THE OMAIIA 'DAILY HEE FRIDAY, AUOUST B, 190. V - GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Opened Soft, Then Came Sensational Adfanoe- Strong Cloes. CHICAGO TRADERS INDULGE IN FIREWORKS " ot Three (rata Joifi he Bit Factor with HI Itast aid Rain Iliad Prices Here. OMAHA, Aug. 4, IM. Chicago act oft a bulc.i o( Ruinan candies ftl tue opening of the wheal market una aim auer keeping up tin perfi'iin unco until nearly n u ciuok the ioard of 'Had ueciued Hihi sa i wncli were mora lo tna ilking 01 tue laru.ers. At tna Im Inediate opening the sentiment was over whelmingly bearlan. '1 ha Uoufilera began to throw cold water on the opinion ol me alleged experts regarding me awiul damage to me wheal crop in tnu LaHotas and Mm Iienola Ironi rust, to Ueeiy the J out mil Inatea and lha other sensational bull new ol the lust few weeks. Moreover they pointed to the fait lnul price had morn loun discounted the damage, tna shortage 01 tha crops of riunce. Hungary and tna lel of tna wheat-raising worm, niveiyoody tonshiered It the right tune to laKe a (ail out of wheat and the euecuiutive iraternity in Hie Windy city, gorged with prullts on me long aide, led a mea to gel out of infcir liauea. v cyclone from a clear sky could not uun more urpning tlift Hie rtgtil-..uuiit-lace movement mat lilt the pit .muni before 11. 'I here were aome sign ... it a little earlier, some regrets on the , l I of sellers und some symptoms of a i,ire to cover on the part ot me new line ui snorts of the earlier nours. Jiut me rush v.. une In a minute. Omaha wheat holders utchlng the tape noted the aharp upward inu eiiicnl and unded A cent or two to their puce on cash wheat. Corn sellers o,ult and ..willed to get bark the corn. tnli'ugo, according to all reports, was fauiy awamped with buying ordera and the iDporta of damage reunilnd the s.-nsatloniil. ino excitement attending the culmlnnatlon of the July wheat deal wan aa a drop In lha uucket. Men Bryan, one of the old-tlmera of lha wheat pit, wired Omaha: "Not lor years haa there been sucn excitement on tha Board of Trade everybody In Lwamped with ordera." And the action of prices like the mercury on a hot August naywas decidedly unusual. htahl ohl eights and quarters that have been recog nised aa the proper medium lor moving up Value were toi gotten and tha market got Into that condition where hi point rluetua liona or even -a change of i cent u buHhel wo jhl not have occasioned the Slightest sm prise. Incidentally, wheat la getting f..'rly high priced. A car of No. 4 aold In Omaha this morning at SSo. No. 4 wan practically SOo before the last 2e rise in Chicago. The agricultural element will have an opportunity to engage in national banking If thla thing kecpe on much longer and Omaha will be fortunate enough to have a new delegation of retired capital ists residing within Its civic limits. What brought about tho radical change of front? I'robably more thun anyone or anything else, the opinion of one June, now traveling through the Uakotas and who wired from Fargo: "I see no reason to change my opinion or my estimates. The damage done and doing la worse than the estimates." London startled the world with a drop In consols of 1 1-lti. unusuul and exceptional. A reason was given: England la going to borrow money. What for.' This Is the In teresting question and of course the alarm ist saw In the decline and the money de mand a complication with the Muscovite. After the sensational advance there was eomo liquidation In wheat accredited to the northwest holders" liquidation, but despite thla the demand was unabated and the check to the down turn o effectual that there waa no disposition to renew the bear tactics. It waa the most complete nnd notlcable change of front that tnu market haa displayed for months at tho opening all bcara, at the close not a shaggy ccat nothing but wild and ferocious horns. Nothing; doing In futures In Omaha. Omaha Inspection In: One car No. 2 hard wheat, 18 care No. 8 hard wheat, 2 care No. 4 hard wheat. 1 car No. 2 white corn, 8 oars No. 3 yellow corn, 8 cars No. 8 corn, 1 car No. 4 white corn; total. 27 cars. Out: Fourteen cars No. t hard wheat, 6 cars No. 2 corn, 2 cars No. 3 corn; total, 22 cars. . , Cash Salea One car poor No. 8 hard wheat, 81c; 1 car at 84Vic. 1 car at Mc, 1 car at 85o, 1 car at 86c, 1 car old at 86c, 1 car at 88c, 1 car No. 4 wheat at 80c. 4 cats mixed corn No. 8 at 47"Hc and 1 car of No. 2 white corn at 42c. Omaha Close. The range of prices on the' Omaha mar ket for t ut ire delivery and the close today and Wednesday were: . dosed-"- Open. High. Low. Today. Wed. eirs WheaW Sept. . Dea. .. Aug. . Corn Sept. . Dec. ., Oats Set . Pec. .. and Wll were on Standard 84 No. 4 81 ( ommrrf lal Koeslp, William Elchner of Fnpllllon llam von iJnhren of Millard change today. Ren Bryan It Is years since we have had so much excitement on the board. Kveryone Is swamped with orders. 8t. Taul and northwestern roads hsve re ceived much complaint of damage In M n neeota and South Dakota. C. R Perry, assistant general freight agent of the I'ler Marquette Railroad com pany, with headquarters at Chicago, Is In the city. Weather map shows general rslns over Iowa, Nebraska. Kansas, Manitoba and Bsrts of Missouri and Kansas. Clear In lakotas. A Minneapolis message says: "Jonea has wired from Fargo that he 'sees no reason to chsna-e his opinion, aa the prospect Is. If anything, worse.' " The iHiluth Market Record says: "Jones' estimate of Mn.onii.nno bushels wheat crop compared with his previous estimate of a winter wheat crop of 8X2,0(0.000 bushels, means that the three northern states will only raise 125,000,000 bushels, and thla Is all rot." I,ogan and Bryan The news Is simply sensational from the northwest; damage as hlah as 50 per cent on account of runt Is reported In many sections A wider area Is affected than at first reported, Oraln Is badly shxunken In consequenro. It Is too early to give definite opinion, but that the damage Is serious cannot be questioned. CHICAGO GRAIX AND I'ROVIftlOXS Kentoree of the Trading; aad Closing Prlcea oh Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Aug. 4. Sensational reports of damage by rust to spring wheat caused Intense excitement today on the Hoard of Trade, resulting In a sharp advance In prices. At one time the September de livery wsa up 31j.')7c, compared with the lowest figures of the day. The market closed almost at the top, September show ing a net gain of lm'ir. over last nUhfs quotations. Other cereals were effected by tho strength of wheat, corn closing at an advance of an even cent. Oats are up Wqc. Provlslona show a gain of 7V4c to 124c. At the opening the wheat market ex hibited additional weakness, the Septem ber option being down S,'de to 'Mile, at Mc to Mc. The decline was due to an absence or any additional damage reports from the northwest and to a drop of Tc In whent at quotations at Liverpool. The early declrne waa entirely overcome and the big additional advance followed rap Idly, the mHrket reaching the highest point so far touched by the September delivery, that option selling at 77l?W77Hc. a gain of HWSc from the low figure of the day. Trading continued active the remainder of the session, the market closing practically at the top with September at 97,c. Clear ances of wheat and flour were equal to 7i.'