TITE 0MA1TA DAILY TiEE: TUESDAY, AtTOUPT 9, 1001. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat and Corn on Earopags, the Former Advancing 3 to 4 Cent. CORN JUKPING , RAPIDLY AT CLOSE fjpeealntlve Interests Seared at the Jaarveat ( Red and Dlack Raat .deports from North west Oats , Strong Gossip Sews, OMAHA. All. 8, 1904. according to all dispatches from Minne sota and the Dakota (lip runt and other hal damaging Influences worked over tlma yesterday anil all last wees.. There ate many Who will be surprised if tne hl clop is as oadiy tlamaged as re ports would derm to Inuicaia, and there are ethers cunildemly expecting even worse than the tat tust are more than twice told. Memories that are long rememoor times and days when wheat was scarce but enough aally fed out to break the backs of the men standing; under Hi press ing weight, and to these old-timers the short talk at this season of the year Is not of necessity unbiased and absolutely I true. A man long on wheat sees one way! and the short another. Just now the lontri have their eyen especially WldO open, and ven trie skeptic must admit that their Bids of the story la awfully bad Indeed, that it could not lie much worse and evidently the market taken stock In' these reports, for prices started soaring In the same old way and the advances were more or less sensational. A wire from Michigan told a hard luck story from that fine wheat state, predicting 25 per cent of a crop and "chicken feed" at that. The same dispatch told of millers' orders from all parts of , the state for Missouri wheat, even from points where the usual order wtts wheat exportation and not buying.' In Minneap olis the millers paid very high prices tor the grain, Chicago shorts fell over each other trying to get out even on .their de ferred futures, and In Omaha the con signees of wheat and other grains gathered In prices that the conaignors did not ex pect. If the Nebraska, farmer has the . grain wheat, corn and oats the price ought to tempt a reasonably, quick market ing thereof, even though the Indications Co point to ami higher figures, but it Is sometimes hard to get the top and danger ous to wait for It, The advances of the dny were sensational when plied upon the gains of over 13 cents In the last few weeks. There appeared to be nothing to stem the tide of bull news and it continued to flood the private wires right up to the tup of the bell. In the Chicago market all future deliveries turned he dollar mark and closed with the strong est kind of a tone, although there was coma little profit-taking at the advance and at the extreme end of the senslon. New Beptember wheat, which on Saturday was ' oft at 97o, was stronger than ever at ,$1.01; old September turned $1.02 and De cember managed to moke a fractional im provement on the dollar murk. 7 Corn did not share In the advance with any spirit until In the last half hour, when there was a rush of shorts and in almost less time than it takes to tell it Beptember turned 64c and December 60c, a gain of nearly 2c Oats demonstrated that they were in the list of cereals by a sharp frac tional Improvement and by the good de mand for immediate delivery. Omaha received good carlot receipts and better reported for tomorrow. There Is no trouble getting fine prices and if the farm ers will only send better quality. If they .have it, Omaha will yield elegant returns. Omaha inspection: In 1 car No. 2 hard wheat, 19 oars No. 3, 8 cars No.- 4, 1 car No. 2 corn. 1 car No. 2 white. 3 cars No. S white, 1 car No. 4 white, 1 car No. 3 yel low, 10 cars No. 2, 1 car No. S white oats, .1 car No. 4 white: total. 47 cars. Out 1 car No. 2 wheat, 4 cars No. 3 hard and I car No. I white corn; total, cars. Western Elevator company, Winona: 'Think crop damage in southwestern Min nesota 26 per cent at least. Cash Prices. . ' One car No, 4 hard wheat. 80c; i cars No. 4 hard wheat, 86c; 2 cars No. 3, 89c; 1 car ' no grade, 80c; 4 cars No. 3 corn, 48c; 1 'car No. 4 oats, 31c; I car No. 4 oats, 81 c; J car No. 4 oata, 8ic ' Omaha. Chicago. .wneat iNo Jo. 3 hard ...... 91 89 80g85 98 09 W 83 $1.01 roa . 994)1.01 . s. .$1.08 S5&U.02 No. 3 hard. ,No. 4 hard No. 3 red......' No. 3 red No.., I spring.............. "No. 3 spring., 91 Corn 'No. 3 corn... 48ft No. 8 corn., 48 No. 4 corn i No. 3 yellow 49 No. S yellow.. 48 No. 4 yellow 40 No. 2 white 48 No. 3 whits 48 Oats- "-.'HI.' !?;!! No. 3 No." 2 ..... No. 4 No. 2 white No. 3 white Standard , .. 8S .. S3 ... 81 ... 3 34 m- 33 4(34 84 4)35 .. 83 ..86 . , Omasa Close, The range of prices on the Omaha mar ket for future delivery and the close today and Saturday were; Closed Wheat frvpt. . Iec. .. Corn Open. High. Low. Today. Bat'y. 88 B 9"H 88 B SH 87 87 88 U 87 89 B 86 B kept. . 46 B 4 B 40 B 48 B 45 World' Wheat Shipments. This ' Ijtst Tear Week. Week. Ago American LShs.OhO 1,448,000 l.OM.tmo Iu.nublan l.Oll.OOO 712, OuO 844,000 India 2.2:i,000 2,104,OnO 664.000 Argentine 1,184,000 1,272,000 1,144,000 Chile ft No. Africa. 2o8,ooO 240,O,K. Australia 696,000 296.0OO Totals 9,112,000 8,536,000 6,448,000 World's Corn Shipments, This Last Tear Week. Weok. .Ago. Americfl", 2O6,o0 804,OoO 884,0X V- 4a,0o0 Soa.OOO 112,000 A 818,000 6-i6,(iO 3.'iO,Ono Ala, t 2.680.000 1,946.QU0 8,463,000 Totals 8,606,000 3,444,000 4,500.000 . Stocks Contract Grain, Oxuan. : Wheat, 118,068 bu.; corn, 60,000 bu. Wheat. fll grades, in store here, 162,344 bu. ; euro. . ., T . a otn .... 40,iWl. uu. vvt w.ewa uu. . . Car Lots Wheat Receipts. Cars. 169 27 luti 28 Minneapolis Duluth Chicago .... Omaha 1 Total 380 Visible Supply, Bushels. .... 630, 0H0 .... 124,004 .... 672,000 Wheat, decrease , Corn, Increase ....... , Ottia, decrease Grain Markets Elsewhere. - Closing prices of grain today and Satur day at the markets named were as follows: CHICAGO, .Wheat Today. Sa.ty. r-optember, new 1.01 9,-14 J..eiuber y. I.0014 9tt May 1.01B 8, Corn reptember 63B 62 ecembir 4 Uili 46 Oata ivtptember 83B 32 . ' w eiulwr a ts lay iuii ' iui BT. LOUia. .Wlieat t-rptember ,..97. 95A 1 c ember I.0UV4 87'A ClTU t.ptember S?4A Leoember UB KANSAS CITY. Wheat r ptember ljecetnbsr Wheat hi'ptembef Ieoeniber Wheat September liscember 87 B LiULUTH. .1.04 B HST4 MINNEAPOLIS. S9'i 94 -J l.OS'i 9H new youic. 95 Vi Wheat fctnleibor l4eiiiber ....105 B .... ...1.04'4B .... Commercial Gossip. Alexandria, Minn: Wheat crop almost failure. li-'gus Falls, Minn.t Not over 35 per cent of ci up expected two weeks ago. v Orand rails, N. T : International Har vnr man aya: "Weiiterii counlry full of bUia rust." Iirlmure county, North Dakota: Proa p. I two wweks bio tnaiillU'iit, now Cum Vine fa.lluia. Crop re;xrts August 4 from North Dakota tic.n.l-d lo to y buBlielo; today pronuxe 6 to m buehttla of pour guallty. Winnipeg rn!lrod nin: f:iak rust In Bouillon Wniili..!,." '1 tils shows that m-l 1. workup lis wy norm. cttther too cold t ur iiikiui ii.k. ' ..'V lK ,I't"ll'r lra from Mlnnmpolia.