I Tnn omaiia" daily tee: Wednesday, august 10. ipo. irr KEff BOORS AND MAGAZINES Ho remirjne Intercrt Baa Been Keglected lu September Designer. CHARMING LOVE STORY FOR THE ROMANTIC la Aa- Book. August 0tln Contles mrrr Anioaph-'w,'9"r' No romlnlne Interest has been neglected in the September Designer. There I charming lave story, "The Governors Cmip dEtat," lor the romantic; 'Two Olil Camera Gunnere on Cape, Cod." for the na ture lover; a shadow pantomime, "Ariette and Orabelle," for the amateur actor, and "Hardangw Embroidery," ' Bermuda Fag oting," "1'rcity Things for the Lace Maker" ar.d ."Modern I'so for Old-Time Stitches," for the fancy worker. Practical and valu able are "The Evolution of Green Help Into Competent Servants" and "When the School Bell Kings." the latter illustrating and describing comfortable and stylish garments for the achoolboy and girl. Au tumn fashions are given in this Issue In abundance, and the millinery designs are chosen with especial reference to the sea son. The making of the new Jacket with waistcoat la lucidly described In "Points on Dressmaking," a thoroughly up-to-date department In the Designer which keeps its readers In touch with all the latest artoiial wrinkles. Those In search of nov elties' in the entertainment line will ap preciate Rosalie Dawson's suggestions for "A Radium Party" and "Canning and Pre serving," by Mary Taylor-Ross, will as sist the domestic chef in preparing sweets for winter use. "Toilet Table Chat" and "Etiquette Hints" are two other depart ments In the Designer which are of un usual interest this month. 8. R. Crockett's "Ati Adventurer , In Spain" is not yet wc!. ...,. v. n here In the middle west and the ic-,.. are losing one of the greatest literary .. uts of recent years. The author, knowi. ma vcorld over for his character delineation, the charm of his Well-woven narrative, and his - in sight Into those things which lie nearest the heart of humanity, has never given us anything quite so good as this simply told tale, of his travels and the people he met during his residence in Spain. His story U laid,' not in the 'heated cities of the south, but in the wild, mountainous country of the north, along the French border, where still live many who call Carlos king. His story of Spanish pride, of Spanish chivalry, of Spanish villainy, the quaint life of the mountaineers, is in terwoven with pictures of the social life of modern Spain, up among the mountains where the things of the outer world sel dom com to trouble. A little love story of two minor characters is the only conces sion to Cupid, but there is a fascinating story of a mother's love and how it brought peace. Probably the most charming thing in the whole book of charming things Is the picture of the old bishop of El-Seo, whose simplicity and beauty of life, quiet self-effacement and unselfish devotion to his people, causes the hardy Scottish Pres byterian to do reverence. The underlying charm of the book is that it is all drawn from the author's own experiences. Illus trated by photographs ttken by .himself, and, in many Instances, with only the name changed. August Outing continues its summery at mosphere, featuring an article by the late Ieonldas Hubbard, Jr., tinder the alluring title, "Paddling Your Own Canoe." Me. Whitney presents the first of his papers ton South American Life, "On the Trail of the Jaguar," with numerous pictures, A striking and unconventional article is "A Woman on the Trail," ' by Rena A. Phil lips, with novel pictures by the author, showing how attractive women can look and still be fitted for the experiences of life in the woods. Fiction of the outdoor variety is well represented, also fishing and fish stories. All the "regular departments are .brimming full of summer life and osone. "Sure" is another "Chlmmle Fadden" book from the press of Dodd Mead & Co., T&c, . continuation of the little adventures of the Bowery boy, the French maid and the other characters we met long ago in Chlmmie