V I C CRAIN AND PRODUCE .MARKET Speculator! Tear Government Crop Eeport to Be Issued Todaj, WHEAT LOWER, CORN FIRM," OATS HIGHER Crop Gossip on Wheat Still Balllsh Cash Grata B Ureat Demand Omaha's Market Exeelleat Commercial Gossip. OMAJIA. Aug. 10. 190. Grain market of the world were not nearly unanimous In the belief la lunlior values ror wheat aa they were a day or two ago. ' The higher price has brougnt on a lever that the bears cannot light. : srainet and fhey have to go short, but they are not mire of their position and will run on the slightest unfavorable news. While sjieciiiative values are lower, the demand for the Actual cash wheat in Umaha, Chicaro ' and elsewhere Is such that there Is no disponltton nor necessity to shade quotations. Miiieis are the mmt persistent buye's of cash wheat and many orders are being wired to Omaha for hixn grade wheat, on which, If It were otTered, much better figures than anything yet quoted might be received. The bears In the future trade find It difficult to gather In profits, for the market has more tnan a usual amount of elasticity to It, and un less the shorts are watchful It is likely to get away from them, f rom the Daaotns and Minnesota the swan song of the wheat crop continues In dlHmal and melancholy strains, with here and there a note out of tune, but with a degree of persistency that Is on the verge of making It unanimous. The greatest discord comes from the Northwestern Miiier, and It has been Just as perslstert a factor In the fine crop predictions uf a doscn other authorities have been In their dlHmal wall. The paper referred to charges that the had reports are Inspired by bucket shop men and others, palpably not so, and the action of prices for wheat during the last ten days has demonstrated the truth of this latter assertion. Reliable men men that do -not know what It is to sell wheat short or long and commission men tain on the side of damaged crops and poor yield. Millers by their persistency In outside buying where home crops have heretofore rilled all wants, nail the bucket shop theory to the wall. Dollar wheat Is the last -straw killing to the predictions that the crop will be just as good as ever. The government crop report on the condi tion of all grains and the prospect of crops Up to August 1 will be Issued this after noon. It is generally Admitted th.t it will be much more, favorable than the wires from Dakota and Minnesota htve been tor the laat ten days, but the pessimists have frown doubly so during that time, claiming hat the rust has accomplished Its greatest Carnage August 1 to 10. Some big bulls on wheat did not deem it wlee to go over the. report with big hold ing and sold out. The declines In wheat averaged 4&1 point. Corn was steady! for short futures and decidedly strong 6n the deferred deliv eries. Oat advanced on the long-time futures about VaU',0 and were decidedly strong. Omaha grain Inspections: In 1 car No. t bard wheat, 10 cars No. 8 hard, 7 cars No. 4 hard, 7 cars No. 8 corn, 1 car No. 2 yellow. I cars No. 1 yellow, 2 cars No. 2 white, 1 car No. 8 white, I car No, 8 white outs and 1 car No. 3 rye; total, 84 cars. Out 4 cars No, I hard wheat, l.car No. t hard, 1 car No. 1 corn: total, 8 cars. Omaha Cash BalesOne car No. 8 white oalw, 32Hc; 1 car No. $ hard wheat, 65V4 pounds, file; 1 car No. 4 wheat, 61 pounds, ?fic; 1 car No. 4 wheat, 63',, pounds, 86ci or car rt, a wneat, do potimis, ts'frc; I Car No. 1 hard Wheat. 93V4o: 1 car No. 4 corn. i ,' Primary Movement. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bit Last week Last year Corn, bu... Last week lM.it year- 8o6,42 . 607.637 84S, 400 287.0.M) D..1.812 - 240,JHo 441, 6u0 243.7N8 871.2M) , ; 240.9,5 U,&a : SuB.foO Cash 1 (laotatf n. , Omaha. Chicago. Wheat No, 2 hard , No. I hud , No. 4 hard . No. 3 spring Nd. 8 spring Corn , 04 . 86 is $9HP1.0OV4 to!. 00, i.w mn.10 6 , 'i ' M'4j54yj J6Vfi'i"j6i Mf(jB4'4" 63 -in $ i4 32HTT33 2fl:2' 8F.ri36 84'(J.I.14 3i.iM& I..... No. $ N 4 .... Noj grade .... No. J yellow No. 8 yellow ' No., 1 white.. No.' 8 white Oats . . , No. 2 mixed Nd. 1 No. white No. 8 white No. 4 white Standard .... 48 ' 49H 4feii4 49 48H S5 88 833 Stf 34W6-i tsaana Grain (notations, Tti" range of prices on thf Cmaha mar ket for future deliver and the close today and Tuesday were; , .. ., ... Closed WlaU Open. Hfgn. Low. Today. Tuee. " Sept, .... , , 91 B Dec 91B Corn Sept' to A 4fi'4R 46 A 4RV4B 4ft B free. 44 B 44VnB 44 B 44vtf 43T4B Northwestern Car Lot Receipt. Minneapolis ., 89 Chicago , 8j Pulutii 13 - ftrala Markets Elsewhere. Closing prices of grain today and Tues day t the market named were aa follows; CHICAGO. Wheats fttitmbr I'ecemlior . May . Corn Kenbjmber liiwwmber May ,..7... Oats September ieenbr Way Wheat rmuutmber December Corn September, ivviiiber Wheat September iet;iislitJT Corn . September littcciuber Wheat Septwiviber pcuctu bet Wheat v 6ep(mber LXiCuiber Wheat-- Today. Tuey. ..l.OlB 1.01 A .1.01 1.01 B i9A ' 3371 -' . 4i, ST. LOU 18. S7"4' t 62 . 47. 6?s' KANSAS CllX fH 48 . 874 4S'4 PULUTil. 1B 8H I.fi8 SoV NEW VOKK. . 1 05 1.04H I. 01 l.MS luai l.osu l.04i . 4e Ijeueuiber Commeilal C-oTp, Light frosts In Manitoba last nlglit. Conislock, Minn.: Condition on wheat crop worst in years. H. C, liraver of Minneapolis anj H. J. Rehlf of Uretiia, ' were vliliots ou 'change today. , . Farmlngton, N. D.l Fairly satisfied that crop Is not worth cutting except for struw. IXivting lurm now plowing up grain ttiougni .to bu uod for ten bushels a short time u. Oeoise A. Adams of K. A. Adams 4b Co., Ciilcaso. owner of a big farm in Lkota, relumed from it yesterduy. Ue ify; "W'liwt crop is a failure and will not for cutting. , Casselton, N. D.t Rust reports are coin ing largely from people who have hereto fore ulMiiued that there has beun no dim. age. It Is a fact that there are many quart tor actions that will nut evca hoivost bushel ot wheaX. B. SV. Bnow wires from Jamestown, N. D.: "ijia s, rust south half of county. Can vassed all maelilnety men and avsiugs Juilgmeiit on crop that week ago promised twenty bushels uow promises twelve bush el. Vi uret developments during Inst throe days. KiUliext harvest two weeks away; lutest tlirsu weeks distant." r'rnni J. H. I'atten to C. II. Bpenoer: "I am a worse bull on wheat than you are. I think, wliaw-t can sell at 11.60 per buahel beir-ii nuw and May, and I am ruing to play for It. I sold a little wheat this morn ing, as I was lung so much that I do not caie to go over the government report on all of it. I probably will buy it bai In a day or two. and more with it." V. . A. GtAdner A Co. are sending out the following, Juol reeelvB.i from Northwestern Miller to Its representative here, signed v illiam C. Kdxar: "You may say as com ing lioin us thut stulen.ents of great ruist demnss emanate a rule from bucket shop oiei-f,ts and rnk siieculators, who mm aiiuiaciurtng news tu suit their e n riiaiennt. 1 iltrs jm, IM-,,iaeraiie niim. undoubtedly, but unless ft.sia siioiu t Intervene in.r.,-t are f..r a sIIkIUI laif i; t-iop in tl. three state than last e I . C. 11. Spencer, a big St. l.o.,is trader, S'O-s: 1 imnW h.