Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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Tiie Omaiia Daily Bee.
Pally Pee (without Sunday), On Year. M ".
I'aliy Bee and Sunday, Una Year J ft'
Illustrated lift,, one Year J w
hunday Bw, One Year -J
Petunia' Re, uni Year Jw
Twentieth Century Farmer, One Tear.. LOO
Pally Be (wShout Sunday), per copy., t-?
Dally Ilea (wllnout Sunday), per week.. . 12:
Dal.y bee (Including Sunday), per week. 17c
Sunday Hee, per copy c
I rpnlnn Bee (without Fundav). per week. 10
Evening )! (Including Sunday), par
week 2
Complaint of Irregularity In delivery
rnoum oe addressed to city wrmniwu
Omaha The Bee BulMlng.
South Omaha City Hall Bulldlwg, Twenty-fifth
end M Streets.
Council Bluffs 10 IVarl Street
hlras-o )64o Unity Building.
New York 23M Pr.rk Row Building.
Washington 6n fourteen h Street.
Communications relating to news and edi
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Only t-cent stamps received in payment of
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Btato of Nebraska, Douglas County,
Oora-e B. Tchurk, etcratary of The Boa
. Publishing Company, being duly sworn,
ays that the actual number of full and
complete coplea of Th Dally. Morning,
'Kvenlng and Sunday Ttea printed during the
monm or June. ii as ioimjws.
1 ro.4o
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Subscribed la my presence and arworn to
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daring tb aammer months.
Changes of address will bo made
aa frequently at deelred notices
ol each ehaaga mast (lv both
tho old. and new addressee.
The shadow of Tom Watson Is a dis
turbing element for Nebraska democrats
Just now.
The Rosrtiud land lottery, Instead of
appeasing the land hunger seems only
to have sharpened It
If Lewis and Clark could only partici
pate in the centennial celebration how
their eyes would bulge out
Mike Ilarrlngton declares that Glad
stone achieved greatness by inconsist
ency. And Harrington is trying, to fol
low In his footsteps.
There is a bole in the bottom of "the
sea; but It isn't much deeper than the
boles in the bottom of North SlxtexrtbJ
street, where there is any bottom.
In view of the disfavor of the Goddess
of Fortune presiding over the Rosebud
land lottery, the editor of the World
Herald has decided not - to retire to. bis.
farm just at present.
If Spanish Honduras is in a state of
revolt as reported the inference is pos
sible that President Bonllla is getting
ready to follow a lino of distinguished
predecessors to Paris.
If all the men who have drawn-si prise
in the Rosebud land lottery Intend to
live up to their trwbrn pledge to make
their homes on the land allotted to them,
Nebraska will Jose several hundred use
ful and a few useless citizens. .
i" J '
What is the reason of the hoodoo
which the railways are trying to put on
Omaha in the matter of freight rates on
coal? It looks like discrimination of the
very worst kind, but it Is much worse
when we rememtoep "that the old rate
was much higher than it should have1
The South Omaha packing bouse strike
Is liable to cost Douglas county tax
payers t great deal of money. One hun
dred deputy sheriffs at 13 a day will
draw 124.00 a week out of the county
treasury, and the fees of the regular
deputies In serving warrants will likely
run up $500 a week more.
Douglas county taxpayers will be
gratiflid over the announcement that
the State Board of Equalization has de
clined to comply with the request of the
railroad tax agents to raise the assess
ment of Douglas county. The board
certainly had abundant and sufficient
proof to sustain its position.
South Omaha has made a contract for
asphalt paving with the Barber Asphalt
company for $1.89 per square yard. Ten
years ago Omaha paid 3 a yard to the
old Barber asphalt paving trust for the
same thing, and that left, a very re
spectable margin for distribution be
tween the contractors and the grafters.
Among tho evidences of substantial
wealth sfTsoovered In Nebraska and re
turned as personal property this year
are 101,022 dogs valued at fSl.7S2.00.
Tho bark of the watch dog and the wag
of the huntlug dog are henceforth to be
reckoned among the intangible assets,
almost as valuable as a railroad fran
Hurrlnfton, as uuuu will undertake
to deliver the goods to the democrats
at the coming populist state convention,
lie will set out again with the proposi
tion that a populist must head the fusion
picket and wind up with advocating the
acceptance of w hatever crumbs the dem
ocrats may be wUUi tJ ki drop fioui
tiio tublo, ,
rjur is a RianT-or-irATt
Tho attempt of the Union Pacific tax
gents to chisel Douglas county and the
city of Oiatra out of local taxes on
forty-seveu blocks and parts of blocks,
excluire of streets and alleys, that con
stitute the Union Pacific machine shop
grounds, by turning them into the state
dump us right-of-way, again brings to
the forefront the question, "What is s
railroad right-of-way in Nebraska?"
