THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1904. MAIN AND PRODCCE MAMETf:HSS.:r' Wltrt 2 1-2 to 2 3-4 Higher on the Dim. Btorin frjra Korthwi?:. .' " :0RN SLIGHTLY EASIER (, uOOD RAINS VU Reports from Dakota Tell Tales of W heat Hut and Less High rrloea for Omalia Vhest. OMAHA. August 18, 1904. Either the DaJtotaa and Minnesota will dot raise much of a wheat crop this year or else the crop of fabricator will exceed anything yet produced. Never before has there been such an Insistent and persistent If not consistent wail from any set lion of the country. It reminds one of the day Of the festive grashcpier In Kansas and Nebraska, an gem-rat la the wiill of the wheat raisers. They talk of 60 per cent iamage since laal Friday this having the appeal am of being swollen considerably. Even hand sowed wheat from seed picked out especially and planted by agricultural collegians atamla no better chance In the returna than the common farmer' acre. It la a dismal tale ami loses none of It grewsome features In the telling over and aver again. Mr. Jones ha once more Sopped to the damage aide of the Tence. Snow- think the altuatlor. In many place "deplorable," Fargo reporta damage In that aectiori at DO to 75 per cent and every place eta Join In the dismal choru. From Manitoba comes the story of rust and partial ruin. France falls In line with stories of short crop. It la unanimous i In the face of this someone Is selling 'wheat in large Quantities every day. True, much of It Is covered quickly so as to avoid too gret loss In the steady ad vance In prices. Hut lueses do not lessen the selling on. every advance. As yet there ha been no setback that could be really called Important and tho prices are getting high. Oinahu Is meeting all advances In Chicago and elsewhere and this market I assuming considerable proportions with a oeitalnty of a healthy and consistent growth. Today's receipts were 39 cars of wheat. 23 enr of corn and S cars of oats. In Chicago the speculative futures started oft with a c advutico on yesterday's close, lost tc quickly and then with a rush of new buying and covering orders from shorts the advance was extended to 2c a bushel on III deliveries. This brought Bcptember to II 04,, December to $1.04 and May to .04PA. ' From these price there was a set oack of minor Importance at the noon hour, but with the market abnormally active. There was a flood of long selling in corn. The weather map showed a good rain right where corn needed it the worst. It was a providential rain, for a great crop will make prosperity for, the United States and a hortaga on top of the decreased supply of wheat would be next to disastrous. Prices gave way early, but generally remained steady at abou'. yesterday's close because of noeded rains In other quarters. With fair showers and a. continuation of this weather there will be a bumper crop of corn. Oats were Heady and not much shanged. In the last half hour of the session the market showed la stronger tone. The bears had made a good fight against the advance, but were beaten Off by the damaged crops, and September wheat touched ll.OS'i In Chicago, December $1.06 and May $1.07. Omaha received the highest price yet for No. 1 hard wheat, 93',ifi9-lc. Huntley sold eight cars. Omaha rqcelved thirty-nine cars of wheat nnd. h number of cars of corn and oats. The market grows apace. Here la Snow's wire from Grand Forks, N. D. : "Condition In Red river valley de plorable. Bulk of crop ten days . to two veeks rrom harvest ana mucn ,juai- in bloom, didn't promise 75 per cent c"op even before lust struck It. Forty per cent or late, thin, short nnd rotten with rust. May make ten bushels or nmy go much lower. Only threshing will, tell, FleldH that look ripe are slmplv dead with heads empty or haif filled kernala. Rust severe enough to cot crop In three-fourths of the state. Other quarter hns a big crop. No use try ing to make the state estimate until know whether frost come before September 1. There were reports of yields of wheat a low as three bushels to the acre near Aber Seen In South Dakota. From western Kan sas came claims that some late wheat which had been damaged by rust turned out seven bushels to the acre where twenty had been expeoted." Omaha. Grain - Inspections In! Twenty two crs No. 3 hard wheat, 17 cars No, 4 hard wheat, 1 ear No. i corn, 9 cars No. 1 com, 1 csre No. '4 corn. 4 cars No. 8 yellow corn. 7 cars No. it white corn-, 1 car No. I white oats, 2 cars No. 3 white oats. 1 car No. 4 white oats, 1 car No. 4 rye; total, 67 rars. Out: Nine cars No, $ hard wheat, t cars No. 3 ctorn, 1 car No. 2 corn; total, 12 cars I car No. 8 hard wheat', BS lbs., 92c; 1 car No. hard. bS lbs., 94c; 8 cars No. 3 hard. 67 to 69 lbs.. 93V4c; 1 car No. 4 hard wheat, 67 lbs., We.; 1 car No. 4 hard, 63V4 lbs. and swrsting. S"4o. 1 car no. 4 corn, iiVio. 1 cajv stundard oats, S3 'Ac , , Cnah Prlesis. Wheat No. 2 hard .. No. 8 hard .. No. 4 hard .. No. 1 spring Omaha. Chicago. ' ,. 95 iff 96 1 00 fil 04 ,. 91H!4 95 (&1 02 ,. 87V4(a'S8 1 10 n"l 13 1 08 1 10 64V4fr 65 Wjiff 644 62 0t 564 No. 3 spring Corn No. 2 No. S No. 4 No grade ... No. 2 yellow No. t yellow No. I whits . No. I whit . Oats No. ........ No. 1 No. 4 No. t white . No. 3 white . No. 4 white . . 90 . 4!-4 . 4V349 . 4sv . 44 . 4!"VS50 . 4'4j . 4Mi SVj .'Si" ' .31 . 80 . 84 47 W 6v; 8 184 -3" , 'J54JStJf 51 6ii4 65 54 85 (Si '824 S5U'"8" 85 (i ST.Vi 34H 35 . 83 . 81 Omaha. Grain Quotation. Tha range of prices on the Omaha mar ket for future delivery and the close today nnd Monday were: Close- Wheat Sept. Dec. ., Aug. ., Corn Sept. .-. Dec. . . Open. High. I-ow. Today. Mon. 02lH 93 B 92UB 98 B 92HB . 914B 92Vfcn Hl'iH 92HB 91A i)iU H3VI! ' 92B WB 92B 48 n 46V.B 4HR 48 B 48HB 48 P. 4;ijB 46V4B 4tiVB 4&V,B Northwestern Receipt. Wheat. Corn, Oats. Chicago .... Ml ilea polls . liuluth Kansas City Of.iaha Grain ....267 , m . ' 6U ..113 ..M6 SM 73 39 23 Klsevrhere. . Market Closing pil es of grain today and Mon day at the markets named were as follows: . eiucAuo. Wheat September Leoember .. May Corn beptember . I'coember x. . May ...v.... Outs (September t K - Today, Mon 1.02B t.tio 1.06-iB 1.04i 64'i 6:i'J 6i 84U 8n5 74 64H 6.iH 81 3S My Wheat September BT. LOUIS. 1.01H 63',i 9'.4B 54 k tO'.l December . Corn Ktptmher , lnx!iiber . 0 KANSAS CITY. WTieat-. beptemheat ' December Corn fcioptember Liocombt-r ; Wheat September luember .Wheat September iieceniber 9n; 9i 4SHB 88'4 t4 49H 41 NEW YORK. l.oH l.toti MINNEAPOLIS. 1.08 1.0'4j l.Otii 1.02 1.06'i VVLVTU. V.Tieat heptember , , .. llecembt-r .... 1.09 l.OBVi 1.04 1 0UI Coniiuerelal Gossip. O. Holmqulst of Oakland and J. Delaney of Harvard ver visitor on the exchtuige today. Hradstreet: Fast of Rockies, wheat. In crease, 4v3.uu0; Kurope and afloat, nicient, i"V,un; until, Incn-MSM, l,Hs3,vou. Corn, d VI case, l.lVk.OUI. Ouls, Increase, 2,4.1'J.luO. A letter from a Utrga farmer uud live stin k shipper in bcott county, wnt central Illinois, suye: "1 had 1,im acres In corn lust yenr, which hunked out forty-five lo sUly bushels per r. This year, on ac count of tha Wirt spring. 