TITE OMATTA DAILY BEE: Til UTS SD AY. 'ATTOTTST 4, lOOf. China Cup and Saucers on Sale Saturday Wife n Thursday-Extra Specials Kellcy-Stier Bankrupt Stock 20c Handkerchiefs at 6c Thousands of the prettiest and daintiest Handkerchiefs from the Kelley-Stiger stock, elaborately Jace and embroidery trimmed, ncores of pretty pat terns these Handkerchiefs are worth up to 20c each on bargain square Thursday at. ... 35c Laces at 10c Yard Extra fine Lao from the Kelley-SM tcr stock in white linen an1 Arab liad-R Urn and Insprtlons In a vnrlty or. widths rrmny prpttv patterns worth up to thirty-five cents & yard very special Thursday at - - w 10 Flna Embroideries at Be and I5c Yard Solendld Erabrold- m -erles, up to 1ft inches wide, fresh lots from the Kelley-Btlper JC"I jC stock, many suitable for cornet covers, etc., worth up to 35o yd..,'' T w $1.50 Shirt Waists at 69c Dainty White Shirt Waists, mado with the new tailor pleats, many prettily trim m1 ulih embroidery and Insertion, old neularly by Kelley-Stiger at fl.50.. 69c $4 Shirt Waists at $1.50 1.50 KrlVy-Ptliter's prettily tailored Wash Bhlrt Waists. with the very fashionable tucks and pleats, also elaborately lace and Inser tion trimmed, wortii regularly up to M.00, at 7 UI . i. 1 .k , V,; Ladies' Dress & Walking Skirls 1 ' Ml t- 1 Two Shirt Waist Suit Specials Pretty ne-w styles for this season In dress fQ ana walking lengths, Kelley-Htlger's price Mf 1 fl up to 10.W V Kelley-Stlger's fine Bhirt Waist Suits, worth up to six dol- Cfl Shirt Waist Suits of fine wash ma terial nleated waists a r s and skirts, worth up to I "111 I lars at M.60. at iV I oniy The new Cravenettes, Tourist and Traveling Coats, made In the very Q HQ latest style, Just the thing for traveling, perfect protection against ft wet weather " ' " Ladies Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats at 25c Your choice, of hundreds of Trimmed Hats In this season's pa, shapes, also a vast number of Untrimmed Hats, worth up to J 1 rvi at. Latest Trimmed Hats, alt lrtte and popular styles, worth up to $4.00 great Thursday special... 98c Kelley-Stiger's Lace Curtains Monday I ma Monday the entire stork of Kelley the most ridiculous prices ever heard of. rmerly sold up to l&.tt) per pair we will sell We rdace on sale for the first til Stiver's Iiice Curtains. In pairs, at tl All the Lace Curtains that fori at II. 8K ter Dalr. All the Jace Curtalna that formerly sold at $1.60 per pair we will sell at JBo cer calr. Together with this sale we will Of Lace Curtains from our own stocl These are every conceivable kin Net and Imitation Point d'Arab, thai ft sell all the odd and one and two-pair lots :k. id of Lace Curtains Nottingham, Cable li are wortn up to fti.ro a pair, but In this he sale begins Monday, August 8th, at 8 o'clock. . L. Brandeis & Sons BOSTON STORE DEMOCRATS CUT OFF A POP Broadwell Fulfill Party Wish in Discharg ing Quinby, His Deputy. LATTER REFUSED TO QUIT PRINCIPLES Xaslsted oa Belli Populist and Pays Penalty by Logins; His Job In the Couatr Court ( House. : The local democratic spoils seekers finally have succeeded In their efforts to separate populist Laurie J. Quinby from his job in the office of Cleric Broadwell of the district court. For about two years there has been an almost constant cry against the employ ment of a populist In this democratic office, but the Quinby head did not fall into the basket until Monday. It may be that the attitude of Mr. Quinby In opposition to fu sion has something to do with his sudden departure frem Mr. Broadwell's pay roll. Quinby is one of the leaders of the populist party and a delegate to the state conven tion to be held at Lincoln next week. Ever since the nomination of Judge Parker on the national democratic ticket he has been saying that fusion In Nebraska this year Is impossible and lias succeeded In Inducing other prominent pops to view the matter In the same light, "When I took the position