Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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the oil aha iUiiA' " rtnni : wrinKE&rUY, ' attottst -it, loor.
t f
p. m. and 10. 0 p. m. Sundays at 1:W a
m. and 10 :W . m.
NHWFOl'NUUND (except rnrcels-pr,.,
Millm Py rnll to North Sydney. ni
thence by ateamcr, closes at this ofTIc
dally at i.XO p m. toonnectlng malls elns
hers every, Monday, Wedneeday and Bat
May). 3.MACA T?y rail to P,oston, and thenc
etear-.-V, oloee t thla cHlc at S:W
p. m 'lnesdny and Friday.
MIQLEI.ON-lJy rail to ponton, and thence
by steamer, cloaea at thla office dally at
:. p. m.
Coast) and UUATEMALA Uy rail to
N"w Orlenna, and theme by steamer,
. closes nt thla office rtnlly, except Sunday,
at '1:30 p. in. -ami i.3d p. m., Rundnys
at I1:0 p. m. and 51ii:.T) p. m. (connecting
mnil clone hera Monday at 110:30 p. m )
COHTA r.ICA l:y rail to Naw Orl-nn. so 1
thence by atenmer, cloa at thla ofhea
cl-illy, except Sunday, at 1 ;S) p. m. and
110:30 p. m., Iiunclays at 1:0 p. m. and
110:30 p. m. tconnectlng malt eioaae hare
Tuen.lav at f 10 30 p. m.).
NIOAKAOnA ' (Kant Const) P,y rail to
New Orlenns nnj thenca by steamer,
cloaea at thla office dally, except Sunday,
' at 41 :.10 p. m. and 110: 30 d. m., Sunday
. at (1 :0ft p. m, and 10:S0 p. m. (connecting
. mull cloaea hera Thursday a at 110:80
llfcKlatered mall cloaea at p. m. previous'
. Transpacific Malta, Forwarded Over
land Dally.
'The achedule of closing of Transpacific
. malm la an-anned on the presumptio ol
lr, uninterrupted overland transit to
rtort of sailing,
t of calling. The Anal .connecting
tnii i In (except registered Transpacific
maiin.winrn clone hi o o. m. reviiiii oayj
clone nt the general postolllce, New York,
i'n follows:
' .' Cisco, cloee nt 6:30 p. m. August 18th, for
ilispiitrh per a. a. Mnnchuilit. '
JAPAN. (UREA, CHINA and apecla!ly
. addreKBcil mall for PHILIPPINE IBL
' An 1)8, win. Seattle,-- clone at 6:30 p. m.
August 21st, for dispatch per a. i. Kant-
jrn wn. Maru.
1IAWAII. Via" Sin Francisco, cloee at :S0
p. m. August 2id for dispatch per s. a.
sieclnlly addressed mall for PHILIP
PINK ISLANDS, via flan Francisco,
close at fi:30 p. m. August 20th for tii-
r'atch fer a. a. Siberia.
Ban Franclaco, clnae at 6:30 p. m. August
27 for dispatch per V. fi. Transport.
JAPAN - teotcept Parcels-post malls),
18LANDS, via Vancouver and Victoria.
H C, clone at '6:30 p. m. August 30 for
(llnnatch per a. Bmnrpwi of China.
Franclaco, cloae at-6:30 p. m. geptemlicr
S for dlfjintch per a. a. Blerra. (If the
Cunard ateamer carrying the Brltiahrtal!
for New Zealand doee not arrive In time to
Connect with thla dlapatch, extria malla
Cloning at 6:30 &. m., -.30 a, m. and :S
r. m.; Sundayn at 4:30 a. tn., J a. m. and
:S() p. m. will be made up and forwarded
Until th arrival of theX uriard ateamer.t
Tahiti and Marquesas islands, via,
Ban Franclaco, cloae at 6.IW p. m. Sep
tember Vth for dlapatoh par a. a. Marl-
fioaa, i
w(rt), and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van
couver and Victoria, U. C, cloae at 6:30
ro. ieptember 10 for dlapatch per a. a.
present forwarded vlit Russia, lnaiead of
via Japan, the Uauai route.
NOTE Cnle sa Ptherwiao addreaaed. Wmt
Australia la forwarued via Europe; New
. Zeuland via Ban FrunMsco. and certain
places in the Chltieaa Prgvlncea of Tun
nan, Kuolnhow, Hzechwan and Kwangsl,
Vl Ilritlsh India tne quickest routes.
Philippines specially addreaaed' "via Can
ada" or "vl' tiurope" must be fully pre.
paid at the foreign rates. Hawaii la for
Warded vl Han Frnncleco exclusively.
, Postmaster.
Poatofflee. New Tork, N. T.. Aug. IS. 1904.
, , : . !riA. ' E Tel. 611 -
i 1611 Faroara Street. . . '
i UMIOM a t A i lO.V i ti.V I'U AND A1AU.C 1 J
' " CUIeaajo, Hock aland
Paelfle, ,
..a I K am
I, AJTira.
Cfcloto DtTUtbt UmlU4 ....
C'aloao DybKht lineal
CkUaia Exprtnj
Halnei Bipr
tblco st kUpnta
.. . 1:04 am a S pa
. .bl3;Dlm a I:U vm
..a :I0 pm bll:60aia tlitiia
Rockr ateuntLa Limited a t:
':JVm I.0ja
. l.Utoln. roioiafln Hnrlnaa. Da.
r. pueblo sua ........... in aiusia
;;iiicMo Great Weaterai. '
PU Pml Mlnnupella Ltmil4.. I I' pm a t:H an
t. Paul tt MiuuwpsiU ipia-.a 1 U in a 10 pis
Chicago Llinltud a to pa al0 30 aia
Cauiasa Kipras ,...a.Mm 4.04 pa
luluu 1'nclUo. '
The Orerland Limltad .........a 1:40 la a .1:01 pa
Colorado a Calllurula Kxpresa.,.a 4)10 pia ititia
Ckliato-Portland iclal a 4:UI pa
Itartrn ICipreu a 1:111 pa
Columbua Local B 4:00 pm :U sa
Culorado Hpaolal ,..... t aul
' ChicaKo Special al lOaa
i BMirirt Local ,.... I to pm a Lit pa
.' ruit Mail ,....... 4.H. aio l:M pa
tuleaa Jtt Nortliweatea-n.
