Til 13 OMAHA DAILY IJEE: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1U0. 1! SPECIAL NOTICES AilirrlUrairiitl fnt these colamaa 1 vrlil a tikra aattl 12 an. for th avaalasr edltloa and aatll ) p. m. lor th maraliK aa4 gander Hltlaa. Rales. 1 l-2e a word Href Insertion, i la a word thereafter. Katnlaai taken for leas (kta Oe for Ibe flrat laser, tlea. The a4rrrtUrmata aaast ba roa eeneeeatlTely. Advertisers, br rraantlat am fcered eheck, raa have tmwrri ad dresaed fa a aambvrad letter fa ear af Tha lira. Aaewcre aa ' addreeaed will ba elrllvered. aa presentation af cheelc. MISCELLANEOUS 1904 FALL TERM Boyles College SEPTEMBER 6 Catalog Heady. Day and Night CUT-RATE TICKETS everywhere. P. H. Phlluln, 1606 Finiam and opp. Union sta tion. Tela. 784 and 1672. R 895 JRY KEL.LT 'B TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. 8530. R-S6 CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent. .. ; R-897 EAGLE Losn Office; reliable, accomod ting; all bualneaa ccnndenllaL 1301 Douglas . r ms ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., ltl N. 16th. Tel. 177. R 889 HXFRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., moving and storage. 214 N. 16th. Tel. U95. R-9w) 1UBLJCITY DESIGNS WHEATON In tha Ee bldg. R-901 SIGN painting. S. II. Cola, 1302 Douglas. . ' R PJ2 H. W. M'VEA, Plumber, 1124 N. i6th. Tel. r747. R-9i4 BICYCLES! BICYCLESI OMAHA BICYCLE CO., 16th and Chicago. R UU6 IflIRR Stammering; and Stuttering. V-UIXDj. Vaughn, Raraga bid., Omaha - R-9r7 STANDARD filters. Huber. Tel. 1S. 1301 Farnam. R 909 . HS'LVER. NICKEL Plating. Om. UULUpAll( Co., 1608 Harney. Tal. 2T35. : R-910 ' FURNACES Repaired and reset. Omaha Stova Repair Works, M Doug la aU Tel. 960. ' K M404 A. MURPHY1 SON, horseshoers, carriage builders, general blacksnilthlng. Tel. 11 16. 1410 Jackson. R M4S9S6 NAT. STEAM DYE WORKS, 21K4 S. 14th. TeL hum. . . . R M376 81 OMAHA SCHOOL SUPPLY CO, 1621 Howard at. R M757 810 MODELS and experimental machinery built; patented articles and novelties made for Inventora and others; model makers' supplies, tools, castings, gears, etc. Write for terms. Alt R. Gardner, Atlantic la. R M766 810 P. MELCHOIR, machine works. 13th and Howard. - R 140 CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 211 8. 11TH. ' 'PHONE 254. v Why carry your soiled linen? Our wuguna ' call and deliver same. Bills collected m on t hi y." . R M148 8 1 5 BUSINESS CHANCES A GOOD laundry plant In a good town for sale. Inquire of Box 182, Pender, Neb. Y 126 20x DRUG stores bought and sold, every state; special plan. F. V. Kniest, R. P., 701 N. Y. L. Bldg. Y-915 ABBOTT-COWAN CO.. 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg., , can get you la. or out of business. - , . Y-911- SHOLES-ARMSTRONa CO., 723 N. Y. Lit. " Tel. 49. Y 811 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your property or business quick, see J. H. Johnson, 813 N. Y. Life, TPhone L2270. , It11 TO get in or out o robustness, or If you want to buy or sell real estate see Omaha Real Estate and Bualneaa Chance Agency, 4l N. Y. Ufa bldg. , Y-914 A YEARLY Income guaranteed to the ones Interested with us, a proposition aa good aa a government bond; lust month's divi dend paid equaled 20 per cent; bank refer ence given; write for literature and proa pectua, which will be forwarded free upon application; representative wanted. Davi dor Promoting Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Y-M417 All BUSINESS CHANCES FARM LANDS. OMAHA APPRAISAL COMPANY, fcl NEW YORK LIFE BLDG., 'P110NJ3 FUaifi. Y M707 COUNTRY MERCHANT. Do you want to retire from buaineasT If ao we have an exceptional proposition to sub mit. THE NEW SNOW CHURCH CO., First Floor N. T.. Life Bid. . . . Y-M29S ANEW modern front storeroom to rent for clothing store In Nebraska's beat town of l.&tx) Inhabitants; an exceptionally good opening: building to be completed October L Address T 60. Omaha Bee. Y M494 19 FOlt SALE, a prosperous grocery bualneaa In Fremont, Neb.; stock $3,6u0; reason for selling on application. Addresa W 9, care Of The Bee. Y M72 23x FOR HA LB Restaurant and confectionery In county aent town of 2.000, doing good business; 11 furnished rooms In connec tion; water and gas In building; rent, $.(5; will sell for Invoice. Best of reasons for telling. Address St. 16, care of Bee. Y M776 IS A FURNISHED BARBER SHOP to rent reasonable; In good town. For terms write. John MoftVu. Platte Center, Neb. Y-M159 IS WANTED Real estate loana of 110.000 and up. L W. Tulleya, 102 Main street, (up t u Ir s), Co u n c 1 1 H1 u na, 1 a . Y M 1 ti 1J 0 FOR SALE HORSES & WAGONS HIGH-GRADE rubber-tire runabout. . slightly soiled, at half value. Also good top bufrny and harness, cheap. Johnson , at Dunuuth, ti. W. Cor. 10th at Jones 8t. P 968 fc'EK the fin line of vehicles for sale by Frost, 14th and Leavenworth. P 969 W. J. LA PAGE, carriage and wagon; 2d h;ih.d vehicle for sale. 1607 Jackson. TeL 1HU. P 466 AM 15 NEW L'TIUTY WAGONS below cost, l' axle and. Wheels. 6-ft. body, buggy top ou seat. Bnp, lcg.00 eai'h. TVum- niond, ISth and Hurney. P MT78tf FlNl-M.OOKINtl family horse d alm al new staiihoie. . Club atables, 'th at)d !. venworth. p M14 Iik A SNAP Two-seated canopy top. rubber tlie surrey, at about half value; good con dition; at 2111 Dauglaa St.; phone 172 or STiV P-MtfJ 17 OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, ili N. Y. Life bldg. T. ltM. 94 . MRS. JOHN R. ML'SfCK. Osteopathic Phy sician; olrtce. Douglas block. Tel. 2.