Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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Tiisioti ii Hot Tamely Accepted by the
Tibbie Faction.
nrmorraii Generally Denouueed and
Plan te I Organise Club
' PrT the ropalUt
Parity Unsullied.
(From a Btaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Au(. U. (Special Telegram)
To a number of disgruntled and disgusted
pops this morning. Thomas 11. Tibbies,
Chairman Ferrlss of the populist national
committee. Major Wsterbury, a bolting
Kansan and others, made a last dying ap
peal to save the populist party.
The meeting was of the nature of a reg
ulation boll, and while the speeches were
of the Inflammatory kind, the doom of the
party was so apparent that Chairman Fer
ries avowed the tears to trlnkle down his
cheeks unchased.
Mr. Tibbies opened the hall In a ring
ing fipeoch for a stand against Wall street
and Wall street candidates, and made the
"If you want to bolt the action of the
fusion convention, the Independent will
back) you. Whatever you desire to do in
opposition to Wall street, the Independent
will back you," and then Mr. Tibbies
stated that he was not In favor of bolting
the convention, but that he wanted to be
gin to organize for the campaigns to come
to save th party.
Will Organise Clubs.
After a number of red hot speeches full
of denunciation of Wall street candidates
Edmond Waterbury, who lead the bolt
from the Kansas convention, suggested
that populist clubs be organised in every
community in Nebraska, to whom no one
would be admitted to membership but who
would pledge himself to support only pop
ulist principles and populist candidates.
This motion was adopted and T. li. Tib
bies, J. 11. Stockham and J. F. Pearl, were
appointed a committee to draft a consti
tution and start the work of organisation.
A Saunders oounty delegate wanted to'
boll the convention and Tibbies called hlra
d. M. Clark, wanted a plank inserted In
the platform calling for the abolition of
all corporations. I ' '
At the conclusion of the meeting those
who had made talks of whatever nature,
assured' each .other that the meeting was
not for the purpose of bo'tlng the demo
cratic nominees on the state' ticket, but
admitted the effect woull be the same as
though they had done so. M. F. Hir
rlngtoa Is authority for the statement
that only IS of those present were in sym
pathy with any such proceedings.
"Mr. Berge and, I will go' into the coun
ties of" these men and meet them face to
face. We populists are for the ticket."
. Ends Coast? Authority.
The clubs organized will have authority
to select delegates to the conventions In
stead of having this done . by counties.
W. Shund of Buffalo presidnkl and W. J.
Walte cf Geneva was the secretary.
The executive committee of the national
populist committee this morning located
the -national headquarters at Jolict, 111.
The national committeeman from .Kansas
was Instructed to file some kind ot a ticket
there, e ther a new populist ticket or the
one named by the fusion convention. The
committee will take action on fusion in
.Nebraska this afternoon.
' ForwTUarfr Ills" Wife 'Makes
' Call on Hlui.- " '" ' '
HUMBOLDT, Neb., Aug. 11. (Special.)
About two years ago Kiley O'Keefe, who
has lived here for a long time, went over to
jkllssoui'1 and brought home a wife and two
stup-chilCren, the woman being formerly
the wifo of one Joe Doran, who was at the
time said to bo serving a term in the Mis
souri penitentiary for killing a man. Ke
cuntly the man completed his srntence and
was 'release '., but when he went In search
of his wifo and babies and found that she
had wedded another during his enforced ab
sence his anger was greatly kindled, and
he set out to walk here with ,the avowed
purpose of wrecking the home and killing
oft the entire family. Yesterday Doran
wandered mto Stella, a few miles to the
etisl, and repeated his threats there, show
ing a gun with which he said he Intended
to wipe out the family. A friend of the
couple named O'Keefe, who was staying
ut the farm home' alone, while the wife and
children aro away for a visit in Missouri.'