Fadden. The best thing in the book is the boy, Chlmmie'a son, Napoleon Emmet Fadden. Some of his letters to his father are delicious. For those, who can dljrest Bowery slang it is an easy book to read in a hammock on a hot afternoon. . "Bng Done Oood," by Edward B. Lent, Trooklyn Eagle press1; consists of the au thor's comments regarding the different treatments he took for rheumatism. This doeau't sound funny, but the book Is. In fact, the comical way he treats the treat ments would make you believe it was some body else's rheumatism he was' talking about. And he took all the known methods of getting rid of it, from blisters to clair voyance. He still haa the rheumatism. "The Court of Sacharlssa." a midsummer Idyll compiled out of the traditions of the Irresponsible club, so say the authors, Messrs. Bherlngham and Meakln. There are six members til the club, and, wandering out of London In search of adventure, they , come upon the Court of Sacharlssa, a beau tiful garden of flowers, and upon Sacharlssa herself. Four of the club are more Irre sponsible than the other two, and their "doings" load to many adventures. Pub lished by the Mucmlllan company. "Afldressts and Presidential Messages of Theodora Roosevelt, 1902-1904," with nn in troduction by Henry Cabot Lodge. In this work ax brought together a number of linportuut messages and speeches express ing the president's opinion on subjects SJ. I. $5 Smpl$ Shoo $1.98 tJIoIR PROG- Today is the Sale of Sample Shoes At 8 o'c ook this morning we place on sale on our second floor, largaln squares, our entire purchase C. P. Ford's Ladies' Samples Shoes h would retail regularly all the way from 1(3) three dollars up to (J7) se nr. nulr. at the uniform price of 11.98 a pair. One Dollar and Ninety-Eight Cents This Is without question the finest collection of women's shoes ever seen west of New York. It Includes every new style of shoe that will be worn this fall and winter by the swell set. It represents the finest leathers and best shoe making that money and skill can put together. The only sale that ever compared with this was the ssmple sale of Cohen's New York slippers which we held last February. Every lady in Omaha who attended it will remember the sale with pleasure. 4 Th prico today for your choice) l of this superb assortment of swell hoea, worth up to seven dollars a pair, will be. a SO o Two Extraordinary Bargains ii the Basement Today One big table of mercerized, plain colored and. black Sateen remnants that would be in full pieces forty cents a yard - on sale today at yard 15c Long Cloth at 5c Yard Fifteen-cent Long Cloth at five cents a yard mill lengths fine Long Cloth i well known brand, but we are lowed to advertise the name they long lengths and go today at PC -One big table t is. a very . r not al- LX 7 arein rv )) I -yard Kelley-Stigr's fine all over laces All-Over Laces at 15c yard lenzthB and short places, beautiful all-overs waists, yokes, etc cream, white and ecru shades sold regularly up to 75c a yard at, yard 's fine -fl fzzzj sir JiSC rl- I Fine quality all ? d I over embroide for up to 75c yard, beauti- SzZJ ale for waists, children's "i All-Over Embrol- I Fine quality all defies, 25c yard' rias, sold by Kelley-atigor ful. new patterns, suitable I dresses, etc on bargain square, yard 25c Laces at 5c a yard. A special lot of fashionable torchons, pretty point d'esprits, vals, etc in medium and wide widths white, cream and ecru tha most extraordi nary lace offer of the entire Kelley-Stlger sale worth up to 25o a yard at, yard 5c 5c Bobbinet Sale , Saturday. LIS Bobbinet Sale Saturday. with which he haa felt it his duty to doal. These speeches by one who fills the high est place in the gift of the American peo ple, a man of the highest education, the sincerity of whose honest, fearless utter ances are never questioned, will form a valuable contribution to the history of to day. The selections have been made under President Roosevelt's supervision, and the whole forms a very attractive