-at w,.,,h i a HJ !'' it to sell tiino oil it, cii.u, ,.r f,,r moie. I have been ex,,, ui a ni,Hi k. 41 l 4 u-'t "ii,g Im ..u ny ot You know Ifs templing t take 10 to 15 cent a bushel profit when It ntnn so qwirkly, and 1 thfnk many bulla have done so. Yott know wheat sold at considerably above preent prices on last crop, and we went Into this one with no reserves and no section of this country has even an aver se erop, while A large section Is almost a failure. We will not need this fnreign de mand this year to make prices very high." Flnnnelal Oeasts. American stocks In London firm, to above parity. D. A H. Interests do not confirm rumor Of Gould purchases of stock. Tariff officials of esstern railroads look lng for Improvement In trade. Anthracite coel output shows further cur tailment since July 81. Fifty-three roads for June and fiscal year show average net increase of 4.97 per cent in earnings. Lighter demand for stocks In loan crowd. News from far east Indecisive. Ranks sained from subtreaaury since Fri day Il,476,ono. C. A. O. earned about I per cent on com mon stock. I. C June earnings net Increase 8I34.2M. Rock Island for month of June shows a net Increase of 1307.117. CHICAGO tiRAl AKD PROVISIONS Features of (ho Tradlnar sad Closing; Prices on Board of Trnde. CHICAOO, Aug. KX Bullish enthusiasm succumbed to conservatism In the wheat pit tfwlay. September wheat St the close showed a loss of 7e. Corn Is down a shade. Oats retted a gain of Vic Pro visions are off zHo to 26c, Scare news from the northwest continued to be a factor In the wheat market, bu appeared to Impart lews terror to the hearts of wheaU traders. Thero was no panic, no sharp break, no re-( versal of advices, but apparently a disposi tion to await more coni-luslve information f northwest conditions. In the uncertainty manifested at the opening September whet scored a loss of tt'ac. Initial sales ranging from 8101 to 810ia. ehorts gained ne courage and for a time: the furious buying spirit 'of the last few days seemed to have revived. September responded with a bulge to 81.02, when the fever abated. There was plenty of wheat to be had at that figure in consequence and a gradual recession en sued to 81. ; Experts and others alert to buv at the lower figures steadied the mar ket and carried the? price back to 8101 for (September, at which figure It closed. Clear ances of wheat and flour were equal to Zil.finO bushels. Prlmarv receipts were RoS. 900 bushels, compared with Sfii.Sod huhri a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 198 cars, against 2-1 last year. Corn values held up well, considering the uncertainty In wheat, selling over nn Irreg ular range, but with a general Inclination to weakness. September st the start was off WaH to a! at 62Ttg")3c. A lively upturn followed the advance In wheat, the Improved tone being helped somewhat by reports of cool, wet weather. September bulged to 54Sc. but declined to 63Ho, the closing figure on heavy realizing sales. Tho tone at the close was easy. Local receipts were 105 cars. Oats were Arm and active. Shorts were apparently restless over smaller receipts and supported the market. September ranged between BSc and S4c, closing firm at 837ic. Receipts were 304 cars. Trade In provisions was dull and lacked speculative Incentive. Under some pressure to sell September pork made a net loss of 22?)25c. Lard was down 10c at 86.00.07H. Ribs closed iHo lower at 87.67H7.0. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Whest, 89 cars; corn, Vl cars; oats, 262 cars; hoga, 22,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open. High. I LoW. Cloas.Tcsfy. Wheat tSept. tSept. Pec. May Corn Aug. Sept Deo. Deo. , May Fork Bept. Oct. Lrd Bept. Oct. Rlba Sept. Oct. 103H 10174 102 103 101 101 10?,i 102 lOOVi J01 I0W4-V 100 !99-100 1UZ , 100 101 i I 6274 5:7ift'43 "64U 6:74 . 6S4 5SVi6 60 ,3314 "ITS ' 84 834 84I 86 '2 12 46 12 46 6 7714 6 86 786 7 60 8474 86-i 84'2: 12 i:h' 84Tt'74 J3 80 12 85 75 12. S7H 1215 12 l i au 4 76 12 2M 8 77 6 67H 77 T2 6 &7Vs 7 68 1 8T1 7 bo 7 66 7 62HI 7 65 No. 1 tOId. JNew. . Cash quotation were as follows: FLOUR Market firm: winter patents, .: straights. $4.jofi4.: spring patents, 4.40r,.oa:' straights. 3.7(XS4.50. WHEAT No. 2 spring. 81.07(61.08; No. S, 94cifiji.06; No, 2 red. J1.01V810S. CORN No, 2, 63o; No. 2 yellow, 664o. OATS-No. 8. me; No. 2 white. 36436c; No. 8 white. 83V,fiSe, RYrNo, 2, 71r73o, , EARLEy Oood feeding., 17e; , Mr to Choice malting, 4245e, - , . SEED No. 1 flax, 81.M: No. northwest ern. 81.25; prime timothy, 83; clover, con tract grade, 2U.60filll.75. . PROVISION9-Mess pork, per bhl 81M24 C12.15. Lard, per 100 lbs,, 11.Ci-(i.f:j. Bhort ribs sides (loose). 87.607.62. Short lear sides (bolted), 8U.OOfl8.5B. Shipments ot flour and grain' were as follows; Reoflpts.ghipmtPtP, flour, bbls 1, !2.00 8,ln0 Wheat, bu. 222.000 , 89,000 Corn, bu.., , 9f9,7' 173,400 Oats, bu IM.....fiM8.lon 8S.60O Rye hu. ; 13.0n0 1.2") Barley, bu 9,900 10,000 On the Produce exchange today the but. ter mnrket was steady; creameries, 13(17o; dairies. Il5c, Kxgn, steady; at mark, cases Included, 12(Ule. i Cheese, steady, 7rys0. - t. Ieais Grain nnd Provisions. ST. IXIITIS, Aug. 10. WHEAT Unset, tied, nomlnHl; No. 3 red cash, elevator, 97c: track, 68c:l.00; December, 1.0; No. I hard, McfcJl.OO. CH)RN Higher; No. t cash, 62tyc;- traclt, 63Vic; September, 63o; December, 47c. OATS Firmer; No. I cal, 8ao: track, 84'4ije34o; September.. i34o; December, 14-;' No. 2 white. 869.Mc. FIUR Held firmly; red winter patents. Jt imfi.OO; esitra fancy and Straight, 84.&OW .fcf.: "clear. 83.swa4.00. ' ' . . KKKD Timothy, steady. 22.40Jf2.76, , , CORNMKAL Steady, 2.75, - ' " ' BRAN Slrong; sacked east track, 85?f8Sc, HAY Active;, tlmtuhy, 8s.0iVll.0o newj old, 210.00(0 18.00; nrairle new, 86.OOfffa.60. IKON COTTON TIES 85c. - , . , y . IMllllN'fl 7..t. . HEMP 'TWIN t-Tc, i - PROVISIONS Pork, lower: Jobbing, 2'2 26. .Iarfl, lower; prime steam, 8.ii. Jiaeon, steadvi boxed extra shorts, 8a.60 clewr, $S6(; shtrt clear, $00. : , - rOULTRY Firm; chickens, 9c! springs, imn; turkeys, 14c; ducks, 2e ?, 6c. BUTTERyuiet; creamery, li uhj; dairy, 14ril6c. .-. . ,SS- LUGS Higher et 16''. " CO'int Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls...'..,...,..... 10, Of JOS.OftO Wheat, bu..... lO4,0"9 S8.ft Corn. bu. M.W (" Oats, bu. K.000 S'i.OU) Kansas City Oraln nnd Previsions. KANSAS CITY, Aug. lft WHEAT Ixwer; September, SSfriic; December, Mc; May, WHc. Cash: So. t hard. 4c; No. 2. 9xu93c: No. 4. dotfsiic; No. 2 reJ SftuWc; No. 8. Ke. Reoelpta, 2B2 ears. CORN Higher: September, 48c; Decern, ber, 44V?H4V: May, hio. Cash: No. 8 mixed, c; No, t, c; No, 2 white, 60c; No. 8. 49M,o. OATS No. I white, 36S46o; No. I mixed, 88-fiS4n. IIAY-Steady. Cholt timothy. 13 50; Choice prairie, (A SMtf.Kt " H Y K Steady, 9.6. UCTTKU (wBineiy, 12H'.4c! dairy, 12'- RQOS Higher. Missouri and Kansas new No. 2, whit a wood caaes Included, l,v,i-; case count, Ib'c; coses returned. He lower. Articles. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, hushela 2tw,eK ba.VO Corn, bushels i4,4"rt . 4.0i! Onlii, bushels 24,000 2,0U) 1 ,ew Yerk Prodace Market. NEW YORK. Aug. IC-EGOS-Firmly held; unchanged. Pui.'L'i t. A.ive. quiet snd unchanged. DveMsed, steady; wetjtern large chickens, lujil'x'i fowls, 12'uU'ac; turkeys, western brtis. H'-lic. HI'TTr l Steady and unchanged. CHE Kb K Cjulet, but steady and vn clmnid at 9c. Bluletk Grain Merke. DULUTH, Aug. 10.-WHEAT To arrive August 16. No. 1 northern, IliaV: No. I not t hern, ii.l"1: to arrive, No. 1 nortbnrn, tl.l; No. 2 northern, 1 (; on track. No. 1 tmrth-rn, IIH"i; No. 2 northern, 81 .lot,; Bi ptember, tl u,V OATS-'m track, iUc; to arrive. 84c; Sep tember, 3o:c; to arrive In August, Ha. ; Liverpool Grain Market. 'LIVERPOOL. Aug. 10 WHEAT Spot, nominal; futures duil; Suptember, 7a; i.'e cember. 7 l'd. C ilN ri'it. frni: American mire'!, new, 4s fid; old, 4s 6 i J. FutuieS steady; fccptcttl ber, 4s 6'd. Toledo seed Market. TOLFOO, O , Aug. 10 -CIAVFR 8KFIW Chi.1i. I.' 15; Oi tol.. r. 17 . Prime nl.ihe, 17 tS bui: August, t 16 bid. Prime tlmutny, 8i4,i; raepiembor, II. 4. V I'earta Maiket. I'FOHIA. Aug. I0.-CCiN W; No. I, : .: 4, i t ' ! - 'x - l for flnistied goods. THE OMAITA NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Speculation in Becnrities it Devoted to the Specialties. KEEP EXCITEMENT ALIVE ON WALL STREET Market, Ieloeneeol by Desire to See Government's Monthly Cron Re port, Displays Spirit of Relnctaece. NEW YORK, Aug.' 10. Speculation In storks was largely devoted to what are known as the specialties. The constant, whipping up of excitement and activity in one or another of these affqrded the prin cipal sustaining Influence on the general list. That thla Influence was not notably effective la disclosed by the list of changes for the day, which were comparatively In significant. The waiting attitude of the market was no doubt due to the desire to read the monthly government report on the August 1 condition of grain, especially on spring wheat, before venturing on ex tensive commitments in stocks. The Inci dental speculation In the s;eclaltles was designed as a diversion for- what promiped to be a dull period, for the time for publi cation of the report being 4 o'clock, tnere would be no chance for operating In to day's market on the bests of its Informa tion, i . Oood advances were made by southwest ern railroad stocks, which were fairly at tributable to the comparative prosperity of the cotton and oorn , crops rs compared with wheat. The rise In Botithern Paclflo was . Impressive to sentiment because ac cepted as showing the protective policy toward the market of Ito controllers, i The conviction became firmer thst gold would be exported to England this week, as sterling exchange continued to advance. ?'he resl Interest of the day centered In hn furious speculation In the specialties. Th sensational advance In the metropolitan-stocks was accompanied by much published qtiotstions from Influential but unnamed Individuals who were Impressive In their admissions that Important trans actions were Impending but entirely re ticent as to specific Information of what the developments would be. This Is the kind of movement that appeals with espe cially great force to the speculative Im agination and the trading element threw themselves Into the movement with great relish. The day's movements In Sugar and Amalgamated Copper were equa'ly mys terious as to their object. The advances were not fully held at the close and the whole market underwent some reaction, but the nioslng was active and firm. Bonds were firm. Total sales, par value, 82,800,000. United Btates bonds were un changed on call. , The range of stocks on the exchange to day was as follows: Bales. Hlgh.Low.Close. Atchison do Dfd. 11,000 7H 77 7(1 200 9H W 3 ira 84i 89 80 vi 14 180 148 178 64 4 76-H 13 4X'4 14U. Baltimore A Ohio 9,000 86 84 do pfd Canadian Paclflo .... 800 126 125 Central of N. J Chesapeake- A Ohio.. 2,100 84- 84 Chicago & Alton .... 700 40' 89 do pfd , Chicago O. W 800 14 14 Chicago A N. W 2W 180 1W C. M. ft at. P. 8,500 148 147 do pfd.... 100 178 178 Chicago T. A T.... do pfd C, CT, C. A St. L Colorado Southern do 1st pfd 600 tv '78 71 do 2d pfd ' .... I. Delaware & Hudson. Delaware, L. A W., Denver A Rio Grande do pfd 600 159 169 '159 2i 0 400 22 72'4 26 63 22 714 2414 63'4 21 71 24 W 87 Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd...... Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central . do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd ,. L. A N : Manhattan L... Met. Securities Met- St. Hy.. 1,600 100 5 134 131 J34 18 18 1S 100 200 ...V 2'4 41 1.600 117U, 117U 11 1.10Q 161 160 150 .KI.oOO fi c'V 84 ...82,500 126 1234 124 47 78 127 "A n in. Minneapolis A St. L. M., St. P. A S. St. M. do bfd 700 73 714. Missouri Faclfle 12,800 94 98 M.. K. A T 8 00O ?n 174 - doVpM 8,800 42 41 ; Ni R.R. of M.'pfd X.;' .... '80 New York Central 600 119 118 118 Norfolk A Western 61 do pfd ....; .... .;;. .... 8S' Ontario A Western... 2,700 81 81 81 Pennsylvania 8,600 120 120 120 P., C O. A St. L 100 64 mi,: .4 Reading 16,000 63 62 68 do 1st pfd , i... 8 do 2d prd .... Rock Island Co., 8,800 do Bfd , 1,800 St. L. A S. F. Bd pfd. 8,000. St, L. Southwestern.. 1.600 do pfd 2,4110 Southern Paclflo ...,87.6"0 Southern Railway ... 8,900 do pfd .." .... Texas A Paciflo ,..,..15,400 , T.. St. L. A W. .-. 200 do pfd! 100 Union PaclflQ ,..27,6oO do pfd .... Wabash , 00 do pfd.,.,,., 1,000. 70 23 65 :M u 81 85. 27" 2S4 8S 8 5Hi sti'n 23 6 . 88 IS 87H 2S'i 25 3SV4 1 ) 11 81 621,4 25 80 a 25 3734 9ti 93 877H iiu 30' I 36 14 17 3H ? 225 li'a 105 302 ,2 18 77 81 81 87 10 8 21 8. 4 100 Wheeling A L. E. Wisconsin Central . ., 800 17 3ft 854 do pfd 2i0 Mexican Central 80O Adams Kxureca , Amerlran Kxpress ,., .... .... .... T'. 6. Kxpress ., .... ,,,, Wells-Fargo Express Aroal. Copper 28,800 53 S2 American C, & F...., do pfd .... .... .... American Cotton Oil. 700 14 13 do pfd .... American Ice ....,.., .... do pfd..! 400 . 27 27 Amef. Mnseed Oil.... loO 11 11 do pfd..... .v .... Amer. Locomotive..,, (too 2 21 do pfd , 100 . 8xV 8ti American 8. & R..... .10.7.0 . 8 M'4 do pfd ... 1i0 1004 10 Amer. Sugar Refln'. 88,100 134 l: 183 Anaoonda.. M. Co..,,.. 300 73 72 78 llrooklvn R. T 28.8UO 81 5"' Ml Colorado F. & I.. S"0 W"4 JJ't SJ Cxinsolldated Qas Corn Products 4.100 190 183 ll-4 im 14'i do pfd,. B0v m Plstiners' Securities., - 200 -8V14, fJ Oenei-al Electrla 100 182 ica lnternstlonal Paper. do pfd International Pump. do pfd Jatirmal I .end Nona American Paclflo Mall , Peoples Ohs pressed Steel Car..., do pfd Pullman Pa'ace Car, Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods ....... do pfd Tennessee C, & I V. 8. Ither ........ do pfd., , T fl. Realty V. 8. Rubber do bfd t y . .... 81 70 600 21 21 f1 100 87 87 ' R-.ii 611O 215 ? 28 8,S"0 1024 101V4 10! OO 82 82 M 74 .... 117 ' 100 .'406 'joo 'joo 7 44" 83 75 11 lM 7 7 ' 48 17 17 7m 43 42 .... 83 88 47 1S 1W 74 11 8ti0 TJ. S. Steel 1 81 do nfd 9.V) Weatlna house Eleo... ) Western Tnlon SOO. 8S Total sales for the day, 408,100 shares. London Stock Market. IXWPON, Aug, 10.