The warning had scarcely been given when
In walked poran, apparently In. the best of
spfrlts and ' with none bat friendly inten
tions. Several neighbors who had gathered
In response to summons told O'Keefe that
if he would secure the gun from Doran
they' would bring hlra. to town. This he
managed to do and was taken in charge by
vAln. Fairbanks tells fcow ne
glect cf warning symptoms will
soon prostrate a woman. She
thinks woman's safeguard is
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetsfcb
'Deab Mm. Pixkham : -Ig-nomneo
' and neglect are the causa of untold
female suffering', not only with the
law of health but with the chance of a
cure. I did not heed the warnings' of
headache, organic pains,-and general
weariness, until I was well nigh proa
t rated. I knewl had to do aomethin g.
Happily I dli the right thing. I took
Lydia 12. Plnkham'a Vegretablo
Compound faithfully, according to
directions, and waa rewarded in a few
, weeka to find that my aches and paina
disappeared, and I again felt th glow
cf heullh through my body. Bines I
have been well 1 hare been more care
ful, I have aUo advised a numher of
toy ck friend to tako Lydl 12.
rinkUu.m'g Vegetable . Cora
pound, and they hare never had
reason to be eorry. Your very truly,
Mas. Mat Faiaaairis, SIS Bouth 7th
bt., MlunoapoUe, Minn." (Mra. Falr
hauks la one ot the moit successful and
highest uJ tried travelling saleswomen
ln the West.) f loo fortmH If rtyl of
Mrs. IMnkham Invito all sick
women to write ker for wivlee.
She hag fufdevl t!iouisf?u's t
the men. who brought arm to the city and
turned him over to the onTcera, who locked
him up for the night, lie was murhr'snT
prlsed and rhagrtned At his rapture and
protested his peaceful Intentions, but
O'Keefe believes thst he Intended to await
the coming of darkness and make way with
him. The officers cloely questioned him
this morning and finding htm not any too
strong mentally decided to send him out of
the city, with a warning to return no more,
which wss done, and O'Keefe breathes
freely again.
Mixed, l la Heme Shady Deals While
FREMONT, Neb., Aug. 11. (Bpeclal.)
Oeorge E. Torrey, 'who committed suicide
In Denver yesterdsy while swatting trial
on the charge of embesslement, began hie
rather sensational career in this city about
twelve years ago. He attended the Fre
mont Normal school and after completing
his course bought out the Fremont Leader.
He next organised the Great Western Ad
vertising agency, with himself as treasurer
and general manager. This concern on'y
lasted a few months, but paid, so It was
reported, good money to Its treasurer while
It lasted, leaving the rest of the company
and Its client In the hole. He was also
mixed up In a number of other similar
schemea After running the paper about
ten months he sold out to B. D. Keller.
Ho was at one time arrested here on
some alleged fraudulent transaction, but
the case waa fixed up In some way. The
next heard from him by his friends here
he was in Denver doing a rushing busi
ness as a gold mine promoter and manager
of the Torrey Exploration company, which
was organized to promote mining deals and
transact almost any kind of business. Ills
relatives lived near Valley, and while here
he( claimed to own considerable land In
Douglas county In his own right Hla
general reputation here was bad, even
while he was attending school. Parties
who met him in Denver during his career
there say he appeared to have plenty of
money at hbi command.
Salrlde Failure Ends la Admission of
Murder by Stranger at Lincoln,
(From a Btaff Corespondent.)
LINCOLN. Aug. 11. (Special Telegram.)
James Golden, a stranger In Lincoln, who
cut his throat yesterday morning, this
morning confessed to the police that he
had murdered Police Officer Reedy In St.
Louis a year ago last May. After telling
the story Oolden broke down completely
and was unable to go Into the details of
the crime. He said he and his brother
had committed the murder and that a few
days ago his brother had killed himself In
Denver because of remorse. His own ter
ror at" being arrested drove him to attempt
to take his own life. Oolden will re
covsr and will be turned over to the St.
Louis police.
George Bennett of Nebraska
Loses His Life. .