.ti bushels. Primary rec(lpts, 808,000 bushels, compared with 452.000 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chi cago reported receipts of 21:6 cars, against 20 last week and 209 a year ago. An active demand for corn developed resulting In an advance of 2 cents in the September delivery. During the last hour tho market held firm, the close being nt the top. September opened Wtc. to V o lower, at SltiSlVio, sold between 607aC and 527c and closed at 52t'"27,sc. IxkaI receipts wete 221 cars, with li of contract grade. Similar to other grains, oats opened easier. Tie market closed at practically the high point. September opened a shade to lower, at 33c to 34c, sold be tween 33fi3.1c and 341434c and closed at M'ic. Local receipts were 208 ears. Buying by packers and for foreign ac count caused a firm lone In provisions. At the start the market was a trifle raster, as a result of selling by pit traders, but with the strength of grain n firmer feeling developed. September pork closed with a gain of 112.5012.96. Lard was up 6c at $7.50. Rlba were 7Hc higher at $7.70. Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 101 cars; corn, 245 cars; oats, 216 curs; hogs, 11,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.l Open. ; Hlgh.l Low. Clove. ! Tes'y Wheat tSept. JSept. Pec. May Corn Aug. Sept. Dec. Oata Sept. Dec. May Oct. Lard Bept Oct. Sept. Oct .1 I 94H9fi 91'itf94 193V, 95VO'4l I 62 51-fiVi, I 486'V, !M4'i I 12 80 I I 12 87V4I 87H 96 7 fl : 7 62V4I 984! 97VfiV fit 1 7 991 52li 62-2 49Vil 9tH 93 V 931 95 52 60' 47 I 87 IS 00 13 02! 7 02HI T 07H 7 70 I 7 70 34 86 1J 80 12 87H 6 874 6 PS 7 60 7 62HI 97 '4 99 Vi 62 95H 94 944 614 52fI4 51'vs 414 4 34l4KT:SS4ff4( 8441 'P'4 33(34 S'ti, 3t4 3U4SH 12 95 12 824 12 974 12 87V4 7 00 85 7 074 97V4 7 70 7 624 7 70 7 65 86 B 87 li .. 454B 46 B 454B 46 B 4 A 82 B '... 82 B ' Primary ' Movement. . Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, 1U SH7.1HW 3i,0ou Corn, , bu sms.uoo 692,oOj Kortbn astern Car Lot Wheat Receipts. Cars Minneapolis 1U1 Duluth , 41 Chicago 6 Omaha 19 Total 245 Northwestern Miller on Crops. The crop Situation is not so favorable as week ago, aa Impairment ha resulted from rust. Reporta af damage "are con flicting. Report of most serious damage: comes from South Dakota, and some parts Of Minnesota. Black rust Is represented to J have done the harm, una rrom its excep tional nature It la not as easily detected ua red rust. Some very consul vative ets vator men give so much credence to the reports as to believe thai the crop of South Dakota and western Minnesota will be seriously below the estimate of ton days ago. On the other hand, our lata re ports from South Dakota inlnlmlxe the effect of rust and hold that no greut Im pairment has resulted. That the damage has been at least greatly exaggerated is not hard to believe. In North Dakota and northern Minnesota wheat, while late, has mado good progress and the outlook Is la vorable. Of course, early froet would do great damage. I'rice Current. Winter wheat Indications are practically unchanged. Considerable vhrlveled grain and rust In various spring wheat sections awakens apprehension of Injury. Corn continues promise of a large crop, but various locallllts need moisture soon In or der to avert' damage. Srala Markets L:ier Here. Closing prices of grain today and Tues day at tna markets named were as follows: ' CHICAGO. Wheat September, new a December, new May, new' Corn September December ' May Ob is September December May KAN 8 AH CITT. Wheat September December Corn September , December .... Today. Wed. 99 974 4 a 52' 44 44 844 StiTs 944 W4 61 44 474 34 344 864 Wheat September December . Corn-September ' December Wheat- September December Wheat heplember December ST. LOUIS. MINNEAPOLIS. DULUTIL fii.H R34B ST4B 84 4R4H 474 444B 424 9i4 9V4 624 46U 934 M4 60 444 9K4B M 4 .'4 99V K4 97 Casb Quotations. Omaha. Chicago. Wheat No. 8 No. I No. i No. I red .... No. 8 red .... No. 2 spring No. 8 spring Corn No. I No. No. 4 No. t ye'low No. I yellow No. 8 white . No 8 w til te . Oste No. 8 No. 8 No. 4 No. 1 white . No. I white . 89 814 Mi to "'J7 TlO'jsii 4'UJ 1 oJ 904(1 00 .474'a 46 44 6:"r.vj iVi-".-'4 49 6. .V 4 44 f?4'i.i4 4K 624 l:.2-i, 474 6l'W4 34 o (5 8o4ii7 ""it 3 83 84 4 No. f tOld. New. c-sti oumstlnns were as follows: FLOUR Market firm; winter patents. 84855.00; straights, S4.40e 4 66; spring pat ents. 4 3iv4.70; atralghts, 83.eug; bakers, $2Wi8.50. . WHEAT No. 2 spring. tl.021.03; No. 3, B3rvfi$l.O0; No. 2 red. 954994c CORN No. 2, 63c; No. 2 yellow, 634(5544e. OATS No. 2. S44'?rfl4c: No. 2 white, 35-0 S74c: new No. 8 white, S5S74c. RYE No. 2. 64c. BARLEY (lood feeding, 35c; fair to choice malting.. 42fil4&c 'SES:r8 No. 1 flax. 81.17: No. 1 northwest ern, 81.24; prime timothy, 83.06; clover, contract grade. 811 25. t'POVTSlONS Mess pork. per bbl, tlI.0fiifflS.00. Lnrd. per 100 lbs.. .90.924. Short ribs sides (looe. $7.55'g'7.70. Short clear aldea (boxed), 88.0tt58.25. FullowiiiK were the receipts and ship ments of flour. and grain. uecripis. shipments Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu.,,. Oata, bu..... Rye. bu Barley, bu. 26.4O0 98.010 ...208,800 ...178,400 ... 5.1X10 18,300 11.9110 72.900 619.500 41. 'Ml 1.800 2,UOI On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, 13&17c; dairies, 12iilSc. Eggs, steady; at mark, canes Included, 124'164c. Cheese, steady, 7'ai 84c. St. I.oels Grain and Provisions. ST. LOI'IS. Aug. 4. WHEAT Excited and higher; heavy speculative buylna; No. 2 red ensh elevator. 834n; track. 97W)8c; Sejitember. 964c; December, 9b4c; No. 1 hard. 93' 95c. CORN Higher; No. ! cash, . nominal; trark, 63c; September, 62c; December, 464 64ti4c OATS-HIgher: No. t cash. 854c: track, 8.r4''o3',4c; September, 834o; No. 2 white, 87 'fi 374c FLOUR Firm; advance In price cutting out buyers; new red winter patents, 84.70'ii 49u; extra fancy and straight, 84.30Tu4.40; Clear, f3.60tfj3.7li. TIMOTHY SEED Steady, f2.40fi2.75. CORNMEAL Steady, 82i75. BRAN Steady, socked east track, 83c HAY Higher; timothy, flO.OOti 15.00; prnlrie. fK Ol "a 10 00. IRON COTTON TIES 96c. HAUOINO-7i74c. HEMP TWINE 7c. PROVISIONS Pork. higher; Jobbing. fl3.05. Ijtrd. higher; prime steam. f 42. Bacon, stead v; boxed extra shorts, 8S.50; clear ribs. 88.60; short clear, f.1.00. POULTRY Quiet; chickens, c; springs, 11c ;urkevs, 14c; ducks, 7c; geese, Sc. BUTTER Dull; creamery, 14u 18c; dairy. 10ft 1 5c EGGS Firm at 144c. case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 7,000 8,000 Wheat, bu 192. 