Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1904, PART 1, Page 3, Image 3

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Endorsed and Prescribed
by iiieirlcdical Profession
Made of tbe Finest Selected American- .Malt and Imported
Cohemian Hops. The best and only known ingredients for pure
Invigorating Nutritious Healthful.
Used exclusively in many hospitals.
Sold on dining and
restaurants throughout
1 " '
Fred Kruc IXrcvrinc: Co., Omaha.
ver Six Million Dollars of Trust Txmii
- Hold by Treasurer.
Cioverniucni Arraafcri for the R
aarvr oZ Bcbuol Liuda In grerr.I
( CHtl u En tUo Wntr
PMrt ft thm Stat.
(From A Staff Correspondent.)
' LINCOLN. Neb.. July SU. (8;erl:il.) At
the close of tu!i".'p thin evening the
trust funds pf tH. f ate of Ncbrnak in
vented amounted to $-:.i5?.4V6.67. a top notch
figure. Tin fMinJa are -rllvideil up as follows:
i'erriaront at'hco).. H.iii'i.lSi.ili Hgricuitural
endowment. ICui.Hi'.S;; permanent unlver
stty, ll8,4i.0t; mvrmaj endewmcnt. S5,
3.S. Of thia total amount, $4,4' 1.67S.M ia In
bond and coupons and t!,ul,7(7.Sj la In
narrni:ts. During the next tear weoka,
hoivgver, ccasldt-rablo more will be ln
Tted In warrants and the only fear of tlie
treasurer nan Is that he Tlil not have any
loo muc' money with which to buy up the
warrants ths? will be yi oscntej. Ills
monthly staton-.ent filed with the auditor
late this afternoon showed In ths perma
nent scl ool fund only ;iJfi,:i2.SA and a tiJtal
In the trust fund i,f JIJi.Sit. During the
month Treasurer Murtensen has binjjiht
t!2J.l,.'0 wcrth cf vrarrtcts tr,a hijv or.!? ra
dot ined t.K).0u0.
Durir.R the neit month tero will te
conipuratlv if llttie money received into
the treasury- The fees received will h!p
t.ut llttie. for aioit of the feos that will
la cc'.'.cH S this d!cnr.!u:r. hao . tlrcaj
biii'ii paid in. Tlu-se amounted to JIU.0. 0.
Following is tho tlctuiled statement of the
KoiiiiHuui ot no tronsiiry lor tne month of
July, os filed this afternoon, together with
a statement of the bunk bulunres:
Its- i'ay- FhI.
v Julvl. r'!v' nienf J i! I v 1
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buffet cars and at all first-class cafetf and
the entire west.
Nat'l Bank of Commerce. IJncoln 11,171 !5
Commercial Ni' tioiml, Onialia !M,!.,5 t,a
i'irft National, Ornuna SM,,6o7
J. U Bramiels A Bona, Omaha -v t.W'h l
Merchunis Nuiiotuil, Omaha 2o.3H 15
Nebrattka National, Omaha..,. ..... 2'),1.l!
Omaha National. - S!4,W1 3
Cnlon National, Omaha 2Z,Ht' i-i
I'niterl Wtatefi National, Omaha 15
Alliance National 3.841 .MJ
Untile Creek Valley. Battle. Crsek 4,1M)2)
Bank of Bu.':!!e Mills l,5o) .i
Uroken Bow Btate 4,uil W
Custer National, Broken Bow 6,114 7o
htave Iink ot Curtis ' J.lll 7!)
Daiinebrog Btate.
Commercial Slate, Grand l.ilttmi.
Grand llanj banKlr.K company.
I'nlon State, Harvard
I 'll si National. lluBtlnns
German National, H i cunts
Itlrst National, HoldrtK",
I'lift Natiotial, lyOomU
C'liUens hiuiK, M.CCook......
Newport Slale
Norfolk. N.;!i,'tial
1'ilM National, Ord
l ank of Orleans
',,ree fntmtv, Piorro
Cltiftens National, hi. I'aul
r iiHt tiiate. tt. i aul
ouih tmiahn National..., ,
r'UHt btate. BterlluK
Farmers and M., biromeburg...
Bonk of byraouwe ;
J-unt Natlonwi, Valentin.
l.r.,9 17
4.t") W
b.f.'t'2 To
4,1 'i fa
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J h -I 'K
!,!"3 'f
i.f.t 01
Valentin Mat..