. Faat CbteaKS , 1:10 pa
Local Cotc ail M aa
( Mail a .iu pu
. l)7llht St. Paol a t M a
Liayliaul Culcaao im
Limited Coicaaa a pa
Local Carroll a 4:00 pid
. TiMaa
11 4i p
1: au
aat Bt. P.l.; a : pa
J . I i
Lota! S.onx City St. Paal a 4.IM pa a so aia
Pa4 Uall
a I 4u pa
Ctucago Kxpraaa ....
- Norfolk &: Uonaateel
Lincoln A Lon Una
1 Lfa4wood oV Linoalb
Caa" a WvomiPl
14 M aa
14: IS am
4.14 pa
410 pa
a liN am
k 1:04 am
, t oo pa
4 1 " pa
......a 2:49 pa
Mlaaonrl 1'aolHo.
St. Louis Baprwia
. Kanaaa I'll) a l. Louis
World's fair kpaolal .......
....al0:44am a:Mpa
aa..ail iipa a ii4 pa
,... 4. . pa ail:Maa
t. Louis rsnnoa Ball Sprass..a 4:40 pa a 4:14 aa
fciaw Wo.ld'a 'alr , a 1:44 aa lMa
. Local Iruia Louacll liluits ai.Uaiw al:Wpta
' lllluMla leutral.
Chioaae BipVoaa af :46aa u4:ltpa
Cblraao Liualld aT.IOpib UMiI
- Miiiuaapolu a at Paul liiprai. .4 ? aa km :3a pa
Mlui..bulla a at. Paul UuuUd..a t ;M pa a 4.04 pa
l aiv, ' Mll unlaw at. Paul.
Chicajs Uaj ilui KipPfaa 7:44 am alliMpa
rnirul oa.ou arxpioas a4.tapm ai:iiipa
' UvariMitd Liaiad . a 4 4u pa af:4aa
aiaiues a okobojl ipraaa...a 7 a. aia a 4:1 pa
Cklcatjo, BurlinaVtwa A Quloey.
- Laaa. . ArrWa.
Cklcago Sparlal ...a M) aa al.aipa
LUicaao Vaubul4 Kinross a4.uupa il.ii u
U.c.d Local M U m all ot pa
Ihivuao Luuit4 .....a pu a 1:411 pa
! alall (.44 pa
lvaua City, at, tloanpli A. toaucil
Ulafla. ,
Kaaaaa CUT Dal Eipnss
....a 4:14 aa
r..a 4.14 pm
a 4:U pa
all ot aa
a 4.44 aa
bi. Luuis ri
tvanaua Cti Mailt Kapraaa ..alO.itipu
liwrliuatoa X JkUaauurl Hlver,
4'IBtn, baatrtoo a Llavsia a t aa
Mabraaka kpraaa a t ill aa
Uauvor Lliutlcd ,.S 4:111 PU1
bwuk Hilt a Puaal Suuad aU..U.lapa
Lololado Vaaliuulisu yiar
Lloeolu ! aU:l k I 4t pa
ron Lroca a fuitatuoum ........a j U put
feellatu a racidg Jiiut.Uoa a T 0 pua
liiiavua a acidu juuetiwu ..a .it aa
alallavwa aiul rlaiUmouik......klX.14 pul
HI H pa
4 1MS
4 44 aa
a 4:W pa
a I w pa
aia.vt pa
tfiii aa
k ) aa
Ullfsoarl Paelao,
ussTa, mT,
K'traaks Loeal, via Waaplal
Vatr a4tl4pa all. M pa
Oilnaso, It, Paal, Slluaa-apolle A
r. 1.
is tttf Pihdi , IIMia kilt pa
&tux I It Paaaawaap a l ot pa tU M
i...d Looal 4.ttpa k aa
a U.Sr. B Dally except (unday. Dally asoapt
e'aij.. a lialHT tvt MoeaC-
, 'Iwla-acra IHMaal ml lt,4wi 1 00a, '
PaV lrt hii MuTI tKLJAIa. tia hot 1a-0.,SV
aalllna luawlaj, ai AS A. B4.
SlaUndaa Au. aa krodaa KapL 14
PuikUaUl ......Aua- 44 i Nuwl Jo. .b-C. at
MuUMMIl 4cvb 1 1 ' alai'uui W
li'M liM.liiKlt.t LlNM, 4 U-arWra at., tkf
Ill ' liarrr kloaraa, 14 1 aaruaa at. J C.
kt.rtor4, tut luua 4)4,1 J. a. ia, Iae
tl.iU J. IVS.
i, . , , , .... .i-z-t:... , , , - . i
Davis sella drum. '
Jeffert'a glaeae fit.
Etockert Pells carpets.
echmldt's new studio, n Broadtvay. -
wall photoa at Bhrunk prlcea, William.
8rcltl aale o wood for ryroTBplif,
C. E. Alexander, S?4 13 way.
Charlea Jtlalne left last evening for a
pleasure trip to fU. Paul and Duluth.
Tucker new B'wajr Btudlo. atlll on the
tround between Pearl at and poetofflce.
Mrs. raare Morrison, of Third avnun, left
last evening on a visit to reUtivea at
Fred Searln, formerly of 'this city, now
a resident tif Toledo. O., arrived yester
day on a visit to relatives.
Amlrew Walker, a colored boy, will ihnve
a henrinf this tnornina before the commis
sioners on a chartja of b'lnT Insane.
The case a;atnst Mrs. Mattle Kirk.
Charged with slumping a nelghhor'e chil
dren,, was dismissed In Justice Ouren
court yeaterday.
The hearing on the dlspoaltlon of the
scloe aelsed on the premises of William
liovnney has been set by Justice Ouren
fur next Monday. ., . ,
Acting Masor Tlnley yesterday appointed
Aldermen Majoney. t'rlppen and McMlllen
aa membt-rs of the connnlitee on the paving
of lower Broadway.
Mra. Marguerite Newton," aged 45, died
yesterday morning at ber home, 1501 Third
street Two aims oud two daughters, sur
vive her. The remulns will be taken today
to Fort Dodge, la., for burial.