-Clolng; Consols, money so account .. Anaconda, , AtrhtaiHi do bfd , t t ie M. Y. Oentral. ....lili .... a .... i .... it ..... .... K'S .... rs .... 4!S .... MS .... .... It v... Si-, .... v .... M .... l!!l4 .... 3 .... 1T4 .... its .... Norfolk A W... do ' Bfd .. JS Ontario A W.... rHinsytwanla ... Sand Mina Haadlns da 1st pfd... So Id td... 8a. Railway ... do pfd Baltimore A Ohio a"N Tauadlan Factfla l"'r f'hee. Ohio .. Chlio Ot. W.. C u. A St. P. .... in ...,W1' bsBaera ..' D. H. a ' do pfd rta do 1st ptt 4 id pld lillmla Centra! .. I.onls A Neah . . . 1S , las bo. yaoiflc ...... . Tl .Union r.tiflo .. , 14 da pfd , til? V. S. Sim!......, , s4 da pld ...... 1ST Wsbaah ll4; do pfd 10 Spanish 4a , U . K T SIIA'KR Har, steady, 24 JS-18d per ounce, jviuis c 1 Jer cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 8 per cent; for three months' bills, 8 per cent. Fore tarn Financial. IX)N"DON, Aug. 10. Money was in active demand and scarce. Harvest requirements a nutted the markets. JJIxcuunta hardemd. Trading on the Stock exchange was uiet. Connuls were dull. Americans opened steady at parity. Improved later and closed firm. Iiii.. i1hI Japanese of 1im4 quoted at $i. lilJHl.IN. Aug. 10 Exchange on London, Ami 4.iftf for checks. The rata uf dis count f.r hort bills, 1 percent! fur thrte months' bills, SS, per cent. PARIS. Aug. 10 RiiKsimi Imperials cliwed Run st ill and Hiianim bomis of lis 4 st b 4 1U HI-1N, Aug. in Trading on tb boors) t.KUV was li regular. liiinriiHtb.nal s cin files were rie 'ci ted and tot al st-xks were active. t'onaUtlasn ol tko Treasury. WASHINGTON. Aug. 10. -Today's state ment of the lcanury l-H'mire In tt.e jcit... ,1 fun 1, lu'-lu: of ihe 8. a t ri.i.v fci.l-.i 1 u.e DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, 81 W4.m'): gold. 243.427.2u5. Sew York Money Market. NEW TORK. Au. 10. MO!fRT On call, very easy, st Vffl per cent; closing bid, per cent; offered at 1 pef cent time loans, easy and dull; sixty and ninety dnvs. 2 per rent; six months, i1 per cent; prime mer csrtlle paper, 4; 4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGK Steady at ad vsnce, with actual business In rankers' bills at 84 for demand and nt $4 8M& for slxtv-dsv bills; posted rates. 84 IW'!i4.S61 and 84 fj4 ; commercial bills, 84.1t.14. PILVER Bar, 6bc; Mexican dollars, 46 c. . HONDS Government, steady; railroad, firm. 1 The following nre the closing quotations on stocks snd bonds: V. S. rt. Is. m....iMS Se ensson 1"4H 49 t. r IMS 4n eoypon iro 4o sw 4s. rs 1st 50 ennsos 1st "4 4a aid 4a. ns t Manhittin e. s 4s...1 Mx. central 4m ! do lt Inr 14V Minn. St. L 4... M.. K. A T. 4..... r?i4 do 2 tv N. R. R. rf Id. e. . ta coupon inV4N. T C. f. 100 Athlnn kh. 4a lvS N. J. 00 nil. 1 No. Pari Be 4. .lom . 1 Allantlo C. L. 4s.. B. A O. 4a........ a IHl ......... Ostrsl of O. ts. ... do S ...lOKU'N. W. . 4 ..ion ... n ',. a. i.. M ear.... n ...ll"" I'enn fon. H' 7 (to lut inr ITiReanlns fn. 4a Cor. A Ohio 44S. ..lil St. U A 1. M. 0. .11S14 Cblraito a A. 70 St. L. a S F. ri. W. M C, B. ft Q. a. 4.... T4'8t. b. 8. W. ) 4 C. M. A fl. F. f 4.. 10 Sxbmird A. U 4s.. - tl r. A N. W. e. J....liit, So. rrlftr 4i 44 C, R I. P. 4s.... 71', So HilKlT la lit ao ant. u1 'l'ezaa r. l im1 t'(7C. B. h. 4a.. 101 W. n vw T.. St. L. A W. 4a.. ChlrsKo Ter. 4n Con. Tnbarcs 4m Unlnn Parlflr 4s do cnn. 4a... 10tH t'. 8. Steel H 6a 7kUj Wahanh la 117' do dob. B o W. A U E7. 4a II Wla. Central 4a S'H Colo, rual e. ia HSi Tolo. A So. 4a.... D. A R. O. 4m.... EMs prior lias 4s, ..1004 do s. 4a r. w. a r. c. i....ioivt. n or Kins vat. ihs... i" L. A N. unl. a 10014 Offered. Boston Stock Quotations. BOSTON. Aug. 10. Call loans. 23 per cent: time loans, 34V4 per cent. Official closing of stocks and bonds: Atchleon ad J .. S4V4iWatln. common 7 80 814 511 11 15 4M 14 114 12 4 1 3- US 4 4t 4 Sa 13 !3 s 7H 81T4 10V4 mv, 21 1 n do 4s Un. Central 4a.. Atrhiaon do pfd Poton A Albanr. Boaton A Mains. Ronton Elevated ritchburg ptd .... Mex. Central .. 101 S Adventure .. tl .. 7 .. KH; ..tt AMouea Amalsamated ., Aiaancau Eino Atlantic Rlnsham 14t4i( al. A Heels.... ..Hit ('entennlal f4 Topper Range ., N. T., N. H. A H..llV4Ualr Weal Pera Marqnetta 14 iniomlmou Coal I'nlon Princ M14 Franklin Amir. Arse. Chem... i4Vt'Orary do pfd TSV4. Isle Rnjrale .... Amur. Inetl. Tune.... 3?iMsa. Mining .. Amer. Busar .1SJH MlrMnaa, .111 Mohawk .138 Mont. C. AC, . lltt'Old Dominion . UA ptd Amer. T. A T.... Amer. Woolen ... do pfd Dominion I. A 8 Osceola Parrot Kdtaon Eleo. II1U....16S Wutncy .t..... Rhannon Tantaraok .... Trinity U. 8. Mining., V. 8. Oil Itah Victoria Winona ....... Wdhrerlna ..... Oenaral Electric 1I Maaa. Rlectrlo J7V4 do Bfd S Maaa. Oaa S9 t'nlted rrult 106S4 tnlted Rboa Marh..., to ' do p(d 0V V. 8. Steal US do ptd t0 Bid. Hew York M Inlntr' Storks NEW YORK.- Aug. 10. Tbe followln g are the closing prices on mining stocks: Little Chief ..... Adams Coa 29 Alice : Breaca 10 Brunswick Coa ...... 14 Cometock Tunnel H Con. Cel. A V 110 Horn Kllrer 160 Iron Silver HO Leedrllle Cua , i .. I ' .. ..215 .. U .. 8 .. 19 .. 17 .. tt . .10 Ontario Ophlr phoenix .i...... PotOKl ffAvaxe Blarra Nevada .. Small Hopes .... Standard. Bank Clearings.' " OMAHA. Aug. 10.r-Ba.nk clearings for today were 8971,3S6.57, a dcprease.of $174, 557.04 from the corresponding day last year. SEW YORK GENERAL MARKET (.notations of the Day on Varlons Commodities. NEW YORK,- Aug. 10.-FLOITR-Re-celpts, 16,566 bbls.; exports14,4j), bhls; mar ket inactive, out nrpuy .n m; winter pat ents, 84.904f5.35; winter strelghts, $4.6oV(j4.86; Minnesota bakers. 83.S0fji3.40; winter extras, 83.353.80; winter low grades,. 83.16ifcS.70. Rye flour, firm; fair to good, Vdi&t.tG; choice to fancy, 84 .4Mj?4,ti6. 1 .-.j CORNMliAlr-Steadv: Ji taUpw western, tl.KKTil.12; city, 81.1-fcl3ij; kiln dried, 8.00vu 8.20. RVE Nominal. . BARLEY Steady; feeding, 43c; o. 1. t. "WHEAT Receipts, 20,ti00 bushels; fcpot, unsettled: No. 1 northern. Duluth. 81. 1 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard MfcnjtAba, ji.n; f. o.'j b. afloat.' While someWfuit fess active to." day pending crop report ngures, wneat naa a considerable range of -prVoes, being for the most part weaker. fiWMlg to Improved northwest croc and weather news and poorer support from outsiders. The close, was 74c to o net lower. May, $1 03141.06, closed 1.0S; September, 81.03MiT.05, closed 11.04; Liecemner, ii.OBM'i.tM",., cioeea n.03. ? ; '. r CORN Receipts. 145,025 bushels; exports, 127.074 bushels. Spot, easy; No. 2, B8c ele vator, and 8Kc f. o. b. afloat; No. i yellow, 81c; No,' ? white, fWc.r ,Th option market, except for a short time at the opening, was firmer on fool Weather news until the clooe, when It dropped offj showing a par tial net advance of c. ' y '.'' ' OAT8 Receipt?, It, 200" 'Tjushels."' Mixed oats, 2W(-iS2 pounds. 4Kb 43c; neutral white, 3082 pounds. 46.(46c; clipped white, 36(g:40; pounds, 46Crd2o. HAY Duil; shipping, 67c; good to choice, 92c. HOPS titeadv; state, common to choice, 190.1, 2rii34c; 1W, 21t23c; olds. 713c. Pa cific coast, 1903, 26(aic, 1902, 21(fc'33c; olds, 7 13c. HIDE54 rlrm! Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs., 17o; California. 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas dry, 24 to 30 lbs., 14e. LEATHER Firm; scld, 242c. RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 3 fiHc; Japan, nominal, . PROVISIONS-Heef, firm: family, rC.5P3i 11 00; mess, $8.WKitO.0fl; beef hams, 22.L'5'5 24.00; packet, t3.50iffl0.80.; city extra India meas, S14.0ftii16.00 Cut meats, steady; pick led bellies. 89.0010.00; pickled shoulders, 87; pickled Kama, J10.6O11.dO. Lard, weak;, western steamed, t7.15; refined, easy; con tinent, $7.2f; South America, 87,80; com pound. ta.826.1i. Pork, easy; family. Sir.; , short clear, 513.60ft 16.50; mess, 114.00 14.50. ' TAI.MW-Qulet; oltv (t2 per pk.). ci fpinjry (Rfc"- free), 4ViiS4c. ' . Cotton Market. ' ST fjOI'IS. - Aug. m-COTTON-Un-chatiged; middling. 10c; sales, none; re cltts. 18 bales; shipments, 29 hiivs; stnek 8,ttt' bales. - NlilSV- ORLEANS, Aug. 18.-COTTON-Flrm; August. lO.lfio; September, 9.85ff9.1lc; November. 85707.6ci Deiiember. 8.6Sie9 68c; Junuary. 8 fPt3 0i"i March. ft.7J1ti9.74o. Hpot: steady; good ordlnnry, 0c; low middling, 5 middling., lOe; good middling,, 10 U-lOc; nililiillng fair. 10 15-lOc, Receiptii, 434 bHies; stock. 27,106 bales. NEW YORK. Aug. 10 COTTON Fu tures closed strong; August. 10.14c; Sep tember, 9.95c; October. .7e; November, 8T3o; December, 9.87c; January, 9 77c; Feb ruary, 9.00c; March, 9.83c; April, 9.85c; Miy, l.eltc. GAT.VFRTON, Aug. 10. COTTON . Sternly: IrtUe. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 10. COTTON Spot was In limited demand with prices easier, and 6 points Uwer American middling fair, .2sd; low middling. 8.86d; good ordinary. 8.64d; ordinary, 6.40d. Futures opened easier and closed quiet; American middling, M. o. c, August. 8.7fid: August and Septem ber, B.0d; September and October, 8 40d; October and November, 5.3'Jd; November and Deeeuiber. .2!id; Decercber anil Janu ary, 5.2d; January and February, 5.id: February and March, 6.20d; March and April. 6.2td. Metal s:ar-et, NEW YORK, Aug. 10, M ETALS While tin was a little higher In London, closing at 121 lis for spot and !4l7s6d for fu tures, It acted easier here, with demand light, and closed lower at IW8.6.",. 28.86. Cop per continued quiet at New York, where lake and electrolytic are quoted at $12 .6031 12 75 and casting at tl3.2ft6llW. In the Lon don market the metal was a llitle easier, cloning at 5 10a fur spot and 50 Us d for futures. Lead was steady ftt;d tjnohanged at $.2tf4.a& in New York. In . Iiudon It was firmer, closing at lllitd, Spelter also advanced slluhtlv In the Loudon mar ket, closing at 22 2a6d. while locslly It re mained unchanged at 84.8644.95. Iron closed at 5-' In Glaigow tnd 4is M In M il dleaborough. Locally Iron was unchanged. No. 1 foundry northern Is ouuted at 814 00 Y14.50; No. 2 foundry northern. ia.75tfl4 01; No. 1 foundry southern snd No. 1 foundry southern f"t. 818.5HC1 18 75. St LOIMB. Aug. 10 r-META LB Lead, dull A4 84.01; spelter, dull at 84. 75. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Aug 10-ORY OOOD8 Bunlnesa has KHln been restrloted to auiMll proportions. SimmII orders were plnced dur ing the d.ty for rutton goods for home consumption, on which pionipt deliveries were reunited. Print cloths remain firm and steady tit unchanged prices with, how ever, little In the amy of new business. The jobbing trade bus been less active owing to unfavorable weather. Sotai and Molasses. NKW ORLEANS. Aug. 10. Hl'O AR Steady; open kutle cenirifurl, :Sc; ten frlft.JHl uhllcs, 44C; Srrim.ls, 2S'l!i:V- Mii.,4hhKS-Nw oik-ii kttlo, iia5c; ceti 1 1 ' t iol. 1" iiSc. briu. iioiifinal. NbW l'f.li.v. Au I'l. hi .1AK Raw firm; fjir rn,,u,g. a 11-li.e; rt-iitrifugal, W l-t 4 b,jic; iikiIom sub'it, Hi tu, AUGUST 11, 1001. 01IAIIA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Rooeipts in Chicago Too Eeary and Big Slump Reunited at All Points.' HOGS SOLD ONLY ABOUT A NICKEL LOWER Early Arrivals ot Sheep and Lambs Bold A boot Steady, knt Mnrket Wii Rather Mew with Feeling Weak Feeders Inchangtd. ' SOUTH OMAHA Aug. M, 1H.' Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 4.i8 IM Official Tuesday 8.1W 11.440 8 'i- Ofllclal Wednesday .4o0 14.800 l0 TTiree days this week.. T.W7 S0.SO9 8.416 Same days last week.... o.fcvt 13.448 Same two weeks ago.... l.cfit 8.J77 6.443 flame three weeks ago... 8.0R3 8.135 1,944 Same four weeks ago.... 4.40 7.53 10.459 Same dsvs last year 14.834 87.364 RECEIPTS FOR. THE TEAR TO TATK. The following table shows the receipts of rattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, with comparison wild last yean 1904. 188. Inc. Dec. Cattle 440.718 6,(M0 87,118 Hogs 1.6a,748 l,B,tM7 3.7fl Sheep 784.064 727,148 86,1 Average pi ices paid ror nogs at South Omaha for Ibe last several (lays with com parison! Date. I l04, 18oa.1808.1901.lBtfV.rtS8 18S8. July 80... July 21... 6 04 I 6 10 I 06 "e" I 06 lol ( 82 I 681 e 4 9S 6 07 4 1 4 21 4 84 8 84 8 81 8 79 3 tt e 188 8 81 t 77 8 8 7s 8 74 T 62 7 41 July 26 7j July 6 2n ft 7 ( 69 6 14 JllllF 7 i .'. 1 41 j - . July as... July 2... July 27... July 28... July 29... July 30... July 81... August 1. Ausuat a t 16 4 Ml t 00 7 B-t I m t u I Oil 8 Ui 4 61, 4 871 4 82 4 83 4 82, 8 4 94 6 SB ft 191 10 4 SS 8 06 7 63 lit! i 47 I 4 99 2i 4 6 03 6 66 6 0S ( Oil 7 61 1 4 971 i 4lJ 1 7 861 ft 61 8 6Hf 761 6 79 091 I! 4, Ml 4 18 8 79 4 86 8 74 4 W 3 67 4 43 8 61 til I 71 It 4 381 4 ! t 81 4 12 t 67 4 28 8 81 August i. August 4. 6 161 ft 10 August 5. August 4. August 7. August 8 Animal fi 6 Oti'n a is 1 ar i I 061 T 86 8 84f 804l 6 07 ft 80 8 an 7 271 ft 6o 6 14 ft 85 1 6 Ibl 6 781 5 04) 6 74i 6 IU 6 10 I 081 6 121 7 18 August 10 e oii 0 l 1 Indicates Sunday. Tile ofllclal number of cars of stock brought tu today by each road was: Cattie. riogs. Sheep. C, M. A Bt. P. Ry 4 Wabash 8 5 Mo. Pac. Ry ; 7 8 U. P. System 11 86 11 C. N. W. Ry F., E. A M. V. R. R 46 7 C, Si. M. at O. Ry .... 8 28 li. A M. Ry 88 , 62 U C, B. A W. Ry 1 8 K. C. A, St. J I C, R. I. A P. Ry., west.,., t . I Illinois Central ... 3 Chicago Orcut Western ... 1 1 ... Total receipts Hi 2I4 "77 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, ench buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Oniana Fucking Co. Switt and Company . Cudahy Facking Co. Armour A Company . Vansant A Co Carey A Benton ...... Huaton A Co. Klngan A Co Merwlll Cudahy Bros. A Co. Sprlngileld , bam vVertheltner ..... Wolf A Murnan Sol Degan Leigliton & Co Squires White, P. A B Boyd A Co North Morrell bproih Other buyers i6 612 741 401 17 . 