TTTE OMATTA" DAILY DEE: THURSDAY, 'AUGUST 18, 1904. 10 TELEPHONES IN TWIN CITIES Operation of Two Byntemt Brings Competl ( . . tion at Added Cost. BUSINESS MEN PREFER ONE MONOPOLY Experience of Cities o Ike IfortTa that Slur tie with Fromt d Iastractloa by Other Towns. 8T. PAUL, Minn., July 28. Gpecil Cor respondence of The ,Be.)-Complalnlng of . the rates end service of the Northwestern Telephone company, which had a monopoly cr he business In that territory, the peo ple of the twin cities of 8t Paul and Minnipoll In 1898 were ready subject for the Independent Telephone promoter, and when J. C. Hublng-er of Keokuk, la., came along- with a proposition to furnish a superior service at about one-half the prevailing- rates, he wai eagerly and heartily welcomed. Business men of both cities -were finding fault with the service of the existing company and many of them were of the opinion that the rates were very Jilgh; so when Mr. Hublnger told them that an up-to-date service could be fur nished at about half the rates they were then paying, and that the proposed new : company could make plenty of money at It, they believed him and gave him much assistance In securing the necessary fran ' chlsea from the two cities. ! The Bt Paul and Mlneapolis city coun- ells, although petitioned by the business Interests and labor organizations to grant j to Mr. Hublnger the franchises he de : Hired, took care to Insert In the ordinances certain provisions designed to protect the public from any abuses the new company , might seek to Inflict !n the future. For i Instance, It was provided that the new I company, which was known as the Mls ' alsslppl Valley Telephone company, should never charge to exceed $48 a year for a ' business 'phone and $34 for a residence ' 'phone that there should be no party lines, ! that the company should not at any time ! transfer Its rights and property to any VUlri vYSiiiaaif nivuuuk iliv vviidvii vs. s, rv w thirds of the city council by resolution, and that the company should not at any time bond, mortgage or encumber Its plant for more than 75 per cent of its actual value. It also provided that the new exchange was to have 1,200 subscribers In each city before It began operations. A Long; Time Building-. After the franchises were granted. In 1808, Mr. Hublnger and his associates, known as the Mississippi Valley Telephone oompany, began the construction of their plant In the two cities, and this work was carried along, with more or less Inter, ruptlon, until January, 1901, when O. W. i Firkins & Co., who had obtained judgment ' against the company in the sum of $793.63, I asked the district court for the appolnt t mont of a receiver. In their petition Flr 1 kins & Co. alleged that the company had encumbered its plant by mortgages aggro- gating $905,000, but the company answered ' that $750,000 of this amount was in bonds which had not at that time been sold, although they had been offered on the market. The company, in its answer, placed the value of its tangible property x in the two cities at $726,000, but insisted that, counting in the value of the fran chises, its property was worth $1,500,000. So it will be seen that even at that early stage of the game the company was giving its franchises a value of $775,000. It will be seen also that the company was prepar , Ing to issue $750,000 of bonds on tangible ; property that it valued at only. $725,000, de spite the provision of the franchise ordl ; nance that it should not encumber its j property for more than 75 per cent of its ( actual value, j Goes Through Receivership. ; On January 10, 1901, B, E. Webster was i appointed receiver for the Mississippi Val I ley Telephone company, and on April 2 of i the same year he reported that all claims J filed bad been paid by the company, and ,; the court discharged the receiver. The . j concern came out of the receivership known as the Twin City Telephone company, a re ( organization, with local capitalists inter I eeted, having been effected. This com j pany now has capital stock of $1,500,000, i $500,000 of which la preferred stock, on ; which 7 per cent dividend has been paid t since May, 190L Its funded debt amounts I to $1,000,000 in 8 per cent bonds. At the time the company was reorganized, ap parently with plenty of capital behind it, I the hope of the publlo that It would drive the Northwestern out of the field was re- i Irtved. How It has "driven" the North- j western may be shown by a fefw figures ; compiled from the telephone directories of j 1901 and 1904, as follows: j Approximate number of 'phones in use: i v . 