Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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Pavls cll drug.
J,flrt glasses flt. i
Rto.krrt sells carpets.
, Schmidt's n studio. 406 ProartB7.
Swfll photon at (thru prle. Wlllinm.
Tin ker'a new K'asy stu.Un. between I'cart
Mrwt and piictoffk'i.
Uon:. to Mr. and Mr. Grte W. Al
miKh.un yenterday, a son.
Special sals on wnoi for Fyrography.
C. E. Alexander, tXi it' way. .
. C. Roland Crockwell Columbus, O.,
!s Ma tmrentx In this olty.
Look. Furs Cnr.e Bussr. 19 I) for II. 0a
. , U. V. lea Co. Prion ill. 404 V. B'Wajr.
(The S-year-old mm of Harvey Lewis la
siifrrlnar from a broken elbow by a fall
from a wagon. . . .
J William and Charlrs Crlitn of lxs An-
,"'e' -'al "f giiot at tfie home of AI-
r orninn Thomas Malor.ey.
' Thv work of dismantling tlie' electric
, llKht tower t Fourth street nd Mroad-
way ai ronpleted yesterday.
I Mrs. 1'liUlp W'srehsni la routined to her
' 'lmme on . WmklUKton . svenu. at he re-
' suit of injuries received by a fall. '
Wlllliin Wella van fined $10 and costs
In police court yewterrisjr morning for
'Violating Ihf city aenvenaer ordlnunca In
( ' Tallinn" to ruke out a llcrnae.
' Arthur Southwell haa been cited to ap-
'. liewr.rn polleA court thla morning on a
f hfK(! of keeping a ferocious dog which
i i TiRiitcpa ,tnt; ueignoora sou ineir children.
John Lynch of Neola. recently committed
to St. Jk-rnard a hospital for observation
by the cominliwloner on Inaanlty, waa
ordered discharged yesterday, h being
pronounced an.
The Ladlea' Aid society of Bt. John's
Kngllsh Lutheran church will hav an all
duy quilting session Ih the church parlora
Thursday. Tim memtier will bring their
lunches with them ftnd unite la a general
men I at noon.
Council Illuffa experienced no fire long
during tho month of July and the de
partment responded- to but one alarm,
Caused by a amoky "(fhlrhney In a Pearl
'street office where hI paper and rub
blah waa being burned.
' Frank Held, .the elevator boy at th
Merriam block chnrned with the theft
of a check for fS from a letter given him
to mail, haa been bound over to await the
action of the grand jury. He haa been
released ort ball in tlie aum of (200.
Tho preliminary bearing of Hubert
Thacker, tlie 16-year-old boy charged with
criminal assault on a 7-year-old girl, haa
been postponed until such time aa Judge
Green of the dlatrlct court decides the
qucatlon of the proper procedure in Juv
enile cases.
L 4 11.1 IlUr Illl'lJU VIUIlieiH IMlt- lliori win....
R tipped over Monday waiy hoisted buck Into
poxmnn yeaternny anernoon aim waa
found to be but little the worse for the
mishap. CdnnraeU-r Raymond expects to
tie able to resume the work of driving
the piling tills afternoon.
Tho receipts In tho general fund of the
1 .-..,(,, .. l. ...... In., m L- nra l'lUn k'l
I being $7S2.S,H above the needs of the week
.and decreasing the deficiency In thla fund
" to date to W.dW.T!. In the mr.naf er's fund
the receipts'1 Wer -11)0.75, being 4o.76 above
the needs of the week and decreasing the
-deficiency to V31.U. In fund to date.
', Th. remain of JMre. . Mollis Le Bur
horn, formerly of thla city. WO died at
Mulldu. Coin, arrived vesterdavafternoon.
! f 't'iiinpanled by her son, Frank. Inter
iiient was in Falrvlew ' oemetery In the
- J m II.. lnt th. PAhelfuh
Vnnu r.aaieru oiar ioukcii, ui tuhh an
TJ . . l, ninmtlur e,,U.. Itic- IhA m
und kastvm Btar . lodges, of which Mrs.
mains . to the cemetery. lira. Burhorn
wan 46 yenrs of age. ...
