Tnn omaiia daily r.nE: Sunday, august 21, ion. nn mm 0 1 h . f Tiiifl HKi.iAin.fc; aruKi:. C ( CLEARING SALE OF WAISTS Woman' nnd em Women' nt Women's et. ...... Wnlt, with tuck 25c 69c 95c Lrci'li ry, nt Il.&u WnlsU, 500 Pieces Fine Silks on Sale Monday z At About One-Halt Their Actual Worth. In this sale you will find Black Taffetas, Mack Peau de Soie, Plain Colored Taffetas and Fancy Silks. Fanny Silk will bo In three lots full eeleo- tlon of each kind the iii:illtic are worth from 7Bc to St . mill go Monday, Atr at. vnrd 69c Boo nnd at, yard 69c Boo nnd YOU WILL WONDER HOW THESE BLACK TAFFETAS CAN BE BOLD BO CHEAP. SO-lnch Black Taffeta, worth 85c, In thl sale., at, yard .5l5C See the new Bilk that are now coming- In. Hundred and hundred of the choicest, newest and nobbiest silks ever shown inthe city of Omaha. Monday in the Wfi ARB OPENING UP OUR NEW FALL GOODS THIS PRICES WILL BE Ver f fine Flannelette, durk Zn lor, at, yard oolors, at, ya Extra heavy Flannelettes, dark color, at, yard Fine French Flannelettes, at, yard...i .7Jc Sic CLOSING OUT OCR BUMMER WASH GOODS. liTC. . , U"Hc TO 750 WASH aOODS-50,0.0 yard of Batistes, Organdies. Dlmltie. Lawns, 36-Inch Percale, Oxford Suitings and other good, worth from 12o El,-, to 75c, at, yard -w YOUR EYES.... RENTS' -M CITY . PROPERTY Sums Dae, According to Old Report on Pile. t. S. PETERSON COMPILES STATEMENT Two Year Atfo Uatiuiutetl l'lty Could. CvIIoct One Hundred Thousand Dollar on Rent tbat Were Due. - Prevlou statement regarding the usa Of city properly by private corporation and Individual who pay no rent are put in tho shad by atutemeuUi uiudo In an o:d report of E. T. Peterson of the city ctv glneer'a otnee. He mentlotu the names of number of well-known Arm who are occupying vaJuwble city realty without com pensation, und say further that persona and corporations are u.lng much laud for merly parts of atreeta that have been nar rowed, and for which purchase price never have been paid, nor taxes upon. Mr, Peterson at that time, April 1, 102, estimated that $100,00 could be realized by the city if proper attcnUou wo given to tho matter of leasing, collection, of rents and Insisting upon purohuuea where eume had been agrei-d upon. ' Mr. Peterson' report, whiuh woo never mud public, I a follows; A requested, I have now, for some time, devoted all of my time In the matter of rfttinrf our maps up to date, but 1 v luve it is uli-s to uevole uny further time to said work, as tho same would lie vety un.itiiHctui y aft.' completioik Tne properties erubraced within tho va rious i 11 nd land giunt 10 the rullrouda I have bevu Uliublv ti get tire piuiKT dcMcrijlion tl, itlt tU'eda to siviiio referring to plats on file In the otllee .jf the city clrk, who Inform me that he ha btou unublc to Had any such plats. The greatest obstacles, however, which 1 have encountered, is the oxuim-Uju o streetii, alleys and other public property by cor poration and Individuals, without any au thority, as tar aa the record dttclojo, of such occupancy. Rtferrlng to a few taken at random, I might invntlon Furrell & Co., located In Ftrnnnt xlreet between Seventh and Eighth. The Sheridan Coal compuny and the Nebraska Fuel eonipHtiy, In Howard street between Sixth und Ueventh and the alleys in blocks lift and lsl . The Alcntra Paving cotnpuny on Jtickson and Fi.'th Mtreeta; alwi. on city levee, Pennsylvania Coal company on Mason atul Fifteenth stsrot, Chicago Lumber company on Matey treet between Fourteenth and Fll tenlh; ii.iHl'.tns Hnat oint'Mtty, tn iiickorv fctf-t wast of Keciotd; Coincer 7-os.' brick yard on Nineteenth, avenue, north of Cen ter street, Omaha Cool. Coke Lime compuny, on Klubth and Chicngo 'r'vt; I'uvld Talbot ho housi.. on Kluhth street south of K!i-ls!a slim.t; Her dlstlHat y. on Second, Third and Fourth streets, north of Fierce street. Thcm are only a few of the several hun dred which are occupying city property without sny wttthoiity or paying any re munvrntlon for same. Flad Two Hundred l.eaa, I find In the ftty comptrolh r' oft' hup 2M leao lvaued prior and up Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year. ,.";:.:. The BE&T H3T WCATUESt KOICJXS A (rv jpyjrt) ca:;dy catjiartic r r.rvir.T all t MONDAY BMGIUIIS IN OUR CLOAK DEPARTMENT Women's French Voile Skirts with elegant silk drop worth up to ?20.00, on sale Monday, Your choice Monday of any Wool Suit in the house, worth ( up to ? 