Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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Take. Tin Stnight Gamei from Colorado
Epringi Millionaires. '
ThoM Vuia Ball Over the Peace la
Tlltrd laalaa- an el Harry tatlek
Knot aart Wl Gam
la Math.
Hurray? -
Now tor the flag. : '
"Five, rtralght from the lender
Timt Is, thry were the leaden before they
cum? to Omaha. '
JlnYmy Ryan and his Millionaires left the
city last night a crestfallen' lot. Why not?
Five straight gamete from Jhe Cojorado
Springs aggregation ot base ball player
la the happy consolation that Pa Rourke
nd tilt darlings. f tha gods are having
framed for the front parlor Tor future gen
rationa to admire and recall the time when
l a and his ehlldrrn walloped the lining
out of the ex-leaders. Sunday twice, Mon.
day once, Tuesday the same an Monday
nnd yesterday the grand finale, with red
fire and shiver muslo and quick curtain.
While the Omaha base ball fane wish tha
Colorado Springs team God-speed on la
way, yet there Is the h6pe that Jimmy
Ryan and hte mttams of industry will
bring, another rnch surprise pachaC th
next time they come down to aee the folks.
While right down' In their hearts not one
of the 1.600 attendants at yesterday's game
really doubted the final result, jet the ele
ment of .Uncertainty cropped out at dif
ferent periods ,of the playing to such an
extent -as to. arouse the natural doubting
tendencies of human nature.. It. was some
thing like a melodrama, 'in which everyone
knows ithat the. .good man triumphs in the
last act and the bad man gets the hand
cuff or j)is false whlskera, torn oft..
In the first two innings Ryan's stock
company started in just as If it was going
to win the game,, and lt-dlil look that way
for awhile. Just like In the show whera
the bad maji .threatens "to foreclose the
mortgage if the girl will not marry him.
tfelrh Ties SPorey'Tlielf Wins Game.
Welch shone with daizljng luster. , In the
sixth he mado. a three-base hit on which
Howard and Thlel van. in and" ted the scoia.
The score was, '.Unchanged. 4n the seventh
and elgth Vhd in the first bart of the ninth
the visitors went out' In short order. How
ard' went out In 'the second half of the
ninth and . then Welch ' came to bat 'mid
cheers. Someone; It)' the grandstand sug
gested that Hafry make- a 'home run. And
Just to save his admirer from disappoint
ment. he did, winning iho game. . '
Jack Thomas Just t show' his heart was
in the right place, drove the bali over left
field fence in the third inning when Dolan
was on .base, .checking up.iwp goodlv ruas
which at that , stage of the game looked
like half a dozen. .
In the first part Of the sixth Inning Sand
ers was replaced in the box by Brown. It
was quite evident that it Sander's off
day and hls.remoyal saved the gdrne. But
the tarn; were nor unmindful that Sanders
shut out the Springs team last Sabbath.
Eight men fsced Banders Jn vthe first in
ning. Four, made safe hits, one walked,
one,mado. a sRc'rlflca and altogether four
runs .were .saved ut pf tha carnage. Gra
ham, the f.rst man -up, walked with a proud
and haughty tread to first. Cohga'.ton fol
lowed with a, sacrifice, and.Kahl made a
hit. Then Ryan flew out to Welch. Thorn
ion made a two-base hit and Kahl scored,
atter, which Thornton scored on a threo
baco hit by tlakc .T.'ho In urn tripped In
on aujoable byj Radcijrt. ,. The visitors were
plfcl ig up courage and .runs while the
local fielders wero picking up the balls.
The second. Inning was almqst a repetition
of thS first s far as the score went,, but
Baaders Sound ' himself and was soon 're
listed by-Brown, "and then a new. stage
setting was put on. . Kahl made a splendid
showing with two singles and two doubles
out of five' times at bat.:
Howard's Brllllent Work.
Tho;: as mai'e a. circus catcll off MrNeeley
in the third, that, , he may teHhij children
about when they, are grown up. Howard's
assist In the eighth, also wUl be filed lr: the
archive of fame..': He fielded Congalton's
liner and' telegraphed It to Thomas in record-breaking
time. ' Howard made the third
out in the ninth, . for, the , Ryan followers
by Jumping-several hundred feet into the
air and stopping further progress of a ball
that Bacrwald Intended should have gone
cut into the field and made a safe hit, and
possibly ancore. Howard's catch was both
. splendid and timely. He was good boy at
the hat also, making one single, a double
and a throe-base hlt out 'of five-times up,
scoring ones and having the. misfortune of
being :ft on' bases the other times. ' '
While the "attendance was 1,500 -yesterday.