NEBRASKA CITY. Aug. 11. (Special
Telegram".) Oeorge Bennett, a blaster at
the Nebraska City Brick company, was fa
tally burned this morning by the prema
ture explosion of a, charge of fifty pounds
of powder. He was blasting soapstone for
the plant when the explosion occurred and
was hurled several feet in the air. His
body, head and arms are frightfully burned.
Fremont Chsatasass a "access.
FREMONT, Neb., Aug. 11. (Special.)
The closing session of the Fremont Chau
tauqua was held last evening, the program
consisting of singing by the Templi quar
tet, assisted by Miss Victoria Dunn, reader,
ard Ann Davis, oattoonfst,''' The tent wa
well filled." Yesterday aTterhcori Dr. wy E.
Green of Chicago delivered his lecture on
"Louisiana, the Epic of the West." The
lecture showed a great deal of original re
search. The speaker quoted from historical
documents, which tended to show that Jef
ferson waa not entitled to the credit that
Is usually given him In making the pur
chase, and the fact that the old territory
of Louisiana Is American territory today
la principally due to Minister Livingston,
Considering that but little time remal'ied
for advertising the Chautauqua after it was
determined to hold one here, the sessions
have been very well attended. The as
sociation has not run behind financially,
the character of the lectures and enter
tainments has been very satisfactory and
It is hoped that another season a Chautau
qua will be held here.
Wayne Normal.
WAYNE, Neb.. Aug. 11. (Special.) The
Normal co.lege of this city is closing a
most successful year this week. The com
mencement exercises began the 5th and
will close the 12th with Alumni day. The
haccalaureate sermon was preached by
Rev. Wright of the Methodist church Sun
day morning to a large audience. State
certificates are granted to a clasa of thirty
nine, while the graduates from the profes
sional teachers' course number forty-one.
A class f twenty-four graduates from the
commercial department. Each evening's
exercises are enjoyed by crowded houses
and are pronounced exceptionally strong.
The college H entertaining about fifty vis
itors, mostly relatives of the' graduates, all
of whom are loud In their of the
work of the classes. The year's enrollment
is more than 1,000 students, while that of
the summer session alone was 4S0.
Seward County Farm Lands.
SEWARD, Neb., Aug. 11. (Special.)
John Schucknect has purchased of John
Durland 400 acres near Staplehurst, pay
ing 128,000. Another. farmer was offered
1100 per acre' for hla land, but refused to
The farmers about Goehnor have already
subscribed 13.400 toward the building of
a farmers' elevator at Goehnor. George
Watts, one of the oldest citixens of the
county, Is elected, president of the local
exchange, Fred Schroeder Is vice president
and Martin Madson, Jr., was choeen as sec
retary and treasurer. Thf local Company
will be a branch of the National Farmers'
exchange and the elevator will be one of a
chain of farmers' elevators, all under one
management. Goehnor is one of the best
grain points In the county.
Chautauqua at Lexlaartoa.
LEXINGTON. Neb., Aug. ll.-(SpeelaL)
The second day of the Lexington Chaa
tauqua was a success In every particular.
The forenoon program Opened with the
"round table," and Its usual discussion,
and the topic presented waa pleasing to a l.
In the afternoon the Chicago Lady Enter
tainers gave another concert, followed by
Rev. James, pastor of the Fremont Chris
tian church, who gave a very Interesting
and Instructive talk on the subject, "Hnd
the Truth." In the evening the Chicago
Lady Entertainers gave a concert, which
was followed by the presentation of Hia
watha" by the Robertson fedlnon Projecto
seope company In their moving pictures.
The "Wooing of Hiawatha" waa read by
Estelle M Clarke during the program.
Bia- Crowd at Carnival.
DEWITT, Neb.. Aug. ll.-(8peclal Tele
gram.) The two days' annual carnival
being held In this city is drawing a large
crowd, variously estimated at from ,ooi
to s.Ouo. Fakers and merry-go-rounds are
here In abundance. The flower parade and
trades display, which took place this aft
ernoon, while, not large was beautiful. The
winners In the parade and various events
will be announced tomorrow. Two bands
and an excellent colored quartet furnished
uiuiq fur the crowd. Judge Hastings, of
Crete, waa billed to speak this morning,
but was unable to be present. Rev. ES. D.