10.00, 2 75 Ladies' JJ10.00 and ?12.00 Suits on sale Monday, yt CI C at V.Z Ladies' Silk Underskirts, in all colors and black, 9S Ladles' Skirts, worth ?5.00, Monday, 2 98 Women's ltniny Day Skirts, worth up to ?4.00, J Monday, at Women's Jap Waists, worth up to $.".00. nt Children's $2.00 Dresses, nt Women' $2.00, Lawn Wrapper, at l 1.98 49c 1.00 i 7-inch Black Taffeta, worth $1.00. .69c 95c I ,n thin alo, at. yurd.. 30-Inch Clack Taffeta, worth Jl.uO, in tnts vale, at, yard A lot of silks, Including both plain and fancy. Borne sold for Too, others for M.U) tosell them quickly only, 25C 10 pieces wide silks for house gown nnd klmonas, worth up to $1.00, jnn will sell Monday, nt, yard -Vw Domestic Room WEEK AND OUR THE LOWEST. EXTKA SPECIALS. 15c Lanw 0 Ho ' I n d 1 go" B i ii o" Pri nt', at, ynrd 6c Cambrlo Linings, at. ynrd , .3ic .3ic . lc 26c Percales, dark color, A at, yard IUW 8c Madrasse, , f ftp at, yard . 'WW 15c Dress Gingham, S7r at. vard 12Vio Dress Ginghams, at, ynrd , 1,000 other bargain for Monday. .5c Properly cared for by na EFFICIENT, PRACTICAL OPTICIAN of long ex perience. Your glasses supplied at nom inal cost. PERFECT SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. comber, 1896, running for a trtn "of froth one to ten year, with an annual rental or from $1 to $1110 per year. Nearly all of these lease expired before and during the yer lirOL I was unable to ascertain whether the money culled for in said lease had been regularly collected. A to the leasing and releasing of theee various prop erties there euem to have been nothing done since 1M7. 1 - I believe that, at the least calculation, $100,0110 could be realised by the city of Omaha from these various properties through the earnest co-operation of the executive, legls'ative and legal depart ments. The ilrst thing to be done, how ever, is the getting up of a complete rec ord of what the city own how and by whom occupied, and by . what authority. To do this will require a great amount of surveying and a complete search of all records. In this connection, 1 also wish to mention the various strips of parts of street which were n.trrowed some ten or fifteen years ago. About one-half of theoe atrlps were purchased at the time by the adjoining properly owners at tho ap praised vultiHtloti made, amounting to from $.100 to $!6,0uo, opposite each lot, since which time theso parties have been paying botli regular and special taxes upon thee strips. On the other hsnd, those who Old not purchnse have taken possession of same and some have put buildings thereon. They refuse, however, to pay the taxes levied ot same, nnd It Is only recent'y that the Ames estate, owning the lot .ad joining one of these strips, in a communi cation to the oounell, refused to pay a sidewalk tax on account of the city own ing the strip lying between their property and the street. They also raised trie same question when Chicago street was repsved. nnd on the recommendation of the city at torney the cost of the repavlng opposite tho strip was taxed to the city,, and yet they are occupying the same. Applies to Wslteley Property, This also applies to the Wakeley resi dence on Chicago and Nineteenth street. winning ine ir-pw 011 me 111 ine cuy comptroller' ofllco I find a deed to Mr. Wakeley for this property, properly exe cuted and having a consideration of $.1(10; but for some renaon It has marked upon it the word "rnnce'ed." The amount In the 'deed, I suppose, represents the bid made by Mr. Wakeley. Tbere mny also be some eases where parties have paid the amount bid for strips, but for some reason, probably an oversight, they deed has never been Issued, or, if issued, there Is no record of same. This eems to have been the rase with J. E. Boyd, a shown bv a resolution recently passed by the city council dlrectlnir the nwor to deed to 3. E. Boyd the strip