TI1E OMAnA' DAILY BEE: .WEDXERP'AT, ''AUOrPT 3. 1904. ITT NEW BOORS AND MAGAZINES Country Life Tilled with Vacation Sug gestion! and Timely Articles. PERSONAL QUALITIES OF ROOSEVELT Tolam of -Aditrumrn and rraldn 'tlaj Theodore !!- vrl" Selectlona Mad I'nder rrealdCBt'a SoperTialon. Country Llf In America for August Is a superbly Illustrated masaiine containing vacation suggestion and timely articles which touch upon all aldea of work and pleasure out of doors. Among- the leading art! :Ies "Crullng In a Bmall Yacht" shows how eleven peopli enjoyed twenty-one dajra of nailing at th cOKt of J.B each; "Bwans and fiow to Manage Them" Is an Inter esting article of especial Importance to ow.iera of country estates and farms; "Xbe Herring Wclrs of the Maine Coast" Is a quaint account of a picturesque Industry, and "Wyandottes" has to do with one of the best all around breeds of chickens, while "Hop Ticking In Central New York" fells about an Interesting localized rural Occupation. Ernest Thompson Seton con tributes an article of a series on the ways of woodcraft, which informs one "What to to 'W hen Lost In the Woods." Walter J. Travis, the world's amateur golf cham pion, writes on as Interesting phae of the game (n this country. And Frof. L II. Bailey ' continues the "How to Make a Living from the' Land" series with an ar ticle on the subject of "The Making of Cheese In the Mohawk Valley." The ninth article on "Country Homes of Famous Americans" Is about Henry Wadsworth , Longfellow's home In Cambridge. Other Important articles range from such sub pec ts as "The Making of a Suburban Colony,'-being the story of -the purchase of an abandoned farm by twelve well-to-do city families; "Grading with a Hose with a Great Saving of Kxpense;" "A Balk Yard Garden and a Vacant Lot Next Door;" "Planting .Strawberries In August," to va cation camping articles, automobtllng, na ture study In the mountains and along the sea shore, and a hundred other timely top ics , that Interest those who love the country. "The Man Roosevelt," by Francis E. Leupp, (D. Appleton A Co., New York) la possibly the most personal book of Its kind that has appeared for a long time. Pur porting as it doea to toll the reader of the personal qualities of the man, it does so mainly by Illustrating his methods by Incidents many of them well known In connection with his tenure of ofnee hold ing. II is not a defense of republicanism, ; and it la not a eulogy of Mr. Roosevelt, but It U l description of a very human man a strong man who does what he : thinks best as well as he can, occasionally falling, usually succeeding. Altogether apart from politics, every man who ad mires strength and honesty should read this book, and if you read it you'll want to keep It, 'The Just So songhook, words by Rud yard Kipling, muslo by Edward German (Doubleday, Page & Co.). is a number of Kipling's "Just So" Jingles done Into ong. The music, as the words, is made for chil dren, with whom the book will no doubt be popular. "Brevities," by Matliowman and Dwlg glns. Is one of the recent additions to those nonsense books which were so popular a few months ago. The little bits of wit and wisdom, tinged with satire, are really good, and the delicacy and grace of the illustrations makes It quite attractive. Honry T. Coates & Co., Philadelphia. Above books at lowest retail prices;. Matthews, 122 Soutb Fifteenth street. Cut Prices on Men s Low Shoes To dose out some of our best and most stylish low shoes that are broken in sizes we are mak ing a cut In prices of from two to $1.60.' as follows: $4.00 patent colt, blucher tut, oxford on the Tramp O fC last, now 'uiJ $4.00 patent colt, low button, on 0l?v.a.. 2.65 $3.50 vicl kid oxford tie, on the '?..,".t: 2.65 13.60 velour calf oxfords, on the Potay last, 9 rt now sS.UO $3.50 tun Russia calf oxfords, on the Peer last, 2 ()5 $3.50 tan Russia calf oxfords, on !XT"..!"h :.2.65 Boyden's patent calf blucher, 6.00 oxford, f Cf now Boyden's $5.00 patent -calf, reg- now "!,.t..!?T 3.50 Johnston ft Murphy's. $5.00 vlcl kid oxford, Clinton O Clt last, now J..JU . Johnston AY Murphy's $5.00 tan Ruaoia calf oxford, Q gQ $5.W patent colt and tan Russia oxfords on Tramp s K last, now . --- If you need low shoes a look at these will pay you well. il For Crane's Writing Paper and Fountain . Pens, go to BarkaJow Dros. BOOK BUOP. Tef. 02254, 1612 F.rnam Si. A cento for V Rogers- tJ Petit, Co. i Clothing. J nnH far Dr. Reed' I Sole Shots. Clearing Away the smaller lots from the Kelley-Stiger Stock At Tremendous Reductions. Wednesday's narjraln Are Unsurpassed. They Are of Greatest Importance to Omaha Shoppers. 