Price, of Beatrice, is the orator for to
morrow. The ball game resulted In a
fourth defeat for Wllber, DeWltt winning
handily, the score being I to I. In the
morning the DeWltt second nine lost to
Blue Valley, the score being to 11
Parties Have Taken Lease en Land
Where Dlnenrerr la Made.
COLUMBUS, Neb., Aug. 11. (Special.)
Gold has been discovered within three
miles of this city and the land has been
leased and preparations have been made to
thoroughly prospect the place. The gold
was discovered on the farm of Gotlieb
Klause, a German, who lives on the south
bank of the Platte river in Butler county.
Miners from Denver made the discovery
and found their pay dirt three feet under
ground In a bog or quagmire. It Is said
that Omaha capital is behind the enterprise
and Mr. Klause has leased his farm, but
the names of the parties have not yet been
There Is much the same kind of looking
land on each side of the Platte near here
and If the enterprise is a success more
prospecting will be done. .The gold is in
the form of what la called by the miner
"rust deposit," and is very easy to get at
Just at present Mr. Klause has refused all
offers to sell his land and will await full
developments. The prospectors also claim
they have discovered evidence of an oil de
posit near the same locality.
Accompanied by General Humphrey
He Starts for 'Omaha. v
VALENTINE. Neb., Aug. 11. (Special
Telegram.) Lieutenant General Chaffee,,
accompanied by General Humphrey, quar
termaster general, and Captain Hutohln
son, military secretary, Inspected Fort
Niobrara today. In the" party also are
Senator Millard and Mrs. Millard, Judge
Klnkald and Manager Bldwell of the
Northwestern and wife. The exercises
were closed with a reception this evening
at the quarters of Colonel Iloyt, command
ing the post, and the party left at 11
o'clock tonight by special train for Omaha.
Doctor Held for Assault.
SEWARD, Neb., Aug. 11. (Special.) In
the case of Dr. Daniel L. Meehan of Sta
plehurst for criminal assault on the person
of Bessie Corcoran, the defendant appeared
In court hut the original complaint had
been withdrawn and a new one filed, signed
by J. L. Swan. A continuance was asked
until August IT by the defendant, his bond
being fixed at 11,500, which was furnished
by Thomaa Carr of Staplehurst The little
girl In the case was from an Institution In
New York. .
News of Nebraska.
NEBRASKA CITY, Aug 11. The Sons of
Herman lodges of the southeastern part
of the state will hold a picnic In Mattes'
grove, north of the city, on Sunday, August
NEBRASKA CITY, Aug. ll.-The Modern
Woodmen of America held a picnic at Dun
bar today. Hon, IX J. Burkett was the
orator of the day. The day was'unusually
pleasant and the immense crowd thor
oughly enjoyed the day.
BEATRICE, Aug. U.-Mrs. B. E. Drum
mond entertained at her home yestBrday
afternoon In honor of Mrs. Pearl Turner of
Kansas City. Guests to the number of forty
attended the affair, which was one of the
leading society events of the season.
NEBRASKA CITY, Aug. 11. Five young
women are rehearsing a comedy, "A Box
of Monkeys," which will be given on the
MA Inst, at the Overland theater for the
benefit of the three gallant families which
were left fatherless by the drowning of the
fathers In the Missouri river last winter. .
SEWARD, Aug. 11. The Seward coun'.y
fair will be held Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday, August 23, 24 aid 26. A number
of amusing running events will sccur, such
as green trotting and pacing races by
horses that belong In the cvunty that' have
never been on the track .and races by slow
mules. A harvest home exhibit will be
made by the farmers of the county.
- SEWARD, Aug. 11. Tne County Board of
Supervisors will submit the court houss
proposition to the voters cf the cunty
at the regular election to b held Noven -ber
8. The proposition will be for J100.000,
ISO.OGO of which will be for the court house
and 110,000 for a Jail and sheriff's residence
and tlfl.OCO for furnishing the buildings.