K.' W. sleneray has been Issued a build
ing permit. . for a W,00u structure to be
erected south of Avenuo A between Thirty-first,
and Thirty-second streets, to be
used as a packing and, shipping plant for
Ida nursery. . Mr. Me-.erny has aecured two
lilocks on-- the noi-m side of Avenue A
whloh will be iscd fsr growing shrubs,
tfees,' tonlia has petitioned tho city to
vacate th alleys 'In these blocks and th
request la now befor th committee of
the whol.- "
Juvenile Prison In Court House).
Th lnrgv room, (n th basement of th
tHHinty tuMirthoussknown - FaFmars'
hajl Is . to be coiyi'ted . into ty 4otnUon
ward for Juvnlle offenders 'who under the
new law are nijt permitted to be placed
In either a county or cltyjalt or nr.V plnce
whtre. adult prisoners might be detained.
The room -Will b furnished' with cots nnd
tho ,wlnd,ov. will ha v steel bars placed
over thci:. while the present wooden door
lll bo rSituccd,wlth an Iron on. As'soon
ID tlx rbom i fitted up Hubert Thacker
nrid Rayjiiotiil Roop, the two youths now
awaiting u 'Uearlh beforo a district court
judge, will be , transferred from 'St. Her-
rd's hospltul, wher'thjr have been
placed, .temporarily. "v , ; , '.
Mayor alien One Contract.
Mayor Macrae attached his official signa
ture yesterday to th contract with the Bea
grave Manufacturing comjiany of Colurpbus,
O., for. the purchase of the $1,2S0 combina
tion hmtcu.l engine and hose wagon for
the new fire hous In the south purt of
tlie olty. lie declined, however, to sign
the contract for 1,000- feet of hose although
It whs presonted to him for his autogruph.
He will Investigate the correctness of Al
derman Matoneys statements relative to
the same hoe bvinf offered elsewhere at
ST cents , a foot less than asked from this
olty. '
Senator Allison In City,
Senator W. B. Allison made a brief visit
to Council Bluffs yesterday morning and
while in the city was tho guest of Con
gressman Smith. When It became known
that ho was in town a number of leading
republicans hastened to greet him. Bcnator
Allison appeared to b In vigorous health.
He .was with a party of friends who left
Omaha In the afternoon In a private cur
for a trip to tho Yellowstone park.
: N. Y. iiumblng Co. Tel. 25 Night F647.
Real Kstate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to Th
Bee August 1 by the Title Guaranty and
Trust company of Council Bluffs:
Clara Coy an and husband to Rllla A.
... . A.Mrkln. lot t. block 10. Ferry addi
tion; w d $
.one restate to t naries uiasiora, lot
to, nines; aa, r erry aaiiition; w a
8. C. Koote ln.Kvi Hull, lot 6, block
90, Crescent City; w d
Three' transfers,- total.'.
Marriage Licensee. -
Licenses to wed wer Issued yesterday
to the following! ' '
Name and realdence. Age.
Frank Htlka. LkingluK oounty, Nb. 38
Murla Hreniian, liouglus county, Neb.. ..30
10. A. HUrmelster. Quick; la..: ...r.2
Hannah Andoraen, Nenla, la 22
Addison Vandevort, Raymond, Neb 54
Mrs. E. 'J. Proctor,' Raymond, Neb 66
U a rery, popular thing anion- pros
pective ttuilt'iits for tlie coming year.
This Is tHiini'tlilng right ftud just, sud
Very few school sell it '
Write or call for information.
E.-P. MILLER, Presidettt.
Phone UiU4. Masouio Tempi.
PrWtkl, Council bluffs. 'Pbouaat
Mjot' Warning to the Oitj Oounoil Was
Jnitifled hj the OircumiUncei.
Prartlcally All of the Fuad Art
Below tho Proportionate amouat
for tho Part ft tho F,la
Flaral Vfw.
Mayor Macrae was In enrnaat when at
the meeting of the city council Monday
night he gave warning that ther must b
a retrenchment In the-different city de
partments and that th running expenses
of-the municipal government would have to
bo cut down nil along the line. When h
gave the not of warning Mayor Maera
realised that If the present policy was pur
sued tho appropriations for the mainte
nance of the several departments would b
exhausted Ions before the end of the fis
cal year, which closes March 10, 1806.