20c Embroideries at 5c Yard Thousands of yards Kelley-Stiger excellent quality Embroideries and Inserting, all widths and scores of patterns, worth up to 20c a yard on large bargain square at. ... 10c Laxes, at 3c Yard Pis; bargain tsbles piled with great lots of fine l-ncee and Insert ing splendid goods frnm the Kelley-Htlger stock In Valen ciennes, Torchon and Point d'Esprlt Laces a variety of widths, at yard 3!c 10c Handkerchiefs at 2k Each Plain and Fancy Handkerchiefs white nnd colored border, also dainty lace edge and embroidered Handkerchiefs tastily trim med with lace and insertion many worth as high as 10 cents each at 25c Sun Bonnets at 8c Pretty fancy colored Bun Bonnets for ladies, misses and chil dren in all desirable styles. These Sun Bonnets are sold regu larly everywhere at 26 cents Wednesday, special at tach ALL KELLEY-STIGER S LISLE THREAD LADIES' GLOVES black and colored that Bold at twenty-live cents a jxilr go at only per pair 2lc 8c ioc 7 10c and 15c Ginghams at 2hc Yard All the balance of the stock of Kelley-Stlger's Ginghams to clean tnem up quicmy win bo tomorrow all at one price per yard aaf onlv -....... .. ... ' 2c 15c Drapery Swisses at 2hc Yard All the balance of Kelley-Stlger's Drapery Swisses,, together with thousands of yards of our own remnants of Printed Drapery Swisses, Embroidered and Dotted Drapery Swiss and Drapery Madras, all go at a yara. 2c 10c Plain and Figured Lawns at 2c Yard The balance of Kelley-Stlger's plain and colored Fancy Printed Lawns to make short work of It goes tomorrow at only per yard 2c In the Art Needlework Dept. Third Floor c Pattenburz Patterns at lc I 5c Floss and Cotton at 1c Skein AH kinds of the'prettlest and most da- lc All Kelley-Stlger's Linen Floss and Mercerized Cot ton, also Bulgarian Cotton, sold at Be a skein special Wednesday at skein Colored lc slrable Battenburg Patterns, -....V. - - T,..lliA CnllaF, Dresser Scarfs, etc., regu lar 6c patterns, special at All' Kelley-Stlger's finest fancy art gods, Including scores of beautiful Pillow Tops Cluny Lace Pieces. Cords and Tassels. Pillow Covers etc. an Immense variety going at half and less than half Kelley-Stlger's original price. J. L. Brandcis & Sons BOSTON STORE Shoe Sale Thursday - wwaaww SPECIAL ADVANCE NOTICE OF SALE Commencing Thursday.,.. Aug. 4th CONSISTING OF $12,800.00 MEN'S SHOES Plain and leathpr lined Vici Kid, Calf Skins, Box Calf, Enamel, Velours, Patent Colt Skin. SI3.600.00 Ladies' Fine Shoes Vici Kid," Surpass Kid, Box Calf, Velours, Patent Colt, Ideal Kid and Enamel. " $6,000 Ladies' Oxfords and Slippers In Kid Skins and Patent Leathers. $4,000 Stm Shoes The phoes are the result of our recent purchase in Boston, and we have the most surprising bargains. 15 Bargain Squares on the Second Floor. 10 Bargain Squares in the Basement. In Kid Skins, Calf skins, box calf and Velours See tonight's papers for full part iculars and prices. Shoe sio i - r " h i r rJjiiVfwe - Thursday Shee Sale . .. . r-M TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Reaches the Lin Stock Mem. Li rrvLt Mrs. J. BENSON Corset Sale Wednesday Morning No. 1 A stntlKbt front cornet, In pink, blue and white btttlate, medium lonarth, value J-.uu, io price 7b ennta No. 2 The Rita extra fine quality straight front corfcwt imiMirted Coutlile, especially rod lor lout and mrrilum nures alu-a il to T7. value J t bO aiui i u-Vtint)SiUy, lust half price fi.50 fur Sl.Ta. fc.uO lor