-i. DK. FA It WELL, specialty nervous disease. ir 4 Pa i ton. k. FLORISTS lii . i A EWOUUDA, HI 6 Farnam L. llh-NI'IJltyoN, 1S19 Furnam. Wend for pilca Hut tit cut cowers aud plants. i7 AI r H!' I liONAGlILJC, JR.. Iu7 Farnam. lei a '( LAV AND COLLECTIONS 1. K kluhiiAltl V. Ally., 4J1 Paxton. TeL A.-.i. J Al M Al PA II I .A N D, New York 1 1 Ta ,r , l-.v a . ai.J i,J. 'is.L J i WANTED MALE HELP FALL TERM of the Omaha Commercial College 17th and D.uglas Sts. Opens Thursday morning, September 1. New classes In ail deparimt-nts. Best t.me to begin night school September 1. bend for free catalogue. Address: . ROHRbuuUII BftOS., Omshs, Neb. B M137 20 WANTED FOR U. . AttMY-Able-bodled unmarried men between ages of 21 and so. cltisens of United Siatea, of good cbarao- ' ter and temperate balilia, who can spa, read and write Engl.sh. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, 13h and Douglas ats.. Omaha, Lincoln, N cp. . or Sioux City, ia. B M297 WANTED Bookkeeper for grain 'business; must give references. Addresa T ' , Be. B Mill DRt'O employes, managers, salesmen, ete . for snv state. F. V. Kniest, xt. V. 701 N. Y. L. Bldg. B M70J WANTED Salesmen who are selling gro ceries to ranchers to handle our goods. Address Chicago & San Francisco Gro cery Co.. San Francisco. B MS 16 S12x VVANTEil-M to 112 weeklr easily earned by either sex knitting seamless hosiery for the western market; our Improved family macnln-with rlhblr.g attachment furnished worthy families who do not own a machine on easy payment pmn, write at once for full cartlculars and commence making money: no experience required, united states wooien -o., ie trolt, Mich. B MS13 300 MEN WANTED for packing house la borers, butchers, etc., at South Omaha; good wages and permanent Jobs to com jetent and satisfactory men; no office heln or watchmen needed. For wages and particul irs send nam and address to T 39, Bee Gince, Omaha. WANTED Men to lear barber trade. Ad vantages of steady practice and instruc tions are given that cannot be had else where. Few weeks completes. Can nearly earn expenses before finishing. 112 to 115 weekly paid graduates. Call or write. Moler Barber College, 1302 Douglas St. t B M839 J9X AMERICAN BARBER COLLEGE, leading barber school In the wes. write lor tims. 1J 47 20x GOOD collector and solicitor. Gents' furnishing salesman with experience as window trimmer. One druggist registered in South Dakota One soda fountain man. One billing and shipping clerk. Good stenographer. Did you see our record of the past week In the Sunday pnpers? We have the posi tions, have you the ability? Call or write for list of vacancies. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N, 840-841 N. Y. Life. B-145 IS GOOD TIMES FOR MECHANICS In build ing trades. High wages, reasonable hours. Open shop city, Finest climate. Investment opportunities. Mention pa per. Address Box No. 301, Bacramento, Calif. B M167 16 WANTED A firstclass cleaner and dyer at The Pantorlum, 407 S. 15th street. B-M1561S . Stenographer, experienced In drug busi ness. Collector and solicitor. Stenographer who operates Smith Pre mie typewriter. Two drug clerks who understand soda fountain. A good gent's furnishing goods salesman. One experienced hotel clerk. We have numerous positions open In other lines. ,s Call or write for list of vacancies. . WESTERN REF. BOND ASSN. 840-841 N. Y. Life, Omaha. B 169 1 WANTED Man about 40, stranger In city, would like to meet gentleman about the same age for roommate and sociability. References exchanged. Address W 56, Bee office. v B M171 18x DE8IRE to meet experienced stenographers for mutual speed practice evenings. This Is not a financial proposition. Hard work the object. Address W 57, Bee. B M188 17x WANTED, general agents and solicitors Immediately; responsible permanent po sitions; men good address, business abil ity; enclose references; new proposition; enclosed legitimate, reliable, money niRker; beats Insurance, Bone & Man ning, Tacoma, Wash. B 180 17x , WANTED, energetic man, each county, to post signs, distribute circulars and sam ples; salary. 118 weekly; 13 per day for expenses; honesty and sobriety more es- "sentlal than experience. National Co., 720 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. B M187 17x - WANTED, young man with some talent to learn cartooning. Excellent oppor tunity. Address C. W. Warren, this office, B-M185 17x WE NK3ED COMPETENT MEN To fill position as managers, accountants, advertising men, salesmen and bookkeep ers; also technical and executive men. high grade exclusively. We have offices In twelve cities. Write for plan and booklet. HAPGOODH (Incorporated). tl Chemical building. St. Louis. B WANTED FEMALE HELP 10 GIRLS; Canadian office, 15th and Dodge. C 921 O. K. American-German employment office; . oldest, most t ellable in Omaha. 