The bonds will be optional and easily paid.
PLATTSMOUTH. Aug. 11. Burglars cut
the screen In the door and entered the home
of Thomas Shumway, a tinner In the hard
ware atoie of John Bauer, about 2 o'clock
this morning and departed with, his watch
and a bunch of keys without awakening
the family. During the night attempts were
made to enter several other dwelllnRs'ln
this city, but In each case the burglars
were frightened away. The officers are of
the opinion that th work was done by
tramps, as some were seen loafing around
in the city yesterdar.
BEATRICE. Aug. 11 The Wabaska
Electric company made spplloe.tlon in the
district court yesterday for a writ, of man
damus compelling the city of Blue Springs
to make a levy of 15 mills on a.l taxable
property to pay two Judgments taken In
the district court last November In the
sum of $5,000 each on the stipulation that
the authorities of that town would levy an
annual tax of 15 mills until the Judgments
had been paid. The town I card neglected
to fulfill Its part of the agreement, and th-
suit Is brought to compel the levy u b,
G. A. R. Excursion to Boston, Mass.,
August 11th. 12th, 13th, the Rock Island
system will sell excursion tickets to Boston
and return for 130.60. Tickets subject to
final .return limit to September 80th under
certain conditions. .,
Through standard and tourist sleepers
will leave Omaha 5:40 p. m., August 11th,
via Chicago, In connection with Lake Shore
and New York Central linea. Through
standard berth rate $8.00; through tourist
berth rate. $4.00.
Tickets may read going via Chicago and
returning via St. Louis without additional
cost, and diverse routes selected west of
Buffalo. Tickets may also read via New
York at alight additional cost.
For further particulars call or write F. P.
RUTHERFORD, D. P., A., 1323 Farnam
street, Omaha, Neb.
Mlchlaran Central Will Is flB.eO as
Base ef Computation to East
ern Points.
CHICAGO, Aug. ll.-Offlclal notice was
received by the western connections of the
Michigan Central today that they are at
liberty to use a $15.40 rate from Chicago to
Boston and return as a basing 'rate from
points In the east.
There is
Only One
m ..ii.
Pure Dry.
Distilled and bottled at
lUai k Friars Distillery
Plymouth KiiKlaml.
The standard till) for
$4) years.
Sola in bott'ea only.
Look for the Monk
on the label.
SoIm Agents Ut V. H.
US Flftii Ave , Cor. hi., N. Y.
' ..--' '
I: J
Bow at Oudahy riant Ends in Death of
On of Participant,
Man Who Wields Knife Escapes, but
Three Witnesses te the Fuse Are
Held la tenth Omaha
During the progresa of a row between the
strlkebreskers at the Cudahy packing plant
at South Omaha last night a murder wss
committed. The murderer escaped, but
three men who are inougnt to anow aooui
the affray are In Jail at Bouth Omaha, held
as witnesses. All the parties are negroes.
Andrew Hanson was stabbed over the
heart by a negro nsmed Isaacs during the
progress of a row thst started over some
thing trivial and soon grew Into a serious
fusa. Hanson came here from Jackson
ville, Fla., along with a batch of Imported
laborers. He was a big man, being over
six feet In height and weighing about 200
pounds. He was about 27 years old.
Isaacs, who did the stabbing, waa from
Omaha. He fled as soon as he had cut his
man and no trace of him had been discov
ered by the police yet this morning.
File Answer te Puckers' Chare; of
Vlolatinar Temporary Injunction.
The South Omaha packing house strikers
yesterday filed an answer in the United
States circuit court to the order to ahow
cause why they should not he punished for
contempt In violating the temporary order
of Injunction Issued by Judge Munger,
Issued on request of the packers August .
The strikers make a complete denial of all
the charges.