- "if Would seem a l If U10 uur rl. H .it t" i iiiu,Ki t "'J have spent part of week at and neer Ashbv looking at whest field, if the goes 25 per rent of crop promise I will be mistaken. A great deal of wheat Is not worth cutting." Smith, Baker Co. of Duluth: "Our ma.1 Kill, whom we sent out eereclslly. says: 'Crop from 1'aynesvlU to llsnkln son all gone: Lamoure county, that was mna-nlllrnt two weeks ago, is now a com plete failure'." Cirson. Crslg Co. of Detroit: "We are shipping wheet from here to almost every milling vln In the state points thst hsve heretofore shipped to us. We do not think Michigan will raise over I.ROO.ooo bushels and the great bulk of this will be good for chicken feed only." , Financial Gossip, American stocks In London steady about parity. Further recovery In consols In London. Forty-nine roads for June show average net increase 1.71 per cent. Thirty-one roads for fourth week July show average gross decrease 4.35 per cent. Great Northern, 800 and Northern Pacific scents all report damage to wheat exagger ated. New York Herald says Republic fiteel has taken contract $2,wo,t"0 Involving $4 cut in steel billets. Offlclsl report of Bessemer association shows number of pig Iron furnaces in blast lowest in three years. II. B. Frothlngham, the money broker, expects 1 per cent call money market to continue until after election. Two million five hundred thousand dollars gold expected to go to London tomorrow and Cuba wlii probably take $10,0ii0,0o0. Banks gained from subtrensury on Friday IV'J.mio. Hanks expect outward currency movement tor crops to begin early in bep tember. , CHICAGO GRAI. AND PROVISION'S Features of the Trading- and Closing ' Prices On Board of Trade. CHJCAOO, Aug.. 8. On a wild market with sensational reports pouring In regard ing damage from rust in . thu northwest wheat today made a net gain of 8Va.lc. Corn Is up lc; onts gained Vac; provisions are unchanged to loo better. Feptenilier wheat, which opened strong with a gain of ViVc to qc ut ?i(971ic, went to II in a succession of leaps, with but momentary pause, when holders, satis fied with their prollm, realised. Many sell ers, however, and bears In the pit who have been scoffing at the Increasing advices of rust encroachments were soon In the big rush for grain and carried the price of Sep tember to $1.01 Vs. Dealings on a large scalo toward the close checked the advance tem porarily and caused a reaction to 9Jc, but final figures showed the buylnr craxe on again In nearly full force, September clos ing strong at $1.01. A 111 out of wheat on pas sage waa 36,640,000 bu.. against 38,712,000 bu. last week and 24,628,000 bu. a year ago. The visible supply wns 12,093,000 bu., compared with 13.093.0li0 bu. last week and 13,099,000 bu. last year. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 141,000 bu. Minneapolis, Du luth and Chicago reported receipts of 362 cars, against 830 last week and 341 a year ago. , Corn was strong, chiefly owing to the in fluence of wheat. September opened at 62 46294C The close was at a recession from the high point, but the tone was firm on the final figures 63ic. Local receipts were 255 cars, with 21 of contract grade. Oats were steady nt the start with Sep tember MiC lower to He higher. Wheat and corn exerted an influence and overcame bearish tendency In the early trading, due to heavy receipts nnd excellence of grading. With the upturn in the other pifi the mar ket advanced to 83'xie, but lost om' of tlc gain on realizing sales. The clone firm at 83Hfmv4o. Local receipts wer; all 'rs. Provlons were easy, early sales showing little Mange from yesterdky :'. closing prioetAi'here were liberal oflerloers from oufskle sources and a decline, followed by a reaction caused by reports credited to the packers, the closing prices showed Sep tember pork unchanged at $1004; lard waa unchanged at $6.76; ribs showed a gain of 10c at $A.62Va. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 250 cars; corn, 362 cars; onts, 602 cars; hogs, 1 tfM) head. -ne leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh.l Low. I Close.l Safy. Wheat a Sept. b Sept. 1 Dec. May ' Corn Aug. Sept. Dec. !W4-9T4 1.02 9RH 1.0H4 . 98H 97H'S'8 1.01 97H 1.01 97(514 198499 I 1.03 I 98 I l.OlTsl 87 52V R3"4 B2H 63 61i 4S-9iJ 61 48 6048tt!& 32h' 2S ' 's?H33HM4 824 35&H 36W&H 36 Khi 8&H 13 45 12 60 12 80 12 45 12 K 12 60 12 60 12 30 13 60 12 45 6 77V4 6 80 6 70 6 774 8 77i 6 85 87H ( 77H 6 85 6 82 7 60 7 70 7 60 7 70 7 60 7HH 740 755 760 765 .Oats- Sept, Dee. May Pork Sept. Oct. Lard v Sept. Oct. Ribs Sept, Oct. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Market strong; winter patents, $4.50; straights. $42O30; spring patents, $4.4iwff5.00; straights, $3.70(4.60. WHEAT No, 2 spring. $1.05(31.07; No. 3, 95cf!jl04; No. 2 red, $1.01S102. CORN No. 2, 63ic: No. 3 yellow. 56Hc. OATS-No. 2, 3H4(ii32o: No. 2 white. 33V4 CT35e; No. 3 white. 83&33o. KYB No. 2. Bf-'aTlO. BARLEY Good feeding, 29S37o; fair to Choice, malting, 4MiC0c SEEDS No. 1 llax, $1.17; No- 1 north western. $1,244; prime timothy, $2.80&2.90; clover, contract grade, $11.50. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $12.4041 12.45; lard, per 100 lbs., $6.70.72H; short rlhs sides (loose), J7.5CK&7.C6; short clear sides (boxed), $8.00t8.26. Shipments of flour and., grain were as follows: ReoeTpts.Shipments. Flour, bhls 18.000 11,800 Wheat, bu 190.000 120.3"0 Corn, bu ,.24,0OO 654.400 Oats, bu 601,200 99,00) Rye, bu 8,0o0 Bnrley, bu 11.000 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries. 13(gl7c; dairies. 12W5o. Ek8. steady; at mark, cases Included, 12,lHo. Cheese, steady, St. Loo Is Grain and Provisions.. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 8 WHEAT Excited and higher, heavy buying; No. 2 red cash, elevator, 97c; track, 9cul-00; September. 971e; December. $1.0o; No. 3 hard, 9txai 97VjC. CORN Htgheni No, 3 cash. 62Ho; track, SSHfiiio; September, 63c; December, 4io. OATS Higher; No. 2 cash 84c; Septem ber, S4c; December, 33c; No.. 8 while. 38 tj:)i;v4c. FlA)UR Steady; red winter patents. $4. 704.90; extra funcy and straight, $4.3va 4.40; clear. $3.6o4i3.75. pfcp-I'rimothv, steady. $2.40(52.75. CORNMEAL Steady, '$2.75. BRAN Higher; sacked east track, 85c. HAY Firm; timothy, $10.0016.00; new, $8.(KKn 11,00: nralrle, Hi (A? 9 60. 1 HON COTTON TIE3-9&C . BAOOINO 7r':c. HEMP TWINE 7a PROVISIONS Pork. firmer; Jobbing, 812.65. I-ard. unchanged; prime steam, $6.20. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, ii.bO; clear ribs. $.&0; short clear, $9.00. POULTRY Steady: chickens, c; springs, lOHc: turkeys. 14c; ducks, 7c; gese, 8c. Rl'TTLH Julet; creamery, 14nlSc; dairy, 13 tiio. LUOS Firm, 140.- case count. . . Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 14,0"0 10,000 Wheat, bu 126, 0n0 69.000 Corn, bu 18,000 18,(l Oats, bu 99.000 43,000 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Aug., . KOGS Higher; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood cases Included. 17c; case count, 14 "c; cases returned. Ho lees. HAiFlrm: choice, timothy, $8.60; choice prairie, $ti. 761(27.00. RYE r. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 74.4"0 M.60O Corn, bu fr.0i0 t4.8"0 Oats, bu 27,0o0 1.000 Visible Snpply of Grnln. NEW YORK, Aug. 8. The visible- supply of grain Saturday,. August 6, as compiled by the New York Produce exchanan, was as follows: Wheat, 15 M3 " bu., a decrease of 6-") bu. 1 corn, l,v '" bu., an increase of l.'ii.ooO bu.; oats, S 1:M'0 bu., a decrease nf 6.2,uoO bu.; rye, H6.'w bu., a decrease of 12. 0"' hit. ; barley, 86i,uu0 bu., a decrease Of 1.2.0W) bU. Philadelphia Prodaeo Market. T-lllIAr'KI.PHIA. Aug. 8 IHTTTER Fntr, ro-d demand; fair nearby prints, &K LlUjo Finn and lnjlHo lilgher; nearby flit. m. nt mark, 3-; western Urals, lt'jou, at iimrk CHK-riK Stead v: New York creams, s-'mmI to choice, iVic; iew York creAjns, fair tu good. iiu)c. Liverpool Grain and Provisions, LIVERPOOL. Aug. 8. WHEAT Spot, noiniiial. Kuiurm, firm; fcrpinuber, tss lii j l; Octolx-r, m llT,d. t HN rpol, flrui; American mixed, new, 4'."V1; AmxrlcMii mUed, old 4 k'jd. iu tulco, steady; tosploiiibcr. 4 V,d. Peoria, brain Market. I EGIUA. Aug. COitN Higher; No. 8, '.i . Y -Cm .L taU ct VI -) Iff u SEWYORR STOCKS AND BONDS Sensational Highta of Wheat Affect G eral Stock Market, RUPTURE OF STEEL POOL THREATENED Sagar One of the Commodities Which Responds to Buoyant Reports Regarding; the Frnlt Crops. NEW YORK, Aug. 3. Stocks proved un sble to withstand the effect of the sensa tional wheat market today, nlthoueh there was steady resistance during the esrlv part of the day. Danirer of a rupture of the steel billet pool and sn open market for finished ' steel products was another shadow upon the market snd Its effect upon United States steel preferred gave It a strong sympathetic Influence In the who list. There was some early disposi tion manifest to make light of the al leged harm io sprlns; wheat and to point out a possible connection between many of the alarming reports of disaster and the furious speculation which Is going on In the wheat market. There was no inclina tion to belittle the seriousness of the sltus tlon to the business future If the dimafte reports should prove well grounded, but It was urged that it was worth while , for security holders to wait for the govern ment estimate to be published On Wednes day to secure Impartial and uncolored Judgment on what harm has actually been done to the spring wheat crop. Metropolitan Street Railway's advance was due to the often-revived rumors of a combination with the Interborough Rapid- Transit. The cancellation of the engagement of $2,500,000 gold for shipment to London was of some sentimental benefit. This action wbs without any effect In the money market nnd wns tsken without any relaxation In the exchange market from the condition when the engagement was made. The weakness of the Iron and steel stocks was traceable to the accusa tion made against the Republic Iron and Steel company of converting iron Into steel billets for the Pittsburg Steel com pany at prices that made the operation equivalent to a cut of $4 per ton in the pool's price for steel billets. Reports' of special meetings of the steel pool to be held this week to consider the situation, and assertions that disruption of the pools and an open market for steel products would rsult, brought pressure on United States Steel preferred, which caused it a loss of 114 points. Weekly traffic reviews by railroad offi cials were of a favorable and hopeful tenor and the later recovery In the stock market reflected a cheerful undertone In Ihe specu lation. The closing, howeve.r, was heayy. Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par value, $2,223,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. The following are the closing prices on the Stock exchange today: ' Snles.Htgh.Low.Close. Atchison do pfd B. ft O do pfd Canadian Paclfto C. of N. J C. & O C. & A do pfd C. Q. W ...20.500 78 77N, 77 964 86 V4 96'H 9RH 84V4 84 3,200 '"706 3.000 1,800 1254 1244 124 162 34 34 40 3'J 34 40 80 14 ., 1,000 14 14 C. & N. W lis M. A St. P ....18,800 148 147 147 do rfd 178T4 & Tran 6 Chi. Ter, do Dfd C. C, C. A St. L Colo. Southern 800 14 do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Del. & Hudson 400 160 Del., Lack. 4 West D. & R. Q 100 22 14 160 22 "24 63 37 ao pia Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd .... Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central .. do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd L. & N... 2,800 1,100 400 26 63 37 1,700 300 135 19 133 18 . 2,100 117 117 117 150 150 87 , 87 Manhattan L 300 Met. Securities 5.800 160 Met. Street By,' 38,300 121 21 118 VM M. & St. Li M.. St. P. St 8. 8. M. 1,600, 7iii ."7iia. n ao pra i.uou Df 127 127 126 : Mo. Pacific 8,100 93 19 42 92 93 18 18 .41 41 Sti 118 lift, 61 61 "88 80 30 119 120 64 64 62 62 M., K. T.. do pfd N. R. R. of M. pfd.. N. Y. C Norfolk St West do Dfd 1,000 8,000 1,000 119 600 61 Ontario & Western. 6,800 31 20 Pennsylvania ....17.000 12071 P., C, C. & St. L.... 100 Reading 2.9UO 64 63 83 do 1st prd 100 do 2d pfd Rock Island Co 6,500 do pfd 1.800 St. L. & S. F. 2d pfd. 4,200 St. L. S. W 900 do pfd 1,100 Southern Pacific 16,400 Southern Railway ... 7,6no do pfd , 1,900 Texas St Pacific 6,200 Tol., St. L& West.. 100 do pfd 100 Union Paclfl.0 25,300 do pfd 100 Wabash 500 do pfd 800 W. & L. E Wisconsin Central .. 100 do pfd Mexican Central .... 600 Adams Express American Express U. B. Express Wells-Fargo Express Am. Copper 9,100 Am. Car St Foundry. 200 do pfd ' ) Am. Cotton OH 3,400 as 82 69 23 65 58 14, 30 60 r3 27 2. 8V4 23 66 69 .14 86 60 26 90 27 25 38 96 93 18 86 '16 "9 23 65 67 14 36 49 25 90 27 25 38 95 , 96 93' 93 36 14 16 38 226 195 105 2"3 61 18 78 16 "9 62 18 79 84 90 61 18 82 v 33 do Dfd 400 90 90 27 10 29 20 88 67 S 132 7! '61 35 106 66 21 162 14 70 31 70 21 86 Aiiici icau mo do pfd , 300 . 27 27 Dfd .. Am. Linseed Oil 600 11 10 do pfd , Am. Locomotive .... do pfd .- , Am. Smelt. St Refln'g '200 20 '20 "C7 400 60O do Dfd V! Sugar Refilling. 18,100 132 131 naconda Mining Co B. R. T 14.SO0 62 'fi Colo. Fuel St Iron. Con. Gas Corn Products , do pfd ; Dlst. Securities ..... General Electric . . inter. Pnper do pfd ..: International Pump do pfd National Lead North American ... Paclllc Mall , 100 36 36 7"0 196 194 300 12 200 163 162 1,100 ID0 11 88 21 88 People's Gas 1.200 101 100 101 Pressed Steel Car.... 100 do pfd loo 100 nil'- KV. 33 33 83 7t "7 43 74 217 7 42 17 7W 43 83 4 Pullman Palace Car. ... Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd 100 "7 42 6u0 Tenn. Coal f U. S. Leather do pfd IT. 8. Realty U. S. Rubber do pfd U. 8. Steel .. do nfd Iron 43 83st 47 19 19 74 74 11 11 58 58 159 158 West. Elec. ex-dlv Western Union 89 86 Total sales for the day. 339,200 shares. Boston Stock Quotations. BOSTON, Aug. 8 Call loans, 203 per cent; time loans, 8&4 per cent. Official closing of stocas ana oonos Atchlaoa adj. 4a. .. 4 Wasting, oemmoa .... t ..101V1 Advcniura 76 .. taSt Allouaa e .. J't Aiualgamated it .. M Am.ri.au Etna ...... 11 . IM Atlantto ,.10 binaham it ..lit Cal. A Hacla 4a& Cantenulal (4 . . Copper Hanga 14 ..Hi lialy Wait 14 .. 