1 could put In only 5H) acres and have kiiics loet one-thtrri ,r that by flouds. What Is left U surTsi-lng ih.w from ilrouth. Jt is firing hliv m.m.I ItHik as If It Is about dona f ir. VV will riot have to excited a three fourths crop '" section, so you csn rtdlly are tht the UrniM f,,. dlscouiased. loij-ldeilug Ui wboat and uut lUMC.a LeietoJure. I mm '' an Molasses. NKW YOhK An? H -si'tlA WH.,w Arm, fair refining, ( n-i.,o; centrifugal M tst. 4c. niiHns.eS susiir, S 7-l.-; rtu:itd. ".'."i ' l''uTed, a.anu- Vr.W "hm PANS. Aug. H.-Rr.tR-ti.i- -'P"' IwtH , feutimve-al. -.Nomina; ,c; cemrinigai, juyjin;. bfltLf .NulliillSl. IfU'JtC, tHItAUO UKA1X AKD rROTlSlOXI i'eatsres of the Trading aaa Closlag l'rlvea on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Aug. 14 A new hglh record for the aeMm was scored today in wneat. 'J he mat set closed strong at prMCtkauy the tt.p, with gams ot ig2yc net. coin Is oft ijidc. tsts are 'no uown to Sc up. iTovlsioiis vary frf m ITS'' loss to 24c gain. Tho Tiv In wheat prices, came wlm gret waves of buying througnout the day, me accompnlm nts of aixches recelvoo, eacn inoieasingly cnlamitioua In sugges tions ot ruin to the spring wheat, the popular movement in wheat was to buy tn May and sell Hepiemoec. 'the niarKei opened with sales at tl.uitttfl.ttf- for Scp-t-mter, old to l.i3ii. to si.uO. to $i.4. to ll.iMr, to 1.04.- to $l.W7, to l.c&'n and Closed at $l.i' l.'fe'n. The reason nvr yesterday's strength In Corn was washed out by rains that had fallen meantime In the places wnlch It tat said the day before must have rain or suffer permanent injury to the crop. The local crowd sold corn freely early on the scattered rain in Kansas, but were buycra later on advlws from Illinois, Mis souri and Kansas tnat corn i "tiring." September opened at 64V4c to 51c, cold to 4'ic, to 53c, to 54Vc, to 63C. to o4c, clos ing at 64o. i'rires for oats advanced Hfltio, but reacted and closed Vc lower to So higher. The feature was increased trading In Mar, which was bought extensively by commission houses. Tills met heavy sell ing for profits and prices receded. Heptem ber opened at SlVtVtc. sold to 34Vs34c, to 34Hc to 34Va-Wc at the close. After a strong opening In advances In hogs and the wiieot market the msrket for provisions weakened on heavy selling of ribs and pork. Lard, however, did not par ticipate to any extent In the declining tendency of tho other commodities, being upheld bv buying for foreign account on a fairly liberal scale. The market closed steadv, with September pork ITHc down, Beptember lard lc up and September ribs l2V'lc up. , 'Hie leading futures ranged as follows: Articles.! Open, i Hlgh. Low. Close. Yas'y Wheat tflept. JSept. Dec. May t'orn Sept. Dec. May Oats Sept. lec. May Pork Sept. Oct. Jan. Lard Sept. Oct. Jan. Ribs bept. Oct. Jan. lOivl i"3V5i 13V l4Vl loHl 108HI 104H KftV 102s 1 1102--Vi 1067 104V4J IDS I I V JUS 1041 I 54i4f4 52-Si-t' D2' MH 53 ',j 5214. B34," 64'i 54'4 6.1H 62 84H 37?i 62 s rav, -s DZ'.voi;t'(riji Sm 84'4?,JI Sl'ilf'i S4Ts lUlVlU'l 3 J T9kJ 37. 11 75 11 85 13 20 6 fo 6 9a 11 75 1 11 K6 13 SVA 11 45 11 50 1 11 87H 11 60 11 77V4 12 97A! 13 16 05 J 6 82H 6 82W 6 92V 6 97Vil 7 00 U 67H 13 27i,4 t SL't 7 02H: 82V4I 6 92Vt 7 V2 7 UO 8 i 3 7 80 7 50 7 62H 7 62 V 6 St2Mi 7 27 7 35 7 87Hi T 474 7 47H 7 821 6 87ft 6 ib 6 77Hl 6 874 No. 2. tOld. tNew. Cash quotations were a follows: FLOUK Market dull nnd unsatisfactory; winter patents, $4 70&-4.W; straights, 4.403) 4.60;; spring patents, 4.70'(r5.20; straight. 4.1'f?4.7o; bakers, 83.00((:3.70. WHEAT No. ii spring, nominal; No. 8, $1.05; No. 2 red, 1.04Hf 1.06. CORN No, 2, MHc: No. 2 yellow, 66c. OATS No. 2. J2fro2-Hc No. 2 white, 35c; Ko. 8 White, 3r".j3&o. RYE No. 2, 62c. BARLEY Good feeding, 4046c; fair to choice malting, unchanged. 8EED-N0. 1 flax, 81.15'4; No. 1 north western. 81.28; prime timothy, 12.75; clover, contract grade, tll.OO'811.76. PKOVIsloNtl mcsm pork, per bbl.. 811.60 f11.55. Lard, per luu lbs., J6.T;iff6.80. Short ribs sides (loose), $7.22Vi'fl7.35. lry salted shouldera (boxed) nominal. Short clear Sides (boxed), 8S.O(V?TS.25. Shipments of flour and grain were as follows: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls. 9.MK) 12.50 Wheat, bu 217,800 3H.fi0 Corn, bu 199.100 20.6H0 Oats, bu 7B6.0OO 246.W0 Rye, bu 60"0 Barley, bu 13,000 12,800 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries, latinc; dairies. i2Uc. Fe-trs. stendv. at mark, cases Included, 1317o. Cheese, steady, 7 St. Louis Grain, and, Provisions. 6T. LOClS.Aug. 16. WHEAT Higher and strong: No. 2 red cash,-elevator, 81.00: track, il.03fil.O4; September, $1.01; No. 2 hard. 81.0orul.O2. CORN Higher 1 No. 2 Cash, 53c; trhek, MhfabiKc; September, i."4k:; December. 50c. OATS Firmer; No. S JASh, 33V4c; track. 84(&35c; September, 35o; December, 37c No. 2 white. :46f35V4C. FLOUR Steady demand; red winter pat ents, 84 90tift.00; extra fancy and straights, 4.6i34 SO; clear. 83.80g4.oa SKED Timothy, steady; $2.4O2.70. COKNMKAL Steady, $2.75. -BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, St Ch8c. ' ' 1 HAY Firm ! timothy, I9.00W12.00; new, $11.0041-14.00; old .prairie, S.OW(j-&0. IRON COTTON- TIES 9oc. BAGGING 7(S1e. TWINE Hemp, 7c. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; $11.77t, Lard, higher; prime steam, $835; Bacon, slightly higher; boxed extra shorts, . $8.50; clear ribs, $112',; short clears, $9.00. POULTRY Steady ; chlcKcns. ,.c; -prlngai 12c: tutki'vs, 1.1c; ducks, 7c; geese, 6c. BUTTER Higher; creamery, 'llOc; dairy, IiKyi 15c. EGGS Firm at 16c, case count. ' 1 . . Receipt. Shipments. Flour, bbls j 16,000 16,000 Wheat, bu 173,0(10 99,04) Corn, bu 39,0o0 -24, WW Oats, bu 151.000 4V4.OU0 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 16. WHEAT Higher;- September, 914c; December, 91ic: Muy, 94'Xi'Ui4,c. Cash: No. t hard, 9r(fJ 7c; No. 8, 91ia.6c; No. 4, 8ii(s90c; No. 2 red, 97c6ll.00; No. 8, 496V4o; No. 4, 8!va2o. CORN Higher; September, ,4Vic; Decem ber, 47Vc; Msy, 4"',4iO. Cashl No. 2 mixed, 4U44(61c; No. 3, 49HS60q; No., t white, 61c; No. 3. 5tVu50c. OATS titeady; No. white, 3ig35c; No. 2 mixed, 82ft 840. " ' BUTTER Creamery, 14ijnc; dairy, 12c. EGGS Firm: Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whitewood canes Included, li1; case count, 16c; cases returned, He less. HAY Firm; choice timothy, $8.60; choice pralrole, $ii.60(j6.75. RYE 70c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bushel .,. GM).8'i0 . 181,6'H) Corn, bushels 5U.4H0 U.tVJO Oats, bushels 3a,0oo 3,0u0 Available Supply of Grain. NEW YORK, Aug. 16. Special cable and telegraphic communication! received by Bradstreet's show the foUowlfig changes In available supplies as compared with last account: Wheat, United States and Canada, east of the Rockies, Include 183, 000 bushels afloat for and In Europe, In crease, 9"0,0o0 bushe-ls: total supply, In crease, 1,3113,1100 bushe!s. Corn, United States and Canada, taut of the Rockies, decrease. l.lTft.OuO bushel.