The aldermen met yesterday afternoon
as a Boura of Health and Investigated a
number oj mattery nnuiinliiig tm-ir at
tention. The' hoard crmdViitiied at number
of hole along the right-of-way of the
tlreat Western betwon Ninth und Tentn
avenues and Hevenlh nnd T' nth streets nnd
ordered that they be filled without delay.
Mrs. Edna IMay, colored, will have a hearing-tomorrow
on, a charge of ass.ulUn
a 4-year-old child, Edna Carter, Which hail
been placed In her care. It 1 alleged that
Mrs. Clay beat the child with a hair bruah
When It became fractious. The Informa
tion whs filed before Justice Ouren by Mrs.
M. Thurston, who was paying Mrs. Clay
for the child's care.
State. Oame nnd Fish Warden O, A. Lin
coin has written Deputy Warden Brown,
of this city, that Judging from tho num
ber of lniUlriH which reach him there Is
evidently a misunderstanding aa to the
fame laws pf (hla state relative to hun
era' licenses. Warden Lincoln wants It
Understood that residents of the state are
hot required to take out a license. The
IR-ense .s oniy imposed on those who come
from other atatea to hunt' In Iowa. .
Caaneil Slatte ' Men Fall to Attend
Martin. .
Local coal dealers and consumers appar
ently ore not much concerned over the
report' that the railroads were Contemplat
ing raising the rates into Council Bluffs
to correspond with those recently imposed
upon Omaha, Secretory Reed pf the
Commercial club Issued a call for a rnetet
Ing yesterday afternoon pf the cpal bofons
and the large consiimerk of - the city for
the purpose of taking Borne action to
forestall the threatened Increase In freight
rates. The call urgently requested tha
presence of the persona Invited to attend,
but 4t went unheeded and the meeting flu
led Jor..the lack, of eyen a. corporal's guard,
Local coul dealers aajr they have not been
advised of ajiy contemplated raise Inthw
rate by the railroads and the only Intima
tion they have hft4 of such being projected
has boin from the Omaht) doalera. .' '
Bankers to Be Prosecuted. , i
" V. R. McQinnls,of Jt-eon' has been am-!
ployed by a committee- of the creditors of
the failed aniens" bank of Mount Ayrj
to 8lst in the prosepution of the Dun-1
tags, owners of tha bank, and In saving
from tha wreck all possible fr the people
who lost. -Judge Towna of the district
court had upon request of. the creditors
appointed L. W. Laughlln as a special at.
torney to look. fter, .the prosecutjori of
the Casat, lunnraurh as it -was found that
the. county' attorney had been acting as
attorpey tor the bank. But the creditors
held a big public meeting to discuss tha
matter and It was decided that a . stronger
force of lawyers should "be employed and
they aent over to Decatur county and
employed Mr. McGlnnlo for the workl
When the Cltlaena' , bank failed it . was
believed that the depositors would riot
have grant losses and they were assured
tha bank would pay . nearly all of tha
loss. The deposits amounted to about
1322,000 and thla Included lodge money,
church money, Cemetery funds and the
savings, of many poor persons. Now that
It is found that the bank can hardly pay
mora than 25 cents On the dollar there Is
great indignation -and the suffering to tha
business of the community is great.
' That which has aroused greatest Indigna
tion is the faat that the owners of the
bank continue to live lr extravagant
style. A costly house was saved by them
from the wreck as a homestead and they
have not retrenched in expenses in the
least. ,' . ' '
Are .You Out of Sorts
Many People, Not Really Sick, Art)
. Outof Sorts TboOld-Tlmo Energy
and Spirits Are Lacking;.
Something it needed to restore that
animation that characterized the dayg
before the B'yeitem bad boon .Overtaxed
or weakened by caro, work, folly, ex
cesg or worry. Good, rich, blood and
strong;, steady paryes are essential to
perfect health and enjoyment of life.
When vitality la lacking, pleasures
cease and work becomes -a drudge
and drag. Blood la .the well-spring
and. nerves the main-spring of the
body. With either of them Impaired
lite loses much of Its charm. Noth
ing puts animation and satisfaction
Into living as quickly; safely and scf c
lr as Dr. Chase's Blood and Nerve
Food. It soon brings, you out of all
unnatural mental or physical condi
tions due to either blood poverty br
to nervous enfeeblement. Weigh your
self before taking it. This is the food
that made the name "Chase" famous.
The genuine is made only by The Pr.
Chase Co., Philadelphia. Pa. Price CO
cunts a box1, five boxes, enough to give
tt ft faly trial $2.00. Book tree. .
' avid aa gaaraalttl kr Mrra-f)l.
fen Draar Co., Omaha. JVeb,
MiiKTlt ! A . t
Jt'allk L, Council illuua. 'i Luua 7.
Board Decrees The Bhall B Held at Least
Once a Week,
Ralea mt Tnltlon far Nonrealdent
fnptls Are Given a Derided
Boost, Being Nearly Twoe
the 014 Rates.
The Board of Education last night
adopted a set of rules governing firs drill
In the various buildings which are as fol
lows :
In cane of fire, call telephone No. 7. tn
whom you will give the location of fire
(name or school house).
Stay at your telephone until you ret a
responae from No. Indicating that alia
has beard the measage Correctly.
The alarm for Hre -drills shall consist of
five measured strokes on a gong. When
the weather Is Inclement and It Is not
desirable to have the pupils march out of
the buiildlflg, four taps shall be given. The
number of strokes under no circumstances
Is to be changed. Tlirdy and recess bells
shall be so arranged that there can be no
doubt aa to their pnrpowv
Fire drills shall take place at least once
a week during the school year.
The contract for supplying . the schools
with Centervllle lump , cool for the school
year of 19P4-S waa given to the Carbon
Coal company oh its bid of $4.39 per ton.
Other bids were: Wilson A' Thompaort,
M.77; R. H. Williams, $4.90; Fenlon. Wick
hart Coal company, M-70; Western Fuel
company, S4-8i Bluff City Lumber com
pany, 14.46; Gilbert Brothers, S4.77; H- Ed
atrom. 14.44; Council Illuffs Coal ft Ice
company, 14.97; W. Welch. 14.92. The con
tra,ct for Cherokee steam, coal, used only
1 -the high school, waa awarded to the
Bluff City Lumber company on Its bid
of 1136. V, X. Bay secured the contract
for cord wood "on his bid of 14. "6 per cord.