It sounded at, times as. if there might
be 15,000,11V the .enclosure. The crowd
l rose to. th? occuslnn .and so did the play-
' ers. Winning the entire feries from Colo
rado Springs, Including one extra game,
played last Sunday, Is the source of much
gratification to the local, fans. It is . the
talk of jthe ,town and Council Bluffs. The
score: . ,-. .
, .... OMAHAv
Ail. R. H. I'O. A. E.
Thiei. u. ...:..'....'.:. ..'.. S ,0 1 0 0
Carter. .rf . .. A.';..v.v-. i.i -0 0' S - 0 0
How!. ib...,-, 18 8 2 0
Welch, cf ...3 1 S. i 0 0
Iv.lan. ss. .':.......'.. A. ..4 1 0 0 4 1
Thomas, lb 4 t 1 10 3 0
fwhlpkc, 3b .. 1 i- 1 1 2
Oondtng, . , v, 4 . 0 2.6.1 .0
Pander, p. I.. 2., 0.0 0.1 0
Brown, p.. ..2 0 0 1 0 1
TAtais ....'...15 W 27 .12 "
AB. It. H. TO. A. E.
Graham. 2b.V-.v....... .'.4 10 8 11
f ontuliin, rt..tM'-".4 . 1 Is 1. 0 i0
Knhl. 8l)...,..u..,... 5 14 I I 1
Ryan. 1i.:...;7..'..4 1 0 4 0 0
Thornton." lb. :V7.v?... ' 1 ! 6 0 0
Ahout the only good festur of the ntn
wns Thfimns I.snigan's work In the box In
holding th Ord team down to three hit.
P'ore Greeley. 8; Ord, . Umpire: Harry
ttleke. cf 4 1 1 3 0
Radciitm. v.;.-.r ---O 1 X-t
Hserwald, c , 5 0,0 8 1
McNceley, p .....4 0 0 0 0
- 8
i.87 ' -8
1 3 1 0 0 2 0 0 1-D
Colorado Springs 4 S O 0 0 1 0 0 0-8
lHrned runs: Omaha. I:. Colorado Springs.
8. Home runs: Welch .; Thomas. Three
twise hits: -Welch, Howard, Wake. Two
base' hits: ; Howard. Kahl CM. Kadcllffe,
Thornton.' Rarrlnce. hits.'" Carter, Congtl
ton, HHilcU(Te. t'lrdt base on bnlls: (lit
tinders. S; oft Tlr wn, 2; o(l McNeeley, 4.
I.tft on hasex: Omsha 5: Colordo HirtnK-,
t. e'lixt base1 oh errors.- Omahii. t. Colo
rado 8irlnv 3. Ptruck out: By Banders,
li tiy Brown. 5; by McNeeley, S. Uouble
i.Ihv: KilficJIffe to Orsham to Thornton.
Time: 1.S5. I'mjiire: Caruthers.
St. Joavph skats Out Deliver.
ST. JOSKTH. Aug. 10 Clark for St.
Joacph shut Uenver out this afternoon y
score of S to 0. Bf. Jnsi-ph connected with
Vclii'iidoifs delivery fur thirtfen safe hits.
Score: R.H.K..
tt Joseph 1 M l 1 0 1 1
!.nver 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 6 1
t4terlra: St. Joeeh. Clark end Garvin;
len;r, Volleudorf and Lucia.
Krrorl ltrl Ira Holaes,
11K3 MOINFS, Aug. JO. in a wrlrd win
Miwtloii of MtllnK and nunier.u eirore
l.. Mlna won lrn Sioux City toily.
vuvih tain play-d loonely. Score:
. It. H. K.
J - Molnee ... 0 I 4 2 0 1 0 2 -ll 14 3
fc,., City ...0 11031100-8 13 I
I aticri. : Cunhiniin KJui Clark; Llnda
nmii i"i Graves.
klls of the Tvaiua. -
flayed. Won. l.t. I. C.
1 i,-.ivr l f.t 3J JvH
o,..f.lo tspilnga .. W 6i HI ' .i.-O
1 ,,(, H (.3 4 .til
1 Mi.ln.-e )'" i .' "'
f J.,,r(.t( W l. M .'
M..ui c ity W So 14 .bit
i.irns toiny: Gmnlia at Kloux City,
...ui at M. JoM im.
t.rrrlrp Wiarn (rui Oil.
( 1 !. 1 ! 1:' V. V.'l . All! I(. (S.r,-!.l
1 1. i . .1 k 1" -J ti.ii Jj vj t-u u.