The tltlo of the case a "The Cudahy
Packing Company and Others, complain
ants, against Stephen Vail and Othera, de
fendants." The answer of the defendants la:
First The order to show cause should
not have been made, for the reason that
the affidavit and the amended affidavit
upon which the motion and order la baaed
are Insufficient, in that they are not sworn,
to positively, nor do the same state facts
sufficient for the defendants to make an
swer thereto.
Second It Is not true that these answer,
ing defendants, or any of them, did on the
25th day of July, 1904, do the things com
plained of, nor did they advise, direct,
cause or procure to be done any acta com
plained of In said complaint.
Third It la not true that the defend:
ants did, or caused to be done, any of the
things complained of on July 26, 1904, nor
did they advise, direct or procure the same
to be done as stated In said complaint.
Fourth The defendants, Stephen Vail,
Patrick Johnson, John Carey, Louis Nel
son, George Stephens, Murphy, James
Allard, Albert Johnson. E. L. William and
F. Franclscua, specially answering for
themselves the matters and things espe
cially charged in said complaint against
them, deny that they performed, or caused
to be performed, all or any of the acta
charged, and deny that they have author
ized, directed or. advised such things to be
Fifth These answering defendants deny
that they are or have at any time been
guilty of contempt of thla court or any
order or decree made,, herein, but, on the
contrary, now and at all times, have the
utmost respect for this court, Its orders
and Judgments. . ;. ,irf ; -
Sixth Further .answering said amended
complaint, these answering defendants,' and
each of them, specifically deny each and
every allegation; In, said amended com
plaint and affidavit .contained npt herein
expressly admitted to be true.
"Wherefore, these defendants ask that
they be dismissed and for their cost herein
expended. , . , s
With the filing of this answer the further
hearing of the case will go over until
August 16.
Little If any change Is to be noted In the
packing house strike situation. All of
the packers with the exception of Cudahy
have secured additional men. Two oars
were sen to Swift, three to Armour's and
one to the Omaha. These new arrivals
are taking the places of men who quit of
their own volition or are discharged for
various reason a
"We are weeding out the good from the
bad," say the packers, "Just the same aa
we would be doing at any other time, only
perhaps on a more advanced scale Just
now on account of so many worthless men
having been sent ua at the outset of the
Of the men secured twenty-seven
for Armour's were cellar men direct from
Duluth. The balance of the men came
from Kansas City, Chicago and Wichita.
All of the packers reported everything
running along smoothly. It la estimated
that 1,950 men are now working In the
plants, exclusive of the office forcec.
Live stock receipts Thursday wera
1,900 cattle, 11.000 hogs and 1,200 sheep.
The nonunion men and women going to
work at the Cudahy plant met with the
usual reception at :30 a. m. Thursday, but
as the union men did nothing but Jeer at
the strike breakers, the police did not In
terfere. After this little play waa over
the crowd dispersed quietly and even the
pickets withdrew, leaving Q street de
serted, with the exception of the deputies.
The Incoming trains carrying strike break
ers were not Interfered with at alL though
a few strikers gathered to watch the cars
pass through the yards. Only three ar
resta were made Wednesday night, a small
disturbance having been started by a man
considerably the worse for liquor. After
the saloons closed at 9 o'clock the streets
were soon deserted.
Warns Strikers lie Will Call Militia. If
They Become Violent.
After a day of unusual quiet the strikers
engaged In a slight demonstration of their
displeasure In front of the Swift plant
yesterday evening. The driver of two
wagons containing cots for Swift's were
hooted at near Twenty-sixth and Q streets
and for fear of vjolence the drivers turned
back to police headquarters and asked for
an eeeort. By the time the wagons re
turned with Sheriff Power, a number of hla
deputies and a detachment of poltoe the
crowd of strikers numbered about 600.
There was no offer of violence, but the
peace was being disturbed by the hootlngs
and Jeerlngs of the union men.
Sheriff Power appeared In the crowd and
as soon as he could be heard gave the
strikers a good common Sens talk. He
said he was In South Omaha for the pur
pose of maintaining order and that he pro
posed to do his duty.