ti.U). No. A straight front cort, lm-ed over the b doiuvn, for Hlout naurm, mrdliim wttlit, sixes 2i to M. never s.ld for !. than II. bu, sal j.itce No. 4 P. I. corsets, not strulitht front. Bhort and Ions, silk baUat. and i'ouUllo, blurk or whl(. for lucr price 12.75. U iAi, l uu and J io, sal. price '.of. No ( Mrokun ls in Thompson's Olova Fitting, SL Q., W. li., value 1.00 aud ilM. md price iwc ' i DIAMONDS i are our Bpeclalty, but do not forget that we carry in stoclt all the choice L things usually carried by Jewelers. T Our stock of Cut Glnss, Sterling Sljver y m and Watches are all careful selections, m n t w ms r m fm my f w JSdt DODGE i I U-B-B-B- ---------i rrs CERTS What To Eat MU ffo. finny Ut ai trimi.A to Utgii vnUv-t&tulLis:. w teas fa Mirk IP emus ur l w r la. aawl m your laiaure aa aaret auggeauesM um lan at uu. (aui aall war iu F.AT (irfwa(a Mai a, aaal twaa s a OMAHA VEAJHtR REPORT Wednesday Fair and Warmer. 3 Lb UVJ IAJ La II U Waist Special for Wednesday With Extra Stamps On Second Floor. White Waists, In lawns nnd batlstps, trimmed In lnce and In sertion and prettily tucke.l. In all Im-iilso n line of Colored Waists in mercerised rlnnhams. embroidered Pwlsses. corded madras cloths, some with piping to match goods and others trimmed with embroidery snd Inser tion tind tucked hemstitched thes waists worth mo as high as 12.25. Wednesday your choice AND ONE UOLLAR'8 WORTH "S. Sc II." GREEN TRADING STAMPS. les. enrucu 48c At the Wash Goods Counter THIRD DAT OF OfR GREAT WASH GOODS SALE. BEAUTIFUL WASH GOODS ON SPECIAL TABLES FOR WEDNESDAY. TAPLE 1-A big lot of odd pieces that sold as high as 15 cenU a JJJC yard at TABLE 2-A big lot of odd pieces. In Lawns, Dimities and Fancy Wash gc Fabrics, that sold as high as 20 cents, at yard LOT J-Three big tables full of everything new In wash goods-dark Lawns for hu"e dresses on this table snd a lot of this season's prettiest J q goods worth up to SOc yard only Special Pillow Sale for Wednesday Harney St. Bargain Section. We have Just 05 odd Pillows, 3 pounds, covered wlh odd pieces art ticks and denims suitable for bed 7C1 or porch and Rre worth 11.60 each Wednesday JC only ench AND TWO DOLLARS IN "S. at II." GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH li ACH. CH0CKERY fill ES A good Gas Man- f 1 1 tie, each IUt And 11.00 in Little Green Stickers. Rich 0-ln, Lamp Globes, beautiful pink decora tions, on preen back ground, cheap at 91.25, :r.h:! 48c And $2.00 in Little Green Stickers. Limit of 1 to a customer Hi idnrrmrrJ 5 No. lvc 2 Brass Burner, each 1 And 11.50 in Little Green Stickers. Lamp 10c ! One quart Mason FYu't Jars, per CC. id 07. J r And 12.00 in Little Green Stickers. Japanese China Deco rated, open salt in. ' dishes IUt And 11.00 In Little Green Stickers. White Versailles Austrian China-100 piece dinner CI H C sets.......... IF I J Boys! Boys!! A money-maker for the boys. A little fellloTT abont eleven years of aire made f&.OO Monday fore noon. Want to net inf See the advertising manager. Your Eyes Work expedi tiously and In telligently done. Money saved and satisfaction assured every time. Ask for the optician. Watch Bring it to us; if there is a cure for it we will cure it Charges guaran teed strictly hen esL Bring your watch to us for regulating. Another Roaring: Sale of GItANITEWARE WEDNESDAY Preservim? Kettles, Coffee Pots. Tea Kettles, Dish Pans, Etc. Etc. In Oreen Enameled ware: In Qrey Granite, ware; in the fatuous Agateware. Prices cut just .about in two and heavy extras in Green Trading Stampe.. $3.00 worth Little Green Stickers with every single piece of C Granitewure over aC Green Trading Stamps Every Time The G. A. EL Off icislI Train Carrying the entire Nebraska delegation leaves via the Northwestern at 8:30 p.m. August 13th, and The Entire TraJn runs solid from OMAHA to BOSTON. Tourist Sleepers, Free Chair Cars and Coaches. s Via. NiaLara Falls This train is open to the public as long as space remains vacant. 