In several of the funds th Expenditures
have been far In excess of the proportion
for the first four months of the year. City
Auditor Smith has not made oul his report
for July, au the bills for that month were
only allowed last Monday evening. His
report, however, for the three months end
ing July 1, which follows, shows that In
several of the funds the appropriations have
been proportionately overdrawn In thut
Amt. Appro- lTn
Purpose. Year, prlatlon. ued.
Hal executive dep't.l 1.W7.90 110.350 t 7,512.40
Police and mnr-
hal's dcD't
g.7L"3.45 15,lJ!
4.7HO.40 8.0(10 3,2i9.Hrt
4.&35.16 1S.2.X) 13,714.84
Streets and alleys
Fire den t
Fire and police tel
egraph Engineer's dep't ...
Printing and sup-
ty pound ....
City property,
fir house . . s.ono.oo
Total gen'l fund.. 120,218. 178.000 367,31.35
The net debt balance of the city on July
1 was 3160,018.89 and the balances In the
different funds were as follows:
Cash Funds on Hand July 1.
Oenernl I I19.8S0.87
police 7,418.89
General sewer 4,221.12
Bridge . W6.J1
Road .- l.M.J
Judgment . 2'l?
Water " 8,6i .04
1 nH mil f il,f
Bond loan, interest 4,702.42
Of course, the expenditures for July have
greatly decreased these balances, this bo
ing particularly true of the;brldge and
road fund.. Tho streets and alleys fund
has also been materially reduced during
July owing to the expenditures on the Pet
tibone ditch drainage system. Out of the
appropriation of $5,000 for the equipment
and maintenance of thenew engine house
In the south part of the city will have to
be paid the cost of the combination chem
ical engine and hoss wagon, 'the 1,000 feet
of hose, the furniture of the house, team
for the wagon and the salaries of the
throe men who will be placed there.
While it 1 admitted that the expendi
tures :pf -some of th departments have
been 'unusually hcavy durlng the first four,
months of the fiscal year,. It Is contended
that they have been warranted and will
not be 'necessaVy again this year. . With
strict" economy from this on, it Is asserted
that the- city's- running expenses can .be
maintained within the appropriations.
Th city council will be cnlled upon this
month 'to' fix the tax levy for next year,
as It has td be certified up to the county
board of supervisors' at the letter's meet
ing In September.
Walt for Gollmar'a.
Circuses ars commonly regarded a bot
bede for profanity and lewdness, but . this
much muBt be suld for Gollmar Bros.' show,
that everything connected with It was
free from all such objectionable features
and nothing to shock the modesty or af
front the most fastidious could be men
tioned from tlie driving pf the first tent
pin-until the lust act of th performance
ended. It was a clean show, . free, from
all vulgarity, fakirs, shell games or other
forms of gambling. Th. parade created a
vary favorable Imprenslon and had much
to do. with drawing a large attendance.
Th menagerie contained many valuable
specimens of animals from the Jungle and
Lveldt Th hippopotamus created much
wonderment, as it Is the only one exhibited
In Canada for many years, and was per
haps the only living specimen ever seen
by nearly every visitor to the show. It Is
only S years olda sturdy babe for all that
The performances were strictly high class,
clean and commendable. Both afternoon
und evening performances were well pat
rohlxed. It Is safe to say that Gollmar
Bros, have done much to demonstrate how
a circus may bo clean. Instructive And en
tertaining. Suffice It to say they carry
away the good will of the people of Car
man. The Carman Leader, Manitoba.
Plumbing and heating. r,;xby & Bon,
Kot All for Poor Farm. , ,
Despite previous assertions of th Board
of County Supervisors that ,all ' county
charges would be setit to the poor farm
when ready for occupancy this rule Is not
being followed. At yesterday's session of
the board out ' eighteen applicants for
aid outsldo the poor farm no less than
twelve were ordered allowed such asslst
anca and will not be required to go to th
poor farm. The amounts allowed these ap
plicants monthly rangod from $4 to $10. the
latter being the sum allowed Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Pechtele, pioneer residents of this
city. . .