"If you men want the mllltla here I wish
you would call a meeting of your unions
and vote on the question," said the sheriff.
In case you decide in favor of soldiers I
can have troops .here within six hours.
You must understand that I am the one to
say whether tha mllltla cornea or remain
The sheriff further said 'that unless the
union men wanted the mllltla they would
have to take hold and assist him In keeping
order, ss he had sworn to do his duty.
This talk quieted the crowd and ths wagons
containing the cots were taken Into Swift's
without any further disturbance. Before
the crowd scattered a half dosen men who
let their enthusiasm get away with them
were given a ride to the city Jail In the
12, 1901.. M " X '
- S -
-,-wn , qjiii
Ljjc ''After dinner sit a Ivhilc; Y
m . After supper balk a mile"- r1
i After AM : f
i EifeGOu! p
I fTN n n n
n - 1
M ". 1
: ;
patrol wagon. Sheriff Power accompanied
the wagon. At the Jail the men were not
booked, but listened to some good advice
from the sheriff. After the lecture the
striker were told to go to their homes
and not place therriselves lrv 'H"-'position
again where the sheriff would be compelled
to deliver another lecture. The men
thanked the sAerlfT and quietly left the
With the police the day was a quiet one,
only three arrests being made, and these
for minor offenses.
Packers' purchases Thursday were 1,267
cattle, 6,100 hogs and 3.000 for shipment,
and 1,684 sheep. Live stock commission
dealers do not like the present condition
of affairs. Shipments are coming In at a
much greater rate than the packers can
take care of here. Some stock Is being
sent each day to Chicago and Kansaa
City. The commission men want the ship
pers to hold back until the market is In
better condition and the packers are In
position to take care of more live stock.
Notice to this effect are being sent to
ahlppers all over the territory tributary to
this market.
Encouraging news continues to be re
ceived from the leaders In Chicago and the
union men here are as confident as ever of
winning, the only question being the length
of time' It will take to cripple the packers
o that the old men will be an absolute
necessity In the operation of the plants.
The 9 o'clock saloon closing order still con
tinues In force and aids the police greatly
In lessening the crowds on the streets.
Showers and Cooler for Nebraaka on
Friday, with Fair Weather
on Satarday.
WASHINGTON. Mig. 11. Forecast:
For Nebraska, North and South Dakota
Bhowers and cooler Friday. Saturday, fair.
For Iowa and Missouri Fair and warmer
Friday. Saturday, showers.
For Kansaa Fair Friday Saturday,
For Wyoming Shower Friday and
Local Record.
OMAHA, Aug. 11. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
v-oara- 1904 1903. 1302. 1901.
Maximum temperature.... 87 64 73 8
Minimum temperature.... fiz m b 7
Mean temperature 74 60 62 76
Precipitation 00 .14 .00 .04
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day since March L 19u4:
Normal temperature 73
Deficiency for the day 1
Total deficiency since March 1 107
Normal precipitation 11 Inch
Deficiency for the day 11 Inch
Preclnitatlon since Morch 1 17. w Inches
Deficiency since March 1 i. 3.01 Inches
Pendency for cor. period. lSW 8.59 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1902.... 1.16 inch '
Reports front Station at T p. m.
i""3 3
: . I; p c
t V; 8
841 87 .00
f 96 .00
S 94 .00
B hi T
i 90 .02
8 94 .00
90 94 .00
Ml 9t .00
64 6i .00
78 80 .00
701 70 T
741 78 .00
82 90 .00
841 84 .00
82 84 T
88 96 T
80 82 .01
Omaha, partly cloudy
Valentine, cloudy
North Platte, clear
Cheyenne, raining
Pa It Lake City, partly cloudy.
Rapid City, partly cloudy
Huron, cloudy
Wllllston, clear
Chicago, clear
St. Louis, clear
St. Paul, cloudy
Davenport, cloudy
Kansas i lty, clear
Havre, clear
Helena, clear ,
Hixmarck, clear
Galveston, cloudy
"T" indicates trace of precipitation.