44 fmrnlnloa Coal , 44 .. r rank llo I do 4a Max. Caatral 4a... Atchlaon do pfd Boatoa A Albany.. Boston A Mnlna... Boaton Klavalad ... yitcbburg prd .... Mai. Central N. Y., N. H. A H. Para atarojiioiia .. t'nloa PacISc aanr. Arga. Cham 14 urmiiry jv do pfd 19 I'la Rorala . It' . . 4 . 41 . 4 . U . . It . ml . 4 A mar. Poau. Tuba.... 4 iMaaa. Mlulng Amor, eugar 1111 M it hlgan .... do pfd HI I Mohawk Amir. T. A T IM Mont. C. A C Amar. Woola liiajOid Dominion r7 Oaoaola H Parrot IM gulncy ltd fthaunoa . ITU Tn,.rua ... do pfd Pfimtnlou I. A k.llaon Klcc. il lu. 4uaral Kl-trto . ataaa. Blactrlo ... do pid aa Trinity TV Klaaa. Oat II. 8. atlplng... . . r! tolled Fruit 1!U. 8. Oil Kn, VuiMd Shoe Mack.... rtati k do pfd Winona 7 V. 8. siaal liV.Wolvarlna 7k da pid tl Foreign Flnaarlal. PARI8. Aug. 8. The tone on the Bourss todiy was iady, but the transoritons were InKitrnlhriiiii. Itusalaa imperial 4s Closed at K! and Russian bonds of l-4 at bi. lit Kl.IN, Aug. s KuslncsH on the Rouroe todoy opened unlet and with a feeling of eAff.'tHtiry Coal shares were higher. Li.rO.V, AusT. Money was In active demand Id the market today. Tra.lluj on the stock exchange, led by consuls, a. r,rr-.liy r:;""f !, j.h k.ut h.r. lii-iiif tec t, riry. C.-nred wia In g.md 4 a:. 1 tivuie iruia vcie turn. Ajutii- .. 4.400 44 K 600 ( IUH) 47k 8u0 18 2"0 76 7,2o0 12 .. .87.300 59 .. 1"0 169 .. 200 89 cans opened steady t parity snd closed qiilt and tendy. Imperi.il Jipree gov ernment 6s of 1'4 were quoted t 9i. sievr York Money Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 8 MONEY On call, very easy; highest. 1 per cent; lowest. rr cent; ruling rate, 1 per cent: last loan, per cent; closing bid. per cent: offetrd at 1 rer oent: time lonnn. e:iy and very dull; sixty and ninety days, 2 per cent; six months, s rer cent. PKIM E MERCANTILE PAPER 44 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with sc tunl business In bankers" hills at $1 S8i.v 4 v-JS for demand and at $4.8Vi6 for slxtv day bills; posted rates. $4.86 and $4.8S'4 89; commercial hills, $i.S4. SILVER Bar, 58c; Mexican dollars, 45c. HUNTS-Government, steady; railroad. Irregular. The following are the closing quotations on stocks and bonds: V. 8. rf. la. rf. ...1H MmhaHan t. . 4...ls io coupon M'x. rntrl 4t ?4 do , ro lMVii lo in Inc 13 flo roupon 1"S 'Minn, a) St. I,. 4a... 60 B 4. ruf Ill !u . K A T. 4 do ecupon IM'' do 2 7R de old 4a. reg lnoi N. R. R nf M e. 4a. 75 do coupon I"1 N. Y. C. S S" WH Alrblson en. 4a 10.1H N. I. C, g. It 1T do in M .No. Pieing im litoia Atlantic C. L 4a V do la 74 D. A o. 4a lea N. a W. e. 4a mi do !4a W' O. R. L. 4 A pr.... W1 Central of Oa. a....Uf" Pcsn. con. 2S do lat lac K.x Heading acn. it "4 Th.a. a Ohio 4Sa...lwiv,st. U 1. M. . 6..HS bicaxo A A. t"H ft. L. A S. F. if- 4a. HI C. B. A g. . 4. 171 St- !,. S. W. II M"4 C. M. ft 8. P. (. 4a..10 iBcabourd A. L,. 4t 7J1 C. A N. W. c. 7....l(iso. Fni-lno 4 3 C, fL I. P. 4.... Ti'VSo. Ilnllway 6a lH do col. In dmlTsxaa r P. Is I17 Ct'C. A ft. u g. 4a..l0'4,T., 8t. L. A W. 4a.. TI1 ChlcagT Tcr. 4a 73t'nlnn Paclllc 4a IK '4 Con. Tobacco 4a as do con. 4 Colo. A So. 4a .. Wu,H . 8. Steel 14 Wabaah la UT'4 do dob. O MVt ., H!W. & b. B. 4a l"4) ..10SSiWI. Central 4a v ,.1"H Colo. ruol C. 4a 72 ..100' , D. A R. O. 4a Erla prior lien 4a. do Ran. 4a r. v. a n. c. is. Hocking Val. 4H. L A N. unl. 4a... Offered. London Stork .) crket. LONDON, Aug. 8. Closing: Conaola, money ... 88 6-: N. Y. Central v.lll do account M 7-14 Norfolk A W 43 Anaconda 1 do pfd VI Atchlaon i; Ontario W SI do pfd i) Pennarlvanla 1H Baltimore A Ohio f7 hand Mima lSt Canadian PaclHo ....'.! Itvadlng i' Chca. A Ohio Si 00 lat pfd 4! Chicago Ot. W 1". do Id Pld M C. M. A St. P 1M re. Railwajr W"4 DrDsera IS do pfd H'i D. A R O J:' Bo. pacific M do pfd Vi I nlon Pacific Erla '; do r'd ., do lat pfd 1 V. 8. Steel do 2d pfd tf'i do pfd 11 Jllli.oil Central 1714) Wabaan 17Va Leula. A Naah 12'H do pfd 17 St.. K. A T no Spanish 4a U SILVER Bar, dull, 26 13-16d per ounce. MONEY 2fj3 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 23 per cent; for three months' bills. 2Sa per cent. New York Mining stocks. NEAV YORK, Aug. 8. The following are the closing prices on mining stocKs; Adama Con Alice Brsaes llrunawlck Con .. Comatock Tunnal Con, Cal. A Va.. Horu silver Iron Sllvar Laadrllla Coo .... 10 iLlttlc Chlaf . I .15 .. M .. lu .. .S .. a ..110 .AM ..1W .. 1 Ontario Ophlr Phoanlx Potoal Sarage Hkerra Nevada Htnall Hopta .. Standard :: . a . i . 17 . 17 . li .1X1 Coodlflon of the Treasury. WASHINGTON, Aug. 8.-Today's state ment ot trie treusury ualanees In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,OOO,0(iO gold reserve In the division or redemption, shows: Avnllable cash balance, $151,06,6il ; gold, $44,313,615. Bank Clenrlnga. - OMAHA, Aug. 8. Bank clearings for to day were $1,10,681.11, an Increase of $57, 859.21 over the corresponding day last year. NEW YORK GHXERAL MARKET ((.notations of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK, Aug. 8 FLOUR Receipts 12,188 bbls.; exports, 4,815 bbls.; the market held higher with business slow; Minnesota patent, $5,864(6.75; winter patonts, $4.8c8 6.85; winter straights, $4.5orj4.75; winter extras, $3.35?fl.80; Minnesota bakers, $3.85(&4.30; winter "low grades, $3.15 63.70. Rye flour,- flrirt; fair to good, $4.154.40; choice to fancy, $4.40tH-65. CORNMEAL Steady": yellow western, 3l.lixai.12; city, '1.12ff.l5: kiln dried. $3.004( ' RYE Nominal. . " ' ' BARLEY Steady; feeding, 43c, C. I. f. WHEAT Hecelpti 8,000 "bu.; exports, 78. 683 bu.; spot strong?' Not - 3 red nominal, elevator; No. 2 red, $1.07' f.- o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, $1.21 f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, $1.07 f. o. b. afloat. " There was another sensational ad vance fn wheat today with the puhllo a heavy buyer on calamity news regarding the spring wheat crop outlook. All pre vious high' records were broken. May closed $1.03. September Closed $1.05, De cember closed $1.04. CORN Receipts 144,060 bu.; exports, 32, 966 bu.: spot strong No. 2, 59c elevator and 69c f. o. b. . afloat; No. 2 yellow, 61c; No. 2 white, '60c. Option market waa also strong and higher, deriving an Impetus from cold weather In the belt and wheat's advance. September closed 68c, December closed 55o. OATS Receipts 1,600 bu.; exports 60 bu.; spot quiet; mixed, 26 to 82 pounds, 41'l.?c: natural, 30 to 82 pounds, 45fri4rJcj clipped white, 39 and 40 pounda, 4F02c. , HAY Dull; shipping, 67c; good to choice, 92c. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, 190$, 26(S34c; 1902, 2T"i23c; olds, 7tffl3c. Pa cific coast, 1903, 2G29c; 1902, 2123c; olds, 7 613e. HIDES Firm: Galveston, 20 to 20 lbs., 17c; California. 21 to 5 lbs., lc; Texas dry, 24 to 30 lbs., 14c LEATHER Firm; scld, 21260. RICE Steady ; domestic, fair to extra. 8 tfffi'rio; Japan, nominal. PROVISIONS Heef, firm; family, flCSOfl) 11.00; mess, $8.50(!?9.fl0; beef hams, $22. 