10 Tim OMAITA' DAILY TtE"E: FKIDAT, ATTOTTKT IP, lSXM. ECCZS MD HACAZKES F K&a a Sew Pffputurs lj Com- Eden ft tryu in BrptemDer. ;cajr,UTC75 fArmoN information fimriu, Fm ke-teaee fcy 1h )M Aror ! Smart Set Iss , portMtt feVfeatlne Arzlcl 1 , September Ceatery. Alnslen's for fWrtembor ConUnues the steady progress in qnamy wnica in m re markable feature of this magazine during tbe current year.' A new departure In the beginning of a serial, and the publisher! have been' fortunate In Inaugurating this novelty In bavins a story by Agues and . . IKEdgerton Qurtle, which has all of the char- fctr1stlc charm of these delightful writers. It Is called "The Heart of Lady Anne." The complete novelette has not, however, been sacrificed. The one for this month. Is Her Brother's Tutor," by Caroline Duer. kThe magazine also shows Its determination 'to keep abreast of the times by offering to Its readers a new story by Margaret Sutton Brisooe, entitled "Philandering," the character of whlcb Is such as to make it a feature. Humorous fiction Is repre sented by exceptionally good stories by Joseph C. Lincoln, who contributes "Ths Boojoo Man," and Holman F. Day, whose story. "For the Hand of the Widow Jud on,". la a lifelike sketch of the down east Tanks. Other stories equally good are "Letters of sn Outsider," by Felicia Ood ard; "The Winged Harp," by Kate Mas terson; "The Little Blush Rose," by Edith MaoVane, a new writer of great promise; "The Duffer,'.' by Frank Savllle; "Mrs. Jawrence's New Maid," by Anne O'llagan, and "The Metamorphosis of Colin," by Rafael Babatlni, The poetry is contributed iy Arthur Stringer, Robert Loveman, Ar thur Ketchum, John Vance Cheney, Theo dora Roberts and W. D. Nesblt The fourth of the series on social life in American ma 4a am fntenMtlnr ah Its nredecessora. Pit is Tb Social Side of Philadelphia." ' To those who follow the movements of fashion The' Delineator for September is an exceptionally interesting number, contain ing advance information upon the end-of- pthe-year styles, and illustrating in colors and In black-and-white some of the latest developments of the season's modes. The literary section is not less attractive. The first place. is given to a timely article on The Women of Russia," v by Wolf von Uchlerhrand. . Rebecca Williams is the sub ject of an, interesting biographical sketch In the "Pioneer Women" stories, and the delightful aeries of pictures and letters of travel is brought to an end. Dr. Grace Peckham Murray writes on "Bodily Sym metry," Wile Hamilton French has another of the enjoyable "Joy of Living" papers, and there are well-illustrated short stories by Alden Arthur Knlpe, Albert Blgelow Paine and Francis Lynda For the young folks are stories and pastimes of an enter ' talning and helpful character, Including the continuation of the "Little Garden Calen dar" and further adventures of Tommy , Postofnce, as well as an instructive paper I by Llna Beard on the homes and domestic arts of the Filipinos. Ths interests of the home are treated thoroughly and practi cally in the various departments, which are In charge of experts. . September is the season of turning loaves; the brightest will be found in this month's Bmartset. It contains 160 pages of delight- Jul stories, poems and sketches by tbe "best uthors. An unusually clever novelette, "The Mission of Mr. Eustace Greyne," by Robert Hlchens, opens the number. It is a very humorous account of the mistakes and jiiinuciiimiiuiB IA nil CJlKUBIUIJtUl WI1U, OU i behalf of his literary wife, endeavors to make a dignified study of "African frailty" among the shady corners of Algeria. All Ltha world desires to be entertained