- Oats. United fitates and Canada, east of the Rockies, , increase, K.wo.uuo Dttsneis. lirse move ment from on track (not counted) Into Chicago private elevators. The leading Iv rreases reported to Bradstreet's this week Include 184.0UO bushels at the Chicago pri vate elevators, 135,000 bushels at Fort Worth, 123.IHIU bushels at Nashville and M.OuO bushels at Sioux Falls. Stock in Manitoba decreased 121,000 bUHhe'.s. ' Philadelphia Frodara Market. . PHILADELPHIA. Aug. II BUTTER Fair demand; wettiern crvamefy, 18c; ex traordinary prints, 8o, FOGS Steady ; fair demand; nearby firsts, 1940 at mark; western tirats, lutmo at mark. CHEESE Firm, good demand; New York full cream, choice to fancy, SdjWc; fair to good, IxykVau. Mllwaskee Oraln Market. MILWAUKEE. Aug. 16. WHEAT lo MgtK-r: No. 1 northern. $M1iil.l3; No. t northern, Jl.Cn'u 1.10; new September, $1.05, bid HYE He higher; No. 1 T24C BARLEY Steady; No. 2. bic; sample, 83 (' CORN Steady; No. $, 66c; September, 64c, bid. .Minneapolis drain Market. MINNKAPIMR, Aug. 16. WHEAT September, $1.14; 1'erember. $106; May, l!Hi; No. 1 hard. $117.: No. 1 northern, $116': No. 2 northern, $114. KUIl'K-First patents, Jfi ivf('5.70; fe-ond patents. $5.Miu5 : first clears, $3.uta4.10; second cleMm, $2 75'i25. BRAN In bulk. $1u.m;1&.26; shorts, $18.00 (518.60. ralah Grain Market. Dl'Umi. Aug 16 -WHEAT-To arrive: No. 1 northern, $1 15; No. 2 northern, 11.11. (in track: No. 1 northern, $1 15; No. I northern $1 1)4: September, $1.09; Iiei-em-Ur. II 04V OAIb-To arrive, 34c; on track, tic; September, S4c. Toledo see Market. TOI,FIn. Ana". 6 fiP.'KIi" Clover, cssh. 37 'i! biJ; fict..l..-r. $T 15 t, J- 1 irrvinlirr. : 10 I I. I; prime slstMe V ': AiimtNt. ? tf Lid; 1 1 111 o timothy, J1.4S; tt tmcti I. r, $1.4&. t NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Upward MoTement of Frioe Encountflr a Few Obstacles. REACTION WIPLS OUT THE ADVANCE MM Ball an4 Bears Eaa-age la a Vlgoraa Coataat (or Control ( tha Market, bat Beara N Win. NEW YORK, Aug. 16 The upward movement of price encountered effective obstacles In today's stork market after having made some additional progress over yesterday's advances. The reaction pretty enectuaiiy wipea out ine advances ami carried the average level a fraction below last night. The course of the market was by no mean decided without a contest be tween the speculative forces. The profit taking which met the openlnn advance In vited some determined support, lndlcsted by the very large block absorbed of Union raoinc, Houthern Pacific. Pennsylvania. and 8t. Paul, and the rapid rally In those stoexs. i he supporting tactics In Union Pacific at one time carried It a shade shove par. but the sentiment of this move ment en the general list was decisively neutralized by the dragging tendency of I nlted States Steel preferred. The fever ish and Irregular fluctuations of the Metro politan Traction throughout the day com pleted the unsettlement of speculative sentiment and resulted In an Important shrinkage In the volume of the dealings. Holders of the steel stocks were disposed to see special danger to the market for steei products In the spread or lanor troubles In the building trades. Reports reached Wall street of plans for further renuction or working rorces ny tne 1'enn sylvanla and Rock Island systems, which pointed to further retrenchment In the rail roads In general. The development of great strength In the Corn market was the sub ject of some sober consideration, as great reliance Is placed on a prosperous corn crop, good tnlngs which the present stock market Is attempting to anticipate. The weekly bulletin of the weather bureau seemed to offer official grounds for the rise In the corn. market. Reports from many sources of spring wheat damage continued very numerous. Sugar's drop followed the report of a re duction In its refined product. Interior exchanges are turning gradually away. New York foreshadowing the crop moving demand for 'money. But the New York money market Is totally unruffled as yet. The market closed easy as to a futile attempt to rally It by marking up Louis ville ft Nashville 2H points. Bonds were Irregular. There were sharp reactions In the Central of Georgia Incomes. Total sales par values. $3,6l5.000. United States 2s advanced . the Ss registered and the new 4a registered i and the old 44, while the new 4s, coupon, declined M per cent on call today. Quotations ranged as follows on the New York Stock exchange: Sales. Inch. Low. Close. .30,10 8174. 81 81H . 80 98'4 98 98 Atchison do pfd Baltimore. & Ohio 400 86 84-4 84 do pfd 100 si 91 91 Canadian Pacific .... 2.4(0 12814 Central of N. J 100 165 Chesapeake & Ohio.. 5,600 38'4 Chicago & Alton 700 40'A do pfd Chicago Ot. Western. l.WX) 15 Chicago & N. W loo 18:14 C, M. A St. P 18,400 151 do pfd Chicago T. & T do pfd 300 16 C, C, C. & St. L Colorado Southern .. 300 16 do 1st pfd 1,600 61 do 2nd tfd ... 127-H 165 1834 1604 1274 165 37H 89- 804 14 'm 181 4 I604 179 7 15 76 15 '4 604 214 1" 270 73VI 2(54 64 &. 88 72 82 1364 194 88 22 434 1214 16 '154 60 1604 273 23 74 26 64 3 72 824 1364 20 Delaware & Hudson. I)., L. & W Denver & R. Q 1,600 3"0 400 200 10,400 2,000 200 100 700 1R114 276 74 264 do pfd Erie do 1st pfd .... do 2nd pfd .... Hocking Volley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central .. do pfd K. C. Southern . do pfd 60 - 39 72 83 3.100 137 100 20 ... 100 434 43 ... 7.200 1224 119S4 L. & N.. Manhattan L.. v ... 900. 162 161 4 1614 ...38,200 954 93 934 ...42,300 126 1234 123-, Met. Securities .. Met. St. Ry M. A St. L M., St. P. & S. St, do pfd ) . ti .,, ii . ti 300 75 75 - 75 M 1.4O0 1304 130 ISO Missouri Paclflo 13.300 M.. K. & T 1.300 95 94 9474 20 204 20 434 43 424 do pfd 2,300 N. R. R. of Mex. pfd .... New York Central.... 600 Norfolk & Western.. 4,800 do pfd : Ontario ft Western.. 11, 200 Pennsylvania 27,500 P., C. C. & St. L.... 300 Reading 5.700 do 1st pfd 1,400 do 2nd pfd . i 200 Rock Island Co 44.100 do pfd 6.400 St. L. & B. F. 2nd pfd 2,900 St. Louis 8. W 800 do pfd 1.100 Southern Pacific 44,400 Southern Railway,,.. 6,8(0 do pfd 81O Texas & Pacific 2,300 T.. St. L. ft W do pfd 200 Union Paclflo 88,100 do pfd 2d0 Wabash 600 do pfd 1 1,200 W. & L. E Wisconsin Central.... 100 do pfd 0 Mexican Central .... 1,300 Adams Express American Express V. B. Express Wells-Fargo Express- W0 120 644 'ini 1234 66 55 84 72 25 68 69 16'? 8814 66 264 92 28 '894 10114 944 184 87 17 i 104 130 63 'si 1224 66 64 84 72 24 66 68 164 88 65 26 91 28 '894 88 94 18 37 '17 44) 10 214 24 J84 '824 ...... Ti 213 21 184 '324 ' ""6' 27 " U Amal. copper a,4J4 Amer. C. ft F. 600 'i66 'iiio 40 100 do pfd Amer. Cotton Oil .. do pfd American Ice '.' do pfd Amer. Linseed Oil.. do pfd Amer. Locomotive.. do pfd Amer. R. ft R do pfd Amer. S. R Anaconda Mln. Co.. Brooklyn R. T 800 214 ,2)4 3,500 3'0 804 ' 594 104 . J"4 20,800 133 131 132 100 73 .13.700 . 100 . 