1524 Dodge. I C M496 Sa WANTED Ladles to learn halrdresslng. manicuring, facial maHsage, chiropody or electrolysis (removing hair and moles by electricity); few weeks completes; can nearly earn expenses before finishing; graduates earn $12 to 1:0 weekly; diplomas granted. Call or write Moler College, 1302 ouglas street. C Usi8 19x WILL GIVE a paid-up business and Short hand scholarship to right party, same to be paid out of salary when course Is ftnlaned and position secured. Addresa W 38, Bee. ' C-M835 31 WANTED, two competent girls, or man and wife, to. cook and do the second work, for family of two. Reference re quired. Apply S32 South 37th at. C-138 17x FEMALE HELP WANTED Good cook; family of 4; no washing or Ironing; refer ences required. Apply Mrs. J, E. Baura, sM5 Harney. C M147 18x EXPERIENCED girl for general house work, 2122 Burt St. C M174 WANTED One dining room girl, one chambermaid; 115 per month. Address Commercial Hotel, UcCook, Neb. C-M178 17 WANTED, young lady to take private les- poiip in iifiiunrttmy, nne cnance. Aonresa C. W. Warren, this office. C-M182 17x FIRST-CLAMS' hnirdrerwer and manlcurer; n I an nrtitrnllfii'a IKth nnrl Tknitvlu. C 17 1t WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED A position, by young woman recently thrown upon bur own lesourcw; energetic, Intelligent and refined; able willing to work. Addresa W 81, Bee. A ILsO 17x WANTED By competent person, a posi tion la millinery house (wholesale pre ferred), or cure of a gentlenian'a home and children. Address W 81, Bee. A-819 17 W ANTED Situation in merchandise bual ness; good, all-round man; can speak German and Danish; furnlfch references. Address W 65. Bee. A M151 18x HUNDREDS of men and women out of work In this elty; 800 have filed applica tions for positions with us. What kind of help do you want, railroad, farm hands, shovelers. harvest hands carpen ters, plasterers, livery, hotel, clerks, book keepers? We furnlah them all union principles is appreciated by The Rex Em ployment Bureau, 2D13 Q street, floutb, Omaha. Tel. 271, A-M179 17 AGENTS WANTED LADY AGENTS make big pronta any- wiifro wun our proposition, pena PH" for sample worth 5(c. lit oc lion, 34 Wsbhlng- toit at., Chicago. J Ml 17x PRINTING LYNOSl AD t Crounaa block, corner of ' ltiih bl. and Capital Av. -.0 KRAMER & C 11 AND! EH. QUICK PR1.NT- I li.i, ii'kl huio in. lu ilciiver uik wliea piomthrd Is our bobty. . If,! J. M. HI !U I.I.isS, rcllul.le printer; tat- 1;1,J V yt&i. 4 ti. ijiu L., ouikIo A man who put. an ad in The Sunday Bee and one other Omah paper pot fix answers from The I5ee, which included ajbujcr, and none from the other paper, rroblem: By WHAT PERCENTAGE LID THE BEE LEAD in returns? The Bee does not devote 50 per rent of its want ad space to padding and free ads in order to make a showing. THE BEE TRINTS THE MOST PAID WANT ADS BEE WANT ADS BRING) THE BEST RETURNS ALWAYS A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE. FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL. European. 16th Chicago. fc 9ji DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Farnam. V M K 9o8 11.25 PER WEEK, Do ran house. t!2 8. 18th. E W9 VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fine room, ladies' cafe, private dining r.; open nlghta. E W THE FARNAM, 19th and Farnam streets. E 941 Midland Hotel. JSth Chicago; reaaonab . TWO nicely furnished rooms, modorn. Apply 2519 Jones St. E M648 FRONT rooms, new modern flat. K So. ISth. E M78 18 DOUBLE, also single room; modern. 21H " So. 19th. . E-M789 18 ELKO A NT MODERN ROOMS Gentlemen preferred, board optional, 2i34 Farnam. , E M758 17 LARGE front parlor. 'Phone A-2EM. Ad. dress W 26, Bee ptflce. E Ml 1 LARGE front room, modern, two gentle men. 1923 Dodge. E M804 19x LOWER room, suitable for two gentlemen. Address W 44, Bee. E-M801 19 WELL furnished bed rooms, single ur double. 316 N. 17th. E M124 20x NEATLY furnished front room for 2; all modern Improvements, In private family. Gents only.- 210 N. 23d st. E 141 ltfx FOR RENT Two furnished rooms In pri vate family; strictly modern; gentlemen preferred. 1921 St. Mary's Ave. E M177 18 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O. M. E. TEL. 611 ' MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. . F 948 THURSTON HOTEL; cool, outside rooms, 11.50 to $4.00 per week; board, 13.50. F 831 Midland Hotel, 16th Chicago; reasonable. . F M4W FURNISHED rooms, modern and board. 626 a 19th. F M460.S4X UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 3210 CASS ST. Two south rooms, partly furnished, suitable for light housekeeping. tl w WANTED TO RENT WANTED Room and board in Christian Science family, convenient to business. Address W 31, Bee. K 818 17 x WANTED To rent house suitable to keep roomers near business center; north pre ferred. Mrs. A. E. Irick, Underwood, la. K MH36 20 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS $1.00. Has there not been times when it would have been worth more than 100 cents to you? It Is our bual-. nesa to supply you with money when you need It and a'.low you to return It In small weekly or monthly payments, as may best suit your convergence. We loan on Furniture, Piano., Live Stock and other chattel . and we make salary loans. Our , terms are as good as any and"", better' than many. We are the oldest concern In our line In tha city, with all-around consistent dealings to recommend us. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO, 119 Board, Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295. (Established 1892.) 