0e0 77,000 Corn, bu 23,000 26,000 Oats, bu.... 59.000 26,000 Kaasaa City Grain aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 4. WHEAT Mar ket higher; September, 4c; December, !c; May, 8''fi-wtc; cash, No. t hard, 87 : No. 8, fcOioSc; No. 4. 83-Soc No. 2 red, fciiiMc; ,o. 8. frji00;; receipts. 24S cars. CORN Firm; September. December, 44 fi444c: May, 43V(c44c; cash. No. 2 mixed, 4Hiy494c: No 3. 484c; No. t white, 4944j00c; No. 3. 44i49o. OATS Htendy ; No. 2 white, 43S44c; No. 2 mixed. 87'a:c. BUTTER Creamery,; dairy. 12c EGOS Steady ; Missouri and Kansns wee No. 2, whltewood caees included. lUc per dosen; case count. 134c per doaen; cases returned. 40 per dosen lea. HAT Wesk: choice timothy, t8.50; choice prairie. 867&h7.00. RYE-Steady at 63f64c Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 198 8510 Corn, bu 42 2oo 2oonn Oats, bu 8.800 1,000 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug 4 WHEAT Sep tember. 96Sc; December, 9fVrtii4c; Msy. 97c; No. 1 hsrd. fMiSsnLOB's: No. 1 rtorth trn 81 074; No 3 porthern II '4. KIOUR First patents, 85 StcHi 40; second patents, 85 2".fS SO: tlrst clesrs, . 83 8itj3.75; second clears. 12 60. BRAN In bulk. 814 00; shorts, fl.50. Toledo Irs Market. TOLEDO, Au. 4 -SEEIIS-Clover. cash, 86 75; October. M 974 A'slke, prime. 16 65, bid- Auaust. H.;o, hid. Timothy, prime, fl.524; September, 31. 624- Peoria Market. PEORIA. III. Aug 4 -CORN Quoted higher; No. 3, 614c; N'o. 4. 6040, NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Cotton Exerts Strong Influence on the Market. WHEAT ALSO HAS A BEARING ON STOCKS Railroad Seearltles Affect Speculative Sentiment Favorably and Indi cates Coafldeae la a B e rival of Business. NEW TORK, Aug. 4.-The brilliant pros pect for the cotton crop, as revealed by yesterday's government estlmnte was the dominant Influence In the stock market today, but this waned somewhat In the course of the session. This was psrtly due to the suggestive price of cotlon Itself, which served to cause misgivings of dam age to the crop since the date of the gov ernment estimate and partly to the excited movement which developed In the wheat market. The latter waa due to the receipt of alarmist reports from the northwest ns to the extent of the damage to the spring crop, which served to offset the promise of the cotton crop. The decline In esti mates of the whoat crop also detracts from the prospective advantage of an unusually good foreign demand. Relief In poor for eign crop prospects plays a large part In the present strength of wheat, but the amount of the exportable surplus shrinks materially with the later estimates of our wheat crop. It la very notable also that foreign demand for wheat is not Inclined to follow the market to the higher price levels here. The upward bound In wheat quickly af fected the stock market and that and the disposition to take profits sffected the cotto:i stocks as well. The effect of the maintenance of tho Erie first preferred dividend had been discounted yesterday before Its declaration. The action Is of good effect on speculative sentiment, how ever, as an Index of confidence In business revival, which It is felt must be In sight If the declaration is to be Justified. The report of a large purchase of pig Iron led to some realising In the Iron and steel stocks. The fact that the dividend will be deducted from United States Steel pre ferred on Saturday served to recall the heavy selling which followed the deduction of the dividend nnd gnve an uncertain tono to that Influential stock. Some depres s'on was caused by the apparently au thorized ndmlssfon that the efforts to ar range for the distribution of the amounts of the dividends to which northern securi ties stock holders are entitled hns been abandoned. Iibor Interest In the local building trades kept attention on that branch of Industry. Sterling exchange dropped awny from the gold export point. The weekly statement of the Bank of England showed thnt institution to be still losing gold and the same Is true of the Bank of France. The expectation of addi tional borrowing by the government atlff ened the London money market again. St. Paul's statement of June earnings was ronr sldcred favorable and caused a recovery In that stock, but was of feeble effect on the general list. The closing was Inani mate, but fairly steady. Bonds were firm. Total snlcs, par value, 82,0o0.0')0. United States bonds were un changed on cnll. Tho quotations on the New Tork Stock exchange yesterday were: sales. iiign.ixjw.uiu. 600 1.100 100 400 100 100 200 100 200 100 Atchison 11. 9") do pfd "00 B. & O J.700 do pfd Can. PaclHc Central of N. J Ches. & Ohio Chlcngo A A do pfd Chicago Ot. Western C. & N. W C. M. & St. P 11.300 do pfd Chicago T. & T do pfd C . C, C. & St. L. .., Colo. Southern , do 1st pfd , do 2d pfd Del. & Hudson Del.. L. & W , D. & R. G do pfd Erie do 1st pfd , do 2d pfd , Hocklna: Valley do pfd... 111. Central Iowa Central , do pfd K. C. Southern... do pfd L. & N Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. St. Ry Minn. & St. L M.. St. P. & S. Ste M do pfd Mo. Pacific M., K. & T , do pfd .4 7i4 96; 904 844 844 100 1254 1254 404 81 4 14 180 147 7574 14 484, 204 1594 S3H 8914 814 14 180 1464 1 i'i 9G 84 12i 162 3314 404 804 14 17R4 147 1784 64 134 734 14 484 20 6O0 2,900 254 6214 24 624 1,100 184 1334 '"200 434 434 8,500 1174 1164 700 150 149 600 81 884 10,100 119S 1184 "BOO 724 714 14.700 2.200 2,800 Nat'l K. R. of M., pfd N. T. Central 100 11814 118 Norfolk & W 2,200 614 614 do pfd Ontario A W 4.300 814 804 Pennsylvania 14,000 1204 1194 P.. C, C. & St. L. ... 100 64 4 Reading 3,900 624 624 do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co 8.900 234 224 do pfd 3,300 66 65 4 St. L. & S. F. 2d pfd S.400 564 W4 St. L. S. W 7"0 144 144 do pfd 3.300 364 854 So. Pacific 13.600 604 4vt So. Railway 62.0 254 254 do pfd 2.7uO 904 90 Texas & Pacific 11.900 274 4 Tol.. St. L. & W do pfd 20.0 SS4 34 Union Pacific 21,400 954 HSH do pfd Wabash 200 17 16 do pfd 1.200 864 854 W. & Lake Erie Wis. Central 100 174 174 do pfd Mex. Central 2,600 9 S Adams Ex American Ex V. S. Ex Wells-Fa rgo Ex Amal. Copper 7.900 624 Amer. Car & F SOO 19 do pfd Amer. Cotton OH.... 1,800 28 do pfd American Ice 500 74 do pfd 80O 274 Amer. Unseed Oil do pfd Amer. Locomotive 900 21 do pfd Amer. Smelting & R. do pfd Amer. Sugar Ref Anaconda M. Co Brooklyn R. T Colo. Fuel & Iron.... Con. Gas Corn Products do pfd Distillers' Securities. General Electric Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump uo pio Nat l LeHd 200 204 204 No. American Pacific Mall People's Gas Pressed Steol Car.... do pfd Pullman P. Car Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd Tenn. Coal A I U. 8. Leather do rfd V. 8. Realty & Imp V. 8. Rubber 2u0 10 194 do pfd U. S. Steel 2.400 12 do pfd 17,700 614 Westlngh. Electric... 