Pa under i C ounty National, W ahoo
Flrwt National. Wayne
West I'oiot National
Wolbaeh Btate ..
City National, York
Flret National, York.
.$.i,3.S;S 78
Cusfer', Ott Xrfk.9.
Lieutenant Governor McGlltotLwas her
today oonferrlna with Governor Mickey re
garding the strike sJ'.uatlon In BoutH
Omaha. Thero are some inst'ers that the
lieutenant governor thought ought to be
to state the details of conference,
Hesurvejr School Lands.
Tho school land of tho state in several
western counties le to be ieeurveyed by
order of ihi land department at Waattlng
ton In the very near future. Xajid Cora
niirtsioncr Follraer has raeeived a loiter
ji. tt.c d-;artrr.-r.t r .ute'" b'-n t-
secure piopnals for lha survey of tho
orlfclnu.1 s-houl ell,ns In about twenty
townships hcated In Crsnt, Hooier, Chey
enne an,! Cherry s t'ountleff. Theae lunds
wr r. survi yed during the 1 .tat ten years
by au act of congress which provided that
eittlriirf of all venders and grantees should
be n 'v,ie'tf'd. The claims of ths settlers
were surveyed oat by tl.e ofi i laid where
claimed by tho settlers, but no attempt
as mudo to survey or murk ths l!;i-s of
ths school eeotions according tp the Oi-lg-Inal
Mirves '
While It is supposed a large number of
the settlers endeavored to avoid getting on
the school tiona. In the survey a large
nunilnf of claims am found located In the
new school sh :tl.,ii nnd a number of
lessees of the alate have complained and
a.-.ked tho a; .ir -tanoi of the rfate. Apjilica
tlon was n.u'.I, f-jr i-.mui vey' in about
twenty towns rips neor,1l!g to original
corners found by the deputy surveyors.
The department bus planted the re'ioest
and the survey wlli be m&de as soon as a
contract csn be made. The rates are H
a mile for section lines and connections.
By the survey cf t!.,e sect!o, a fcreat
number of conflicts with the settlers will
oe avoided.
Mutual oa burrntr,
The stctvnin.iB going the rounds of the
nevopairis of the state that ths mutual
p.e li.'Mirkime companies were not dnlnj:
the bund, era that they hiive been . el
!; iy is sit Inj iatiie to thene companies
ami it i.ot b'rne out by the recmus in
ti, -:f.e cf the Insurance dT-rni'.!t-a. The
: .! i i i.ts can only he I 1 on Ihehd
t,, ,r i. In the M.te there are three kindii
rf inutohl c:m!iHtii,s Ihe Iar!.i'r'
l.n.llia's, i'(y id l-ll'K liilltuals find
t I . S ,l I 1.:- ,1 U. ! r xhti act
i t i :.
J . '-A
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tlT.lTS more. The lncrsasts In risks written
In 1903 were an increase over the preceding
year of U.894,403, while the Increase In fores
was JW,5p7,5fcL
In the village and city companleo ths In
crease In risks written In 1903 over the year
before was )195,029; ths risks ip force wora
Increased 1, 431.839; tbe Income was In
creased J9.393.
The 1.875 companies wrote $4,034,612 more
businesi last year than tho year before
and the Income was Increased JC5.918. These
companies also pa hi 27.0R7 more losses.
Officials ' Draw Lands.
The announcement that J. B. Barnes of
Norfolk, C. C. Farley of Lincolir-and Bank
Examiner Whlttemore of Long Fine hnd
drawn claims In the Rosebud country has
created considerable . flurry In political
circles, and It Is expected that lightning
rod would soon shoot up for the places
that will necessarily be made vacant should
these gentlemen become cltlsens of South
Dakota. J. B. Barnes Is a member ot the
supreme bench and ho has a son by the
same name, but as the "Jr." was not at
tached It Is supposed here that the Judsre
was the lucky man. Mr. Farley Is a
United States court commissioner and
Whlttemore is a bank examiner. lovernor
7-Uckey Yefuses to even discuss a probable
successor to Judge Barnes, but a number
of the demo-pop aggregation are expected
to appeal to him for the place to pay them
for the Ions of Judge Sullivan and to carry
out their idea of a non-partisan court.