After a prolonged discussion - the board
decided to raise the rates of tuition for
nonresident pupils in accordance with the
recommendation of - the finance committee
aa follows: High school, from 120; to .135
per annum; grade schools, from 112 to 120
per annum. Directors Bhugart and Weet
erdahl opposed the raise on the grounds
that it would work a hardship pn . poof
persons and .voted against It..
Fred Grass was elected teacher of phy
siology in the high school to succeed J.
E. Carman, who recently resigned. He
will also act aa supervisor " of athletics.
Prof. Grass was formerly a member of
the high school faculty, but resigned to
take a course of study at Harvard col-"
logo. .He has been principal Of the schools,
at Macedonia, this county, since leaving
Harvard. -.r. 'i ...,! : .
Pirector- Gorman submitted a- tong list
of rules for the government of the Jan
itors, but action, was .deferred until-the
next regular meeting. ,
Chairman Bhugart of .the, cqmmlttee on
supplies reported that -he had received a
bid of 11. 60 per desk1; for the equipment
of' the enlarged Avenue Jt school' and , he
was inetructed-r to . purchase all desks
needed ai this price, whldi 1s a large re
duction, on tha price the district, has been
paying for jsuch furniture. -r
' , .1 i '
cotrfTTf,ATTf?"J,BY rTEkr .'Sw"sawA
Brings Salt" to Knjolat Bale of Mano
' , t the Resort". . .
. Having 'learned that the amber fluid and
other drinks classified as-intoxicating have
been dispensed for a money consideration
to the thirsty et Lake Manawa on Sundays
during the present summer, County At
torney Ktllpabkr yesterday, in the name of
the State of Iowa, began Injunction pro-"
ceedlnga In the district Court to restrain
T. J. O'Brien, lessee of the refreshment
privileges at the motor company's- lake re
sorf, and Charles E. Pporey proprietor of
the Casino saloon, from selling Intoxicating
liquors. The Manawa Hunting and Flah
Ing club Is made party defendant with
Poore. This is the first Intimation given
(the public that such an ' organisation fee
the Manawa Hunting and Fishing club
waa In existence. As the season at Lake
Manawa Will ' close . September B, and as
the, term, of district court at which the
cases can be heard does not commence
until several weeks later the. defendants
)n the suits brought bjf 'the county : at
torney are naturally not -worrying to any
preat . extent, . . f . - -
E. H. Custer, a member of the local
newspaper fraternity, ; who left Monday
for his old 4iomeln' EAsto, Pa-i ' has. filed
a petition In district court asking that he
be legally authorised to change his name
from Ellis . Headley . qustord to that of
Ellis Headley Custer, by' which he j has
been known for' several years. '' ;".
Edward Martin has brought Suit , .for
divorce - from Lottie Martin, to whom he
was married June ,18, 1901, In Brookyllle;
Kan. His wife, ' he aaaerta, deserted , him
the September following their marriage.
. Bessie Harris appears- as 'plaintiff In 'a
Suit against the Great Western railroad,
In which she asks 110,000 damages for the
death of Panlel Clancy, who was killed
at McClelland, "October 29 last. '
Colonel W. If. Beck, who conducts a
small saloon outside, the fence of the
jnotor company's resort on what ia known
aa "The Midway," and who waa-the prin
cipal plaintiff in the suit which resulted
In the supreme court ruling that the motor
company must remove Its fences across
certain publlo thoroughfares running
through its grounla, . wa4 served' W'(h 'a
potlcv yeaterday that County - Attorney
KUlpack intended applying Saturday for
a . permanent tnjunption .rsrtra'hfng him
from the sale of Intoxicating liquors. Col
onel Beck, apparently, ' must have trans
greased the stale piulut w mure se
riously, than the others, as in the notice
served on him )t states that the county
attorney will seek to restrain him from
engaging in the saloon business in: the
Fifteenth Judicial district again. No such
extreme action is sought by the county
attorney In his oton against Poore and
Had Ample View of Approaching
Train Which Killed Hint.
The lnqutst held by Coroner Treynor
yesterday morning over Floyd F. Mitchell,
who waa run down and Instantly killed by
the Northwestern fast mall Monday after
noon In front pf the Broadway depot, re
sullvd in the Jury exonerating the railroad
company and its employes from all blame.
George at. Davla, n. E. Humphrey and
Thomas Eaton comprised the Jury.
Tho-whnesaee were A- .Finnegari, en
gineer, and M. ft. Swigoft, fireman, of the
faat mail; J. J. Anderson, flagman at the
Broadway croMlng;- William AUstmnd,
section foreman; John Montgomery, local
agent, and 'several eye-wltncnees Of tho
accident. Tlielrjlestlmny all showed that
Mitchell's ltw -yf toe - appruuchlng train,
waa not obstructed and that Mitchell evi
dently attempted to eroas ia front of It.
The remains of Mitchell were taken to
Logan yesterday mn by W. II. Wlthrow,
a brotht?r-ln-luw, and the funeral was
held there' yesterday evening. . Mitchell's
11 Untt-h.lrs, Mrs. E. T, Hasaett and
Jim vleoige Roiiln, who live In Frwnunt,
Neb'.. wt.Y bed Ltet ibU94 f their
father's death, were at Logan to meet
ths. body and attend thev funeral. '
Calls Dentorrat Caaventlon.
Chairman 8. B. Morrtesey yesterday Is
sued the call for the democratic conven
tion of the Nfnth congressional district, to
be held In this city September 1. The ra
tio of representation Will be one delegnt
at large from eaoh county and ens dele
gate for each 100 votes or fraction of 100
or over cast for the democratic candidate
for governor at the last general election.
The several counties will be entitled to
the follownlg delegates! -
Adair ,
ClM ......" ,
Harrison '
Mills , .a... ,
Montgomery .,. ,
. 9
. 10
. 7
. 10
. 8
. JO
. 10
Total M
These delegates were elected to the con
gressional convention by the ' Pottawatta
mie county democratlo convention held
April 9:
Rosroe, Charles Sample, Sylves
ter lye. Riley Clnrk. William fleve. J.