200 157 Western I nlon... 800 700 2,600 100 SlH) "'206 400 200 200 20 400 900 to) 200 400 8,000 200 57 !.4 12114 72 514 364 ifi 68 2' 162 13 7o 101 34 J. 75 14 48 20 1694 1694 266 21 71 21 624 87 rs4 18 i 85 , 214 424 11B4 1494 8S U 474 71'i, 1244 924 18 407, 87 1H 91 81 119T4 634 624 824 69 22 654 664 144 854 604 254 90 2-4 25 8-i 8"4 93 16S, 35 14 16 88 !H4 225 195 104 204 614 14 77 2S 694 64 7t, 8H 24 20 874 67 9?4 614 35 1944 124 67 214 W 134 7"4 804 70 2"4 87 264 1"4 334 75 217 7 43 18 51 184 264 '64 2.4 264 674 994 129 72 61 36 124 68 214 1624 13 704 0O 834 74 43 13 o4 1564 46 19 74 13 604 167 88 Total salea for the day, 287,200 shares. Foreign Financial. LONDON, Aug. 4. The requirements of the consul settlement and the large amount due the Bank of England caused a depression In the money market today. Bonds hsd hardened In anticipation of a further issue of exchequer bonds, spoiling the hopes of cheap money and buoyant markets. Business on the Stock exchange was de pressed on the announcement by the chan cellor of the exchequer that only fl6.O011.ooO ran be provided by the national debt com mission, and that therefore the exchequer would be obliged to appeal to the money market for the balance, which, with the flO.OnO.miO required In connection with the Cunard line agreement, made a total of f45.0uu.0o0 In excheouer bonds. Everywhere money Is being drawn out of the post office ssvinxs banks, a ajgn of Industrial depression Consols were particularly flat, home rails sympathizing. Aine'rlcans opened steady and closed quiet. Japunrse were easier. Imperial Japanese govern ment s of 1Vp4 were quoted at 96. Kaffirs were firm on Cape supjort. The weekly statement of the Bank of England shows the following changes: Totsl reserve, decreased LK'J .OoO; circula tion, lncressed 264,OiiO; bullion, deciessed 11.1:2: other securities decreased 2.3:0.. (i; other deposits decnl e-d H76&.O0H; pub. Ho deposits decreaxed 2,34.(mO; notes re serve decreased i'VUO.Ooo; government se curities, no change. 1 The proportion of the Bank of England's reserve to liability, which last week waa 47 2fi. Is now 48 6? per cent. The Bank of England's rate of discount Is unchanged St I per cent. BERLIN. Aug. 4 Prices generally on the Bourse today were wesk and trading was depressed. Americans were main tained. PARIS. Aug. 4 Ruslnees on the Bourse todsy was stagnant, but prices closed sllghtlv stronger. RtifKlan Imperial 4s rlosed'st 92 and RuselHn bonds of KM at 616. The private rate of discount was 14 rer cent. Three per cent rentes 97 francs, 66 centimes for the account. Ex-' change on London 25 frsnci. 254 centime for checks. The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows the following changes: Notes In circulation Increased 137.276.000 francs; treasury accounts cur rent, decreased 38 425. 0"0 francs; gold In hand decreased 16.9n.o francs; discounted Increased 41.2-'5.noo francs; sliver In hand decreased 1,226,000 francs. Sieve York Money Market. NEW TORK. Aug. 4.-MONET On call, very easy, i?il per cent; closing bid, per cent: offered at 1 per cent; time loans, steady; sixty and ninety days. 2W24 per cent; six months, 34r3 per cent; prime mrrcantlle paper, 3'n44 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE K(eady at the decline, w'th actual business In bankers' bills at f4.8795?f4 88 for demand nnd at ft. 8,520 for sixty-day bills; posted rates, I4 86 and f4 8844 S9; commercial bills. f4.84. SILVER Bar, 68 4c; Mexican dollars, 4frioNDS Government, steady; railroad, firm. The closing quotations en tionds art at follows: F 8 ref. Is. rs....lMH Mshttn e. f. 4...1'4 do coupon IMS Mn. ntrl 4a An l. rig do coupon 4o saw 4s, rs. An eo.ipon do eld 4a. m . . . do coupon 1041! do 1st Inc :44 1J Mrnn. St. L. 4a PS 1S1 Im. K A T. 4a W4 .151 'li "do k "4 .I'XIVa N. K. fl. ol M. c. 4a. 7 'i'i .Mt N. V. C . i"1-! Atrhlaon gen. 4a 1M4 N. 1 C. g. 6a Mt do adj. 4a no. rarinc in Atlantic C. L. 4a V'"l do a 74 '4 B. & O. 4a 103"4i N W. c. S lol do sva Hk o. B L. 4a & par.... Pi Cantral of Oa. (a UlVfenn con. J'4 ST do Irt Inc M Heading sen. 4a ? Chi-a. A Ohio 44a....l04 Ft. L. I M. c. 6S..11T Ch csso A. 3Va.. ri' si. l,. a p. r. ig. m. C. H. Q. n. 4a 7Vi,St. L. 8 W. la C. M. A 8 P. g. 4b110 iScaboarl A. li. 4a... A N W. c. 7s....l'.' Kn. Tarltlc 4 C R. I. P. 4a.... TlH Bo. Railway Sl- Tcjaa v 1 la .'.U T , St. L. W. 4a . .. : "ill nlon Pacific 4i .. . . t . do conv. 4s .... S3 l R Sleel id (a... . ...1'i;iWaaah la do dch. B do col. Ra Cr.C. A 8t. L. t Cncago Tcr. a. . t on. Tobacco 4e Polo. A So. 4a... P. A R. O. 4... Erlo prior lien 4a do n 4a M'.IW. t U. E. 4B . . F W & n C. ls..,.liaeivia. Central 4u.. HocVng Val. 4'a.. I' ""Hi Colo. F. c. 4a. LAN. tint. 4a 100.l Bid. Offered. . M4 . 70V4 . 93 i .111.1a .111 . 71 .1064 .1"2 . 7Va .118 . r4 . i . 4 . BVi Boston Stock Quotations. BOSTON, Aug. 4 -Call loans. 2JT3H pet cent; time loans, 3444 per cent. Official closing of stocks and bonds: Atchlaon adj. 4s 6 ,Advntur 7S do 4a .101 Allouca V4 a .1 ' . 1 tf-JU & ,n lamafd M 4ta Atchlaon 7V4 Amarlcan Zinc 11 do pld Atlantic Boaton Albany HI Ulngham i Uoatoa ft Mama mvjiai. at iiecia Boaton Blevatad 14K', Centennial J4 144 luopper nange ........ H Daly Weal 1 H? Illomlnlon Coal 4V!i li Kranklln 1 ii'iVi'rirancy '1 n 'lisle Royale 104 4 Mi,i. Mining iVi 121' Michigan 4 Mohawk . l HHIt'Mcint C. A C "'1 11V Old Dominion 134 fc'ltnhhurs nfil Mex. Central N. Y., N. H. A H... Pcra Marquetia .... t'nlon Paclflc Am- a ilim. nfdf Amar. Pneu. Tuue... Amer. sugar do - pfd Amar. T. A T Amar. Woolen do pfd Dominion I. A S Kcllaon Elec. Illu... flMncral Klectrlc .... Mane. Electric . do pfd Malta. Gaa I'nlied Krult United Shoe Mach do prd U. 8. Sloel do pfd Weetlng. conimon Bid. TT I()...r1. M . KJ Parrot " .;.V qulncy W .lUi Shannon ft . 17 Tamarack . w'i Trinity 7H . 89 IT. 8. Mining 14 . J..4 IT. 8. Oil 1"W . Rov, Utah 7.4 . f'H Victoria . 114 Winona ''A . tl'l'A Wolverine 16 . 11 1 London Stock Market. LONDON. Aug. 4. Closing: Conaola. money... 7 H-10.N. V. Central.. do account a7V Norfolk A W... Anaconda S -do pfd ...... Atchlaon ell Ontario A W.. do pfd 9t Pennsylvania . Baltimore A Ohio.... M4Hand Mines ... Canadian PaclHc lis Reading , Chea. A Ohio 34 H Jo let pfd.. .. 11 do id pid... ..ISO" Bo. Railway .... .. 1 f do pfd . tS fo. Pacific 1 itnion racinc t' Chloago Ot. W C , M. A St. P. DeBeera ........ Denver A R. O do pfd Erie to - lat pfd... Wktf- 8- steel.. do. Id pfd... IV,1 do pfd ... .m . 624, . 91 . 314 . 114 4 . :4 . 41V, . (5 . -in'. . n . (14 . 84 . X , n , 174 . jt", boula. A Nsah.,. ..... IMi I do pfd M.. K. A T.., 18?A,Spanlah 4a BII-VER Bar quiet, 26 15-ld per ounce. . MONEY 2t88 P cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 24&3 per cent; for three months', bills. 24(53 per cent. New Tork Mining: Stocks. NEW YORK, Aug. '4. The following are the closing prlcea on mining stocks: Adams Con to (Little Chief ( Alice 30 (Ontario SJ5 Breece JO 'ophlr S10 Brunawlck Con .Phoenix 7 Comatock Tunnel I Poioai 13 Con. Cal. A Va 10 Savage 30 Horn Silver ISO JSlerra Nevada 1 Iron Silver U0 Small Hopes 22 Leadvllle Con J btaudard tu Condition of tho Treasury. WASHINGTON, Aug. 4. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 8 loO.noO.Ono gold reserve, in the division of redemption, shows: Available cauh balance, f 163, bio, Ml; gold, 845.771.5U Bank Clearings. OMAHA, Aug. 4 Bank clearings for to day $954,44.S1, a decrease of floj,923 from the corresponding day last year. , Wool Market. BOSTON, July 4 WOOL The market here Is quiet thla week, most manufactur ers having freely stocked up during the early part of the summer. Dealers have sold enough of their new wools to make them feel Independent for aome time and a firm tone prevails. Future prices depend to some extent upon the stote of the goods market, which has not been as active us the manufacturers would like. Fleeces and territory wools are firm and the resent demand for fleece wools Is largely for the medium grades. Old wools are quiet. Quo tations are ua follows: Idaho Fine, 174j We; fine medium, 17Cglc. Wyoming Fine, l(W17c; fine medium, 17&18C. Utah and Ne vadaFine, 164(al7.4c; fine medium, llip lHc. Montana r Ine choice, 20(Jj21c; fine me dium choice, ZOttttlc: average, -OftfiOc. Col orado Fine, 13(fcl4c, fine medium, lotfcltic; coarse, l(VH17c. Bulled Scoured basis, tine. 4.S'!ivlc; extra, BWiiooc;, extra surellue, i6'Ji 4Sc. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 4. WOOL Strong and active; medium grades, combing and cloth ing SOt&'JSc; light fine, lO'u'Joc; heavy fine, 12&16c; tub washed, 21fr344c Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 4. COTTON-Hpot. moderate business; prices 4 points lower; American middling fair, 6.2i;d; good mid dling, 6.12(1; ml. Idling, 6.00d; low middling, 5.84d; good ordinary. 662d; ordinary, 6.6od. Futures opened and Closed quiet; Ameri can middling, g o. c, August, 6. Sod; August and September. 5.5M; September and Oc tober, 6.36d; January and February, 5.14d; February and March, 6.14d; March and April, 6.15d. NEW YORK, Aug. 4-COTTON-Spot closed quiet: middling uplands, 10.45c; mid dling gulf, 10.70c; sales, C,00 bales. ST. LOCIB. Aug. 4.-fOTTON-Qulet; 4c lower; middling, 104c; salea, 126 bales; shlnments. 20) bnles; stock, 12.440 bales. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 4 COTTON Fu tures closed firm; August. 10.1710. 18c; Sep tember, H.O&tiS.lioc; October, 9.44y9.4fir; No vember, 9.42ri9.43c; December, .4ij9.43c; January, .47U'9.49c. Spot, steady; sales, 960 bales; ordinary. 7 J3-liio ; good ordinary, 94c; low middling. 104c; good middling, lUll-ISc, middling fair. 10 16-16c. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 4. METALS Tin was weaker In Ixjnilon, closing at 122 lrs for spot and 122 16a fur futures, lxxully the market followed the decline, with a loss of about 20 points, closing at f26.80'y 27.06. Copper was steadier, lnke closing at fl2.50 612 75, electrolytic at 12 N-'u 12 75 and casting at fl2.25& 12.60. In I-ondon copper was n shade higher, closing at i8 13s 9d for spot and 56 15s for futures. Lead was steady at f4.2r(i4.25 In the locil market and nt 11 13s 9d In London. Spelter was steadv at I4.i6 In the local market and at 22 lis 8d In London. Iron closed lit 51s 9d In Glas gow and ut 43s in Mlddlcsbornugti. Ic-illy Iron Is unchanged, with No. 1 northern foundry quoted at 114 .(HVfi14.50. No. 2 north ern foundry at fl3.75lil4.iio and No. 1 south ern and No. 1 southern soft foundry ut fl3.60'u 13.75. Oils and Itosln. NEW YORK. Aug 4. OIL Cottonseed, firm; prime yellow. 7c. I'etroleum, quiet. Turpentine, dull; 54,'4c. MOKIN Firm. SAVANNAH. Ga.. Aug. 4 OIL Turpen tine, firm; 52iC. KOHIN Firm: A. B C, t;3.V(;2 40; D., $2 4"u2.4i: V... 2 5; F.. fiC; .. f2.t; H.. 876; I . 83 3o; K . U5: M .. H fcxi; N., t4M; Wii . 4 41'4; W. W.. 14 i7'v OIL CITY. Aug. 4.-'Il.H-Credlt balances 15; ct-rtificales, tm bid; shlpmeiiis. 75. ia bbls.; aerMe, K.i.740; runs, V'b.'jt.i; avrr sge, 621. 3; aldtiments Tms. A'i.r.ili, uveisge, 70,314; runs Lima, 64,176, average, tKj.ttS. 0MAI1A LIVE STOCK MARKET Corofed Steen Strong to Dime Higher, bat Cowi Slow and Lower. HOGS ADVANCE A30UT DIME Sheep del Without Mach ninlcolty at Jast Aboil titeariy Prices Where the Qaallty Was at All Dealrable. SOLTII OMAHA. Aug 4. 1904. Receipts were: iuiie. j. hneep. Official Monday i,4V 2.678 f,5 Orhclal 'l'ueday 1,3-' 6.2 2.SJ Ufilclal Wednesday 2,2"0 Orhclal Thursday .u24 4, 600 i.4 Four days this week... ",019 t;.&H 9.57J Sunie days last week 3,o: 6,n.t4 9.'W bums dnys week before.. 4,o25 10.4s ('S bame three weeks ago.. 4.'. K.iX lo.4. Siime four weeks ago S.i:4 2S.h;4 pi,vi4 Same days last year 14 20,450 36.3f4 RECEIPTS FOB THE V EAR TO DATE. 'Hie toiiowing table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and aneep at boulh Omaiia for the year 10 date, with comparison with l&si 1904. 10S. Inc. Dec. Cattle 491.1o2 6.i9U al.7u Hogs 1,41,343 1,491, MO ll,ji.J bneep 7al,242 ttti.lM ot.lli' Avurage puces pU tor hogs at Soutn Omaha tor the last several Ua with uoin parlson: Date. 1804. 10I.1902.1W1.19S.19.1!98. July 10... Juiy 11... July 11... July li... July 14... July lo .. July 14... juiy 11... July 18... Juiy ia... juiy j uiy July J uiy July Juiv July M j uiy it. July 48. July 4.9. .. July M.. , juiy August l. August 2.1 August t. August 4. 1 I 6 32 I U j i I 6 0241 6 Uft 0. , . U,.. St:: 26. ..I I I I 6 Ut t 21 is b o4 10 o4 f ii a io,. Kl I . . I I I 6 064i Iumi 1H4 6 lit! ifHl b tu 1 4 99 j 4 24i 4 94i b 00 u 1 6 2. 0 22, b b B ls a Uu 1 4 9t, 4 UAi It UO b IU 6 ol V'1 4 99, 6 U2 7 B3j 7 19) V'i 7 7i I :' 7 M 7 73 7 6k 7 41, I it: 7 41 1 7 b3 31 7 53! I bO 7 4, i 61 1 ' VI 3h I 7 39, 6 K5 6 13 b i 6 V4 t k 6 0i b au 6 13 I 6 wi 6 77 I b M 031 6 W 87 u wi 4 a.' i 6 00 , 4 i I b ui " I b lUi 6 l:'i 6 W! 6 15 0 it 6 oui tl e iji 6 o 6 Wi I e IJi t 47 1 1 a 5oj 6 I'oj b till b I'D I a tooj 0 lo s ito U 11)1 b mi 1 6 Wi 1 90 i J S 70 4 04 3 .4 4 t( a i'J 4 0u 4 71 ;; iwi 4 '1 i I J 44 4 4 lti t 32 A A lil 3 i) 4 21 3 M 4 o4, 3 tJ ' tin. 4 Ml 4 ii t 8J M bi 4 2 4 II 4 S Ul I t '.4 4 J2 la 3 79 4 M U 4 M S 01 4 4Ji 3 Ul 'Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: ttouus. came. nogs, oneop. C. M. ex St. P vvauasn a Missouri Macule 1 union racinc system 12 C. at N. w II F E. & M. V : 1? C, bt. f., M. 4 0 1 . 