Omaha Fana Will Go In the Hirer
- Kext Sandai- la Body. ,
Tap Kill Rotirke spent lsst evening put
ting salt on the Ave Soslpa he lifted from
Jlmmv Rvnn dnrins; the meek. And. Iy
Ihe'Way. won't Jlmmv be In a lovely frame
.f mind for his coming Joint session with
Hilly Mailman's brnves. beginning; st Den
ver on Friday afternoon? Hut rspa Hill
has the flv games pneked awsy nicely,
along with his other trophlo of the dia
mond. And that onlv mnkes nineteen out
of the lat twnty-elaht for Omahn. a per
centage of .r,79. which Is Jut a little bit
foster than any of the rest of them are
traveling. Having done all this nnd gotten
the gnna- fixed so that all will ! at the
Oepot this morning to IRae an i-njr nam
for Blotix Cltv. 1'apa Bill frnmed things
up to give the fans a chance next Sunday.
Arrangements have been made with the
Northwestern wherohy a speclnl train will
Ir-sve OmHha on Sunday morning at 1 'JO
and arrive In Floux city at in. Keturning
the train will leave Sioux City at 7:30 n. m.
and reach Omaha at 10. IHmmlck's bnnd
will go with the excursionists and other
arrangements . will be 'Oompleted, so that
everybody can have the best sort of a
time. The fare for the round trip will be
$i making this about the cheapest thing In
the way of an excursion offered In Omaha
this season. A double-header will be played
with Sioux City during the nfternoon and
Rourke promises to win both of them for
the delectation of the Omaha fanatics who
Juln the trip.
Bloux City U'B nice town to vlalt and
the people up there have always had a
friendly feeling for the Omaha ball team.
In the old days they used to come down
here bv the trainload, .and this will be a
fine opportunity to . repay some of the
Philadelphia Fields Well, bnt Pitts
burg; Data Harder and Wlas.
PHILADELPHIA. Aug. in Although the
locals played a better fielding game than
Pittsburg today, the visitors by timely hit
ting captured the lust game of the series.
Attendance, 1,437. Score:
B.H O A K I R.H.O.A.E.
McCorm'k. If. 1 I 0 Thomss, cf... I lis
0 O.TIiua. If i v o
0 0! Wolverfn. b0 I I
McCm, rf t 1 0
Olraaon, lb... 0 I 0
Lvh, lb I t 0 0
liaU'nofit, ct. 1
( HMn r. rf... 1
V.jn.r. lb... 1
Krusflr. 8b.... 1
Rltchry, 2b..
Ihl, as.,..
Smith, e
LTir, p....
17 11
11 1 I 0'
0 1 4 01
0 1 4 "3
0 11 0
It 27 17 ll
Rnth. c 1
Pnnohue, M. . 1
Suthnft, p.... 1
1 T 1
0 0 0 0
Totals 17 1 0
Batted for SUtheff in the ninth.
Pittsburg 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 2 18
Philadelphia i.O 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0-8
Left on bases: Pittsburg, 8; Philadelphia,
6. Stolen baaes: Wagner, Kruger, Smith.
Two-base hit: Ltiah, Wagner, McCormlekr
Sacrlflce hit: Rltchey. Double play: Dleh4
to Rltchey to Wagner. Struck out: By
Ieever, 4; by Btithoff, 4. First base on
balls: Off Suthoff, 8. Hit by pitched ball:
Smith (2). Time: 15. Umpire: Emslle.
Post ion ed " G am e.
At New York New York-St. Louis game:
rain. .
At Brooklyn Chicago-Brooklyn game:
1 At Boston Cincinnati-Boston game; rain.
" Standing: of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost. P.C.
New York fc 67 5 , .728
Chicago ... 3 67 36 .B13
Cincinnati 97 67 40 .6S)i
Pittsburg K 64 38 . 687
St. Louis tM5 49 47 .610
Boston 97 37 60 .881
Brooklyn 87 32 ' 66 . 330
Philadelphia 94 26 68 . 277
Games today St. Louis at Brooklyn;
Pittsburg at Boston; Chicago at Philadel
phia; Cincinnati at New York.
St. Loots Finds , Pitcher Convenient
and Wins from Boston.
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 10. The St. Louis Amer
icans defeated Boston here today by a
score of 8 to 4. Gibson was knocked out of
the box In the seventh Inrl.'X- St. Louis
finding him for six hits an I six runs.. At
tendance, 2,700. Score:.- ' '
Purkett; If.... 1 1 0 0
Mnraa. 3b. . .. 0
Wallsca. as..
Jonea, 2b....
Hynoa, rf....
8tis1en, lb..
Kahoa, o....
Howall, p...
Totals ,
1 II
.8 17 If. 2
B.H O.A.E.