8,ti0 : 2.0M) .: 4(0 64 864 1974 14 4 63 36 196 13 69 Colo. Fuel & Iron .... Consolidated Gas ..... Corn Product do pfd Distillers' Securities. General Electri ...,. Inter. Paper ,.J.V.... do pd Inter. Pump do pfd ............... NaMonal Lead ' North American .... Paclflo Mall People's Gaa Pressed Steel Car d pfd Pullman Pal. Car .... Republic Steel do pfd .... r. ...... .... Rubber Goods do pfd Tenn. Coal ft Iron,... U. S. Leather do pfd U. S. Realty U. S. Rubber - 7K) 165 163 200 16 15 3U0 . 7 72. 'ftio '22 '22 100 - 89 . 89 ( 2'.ioo- im'4 ini" , 100 334 33 ' "200 "74 "7"' 80 44 43 ' 300 17 17 io6 '45" '44" S'O 7 7 60O 86 86 do pfd U. S. Bteel .. do pfd WeatlnKhouse .14.400 .38,3(0 . 100 12 en I 169 Eleo. Wnutfern TTnlnn Total sales for the day, 606.200 shares. London Stock Market. LONDON. Aug. 16. Closing: ' Cobsots. money ... do arcouul Anaromts Atchlaon do pfd Btlllmop A Ohio, ('nidlin ParlBo .. t h.. A OUlo Ctilraso Ot. W ... C. M. A Bt. r... linBara V K. O do pfd Erl do lat pfd do d pld Illinois Central ... Ixiuis, A Maab in S-l N. T. Central I 1 11 Norfolk a W .. t do pfd .. s Onlrlo A W . Puny tvsnls .. HI'-. Ksnd Mios ,.1m7 Kiadlni .. '! do Ut pfd .. 154l do Id pfd ..!(( go. Railway lts4 1 i2i; K- 41 MV, 17 S 4 M' 1014 li4 aa pi'l 1(1, Sn. Parlfle 1 Unloa Pailfio ,. 21 14 do pfd 8. Blaal 12 40 I do pfd . 140 Wataah It t.:J I do pfd It aiHalSpaniail 4a to!. M., HAT SILVER Rar, quiet, 244 per ounce. MONEY 2-C24 I"r cent. The late ot discount In the open market for short bllla is 2V2. per cent; for three, months' bills, tl3-luuJ per cunt. Forclara Financial. PARIS. Aug. 11 Three per cent rente 98 francs, 4 centimes for tho account. ExcliHiice on London, 26 francs, 28 oentlines for cliCH-kM. I'rices on the Bourse today were firm. Ruaiian Imperial 4s closed at 92S and Russian lnds of 14 at 6 04. The prl-ate rats of discount aaa 1. REKL1N, Aug 16. EaciiaiigM on London 20 marks. 46 pfcnnlTiKS for checks. ) .a count rates, nil ut lillls, 1 per cent; three months, prr cent. 'trailing generally on the Kourse tixluy was lifcleus. Iron and c-oul stiart-a aer strong U(iou rumois of fiirihe-r coiimiliilwtlons. LOMki.N', Aug. 16 1 be amount of bul II' 11 thk.11 lr to the Rank of Ki tland lo. day was A.ixo. Hi sum of i.iit,AA was withdrawn. BuppMeS of money wer ample In the market today and rales were easy. Irtscounts were steady. Tradlnat on tlie'Cvk exchange had a fairly rood ten ncy, but w quiet. Consols opened firm and closed below th best quotation of the dav. Americans opened Irregular, but Improved. This market at the opening wa the center of activity on the good crop reports snd the monetary outlook In the Un4td States. Afterwards Americans became somewhst Irregular and dosed quiet. Foreigners hesitated. JarSnese hardened snd Russians wre dull. Kafnr were cheerful on satisfactory reports of th progress of the Chinese labor experi ment In Soirth Africa. Imperial Japanese government of 19f"4 were quoted at 94. WASHINGTON, Aisr. 16 '1 odny's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the SlTiO.oro.iKiO g-nld reserve In the division, of redemption, Available cash balance $149.S9.2I Gold . 44,158,466 New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Aug. l.-MONET-On call, easy at fal per cent: no closing bid; of fered at 1 per cent; time loans, easy and dull; sixty and ninety days, 2i2 per cent; six months. 34 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 454 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In hankers' bills at $4.879.Vi 4 88 for demand and at $4. fc-VMH 8.M5 fors Ixty-dav bills: posted ratei, $48i.fii4.864 and $4.89ti4!; commercial bills, $45. SILVER Bar, 57c; Mexican dollar, 440. ROND8 Government, Irregular; railroad. Irreaular. . The following are th closing quotation on stocks and bonds: V. 8. ret. la, rag... ..104 Manhattan e. a. 4...TW do ffrtupnn do la, rag. ...104V Max. Central 4a 41V . ..1I-h do lat Inc 1''4 ...?() Minn. A St. U 4a.... H ...lll'i'al . K. A T. 4..,... UK, ...-Hi 41 a 1 do coupon do new 4a, reg. do coupon df old 4a, rag.., ill ou " . IN R. ft. ot M. c. 4a. T( l"T IN. T. C. g. I4l H Ai'-lilaon gm. it... .JVi N. J. C. a. ta 1H do adl. . M No. Pacific 4. 14 .loov do la t4 Atlantic C. L. B. A O. 4a.... do t Central of Oa. .103 1 N. A W. s. 4a 103 . 4V O. 8. L. 4a ft par.... .111 Penn. eonr. 34a It . U Raadlnx sen. 4a...... '.'V do lat Inc.. rhea. A Ohio 4m. .. .inv: Ft. t,. 4 1. V. c. a..lli'f Chicago A A. IWa... 7v,gt. U. A 8 g. f(. 4a. 3 C. B. A Q. a. 4a ... rrijlBl. L. 8. W. U 4 C. M. A s, P. g. 4a.. 104 hxahoard A. I.. 4a.... 74 . C. A N. W. n. 7a....UV So. Pacts.: la HI' C. It. I. A P. 4s.... 7JH ). Rallwar 5t 111 in col. f MITnaa ft P. la llti1,. CCC. IS Bl 1 a. 4a. .101 U T Ht. I ft W. 4a... 74 Chicago Tar. 4a...... IIS tnlon Pacific 4i Ins Con. Tobacco 4a . Colo. A 8n. 4a K4 D. Ir R. O. 4a Wi Erla prior lien ta 99 do gen. 4a P. W. A D. C. la. ...lost, Rocking Val. 4Hi....lo4 L. A N. unl. 4a 1014 Offered. do conr. 4 V. 8. Bteel td aa lo.'V. . 7-H Waha.h la .1174 do deb. R W. A L.. K 4a... Wis. Central 4a. Colo. Fuel c. Sa. . 1 . M'4 . 71 New York Mining- Stocks NEW YORK, Aug. 16-The followln g are the closing price on mining stocks: Adam Con 20 Little Chief Alice j0 Ontario .. . .ISO ..140 .. 10 .. Ik .. tl .. 11 .. r ..m Drears Bmnawlck Con .. Cometoek Tunnel Con. Cal. A Vs.. Horn Kllver .. ill .. 14 .. 8 ..110 ..160 lOihlr ! Phoenix Pntnal Bavage :. Sierra Nevada I Small Hopes .. 1 Standard Iron Sllrer .14 Laadrllle Con I NEW YORK GEMiHAL MARKET (notations of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK. Aug. 16.-FLOUR Receipts, 23,893 bbls.; exports, 9,861 bbls. Market Inac tive but firm: Minnesota patents. $5.boii6.90; winter patents. $4.9041-5.35; winter straights. $4.65(3 4.ko; winter extras, 3.3idj3.90; a Inter low grades H.lofqS.TO; Minnesota patents, ft W&o.90; Minnesota bakers, $3.90r4.3U. Rye flour, firm; fair to a-ood.; cnoico to fancy, 4.g.4.o5. COit.NiaiwtL Steady; yellow western, $l.uo4jl.u; city, U.UiUi.16; kiln-dried, $3.10 Kit Nominal. BARLEY Steady: feeding. 46o. c. I. f. New York. WHEAT Receipts, 31,600 bu. Spot mar ket strong; No. 3 red, nominal In elevator and $1.07 f. o. b.. afloat: No. 1 northern, Duluth. $1.2474 f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, $1.08 nominal, f. o. b., afloat. New high marks were established In wheat today. Th buying was for both account, based on a return of reports from the northwest. Sales went above $1.08 and alto- aether sold about 1 cent higher than th previous high record on the crop; May, $1.06V?1.094, closing at $1094; fleptember, 11.061.08-4, closing at ..1.081: .December, $l.O6V'l-08a. closing at $108 3-16. . CORN Receipts, 96,260' bu. ; exports, 113, pott bu. Spot marke-easy-i No. 3, 594c In elevator and 6& f. o.-.b., afloat: No. 3 yel low, lc; No. 2 white, 694c. Option mar ket was weakened oy extensive snowers in the drouth districts of tho belt,-and acted 1 -if ...... 1 1 .. . . . r nA, I . .. - jiravjr nit uny, viinina 74'U uci muni,., September closed at 694c, December closed at 684c. OAT8 Receipts, 64,000 bu.; export. 