6t M 44 C, ti. dt VI K. C. & St. J 1 C, K. i. & V., east I- C, K. 1. dt f., west Illinois Central 1 Total receipts SI The rilMDosluon of the day a receipts as follow:, encn ouyer purchasing the n ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs, bn 1 1 2 13 1 24 ti U 'i 2 Omuna Packing Co Bwut and company... cuoahy packing co... Armour at Co Carey dt tienton LoDinan & CO Hill & Son Huston Co L. F. Husi Kingan U Co cuuahy tiros, ct Co.... bol Degan Morrel. North Root A Co N. Hagerty dt Co Other buyers ' 11a 07 169 4 23 2t S 6 66 29 24 2oS Ml 0i Ird 2,06b 244 439 239 4tM 10 was u th ee p. oUO 2.0 1,2J 1.99J Totals 1.741 " 4,884 Cai'X'l.uI There waa wnalai run o cattie here tnis morning than arrived ye terduy and supplies at otner points were also, ieuxivratv. as a resuu Ine tendency ot prices was upward, commiuaion men are already beginning to warn tneir customers against shipping 100 freely the tlrst ot next week., They say a small increase over mis week may be all rigut, but a neavy run would have a very baa effect upon the mar ket. iners were Just a few cart of corn-fed steers on sale ana they changed hands readuy enougn at prlcea ranging strong tu a dime higher than yesterday. Common klnus may not have shown much improve ment. As hign as waa paid today for tattle weighing 1,3) pounds, which is the n, guest price of the wee to date. There were quite a tew western grassers on aald and tney changed nanus without much trouble at steauy to strong prices. The cow market waa in about the same conultton It has been all the week. Prices were very Irregular, some eaies being aoout steady, while otnera were cunMueiauly lower than yesterday, ana the meat um and common atutf was almost unsalcaoie at tuiy price. Shippers have been warned time and time again to keep their common cows at home unul packers begin to ojH-r-ate their canning uepartments, but mill a good many sucu cows arrive every uay, for which mere is practically no uemand whatever. 1 The demand for bulls showed n) Improve ment touay and there waa no change in prices. Veal calves auld in about the same notches they have all the week. There were less than a halt dozen leads of stockers and feeoers in the yards, anu as speculators wanted a few cattle, the market held Just about steady. Repre sentative sales: BEEF BTEEK3, At. I'r No. Ml 4 05 2 1014 4 SO It S40 4 60 M SO 15 3D 14 to 34 COWS 874 t 0 8 i li li tii III 1 HEIFERS. 406 t 40 HULLS 1110 in 1 STOCKERS AND FEEDEHB. uu 4 to 10 12IM 4 Ot NEBRASKA. 1. AT. . . .107 ....1807 ...1341 Tr. 4 It a 3u .. 60 4 50 .1901) 4 76 ...1230 ...1?14 ...l:3 ...1U4 .KM 6 00 4 10 5 24 6 15 .1149 t 40 ...llll i 46 t h ..lbio : w . .1-.38 6 n ..Ut t H ..1104 ..1141 ..1160 I to 1 ti 1 cow 1030 1 cow U30 17 cows 902 1 feeder... Ij0 27 feeders.. 810 24 feeders.. 706 3 cows 1163 8 cowa H97 18 steers... 1 cow 2 heifers. 8 feeder. 1 60 2 26 2 25 2 60' a 85 1 20 2 95 8 60 , 9H2 8 95 R. S. 1130 1 60 810 2 63 9SO 8 75 15 feeders.. 1029 8 75 84 steers 93 steers. 1 feeder. 10 cows... 5 cows... 28 cows... 4 cows... 7 cows... .1020 .1024 . 792 . 604 907 997 13 steers... .1015 Lee Neb. 16 heifers.. 850 2 feeders, .lotio 13 feeder.. 9.-9 O. H. Wallop Wyo. 2 00 2 2a 2 40 2 M 2 95 2 95 8 96 2 25 8 75 8 76 4 15 1174 4 15 64 steers... .1192 Deimer & G. Neb. W7 3 40 H( iGS Recelnts of hogs were aulte mod erate thla morning at all points and aa a result the tendency of prices was upward. The market here opened 6U10c higher and seemed to gain in strength until It was a big dime higher. Trading was quit active at the advance and all the early arrival were out of first hands in good season. Several trains were late in arriving, which prevented an'early close. The bulk of the heavy hogs sold from 85 00 to f6.o5, with some of the commoner grades from f5.0o down. The medium and mixed hogs sold largely from 85.05 to f5.10 and choice I'ghts from fu.10 to 85.16. The close of the market was lust about steadv so that the late arrivals sold In practically the same notches as those that came In earlier In the day. A good clear ance waa made before noon. Representa tive sules No. It ! 4(1 42..... 41 48 61 46 65 4 j: 74 ti ta 70 1 12 u it 61 .... 61 ea 74 ao 40 70 M 7t S4 an 6 ... aa .... 61. flh. . . . .21 ,.rro ,.3k4 . .110 ..114 . 17 ..If 6 . 11 At. Pr. .. in Hi MO Iti 4 ti 4 45 4 W'l ( 00 i 00 I m I 00 6 00 4 04 ..231 . .!.! .174 .11.7 .. . M .177 ..171 II .14 .16 . IM . t:4 . .t . JiO . .f.0 . .'4 . 4 ..lit .114 .144 . IM . Ik lWI 6 00 i 00 0 IW an 40 (0 in lfl lie li-i 10 'ai TO 5 00 iw so I 0:4 40 I G2l 1211 6 U'lt 40 1 W .. I OS 09 6 K, 6 06 01 4 6 I 0) I 06 t 06 4 06 4 06 1 06 4 0.1 4 06 6 Oi 4 04 No. 71... 71... 74... 44... ti... T6... it... (4... rt .. 47... 71... 61... tl... ... ... 69. ... 6... It .. 4... n .. 7... 70... 41... 1... 44. .. 74... . .. a. .. 2... i... 14... ii.'.'. Bn. AT. Pr. ..K4 . .IM ..231 .. ..126 ..121 ..121 ..III . .IM .124 . .220 ..! . .800 .tit ..121 .1.1 .ns ..M4 ..Jhl . ,2M .III .ill ,.fi ..tit ..111 ..! ..If! .121 2'.4 ..lT ..IM . .lKk .111 I OS I 04 I 04 6 0714 I 07H 4 07 10 I 10 .. 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 14 .. Ill 10 4 10 40 4 10 lie 4 10 10 t 10 to t te 120 1 10 . t 14 104 4 10 .. 4 10 40 4 10 .. 4 10 un 6 i:' to 1 it 4 4 12', 4 12', 4 II', 4 16 4 IS 4 16 I 14 0 40 40 60 40 40 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts of sheep were about th same aa they have but 11 for the last fsw dsys snd the market held Just about steady. There were some more of the Mentsna ewes on sale that have been bringing Ml" and they sold for the same price today. The Oregon wethers and yearlings that sold yesterday for 83 S6 brought (8 n.-or a nickel higher. A atrtn of Ctah wethers sold for f3 0 snd M i and some yearlings from the same state brought f.1 60. The early arrivals sold In good sea son, hut three rars came In late which de layed the close for some time. Quotations for grass sheep snd lambs! Good to choice yearlings, f4.ootf4.25; fair to good yearllnas. f.l.(.i 4 00; good to choir wethers, f.1 V3.7u; fair to good wethers, V.2608.60; "") t choice ewes. 3.fart8.; fair to good ewes, fl.i64ji5.ffl: good to choice Isniba, WOiKjH.T); fair lo choice lambs, f.7.50 ft .no. Representative sales: 435 Montana ewes lo7 i'tah ewes and wethers. 145 I'tah yearlings 200 I'tah yearlings 21 'tah yesrllngs 810 Idaho ewes 10 Idaho lambs 105 99 K2 118 1U SIX 66 I in f 20 8 50 f M f 00 t 60 i 60 CHICAGO I.1VK STOCK MARKET Cattle glow. Hogs Strong: and hee . and Lambs Lower. CHICAGO, Aug. 4. CATTLE Receipts, 5.500 head. Including "0 Texsns and 00 westerns; market slow to steady; good to prime steers, $.V2r,'(i 26; poor to medium, f4.0O(i8.fv stockers nnd feeders. frorvwiOO; cowa, fl.2fv&4.iiO; heifers, f J.On'd 4.76: eanners, fl 6ivJ40; bulls. f2 ifjr4.15; calves.; Texas fed steers, f3 0i4.50; western steers, f3 5Mi4 76. HuUS Receipts, 14.010 head' steady to strong; mixed and butchers, fS.aVvjfS.Be; giiod to choice henvy, fv.'iVy,-) 5o; rough heavy, 14 "! 20; light, f6.25f(TS.&6; bulk of sales, f5.2iva6 45. SHEEP AND LAMMS Receipts. 10.000 hed; market steady to lower; good to choice wethers, 83 56ST4 16; fair to choice mixed, fS.OffulTB: western sheep, 8860114 07; native lambs, 84.0lj4! 76; western lambs, f4.8f&.75. Kansas (Ity Live (Work Market. KANSAS CITY. Aug 4 CATTLE Re ceipts, 4,70i head, Including 3P0 snuthenis; market strong tr lilc higher: choice export and dressed beef steers. 5 2(i.25: fair to good, M.T.'.tyS.OO; western fed stcrs. I3.75'i 6.5o; stockers and feeders, 82.26114.60; sou'h ern steers, t2.6oi4.60: southern cows, fl .if) tfi3 25: native cows, 17rifj l2i; native hrlf its. (2.605.15; bulls, f2.25h3 76: calves, f2.50 (S4 75. HOOS Receipts, 8.000 head; market f.9 7'r higher; top price. 85 35; bulk of sales, 85.105.2.''.; heavy. f5.)046.20; puckers, 15 10 4l5 2"'i pigs and lights, $6 0"i53n. BHEEP AND LAMH8- Rece'pts. 2.0X) head; market steady; lambs. f4.