and neeas to oe inspired; between the covers of this "magazine of cleverness" both inspira tion and entertainment await all readers. The Smart Set offers better and newer llt- j craiure inun any otner monthly. It la Announced that the September num i bor of the Century will contain a very important acientlflo article from the pen of Prof. Henry Fairfield Oeborn, professor i of zoology in Columbia university and cur ; ator of paleontology In the American Mu j seunv e-f Natural History, New York City, (being the first of his group of articles on ;the "Fossil Wonders' of the West." which f will be In the nature of, a revelation to the clentifio world concerning recent discov eries and advance in our knowledge of J the antfent history . of America, based on the explorations and rich finds of the Amer ican Museum In the far west. The Sep tember number will describe the circum stance of discovery of the "Bone Cabin 'Juarry" in Wyoming and Tesults of six years' excavation at that point. "The Adventurer in Bpaln." by 8. R. Crockett (Frederick A, Btokes company). Is ,' romance of Spain of today.- with some ,' political satire whlck Is not always obvious. y i o iiauio iu me vw a smuggler, twomen without stint and the hero who al- roost always does the right thing. ! . "A Te Matchmaker," by Andy Adams, romance of Texas life, full of Interesting 'adventure, with good, descriptions of the 'country and the habits and customs of the (people. Published by Houghton, Mifflin 4 'Co, ' ' "Heseklah's Kortshtp." by Hesrklah a Jones" , wife, Frank A. Van Denburg. A , weI told tale of how Mrs. Hexeklah la ( bored to write a book' for the city man r4hat would par off the mortgage. The writing was all done without Heseklah's knowledge. The story and the trials and Interruptions . of the author and how she , finally overcame it all makes an Interesting .' tale. , Published by Richard G. Badger. . , 'The Castaway.'' A story of three great rnen ruined in one year a king, a cad and a castaway, by Hillle Ermine Rives. Il lustrated in color by Howard Chandler Christy. Published by Bobba-Merrlll com pany. . Above books ' at lowest retail prices. Matthews, 151 Boutb Fifteenth street. "A An J V r7 Bis Sato flea's Shirts sj ELemnsLat Friday All Odds and Endsand Short Pieces Prom the KELLEY-STIGER STOCK AT EVEN GREATER Fine Corded Ginghams suitable for girl BBohool dresses, they are Jn good long lengths, and worth 15c yard- special at, yard . . . 36-locb Dress Percale rv 1 in new dark styles V 0 g excellent quality j) " ty choice, at, yard Fine) Dotted Dress Swiss pry all slse woven dots, 1 0 worth 25c yard fl special, at, yard Cambric and Long Cloth ff Remnanta fi ner than L t I 1 w .. in. fi H yard go at, yard .... Black and Colored fler cerlzed Sateen none better at any price, special, yard ma 15c Various Grades White Lawn Remnants 'Zl np to 40-inch width, special bargain, at, yard 2v Dress Goods From Kelley-5tlger Kelley-Stiger's black and colored dress goods choicest spring, fall and winter styles, tailor cioth, golf skirting, Panamas, mohairs, etamines, etc. regardless of former price, at, yard 45c ids at 25c $1 Dress Goods at 25c Yard Wool Suitings, granites, Panamas, eta, 3 to 8 yard lengths- cream, black and all colors, at, yard Remnants of Danish mtsof Danish i jT. l cream, black 1 1 ! J gr lolors enough 11 it Clofh- and colors- for dresses, yard Wash Voile A regu-"f xfK lar 25a goods, cream, 1 1 If II black and all colors, at, yard Ladies' $3, $4 and $5 Any Ladies' Oxford Tie in ter what it cost to close en's Hose I2lc. It's the kind that usually sells for 35o or 8 pair for 11.00. Today we place on sale 850 dozen of fine