In the state of Pennsylvania a strip of
land sixty-six feet wide traversed by
main tracks and side trucks is a legal
railroad right-of-way, while In New Eng
land the right-of-way of a railroad
ranges from fifty to sixty feet in width,
and in the state of Iowa from sixty to
100 feet But in Nebraska a right-of-way
is anywhere from 100 to 400 feet Id
width. The right-of-way along the main
line of the Union Taclflc has been from
200 to 400 feet wide. A large strip of
this right-of-way wept of Omaha to
Grand Island has been fenced out of the
right-of-waynnd leased as farming land,
but is returned to the state board for as
sessment as right-of-way. In the re
turns made to the State Board of As
sessment by the Union raclflc railroad
for 1004 the grounds adjacent to and
under the machine shops at Omaha,
with a width of from 600 to- 1,50 feet
were returned lis right-of-way. While a
strip of land 1,500 feet wide required for
railroad depot grounds and terminal
facilities might be legitimately assessed
as depot ground, it can hardly be as
sumed that a strip of land 1,500 feet
wide which is not even touched by the
main tracks of the railroad can be In
cluded in a right-of-way under any pre
The courts of law- have always con
strued the law relating to rights-of-way
very liberally, but no court that has
any regnrd for Its reputation would con
strue the law of Nebraska relating to
rights-of-way to mean a strip of land
1,500 fet wide, or for that matter more
than 200 feet wide, especially where it
is not adjacent to or part of the track
age system of the railroad.
The palpable object of throwing in al
most the entire machine shop grounds
into the right-of-way dump was to pre
vent both city and county from levying
a tax on this property in proportion to
its value, notwithstanding the law ex
pressly exempts railroad machine shops
from being returned with other taxable
property of a railroad to the state board
for general assessment on a pro-rate
mileage basis.
Sooner or later the exact dimensions
of a right-of-way and the uses to which
it may be put legitimately will have to
be defined by law. Until then, however,
the local assessors should assert the
right of the city and county to assess
and tax machine shop grounds as well
as the buildingb, as has always been the
custom, and, as the new revenue law, as
Well as the old revenue law, contem
plates. L - -
Jt appears that the reciprocity treaty
ptta Cuba is not altogether satisfactory
to tna mercantile Interests doing business-
with the Island and that they will
asJc congress to modify tho conditions
of the agreement 1Mb said that tho
practical operation of the treaty has
thus far not been to enable American
manufacturers to compete with Euro
pean goods, notwithstanding the differ
ential. ' A New York exporter is quoted
as saying that "In spite of the supposed
great advantages which weald acrue to
American manufacturers and! to the
dealers in and the handlers of products
Of American origin, owing to the dis
criminating duties in favor of the United
States provided by the treaty with Cuba,
it now appears that the differential
duties in our favor are in many in
stances not sufficient to Increase our
trade with the Island. It is pointed out
that this condition of affairs Is due to
the relatively cheaper European labor.
For example, our cotton textile fabrics
cannot compete with prices named for
goods of European manVifacture and the
same is true in regard to some other
According to eastern merchants doing
business with Cuba, the island is de
riving nearly all the benefit from the
reciprocity arrangement and they pro
pose to make an appeal to congress for
Its modification, although there appears
to be little reason to expect that such
an appeal would have any effect. The
treaty Is to run for a specified period
and it is not at all probable that any
change will be made in Its terms dur
ing Its designated time of existence.
But what American merchants are say
ing in regard to its operation makes
pretty certain that it will not be re
newed, unless there should be a very
decided change in trade, when the date
of its expiration is reached.
If recent reports are to be trusted the
democratic candidate for the presidency
has made a deal with Tammany which
assures the earnest support of that po
litical organization. There is no definite
Information as to the nature of this
deaL but there seems to be no doubt
that it leaves to Tammany, us. the condi
tion of its support of the natlonul ticket,
the absolute control of the politics of
New York City and of the state. The
proposition appears to be that Tammany
shall be permitted to name at least the
candidate for governor on the demo
cratic ticket and shall be consulted as
to some of the other candidates on the
strtte ticket In short the Parker men,
with the absolute acquiescence of the
candidate, are quite willing to jmve
Tammany receive whatever political
consideration it may demand, even go
ing to the extreme of ignoring certain
leaders who are obnoxious to Tammany.
The first and one of the most anient
of tho Parker organs, the Brooklyn
Eaglo, is not at all pleused with the re
ported concessions that Judge Parker
lifts made to Tammany, while express
In doubt aa to whether the candidate
has entered Into, such an nutv u).iit
as reported, the Eagle thinks that If the
statement is true the fact will be very
injurious to the party in New York.
Having been a consistent opponent of
Tammany and denouncing thot political
orimnly.atlon as wholly corrupt and un
scrupulous, the Eagle cannot tolerate
the idea that the candidate of the
democracy for president of the United
States should make any tieup with a
political organization that is regarded
by the entire country as being absolutely
dishonest unscrupulous and a constant
menace tq good government.