In Mr. Broad well's office," said Mr. Quinby, "It was with the understanding that I had certain opin ions on public questions and that those opinions would have to be respected. When It comes to sacrificing my principles for the sake of a measly political job you will find me looking for another position." Quinby Is certain that fusion In Nebraska this fall Is "Impossible by any honorable means" and he does not think It will come by any " other means. "If the democrats will give the populists the candidate for governor," he says, "and put none but tried and true Bryan democrats In the ' other places- on the ticket and agree to make the campaign solely on state Issues, leaving our national ticket alone, then fu sion Is possible. Populists will lend no hand In the election of Parker presidential elec tors In Nebraska, It Is manifestly lmpos- i Bible for them to do so." J, J. Points, another of the populist lead ers of Douglas county and the state, la opposed to fualon under any circumstances, lie declares a straight populist state ticket la necessary this year, for it Is imposalble to fue with a party that stands for Parker and the St. Louis platform. George A. Maguey, holding an appointive place under the democratto county attorney, la In clined to think fusion Is possible, but, he adds, "It must be by honorable means. Magney, by the way, is now the only pop ullHt In the county still In official position by appointment under a democratto office holder, That the populists Intend to carry on an ag gresslve campaign In Nebraska Is shown by the fact that Thomas Watson, their presidential candidate; and Tibbies, his running mate, are arranging to make a number of sceeches In this (at immo. d lately after the convention at Lincoln next week. Wtn has advised some of the populists of Pouglas county that he win attend the state convention at Lin coln nc-xt week and then. It la the places and the dates for the subsequent Watson and Tibbies meetings will be de cided. The anti-fusion forces look for great assistance from the presidential can didate at the state convention. . - Chairman Plattl has called th mlttee of the democratic county committee appointed for the purpose of disposing of ine south, Omaha contests to meet at his office in the Brown block at 2 o'clock today. Tills meeting Is for the pur pose of fixing a time and place for hear ing the evidence in the contest cases. SCIENCE SCORES AGAIN. A Preparation that Will Destroy the Dandruff Germ Discovered. Finally the sclentiflo student has dis covered a certain remedy for dandruff. When It first became known that dan druff is the result nf a m .,,- site that digs Into the scalp and saps the vitality of hair at the root, causing iamng nair and baldness, biologists set to work to discover some preparation that will kill the germ. After a year's labor in one laboratory, the dandruff germ de stroyer was discovered; and it Is now em bodied In Newbroa Herpiclde. It pre vents baldness, stops falling hair and speedily eradicates dandruff. "Destroy the cause, you remove the effect" Bold by leading druggists. Send lOo in stamps for sample to The Herpiclde Co., Detroit, Mich. A Delightful Water Trip between Detroit and Buffalo via the Detroit & Buffalo Bteamboat Company is the privi lege of the holder of any ticket from the west reading via the Grand Trunk Railway System to or through Suspension Bridge. Further particulars. Including illustrated descriptive literature will be mailed on application to Advertising Department Grand Trunk Railway System. 136 Adams St., Chicago, Geo. W. Vaux, A G P A T. A. ' End ot Week fenrearaloa to r-1... Lake, la. Via Chicago Great Western railway. For trains Friday night and all trains Satur day of each week round trip tickets will be sold at one fare to Clear Lake, la. Tickets good returning on any train until the fol. lowing Monday. For further Information apply to a H. Parkhurst. general agent. 