3f Ihach. If... 1 2 4 0 0
Parent, a...f. 1;.D I I
Ht.hl. cf 0 14 0 1
Collins, lb... 0' V 1 'i 0
Fracraan, rf.. 1 0 0 0
LaChanc. lb. I I T 1 0
Orrtea. lb... 1 11 8,0
Crlsrr, e 0 1 4 0 0
uibaon, p o a J o
Nntea, p...... 0 1 0
ToUls...... 4 I 24 S t
St. IiOUls 010000 8 1-8
Boston ,". 0.0 3 1 0 0 0 0 04
Earned runs: St. Louis, 4; Boston, 1.
Two-base hits: Collins, Hyncs (2), Kahoe.
Becrlfice hits: Criger, Sugden. Double play:
Howell to Jonea to. Sugden. Stolen base:
LaChance. Bases on balls: Off Howell, 1;
off Gibson, 3; oft Nantes, 1--' Struck out:
By Howell, 4: by Winter, 1. Innings
pitched: By Gibson. 7; by Winter, 1. Hits:
Off Gibson, 8; off Winter, 1. Left on bases:
St. Louis. 5; Boston ,3. ' Time: 1:40. Um
pire: Connolly.
Chicago' In Ftret Place.
CHICAGO, Aug. lO.-By beating New
York today the Chicago American league
team again went into first place in the
race for the pennant. Attendance 6,700.
Green, rf..... 10 I 0
Jonea. cf 1 0 I ol
Callahan. If., 0 0 I 0 ol
Da via. a..... 10 111
Tannchlll, lb. .1 0 1 t 0
1iLk.1I. lb 0 1 I 1 0
Duudnn, 2b... 0 0 I
Hi Karland, c. 0 0
Altrock. p.... 1
Totals. I 1 27 11
Doufh.ny,' If 0 1 0 0 0
KmI, rf 0 0 1 1 0
Klbrrfeld. aa.. 11110
Wiuiama, lb. 0 0 I I 1
Omul. lb,... 0 18 0 0
Kulta, cf 0 0 10 0
Conroy. lb.... 0 10 11
MiMluire, a... 0 0 T I 0
( hesbro, p.... 0 0 111
Clarkaon, p., V 1 0
Totals. ,....1 8 14 11 1
Chicago 8 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 5
New Vork ..1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Left on bases: " Chicago 8, New York 0.
Sacrifice hit: Callahan. Stolen base: El
berfeld. Struck out: By AKrock 4. by
Chesbro 6, by Clarkeon 2. Bases on balls:
Off Allrock 1, off Chesbro 3, off Clarkson
1. Hits: Off Chesbro 2 In six Innings.
Hit with ball: Altrock. . Time: 1:39. Urn
plre: Sheridan.
Play la Mod at Detroit.
DETROIT, Aug. , 10. Today's game wag
playod on a Meld deep with mud on the
base lines, yet . the ileldlng of the locals
was faKt and accurate. Mullfu' pitched
eplendld ball. Att-ndahce Wi. Score:
H .H o a t;
Barrett, ef.... 1 1
Mrlntyra. If.. 1 1 1
Hnblnaua. lb. 1
Craatlord, rf.. 0
Nl.kmin. lb. 1
Low., lb 1
bevllle. c. ... 0
O' Leery, aa. .. 0
Mullln. p 0
1 1
1 6
1 I
1 I
0 1
0 1
K.H O..AB.
Stahl. lb.:,.. 0
Hill. b. ......
Mi-rnrm'k, Ib l
Hulnrman, It. 6
D'Nell, ct..., 0
Donovan. - rf.. 0
Caaaldy, oa.., 0
Jlarko. a..,.. 0
TuwDaead, p.. 1
Total.....;. I 21 20 ,) ToUla 1 4 24 14 4
Detroit ...........,0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 4
Washington ..-0 0 0,0 1 0 0 0 01
Two-base hits: Crawford, Slnhl, Town
send. Sucrltlce hits: Jxjwe, Bevllle. Craw
ford. Stolen bases: Robinson. Hases on
balls: Off Mullln 2. offTownsend 6. First
on errors:' !troit 2: 'Left on bases: De
troit 11. Washington 5. , Struck out: By
Townsend 4, by Muin-' 2. Double play:
Stahl, MeCoriirfck.. Time: 1:40. Umpires:
O'juoughlln and Ivlng. ' '
. - Postponed Games.
At Cleveland Cloveland-Phlladelphla, on
account ot rain. .
Standiaat of the Teams.
Played. Wort. Lost. P. C.
BoMton ..........
pnila.lelphla ...
Games today: Washington at Detroit,,
Philadelphia at' Cleveland, New York at
Chicago, Boston at bl. Louis.
Learh Pitches Great Ball.
IIA8TING3, Neb., Aug. 10. (Special Tcle
grain.) Hustings defeated the l.lnculr.
OrlKluals In a last game of base ball by a
score of 7 to 2. Cvclone, Leach. Hustings'
last twlrler. pitched a good game, allowing
only four hit and striking out twelve men.