Yet there seems to be no doubt that
Judge Tarker has entered into an agree
ment with the Tammany leaders which
will permit them to name the state of
ficers this fall. This is practically ad
mitted by one of his New York organs,
which is by no means pleased with
what It regards as an unjustifiable sur
render on the part of the candidate. At
the same time the friends of Mr. David
B. Hill are by no means happy over the
foct that Mr. Parker is disposed to court
Tammany and to give. to that organiza
tion an influence and a power in the poli
tics of the Empire state which must re
sult, If the compact Is faithfully adhered
to, in relegating the Hill faction to the
The democrats in the country at large
will watch the Tarker deal with Tam
many with great interest They will
perhaps see in it the true meaning of
the Porker campaign, which contem
plates anything that will contribute to
The railroad tax agents are still ham
mering away at Douglas county. They
now claim the Omaha wholesale mer
chants have been assessed for only 60
per cent of their actual merchandise
volue and therefore they want the state
board to increase the assessment of
Douglas county by 5 per cent or about
$1,500,000 in round figures. In view of
the fact that the railroads have been
assessed only for 74 per cent of their
true value or even less than That on the
basis of their mileage value, while the
real estate In Douglas county has been
assessed for nearly 100 per cent of its
Vsjue, the rank Injustice of the demand
for the B per cent raise will be very ap
parent to every unprejudiced mind.
The unreasonableness of this demand is
still more pronounced when it is borne
in mind that $1,000,000 worth of lots
in the shop grounds in Omaha have be?i
taken out of the county realty assess
ment and thrown In the dump, and fur
thermore that the railroads In Douglas
county have been returned at less than
$1,500000 altogether on the mileage
basis, whereas the actual value of the
railroad properties in Douglas county
cannot be much below $25,000,000.
Leslie's Weekly has dug up a photo
graph taken four years ago on the oc
casion of d dinner tendered President
Roosevelt at Albany in honor of his elec
tion to the vice presidency, in which the
two present opposing candidates for
president are placed side by side at the
guests' table. The picture is Interesting
because of the coincidence that has
now put Roosevelt and Parker on oppo
site sides of the political table. It is
Interesting also from the view it gives
of the wine glasses lined up In front of
Judge Parker, none of which, by the
way, are turned down.
A recent editorial in The Bee called
attention to the fact that the small pack
ers and operators on the live stock mar
kets who are not in the so-called Meat
trust were being helped greatly by the
strike. The press dispatches now cor
roborate this statement and give in
stances of where a number of these lit
tle packing establishments are increas
ing their output, running twenty-four
hours a day with three eight-hour shifts
and enlarging their plants. Evidently
the great American public is going to be
fed after all.
'Taxpayers of Douglas county will be
highly gratified to learn that the deputy
sheriffs are willing to serve at $2 per day
Instead of $3, as first reported. From
present indications there is much
more danger in g.uirdin-.r, t South
Omaha packing houses than there would
be in feeding a South Dakota threshing
Only a railroad tax commissioner over
anxious to earn his salary would for a
moment argue that because a railroad
company evades part of the tax upon
its real estate is a good reason for low
ering the tax upon its personal property,
yet this is the substance of the protest
of the Union Pacific before the state
They say that Chairman Cortelyou
will adopt Mark Ilnnna's campaign
methods, but it is possible Hanna's cam
paign methods may not exactly fit in
the present -mimpaign. Every political
campaign differs from every other po
litical campaign Just as every ganie of
chess differs from every other game of
chess. . ,
Russian diplomats now announce
that the educated Russians are nc sat
isfied with the showing made by their
country in the eastern war. The assas
sination of Plebve- is not a reason but
could be made an excuse for securing
peace and tn that event his death would
not have been in valu.
The Judicial district committee has
fallen into the Blackburn mousetrap. In
smashing all precedents and Ignoring
the county committee in the conduct of
the primaries the Judicial committee is
evidently oblivious of the fact that it
will require the machinery of the county
committee to elect its candidate.
The trouble with Ralsoull is that he
wants to break into the Doctor Annlflor
class when nature apparently did no
more for him than for the average ban
dit. It Is not every revolutionist who
can found a nution.
The demo-pop organ of these parts is
trying laboriously to cover up the dls
seusloa in fusion circles by conjuring up
strife within the republican state organ
isation. It's a good trick, but it doesn't
work every time.
The Minneapolis, Lincoln h Omaha
Intcrurban electric railway will have to
mark time waiting the result of teots
of alternating currents. It is to be
hopfd that the tests will not alternate
too long.
Latest dispatches from South Africa
Indicate that the Transvaal will have
home rule. Just as soon as the British
government is sure of a majority in a
popular election and no sooner.
Nebraska crop conditions are much
more favorable than was anticipated
two weeks ago. For this every man and
woman interested in the prosperity of
Nebraska will be thankful.
The Omaha Tark board does not seem
to be torn up over paving specifications.
Possibly it might be good policy to sub
stitute the Park board for the Board of
Public Works.
Tammany's Honored roller
, Washington Star.
