Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1904, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 20, Image 20

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2n . Tnn OMAHA DAILY 1TCE; fttrXDAV. 'AtTfltTS? 7, 100 1.
Voodmen of ths World Surprise Broad and
Wll Street Financier.
Flea rnnnlllti Tfcn Tl
Anoait, BrlBsInc Total Beeorltl
Vm Tfcre Tbr
Omaha hoi within It corporate Htnlta
one of the heaviest bond buyer west of
Chicago corporate fraternal order that
la acquiring, for Investment otly, $00,000 to
fo.OOO in bond monthly and that recently
started the effete financier! of Broadway
and Wall atrenta with order for nearly
$700,000 of bond.
The 'Woodmen of tho World, tkrotigh tho
finance committee, Meesr. Root, Tate and
Bhcppard, were the buyer of tho securi
ties. The committee haa Jut returned from !t
investment labor and ha deposited in
the safety vault of the First National
bank the purchase made. Thea. with the
accumulation lnce September, VM, now
asirregate over $2,000,000, while the total
bond holdings of the order. Including other
division, are $3,760,000.
'TV urprled Chicago and New York."
aid Sovereign Commander J. C. Root In
discussing th matter of the Investment.
They bave been used heretofer to pla
cing nothing but 10 per cent mortgage
out hero and when they found out we wero
after their high-grade securit! we were
much sought after and were frequently
entertained at the fashionable restaurants
and were never unattended by bond seller
until after th moat careful consideration
and our lawyers opinions we had filled
our order and were ready to return to Ne
braska. We bought Chicago bond (a city
with les debt than almost any other in
the nation), Sooth Park bond, a bunch
cf $40,600 Omaha 4a the price on the Omaha
and Chicago Issue being par and a num
ber of eastern municipal and school Is
sues, also some high-grade southern Issue.
Reserve Fund Obligatory.
"By the law of th order we are com
pelled to carry 25 per cent of our reserve
fund In government bonds. They axe safe,
but bring the poorest returns of any. It
Im sentiment, however. Incidentally, my
self and the other members of the finance
committee are under bonds of $700,000 each,
and a surety company bond at that. We
have bought $50,000 bonds this week, have
In the vaults1 $230,000 Omaha issues and are
now prepared to take whatever bonds this
city may Issue, but not at a high premium.
Our $700,000 bonds were bought so a to net
us about 4 per cent and the interest rate
In the bank now to depositor average
not over 2 per cent. t
"The fund for the accumulation of these
securities waa collected through the regular
assessment rate of the order, the mortuary
rate being far below even normal. Our
laws make it obligatory to segregate 10 per
cent of our assessments Into an emergency
fund and we did this before investing
money in bonds, so that the latter pur
chases are In addition to the obligatory
fund. We never buy a bond where any
Question ever has been raised on the pay
ment of an obligation. Repudiation is a
word not in the lexicon of the Woodmen.
"This great fund will continue to grow
and is an added assurance that when the
time comes for epidemics, plagues or un
usually mortality in our large and growing
order, there will be no defaults In payments
on assurances.
"Oh, yes, the bonds are safe, a it re
Quire the personal presence of the finance
committee of three or their three deputies
and the master key of the bank to get at
them, even for coupon cutting, and that is
one of our busy occupations nowadays."
A Correction.
There seems to be a mistaken Idea enter
tained by a few of our many patrons that
we are going to 'move. We wish to Btate
most emphatically that we are not going to
move. We have beon in our present loca
tion In the Granite block, 813, 316, &17 South
Fifteenth street for the last eighteen years
and expect to be for many year to come.
HEYN, The Photographer.
Judge Trons Put Temporary Check
on Deal for Three-Year
Judge Troup haa issued a temporary order
restraining the Board of County Commla
loners from entering into a contract with
the World Publishing company for the pub
lication of county legal notice and delin
quent tax lists.