Supervisors Brandes and BulUs were ap
pointed as a special commute to tnk
personal charge pf all matters connected
with the poor farm and It Is believed that
under their supervision conditions at the
Institution will be materially Improved.
What action the committee will take rela
tlva to Superintendent Knox's threatened
resignation unless Miss O'Nell, the matron,
Is removed, will depend on- Its Investiga
tion. The commutes, however,' Is hopeful
that matters will be smoothed over aud
that there will be no further friction.
Roy Admits lluralary. 1
James O. E. Cllne l-year-old lad
claiming .Ames, la., sthls home, waa ar
rested yesterdsy morning In thla city by
Officer Gallagher at th Instance of the
authorities of La Platte. Neb., where th
boy 1 Charged Kh breaking Info the
general stor of J. D. O'Lesry Monday
night and stealing a watch, twenty-scren
of It and belrtg pressed for money to buy
Toting Clin disposed of tho knives to
Bam Frldraan. a Broadway pawnbroker
of this city, yesterday morning for $1.
Friedman aftsr buying th gwods notified
the police, giving a description of the
Ind. Sheriff McAvoy of fiurpy county end
Mr. YLeary, arrived In the city yestsrday
afternoun and young dine admitted com
mitting the robbery. H said that h whb
spending hla vacation soliciting orders for
stereoptlcon views, but had made a failure
of It and being pressed for money to buy
food had broken Into the store at La
Platte. He was taken back to La Piatt
last evening by Sheriff McAvoy.
Wife of Charles Hurst Killed by Tralu
Near flt. IhuIs.
ONAWA, la., Aug. 1 (9pedal.) Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Hurst of Brooklyn, N. T.,
met with a very severe accident Saturday
while Journeying in an automobile from
Brooklyn to St. Louis. Mrs. Hurst was
killed and Mr. Hurst seriously Injured by
the automobile being struck by a psssen
ger train near Altamond. III., within 100
miles of St Louis. There Is only one train
a day over -the railway where the accident
occurred and Mr. and Mrs. Hurst were
unfortunate enough to be crossing tho
track at that particular time.
Mr. and Mrs. Hurst were former resi
dents of Monoa. county, . Mr. Hurst's
parents being among the earliest settlers
of the county, and a number of his rela
tives are yet residents, of the county. Mr.
Charles Hurst Is & large owner of Monona
county property, having Urge Interests at
Castana, and In farming lands near by.
He Is a director of the Castana Savings
bank and a large stockholder. Mr. Hurst's
Injuries, while serious, are not considered
fatal and there are hopes of his recovery.
Mr. W. T. Day, president of th Castana
bank, left Immediately for the scene of the
Monona County Republicans.
ONAWA, Ta., Aug. I (Special Telegram.)
The Monona county republican conven
tion met at the opera house at 2:30 p. m.
C. B. Ellis wps nominated for auditor, R.
B. Harper of Mapleton clerk of the district
court and O. L. Olson was renominated
for recorder by acclamation. 6. D. Crary
was nominated for county attorney. J. C.
Johnson, present member of the Board of
Supervisors, was renominated by Acclama
tion. J. A. Prltchard was elected county
chairman by acclamation.
Identifies Stolen Goods.
MARSHALL TOWN, la., Aug. 2-(Speclnl
Telegram.) Lute this evening goods In the
hands of the . police taken from William
O'Keop, alias O'Keev, held on the charge
of assault to murder Officer Joseph Edgar,
who had him under arrest, were Identified
as the property of II. C. Cautson of Chel
sea, from whom they were stolen Friday
night. O'Keop will bo held here pn at
tempted murder charge. .
Denlsnn Itefnnils It Debt.
EENISON, la., Aug., 2.-(Speclal.) The
bids for the new 4 per cent bonds 'for $20,000
were rpenedby the city coimeiMnst night
and sold to the highest bidder, E. 11. Rol
lins & Sons of Chicago, for $20,125. The
bonds were floated for the purpose of pay
ing off $20,000 of the city's present lndebt-
! edness. which has been drawing 5 end (
per cent.
