TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, AT70UST 4, 1P04. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wild Opening on Wheat Followed by Enaction- Partial Low of Gain. NEWS ON RUST LESS UNFAVORABLE Cora and Oat Are Wanted tiood Trade la Omaha Market Com xnerrlal Nota and Flaan lal Uosslp. OMAHA, Auk. ft, im. It look very much as if the wnwt mar ket had reached a point where prices were discounting? all the hull news tnat haa or may uevelup. And yet thrre are many who beneve In still higher prices. Indeed the markets have not as yet given Indication of lower figures. The crop duniBg" newa is Just s-rlous aa ever the weather Is ta.. ii,ij1 Td cause fear of more ruxt hiiu the rations of the world are short on luelr crops. The ruat damage reports were i.u. yutte aa dlsrourayrliia; aa they ha quite a nuniher of counties reporting msi without perceptlblo damage to the berry, of the wneat. Speculators have been acnlnif for Homo time past to take a turn on the hull aide, but they have hesitated In the face of the continued strength. When today' market opened with Jumps and bounds many speculators couid renixt no loud-r and tlio hulls found themselves under a load of celling. Gradually values rented, but they refused to reach the clos ing prl.fa of yesterday during the morning hours and at times showed good rallying power, the weather and crop reports being too good for these cereals. The largn receipts at primary points and a belief that It was time for th reaction caused a drop In wheat to nearly yes terday's figures. In the cloFidr hour, while corn sud oats were at least ,fil point oiT, the greater lows being (n oats. Chicago was a fiee Seller of all grains while the orthwet was the big buyer of wheat. In Omaha the condition wus different, iash wheat brought good prices, and the ellng was one of confidence, but the , for September and iJecember, which a been let alone this month, were taken In hand and given a good boost, Septem ber wheat advancing 2Mc and December 8Ho, while the futures of corn were ma terially advanced. Tills advance In the face 'it the trend toward lower quotations In the chief marts was In the nature of an evening up of the future quotations within reaHonuble ecnallty of Chicago prices. Omaha Grain, Inapectloiv In: rieven cars No. I hard wheat, '4 cara.No. 4 hard whoat, 4 cars No. 8 corn,.! car No. S oats and 1 car No. 4 white ottls: total, 1" cars. Out: Twenty-two ear of No. 2 hard wheat. Cash sales: n cars No. o vhe;it, two; 1 car No. 1 wheat, 84c; 1 car No. t wheat, 8c; 8 car No. 4 whett, Tv; 1 car No. 4 wheat, hoc; t car No. S wheat, 87Hc; 2 cars No. 8 wheat, WV-; 1 car Kn. 3 wheat, 85c; 1 car No. t yellow corn, 49c; 1 car No. I yellow corn, 47Vic, Rssd l Prices. The range of prices on tha Omaha mar ket for future delivery and tba cloaa today and Tuesday were: 'Closed Wheat tips. High. Uw. Today. Tuea. Aug 87 87 87 87 Sept 85 B K7V4B H5 B 87HR ES A Deo 83 . . 8 B 83 MB 82&A Corn Sept. .. Dec. ... Oats Sept, .. Dee. m. 46 B 47 A 44 B 46 A 45l 41 44 41 44 40V. 11 31 82 81 32 SI 32 31 82 Wheat, Car Lot Receipts. Chicago, 86; Duluth, Zi; Minneapolis, 71. Broomhall on Russian Crop. In the southwest of the Dnieper river dis tricts the crops are an average, this being the Important wheat-growing territory. In Podolia winter wheat is good, but spring wheat la bad. In the Odeana district the cropa are bad. In Bessarabia, which Is an Important winter ana modern spring wheat grower, the condition north Is good, but in tha south the crop Is a total failure. Grala Markets Blaawhcra. Closing prices .of grain today and Tues day at tha markets named were as follows: CHICAGO, Wheat September, December . May Corn September December Oata . . ,. -, Today, ... 95 ... t4'4 ... 88 ... 631, . ... 48Vi l'.. 34 ... 344 Tuea. 95 ' 94 MM 614 49 M 37V old. December . May Wheat September December Corn- September December Wheat September December Corn September 3GV KANSAS CITY. 83 4 84 42, 82H HM 47 43 BT, LOU13. 92 9BH B2M 4tH DecemDer Wheat- 451, MINNEAPOLIS. September December Wheat September December 96 it-T4 96 8-' DULUTH. 97 2H 96 92 N&W YORK. Wheat - Rentemfier 8OT4 !WU December 95(4 . Commercial Gossip. Chicago One house has bought 600,000 bushels of corn for foreign account. Ohio state report: Wheat crop, 60 per cent average yield; outs, 99 per cent, with largo area. Ben Bryan: Thla crowd has lost Its wheat. The northwest are good buyers of wheat. Brosseau of Chicago received cablegram from Paris: "Wheat prospects below av erage. Danubian province proepacts very poor, Foddar crop in continent very poor.1' Weather Indications for showera and cloudy weather over most district for to night and Thursday. Minneapolis, the Da kotaa, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana,. ouolwr. , J. A. Patten of Minneapolis: "Soirie fresh samples rusted wheat from South Dakota In tins morning. Tha kernel of the wheat Is not so bad as expected. Thla crop is not going to be completely ruined yet, un less we get mora rain." Visitors on the Grain exchange todavt Robert Wilson, James Wilson, W. H. Wil son of Chester, Net).: Robert Junhammer and Conrad Schneider of Snyder, Neb. i James DeVeau and 8. V. 10 vans of Minne apolis, Tom Piatt of low and V. 8. Keanan of Crete, Neb. Snow's report ia;ii- "Rust damage Is conllned to South Dakota, where wheat was attacked Just as It was ready to cut. The damage Is variable, heavy In a very few counties, light In a number, and none worth reporting In majority of cases. From twenty-seven counties In Minnesota rust Is reported, but three claim with no dam age. Barnes, Mcllenry and Kidder coun ties of North Dakota specifically deny rust. Lincoln, Hutchinson and Spink coun ties of South Dukota report some damage, while Hrule, Hyde and Lake report gru'.n harvested without runt," ' Financial Gossip. It Is reported that consols are off 1-16. People's Gas declared regular quarterly dividend of 1V. payable August 25. For the full fiscal year Norfolk & West ern shuws an Increase of $1,610,OuO in gross. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS restates of tha Trading aad Closing! Prices on Hoard or Trade. CHICAGO. Aug. 3. Higher prices In for eign grain markets Willi adoltlonal dam ago reports from the northwest caused strength In wheat here today. At the close the September option was up ',c. Corn is off IV- Oats are down 'Q'.s and provis ions 6u up. A feeling of hesitancy was manifested In the wheat pit when trading began today. Th market opened about where It left off yesterday, September being H(o4o lower, to a shade higher, at st'oWaC At one time No. 1 northern sold here at 81 06. Toward the middle of the session sentiment veered to the bear side and the market was sub jected to heavy liquidation. September broke to Mc. Im active covering by shorts much of lbs loas was regained within the last few minutes of trading, the market closing firm with September at 84NtH-4c. Clearances of wheat and hour were equal to .7(iu busha's. Primary receipts were HK.