2fff) 24.00; packet, $9.5010.50: city extra India mess, $14.00'glfi.OO Cut meats, steady; piuk 'nd bellies. $9.0010.00; pickled shoulder. $.; pickled hams, $10.50011.50. Lard, weak; western steamed, $7.15; refined, easy; con tinent, $7.25: South America, $7.80; com pound tf.S'.'Hift.nv,. Pork, easy; family, $15; short clear. $13.5oe,16.0O; mess, $14.0" 14.50. TALLOW Quiet; city (tt per pkg.), 4c; country rpkgs. freel, 4(fi4c. BUTTER Irregular; street prices, ex tra, creamery. 17rl7c; official, common to extra, 13,gil7c; state dairy, common to extra, 1?'ffl7c. CHEESE Firmer: state ft-Jl cream, col ored to fancy, 7Aic: state full white, noor to fancv. 6V?78c: large colored, fair to fancy, 77c; large white, poor to : ancv ftU.f1V7Uo. I EGGS Irregular; western fancv selected, 21c; extra firsts, average best, 19(S2oc POULTRY Alive, quiet and a shade easier: western chickens, 14c; fowls, He; turkeys. 12c; dressed, steady; western large chickens, 1516c; fowls, 13c; turkeys, western hens, Hdjd&o. Cotton Market. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 8-COTTON-Steady; middling. 10.31c; sales, 62 bales; receipts, none; shipments, none; stock. 9 4R8 bales. K-fW VOHK- Auar. 8. COTTON Snot. ' quiet, 20 points advani-e: middling uplands, in 66c; middling gun. iu.wc; sHies. u oaies. Futures closed already; August, 10.13c; Sep tember, 9.96c; October, 9.84c; . November, 9.73c; December, 8.77c: January, 9.79c; Feb ruary, 9.81c: March, 9.85c; Apri), 8.87c; May, 9.91c. LIVERPOOIi, Aug. 8. COTTON Spot, oulet; prices 4 points lower; American mid dling fair, 61; good middling. 6(d; rutd dllng, 64d; low middling. 8.78d; good ordi nary, B.Ktid; ordinary, 6.52d. Futures opened quiet and closed firm; American middling g. o. c: August. 5.73d; August and Sep tember, 8.5!)d; September and October. 5.4tid; October and November, 6.3dd; November and December, 6.2d; December and Jan uary. 5.23d; January and February , 8.2'.'d: February and March, 6.22d; March and April. B.22d. a NEW ORLEANS, A if. 8. COTTON Fu tures very steady; August, 10 8c hid; Sep tember, 9.85fti t.8nc; October, t to'Qt.tibv : No vember, 8 .tV'Hi 9 toe ; iNMtember. 96Ju96ic: January, 9.6k(?i9 ftiio: March. 9 77fi9.79c. Bitot, firm; sales, 7u0 bales; ordlnarv. 7 13-toc; good ordinary, 9c; low middling, 9o; middling, 104c; good middling, loll-ltio; middling fair. 10 15-16c; receipts, 357 bales; aUotk. 28.844 bales. Wool Market. BOSTON. Aug. 8 WOOI-The market here Is quiet this week, moat manufactur ers having freely storked up during the early part of the summer. Dealers, hsve sold enough of their new wool to make them feel Independent for some time and a firm tone prevails. Future prices depend to some extent upon the state ot the good market, which lias not been as active as the manufacturers would like. Fleeces and territory wo ils are firm and the present demnnd for fleece wools la largely for the medium grade. Old wools are quiet. Quo tations are as follows: Idxho--Klii, 17trf I.-: flue medium, lVJilHe Wyoming Fire, 1t17c: nne medium. lV'tiltc. Utah and Ne vadaFine, lbV.il7c; ft to m-.ll uoih. . 1 , ,p inc. Montana Fine choice, f'o-'c: flue me dium choice, 2o-'t.'lc; average, r.;ik'. Col oradoFine. 1J;iI4c: fine medium, l.'iiioo; com rte, lii-'i 17o. l'uiled Hcoureid bit!, fine. 4- rJ'c; extra, 5u.oc; extra s.iptrilua, 4t, f 4c ST. LOT' IS, Aug. 8 WOOl-Flrtn. with m ar'iod rt'-mand: maMllum gtn.laia cwnllog at.'l Cnttr,l "1 H'l.-'-f Paot line l"'l..-; heavy idto, 1. ., . : i tub Waisi.ai, 1. . u OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Best Corafed Cattle Held Bte&dy, but Oowi Blow and Lower. HOG MARKET IMPROVED A TRIFLE Moderate Offerings la the Sheep Division lad wltk Fairly Good Demand Prlres Held Jaat About . steady with Lnat Week. SOUTH OMAHA, Aug. 8, 19o4. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 2 (v 4!9 2.16 Same day last week 8,4. 2,673 2,595 Sam previous week 4M 63 .... Same three weeks ago... 775 1.164 8.v Pnme four week ago.... t.S'.'J 8 36 10.421 Same day last year 6.3H0 3.546 18.751 RECEIPT8 FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to data, with comparison with last year; 1804. 19"3 . . Inc. Tec. Caftle .'. 4i.ll 6M 470 85 3ftl Hogs 1.4S.5"8 1,616.5111 l..t Sheep 756,9.14 7.397 48,537 Average puces paid ror hogs at South Omaha for the last several days with com parison: Date. I 1904. 1903.1803.ljy)l.18w.:ift98. 18M. July 10. July Jl. V..1M .1, 182 t 88 a . I 88 7 83 7 79i t 85 ( 13 I 1 6 04 8 0i 8 Wl 8 7 4 041 8 '. 4 Wl 8 PI 4 061 3 77 5 99 3 77 3 S3 4 oil til uijr 14.,. July 13... 7 77 a 7 72 6 95 $ 02 8 02 I 85i i ixl 'uiy 11... July 15... July 18... July 17... July 18... i 13. 5 161 6 16 M 5 in t 08 7 76 I 77 6 18 121 6 14 6 04 6 10 64) I02 6 a 1 731 t 68i 6 W ( 6S 4 S7 4 9 4 83 8 07 4 1 3 83 1 22I 6 K' i 2til 6 2S ( 181 605 4 9'i 4 98 6 Co 6 03 C 02f 4 97 a i 4 m 6 02 5 041 6 06 6 031 6 12 1 w. 4 9 4 19 3 8 3 a4 3 81 July 7 62 4 tl juiy zi... .Tot,. 1 8 06 7 41 7 82 7 41 7 63 7 62, S 67 4 34 at 4 36! 3 79 3 81 3 89 3 87 3 77 3 67 3 72 8 74 July 24! 1 1 701 5 15 I 151 $ 051 6 02j 6 69 iuiy a... 8 06 5 74 6 68 4 31 Jjiiy 26. 4 2 i"iy a... July 28... July 29... b 10' 6 19 6 881 6 06 4 82 7 53 ' 6 13 4 33 5 10 I 10 1 11 - 7 47 6 56 6 08 4 32 July 30... July 31..'. August 1. August 3. Anpit.t a e uv a 4 7 611 6 61 7 41 6 66 7 361 6 7S 4 82 4 18 8 79 3 74 3 (7 8 61 71 4 92i 76, 6 18 ( 15 6 10, 4 26! 4 33, August 4! 6 79 0 ut4 7 391 7 321 7 8-i 7 271 7 18 a 5 84 4 43 4 46 August 5. Aua-uat ft 0 unv. 6 07J 5 80 6 04 I 3 77 August 7. 6 6. 6 65 5 14 6 15 4 S8j 4 37 3 81 August 8. B 10 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each rod was: Roads. Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. HT's. C, M. & 8t. P. Ry.. 3 i Union Pac. System.. 9 ' 10 6 3 C. & N. W. Ry 1 1 ... F., E. ft M. V. R. R.. Si 18 ..' C, St. P., M. & O.... 5 8 .. B. St M. P.y , 59 15 I C, R. 1. ft P., east., 11 C. R. I. & P., wast.. .. 3 Chi. Oreat Western.. 3 Total receipts ....115 69 9 3 The deposition of the day's receipts was aa follows, eaoh buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Ruyers. , Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. umaha backing CO..L. H.2 91O loO 44i hwitt and Company Cudahy I'ackiug Co Armour ft Co Swift, from country.... Carey ft lien ton Lobman & Co Huston ft Co L. P. Husx Wolf & Murnan Rothschild ft Thomas... Sol Degan ... Halatead Kemnan Parker ft Webb Rodden Root Hagarty St Co Other buyers 884 429 880 "as 68 11 M 14 69 109 bb3 11 1,4,4 194 b4i 4bl .. . 