opposite thl prop erty, for the reason that Mr. Boyd had purchased said strip, giving the date and amount of said purchnse. I do not believe, however, ' that tnere are many such caies, but what there Is of them, f any. will no doubt develop when notices nre rerved on thee Turtles to vacate. Another matter which I believe Is wrong Is the leasing of any city property for a immlnal num. A f"lr market price should be had In each case, 1 Mr. Peterson Is working on hi report to bring It up to date and show condition a they are today. Assaulted by m Stranger. Charles Meyer, living In the rear of 712 South Eighteenth street, waa afulted Friday afternoon by a stranger at Four teenth and Lougls streets. Meyer was nt the time returning from South Omaha on a street car and wu atruck as he alighted from the car. He mas taken home in a conveyance by friends and attended by lr. Stuart MaclMlrmid. Meyer none and lips were badly bruised. He was resting easily at lust report Th assailant made bis vsvupe and in. police are at work 011 the case. The Lending Dress Goods House of the West More Wool Dress Goods Than All the Other Omaha Stocks Combined. WE lif! NOW rRFrARFn TO SHOW ALL THE NEW FALL STYLES IN WOOL DRFHS GOODS, NEW PRINTED WARP MOHAIRS NEW MANVTSM FFFTS IN TAlLOli SUITINGS, NEW Z1UEL1NES. fcTC. AT .RICES THAT AR LES3 THAN AN V OTHER WESTERN HOUSE. BLACK DRESS GOODS-PRIESTLET'S 19 ALWAT3 FIRST IN BLACKS. Black Broadcloth, at, yard, 15.00, H.on, 3. $2.0 and Pluck Cheviot, at, yard. 14 50, $."!.. $3 60. $1.M, TXc and Block Fancies, at, yard, from 15.00 down to 1.00 49c 49c Popular Prices Dress Goods Pr,n'a"u,V ZJiX ry?LFt-,?Pvl,2rLAR PRICED ALL WOOL AND PART WOOL DRESS GOODS IN THE CITT. PRICES KL IS r ROM 10c TO 69c PER YARD. 64-lncli Ladle' Cloth, worth tl.00, K.Cln nt, yard Ovw H-lneh Rlack Sicilian, worth 11.00. at, yard 59c 49c Vlnch All Wool Zlbellnc, worth 7jo, at, ynrd 40-Inch Scotch Mixtures, worth ACXr. fCc, at, yord VC 40-Inch Granite Cloth, worth 39c (oc, ai, yara Our Prices Defy Competition in Our Linen and Domestic Department. MONDAY WE WILL HAVE SOME RECORD BREAKING PRICES. FEW PRICES BELOW. Rendy-Made Sheets, mado of New York Mills Sheeting, blenched, 2 '.4 yards wide nnd yards long, wl(ie hem, without neam. regular price guaranteed 7!c. Mon day we will limit six sheet to Tir1 a customer, at, each. - m a Ready-Made Pillow Cnses, 42 and 45 Inch, linen finish with wide hem, regular ISc value only 12 to a. customer lCir at, each ..a"2 20 yards Unbleached Muslin, yard wldo, regular "He value. Monday wo will sell 2 yard to a cutomer . 9C Extra Shoe Specials Monday A big August clean-up sale of shoes, slippers and oxfords AT LESS than the cost to make. Uuy your school shoes now and save almost half. We do not want .to carry over any sum mer goods and have put the knife in the regular prices. Women' sample $3.00 hoes 1 (f all leathers ,. VU Men's $2.60 and $3.00 sample and 1 Of odd lots shoes ttZfXt Infant's S5c soft soles fancy silk tops, 1 4 .... 15c Men's $2.M and $3.00 patent colt nnd velour calf oxfords .v Infant's $-5 60c, 75c nnd $1.00 Bam- 'lQr pie shoes, all leather Child's 5-11 "6o and $100 aarnpla nQc turn cole shoe w Omaha agents for the STETSON. CROSSETT and JOHN MITCHELL Shoe for i i tt tu a -wi iiunvcii h,. fur wntnun Don t vour feet hurt you this hot weather7 Wear a G ROVER HAND HARDWARE AND HOUSEFURNISHINCS Mrs. Potts' Patent Hundle Bad Irons, throe Irons, handle and stand, x 79C Frul" Cuw,' per dozen, 39C urner Qasoiine 'BtoveV ' ""'"""2.49 Can What Yrtu Can Duv for 3 l-2c Each W W wv,. - T J ' - 10c Pot Scraper 10c Can Opener 10c potato Masher 15c Wire Soap Dish 15c Box Wax TaDers loc Bottle Machine Oil 15c Mr. Potts' Sad Iron Handles 10c Scrub " i ........ n'u n ta Tin- rjl:i I.emnn Extracters Ea Beater and hun- rUHU A -VJ Ud I l. in . ....