&uo bushels, compared with tin 7, out) bush els a year ago. Minneapolis and Duluth and Chicago reports receipts of 178 cars, agulnsl 219 cars last week and 2tll a year, ag'i. ' Heavy liquidation of September delivery by an Influential eommlilon house caused weakness In tha corn market. September opemtd VuWo to H'U Vc lower at fc-N 'iit'-ao, suld down to lSc aad cloned at blVuulle". Iam-kI receipts were 113 cars with five of contract grade. The action of corn was tha dominating In fluence lit ths oats market, although favor ubls crop advices and prospects of Increas ing rut 1 ids balpad to. Indoce 'Iberal profit letting i.-l-ii,',er n.eiit) c. Iqwer to W) hi.ucr at st'iivM, UucUnod to and cloeed at SMV?. Ioral rcelpts were 0 cars. TroWslnns were firm during the early Tart of the session on having hy local shorts, but selling credited to packers caused an easier feeling. Higher prices st the yards were responsible for the Im proved tone at the shirt. The market closed easier with September pork and lard down at I12.lfi!' and 16 90 respectively. Kibe were a shade 'gt at 17. S. Esti mated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 1)7 cars; corn, Z17 cars; oats, 2 cars; hegs, 12,00" head. The leading futures ranged aa follows: Artlcles.1 Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yee'r Wheat a S pt b Sept Iec. May Corn Aug. Sept. lec. Oals Sept. Iec. May Pork Oct. Sept. UM- Sept. Oct. Ribs SSpt. Oct. wr,f r.S' '"a . 9, 91- MVn'a W "'! 94i 4W W 97V96VU'. 8"l9ti-, 96'4 I 61 il 8H' 62H BIS 5H,ti ; SSVsH'1 4V-9i 49 4i I 8 87 V, ?4 37 3Vrn'l,eSl 3b;t-7 'l2 9T, ' I1 1J I 12 90 12 I I 12 86 I 12 87Vt 12 87H 96 12 80 12 HZHi u .1 I 6 S I 6 96 7 70 9'. I I 7H 70 6 85 6 97 7 60 7 (5 6 86 I 6 96 87tt 7 (C 7 671 7 65 I 7 ' 7 65 No. i Old. b New. Cssh ouotatlons were as follows: FLOUR Market strongety with prices In some Instances fio higher; winter patents, $4 Sr.i5 00; straights. 14 tofil f.6; spring pat ents 14 Soi-l.JO; straights. 3.1(.ii); bakers, 2 5ffl3.5rt. WHEAT No I spring, Jl.OOgi.O!; No. t. 92fiWc; No. i red, 9Afi()7c. CORN No. t. 62V4c; No. i yellow, 63tc. OATS No. 2, 34V4'li34V; No. wMte, 3H (&7Vtc; new No. 8 white, 85V38c, KV E No. 2. 64c. HAHI.EY Good feeding, 36c; fair to choice malting. 42450. SEEDS No. 1 flax. 11.17; No. 1 northwest ern, 11.24; prime timothy, $3.06; clover, contract grade. 111 25. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per hnl, H3.8og'12.; lard, per 100 lbs., I.86.R:V: short ribs sides (loose). 17 60t7.62H; short clear sides (boxed), 8.0(va8.25 Following were the receipts and ship ments of Hour and grain. .... Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls ,. 311,500 19,i0 vv firm, uu Corn, bu. oats, bu. Rve. bu. .. ....2S7.00,) UU'Ml ..2Wi,ono ..287,100 .. 7.000 160.6 10 109,0.0 6,ooo 4,40) Barley, bu 13,2-0 , 1 .. . . n ll.x.rl . a. . V. .. ......... , I. k. . . . ter market was steady; creameries, )3il7c; dairies, li'lSc. Eggs, firm; at mark, cases Included, 12Vir16c. Cheese, steady, 7 8V4c. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET (notations of tha Day oa Varlons Commodities. NEW YORK, Aug. 3. FLOUR-Rcelpta, 7,718 bbls.; exports, 380 bbls.; market was firmly held but continued quiet; Minnesota bakers, .80i!4.2S; Minnesota patents, 16.40 6.60; winter patents, 84866.20. RlfK FivOctt Fn m. cnoice to fancy, $4.2oa4.65. COKNMEAL Firm; yellow western, $1.08 1.10; city. $1,1041.12; kiln dried, $2.96(63.10. RICE Steady ; domestle, fair to extra, SHfuiie; Japan, nominal. . BARLEY Nominal. WHEAT Receipts. 43,000 bu.; spot firm; No. 3 red, nominul elevator; No. 2 red, $1.02 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, $U5Vi f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal f. o. b. afloat. Options were lower In general, owing to liquidation. In the last hour they rallied on covering and closed Vne net higher; May, 98!tcft$1.0i4, closed 91Vc; September, 9.44i99c, closed V.o; December, 97iuv9 11-liic, closed sc., t)ORN Receipts, 30,000 bu.; exports, 8,682 bu. ; spot easy; No. 1 67V,e elevator and 67VJ f. o. b. anoat; No. 2 yellow, 60Wc; No. 2 white, 691'. Option market de clined, December closing 647c. OATS Receipts, 134,600 bu.; spot dull; mixed oats, 26 to 32 pounds, 4143c; natural white, 30 to 32 pounds, 46u4iJc; clipped white, 3tkff40 pounds, 46(i46c. TALLOW Steady ; city tie per package;, 4Wc; country (packages free), 4H(a.44o. HAY Dull; shipping, $6.73; good to choice, $9.21. HOPS Steady: state, common to choice, 1903, K(j34c: 1902,21(f(23c; olds. 713c. Pa cific coast, 1903, 2629c 1902, 21(23c; olds, 74(13c. HIDES Firm: Galveston, 20725 lbs, 17c; California, 2125 lbs, 19c;. Texas dry, 24K30 lbs,- 14c. - . LEATHER Firm; acid, 244T26C WOOL Firm; domestic fleece, 82i935o, COAIy Nominal. PROVISIONS Beef firm; family, $10.60 11.00; mess, $3. 509.00. Beef hams, $22.26i) 24.00; packet, $9.60910.60; city, extra India $23.50; packet, I9.6i'10.50: city, extra India mess, $14.00016.00. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, $9.00(10.60; pickled shoulders, $6.75(9 $7.00; pickled hams. $10.000,11.00. Lard, easy: western steamed. $7.25; refined, barely steady; continent, $7.30; South America, I7.M1; compound, $5.87V4q6.12V. Pork, firm; family, $15.00; abort clear, $13.5016.00; mess, $14.2f.'0l47B. BUTTER Unchanged. CHEESE Small white. 6U$j7c; large white, ZWalhc; large colored, 7t7ViC EGGS Unchanged. St. Loals Grata and Provisions. S.-WH EAT Higher . ST. lOUIS Aug. No. 2 red cash, elevator, 93"4c; track, 94-Q) 9Ho; September, gsViSSS-Hc; December, 96V, tjiiiic' no. i nara, inc. CORN Lower; No. I cash, nominal; track, 63c; September, 60sc; December, 4874C. - OATS Lower; No. 2 cash, S5c; track, 35p 85c; September, 33c; December, S4c; No. 2 white, 36Hc. FLOUR Firm; red winter patents, $4.70 4.90; extra fnncy and straight, $4.304.4O; clenr, $3.5(HiJ.75. SEED Timothy steady at $2.40(S2.75. CORN MEAL Steady;. $2.75. BRAN Firm; sacked east track. S3n. HAY Steady; timothy, $8.00ojl6.00; prairie,' $6.00fa 10.00. IKON COTTON TIKS-65C. TW1KK Hemp, 7c. tROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing, $12J2H; lard, unchanged; prime steam, t6.8.. liaeon, better; boxed extra shorla,. $S.50; clear ribs $S 50; short clear, $9.00. POtTLTRV Lower; chickens, 9c; springs, 12c; turkeys, 14c: ducks, 7c; geeee, 8c. irl'TTER Quiet; creamery, HifjilSc; dairy, 104c16c. . ' EGGSFIrm at 14Vc, fape count. itec ts. empm is. Flour, .bbls. Wheat bu. Corn, hu. . Oats, bu. . .. 6 000 ..154 000 .. 27,fT0 .. 96,000 8000 86,000 20.00) 23,u00 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Aug 3 WHEAT Higher; September, 83:fiS3Sc; December, 84c; May, S6i53,i6V. t'esh: No. hard, 8748c; No. 8, 86h7c; No. 4, 80ftR6c; No. 2 red. l(S92c; Ni. 3, 87ti90o. Receipts, 860 cars. CORN Steady to higher: September, 47Vc; December, 42Tijic; May. 42't4,1c. Cash: No, 2 mixed. 4iwti49'4c; No. 8, 48.31 4He: No. 2 white. 