THE OMAIIA DAILY PEE: SATURDAY, ' 'AUGUST n, 1001. PLAN TO LOWER COAL RATES KoTement to Be Launched to Bring Bail roadi to Time. COAL DEALERS THOROUGHLY AROUSED Determine on Action 1bl VTI1I Bare Indna-trlal Life of Omaha from Death mow of Corporation. Coal dealers snd consumer are not losing Intercut In the question of rates on soft coal from Missouri, Iowa rfnd Kansas. The advance which wont Into effect August 1 1a still up for consideration and everything posalble to secure Just treatment from the railroads interested In the so-called holdup proposition la lielng considered. A new movement will be launrhed by the Inrge consumers of Omaha the first of the week. Plans looking- to a restoration of the old rates have been under consideration by tho consumers during the Inst few days and the first move in the plans agreed upon probably will be made Monday or Tuesday. Those lnter.jsted In the' movement believe It vlll not be well to mako the plans public for the time being. A leading coal dealer who has gone Into the rate question thoroughly said: "I believe tho Burlington Is not entirely to blamo for this advunco In rates. The other lines are Into It Just as dreply as the Burlington, but that road Is being put fur ward as a cat'apaw. It looks to me like, there Is no chance for relief for the con sumers of this city except to secure a re duction of the present rates. We will have to got thorn reduced to the old basis be fore our factories can compete with those of surrounding cities. There Is no chance to get an advance In the rates to St. Joseph, Kansas City and Council Bluffs for the reason that the distance tariffs In the states In which the cities named are located apply on coal shipments and under these, tariffs the rates cannot be advanced, conse quently the only relief we can hope for Is a reduotlon of the rates to .Omaha. Involves Life of Omaha. "I believe the people of this city do not realize how desperate the case before us Is. It Involves the very life of our manufactur ing Interests. We cannot hope to secure the location of any additional manufac tories so long as these rates are in effect, and we cannot even trust that the factories we now have wilt remain with us unless we can get more Just treatment on the part of 4he railroads. "The coal dealers of Omaha are not so seriously affected, for under present condi tions Council Bluffs dealers cannot enter Nebraska and compete with us. Quite a long time ago the Union Pacific put In effect across the bridge a prohibitive tariff of 40 cents per ton on coal, and this tariff will prevent the Jobbers and dealers of the city across the river from entering the Nebraska territory In competition with us. It is the consumer and the citizen who desires to see this city prosper who should take an Interest In tkls matter. Of course, we coal dealers, as citizens of Omaha, are vitally Interested In the wel fare of the city, and that Is the reason we are doing all we can to get fair treatment for Omaha. I have made a table of com parative rates to show Just how great the discrimination against this city Is. "The distance from Cleveland, la., to Omaha Is 159 miles. The rates are $1.15 on lack and $1.30 on lump coal for this dis tance. The distance from Mendota, Mo., to Kansas City Is ISO mllos and the rate is 76 cents per ton on both slack and lump cool. This one instanoe will tend to show just how greatly we are discriminated against. Here is a case where a railroad interested in. this matter is hauling coal 180 miles Into Kansas City for 75 cents a ton, while a rate of $1.80 Is being charged for hauling the lime class of cool a distance of 159 miles Into this city. "Now is the time to keep hammering on this matter until we secure some relief. If we let up now and allow the matter to lie dormant for a while the agitation will gradually die out and Omaha will have to labor along carrying this great handicap, which will result in Immense harm to the city and Its people." Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths have been reported to the Board of Health dur ing the twenty-four hours ending at noon Friday: Births A. K. Shurtleff. 2209 Bherman ave nue, boy; Charles Carlson, 2424 South Twentieth avenue, girl; Edwin I'eets, 4111 North Twenty-eirhth venuv gu-ll J. W. Medley, lflS South Fifth, girl; James P. Chrlstenson. jvrty-nlnt h and T'oppleton avenue, boy; Charles Barter, 70 South Twentv-nlrth. girl. Deaths Kenneth rinkham, 1708 Cass, t; T:mma James Taylor, 207 Farnam. S7; Joseph Riley, died In 8t. Joseph s hospital, J months. Striking Indian Komenrlntnre. "Miiskoka," "Clear Sky Iyiml," "Mlnete wan," "Smooth Flowing Water," "K wana," "Bright Waters and Hnppy Inds" are Indian words that fittingly describe some of the most delightful spots for a summer's outing on the Amrttcan conti nent. Descriptive literature, time tables, etc., will be mailed free on application to Ad vertising Department, Grand Trunk Rail way System, 135 Adams St., Chicago, Geo. W. Vaux, A. O. P. & T. A. Homeseekera' Hates to north Dakota. Every Tuesday until October 25 the Chi cago Great Western Railway will sell round trip tickets to points in the above named state at a great reduction from the usual fare. For further information apply to Geo. F. Thomas, general agent, Ull Far nam street, Omaha. Neb. Hamilton Hole' 4 cottages, St. I.nola. A permanent hotel, three minutes from World's Fair. Rooms $2 00 per day up. Booklets free. Address W. V. Williamson, Manager. f J - -- Lion's Sample Belts We bought all the sample belts carried by Wilson Bros., Chicago. Wilson Bros, are known as the finest Furnishing Goods House in the country. They employ 62 traveling salesmen, consequently this com bined lino of samples is enormous. We have placed them on sale at 1c, 25c and 45c. Amongst the ones on sale at 45c will be found many belts worth up to $1.50. Sale of Boys' Shirts, 25c Strong Black Cambric, wiu! Ifrhlte figures, sizes from 12 to 14, a regular 60c value; sale price, 25c. Choice of any Straw Hat, 48c Commencing . today you can have your choice of any Men's Straw Hat In the house for 48c; nothing reserved. The Sale of the Qpenhein Stock which takes place on our second floor, offers great opportunities to economical buyers. Men's Black Suits, $2.39; all sorts of Men's Cheviot Suits, $2.98; all Wool Black Suits, $3.90; Pure Wool Blue Suits, $4.90; choice of Openhelm's finest Suits, In cluding the best unfinished Worsteds, $.90; Men's Pants at 48c, 69c, 98c, $1.59 and choice of Openhelm's finest, your pick, $1.90; Fur Hats, worth up td $2.00, choice, 48c; Men's Underwear, 15c a garment; Silk Bow Ties, 5c; all kinds of Men's Shirts, your pick, 25c; Boys' Knee Pants, 15c; Children's Japanese Soldier Suits, 48c; Cowboy Overalls, 25c; Boys' Black Stockings, 9c, etc. GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO., 1519-1521 DOUGLAS STREET, Some Candy Bargains Our Candy is Always Good 25 sticks candy 5c Marehmallows, box 5c Peerless Mixed Candy 9c CJiamplou Mixed 10c Assorted Wafers 12c Yankee Peanut ........15c Almonds candied .. 20c Panama Creams 20c Chocolate Dip Mints 25c Fig Creams , 25c Maple Dip Peanuts 25c Cream Caramels 80c Italian Chocolates '. 40c 8 Pkgs Gum - 10c Ice Cream Soda , 5c CENTRAL COLLEGE n.?! . w-snr runup Mieov aoeraia.