16U Farnara street. Omaha, Neb. l.5 Untead of 01.23. In last night's Bee, Thompson A Belden company advertised a line of waists at $1 96. The ad read $1.25. It should have been 11.86. MAYOR HOME FOR FEW DAYS Returns from Exeelalor Barings, bat Will Go Away Again for Health. Mayor Moo res returned yesterday from Excelsior Springs, Mo., where he has been recuperating for a week or more. It Is understood he will spend a few days only In Omaha and will go away again, either to the Springs or some other point. 5 ,.- Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year. ZA Tba BEST HOT WEATHER REOICIR8 A X v7C AA,JV'A A A CANDY CATHARTIC prevent ah s""rn csvyrt, trsucles SCHMOLLfR 2 ESTABLISHED 1839. MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH GRADE PIANOS offer some exceptional bargains In Pianos taken In exchange for new Bchinoller & Mueller IManos and some that have been returned from renting. The list Includes Knabe, Kranich & Finch, Kimball, Hard man, Steinwajr and many other standard makes. English Upright, CPC walnut case WU J Ebony Upright, ffOC open panels .UJ Modern Upright, ClflR oak case ,....IUJ Stelnway, round corners tJIIJ Kimball, iqc walnut' case iJMuJ These have been thoroughly ren ovated and are fully guaranteed. Our regular stock embraces over 300 pianos, including the matchless Stelnway, the reliable Steck, the celebrated Steger & Emerson and 15 other renowned makes. Pur chasers looking for a fine piano at a low price should give us a call. We ship pianos everywhere and extend credit to everybody. Write for catalogues and bargain list to day. We guarantee a genuine saving. New Tianos for rent Expert tuning and repairing. SCIIfMLEfi & MUELLER THE LEADING PIANO HOUSE IN THE WEST 1313 Farnam Street. Tel. 1625. I I BRANCH STORES liiucom, Slonx City and Conncll Blnffs. Remember that any money you deposit this week will draw interest from August 1st. Small Deposits regularly made and oiled by 4 per cent compound interest will insure independence for your old age. Call or Send , for a handsome steel bank for the home or office, you have the bank, we have the key. J. L BRAKDEIS & SOMS, . Bankers. OTHER ROADS FOLLOW SUIT Northwestern and Omaha Demand Re turn of Taxes Paid to City Treasurer. Following the lead of the Union Pacific the Chk-ago & Northwestern and the Chi cago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha rail ways have asked the city for the restora tion of a great part of the 1904 taxes paid Into the treasury under protest. The Northwestern wants $733.77 back out of 1917.21 paid, and the Omaha road desires to be reimbursed tl.Z28.92 from 11,630.16 paid. It Is alleged that the tax was illegal and the council acted without Jurisdiction In ralstsg the assessment of the state board five times. City Attorney Wright regards all the demands lightly and does not be lieve that the railroads will ever try to enforce them. Tour choice of any article In our east window, 12.96, Bargains; see them. ORCHARD & WILJ1ELM CARPET CO. Half Fare to OkoboJE. On every Friday and Saturday, tickets from Omaha and Council Bluffs will be sold to Lake OkoboJI and return at half fare by THE CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE A BT. PAUL. RAILWAY. Everybody says OkoboJI Is more beauUful this year than ever. The 'bathing Is de lightful, the fishing great, the Saturday night dancing parties are swell. Better go up for two or three days Tickets 1624 Farnura Bt-, Omaha; 620 Broadway, Council Bluffa National Encampment G. A. It. Boston, Mass, August 16-20. The Chicago Great Western railway will on August 11 to 11 sell round trip tickets to Boston at very low rates. It will pay vnu to write or Inquire of 8. D. Parkhurst. general agent, 1612 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. low Rates to Boston Account Orand Army of the Republic na tional encampment August It, 13 and 14. Stopover at New Tork and Niagara Falls on return