This order waa Issued on application of
The Bee Publishing company, which haa
broueht suit fer a permanent injunction
covering the same matter. It Is alleged in
the petition that the Bburd of County Com
lnls.sloner I not authorlsej or empowered
to enter Into or make any contract for the
publication of legal notice and delinquent
tax lists for any specified period of time,
but is merely authorized and empowered by
law to designate the newspaper in which
such matter shall be published, the rat
being definitely Axed by law.
It i further alleged that the board ha
received from the World Publishing com
pany for the publication of legal notices
and tax list for a period of on year and
for the period of three years, and that the
bid for one year 1 merely a blind and sub-;
lerfuge, the Intention of the board being
to enter into a contract with the World
Publishing company for three years.
Special Kxenralona
to Texas point via Rock Inland System
Auguat t n4 21, September 11 and 27.
Round-trip rat of $18.25 will apply from
Council Bluffs, Omaha or Uncoln to the
following destinations: Fort Worth. Dalian,
Waco, Houston, Galveston, Austin, San
Antonio, Corpus Christl, San Angelo, Brady
Quanah, Amarlllo, Dalhart and all Inter
mediate point east and north. To Texa
and Pacino point east of Colorado; to
Louisiana point between Lake Charles and
Our Oklahoma and Texas Express, leav
ing Omaha 5:23 p. m., makes several hours
quicker time to above points s than other
lines. For further particulars oall or ad
dress F. P. Rutherford, D. P. A., 1321 Far
ruim street. Omaha, Neb.
Mortality Statistics.
Th following- birtlis and deaths hav been
riortrd to tlie board of Health during- th
twenty-four hour ending at noon feutur
day: Births Albert C. Kertmon, 1M3S South
Klev.-iuh. airl; Anton Vance, 71)7 Leaven
worth. Klrl; Charles wllderman, tt'S put.
rl.k avenue,, boy: Charles A. Coons K-K
South Twunty-slxth, hoy; Theodore Ander
son, U-i South Sixteenth, girl; Joseph
ldiips, im William, boy; II. Simpson 7
K'tutli KlRhth. airl; R. P. Btone. IV North
3'hirly-Utrd. U1; H. J. Vetrie, 23l Hickory.
lrl. '
l.-atli Sophia PaUlf. TMrly-seventh
and Fort. t; John W. Vlnlr, 1316 Jouea 3'e
Alberta Smith, his North Sixteenth, 1; Han.
Utmch, Ontario. 311.
Harvest Hand Hate
To Minnesota and North Dakota.
Every day during August the Chicago
Great Wmtorti tallway will sell ticket to
point In lllnesote and North rakota at
th low rat of tit each from Omaha to
parties of Ave or more traveling on on
ticket. Bj eclai low rates for th return
trip. For further Information apply to 8.
XK Farkhurst, general agent, 16U Karnhan
1 JC wedding nuua EUUolm, Jeweler,
r -a . 1 1 I . -v r-tn n n I cv m FF I
The great success attained by the
Bankers Reserve Life Co.
Of Omaha, Nebraska,
suggests an interesting problem:
If the cash assets of -this progressive
company passed the $100,000.00 mark in
February, 1903,
and if this sum was further augmented in
the succeeding 16 months, or in June,
1904, to $2?0,000.00, showing a gain of
ISO per cent,
which n DID,
what will its resources
year from today?
The new 6 per cent investment policy now ready for
the insuring public will help you increase your resources.
For particulars address,
PalnleM Extraction
Without Oa.
Filling 30c uo
Ooli Crown, $2.80 up
Bridge Work $2.S0 up
Lady Attendant
Begi Judge for One More Chance, bat is
Bound Over.
Woman' Legal Status is Not Clearljr
Defined and She May Go to
Asylom Rather Than
"Judge, your honor, Just give me one
more chance and I'll be a good girl, so
help me goodness," pleaded "Fainting
Bertha" Llobecke when arraigned In police
court on the charge of larceny from the
person. She was found guilty a charged
and waa bound over to the district court.