- pueiu nauiee m wj. ti r..HrrM.rJ r Maele, d alreu.u or u. w Uwnl, A.M. rU). I. of vorj sigh Marti. S.rie.1. of Art oa. Kleoatiuii nourtuot.a hj iufoirul rur..Mrt. Somulir.1 and aoallhfal altaa ,. KaiMlaaa aMdr. lanatlimw ae. Caufccoa. ILflKU Pit KKLlfl tMITU, rndanl. LuUalaa. Ha Western Military Academy New fireproof bulldinia. Muln- litful looatloa. NumiKir limited. Btrona Upper Alton. Illinois. 4th rear. LMlliilitl faculty. Thorough mlllutrr and eoademlo danauv Ce'l. A. M. JACKSON. A.M,Snpt. HARDIN COLLEGE AND CONSERVATORY forJLadles LASELL Seminary Yountf Women. AabumdeJe, Mass. Training Die inlnllect at the expense of the body or at a eaarittce of womanly spirit and womanly gracss it a eonditiua that canuot exit at Xjell. What tlx woman shall 6,atberibaa what he oao da, is here considered of first-.uipurt-aur-e. The highest standard is unLutaiaed fur the lotelieuhial development, but usre, ts in lie other school for young wbrneo. tut psrely diolantia work is eaibinejl (;h a unjqne and praoUcai tmluisg in the application of tbs verloaa brsuoltes of bouicstic tcienr. bora U, it is the aim at LaaoN to prruare each sruaant for the graatest UMlulneas in lile, te tt her fur the worufcply duties of borne keep ing, to polUh(her with the social gnuws and charm of bearing that mark true womanhood. HpeqluliKU pi falile in all Lrauehao. Slid the sohool is kept purposely imsll in number of students to insure the ict ladirklmj results end a true home atuiorsphore. Everything that a beautiful suburban Iocs tiou oau otfor fur health, eomfort sud rlea.ii re is secured at Auburudule eud l'.tuu' weAlih of educational sdrsulages and buloiic iutereeu but Wa mile dutnut. Lav.rll is wull worth iiiTtwtiati)) j. Ifuij parents have arittea strong comioenduiory lattars ou the unusual eilality of the hchoul work, i'or catalogue aodiufwruiailun adureae O. 0. BKAODON, PrlnolpaU The Frances Stiitner Academy Of the University of Chicago A Hum School for Glrla and Young Woman, rol laga prrparatloa. Modcrata raua UaautKul healthful location, I Urea houra vast of Chicago. Main Una from Omaha. Unfile. Art, Domaatlc Si-lance. Public epeafctng. Bmll Llehllng acd Jouanoa lieae-burr vial Ung Director. In I' aud Voice. Douu has oftloe hours la Omaha, Tues days. Pax ton hotel. HEV. WM. F. MeKEE, Dean. Mt. Carroll, Illinois. aatalogea a the Oldest aag i.awa.e atllllarir kukool In the Middle Wat, addreai Military Academy, Lexlntxton, Me, gBllitairr auav.1 in u m Wentwortti rrs TmTCErm What To Eat toa2f end for sorry , 10 enu ar Cw a vamr. Siemlth liriluM, Taiae BataraV tittm llavaf TOdLAtm. A te Vriartttsn TiJ"- letoeue aaav Pientav lTvll irf nsnrel sacgaxi I mis (or ntdrtirilis. 1ae aanaa Mna SaalMia ee "On I n ha a. i in I at 4 hate It fWa j-Mi -g WftAT TO RAT Maatalf SUa B sshS t-aua l a. f TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER stenches 4 he Live Steok lUeav i e i v LL uju ii LiEil'S SUITS at $6,90 SI2.50 $15.00 S "'7 $10.00 and $8-50 Men's Suits $3.90 From Klein Clothing Co. 179 Greene St., N. Y. Jluudredi of well made, stylish and right up-to-date suits from one of the best known houses in New York. Every suit is made for hlgh-olasa trade. Light and medium weights for present and later wear. flsny of these suits are medium weight they will make stylish and serviceable aulta for fall wear. Saturday you take the choice of all tho 112.50 and C15.00, light and medium weight suits, f-oni the Klein Clothing Co., at Saturday you take your choico of the men's $8.50 and 910.00, light and medium weight suits from Klein Cloth ing Co.. at 622 322 Your choice of any Serff or Sicilian MEN'S SUMMER COAT AND VEST In our stuckworth