- - - .1 i - .rl n Ui, Vfvrlh fnilll IOC tO LI I CUB VI Ul"'l " .. . STOP CUT IN SUGAR RATE Allied Railroads Respond to Appeal of Jobbers to Hold Off. THREATENED WAR ' QUICKLY AVERTED Hurry-l'p Call Sent Oat by Trans portation Conipa.ule In Chlcaajro Result Mean Much Good to Omaba Men. The threatened sugar rato war, almost precipitated yesterday by a cut of 6 cents by the Milwaukee to become effective at once, and by the Burlington to take effect August 25, was nipped In tho bud. A hurry-up call of raflroad official rep resenting the roads doing the cuttlug and other northern road was made at Chicago and the old rate will stand. These rate were fixed at a meeting held some time ago In Chicago at which time, the rate from Now York to Omaha was fixed at (7 cents, and from the gulf to Omaha at 87 cent. Thl was an Increase for the gulf roads from 32 cents. The gulf road during the last few day havo been claiming their neW rate was too high, consequently they have been losing much of the sugar trade. This Inspired them to go back to the old rate. The Burlington and the Milwaukee re taliated by making the 6-cent rate, which it would have been - Impossible for the southern road to meet withaut a great losa of money. Such a reduction In rate meant much to Omaha Jobbers and rail day Saturday the wire were kept hot to Chicago for In formation. All of the Jobber are heavily stocked with eugar for the trad of next month and thl wa bought under the h'gh rate and would have to be disposed of un der tho low rate, meaning a losa of the difference. Bald a well Informed Jobber: "The effect of the cut in rate would be severe lo to Omaha Jobbers. We have laid In large stocks of sugar under the high rate to pre pare for the large trade of next month and this would have to be sold In accord ance with the cut. It would mean a heavy loss to the owner of eiignr beet mills also, a they would have to shrink their profit to meet the decreased rate. In Nebraska and rtah. the mill have Just begun to grind, while the California miller have started their shipments. It will be roine ten days, however, before the products of these mill reach the eastern markets, a they supply their wes'.-rn trade first, but they, too, will likely cum In for heavy lo." HUSBAND RESCUES HIS WIFE Take Young Woman Away from Re sort to Which She We Led by Evil Companion Florence Burnett, an Inmate cf Jennie Martin' resort at 824 Dodge street, ha been fined $ and costs by Police Jutlgj Berku. The Burnett woman was arraigned on the charge of vagrancy and being a dis orderly character. It I aald a charge of procuring will be filed against Mis Burnett next Monday morning in police court. It t alleged that Florence Burnett went to Osceola a few day go and Induced Mrs. Ethel McCormlck to come to Omaha under the pretext of securing lucrative employ ment and wearing fine clothe and enjoying life. Mr. McCormlck followed hi wife t5 Omaha and, with two police u Ulcers, res cued her from the Martin resort Friday veiling, Xt U UA JUi. JduCoriuluk w TAILOR SUITINGS. Fancy Mohairs, at, yard, 49c, 59o, s Rf) . rut ,.n n J Mannish effect In Tailor Suitings, nt. yard. 6oc to New r.lbellnes. In all the new weave, at, yard, 4o to New Voiles and Crepe Eollencs, at, yard, 85 to 5.00 3.50 3.00 40-Inch French Plaid, worth 7Cc, at, yard 60-Inch New Fall Fancies, worth &9c, nt, yard 73o All Wool Challles, at, yard., EXTRA SPECIALS. 39c 25c 25c FROM :00 to 11:30 A. M In our high grade Dree Good Department, we will NOTE A English Long Cloth, soft finish, yard wldo, K',c value. Monday we will sell 4 itM Li yard for I.vCJ Mercerised Table Dflmnsk, pure white. In beautiful patterns, regular iuc Value. On ppectal sale, T?lr it, yord OAJW Pure Linen Toweling, iinblcnched, IS Inch wide, regular 12MiC value, 71r at, yard India Llnon, Dotted Swiss, Check Nnln sook. etc., regular 10a value, Cn on sale, at, yard Child' 6-8 $1.00 sample turn sola fQr nippers Wk Boys', youth' and little gent' $1.50 satin calf School 6hoes. OQr sites -5H VOW Misses' and child's viol kid and fkQn box calf $1.50 School Shoe VOW Women' 00 vlcl kid lace shoe j29 Men's $2.00 vlcl kid nnd fine satin VQ calf shoes, at g.w SEWED SHOE and be comfortable. IDC. working In a hotel at Osceola at the time he left. Mrs. McCormlck Is being held at the matron's department at the city Jail as a witness against the Burnett woman. Mr.v McCorTnlck I anxlou to return with his wife and the runaway wife seem equally