3u 8. 16th St. 1 X 791 LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE. PIANOS, LIVE BTOCK. ETC. PAYMENTS AND RATES TO SUIT YOU. PELIABLE CREDIT CO. SU7-30 PAXTON BLK. TEL. 1411. DON'T BORROW MONEY On Salary, Furniture or Pianos UNTIL YOU SEE US. J. A. HUTTON CO., 614 Paxton Block. 3 P. C. YEAR FROM 1100 to lo.uuu loans on your personal note at i PER CENT PER YEAR. All good loans wanted. Call or write and get my system. W. L. Eastman & Co., nuS Farnam, Omaha. X 924 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments; largest business in 49 principal cities. Tohnan, room 714 N. Y. Life. X-927 MONEY to loan on furniture, horses, etc, at half usual rates. Dr. Prlbbenow, room 215, at 209 S. lfith si. Tel. B 29t4. . X 93 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., 1W)4 Farnam St. X 929 SALARY and collateral loans. Templeton, 212 Bee Bldg. Tel. 2904. X ajo MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc' C. F. Reed, 319 S. liih. X-931 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN CO., 644 PAXTON BLOCK. X-932 BEE FULLER, 425 Paxton Blk., for loana on watches, diamonds and jewelry. X 933 LOANS made on all kinds of chattel se curity, also on SALARIES. Low Rates. Easy Terms. Quick and Confidential Service. Call on us If In need of MONEY. PHOENIX. CREDIT CO., 631 Paxton Block. V X J53 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE FARM uud city loans, low rates. W. H. Thuuia, First Nat l Bank bldg. Tel. l4d. W-9UI PRIVATE money. V. I. Wead, 1620 Douglas. r v . W to2 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 13-0 Farnam st. W-93 MONEY TO LOAN. Payna Investment Co. W-994 i per cent loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. W-996 LOWEST rates. Bemls, Paxton block. r W-M105 4 MONEY to loan on real estate at 6 and b per cent. W. B. Melkle, 2u6 Ramge Uhlg. W M443 WANTED TO BUY fslIONFELD, the ANTIQUARIAN, 822 N. Y. Life, pays highest price for books. ToL luua. N 867 HIGHEST prices paid for furnished tints, a 34, Bee. N MbU WANTED lno cars of bones, also buy scrap Iron, tin toll, rubber, copier, brass and all kinds of Junk; can o'-o furnish Saab weights, any amount. Samuel M. lley. 11 Indiana, Kaunas i uy, Mu. Writ ma, N M.'Ui Bum WANTKD. to buy. feather teda. M. Aus lyn. 171 Cuming St. 'Telephone i4tt7. N 14 Itix CLAIRVOYANTS liVUtlL palmist. 716 No. 23d. TeL It'-'uS. feWluU BLtSLNtiSJ Mt-DILM, JU N. 17th street t-MU feu FOR SALE TAFT, ' 4 CREEK NATION, INDIAN TERRITORY. x 1 Tha townsite of Taft, located on the MldVnd Valley Railroad, In the center of the richest agricultural district In the Creek Nation, Is now on the market. I . - OPPORTUNITIES are now offered for the establishment of business houses of all kinds, such as grocery, dry goods, drugs, clothing, boots and shoes, meat markets, lumber, cotton gin, hay and grain, etc Get In on' the ground floor and buy one or more lots at prices that will make you money. , ' For full information apply to t t Webster Realty1 Co., 441 BOARD OF TRADE BUILDINO. OMAHA, NEB. RE 162 16 320 ACRES CENTRAL NEBRASKA. Fine grass and hay land; 3,2U0 last week, 13,100 this week; $100 cheaper each succeed ing week until sold. One-tenth cash, balance la nine . equal yearly payments., WILLIS CAD WELL, Broken Bow, Neb. RE-M937 20 FOR SALE1 New brick building, 71x140 feet in size; suitable for manutacturlng or storage purposes; cheap If sold at once. The Partrldge-Shelly-Thompsdn company, 26th and Martha sts. RE M841 20 202 MAPLE ST. A new 7-room alt modern house. Has elec tric and gas, good furnace, cemented cellar, beat Of plumbing fixture. Lot 40x120. Fine neighborhood. Owner will sell to responsible party without any down payment. THE BYRON REED CO.. - . 212 8. 14th. RE 165 17 TWO brand new cottages, modern except, furnace; one l,80o and the other (2,460. SHIMER & CHASE, Builders ot Modern Houses. RE 784 DUNDEE PLACE " Nice new 7-room 'house, entirely modern, nlckled plumbing, furnace, cemented cel lar, eevrythlng new and clean. A very neat, attractive home. Price, 13,0u0. BENSON & CARM1CHAEL, 642 Paxtdn Block. RE-166 17 SCHOOL and Indemnity kinds on the Rose bud reservation wilt be offered at, publlo sale August 26,.19i,r at Fairfax, South - Dakota- For descriptions, price und terms apply to C. Ji 'Bach, commissioner of scnool and publlo lands, Pierre, south Da kota. , . . RE 767 A24 ? '" ' tfi Hub. your property.'! Baker Bros. Eng. Co. , . RE 958 CIiA8' Williamson Co.. ua.tbFloo1rd, ,.. ' RE 969 FOR SALE Two .modern cottages, West Farnam St. district, only 11,600 each. Thomas Brennan. Room 1, ti. Y. Life Bldg. 1 RE 960 New BARGAINS You can't beat these: One at 82,000. tha other at 12,600, 8 rooms each, lull two story, cemented cellars under whole house, porcelain bath and nickel plumbing, barn with one; brand new, and you can't build them for the money; close to car and easy walking distance; must b seen l be appreciated. , W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam Street. KE-894 111 BY C7 FEET, on trackage, 24th St. anl Grand ave., near car barns, for sale, 1,860. G. A. Boeder, Grand Island, Neb. RE Mi4 Six DO YOU WANT A FREE HOME? Why not take a homestead in South'' Da kota? Inquire W 'i DALY, 701 b. lath. Tel. 1341. RE M445 bl ' TO BE SOLD The property southeast corner