1,670 bu. Spot market easy; mixed, 26 to 32 lbs., $4(394c; natural white, 30 to 82 lbs., i2 43c; clipped white, 36 to 40 lbs . 434&464c TALLOW Dull : cltv (12 per oka.). 44c! country (pkgs. free), 444c. riliu uuiet: aomestic, iair 10 extra, t 640; Japan, nominal. ... HAY Uuiet; spring, 674As BOod to choice, 96c. HOPS Firm: state, common to choice. 1903, 2634c; 1902, 21(g23c; olds, 7ftfl3c; Pa cific coast, 1909, 2029c; 1902, 2l,23c; old, 7tfl3c. hides Hteadv: Ga veston. 20 to as lbs.. 17o; California, 21 to 16 lbs., 19c( Texas dry, 24 to 30 lbs., 14c. LEATHER Steady; acid, 24(i?26e. PROVISIONS Reef, steady, family. $15: mess. $9: beef hams. $22.2ni4!4.0ft: packet. $9.5010.50; city, extra India mess, $14.00-? 18.00. Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies, $9.00 a lfl.oo; pickled shoulders, 17.2&; pickled hams, $10. 11.00. Lard, firm; western A ,1 1. Mn.l m. M.m A AAn.lnAn, $7.30; compound. $6.824!76.124: South Amer ica, $ fork, easy; ismiiv. xid; snort clear. $13 50(15.60; mess, $13.2513.76. butt Kit firm: street price, extra creamery. I8(ff14c; official price unchanged. cheese f irm: slate run creams, small colored, fancy, 89c; western small white. fancy. Bft84e. EGGS Irregular, uncnanged. POULTRY Alive, firm: western chicken. 15c: fowls. 134c; turkevs. 13c. Dressed, quiet; western chickens, 1516c; fowl, 13c; turkey, 145Q15C. Cotton Blarkat. . 1 LIVERPOOL. Ausr. 18. COTTON Spot In limited demand, price 2 points lower; American middling lair, (22a; good mid dling, g.tWd; middling, 6.96d; low middling, HiKi: Kood ordinary, a.aa; ordinary. 0.34a. Futures opened steady and cloned steady; American middling, g. o. c, August, 6.73d; August and September, 6t6d; September and October, 5.3od; October and November, 6.2id; November and December, 6.22d; De cember and January, 6.19d; January and. February, 6.18d; February and March, d.lhd; March and April, 6.19d. WWW IUKK, AUK. 10 tU 11 UIV Fu tures closed steady: August, 10.11c; Sep tember. .9c: uotooer. .i3c: jMovemrnr. 9.66c; December, 9.68c; January, .71c; Feb ruary, 9.73c; March, 9.77c; April, 9.79c; May, 9.61c. Spot closed quiet, 16 points higher; middling uplands, 10.65c; middling gulf, 10.9OC. Pules. 2X6 bales. GALVESTON. ' Aug. 18. COTTON Steady, 104c. sr. Aur. is. ium uuiet and unchanged; middling. KV). Bales. 110 be lei; receipts, none; shipments, 60 bales; stock, U.lbl bales. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. l.-COTTON- Futures very steady: August. 10.20c bid: September, $.8rJfl.69c; October, 9.49fl960c; November, 47'o9 49c; December, 9.4'fii9.49c; January, 96.1'H9.56c; February, 9.57(h9.69c; Mart-n. .ii;i(ia.63r!. upoi, nrm: sales, ecu bale; ordinary, 7 II-I60: rood ordinary, 9c: low middling. 9c; middling. 104c; good middling, 10 9-16c; middling fair, 1013-ltic; receipts, 239 bales; stock. 26.3U2 bale. Oil nnd Rosin. NEW YORK. An. 1 OILS-Cottnn- seed. firm: prime crude, nominal: prim vellow. 'irtfi tH-. Peiroie'im steady; i- nned New vcrit, ,.f(i; t-nuaaeipnia and Baltimore. $7.65; Philadelphia and Haiti more. In bulk. $4.76. Turpentine, 66irTj7c. 1 ROSIN Market quiet; strained, common to good, $? 60. OIL CITY. Pa.. AUg. 10. 4J1L.M cred t balance. $160; certificate, no bid; , ship ments. 72.837 bbl.: averaire. 74 569 bbls.: run. 28.244 bills. 1 averaae. 74.646 bbls.: shipments, v. Lima, 61.019 bbls.; average, 69, 616 bbls.; runs, Lima, 14,767 bbls.; average, 41) 699 bbls. SAVANNAH, Oa., Aug. 1 19 OILS Tur pentine 6.c. ROSIN-FIrm; A. B. C. $2.30-, D. $2 36; E, $2 40; F, $i45; O, $2 60; II. $2 7a2TJ4; I, $.4 50; K, S3 '-r; M. $3.65; N. $4.00 W. G $4.36; W. W., $4 40. Wool Market. BOSTON, Aug. It WOOL The market la nuiet. Fleeces and territory are firm and the present demand for fleeca la largely for the medium rades. Old wools are quiet. Quotations are as follows: Idaho Fine. 17 il"o; fins medium, 17'iMHc. Wyoming-Finn, liifllfc; fins medium. lVtflHe. Utah and Ne vadaFine, 16'vfil74c; line medium, 171$ I He Montana Fine choice, JOtfi -Mc, fin me dium choice, 3""i-2le; average, l!i-ri0c. Colo radoFine. 1514tr, fine ti.edlum. 1,"mw; rosrse, 16(17c. pulled Scoured basis, iln-a. 4f extra, fcyw.'; sxira auperflnc, 4-,-i 4c ST. IlUIR. Aug. 14. WOOL Market steady to firm; medium grades combing fnd clothing. ii2i4c; light fine, l.r-JK-; itsvy fine. Llc; tub waahed, ZijiSiV-. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Aug. 14, CORN Steady; No. $. 64c; No. 4, lie OMAIIA LIVE STOCK MARKET Better Ondet Corn fed fteert and Etvngers Bold Steady, Other Lower. HOGS STEADY WITH MONDAY MORNING gheep Market Rather Slow, ant Bet ter Gra4es told Abaat Steady, - While Common Kinds Wer Very Hard Mora. SOUTH OMAHA, Aug. 1$, 1904. Receipt were; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 4.; .i74 4.oa Official Tuesday ., 2,71 4.174 1,716 Two days this week.... 7.808 7.34-4 8.303 Puttie days lat week.... 4.tU7 lo.cJ o.5l Hams days week before.. 1.794 .tlo . 6,41 pnn three weeks ago... 740 ui Bame four weeks ago..., $.178 t.0;8 Sum dMVS Inst vsar 12.918 10.21X1 RKCKIPI'8 FOR illU YEAR TO DATE The lollowing table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at 8outh Omaha for tha yar to date with comparison with last year; 1904. 1903. Cattla 610,795 697. 93 Hog 1.649.8HO 1,659,367 Bheei) 779.8H4 74i3 Inc Dee. 87,118 t.Mi 22,911 Average prices paid for hogs at South Omaha iwr ma laat ssvaral ta with com parison! Data. I 104. 19.lK4.lMl.ltv.rim.18N. August l. 4 n 1 4 971 1l 1 ( I 76 $ 79 6 16 4 181 3 79 August X. August 1. August a W4 4 .44j 1 tn 6 18 6 161 4 $4 $ 74 3 $7 1 81 $ 71 $ 77 4 6 02 4 U 4 4a 0 (Si4 1 ('..! I 101 August 6. August 6 August 7. August 8 August $. August 10 August 11 IS 04 $0 7 32 $ 84 4 461 S074I 7 $6 7 271 7 181 7 15 I $ 80 ( 041 6 Kil $ 651 I 141 1 161 4 m xrl s in 6 1 I 81 0 00 1 731 5 041 4 $2 1 V 6 f14 $ 191 $ 23 6 741 $ 0O 4 2"! a i 4 Kl 4 8f 7 04 4 99 4 21 4 SM 1 V $ 48 $ i4 August 12 S 20, 1 15 78 1 74 1 77 6 78 8 78 6 77 August 13 August 14 August 15 August 16 4 944, ( 81 73 6R $ 8 4 43 4 97 4 97 4 98 6 il t 25 4 4.1 6 01 V 6 024, 4 441 1 75 4 32, 1 78 Indicates Sunday. The official number ot ears ot stock brought In today by each roid was: Cattle. Hoes Sh'p.H'ses. C, M. & St. P 8 1 Wabash $ 1 Missouri Pacific 9 4 U. P. System 6. 14 IS 4 C. & N. W 1 .. 1 F., E. & M. V 40 24 C St. P., M. A O.... 1 .. 1 B. ft M. R 69 14 C, B. & Q 4 1 .. 1 K. C. & St. J 1 C, R. I. & P., east.. 1 C, R. I. A P., west 1 Illinois Central 1 Oreat Western ....;..." .. 4 .. 