anxlou to return to the pastoral Osceola. Mr. McCormlck I but 18 year of age. She waa married at 18. It Is reported love' dream wa not continuously a bliss ful as Cupid had pictured It and the youth ful wife wa not Blow to listen to the siren voice of the tempter which came in the person of Florence Burnett, who worked with the .unsophisticated Mr. McCormlck, bo when the Omaha woman told of the life of oontlnuous pleasure to ba had for the coming. In Omaha, the young woman came. She landed, under the benign direction of her temptor, In the resort,, out says a scon as she learned of Its character she locked herself In her room and averted the shame into which she came so neat falling with out knowing It. WINONA BIBLE CONFERENCE Tenth International Gathering; Christian Worker Heady to Begin It Work. I WARSAW. Ind., Aug. 20. Tha tenth Winona Bible conference and inter national gathering of Bible stu dent and Christian worker will begin It annual session at Winona Lake Sunday, August 21, when the director. Rev. J. Wllber Chapman, will deliver the open ing sermon. All phase and topic of religious work are to be discussed by soma of the leading pastor of England, Scot land, Caimda and the United States. Several Omaha minister contemplate at tending this conference. Dr. W. II. Bur dick of the Second Presbyterian already 1 tilers. THI CK KXTEMM2D FOR . TWO DAY Pru7n Rovernraent and Insur gents Fail to Com to Term. BUENO8 AYRES, Aug. 20-Pasenger arriving at Formosa from Asuncion, capi tal of Puraguay, say that the truce be tween the Paraguayan government force and the insurgents has been extended for a further period of forty-eight hours. The recent Interview between the government and Insurgent chiefs was without result. Th latter demand three portfolio la the ministry, half the member of both cham ber and the office of chief of police. Tha government concede the mlnlaterie of foreign affairs and Justice. The government 1 cald to posses 5,000 or 6,000 men, of whom about 1,200 are regu lar and the rest undisciplined men, who are dally deserting to th Insurgent. The Insurgent vessels have taken the depart ment cf ,San Pablo, Villa Rosario, Con ception and other. Families are emigrat ing to Asuncion, some are going to the In terior and others are bound for Argentina. It is said that at the request of the dip lomatic corps the Insurgents have prom ised not to further bombard Asuncion, so long as the government doo not attack the Insurgent squndron. - The number of cattle In Asuncion Is lim ited und prices uf provision are rising. PA Ml WANTS rEACll WITH AIL Not Looking; tor War and Especially Not with Colombia. PANAMA, Aug. . President Aml.lbr today Informed the correspondent of the Associated Pre that there I 110 truth la th report received In New York yesterday from Buena Ventura, Colombia, to th tffect that th government " of Panama .d autloued a garrlavu at Nulgl, at the i m ' ' I. 1 . . J New Walstlngs, In Mercerised Warp and All Wool, at, yard ?0o and 5Uo Tto tQ0 We are Omaha Agents for Lnnsdowne, nt, ynrd 1.25 FOR POPULAR TRICED DRESS GOODS SEE THE DOMESTIC ROOM. SEND FOR SAMPLES sell short and long length of Mgh grade Dre. Goods, Voiles, Tailor Suitings, Mohair, etc., worth from H2S to $360 yard only one pattern to a cu. OQp tomer it, yard... CJVfc FROM I TO 4 P. M.-We will sell All Wool and Half Wool Dres Goods, worth from DOc to $1.25 ynrd only one pattern Ifyn to customer at, yard. Notion Department 60c Lndleg' Belts. JC Monday JC 11.00 fancy Silk and Leather C) ltolts jwt The "Peggy" Bags at 49o Off- and. , w JOc Wash Taffeta ribbon, per yard : &0c Ladles' Neckwear at .10c 19c Closing Out All Summer Laces One-Third Off. China Department Decorated English Soup nnd c oyster jbowis 6-qunrt Fireproof Cooking Pot, sell regu larly at ooo, on aie Monaay, loC Crystal Sugar and Cream Set, 15c Jnpanese Egg Shell Decornted Cups and Saucer, worth 76c, Monday, 23C Majallca 2-quart Water Pitcher. Qg Just received a beautiful lln of English Crown China Cups, Saucer and irir Plates, up from OVW Flannel Department 16c Fnncy Stripe, book fold fine Zephyr Gingham, filr-, at. yard UJC 25c 