It has always been a part of Tammany's
policy not to run any risk of letting na
tional controversies interfere with its local
plans and Interests.
How to Help.
Washington Star.
It remains to bo seen whether the beef
consuming public will stand by the inde
pendent concerns who have been their
source of supply during the troubles of
the trust
Make It I nan lm on a.
Washington Poat.
Winston Churchill says that American
novelists should pay more attention to the
study of politics. Any person who reads
one of these political novels will agree with
Substance of a Shadow.
Philadelphia Inquirer,
finite a. number of nresumably Intelligent
iwinla In Ksw York and vlnlnltv have been
engaged for some time in discussing the
question. "Does a shadow occupy space 7"
Should they reach an afflrmativa decision,
a lofrlcal "follow-up" question would be:
"Is It worth tho space it occupies?"
Relgro of Terror la Chicago.
Chicago Chronicle.
Note the prevalence of tha pistol habit
aa revealed by the changing episodes of
the strike at the stock yards. It is appar
ent that
All the policemen carry pistols by divine
All the strikers carry pistols.
All tha strike breakers carry pistols.
All the street car conductors and motor
men carry pistols.
All tho "innocent spectators" carry
pistols. '
All of Mayor Harrison's "hoodlums and
ruffians' carry pistols likewise by divine
A man without a pistol In Packlngtown
would be as strange a spectacle as a man
without trousers. "
Is It any wonder that this town reeks
of lawlessness and murderT
New York Mall.
"I have lied to you persistently and con
sistently for eight years. This proves to
you that I am now devoted to the truth and
worthy of all confidence. Therefore, It la
your duty to Intrust to me the chief place
of responsibility In your business and leave
to me the supervision of all things upon
which your welfare and prosperity de
pends." How far would this logic carry an
Individual toward employment In the shop,
factory or counting house of tha man ad
dressed? Tet this Is the exact substance
of the speech of democracy to tha voters
of the United States. The efficacy of eleventh-hour
repentance, even when real, la
doubtful in matters of morals. Its assump
tion in politics can bo followed only by con
demnation. An Indlotment to which a de
murrer is Impossible is succinctly presented
In these words of President Roosevelt:
"Our opponents now ask tha people to
trust their present promises In considera
tion of tho fact that they Intend to treat
their past promises as null and void." '
Boston Transcript: Such a man easily
attains a bad eminence In the twentieth
century without possessing those abilities
which gave men Ilka Metternich their prom
inence in tha nineteenth.
New Tork Mall: There U a certain de
cency that is outraged by this 'act of do
mestic treason, performed when tha exig
encies of the state should impose loyalty on
every member on lta protection in whom
there is any sense of collective obligation
and of duty to one's neighbor.
New Tork Post: While tha assassination
of tha minister of the interior probably
does not portend anything like an organized
revolt, it does reveal such smoldering do
mestic fires at home that Russia will cer
tainly be alow to kindle fresh ones abroad.
Its conciliatory answer to tha English de
mands today shows that It has all tha fight
ing on Its hands that It cares for.
Cleveland Plain Dealer: All that is no
excuse for crime which cut short his ca
reer, whether for tha good or ill of Russia
remains to ba seen. Aaaasslnatlon Is de
testable In any case. It is to bo feared,
Judging by precedents in Russian history,
that If the crime was dona In tha name, of
liberty It will hava an effect tha exact con
trary to what was Intended.
Buffalo Express: Whether Plfhve was
killed because of hatred for the man or as
a representative of an oppressive govern
ment, tho assassin's act will ba barren of
beneficial results. Assassination la cried
down the world over as a crime for whlcit
there can be no excuse and tha world will
rejoice if those who took Flehve's life are
brought to Justice. N-
Chicago News: The method by which
this powerful minister has been removed is
shocking and deplorable. Perhaps the Rus
sian government will be better without him.
There are enlightened and humane men la
that government, of whom Wltta Is a type.
It Is not beyond probability that with
Plehva out of tho way these progressiva
elements will be able to assert themselves
to the benefit of Russia and of the world
at large.
Baltimore News: The only comfort in the
caae for the Russia!? government Is that
long familiarity with auch events dimin
ishes the smart of the blow when It falls.
Still, what with the recent assassination
of tha governor of Finland, and what with
the steady progress of the Japanese cam
paign on Port Arthur peninsula, the assas
sination of the foremost man of the czar's
government must produce a feeling of pro
found depression In the governing circles
of Russia.
Washington Star: There la no dominant
tendency toward revolution within the
boundrles of the empire In Europe for th
reason that the mass of the people are not
sufficiently sctlve to be reslstnnt. Wher
ever Intelligence has beep developed, out
side of the bfflYlal and suboftlclal classes,
unrest la prevalent, as attested by thst
frequent tragedies. The claim that auch a
nation can conquer the world la absurd. No
power on earth can dominate over the
forces of clv'llzatlon which la not founded
uiuu an alert, intelligent body jiullUo,
Kim Cr' Sand: Band doesn't know
what Editor Rnsewaters real Intentions
are. but It does know that he generally
stirs up things worth knowing. A whole
lot of people could profit by paying atten
tlon to what he says.