49ft6oc; No. 8, 48He. OATS Iwer; No. 2 white, 40iS41c; No. $ mlxen. S7o. HI'TTEW OsLmery, 18ifJ15c: 1-lrv, 12c. KGGS Higher; Missouri and Kansas new No. 2 whltewood cases Included, 16c; case count. 13Vfcc; cases returned, Ho less. HA Y Lower; choice timothy, $8.60; choice jralrle. $ 7517 00. RYE 62uti3c. ' Receipts. Shipments. W'heat. bu 28.8nO 167.fyW Corn, bu 60.800 27.200 Oats, bu 12.000 I.Out) Hlaaaapolls Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. S. WHEAT Sep tember 96c; December. 92T; May. Vs$ 93Tc; No. 1 hard. $1.06H: No. 1 northern, $1MS: No. I northern, $1.02V4. FLOUR First patents. r. 3ig6.40: second patents, $5pt)5Sn; first clears, $3.66i3.76; second clears. $2.60. BRAN In bulk, $14.00; shorts, $16.50. Dnlath Grain Market. DVLTTTH, Aug 1,-WHEAT-To arrive No. I northern, $1.07; No. 1 northern. $1.03"4; on track No. 1 northern, $1.07; No 1 north ern. $1.03H; September, 87c; December, K-'V?. OATS On track, 874e; to arrive, ISc; September, 34o. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Aug. I WHEAT Spot, noinlnal; September, ta lod; December, 6a Il.d. CORN 8Kt, steady; American mixed, new, 4s 6Wd; old. 4a 6Hd; futures, steady; September, 4s 5. Peoria Market. PEORIA. 111., Aug 3-CORN-3uoted higher. No. I, 60Hc; No. 4, 49Vc. Mlleraakea Grala Market. MILWAUKEE An 4 BAR LET Dull; No. 1, Joe; sample, StwiSiic. Oils aad Hosln. NEW YORK Auc 3 OILS Petroleum, quiet; refined. New York. $7 70; Philadelphia and Baltimore. ? 66; In bulk, $4 76; turpen tine, eesv, WH'(t)7c. ROS 1 N Steady ; strained, common to g.iod. IV " SAVANNAH. Aug. $ OII.f-Turpentlne. firm. 6.V. HOblN-FIrm: A. B. C. 13 40: P. f 48; F, 1" ! F. $?n. U. $lf'i; H 2 76; I $8.1: K, $if.t M, $1.90; N, $4. WU, MAi-n'W, $4t."V. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS BpecnlatiTe ActiYity in Wall Street 8howi Lagging Interest. RAILROADS ABSORB ALL THE ATTENTION Cotton Market Gives tha Balls Chaace to Do Some Baslacss aad v There Is Considerable Dealing. NEW YORK, Aug. $. Speculative ac tivity In stocks continued light today, but sucn interest as there was shifted Into pronounced way to stocks of railroads whose trafllc Is largely made up of cotton, This was not surprising in view of the character of the report of the Agricul ture.! department on the condition of the cotton crop on July 23 which made Its ap pearance at noon today and which pre sented a situation without precedent in tho history of the cotton trade. The condition of 91.8 per cent has never been exceeded except at the corresponding period In lf9l, when 91.8 per cent was re ported. Added to this the fact that the i,uuo,uuo acres planted this year is mucli the largest on record and the sensational view of the report taken by the speculative uniaeis wilt oe uiKierstooa. In the cotton market Itself there was fome very determined support by free buy ng of tho large offerings. It was consid ered also that a large short Interest was oiBp.iseu to cover on the publication of the report in tne nenet tnat the heaviest sell ing would be Induced by Its first effect. Bonds of southern railroad companies shared In some of the strength of the Stocks on account of the cotton situation. Attention was somewhat diverted from the spring wheat situation and the Wheat mar ket also revealed some Inclination to regard yesterday s alarm on that score as over done. The tone of the general speculation In siocks, nowever, continued markedly con servative, In spite of the sympathetic ef fect of the advance In the cotton carriers Southern Pacific's rise was the only In stance of notable strength In the genera1 list and was unexplained by news. It was regarded as designed to further the sub scnptlon demand for the new preferred BtOCK. Labor difficulties were a continuing re pressive effect. Sterling exchange ad vanced again to where gold exports were unnrr negotiation last week and a gold outgo became an Immediate probability again. The market closed rather heavy at some recessions. Central of Georgia first preference Incomes advanced 2, tha sec onds 1 and the thirds 2H - The bond market generally was dull but firm. Total sales, par value, $2.0O0,0iiO. United States bonds were unchanged on CUll, Following was the range of prices on the Stock exchange: Baies.Hign.'ow.ciose. Atchison do pfd ICO 86'4 84 14 96 84V4j 92 125i4j 102 33 39T4 81 Baltimore & Ohio ... do pfd Canadian Pacific Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio... Chicago & Alton do pfd Chicago Ot. West.... Chicago & N. W Chic, Mil. & St. P.. do pfd Chicago Ter. & T.... do pfd C. C. C, & St. L Colo. Southern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Pel. ft Hudson Del., Lack. & W Denver & R. G do pfd Erie 2,100 84H 500 126H 126 3)10 1,100 33H 3'J 40V. 100 14-4 14'4 14 100 179 179i 179V4 7,900 147S 14H 147 17814 .... 6'4 13-14 74 1.200 14V4 14 14 &X 49 49 49 100 19t 194" 19V4 800 160 160 169V, 2fi5 21 .... 71 8.5y 26V4 24 25 do 1st pfd 1.300 62H 614 do 2d pfd 87V4 Hocking Valley 66V4 do pfd 79V4 Illinois Central 400 133V4 13-1V4 113V4 Iowa Central 100 1S 1HT4 18 do pfd 200 35 86 86 K. C. Southern 21 do pfd 400 44 43 43 Louiavllle Sc Nash.... 7.100 116V4 114 116 Manhattan L 1,300 160V4 14S7 1494 Met. Securities 88V4j Metropolitan St. Ry.. 10.700 119V4 USH 118 Minn. & St. L. 100 46 46 47 M.. St. P. & 8. S. M .... 72 do pfd .... 126 Missouri Pacific ..... 3,800 . 92 .82 - 92 Missouri, K. & T..... 100 17 17 18 do pfd 900 41 40 40 Nat. of Mex.. pfd 87 New York Central.... 100 119 119 118 Norfolk & Western.. 300 61 61 do pfd 90 Ontario A Western.. 4.2M 31 31 81 Pennsylvania 6,800 120 119 120 Pitts., C. C. & St. L 62 Reading 1,400 62 62 6 do 1st pfd 82 do 2d pra Rock Island Co.. do pfd 6S 22 22 22 64 65 624 64 14 1.1 14 35 84 85 60 49 60 25 24 25 90 88 89 2 24 25 26 26 26 3H 3 38 96 95 95 -93 16 35 36 35 2,300 St. L. & S. F.. 2d pfd 6.000 St. L. Southwestern. 600 do pfd S.900 Southern Pacific ... Southern Railway.. .34,100 .29,600 do Dfd 3.200 3,200 Texas & Pacific Toledo. St. L. & W.. 100 do pfd Union Pacific 400 ..17,700 do pfd Wabash do pfd Wheeling & Lake E.. Mexican Central .... Adams Express Amer. Express ...... U. 8. Express Wells-Fargo Express Amal. Copper Am. Car & Foundry. do pfd Am. Cotton Oil do pfd American Ice do pfd Am. Linseed OH do pfd Am. Locomotive .... do pfd Am Smelt. & R . do pfd Am. Su;rar Refining.. Anaconda Mining ... Brooklyn R. T....... Colo. Fuel & Iron..., Consolidated Gas Corn Products ....... do pfd Dlbtlllera' Sec General Electric International Paper.. do pfd International Pump.. do pfd National Lead North American .... Pacific Mall People's Gas pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman Palace Car.. Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd Tenn. Coal Iron.... U. 8. Leather do pfd IT. S. Realty & Imp.. U. 8. Rubber do Pfd 400 14'4 100 9 9 9 225 195 105 204 6i 6,100 62 61 .- .... 77 100 26 26 26 89 7 100 27 27 27 ..." .... 8 2fi 21 21 21 . 87',ty foo l'.ioo l',2o6 129V4 128 129 UK) 72 72 S.JuO 62 86 61 36 196 68 102" 13 61 85 194 12 68 14 21 162 13 . 70. 