B. Alexander, George Thomas, H. O,
Ouren. C. M. t'rlppen, Thomas bowman. C.
H. Huber, Ira Stltt, John Crow, lister Ap
plearate, A. O. Wyland, Warren Hough,
Emmet TlnleV, S. G. l-nderwood, Victor
Jennings, George Hughes.
-N. T. Plumbing Co.. Tel. 290, Night,. FW7.
Ralldlnsr Boom Keeps I'p,
There Is no sign of the building boom
In Council Ultiffs collapsing at present
and the erection of residences In all sta
tions of the city goes merrily along. Tes
terday City Clerk : Zurmuehlen issued four
building permits as follows; Q. W. Stahl,
785 Madison avenue, One and nne-half-asory
frame cottage, 12,000; Chris Eberhardt, 777
Madison tveriuc, two-story frame resi
dence, 11,800; Ole Chrlstensoh, one-story
frame cottage, 1726; L. R. Joseph, two
ptory frame dwelling, 12.400. ,
plumbing and heating, Blxby at Bon.
v For. Rent.- . .
An excellent ofd'ce location, ' 2Kx1 feet,
fronting on Pearl street, only half a blook
from Broadway, with-a nice large show.
Window which can be - used for display,
Bee office, 10 Petri street. Council Bluffs.
Labor JDay at Fort Dodge.
PORT. DODGE, la., Aug. 14.-r(flpclal.)
Great preparations are "being made in this
city for holding a' big. .Labor day celebra
tion September a. The Trades and Labor
assembly of .this . pity, whose membership
Includes over 4,000- men, 'has ths matter In
charge and has communicated with tha
labor associations of Waterloo " regarding
the holding of- a -Joint; celebration, includ
ing the members of the labor unions of
both cities. Those at Waterloo have signi
fied their willingness to be a party to the
plan and any that they will bring 1,000 or
4,000 men who will enter with the local
meA Into a large parade-and general cele
bration of the .day. .Waterloo and Fort
Dodge, ..both members, pf the Iowa league;
will - play a double-header . game of ball
here that day end tho", visiting crowd will
be accompanied 'by''" BOO megaphones to
"root" for- their -tearti. - About 8,000 men
will take part In the 'celebration, making It
one ef the largest Labor day celebrations
in the state. ; : r , ,z
Iowa Man Finds His Wife-.
ST. " JOSEPH, Mo., Aug. J.-(8peclal
Telegram.) J.,' WvVHkr, arilveryman of
Stambarugh,- ia.,- jlucieornpanied by his
brother-JaW, .-fcaefiaeft ..lej; -Bjj, Joseph
slnoe Sunday ' try IrigKao find some trace ef
Mrs. Walker and'hl't-year-old daughter;
who, "he says, left borne during his absence
last .Wednesday- . Walker traced his wife
to Clarlnda, la., arid from there to
Diagonal, a small station . on the- Great
Westerni where he learned they purchased
tickets' to St. Joseph. Detectives ar
rested Charles PlUard, a,, former employe
of Walker's 8t hls"rooir, 14 St. Joseph
J aVenue, this evening and Pillard revealed
the looatlon of Mrs. Walker In St. Jo
seph. He said he wad in love with Mrs.
Walker and that she would not return
to her husband. Mrs. 'Walker is at police
headquarters. She refuses to make a
statement to her hunband. ,
' PlaaTSh-la Incorporated.
' LOGAN, la., Aug.; !, (Special.) Articles
of incorporation of the town of Plsgah
were nied with the county recorder today.
Plsgah's newly elected municipal officers
are: Mayor, J. B. Swdin; flerk, L. Wll
laa; treasurer, II, D. gllaby; councilman,
C. M. Frusum, G. F. Conlon, Walter Cook,
F. I' Bowie, .-1. Wxatf -TJ Esfa Miller.
', Craektats Wreck' Safe.
OSKALOOSA, la., Aug. !.-Safeblowers
wrecked the' safe and building of the post
office at New Bharon. today, getting away
With 1260 tn cash and - stamps.- Entrance
waa 'effected through a rear door. ' Officers
are In pursuit, ,
' Held -to Grand Jory.
pNAWA, JaM .Aua-.. 4v-P!lal.-Knvd
Knudson of Soldier, Monona county, , has
been held to the Monona eounty grand Jury
In the sum of S00 for selling, intoxicating
liquors at Soldier by Justice Isaae Cum
mins, ''-; '.. '
i- Iowa Mow Notes.
SIBLEY, Aug. 16 Phllo B. Wood of Sib
ley and Paul O; Wood t)f McGregor have
bought the Eldora Ledge,.
VINTON, Aug. 11 Clarence Torkr a line
man, aged 18, was Instantly killed by a
live wire here this afternoon.' He leaves
a wife and one child.
. BIBLE Y, Aug. , By the collapse of the
bridge while crossing the Floyd river tit
Uay near Sheldon T. J. Shannon, thresh
ing engineer, was killed, snd James Bacon
suffer the amputation of a leg. Both are
pf Sheldon. ' ? ,
C1.AK1NDA. Aug. 18 In the death of an
Insane patient at the State hospital, a
human ostrich was disclosed. It was found
that he had a mania for swallowing ar
ticles. lAfter his death a poat-mortem ex
amination was held ajtd in his stomach
was found til separate indigestible pieces,
ULILLKN, Aug. 1.-Hre. AlUe Butter
field, who was supposed to have been mur
dered by her husband, is homa again, one
returned yosterday from Das Moines, where
she has been working In the Nelson house.
There was a meeting botweea husband ant)
wife, but- 00 reconciliation -waa effected,
and her husband suys ha will not live with
PELL A, Aug. 14 -Mrs. Levi Wouda,
whose husband met such a tragto death
in the hoUtlng shaft of the mine at Duii
rath a uciupl of weeks ago, tiaa created
a great Senixttlon In that nel'hborhood by
elooing on the Sunday after her husband's
burial with Barn Cook, a married man, a
miner and neighbor at Dunreath, who de
serted a young wife and baby to leave with
a widow of a week.