tan colored hose with silk embroidery, the kind that furnishers sell at 35c or 8 pair for one dollar, our sale price 12c; all sizes and no limit to the quantity. These hose were lost in transit by the railroad com pany, the consignee refused them on ac count of the lateness of the season; we bought them at our own price and now offer them at a price that ought to move them quick. Mohair Shirts $1.50. We are keeping up a full line of sizes In mohair shirts, with or without collars, it's the same shirt you pay elsewhere $2.00 for. 50s Underwesr 25c. For 25o we sell all sorts of 60c underwear, pure white, sky blue or mottled. $12.50 Hsn's Suits $7.50. We are making a special leader of $7.60 suits. Here you will And fully aa good1 a suit for $7.60 as nearby stores charge $12.50 for. Closing Out tha Opsnheini Stcsk. Additional reductions have been made to close out the remainder of the Open helm stock. Anybody needing anything in summer goods can get them here for about half of what you have 'to pay elsewhere. Men's suits at $2.89, $2.98, $3.90, $4.90 and $4.90; for the latter price we offer fine all wool unfinished worsteds, also Prince Al bert suit.. Men's pants 48c, 69c, 98c, $1.39 and $1.90; the $1.89 worsted pants are ex ceptionally cheap,' ask the salesman to show you them. Pink- and tan colored underwear 16c; cotton gloves 6c; umbrellas 25o; linen collars 5c; overalls 25c; houe 8 pair for 10c; raincoats $1.48; all kinds of shirts 26c; handkerchiefs 8c. Amongst these goods may be Just what you are looking for. if It Is you can buy it here at a v great saving. GimniHJTEE CL0T.11.IG CO., (519-1521 C3UGL&S ST. For Crane's Writing Paper and Fountain Pens, go to BarkoJow Bros. BOOK SHOP. Ttl. B22S. 1216 Firman St. , Mrs. J. BENSON NEW fall Waists and Silk girts elegant line of New Laee, Mousse line da Bote and other Evening Wafsts. A h&ndsoin Una ef New Silk Waists la black, navy and brown. All the Utat shade, and shape, la New t::U I'&tticoatsi i Saturday Hears , Snlrts ' at 7C BARGAINS TODAY. Neat etripes and checkB, .re in g 1 - 02C 40-Inch White) Lawn pgr 71 2C wuriu iwo regular go at, per yard '. Finest Print Remnanta . manufactured In blues, grays, black and white, yard ....... Mill-Ends 36-In. Bleach ed Muslin good grade at, per yard 5 c Standard Shirting Prints tins Prima jures- Pg dots and fig long lengths, yard Lace Rcmia.nts From KelieyStlgera Remnants and odd lengths of all kinds of laces vals, torchons, eluny, Point de E- J2i'?::....: Embroideries In edgings and in 1 sortings medium widths very pretty patterns, worth up to 35o yard at, yard 5c, 10c, 2lc Remnants of Linens Remnants of Sanitary Cot ton Diaper, worth 10o, for, yard 5c Remnants Table. Damask to 3)i yard lengtns, all kinds and qualities, at about one-half their real value -1 Remnants Toweling, worth up to 120 yard, in 1 to 2 yard lengths, a remnant. Oxford Ties at $1.98 the house no mat- -1.98 thein out, at, pair Vrito For Our Uoi Drug Catalogue Our new catalogue Is now ready for dis tribution. It contains Items of interest to DOCTORS, DRUGGISTS, HOSPITALS, and the PUBLIC. WRITE FOR THE CATALOG UK IT'S FREE. . Some aamnle CatalfMrue nrlces! 