up to 17.50 at 2-50 Men's $4 and $5 Pants at $1.98 Made of outing flannels, coverts, worsteds, etc., in outing styles and medium weifrhts many are odd pants from our finest spring and summer suits worth up to $4 and $3 a pair, at, pair breasted suits etc. on 3rd floor at. ... worth $5 and $6, Boys' Overall ages 3 to 12 fQ 3rd floor, at. ...IOC $1 & $1.50 Knee Pants on sale on Ji Q 3rd floor TaC Watch Our Windows IB Boys $5 and $6 Summer Suits at $2 From the Klein Clothing Co., New York. Sailors, Norfolks, Russian blouses, double $2 Wash Sailor and Rus sian Suits Crt worth 2 at... JUC Clearing Sale of Men's Straw Hats Choice of all the men's 75c and $1 Straw Hats.... 50c All men's and boyBf 35c and 50c Straw Hats .25c Men's and boys' 25c Straw Hats at 10c Watch Our Witidows Open a Bank Account and receive 4 per cent interest on your money compounded every three months. DEPOSITS MADE THIS WEEK draw interest from August 1st. Accounts opened for $1.00 or more and little safes loaned free if desired. J. L. BRANDEIS SONS, BANKERS. Checks on all banks cashed. 0 aSBfck. 0 The G. A. It fficiaJ Train Carrying the. entire Nebraska delegation leaves via the Northwestern at 8:30 p.m. August 13th, and The Entire Train runs solid from OMAITA to BOSTON. Tourist BleeperB, Free Chair Cars and Coaches. Via Niagara Falls This train Is open to the public as long aa space remains vacant. TIGtETS 80LV 83P? .With large choice of routes both rail and 6teamer. All tickets good returning via. St. Louis, with stopover at the Exposition. I For handsome special Itinerary, sleeper space or full information, apply to 1 CITY TISXET OFFICE RSnTUWESTERN LIKE, H0IH0i Parsuun &t., Omaha. Dividends ' Declared Daily Interft on your purchases easily earned by buying supplies for the table here. Sterling Qualities at Popular Prices constitute our bonds and securities, depos. Ited as collateral with the consumer and fully g-uaranteed. Columbia River Salmon 1-lb tins, 14c regular price per can 20c l"w Best Potted Chicken 4-lb. tins, lOc regular price per can 15c sw Lion Hrand I.nnch Tongue large 20c cana, regular price !tc w Snttler's Tomato Cntoiip large bot- IDn tlen. ririilup tirlrA ti.r Yint . Snlder's Sunnylde Catsup large iJft bottles, regular price per bot. 15c u Choicest Country Butter usually OHp retailed at 2.1c; to 26c uer noiinti aSiJW Imported Stuffed Olives sold every where at lRc per bottle Genuine South Carolina Rice regu- OEr lar Drira Der lb. 12V4C. S lba. for - Strictly Kresh Eggs per doifn 10 lbs. Granulated Sugar, for We are the recognized1 leaders In the poultry bumneim or Omalm. and dress our own poultry lor your protection, Young Hens per pound Spring Chickens per pound Prime Rib Roast ' r Oi per pound IW"l45 3U Boiling Beef per pound Corned Beef Ier pound 10c J9c 50c .... lie 17ic 5c 5c Sommer Bros., EXPONENTS OF C00D LIVING. awth and Farnam Ota. Telephones, TUO-1 320-1 331. (ff MEWS LOW SHOES HI III AT LOW III V PRICES jjl fcVsa-i W'e can't sell you a pair of these low shoes unless you see them, but the men who see them buy them, for such shoe values as these are seldom of fered. Some of our best $3.50 and Oxford Ties and low buttons. In several new and stylish lasts, in patent colt, vlci kid, velour calf and tan Russia calf, we sell at this sale 2 ()3 Five lots of low shoes, made by Johnston & Murphy, Boyden and other high grade shoemak ers. In patent calf, patent colt, vlcl kid and tan Russia calf, and on several of the latest lasts, our regular 15.00 goods, we sell at this sals 3 QQ HAHKFOOT SAMJAI.S, A new lot Just received. Get them quick; they won't last lo'ng. ' nYtf!0ECOL I II I v""n, 11 What