104 4,8 17 89 190 711 Totals 2.634 4,414 2,281 Ca 1 1X.E There were fu.lv as many cat' tie here today as arrived a week ago, but not nearly aa many as a year ago. The table of receipts above will show the exact figures. The market waa in much the same condition it waa toward the close of last week that Is. the demand was co tinned very largely to the more desiraole grades. The market on corn-led steers could be quoted steady on the best g ranee and very ouli and weak on others, warmcd-up cat tle were very hard to move at any price, as packers aeemed to preier westerns to that class. As high as o.6j and fc.8o waa paid tor corn-feds this morning, the latter Deing the highest price on this market lor some time past. The desirable grades were disposed of In fairly good season, but It, was late before a clearance of the short fed cattle was made. There were quite a few western grass beef steers included In the offerings and they were steady in some cases and in others were perhaps a trifle lower. Where there was any quotable difference It was on the oommoner kinds in most instances. The cow market was again very unaatla factory, with the tendency of prices down ward. Buyers went around and picked out the bunches they wanted and paid about steady prices for them, and the rest of the offerings were almost unsalable. Pack ers did not seem to want them and If they did place a bid it was generally fully hnf 15c lower than the latter part of last week. It was a very slow market from start to finish and at a late hour there were still a good many common cows un sold. As high as $3.60 was paid this morn ing for some spayed heifers shipped from Hyannla. Neb. They were of tha triangle brand and were very choice. Bulls, veal calves and stags were not mucq different from the close of last week. . Receipts Included about 20 cars nf stock ers and feeders. The better grades com manded about steady prices, but others were rather slow and weak to a dime lower. Representative sales: No. No i... 10... 14... 17... 11... 11... It... I... I... At. PT. IT. ..ira s is At. ..1140 68.... 11... to.... It.... 10.... 17.... li.... ....VilH I 25 ....1317 III 4 M 4 10 M7 ....1440 t 4 .1004 t 00 ....1817 ..MM I 00 .1MD fi 46 1161 I 00 .141,1 S M 1171 I 10 U 1360 ( U 1084 S 15 COWg W4 I 60 I I.... 986 8 88 110 8 16 BULLS. 1M0 I II 1 810 f 40 STOt KERS AND FEEDERS. 7 IK) I 0 .NEBRASKA. 3 feeders.. 736 2 00 4 feeders.. 700 2 00 1 bull 790 2 00 1 bud 6fl0 3 00 1 cow 940 2 00 6 heifers.. 724 2 15 2 cows 9o 2 16 1 bull 1520 2 25 1 bull 1920 2 20 8 heifers.. 641 2 30 1 bull. 1010 2 25 3 cows lltiO 2 60 43 cows 9x1 2 40 8 cows 794 2 50 1 cow 910 2 60 1 feeder... 660 2 75 1 feeder... 7t'i0 75 25 cows 1040 2 85 21 cows 972 I 70 , 41 feeders.. 7?( 2 00 23 feeders.. 842 2 85 8 feeders.. 762 3 00 7 calves. . 25 3 00 8 feeders.. 6116 3 15 17 feeders.. 7c0 3 00 10 feeders.. 402 3 40 bo feeders.. 647 3 25 4 feeders.. 1012 3 60 14 calves..., 243 3 60 1 steer 1110 3 90 73 feeders.. 1021 8 60 61 steers.. ..1161 8 90 4 steers.... 1280 3 90 1 bull 740 4 00 2 steers., ..1IH0 4 00 . 18 steers. ...1080 4 26 40 steers.... 1212 4 06 16 feeders.. 812 3 10 26 feeders.. 692 3 25 Leinls tt U. Neb. 6 feeders.. 10M 8 00 Vti feeders.. 1031 165 1. M. Bmith-Wyo. i cow lOuO 2 65 3 cows 1003 2 66 1 steer liM) 8 35 19 steers.... 12ul 3 36 Comoinatlon Cuttle Company Neb. 25 cows 968 2 40 4 COWS.....HKJ2 2 60 41 cows 1046 8 80 13 cows WJ !) K. 1. Meyers Neb. 24 heifers, .10,8 8 50 89 heifers.. 1059 3 60 36 steers.-.. .1194 4 00 18 cows 1043 2 64 And stags. J. P. Slbbitt-Neb. 87 steers. ...12t9 4 25 M. Schumacher Neb. 42 steers.. ..1265 3 85 J. Schumacher Neb. cows 1056 2 86 M. Kelllher 8. D. 80 steers.... 1098 3 40 13 cows..... 1021 186 6 steers.. ..UU 2 85 c. j. Mysnam wyo. 2 COWS 1010 z 90 41 steers.... 1168 4 00, 1 steer .. 12jO 4 00 AD NEHRASKA Cof32.1040. 42 steers. ...14o4 4 10 P. M. Lee Neb. 21 feeders.. 1086 3 60 M. F. Perkins Wyo. 13 steers.. ..lor 8 60 P. Hoffman Wyo. 1 cow li:l 1 26 1 cow 810 1 heifer... W H, 1 bull 1MI i 20 22 cows M 8 16 W. Moncrlef Wyo. 21 cows 1011 8 io lull cows 1030 J 80 P. L. McKee Wyo. 50 steers... 1U.2 3 80 J. R. Stephenson Wyo. 33 cows 942 1 W 1 stag 1410 1 30 1 feeder... 9-0 176 12 bulla As. 144 $ Jo B. H. Hnaaelstrom 8. D. 4 feeders.. s $ 60 44 feeders. .1082 3 80 HOOH There was just about a normal Monday's run of li('K here this morning and, as favorable Irporta were recelad flout other markets and the local d-nmnd from both packers and shlppeis wiui In f ,4 1 1 ) y K od shape, the c likcl Improved a liula. The iff nrral niaral couid safely be quoted 2't . k- hlgl.or. The full alrcucih OI ioilxi: ;;-:te hi ll on'i.li.g atid aflur trading was under Way prices were mostly a nickel hither. The bulk of the estiy Arrivals wsa olu in good season, but ttsdlrg waa not so brlk tomartl the close, and some of the trains were late In STlvlng. which preTented an early Clfarsnce. The heavy welahls stvld largely around $V05 and $J 07. with some of the commoner grades from 85 05 down. The medium and mixed loeds sold mostly frnnj ivio to $iis, with the choice lights from $5 15 to 85. 26. The close of the hos market wst fully as good ss the opening on -the light weight, snd In fact some sales looked a little stronger. Heavy wetshta. though, were more or less, neglected, the same as usual. Representative sales: k Ma, eh. At. Pr. Na. f. At. FT. IS ! IM 4 71 4 it ih I 10 71 i M IM 47 1't ... II 13 ltd tf t 00 1C Mil II !: lao I ro ft I" ... I 11H M tM 40 ft Oft TS ill ... I IK 41 271 Iff) 4 06 M !'4 40 I 12-4 M 129 I OS 41 t4 ao I l!t 14. 17 $ a 144 IM 10 111' tM 1 I OS lit ?4 ... 6 1IH It fi si 1 no m IM ... ins 1. ...... .741 (l m 41, ...... .110 too t lt 17 177 W I IH14, 7J 11 40 4 lv 4 2 II l'l I 07V (I J.'.a ll'O I lis. 74 tn IK) I 07Va 141 k'l 6 1 1 nt ... i kt 71..: 1:1 o 1 1 7 ist to S 0Tk 4, 1U 40 I II 171 tl I 1 4 Ill M I II 71 1H ... I II 7 loo ... I II 77 110 40 I II Ill 110 I 14 7' Ill 14 I 15 1 )4 ... II 4 114 40 I CO 6 17t ... I Ml C 134 ... I M 104 5-4 M I 10 10 S' 40 ( 10 77 HI 10 lit 71 IV'I 0 I 10 132 144 lo I 1 It) 1.M M I 10 41 !14 too I 10 40 ... 10 14 110 10 10 , a in SHEEP There was a moderate run ot iheep and lambs In sight this morning and aa local packers all seemed to be anxious for a few fresh supplies the market rulel ecttve and about steady with th clo'e of last week. Everything on sale changed hands at an early hour. A bunch of Idaho yearlings arrived good enough to bring $4 0 snd the wethers from the sums lot sold for $.1.85 and the ewes for $3.65. Another two car lot of Idaho wethers brought $3 75 and two cars of Wyoming ewes brought $3.25. The demand for feeders was again In good shape and three cars of Montana wethers sold for feeders at $3.10. Commis sion men say they could handle many more feeders to good sdvantage than are be ng offered. Quotations for grass sheep and lambs: Good to choice yearlings, $4.00f&4.25; fair to good yearlings, $3.6oii4.O0; good to cholco wethera, $;; fair to good wethers, $3.2Mj3.50; good to choice ewes, $8.25U1.P; fair to good ewes, $2.75''o3.25; good to choice lambs, $o.00i&6.26; fair to choice lambs. $5.50 4i.0O; feder yearlings, $3.25inJ.io; feeder wethers. $3.008.23; feeder ewes, $2.00'd"2.5o; feeder lambs, $3.76)4.50. Representative sales: . No. Av. Pr. 34 western cull lambs '70 $ 00 240 Montnna wethers 108 8 10 240 Montana wethers 103 3 10 3'iO Nebraska ewes 10$ 3 26 121 Nebraska ewes K3 8 25 70 Idaho ewes 102 3 65 6 Idaho ewes 134 3 65 100 Idaho wethers ....100 3 75 414 Idaho wethers 101 3 73 58 Idaho wethers 102 3 85 20 Idaho wethers 120 8 85 244 Idaho yearlings 87 4 06 141 Idaho yearlings 86 4 06 7 Idaho yearlings 96 4 05 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady, Hogs Five Cents Richer nnd Sheep Slow. CHICAGO, Aug. 8. CATTLE Reeel pt s, 19,000 head; Texans, 1,000; westerns, tVM; market steady; good to prime steers, $5.26 6.40; poor to medium, $4.00Cd.00; stockers and feeders, $2.00ift4.26; cows, $1.60H.25; heifers, $5.0Wf3.25; canners, $1.50(32.60; bulls, $2. 