27-inch wide White Wool 4 fi Flannel, at, yard IOW 15e .TO-lnch wide Outing Ql Flannel, at, yard OJl. One ease fine Check Apron C Gingham, at, yard Another ;reat aile " of Cotton Flannel, extra wide nnd heavy, worth B. 10c, at, yard I case's $1.25 Bed Spreads, QB at, each OCJC 1 case $1.00 Bed Spreads, AQr at, euch zf confluence of the Atrata and San Juan rivers, thereby assuming formal posses sion of a wide trp of the Colombian de partment of Cauoa. The president added that Panama wants peace with all na tion and especially with Colombia. CRANK THREATENS DEATH Propound Quest ion to Federal O di cer Bearing: on Naturalisation and Promise Violence. NEW YORK, Aug. 20. -An ahonymou letter wa received today by Assistant United State Pitrlct Attorney Joel M. Marx threatening the federal official and those connected1 with him with death if the prosecution and arrest of Italians for alleged naturalisation frauds did not cease. Mr. Marx ha since hi appointment as as sistant district attorney last January caused the arrest of mnny Italians on charges of naturallratlon frauds. The letter, which evidently was written by an Illiterate person, ask why the men who cause fraudulent paper to be Issued are not arrested Instead of the person to whom, they are Issued. The letter wa signed, with a roughly drawn heart pierced by an arrow. LEADS HIS men .TO VICTORY General HaeArtbor Take Charge ot the Maneuver in California. CAMP ATASCADERO. Cnl., Aug. 80. Today wa Major General Arthur Mac Arthur' problom, the first of which h hn taken charge of elnce th maneuver began. It concerned with the march and deployment of a division. A blue force of two column commanded by Colonel Marklcy .and Ward and under the direct suporvlblon of the general advanced against an Inferior brown forco, constituting an advance part of a main army supposed to be locuted at Santa Barbara. The rnurch Included climb over Bteep hill and many of the militia fell from the ranks from exhaustion. A an example of technical Bklll In handling men General MacArthur's strategy of today was worthy of hi rank. Bondsmen Surrender Their Men. ABERDEEN, 8. D., Aug. . (Special.) August Siebrecht, formerly postmaster at LeUeau, but now a resident of Bowdle, wa brought tofore Federal Court . Com missioner J. E. Adams, who committed him to Jail for safe keeping. Borne time since Siebrecht was arrested on the charge of having embezzled government money whl'e postmaster and was placed under a bond of $600 for his appearance In the federal court. For some reason Ms bondsmen became uneasy and surrendered Siebrecht to the authorities. Wheat Yield Are Better. ABERDEEN, a D., Aug. 0. 8peclal.) Treshlng rejort continue, to show yield surlor to those expected, owing to the rust scar. W. ' F. Lange of Northville report that F. C. Mariner, near that town, threshed out fifteen and one-half bushels of wheat per acre from hi crop, and It grade No. 1 northern. John John son, the Milwaukee roadmuster, say re ports from Tulare, Letcher, Woonsocket and other places show an average yield In tho neighborhood of ten bushels to the acre of good wheat. Isal FUM Over Doll Carriage. PIERRE. 8. D., Aug. 20.-(Spacll.) A case which ha been rallud in a Justice court for toduy show the extent to which men wl'l go, when their aoger 1 arouned. The rhlMren of two families eng.iged In a (iuarrl over the ksw hjn ot a doll car riage worth a few cents, and It wu taken up by Uivlr paj-cut. uu. vl UUut (vlviu- A SIMPLE STORY But one that la of Tast Importance to ytu. It touches the most vital point In your existence YOUR POCKETBOOIv. THE STORY: During the rt week we have rear ranged our whole Furniture Stock. Wo have gone through our warehouses nnd the Is we rind we have Too MUCH FURNITURE. To reduce tMIs great ! k and do It uuick, we have decided to stait the most sfnsntional Furniture Sale ever attempted In these I"irts. If you need anything In the Furniture line; if you ex pect to need anything sown; If you have nut off buying some article, wn ting, per haps for THIS opportunity. HERE AND NOW IS YOUR CHANCE. Come one dollar do the work of throe. Cost will not tw considered I Iri i thla sole. You will be surprised. 