1 Total receipts 128 14 1 The disposition of tha day' reoelpt wa as follows, each buyer purchasing tha num ber of head indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co. 397 8X2 372 f 109 27 1 63 3 100 '"23 688 41 Swift and Company Armour & Co Cudahy Packing Co.... Vansant & Co Lobman & Co Hill & HunUlnger Livingstone A Root N. Morris Hamilton & Rothsohild L. F. Husi KIngan & Co Wolf & Murnan Boyd & L Bodden Layton A Co Haggerty Other' buyers 1.650 1.061 1,061 4o9 1.863 291 'l29 227 88 30 297 1890 4,677 3,933 today wete but for the Total 2 823 CATTI.I'Receipts "of "en t tie much smaller than yesterday, two days this - week there I an Increase over the same days of last week amounting to about 3,000 head, but as compared with the same days of last year there is a de crease of 6,000 head. The demand was In fairly good shape for good to choice grades, but common cattla were very slow and lower. There were comparatively few corn-feds on sale. this morning and well-finished cattle couia saieiy be quoted steady ana in gooa demand. As high as $5.75 waa paid for some cattle, but they were choice. The hort-fed cattle, or those that came In competition with westerns, were neglected and should be quoted slow and weak to a dime lower. Packers seemed to prefer westerns to short fed corn cattle at the ruling prices. There were quite a few western ranger on sale good enough for killers, and some of them were of exceptionally fine quality. Some horned Wyoming cattle sold for $4.10, and some dehorned one brought $4 20. They were owned by Thomas Bell of Lurk, Wyo. There was another string of North Park, Colo , cattle thnt were by far the best that have been here In some time and they brought $5. Anything on the good to choice order could safely be quoted steady, nui common ainas, ins same as was tne case with corn-feds, were slow sale and a little lower. The cow rr.arket was extremely dull this morning. There were not many on sale. but buyers did not seem at all anxious to buv anything, and when they did place a bid It was generally fully a dime lower, and common stuff they would hardly look at. Something very choice may not have been a great deal lower, out even the best were very dull. Bulls, venl calves and stags sold In much the same notches thev have of late. The stocker and feeder market was again very slow snd weak. Little demsnd devel oped from the country yesterday and not much In sight this morning, so that specu lators were not at all Anxious to get many more on hand. The market would have to be o.noted slow and unevenly lower. Rep resentative snles: BEEF STEERS. No. 1 1 1 14 1..... 40 1 1 U 17 II 1 I 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 At. ,1004 . tail .10S0 . toi .1IM .11)4 .1111 . 771) rr. I M 4 oa 4 00 4 K 4 M 4 35 4 40 4 10 4 H 4 10 No. 11 11 It. A. ...1240 ,:.i2i ...11IK ...HUT ...1210 .. .12(10 ...1234 ...lint ...1141 ...! Ft. 4 0 4 M I 00 I 00 t 10 ! 10 I M I 18 t 10 I to I 71 11 11... 4... St... 40... 61... 1... .10tl .1214 4 o 1. .1600 STEERS AND COW& 11 1 aa COWS. 1 TS , , 11 1 15 1 1 it I 1 ' 1 1 10 I HEIFERS. 1 IS 1 ' "buli-s. I II I t 00 1 I M CALVES. .... IN .... 0 ....IWiO ,...ioto ... .1U14 .... M .... Ill ....1120 ....1110 ....UM ..ltoi ..1180 ..12M ..H'20 ..loW I 14 1 M 1 70 I 00 I u M IX ...1404 ...1M0 I 14 1 M ISO 4 78 STOCKER8 AND FEEDERS. I ti I ti 1 1)44 t...... 721 t 700 I 04 1. 10 i H I M I 44 i 40 1 II 4... 4... II... .. 721 ..1144 1 96 ..lot tot 1 M NEBRASKA 35 steer.. ..1026 6 cow 1014 1 cow 1110 42 steer.... 1051 t feeder.. 8.V) 10 feeder. . 8ti6 8 10 20 feeder.. $37 1 feeder... 830 $ 10 160 i 18 1 46 $ 46 $ 88 $ 36 1 60 2 80 i 00 $ 18 $ 25 33 teera.,.10S 2 feeder.. 1227 81 feeders.. 1229 Scrogglns Wyo. 1 steer 11O0 26 steer.... 110 1 25 Crowley r 1 steer 1180 8 35 1 steer... .1300 $ $5 167 teers, .1198 1 46 J. McKean Wyo. .1130 $00 ter....1300 .1147 1 (0 8 Steers 26 steers AD SHEEP ales ewh.O 3 feeder. . 970 1 05 1 feeder... 1"20 $ 05 4 feeder.. 8tl 3 80 1 feeder... 940 1 80 1 cow lOno 1 60 I feeder.. 660 3 00 1 cow 11 00 IS $ feeder.. 980 $ 80 1 80 3 06 1 26 1 00 t 16 1 16 1 feeder. ..1010 20 feeders.. 8:S 1 cow $i0 I feeder.. 710 6 cow 8?3 t cow.,,.. tu5 1 cow 1090 1 76 UTAH. 48 feeder. 9 cow.... 1 (tag 8S5 8h $85 $ feeder. T$ I 60 I 10 1 35 1 bull .1470 770 L. 1 90 Calnuest Wyo. It feeders. .1068 1 90 H. Rrandt Neb. I heifer.. 83 2 15 1 cow 910 12 feeders.. Mi $ 18 1 cow 1010 Thoma Bell Neb. 61 steer.. ,.12!3 4 10 48 steer. ...12M 1 steer 1170 4 10 1 steer I40O 1 75 1 60 4 M 4 10 William rve-noias w yo. 23 steer.. ,.iwt H. I cow 90 teer....1170 M. 11 cow t0 P. 11 steers... .inks 8 steers... 1IM 1 46 L. Orav Wyo. I 9ft 17 steer.. ..1048 $ 70 I 70 Benedict Neb. 1 8 A. Teast-Wyn. 110 9 steers. ...1111 110 1 10 1 steer 1000 I 10 HOOS There was I hers thla morning for light run of hog a Tueeday and iip- Mies st other points were also very llm- Ited. The market, however, did not "how much Improvement At this point buyer stsrted out In fairly good season snd be gan offering shout ledy prices with ves. terday morning, or stronger than yester day' close. A there wr no prosoect of getting anv more salesmen et )ose nulls freelv and hv th mlddls f i'n fore noon most everything was dlsroed f. There was considerable unevenness In ths prK-es paid but the sales avniK(d shout steady with yatrtnrday morning- Heavy hog went largely from UM tn $5 00 -s-lth coarse heavies frm $4 i down. Medium and mixed sold from $5 00 to $5 u, with choice light nd butcher weight from $0.05 to $5 16 Towrd tioon a train arrived with several loads and buyers did not take hold of them with much life and the close waa slow and weak. Representative sales: Na. At. Sh. Tr. No. At. h. rr. It rl 110 4 K ' 247 11 ( 0i., 10 .. 4 W 44 l 40 I M 14 .. 4 If I'M , I t 4 117 10 4 II I 4 44 .17 !1 4 1- l- ) lut II I-'I IN IK 41 1!. aO 01 17 HI 4 4 N II I M 4 fl 140 4 H 17 40 I M 14 14 4 4 TS It tki 44 4 7Mj !-' lt I 14 M ni .. 4 74 1T .. 4.1 t4 40 4 171, 41 t!7 .. i Oi M Ml M 4 I7S4 41 il 124 I 04 4 I"0 H M 4e Sit 140 I 04 H 14 .. 10 4 t . I 41 r 00 17 "7 .. I 04 Ml t 40 I SO 1 'l 10 W .. I M 44 IM 110 I 04 as jm in M IS 114 ao I 05 W tao 10 1 00 47 21 40 1 M 4 l0 10 40 71 t 140 I 24 110 4 00 77 tl'7 .. I 07Vj 44 f,l 44 I 00 47 11 0 I t'ii 10 l7 .. ( 00 II HI 10 e7V T 144 00 71 HI ISO I 01S, W 24 ., I 0?U 17 l.l-l 1 li M 141 ., I en. 47 Ml .. I 10 t: 2S7 .. I CIU 77 Ill II" 10 24 tn Jot', 17 1 .. Ill1 II IM! SO t mw 74 Ill 4 t llf , 71. ...... .117 .. lots .... ...Ml 100 a Use I 44 171 .. .01 . . SHEEP There were about 1,0X1 headleas I sheep here thia morning than yesterday, I hut at the same time there were plenty to I meet th reciulrementa of the trade. The market on killers i-milrl be minierl alow. but about steady on desirable grade. 'I he commoner kinds, of which there were quite a few In th receipts, were extiemely hard to move and In some cases they were ?uoted a little lower. Some of the some daho wethers that sold for $3 50 venteiday brought the same price todav. Wyoming wethers sold for $3.40 and Idaho ewes 13.2.V Receipts Included quite a sprinkling of feeders, and as the demand waa In fairly good shape, everything at all dealrable commanded Just about steady prices. A bunch of fair feeder lambs sold for $4.10, wtin a rew out at js.fio. Quotations for grass sheep and lambs: Oood to choice, yearlings. $4.omf('4.25; fair to good yearlings. $3 60u4.00; good to choice wethers, $3.fi3.75; fair to good wefhers, $3 aji3.60; good to choice ewes, $3.25'i3 50; fair to good ewes. $2 7t3 25; good to chnloo lnmbs, $6.606.76; fair to good lambs. $5.00 (fioBO; feeder yearlings, $3,2643.