Score: . . RUE.
Hastings 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 8 7 0 0
Lincoln ... 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0-2 4 8
Hatteries: Hastings, Whlted and Seruln;
Lincoln, leach and Lacey. Umpire: Schu-
7 50 38 ,6u8
03 - oo 37
M . .. "M
n B-i ay .6,1
HO 60 40 ' .bnti
hi M bl .414
82 St -64 .413
91 21 . 70 .fc.l
Marshalltown Hats Out Victory.
M ARSIIALl.TOWN, la., Aug. 10 (Reclal
Telegiatn .) By batfln Fort Dodne all
over tl lot the locals went Into second
rli -. 11k lit bull waa tilnved all around,
(irffit riiiilng . foul th pine In the Iowa
It'ttKio. Hcore: It It l..
M,ihalitn .1 0200114 11 10 1
1 in t 1oi1k 0 II 0001000 1 6T
Batteries: Mamhalltnwn, Swalm and Wll
Ibxius; t ort iaKlce. Ktuttou and biratton.
liattlaa 1'eet at tVaaen,
WA1IOO Nr-ti., Ai.k. l0.-(r-'iecial Tele-i-r
in - Wat'.,.! t-MirtV er'-.'u l'ri.-d
!-.. i.,.Kil at J tvaiutavd. l.v.n out ut uo
box. After Wahoo got tired hitting the
bell Yarmsn let Iongenet'ker pitch the Inst
two Innings. Score: III l.K.
Wahon 3 0 0 1 2 1 6 0 13 13 1
Springfield ...0 00010100 2 11 3
Batteries: Wnhoo, Ysrman, Loncenecker
and Johnon; Springfield, Ruff. Stelts and
Hatrs. Struck nut: By barman, 4: ' by
Ixingenecker, 2; by Ruff. 5. Buses on b,tlls:
Off RufT. 1. Karnrd runs: Wahoo, 2. Two
base bit: 61mond ne. Stolen bases: Wahoo,
4. Time: 1:21. Umpire: Wnlla.
Oppnrtsn Battlnar and Mllwankee
Errsra Help tolnmbns Win,
rOLUMBt'S, O., Aug. 10. Opportune bat
ting, aided by the visitors' errors, enabled
Columbus to defeat Milwaukee today. At
tendance, 2..V.4. Score:
ri. rf..
Martin. If....
Kllim. lb
Frtel. lb
Yftaaer, c
Olnlon, ef . . .
Wrlsley, b..
PrUwrll, aa..
LKirner, p....
0 1
1 10
0 0 stone, rf. . ..
0 0 P. hafrr, aa.
0 (I O Rrlfn, If...
1 0 ('lark, 2b
1 Hemphill, cf.
1 0 HHtl. 2b....
2 4Halman, lb.
4 Slaltery,
0 1
I 27 10 1
I'ennell ..
R.H.O. A.B
0 0 I 0 0
Totals...... 4 14 4
Batted for Dougherty In ninth. 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 8
Milwaukee ..0 3 000 0 0 1 04
Stolen bases: Martin, Kllim, Brldtvell,
Schaefer. Sacrifice hit: Hemphill. First
base on balls: Off Dorner, 1; off Dmigh
ertv, 2. Two-base hits: Klhm. O'Brien,
Prlel, Hemphill. Struck out: By Dorner,
4: by Dougherty, 6. Time: 1:3.'. Umpire:
Thomas Pnssles Louisville.
LOUISVILLE. Aug. 10 Thomas was a
Ruy.zle, to the locals, while Campbell was
a tied hard and the fielding of the locals
was poor. Attendance i,vw. Hcore
Malnney, rf.. 0
r'reman, lb.. 0
Coulter, M....1
Oremtnf'r, lb 1
Weaver, o 1
MrNlrhola, ct 1
Poi. lb t
Ovter, aa 0
Thomas, p... 0
n ll.i! A T.
1 10
1 I
0 0
Kerwln, rf.... 0
HalUnan, If.. 1
Hart, ef 0
Arndt, 8b
riexter. c 0
Prnnhear. 2b. 0
0.Rhrleer, lb. 0
0 Quinlan, ea. .. 0
1 Campbell. D-. 0
Bohannon, p.. 0
Totals i!iu i
I Totala..i... 1 I 17 S
Minneapolis 0- 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 17
Louisville 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Two-base hits: Hallman, Greminger. Sac
rifice hits: Dexter, McNirhnl. Coulter.
Bases on balls: Off Bohannon 2, off
Thomas 2.- Struck out: By-Campbell 3,
by Bohannon 1, by Thomas 1. Double
plays: Brashear and Quinlan. Greminger,
Fox and Freeman; Oyler, Fox and Free
man. Irfft on bases: Loitiaville 4, Minne
apolis 6. Hits: Off Campbell 1 In five In
nings, off Bohannon 6, In four innings.