1901. 1904. Inc. Northwestern Tel. Ex . J7,40 8,)0 Twin City Telephone J.400 8,800 6,200 It wlU be observed that tha old company has Installed nearly as many new 'phones since it nas had competition aa tha new cwnjany has altogether. It had been ex pected that the advent of the new com pany, with its cheaper service, would cut : oown the number of the old company's ! subeortbei, but the Northwestern has evi dently thrived from the competition. Nor . has tha cheaper service of the new com pany forced any reduction in the- rates of ths older one. It is true that the rate schedule of the Northwestern has been re , vised since 1901. but the revision has been ; the introduction of new classes of service . rather than the reduction of rates. Question of Rates. The following table shows the changes ; made in rates: i NORTHWESTERN COMPANY'S RATES. I lousiness 'Phones 1904. luoi, 1 litreat line, unlimited tki ,i tw ,.i , nv-w ij una, uuuniima. . .... Four-party line, unlimited.... 4 00 I J'lreot line, 8i0 calls 48 00 Two-party line, 600 calls Su.UO Jlesldence Phones ,' Ilreot line, unlimited 48 00 I Two-party line, unlimited 42 00 Four-party Hue, unlimited 3u.0O 72 00 48.00 60 00 4X00 86.00 In business 'phones, it will be noticed, there is no reduction in rates, but the addition of the measured service. In resi dence 'phones there has been a slight r ductloq of rates, but the officials of the ' Northwestern company insist that tlas re duction was not forced by competition, but . was made in accordance with the well known policy of the .company to increase the number of residences on its lines in order to make its business service mora valuable. Even at Bt. Paul and Minneapolis, where they have the demonstration before thorn dally., some telephone users are unable to 1 understand how the Northwestern can maintain Its rates in the face of an'cppoal . tjon company that offers business 'phones litllll year and residence 'phones for $30. The point in this is very clearly shown by I a conversation between President Upham land Cashier Miller, of the First National , bank of St. Paul, in the presence ot your . correspondent. Mr. Upham hud been tell ,lng me that he could not understand how the old coiniMUiy kept Its rates up, and he turned to Mr. Miller with this inquiry) Hay, Fred, we pay only $4 a month for i 4 . i . 11 lto I'm., II till 1 lT A ItoTTI R. Or eat 5al of riuslln Under we A Sale From the Kcllcy-Stigcr Stock I. : 1" actually worth as high as $1.20, Thurs day very special, each.. Ladies9 Turnover Collars 2ic The pretty and neat turnovers, in white and all fancy colors, lace embroidered and some prettily Bilk embroidered, in popular sum mer effects, actually worth up to 20c each....i Embroideries at 121c An extra fine selected lot of Embroideries, in Swiss and nainsook, all medium widths worth up to 30c yard at Millinery Special Basement Ladies and Children's Hats at 10c An Immense) lot of lad lea' summer Sailors, worth up ladles' trimmed hats, up-to-date shapes children's trimmed bats and children's caps actually sold up to $1. 50 to clear them all away In one day your choice basement Ladies9 Sfiirt All Kelley-Stigcr's neat and cool summer materials and popular patterns, new pleated styles, worth up to $6.00, at ADVANCE NOTICE Special Sale of Men's Shirts Saturday at 75c Monarch and Star brands, stiff bosom and negligee shirts on sale Saturday, August 20, at 75c; worth up to $3.00. y ix -? u the new 'phone, and why do we pay 17 a month for the old one?" "Because," promptly replied Mr. Miller, "the old one Is worth that much more; with It we can reaota twice as many people In St. Paul and Minneapolis as we can reach with the new one. Besides, the old 'phone Is necessary to reach outside towns." Exclusive of private branch and extension telephones, the number ot 'phones now In use In Minneapolis and St. Paul and their division, is shown in the following- table compiled from the latest directories of the two companies: t Northwestern Telephone exchange: i Minneapolis, tit. Paul. Business 'phones 7.310 4.600 Residence 'phones 3.3UO 2,200 . Total 10,600 6,800 Twin City Telephone exchange: ' Minneapolis. St. Paul. Business 'phones 3,100 1,800 Residence 'phones 2,500 1,200 Totals 6.600 3,000 About one-half of the users of the Twin City company's 'phones also find it neces sary to have the Northwestern service. In other words, about 4,300 telephone users In the two cities, for obvious reasons, must have connection with both telephone