trip. Write Erie Railroad, 6t5 Railway exchange, Chicago. Special Snaaay Rates t- Great West. era Park, Manning;, la. For the months of June, July, Aurust and September, on every Sunday except July I, the Chicago Great Western railway will sell round-trip tickets at one fare to Great Western park. Manning, la For fur ther Information apply to B. D. Parkhurst; geneial agent, 1612 Farnam L, Owaaa, Men, OMAHA WEATHER REPORT Thursday Showers and Cooler E L3 UNJ UJ U U BOYS WANTED! We want all the bright school boys of Omaha and South Omaha to be our registered salesmen till school takes up. This is a money-making cinch for the boys. Six bovs Tuesday, apps ninrlng from 1ft to 12 years, working forenoon only, each earned I2.no. That's more tha" many man's pay. Every boy who is will ing to get a hustle on him can do as well. See the Advertising Manager. Bargains for Thursday Bed Sheets 50c Each Tm Extra heavy full size Bed Sheets, 2-inch handker- Pn larlriyCi chief hem always worth OTic each Thursday TlIP f.,iJi'I-fl only, each 41 And $1 in "S. & H.'T.reen Trading Stamps with each. kLgj Toweling at 5c Yard. Extra heavy Russia Crash Toweling also heavy white Towel- p. Ing worth 8c and 10c yard, at, only, ' f . yard Ladies9 Handkerchiefs 600 dozen extra fine sheer Irish linen handker- 4 chiefs, one-eighth inch hem a good 20c handker- chief Thursday only, each - And 50c In Green Trading Stamps with each handkerchief. Allover Tuckins and Embroideries LOT NO.1 Allover tucking, fine sheer makes In fine tucks, medium wide and wide cluster tucks values in this lot worth up to 00c yard Thursday, yard ml 10c LOT NO. 2 Fine nainsook tucklngs, tuckings with Valen ciennes Lace, insertions, all over embroideries In Swiss, nainsook and Hamburgs, 50 styles to select from values up to $1.50 yard Thursday only, yd " And $1 in Little Green Stickers with every yard. Wash Goods Sale. Attend this greatest of all wash goods ales beautiful cotton goods being sold at 7Vjc, 0c and 32c The Greatest Opportunity to Get An Elegant Walking Skirt at a Low Price. Thursday we will place on sale 500 skirts worth. If bought regular, $10 and $12.50. You can't help but buy If you see these beautiful skirts. They come In rich novelties and mixtures trimmed in pleats, fancy piping straps in all the newest effects, also handsome black skirts in' cheviots and Venetians that would be very cheap at $10 your choice Thursday for Hundreds to select from. :aiB, 1 a in: J 4.95 WAISTS Another special in Waists for Thursday at 98c Beautiful white waists In sheer fabrics, daintily trimmed In fine lace and em broidery, In the best a tyles of the season, and sold as high as S3 a very large assorement and all sizes to select from. Also linen and mercerized effects, vesting, an elegant showing of seasonable wulsts, your choice, Thursdav i And S3 worth of "S. & 11." Green Trading Stamps with each. 98c m IntSisrfriiii Sj Closing Out Refrigerators at Chopped Prices A large Refrigerator at the price of a small one and $20.00 extra in Green Trading Stamps. This week only. m 11 Green Trading Stamps Every Time Croat Double Track Scenic Highway to (lev York, Philadelphia and Atlantic Coast Resorts. 11 Tickets G&od for Stop-over tt Msgftra Falls, For Information and Illustrated desorlpUra matter addrese CEOREE EADE, Jr., Ws stern Passenger Agent, 218 Clart St, Cklcigi IIL, ir CHAS. S, LEE. 6ti'l Pais, Agt. 143 Libert St., Kef Tart HAVE YOU USED WINSL0W TAFFETA ? nn r 1 III 10 MM 1 II M THE nKMABLK STORK. HAVE YOU USED WINSL0W TAFFETA? Clearing Sale Bargains SWELL SKIRTS-In -silk Tend rte Sole, great variety nf colors and latest styles, worth up to $12.00, A ON choice -J $1.00 Mercerized Underskirts, at $1.00 Women's Wrappers, at in oen LADIES' SUIT DEPl. EXCEPTIONAL orPORTrNITIES KOU KCONOMI'-AL Bl YINU. PF.AITlFfL PH.K STITS-In pTca variety of color' nnrl stylos, worth up to luini, our t'lep.