80 70 20 87 100 200 196 '306 68 "loo 162' 100 13 8,100 20 18 26 600 100 100 100V '.'.!'. 75 217 7 44 18 78 45 82 46 19 74 12 61 168 400 800 V 46 2S 82 i J2 60 166 5,400 "ioo '206 6.766 20,100 46 82 19 12 61 U. 8. Steel do- pfd Westlnghouse Elec 200 166 Western Union 100 88 88 88 Total sales for the dsy, 246,400 shares. Iondon Stock Market. LONDON. Aug. fc-Closing: On anil, man.? 7 N- J Citrl my, So accouot . . St 16 14 Norfolk W.... Anaconda l do pfd 1 Atrhl.on do pfd Baltlmnr. Ohio. C. nadl.a Paclfta .. ChM. Ohio... Chlcio Ot. W C . M. Bt. P DeBoori D. R a.... do ld Erie 1 Ontario a W 11 .. no P.nmo-lv.nla IS ,. Hand Minus t'L ..i:S Hooding t,si .. I4. do lit pfd 41 .. 14 do id prd u ..150 80. llallwar 11 ..it 1 do prd .. tut .. MH 80. P.rlBe 51', .. U . L'nloo ftolao M .. VV do P H do lt pra. -at. V. . Mil do 'Id prd .....V- o pfd JS Illinois Control ......IM Wbo 17, Uuii a N.n......l"'V do pfd ly U . K. T lw Sponllh It SILVER Bar, steady, 87d per ounce. MONEY 8l(o2 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 2Va2T Pr cent; for three months' bills, ft'4 per cent.. Kaiv York Mining storks. NHTW YORK, Aug. $. Ths followln ig are ths closing prices on mining stocks: Ad.ms cos n liiiio ubiw AUro IK I Ontario ..V4 ..lit .. 1 .. II .. 10 .. ) .. 10 ttrooco Op.Ur ,1-liowils , Putuol BOYt. Slrr. Nor.d. Sirall Hupos .. klonAord fcrunanlck CoO romato- k Tuunal Cos. t'al. a V... H.,ro SllTor Iron Silver LMdllll. COB .... . I .10 AM . 1C0 . I New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Aug. MONEY On call, very easy. ul per eent; closing bid, per cent; offered at 1 per cent. Time loans easy; sixty and ninety days at iy-Vs per cent; six months, 8S'M per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 8l64'4 per cent. HTEHI JNO EXCHANGE-Flrm. with ac tual buotutss in buuaers Uus at ei.es.it) tut' demand and 84 5 30 for sixty-clay bills. Posted rates. It M and t4.gs414.89. Com- m.-rciiii hills, 4 4-h SILVER-Bar, fce; 46c. BONDS Government firm. Mexicsn dollars, steady; railroad Ths closing quotations an twnds are as follcws: C 8. rrf. ta, rt do roapon do ta. rs 00 coupon .... do new 4a. rag. do coupon .... do old 4 , ref . . do eoufen Atrhlaon sen. 4s.. t04HManhattan e. f. I....!"1, ISiMn. Centr.1 4a H .l"4V 00 l lee il P Minn, a 81. L. 4a ... H .1)1 do la 1'IVM.. K A T .H1 N. R. R. of M ... 7 ... M14 4a. tsv ... " ...1J. ...1Ha ... 74V, ...I'd1 ... f.'. ... .l'".4 N. Y. V. I IWS ...inftiN. J. C. a- ta do a1J. 4a.. .''a No. Pacific 4i Allantlo C. L. 4a V do la B Sk o. 4a .IM N aV W. e. Ia .. do Jwa Central of Oa. 5. .. do lat Inc Chaa. A Ohio 4Sa. . Chlrago A A. lLas- . 0 8. L. 4a ft par 1K'4 rnn con. !. . k. Reading sen. 4a . l""iSi. L. aV I. M. e. . 1 1st. U. 8 K. ft. ta. V, B to. n. 4a.. 1"i St L. S W la ... Ha C. M. & S P. a 4a..Iw.,Snboard A. U 4a... . 70 . H4 .IM". .11" . 714 .lOi'. .102'. . n .11 . M . l4 . nv, C. A N. W. e. "a 12lso. pari Re 4s C. tl. I. A P. 4a.... Usjrfn. Hallway 5a do eol. oa ivTrxa A p. Is CCC. A St. L. . (l..lHT. 8t. U A W. 4 t hlraKo Ter. 4a. t nlnn panno aa Con. tobacco 4a Coin. & So 4a D A R. O. 4a Erla prior lion 4a.. do sen. 4a T. w. a D. C. la.. Hocking Val. 4'-ia... L. N unl. 4a.... Offered. 4-V on conv. 4a J 'V Steel Id a .... wahsah , l"l do teb B M','W A L. B 4 lOJS.WIs. t'estrsl 4a lWolo. F. A I. e. -. Boston Stock Qnotatlona. BOSTON, Aug. S.-Call lonns. 253 XTT cent; time loans, SH'S per cent, uinciai closing of stocks and Donas: Atchison sdl- 4a.. da 4a Mci. Central 4s.. Atchison do pfd Beaton A Alhanr. hoaton A Maine. Boaton PMerated .. Fltcbburg pfd .... Mai. Central Per. Maruuttt. .. Vnlon Pacific Amer. Arge. Chem do prd Amer. Pnau. Tub.. Amer. Sugar do pfd , Amer. T. T Amer. Woolen .... do pfd Dominion I. A B... Erilann Elec. Illu... General Electric .. 441 Westing, common hlS Adventure fJ'.AIIoun . T .. I7H .. .. . 11 . m .. u .-, . 24 . (.144 . lav, . 4614 . 1 . iV, . i(ri . 4 . 43 . H - U. . . 24 . tl W . 89 . t . tlV, . i . 81 - l JVi . 71 i9 ,ABiiimnn . M .24 1W .1491. .1J7 H . 14 . m u 7 . 4 .lSH'a .12S .l.io . 11V Amerl.ao Zinc . Allantlo Bingham Cal. A Heel..... centennial Copper Range .. Daly Weal Dominion Coal . Krankllu Orancy Ile Rnyale "Mm. Mining . Mnhawk ilont C. A C... lid Dominion ... Ifcanla ' aW Parrot !4 tiulncy 11", Phannn Maas. Electric 17 Tamarack do pfd .Trlnltjr Maaa. Gaa United Fruit United Shoe Mach... do pfd V. S. Steel. m....... do pfd Bid. "Asked. 39 t Mining. 1' tl. 8. 60 Utah . Oil Victoria . 1?S Winona . 1V Wolverine Foreign Financial. LONDON, Aug. 8. Money was In fair demand today. Discounts were slightly easier. Trading on the Stock exchange was quietly Irregular. Consuls declined. Americans were lower and closad quiet with some recessions. Grand Trilnk was strong. Foreigners were quiet. Japanese were buoyant. Imperial Japanese govern ment 6s, old, 1904, were quiet at W. BERLIN, Aug. 3. Trading on the Bourse today was Irregular. Government securi ties were firm. Irtm ehares sharply de clined on unsatisfactory trade reports, and coal shares were higher. Baltimore & Ohio was weaker and Canadian Pacific was maintained. PAHIS, Aug. 8. Prices on the Bourse to day were slightly weak and business was restricted. Ktissiun Imperial 4h closed at Bl. 80 and Russian bonds of 1904 at bH. The private rate of discount was 1 7-16 per cent. Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON, Aug. 3. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,0() gold reserve In the division of redemption, hows: Available cash balance, $162,4l,bJ2; gold, 846,857,237. OMAHA WHOLE 8 ALE MAHKET Condition of Trade and Quotations on Staple and Fancy Produce. EGGS Receipts, moderate; candled stock, 16c. LIVE POULTRY Hens. Oc; roosters 6c; turkeys, 13c; ducks, .7c: geese, 5c; broilers, 14c. BUTTER Packing stock, 10c; choice to fancy dairy, 13&14c; separator, lie. FRESH FISH Trout. 11c; pickerel, 8c; pike, hlc; 'perch, 7c; blueflsh, 12c; whlteflsh, 14c; salmon, 14c; redsnappcr, 11c; lobster, green, 28c: lobster, . belled, 80c; bullheads, 11c; catfish, 14c; black bass. 2ftc; halibut, loc; crappies, 12c; roe shad, 81; buffalo, 8c; white bass, 11c; frog) legs, per do., 85c. BRAN Per ton, 818. HAY Prices quoted Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association:. Choice No. 1 upland, 17.00; No. 2, $0.60; medium, Jo.00; coarse, 86.50. Rye straw, 85.50. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts light. TROPICAL' FRUITS. ORANGES Sweets, choice, all sizes, $3.25 0360; Valencia, all sizes, 84.00. LEMONS-Californla. fancy. 270. 300 and 860, 84.2oti4.50: choice, 83.7564. 00. CALIFORNIA FIGS Per 10-lh. carton. 50c; Imported Smyrna, 2-crown, 12c; 6- crown 14c; 7-crown, 16o. BANANAS Per rrlerlfum-sized bunch, $2.00 452.60; Jumbo, 82.75tt.2a.' DATES Persian, per box of 30 pkgs., 82.00; in 60-lb. boxes, 5c per lb. FRUITS. APPLES Home grown, per bu. basket. 