Tnn OMAHA DAILY DEE: SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1904. 9 .GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Grains Open Stronger-Continual Hammer ing Causes Weak Close. WHIATOFF 2.-3C CUrtN, 1C; OATS, 3-4C Bear News the Uiotr of the Day Sot Enoogh Uuod Uiralu loaiu to Otuakat Crop i'iluatluu-n tnj tiosslp. u.,ij1A. Aug. 12. 18H. xtis wheat sltuatw uvr iine.uuni Wmi eacu succeeding J., ins Uau u pecia it to t,u uD4 a.. a U iapuuui lu Aua preaauie, tut onco las we.nt 01 U.o seeing ino.t-meii t i leino.ou i. n ngul.i -"jii im tUo mi ti4u toiicrw iimw a ui.- Position to (cl UIIUiI' UuXt. 11 Iscgl.iS IO loost very niuvu as it uiu ,otit.luij J'ny Xnaikei in ik u i Lc itpeuiuu a ii.emuu. 'ine wheat is not emii ""J uri last euouzn; ma quality u 001" anu much oi iu airivaia are giauliitj ueio coutrac grtuin. ah this, Wiuit) it tioej not enure. y warrant the ueuei tnati u.e.e limy uj trouble in trie next mun.ii, cwui.n.y ion tains come indications turn way. Much ot the future courw 01 Ine mm Kit uepenoa on tne ueveiopme ni 01 crop couiil I jiw i.i the northwest. Elmer the northwest wheal crop will Da many inlillui.s soon or (ha crop of f aoricaiora ami mo.e weaver will ba the largest, on record. An Omaha man, wiring trom Dasota, expresses an oplu.o.i In favor of tha latter crop, 'ine Wires ttll sins the son a of woe ana tne pre dictions of hard time." for tha ntrthweat ern farmer and. blguer prices tur wueat L la the burden of uielr song. - 't It la Ih, moat rtoinrol th.nj In thai nrld L. Writ h th, nrlrM nf Whsl in lha nlil.. tmur.. 'j . ket of tne world flirting with ngures X ' cent above the dollar mark ami even more that there should be a little dispo.-l-1 Hon to catch the top and stand in m under 1 and alao eonaldere.ole In and out specuia- Uon on the part of trailers, which ac j counts for the nervous condition of the market ' From Omaha Information It appears that the elevator men In the Interior of tha fate have been doing their bast to get wheat to the market for weeks past, the J tempting prices lending to work overtime, j It has alao Inspired thrashing from the j stack, and this has been demonstrated as J riext to Imnnenlble until the wheat quits i sweating, bhork threshing Is especially ; favored by buyers of wheat, j Elevator men have been t eating the i Omaha market very earnestly, and It has j responded In excellent manner, and to their 1 satisfaction, but they have not given It a ? good on what might he done with j nigh grade wheat. Omaha Is better than 2 Kansas City, It Is relatively higher than J other receiving points, and If the right j kind of wheat was sent In the elevator I men would ho surprised at the results. J Moreover, tha Omaha -market is not an j experiment It la on a sure foundation and ijust right for rapid and permanent growth. It has every fncllltv that any market has and is In direct wire touch with the foun talnhead markets of the world, f Chicago opened about tic higher on Sep tember wheat, but not on December or May. The opening of other markets was stronger, while foreign advices were of a favorable tenor. Immediately after the opening there wns a disposition to take profits, and numerous western selling orders were received. This turned Sep tember down from an opening at $1.04 to $1.0114 by 10 o'clock, and from there the rally to ti ns'! wns accomplished before 11 o'rlook. Then It went off again and was erratic within a narrow range. As the session progressed tha Chicago commission houses kept Increasing their srosalD and the tone of It was all on tho Vat" bear side. They talked of better crops In r" the northwest, of exaggerated rust stories Slid of the long lino of September wheat t held In their establishments. The result i of this persistent effort was to dislodge a ' great amount of wheat and a gradual de j cllne of 2Vo In wheat. The final figures were Just a small frac tion above the low point. Corn was strong early, but followed the , course of wheat, and oats acted In a simi lar manner, the former losing about a' point net and the latter about . Omaha Grain Inspections: In. 6 cars No. i f hard wheat, 8 cars No. 4 hard wheat, 1 car no grade wheat, 1 car No. S corn, 1 ! cars No. 1 yellow corn. 1 car No. 2 white j corn; total, 17 cars. Out, 13 cars No. 2 j hard wheat, 1 cars No. 8 corn. I Cash Prices. Omnhn. .. 04 fir .". PI (&93 ,.. 88 Chicago. J.M 01.02' 8S 5il.00 2 1.02 il.0S 1.05 sYl.OH M Ol.Cfi 044471 65 64ff 65 63 4 66 . M 66 6TM,'T; 6 64V3 65 32 MWi IK" toit 86V1 Wheat , No. 2 hard... No. t hard.. No. 4 hard.. No. 1 red No. 2 spring.. No. I spring 65 Corn ' No. 49H No. 8 4S1V349 . No. 4 47 No. 1 yellow 404 NO. t yellow No. t white 41' No. 8 white 48V Oats No. S No. 1 SU4 No. 4 Xf No. 8 white : UK No. 8 white 83 Omaha. Cash Prices. ' CORN 1 car No. 4, 47H OATS 1 car old No. 4 white, 87v4e. WHEAT 1 car No. 4 hard, 54 lbs., 88c, Araentlao Shipment. Wheat. Corn. This week ' 1,744.0iO 2,5K3.00 Last week 1.1H4.GO0 2.6hO,oeO Lit year (jwt.UOO 3.017.0U0 Argentine shipments to United Kingdom: Wheat, l.nt.W0; corn, 1,844,000. Northwestern Wheat Receipts. Cars. Minneapolis 89 lHiluth S5 Chicago 80 Omaha U Total .'. 208 Grain Markets KUtntitr. - Closing prices of grain today and Tues day at the markets named were as follows: CHICAGO. Today. 1.01V, Wheat September December . May Corn Heptembor December . May Oat rieptemher December May Vhest September Iieceinbf r ecenitier Wheat- September December Corn ' September ' December . Wheat September December Wheat- September December . ST. LOUIS. 1.00H l.Oz 65HB 60 .'. 33 8IT Thur. i.02' l.otv 61 61 V 50 34S 8i-) KANSAS CITY. 62'i 45 B l.4B 1.0i4 63 4 4S14 DULUT1L exna' . 4l.ii 9n MINNEAPOLIS. 1.04R 1.0RU 1-01 Wheat September December NEW YORK.' l.M'4 tHi !.. Commercial Knsslp. 1.0SH l.oii 1.071, . ' Austria-Hungary Is bidding for cora now. I would buy the corn srid Ueop It. It's pretty sure to be better soon. The Omaha Orain exchange weather map drawn to scale on the big blackboard of the exihapse by the "weather num.'' was quite an attraction on 'change today. It will be In position every business day frntn now on and Is an exact duplicate of the olilclal map on a greatly enlarged scale. The Modern Miller says that the move ment of Inter wheat to market continues Cults heavy, altliuunh there U a dlspooitiun on the part of farmers In some sections of the country to hold for higher prices. The scarcity of etiutro soft winter wheat at tha IiiHrktta and nt country poli.ts Is becom ing more apniirent, as a Urge terceniiise of the crop Is light welgi.t. The quHluy of hurl winter wheat Is comparatively much better limn the soft. Financial fiosain. Rumors of wlue cut In wire products. North, rn Pacific July truss earnings de creustt J.., lilt. Ameilcun kto ks In London steady, rather above parity. Poor showing on anthracite roads ex pected for July. D. L. & w. earnings Juno SO quarter tiet Oiituim tl7ii,4U. New York btmlvs gined from aubtreasury Since inlay l,4.s,u. l'uo's Hevlew rtw.rts 40 per rent of New Ijisumd cotton iimcliliiery Idle. President Xlplrv of Atchison shvs crap dunsase rej.u, rtiy xu;g.