-lng Sale 9,U0 WOMEN'S WASH ST'ITS Don't fail to see thorn. You could not buy the ma terial nt the price we ask. f Ofct Bulls worth up to JW.0U at a.-tJ $5.00 Skirts at $tA9 Meltons, Serges. Cheviots, etc., in wale lng and dress lengths. $8.00 Walking Skirts $2.75 Orent variety of material. In plain colors and fancy mixtures. HANPSOMP, SKIRTS In Sicilians and many other materials, worth up '"l Qn to $10.00, choice CJ.O $2.00 Women's Lawn Wrappers. QSc 69c 1.50 $2(K) Women's Waists, nt $4.ii0 Women's Waists at $ti.nu Women's Waists at Immense line of neat Waists, in all colnra, worth up to $1.00, t 25c ...49c 49c $2.50 Moire Underskirts, QQ Be Sure and Attend Our Famous Time Safes From 10 to 12 A. M. We will sell the celebrated Almeria Batlstn, fast colors new spring wash goods made to sell at 15c yard and only 10 yards to a customer Tin at, yard. GKOCKHIKS GROCERIES Frnlt Fruit Fruit Cheaper than meat. 48-lb. sack High Patent Flour $1.15 Hand picked Navy Beans, per lb 84o Good Japan Rice, per lb She Fancy Pearl Tapioca, Sugo, Barley or Farina, per lb 8V4c 1 packages Teast Foam or On Time Yeast for 10c Force, X-Celo, Neutrita, Vigor or Vim, per pkg 7Hc The best Macaroni, per pkg S'liO Fancy Alaska Salmon, per can '.ic Oil Sardines, per can .' 4c 3-lb. can Boston Baked Beans 8Vfec 1-lh. can Boston Baked Benns 4o Large bottles Pickles, any kind, per bottle 8Ho Jrom 2 to t P. Af. 1 Wo will sell Herman battle piece dyed Indigo Blue Prints, made to sell at and only 10 yards to a customer Oln at, yard igV No pedlars or dealers. Large bottle pure Tomato Catsup S'io FRESH FRCIT SPECIALS. Fancy Bartlett Prars, per doz lOo Fancy Alberta Peaches, per basket.... Mo Large Florida Bananas, per dos 12o Large, Juicy Lemons, per dos loo California Strained Honey, per rack., 12o California White Figs, per pkg 5o Fancy Hallowe'en Dates, per lb ba BUTTER DEPT. SPECIAL. We have Just received the largest ship ment of the season of fancy Dairy But ter. This is made by the best prlvato dairies in the state we will place on sale tomorrow your choice of an tub, or per pound 12 "4o THIS IS PACKED IN 10 AND 20-LB, TUBS NO LIMIT-ALL, YOU WANT. The G. A. K Official Train Carrying the entire Nebraska delegation leaves. via the Northwestern at 8:30 p.m. August 13th, and The Entire Trin runs solid from OMAHA to BOSTON. Tourist Sleepers, Free Chair Cars and Coaches. ( Via Niagara Falls This train is open to the public as long as space remains vacant. 50 TICKETS It 3L7830 AVith large choice of routes both rail and steamer. All R tslrata rrrrt iwtliminiT via (it T.TV111H With HmnftVM .t the Exposition. v For handsome special itinerary, sleeper space or full Information, apply to CITY TICKET OFFICE KGRTH WESTERN LIKE, 140 1-H03 Farnam St., Omana. E3 Quarts X v " ' 'WsTsMtsTsTirsTssTssTs- . X as 40c -sW Piivis 20c t little barrels ( Ie Cream Ihet J tut at the pock.. Three BstTwra la each barrel. Take pae) h.eaee vrlh jraa. Bat ratf vCla it riomiiiiiii iliiiMiiilii Says Phoebe Snow, About to co , To gay New York From Chicago! 'My sown stays white From morn till night Upon The Road of Anthracite" fc, v . 3 Elegant Through Trains Daily CHICAGO to NEW YORK HIGH-BACK SEAT COACHES. NEW PULLMANS, DINING CARS, OBSERVATION CARS. , Art your Railroad Ticket Affent, or writ GEORGE A. CULLEN, G. W. P, A. 103 Adams Street, Chloaffo. DR. BRADBURY - Palnleaa Extraction Without Qaa. FUUnca .t un Gold Crown. $2.80 up Brid Work 2.W ug t La4y tteodtft Fourteen Yeara bame Luc a i ion 1506 Farnam DENTIST., TEL, 176. Wo positively remove v Dcrvea from teetb wKh . out tba least particle ol - pain. Platea $3 up. Open Sangaya 8Q toll r U1Y.V -v-wr F? SUIT CASES AND GRIPS tt rn B At 20 Per Cent Dlocount. Qj) 1 Not a lot or oil. is ana enns-oui our rvium -.. i. v j ttirre Is none better to be bad Uuile of the btt materlttl by VTl vj killed workmen lu. tins and strong-. Omaha Trunk Factory, Telephone 1058 1300 Far nam 'M""!l'ff"TliH1T rsTar'"-"HfAiE!g:! r.t'.v ItaMa.-'Sffi! ' ' 1 11 Ism i