11.00; per bbl., $2.5c,2 76. RASPBERRIES "er 24 qts.. X3.0Ur3.50; red raspberries, per 24 qts., I2.0C BLACKBERRIES Home grown, per 24 qts., 82.50. PEACHES Arkansas ElDertes. rer 4- basket crate, 80c; California Crawforos, per dox. i.w. PLUMS California Burbarks, tl.35rjrl.Efl. PEARS California, per box, l.(6(o2.tio. CANTELOl'PE Arkansss and Indian Territory, per crate, 2.50fu2.75 WATERMEIjOWH per it. (crated), 1KW lo. . VHUHIABLISO. POTATOES New home grown, in sacks. per Du., oWft-iuc. k. i 1.V III." KTQ Tah V. , . 1 AAWt iA ONIONS Home grown. In sacks, per lb.. lc C AliKAtirnonie grown, per id., ic. CUCUMBERS Per dox., 15o. TOMATOES Home grown, per market basket, 75c. TURNIPS Home grown, per hu., BOc. BEETS Home grown, per bu., 00c. CARROTS Home grown, per bu., 75c. PARSLEY Per dox., .2,r.c. WAX BEANS Per market basket,' 60c. STRTNG BEANS Per market basket, 60c. GREEN PEPPERS Per 6-basket crate. . ' . . H'Jl'Aan riome grown, per aox., ouc. I'EAS Per bu. basket, 75cJfJI.OO. EGG PLANT Southern, oer dox., 41.60. MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SUQAR-Ohlo, per lb., 10s. HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green. 6c: No. 1 salted. 7ic: No. 2 salted. 6xc: No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 9c: No. t veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry salted, 8(fT12c; sheep pelts, 2427c; horse hides, $1.60(if2.60. CHEF.'SE-Wisconsin twins, full cream. 11a; Wisconsin Young America. 12c; block Swiss, 16c; Wisconsin brick, 13c; Wis consin llmberger, 13c. NUTS Walnuts, ivo. 1 sort shell, car lb . 15e; hard shell, per lb.. 14c; No. 2 soft shell. per ID., ldc; fo. a nitru mien, per 10., i?c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., ffie- nennuts. tier lb.. 6c: rousted nesnnts per lb., Sc; Chill walnuts, per lb., larpflSVbc; 1 Isrge hickory nuts, per lb., 11c; almonds, j soft shel . tier id., loc: hard she 1. Ue: shellbarks. per bu., 12.00; black walnuts, per bu., 81.25. Wool Market. BOSTON. Aug. ' $. WOOITha market here Is quiet this week, most manufac turers havInK freely stocked uu durlnn the early part of the summer. Dealers have sold enough of their new wools to make them feel Independent for some time and a firm tone prevails. hMture prices depend to some extent upon the ststa of the goods market, which has not been as active as the manufacturers would Ilk. Fleeces and terrltorv woo a are firm and the uresent demand for fleece wools Is largely for the medium grades. Old wools are quiet. Quo tations are us follows: lditho Fine, 17p 18c; fine medium, V(ulHe. Wyoming Fine. Kiil7c; Una medium. l.ftlSo. Utah .and Nevada-Fine. le'flTKc; fine medium.' 17: 18c. Montana Fine choice, amfcl'lc: fine me dium choice, a?r.'lc; average. li)i20c. Colo rado Fine. I3(rii4c: nne medium, iwaitic: coarse, lii'317c. Pulled Scoured basis, fine, 4n1i5ijc; extra, 5to66c, extra superfine, Vii 48c. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 8 WOOL Strong snd active; medium grades, combing snd cloth ing, ardioc; llaht fine U'aaic; heavy fine, 13 tiloc; tub washed, 21&34jC. Whisky Market. CHICAGO. Aug. 8. WHISKY Steady, on a bssls of 11.28. feoria. An, i-nmsni-tm a has Is of 81.28 for finished goods. BT. 1X)1 13. Aug. B.-u HlBKI-Steady, on a tiHsis or g i va- CINCINNATI. Aug I WHISKY On a basis of 11.28 tor finished goods. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA'. Aug. 8 MUTTER fetoe.lv; extra western creamery, 18c. Etttin Steady ; fresh western firsts, 18a at mark. CHEESE Finn. 7is'.ic. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO.. Aur 3 CU'JVERSEKrV Cash. tunc, October. 6 so 1,1,1. prima alslke, 88 86 UKl; Aii'imi, a 00 ma. rmo'IHY-I'lline. 1162; . sWptsmber. Ii.fc. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Beoeipti Moderate and Desirable Grades Sold Fully Steady. HOGS OPENED WEAK. CLOSED STRONG Most of Sheen Were gold to Arrive or Ordered In and Just About steady Prices Were Paid (or Every thing In the Yards. SOUTH OMAHA, Aug. 3, 1504. Receipts vi te: inw.e. t-i.s o. o- - Official Monday 2.4S8 2.8T3 2.5 Official Tuesday 1.3' 6.8,ii 2.8-t Official Wednesday .... 2.1!1 4.8. 1.664 Three days this week.. 6,6 13.&7 6,.6 Same days last week ... 1.84 8,277 8.412 fct.ime two weeks ago.. 3.CW 6.1-5 1.944 Same three weeks ago.. 4.4w 7.'.C 10.4o9 Same four wetka ago... 8.2) 26.031 10.074 Sume days last year. .. .12,446 21,1'JO 31.S46 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following tabie shows me receipts of cattle, hogs sad sheep at bouin Otnaua fur ttie year to ae.t, wlui cumpaiisou wun last year: 1904. Cattle 4SS.118 Hogs 1,4, i)., 44 biieep it&.bU Avciaxe unces Lu.ia 1803. Inc. Dec. 6t.lS)7 iM l.ts.ati i.Mi tiM.itii 68,V4U tor bogs ul Soutn Omaha lor tha last several das with com parison: Date, I 18V4. 1903.laV3.ll)01.18u.;iS9(.!18M. July 10. July U U It: 32 7 83, 7 7i V'i 7 72 7 it 7 2Z 1 at 7 7i I 00 1 I 7 62 7 41 ; at, 7 41 7 6J 7 62 I 7 63 1 7 601 7 4i 7 61 7 41 7 36 I 5 85 6 U 6 81 6 ol 6 o 6 Oil i kai 6 Hi 1 6 0, 6 77 1 I 6 64 I 021 U D- 1 V 6 68 4 87 u 0-1 1 H- 6 to I 4 Ki I oil &7 I 6 70, 5 I61 69 t 15 a i4 6 001 6 bs 0 IMi 6 bl 6 0u I 6 "I 6 47 I 6 if 1 6 08; 6 til; 6 0D I 5 w s loi 6 76 6 18 6 ii 5 I61 8 80 8 lftl 3 74 4 V4 3 8 4 0!f 8 2 t J 77 wi 8 . 1 I 3 U 4 (M, -4 1G 3 83 4-i a J 4 1 8 Hi 4 21 3 61 4 4 3 ''J ' 1 3 Ki 4 86 4 8i 3 89 4 Zi 8 M 4 M t 11 4 ti bl 4 3 2 I 8 74 4 32 4 18 3 7 4 26, 3 74 4 33i 3 61 July July July July U. U. 14. lA 1. ll. 18., U. 80. i. U. a. 24. 26. 26., il.. 28. 1 1 6 tt t 881 6 11 6 ltt, 6 11 1 h Itii 6 18 I l uiy July July July Juiy July Juiy July July July July July July. 6 06, 6 loi 6 luWi 6 11 4 K, 6 lo-yti 6 0A 6 UK I 6 (J J 1 I 6 0 4 89 1 4 U.i 4(K!I I 4 IU 4 E9 July 80. Juiy 31. August August August Indicates Sunday. The othclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle.Hogs.Sheep.H's's. C, M. &. Bt. P. Ry.... 3 Wabash Missouri Pacific Ry... 7 Union Pacific system. 17 C. & N. W. Ry 2 F E. & M. V. R. ..24 C, St. P., M. 4c O. Ry 2 B. & M. Ry 25 C, tt. Ik. y. Ky 1 K. C. & St. J 2 C, K. 1. Kc. P., east... . Chicago Ot. Western. 2 Total receipts 96 .1 5 81 82 ,. 6 is 1 .. b 04 I i 22 ..I 6 10 I 6 22 1 . ( 074 1 6 U . .1 1 0 01 & lai 6 Uoj 1 4 Ml J 1 2 14 4 2 "i 'i 'i 1 4 14 14 'i 1 2 68 7 8 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co. oil Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co..,.. Armour & Co bwirt, Kansas City Vansant & Co Root H. F. Hamilton L. F. Hubs Wolf & Murnan Sol Degan Hodden Cudahy Bros Halstead Morrell Klnggen Am. Packing Co., K. C. Other buyers DDI bbO HI IOO 61 IS el 84 39 60 Wi l.ioa 664 39 664 140 86 fc4 60 188 446 1,244 Total .2,359 6,031 YESTERDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following list shows tne number of can of leeuers snipped into the country yesterday and their points of destination: CATfLlS - Cut A. L. Duncan, Uauuoipn, la. Q - J il. jxniM, lena, la. . l...........: 1 SHEEP. W. F. North, Hawaia li. & M 1 CAlTL.1 mere were about U.ooo cattle repoiteu this morning at cmcagu, Kaiuas City and bouth omana, noi lnciuumg tiioee that were carried over irom ycsieiony. 