Should Whlttemore move out his place will
have to be Jljed by the banking board, end
as yet no special meeting' has been called.
It Is generally understood that when on
E"ts Itind In the Koshud country ft Is with
the Intention of becoming a citizen of that
country, consequently there are st least
soma grounds for the flurry around the
state houso.
Names of Men Chosen as l.iiplres la
the Yarloes O",
LINCOLN, Neb., July 3i.-(Speola!.) The
state fuir manaiiement Inia made the fol
lowing appointments of Judges of live
stock: Draft horses, W. J. Rutherford,
Ames, la. Light horses and coachers.W.
A. Ixibson, Marion, la. Beef cattle, II. K.
Sm,th, Nebraska Experiment station.
Dairy cattle, A. I Ilaecker, Nebraska Ex
periment station. Duroc-Jcrsey swine,
Aaron Jone. Jr ., Mouth Bend, Ind, Poland
China, V. J. f-auiaker, Bioux City, Ia
in traveling over the etate H Is a quite
con-.raor. occurrence to hoar tho expression:
"Well, goodbye; I'll see you at tno state
fair," mil especially umong business men
interested lu the sale of farm machinery,
carriages, htjii, etc. The state fair
ce:cs tj be a must convenient? and profit
able meeting launt for not only deulers,
but put chn.iei a us well. The farm Imple
ment hualueas is one of fcreat magnitude
as weii as of prime importance in the
klale. The greatest source of Wealth In
N-hiai.ka. lu the f.wrm. and the tilling of
the soil, the production of crops Is not
so much a uuesthm of main strength and
am k ardnens as it once was, but rather
the Intelligence and shlll necessary to
profHublv une the nuriierois impltuiients
now deemed ntctsiary on th larm. Tlie
farm implement and farm machinery but,l is one of the Important factors In
nil!,,'S a state falir. tin the one side is
a laie amount of capital Invented In the
mannfaetuie of such Implements; neither
lime nor ex.oeutse Is spared in making x
hli Its at l.ihi attractive and Interesting.
Connect,! with n.e business are aa bright,
tuteiilaeiit auJ active a of buuiKcu.t
men as can be found lu any line of tnid.
Cm the uthrr hand fir to large number
of people who are directly interested In the
no of s i, h Implement. Including both
the bnatuc men in towns and the fumem
Tho Hat f.iir fiders the one grent op
l.!t: ny of the jmr when all th..- I.-
l lr.n1 (..: meet. I'er!.is the tllnot ll
l "I I , ( it nil la l" e vi poi t oul- f,,r fi i li,-
m !., l i',i,,itt m.) ii,o an. o l,u ,i,,; 1 1 , a
tr i. y t etumh. aol (mi . ate tt
V Oil r T .7TZ'p
'ev. lu m r k i, i i'i rs ails a n
make of different Arms, to note the latest
improvements, and there Is . no question
that It will well pay Intending purohnsers
of farm Jmplemenfc or iKaolilnery to visit
the statd alr for this purpose, for by mak
ing comparison as to relative' usefulness
and durability they can the more Intelli
gently order or purchase. Four assign
ments, of space already have been made to
Implement firms at the state fair. Ex
hibitors can be assured that at the coming
fair every article of this nature needed for
practical use on a farm will be on exhibi
tion. There will be literally acres of these
exhibits, on single firm having arranged
for space for seven carloads, comprising
practically everything usd In tilling a Ne
braska farm. ' ,
The state fair will ba held at Lincoln,
August 9 to September 3.
Take a
Span of Horses 'latead and
Set Fire to Barn.
FLATTSMOUTII, Neb., July 30.--(Spe-
fclal.) A team of mules was stolen from
William Whittaker Wednesday night and
hitched to a wagon belong to Troy L.
Davis and driven to the bam jn the prem
ise of E. F. Marshall, where the mules
were left and a fine span of horses and
harness were taken. The barn was then
set on Are, doubttc-ss to cover up all traces
of the econd robbery, believing that the
charred remain of the mules would be
taken tor those of the . horses. The fire
was discovered about t o'clock In the
morning, bi'.t It had gained such headway
that the entire structure was destroyed.
Besides th mules, on horse and a large
quantity of hay and oats were coimuiueil.