(0: feeder wethers. M.OfxSl 2S: feeder twin, $2 0002.60; feeder lambs, $3.75fl.50. No. A v. Pr. 311 Wyoming wethers 10$ $ 40 23 western feeder lambs 43 3 50 52 western feeder lambs -50 4 10 27 Wyoming breeding ewe 90 $ K 449 Wyoming breeding ewea 90 $ 25 87 Utah cull ewes 2 i 43 Nebraska wes 80 I l 36 Utah feeder ewes 90 1 78 15 Idaho cull In m ha 88 8 00 ; 1 Idaho buck lamh 50 3 00 208 Nebraska wethers 79 8 18 1 Idaho yearling ewe 70 1 28 289 Idaho ewes 94 8 ?i 8 Idaho wether 90 1 25 249 Idaho wethers 99 $ 40 241 Idaho wether 9' 3 60 3 Idaho feeder lambs 48 4 00 259 Idaho feeder lambs 62 4 00 109 Idaho lambs 62 4 75 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady, Hoars Strong; and Sheep Ten Cents Lower. CHICAGO. Aug. 16. CATTLE Receipts, 6,600 head; westerns, 2,000. Market steady. Oood to prime steers, $6.00ifj6.00: poor 'to medluirl, $4.0Oci'4.90; storkers and feeders. $3.25434.10; cows, $1.25tfi4.t; heifers, $20f(3 $4.75; canners, $1.2r,Sr2.40; bulls, $; calves, $2.6fliftH.O0; western steers, $3.5ctt4.75. HOGS Receipts, i,00; head. Market steady to strong. Mixed and butchers, $5.20 66.50; good to choice heavy ,J5.?o(f'D.45; rough heavy, $4. 90fT. 26 ; light, $5.26(955.60; bulk of sales, $S.254j6.4fi. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts,, 5,000 head. Market for sheep and lambs steady to 10c lower. Oood to choice wethers, $3.tW ljrt.00; fair to choice mixed, $2.75tfT:l.60; west ern sheep, S2.76tj-4.00; native lambs, $4.0L 6.00; western lambs, $3.75'j.7S. T(ew York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 18. BEEVES Re ceipts, 1,219 head, nil consigned direct, with the exception of, four cars. One car of Chi cago steers sold at 85.30; no other trading; market weak. Dressed steer were In fair demand at 7Hl?fl0c per pound for native sides; extra beef, 4.37c. There were no later cable advices. Exports today were thirty head of cattle. CALVES Receipts, 80 head. There was ho trading of Importance; feeling dull. A few changed hands at $6.25&8.50. Dressed calves were, steady to firm. City dressed veals, 7fi11e per pound; country dressed calves. 6S10c per pound, mainly at 7Hc. HOGS Receipts, 3,864 head.; all for slaughterers except two head. The mar ket was nominally firm. SHEEP AND LAMBS-RecelpU, $.623 head. Market for sheep, weak; lambs, steady; sheep, t2.6ftff8.60. No choice stock here. Culls, $4.60. Kansaa City Lire Stock Market. . KANSAS CITY, Aug. 18. -CATTLE Re ceipt 10,700 head, Including 1.900 southerns. Market stesdy to strong: choice export and dressed beef steers, 15.0oifj6.86: fair to good steer. $3.50(35.00; western fed steer, $I.76:3 6.50; stockers snd feeders. $2.25(34.26; south ern steers, $2.75&4.00; southern cows. $2.00fll $.25; native cows, $1.50fti4.00; native heifers, $.50(34.76; bulls, $2.0033.6O; calves, $2.00 4.60. HOGS Receipts. 8.000 head: market steady to 60 higher; top price, $5.30; bulk of sales. $5.0086.0; heavy. $4.95iT5.10: pack ers. $5.00j5.20; pigs and lights. $5.onif5.80. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4 500 head; market 10c lower; native lambs, $4.00 &4.90; native wethers, $3.75i'4.0O; native ewes, $S.(KKti3.0; western lambs, $4.0Odl4.70; western yearlings. $3.6og4.00: western sheep, $3.60t34.00; stockers and feeder, $2.5033.60. St. I.oals Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Aug. 18. CATTLE Re ceipts, 7,600 bead, including 8.500 Texans. Market slow to weak: native shipping and export steers. $4.SMt5 50; dressed beef and butcher steers. $4.60ig5.10: steer under 1.000 founds, $3. 8694.46; stockers and feeder. 2.75!S3.80: cows and heifers. $2 2otfr4.46; can ners not quoted; bulla, $2.26fi3.$0; calves, $3.004.00; Texas and Indian steers, $2.75 4.60: cows. $1.6ortf2.60. HOGS Receipts, 9,000 head; market steady to easy: pigs and light, $5.0O(r5.46; packer. $5.1O(fj.30; butchers, and best heavy. IS.lOi&S.tO. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelots 1000 head; market dull; native muttons, $3.601j; $.75: lambs. $3.50ff4.60: culls and buck, $2.75fJ8.76; Blockers. $2.O0ig2.10; Texans, $3.40 63.76. sa St. Joseph Lire Stock Market. ST. JOBKPH. Mo., Aug. 16. C A TTLE Receipt. 2.601 head: market steady to 10c lower; native,. $4.0u5. 75; cowa and helfera, $1.2M4 65; stockers and feeders. la.0lVn3.ti5. HOGS Receipts, $4,595 head; market steady to strong: light $5.12H(iT5.20; medium nd heawy, $6iK96.15. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6.496 head; market steady to strong; wethers, $3.66. Slonx Cltr Lira Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Aug. 18 (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 700 head; mar kat slow, stockers steady; beeves, to.HXip 6.76; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.404H.OO; stock ers and feeders. $2.753.76; calves and year lings. 12. foxy 3.60. HOGS Receipts. 1 600 head; market 5c higher, selling at $4.itofi5.28; bulk, $6.0tx0Sfl0. Stock In tight. Following are the receipts of Ilvs stock for th six principal western cities yester day: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. South Omaha Sioux City .... Kansas City St. Louis ft. Joseph .... Chicago Totals .2.723 4.174 $.715, . 7iW .10.700 . 7,600 , 2.6'tl . 5,500 1.600 8.0O0 9,000 4.R9S 4, MO $,0ii0 6.4H3 16,000 ..24,724 $7,36$ 11,703 Metal Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 18. METALS While London cabled a f.l&ht dec ine In the tin market with spot closing at 121 15a and futures at 122 6s, the local market was firm Snd a little higher with spot quoted 5t $2.9tNg27.0o. The Ijondon copper mar et waa slightly higher, with spot at 57 Is $d and futures 57 is tkl. Locally the market Is reported steady. Lake U quoted st $12 62'. electrolytic $12.5ol2 !! and caating lla 1W-12 r. Lead la uncnang-J at 11 16s Id In London, but declined about 6 points In th local market and closed at $4 1644.20. Spelter wa un changed locally at $4 S5in4.9j. but wa higher In London, where spot I quoted at 22 7 id. Iron closed at 62 In Glasgow and 43s 7Vsd In Mlddlesborough. Iximlly Iron Is quiet. No. 1 foundry northern. $11 u) 314.50; No. 1 foundry northern, $13.7i-7k 14.00; No. 1 foundry sontbern and No. 1 foundry southern soft, $13 6cT13 75. HT. LOUIS. Aug 16 METALS Le4d. unchanged at $4 oo.fl I.02V4. Spelter, un- Cliungeu HI aa. 1 , . ib. Evaporated Apples end Dried Fr. v- it- . vr, i) v i, is PViPnoirrn , L . . . . v .... , nurt' . " ' . . . . 1 APPLES The market shows ro ihiiige, I spot supplies being firmly held, though I fufurs ar easy, t nitimon ara quote at 4ioc; prime, 61fttk:; choice, Ssrjjjc; fsncy, 7t''vc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Pruns5 show an easier tone, hpot iuotstlons sliow no ensure, however, ranging from lc to e'4C, according to frails. Apricots aenni to be In litl'e better demand Choice ar quoird at V.',!iiXi extra, IvVic, stid fancy, HTJl'ci. peaches unchanged, sxtra choice, 8c; fancy, H4jl0o. OMAIIA WHOLMMH SIANKBT Condition of Trade and (.notations ) ' Stasia and Fancy frslaea, EGOS Receipts, n:oJert. candied stork. llLA'ie'rOCLTnY-IIens, SNic. rooster, 61 turkeys, l.'c; ducks, ic, gees. tc; aprii chickens, 12V,61Sc. tot. i i r.h-4 King stock. 