'lhl numoer did not seem to ue at ail ex cessive ana as a result a fairly active and fully sleaxiy marKet was experienced ou desirable grades. There were comparatively few corn-fed steers included in the offering here touay and as local pacKers ail ueeued trtsh sup plies, the Duyers were oui In good season and the marKet could be quoted tully steady and In some cases a Uitie stronger prices were paid lor the better grades, 'ihe common kinds, thougn, were not as active and 110 more than steady. Quite a num ber of western grassers were offered that were fat enough tor killers and they also sold at steady to strong prices. About the middle of the forenoon a trainload arrived after packers had their more urgent orders filled and they did not sell quite as freely as tha ear.y offerings. A fairly good clear ance was made, however, at a reasonably early hour. There was a good demand for the better f grades of cows and hellers at steady and n some cases at stronger prices. The cose of the market was rather dull. The tame as has been the case ever since tha strike began, the common stuff, such as canners and cutters, were a drug on the market. The pretty good kind of cutters were also hard to move. Up to a late hour today there were several loads In the yards that had been here the greater part of the week and no one had tried to buy them. Aa mentioned yesterday, the packers are not operating their canning departments and until they do It Is a big mistake for ship pers to send In their common cows. Hulls were also extremely slow sale, the same as of late, and no change In prices. Venl calves rold In yesterday's notches. There was quite a sprinkling of stockcrs and feeder In the yards, about a dozen or fifteen loads being reported. While the de mand was not exactly brisk, still buyers took hold quite well and paid just about steady prices. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. . Ko. At. fr. No. At. Tt I tOO I 0U 64 H27 t 00 4 K. I 30 It 1241 I 15 44 tit I 0 14 1207 I IS 18 1?M 4 tl 64 IMS I II) 40 102 4 IS St 1310 t H tt tf.1 4 to il mis 4 40 14 4 0 40 1274 S 4t II 1141 4 10 81 152 I U 40 1321 4 n STEERS AND C0W8. 11 m 4 so STEERS AND HEIFERS. 40 S44 t 30 COWS 1.. 1.. 1.. 3 . 14.. 1.. .. 8.. 1 . I.. 1.. 8.. 1.. 14.. ..1040 .. 70 .. V.O .. Ill .. (94 .. 0 ,. too I 10 i 00 I 36 I It 1 to t 60 i ai 4... 30... 10... 14... 10... ... 11. .. .1015 21 Ml 76 Ill 1064 ma t to t 06 8 10 I 16 I to I 40 80 HEIFERS. , TT! I ! I T?0 I 31 IM t 38 19 7(4 IS CALVES. 418 8 IS 4 12 4 DO 410 I n 1 ISO 4 60 , 22 4 00 1 110 4 SO BULLS tm t it 1 1130 1 (4 i3o t so 1 sun 1 to 8TOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 77 t on 1 tbo I 10 NEBRASKA. cows 903 2 40 23 feeders.. &!t 3 00 3 60 2 26 1 00 t 10 8 25 3 V 3 80 8 70 I 86 3 66 1 feeder... 7oO 3 00 23 cows OoO i i 1 cow 9o0 1 00 1 cow 860 2 00 I feeder... 1062 t 75 3 feeders.. 7S3 8 36 14 feeders.. V2 3 60 18 feeders.. 849 4 cows.. 3 cows. , 1 heifer 26 cows.. 800 .1028 . 610 1MJ! 10 feeders.. 714 25 feeders.. 121S J. Kocer Nebraska. 6 cows 994 3 00 20 steers. ...1022 J. Blckson Nebraska. 8 feeders.. 1093 8 no 11 cows 9 3 cows 1123 3 86 23 feeders. .108 81 feeders.. 1"23 8 70 A. c. McDowell Nebraska. 28 cows.. 861 I 0 Dsn Hill Neb. .1008 3 26 20 steers.. ..1218 4 30 U Schmidt Neb, .1090 4 ) T. Katen Neb. .760 1 76 27 feeders.. 898 3 60 SOUTH DAKOTA. .1244 4 60 JJ cows. . . 26 steers.. t feeders 30 steers.. 1 steer... V. J. Hysham 8. T). ,.1070 ..1110 3 76 3 76 1 steer.... .1080 . 1S .1310 . 80 .1240 8 76 3 76 4 30 4 80 4 80 4 SO 1 steer... 61 steers.. 1 steer... steers., 1 steer... 13 steers . 3 steers... 1 Steer..., 1 steer..., 1 steer... , 1 steer..., ..lSi.4 ,.12;0 . 11H8 , .840 4 80 4 ) 4 30 4 80 ..1313 4 80 7-aek Holms-S. D. 1 bull.... 1 cow.... 3 cows... 1 cow. .. . 1 cow... 2 15 3 heifers son M9 848 870 8 16 3 76 3 76 3 75 2 75 3 00 3 00 8 60 3 60 8 60 8 60 I 60 . 70 . V. . 7 m .1020 . TM . 410 I 75 1 76 3 76 3 T t 76 f 00 3 60 3 60 8 60 3 60 IN 18 row s. . . 3 rows... 1 cow 8 cows. . . 8 rows..,. 1 feeder.. 18 feeders. 11 feeders. 1 feeder.. 1 feeder... 6-'0 4 feeders.. 6t0 10 feeders. . ) 8 feeders. . f'l feeders.. 6'-A feeders.. 7"8 4 seders.. j "7 fii 640 3 feeder.-. V.O 4 feeders. , 800 1 feeder. , 30 feeders T10 64 N. 3 60 3 60 3 feeders.. 813 3 50 Soreneen B. D. 4 O.) 8 steers.. ..1233 4 00 II steers. . .1274 HCM5S There was tint en excessive num ber of hogs In sight this morning, with the posslhle exception of chlesero, where the Isrge number carried over from yeeterdsy scted as a bear feature. The market here opened with rather a weak feeling and a few loads may have sold a trltle lower. A better demand than generally expected de veloped at all points befq much busi ness hsd been transacted, snd ss a result the market here strengthened snd wss soon wrong to a nickel higher than yester day. The bulk of the meolum weight hors sold from 3190 to 86 00, w ith choice light" from SfidO to 86.10. The heavy snd coarse hogs sold from 64 90 down and were neg lected the same as uscsl. A good clear ance of the eariy arrivals Wss made by the middle of the forenoon, but toward noon a train arrived with several cars, which delaved the close for some time. Ne. Sh. At. Pt Ks. 88. At. Pt. la ffl 0 4 76 t"4 200 4 M M 344 W 4 M 314 . . 4 t 1 34 ... M IM 3M ItO 4 M U j.tj ... 4 u to I7 ... 4 M M 346 (0 4 16 M IM 4 l4 4 311 SO 4 U lv 313 le 4 IIS 6 til SO 4 U 74 30 140 4 H4) 3 376 40 4 66 !.. 241 ... 46 67 t 60 4 M 70 141 ... 18 64 314 M 4 71 143 40 4 H 76 ...... .117 0 4614 7t MO ... 416 7 240 40 4 I7lj 67 Ill 130 4 H 4 3J 340 4 0 76 341 3 4 S 76 315 40 4 0 88 IM 110 4 14 174 80 4 fl Ot 34T 10 4 M 64 17 ... ll) 341 111 IS 6 3 40 4 30 T 14 SO 4 W M J.1 ... 4 an 74 Jul It) IH 1 3(.3 80 4 0 M 317 130 4 74) 76 HI . ... 4 0 12 no 10 4 174 4 17 40 4 0 f 310 ... t 00 24 120 4 to 7 1S I 00 1 40 4 to 7 t. 0 I M t 311 130 4 ro 47 JJ4 10 00 71 310 44 4 to M 3M 40 6 00 71 351 130 4 M (4 246 8 00 77 ...114 120 4 30 47 221 6 00 64 t7 ... 4 10 66 1 ... 4 00 70 2-Tf 40 4 6 76 .371 80 4 00 63 343 ... 4 HI TO 317 120 I 00 7 3"! ... 4 M T6 310 40 4 00 77 Ill 130 4 16 T2 f 80 8 OS 1 314 10 4 66 64 US 40 t 10 6 133 ... 4 16 SHEEP There were about seven cars of sheep reported this morning, hut a large portion of them were either bought to ar rive or ordered In. The market could not be quoted anything but steady. The Ore gon wethers and yearlings mixed that sold yesterday for 8.1.86 brought the same money today, and the Montana ewes that sold for 13.10 yesterday brought the same price todny. Practically all of the killers were weighed up at an early hour. The feeder situation showed no particu lar change aa the demand seemed to be equal to the supply and prices held steady. Some Wyoming wethers sold for feeders at 83..16. ' . Quotations for grass sheep and lsmb: Good to choice yesirllngs, Jt.tHva 4.6; fair to good yearlings, $3.60fa4.00; good to choice wethers, 83.5iWiS.76; fair to good wethers, 83.2f.