-ricd. Southern n.!lv mn(rss firat we. k Au f.fl (iocs l'nii fruui July 1 lu ll. -an i.wi.ii. I'niort 1'sciflo esrnli.s' l rr rent on ctn- taking equity of Southern Pacific holdings t 8 per cent. New Tork Herald quotes J. p. Morgan. optlmlstlc on general outlook. Carnegie company will open hoop mills here to be worked by union labor on nonunion bails. CHICAGO CHAM AD rROVIIOS Feetares nf the Tradlna- and ( loalaaT Prices on nar4 of Trade. CHICAOO. Aug 18. Wheat prices nearly turned turtle to.lav under a tidal wave of long wheat, k-eptember had loi StsMV! of its advance, washed awny In the demge. At the close of trading that option Showed a net Inks of 2c as compared with yester day's final figures. Corn Is down VtrSc. Oats are off c. Provisions vary from 6c to asc decline. Initial bids for Feptember wheat at 1.nT4 1.44 were unchanged to He higher. Then tho price began to softer. September closed at mont on the bottom, the latest sriles being at ll.olM,. Bradstreefs roporta wheat and flour exports for 1he week of l.nrn) bu., against 1,37:I,'.10 a Week ago and 8,4l.v last yetir. Clenrnnres of wneat and flour tod;iy were equal to 85,Wt0 bu. Primary receipts were -2,'AX bu. larger than a year ago. Minneapolis Duluth and Chicago re ported recrlnts of V.2 rars, nga!i8t 2.2 !nst week and 2J4 a yesr ago. Corn was affected by the favorable char acter of the wheat, wnlch showed Improve ment both as to tempersture and precipita tion. September, Ihe leading option, start ing unchanged to 'c higher, advanced on free covering to 64c. With th setback In wheat, however, quantities of long corn came out and prices declined. September closed a shade above the bottom at 6oVtf' 6!c. Local receipts were HO cars. lats eventually suffered In sympathy with the euslec'tons of wheat, although the market maintained an undertone of confidence, as evidenced by smaller offer ings on the decline. September opened firm with a gnln of c at 34c, taking Its tone from the early firmness In wheat and advancing tinder moderately liberal support to 347c. Liter on realising September de clined to U633t:, steadying Just before the close, when shorts covered. Final trades were a shade above the bottom at &i7c. Iocnl receipts were 375 cars. In provisions the selling out of September holdings under the Influence of lower prices for live hogs had a weakening tendency. Pork was eKpecinlly affected, making n net loss of 3c, closing at $11 J. Lard was more In demand and althoitRh at one period showing a loss ofx6c, closed steady with 6c net gain at $6.75.' Kihs closed 7Vfcc down at $7.60. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 124 csrs; corn, la curs; oats, 817 cars: hogs, 14.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles.! Open. Hlgh.. Low. Close.lYest y. Wheat a Sept. b Sept. Deo. May Corn AUK- , Sept. Dec. Oats Sept. Dec. May Pork Sept Oct. Lard Sept. Oct. R11.S Sept. Oct. 1 0J 1 1 0414 34e-W S4'H 37VMJ- 10S 1 04 1 mi 1 04m 1 0! 1 024 1 ttosl 1 01 S 1 00 1 OlKilVs 101m 101 M 6-ISl 63HI&3Voi; bl WVii0ttil w'.il 3'S 87 M 11. S3 11 86 11 50 11 60 i 11 95 11 W 11 U U 60 11 40 I 18 06 70 t SO S 95 S 76 70 6 77 6 90 8 72Vi 6 8Vsl 6 80 7 60 7 60 7 40 7 45 7 F2H 7 47 7 52 7 40 7 45 7 62 1 Ci 1 0..' 1 02i 1 04'4 63 64H 67 :' 34' 87 1 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Volume of Business Betrays a Manifest Decline. UNION PACIFIC PULSE OF THE MARKET Efforts to Divert Speculative Interest Into Kerr Channels Ptotcs Only Partially Successful. NEW YORK, Aug. 12 Triers was a par tial halt In tne p.cultttive movement to day and a snrinKage In the volume of aeultng. 'i he news of the asy oiler no c,er explanation of tne hesitation in tne market, nut the disposition was gvneral 10 take pronts on lecent connuo.aule ad vances. Luton Pacino s opening decline of a point was effective notice ut thia ten dency and the orop in southern Pacluc, with the tall In the Metropolitan transac tions relnlorced It. Efforts were made to divert speculative Interest to new quar ters ana there was occasional advances here and tnere 01 a point or more, but the movermnt lacked enthusiasm and was not convincing to sentiment. Heading was choen for an advance of a point, notwith standing reports In circulation that a large curtailment of anthracite production tor August was Intended, and a total suspen sion of output tor a largo part of Septem ber In contemplation. The strength of Amalgamated Copper re sulted In a revival of ihe repeated rumors of a settlement of the contentions of cop per Interests. The wheat market Itself re flected an unsettlement of the specu:atlon based on damage reports, but the reaction In wheat failed to benefit stocks to any extent. Atchlon was the only one of the grangers to show a degree of strength and Its rise above 80 was attributed more to corn prosiiects than to wheat. United States Steel preferred was held for only a brief time above last nights level snd showed the -effect of the In-lstent rumors of cuts In the prices of steel products. Although exports of domestic products for July again show a decline from the previous yesr of $9.fi2.00O, chiefly to bread stuffs, the time Is near now when a supply of cotton bills may be looked for In the exchange market, making the profit on a gold shipment very haxardou'. The Cunan gold shipments will affect the showing by the banks, hut money has continued to flow lo this center from the Interior and a further gain In cash receipts is looked for In tomorrow's bank statement. An effort wan made to rally the late market by marking up Southern Pacific to 5f.. but that stock fell back when the Metropolitan transactions showed renewed weikness, and the closing was dull and easy. Bonds were Irregular; total sales, par value, $2,431,000. TTnlted Ktatea hnnria were unchanged on 1 call. Quotations ranged as follows on the New York Stock exchange: Sales. High. Low. Close. 33,600 80 7!H 79 , 2,000 8,00 No. 2. tOId. tNew. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Market steady; winter patents, (4.60; straights, $4.204 30; spring patents, 84.4Ofrf5.0O; straights, 3.7lKiJ4.oO. WHEAT No. 2 spring. $l.O5'gl.08; No. 8, 95cr06; No. 8 red, 81.02'tfl.06. CORN No. 2, 64c: No. 2 yellow, 65c. OATS No. 2, 326 33c; No. 8 white, 35 S6c; No. 8 white, 34f36c. RYE No. 2, 71c. BARLEY Good feeding, 40c; fair to choice 'malting, 42345c. SEED No. 1 flax, $1.18; No.-l northwest ern, 81-25. Timothy, prime, 83.00. Clover, contract grade, $U.50f(11.76. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $11.50 J11.62. Lard, per 100 lbs., $6.70e.77. Short ribs sides (loose), $7.375;7.50; short clear sides (boxed), $8.O0(S.25. Shipments of flour and grain were as follows: Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu.... Oats, bu Rye, bu Barley, bu.. Receipt s.ShlDments .... 