 11c; almonds,
soft shell, per lb., )5c; hnrd shell, 13c;
shellbarks. per bu., $2.00; black walnuts,
per bu., $1.1S.
Cotton Market.
ST. IU'IS. Aug i-. COl'TON Steady
and unchanged: middling. 104c; no sale or
receipts; shipments, 7 bales; stock, i.76
''LIVERPOOL. Aug. 22.--COTTON-Spot In
limited demand; prl.'es 5 points nifhfr;
middling fair, 4.6d; good middling. 6.84d;
middling, 6.22d: low' middling, S.Obd: good
ordinary, 6.84d; ordinary, 6.60d. Future
opened and closed steady: American mid
dling g. o. c. August, 6.94d; August and
September. 5.73d; September. 5 46J; October
and November, 5.36d: November and De
cember, 5.32d; December nd January,
5.29d; January and February. .28d; Febru
ary and March. 628d; Mrch and April,
April and May, My and June, . 6.2d.
NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 22 -COTTON-ru-tures
firm;- August Ift.iSc bid; September,
10 0R(fflO 10c; October, 9.88(779 S8o; November,
8(Vff9 87c; December, 86rf79 87e; January.
9 90rff0.92c; February. 9.94(59.960; March,
8 99(?l0.00c. Sool, firm; sales 425 bale; or
dlnsrv, 71X-16c; reod ordinary. 94; low
middling. 9'ac; mldd'lng. 104c; givid mid
dling. ioi3-ie; middling fair. 11 l-16c; r
celpts, 1,046 tales; stock. 25.388 bale.
Metal Market.
London tin market was lower, with spot
closing at 121 158 nnd f'ttures at 123 7s
6d. Locally prices showed little change on
the. average, closing at $26.75(27.00. Cop
per was unchanged ln London at 61 2 4i
for both spot nnd futures. Locally the
market Is steady. Lake and e'eetrotvtlf)
are quoted at 12.50rtil2.75c: casting. l?.25Ta
12.50c. Lead was unchanged at 1 20rp4 tne
in the local market snd at 11 16 In Lon
don. Spelter was also unchanged in th
New York market, where spot is quoted
at 4.85 4.95c, while In London It wl a dot
firmer, at 22 12 6d Iro- eliye RlS
9d In Glasgow and at 42s 124d at Middlei
boro. Locally Iron Is quiet. No. 1 foundry
northern Is ouoted at 1fiT14.60c No. 3
foundry northern at lS.7Kiffi14.00: No. 1 foun
dry southern nnd No. 1 foundry southern
soft, at 13.Wsffl3.75c.
BT LOI ' If, Au- ?2 MK.T4I. T ad.
steady, $4.f8R4.06. Spelter, steady, tt.724.
Sntrnr nnd Molasse.
NEW YORK. Aug ?2.-SfOAR-Rw.
quiet; fair refining. 3 ll-16c: centrifugal. 96
test. 44c Molnsses surar, 3 7-162. Rertned,
Strong; open kettle, 2,fi3 3-16c: centrlfu4T ,
S(i(3c; whites, 4c; yellow, tSi0; tW
onda. 2,
MOLASSES-Nomlnsl: open kettle. SOrfTJKe!
centrifugal, Ifxfi'lSc; synip, nominal st 20rfjp
Whisky Market.
CHICAGO. Aug. 22.-VHlRKY-8titdy,
on a basis of tl.2i.
PEORIA. Aug. 2:.-WHlSKY-On a basis
of 1.28 for finished goods.
ST. LOI'IS. Aug. 22.-WHISKY-8tcady.
on 11 basis of $1,324.
hauls of tl.28 for finished goods.
Phlladeplhl Prod nee Market.
Fair demnnd; fair western creamery, I840;
ex'ra nearby prints. 20c.
EGGS Steady; fair demnnd; nearby flrt,
194i' at mark; western firsts, ls-ljloc at
I'll KKSE Firm, but quiet; New York full
cresms. choice to fsncy, Sc; fair lo
good, 80840.
Dotal h 4raln Market.
Dl'LL'TH. Aug. 22-WHEAT To grrlv.
No. 1 northern, tl 184; No. t northern,
tl.HV on track. No, 1 northern. 81184;
No. 2 northern. tl l41; Septemlr, tl.l54i
Deoember. $1,114.
OATS "n track to arrive In Septembor,
34c. '
Toledo Seed Market.
TOLEDO, Aug. 2?. BEED8 Clover, cash,
37 80; October. $7.60; December. $7 .50. Prime
lslke, $7.66 hid; August, $7.68 btd. Prime
timothy, $1.46; September, tl 46.
Peoria drain Market.
PEORIA, Aug. 32 CORN-Qnotort steady;
No. 3, 64c; No. 4, 68c; no grade, M$51o. .
Deeds Hied for record August 23. a fur
nlsheil by the Midland Guarantee and
Trust company, bonded abstrevvter, loU
Farnom street, fur Th Be:
Jessi Norton to Mary Moran; lota 46
and 69, Nulson's Ad t 1
Jeaae Norton to Mary Moran, lota 46
nnd 58, Nelson Ad 11000
Nathan D. Mann to Elizabeth Condon;
pari 101s ana 0, diock it. bouin
Charles R. Campbell and wlf to
(ieorg Malyja; lot 6, block 2. Sum
mit Mary II. and husband to Harvey
J. Grove; lot 7, block 4, Halcyon
II. J. Uruv and wlf to Jacob Btuch.
Ilk; itmt property 1.
Mabel Shlmer and husband to Robert
E Stein; part lot 8I, block (. Jerome
Louise Frtlderlchsen to W. W. Mcll
vnine; lots 1. 3 and t. block 2. Saund
ers A Himebaugh's Mount Pleasant.
Myrtle A. Ward and husband lo W.
V. Mcllvalne; lot 16. block 2. Baund-
rrs at Hlmehaugh's Mount Pleaasnt.
Trustees of Hheppard at Enoch Prtt
Iluspitsl lo Find Eastman; part lot
I. 2 and 3. block 4. Hillside No. 3 . 1,780
Michael Tog and wife to Arthur H
Mm dock; lot (, block 62, South