Kearney Hub: The fact that the princi
pal railroad coknpanles In this state have
Joined hands to fight their assessment by
the state board, even to the extent jt
carrying their protest to the United Plates
supreme court, gives the He to the charge
of "republican railroad machine," ,made by
some populist and democratlo newspapers.
Friend Telegraph; The efforts of Edward
Rosewater' before the State Board of
Equalization In the Interests of the farmer
Is commendable Indeed. Th corporations
which under the new revenue law proposed
to c-scspe taxation .while the farmer puld
the expenses have signally failed, but are
attempting to get farm property raised
and their own lowered. Mr. Roeewater
shows that th corporations are assessed
K per cent too low.
O'Neill Frontier: Editor Rcsewater Hi on
deck again fighting with the Stat Board
of Equalization to keep the assessment of
farm properties down where they are and
prevent a lowering of railroad assessment.
Mr. Rosewater has been doing some good
work for the state In this assessment dis
pute. Railroad property forms a sort of
assessment basis and as this class of prop
erty has been assessed at about 25 per cent
of Its actual value there should ba no
difficulty in coming at a fair conclusion
with respect to other property.
Columbus Journal: The three largest
railroads in Nebraska have filed protests
with the State Assessment board against
their assessment in the various counties.
While it Is true that the- assessment of
railroad property raised mora than that of
'other property In tha state. It does not
follow that the railroad assessment is un
just. The state board took ample time to
arrive as nearly as possible at the true
value of railroad property. The board's
method" of equalising the assessed value
of lands on the basis of the sale value Is
fair and will be satisfactory to the people
of the state. No change of values made
at the request of the railroads will there
fore be looked upon as-fair or Just. The
Journal believes that tho state board is
composed of honest men and that they will
"stand pat."
Orand Island Independent: Editor Rose
water appeared before the Board of Equali
sation yesterday "on behalf of the tax
payers of Nebraska," to protest against an
Increase in the assessment of the property
of Douglas county particularly and in th
assessment of other counties generally. So
far as Douglas county alone la concerned,
It would perhaps be difficult for Mr. Rose
water to show the proper credentials as
representative of the tax payers of the
entire state. So far aa his objection against
a decrease in the railroad property Is con
cerned, it will meet with the popular con
viction of what is right and equitable in
the matter. While there undoubtedly are
some counties which should be Increased,
it Is not likely that many great changes
will or should be made. It is interesting
to observe, however, that tho newspapers
of Omaha generally viewed the revenue
law, In tha stages of its enactment, as
the work of tha railroads, and that some
of the Influential newspaper men of that
city are now before the board urging the
members thereof not to heed the protests
of the railroads.
Hastings aTribuns: Edward Rosewater,
tha fighting editor of The Omaha Bee,
appeared before the Stat Board oi Equal
ization at Lincoln Tuesday and filed a peti
tion requesting tho board to equalise th
assessment of all real and personal prop
erty aa -nearly as possible to tho ratio of
the assessment made against the railroads.
He pointed out that the railroads represent
more than one-fifth of th taxable wealth
of the state; that the assessment of the
railroad property for taxation during the
year 1904 approximates $236,000,000, of from
$6,000,000 to $80,000,000 less than their true
value based either upon their capitalisation
or their earnings, and the assessment of
railroads for 1104 having been fixed at from
23 to 80 par cent below their actual value
he urged tha board to equalize th assess
ment of all real and personal property re
turned by the county assessor as near as
possible to th ratio of aasessment made by
the Board of Valuation of Railroads. Mr.
Rosewater was not alone in his fight upon
taxation, but he put th protest and de
fended it with an able argument, and he
deserves the support of all small taxpayers
In his fight against the corporation tax
dodgers. i
Mrs. Max Pemberton edits all of her hus
band's copy and is a charming, cultivated
woman of distinct Jiterary taste.
Dr. C. H. Tlttman, chief of tho coast and
geodetlo survey, Is about to start for
Alaska to inspect the work of the survey
ors of tha boundary in behalf of the United
Mrs. Richard L Galllenne, wife of the
poet, before her marriage was a brilliant
writer herself. 8h was Julie Norregard, a
Danish girl. After her marriage she ceased
to write and givos all of her fin thought to
her husband.
Sarasate, the famous violinist. Is 60, and
be has been playing his wonderful violin
since he waa it years old. It waa the re
nowned Alard, of whom he became tho fa
vorite pupil at th Paris Conservatoire, who
exhorted him; "Wed thy violin, Sarasata,
Sarasate, my son, but never a woman,"
and to his violin ba has been faithful aver
sine. '
The last of tha noted group of General
Grant's staff offlcera-of the rebellion days Is
Major General W. T. Clark, now an In
spector of tha Treasury department He
served with th silent man from Spring
field, 111., to Appomattox. General Clark's
present duties consist In checking up clerks
connected with tha Treasury department in
all parts of tha country, traveling about
25,000 miles a year.