15.200 16.U0 ....117.000 39,700 ... .234.900 12,7'0 ....3l2.6iK) 216.400 7.000 . , 1,500 8,600 . . too Atchison do pfd B. & O. do pfd Can. Pacific Central of N. J.. Ches. & Ohio.... Chicago & A do pfd Chicago Ot. Western 8"0 C. A N. W... 600 C, M. A St. P 18.400 do pfd Chicago T. A T.., do pfd C. C, C. A St. L. Colo. Southern...., do 1st pfd , do 2d pfd Del. A Hudson Del., L. A W 87 87 86 fs 100 94 4 9.000 127 126 10.600 1,600 200 fOO 100 1,800 7t 0 1,7(10 1.6X) 86 40 15 85 40 14 1S2 149 14t 6 18 74 14 49 . 87 83 V? 127 164 36 40 80 14 182 149 179 fr 15 74 14 49 21 900 8,200 On the Produce exchange today the but ler market was firm; creameries, 13ai7c; dairies.- KfflSc. Kt-gs, steady; t mar, cases Included, 13(g17c. Cheese, steady, 7 6e. - , St. Louis Grain and Provisions. ' ST. LOUIS, Aug. 12. WHEAT Lower, bulls selling out; No. 8 red, cash, elevator, 89c; track,; September. 9S 9sc; December, tl-O0; No. 8 hard, Sl-Oodi 1.01. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash. 63c; track, 63'ii64c; September, 62c; December, 4Kc. OATS Lower; No. 2 cash, 83c; track, 34$t36o; September, 83c; December, 84 c; No. 2 white, 35'&3Hc. FLOUR Steady to firm;' red winter pat ents. $4.ii6.00; extra fancy and straights, t4.5fi-fi-4.85; clear, t3.MXjj4.0O. SEED Timothy, steady, .40tg8.76; prima higher. CORNMEAL Steady, 82.7S. BRAN Firmly held; sacked, east track, Srifyhtic. HAY Strong; timothy, new. sft.0ofti2.00; old, tl0.00-S16.0o; prairie, new, J6.0C-S9.50. t IRON COTTON TIES 95c. BAOOINO 7'i?7e. HEMP TWINE 7c PROVISIONS Pork, lower; jobbing. tl2. Lard, firm; prime steam, t6.2R. Bacon, steady; boxed, extra shorts. tS.37; alear rihs, $8.60; short clears, t8.87. POULTRY Steady ; chickens, 9c; springs, llc; turkeys, 15c; ducks, 7c; geese, 6c. BUTTER Dull; creamery, 1418e; dairy. Shipments. Receipts. Flour, bbls . 7,00 4,000 Wheat, bu 149,000 , 68.01)0 Corn, bu 6,0r)0 17,000 Oats, bu 170,000 61,0u0 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 12 WHEAT Steady; September, 86o; December, 8ne; May, SlV((HIc; cash, No. 2 hard, BVaUtic; No. 8, 9ij4c; No. 4, 84a88c; No. 2 red. 8tj'n!c; NO. 3, 88a9c; No 4, 8792ai CORN Higher; September, 4Xo; Decem ber. 44c: May, 44c; cash, No. 2 mixed, 6Of(i60c; No. 3, 49c; No, 2 white, 61c; No. J. '5of(jMc. O VIS Steady; No. 2 white, 36.S36c; No. HAY St-uidy; choice timothy, $8.50; choice prairie, $6.6Vti.7R. K i ri Nominal ai oattfivc. BUTTER Creamery, 12c. 13S15c; dairy. EOOS Firm: Missouri ahd Kansas. No. 2 whiiwwootl -vuaes Included, ITVjC doz. : caso count; lic; cases returned, o dos. less. Receipt. Shipments. Wheat,' du... 224. 809 . 1S3.6O0 Corn, bu 24,000 22.4.-K) Oats, bti '. 1,000 3,0o Mllwnnkee Grain Alarket. MILWAUKEE, Aug. 12. WHEAT Mar ket lower; No. 1 northern, $1.09: No. 2 northern, $1.0til.O8; new September, $1.01, bid. RYE Higher; No. 1. 74c. BARLEY Quiot; No. 2, 58c; sample, S34J 55c. CORN Firm; No. 8, 650ic; September, 63c. Minneapolis iiratn Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. It. WHEAT Sep tember, tl-02; December. 99cl Mav, $101; No. 1 hard, $l.lo; No. 1 northern, tl.K; No. 2 northern, $1.0fi. FLOUR First liatents, tb.5fi5.60; second patents, 86 4ji5 60; first clears, $3 80B3.9U; second clears. $.75. BK AN In bulk, tl4.7515.00; hortg, tl7.60 tjl8.0. DulMth ;-ln Market. ,' DULl'TH. Aug. ''-12. WHEAT To srrlve AugiiMt 16: No.- 1 northern, $1.14; No. 2 northern, $1.11. To arrive: No. 1 northern, $1.13; No. 2 northern, $1.10. On track: No. 1 northern, $1.1 1; No. X northern,; September, $1 04; December, SHIc. OATS On track, 3M'; to arrive, 34c; Sep tember, 830. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 12 -Wll EAT-Spot, nominal; futures qultt; September, 7s d; December, is ld. CORN Spot Urni: American mixed, new, 4s fcd: American mixed, old, 4s 9d. Futures setdy; beptember, 4s G1; liecember, 4s 6d. t Visible sanply of Grain. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 12 Secretary Hesters statement of the world's vilt!e suiplv of cotton Is l.ii.Ml bitieM, SKI'ist I. 4i,,'.:l5 hales Inst week. Of this bt&.KU bales Is American cotton. Toledo Sees Market. TOLEDO, Aug 12 8F EI -Clover, catth. t7.1o; t loher, 17 35 silked, December, $7 .an; prime aUike, $7 Jt bid; Aiivust, $7 ) bid; prime tliuothy, tl.4T; September, 81.4D bid. l'eorla Market. PEORIA. Aug. 12 CORN-Steady; No. & .:..-; No 4. 6tc. WlilsKY on the baais of $1 2H. bank tlrarlnxi. fiMH. Aliit. IK Hank lifsrlims for to- dy, 11 1" i; 74. a iieciea f iyjo,aj frvia II. 0 x 1 ruvuidiii4 Ony tot Jfta.. D. A R. Q 200 do pfd 40O Erie 8,000 do 1st pfd. 1,700 do 2d pfd 400 Hocking Valley 400 do pld c: III. Central 1,500 Iowa Central 600 do pfd l.OuO K. c. southern do pfd L. A N Manhattan L. .. Met. Securities. Met. St. Ry Minn. & St. u id., St. P. A S. Ste M. do pfd ,.... - Mo, Pacific M.. K. A T do pfd..-.r. "rrr.-r. Nat l R. R. of M. pfd . N. Y. Central Norfolk A W 1,300 63 do pfd...; Ontario A W 4,800 Pennsylvania 80,100 p., c. c. St. Reading , do 1st Dfd do 2d pfd 200 Rock Island Co 10.40 do pfd 1,300 16 74 14 43 20V 161- io .iun 22 72 26 63 87 6S 80 '84 19 86 23 72 26 64 3 69 81 13a 20 36 44 43 118V4 118 100 15H4 161 48.800 96 92 124 121 22,8'i0 100 49 2,400 ; 75 600 130 8.9(X 84 6.200 .: 2,100 S 74 128 94 -20 43 306 120 lii 81 m 62 30 121 32,500 64 83 St. L. A S. F. 2d pfd 1.200 St. L. S. W 2.800 do pfd 1,200 So. Pacific 82.800 So. Railway 7,600 do pfd 700 Texas A Pacific 2,7m) Tol., Bt. L. A W 8i0 do pfd u. 1,000 Union Pacific 81,9u0 do pfd 100 Wabash "0 do pfd 1,000 W. A Lake Erie Wis. Central Vf) do pfd 800 Mex. Central... . 2,300 Adams Ex..... American Ex U. S. Ex ,. Wells-Fargo Ex 100 210 210 70 24 67 6 16 87 , 66 26 91 28 86 89 91 83 37vt 18 3 10 70 23 66 6a 15 87 64 26 91 28 26 8S 87 83 17 27 17 39 9 62 18 400 82 32 100 27 27 22 69 60 ,aw jtio 5,0 13.1 100 73 1.0"0 63 2,& 87 2i0 196 E J0 12 ' 22 89 69 101 132 73 61 86 196 12 1.S00 163 163 800 14 14 0 " 71 71 1O0 31 81 ii'.jo pi i 1,000 89 RS 8 1 28 2,6' 0 101 101 luO 83 83 22 71 2b 63 87 61 81 134 19 87 21 44 11 160 92 121 60 . 74 129 . 94 20 13 86 119 62 90 31 121 64 64 23 66 68 15 87 65 26 81 2 26 8K 87 9S 17 87 14 18 40 9 225 1!3 H ' 210 63 ' 1S . 78 , 82 27 8 26 22 , 84 60 104 132 72 ts. 195 11 5 ?2 1631 71 81 75 Amnl. Copper 40,500 64 Amer. Car A F 200 18 do pfd Amer. Cotton Oil... do pfd Amer. Ice do pfd Amer. Unseed OH.. do pfd Amer. Locomotive... 60O do pfd 800 Amer. Smelt. A R... 8I.O0O do pfd Amer. Sugar Ref.... Anaconda M. Co Brooklyn R. T Colo. Fuel A I Con. Oas Corn Products do pfd Distillers' Securities. General Electrio Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump.. do pfd Nat l Lead. No. American Pacific Mall People's Oas, ex-dlv. Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman. P. Car Republic Steel 100 do pfd 2O0 Rubber Ooods 105 do pfd Tnn. Coal A I. ...... 1.100 V. B. Leuther do pfd 600 V. S. Realty U. B. Rubber 200 do pfd 00 U. B. Steel !. do pfd 17,000 Westlngh. Electrio Western Union 100 89 Total sales for the day. 5SS.400 shares. London Stoek .Market. LONDON. Aug. 12 Closing: ' Contois, monsj ..Ill-UN. T. l'ntrl ....... .!! do account II !- Norfolk W 4 Anaconda 1 1 lo put ku Atchison ,. .S Ontsrto & W, .1 do trd W Pttimylvanla H B.lllmur a- Ohio... Hand Minn .... anadian Fa.-lno ....110 Kendlnf ......... rii. Ohio 144 do 1st pfd.... .. IS.' to id pld..,. ..Wi So. Railway .. li'V do pfd ....... .. ft Bo. Pscino .. 