Her bond was placed at 1400. The com
plaint was that while In the store of Max
Greenberger, 718 North Sixteenth treet,
Friday noon she took a purse from the
hip pocket of Mr. Greenberger. The re
ceptacle contained $3.10.
During the testimony of Mr. Greenberger
Miss Llebeck had little to say, but with
her keen sense of bumor laughed at the
many misunderstandings of the witness
when City Prosecutor Lee questioned him.
When the Judge announced his decision she
walked up to the bar, placed her arms on
the desk and with a look that suggested
the loss of a last friend, she said:
"Judge, I want to speak to you."
"What do you wish to aayt" asked the
"Well, your honor, I want to say that
I will bave to go through an operation
before 1 can get over tills stealing habit.
I get those spells and then I want to steal;
I can't resist the temptation.1
Does Not Like Those Girls.
"They will look after you at the county
Jail," replied the police Judge.
"But I don't want to go to the county
Jail. I Just can't bear those girls up
there. X wan't to stay right here and I
won't go to the county JulV she rejoined.
Then Miss Liebecke was taken down
stairs and on the way she said to Mr.
Greenberger, "Come on Isaac" She then
was returned to her cell and soon gav
rent te hysterical demonstration after
which she would sing religious and popular
airs that echoed throughout the Jail cor
ridors. Fainting Bertha" was later taken t
th county Jail and her present legal
statu Is a matter of some speculation since
she already waa under charge In th
circuit court. It Is thought ah may be
sent to an asylum rather than a peni
tentiary. fined for Assanlt.
Th city prosecutor of Omaha said te th
Olty prosecutor of South Omaha In police
court, "The top o' tne mornin' to ye, Mr.
Fleharty." City Prosecutor Fleharty of
South Omaha appeared before Police Judge
Herka as attorney for P. H. Shea, charged
with assaulting John D. O'Connors severai
duys ago on the B. & M. tracks under the
Klevenlh street vladuot. Shea waa fined
tJa and costs. The story Is that O'Connor
was conducting seven strike breaker along
the tracks when Shea and a man named
Groves accosted some of the strike breakers
and told them not to go to South Omaha
and take other men's bread and butter.
Some words are said to have passed be
tween O'Connors aud Shoe, the latter as
saulting O'Connors, so it Is alleged. Shea
said he was a striking buU-her.
Darkness and Dawn.
Th Decatur Shoe company will be dark
for one week, having closed out their stock
almost to a pair. They will open Mon
day. August li. with an entire new stock
of A. E. Nettleton finest shoe for men,
and the Walk Orer line at the medium
price. Thl store ha certainly been a
busy place for the past ten day during
their closing sale, and we bespeak for them
a liberal share of the men patronage
when they open again with these two well
known lines.
apeelal Say Rate t. fire at West
ra Psrk, JMaualaar, la.
For th , month of June, Jury, August
nd September, on every Sunday except
luly t. th Chicago Great Western railway
will Mill round-trip ticket at on tar to
Great Western park. Manning. Ia For fur
ther Information apply to 6. D. Parkharst,
geneial agent, lUi Farnam U. Omana, Neb.
Men' clothing, hats, shoes, ladle suit,
rklitu, wttinis, niililurry; cash or oiellL
people' btore.'lbth and Famam street.
It won't oost anything to get Cox Pros,
to give you an eatlinalu on r pairing your
fiilluiee. 114 Karii m. Tel. 2ot7.
Big plates Ire cream, ec rp!e'a fciui.
Have Boot uiiut il
amount to one
Fourteen Year
Same Location
TEL. 17S6. We tjosltlvelv remove
nerve from teeth with
out lb least particle of
pain. Plate $2 up.
Open Sunday 10 tell
City Blake Great Improvement la It
Record, Already One of
According to the records of the health
department and the statement of Health
Commissioner Ralph July was one of the
most healthful months Omaha ever has
had. Only twenty-seven cases of con
tagious disease were reported, as follows:
Scarlet fever,'' nine; small pox, mild, six;
typhoid, two; chicken pox, one; diphtheria,
one; measles, seven; tuberculosis, one.