Charles M. Schwab's successor In th
directorate of th United State Steel cor
poration will probably b ons of Andrew
Carnegie's "boys," Thomas Morrison of
Pittsburg. He la comparatively unknown
in money centers In New Tork, but in th
manufacturing region h has the reputa
tion of being on of th brightest of th
coterie of young men developed by Car
negie and Frlck.
Lord Curzon is said to be on of th moat
economical dressers In th British peerage.
He wears his clothes out, fairly to th last
thread. One of bU valets Is a practical
tailor and kuepa trousers and coats In th
beat of condition. Seven pairs of trousers,
seven coats, seven waistcoats and seven
pairs of boots Serv th Indian viceroy,
wearing on of each suit a week through.
He spends not more than $f00 a year on his
apparel. No one can make a cent on his
cast -off clothing. ,
The moat puzzling thing about Esopus
next to Judge Parker's position on public
affairs, of course is tha origin of th
name. Philologist are busily working on
the question and may arrive at definite
conclusions about the time tha jurist gives
out hia letter of acceptance. At praaant
they are divided on its derivation between
the Indiana, the Dutch and the early Eng
lish colonial governors, with the odda In
favor of th Even Bchoolcraft,
authority on, Indian mattera, could not aet
tl the qusslton In his researches. He
thought It mlsht be from "Sepua," th
uuma of a river atuoug tk Metoaci
pksximisv or the rvtriT.
Gloomy Views of Present Condition
of Sorlety Not JnstlSed.
Archibald Hopkins In New Tork Sun.
For some time past tliere hae been mani
fested a tendency hy varloua preachers In
different sections to consign the country
without shrift or sppesl to th demnltlon
bosr wows. One dwells upon the evils of
dlrorce destroying the family and wrecking
society: another upon the growing spirit
of commercialism, and tha wide prevalence
of comiptlon In local rolltlca and public
life; still another sees ruin and downfall
In tha ravages of th demon drink, whll
others base impending decadence and dia
ruptlon on Sabbath breaking, theater going
and dancing. Each one Is sure that It th
evil he Is attacking could be done away
with, all would be well, and no two wholly
agree In the remedy which should be ap
plied. Taken together, they have produced
the most dismal and dispiriting chorus
which has been heard since the new cen
tury opened.
This Is In a general way familiar ground
for the cloth, though they have beew taking
such subjects Into the pulpit mor fre
quently of late, because, doubtless, of tha
fact that the old theological discussions
and doctrines of heaven, holl and salva
tion by blood have censed to draw or to
be of any Interest to the man or woman
of average Intelligence.
Such discussions monopolized most of tho
time and thought of the preachers of all
sects a generation or two back, but they
still found occasion to Indulge periodically
In very much the same pessimistic wslls ss
to existing conditions which we are hearing
from the clergy of today.
They held a belief in regard to special
providences which modern science has
greatly modified, if not wholly destroyed;
and whenever an earthquake, a shipwreck,
a destructive storm or any untoward event
happened, they always saw in It, and an
nounced, the punishment of some sin fla
grant In the community; and fresh disas
ters were predicted and Invoked for 'those
who broke the law, whether divine or
ecclesiastical. Special wrath was reserved
and positively promised for all those who
failed to "believe." Absence of belief was
a more7 henlous offense than absence of
morality; it was more frequently and
fiercely denounced, and was threatened
with tho most .direful consequences. The
clerical pessimist, if not so frequent In his
exhibition of despair and foreboding, waa
still abroad In those days. The chief dif
ference was that. Instead of being told, as
we are now, that we are In an alarming
state which unless corrected must entail
serious consequences, 'the hearers of those
days were shaken over a literal and fiery
hell and told they would be dropped in
unless they mended their ways. '
Wa of the Independent laity have no wish
to criticise or check the efforts of the
pulpit or of any good men to expose and
correct evils In society and lift It to a
higher level of charity, brotherhood and
personal character. On the contrary, we
wculd co-operate with them; but we do
not conceive that In order to do so It Is
necessary to represent the world as preach
ers constantly do, as going rapidly down
to irretrievable ruin.
It is not true; the very opposite Is true.
Never was there a time in all history when
tho general conditions of fjumanlty were
as favorable as they are today. Go back
to tho days of Rome and follow the story
of mankind down through tha fearful
periods of Intellectual darkness, moral
degradation, cruelty, oppression, ceaseless
devastating wars, religious persecution
and almost universal slavery, and com
pare them with what we find today. The
rights of man as such, then hardly dreamed
of, are now conceded to every one. Tho
protection of the lawiasd Justice, then for
the few, now belongs to all; the prisoner
and the Insane, treated then worse than
beasts, are cared for; woman, then a play
thing or a drudge, is (man's equal; few
then could read, now . none need lack an
education; and the proportion of poverty
to the population has greatly decreased.