The hoof of the mules were found lu
the oshea A search for tho guilty parties
did not result In any important clue be
ing obtained. The traiPwas followed for
about one mile north f the Marshall
farm, where It was loBt.
fRr fl,TlflH I TAKF1 PT
Jabbers Incessantly When Mnsale Is
Taken from Mouth.
FLATTSMOUTII, Neb., July 30. (Special)
Thomas Hoane, a colored solaier from the
Twenty-fifth Infantry, who had gone In
sane aftei service In the Philippines, pained
through this city this evening from. Fort
Crook to Washington, D. C, accompanied
by two members of the hospital corps. The
unfortunate man's bands were tautened
together end his feet were shackled, and
to prevent him from talking inceKfintly In
Bparusn and FmgiiHh at the too. of his voice
it was (:iere:sary tn keep a cloth drawn
through and over his mouth. When allowed
to talk he would become very boLhteruus
and excited. , He bad to be carried from
one train to another and held by one man
when In the train. The ofiloer stated that
ho had only been In Fort Crook for about
one week.
i ear roit roiiGcitv
Frcmlsea to Quit Drinking- and
Good After lie Leaves the Fen.
NK1JKASKA CITY, Neb, July 80. (Spo
clul.) A. S France, a stranger In the
city, was arrested several weeka atpi,
charged with forging the name of A. F.
Hlaftord, manager of the Great Western
Cereal company, to a check for y which
he panned en Frank Cook, a saloon keeper.
YcHtenluy France was taken before Judge
I'util Jensen of tho dlatrlct court In cham
bers. He pleaded guilty as charged and
was sentenced to one year In the peni
tentiary. France lays his downfall to
drink and the u.-e of i!i i.d and sa alien
he in released from the penitentiary he will
try am) make a man of hlmnelf.
l'lun ia liml.1 I nn li i.
Ariiri'.N, N. ., July 2-. - (Special )-
tm he l.eilet, A. M. r.ifclc. J,hr. C. Den
ser and shout twenty-live cihr owiso of
land III t'.e I lu ie h, in.iU rlw-r heM ni.s
l.v li'i I a petition t'u it ,i.1 if
inty t-vii.ioi. -!!.. i pi.... I, g f-T t:.e n
kitutla.l cf a t;.K-. t . I , - . a VJ I. e
st ,us! a s 4 tfUiitjiJa-isr.
county line between the counties of
Nemaha and Otoe, rear the town of Tal
mage. and from thence parallel with the
Nemaha river, in a southeasterly direction
to the confluence ot the Codington creek
with said river. The commissioners will
call to their assistance a competent sur
veyor or engineer and go over ' the pro
posed route for the ditch and report at
their next meeting on the practicability of
the proposed Improvement. It Is believed
by the petitioners that tbte bottom land
can be redeemed from overflows, which
have destroyed the crops for the last four
Polk County Farmer Are Jnbllant
Over the Prpect.
OSCEOLA, Neb., July S0.-(Speclal.
Farmers of this county are Jubilant over
the splendid crops. Many are threshing
out their wheat from the shock as fast a
they can find the threshing machines to do
the work. Wheat has averaged . twenty
bushels to the sere, and It Is of a fine quol
lty. Oats also are yielding well and are of
good quality. Potatoes re an enormous
crop and are selling on the market very
HA WARD, Neb., July 80.-(Speclal.)
Threshing has generally Continued the past
week, with yields of wheat of from fifteen
to twenty-five bushels, generally about fif
teen .to twenty bushels. Corn I doing well
and with occasional good rains will be a
heavy crop.
WEST POINT, Neb., July M.-(8peclal.)-The
harvest of smell grain in this county
1 now In progress and will be finished next
We-tk. ' The coudUlon of wheat and eta I
much better than waa anticipated before
harvest. A little rust has developed, but
the grain la plump end heavy and will
yield somewhat above the average. The
vvhea especially Is good. Corn la 'doing
AUBURN, Neb.. July S0.-(Special.)-A
rrest number cf farmers are busy thresh
ing wheat. The yield Is not the best, al
though some fields are making from eigh
teen to twenty-flvc bushels to the acre.
However, ten to twelve biiKhels Is the
average. The corn Is IMe but Is growing
nicely and the present prospect of a good
crop 1 flatterinR. Many of the farmer are
still plowing corn.
Itober: K. Drake Desire to Compli
ment People of Cumins; Cennty.
WKiiT I'ulNT, Neb., July ). tt.peclul.)