7 Union PaclOe ... .. I do pld , .. k II. S. Kttol 11 .. 1104 'do pld to ..n; Wahaah , in ..Hi1 do pfd ill , XlVa suanith iu 7 43 42 17 ' 17 44 7 84 i9 75 15 69 8H 28 l"l 83 75 217 7 7 42 )7 7K 43 43 7 7 83 84 19 19 76 74 111Z 1TI 5SV f.v 168 88 89 . ' . v . 43 . '. . IT .. Htt . S.'. .1U1 Chlcaso Ot. W C . M. A lit. P... IrDni I). A H. O do td Km Mo 1" pfd do id pfd Itlliiola Ceiilral ltula. it Naah... M.. K. i T Ex-dlvldend. SILVER Bar. quiet, 26d per ounce. MONEY 2'ti2 Ir cent. 'i'he rHle of uUcuunt in the open market for short bills is 2fi(2 lo-lS per cent; for threo months' bills, 2 l-ltw3 per cent. Sew York. atlnlnaT Stocks. it Z V.' YORK, Aug. 12. -The follow!.! the closing prices 011 mining slocks Adams Cos AIK- ti reo lliunawlrk Con .. ( uiMtoiS Tuuuvl ton. 4'sl. Vs.. Horn htlvr ., ,. Itoti Htlwr LoadVllio COS .... .. Za .. . .. JO .. ie .. 1 ..1:3 ..160 .. I il.lttll thief .. joularls . plilr ,1'buMltlx I l-wtoal :! ISiarra S'evads Small Hope .. Standard g are . t ..',0 ... ... it ... ... j ... it ...IW law York Money Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 11-MONEY-On call, eusy at V'.l per cent; cloning bid. per cent; offered at I per cent; tune lonna, easy; lily and ninety das, 2 per cent: aix mouths. 34 per cent; prime mercantile pa-p.-r, 4 41 per cent. Bl'Elil.l.Ni EM'H ANfiE Steady t de. cllne. vthn actual boHlnena In tank at 4 Ujj lot Utnuauti aud ai 4 sii dsy Mils: pnstsd rates, ft c-r74. and $4 R.1 oi erimmereiai nus, h SILVER Bar, bf-v Mexicail dcllars, 46V,n JtONPg Oovernmcnt. steady; railroad Irrerulsr. ? . The following nre the closing quotations on stocks and bonds: V. I. ret. fa, res....!'" Manhattan e. . 4, . .K'"-4 ine Ma. On'ral 4 n IMS,1 d lat Ine !' 15 ;Mlnn ft St. U. 4a.... M .. K aV T. 4s W- 2a Ti If. B. R. w S e. I1 N. X. r g. ,.. !"- N. I. I-. s M K- No. Paclc 4a a.... "! do In InsVK. W t. 4a .... in. 8. u 4a par JIV Penn. cone. Sa.. S3 a Hadlns f;en. 4a f)o emipon So So. rrf do coupon is sew 4a, do coupon do old 4o, reg.. do roapnii ..... Atrhlaoa gen. 4s. do ail. 4a Atlantic C. L. 4a B. O. 4a do m .'. Coniral of r,a. Si do )at Inc Ches. Ohio 4S ...ln' 4a. "'4 ... 14 ...1" 4 .. .10f. ... 74 ... f.v Chlrairo oV A. ISa., iSt. ?. PI. L. 0 C. B. A Q. n. 4a ... t7S4 St. 1.. 8. W. ta C. M . ft P. t 4a. I" Seaboard A. L. C. N. W. c. 7a He So. Pacldc 4a . C . R. I. P. 4 11 I So Hallway ta 4. iV Ta cV P. la 4s..lT,T., St. U W. 4s. .... 7Sil'nlon Pacific 4a .... I do eone. 4a 34Ji;. S. Steel Jd la livS!Whah la Erie prior Ilea 4s.... ' do deb. R do n 4s HVW ft U P.. 4a t. . ft r. C. la innl:wta. Central 4 HocWIns Val. 4Hs....l"4 Colo. Fual a. is.... U ft N. nnl. 4a lot Offered. do col. fa. COC. ft St. L. f. Chlcaro Ter. 4a. Con. Tobacco 4a. Colo. A So. 4a.. D ft R. 0 M. c ta 11'4 r. If. 4a. ?; . ' . 74t . M .117 .11H . 73H .1n-.4 .P"4 . T .1171 SflV, . ! . H . 71 Boston Stock notations. BOSTON. Aug. 12. Call loans. T-, per cent: time loans, 3U4 per cent. Official closing of stocks and bonds: Atchlaon sdj. 4s 4talU. S. Steel pfd.. do 4a 101 aj v. am ins. coramtm , 44 Adventure . Its' Allouoi . Si j Amalgamated .119 American Zlno .. .! Atlamlo Mex. Control 4s.. Atchlaon do pfd Poeton 4V Albany, hoaton ft Maine.. hoaton Elevated 14H' Mlngham Vllchburg Did 161 lies. Central iSt N. V., N. H. ft H..IM1 Per Marquette 74 I'nlon Pacific i74 Amer. Arge. Chom... 14'a do pfd iu Amer, P.ieo. Tube..., s-St Amer. Sugar U?' uo pfd Amer. T. A T... Amer. Woolen ... do pfd Dominion I. ft S Edison Klec. lllu. . .. .S1 Uenersl Klectrlo U:!1 Maaa. Klectrlo do pfd Mass. Oaa 4", t'nited Prult 106 ss United Shos Mack t do pfd 14 C. S. SlMl 11 Bid. ...Hi ...1S7 ... 11 ... 77S .... Ut ... 71 ' .... 10H .... MVt .... 11 .... .... 14 ..4.mi 14'. U)al. ft Heola... Centennial .... Copper KangS 61- Daly Weat XZVa lirnilnlon Coal 41 Kranklln Orancy Irle Hnrale Mafe. alining ... Ml'hlgan Mont. C. C... Old Domlsloa .. Parrot Dinner shannon laiujrack . nttjTrtnliy , K4 I. S. Mining.... V. 8. Ull Utah Victoria Winona Wolverine 1 I 14 .. 13 V, .. i"4 .. 4 .. IVi .. .. ti .. S3 .. i .. : .. VA .. 21 .. 10H .. Sa .. H .. .. T BCSIMSSS OF ASSOCIATED DAKKS Clearings of the Great Commercial Centers of Country. NEW YORK, Aug. 12. The following table, compiled, by uradstreet, Shows the bank clearings at the principal cities fo( the week ended August 11, wltn the percent age of increase and decrease as compared with the corresponding week last year: CITIES. Clearings. Inc. Dec, New York Chicago Huston Philadelphia St. Louis Pittsburg San Francisco Baltimore Cincinnati Kansas City ... New Orleans Cleveland Minneapolis Detroit Louisville OMAHA Milwaukee Providence Buffalo Indianapolis St., Paul Los Angeles St. Joseph Denver Columbus Memphis Seattle Richmond " , Washington '. Savannah .1. Albany Portland, ure , Fort Worth.. Toledo, O Salt Lake City Peoria ' Atlanta .. , Rochester ".7; Hartford Nashville Des Moines.. ,...T. Spokane, Wash.. Tucoma Grand Rapids New Haven. , Dayton Norfolk ..t... Springfield, Mass...., Worcester , Portland, Me , Augusta, Ga , Topeka , Sioux City Syracuse Evansvllle , Birmingham Wilmington, Del Knoxvllle Davenport Utile Rock Wllkeslwirro , Fall River , Macon Wheeling, W. Va..j, Wichita Akron :. , Chattanooga Springfield, III , Kalaniasoo, Mich.... YounRstown Helena Lexington ., Fargo, N. D, , New Bedford Canton, O Jacksonville. Fla.... Lowell Chester, Pa ,. Oreensburg, Pa Rockford, 111 Binghamton , Springfield, O Bloomington, 111...... Qulncy, 111 Sioux Falls, S. D... Mansfield, O Decatur, 111 Jacksonville, 111 , Fremont, Net tHouston tOalveston Cedar Rapids......... Totals V. S.. Outside New York... $ 936,463,8461 l0.2S,!3l Ul,352,7oY , 774,319, 47,632,073 3o.46,lMn 27,374,1121 1,319,62 26,767,6601 22.631.501 10.771fi.241l 11,864,820; 12.M6,577 12.47U,66S. . 9.802,121)1 6, 000, 235 1 8,21,813 8.571, 3Ki -6,122,1931 6,159,4i7l - 6.4on,(il5 8,182,7741 4,1S3,467 8.C.94.774, . 4,311,9001 8.61 13,313 3.96S.8X3I 8.667.2361 -j8.646.2444. '.2V3.B12 - 8,200,2:!" , 8,4'i2,fit, t ,97(5,!Ki I 8.8.j7,100 I 2. n. 748! 29.7;. 2.2 . ,..2:1- 10. 2. 15.0 "i.3 8.6 2.3 "i'.i 41.6 1.6( '29 ?9 23.0 'iili 16.9 6.1 10.4 1.8 14.4 i 3,030,0191 r : z,rio,364 2,09, 720 1 1,833,7X1 ,'' 1.906.7'W, '.;, 2,185,1631 l,43o,044 a- 1.292.830 .1 : 1,304,453, ' 1,147,6121 1,500,262, 95.043 c 953,140 " 1,045.3.16 ) jt,073,31a: 1,378,435 901,448; :,-. 1,0K,169' : 1,238,697 . 724.402 926,014! ' 72.S.025 . 622,0331 2M),4!2 , , 676,406 -. -l.Wl'ol B'O.fKI') 8 6,57l ' ' 7i.i6,92o 713.61H r 848,745 ; . 653,lHii 500,272 310.629 " 469.000 -, 848,78 454,7111 843,06 ' 330,943 ' 44.69i ; 194.6631 . 818,04Si ,' 211,016! 226,10t: 7.461,421 6.SO2.00 - 795.22 13.0 "l8.'8 86.2 10.3 'io'.o! Y'.i 57.3 7.5 18.1 46.1 23.0 'ai'i' 86. 16.1 14.0 9.3 75.6 26.5 14.1 35.41 23.2 "s.'i "8!9 8.8 9.1 s a a t, '12.4 8.3 11.8 'iY.i 2.2 7.4 6.4 24.8 10.8 'ii'.i 'ii'.i 6.1 9.6 20.S .1 'ii'.i 12.8 18.1 "i'.i 'is'.i K.4 47.8 11.8 'ioii 88.1 10.6 $1,671,999,667 735.53a.Bll ...... 8.8 87.9 22.2 84.1 8.8 . 8.7 7.4 ...... 21.0 18.0 4.4 245.1 2.9 61.8 85.8 65.7 10.7 15$ 8.1 CANADA. Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Ottawa Halifax Quebec Vancouver, B. C... Hamilton Ixmdon, Ont St. John. N. B Victoria, B. C 20.M9.7til 15,226,010 6.6H0,ti7 2,3.'!H.043 194. KW 1,73(.6 l,368.7bol 9SO,9.'W '" 974.108 ,1,091.49s 669,7071 4.4 . 38.9 . 12.8 . 'ii'.B . 19.31, 8.8 46 Totals, Canada... $ 62,730.66O l-Tit 13.8 "i'.i 22.0 iy si 00- j it. rs' bills j lor s xty- tNot Included In totals because contain ing other Items than dealings. Forrlan Financial.' BERLIN, Aug. 12. Exchange on London, SOm 4HVipfg for checks. Discount rates: Short bills. IVi per cent; three months, 2 per cent. On the bourse toduy coal and Iron shares were stronger. American rails were hluher on New York sdvices. PARIS. Aug. 12.-r-Three per cent rentes, 9Rf 15c tor the account. Exchange 011 Lon don, 6f 20c for checks. Prices on the bourse today were firm and trading more active. Improved 4s closed at 92.60. Russian bonds of 19n4 wero not Quoted. LONDON, Aug. 12. The amount of bul lion taken Into the Rank of England on balance today was 22 000. Rates for money were easy In the market todny. Discounts slackened. The announcement that 2,5ofl,. Ono In gold Is leaving India this week as sisted In tha tendency to reduce discount rates. Trading on the exchange was Iliac, tlve., Ol't-edfced securities Improved on the easier rates fur money. Foreigners awaited more dnhnite war news. Consols hardened, but reacted at the close. Americans opened ateedy nnd moved to well above parity. Prices closed firm. Grand Trunk was flat on the announcement of the half yearly earnliiKK. Imperial Japanese government 6s of 1!j4 were quoted at 96. Condition of tho Trenanry. WASHINGTON. Aug. 12 Today's state ment of the treasury balances in the gen eral fund, exclusive of the. IL5ti.oi0.uiU gold reserve in the tlivilon of redemption, shows: A'nllnble cash bulunce, $ijO,4i,iii.i; gold, $46,Oc9,l!7. (ills and Hoals. . NEW YORK. Aug. 12 OILS Cottonseed, barely stesdv ; prime crude, nominal; prime jellow. ioo'Jh'ic. Petroleum, refined. $7.7n; Philadelphia at ml Baltimore. $7t,; Philadel phia and HHimni in bulk. $4 73. Turpen. tine, quiet. 6t'Vn Vec. htitllN yum; malned, common to good, $2 70. SAVANNAH. Aug. 12 Ollj--Turpentine, firm. IkU3c. hOHIN'-FIrm: A. B. C. $? 30; D, $1 Si; V.. it F f 46; ' " f'i; 11. -'": I $.1 ; K, H tA.IU. 4.ioJ i- ; W. ti.. 84. IJ; VV. V., OMAIIA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Beceipta , Very Light and Prices HeldFully Bteady. HOGS STEADY WITH THURSDAY'S CLOSE Sheen In Abont Kormal dVapply in Whllo Market Was Slow Prices on Fat Staff Showed Little Change ' Feeders - Also Steady. SOUTH OMAHA. Aug. 12, 1804. Receipts were: Omclsi Monday Ottlcial U uesoay Ofticlal Heonesday .... Orhcial Thursday . Ifhcial Friday Five days this week. Same days last week.. S.ime week before .... Same tnree weeks ago Same four weeks ago. Same days last year.. RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. 'i'he toliowinar labia Hhnwl the recplnfa of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omsha for the j-ear to date wan comparison wltn mvi year: 10oa lOfYl trio lino Cattle 8A2.287 B95.4-4 ' 88.117 IlOKS 1.6411 1 fvlx '4.1 l.KMt Sheep 77o,i4 735,761 84,4ii Average puces paid ror nogs at Couth Omsha for the last several (lays with comparison: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .. 1.03 i.AOi jj,2o .. i,lW 11.44U 4.t. ,.. S,4u lo,l4 4.190 ,.. i.43 li,ol7 8.2U .. l.Wo 4. Mo 2,617 .. S.Sirt 48.015 16.(4 .. U.292 23.7J8 12.(65 .. 4 712 14,347 .9i4 .. 6.6J lT.Oo") ,(.' .. 4.bS2 lO.oli) lv.OIW ..17..19 8b.iti SS.dOI Date. j 1904. ljjl.j'3.l)l.lw. 11599. l.-i, July 20. Juiy jti July -a, jui u July 11 uiy i juiy 20. Juiy It July a July vt Juiy su July 31. August August Auuusi August AUNUSt August August AUUIJSt August '..UfeUSl August AuKUSt ... I 04 I t i l'l IU ...I s vox! iu I j Jt I lll ... C 05) s w ,.. 8 10s,,. e , ... S Mrtti 4 86; ... e us, I f irsl voi - . 6 09 id Odi I 8 04 l-l 4 98 , 4 8. 1 4 2j ' a. I 4 4 89! 4.1 6 Obi ilii O.I 6 Vo! 4 M 6.) vitoi t u 7. 1 ' 1 U I S 10 tk 8.S06 , lu s iui ( Ui 11 4 87 6 2d 12 4 61 j S 20 7 52( 41, 8 I a, 1 s 7 ti 7 ( i twt I 7 63j ' 'I 5 7 4i' 6 7 61t 8 7 411 s 7 JK 6 1 e 7 39, ' 1 Si 5 1 w 7 2l 1 1B li 6 I 7 04) 6 sl 4 S 1 l . 1 iv 6 15t V t U )4 UOI M S Wl 8 MM ' I V U 47 I to, I 08! bl l 00 1 6 lo Vol s 1 'i lot lli 84 I 60 I 04 bu S 141 t 6 in) 7o 6 04) i4 S 0U ' I 4 W 74! I 4 1 8 H 4 al S 61 4 M Ik - i J bj, 4 861 III I 88 4 H ol 4 di ll 4 4o l 4 iU 7i I 6 4 4 82 4 is, S 78 4 8 J4 4 00) X si 4 43 3 bi 4 4s, 8 71 8 V 4 S8 4 3 8 81 4 82 8 6i 4 Z4 t( 4 iS $ 2, 4 8t 48 Indicates Sunday. The ofticlal number ot cars of stock brought tu today oy each road , was: - ' I'attln eios-a flh'n jummjuri acinc xvy , g union jtacinc system. .. :. ..w... F., oc M. V. Hi ti..., 20 C, at. p.. M. sc o. R.y. Jt. 6s M. xty 1 c, it. 1. at f. rty., east. C, re 1. oe P. hy west.. tainois Central Ctiicagu Oreat Western... 3 14 i V 16 1 1 8 Total receipts 46 73 11 The disposition cf ths day's recelota was as follows, eacn buyer purchasing me num. uer 01 ncau inaiuateu: buyers. Cattle. Hoes. Sheep. Omana Packing Co. owiti and Company..... Cuuahy PacKlng Co Ai mour oc Co Vansant dk Co '...' N. Morris F. Huss Kingan 6c Co......; Root .' .., fNoith P. P. Co........ Wolf & Murnan Bulla ot Klein liammond oc Standisn Paraer cl Webo Merwln ...... J. Cudahy jtiros bpringileiu ttoduin Other uuyers o31 ni loo 12 23 ja "'it "Li 76 4- ' lf l,4oi "1,491 bn6 1.7i0 4)4 4i6 134 13 2.0 4Jo tJ lau bub .Totals 1,227 7.U04 . 8,391 Co,, li., jLt.iel'u Wtle winy Mjuut b.utAJ cattio icpuricu. att uuiah, Cinci and bullous City tuU niotinug, so tnai teceipis cuuiu not ue caueu ejvcoaioiVv. i acxe.D, uiuush. . uld uot, fcecm .0 oe particularly Uuuaiy ..lor auy kiai nuiuooi, owiim to the .tavy receipt. iur ie mat lew . udyy, ami weaves uiw tne cjpos ot toe win 1 at iianu". At tins point, iiowevtr, pvaeis boukiii up prauticany e.eiytuiria ulteriu at goou, steady prices, .1111 111 tune c'aues they eavu a iitue mora tlio.n ycstu.uay. ineie were juai a lew ouiicued of corn feu ateerj ou autie and uuyurs startnu arouiiu and plckei out those mat suited inem at steauy ana in some cases at stronger prices, 'ine leas Oeairaole icaus sulu in tiiucu the same notcnes Wiey uld yebteiuay. it was very evident thai pack ers requirements were easily Batlnieu, ae on tne exueme clos they were rather bearish. Most everything, however, was sold 111 good season. There were scarcely enough western grass beef steers on the market to test the sit. uation. Buyers seemed to want a few and bought those that arrived at steady to strong prices as compared wltn yesterday. The same as with corn-feds, though, tneir wants were very limited. The cow market showed some little im provement on the better grades, but there were so tew on sale that even though buy era did not want many there were ncarcely enough to go around. In some cases sales were made that looked as much as a dime 1 igher, but when it came to the common and medium grades the market was slow and only about steady. Bulls, veal calvea and stags sold In much the same notches they did yeeterday. About the usual Friday . conditions pre vailed -In the Blocker and feeder division this morning. There were very few fresh arrivals and they were hard to move at re duced prices. The demand from the coun try for the last few days has been very limited and as a result speculators have quite a few cattle on hand, with Indica tions favorable for some of them being carried over until next week. Representa tive sales: Ho 4U... It... I... in... o... 1.. A. ..1111 ..1211 ..U77 .4. .iJJ Pr. 1 25 -I U 6 40 44 8 TS BEEF STEERS. A. t-r- No. ...:.iim 1 w 0 , lD4t 4 10 i., mo 1 15 u lic.1 6 26 14.. ,blEK8 AND COVVa. 