"Fewer Infants have died this summer
than for any year in a long time," said
Dr. Ralph. '"This Is due, no doubt, to the
cool weather. I think the milk supply, too,
is-, unusually good. Out of twenty-seven
samples analyzed not one has been found
Impure or tainted.
"So far there has been hardly any
typhoid. This 1 attribute to the fact that
a great many wells are no longer used.
The city water supply Is good and always
has been so. v
"The garbage question is working out
-atlsfactorily under the free dump arrange
ment. Private dumping grounds have been
abandoned and waste matter no longer is
scattered promiscuously about the city.
Individuals hauling garbage are charging
reasonable prices and little. If any. Is al
lowed to stand In alleys or back yards
and become a nuisance."
Worthy of Every Honor.
A sweet-faced old lady was walking down
one of the aisles of the Agricultural build
ing at the "St. Louis World's fair the other
day and stepped in front of an exhibit In
block 104.
"I'm so tired," she said to the gentelman
In charge, "and you look so cool and pleas
ant In here. Can't I come In and rest a few
''Certainly, madam," replied the gentle
man. "Com right In and make yourself
The old lady entered and sat down; after
which she put on her glasses and began
to scrutinize the exhibit "Why, this Is a
whisky exhibit, I see!" was her remark a
few moments later."
"Tes'm," said the gentleman, with a little
uncertainty In his mind as to what the old
lady' opinion about whisky might be.
"Thl is the Quaker Maid Rye exhibit, and
It 1 made by S. Hlrscb A Co. of Kansas
City." A the old lady did not show signs
of perturbation at this announcement the
gentlemaa felt encouraged. "It Is the purest
whisky on the market, ma'am," he con
tinued. "We make and bottle It ourselves,
and therefore can guarantee It. Per
haps you will favor us by trying a little,
ma'am," he suggested. In another moment
the old lady wa sampling with relish a
little whisky mixed with water.
TH you know, that's the best whisky I
ever drank," she confided, aa she got up to
go. "Between the rest and the whisky I
feel like a new woman. I'm sure I hope
th Quaker Maid will get the grand prise
or th gold medal, or whatever other
honors the exposition give. I know It de
serves the best"
Delegation to Mining; Congress, Port
land, Ore.
A special party will leave Omaha via
the Union Pacific on August U at 4:20 p.
ra. for the American Mining congress to
be held at Portland August 22-27.1 for which
occasion the Union Paclilc will sell round
trip tickets from Missouri river to Portland
and return for 150. Tickets on sale August
15 to 18, good via Denver and Salt Lake
City. This route gives you 200 miles along
th matchless Columbia river, a great part
of the distance the train running so close
to the river that one can look from the
oar window almost directly Into the water.
Sleeping car reservation should be se
cured at once. For further Information
call or address Union Pacific ticket office,
14 Farnam street
The Herat Muskoka Hotel
Is situated In the center of the finest sum
mer resort region In America, known as the
Muskoka Lakes, within easy reach of the
principal cltle In Canada and United
State. Open for guests June 15th.
For further particulars, descriptive mat
tor and all Information write to Advertising
Department. Grand Trunk Railway System,
135 Adams St, Chicago, Geo. W. Vaux, A.
O. P. A T. A.
HHIBT Mr Nancy, August I, la th
ln year of her sue.
K'.nerel private tnun the residence of
C. B Ciililnslmin. Rundav afternoon,
August t St t So. New I oik paiei pleas
n r i
Co) 3 n n r3 r?r
LJ Im Vm LI v J Li kJ L.
A h (TO
August I5tli
Sixteen Hours Quicker Than Any
Other Lino.