volume. Published by O. P. Putnam's Sons. "Extracts from Adam's Diary," by Mark Twain (Harper Bros.), Is tinged with all Mr. Clemens' clever humor. He has done better work, but he has done worse. It purports to be Adam's first impressions of Eve, their life In the garden and the ar rival of Cain and Abel. It's worth both the time and the money. "A Daughter of Dale," by Emerson Q. Taylor (The Century company), is a story of a university town, and some of the dangers which may hurt a young man's life if he forgets the real end of true education and devotes himself entirely to the means. The characters are well drawn, plenty of Incident is given, and the love story turns out right, as it should. The story of young ambitions and young life cannot but hold the Interest of its readers. The above books at lowest prices, Math ews, 122 So.15th street. For Crane's Writing Paper andFour.tain Pens, go to Barhalow Bros. BOOK SHOP. Ttl. B223. 1612 Fanam St. Pr-n-a-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-u-m-m j d i a r.i o r j d g 4 iWhat is there that you can buy and . wear for one year and then get your B If you J want it? We give a contract tn thai money back, leas ten per cent. :ontract I Solitaire Kings, ; effect on Diamonds. S5.2S to 1500. I 15T-M&D0DCE. T A u-a e-B-H-e-B-a-B-H-a-B-B-Li If Your Repeater, mm:. .'' l , 11 IH AND DOUGLAS JTS.Ori.lHA Aitf u Chronometer or Chromurranh pairs it's not neceesurv lu iui it .-.. n .iv.. makers can d o it to your saUatacUon. Wa tuiruiu of our work for one year. V aat k sn Lace and Embroidery Hosiery. A large Iin- just received of the late stjles in embroidered 'ace and plain", hosiery, iu, white, tan, black, lijjht blue, pink and others for la dies and children. Tlio Nov Alice Roosevelt Circular Veil, in white and colors, and $1.50. All the late fctjles in lace aud chiffon veilings. . Jiist m-e'ved, another invoice of the HUT TON 1IOLJJ turn-over embroidered collar. fff Summer Sale of lU Men's Low III Shoes JjJ ii i If you haven't bought a pair of low shoes at this sale, you had better hurry and get them. They're the bargains of the sea son in Omaha. High grade, late styles, and many kinds to choose from. J4.00 Patent Colt Blucher cut and Button Oxfords, Tramp Potay lasts. o ftZ sale price.... .J $3.50 Vict Kid and Velour Calf Oxfords, Potay and Raglan Justs, O tfiti sale price..... v J3.50 Tan Russia Calf Oxfords, on the Peer and Tramp fttS lasts, sale price Boyden's $5.00 Patent Calf Blu cher and regular cut O Kll Oxfords, sale price 0,"u Johnston & Murphy's $5.00 b'.ack Vlci Kid and Tan Russia Calf Oxfords, 'I en sale price -O.iJVJ $6.00 Patent Colt and Tan Russia Calf Oxfords, on the new Tramp last, 'I C sal price FEsYSHOE- It reduces the figure does this SUMMEU CLEARANCE - SALE It takes $t) and (7 trous ers, makes tlieui to your order and tags them $5. Huilds artiHtle 3 trousers aud charges you JO or them. Arrays you iu faultlessly out $9 trousers lor $7. Tailors to yout measure $10 trouners for' $7. Tucks you into fas lidloimly fawtiloned 12 trousers for if'J. r.lacCarthy Tailoring Company, J04-J01 s, iota St.. Next 4oor t. . Wabash Ticket OlCa, TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER . Dm buiUr I'tr Yax. Omaha Weather Forecast Wednesday, Showers. P3 1 "3 C 3 C 3JQ Green Trading Stamps A remarkable ex tension of the sys tem ond renewed proof of the popular ity of the Little Green Sticker. Hoap Wrappers, Tobacco Tas and I'ackaare Coupon by special contract between the Sperry A Hntcblnaom Company and various manufacturers aire exchangeable for Green Trading Stamps either at onr premlam parlor, second floor, or at the S. 4k II. store, 210 Jl. HHh street. Another remarkable achieve ment In the extension of the Green Trading Stamp System By special arrangement be tween, the S. A H. company and certain migatliic publishers we aro able to announce that with every subscription to the Cos mopolitan, the Twentieth Cen tury Home, and Prank Leslie's Monthly itltOO a year you get BO (95.00) S. A II." Green Trad ing Stamps. With every sub scription to the Ladles' World and the New Idea AO cents a year you et 23 (2.RO) stamps. With every subscription to the Century Biaa-aalne S4.00 a year you get ISO (SIB) In Green Trad ing; Stamps. NOTE Subscriptions for these maaraalnes will be received in magaslue section, Stationery Dept., main floor, and the maga slnes" will be mailed regularly to your address from the office of the publishers. BOYS! Oct In on our combination money mnker. 