L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
Cramps & Dysentery
Diarrhoea, cholera morbus, stomach ache.
congestion, sunstroke, heart failure, faint
ing, weak stomach, malaria, chills, fevers,
prostration and the hundred and one Ills of
summer can bo cured and prevented by
Duffy's P ra VAX IVU Vav
If Villa the disease germs and Invigorate
and kiren,;' hens every email and 'tlt of
tne human b dy. Al'H"lul-ly pure uud con
tains nn t3. oil. hilly years' repuistlnn.
At nil di iini-liiis and growers, or (Inert, U
a home. 'Mcuh-hI tm'.KIrt trert. LuUf Mail
hinkc -u., iioi leelr, X.
The Burlington Is the only Una with
fts own train ervica between Omaha
and Chicago and St. Louis, and, In view
of the many rates to the east "applying
onp way Tia St. Louis and the other rhv
Chicago, it can arrange the most dealr
abla variable tours of the east '
6t Louis and rerurn tickets good In chair cars (seats ' ' (Jft
free) on sale Tuesdays and Thursdays . VUiiiU
St. LouU and return,
St. Louiu and return, one way via
Chicago and return direct bt via St Louis, In one . . Qflfl ff
or both dlrectloai daily , VfbUeUU
Boston and jeturn-on sale 'August '. . . I .f f I la
" 11 tb 13.. .....i... ,.,m4 WllW
Louisville, Ky, and return on sale August .... . f5J "TH!
12 to 15....... , .M.4j.ll lU
!' Buffalo and Niagara Falls and return OT IH
dally '.,.......
; Mackinac Island and return (via boat from Chicago), 520 20
Bay view, Charlevoix, Harbor Springs and Petoskey, Mich., fJ ejpa
and return (via bont from Chicago), dally....... VunfssatJ
Denver, Colorado Springs end Pueblo and return OIT ffl
dally 0fiUU
Hot Springs, 8. D, and return ' 'fM Af
dally .CsL-U
OgdenJ Salt Lake City and Grand Junction and return, fjfl fTH
dally '. VAiUsCU
Yellowston3 National Park and return,
' Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Vancouver and Victoria
and return on sale August 15 to
Ban Francisco and Los Angeles and return on sale ftO
i, August IS to September 10 t'a WaUU
I can give you all the latest Informa
tion about excursion rates and turn tan,
free, Illustrated booklets about all ex
cursion resorts, ' Bee me or writs about
your trip.
t B. RSYN0LD5, City Pats.
f l .
We make a thorough and scientific examination of your aliment, an examina
tion that will dlscloHe your true phy alcul condition without a 1 knowledge of
which you are groping in the dark and without a thorough unde rstamling of
which no physician or specialist shoud be allowed to treat you. AH men, who
are not what they should be, who are wenk, nervous and debilitated from any
cause, or who have contracted any private disease or secret huhlt of Bny kind,
cr who may at present be Buffering fnun any poisonous discharges, will find It
well worth their time to come to the State Medical Institute for constitution
and examination, which has been established for the purpose of curing the ter
rible diseases and weaknesses that destroy men's mental and phyHlcal powers,
making the duties and social 'obligations of li 1 u a hardship and the enjoyment '
of marital life and hupplness ImpoHsible.
We treat men only and cure them quickly, safely and thoroughly. Kverjr
man suffering with any private dlseuKes
Varicocele, Stricture, Nervo-Sexua! Debility, Impotency, Blood
Poison (Syphilis, Weakening Drains, Kidney,
Bladder and Urinary Diseases.
with anv of their numerous and dlstresang symptoms, owes it to himself, hla
family, and especially to the future generations to get cured promptly, safely
and thoroughly,
fflVI'l TATinV fDFF If vo" cannot call, write for symptom blank.
Vtfr0jLinilUl I tLU oitlcw Hours S a. in. to p. rn. Bunauys. U to i only.
I JOB Farnam St., Bet 12th and I4tti St.. Omalia, !Nh.
Art., 1502 Farnam St., Omafc.
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