10c; rhnlo ts fanoy dairy, 12414c; separator, lfcS We. KhCri! 'li!4 1 rout, 11c; pickerel, 8e pike, 10c; perch, 7c; blueflsh. lie; whlteflan, j4c; salmon, 14c: reosnnpper, lie; lobater, 1 freen. 2tc; lobster, boiled. lc; bullhead, lc; cntflsh. 14c; bWk baas, 20e; halibut, loc: ciarples, 12c: roe shsu, 1; buffalo, $c; white bass, 11c; frog Irga, ptr dos., 850. RMAM Per ton, .1. HAY I'rices quoted by Omaha Wholes! Dealers awsoclatlon: 4. hto No, 1 upland, $;.(; No. 2. $ 6u; medium, $4x00; coarse, 15.60. Ry straw, .s tV. These pries aiw tor hay of good color and quality. ' KUPICAL FMl.i la. ORANGF.d Sweeta choice, nil sites, $3.B ajb-i, Valetichis. all sites, $4.00. LliMONS California fancy. $70. $00 and 38 tinvglW; choice. $3.7p'u4.t. 1 CALIFORNIA FlGal'er 10-ln. carton. &0c; Imported Smyrna, 1-crown, Uoj $ crown, 14c: 7-crown, 16a ' BANANAS Per medlum-alsad bunch, $$.$ Ui.tnj; jumbo, li.ii'u 25. FRCITS. APPLE3 Home giown, per DU. basket, 85c; per bbl., $2 26. RASi'Ht!'KKlLJ Red raspberrits, par M pta , $2. 25 2.60. UijACixi.iiRlE3 Horn grown, par $4, Ots., 2-5l. BLUEBERRIES Wisconsin, per 1$ ta4 $2 .Oft. PEACHES California Elbertas and Hus. quehannas, $1.10; home grown clings, per ' 1(1-1 h. basket, 25c; Missouri, per 8-basket crate, $166. PiA'Mf California Keley, $1.10; Tragety, $1.25; Oreengage, $1 36. PEARS California, per box. $L753 0O Colorado, $1.61101.75, .... CAN'l ELOt i t: Arkansas and Indian Torrttnrv. i-er crate. 12. 6041-1. 7$ WATERMELONS Per lb. (crated), 1 .' CELERY Per dos.. $54JTs. V&aETAii.-wES. POTATCF8 New bonis grown, In sacks, per bu., 8f-u45e. NAVY UK A NS Per hu.. $1.9O(ffl.0O. ONIONS Home grown, In sacks, par bike 85c. 1 OMATOE3 Horn grown, per mark! basket, 85o. . CABMA'iE Home grown, per lb., lc CUCUMBERS Per do., 15o. TURNIPS Honia grown, per bu., 0c REETS Hoin grown, per bu.. 60c. PARSLKY-I'er dos., iSo. WAX BEANS Per marker basket, iW. STRING RKANS Per market buaket, 60o GREEN PEPPERS Per t-bakt crate, $2 00. SQUASH Horn grown, per do., 60c. PEAS Per bu. basket, 7ooH?1.00. EGG PLANT Southern, per dos., $1.69. SWEET POTATOES Per market basket, 76c. MISCELLANEOUS. NEW HONEY Per $4 frame, $3.60. MAPLK 61 GAR 4jhiO, per 10.. luo. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 11c; Wisconsin Young America, : blorfc Swiss, new, 15c; old, lfMn7c; Wisconsin brick, ISVjc; Wisconsin limberger, 18c. HIDES No. 1 green. 7Wc; No. 1 grsen, CUc; No. 1 salted, 9c; No. t salted, 8c; No. $' veal calf, 8 to 13 lbs., jc; No. 1 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs., 7c; dry salted, lllo; sheep celts, 4'227c; horse hides, $2.75. NUTS Walnuts, No, 1 soft shell, per lb., 15c; hard shell, per lb.. 14c: No. 1 soft shell, tier lb., 13c; No. 1 hard shell, per lb., 12o; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., te; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill walnuts, per lb., 12euwo; large hickory nuts, per lb., llo; almond, soft shell, per lb., 15o: hard shell, llo; sheilbark. per bu., UM; black walnut, per bu., $125. Dry Good Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 18 DRY GOODS At ' first hand the market remains practically unchanged. The. heavy buying for export for th laat week has quieted down and huvers are now endeavoring to break. If possible, prices for future deliveries. Job bers are doing a very fair business and '. several Inducements In the way of special offerings ara expected during the present week. 1 Whisky Market. CHICAGO, Aug. 1. WHISKY-fiteady. on a basis of $1.28. PEORIA. Aug. 16.-WHISKY-Cm A basis of $1.28 for finished goods. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 18.-WHI8KY Steady, on a basis of $1.32. CINCINNATI. Aug. 11-WHISKT-Ott. basis of $1.28 for finished 'good. , , Coffee Market. NEW YORK Aug. 18 COFFEE Th market for futures opened steady at a de cline of five points on May and unchanged -on later ppeftlons. Sales were reported of 11,600 bags Including September, at 8.85c; October, .65?8.76c; December, 6. 85(71. 96c: January. 6.90ff7.O5c: March. 7.25c; May, 7.$0 7.45c; July, 7.507c. . , . Liverpool Oraln Market. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 16. -WHEAT Spot, nominal; futures firm; September, 7s lWd; December, 7s 2t4id. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, new, 4s 8V41; American mixed, old, 4s $d; fu tures, firm; September, 4s 8d; October, nominal; December, 4s 8d. WHEAT MAKES A NEW RECORD September Option Bobs to a Dollar and a Nickel and Stays There. ; CHICAGO, Aug. 18. In a runaway mar ket today wheat made a new high record for the season. - The September option touched $1.0TH And closed strong at tha top figures of the day, a net gain ot tV cents. There wss only one cause for the e- clted advance. This was a flood of crop reports more , pessimistic than any here tofore sent. The one which set th 'pit seemingly rrasy was a dispatch from Grand Forks, N. D., In the Red river vsl ley, declaring that fields In that famous -wheat-growing section are In a condition described as fearful. ... NEW YORK! Aug. 18. In answer to fur ther sensational crop news from th north west todsy, Including rumors that the Manitoba crop had beoorne Infected by rust, wheat attained hew high records for the year, September and December touch lrig$1.0$. If you have anything to trade, advertise It In tha This for That column In th Baa Want Ad Pages. RDAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for record August 1$ aa fur nialied by the Midland Guarantee snd Trust company, bonded abstracter, Hit Farnam street, for The Bee; William H. Clements and wife to ' Frank A. Itarrlstn, part lot 4, ' block $. Park Place 11,200 Fannie Pierce to I.aura A. Turner, lot 4, block 44, Florence 6u William. H. McCreary and wife ' to Mary L. Cattln, lot 7. bloca 4, ' Marysvllle 600 Wilbur 8. Dudley and wife to William H. Potts, lot 12 and part of lot 11, block 9, Meyers, Richards aV. T(l-' ' den's add 400 William Bickers and wife to John H. . Maack, lots 1 and 1, block 2, Ptsrce's sub. oi Himehaugh'B add $00 Andrew C. busk and wife to A. B. ( Woodford, lot 32, block 1, Sherman gve. Park .;.. 1 Frank A. Harrison end wife to Emma ; W. Boland, lot 87 block 1, Walnut ' Hill ', k $.400 Arthur D. npandefs and wife to R- . , I. ccca S. Mandersoh, part of lot.$, block , West Omaha :..,.'. 1,600 Marie l.aMollt and husband to A F. , C. Caratana, part of W, nw'A, svc. 19-16-13 A. F. C. Caraten to Herman LaMotte, aam property I Tlic Alerchanto . National Bant; of Omiha, Nb, II. Ssssiitsf ' ' . Captlal aad Surplus, $430,0 03 . PBAtK MUCrir. rrse. it, t. WiKift. V. rVs. LUTItl S84U. C Mt. AM T. lAMHTOX 444, CsaSttS, SJaaete ssessn4s st kscka. sajiSeas, um. traaa am4 Islsias4s ss , ts4mes furvlaa gaebaese So, at I su4 eo!4. ' Letlara ml l'pdlt 1sm4. Sfiakaels is ell gsna ef tsa vernt. lUlapael rl ss tlaae OemSeatas ef r-v-rviWlioa raasa emcx.tair mum am era an -imt.f. si i i in i is. as lasias ' 11,11 "'is.