Time: 1:40. Umpire: Bausewine.- .
' Postponed Games.
At Toledo Toledo-St. Paul American as
sociation game postponed; rain.
At Indianapolis Inianapolis-Kansas City
game postponed; rain. y
Standing: of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost. P.C.
Columbus 104 66 ' 39 .626
St. Paul 10S 65 41 . .013
Milwaukee 106 60 46 .&
Loulaville I" 58 4S .647
Minneapolis 103 53 50 .61.1
Indianapolis 107 . 50 67 . 4tt7
Kansas City 100 37 63 .870
Toledo :. 104 30 74 .2S6
Games today: Milwaukee at Columbus,
Kansas City at Indianapolis. St. Paul at
Toledq, Minneapolis at Loulsvllje.
Cincinnati Slams Denver Man.
CINCINNATI. O., Aug. lO.-The Cincin
nati baseball club today closed a. deal for
Pitcher Hostetter of the Denver club of
the Western league. He will Join the Cln
natl base ball club today closed a deal for
league season. ,
Slgllgbt Captures the Bla; Prise at the
Saratoga Races.
SARATOGA. N. Y., Aug. 10. John E.
Madden's Slglight, a 3 to 1 shot, captured
today's stake event, the Grand Union
Hotel, worth 3S.600 to the winner. Just
when Jack Lory, the maker of the pace,
appeared to have won the race.' Slglight
headed him out. The Paget entry, Cairn
gorm and Jenquil, coupled in the betting,
were made favorites at 11 to 10, the former
having been declared to win. Jack Lory
was half a length ahead of Cairngorm,
who failed to show in the money until well
Into the stretch. Results:
First race, six furlongs: Collector Jes
sup (4 to 1) won. Shotgun second, Louisi
ana third.) -Time: 1:31. ,i:. ' ,
Second race. stteplechaae. -handicap,
short course: Orandna (1 to 2) won. Cock1
Robin second,. Hark Forward third. Time:
4:12. ....
Third race, one mile: Green Crest even)
won. Kickshaw second. Canteen third.
Time: 1:40. . ,
Fourth race, Grand Union Hotel stakes,
six furlongs: S'.gllght (30 to 1) won. Jack
Lory second, Cairngorm third. Time: 1:15.
Fifth race, one mile and three-sixteenths:
Caughnawagna (even) won. Claude second,
Dalesman third. Time: 2:00ft.
Sixth race, five furlongs and a half:
Dreamer (4 to 1) won. Artful second, Katie
Cnffrey third. Time: 1:08.
CHICAGO, Aug. 10 Results: ... '
"First .race, five furlongs and a half: My
Eleanor (12 to 1) won. My Musette second,
Lndv Ellison third. Time: 1:10V.
Second race, steeplechase, short course:
Alice Mo (2 to 1) won. Allegiance second,
Weird third. Time: 8:38.
Third race, one mile: Judge Hlmes (8 to
1) won, Warte Nlcht second, Gregor K.
third. Time: 1:43.
Fourth race, six furlongs: The Mighty
(3 to 1) wop. P ''oore second, Cyprlenne
third. Time: 1:16.
Fifth race, liv .... longs and a half: John
Smulskl (4 to 5) won, Albert Fir second,
Costlgun third. Time: 1:09. .
Sixth race, one mile and three-slxleentnsi
Don't Ask Me (7 to 1) won, Royal Pirate
second, Excentral third. Time: 2:07.
Seventh race, one mile: , Ben Haywood (8
to 1) won, Freckman second, Volla third.
Time: l:4t. .
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 10 Results
First race, rtx furlongs, purse: Marchio
ness Helms (4 to 1) won. Back Number
second. .Maghonl third. Time: 1:19.
Second race, five furlongs nd a half,
selling: Fay Templeton (4 to 1) won. Vol
tage second. Gasconne third. Time: 1:11.
Third race, one mile and three-sixteenths,
selling: Miss Eon (16 to 5) won. Hioldale
second, Compass third. Time: 2:08.
Fourth race, six furlongs, purse: Miss
Doyle (3 to 1) won. Laura Hunter Second,
First Attempt third. Time: 1:18.
Fifth race, six furlongs and a half. sail,
ing: - Athelrose (2 to 1) won, Eleanor How
ard second. Sunctisslma third. Time: l:2n.
Sixth race, one mile and three-slxteenthn.
selling: Iras (4 to 1) won. Albany Girl
second. Sister Lilliun third. Time: 2:0SV4.