of 13lh and Davenport sts., with two stores, two flats above, and cottage, has been ordered SOLD. This property produces good income and can be made to produce more. Will sell on easy terms. Make best offer QUICK, as It will be sold. For full particulars see ' THE M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., loo Dodge Su RE M391 COUNTRY HOME AND FRUIT FARM. Three miles north of the Country club, H lnlle outside of city limits, 36 acre with good house, barn and poultry house, fine grove of native forest trees, as pretty as a park, large number of apple, chei'ry, plumb and peach trees and -all kinds of berries and small fruit, a large grapery with 11.000 worth of grapes on the vines now; horses, cows, wagons and tools on the place; all. goes for 18,000. HARRISON & MORTON; 18 N. Y. Life. TeL 114. RE 143 16 FOR BALK OR RENT1 Large modern houae and barn. No. 2019 Chicago St. In quire of owner, W. H. Grlfhth. 417 North 2oth SU RE M172 19x MONTHLY PAYMENT BARGAIN 5-ROOM COTTAGE, almost new; large lot, ' a little north of 24th and Ames Ave., only ll.jJiO. lioO down and balance monthly. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. P.E iil7 19 BEAUTIFUL double corner on 0th St., nuar residence of Mr. Kountse and Mr. Pennock, but eastern owner anxious to sell soon and says get me JJ.JoO. F. D. WEAD 1524 Douglas St. RE M176 19 FINE 7-room house, strictly modern full Jot, south lion i, shade and fruit, barn and permanent walk. Inquire 4. Burden. Rlk-744 NORTH OMAHA BARGAINS. 7-room brick cottage, atore building and cottage attached, lot 77x161, ua car Hue. rents l; IAuuO,. Iialf cosh. Apply to owuar, Jul N. Y. Life. RE M447 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch tall tha farmers and stock raisers about It. Tha best way to reach them Is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER REAL ESTATE BEST BARGAINS IN OMAHA 2204 Ohio st., 9-r., all modern; snap for only 30. 816 8. 35th ave., best 8-r., strictly modern dwelling to be found In Omaha for i7.50. 1901 8. 29th ave., 8-r., all modern, 100 foot frontage, new pavement, barn; all for 136. 3204 Marcy St., brand new 8-r. strictly modern dwelling, reduced to 132.60. 646 S. 26th ave., very neat 7-r. cottage with bath room and gas, for 825. 1622 S. 26th St., 7-r., all modern except furnace, only 122.50. 1610 Georgia ave., 6-r., partly modern, only $22.50. 2325 S. 18th st.. 6-r., strictly modern ex cept furnace; big snap at 118. . 2007 Cass St., 4-r., city water; close In; nicely papered; only 112. 3034S S. 18th st., 8-r. brick house; city water; cnoice lor . Another one Just back of same, only $7. 1408 N. 17th St., 8-r., only 18. PAYNE, BOSTWICK CO., SOLE AGENTS, 601-3 N. Y. .Ule Bldg. D-170 16x BARGAIN to home purchasers If you mean business. Call 436. Board of Trade. RE M491 A21 FOR SALE One note of 11,800, due in one year; secured by first mortgage on good Improved Omaha property, bearing 6 per cent Interest, payable semi-annually; also on note for ll,to0, due on or before three years; Interest at 6 per cent, payable semi-annually; secured by first mortgage on good property. Botn are absolutely safe and given by respectable parties. Address the owner, S, 26, Bee office. RE M45S One ' Full Acre On new J3th;atv car line. Joining 'limits of Omaha and S. O., but just outside, 76 ft. east front by 600 it. In depth, covered with native forest trees; between Riverview and Syndicate parks; as pretty and sightly as either. Only 1750. Act quickly. HARRISON & MORTON, 913 N. Y. Life. Tel. 114. , RE lea 16 FOR SALE, two east front lots, Bemls rark, 80x165 ft.; car, one block, 1375 each, nqulr 3404 Lafayette ave. RE Ml4 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 6-room modern house, fur nished, near Hanscom park. Apply 416 & 16th or U36 28th sU D 448 PAYNE-BOSTWICK CO., choice house. 601-6O3 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1016. D 963 Mf 1! KF" I" all parts of the city. The vwwmw XI . JJ avis Co., 5o8 Bee bldg. V 4Ki THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store H. H. goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th. Oifice. 16Ufe Farnam. Tel. 1659. D 961 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van St Stor age Co. TeL 1469. Ofilce 1713 Webster St. D 964 HOUSES. Insurance. Ringwalt, Barker blk. D-966 nUUOCJ Peters V Co.. Bee Building. D Itui RESIDENCE on Georgia ave., near Pa cific. 10 rooms, attic, basement; modern; east front; fine grounds, 66x140, trees. Apply 314 First Nat l Bank bldg. . D7o SEE CHRIS BOYER. 124 and Cuming. D illBl NICE 6-room bouse, modern; lawn. 719 S. 37th St. D 481 20x HOUSE FOR RENT Modern, ( rooms, 2721 Jackson street 127.60, to small family. Wheeler & Wheeler, 16th and Douglas sts. Telephone 186. D M441 (-ROOM, modern flat, Bit floor. 1112 S. 11th. FOR RENT. -$30.00 for 1615 Howard street, (-room mod ern flat. $37.00 for 2309 California street, new, ( rooms; strictly modern. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam st. D M837 20 FOR RENT Ten-room modern house west of High school. The O.' F. Davis Co., 508 Bee Bldg. D 741 16 LARGE, 8-room modern dwelling, 1623 Lothrop st. Stull Bros. D M183 21x WEST Farnam district I-rm., strictly modern $37.50 1914 N. 27th St., I rooms 17.50 W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1320 Farnam St. v rvt FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FARNAM STREET BUILDING Fine building, 22x100, 4 floors, elevator: steam heat; water; alley, etc.; well adapted for wholesale bualneaa on lower Farnam at. For further particulate see PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., SOLE AGENTS, 601-3 N. Y, Life bldg. 1-990 TWO-STORY building, 1012, and the second floor UiOi-10 Howard. W. 11. Bushman. I lis IF A GOOD light Is needed, we can show you a north front office on the fifth floor a splendid room, at the moderate pile of $20. K. C. Patera A Co., ground floor Bee building. 1122 A $10 office In tha Bea building carrlea with It ail of tha eonvertinncea and advan tage in the way of heat. 1 i at tit, Unltor ' service, all night and ail day and Sunday elevator axrvlca. A $lu omca la now va cant. Call at once. R. C. Paters & Co., ground floor. Bee building. THREE-STORY end basement brick bldg., led Farnuni, 2x100, hydraulic clival. r Suitable for wholesale or uifg. ,114 1st Nat. bank bldg. I M877 DESK ROOM at 711 N. Y. I-lfs bldg. I 622 if STORE CENTRAL LOCATION. 1611 Howard street, with basement. .. .$60.00 OEOHUE A COMPANY, ' luul arnam at. l-MUl PERSONAL DR. ROY. Chiropody. R. 1 . lot "rn"m' DETECT! VEt'pt. Cormack, 517 Krbar.li block. TeL A SxSJ. L MAGNETic?rtisiNi6.'r;r, t; - V 699 Six nermini Dre Wks. Up-to-dat claan- vjermania dyers, m s. ii st. t. 14 A TC cleaned shaped and pressed BMAKXK 8 lli AT FACTORY. JS No. 16th U M. .4 A. TRY KELLEY S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 3"30 U ,W TRUSSES made and fitted to men, woman ana cniioren. is rarnam at. THE 1L J. TENFOLD CO. xj M3M "VIAVL" way to health. $50 Bee Bldg. U JS1 TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. iy) 8. llh, U 9J DON'T fool with your eyes; be careful who examines tnera; we test eyes new if . glasses ana guarantee sartsiaction. THB if. J. PENFOLD CO., Leading Opticians, 14o8 Farnam. U M339 ACCORDION AND SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCHJNG. SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES. GOLDMAN PLfcATING CO. 100 COuuLAi, utvi. 'mu 193$. U M WORLD'S FAIR accommodations, every convenience, three car lines, 7 minutes' ride to fair. 944 Laurel ave., St. Louis. Bell telephone. Forest 966 A. U-M31.1 Bl LARSON A JOHNSON, cut rates to all points, 14t Farnam. Tel. B2113. 1 Mem bers American Ticket Brokers' Assn. U M118 SI DR. KLAUSNER,. Dentist 607 Karbsch blk. lei A.-SM. u nai i o A SINGLE enntlaman. nresldent of proaper ous corporation, wishes to correspond with lady of means, with a view of early mar riage ana a trip to Europe tnis summer; persons expecting to have fun through such correspondence need not answer, as they will be disappointed. Address f. u, box 60, Washington, D. C. U-3S6 17x VIENNA CAFE New management; mer chants' lunch, 16c; snort orders a spe cialty. Wm. Miller, Prop., 1015 Farnam. U-M36? SI LADIES 26c In stamps will remove freck les, tan, sunburn, etc.; not a toilet arncie; a medicine to apply each night. Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. U-M598 89 DR. J. S. ALEXANDER (Homeopath). Office 446 Bee Bldg. Teles., office, liil; re., st4. u btu b; WANTED By two young men of 23 and 27, .. with nc debts, rich wlvea; no tritlers. W. L. GUELLER, Denver Mills, Colo. U-387 16x HANDSOME American widow, worth 136.0UO. wants to marry good, honest man: money no object. Address Mason, Ohio .Block, Chicago, in. u 183 ltix $100 REWARD for arrest and conviction of anyone molesting my man or any peniten tiary offense. 11. W. Alklre, Stewart, 111. U-3S9 17x FRANKLIN Tailoring System taught. lioift Leavenyorth. U 846 813 MRS. MATTSON at 1415 Phelps st, ex pected to die after seven months' doctor ing by allopathic doctors,- cured by Prof. Johnson's medicine, 10th and Jones. U-M181 19X MEDICAL HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tail. Sherman It McConneU, Omaha. DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and irregularities of women, from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp. Dr. Pries, 1611 H Dodge St., Omaha. . 987 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The wood Samaritan sanitarium,- ,28 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. 626 8T. JOSEPH'S hospital; everything modern. Tel. 117. ai 46S box LADIES. Anterior Regulator, sure. 12.00 box. The Columbia Co., Clarlnda, Iowa. M 430 83X FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derght, 1119 Farnam. W oO 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman & McConneU Drug Co., Omaha. J Ool FOR SALE Several scholarships In a nrst-ciass standard scnool in umana, comprising complete course in business, shorthand and typewrltling. Inquire at Bee office. Q 853 TELEPHONE poles; long fir timbers; cneap cmcaen ience. vui ijougias. Q-953 WE RENT Sewing machines, 75c week. We repair and sell parts for every machine manufactured. Second-hand machines from 15.0t to 110.00. Nebraska Cycle Co.. 