Mttle Girl Assaulted.
MONTOUR, Aug. J. (Special.) Penrl
Gould, 14 years old. whs attacked Saturday
night by some one attempting to make a
criminal assault on her and she. Is still
unconscious. An Investigation by physi
cians shows that . she wns uninjured ex
cept as to soma slight bruises and very
badly frightened.
Harrison County Democrat.
LOGAN, la., Aug. 2. (Special.) Harrison
county democrats will hold, their annual
county convention at the court house In
Logan Tuesday, August 23. at 10:80 a. m.
- Child Commits Solelde.
SIBLEY. Ia., Aug. 1. (Special Telegram.)
Eleven-year-old Frank Smally, living near
Cloverdale, hung himself this morning. He
seems to have worn out under hard. work.
Horse Buyer Arrested.
PIERRE, S. D., Aug. 1. (Special Tele
gram.) J. W. Mackin of St. Joseph, Mo.,
wh'j has been buying horses, on the mar
ket In this city for several years, was ar
rested at Wolsey this morning and brought
back to this city, charged with having ob
tained $1,000 from the First Natlonul bank
of this city by false pretense. His hearing
has been set for tomorrow afternoon.
One Cent a Mile Chicago to Boston and
Return, Account National Encamp
ment Q, A. R., Ana-usi, 10O4.
Stopovers granted at Detroit, Niagara
Falls, Toronto, Montreal and Portland.
Tickets optional between Detroit ' and
Buffalo In either direction by boat or rail.
River trip through the Thousand Islands
and Rapids of St. Lawrence River,
Kingston to Montreal, on additional pay
ment of $4.50. Liberal side trlp arrange,
ments. Tickets can ' be purchased via
Grand TrunkLehlgh Valley Route through
New Tork.
Full particulars of selling dates, fores,
limits, etc., can be obtained by writing
Advehtlslng Department, Orand Trunk
Railway System. 1S5 Adams St., Chicago.
Geo. W. Vaux, A. G. P. & T. A.
Fair and Warmer tor Nebraska
Today, Followed Thursday by
Shower and Cooler.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 1-Forecast
Wednesday and Thursday:
For Nebraska Fair and warmer Wed
nesday; showers and cooler Thursday.
For South Dakota Fair Wednesday;
warmer In east portion. Thursday, show
ers and cooler. 1
For Colorado and Wo-omlng-t-Fgir and
warmer Wednesday. Thursday, fair. '
For Kanaas-Falr and warmer Wednes
day. Thursday, showers and cooler.
For Iowa and Missouri-Fair and warmer
Wednesday; showers and cooler Thursday,
increasing south winds.
Local Iteeorda
OMAHA. Aug. J. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of th past thre
years: ih. (n,.t. j, la,
Maximum temperature.-... 80 - 85 94 . K
Minimum temperature ... 61 66 78 71
Mean temperature 70 76 til fco
Precipitation 03 .00 .00 .00
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day sine March 1, lta4:
Normal temperature 74
Deficiency for the day 4
Total deficiency since March I " 2iu
Normal precipitation 12 iiich
.. ....... j Allien
joiai raiiiiau aince jviarcn 1....
Deficiency sine March I
Deficiency for cor. period, la..
Deficiency for cor. period, 19o2.,
.15.67 Inches
. I W Inches
. 1. 61 inches
. .63 inch
Report from Stall
t T p.iu.
I H K w
3s vJ a
lj I
71 tail .03
80 ft! .(,)
Wl Ml .00
Wl .11
7N M .00
! w1 it .wi
I 14! 6i' .00
"Mi a?! .t
721 741 .00
741 TV .1.1
tl! ! .00
Hij l (0
Ml i .
Ml Ml .U)
Ml 86j .00
Omaha, partly cloudy
North Platte, cloudy
Salt Lak Cltv, clear
Itupld City, clear
Huron, cloudy '
MlliHtnn, partly cloudy
Chicago. i'ft;r
St. Louis, clear ".
St. Paul, clear
Davenport, clear .'