1,J Metal liels Into designs all go below the mak er's cost. A Furniture Sale That You Will Remember. GENTS' FURNISHINGS One lot of Men's Working Shirts, In Htfl't mitl tlnrk colors, with double TQ fronts and bricks, worth up to JiSc, Montlny, ut, ench One lot of Hoys' 8 went era. In plutn and fancy colors, regular 50c 10i quality, Monday, at, each Men's Fancy Hose, German Llslp, In plain and fancy colors, worth 1 . 3tc, Mouday, at, pair...' Speca Hour Sales FROM 10 TO 11 A. M. For one bour we will jdnoe on sale Ladles' Fine Fancy t Lisle Thread and Mercerized Sleeveless Vests, in black, white and colors, 'worth from lc to S!)c, (quantity liniltedi, nt, each ....J FItOM 11 TO 12 A. M. We will place on sale uiH) dozen Ladles Hose, 'In Jilalu and fancy colors, worth from l,"c to a5c for one hour only at, pair TRUNKS! TRUNKS!! Carpet and Drapery Specials 8:00 Ajw! Sample lot of high and modlum grade Rope Portiere, some slightly soiled, worth up to $5.00 each, Monday, at 2,000 yard special pattern best All wool Ingrain Carpets, S to 60 ynrd pieces, Monday, yer yard...,, 15x17 Reversible Rugs, O e at. each : aSOW. Grocery Department SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR CLOSE BUYERS W-pound can Totted Beef, Ham or longus , Vi-pound can OH or Mustard Surdities.. Celluh.ld, Magnetic, Elaslia or I. X. L. Starch , 1-pound can Alaska Salmon Condensed Mince Meat, pkg S-pound can Boston Bnked Leans Imported Macaroni, pkg X-Cello, Neutrlta, Force, Vigor or Vim, pkg 10 bars best Laundry Soap 3 bars Wool or Armour's White Soap... Evaporated Peaches, lb....; "is 7Ho 6o 84c 8'tc 74c 2..o Mo 7Hc Ing the carriage from the possession of the other. The coats In the suit have alreudy gone up to about twenty dollars, and the case has Just barely begun. Even If the mutter Is allowed to end by th hearing In the Justice court, either party could have bought a half dozen carriages like the one In dispute with their attorney fees alone. HORMOXS ISFLl ESftB VOTE American Mining; Conarre Will De Reinforced by Proalc. PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 20. By a decision arrived at today by president J. II. Rich ards, Vice President Ewing and Secretary Mahon of tho executive committee of the American Mining congress, the voting of proxies by delegates and members will be permitted In deliberations of the seventh annual session of that body to be held In thl city next week. The notion Is a decision upon the con stitutional provisions of the congress and Is one of the greatest Importance, In view of the fact that a decision Is to be reached a to the permanent headquarter and also because of the contest for the next annunl convention. Salt Lake City dolegute have wired home for 600 proxlts to be voted In the contest for permanent headquarter. HOLK1IEIMER FAVORS TUB MORMON WH1 Not Rnn for Coniirtm Owing to Condition In Idaho, LAORAND13. OTe., Aug. 20. F. H. H0I3 helmer xf Pocatello, Idaho, who is Jiere, stated that he had tendered his resignation as nominee for congress owing to the fact that conditions have arisen since hi nomi nation regarding the Mormon question that make It appear that a campaign la to be waged against the Mormons In that state. Ho feels that he cannot do Justice to hi party and wage a war of that kind. ROOSEVELT REACHES OYSTER BAY Prraldent and Party at the Loag Island Summer liurae, OYSTER BAY, Aug. tO.-Presldent Roose velt and purty arrived here at 8:18 p. m. DISEASE IS A DEAR ARTICLE Intelligent I .ana Might Save Much Waste of Health, Life and Money. By careful calculation the cost of ma larial fever In Texas alone Is estimated by Dr. Woldert to be at least $0,000,000 a year and probably nearer $10,000,000. One person In twelve in some pluces Is down with the disease. What a good business plan It would be to ave three-fourtha or nine tenths of this wasted money by preventing the disease. No physician doubts the possi bility; the methods of prevention are well known and are easily carried out. The public, however at leuut Its law makers cannot be brought to reallxe the wisdom of nich economy. Money can