(&3.66; good to choice frwes, 83.oco'3.i6; fair-to good ewes. f3.76fi3.CO; good to choice Imnhs, 86.flOii7fi.26: fair to choice lambs, 85.50 SHOO. Representative sales: 65 Wyoming ewes 84 235 Montana owes 103 203 Wyoming feeder sheep 101 242 Wyoming feeder sheep 101 2 75 3 10 8 35 3 So CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady Hosts Five and Ten Cents Higher Sharp Uwer, CHICAGO. Aug. S.-CATTLE-Recelpts, 6,riO head; market steady; good to prime steers, 8S.26ftT.2o; poor to medium. 34.fl04f 5 00; stockers and feeders. 32.(inS.R6; cowe, $1 6oa4.i6; heifers, 32.00&6.36; canners, fl.bOiff 250, bulla. 32.00&4.00; calves, f2.6Cu6.00; Texas fed steers, $3.004.60. HOGS Receipts, 12,000 head; market 5 10c higher for good; mixed and butchers, 85 2iVaS.o6; good to choice, f5.3Wt5.&0; rough heavy, f4.SouS.20; light, f5.25i6.5o; bulk of sales, fS.2iKa-5.4o. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 14,000 head; market steady to 25c lower; lambs same; good to choice wethers, f3.75ti4.15; fnir to choice mlinl. 13.0iVi73.75: western sheep, f3.754i4.15; native lambs, fl.OOti7.00; western lambs, 14.36'fHi.76. New York 1,1to Stock Market. NEW YORK, Aug. S.-BEEVES-RO-celpts, 1,816 head; market for steers s'ow and loHtc lower; bulls about 15s36e low er; cows, lCac off; steers, ft. 25.15; oxen and stags, 4 CKXg4.75; bulls, f2.2.a3.9i; cows, 81.55t94.0O; oatjles unchanged. Shipments to day, 2,5(10 uuarters of beef. CALVES Kecelpta, 3,4113 head: market for veals steady; buttermilks firm; veals. f5.00(9,S.0O; tops. f8.25: culls, f4.5o; grassers and buttermilks. f3.75$jl25. Dressed calves steady to firm; city drested veals, 912V4c per pound; extra. 13c; coun try dressed, 8lle. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 9.813 head; market 25c lower for both sheep and !ambs; sheep S3.00((74.76; choice wethers, 85.00; lambs, f5.60fS'7.60; culls, f4.0033.00. HOGS Receipts, 6.278 head; market steady to .shade lower; state and Penn sylvania hptts, f6.90ft6.10. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 3. CATTLE Re ceipt, 6,800 head, Including 700 head south erns; mirket strong to 10c higher; poorer grades weak; choice dressed Deof stetri,, f5.258.10; fair to good. f3.75(8j.00; western fed steers, f3.75ii6.50; stockers and feeders, f2.25u4.50; southern steers, f2.5Oy4.60; south ern cows, fl.76t' 25; native cows, fl.76C8'4.26; native heifers, f2.60&5.00; bulls, f2.26u3.75; calves. 82.5t'tt4.7B. HOGS Receipts, 7,600 head; market opened strong to 6c higher and closed steady; top, t30; bulk of sales, f 5. 065.20; heavy, fo.00(fi6.15; packers, f5.055.2o; pigs and lights, f4.76ft5.30. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 100 head; market steady; lambs. f4.0Oii6.5fi; fed ewes. 13uoa3.75; Texas clipped yearlings, 83.60oj) 4.26; Texas clipped sheep, f3.25i&4.ou; stock era and feeders, f2.50Cci3.26. St. I.ools l.lve Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 8 CATTLE Receipts, 5,000 head, including 3,(00 Texsns. MAR KET Native shipping and export steers, f4.50fii5.fi0; dressed beef and butchers' steers, f4.00&526; steers under 1,000 pounds, f3.b0'a 6.00; stockers and feeders, f2.803.75; cows and heifers, 82.26(84.50; canners, f 1.6W2.a); bulls. 32.60ft 3.00; calves, 83.0041 5.50; Toxin and Indian steers, f2.6O(Q4.80; cows and heif ers. 31.504)3.35. HOGS Receipts, 8 600 head: market 10c higher; pigs and lights ft. 50fj6.36; packers, fo.00-as.40; butchers' and best heavy, f5.104f 6.47. BIIEEP AND LAMRS Receipts, 1500 hesd: market weak; native muttons, 88.00 3.85: lambs, 34.0(!45 60; culls and bucks, f20O'c,4.25; stockers, f2.OC(QS.20; Texans, f3-60 454.10. Stork In Sight. Following are the receipts of live stock for the six principal western cities yester day: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ....2.191 4.872 6,975 ....6.500 12.000 14,i) ....6.800 7.6H0 100 ....6,010 8.6o0 l,t)0 ....l,t0 4.331 1,404 .... 800 ...21.891 32,303 23,979 South Omaha,, Chicago Kansas City .. 6t. Louis ....... St. Joseph Sioux City Totals St. Joseph I. Ire Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Aug. 8 CATTLE Bfe celpt. 1,800 hesd; market steady to loo lower; natives. 84 tVrj00; cows and heifers, 31. 60$ 4. 60; stocVers and feeders, f3.0Glf3.S5. HOGS Receipts, 4.831 head; market strong to 6c hlKher; llnht. f6.02fc6 16; medium and hesvr. t5.00ft5.15. SHEEP ANI LAMBS Receipts. 1,401 head; market steady to strong; lambs, fC 36; yearling wethers, f4.60. Slonx City Lira Stoek Market. SIOUX CITY. Is.. Aug. 3. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 800 head; mar ket steadv; beeves, f4.00'ii6.75; cows, bulls and mixed, f2.40iJ4.00; stockers and feeders, 12.7t.ii 3.76; calves and yearlings, f2.60ft3.50. , Cotton Market. LIVKHPOOL, Aug. 3. COTTON-Spot In fair demand; prices 12 points lower; Amer ican middling fair. ll.Sod; good middling. 8.16d; middling, 8 04d; low middling, tsM; good ordinary, 6 66d; ordinary. 6 lid. Fu tures opened quiet snd closed steady; American g. o. c, 683d; September. 66lld; September and October, 6 89cl; October and November, 6 2ild; November and December, 6.2?d; December and January, 6 1Ud; Jan uary and February, 8 18d; February and March, 6.18d; March and April, 6 19.1. NEW YORK, Aug. 3.-COTTON Spot, nulet, 6 points lower; middling uplsnds, 1046c; mid.! I fog gulf. 10 70c; sales, 215 bales. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 3 COTTON-Hc lower; middling, 10c; sales, 783 bales; stock. 10,261 bsles. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 8 -OOTTON-Fu-tures steadv; August. 10.165 10 Uc; Bepteni. ber, flCctl ( CP; Ci tnber. .87'J.38c: No vember. 6 85o bid; December, 8 36(tfO.Sc' January. 9.4CC bid priot steady: sales, 1 i00 bales; ordinary, 7 18-16c; good ordinary. rc: low middling. middling. lo4c: good middling, 10 11-iec; middling fair. 10 15-lflc. Receipts, 266 bsles: stock 35,662 bale. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Aug 3 METALS Tin was a little eusler, cloalng at f7(Ka27I0 In the local market, while In London prices wers also a 'tl t In lower, closing st 123 for spit and 123 7s 8d for future. Copper Is meet ing wlih but light dt-'inund ut the monent snd price snow an easier lenueticy, t-oi-don rli.stsl at 4.'.4 Us for ii t and a.f4 17s Cd I fur futures. Locally I.uke Is ouoteu at f It fiO.il 12 76; ele. trolytlc st fit small 76; and custlng at fl2 1ipl2 5ii Lead was unchangnd st 84 2'Wj4 26 In the New York market and at 11 Us td In Iindon. Spelter also was unnhanged In both markets. Here It Is quoted at 8485'44 8J and tha London pries stands at 2 8 Or. rron rloseer at 61s Si In (ilssgow and at 42s 10d In MMdles boro. Locally Iron was unchanged. No. 1 foundry nortnern Is quoted at i4iiflU50; No. 3 lonndry northern ut tl3.754.tll.flo. No. 1 foundry southern nnd No. 1 foundry southern soft at fit foff 18.7.V ST. IXH'IS. Aug 8 lKrAIJ3 Iead, dull at 34 01; spelter, dull at 34.76. gagar aad Molasses. NEW YORK. Aug. 3 SUGAR- Raw, firm; refined, firm; No, 6. 4 75-; No. 7, 4 70c; No. 8, 4 6.V; No. 9. 