Ktiu City, clear
Havre, clear "
Htlena. purllv cloudy .'.'.!.'.'
KlmiiarcK. clear
Ualveatun, partly cloudy
T indicates truce of precipitation.
X. Jl. VV aiLJ;!!, iwuaU r 'rsstr.
astaaasBBBBS V
Prisoner Oomes Back to Dei Moines to
fitand Trial fof Murder.
tndoubtedly Insane When lie Com
mitted the Act and Has Spent
' Six Years In Insane Ward
In Penitentiary.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Aug. 2. (Special.) After
six yenrs and a hall In the Insane ward of
the Iowa state penitentiary at Anamosa
John W. Stone of Sioux.. City ' to be r
turned to this ctty perfectly sound and
sane lo stand trial on an Indictment for
murderMn the first degree In the killing of
Frank W. Kahler In his father's shoe store
January 6, 1N98. It ,1s practically assured
he will be acquitted on the ground that he
waa Insnn) at the time, but thla Is the only
way h can secur release from the peni
tentiary. The crime' was a sensational oae. -Stone
had been standing In the store and had
acked'tha proprietory Charles Kahler,. for a
drink of water. It was near closing time
and he was standing near tho front door
Suddenly" hff draw a revolver - from his
pocket aSid rushing ( madly through the
store attacked Frank Kahler, a popular
young son of the proprietor, shooting him
down, then . attacking others, shooting
Thomas Ariss In the arm and Cliff Chlttle
In tho foot. Thomas STnythe, another clerk,
took the weapon away from ihe crasy man.
Kahler died In a half hour. '
He was Indicted, but adjudged Insane and
sent to the Insane ward of the penitentiary
ten days after ihc crime. A few months
ago Stone suddenly . awakened tc con
sciousneas.. He had .been a physical as well
as mental wreck from the time he was sent
to. Anamosa, but. 'had been gradually Im
proving In health, and one day he became
very Inquisitive as to where he was and
why. When he found, that he was In the
Insane ward at the state penitentiary he
was amaxed. and he listened attentively
and with astonishment to the narration of
the stcyy of his crime. He declares that
he never knew anything about the" crime or
that he was In the penitentiary until this
time. .- ,
Live Stock Assessment.
State. Auditor 'Carroll' today completed
computation of the assessment returns On
the live stock of Iowa." A curiosity Is that
ten head of buffalo was assessed at $100 a
head. Thes$ are tho buffalo on a farm In
Kossuth county. The valuation placed on
different kinds of Ive stock by the asses
sor aggregates as follows:
Heifers, 1 year old $ K,?r2.2fl
Heifers, 2 years old 6.501,415
Cows i 90.li75.6ol
Steers, 1 year old 10,Ufi6,87
Steers, 2 years old 6.042.979
Steers, $ years and over 319.222
Cattle In feeding ll,S38,7flG
BullB -.. 2.602,024
Total $ 78,908,666
Colts; 1 year old S.975.22H
Colts,! 2 years old .:..'.': .;. 5,609,982
Horses, 1 year and over 50,448,920
Stallions 1,028,192
...$ 61,962,830
Buffalo ,
Sheep ...
Swine ..
Goats ...
r, 31.6t6
jJKy -J
. .. -
Total all live atocXuw. m';.'.... .$160,S59,06
' Win Attend' the Reunion.
The Iowa Society Mof' the Philippines has
selected as delegates .'tp.attend the nation
al meeting at St. Louis' next week, Major
John H. Hume and Captain Amos Brandt,
of this city, and tltr), is. one other dele
gate to be appointed.1 The reunion of Phil
ippine veterans Is to tie Attended by Sec
retary Taft who wlH.b ctjlef orator. The
state society also elected the following of
ficers: President, lr; '.' JV'llbur Conkling;
vice presldert. Major' 'jTohri H. Hume; sec
retary. Major Frank Lyman; treasurer,
Colonel John H. Prlme.
A requisition has been Issued by the gov
ernor of Iowa on the governor of South
Dakota to'return toSloux City one Charles
Williams wanted there for robbery.