60c Anti-Germ Disinfectant for 40c l id. uerman Mixed Bird Seed for 60c Beef, Iron and Wine for 1 lb. Borax, Mule Team Brand for Baker's Barley Malt Whlkey bot 4c 26c 10c 75c xnim is me purest ana beat malt whiskey, dozen $8.00 25o Carboiated Mutton Salve for v 20c Uucalyptua tatarrh Jelly bland est and best remedy for catarrh ' 'i Hny t-'ever 25o and SOe Samples Free. 60o Fisher's Extract Beef for. 59c $1.00 Herplclde (Newbro's) for 79c 25c Hire's Root Beer (makes 6 gal lons) for 12c tier's Uregon Ulackberry Cordial a pare tonic for stomach and bowels Tffe $3.60 Marvel Whirling Spray Syringe, always $2.15, by mall $2.85 Ji.w Mimer m owamp-KOOl lor.. 79o ap Rose Soap, cake 9o White Hlbbon Soap bl- cake white floating! hath soap. for.... fin $1.00 Kirk's Dandruff Cure for 79o 25o Mistletoe Cream for loo V1MAUT The licit Malt Extract, bottle Jtos bottles for fl.OOl fl.90 per dosen $1.00 Srjulbb's SarRaparllla for 75o V1LTUHS HJJN1U LOTION Best remedy for blackheads, pimples, tan and sunburn for ...... BOc 60o Syrup Ftffs, genuine, we sell. 43o Lltha Tablets, we sell hq $1.00 Wine Cardul, we sell 70 Freight paid on aio.OO orders or more to any point of west. Write for NEW CATALOGUE. Sharman & f.fcGonnsIl Drug Co. Cor. 16ih and Dodge Bts., Omaha. Bringing Into play the lever of "pruned prices" In otder to keep the boulder of business roll lug. This SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE Is keeping business hump ing by slicing the protit off of our light-weight trousering In stock tnuklug to measure 'de cidedly fashionable $12 trouwers for f ! buiullng to measure, finest $10.00 troum-rs for $7.00 cut ting to your order, your seltH'tlon of any of our $3 trousering for $t).00 faullleaHly fashioning your pl k of any of our $l or $7 trouserings for $3.00. MatCxrthy Tailoring Company, Kaxt 4t te vn tksa. '1 " " ss-ssssssssa Jj' Omaha Vcather Forecast Friday, Showers. i rannn nr.. 1 ill a. i t t t ' z . .'. .tn TnnnnKnnnm i r i i t i i j i i iii i i v Remember the mlreardlairr opportanltles last Introduced for securing; Green TradlnsT Stamps. Those opport nnlt lea are years for the savins: of "oap Wrapper, Labels, Conpona, Trade Marks, Kc, and for hmdins as yoar snbscrlptloa for pertain maaraslnes the best la the land. The soap wrappers, labels, coapons, trade marks, ete. are received at Premium Parlor, second floor, and Qreea Tradlaa; Stamps Klven for them. Do not harden yourself carrylnac entire soap wrappers, BIT CMP TUB SQIARB OUT WHICH tt)tTAIIS THM TRADFI MAIUC BRIXO IT. subscriptions received for maaa slnes at stationery Department, and the hnare extra of Little Qreea Stickers are alven there. HOW'S YOUR STAMP DOOK COMING? REMNANT SALE OF SILKS 300 lengths plain and fancy silks, all lengths, Qf values 75c to fl.50 a yard all go Friday, yard. . . J Remnant SaJe of Wool Dress Gdods 200 lengths nice all wool dress goods, plains and fancy blacks and colors, worth 50c to $1.50 yard C -Friday only, yard -al Remnant Sale of Wash Goods Every short length of our wash goods from yards to 10 yards some even longer that sold as high , . as 35c yard Friday, yard Remnants of Laces Embroideries, Ribbons, Garter Elastics, dress trimmings, on sale Friday at half price. ,A Torchon Laces 5,000 yards fine and heavy thread Torchon Laces, Edges and Insertions, from $-in. to 4 inches wide good A.g washable patterns values up to 15c yard, Friday. .. v Ready Made Bed Sheet 100 dozen -72x90 and 81x90 extra quality bed sheets, 2-inch handkerchief hem, a quality that is cheap at 65c and 75c Friday we sell Crt 72x90-inch sheets, at, each O UC 81x90 sheets at, each 59c And $ 1 in Green Trailing Stamps with each sheet. Waist Sale on Second Floor at 25c Each A lot of 25 dozen waists in from 75c to $ 1.75, in sizes choice, while they last, Friday at, each INVITATION You arecordially invited to attend an exhibition of fine Art Pictures -Saturday, August 20th and continuing to Saturday, August 27th. An exhibition of orljrlnal water colors of flowers by Hlroshl. artist, beautiful studies in flowers by studies of Ideal heads by Harrison Fisher, Howard Chandler Christy, Allen Gil Dert, Clarence Linuerwooa ana jonn uecii t.iay. The pictures In this attractive exhibition will be for sale at very low prices, and all lovers of art will appreciate the opportunity for at least seeing them. Art Galleries, Second Floor. Girls! Girls! Girls! We want more little Misses to push our combinations. It's good money for the little girl 25 cents for each 11.00 combination she sella and there Is edu cation In the art of housekeeping by learning how to talk, about Bennett's good things to eat. We offer three prizes for the mit successful little lady saleswoman.' 