26 4 9.6 1,48 8,159 670 44 2K9 ' 2t4 2,013 ' 198 22 Uf D9 laa 4,3 4SO 414 2v 184 1,93 Totals 1,323 12,240 4,122 . CATTLE There were entirely too many cattle in Chicago this morning tor the good of the market. At the river points supplies did not seem to be exoosslve, but the a,uuo bead in Chicago demoralised the market at all points. The tact tbat the New York butciiera .liave gone, un s strike which, abuts eft the demand In Chicago for cattle to be snipped 'to New York," together with tho news that the Ice men in Chicago have de cided to refuse retailers toe who handle packers' meat, also helped to complicate the situation. The Chicago market was Suoted Nji'Soc lower than Monday and very ull at the decline. At this point desirable grades up to yesterday were not a great deal lower, so that buyers started In irom the beginning to pound the murket In bad shape. Very few of them, though, even tried to buy anything until a late hour, so that It was well along toward noon before much of guy business was transacted. . About all that could be said of the market on corn fed steers Is that It, was extremely dull with prices ranging focCP Kuo lower than yfcsterday. At noon a large percentage of the receipts were still in first bauds and. salesmen had -had no bids on them trom either packers or shippers. Buyers simply picked out a tew cattle that seemed to suit their requirements the best and then th market came to a standstill. Receipts a.so included quite a few west ern gras btwf siera and packers seemed to prefer them to the natives at the ruling prices. A larger proportion, of the west ern were gold at noon and. the decline did not seem to be quite bo serious as on oorn feds. In the' great majority of eases lOct&aOo would cover the loss, it was the more desirable grades, however, that buy ers picked out and the rest were very hard to move at any figure. The eow market was also In bad shape. At noon comparatively few had been sold and those were the more desirable kinds which went at a decline of lOe&Mc. Some of the same cattle that so'd on Monday and Tuesday for 82 90 brought 82.76 today, and some or the judges were of the opin ion that the cattle offered today were hardly as good. Buyers though knew what those cattle were and for that rea son, it was hardly an Indication ef the way the others sold The same as with steers when buyers got what they wanted the market came to a standstill so that the commoner kinds were practically un salable, - Bulls. vsal calves and stags all suf fered a decline In sympathy with tbp brealr oh steers an4 ebwS. ' . There were only a few stockers and feeders Included la the offerings and the better grades sold in about yesterday's notches with other slow and around a, dime lower. BEEF STEERS. A, Pr, e"a As. Fs ' 1281 iii i t'X i M ' Uui 4 44 80 ISM 4 40 bliitHS AND UUWb. . , CM U I COWS. J Is 14,.,... 19...... Ito 8 W .1111 . ens I 48 444 64 I 04 a m a te 75 o a 74. I Tl ,,.11SU 1 as ...,...,....1!U0 I 40 7 . 0 I 40 I .....H79 I .110 rl i 76 1:: U7I I M 1060 a it IEIFERS, T9 8 10 I CALVES. , 7 9 . I,,.,, . 464 8 88 ' IK f 88 1... in 1 to BTOCKKKd AND FEEDERS. f I ' i 8 27 cows 7l i imj a cuws.,...10U 2 88 17 feeders.. 044 Q. de 1 steer ll'-'o 1 steer 1"j0 I steers. ...1K-0 90 steers., ..11H0 80 . Hamllton-Wyo, t 60 ft steers.. ..1200 t 66 48 steers. ...Uia t 90 4 10 t 85 t M 48 steers. ...liwt ! steers., ..lotto steer 1100 strers.,,.U.J steer 010 4 00 i to 4 00 4 60 a 7a 11 steers. M steers. 17 steers. 16 steers. .1241 ,.1004 .1123 ,. 948 128 steers....! 4 80 K. P. MeyersNeb, I steers... .1160 8 80 H. Ornlsber Nebrsska, 83 steers.. .1141 176 HOGS There v,u an enormous, run of hogs in sight this morr,!i,, there being 26.r0 in Chicago. ii.0"J In Kansas City anS 14.aou at this point. Chicago was quoted bd 10c lower and local buysrs started In te take off that much hvre. Shippers, how ever, had liberal orders and soon took hold in good shape and at a reasonably early hour the market assumed considerable life and the decline was only about a nickel as compared with yesterday's general market, though perhaps 6410c lower on the less desirable grsdes ss oompared with yester day's bent lime. By 11 o clock th big bulk of the hogs had changed hands. Heavies want largely from t4.9i to fto.uo. with the medium ana mixed loads frtun 16.00 to 86.06 and the better grades uf lights from 16 05 to t. in. Just before noon packers and shippers seemed to have about all the hoga the could use and trading stopped, and by taking a count It was found that there were about fifty loads unsold, with Indica tions favorable for their being carried over until tomorrow. Representative sales: Ni. eo. s .. !. .. M... b... 14... U... U ... hT... ... so. Ar. rt t . it. fu . f . : . In.. H... . . ft.l 4 4 4 s 4 a 4 M 4 s 4 M 4 M 4 - u . .111 .14 . ,4 . l,i . lit ..III . . :rr . tat no a te 1 1 00 eu I On 40 I IK) t w ... I 00 . . i M m im V 4 VO ...! -SS .S't K O . '6 m a 44 II ... IN . 44 l 4A I OO 44. 4 IM I 00 14 f4 ... 8 00 H f IM I 00 11 ri ... a so TC fl 40 8 014 TO 4t ... a 0iv 41 141 SO I 03V, 71 11 ISt I 04 n 111 ... a 0T14 10 t"4 ... ft 07V, 14 IT 1 I O-i t 1 ... I ti 1 I4 M I 0 4 ITT SO j IT"4 11 HI 40 I 01 T4 " IM IN tr M H IM TJ IM M 8 06 IT 110 ... I OA T4 Ill 40 I OS S4 IM ... in Tl ?ll 40 I 04 M ... I 04 t !T ... I 01 11 Ml ... I 04 Tl i4 SO I Ot 44 fl 11 I 01 II tt ... I 04 44 140 0 I 06 44 14 140 I 01 TO Ill M I 06 T til 40 I 04 rst a las 71 M ' 9w I as ti n m a as T4 f ! I Co (6 Uf 1K I 00 iw a w I 00 i to M IN ss rl ti rt 11 -M tt KI 4 I OS 4 " SO I no 17 tl 0 ' 40 en Tl .., I 00 11 tu ..: 1 o 11 ..-! .SI) I 00 14 in o 1 00 n it ... a 0 M 144 to 4 00 T l ... I 00 t w a 0 4 141 M I 00 II IM ... 100 tl r4 19 I 00 4 .110 ... I 00 10 14S ... I 00 7 141 iw a 00 u im ao a os a 7t ... 100 1 114 44 I 00 17 1CI ... 4 00 tt ao 1 00 n i ... to ti ., I4i so 1 oe im r4 ao 1 01 5 14 IM I 00 40 1M ... I 05 Tl Ill N la) II 14 ... I 0 Tl fl 120 I 00 U 144 ... I 04 .., Ml 40 I 04 IT !4 ... 8 04 I HI ... I 00 71 11 ... S ne Tl ltd IN I M 71. ...... .I4 ... 100 40 1' IN IN 1 1F4 ... 8 04 M tn Ml 8 06 10 14 10 a 08 T4 HI ... 8 08 1 i ... aw 140 IN IN Tl HI ao a 10 T. 17 40 a 1 u im ... a to Tl 150 Ifl M 11 14 1 M ItO Tl 131 10 I 00 Tl HT 40 I 00 H to ... 8 00 ao 140 KIM 1 m 11 im M IM SO I 00 44 in M a 00 II t"4 40 a ! 14 14 too I 00 11 i 40 4 10 W 41 180 I 00 11 .too 114 I 10 M. ...... .11 ... 10 ' 104 In ... 110 41 Ill 44 I 00 Kl 141 ... I U i iw h 1 a 41 im ... 11 a 4 ... 8 0 IT IM ... 8 II rTHEEP There were a few more sheep here today than usual but a larger propor tion of them consisted of feeders. At the opening ot the market the few killers that arrived sold at what looked to be steady prices, but when the late trains arrived ? ackers did not seem to be quite as anxious or supplies, and ss a result the market was rather slow with the feeling weak. There were a few sheep shipped over from Iowa that had been fed on corn, screenings, etc., snd run on grass. The yearlings in the bunch brought 84.36, ewes 8160, wethers 83 78 and lambs $6.26. . There seemed to be a good demand for anything at all desirable In the way of feeders and the market could be quoted steady. The Wyoming feeder yearlings that sold yesterday for 83.60 brought a nickel more today. Fewder wethers brought U00, with some culls at t2 46. , Quotations for grass sheep and lambs: Oood to choice yearlings. 