Haste In Marriage
Frank . Reynolds, who Was apprehended
In Pes . Moines and taken' back " to Iowa
City for jumping a boerd bill, left his bride
of a week with just a penny In her pocket.
She 1 the daughter of wealthy people of
Oskaloosa and was given a' wedding pres
ent of $150. Reynolds, alias Randalls, took
the wedding present, telegraphed a girl In
Harlan to meet him. at the train and left.
When he waa brought back the two kissed
and made up, paid the board bill and 4h
bride took the $25 that tvas left of the wed
ding present. They, had known each other
but a day when -married.
Tournament at Minneapolis Opens
with Five Matches.
MINNEAPOLIS, "Minn., Aug. 3. Play In
the Northwestern Tennis tournament began
In earnest today when five matches wer
played off; though the delay of the Chi
cago players who wore expected to arrive
tomorrow has caused a delay of the tour
nament which Will probably be extended
Into next week.' Today'a play:
Firat round : O. C. McMastari Of Toronto
defeated J S. Eastuntof Minneapolis, e2.
-0. - ,
Ward C. Burton of, Minneapolis defeated
J. M. Elliott of Chicago, 6-1, 6-0.
W. A. Botkin of St. Paul defaulted to J.
C. Wyman of Minneapolis.
C. S. Halbert of Chicago defaulted to J.
I. B. Larned of Lake Forest, III.
William Rhodes, Jr., of St. Paul defaulted
to 8. J. Thompson of Minneapolis. '
G. K. Helden of Minneapolis defeated' L.
K.' Thompson, 4-6, 6-u, 6-2.
Second ryund: J. I. B. Larned of Laka
Speaking of Quality!
Juil Onsn a
; Oottlo of :
lailll? srst
onus Is IT. a T.rr
avttl r ism
IMS Ih. Wlar U.
awl. Q'Cmt lor
ts. as. .( your
bMlib snS Ik. ItMuia
t four f.mlljr. tiwr
Blitz L'alt-Ylrlsj,
Olai Nias) Twis
Vtl E!;t2 Ent . Co,
VUJl.HA. branch.
Forent, 111 , defeated J. C. Wymao of ilia
neapoUs, tv-l, 4-0.
Mr. raae Take First Round In
Golf Tourney.
MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. I Today wss
womens' day in the Transmleslsflppl Golf
tournament, which commenced today. In
the qualifying rounds for the medal play
for th women's championship the follow
ing score were made:
Mls"S Hffelflner of Minneapolis defeated
Mrs. D. W. Roope of Iienver, 1.17-111; Mr.
K. H. Pprague of Omaha defeated Miss
Fanny Harrison of Minneapolis, 112-111;
Mrs. W. 8. Nott of Mlnnespulls was de
feated by Miss C. M. Conies of Ienver,
143- 1 4.V; Mrs. Conley of Minneapolis de
feated Mr. Harry Belden of Mlnnespolfs.
144- l;e; Mrs. Moreton of Minneapolis de
feated Miss Moulton of Minneapolis. l.
103; Miss Fos of Minneapolis defeated Miss
Jordan of Minneapolis, 154-107; Mrs II. P.
Bond of St. Paul defeated Miss Fletcher
of Minneapolis, 147-1.19.
Homeseekers Rates to North Dukotn.
Every Tuesday until October $5 th Chi
cago Great Western Railway wl 1 sell round
trip tickets to points In the above named
state at a great reduction from tlie usual
fare. For further Information apply ta
Geo. F. Thomas, general agent, UU Far
iiam atreut, Omaha, Neb.
Governor Not Inclined to Send Them
I'nlvss Town Takes Desired
PIERRE. S. n.. Aug l-(Speclal Tele
gramsSheriff Taylor of Gregory county
today mads formal application to Gov
ernor Herrled for troops to be kept at
Bonesteel during Hhe time that filings are1
to be made at that place for the Rosebud
lands. Governor Herrled will within a few
days go to Bonesteel and look tho situa
tion over before taking any action. The
probabilities are that no action will be
taken so long as the town continues Its
gambling concessions. Reports that It has
already been decided to send troops are in
correct Grand Army of the Republic Reunion
Harlan, Iowa, 'Auarnst 8 to 8.