Lous Drawn Oat Tourney Is Won by
Ben Cherrlngton.
Time performs wonders, the latest won
der of the aged man being the closo of the
Young Men's Christian association ten
nis tournament which commenced last
June and . which has been ss long
drawn at an English cricket match,
'the finals were between Cberrington and
Wilson, In which the former skedaddled
home winner to the turre of 6-1, -2, 7-6.
Any betting there was, was In favor of
WIlFon, who was expected to do things
to Cherr.lngton; but tho latter, huppy with'
a handicap of 15 and lucky with hla Law
fords., kept the WHuon boy In the back
woods. In the third set. Cherrlngton was
not so gay and Wllsot. hopped to the nets
and stayed there, but he might as well
have stayed In the back oourts as far as
(he final resulta went, for after working
like a grader for twelve games. Chorriiig
ton wore the smile of condesf enslon as ha
received the congratulations of the crowd.
For a time it looked as If the hard work
would .have won Wilson the match, his
score at one time nelng b-j m nis iavor,
but the delusive last game Was not for
him. In the consolation singles Atkins won
from Yost, 7-5. 6-3.
i i
Good Raclaa- at York.
YORK, Neb.. Aug. 10. (Special
i The wenther was nearly perfect
and the track was fast, and one tif the
largest crowd for tne secona aay aiienneu
the race meeting at York here today. The
feature of the day was the t:o trot. Al
CMi'ino and Charles Cotton were favorites,
it was ncoeaxary for Alcarmo to trot four
heats before he won tne event. .Ruulu:
Doctor M 4 2 4 2
Alcarmo ? I 1 1
Charley Cotton ,.. 1 3 2 2
Wllbar .a 3 4 3 4
The next event was the 2:22 pace. F. A.
C, after the nrst heat, was a hot favorite
In the pools, winning three straight heats.
1 he beat time innde was 2 21.
In the five-elghtlas-niilB daah the York
horse, Harry Jones, an unknown horse In
the Held and backed heavily by local men.
won in a fast brat and sj-ectaculur race.
Lady Entry was the favorite and was
heavily backed by the pool aellers. Mnnte
snina came In third Alary Iwll and Kuty
Dean came In fourth and fifth.
The events of tomorrow promise to be
most holly contented and many predict a
liw track record here.
at Wauea.
Aug. 10. (Special.) Ths
Noi'tlienet N-ljiaak Tennis aeuoclatlon
tournament wtitt h It was pi opoKcil hol.t'iuf
at this place on the tnh. loin and lull of
Auho1 ana delaed Introduction totiuy on
til-count of damp com es. 'I lit tenuis t-ll-tn,.tiajta,
bo ever, mis arlviug uu every
train and tomorrow morning at I a. m the
tournament will open and ov ftctlve effort
It Is believed by T nnrs1sr night the finals
In singles snd doubt's will have ben deter
mined. Norfrlk. Wavne. Wakefield, Da
kola Cltv, Bloomfleid Hartlngtnn and
other vicinity towns will be represented.
Trap Shoot at West Bndea.
WEST BADEN, Ind., Aug 10 The sec
ond dav's shoot nf the Indians' tournament
ns well nttPiidcd. In the 2t) target event
toilay there wero flftv-four entries. W. R.
Crosby soorrd blKh gun with IB brosks.
Other scores were: Fred Gilbert, 101; Har
old Money and John Boa. 1W each; F. C.
Relhl snd W. H. Ileer, 1S9 each; Lem Wll
lHrd, ll; Russell Klein. 18; Guy Burnside
and Ed. Brady, 184 each, and Hugh Clark.
weeTVm lines will stand firm, but Just what
action the eastern connections will take Is,
of course, unknown here.
Mors Eatored In Olympic Games.
FT. IX'll'IS. Aug 10 Monde Cochero, a
member of the Mro trlbei of the Philippine
Islands, r.ow at the World's fair, has en
tered the standing broad Jump event of the
Olvmple gnmes. During practice and on
bis first trlpl Cochero Jumped ten feet
nine Inches, which Is within six Inches of
the world's record and comes within 4-10
of an Inch of equaling the Jump that won
the Olympic event at Paris In 1900. -
Tennis Players Comlnsr.
Isaac and Donald Raymond. 8. L. Oclst
heart and Fred Shepherd of Lincoln, all
tennis players of renown, are ixpectd to
be In Omahn next Saturday to look over
the courts for the coming Interstate tourna
ment and to have a game with some of the
local men.
Minneapolis A St. Loals Road An
nounce Fare ol f-22 from
i St. Paol to Boston.