an Omaha Claimant Says OMAHA, Neb., July 29, 1904. To the Bankers Union of the World, 202-3-4 Paxton Blk., City. than 90 days since I filed claim with your company,-under my policy. No. 1W5. this is to acknowledge re ceipt of your check In full payment of said claim. I take this opportun ity of expressing to you my apprecia tion, for your promptness in this mat ter of claim and shall be glad (to rec ommend your company at any and all times to those desiring reliable In surance. Fraternally yours, CHAS. J. 8AMUEL8ON. aaiiavaneaeBBBvaasawainaeaaspiiiiii .mi w m epwavjmw Boys Low Shoes at 25 Per Cent Discount The women and men have had their Innings at our great reduction shoe sales. Now we give the boys a chance by offering any low shos In our store, at 25 Per Cent Discount. In addition we will give the same discount on our boys' high cut Russia calf shoes. We are still selling the best fl.50 shoe a boy ever had on his feet. DroxGl Shoo Go. 1419 FARNAU STREET, Cxshi'i Up-to-Dati Shoe Kocst Do You Use WINSL0W TAFFETA? It's the BesL. THE RELIABLE B TO RIO. Do You Use WINSL0W TAFFETA? It's the Best. Several New Lines of Men's Suits Worth up to $12.50 fit n J aw I) w 5 hare been added to the lot vre are offering In our Great Clearing sale at . These new suits come In chev iots, cassimeres, . serges, wor steds, etc., in plain and fancy colors; most up-to-date styles. AVe believe them to be the best suits ever offered in Omaha at the price aud are confident you will think the same when you examine them. COME EAKLY SATURDAY AND ot:t FIRST PICK. "Zr Men's Pants4 In checks, stripes, fancy mix tures and plain colors, great variety of fabrics, nil well J. 50-2,50 $3 " Boys' Suits $1-50 Sailor blouse, Russian blouse, Norfolk double breasted and 8-niece knee pants suits, creat variety of fabrics, in both plain and mixed colors, all handsomely made and worth f Cf up to $3.75, choice, Saturday P I.UYS A NEAT BOY'S WASH FAINT wmcn regu- C larly sold up to 25c per pair, no limit, all you want. KJ7 tilVIU lOcl IUI UrtJ' Saving You Money Is what iv e are doing; for 70a terina; oar own rattle and can a?n meats at the very lowest prices, BEST ROUND STEAK per pound during the strike. We r alaoah- arantee yon the choloesi ireia 10c Sirloin Steak 1 C-. i"9 1- oer Dound w aaj Beef Roast per pound Boiling Beef per pound , Lard per pound Sugar Cured Hams per pound 8c-5c .... 3ic ... 62c 9c Country Smoked Hams pf:. pound .... No. 1 Bacon Pr pound ,. Salt Pork per pound - Home-Made Sausage per pound Hamburger Steak per pound -. Frankfurters per pound lie J2ic 3te .7ic I Sprlnjp Chicken (very choice) Just the thing for your Sunday dinner, at, per pound... . 151 aC 5 CentrsLl Ma.rkets The Place You ave rioney." 16th and Harney. 16th and Capitol Avenue. Tel. 2899. Tel. 1796. - ' " - -"--"ir-r ,i ii rr. fine Quality SPcari Beautiful pearl souvenirs that sell at 35oPaper Cutters and Penholders given with each 25c purchase tomorrow. He Sella Stationery and Doe Engraving His New Store. 1607 Farnam Street. eiiipnl ey Esairafl Groat Doublo Track Scenic Highway to leu York, Philadelphia and 'Atlantic Coast Resorts. 11 Tickets Qacd for Sfsp-ovsr at lhgth Hlih r:- loformatlon aad'Htostratod desorlptira matter ailreea 6E0R6E EADE, Jr., Wistera Pitientir Atut, 213 Clark St, CblctnllU ir CKAJ. J, LEE. 6011 Pi.J, Agt, 143 Lftarty tU Kst rrt PSUIT CASES AND UK1PS TT At 20 Per Cent Discount. QjS I -nd ( : I I Not a lot of odds snd ends but our regular stock- there Is none better to be had Made of the beat material I killed workmen lasting and strong. Omaha Trunk Factory, Telephone 10S9 1209 Farnam I A "4" Bee Want Ads Produce Results 1 r