'Phone 1663. Corner 15th and Harney. Q 953 FOR SALE Solid oak and mahogany top bank or cashier s nxture, in good condi tion, at a bargain. Address C. C. Rose water, room 100. Bee Bldg. Q 824 ELECTRIC nickel In slot. Peerless piano players ana ivegina music ooxes, uig money makers, cheap for cash or time. Schmoller aV Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Tel 165. Q 965 . TWO HEAVY STEP'L HORIZONTAL TUBULAR BOILERS FOR SALE. Two boilers, 100 horse power, which have been used but six years; made or firebox steel, triple riveted, butt and strap Joints, Insurance company permits of pressure of 125 pounds. They are now in use and can be seen at boiler house rear of Bee building. Can be delivered about August 15. Call or address W. H. Bridges, enci- peer. Bee bulldln lug. Omaha. w M9u2 AUCTION. $1,800 worth of finst-class furniture to be oiu o-v cluciiuii iu ,no iiigiici iimurr, Saturday, Aug. 20, at 10 a. in. sharp, at 2221 Douglas St. Parties are leaving city. D 164 30x COMPLETE line new and 2d-hand furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2030. Q-w4 GO TO DIAMOND Loan Office for loans; bargains In goods in pawn. 1401 jjouglse. Q-967 ANTIQUE oak bookcase end desk com bined, can 3104 Mar-te st. Q--447 AUTOMOBILE $1,300 new Shelby, 1 or ' passengers, with top, $S60. H. E. Fred' rickson, long Capitol. w M41 bi FOR BALE Second-hand Brome. Apply A. 4. Dlinyauu xx fuu,e, rl ANY DAY this week we will sell Singer sewing marnines i rom j to fit; cash or payments. The Singer Manufacturing Co., 1614 Douglas St. Q M849 FOR SALE A 16-ft sailing canoe of J. H. htusnton, vanion, rx. x., manufacture; 80 square feet of canvaa; top of solid mshogany: fan-folding centerbnard. All In good shape; cost when new $160.. Will sell for $;s5 if taken at once. Reason for selling, need the money; now In com mission at Lake Manawa. where It can be seen, or will send photograph on ap plication. Address W 41. Bee. Q M988 (-HORSE power gasoline engine for sale. 1614 Capitol ave. y M123 20 FOR SALE Columbia disc graphophone and ti len-incn records, complete. .uvl. 618 No. 17th. Q-129 17x FOR SALE 76 head fresh cows and spring ers, iiiotiire Z413 uuming street, or tele phone 8i75. Q-M135 17 x VERY flne, fresh cow. 1909 Douglas. vj lira iix NEW HOME. Household. White. Domestla and Standard sewing macnines. an nrst rUss; supplies for all machines; special attention given to repairing; all work guaranteed. P. E." FLODMAN A CO., 11,14 Capitol ave. Q-M186 17 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING A C, VAN BANT 8 school. 717 N. Y. Life. 4f?7 f-ACri'MII K letters, euvelopcs addrasxed. BuyUs college, -4 THIS FOR THAT WILL trsde sewing mschlne for type writer. Neb. Cycle Co., loth and Harney. Z-973 WHAT have you to exchange for a piano? Perfield Piano Co., 1611 Farnam. Tel. 7uL IF THERE Is nothlng.ln thla column you want, put an ad. la' and you will eona get It. Z-15.1 WILL exchange second-hand phonograph recorda for other in good condition. N. $4. Bee office. Z-M.x FOR BALK On EXCHANGE A fine milli nery stock. In a good Iowa town. Ad dress N. hi.. Bee. Z-M29 FOR TRADE, half section. Woodson Co.. Kan.. In oil belt; good Improvements, all fenced, orchard, grove, 10 acres In culti vation, 120 acres meadow, Ki) acres pas ture; leased for third of crop and $1 per acre cash, oil lease with royalty. Price. $40; will consider trad In desirable Omaha residence or rental property. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1320 Farnam st. PATENTS 8UKS ft CO., Pstcnt Lawyers; advice free. Three offices: Bee building, Omaha. Neb; 164 Dearuorn at., Chicago, 111., ami 10U3 r St., Washington, D. C. Tel. 1623. R-9 A19X H. J. COWGILL, 430 Paxton blk., Omaha 606 PATENTS H. A. Sttirgls, registered attor ney. Patents, trademarks, copyrights. No fee unless successful. 517 New Vers: Life building. Omaha, Neb. M-17! LOST LOST Friday evening, on Sherman avs. csr, near or at Courland Beach, ladles' hat pin, surmounted with agate stone la gold top with monogram. Reward If re turned to Mr. W. R. Bennett. Main floor, Bennett's. Lost M 986 ltix LOST Receipt book of International Cor respondence schools; finder please re-turn to room 439. Paxton block, or telephone F2639; reward. Loat M1K917X When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke at two of the pen to mention the fact that rom saw the ad In The Bea. POSTOFFICE NOTICE (Should be read dally by all interested, as chances may occur at any time.) Foreign malls for the week ending August 20, 1904, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at toe general poaioftice as fol lows: Parcels-post malls close one hour earlier than closing time shown be low. Parcels-post mails for Germany close at ( p. m. August 16th and 22d. Regular and supplementary malls close at foreign station (corner or west ana Mor ' ton streets) half hour later than closing time shown below, (except that supple mentary malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign station). """" Tranaatlande Walls. TUESDAY (16th) At 6:30 a. m. for EtJ- nuf, pers. s. Kaiser wnneim cer Grosse, via Plymouth, Cherbourg snd Bremen; at 6:30 a. m. for ITALY direct. ' per s. s. Prlns Adalbert (mail must he directed "per 8. s. Prlns Adalbert"); at 7:30 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct, per s. s. Noordam (mail must be directed Der s. s. Noordam"). WEDNESDAY (17th) At 6:30 a. m. for EU ROPE, per s. s. Majestic via yueens town and Liverpool; at 9:30 a. m. for ITALY direct, per s. s. Nord America (mall must be directed "per,t s. Nord America"); at 11 a. m. for DENMARK direct, per s. s. United States (mall must be directed "Der s. a. United States"). THURSDAY (18th) At 7 a. m. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND. ITALY, SPAIN, PORTUGAL, TURKEY, EGYPT. GREECE and BRITISH INDIA, per s. a. La Touralne, via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must be directed "per s. s. La Touralne"). SATURDAY (2uth) At 6 a. m. for EU- ROPE, per s. s. Germanic, via Cherbourg and Southampton (mail must be directed "per b. a. Germanic"); at 6:80 a. m. for EUROPE per s. s. Etrurla., via Queens town ana Liverpool; at 8:80 a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per s. s. Finland (mall must be directed '"per s. s. Finland"); at 11:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s. Columbia (mall must be directed "per s. a. uoiumoia j. NOTICE. Five cents per half ounce, In ad dition to the regular postage, must ba prepaid on all letters forwarded by tha SUPPLEMENTARY MAILS, and letters deposited in the drops marked "Letters for Foreign Countries' after the CLOS ING OF THE REGULAR MAIL, for des patch by a particular vessel, will not be so forwarded unless such additional post age Is fully prepaid thereon by stamps. Supplementary Transatlantic Malls are also opened on the piers of the AMER ICAN. ENGLISH and FRENCH steam ers, whenever the sailings occur at 9, a.m. or later; nnd late mall may bedeposlted in the mail boxes on the piers of the Ger man lines sailing from Hoboken. The mails on the piers open one hour and n, half before sailing time, and close ten minutes before sailing time. Only reg ular postage (letters 5 cents a half ounce) Is required on articles mailed on the piers of the AMERICAN. WHITE STAR and GERMAN (sea post) steamers: double postage (letters 10 cents a half ounce) on other lines. Mails for Sooth and Central America, West Indies, Eta. TUESDAY (16th) At 9:30 a. m. (supple mentary 10:30 a. m.) for NICARAGUA (except East Coast), HONDURAS (except East Coast), SALVADOR, PANAMA,, DEP'T OF CAUCA IN COLOMBIA, ECUADOR, PERU. BOLIVIA and CHILI, per s. s. Alllanca, via Colon (mall for Guatemala must be directed "per s. s. Alllanca"); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m ) for JNAGUA, POHT DK PAIX, CAPE HAITI, GONAIVES, ST. MARC, JEREMIE and MAGDALEN A, DEP'T OF COLOMBIA, per s. a. Flan drla (mall for other parts of Haiti and Colombia must be directed "per s. s. Flan drla"); at 10 a. m. for HAITI, per sts. Prlns Wlllem III. (mall for Cane Haiti, Port de Palx, Curacao, Venesuela, Trini dad, British and Dutch" Guiana must be directed "tier s. s. Prlns Wlllem HI."); at 12 m. for NORTHERN BRAZIL, per s. s. Basil, via Para and Manaos: at 12 i' p. m. for ANTIGUA, MARTINIQUE. GUADALUPE. BARBADOS, TRINIDAD. BRITISH, DUTCH AND FRENCH GUIANA, per s. s. Proclda (mall must bo directed "per s. s. Proclda"). WEDNESDAY (17th) At 12:30 p. m. (sup plementary 1 p. m.) for TURKS ISLAND and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, per s. a. Seminole; at 12:30 p. m. (supplementary 1:80 p. m.) for LEEWARD and WIND WARD ISLANDS, BRITISH. DUTCH AND FRENCH GUIANA per 8. s. Par Ima (mall for Grenada and Trlnldud must be directed "per a. s. I'arlma"); at 6:30 p. m. for PORTO PLATA, per s. s. Ve rona, from Boston. . . THURSDAY (18th) At 8 a. m. for CUBA. YUCATAN and CAMPECHU, per s. s. Monterey (mall for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per s. s. Monterey"); at 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. s. Niagara, via Tamplco (mall must be directed "per s. s. Niagara"). FRIDAY (llnh) At 1:30 a. m. for BARBA DOS, BRITISH, DUTCH AND FRENCH GUIANA and BRAZIL, per a. s. Bellag glo via Pernambuco, Rio Janeiro and Santos (mall for Northern Braxil, Ar- Sentlne. Uruguay and Paraguay must be Irected "per s. s. Bellagglo"); at 9.30 a, m. (supplementary 10:3u a. m.) for INA GUA, HAITI. SANTA MARTA and other places In MAGDALENA DEPT. COLOM BIA, per s, s. Valencia (mall for other parts of Colombia, via Savanllla, must be directed "per a. s. Valencia"); at 12 m. (Mtipplementaiy 12:30 p. m.) for BAHA MAS, per s. s. Orizaba, via Nassau (mall for Santiago must be directed "per a. s. Orlaaba"); at 6:30 p. m. for BERMUDA per steamer from Halifax. SATURDAY (MUD At 7:30 am. for NEW FOUNDLAND, per s. s. 'Silvia; at 8 30 s.-m. (supplementary :) a. ") for POHTO RICO. CURACAO and VENE ZUELA, per a s. Caracas (mail for Co lombia, via Curacao, must be directsd "per s. 8 Caracas '); at 9 a. m for AR GENTINE, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per a a. Ripley; at 9 31 a. m. (supple mentary 10 30 a. m l for FtiHTl NE 11.- and. Jamaica and Colombia, except Cauca and Magdalena Dept a, per a. a. Altai (mall for Costa Rica, must be di rected "per a. a. Alml"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per a. a. Morro Castle, via Ha vana; at 12:9 p. ni. fur CUBA, per s. a. Olinda via Matanzaa (mail must b di rected "per a. a. Olinda"). Malta Forwarded Overlaad, Etc., Ex. eept Traaspaclne. CUBA Via Port Tampa, Florida, closes at thla office dally, exc. pt Thursday, at 5 ) a, m. (tha connecting mails cio hero on Motxtnva, V ,inrin, ami Saturdays) Mt-XICO CITY Overland, unless specially aitdtecited for dlrpati li by , Miner, eliahea t this uUlv daily, except buuu.y, sl IM .'I ft V'f , r-