800(54.26; fair to good yearlings, t3.60tii4.00: good to choice wethers, 83.oO.a3.75; fair to good wethers, 8J.2i4iS.60; good to choice ewes, t3.J5M.0i fair to good ewes, t2.7&3.25; good to choice lamhs, 4o.tnKo6.2o; fair to choice lambs, 86.60 fH.00; feeder yearlings, S.2VtJ3.60; feeder wethers. t3.0fl3.25; feeder ewes, tJ.0Otj3.6o; feeder lambs, t3.764.W. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 3 Montana cull feeders 108 1 80 247 Montana cull feeders ........ 99 t 68 107 Montana feeder wethers .... 107 8 00 129 Montana feeder wethera .... 107 8 00 18 Idaho bucks and stags 138 S 60 4 Wyoming bucks 67 2 60 80 western yearling 70 8 60 8 western ewes. ...1 108 8 60 29 V'yoming yearling ewea 81 8 6a 62 Wyoming feeder wethers.... 80 3 66 30 Idaho ewes and wethers 99 3 70 800 Idaho ewes and wethers 100 t 70 80 Idaho yearlings 0 18 wester wethers 110 8 75 60 western lambs 68 178 Wyoming wethers 100 ft 26 t 40 CHICAGO I.IVH 8TOCK MARKET Cattle and Shee Irnll aael Lower md Hog-s Lower. CHICAGO. Aug. lO.-CATTUO-Recelpts, 23,000 head; Texans, 83 50; western, tY.00; market duil and 16ifiS6o lower; good to prime steers, t5.00g6.00; poor to medium. 84.00ie4.ft0; stockers and feeders. 3.00S.00; cows,- U.OOfH.ffi; heifers, 82.0046.00; canners, tl.00ija.40; bulls, l3.0f8H.16; calves, ti.UW 4.60; Texas fed steers, $8.00S4.2vi western steers, t3.60ifj;4.60, , . HOQ8 Receipts, 28,000 head; market 6fl 10c lower; mixed and butchers, 86.aW5.6; good to choice heavy, 86.8flfi.0! rough heavy. 30; light, t6.2wui.TO; Wk of sales, tS.80iif6.66. . BHfcEP AND IAMBS-Recelpts, 16,800 head; market dull to lower: lambs, dull to lower; good to choice wethers, t3.60g4.16; fair to choice mixed, tl .66tf3,o; weatern shoes. t2.76Ti4.2o: native lambs, t2 76S.60; western lambs, 83 7E&6.19. it. . .- New' York lite "(oclt Market, NEW YORK. Aug. 10. BEEVEi? Re ceipt, J.016 head: steers opened slow, closed firm and 10(3150 higher; bulls Strong: cows steady to 100 higher; steers, t4.au 6.05: bulls, tl04?8.8t)rcows. 1.60(6'380. Cables quoted live cattle firmer at llffilttyo per pound: tops, Vio dressed weights: sheep steady, 10tol2o dressed weights; refrljrerg tor beef higher at Ho per pound. , CAIVES Receipts, 4.788 head; market slow and fully 26c lower; some sales 60o lower. Veals, 84.6i97.60; culls, 84.00; greas ers and buttermilks, 82.76()i3.60; westerns, t4.60j.00. Dressed calves easier! city dressed veols. 8V4&HC per poupd; country dressed, 7HH4. '' HOOS Kccelpts. 6,242 headj market strong, flute an4 Pennsylvania hogs, 86-10 tft 80. . BHfEP AND IA MBS Receipts, $874 head; sheep market steady; good lambs ISo higher; others steady, closing firm! gbout seven cars, partly late arrivals, be,!J over. Sheep, t2 ax?i'4.60; culls. $2.00126; lamb, 5.60ii:&99; culls, tS.60t34.60. Kaasas City Lira "took Maket. KANSAS CITT, Aug. 10. CATTLE Re ceipts, 10,000 head. Including 1,600 south erns. Market slow to 10c lower. Choioe export and dressed beef steers, 86.00tff6.90; fair to good, t3.7n'86.O0; western fed steers, t2.26ff4.2fT; etoeksrs and feeders, ' 82.26(84 56; southern steers, t2.6of4.26; southern cows, tl.WWfS.iMi! native cows, tl.?nfi4.fi0; native heifers. t2.6O$4.80; bulls, 82 25ra,3.kl; calves, t2.60W4.69. HOoa-Recelnts, 16 0OO head. Market 5 10c lower. Top, 89 85; bulk. 8fi.loa6 26; heavy. 86.10W6.2O; packers, 85.10(8636;. Pig and lights, te.oivftfl.ss. 6HKBP ANP lAMBS-necelpts. 4,,W0 head. Market stendy la 10c lower. Natlva lambs, t4.0u.a6 25; native wethers. 8.1754.15; native ewes, 3 0fx?l8 76; .wsstnrn lapibs, 84 00 (?i.26; western yearlings, tJ 7f,'4tM; western sheen, t3,60'iit.6o; stofikers gnd feedors, feJ.76. .... nt. I.osjls Lire Bteek Market. 8T. LOMIS, Aug. 10. OATTLH Receipts, 4,n0S head. Including 1.6VXI Texans. Market lower and dull. Native shipping and ex port steers. ti&Aftfl.oo, the top for strictly fancv; dressed beef and butchers' steer. a4 8tjS; steers under 1,000 pounds. 84 BOO; stockers and feeders, 8.ooti4.6: cow and heifers. ti.'U,t fi; canners. tl.607J 28; bulls, t'i 2fi(i8 f; calves, t3.Kfj6 60; Texas and Indian steers, . t2.7uy4.16; cows and heifers. l.oA;f3.ft0. HOOS-Recelpls. 8,500 head. Market steady for ligjit Tioa-a: all others lower, plas and light?, 86.O0iu6.6O; packers, ti'JEJ 6.411; butchers and best heavy, 8o.2&u'&.60 SHEEP AND , TAM P.8 Receipts, 1,600 head. Market slow. Native muttons, t 50 A4DH; lamb, t4.0Of8.Of': culls and buck, 82 onof4.00; stockers, 2.26g'J.lt); Texang, 3.60 43S.86, . ' , , . t. Joseph U toek Market. ST. JOSEPH. Aug. 10. CATTLE Re ceipts 3.9ii7 head; market 14-ic luir; na tive, t4.26!&6.76; cows and heifers, tl.5OS3.60; tocker and feeders, tS.O0B3-78. HOOSr Receipts 8,464 head; market steady to lOe lower; light, ts.lOg2S.80; me dium anij heavy, 86.0O(a8 ?5. SHEEP AND LAMti 8 Receipts ,9M head; market steady to luq higher; western lambs, to.26. Sloax City Mr Stack Market. BIOUX CITY, la., Aug. 10. (Specle.l Tl runi ) CATTLBRcelpts, n0 nead; tnir ket 10e lower 1 Blockers. e;ady; bervas, 84 00 ti4.76; cows, bul's and mixed, t!4o4.O0: stockers " feeder, t1.T6fiS.75; . calve and rts'!!;,ai, t2.4-?1 60. HOOo Receipts, t.KoO bead; market slow, lFe lower, slllng at t4.6iy5.15; bulk, ti 3 too. J toek ta ilgbt. Following r the receipts of live stock for the six principal western cities yes terday: Catti. South Omaha Chicago Kmibiis City . St. Ixiuls Bt. Joset.h .... 6lou City ... t,4o 23.01 10 IO.OiO 4,0u0 a7 . 400 Total ...U.lti7 19, 61 tills nuil rteslu. . NEW YORK. Aug. 10 OII.S-Cottrn eel, barely rteadv; prime crud. notnlnal; pr tun ytillow. t'lH'.jv't'ite. petroleum, reflnfd. 7.7o; J'hlUdelphla nd Paliltm r-, $7 81; I'nlladal phla ami baltltnnr In bulk, I7. Turje i Une, quiet, bt. 4, u lc, HCiBl N Qu et ; svrolntd, common to goud, $2 70. HAVANNAH, Aug. 10 OIt8-Tjrpntlne, MiloSIN-Klrm: A. B. C, 8? 30; I), f? W: K. 32 0- K. 82 45; O. tJ f"; II. : 7); I. f t 1. Ill, id 88 8.'.; N, 4 '; V H. 3 8'.; W V, ti ( II Y Aug ..i.j-('i.dit b.i. sru-es. a." fhlriiifitaii tiis. till 1 Ihim-'h; avetsgu, ia.lKi Laiitlj, ei.i.intiiia Llmu, 'ti,- ..tt ... t . ... fro ,.c4 ... IM Hog. Sheen. 14i0 00 28.00 ft.niiO t (rti 4 2yi IfO IM) a.4M 6.11 8:00 ..... 0 918 barrel; average. o.M? bsre''; rung Urns, 73,92 barrels; average, u,SJJ barrels. OMAHA wnoLtaALk MARKET Ceadltloa ( Traala a4 tsaetatlea aa gtaele a Faaeg Pradaea. KOOS Receipts, moderate; candled atork, 17V.-71r. t'AXE POULTRY Hens, : rooster, 8a turkeys, Mc; ducks, lei 4tese, fto; spring chickens. WilSe. HL'i TKH 4 Hcking stock. 14; choice te fan?y dairy. I!l4c; separator. Ki717o. FKEHir FISH Trout, 11c; pickerel. flke, loc; perch, Tc; blueflsh. 12c; white;; 4c; salmon, lc; redsnspper, lie; lobster, freen, ?c; lobster, boiled. 80c; builheads, lo; catfish, 14c; black base J0c; halibut. 10c; crapples, 12c: roe shad, tl: buffalo, 804 white bnss, 11c; frog leg, per dos., too. BRAN Per ton, 3it. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Healers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, 37 00; No. 3, t 60; medium, 3 00; coarse, 1660. Rye straw, 36 60. Tliwe prices ar for hay of rood color snd quailtjr. IiIOHIOAIj KHtila. O RANG 3.8 Sweets, choice, all slies, 33 2S fit 6"; Valencia, ell le. 44.00. LEMONS California fancy, 170, 800 a 360, t4.2f.4.60; choice, t3.7f.