sys tems. Probably not less than 3,600 of these "duplicate" 'phones are for business serv ice and consequently telephone "competi tion" puts an additional expense of about 3168,000 per year on the business and pro fessional men of Minneapolis and St. Paul. Whether the Twin City Telephone com pany can continue many years to furnish telephone service at the low rates fixed by its franchise may be judged from the following- figures: s , Twin City Telephone company's finances: Gross earnings for year ending November 30, llKXi 3309,496 General and operating ex penses, extlmated at 60 per cent, gross earnings 3185,1(97 Interest on 31,ou0,0oo bonds at S per cant 50,000 Dividends on 3500,000 preferred stock at 7 par cet 85,000 Taxes, per cent of gross earnings 9,284 Depreciation on 31,000,000 of electrical equipment 50,000 83.981 In the foregoing table expenses are esti mated low, as moat experts in the tele phone business assert that It requires more than 70 per cent of the gross earnings to pay the general and operating expenses, and this when higher rates than those of the Twin City company ; are charged for services. In Minnesota, under state law, all tele phone companies pay I per cent of their gross earnings to the state tn lieu of all other taxes. Five per cent for depreciation is also a very low estimate and no account is taken In the above table of a sinking fund for the redemption of the bonds. Views of Baatne Men. Business men of Bt. Paul and Minneapolis who had anticipated some benefits from competition in the telephone business are disappointed and talk like this: II. P. Upham, prealdent First National bank: "Competition is a good thing on general principles, but when applied to the telephone business It falls to work any good. I cannot see where the business men of - this city have gained anything from having two companies In the field." . Romans St Rohrbeck. retail drugglBta: "We have no more use for two telephones than a dog has fcr two tails. Competi tion in that line has simply put an extra, tax on the business men of this city. I was In favor of It before It came, but now J am dlguMed." W. II. McQuuid & Co., retail grocers: "In this store we have five trunk lines of the Northwestern, and three of the Twin City, and if it were not for the fact that Ww have two difTeront exchanges we could get along very nicely with only five lines. As it Is we have the extra expenaa of the three Twin City lines. The only correct way la to have but one tele phone company In a city of this size." Uelroonry, Ryan & Clark, commiaHlon merchant: "We would prefer to have but one 'phone, but we And It necessary to have both. The advent of the new com pany did tint bring about any reduction In the rat of the old, as we had expected it would." Uii.gj, Cutacr & Co., wholcRKle croce-. Maslla Underwe'r 5al Saturday of Corsets All the fine corsets in odd lots and broken sizes from the Kelley-Stiger stock hundreds of styles all lengths white, drab and and black 6 $1.00- Waist Suits dainty Shirt Waist Suits of 98C-2.50 'bt oro Children's and Hisses' Shoos. All that are left of the 100 pairs of misses' and children's shoes wlU be on sale Thurs day. This Is a great chance to shoe the young people cheap. Misses' sizes In one lot,' QQ Children's sizes in one fj f lot, at UUl Youths' $2.00 and $2.00 I j 1 tan shoes, at lit Women's black Russia $3.60 and $4.00 welt I Rfl Oxfords, at liuU Drexel Shoo Co. 1413 FARNAU STREET, Omaha's Up -to-C :la Shoe Housa "The desirability of competition In the telephone business depends on local con ditions. I should say that If you have a satisfactory service and reasonable rates in Omaha a second company would be an unnecessary burden." Hackett, Walther & Gates, wholesale grocers: "Two companies are an annoy ance, and If you can get good service and reasonable rates from one company. It Is beat to let It enjoy a monopoly." W. II. Elalnger & Co., proprietors Golden Rule department store: "The second tele phone company Is a luxury. We were well satisfied with the service and the rates of the old company, but had to put In a couple of lines on the new exchange so as to put our store in comunlcatlon with a few residences where they bad only the cheap Twin City telephone. We want to say that it Is a great mistake for any city to allow a second . telephone company a franchise, for it brings no benefit what ever and puts a very heavy expense on the business men." W. B. Nott St Co., mill and railroad sup lies: "Ths new company comes in and gets a few exclusive subscribers, and In this way forces business places to put in their 'phones. It Is an extra expense that ought to be avoided by having all tele phone users In the one exchange. Powers Dry Ooods company, department store: "It la, of course, best to have all telephone users In one system, but when they are not It becomes neceaaary for peo ple who cater to the general publlo to have the service of every system In existence. The more telephone companies we have the greater becomes our expense for that Uom-" II. J. O. Poland Sprlaga aaa Com. I of Maine Via Mlchltcan Central, "The Niagara Falls Route." Nothing finer on the continent. City ticket ofiice, lit Adams street; Cen tral station. 