Then freedom of opinion was suppressed
in tho torture chamber and at the stake;
now every man may freely express his
While wars have not ceased, they are
less frequent and less protracted and
cruel, and mon the world over are kindlier
and more ready to recognize the duty to
one another which a common brotherhood
involves. Read tha personal memoirs and
correspondence of any- earlier period, and
numerous persons will bo found who,
taking up, as do the preachers of today,
some particular aspect of society, insisted
that the world was on the brink of a
precipice and about to fall in; that the
end of all things was at hand, and that
unless immediate attention was paid to
what they thought and said all hope was
gone. Go as far back as you please and
you will find the same sort of thing, and
you will find, too, that in, spite of such
predictions, and right along with them.
the world haa s'.owly but steadily grown
' Gentlemen of th pulpit, cheer up I Get
a little more perspective and brush up your
history. It Is not so bad as you believe, or
think, you believe, or think you ousht
professionally to believe, or at least think
you must persuade other people to be
lieve. It will help us a!ong a great deal
mor to convince us that we are on the
right road; that w hav- moved, though
ever so little, and that th thing to do la
to mend our pace.
Present Aspect oftho Hia Slaughter
k Bonae Strlka.
Chlcf 9 Inter Ocean.
Th slaughter-bouse strike haa become
merely a tost Of endurance. Neither side
even offers to nagotlat for peace. Both
have settled down to a long and grim con
test of brute force. Both seem resolved to
aee which can endure the most pounllng.
However, the party which must endure
moat blows is neither the packera nor
their former employes. Th party which
must stand between th combatants, bear
the burden of keeping their warfare within,
legal bounds and anduro the chief weight
of their blows at each other, all in a quar
rel In which It haa no material interest
whatever, is th American people, ,
Theae are facta, and thoy are facta that
com home to tha daily Uvea of mllllona
They ar facta which muat make millions
of th American people question whether
there Is Justice In even th acquisition by
small groups of citizen of power so great
that a quarrel between thee groups over
money makes it harder for the whole peo
ple to live.
To find justice In conditions which thus
give to a few auch power by quarreling
among themselves to Injur th many
without Interest In their dispute is Impos
sible for th average man. That Is why
th puhllo Increasingly demands such con
trol by ltaelf over combination of both
labor and capital aa will avert tha Injuries
their brawls now Inflict.
Capital rightly demands stability, and
labor rightly demands a fslr share of lta
fruit. But above and beyond both theae
la th demand of tha people tor a justice
that wilt prevent both labor and capital
from Inflicting upon th whole people the
Injuries given by their conflicts of brut
force and testa of endurance In which tha
people andur most of th Buffering.
Tip to Snrralon.
Chicago iRaoord-Herald.
One of these days the Vladivostok squad
ron wilt stop th wrong boat and hav to
go bums en a )af t
a risitruADE or words.
Endle'as and TBaotleaa nthat Afcont ,
tho Mission of Womnn.
Portland Oregonlan.
"All the talk against hlghrr education
that used to be discharged along about
this time," remarks the Saturday Evening
Post, Vseeme Just now to be concentrated,
against the higher education of women.
It makes them' unfit for wifehood and
motherhood, for housekeeping and plain
living, and for everything women ought
to kv and b devoted to," we are told.
All of this and mor of the same kind la
substantiated by formidable atatlstloa
auch statistics of calamity, real and Im
pending as only th croaker knows how
to compile, arrange and "discharge" upon
an unsuspecting and reaaonably contented,
The fusillade of "talk" rumbles on and
on, attracting more or less attention, but
on the whole exciting little concern. Sen
sible people do not grow hysterical over
the natural trend of events, but regard
menial development as a thing to b ex
pected In a progressiva age, regardless of
sex, and refrain from vexing themselves
or the community with words intended to
limit its application to one-half of man
kind. In pleasing contrast to much that
has recently been said upou this subject
and Its correlative subject, women Id in
dustry, and in striking contrast, to tho
attitude of churchmen and educators of a
ceutury ago, are th views expressed by
Dr. Newell Dwlght KUlla, now lecturing:
St Gladstone.
Dr. Illllls recognises, as does every manly;
man, the fact that th homo la pre
eminently woman's flsld, but. In common
with other thoughtful men, he regards
higher education and woman's part In our
ludustrlal Ufa as elements In our de
velopment that will. In due time, work out
gratifying results. He see In th Increase '
of wealth and Idsur the gradual with
drawal of women from th earning fore
of the world and her return to the home,
from which radiates social life and cul
ture and happiness, without which weaitrt
and industry los their consecration and
incentive. "
Most people, or at least many people,
lose sight of tho fact that woman's In
vasion (as it Is called) of the industrial
realm waa largely brought about by th
necessities of the situation. Critics talk ct
women in Industry as though they were
ihere by reason of unwomanly ambition
or the promptings of a rebellious spirit.