50 E"3 DLV S3 iWith large choice of routes both rail and steamer. All tickets good returning via. St. Louis, with stopover at the Exposition. For handsome special Itinerary, sleeper space or full Information, apply to CITY TICKET OFFICE flORTIIVESTERN LI lie, 14011403 Faroan 5t, Omaha. Winsiow's Taffeta is the best ill THE nELIAIlLE STORK. Sole Selling" Agents for Winsiow's Taffeta 1 MORE SHOES From the Levenson stock, on sac Wednesday at 50c on the dollar. 98c 69c 39c 69c Men's and women's shoes-at Child's, misses' and little gent's at Men's and women's slippers at Child's $1.00 slippers at Men's and women's $3 and ?3.50 shoes HT QC at 1. 270 Agents In Omaha for the Stetson, Crossett and a 1 John Mitchell shoes for men, and the Ultra an--i urover snoes ior women. . t Boys' Knee Pants Suits, $1.50 ONJTMORE CIIANCR.N To aecure some of these 25c boys' wnsh pantR, In nrriVr to c'.one them Ep out Wednesday, por pair JW BLUE SERGE COATS, t'nllnd, solid comfort for Bummer w"rfr, worth !.( and fy tZf choice I1.U6 and ,JU ODD COATS, ftVs. Single anil dWuble breasted fancy and mixed colors worth fJHr. W.W choice fiJt HOYS' KNEK PANTS SUITS. 1 .50. A (reneral clean up In our boy' department Norfolk don hit- breasted and three-pleoo styles, agea from 3 to It years 1 worth 3.5o your choice J v THE GREATEST BUTTER, FRESH FRUIT AND GROCERY HEAD QUARTERS IN THE WESL We have Just received the lament ship ment of the season of fancy Dairy But ter. This is made by the best private dalrlfs in the state we will place on sale tomorrow your choice of any tub, or per pound 12Hc THIS IS PACKED IN 10 AND 2rt-Lli. TUBS NO LIMIT AI.I, YOV WANT. FRESH FRI'IT FOR PRESERVING Fancy Freestone Alberta Peaches per crate 79c Large baskets Freestone Alberta Peaches per basket 204 Fancy California Bartlett Pears per box - 94 California White Clover Honey rack ..llo Fancy Large Lemons per dosen EXTRA SPECIALS IN GROCERY DEPT Jell-O, per package So Wiggle-Stick, the new laundry blue to Fancy crisp ginger snaps, per lb 4o lo bars best laundry suan ...... 25a Good Japan rice, per pound .i 3ta Lehigh Valley mnm Groat Double Track Sconic Highway to Nov York, Philadelphia and. Atlantic Coast Resorts. Jill Tickets Good for Stop-over at Niagara Ft!!$ JTor Information and illastratad desorlptlre matter addreaa EEORSE EADE, Jr., WiHerti PDpr Agent. 218 Clark St. tllcipllL, tr. CKU. S, III. Mi Pill, 1st, 143 Lllertj SL, In TvL 1 CHEAP 'i j --- --- -yZ1 i RYCTTRSTOMS VIA Illinois Central R. R. Round Trip Rates From Omaha French Lick Springs, Ind., on sale July 22 to 25 $20.75 Boston, Masa., on sale August 11 to IS $30.50 Tickets to points below on Bale dally until September iJ0U, Return October Slst Montreal, P. Q $33.00 Buffalo, N. Y $27.15 Put-in Bay. Oblo $22.25 Chautauqua Lake Points. 27.15 Cblcago $20.00 Chicago (via St Louis one way $20.60 Charlevoix, Mich $24.25 Detroit. Mich $21.00 Quebec, P. Q $38.65 Mackinac Island. Mlch.f26.25 Toronto $27.15 Sandusky, Oblo $23.00 Cambridge Springs, ra. $27.15 St. Paul-Minneapolis. . . . $12.50 Duluth-Superlor $16.50 Alexandria, Minn $15.25 Walker, Minn., (Leech Lae) $17.10 Rice Lake. Wis.. $15.00 Winnipeg, Man $35.00 WatervlUe, Minn.. .,...$10.50 Madison Lake, Minn.. . f 10.50 Spirit Lake (0kobojl)....t9.95 Waterloo, Iowa. .$H.85 Cherokee, Iowa $0-85 CorreFpondlngiy low rates to many other points In Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota. Ontario and New York State. Attractive tours of the Great Lakes via rail to Chicago or D Iuth and. bt earner. ,- . . Before planning your trip, call at City Ticket Office. No. 1403 Farnam St., or write N W. II. BRILL. Dist. Pass. Agt., Omaha, Neb. SUIT CASES AND GRIPS At 20 Per Cent Discount Not a lot of odda and .nda but our regular atmk and .tlier. la nuna better to ba had Mad. of ttie tat material by killed workmen lttKllns and atrons. Omaha Trunk Factory, TcleDbone 1033 1209 Faraara It t ' n t I 4t'i I wiffiourrunchwill rtfresMyouforihe affernoona.work. mm AGENTS Huo F. Kill, 1324 Douflaa Ut.. f )mahn. ; iVXj.'Vv-f '1L liM. Lee Mltcttell, Council 1-ilurr.. lei. Ull'll OMAHA. 'FUONB 8. i V