11M 4 11 COWS. 107 2 IS 7 1071 HEIFERS. 776 8 70 CALVES. 100 S 00 . t 145 I tg BULIjS. 1140 1 40 1 1U9 I J5 r t.BivAnKA. 14 steers.. ..1321 1 bull 1330 23 cows 10A7 6 cows 1034 6 steers.. ..13o0 11 steers.. ..125 8 cows 827 12 cows 1046 9 cows 972 89 steers.... H116 11 feeders.. 1(K) 8 cows r5 27 cows VW7 17 steers.... 897 ...1105 ...lo3 ... 800 ... 840 ...12:13 ...1223 ...1000 12 stews, 6 cows.. 1 cow... 1 steer.. 60 steers. 4 steers. 12 steers 1 cow 900 2 cows M0 11 steers... 9: 16 feeders.. k'S 14 cows..... 9.3 6 cows... 12 steers.. 15 steer. 4 00' 5 75 . 946 .1012 .lOuO 4 60 , 2 75 2 60 2 60 4 30 4 30 2 70 2 96 2 96 2 90 8 80 2 15 3 15 1 76 740 24 steers 1 steer.. C. K. and W, 19 cows 824 .7 cows 9j0 1 55 2 75 I OS 2 75 8 46 8 45 4 80 8 75 2 60 2 96 3 76 2 30 2 80 2 96 3 75 2 75 OREGON. SB na... t j out"! a. ...1000 2 90 4 stcrs....loK5 M. Chessmore Nehroaku 2 80 1 stag 1060 8 25 2 30 O. Davis Neh. 14 steers.... 1061 2 4o 7 feeders.. 814 2 cows..... 826 2 60 M. Corbin-Neb. 18 cows 886 2 60 11 feeders.. 860 8 80 23 feeders.. 80I 8 25 1 feeder... 820 2 76 Steers and cows. F. M akin Neb. 115 feeders. 727 8 10 R. F. Morris Neb. . 8 cows 870 2 60 HOOS There was a very moderate run of hogs here this morning, receipts amounting to about 4.6S5 head, 'i'he market was rather slow in opening, as advices from Chicago were very discouraging to the selling in ter cets. Shippers again had liberal orders to 1111 and as local packets also wanted some more hogs the market here held Junt about steady with yesterday's close. Trading, though, was not active and It was lute be fore the bulk of the hogs on sale was dis posed of. So many have been curried over from day to day that while receipts were light the actual number 011 sale was large. The bulk of the sales went from $4.75 to $4.65, with prime lightweights from $4 H5 to $6. Coarse heavy packing grsdes were again extremely hard to move ami In fact II ere were a good many loads In the yards this morning that have been here fur sev eral days 011 which not n bid has been places. At noon there were a (.ofid many hogs left In first hands snd buyers seemed lo be Is'led up so that Indications were favorable for most of them being carried over. As a general thing those uunold were heavy and many of them were rather roarite. That t Una of boss was almost unsalable as buy ers all seemed to want the llnhter welalug and those of better quality. Representative sis: No. Sh. A. Pr. . Stl . II . 'l .. . " ..ft 4 64 4 44 4 l' 4 1) 4 1 4 1 4 Nu. 40... f... 70 .. 74 .. a. .. 7 .. 86, Af. .m i 4 n t" 4 to 1?0 4 40 a 4 so 4 " as 4 . a ... 4 . ... 4 tH 4 1 4 ft S 4 TJ M .fi ... 4 ...? te 74 rt .... ?t 140 4 T . M m . M f-t ... Ill aa f.a ,.. t4 19 ITS r, J41 ... 4 ill ... 4 T8 71 S4 a i'l ln 4 M TS fA M II Hi t'X 4 T5 M rJ ... M t ... 4 TJ T m as 44 It N in tt ao 40 44 IVS ... 4 TTUj M I'l 0 M 2 30 ISO 4 T7V4j 4 11 ... 74 144 40 4 to tH M 71 ?1 l ll 40 tTT ... 1 m 10 4 n o fr ... H rM ... 4 an M til aa HI .'tS 44 4 Kl 7S 244 120 T .234 M I CI 40 242 ... lf0 247 ... 4 to US l ... 44 114 ... 4 0 64. 175 17 ?4 ... 4 n 7', 217 l 17 S1 ... 4 to 71 2T 120 71 i I ... 4 40 2"! e 42 1'i tO0 4 SO 11 47 17 . . 4 SO 71 241 i? 1 22T SOS 4 SO 4 .244 ISO 'l SO 4 f) 44 HI ... 40 IV, 40 4 40 7J ilt ... 14 101 40 4 to M 224 ... 74 142 49 IM M 241 ... W 7t ... 4 10 as 2 lW 44....... .144 !t IK 70 S74 ... fi . ..... 2S HO 4 no 44 HI to 75 2M an 4 K 7 40 M fr. 40 4 Ml SO H ... 47 2 144 4 10 S4 lt M 2 244 lu 410 (7 IM ... 44 27 40 4 0 ' II 144 110 0 SHI 120 4 0 44 210 34 ;:,i ... 110 is.. rl o 4 277 ... IN 47.. HI ... f 271 ... 4 SO 67 120 ... 14 171 ... 40 4 ! 4 lt- 4 ) -4 4 Uw, 4 14) 4 Mt 4 Itlt 4 It 4 M 4 m 4 m 4 44 4 U 4 to 4 4 ! 4 s 4 U 4 U 4 W 4 m 4 4B 4 m 4 45 4 4 m 4 M 4 M 4 45 4 I7H 4 74j 4 rtt 4 7 4 40 4 to 4 to 4 4 40 4 N 4 to 4 M I 00 4 H SH EEi' Recelnts of sheerj were lust bout the fame as they have been of laie and the demand was certainly no oetter. Buyers went out and picked up a lew st stendy prices and then trailing was very slow on the remainder. There seemed to be no life to the trans and buyers old not appear 10 care whether they got much of anything or not. 1 here were some more reeders on sale this morning and they chsngod hands with out difficulty. Some of the same Wyoming wethers that sold for feeders yesterday at $3.25 brought the same price today. Quotations for grsns sheep and lambs: Good to choice yearlings, $4.oni)4 25; fair to good yearlings, $3.60f(i 4.V0; good to choice wethei-s. fair to good wethers. $3.23.00; good to choice ewes, f3.25Qi3.8ii; fair to good ewes, $2.iu$t3 25; good to cholco lambs, ti.00cfi6.25; fair to choice lsmbs, $5 50 $6.00; feeder yearlings. $3.253.50; feeder wethers, H.OOtSin; feeder ewes. i 0tKU3.ot); feeder lambs, $3,7544.5". Representative sates: No. 14 Wyoming culls 123 Wyoming feeder wethers... 743 Wyoming feeder wefhers... 337 Idaho ewes and wethers.... At. . 93 . 99 . 9 .. 82 Pr. 2 50 8 25 8 25 t 50 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle . Steady, Hosts Twenty Cents Lower anil Sheen Firm. CHICAGO. Auar. 18. CATTLE Recelnts. 2,000 head. Market steady; good to prlmo steers. 85.0OSi6.00: noor to me-dium. fl.Oidi I 4.90; stockers and feeders, $2.0lKti4.00; cows, $1.2Vgf4.00; heifers, $2,0oftJ4.75; enjiners, $1 2of( 2 40; bulls, $2.00j4.0O; calves, $2.60.0.j Texas fed steers, 3. 0034. 00; western steers, $3.oOB4.&0. HOGS Recelnts. 25.000 head. Market 15 r20o lower; mixed and butchrs, $5.006.80; good to choice heavy, $5.0Veo.20; rough heavy, J4.7f.5j4.90; light, $5.15o.3o; bulk of salesL 8;.(M&6.25. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7,000 head. Market steady: lambs, steady; good to choice wethers, $3.604.16; fair to choice mixed, $2.76Si3.60; western sheep. $2.75fS4.00: native lambs. $3.75416.00: western lambs. $3.75(36.00. Knnsns City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. Ausr. 12. CATTLE te- celpts. 2.100 head, including 1,200 southerns; market steady to 10c higher: choice export find dressed beef steers. $5.O0tfi5.76: fair to rood, $3.75r(M.75; western-fed steers, $3.76 25; stockers and feeders, $2.504i4.26: south ern steers, $2.7684.O0; southern cows, $1.60(9 3.25; native cows,; native heifers, $2.5000(4.76: bulls. $2.2Mi3.60: calves. $2.60ui 4.76. HOGS Recelnts. 6.600 head: market 60 lower; top, $5.10; bulk of sales, $4.8j3j.O0; neavy, ii.mi.n; packers, M.boWb.OO; pigs and lights, $l.7r.7?5.10. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 3.000 h.,t irlrn. . t An A.. n o,..V ,,.ll. tnn.K. $4.00(9-6.00; nntlve wethers, $3.V6(fi4.26; native ewes, $3,004)3.75; native lambs, $4.00i2p6.0ii; western yearlings, $3.7o(g4.50j western stock ers, $j. Duty. 00; stockers and reeders, $2.504J 8.50. St. Lonls Live Stock Market. ST. IX3UIS. Aug. 12. CATTLE Recelnts. j.500 head. Including 1,000 Texans; market slow, prices stendy, with good Texani strong; native shipping and export steers, $4 WKt'5.56; dressed beef and butcher steert-, $4.25m5t.35; steers tinder l.OoO lbs., $4.00;1)5 00: stockc?rB and feeders, 83.0O4J4.0O; cows nnd heifers, $2.2&(f(4.SO; canners, l.aO08.8S; bulls, V2.2tHij3.75; calves, 83.504j6.75; Texas and In dian steers, 82.7564.00: cows and heifers. $1.5042". 00. Ht'GS Recelnts. 6.000 head: market mod ern tely active end lower; pigs snd lights, fj.ltK&fi.SS; packers, J5.004jo.20; butchers and bes: heavy, 85.00SJ6.80. SHEEP AND IAMBS ReCCITltS. 3.C00 head; market dull and slow; native mut tons, $3.004Y3.75; lambs, $4.00u5.75; culls and bin ks lX:i4J.i: stockers. Ll.OOA.t.20: Tex. ans, t3.vm,t9 Row York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. Auk. 12. BEEVES Re ceipts, 2.839 head; market for steers unset tled; generally flrrn to a ahade higher; bulls strong, fat cows firm, others steadvt steers, S4.3tnfi6.00; oxen, 84.90; bulls, $2,504,4 4.40; cows, $1.70U3.75; shipments tomorrow, 1,030 head cattle and 40 head sheep. CALVES Receipts, 494 head: market for veals was 26c lower, others almost unsal able; veals, $4.004J6.76; tops, $7; westerns, $4.60; buttermilks, $3; mixed calves, $3.50. Dressed, lower; city dressed veals. Bljllc: country dressed, 74jloc. HOOS-Recelnts, 2.041 head: market 203 30c lower; stock, $5.8oftiH00; top price, $6.10. SHEEP AND LuVMBS Receipts. 6.249 head: market for aheeD barely steady: good lambs 25c oft, others S5fj5oc lower; sheep, J2.504J4.00; culls, fl.50tti2.25; lambs, $4.754i6.75. Stock In Slh. Following are the recelnts of live stock for the six nrlnclnal aiMlnrn cltlea va. lemajr. Catfle. South Omaha 1.0K5 Kansas City 2.100 St. Louts .1.500 St. Joseph 817 Sioux City 300 Chicago 2.000 Hogs. Sheep. 4.6H5 2.617 Totals .7.808 60,668 8.600 8.000 6,000 8.000 4.783 4.611 8,4(0 26,000 : 7,000 20.430 St. Joseph Lire Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Aug. U CATTLK- Re ceipts, 817 head; desirable beeves, 1543250 higher; others steady to strong; natives, $4.10ftrS.S5: cows and heifers. $1.504i4.76: stockers and feeders, 83.0u4t3.6S. HOGS Receipts. 4.783 head: market BffllOo ower: light. 84.85a6.0i: medium and heavy. f4.M4JO.4s). Blifc.r;.p ANU LAMKtJ liecelnls. 4. sin head; steady; western sheep, $3.75; weatern lambs, fo.75. Slonm City Lire Stoek Market. diou a . . 1 . 1 jmjf. 1 .1. 1 .i 1 ,r, 1 1 oiTT srram.) CATTLE Receipts, 300 head: mar ket slow; beeves, $4.00416.76; cows, bulls and mixed, t2.264j3.7;; stockers and feeders, f2.75 tjjj 76; calves and yearlings, f2.604t3.60. HOGS Receipts, 8.400 head; market 104 16c lower, selling at $4,7044 85: bulk. 84.75 4i4.85. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 12 COTTON Fu tures closed steady; September, 9 S5c: Oc 'jJUUiaaaa 10Z94 'JquiaAOJ lopRS 'jeqoi 9 'u.c; January. 9.67c; February, 8.6:; March, 973c; April 987c; May. B.77c. 11 V H-KfrUlJIj, Aug. 13. IUTTUN-Spot quiet, prices easier and unchanged. Ths sales of the day were 6.000 bales, of which 800 were for speculation and export and included 6,200 American. Receipts, 1,000, In cluding 80 American. Futures opened quiet and steady and closed quiet. American middling, g. o. c, 6.83d: August-September. 5 62d: September-October, 6 31td; Octobr November, 8.29d; November-December. l lSd; December-January, 623d; January-February, 8.; February-March. 8.22d; March April, 5 2-d. ST. DOlilS, Alltr. II rflTTON-Quiet; middling lOSc. Sales. 60 bales; receipts. 2 hsles; shipments, 604 bales; stork, 4.524 bales NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 1?. COTTON Futures oiilet; August, 10 2311 a fr,c; Septem ber. 7v9.7-c: Oefoher. 8.4ff"9 ")c: Novem ber, 8 4f'4 4c ; December, 6 47 c; Jonu snr (.fi?'tr8.D4r: Merch, 8Rl(&6Sc. Rrot. iv: soles. 20" bales: orntnarv. T I3-'o: good ordinary. Hi-c; low middling 84c; mld rlilng. 10t,c; eoo1 mlddMng 10 ll-7Rc; r"'d- dllnaf fair 10 16-16c. Receipts. 279 bales; stock. 26,593 bales. Metal Harvei. BT IlinS. Aug. 12 e-M ETA LB Lead, tinchsnged, f4.02. Spelter, unchangsd, $4 7n NEW yxiKK Aug. i!.-ie.iAUi-nn was higher In T.ondon. closing at sV122Ks for spot snd ti;!iiw ror iiiiures icauy n, r,erkt showed ll'tle chnnee. closing st t'JO.tVvfi 27.05. Copper also was higher abroad. closing at aMi Ins S'l ior iiuurea. i.ocmiiv a firmer tone was evident. I Is quoted nt tii eat.' ,.lecerol vtlc Sir t""!' 1-o-1; casllnir. lU vfi-nUfA Lesd closed unchsitsed st 11 )i,a 8t1 In London ant 4.pvf4 zo in ins local mnrUet. Sliclter H4 unchanged 4ere st $4Kfi4 9S but wss ellrtlv lower In T.ondon. here It rlosefl kt U w. Iron cloned at Mi 1.1 (n Olaai-ow and i' 7M In Midil--tioeoosh. I.010. II v Iron wm tmrhnseil: No. fiiuiiilrv northern !4 "1 14 : No I fonn- dry northern. $13. l-u 14 (w; No. 1 foundry sotitbern and No. 1 foundry southern soft, fl3.50tl 13.78. . . . 1 1 NKW TOHK UKMRAL MAnkllT (notations of the Tay on Vailaus' x - Coanasodllloa. NEW YORK. Aug. 11 FLOUR Re ceipts, 8,718 bbls.; market slow, but held very firm; winter rstents, $4 90 tit;K; winter sfratRhts, f4.oiu4.a5; hlln hsia bskers, fX,i3 4a; winter extrss, fS.8eftS.8A; winter low grsdes. $3 16S.;. Rye flour, firm: fslr to good, $4.1Mj4 40; choice to fancy, S4 4ofj4 66. t'tiHNHbAle-Stesdy; yellow weetsrn. i1.10iil.12; city, fl.l21.15;.klln dried. lJtti,r .20. RrE-Nnmlnal. BARLEY Firm; feeding. 45c, c. I. f. New York. WHEAT Receipts, 4.000 bushels Market easy. No. 2 red. nominal, e-evator; N. 2 red, fl 02 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 and north ern. Dnluth, 11.21. f. o. b, afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, $1.08. nominal, f. o. 0. afloat. While nervous all day, wheat was less actlv than yesterday, and In response to stesdy pressure from longs the market ruled generally weak. The crop news was better, foreign houses sold wheat snd out side markets came shsrplv tower. The close here showed 2'u3e decline. Mv, fl Oiytt 1 0R. closed fl.04; September, II 0441 Of, closed fl.04; December, fl.01tj 1.(18, closeJ tl.03. CORN Receipts. 81.176 bushels; exports, 11.990. Spot was easv; No. 2, sKHc. elevator, snd 6c f. o. h. afloat: No. 8 yel'bw. 6lc; No. 2 whits, 6c. Options sold oft shnrrly today under offerings from longs, Infld enced by warmer weather ami th break In wheat, closing 1 cent net lower. Septem ber, 6fl'fi6Kc, c'osed 68c; December, 00 C671o, closed 66c .... OATS Receipts. 80.000 bushels. Ppot, essy; mixed oats, 26 to 84 founds, 4,v,t41c; natural white, 80 to 82 pounds, 454c; clipped white, J to 40 pounds. tlt(5ie. HAY Dull; shipping, 87e; good to choice, 82e. HOI'S Steadv; state, common to -choice, lfV7, 2'.&34c; 'M, 2Ki23c; olds, 7471JC. Pa clfle coast. 