The Chicago Great Western railway will
on August 3 to S. Inclusive, sell tickets at
one and one-third fare for the round trip,
limited to August 6. For further Informa
tion apply to 8. D. Parkhurst. General
Agent, 1513 Farnam street. Omaha, Neb.
fSO.tiO to Chicago.
The Chicago Great Western railway wtl
ell special round trip tickets to Chlcsgo
at $20.00. Tickets good for return until Oc
tober 81. For further Information apply
to 8. D. Parkhurst. general agent. U1J
Farnam street, Omaha. Nab.
Grain Dealers at Mitchell.
MITCHELL, S. D., Aug. 2.-(Special Tele
gramsFully one hundred grain dealers
from South Dakota, Minnesota and Nebras
ka were In attendance this afternoon at
.','. -s '
The Summer Girl
Metropolitan Magazine,
R. H. Rasssl Paklshcf, Naw Vsfi Ctfi (
. ,
Local Agents everywhere are enjoying comfortable,
incomes getting subscriptions for' this ideal American
Magazine. , Students', teachers and others. who wish .
to turn their vacation time into a money-making season
should write us at once for particulars, addressing (
the South Dakota meeting of the Trl-fltat
Grain Dealers' association and th meet
ing was oounted a most successful one.
The session, was hsld In the rooms of the
Mitchell club a4 Jt was opened with pray
er by Dr. Thorns Nicholson, with address
of welcome by Mayor Sllshy, th response
belrtg made by A. F. Brenner, president, of
Minneapolis. Secreiry Qulnn read the pa
per prepared by J. B. MeCaull of Mlnncap-j
oils on "Relations of the Grnih Dealer and
the Farmer." Prof. E. C. Chileott of
Brookings agricultural college gave an ad
dress on Improvement of grain crops. The
work of the national association was given
by Secretary George A. Stebblns of Chi
cago. Trof. P. O. Holden, of th Ames,
lows. Agricultural college, who was to
speak on corn culture, waa unable to be
Rock Island, La!;o Shore,
Hov York Oontral,
Boston and Albany Oys.
Through Standard and Tonrlst Sleepers "rla
,hl route will leave Omaha 5:40 p. e&v August IV
reaching Boston afternoon August 19.
Via New York and rail, rate will be $34.29; .
Via New York and boat, rate will be $33.20. v
Stopover at New York allowed by' depositing
ticket and on payment of $1.00 fee. . . a t.
Union Depot connections In Chicago in bothi
Tickets at above dates on sale Anguat 11,-13
and 13. Extreme return limit September 80vi'
Berths reserved on application. fV t.' L'
. Thp new train schedules of tho
hare been so well arranged that passen
gers are able to leave Omaha and arrive
at Denver at most convenient hours.
These trains are equipped with accom
modations (or all clasaes of passengers.;
Morning Train
Afternoon Train
4.10 a.m.
7.G0 p.m,
OMAIIA 7.40 a.m;
DENVER 0.00, p.m.
For Copy of "The Rockies, Great Salt
Lake, and Yellowstone," apply to
1324 FJ
t - -a- . iJsA.a,isiiii KJ
i-: '.t 1 'Phoue 816.
'Phniift HI ft
199.1 T7" A T?"V A TVf BTT?TTTJWP I I
series of beautiful illustrations !
the August number of the
present. No evening session ws held on
account bt th absence of several ol tho
t neelal tantaser Tourist to Ken
tochy. Tonne, torth Carolina,
ad Tlratwla.
The Chicago Great Western Railway wm
sell special round trip tickets at very low
rates to Crab Orchard, Ky.j Middlebor
ough,. Km Tat Springs, Conn.; OUv
Spring, Tnn. Asherllle, N. C Hot
Springs, N. C.J Keanok. Va.J Qlad
Springs, Va. Radford, Va. j and otnr
points. Tickets on sale dally, good to re
turn until Octeber U. .. Por further Infer
mstlon apply to S. D- PARKHURaT. 0a
ral Agent, 1111 Farnant' street, Omaha-Neb.
1323 Fcrnan St., Omaha, H:
llliU M I
at Play