ST. PAUL, Aug. 10. General Passenger
Agent Cutts of the Minneapolis & SU Louis
has precipitated the first serious break in
Grand Army of the Republic rates to Bos
ton. Until today th,e efforts of the pas
senger officials of northwestern lines to
prevent a spread of .demoralized conditions
east Of Chicago were successful. Mr. Cutts
now announces a S22 rate to Boston and
return, the lowest fare, it is said, ever
made out of St. Paul, and has opened
what protnLes to be an exceedingly sharp
fight. .
The announcement of tho news at head
quarters and district offices of other north
western lines created a sensation.
Local passenger agents expressed the be
lief that this rate-' would not have any
effect upon lines out of Omaha, saying
they . were satisfied the rates Irom here
would go lower than already announced.
$28.15, Omaha to Boston and return. The
lines east of Chicago are standing the
present cut and the roads running from
Omaha to Chicago, are getting their full
rate of faro under the special rate made
for the occasion. It Is believed that the
Clothing; Workers Strike at Chicago
Gathering Force In "Open
Shop' Districts.
CHICAGO, Aug. 10. One hundred gar
ment finishers Joined the clothing work
ers' strike today when the local unions
cnllrd out all members employed by firms
who have adopted the open shop policy.
The executive council endorsed the strike
of the cutters snd bushrlmen and called
out all of their finishers.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
9 M K fl
Tickets on sale
Aug. II, 12 and 13
Full Information and par
ticulars at City Ticket Office,
1402 Farnara Street, or wrlto
V. II. BRILL, D. P. A.
Omaha, Neb.
ssa TO a
iiii Sty osil Botrirn-
: Sunday .Aug-04
Train ; leaves Union Station 7:30 a. m.
andjekvesSioux City rpturning 6.5 p.m.
: -City Offices North Western i Line
; 1401-1403 Farnam St.
"Ti4KE -:; A DAY OFF"
nW fit U n
; Ann nirninr!
iUiu lifts I J
In effect Angwnt 11, 12 anrl 13.
Kctum limit September 30, by depositing
ticket. '
IJock Island offers choice of many routes.
Keturn may be made via St. Louis without
additional cost
Tickets may be routed via standard lines east
of Chicago, also via New York City at slight addi
tional cost.
Further particulars at this office.
1323 Ftrnsn St., Onahs, l!cb.
for .
j . i
J V 1
Liu La id
i i t 7s
i t r a k i " r
Many of you are suffering from physical weakness gnd
loss of sexual vigor, your nervous system Is being de
pleted and your mind weakened and Impaired.- Life Is
not what It should be.' Despondency and gloomy forebod
ing have taken the nlace of bright nrosnects and happy
ambition. You no longer enjoy your dally labors or duties, your nights are
restless and unrefreshlng and each morning you awaken again to the cheerless
realization of your physical Impediments and weaknesses, and you have neither
the ambition nor the power ts maintain your position among your follow men,
drag through a miserable" existence, often wishing for death to end your
troubles. In many cases self-abuse, night losses and day drains are the causa
of your condition, while In others It is some secret disease. Gonorrhoea or Con
tagious Rlood Polaon. or frequently the result of neglected or Improperly
treated private diseases, which cause Stricture, Varicocele, Prostatic, Kidney
and Blander Diseases. These diseases (or symptoms of disease) cannot be cured
until first their cause Is removed and cured, which lies in the deep nervous and
physical centers. MEN. DON'T DKI-AY. Don't give tip if others have failed
you. Come today to the MEN'S TRUE SPECIALISTS and learn your true con- ,
dltlon. Get the rlghC treatment and be cured quickly, safely and thoroughly.
We cure
Stricture. Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impo
tency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney
. ; . i and Urinary Diseases, :.
and B.U diseases and weaknesses of men due to inheritance, evil habltg salt--
abuse, excesses or the result of specific or private diseases.-
rflNCIII TITIftH PRFE-If y cannot call 'write for symptom blank.
Office Hours 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 10 to I only.
1303 Farnam St.. Btt. 13th an 1 1 4th Strsots, Onahi, Ns.
f ' '
mz$z: ...if .Jv;!.d s . bS-'
r., - -.. . - - .... cf ,7f
m. .NO OT
Sold Tuesday
nd Th'jrcuay
745 A. Ms
8;00 A. M.
7:35 P. M.
7:50 P. M.
6:30 P. M.
645 P. M.
7:00 A. M.
7:15 X. M.
Lv. Omaha Arr.
Lv. Council Hluffa Arr.
Arr. World's Fair Station Lv.
Arr. St. Louis Lv.
8:20 A. M.
8;05 A. M.
7:45 P. M.
7x30 P. M.
9.00 P. M.
8:45 P. M.
0:15 A, M.
9:00 A. M.
Comparo This Tlmo With Other LInoo.
HARRY E. MG0RBS, G. A. P, D. Omaha, Neb.