Looking about us w see In reality but feS
women who are wage-earners from choice
We do see, however, a grand army o((
women who, at th sacrifice of their own
Inclinations, have become wage-earners U
order that they and their dependent one
may have home with the refinement an
protection which the word designates.
Among women who' accept the terms oi
a necessity that Mds them go out Into thl
world to make homes for others or to
maintain themselves are to be found th
real heroine of tho ago. The life Is not
of their choosing, but they accept Its dutlal ,
and rise to meet Its opportunities not
half-heartedly and shamefaoedly, but with.
spirit and dignity. If Individual Independ.
onca baa been born of this necessity, he U
a churl Indeed who would (rrudire th
woman worker this legitimate mead ol,
her endeavor, or seek to belittle, thi)
womanllnena that lies behind. If It doai)
not shine through It-
Problem of tho Hfu-veat.
New Tork Poat.
Starting out with but moderate promts
the unlucky Kansas rainfall, during har
vest time, has so far cut down tho probabl
yield of wheat that It will certainly fall
well below last year's. At the same time,
unfavorable . harvests In southeastern
Europe have made it a virtual certainty
that outside producers will not match last
year great yield. These clroumstanoo
render the preblem of th grain trad in
the coming season peculiarly complex, and
will go far to test tho force of the argu
ments given above. How the outcome bears
on the future of our export trade at large,
may 1 Judged from tho fact that, meas
ured by selling value, our shipment of
wheat, and flour, in 190!, made up nearly II
per cent of our total outward trade. In
1904 the ratio waa barely 7 per cent. This"
again lends Interest to a theory, lately
somewhat p-evalent, that the rise of out
manufacturing and miscellaneous export
trade has in the nature of the case In
creased the proportion of our own no,.
agricultural population which consumsi
and does not produce the staple foodstuffs.
To some extent, this la always the expf?rt
ence of a state whose manufacturing In
dustry expands rapidly. But fhe trans
formation In our own case, so far as re
gards the cerenl export trade. Is a little too
sudden to be accepted yet as complete or
"KPT. doe." 'J"- candidat strike youT"
1 hats the funny tiling about him," an.
SI SsT A I A . l Kana t.n L ...... L. . . - . . I
nwuvn me lur anyiniiig
lngton Star.
Her Beau-Say Bobby, can't you get
me a lock of your sister's hair?
Bobby-Sure! But not just now. She's
wearin' it. Syracuse Telegram.
Bride-George, dear, when we reach our
desinatlou let us try to avoid giving tha
impression that we are newly married.
Lioorge All right. Maud; you can carry
this ault case. New Yorker.
"It's all nonsense about a man'a being
able to make a name for himself. Only
a woman can do that."
"How do you make that out?"
"Klie can select for husliand a man wboao
name she fancies." Toi Topics.
"Before I consent," said the fair, but
firm, gras widow, "I wish it distinctly
understood that 1 am to be th captain of
this ship."
"Well, all I'm asking Is to be your sec
ond mate." repllod the fascinated one,
knowing he might as well give up first as
last. Cincinnati CommercIxT Tribune. .
I knew him in his yvurnlng youth
Before the change that brought
neari a acne,
plunger down the wells of Truth,
A. id sworn to follow Art for Art's sakt,
O froat that nipa the luiscent rosel
O bloom that prematurely blltheral
How could w then forecast the cloao
Of Andrea del Itisarto bmltbers?
A front Ilka Phidias (ancient Greek),
A mouth the very mate of Titian's,
A Chantrey's chin, a Watteau's cheek.
A Whistler's eye for exhibitions; ,
Dowered with a halo fitting tight
A clings tha mould about a jelly
He was to be the black-and-whll ; )
Equlvalunt of -Botticelli! -
The Editor of "Bruah and Plume,?
A man of aound commercial liber.
Thought Andreas art might be a boom
And catci the better class subacrlber
But often, owing to the atresa
Of more Immediate local matter.
That graphlu print would go to presa
W ithout hia pianclng nymphs and satyrs.
Then cam tha sudden Kodak phase,
When Art waa alielvad for Actualities,
Th Living Typea of Beauty erase,
Stage Fright and aeml-nude bunallties
Back flew the latest masterpiece
Inclosed with editorial structures:
"These contributions now must cease;
No further us for funny pictures."
The blow, although no blood was spilt.
Could hardly fall to wring tha withers
Of one so deliraMy built
As Andrea del Itnsarto Smlthere;
He bowed bdfora the crushing fatea.
Then rose attain by nice gradations.
And now ha doea the fashion plates
Published In "Woman's Transforms
"Tis true h own a sumptuous flat
Who onoe conversed with gods tn gar.
I grunt he's growing aleek and fut
Orr turtle soup aiul v In Lair- claiets
But none the l, when I recall
The former hopes ou which ha taatnnt
1 recognize ifie ryursi inn,
Th grant caiJor tuilUualy