0004. 00; calves, $2.50(86.75; Texas-fed steers, $3.0004.251 western steers, $8.504j4.75. HOGS Receipts, 20,000 head: steady to 5o higher; mixed and butchers $6.25rs.60: good to choice heavy, $5.5trj5.75; rough heavy, $5. 45. 50; light, $5.4006.66; bulk of sales, $5.30fu6.50. fcHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 20,000 head; market slow; good to choice wethers, $3. 754. 26; fair to choice mixed, $3.0CKTj3.75: western sheep, $3 60fu3.75: native lambs, $4.00 4(4.63; western lambs. $5.00(06 26. Kanans City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 8. CATTLE Re ceipts, 9,400 head, including 2,100 southerns; market strong to 10c higher; choice export and dressed beef steers, $5.30ia6.16; fair to food, $4.00fg5.25; western fed steers, $3.75a 75; stockers and feeders, $2.26(ri4.50; south ern steers, $2.60lj'4.60; southern cowa. $1.6vKsJ 3.26; native cows, $1.75S4.26; native heifers, $2.5O(?i.10; bulls, $2.26(33.75; calves, $2.6o4.60. HOGS Receipts, 4,000 head; market strong to 10c higher; top, $5.3o; bulk of sales, $5.22iJ)t.S0; heavy, $5.16fu6.26: packers, $6.20Ji6.80: pigs and lights, $6.0Ofa.35. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.400 head; market steady and active: native lambs, I4.inxiiti.25; western lambs, $4.00i&6.26; fed ewes, $3.0otH3.76; Texaa clipped year lings, $3.76; Texas clipped sheep, $3.2504.00; stockers and feeders, $2.50"8.26. St. Lonls Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 8 CATTLE Receipts, S.OOO head, Including 2,000 Texans; market steady, with Texans stronger; native ship ping and export-steers, $f.60fff6 .00; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.2i6.60; steers under 1,000 lbs., $3.856.00; stockers and feed ers, $2.80ij3.60; cows and helfera, $2.26g 4.66; canners. $1.6032.26; bulls. $2,004)3.50; calves. $3.0txg.4.50; Texas and Indian steers, $2.254r 4.25; cows and heifers, $1.5(X&3.00. HOGS Receipts, 8.000 head,' market ac tive and higher; pigs and lights $4.904f6.50; packers, $5 0t.Ka6.45; butchers and best heavy, $6.1()(i5.(0 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, lOOfl head; market steady; native muttons, $3.00 trt 3.75; lambs, $3.76A5.26: culls and bucks, $2 2634.25; stockers. $2.00jf2.S6; Texans, $3.00 4)3.60. New York Lire Stock Market. NEW YORK, ' Aug. 8. BEEVES Re ceipts, 8.471 head; steers slow; others slow to 15c off; bulls and cows steady to strong on light supply; steers', $4.00?6.0O; bulls, $2,504)4.26; cows, $1,504)3.60. Cables were steady. Exports tomorrow 842 cattle, 1,680 sheep and 8,800 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 4,437 head: 2847600 lower; veals, $4.704,7.75; tops. $8.00; culls, $4.00; grassers and buttermilks, t3.OOg3.75; dressed calves lower; city dressed veals. 94312c per lb. ; country dressed, 84? 10c. HOGS Receipts, 9,5X5 head; firmer; good state and Pennsylvania hogs, $6.004)6. 15; choice light, $fl.2&46.$5. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 21,405 head; Inmbs 264c50o lower: sheep, $2.754.i6: culls, $i.0O; lambs, $5.0O4J7.O0; choice and extra, $5.154?5.25; culls, $4.004) 4.60. 1 St. Joseph Live Stoek Market. ST. JOSEPH, Aug. 8. CATTi,E Receipts 2,148 head; market good, steady to strong; others, steady at 60 lower: natives, $4.4o 6.25; cows snd heifers, $l.b04tH.76; stockers and feeders, 13.CX4j i.85. HOGS Receipts 1,493 head; market 60 to 10c higher; light, $5,104(5.25; medium snd heavy, $4.954fr 20. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 3,803 head; market steady; top western lambs, $6.25. Sltonz City Live Stock Market.. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Aug. 8. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 1.S00 head; market weak; stockers 10c lower; beeves, $4 0O&5.75: cows, bulls and mixed, $2.4o-?Ji 4.00; stockers and feeders, $2.75(63.75; calves and yearlings. $2.404j3 50. HOGS Receipts, 1,2,10 head; market steady, selling at $4,904)5.10; bulk, $4,954? 5.00. Stock In Sight. Following are the receipts of live stock for the six principal wesiern cities yester day Cattle. Hoars. Sheep. South Omaha Chicago Kansas City . St. Louts St. Joeeph .... Sioux City t.. Totals 4.29 2,286 26.0(a) 4.000 8J0O0 1.4K8 1.2U0 20,000 1,400 1.0O0 3J3 87,488 89.962 28,489 Mctsl Martlet. NEW YORK, Aug. 8. METAL8 The London tin market was a shade lower, closing at 121 17s 6d for spot and at 122 7u 6d for futures. Locally the market sym pathised with the Eugllsh decline and closed at $26.70124.90. Copper was un changed In Ixindun, closing at 66 16s for spot and 56 16a 2d for futures. Locally copper was quiet. Lake was quoted at $12 0tdl2.75, electrolytic at $12,60412.76 and casting at $12 2fi'y1? 50. Lead was quiet and unchanged at $4 204)4.26 In the local market, but in London it closed et 11 15s. bpelttr was unchanged at 22 In Ixindon and at $46.Mj4.96 In the local market. Iron was unchanged at 61s 9d in Glasgow and at 43a Id In Mlddlesborough. Locally Iron was unchanged. No. 1 foundry northern is quoted at $14 OOiiH.50, No. t foundry north ern at $13 6"-(il4 00, No. 1 foundry southern snd No. 1 foundry southern, soft, at $13.60 4)13 75. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 8 METALS Lead, un rhsnged at $4.02. Spelter, unchanged St $4.75. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 8 COFFEE Market opened at un advance nf $ points and In the afternoon the price reached all advunce of loo) la points; later prices eased off slightly under realising, closing steady at an advance of 6yl0 points, rwtlrs were re ported of 122, '.VO trfisa. Including September lit tl 3' " 6 4uc ; October, 6.40 6 toe; December, t ftx.it, voo; Januarv. 6 76c; March. t ti7fc; April, 7c; May, 7b!)7 2oc ; January, Y.lVuI.iM;. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, Aug 8. DRY OOODS-The new wei-K opened with a larger aumher of mull orrtrra on band. lu the cotton gouia divloioii sciurs nave awauioou m 1110, Important position, owing to short supplies of spots. While buyers continue to operate cautiously, owing to a belief in lower raw cotton. Jobbers sre anticipating an active week, ss many fall purchasers made their appearance and Intimated that they were nowtapared to begin buying operations. OMAHA TrVHOLtCSAI.n MARKET Condition ( Trade nnd ttoetetleaa on Staple and Fancy rrodnce. EGOS Receipts, moderate; candied stock, LIVE POULTnT-Hena, 8c; rooster, fe; turkevs. l?c; ducks, ic; geae, c; spilng chlckans, iafJI3e. Ut'TTKR l acking stock, Joc: choice td fancy dairy. lM14c; separator, lH17c . KKESl: FlHli Trout, Ho; pickerel, fc; rlke, 10c; perch, 7t; blueflsh, lie; whlteflsii, 4c; salmon, 14c; redsnapper. He; lobster, freen, 2tc: lobster, txMled, 80c; bullheads, lc; catflsh. 14c; black bass 2V; halibut, 10c; crspples. 12c; roe shad. $1: buffalo, re; white bass, lie; fro a: legs, per dos., t'M. RRAN-Per ton, $16. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha WholesHn Dealers' asroclailon: Choice No. 1 uplaml, 8". 00; No. 2. $6.80; medium, $6.00; course, $5 50. Rye straw, $5.&o. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts light. TROPICAL PRT'ITS ' ORANGES Sweets, choice, all vises, $3.2J fi3 5o; Valenclns. all slxea, $4.00. LEMONS California fancy, 270, 300 snd $60, $4.26 34.60: choice, $3.7Mi4.00. CALIFORNIA FIGS Per 10-IW. carton. 50e; Imported Smyrna, 2-crown, I2cj crown, 14c: 7-cromn, 15c. BANANAS Per mertlum-slied bunch, $2.0) C2.60: jumbo, $.i57j$ 26. DATES Ierslan, r" box of 80 pkgs.. 12.00; In 60-lb. boxes. 8c per lb. FRUITS. APPLKfl-Home grown, per bu. -basket, 110); per bbl., l? WVr2.75. RASPBERRIES Red raspBerrles, per pis.. $2 00. BLACKBERRIES Home grown, per SS qts., $2 .vi. BLUEBERRIES Wisconsin, per i qts.. $2 00. PEACHES Arkansas Elbrtss, per 4 bksket crate. 8fle; California Crawfords pr box, $1.00; home grown clings, per 10-lb. basket, 26o. PLUMS-Callfornla Burbarks. 31.S5.31.S0; Tragety, $1.86; Greengage, $1.86. PEAKS California, per box. $t.75fl!.nft. CANTELOt'PE Arkansas and Indian Territory, per crate, $'l.60trV2.7R WATER MEIyONS Per lb. (crated), 1C. CELERY Per dos 25035c. POTATC.F9 New home growtj, in sacki, per bu., 35'()45c. NAVY Hfc, AN 8 Per bu., $l.i"Kii2.00. ONIONS Home grown, in sacks, per lb., ''TOMATOES Home grown, . per market basket, 80c. . CAHBA(4IT Home grown, per tb., lo. CUCUMBERS Per dos., 15c. TURNIPS Home grown, per bu., 800. BEETS Home grown, rer bu., 60c. PAR8LEY Per doi., 2Se. , WAX BEANS Per market basket, 60e. STRING BEANS Per market basket, 800. GREEN PEPPERS Per 6-bnsket crate, $2 00. SQUASH Home grown, per dot., 60e. PEAS Per bu. basket, 7octT$l.oo. EGG PLANT Southern, per dos., $1.60. MISCELLANEOUS. - MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10c. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, lie: Wisconsin Young America, !?: hlok Swiso, new, 16c; old, 1617e; Wisconsin brick, 13c: Wisconsin llmberger, 13c. , HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. 2 green, 6c: No. 1 salted, 8c; No. 2 salted, 7o; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 9c: No. 2 veal calf. 13 to 16 lbs., 7c; dry salted, 84iT2c; sheep pelts, 24427e; horse hides, $2.76. NUTB Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 15c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft shell, per lb., '.3c; No. 3 hard shall, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb.. 8c; Chill walnuts, per lb., 24?13c; larrte hickory nuts, per lb.. 11c;- almonds, sof?. shell, per lb., 15c: h.ard shell. 13c; shellbarks, per bu., ;3.00; black t walnuts, per bu., $1.20. ' Oils and Rosin. NEW YORK. Aug. 8. OILS Cottonseed, barely steady; prime crude, nominal; prnno yellow, 27i2$c. Petroleum, refined, $7.70; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $7.66; Philadel phia and Baltimore in bulk, $4.75. . Turpen- . tine, quiet. 654p56e. ROSIN Quiet; strained, common to good, OIL CITY, Aug. 8.-OIL8Credlt bal ances, $1.60; shipments, 140,326 bbls.; aver age. 76.445 bbls.; runs, 127,307 bbls. ; average, 84,109 bbls.; shipments. Lima, 123.324 bbls.; average, 60,434 bbls.; runs, Lima, 123,565 bbls.: average. 66.887 bbls. SAVANNAH. Oa., Aug. 8. OILB-Tur-pentlne. firm at 83c. . - . i- f. ' ' ROSlk-FIrm- A. B. C. 32 86; D, $2 40; F;, $2.46; F, $2.50; G. $2.55; H. $2.70; I. $3.80; K, $3.65; M, $2.86; N, $4.00; W O. 34.. W. W. $4.60. , Evaporated Apples and Dried frolta. NEW YORK. . Aug. 8. EVAPORATED APPLES Firm, wiili demand light, but supplies are cleaning up well. Common are quoted at 44)4o, prime at 64jc, choice at 64i6c and fancy at 77o. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes are Inactive, but steady, with quotations ranging from 2o to 6c, according to grade. Apricots are In some demand for forward shipments, but sre quiet on spot. Choice are quoted at 910c, extra, choice at 10rrjl 10c and fancy at lift 13c. Peaches show no change, choice being held at-74)7'ic, extra choice at 74?Se and fancy at 910o. Snarar and Molasses. NEW YORK, Aug. 8. SUGAR Raw, firm; fair refining, 3 9-16c; centrifugal, 96 test, 4(?i4 ll-16c; molasses sugsr, 8 6-16C; re fined, firm; crushed, 6.85c; powdered, 5.25c; , granulated, 616c. NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 8. SITOAR Mar ket strong; open kettle, 2(jj3 3-ifto; open kettle, centrifugal, 3?f3c; centrifugal whites, 4c; yellows, 3c; seconds, 2 tfj'SHc. MOLASSES Nominal; open kettle, 20 t6o; centrifugal, 104j'15c; syrup, nominal, 20 2iC. k Mllnnnkee Grnln Market. MILWAUKEE, Aug. 8-WIIEAT-One cent higher; No. 1 northern, $1.07; new Beptember, $1.00 bid. RYE One-half cent higher; No. 1, 71c. BARLEY-Dul'.; No. 2, 65c; sumplf, J03 CORN Firm: No. 3, 634)4c: ceptemDcr, 6S4)57o. ' . Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 8. WHEAT De cember. 99c; May. $1.01; No. 1 hard, $1.10: No. 1 northern, $1.08; No. 2 north ern. ll.UKVtj. .. . FLOUR First patents, $5.40(5.50; s-cond patents, $5.30(fj6.40: first clears, $3.701.S0; second clears, $2.65. BRAN In bulk,314.68. nnlnth Grain Markfl. nTTT.TTTH. Auf 8 WHEAT To nrrl-e. No. 2 northern, $1.10; on track No. 1 north. em, $1.14; No. 1 nortnern. j.iu'; Beptem ber, 81.04: December, 68c. OATS On track, 87c; to arrive, S35: Soptember, 83 c. . Toledo Seed Market, TOI.F.IHI. Auar 8 REEDS Clover, caeh. 37.15; Octoter. $140. Prime alalke, $6 90 bid; August. $6.00 bid. Prime timothy, $1.60; Sep tember. l.W. ....... Rlatln Bntter Market. ELGIN, Aug. 8. BITTTER Finn and un changed from last week, being quoted at 17c. Sales for theweek were 750.000 lbs. ATTEMPTED JTRAIM HOLDUP Bandits Torn Union Pacific ttKch and Wonnd Agent, hot Train Is Saved. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Aug. 8-An gttempt was made to wreck the Atlantic express on the Union Pacific railroad near Ahsajr sta tion between Rock Springs end Green River early today. John Utley, station agent at Ahsay, noticing that lights of the switch were turned In the wrong way, started to fix them when he was fired at from the -dark and wounded In the arm. Utley fell to the ground and the would-be trun wreckers fled. Utley managed to get to the station and called up Wllklns, the next station west. The 'Atlantic express was flagged there and the wreck and probable holdup was thus prevented. Special Train to Boston leaves Chicago at I p. m., noon, August 14th via Wabash railroad. Breakfast at Niagara Falls, that evening in Boston. Chair cars (seats free) coaches, tourist Standard sleepers. Round trip $17.7$. All agents sell via Wabash; inaiat upon your tickets reading that way. The only line landing passengers at main entrance World's Fair. For All Information call at Wabash City office. 1601 rarnaro street, or address HARRY E. MOOR EH. O. A. J. D., Wab. R. R., Omaha, Neb. Low Btstes to Boston Account Grand Army of the Republic na tional encampment August 12, 13 and 11 Stopover at New York and Niagara Falls on return trip. Write, Erie Railroad. M tl.llwav e.-riartar phlnaaA