25 cents for every one you bring In. Another little fellow under 13 made .$3.(0 yentenlay afternoon; so can you If you try. See the ad vertising manager. Grocery Dept. We guarantee the best values In groceries, Quick deliveries. HEADQUARTERS FOR TEAS. Four dollars worm a. & 11." Oreen Trading Stamps with each pound it-' v-ea-V , Tea 58c OUR COFFEES are roasted dally. Rio Coffee -pound 12He Maxacalbo Coffee pound Ijc liennetts Breaklast Coffee, 2-lb can 4Sc ,--n. SPICE3. m ..iv imp a Mixed Whole Pick- ;4v : 'pef 1.250 ViJ3nt: 'r-'f'.1 And 11.00 worth W:'' ""i -'! '! Oreen Trading lL-ifki-J, Stamps with each - pound. Potted Ham, can ' c Potted Tongue, can 4c 60c worth "S. A H." Green Trading Stamps with each of the follow ing: Can Ham Loaf..... lOo Can Veal Loaf 10c Can Beef Loaf lOo Onn VlAnnn RaliRAffA...10o WmrnvCan Frankfurters 10c BUTTER Direct from best dairies. Fresh Country Butter lb 13o Henett's Capitol Creamery, lb... . 22o Medium Sour Pickles to Chow Chow Pickles, pint loc TOMATOES! 785 large market baskets of Tomatoes. Large, fancy home-grown tomatoes. Buy now for putting up. lumnicl 5 Wednesday 785 market a:.?:.: 20c And J1.00 In Green Trad ing Stampa. 25c 6 measures Pea nuts, for And J1.00 in Green Trad ing stamps. Fancy California Plums, Dasket." 32C And $1.00 in Little Green Stickers. Fancy DuchesS OCic Apples, per peck. "Vk And 11.00 In Green Trad ing Stamps. Wednesday We Are Going to Make Our Ladies' Skirt Dept. the Busiest Place in Town In order to do this we have taken nil of our walking skirts that sold as high as jro.OO and added to it a large line of sample skirts that our buyer se cured at to cent on the dollar These skirts are all the newest fall styles. " ? siyusn, some or mem are very prettily trimmed M g i. elegant novelties hrondcloths and cheviots 4 I 4 ee ' eklrU worjtn 8.00 and 10.00-Wednesday-at WAISTS; WAISTS! WAISTS! ALL. WAISTS SOLD AS HIGH AS J5.60- AT ALLtWAI8TS SOLD AS HIGH AS 3.50 ALLWAISTS SOLD AS HIGH AS 12.23 1.95 39c At the Lace Counter. Hundreds of pieces of fine cream and Arab , colors, in all-over oriental nets and heavy .point .Venice very handsome patterns values up to $2 yard 7 C Wednesday $1.25, $1.00 and 3C And double Green Trading Stamps all day. l r.-rj f ft .25c We will sell all of our all-over embroideries and tucklnga worth from 69o to J2.50 a yard Wednesday at, yard , UMBRELLAS BOO umbrella, fine, quality, black Gloria ailk, paraxon frames,, steel rods and reinforced ribs plain and fancy handles values 4 gt up to $1.75 each Wednesday, we sell them at, each I.UU CHILDREN'S PARASOLS Any child's parasol In the store Wednesday at , 25c Green Trading Stamps Every Time 3C BQSTOH, DAGS., -iMfi C ACID OETUnCJ..... $il)ISoO Rock Island, Lq!:o Ohoro, EJoiv Vcrh Gcnfra!, Doston and Albany Ry Through Standard and Tourist Sleepers via this route will leave Omaha 5:40 p. m. August 11, reaching Boston afternoon August 13. Via New York and rail, rate will be $34.20. Via New York and boat, rate will be $33.20. Stopover at New York allowed by depositing ticket and on pajment of $1.00 fee. Passengers may go via Chicago and return via St. Louis without additional cost. .Union Depot connections in Chicago in both directions. Tickets at above dates on sale August 11, 12 and 13, Extreme return limit September 30. Berths reserved on application. "" F. P. RUTIIEnFOHD, D.P.A. 1323 Fs:;ia Sl C.:::hj, t!sb. Bee Want Ads Produce Results THE ONLY PLACE , YOU CAM BUY winslow TAFFETA rarn9 I! THEl nF.LIAKLH STORK. THE ONLY PLACE YOU CAN BUY HON CITY LACES THE PURPOSE OF THE GREAT WASH GOODS SALE COMMENCING WEDNESDAY MORNING . . .