be found for "Junketing tours." public build ings of a political character, and a hun dred less necessary measures, but nothing, or next to nothing for stopping the greyest losa to the community that from disease. For every dollar spent to pay public health officers arid the cx'nse of preventive medi cine there can be $110 saved. ' It Is thl financial aspect unfortunately that must be emphasised, and which, long enough and louilly enough reiterated, may ut lust bring about some attention and practical lawmaking on the part of our legislative txxlles. H.miis plantbriUt should give a $Ufo prUu for the bctt essiy on the subject, "The Jxpenne of Dli.ei.Mi to lbs State," di-lgned to show the couiruru pvfyl. U UiucU couU be vJ tj boards lii! TUB HRLIABLB HOKE, TRUNKS!!! Another fortunate purchase. A Trunk Manufacturer of Orange Vnl lev, N. J., on account of ome labor trouble, was tumble to make deliv eries according to contract, the natural result being an accumulation of several hundred trunks, which he offered to us nt a price that would not cover the cost of production (Steamer and Dresser Trunk for Men and Women. We Offer Them at One-Third Sav ing $3.00 to $30.00. ,1.98 ..60c 80x56 Reversible Wool Smyrna Rugs, f)Qr each VOW Evaporated English Currants, lb Ti Ruby Prunes, lb , $'o FRE8H FRUIT SPECIALS. Large, Jxlcy Lemons, do 12a Fancy P.artlett pears, do , 15q Hallowe'en Date, lb , 60 California White Fig, pkg 60 Strained Honey, rack Ho BUTTER! BUTTER!! BUTTER!!! Fancy Separator Creamery, lb........... 20o Good Separator Creamery, lb 18a Choice Country Butter, lb. ............ ...12fta of health if made active and powerful by public money and support. Such a pamphlet sent and repeatedly sent to every voter should In time establish competent publlo health officers. and then lesson the' mortality rate by half and the morbidity figures by three-fourth. For every death there are two year of sick ness and even with our present knowledge at loast half of thl waste of money and, life la unnecessary. American Medicine. When In St, Loot see the Grand Trunk exhibit In the For estry, Fish and Game ' Building and gat from attendant Illustrated literature 'de scribing the finest summer resort region on the American continent, all of which are most conveniently reached by the new Grand Trunk-Illinois Central through car line from St. Louis to Montreal. If desired, publication and Information as to train service will to sent by mall by tho Advertising Department, Grand Trunk Railway System, 135 Adams SI., Chicago, Geo. W. Vaux, A. G. P. A T. A. Speolal Summer Tourist Tea ta Ken tueky, Tennessee, North Carolina and Virginia. The Chicago Great Western Railway will ell speolal round trip tickets at very low rate to Crab Orchard, Ky.j Mlddlebor eugh,, Ky.; Tate Springs, Conn.) Olive Spring, Tenn.j Ashevllle, N. C.I Hot Springs. N. C l Roanoke, Va.( Glade Springs. Va.; Radford, Va.j and other points. Tickets on sale dally, good to re turn until October 31. For further Infor mation apply 10 8. D. PARKHUH8T. Gen eral Agent. OiU.Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. Special Summer Tourist Rate to Dee trolt. Mich. The Chicago Great Western railway wilt sell round trip ticket at on fere plus $2 00. Ticket on sals dally. Good return Ing until October 31. For further Informa. tlon apply to 8. D. Parkhurat. General Agent, 1311 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. A. B. Hviermonn. diamonds; own Imp. Flrst-clnss watch and Jewelry work at Hubcrmunn', corner Hth and Douglas, , DELICATE GIRLS And women everywhere receive ImmedluU benefit from a few dose of Hoatetterg Stomach Blttor. It is especially com pounded a ft cure for air womanly ill aad ha proven safe and reliable. Prominent physician endorse 1 l.GsfQiicr's Stonacli Bitters without hesitancy, for past exKi lrti ha proven It to be the beet remedy on the market for sickly women. By restoring functional regularity It cure. Sleeplessness, .nervousness, Sick Kssdacbe, Nausea, Cramp., Fainting Spells, Dyspepsia and Indljestisii. . W I.IIUIL. STOMACH A trtnl will convlrn) yon of It vul'm. I'uii't H-!iv: tuf J (If i A