(Ou.25: feij ewes f30iK8.T5; Texas clipped yenrllngJ, 83 60W4.76; Texas clipned sheep, f3 2jjl.0l; stockcr and feeders, t:.5083.25. St. I.onls Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 4. CATTLK Receipts, 2.000 head, Including 1.200 Texnns; market steady to higher; native shipping and ex port steers, f4.50fi5flO; dressed beef and butchers steers, $4.00'35.26; steers under 1. 000 pounds, f3.6O4tft.f0; stockers and feed ers, f2.80g4.O0; cows and heifers. f2.l'fvf 4 s6; csnneri. l.f""t(2 36: bulls, fj.flofil 35; calves. f3.5ori5.7S; Texana and Indian steers, f2 Sfv?i4 26; cows and heifer. fl.60(fj J 60. HOGS Receipts, 2.f00 head: market 6c higher; e'.gs and lights, 14 506 46; packrrs, 5.iKVff5. 1); butchers and best heavy, f5.00 5.66. SHEEP AND LAM R8 Receipts, 10) head; market steadv to strong; native mut tons, f3 Of3.75; lumba. ttfrSfi.liO; culls nnd bucks. 2OO(fT3.50; tockcrs, f2.0O88.25: Tex ana, 3 3O4J4.50. St. Joseph Live stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Aug. 4. CATTLE Receipts 2,144 head; market active, 10r&26c higher; natives, f4.Sfu.16; cows and heifers, fl.60i 4.50; stockers and feeders, f3.0083.75. HOGS Receipts 2,9X8 head; market strong to 60 higher; light, f4. 96y5 10; medium and heavy. 86.024(fi20; bulk, 85.05a6.16. SHEEP AND LA MBS Receipt 150 head; market stronger; lambs, 15.15. Stooz City LIto Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, Aug. 4-tSpeclal telegram) CATTLE Receipts, 100 head; market steady; beeves. f4.0lKO6.76; cows, bulls and mixed. f2.4Wj4.0O; stockers and feeders, t2.75faJ.76; calves and yearlings, f2.60-frS.60. HOGS Receipts, 1,200 head; market steady, selling at f4.95jj6.15; bulk, ' Stack In Sight. Following are the receipts of live stock for the six principal western cities yestev. day: South Omaha. Chicago Kansaa City... St, Louia..,,.i St. Joseph Sioux City Totals. OMAHA Cattle. 2.025 6.600 4.70O . 2,600 2,144 , 100 ..17,069 H05S. Sheep WHOLES ALH 4.550 14.00J 8,(00 2,000 2,983 1,200 82,738 16,760 MARKET t.m 10,0(0 2,00 l,l) 150 Condition of Trade and Quotation on Staple and Fancy Produce. EGGS Receipts, moderate; candled atock, 16c. L.IVE POULTRY Hens. Dc; roosters. 5c; turkeys, 12c; ducks, 7c; geeee, 6c; broilers, 14c. BUTTER Packing stock, lov.c: choice to fancy dairy, 12igl4c; separator, 16S17c. FHKbri Flnii i rout, Ijc; pickerel, 80; pike, 10c; perch, 7c; bluefish, 12c; whlteAsh, 14c; salmon, 14c; redsnapper, lie; lobster, green. 26c: lobster, boiled, 30c; bullheads, 11c; catfish, 14c; black bass, 20c; halibut, 10c; crapplcs, 12c; roe shad, 81; buffalo, 8c; white bass, Ho; frog legs, per dof., 86c. BRAN Per ton, fl8. HAY Prlcea quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, f7.00; No. t, f8.60; medium. f6.00; coarse, f5.50. Rye straw, 85.50. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts light. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Sweets, choice, nil sizes, 83.25 Q3.60; Valencies, all slaes, 84.00. LEMONS California fancy, 270, 800 and 3C0, J4.2iU4 50; choice, 13. 754. 00. CALIFORNIA FIGS Per 10-lb. carton, 60c; imported Smyrna, 2-crown, 12c; f crown. llo; 7-crown, 15o. v BANANAS Per medium-sized bunch, 82.00 2.50; jumbo, f2.7533.26. DATES Persian, per box of 30 pkgs., $2.00; In 60-lb. boxes. 6c per lb. FRUITS. APPLES Home grown, per bu. basket, SI. 00; per bbl.. 82.50jrt2.7S. RASPBERRIES Red raspberries, per 24 qts., 82 00. mAL's-BERRIES-Home grown, per 24 qts., 2 .50. PEACHES Arkansas Elbertes, per 4 basket crate, Hoc; California Crawrords, per box. PLL'MS-Callfornla Burbarks, 81.361.60. PEARS Caillornla, per box. i. iou2.uo. CANTEIX3LPW Arkansas and Indian (crated), Territory, per crate, f2.60&2.76 WATERMELONS Per lo. (1 1M.C. VEGETABLES. POTATOES New home grown, In sacks, per bu., 85(6-45c. NAVY BEAN8 Per hu., fl.902.00. ONIONS Home grown. In lacks, per lb., 14c CABBAGE Home grown, per lb., lo. CUCUMBERS Per dos., 16o. TOMATOES Home grown, per market bo A k t ci Tl.'RN IPS Home grown, per bu., 60:. BEETS Home grown, per bu., fcc. PARSLEY Per dos., 25c. WAX BEANS Per market bosket, 6O0. STRING BF;AN8 Per market bssket, fOc. GREEN PEPPERS Per S-basket crate, f2 00. SQUASH Home grown, per doz., 50c. PEAS Per bu. basket, 75ciTtl.0O. EGG PLANT Southern, per dog., fl.60. MISCELIANEOUS. MAPLE SI 'OAR Ohio, per lb.. 10c. HIDES No. 1 green, tic; No. 2 green. 6c; No. 1 salted, 74ic: No. 1 salted, Gc; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 9c: No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 64c; dry salted, f12c; heep pelts. 24fj'27o; horse hides, f l.fttgt.SO. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream 11c; Wisconsin Young America, 12c; block Swiss, ISo: Wisconsin brick, 134c; Wis consin llmberger, 13c. NUTB-Walnuts. No. 1 soft hell. per lb., 15c; hard shell, per lb, 14c: No. 8 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. f hard shell, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, per lb.( 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., He; roasted peanuts, per lb., he; Chili erilnuts, per lb.. 12(tjlS4c; large hickory nutu, per lb., 11c; almonds, soft shell, per lb, 16c: hard shell. 13c; shellbarks. per bu., MOO; black walnuts, per bu., fl.25. Sugar and Molasses. NEW YORK. Aug. 4.-SUOAR-Raw, firm; fait, refining, 34c; centrifugal, 96 test, 4c; molasFes sugar. 84c. Refined, firm; crushed, 6.8uc; powdered, 5.25c; granulate!, 6.15c. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 4 -SI'OAR-Mar-ket strong; open kettle. 2&r 8-ltic; open kettle, centrlfgual, frj34c; centrlfugnl whites, 44c; yellows, 8VU44'-; seconds, 24 t(34c. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 4 WHEAT-Spot, nominal; futures, firm; September, 6s !l4d; December, ts lod. CORN Spot, steady; American mixed, new, 4s 64d; American mixed, old, 4s 7d; futures, iiuiet; Beplemher. 4s 64d. rblladelphla Protlnce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 4. BUTTER Unchanged, extra western creamery. 18 . EGGM-Steady; f ri-h western fir , 18c at mnr!:. CHLESE Steady; 74(84c. ern, 81.04; en trscl No. 1 northern, fl f Ne. I northern, fl.064; Snpternber, . 9s4c; Itcembr 8f4. OATS To arrive, S54c; on trark, 8T4c; Pleptember, 844c MRW YORK .F.r.Ft4l, MARKRT peded. carrwng September well Lsst 81 msrk and rinsing everything strong at 24f24c net advance; May. :V'il (OVm tntatlona rf the Day on Varlnas Commodities. NEW YORK. Aug 4 - Ft.OI R-"Recelpt, 19(117 bbls ; exports, 8.219 bbls.; market firm, with silently Improved demand; Minnesota firmly It, 1,1 hut continued quiet ; Minnesota bakers. 83 S n 4 26 ; Minnesota patents, 86 404 l ; winter patents, f4 sf'u6.20. KVK K'i.Oi R- 4' mi. .. to fancy, Hilt ' CORN ME.M Firm: velhrw western. f1 If 1.12; city, fl.12tit.14; hiltl dried, f.Vi.yi.l0. 1 . ' t r l i ,'i 1(1 ,1 WHEAT-Receipts. 