- ThotiHnd)i ef vnrds of fine Summer Fabrics remain unsold in our MAIM WASH OOOP8 DEl'AHTMK.NT owing to the extremelv C(hI weather f hroiiahmtt the entire season, and as fall goods are due to arrive In about ten dys. we commence tomorrow morning to airnln use TUB OUFAT HAY DEN METHOD ef reducing stock by our well known I'KICE REDUCTION SALK& i Ginghams that have sold at 25o yard, now Linens that have sold at S5c yard, now Suitings that have sold at 29c yard, now Shirting Madras that have sold at 25c to .t&c yard, now White Walstlngs that have sold at 35c yard, now, 10c 10c 10c 10c 10c Chambravs that have, sold at ' f)C 2fo yard, now svfw to-lnoh White Jncotiat Lawn,; Cn that sold at lic yanl now v Dimities and Check Nainsooks lOc (while) that sold at c yard. now... India Llnon, white or hlnok, that IOg sold up to Klc yard, now.: ,uv Oreat slauKhtrf In prices for fine lm ported fnbrlcs in this genuine laughter sale of dependable wash fabric. 1,000 LADIES' TRIMMED HATS 25c, 50c, 15c and $1.00 Each Youlhs' and Children's Clothing Specials Youths' Long Pants Suits $3.75 and $5.00 - Ages from 1! to 20 yenra. In Cheviots, herges, worsteds, taislmeres, etc., plain colors and fancy mixtures, single and double breasted styles, worth H.50 to LV0.??: 3.75 and 5.00 Children's Knee Pants Suits at $1.50 Norfolks, Sailor Blouse, Russian Blouse, double hrcawted and three-piece styles, hest of fabrics, great variety of colors ana patterns. Don't miss them. Worth KM to 3.00. I Ef now ......... ""U CHILDREN'S WASH KNEE PANTS, ALL COLORS, AOES 1 TO 8 Rn XtiAHU, CHOlt-E ... " Shoes! Shoes!! Shoes!!! BAMPLB SHOES FROM CINCINNATI. OHIO. BROCKPORT, LYNN, MASS., ON SALE WEDNESDAY MORNING AT N, Y, AND 01.96 Por Pair These samples come In all leathers and as every one knows are much nicer and better than regular goods. They are actually worth 2.50, 13.00, $3.60 and S4.00. .1.98 Men's Patent Calf and Colt 12.60 and 13.00 Oxfords Brooks Bros.' $3.00 Oxfords, turns or welts Misses, 1.60 Slippers with bows. Boys' $1.60 Satin Calf Shoes , Youths' $1.60 Satin Calf Shoes Utile Gents' $1.40 Tan Calf Lace Shoes. Women's $1.60 and $2.00 Wnndals... Chllds' $1.00 and $1.15 Sample Turn Sola S hoes and Slippers Omaha agents for the STETSON. CROS SETT and JOHN MITCHELL Shoes for Men, SJid thu ULTRA AND GROVER Sho es for Women. 1.69 98c 69C Vou Can Save Money by Buying From These Prices: 25c 9c 10 bars beet Laundry Soap 1-pound can choice Alaska ' Salmon -pound can Potted Beef, Ham 11 r or Tongue 3C Pickles, assorted, jn bottles .81c Plain or stuffed Olives, per bottle 1-pound can Baked Beans with Tomato Sauce X-Cello. Neutrita. Vigor, Forco or Vim : Soda, Milk. Butter or Oyster Crackers, per pound....,.., .8c ...6c a sisac 0gr Tke G. A. R ' Official Train.- Carrying the eritire Nebraska delegation leaves via the Northwestern at 8:30 p.m. August 13th, and The Eiiiire Train runs solid from OMAIIA to BOSTON. Tourist Sleepers, Free Chair Cars and Coaches. ( Via Niagara Falls This train is open to the public as long as space remains vacant. ,With large choice of routes both rail and steamer. 'All tickets good returning via. St. Louis, with stopover at the Exposition. For handsonje special itinerary, sleeper space or full information apply to CITY TICKET OFFICE KOnTHlYESTERrijluE, 14011403 Fariura St., Otnaba. f tfcmptoliheappetife refreshed you through nncl thraurU Xf.L sf J I'' J f f SOITH OMAIIA, PHOXE 8. fL Agents: Hugo F. Bill, 1S24 ruiils St., Omaha. Phone JMi (' Le Muchuil, Council Jiiufls, i liuno to. 1 rtWiT "H, K ill l U W'1 sjiif r-. CHIT PAQFQ AfJT) fiRIPS , At 20 Per Cent Discount ' 1 Cj Not a lot of odds and ends but our regular' stock nd I : tA f there la none better to tie liad Made or tlie be.t material by Vrl ..i.rLt...n iM.M.iv .nA ilrnntf A' " ' w. 1,1 (l Omaha Trunk Factory, Telephone 105S 120? Paruani f r i, ... v t ''A 0 ii Vv zzzz22Hmmmmm2ZZi-Z.r --