(i4.0O. ' CALIFORNIA FlOtt Per 10-lb. carton, 50c; imported Smyrna, 3-crown, 12c; ft- crown, ni iMi.mii, iw, BANANAS Per medlum-Slaed bunch. $3,04) niUf liimho. t2.76.Ti8.2S. PATLb Persian, per box of 30- pkftw 2.X; In 80-lb. boxes. 6c per lb. PR C ITS, APPLE 51 Horn grown, per oil. basket, tl.OO; per bbl , t.' "OriH.Tt. -RASPBERRIES Red rsspberrlea, per M pts., tioo, WLACKBERRIES Home grown, per' 34 BLUEBERRIES Wisconsin, per 18 qts, ti 0. ' PKACHTC8 Arkansas Klbertas. per 4 basket crate. 90; California Crawford, per box j1- hm trrown clings, per lo-It. '"flI'MS California! Burbarka, fl.86$l.M, Trsgety, tl SS; Greengage, $1.36. , . VAH9-California, per box, 8l.T8ff1.0n. CANTELOUPE Arkansas and Indlsa Territory, rer crate, 32.6vfH.7S WATERMELONS Per lb. (crated), HtA CELKRX Per doi . 2503o. IMir,IAllUE'0, POTATCES New home grown, la sacks, per bu.. 3VU46C. ' NAVt BE ANS Per bu.. 81,902.00. V ONIONS Home grown. In sacks, per lb., TOMATOES Home grown, per rnarkrt basket, 80a . Ct'Cl'MBEB8 Per dos., 15o. TrRNIPS Home grown, per bu , BOO. BEETS Home grown, per bu., 0o.- ' PARSLEY Per doa., 3,o ,' WAX BEANS Per market basket, 60n. STRING. BEANS Per market basket, too, GREEN PEJPPER3 Per 8-baket crate, POO. t " SQUASH Home grown, per dos.. top. PEAS Per bu. baekef. 7oc?tl.O0.' trail iT .A NTRout hern, tar dos.. 81 BA MISCELLANEOUS. , MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb.. IOO. CHEKSffi'-WlaconsIn twins, full cream, Ho: Wisconsin Young America,. Jtc; block: Swiss, new, I60; old, I6f no; Wlsconsia brick, l.Tftc; Wlsconln IlmUerger, 18c. HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. 2 graen. c; No: 1 salted, 6U0; No. 3 salted, 74c; No. 1 veal oslf, 8 to 13 lbs., c: No. 3 veal calf. It to 15 lbs., 7c; dry salted , $J12c; sheep pelts, 349270; horse hides, ta.Tft. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, Jer lb., lftc; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. I soft shell, per lb., 13c 1 No. t hard shell, per lb., IM; pecsns, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb,, loo; peanuts, per lb , 80; roasted . peanuts, per lb., 8c ; Chill walnuts, per lb., Iatfi3V4o; large hickory nuts, per lb., 11c; aluionds. soft shell, per lb., 16c: hard shell. 18c shellbarks, per bu.. U.W; black walnuts, per bu., 81.26, Bvaporated Applea aad Dried Ftmltu. NEW TORK. Aug. 10. EVAPORATED APPLES The market continues quiet and steady ao far as spot Is concerned, while futures rules rather easy. Common are quoted at 41i6Vrc; prime at 6&6c; choice at 8l4S)Ve; fancy at 7j?7V4c. , CALJKOR4VIA DRIED FRUITS-Prunes are quiet with quotations still ranging from two to six and a quarter according to grade. . Apricots ahow no change In general conditions. It Is said some busi ness is being done In fruit for prompt ship ment from the coat. but snot quotation remain unchanged with choice held at t1 ifflOc; extra choice at lOtyo and fancy at ll(&'!2o. Peaches also are unchanged with choice quoted at 7W7WC; extra choice at t4 o. and fancy at 9H4tl0o. 1 . . ' Philadelphia Prodaee Market. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 10. BUTTES" F1rn: extra western creamery, lie; extra York full creams, choice to faJidjr, o; ttUr to good. rAZta. Mllwaafcea Orala Market.' ' m . v a . . a.mj.HHB A -. . n ,lr,,l. A M, twii.rv At rt rtifj, yaus. ni.wnii.i Market higher: No. 1 northern, 81.09; Nd. I northern, fl.OS4Vl.4t7; new September, tl.Ou!. RYE rirmi No. J, 73e, BARLEV-Dull; No. t, 6051o; sample, 861ifi. CORN Firm; No. I, tool, ykllow, 3c; Sep tember. 63Vo, Mlaaeapells Urgla Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 10. W H EAT Sep tember, 31.02: December, 96c; May, $1.00; No: 11 hard, il.09; No. 1 northern, $107; No. 1 northern, 106. FLOUR First patent. $6.40,80; second patent, 85.3fSl6.4(T; first clears, tJ.TO.S8.80; second elears, 32.86. BRAN-tn N'k. tlf ftOi shorts, $17.60. f'osfee Market. " NEW ' TORK, Aug. 10. COFFEE The market for futures opened firm at an ad vance of 10-fi lfc points. Sales were 131.250 bags, Including September at ft.8W4.40oi October, 8.46&8.60c; December, 6 6.ffl6.70cj January. -6.7&c; M,rch, t.Sb.OOcJ May, 7,1 j(.i.2Dci July, T ?Sq. r -. ... LAST STAGE OF THE JOURNEY AatonablI Tnartit ..Start from , prlasTaeld far St.' Instils tsj ' Krls Maraiagi. SPRINGFJELD, IU., Aug. lo.-fcfrsb,ei by a night's rest, forty-one or the loo or more automobiles on their way from Bos ton and New York to St. Louis, left Rprtrtg field today for the Iat lap of their long Journey. The, start for St. Louis wag mnde by the first car Just before 7:30 this morn ing. The others followed at short Inter vss. Th tourists are due to reach East Bt. Louis gbout 4 p. m-, where a stop will be mads at the Eadea bridge until all cars arrive and all 'the automobiles will then proceed In ft procession to (ha World's fair grounds. aala laaiar Hates It. fareat Wa. era Park, afanalag, la. For th month ef un. July, August snd September, on avery Sunday except July t, th Chicago Oreat Western railway will sell round-trip tiokst at on far to O'.aat Western park, Manning, la. Far fur ther Information anblr to 8. D. Parkhurst. (neial agent, ltl Farngm U. tVfQavna Vbw BB4L E9TATI3 TRAfliFEBi. Deed filed for record August 10, 1904, as furnished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, ItHt Fain ,m street, to The B; Bmro C, Johnston to Mary H. ,.' Ja7 k. lot 13. block f. Scring Lake p .1 oo Juh.i Collins ta Margaret Collins, lots 1 to 8,-piock 37, Wlleox's and... 1 Cathertn A. Collin to same, same property ... , 1 Mary Collin to same, sam property 1 Nora Collins to aama, sam property , I James Collins to same, same property 1 Maria t. Shelton to EUtry R. Hjmi, . lots 10 and 11, block ft. Hawthorne.. Anne M. Larson and husband to Fred Armburst, part of lots l and 1 block 14. Improvement association add L600 Harvey V. Price aul wife to Harry A Tukey, lot 4 and 8. block I, snd other propt.ty In Thomaon 4V Oou' add 1 Provident Trut Co. to Harry Tuksy, lot 8 la I. block 1, ard otbr prop erty In Thorns aon A Goo',, ,. 1 Ida Fay Paynter to Frank J. Burlt liard. lot 19, block 8, Druid If til $60 Henrv C. Flower and wife to eurxe Gardner, part lot 1. block 92, Omaha (00 Vlinton rt . Drtsgs sna us tu jiny iriunu 1. rfrKitr. iuii s v a, uus, Knclj " I Mre. I.IUas Brlrg and husband Havmond T. Jenter. t.art of tax lot ' ' ' ' 32 !n w'4 swVy 2K-16-13 Raymond T. Jester and wife to LUlat itrisg. lota 1 to ft. Oak Knoll 1 P.syiiiixid T. Jester and wife to Clin ton 11. Irls. tart of tax, lul 33 In wW ST.'1 U i 1 Sheriff to John J. Barrett, part ol WH eV $-15-18 20,000 Oeortjs A. kitirton to Ernest wet, rrt of tax Iwt 40. 4-16-ia 1 WilllHm 11 T. 1'rjt and wif to M irl T. I'.'-il, lt 16. bliHk t, Cliteixiori.. 2.4C0 John H. levy and wife to J. .1.11 O. larger, part (it lot a, Cilitui A Inc l.fKK) lli;..rt J). Hrathn.-l! and 'fe to .1.1 n 11. Levy, iul 21, Oriir.n at ' iauo ., u:i nearby prints, soo., .... . KOCJS Firm In ood Inquiry; resrby firsts. 19Hc at mark: western nrats, 1200. CM VW.fi te ITiem with ornnd damand: New