IOWA CITY, Aug. ls.-The regents have
appointed Lr. Paul Shekwana Instructor
in bacteriology and pathology. He la the
former bauterloluglst of the lty of Lon
don, and of the College of Phytuolans and
burgeons In that city. Ha was alao a
member of the ttoyal C ommission on Tu
beruuloitls. 1 he resents ' hava named
a similar post at the titate University
Iowa Dr. Aulln Kgdahl, a graduate
Johns Hopkins university, a savant of
much experience li,lil ioautuiion and
elsewhere. v
Two tars pf Cattle bars,
P1EHKU, S. V , Aug. IS (Special Tele,
gram.) Two cars of a train of fat cattle
whleh left hare this afternoon were
burned a ahort distance east of this city.
The bedding In the cars caught from
sparks from the engine. The burning cars
were neat to the engine and were cut loose
from .the rest cf the train. A number of
the cattle In the cars were burned. The
stock train was Just ahead cf the after
noon paaienger train," which ess held until
the cara wane buiiiad and the track was
Hon Stringent to .Its, ProTbloni Tlau It
Designer! Intended.
Creditors of the Palled tltleeas' Bank
t Meant Aye Employ Attorneys
to Pnsh Proseentlon ef
(From a Staff Correspondent )
DES MOINES, Aug. lS.-(Speclal.)-In
several places in the state arrangements
are being mode to test the new law in
Iowa which requires all "peddlers and so
licitors of every kind Operating tn the
country to secure licenses from county of
ficials. Thirty-two of the counties or tne
state have fixed license' fee in suOh cases
snd are requiring peddlers to pay from IS
to 1100 a year for the right to solicit. The
way the law la worded It shuts out all
piano and sewing machine agents, light
ping rod rpn. solicitors fpr grocery houses
and others of that class, as well aa ped
dlers, and it Is doubtful if a merchant in
town would dare go out in the country and
show en agricultural machine or vehicle
to a farmer without procurlhg the llcenae.
As a result of this condition there Is rhuch
friction in the stnte. - The State association
of grocers was largely Instrumental in hav
ing the law passed, so. a to drive out of
the state the agetlts for grocery houses
that do a mall order and delivery business
on the rural routes. It has had this effect
arid is ' also driving out of the state the
regdlarly organised bands of peddler. As
soon as the courts meet next month suits
will be commenced in- several counties to
test the Jaw, ss many of the local mer
chants desire to. have it broken. -
Leased Railway Is Mlsnsed.
Iowa stockholders of the old Burlington
Cedar Rapids A Northern railroad are
threatening to go Into court to have the
lease of that line by the Rock. Island can
celed on thS ground that the latter com
pany I not keeping the line up -in-good
condition. They assert that the .Rock
Island Is following the policy of making no
Improvements or betterments and that the
business Is being diverted from ths road so
aa to cause the stock to deteriorate that
the owners of the Rock Island may buy
in the stock at a low figure. The Rock
Island has a ninety-nine-year lease on
the old Cedar Rapids line' and the stock
holders living In the Stat fear the line
wilt go to pieces befora the (ease is out.
Colonel Thomas F. Cooke Of this city will
be captain of a rifle ' team of eighteen
picked men from the Iowa National guard
companies which will go next week to
Fort Riley, Kan., to participate In the na
tional rifle tournament there. The team
has not yet been all selected, but will be
made up from the beat of the marksmen
at the recent state tournament.
Conventions Are' Called.
Democratlo district congressional con
ventions have been called as follows: Fifth
district, Cedar Rapids, August II; Tenth
district, Fort Dodge, September 8; Ninth
district, Council Bluffs, September 11
Chairman Spence of the republican state
committee has arranged to start out the
second week tn September . to hold local
conferences with esndldatea "and commit
teemen and" arrange for th .funds with
which to carry on the campaign. He will
visit all parts of the state, and meet the
local and state candidates. -
Walsh Pleaseat wltk Parker.
''Judge Parker Impressed me with being
a ' strong, cautious, shrewd , man," said
Charles A. Walsh, Iowa member of the
democratlo national committee, and secre
tary of ths committee for the past eight
years, when asked the Impressions made
upon him by the democratic candidate for
the presidency, at the time of the official
"Parker Is a fine and capable looking
man. I think in his speech of acceptance
he adopted an especially wise and shrewd
course and I think this speech Is a master
piece in that it demonstrates his capacity
and brings out his strong conservatism,"
Terrible Results of Runaway.
B. W. Blanchard of this city, who man
ages a farm a short distance South, was
terribly . injured last evening by being
crushed under a milk wagon when :the
horse became unmanageable and ran three
miles. They turned in at thtir home and
the wagon ws crushed on a post. He fell
underneath end had several ribs broken
and apparently hi neck Is dislocated, but
he is still alive and may recover.
- Iowa Crop Conditions. .
.Weekly bullotln of the Iowa section of
the climate and crop service of the weather
bureau for the week ending August It, J904:
The week has been very favorable for
all growing " cropa and for stacking or
threshing- small grain. Th well distrib
uted showers on the Sth and 9th wer
timely and beneficial to corn, pastures, late
potatoes and other minor crops. The latter
part of the Week wa bright and warm,
affording ideal conditions for .the growth
of corp, which, has made very good prog
ress. This crop on the average Is in a
promising condition, being more' heavily
eared than usual and showing dark green
color from tassels to rootBa With a nor
mally warm and frostless September the
crop will be a full average. .More than
the usual amount of oats snd barley will
be stacked. Threshing' returns of these
cereals indicate fair yield and quality.
Spring wheat is very poor In the greater
part of the sections where ths acreage is
largest. Good progress has been made in
putting up wild hay, which Is generally
heavy. Reports show nq material dam
age tt) the apple crop. Mora rain I needed
for ell unripened crop and to facilitate
fal plowing.
Been of Ksmoor Captures. ho Gold
Model Honor.
Chandler Egan of Exmoor today took
gold medal honor In the qualifying round
ot th sixth annual Western Uolf anaoclA.
tlon championship, easily leading the field
of etghty-oii starters from all over the
west, with a total acor of 144 for thlrty
aix hole. A putt that missed by Tin Inch
on tha home green prevented an front
making a e-li ty-nlne. In no double quali
fying play In a western or' a national
ehaninlonahilp has any player before auc.
reednd in making a total below 160. Twenty
arrokea under Bogey for the long rout
stamps the day'a work of Cgaa a th
beat golfer Sean In the West.