1st A PAIR OF DOROTHY DODD SHOKS OR OXFORDS TO FIT. 2nd A BOX OF BEAUTIFUL! STATIONERY. 3rd AN EXQUISITE HAT PIN WITH THE WINNER'S MONOGRAM (whatever It may bey." GET TO WORK GIRLS; GET TO WORKI , Boys! Boys! Boys! Only one more day for prise wlnnlnc The prizes are to be very closely contewted. lose out. HUSTLE, HUSTLE, HUSTLE! The Right niAATia mnre mm springs vary from the weak and narrow to the strong and wide. Multiply this by the many maker of watch ea uidjyoutavaaaiJaaijif our aaUih jfcjmlrlnj department. THE DEER YOU LIKE GAQKJET F0UR,SYK0!IYMS FOUIl - ywo - NAUGHT That's onr telephone number catch It? You may need It for future use. old ob Dlalngr sad Battel Cars. Fred Krug Brewing Co. Omaha's Model Brewery.' Telephone 430. OMAHA &-a-B bm i i i a n D I A f.l O N D S if s II i'IIITE DIAMONDS ARE OUK IIOBHT. DO NOT POKGET THAT ARE ALSO JEWELERS. WE T T DODCE. t U-Q -Q-D- OHQ- Q-Q-B-Si -fl -B-SS-u J i UM LI U I 1 1 1 1 111 M ""Wssil as j i white and fancy colors, worth from 32 to 44- -your 25c the Japanese Madame Klein, latest reproductions and work. BOYS you must hustle Friday. The fellow who leads today may Main Spring than vou think. Main M A WT T T MTJEYY P YAN C Ormutt It is Our Design ' To have this store known as The Fashionable Store So you men who intend to have your feet fashionably clad may as well 'get the habit." On "Nettletons"' we have , the leader In swell" things for men's feet at $3.00. " In "Walk-Overs" we simply beat the world In $3.50 and $4.00 shoes. These fine lines of men's shoes may be Imitated, but the genuine "Nettleton" or "Walk-Over" Is to be had only at this store. Decatur Shoe Co. i52 Farnam St. Frank Wllco. flgr. DIG HOSIERY SALE SATUR DAY. SEE UJH STREET WINDOW. THE RKLIABLK ITORB. Don't Forget Remnant Day Friday IN OUR LINEN AND DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. WE WILL HAVE SOME GREAT BARGAINS. Unbleached Muslin, In Ions; mill ends, yard wide, regrular 7Hc value. Friday we will have a special sale, ,4 2 n at. yard Bleached Muslin, soft finish. In Inns; mill ends, yard wide, regular 8Vc to 10c value. On sperlal sale, (5 at, yard CJC New York ' Mills Sheeting;, bleached, 14 yards wide, or 7-4 regular retnll slllnir ..I Vl , .1 . 111 1 specina sale, at, yard 9 TO 10 A. M. 16c Men's Shirts, Friday in Omaha's Closing Out All Summer Goods, Worth From i2c to 75c Yard All our summer (roods, in Organdies, Batistes, Dimities, etc., worth up . c to 76c yard, all go at, yard -," All the short length of fine goods and long pieces or cneaper gooas, will ...21c go at, yaru 10c Flannelettes will go -at, yard 12Hc and IRo new high grade French Flan nelettes, fine styles, extra Dlr weight, will go at, yard OSW EXTRA SPECIALS 10c and 15c Percales, yard wide, at, yard POPULAR PRICED 75o Mohairs, 54 Inches Wide, at. yard 75c Ladles' Cloth, 54 inches wide, at, yard 75c Zlbellnee, 40 Inches wide, at, ara 75c Ecotch Mixtures, 40 Inches wide, all go on sale at, yard 69o French Plaids, at, yard 69c Granite Cloth, at, yard FROM 9 TO 11 A. M.