1903, 2Sj2!c; 1902, OS23C! Olds, 7 fel.V. H IDES Firm ; Galveston, Y to 85 ths , 17c; California, 21 to 25 lbs., lfto Texas dry, 24 to 30 lbs.. 14c. LEATHER Firm; seld, 244J26C.' RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, J Cfj'ie: Japan, nominal. . PROVISIONS -Beef, firm; family, tlf 6"f 11.00; mess, fx mt .00: beef hams, $22.26.8 24.00; packet. 9. 604 10.60-. city .extra India mess, fl 4. ODD' 14 25. Cut meats, steady; pick led bellies, $9.0f10 00: pfckled shoulders, f7; pickled hams, fio 6O4J11.50. Lard, stesrly; western steamed, f7.20; refined, easy; con tinent, f7 .26; South America, f7.80; com pound, t5.82(f6.12. Pork, essy; family. f!6; short clear, $i3.6tf lb.uO; mess, flt.Otrl 14.60. TALIX)W-Qulet; city 2 pec P ). c; country (pkgs. free), 4tf4c. POCLTRy Alive, wesk; western chick ens, 14c: fowls. 14c; turkeys, 17o. Dressed. Irregular; weotern large chickens, 15il6o; fowls, 13c; turkeys, western hens, HglRo. BUTTER Firm; street price. extra creamery, lTHTTlSc. latter very high lots; offlcinl prices remain unchanged. CHEESE Firm: state, full cream, small colored, fair to fancv. 7458c; small white, poor to fancv, 64T3e; large colored, fair to fancy, 74j8c: large white, poor to fancy, 6VKo'7c. EGGS Quiet and unchanged. OMAHA MARKET Condition of Trndo and Quotations on Staple and Fancy Prod nee. EOGS Receipts, moderate; candled stock. 174fl9c. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 8c; roosters, 5c; turkeys, 12c; ducks, 7c; geese, 60; spring chickens, 12tgl3c. BUTTER Packing st0c.1t, 10c; choice to fancy dairy, 124J14c; separator, 16Jj17o. FRE81? FISH lrout, lie; plcaerel, fr; pike, 10c; perch, 7c; blueflsh, lac; whlteflsli, 14c; salmon, 14c; redsnopper, Ho; lobster, freen, 26c: lobster, boiled, 80c; bullheads, lo; catfish, 14c; black bass 20c; halibut, lOc; crapptes, 12c: roe shad, 81; buffalo, 8c, white baas. 11c; frog legs, per dox., 85c. BRAN Per ton, SIB. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, $7.00; No. 2, $6.50; medium. $6.00; coarse, t5.60. Rye straw, f5.50. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Sweets, choice, alt sixes, fS.3 ff3.50; Valenclas, all sises, 84.00. LEMONS California fanoy, 270, $00 and 860, $4.26474.60; choice, $3.754.00. CALIFORNIA FIGS Per 10-lb. carto", 6O0; Imported Smyrna, 2-crown. 12c; w crown. lie: 1-crown, 15c BANANAS Per medlum-alsed bunch, $2.00 C2.50; Jumbo, 82.7MjS.86. FRUITS. APPLES Home grown, per.bil. baakt , 85c: per bbl.,' 82.2S. RASPBERHiES Bed rsspberriea. per 24 pts.. $2 00. BLACKBERRIES Horn grown, per bLEBBRRIES Wisconsin, per 18 qi . $200. PEACHES California Elbertsvn and Sus quehannaa, $106; home-grown clings, per 10-lb. basket. 26c. PLUMS California Burbarks, $l.rl.$0; Tragety, 81.85: Greengage, $1.36. PEARS California, per box, $1. 760-2. 10 1 Colorado, fl.50tgl.76. CANTEIA)UpE Arkansas and Indian Territory, par crste, H.Vxqi.n WATEiRMELONS Per lb. (orated), 1 CELERV Per dos . 2585o. VKUETAisLEn. POTATCF9 New horns grown, la sacks, per bu., V-yo NAVY BfcANS-Psr ba.. ILfOtfttOO. ONIONS Home grown. In sacss, per lb., lc. TOMATOE43 Home crown, per market basket, 8&0. CA B li AGE Home grown, per lb,, lc. CUCUMBERS Per des., 15e. TURNIPS Hou'i grown, per bu., 60c. BEETS Homo grown, per bu., 00c. PARSLEY Per dos., 25c. WAX BEANS Per market basket, 60c. STRING BEANS Per market basket, 6O0 GREEN PEPPERS Per f-basket crate, . $2 00. SQUASH Home grown.per dot., 50o. . PEAS Per hu. basket. 7ocS$100. EGG PLANT Southern, per do., fl.SOV. . MIHCELIANEOU8. NEW HONEY Per 24 frames, $8.60. - MAPLE 81GAH Ohio, per lb., luc. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, lie; Wisconsin Young America, l?e; block Swiss, new, 15c; old, 164717c; Wisconsin 1 brick, 13c; Wisconsin llmberger, 13o. HIDES No, 1 green, 7c; NO. 2 frreen, 6c; No. 1 salted, 9c; No. 2 salted, 8c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 10 li lbs., ao: No. i veal. calf. , 12 to 15 lbs., 7c; dry salted. 84712c; sheep pelts, 244727c; horse hides, $2.75. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell,' per lb., 15c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12.:; pecans, large, per lb 12c; small, per lh.. loo; peanuts, per lb., 8c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill walnuts per lb. 12ij,lSc; large hickory nuts, per lb., 11c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., )5c; hard shell. 13c; shellharks, per bu., M.00; black walnuts, per bu., 81.25. . Wool Market. " BOSTON, Aug. 13. WOOL The market is quiet. Fleeces and territory sre firm and the present demand for fleeoe is largely for -the medium grades. Old wools are quiet. Quotations are as follows: Idaho Finn, 17 fclfc; fine medium, 17fcl8e. Wyoming-Fine, ltKtl 17c ; fine medium, ii"(al8c. Utah and Ne vadaFine, 164,17c; Hue medium, 171) . 18c. Montana Fine choice, Ubitila; fine me dium choice, 204j;;lq; average, 1&B20C. -7rl. rado Fine, 1$j 14c ; fine medium. UVfrKc; coarse, 16(j:l7o. Pulled -ScoureJ basis, iin-4, 4Sb0c; extra, 654tt6c; extra superfine, Yt'Q ' 46c. The Commercial Bulletin will say of tha woo! rr.arkt: The wool market is quiet, but a fair volume of new buslners has be- n closed during the week and there are in cluded a few good sized Hues of M011U1.1 Idaho and other original bags. Small lots , of territory and fleeces have sold with fait freedom. Iad'ng houses say that they have sold between 60 and 60 per cent of all the wool they have coming to them from -the 1904 clip. The western country markets are c'osely cleaned. St. Louis, Chicago and Philadelphia are all carrying much lighter stocks than last year. The situation here and abroad Is strong. Bullish advices are received from all for eign sources. The shipments of wool from Boston to date from December 81, 19o3, ac cording to the same authority, are 133.S66. 79 lbs., against 140,748,27,9 lbs. at the same time lust year. The receipts to date are 219,087,744 lbs., against 174.216,324 lbs. for the same period last year. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 18. WOOL Steady to Arm; medium grade, combing snd cloth ing. 2o472f,c; light fine, 1642oc; baavy - lijloc; tub-wasVied, 2:w&c- REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. DEEDS filed for record August 12, as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee ami Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnatn siiurt, for The Bee: B nson Jackson snd wife to F. G. Vesney, lot 7, . block 36, Albright's Choice, and other property t 2,000 Ida M. Huuchett and tins band to Kate V. Whlltskcr, lot , block 3, Forut Hill ,10,600 Frank J. Fltxgerald to Carl J. Larson, lot 4, block ill, Dundee Place ,JI0 Miranda KinltH et ul tu Eld'ii Smith, lot 8, block 8. Maxwell as Freeman's -H.ld . v I Etta Siiaotrman to Frank W. Jeffi-los. lot 12. bits k 6, Muttliews' sub "1 Andrew A. Palm suit wife to Hlldur Llnberg. lots 33, U and 35, block 11, Omitba View ' Ami Keefu to I i. hard Keeie, lot 4, block 1, Burr Plats, Fo.nii tiinahn.. 1 James Kooleky IO lLien Amanda, runway, i. l il. Li.n K ei, liisl k.'l4 14 C'ol 1 lall 1'luiO , . 8-4 1 .1 ' t 1 I I t ' . I it