Playing with Eaun during the day was
his college mate, Fay Ingalls, Harvard a
champion, who got a total score cf 16
This - gave h
nlace. In con
lave him a prominent qualifying
In rontraat lo the aensatlonaf woa
bf Chandler Euan was the golf of Cham.
plnn Walter El. Kgan. After taking eighty
fur h.rirt round, th -cousin e( andlef
reqiurea eigniy-sig . tor (tie siternoun
Cr.fcVl F!mtt!3 V.'LJ.
A vera! bottle I sent prepaid. fe ef ahaTire,
to avurf r-U'lir ef this I'ti-or mho haS eiirouia
Smjit.ui 0 Truut'lq. l- .ali.Uucf, CJi'ui-i"m.
Okiarra of U.e Mueous M-n.luaii-a. I or nait.iB
I LlTarorK.idacia,ol-Iulluniiiiatliatf blauiW.
One du rsilero luuutHiikU-ir. eufri ab
solutely. up tn ocrvoua tyatent ul pro
a. 4 t .aivar, pumr ai.d noxal blood au-'Wr".
aiiijr-liva ci-uit t iru kuunlor i
b"UL, Ueual Ouliaf tut HTI' rva.i--r of
ti !-' "ho conn u l:t'i,e ti,' be iu- ..lied
trUusiilB-l boms ut IiaaS train "HO Vl ll,
f na of j. a Willi" tof It to I'l.H ) uf.
4kU, tuU.rU,, I1. lrllM, C-M.aH, 1.1.
rnund, a t"ts ef 1M. which gave him little
nisrailn for a place In the qualifying
division. Horn Idea ef the task cut out
for thai rolfera tn the championship match
Jaln1 In the dKtsncee ef - the holes, a
nuble round requiring plays over s play
ing dlstwnc ef ll.Tan ynls. H. Chandler
Fran s-enrd, own pared with Bogey, Is ss
follows: ' -Mornlrg
M. C. Fgan. Exmoor:
Out) 44a. 4-44, 44484.
T'oarey, out: 4M. 84ti, KJ 42.
Fran. In: 6Lt, t-.W-M.
Iioirev, In: 43S, 604. .45-40-81.
1'Ktin, out; "J, US
san. In: iK 444.
The mbrnlnari aften
of the thirty-one c
W-J, ks, R44 SS,
14, M4 .TV ft 144.
ernoon and total scores
of the thirty-one others wno quaunea
"Nam's. A.M. P.M.Total.
L, N. James. GlcnvleW ....77
J. S. - Demo, Tucumbla..Tf
Fay Ingalls. Cincinnati ..,.78
TV F. Sawyer, W he ton ....79
Warren K. Wood,. Jlorne-
wood I "I
W. F, Plllebury, Onwentala.M
Alden Swift. tnwents1a....M
K. L. Ames, Glenvlew M
W. Hnlghtllng. 8knkle M
Walton H. Kgan, Kit moor. .SO
R. Hoagland. Halnsdale S4
IX Cadwallnder, Springfield SI
S. It. Iickett, Auburn Park. H
L. Adams, Glenvlew .,fw
C- C. Allen, Kenosha M
J. M. Sellere, Glenvlew SS
G. F. Cllngman, Jr., Home
wood W
ft, H. Mc.Wwe. Onwentela.M
R. I), pokum, Jr.,Glenvlew .86
H. F. Ctimmltia, Exmisir....S3
II. J. Tweetlle, Belmont 90
C. Browrv, Glenvlew 8
O. A. Thorne, Exmoor X6
J. C. Vandemark, Windsor.. SI
O. W. Potter, Jr., Mid-
. lothlan 94
A. O. Perry, Windsor 87
H. 'R' Daniels, Midlothian. .84
G. A. Mill'", Detroit
A. C. Brown, Ppringfleld. . .87
B. C. Ppitie.r, River Forest. 87
E. W. Alexander, Detroit... 87
78 m
W 157
81 1S9
1 1U
U 1
91 11
78 1H
M 14
81 . 17
85 1
84 , 18
81 I9
81 J--.9
86 169
81 1
86 1
86 170
89 m
81 171
8.1 1"1
8fl 171
83 172
tH . 171
85 173
SH 172
8-i 171
85 173
86 173
85 172
Large Attendance Witnesses Events
for the Big "takes.
NEW YORK, Aug. IS. In spite of cloudy
weather the attendance wns large on the
second flay ol the Qrand Circuit meeting
at Brighton Beach. The 2:20 trot, worth
5,0M, and the 1:08 pace for the sama
smotint at mile heats, two In three, wer
the big features of the day. The 2:0 trot
proved disastrous to the favorite. In the
early pools Snyder McOregor sold for H5.
Bonnier Russell 110, Btnnley Dolton 18 nnd
the balance of the field for 116. Stanley
Dillon won the race in straight heats.
In the I:n pace Oalbifher was a hot
favorite at $60, with Pan Michael 115, John
M. 15 and the -field 15. In the flrat beat,
though the favorite had the mil. Pan Mich
Sal had so muoh the best of the start that
he was able to shoot Hcross and get the
pole at the first turn and keep It to the end,
though the favorite succeeded In passing
the balance of the field and was only beaten
a length. Gallagher won the second hent,
but In the third heat both favorites were
tired and John M. won In slow time. John
M. won the next heat with ease. Results:
Pacing, 1:08 class, purse 5,0u0, mile heats,
two in three
John Mj ol. g., by Parls-Le-ura, by
Ham Fleming (Spear) I
Gallajrher, b. g. (James) I
Pan Michael, oh. h. (Winnings).... 1
paullbe O., hi. m. (Snow)., 4
Claymos, b. g. (McDonald) S
Tlrv Mononola hr. h. (Currv) .7
61 ro
Plnchem Wilkes, b. t (EstesL... 7 ro
Bsron Rogers, br. g. (Deryder).... I ds
Tirnei !;05, 2;054, 2:07H, 1:0714.