12th strt and l'efs Row; Qreat Northern and Auditorium tlls, and bUaruiaA buutf - to Omaha Weather ForecastThursday, Continued Fair. eWfc-V. VyM If ra m fe l mm Green Trading Stamp Scusotions. Terhaps the most significant proof of the ever increasing popularity of the Little Green Stickers is to be found in the fact that soap wrappers, tobacco tags, cigar bands, labels and package coupons (an almost endless list) are exchangeable all over the country AND PARTICU LARLY AT BENNETT'S, PREMIUM TARLOR, SECOND FLOOR for Green Trading Stamps. Ton are using certain r"cknRr goods everv day end you might as well CUT OUT THE TRADE MARK AND SAVE IT you mleht s well save the Coupons r not such products of world wide repute erf Force, Kirk's White Rusnlnn Sonp, Diamond "C" Soap, Reardsley's canned fish products, etc, Green Tradlns; Stamps are given for the trade marks, cou- f'ons or labels affixed to these packflKes. Bring thm r Premium Parlor, Second Floor, and get all Infor mation. - Special Sale of Silk Petticoats in Suit and Cloak Dept. Thursday we place On sale a very complete line of BILK UNDERSKIRTS made of KXTHA FINK ViUALIiVOK RUSTLE TAFFETA, in changeable red, srren, blue and brown and nolld colors In green, gun metal and black with tucked and m filed flounce with dust ruflle. These skirts have the rustle and swish of a $9.00 skirt your choice A Q? Thursdnv. lit "n-tCJ SATEEN UNDERSKIRTS Thursday we will give you a regular $1.25 Underskirt for Ke This skirt Is full width with three ruffles and each ruffle hemstitched, and fulled on, making avery pretty skirt, easily worth 91.2a on sale Thursday, &QC Clean Up Sale Infants', Children's and Misses' Lace Hosiery 60 dozen warranted "Fast Black" high spliced heel and toe,' splendid lacey rat terns, sizes & to 84 values In this lot worth up to 36c Thursday fr, we sell them, at, pair ...-"" Sensational Sale on Ladies' and Misses Summer Union Suits Thursday we sell ladles' sleeves, taped yoke ana 4, 6 and values up to AND $1.00 WORTH "8. & Woocceee ' EACH Thursday Will Be a Great Bargain Day in Our Cotton Goods Dept. Ws Start Three Blir Tables for Thursday Table No. 1 at 3c yard Wash Goods worth to 15c yard. Table No. 2 at 5c yard Wash Goods worth to 29c yard. .Ml '' Table No. J at ic Wash Uoods worth to ;5c yard. If you do not), attend our silk sale W ednesday be sure and come Thursday AQq and see those beauillul silks, at, yard, 69c and Big Drive in Ladies' Neckwear Buster Brown and Button-Hole Turnover Collars, In fine linen, embriodered In the newest designs and colors values run as high as 600 each 25C Thursday we make a special, each: Thursday 'Will Be an Iron Bed Day Iron Beds of substantial build, batchy designs, artistic finish and in all col ors. Our assortment Is large very large and very complete. There is a real advantage to be gained by attending Uiis sale. Kodaks, Cameras and All Photorahic Accessories )(!. D2VELOPINO AND FINISHING WORK EXPERTLY DONE. Don"t run the risk of undoing all your picture-taking and ruining your plates by attempting todevelop the pic ture yourself; bring the plate to our Camera man and have It done without worry to yourself, and at a fractional cost. SOUTH-EAST CORNER MAIN FLOOR. Shoes A Big Thursday Sale Shoes Bennett's for the Nicest $2.50 Shoes Made Ladies' ricl kid, patent tip, extension Blucher 50 Ladie' vici kid, patent tip, mat tdp,' flexible 2 50 Ladies' box calf, extension sole, swell shoes for f A eervice ...aS.UU 310 Men's kinds, worth up and $5.00 worth Stamps with ... . iIjJ 169 Ladies' short lines of Dorothy Dodd Oxfords, 193 and $5.00 in Little Green Stickers. ii,V' Green Trading Stamps Every Time UuL w,an V-- -fJW 5 x w Boys Girls Come and see the prizes offered for the most successful ' boy and girl "combina tion" sales-persona 15 cents for every com bination brought In; $400 worth of Green Trading Stamps to