-We will sell 600 short lengths and wool patterns, worth from 76c to $1.50 yard only one pattern to a cuctomer nt FROM 2 TO i P. M We will sell Challlcs and Printed Henriettas, at, yard , Grocery 10 bars best Laundry Soap 8 bars Wool or Armour's White Soap.. 011 or Mustard Sardines, can Stuffed or Plain Olives, bottle California Evaporated Peaches, pound. Currants, evaporated, pound Ruby Prunes, pound Mince Meat, condensed, package X-Cello, Vigor, Vim, Neutrlta or Force, package , Fruit Puddlne, package On Third JP5 Floor 1 'Boys' . Cliildren's Scliool Clothing At Very Special Bargain Prices. -I are season and dept lar Bo y's Furnishings on 3d Floor Oln for boys' 25c school J9U hose. f Cp for boys' 2Kc cheviot waists, IOW Wth Mother's Friend button attachment. 1Q-, for boys' 39c flannelette shirt waists. 25C tn boy8' 600 Percttla shirt AQr 'or boys' 76c madras shirts or shirt waists. J. L. Brandels & Sons I' i ritfiyour lunch wi II refreshou for;the a'f i e rn oomyroT k. )ecutia AGENTS llusro K. H Is . 1824 Ioulas Tel. 1M1. Iee Mitchell, Council IOITII OMAHA. 'rilOK H, PA Nice Grip or .111 a I. ..... ,.. k... I M ill ni'l ma n a ; uu l'ct tci, uui it, iiitafa-cn c-iiia lijiiin. i-i i n better of you, ' fco tk ivantK of OTTR PKR CENT PISCOUNT KAIJJ cinti set the bent at lea than cheap trudt' will cost yuu e.MfWhere. t Omalia Trunk Factory, Telephone 1053 1209 Farasm DIG HOSIERY SALE SATUR. DAY. SEE 16TH STREET WINDOW. Glass Toweling;, linen finish, IS Inches wide, blue and rrd choi-k. regular 8Wo Ale value, on specliil sale. at. yard -2W rure IJnen Table Iinmaak, smin finish, I yanla wide, blenrhed In several beautiful Prttterns, guaranteed 75c value. Friday we will limit 6 yards to a cus- lClf nn,r at vorH India I.lnon. ("berk Nainsook. Potted Swiss, etc.. rearulnr liv value, ilic on sale Friday only, st, yard " , Pure IJnen Napkin. H slse. half bleaohnd. In snowdrop patterns, regular 11.35 dnteit value, Friday only, H()C at, dozen worth $1, on sale at, each. 25c Greatest Domestic Room 6Hc Inciico Blue rrlnts. at, yard Closing out 60 Summer Prints, at, yard Cambric Linings, In brown and gray, at, yard 66". Aimn Checks, at, yard 15c Percales, extra fine, at, yard 25c Percales, at, yard ,..0ic ...2ic .....lc 5c 7ic ...10s 5c 5c 25c and Xc Shirting Madras, 1flr at, yard IUW WOOL DRESS GOODS (39c 25c ,17ic Specials 25o 10c 4o S4c 7Vc "He 3V4c 60 7Hc 7',ic Good Japan Rice, pound 84o 6 pounds Beans, Tapioca, Sago or Bar ley M J9o FRESH FRUIT SPECIALS Choice Juicy Lemons, doien 0j Fancy Hartlett Pears, doxen 15o Large Florida Bananas, dozen l'2o California Strained Honey, rack. lio Good Country Butter, pound li'.-aa ID On Third Floor c- . wssts Knee Pants Suits $2 All wool clothing, stoutly made and just the' thing for school wear, double-breasted suits, belted out ing suits, 3-piece vestee suits, re enforced seams these odds and ends of this tW in's suits worth ?1 0 UJ J fo, boys' clothing , 3rd floor, at. . . . . . , L-ZS $ Boys' $5, $6 and $7 Knee Pants Suits $3 45 In this special lot for Friday's sell ing are famous "Buster Brown" styles, norfolks, . . .. . -: double-breasted, all - f K the season's best juve- J J w nile suits worth up to n ) j $7.00, at rKU Odd Knee Pants 49c .Warranted to wear pants, every pair guaranteed or new pair in exchange, just the things for boys' hard wear, regu ?l - f 1.25 quality Li BASEMENT CLOTHING DEPT. $2.60 and 13 Knee Pants Suits at 11.60 Odds and ends for our fine boys' suits ages S to 16 all new styles a big clothing f f f snap your choice I jll for 40C KNEEJ PANTS AT 19C-6H0 dozen knee pants strong 1 and durable, at ... BOSTON STORE Bluff. Tel. Suit Case 1, KlnnA tkl.,lr .ri pass mkuVSBmXUmmk. KISS i m.. urnaha. ?.' '):- .'I' f , I f! C ,JtK ' it : i. : .;- yt ,git, Wi