4 .one; No. 4 66c; No. 11, 4 60c; No. 12. 4 46c; No. 13, 4 40; No. 14. 4 36c; con feet lorers' A, 64VV-; mould A. 8 50c: cut loaf. 6.K6c; powdered. 5.26c; granulated, 6 16o; cubes, 6.4tc. MOLA8SF.S Firm. NEW ORLEANS, Aug S. SUGAR Strong; open kettle. 2flS .VI8; opn kettliv centrifugal 8 A..,3c; centrttugsl whites, c; irllows SH7tc; seconds. 2SriiSc. MOLASSES Nominal; open kctt e. 20'J 2-ic: centrifugal, U"U16c. Sjrup, nominal, 2jj2.-c. ML CITY. Aug. 3. OlU-Crcdlt balamas fl 50; certificates, no hid. Shipments, 119, 2K1 barrels; average. 782 barrels; runs Au gust 1, 95.462 barrels. Shipments, Lima. 8i.6n7 barrels; average. 81,6ao barrels; runs, Lima, 89.121 barrels. Dry floods Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 8.-DRY GOODS The situation Is not chsnglng to any apparent degree except Inaofsr as sellers are not Inclined to be a lenient with the demands of buyer. The Jobber is not doing aa large a business as the number of buyers In town would seem to warrant, but art sanguine ot the future. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Aug 3 .COFFEE Tha market for futures opened steady st un changed prices to a decline of 5 points. Sales were reported of 86.2.tO bags. Includ ing September at 6O.-0; October, 6 10c; De cember, 8.254(6.30c; March, .0c; May, .7yj 8.80c. REAL ESTATE TnASSFERS. Deeds filed for record August 8 as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded Abstracters. 1614 Fnrnam street, for The Ree: Joseph J. Miller and wife to Andrew Morglsan, block 4. Mayne & Bllry's siUidiv f 300 John J. Tinvperley and wife to WhI ter W, Tlmperley, s so ne, 7-16-12 1,300 Same to Frank H. Tlmperley, n ae n, 7-16-12 1.300 Jens P. Hansen to George M. Hansen, part lot 4, block 8. Drake's add.... 1 First Natlonul Bank of Omahu to Richard C. Peters, lot 13 and other lots, block 121, Dundee 2,150 Richard C. Peters and wife to Ed ward Glsln, same 1 Edward Glsin to Maggie L. Peters, same 1 Frank J. Fltsgnrsld to Moggie L. Peters, lot 11 and other Jots, block 111, Dundee 1 John G. Cole to Ethan A. Cole, part of lot 4, block 45, Florence 60 Lucinda Cole et al. to Elhan A. Cole, lot 1 and parf of lot 4, block 46, Florence 100 Mary A. B, Howell ond husband to Ella Maxwell, part of block 94. Ben son 450 George E. Beck to E. J. Mason, lots 9 and 10, hlock 5, Matthews' subdlv. 1,700 Frank Thompson, executor, to Thomas E. Olson, lot 9, block 22, Omaha View Extension 125 C. and F. Schnet to John and Mary Opitg, pnrt neH ns 22-16-12.... v.. 1,450 Margaret O. Wear and husband to Adolph Bogaerde and Celma Ho gnerde, lot 6, block 10. Corrlgan Place 1,100 Charles T. But to Vnclar J. Pokes, part neii ne. 34-15-13, 1,350 Patrick CoyI and wife to John A. Cavers, parts lots 7 and 8, block 10, . South Omaha 1,200 South Omaha Land company to John . E. Johnson, lot 8, block 139, South Omaha 400 Miles B. Folsom ft a!, to Henry' E. Ralney, lot 23, block 15, Shull's add.; lots 8 and 4, block 1, Mayne Place, and other land 6,000 Ella B. Folsom to Henry E. Ralney; same - I Eugene B. Chapman and wife to God frey Horacek, lots 7 and 8, block 126. South Omaha 1.000 O. M. E Tel. 611 MESSENGER AND BAGGAGE. 1&13 Fsrnam Street WILL GET YOJR BAGGAGE THERM ON TIMJS. -MTO RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION TENTH AND MARCY. Chlcasjo, Rock Island Pacific. EA8T. Lesvs. .- 3 at. si ..a 7:00 aa' ..bl3 01 pi ..a 4:30 pra ..a 8:40 pt ArrtT.' Chleato Paylliht LI ml tad .... Chleaso Daylight Local Chicago Express - pea Molnra Bipraaa Chlctso Kaat Eaprass WIIT. ttneky Mountain Limited I H pa tllipa bll :60 am s i n pot . f:to am s I so am I.lnrnln Tnlnradi SDrtnCS. D0 Tar. rueblo and weal sl tOpm S 6:04 pa Chicago Great Western. Bt. Paul tt MlDDaapolla Limited. -a 810 pra a T 11 aa t. raul A 4innasiioiU Express. a 1 16 km alio pa Chloasn Llmlt4 a 4 60 pra S10 .J0 aa Chicago Cipraaa 4:0aa s 4:04 pu t nlon Pacific. Tha Orarland Limits 8:40 am Colorado A California Express.. .a 4 10 pm Chicago-Portland spasUI a 4:20 pa Eaetern Expraas Columbus Local b t'OQ pm Colorado Special T:U an Chicago Special hMtrfca Local .........b t:U PM Past Mall .., 6:10 am Chicago at NortUrrester n. fart Chicago , .... 1 10 pm Local Chicago all SOaa Mall a 8:10 pm Daylight at. Paul a 1:30 ana Daylight Chicago s 1:10 am Llmlti-d Chicago a 8 85 pra Local Carroll a t oo pm Fa art St. P.j: S 8:16 Pm 8:08 pa 4:40 aa g 6:39 pa b :86 aa s 4 60 ga b l it pa 8:10 pa ' T:80aa I Mam 10:00 pa 11:40 pm in am 30 am 7:0 aa Loce! 3 . ou City A St. Paul b 4:00 pa s 8 80 aa l-aat Mall s t io pm s 8 41 pa 10 . tt aa 10:U am 6 10 pa S 8:10 pa .8:14 pa Chicago Kxprea Norfulk A boneateal Lincoln A Long rln Deadwood A Llnoalb ........ Caapap A Wyoming Haatmsa-Albion Chicago, MIlTraokea s 8:08 am b 8:06 am I 60 pa 4 1:60 pm b 8:60 pm . St. Papl. Chicago Daylight Evpreas Calltornla-Oragan Expraas OTarlnnd Limited bes Molnaa A Oknbotl Sxpreas Illinois Central. B 7:66 am 8:41 pm a I 30 to all OO pa 8:10 pa s 36 am S 6:10 pa .a 1 66 am Chicago Siprvas Chlcaao Limited ...,s T:60 am aio U pa s t:o aa bll):i pa ...s T:60 pra ilninlla Si St aul rnrere .b t fl am Mlnaaapolla A It. Paul Limit.. 4:60 pm 6.08 pa MUaour! Paclnc. tt. Levis Eipraas alO a am Kanaaa City A 81. Lsulg Expraaa. .all 46 pa World'! Tair Spoclal s 4:30 pa Wabash. t. Louis Cannes Ball Express.. 8 0 pa ha World's fair a 1 46 am Local roa Council Blufla 8:18 am S 4:80 pa t oo pa a:Ma s 8:30 aa 8 00 pa s 8 iso pa BIKMNGTON STATION lOTH at MASON Chleaco, Bprllaatoa at Qalacy. . . Ian. . ArrlT, Chicago epaclai I I i I ti pa Chicago vastlbulad Eipras 4:00 pa al Maa Chicago Local t:l8a sll:O0pa Chicago Limit 4.44 pa 1 40 pa raat Mall 8:48 pa Kansss City, St. JOsanh t Coaaell Klnff. .-...: Kanaaa City Day Eiprasa S 8:11 aa Bi. Louis rir ...st.pa Kanaaa City Mghl Expraas all). 4 put s 4 01 pa all 04 aa s 4 .44 aa Burllaatoii t Stlssonrl Rlrer. IV) mora. Bcatrtc A Llncols ...,. 8 60 aa Mabraaka Kipreaa ,, ......a t 64 am Ixntar Llinlta .. 410 pm black Hllia Pogat Sound aH..all:lvpm I nlM,ln Vftaiihulad Klvav kit t pa S 7 40 put a 4 44 am ! a. f Lincoln Kaat J4all ,.b MJ pm all to p, r ort I ruuk a PUUaniuUIB 1 63 Pra bl )t a. w Pa pra liil liu Baliavua A facifts Jundlo - ,..... I !' pm 1. 1 J a UtfliflTua at racisc Juuutioa am ballavu sud Plectatuouih M.I pm WKBITEIl DEPOTWIOTH at WEBITBg, Missouri PaciSc. . - ' . tiMTs, ArrlTa f'hrsak Local, Tla Weeping Tvxivr .,., i.n i.i e r Clttvutto, St. Paol, Hlaueaoolla Omaha. Tela Cltr Paawagar b 4 3 an b 8 It pa Sioux buy faawagar lB all IT am Oakland Local b I 4a pm br ltaa Dally, b Dally except Sunday. 4 Pally acpt latur.iay. Pally xckpl UouUT. , 4c1i:a. srtaAMsiiii's. llOLLtflD-fif.lEniCA LINE. pmw 'lwlu-crw BiauBieia t ix.tw '1 nua, .k.W )uk-'iTUus, tla ikjILChjb. Sal. leg l u4.7. at it . at. pyndam u 8 P4Um Aug 34 Noord.ua Au. I4t t.iMUrdam H. pi. ttiateniUin u kalhynaam feapt. II Rol.l.AMI-AUKklCA Uha- a Doatbora SI . ckl xgo. Ill- - Harry Mfa a, law! perttaw C C. aikHer4. UaI FairiiBa K-j J, 8 tujssisax Uwl Itiat Bb ..... - 4