Trotting, 2:20 class, purse 16,000, mile
heats, two in three
Rtnnl.iv Dillon, b. sr.. bv Sidney Dlllon-
Athehlnn, by BteTnway (Deere) 1
LlsonJero, b. g- (Howard) 1
Bonnie Russell, b, h. (Hudson) 6
Snyder MoOregor, ch. g. (Snow) 7
Ruth C, gr, in. (Kenney) 6
Jollv TtAchelnr. b. a. (Siiear) 4
Ltn, br. m. (Deryder) Ids
John Caldwell, br. g. (Thompson) ds
Texas, gr. m. (Renlck) ds
Time: 2illH, 2:104.
Trotting, 2:16 class, purse $500, dash, mile
and one-sixteenth:
T. E. N., b. h., by Orah Wllkes-Sana, by
Regal Wlkes (Moore) 1
Leonaro, b. m. (Deryder)
Oraydon, b. g. (Drumm) 1
Earlines, b. m. (Garrison) 4
Bessie Blrcbwood
Tim: 1:94. - m
Pacing, 1:10 class, purse 1600, dash, mile
end one-eighth;
Cherry Lass, b. m., by Bobhy Mcaregor-
-Welcome Buiker (Andrews) 1
Bessie Abbott, bl. m. (Hudson) , I
Btnrllght, ch. h. (Wilson) I
purl gcott, b. g. (Moloney) 4
Florence Wilton, b. m. (CUrry).. 5
' Time: 2:27".
Trotting, 2:08 class, puree 1800, dash, mile
and one-elghthi ....
Caspian, b. g., by Patron-coscanua, Dy
Shelby Chief (Shank) 1
Jay McGregor, b. h. (Snow) 2
Authoress, bl. m. (McDonald) 8
York Boy, r. g. (Curry) 4
Maxlne , , i
Wentworth - I
Direct View 7
Altoona, Pa., June ao, 1903,
I wai afflicted with Tetter ia bad shspe.
It would APpOs In blotphes as lanro as tnv
hand, a yellowish color, and would scale oft.
Voo can I"?! jiae bow offensive It was.
For tweire years 1 was smiciea wiut mi
trouble, aud at tiljsht It was a case of
scratch and many times no rest at all. See
ing the good the medicine was aoing a
friend who waa takioff it for Eczema, I
commenced It, and as a result the eruption
began to dry up and disappear, and to-day
I am practically a well man. Only two
tiny spots are left on the elbow and shin,
where once tne wnoie pouy wo mittim.
I have every confidence in the woridin the
medicine, and feel sure that in a shon
time these two remalnihjr spots will disap
pear. 8. S. 8. is certainly a freat blood
purifier, and has done me a world of good,
I am grateful for what it has accom
plished, and trust that what I have said
will lead others who are similarly afflicted
to take the remedy and .obtain tho same
good results that I have.
125 East Fifth Ave. JohW F. LKA..
While washes, soaps, salves and powders
relieve temporarily, they do not reach the
real cause of the disease. Tho blood must
be purified before th cure is permanent,
8. o. 8, txmtalna no potash, arsenic of min.
era! of any description, but is guaranteed
Sure iv. vrireiaiu.
end or our book
on the eU in and its
diseases which is
mailed free. Our
physicians will
cheerfully advise
without charge any
who write us about
their ease,
Thi Swift gpoolf.o Company, Atlanta, Ga.
cvy in
-01 A
SUNDAY, JULY 31. 1904.
Thoroiirflily Ktiulpped trains leave St. Ixiuls and Chicago nightly
arrival of IncoinlnB trsJns), grrlvlint either city the following morning.
Equipment entirely newt lavish In dobltiu, tluborute la f urnUUlnit,
Ask i vur- Ticket Agt iit, or address,
a- f r
. . 8
t'orhett ahat CVftrlen,
NEW YORK. Aug. 1 -Jamas Corhett
nd Jack O'Brien t-nlsy alaned tn flicht a
six-round bout In Phlladelpliia Scpteroliet .
Is th man who c.ratohe his bead and
always has dandruff on, hi coat iia
should us . , . ' .
a L' a li- .
Jt I unaurpasned ' for cleaning ' th
scalp. Prevents hair from falling out
thereby preventing baldness, It ear
Dandruff and other kindred disease.
Many persons think they have dand
ruff, when in reality they have a ease
Of Ersem.
F, V. V. will etire not only Pandruff.
but Jt Is a POSITrVB cure for Kosema
and all diseases of the skin.
FREE. Hand nave and address for
large trial bottle and 26o to cover ooat
Of mailing.
Full els bottle tt. sold and rcat
mended br - . ..
cEiToircriUQ co.,
lBth aa4 rarnant St Osnath.
Barae Raoaa1y Cck, IZhleaea, til.
What To Eat
Send for copy. 10 cents or 11.00 a year.
Kellabla liealth Articles, Table
Stories. Jems, Poems. Clever ToAsts,
A good friend to brighten your leisure
moments. Full of novel suggestion
for entertaining.
Tha Iowa HaaHh Bulletta eara "Our homos
would be hi4lttitar and har-plor if tha inniatos
wora raadara of thla worth publication."
WHAT TO BAT (Monthly Magaslne).
Washington St. and Pitth Aia. CHICAGO.
oni.caaMiinch I
ft 111 l .IU aoa aoi
aoBiatlau aotaai
eyi.nTpue , Thara anay tie Itebln I
t 1 Sir 1 iii i ana
ailuglnf, thai
?aia ain, aorsiiraa aud lilaa.lloa.
umora form, aolarpa, yrotrado, aud If
noalwUil, ulcarata, liacoinlns fr aarloui and
barnful Torurathaaauloklraadpainlaaalriiae '
Inataat rellaf. Curat la trTaral dar
MaiyrJar Kfg. Co., Lancaster,
4- 4rllaal al ti.lT BUl.a
N.SArB. 1111iw.w l.aia. ... n,.e
hi C- t lll!H illlCH'l KNCil.l .J
,1-aa. a. t r-a. U.asa11. ar KM a m
t1aa.M a, ParltpMlal, TaallmanUia
aat M -Hof far 1. U'aka.kiM.
lam at n. 1 T..utau. a-i
11 r,.u..i.,. 1 , i "
KaiUa UI aal Madlaaa a"r I'lllUA. fZ,
Time: I:'V.
to , ,
jO? aWr0-