Tourist Gars
Inquire at
dDj7 u mli
n asktosee h n P' '
tlg TAFFETA THn reliable iTon.
to Sept. 10(1),
J ilbllilb
The Greatest
Clearing Sales
T v'- 9 IrfanMiafcer
ff LV I H4Tlurrri
f nWkt 1M4 kr BM ttktSwm Warn
High Grade
v In the GREATEST CLEARING SALE ever held in On
All the surplus stock in OUR
offered at "iret rid of prices.
heavv SDrinsr and fall suitines,
Fancy Grenadine, black and
fabrics, sold at 65c to doc, yard
White Pique, 25c and 35c qualities, yard
White Imported Waistings, 35c to 65c qualities, yard
Fall weight Suitings, 25c to 50c grades, yard.-;
White Jaconat Lawn, 40-in. wide, 20c quality, yard.
Dimities in pin stripes and nainsook in checks (white), 18c
grade, yard
India Linon, 15c grade (sheer finish), yard
This sale in our Main Wash Goods Department.
' Headache. Nervous Trouble
Arising from poor sight CAN
Glasses. We supply
Av III L0W shes m m
Knocking the pinning
from underneath regular
prices. This
Is pushing the prices down
so that business may be
pushed up. Moreover, It
is using these reductions
as coaxers to bring In new
customers. Bo, until the
curtain Is rung down on
this sale, we will put you
Into any $45 to $50 light
weight suitings in the
store for $35 into any
$40 suiting for $30 into
any $35 suiting for $28
Into any $30 suiting for
$25 into any $25 suiting
for $20.
MacCarthy Tallorins
' 304-JOt . ltH t
Nat door t
Tabash Tloaat uale
Pben lS.
Shoos 20c a
Pair Lioiulay
All th left-over , of our ur
prlse Women's Oxford Bale of
last week will be sold Monday at
There are about 100 pain
hardly aoy two pair alike.
300 pair black and tan women'
Oxford non sold les than
12.60 some, up to H00 at
100 pairs $2.60 women's Strap
Slippers narrow coin toe
strlotly hand mad at
mi mm m
Droxol Shoo Go.
Czshi't Up-to-CatA Sh38 House
of M Great
$8 lo 512.50 (ZtZ.OO
Men's Suits
The best line of Men's Suits ever
Bhown in Orajjha at the rrice
Newest styles, neatest patterns,
best fabrics, workmanship ex
cellent. All sixes, all colors,
both plain and J
mixed your V n H
choice Jy.JJ
&rt,Un's Panls'W,"
In checks, stripes, fncy mix
tures and plain colors, great
rnHAtv nf fabrics, all well
$3 " Boys' Suits $1t
Sailor blouse, Russian blc '
Norfolk double Dreasteaj
8-plet-e knee pants suits, great vart
fabric. In both plain asd mixed
,inr ell handsomely mad fl t
nd worth up to .7t, l
choice, Monday
VJash Fabrics
Hot weather fabrics as we
white waistings, etc. all inc1!
colors, finest imported silk lu
BE CURED by Correctly Fit
them at very small cost.
We can't sell you a pair of
these low shoes unless you see
them, but, the men who see
them buy them, for such shoe
values as these are seldom of
fered. Borne of our best IS. 50 and H
Oxford Ties and low buttons, In
several new and stylish lasts,
in patent colt, viol kid, velour
calf and tan Russia calf, we
sell at this sale 2(35
Five lots of low shoes, made
by Johnston Jb Murphy, Boyden
and other high grade shoemak
ers. In patent calf, patent colt,
viol kid and tan Ruanla calf,
and cm several of the latest
lasts, our regular 16.00 goods,
w sell at thl sale 3.50
A new lot Just received. Get
them quick; they won't last
In a IVIioci D arrow
It wasn't so many years ago thut our
entire output was delivered in a wheel
barrow. We started on a small scule.
Todny it requires our own specliil mil
road refrigerator cars to supply tho de
mand for
all over the west. Ioen't this satisfy
you of the excellent quality of our beer?
Try a case In quarts or pints.
(M $ Dtauf fi ftt Cart.
Fred Krui: Browing Co.
Oaeaha' Model Brewery.
Telephone 420. OMAHA
When You Write
to Advertisers
remember It only takes an extra atrok or
two oi tb pen to mention tit fact that YQ4
aw IL ad tu 1u u
1 !