6.0jhi bu. Spot, strong; No. 2 red nominal, elevator: No 8 red, fl 04, f o. b. eftoiit; No I northern Duluth, tliiS. f. o. b.. afloat; No. I hard M uni te!..!, nominal, f. o. b. afloat; market opened weak under bearish cable, hut bad northwest rrcp news and shorts stnm- eded. earrving September well tsst th St. closed at 8102; S, ptrmhrr, 'ciftll.01, closed st 1 Ol ; Ie( ember. 74c ,1 fl 01 4, cioseu at i CORN-Rrcelpts H2.926 bn. ; export. 63.81 bu. Ppot. firm: No. I 67 V elevator, snd 5rV f. o b. afloat: No. 2 yellow, Stic: No. 2 white, MIc. Options were also weak early, hut on the wheat bulge turned strong, ad vancing a cent on heavv covering, with last prices l(i2e net higher; September, 64 Jivr'sc, closed at 6"4o; December. 65'Viiff &4 closed at Vie. OATS Receipts. 15.000 bu : extwrts, 5 ,1! bu. Spot, dull; mixed. V to 32 lbs., 41rh43o cllnped white, 34 to 40 lbs., 45nilc. Option dull; September, S8c, it iCiv .-tcao ; noiiiestlo, fair to extra, fwi-v,c; .tnpsn. no'nlnal. TALLOW Steady: city (2c per rnekagej, 44c; country (packages freel. 4,t74ic. If AY Dull; shipping. 8 73; goo) to choice, f9.21. . HOrf Steadv; state, common to choice, 1903. 2T.1I34C: 1M2, 21r7f23e; olds.' 7"n3e. Pa cific coast. 1909, !i'.!)c; 1902, 2l!.c; old, 7fil3c IllDES Firm; Oalveslon. !0Tt2 lbs. ITet California, lrh25 lbs, 19c; Texas dry, 24tjS4) lbs. 14c. DEATH FR Firm ; acid, 24T7SV. WOO 1 Firm; domestic fleece. 32rB36e. CO At- Nominal. PROVI8lONS-Reef firm: family, 110 notj 11.00; mess, fs 5(K9 on. Reef hams. f :!.2N () 24 00; packet. $9 5HM10.50; city, extra India t2S.R0; packet. .6fviTin 60; cltv. c(rn Indli mess, f14 OOfridOO Cut meats, stesdy; plckld bellies, ftVOt'e-IO.60; pickled shoulders, t TfifP f7 00; pickled hnms. tlOonftllOO Lard. enf.y; western steamed, f7 2H: refined, hareljr steady; continent. 87 80; South America, t7.9f: compound. tf.S74',.124. Pork.--firm family, f'6.00; short clear, $13.50(5100; mess, $14.26-014.75. BUTTER Crenmery, common' to extra, 13V174e. CHEESE Small colored, .He; small white, SHifTTic; lnrge colored, 774; larg colored, 7f'T74e; large white. 64f't"4c. EGOS-Western. extra, fine. 2i'521c; wet ern, first average best, 19194c Milwaukee Oraln Market. MILWAUKEE. WI., Aug. 4. BARLET Dull; sample, 490550. . . . ... .. REAL ESTATR TRASFICpS. DEEDS filed for record August 4, as fur nished by the Midland Gunrnntee and Trust company, bonded a hat meters, 1614 Fnrnnm street, for The Bee: John E. Oeorge to John Hendrlckson, port of lot 20 In Maloney's sxldi. 190 James M. Morris and wife Jo Rose Burlngton, pnrt of lots a nnd 7, block 8, Meyers, Richards A Tllden's ndd.. 1.200 Clara MeCarde! to Thomna A, Cretgh, part of lot . block 3, South Omaha.. 660 William E. Swentzel and wife to Hans Peterson, lots 1 and 2, block SO, V"l cox's 24 add 800 Henrv E. Rnlney to John H. Levy, lot 10, Godfrey's add, and other land.... I Lnrs Nlcknlaisnn and wife to Hans Nlckolalson, lot 28, block 6, Albright's Annex 850 Clementine Brow'n to Luke McGrath, lot , hlock 1, Kountse Place..... 600 James B. Anjoll to Paul and Francis Pettlbone, part of lot 311, Burr Oak... 460 James Beaumont and wife to Henrlch G. Hlbbeler. lot 7, Koch's mih 870 Edward R. Benson to O. E. Collins, lot 19, block 120. Dundee riace. 550 O. M. E. Tel. 611 MESSENGER AND 'BAOQAQtt. ' lfilt Farnam Street ' WILL GET YOJR BAQQAOIS tHERB ON TU1& ' M7Q RAILWAY TIME CARD UNIOM STATIOHi TENTH ASO UARCk. Chicago, Rock Island at Paclflo AST.,' Leave.' ' .a 8 4 ana ArriTe. Cbleaan Darllaht Limited rhlcao Daxhsbt Local 7 :u0 am s 1:84 Bra Chicago gipreaa ,.b)I 01 m s 4:16 pa Dee alolDee Kiprea a 4 10 pm 611:40 an Chicago Fast Kapraas 6:40 pm 1:14 pat WBST. Rockr Mountala Lira Had st:0aa 8:40 am Lincoln, Colorado Sprlnia, Den- Ter, Paeble and weet alMpm a 8:04 pa Cblcseo Great Western. ' ' . Bt. Pan! A Minneapolis Limited.. I 40pra 4 7:16 am 8t. Paul U Minnaspolia Bipreaa.a 1 tt am s I M pa Chleaio Limited 4 :6upm alO OOaa Chit-ago Eipreaa ........a :0 am' a 4:04 pa I nlon Pacific. The Orerland Limited .........a 4:40 aa' a 1:04 pm Colorado & California Express., .a 4 :M pm 5 ,4:40 aa Chicago-Portland bpaolal s :2t P Bastern KUpresa Coiumbua Looal Coln:ado Special Chicago Spaclal . Healrire Local .. Faat Mall S 6:14 pa b 4:00 pm 4:44 aa a 7:46 am . a 4 40 am h l: pm b 116 pa . I:(v am 8:24 pa Chlciiao c Faat Chloato Local L'hiease Mall Daylight St P"ul Daylight Chicago Limited Chicago Local Carroll raet Ri. f'-y. Local Sioui City Bt Faat Mall Chicago Expreae Korfulk A Honeeteel ,. Lincoln A Long Fine . Deaflwjod A Llncolh . Caaner A Wyoming ... Hastings- Albion Northwestern. faul. ....all JO sa ....a 4:10 pm ,. ..a 1 .li'J am ,.s 7:0 am ,.,,s 1:4b pm ....a 4 oo pm' ,...a 1:1 pa ,...b 4:IW pu ..,. 8:08 am ....b 1:06 am .... J:0 pn ....b 8:40 um 7:44 aa Chicago, Milwaukee A Sf. rani. Chicago Daylight Eipreaa s 64 Callfornla-Oresen Ciprsas 6:44 I 0 aa 10.00 pa ' 11:40 pa 1:16 am 6 no am 'i 7 :06 am a o am s 8 :60 pin I 44 pm . 10 4 aa 10:36 am - 6:10 pa S 6:10 pm -l pa all 00 pa s a:io pn am pm Terland Limited I 10 pro De Moines A Okoboll Bipraa... 1:44 Hliuols Ceatral. Chloago Eipreaa a 7:64 am Chicago Limited 1:40pav Ulnn.innlli SI Paul ClOPMa .b Tf-'Stt Mlnnaapolla A BU Paul Limited. .a 10 pa a 4:04 pa Mtssoart Paclttc St. roula Eipreaa 10 46 am Kanaaa City A St. Louis Bipreaa. .ail . pm World'a Kalr KpMlal llHpo W abash. St. Louis Cannon Ball Bipreas.. 4:10 pm hew World'a l'air itHia Local Irou Ceuaeil lilufla .U a as :1:H a 8.1 pa J4 l pa a 6 of am bio:J pa I 40 pa s 7:oo pa ll:Maia a 4 jo aa e 4:04 pa 4 :u pa Dolath Grain Market. nULI'TH. Minn. Aug. 4 WHEAT To arrive No. 1 northern, H jQ; No. i ncrth- Bl HL1NQTOM STATION 10TH WASO.1 Chicago, Ilarllngtoa koines'. . ' LesTK 1 ArrlT. Chicago eperlat a 7 .00 ant ' a 1 44 pa Chloago Vrailbulad Bxpree a 4 v0 pa 7:44 aa Lhiuigo Local a la all 00 pm Chicago Limited a U pa a 7:40 pa Fast Mall 4.44 pm Kansas City, it. Joseph at Council Olnffs. Kanaaa Cltr Dt Eiprass a 1:18 a a 4:41 pa Bt. Loul r Irer a 14 pm U:06sa Kauaaa Clljr Night Eipreaa al0.i pm a 4.4 am Uarllnajtoie t Missouri Hlver. W mora, Ileatrlc Lincoln a 4 44 am bit of pa Kehraaaa gipreas a 6:60 am a 7.4 pa Deliver Limited 41upu 4 44 am black Hllla a Puget Sound ll..all .It pm . a S oapa toirado Va.ibuliHi r'lyer fc I N pa Linuoiu Faai . lali I C7 pm ali os pm Fort Crook at i-uttamoulo b 1 .61 pa bU : am llullevu t FaclOc Juocllon al.Ulpm 8.41 sa Lelievue c t-mclfle Junction f s I 10 aa bllue ud Platumouth bll 14 pm WEBSTER DEPOT 1DTH a WEBSTER. Missouri Paclflc, Leave. Arrive. N'brmtka Local, via Weplng - Water 4,14 pm sit IS pa Chluago, St. Paul, Mlaaruills Omaha. rwle Cltr Paaeenger bloux Cifty Faaaaiigar O.kuno Local b litis b 10 pa I ou pm all 40 aa b 4 4 pm 10 am b Dallr eicept lundaf. e Daily eauept alonuv 4 fiel If except OCi:AK B't'lCAalllllPg. HGLL&HD-AI.1ERICA L1IIE. ) ielu-e slaieera ml la.aoo losa. KKV. UK KOT1 r.MDAM. via 1iuIUa,.8 AiilBf TtMsyai. at it A. at. Prnitaa Aug. I Pouilam Aug. 4 Noordem .A144. J4: honridua 6ei.i. biatvndam Aug. 64U(yudam bepi. II HoLLM-AIEKICA LINK, aa Dearborn bt , LSI eaaa. 111.' ilariy Mosre a. ll Psrnaai Kc 1 l'. kuuiaelsra, usi gsrasa biwla Uas) tauaa bi. If