the customer. I?s a great Idea. and misses union suits, low neck, no arm,, crocnetea inmmea. sizes lUn 36c all go at H." GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH GARMENT. yard- Enameled Iron Beds, scroll designs, all color combinations )Q Continuous post, extended A OR foot, W value, at Continuous post, handsome designs, all co.'or combinations, Q Cf $12 value, at O. OU Continuous lH-inch pest, brass spin dle head and foot end, 4 A flft $20 value, at 1. UU Continuous 1H-Inch post, artistic de-aK-n, extended foot end, ' JQ 50 THIRD FLOOR.' N Everything with which to Induge your picture-taking dreams. Films, film packs, solutions, mats, albums. Cameras of every style and size, every one with a perfection peculiarly its own. Our photo department outshines all . others in newness, freshness and ' attractiveness of its supplies. Sample Shoes, all to $4.00 j JJJ 'S. & IL" Green Trading each pair. and DIG CUT PRICES ON TRUNKS WIS WLEK jiMfy THB RELIABLfD STORK. August Clearing Sale Still Going On in Our Ladies' Suit Dept. Women's Walking Pklrts In fancy mixtures worth up to IS.00 Thursday at plain and .2.95 Women's Covert Jackets In tan and black worth up to 110.00 Thursday 4.Q5 Women's French Voile Pklrts with n elegant silk drop worth 130.00 O Q Thursday at Women's Silk Underskirts In all colors and black worth 16.00 Thursday r jici at Tour cholca of any women's Tailor-made Pult In the house worth up to 0 7R l.00-t -laS0 Women's Bilk and Pongee Suits Q Qf ,r.rh ixim it zr.zr Only a few Wash Butts left your choice for Special Bargains in Our Furnishing Goods Department Thursday BOO 'ndlfts fine fancy lisle thread sleeveless and short sleeve Vests drop stitch frt and fancy yokes worth from l&o to 3&o-Thuraday at FROM 10 TO 11 For one hour we will place on sale 300 doson ladies' fancy Cl lace and lisle thread Hose in black and fancy colors worth up to 26c at 0W We will place on sale all day Thursday one lot of boys' fins Woolen Sweaters me dium welarhts and can be worn the year round these are worth from $1.00 -lQrt to $2.00 your choice at - ,Vw STUN NIN G TRIMMED HATS NOW ON SALE AT 50c EACH Grocery 10' bars best Laundry Soap So S bars Wool or Armour's White Soap.. 10c Oil or Mustard Sardines, can 4o Stuffed or Plain Olives, bottle 8Vo California Evaporated Peaches, pound. 7Vio Currants, - evaporated, pound 7c Ruby Prunes, pound 3Ha Mince Meat, condensed, package 60 X-Cello, Vigor, Vim, Neutrita or Force, package 7o Fruit Puddlne, package Dear Johnnie Cake: You remember when we were boys how your mother used to make us the old fashioned mo lasses Ginger Cake, and how awfully good it . was. Makes your mouth water thinking about it, Well, I have just begun making it in great big slabs so big they will make you think of the old home and I am selling them at 10c. Stop in on your way home and take one of these home to the children the whole family will enjoy my genuine molasses Ginger Cake. ' BALDUFF, 1520 Farnam Street. Mm IVooiimcn of America PICNIC Thursday, Aug. Only 60c for the Round Trip Special Trains from Webster StreelDepot at 9 a. m. VIA THE NORTHWESTERN LINE. All Woodmen and Their Friends Are Welcome. OPENING OF A NEW AND THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED LINO BETWEEN ST. LOUIS AND CHICAGO. SUNDAY, JULY 31, 1904. . Thoroughly Equipped trains leave Bt Louis and Chicago nightly (afte arrival of Incoming trains), arriving either city the following morning. Equipment entirely new; lavish In design, elaborate la furnlablngs. Ask your Ticket Agent, or address, PASSENQER TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT. p A Nice Grip or Suit Case Q f will not make you better, but it makes people think battel' ?? liHnPtM,k.y.Vaiita.e of OUR PER CENT PlflrOUNT I ' V 3 BALK aad aet the best at leas than you elsewiioi'e. Omaha Trunk Telephone I0S3 $2.50 SAMPLE SOFT FELT UhTS 95c s WOMEN'S WAISTS at - 25 c 69c 95c 198 Women's $2.00 Waists for Women's $3.50 Waists for Women's $5.00 Waists for Tour choics of any I,n Waist in B (( the house worth J12.00 f or. Women's $1.00 Wrarpcrs at Women's $2.00 Lawn Wrappers for - .-.49c ....98c Women's $3.00 and $4.00 Wrappers &4.00 Wrappers f QQ (4 at i.- Specials Oood Japan Rice, pound....- SVtd , 6 pounds Beans, Tapioca, Sago or Bar ley U4 FRESH FRUIT SPECIALS Choice Juicy Lemons, dozen ,. ....... 10a Fancy Rartlett Pears, dozen 16o Large Florida Bananas, dosen 12o California Strained Honey, rack 12a Good Country Butter, pound 12H4 I AT BLAIR cheap (radrs will cost ' (iM Factory, 20S Faroam 18 V 'J ! t