A new, park and place of public enter
tainment has been projected in thli city on
RUermitu Island, a body of land Irt the Elk.
horn river Immediately adjoining; the pres
ent Itlvurslde park. The, main entrance to
Sherman park will be by means of a bridge
over the race at the lnteravtion of Klvor
street. This bridge, will be a steel struc
ture fifty ftet Iouk and sixteen feet wide,
a Bltt from .Robert V.. Drake, president and
manager of th Standard Bridge company,
to the people of this city. For a number
of years past that bridge company hai had
the county contract for bridge work. " The
Sift Is Intended OS a compliment to the peo
ple of this city, with whom he has always
sustained the frlenJllot and luoxt amicable
relations, as .well as to honor Jh famliy of
a man lawn the entire community always
delighted to honor, the late John D. N
ligh, the father of Weat Point, whose chil
dren have donated tho ground.
COOK li;tlt.S 8KH1018 CUAHt.K
Complains that Proprietor
o tare
Miot to Kil.
Nlil'lUAliliA CITY, Neb., July 80. Sp
oh I.) John M.Urr, a rook In the Annex
cafe, bad a warrant urn out yesterday,
hait.ii, Wihiam Dt-ifker. proprietor of
thrf rrolnuiiiMl, iltl hi.ootlng Willi Intent
to Kill nnd . ,. n i, t to wound. Mi'ler
ami HaKak.-r bad a crenel l,.ta Fn.)
1'i. i t (,.-! i.ii..!..., rs. a nl e--.;i r
Uline ii-iiK r Lin,, hurt down i-.iol
C tt I i- tin, oet of the'it ttl.J
It Is
Thoroughly aged, and bottled at tha
brewery; then pasteurized by the most
modern process; ' - 5
Pure beer is the most satisfying ber
erage known.
As a milk producer for nursing meti
ers, Krug Beer is unequalled.
Order a trial case; 2 dozen quarts cr 3
dozen pints.
hot at him with a- revolver. ' Halfaker
wa arraigned In the county court yester
day afternoon and pleaded not guilty. His
bond for appearance In court next Tues
day afternoon we fixed at J1.000. Miller
ia being held under $100 aa the prosecuting
witness. The men did not furnish bond
and ar being held In the county jail.
MM. 1
Eccentrle Old Bachelor Dies Alone la
111 Oivn Home .at Hartley.
HARTLEY. Neb., July M.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) The remain of John Weden were
found decayed In hi home In this place
today. . He had been In poor health 'for
some time. At the coroner Inquest It wa
found that he died Thursday night from
natural causes. He wa an old ao)ler,
very eccentrlo and lived alone In hi own
New of Bioraskn.
BEATRICE. July SO.-Bennle, the little
son of Mr. and Mr. A. C. Brysen of
Adams, wa shot In the left tMj.ii bv a
stray bullet Tho -wound Is not serious.
HASTINGS. July 80. Ths Adam county
republican central committee met her to
day and fixed Saturday, September 10, ia
the time for holding to county conveMion.
BEATRICE. July 30.-T. J. Bocock and
Till Baum of St. Joseph arrived In the oity
yesterday with eight head of fast horse
which they have entered for ths circuit
races 'A uw oat 16 to 1.
PL ATTN MOUTH, July 80. Mis Cather
ine. Woods, who taught here for two year,
ba been appointed secretary to Prof. J.
W. Ciabtree, new president ot the Peru
PLA'n-SMOUTH. July 10. During aa
electrical alarm thl afternoon liKiunliiK
struck the dwelling of C. Tyl"', w or
this city. Mi. Tlr w LJly l..;,.iJ
from the shock received, but little other
damage was done. .
BEATRICE, July JO.-The material for
the new Book Inland bridwo to span the
Blue river nt this point arilvl yraterday.
The train which brought the mMer'al con
sUcd of ten cars. The Work of Construc
tion will commence at once.
PLA TTSMOl.'TH. July 30. In the petition
of the (lewnan Lutheran svnoil of kiiHsotiri
In the Kafnest Kupke estate case County
Judne It. D. Travis decided that the order
divullowlng the will be set aside and the
cane ist for hearing on Its rne.iis fceptem
ber 7. . '
FREMONT, JUly !. Gardeners report
potatoes lotting badly on account of the
wet weather The quality U good and th
yield Bweet corn is rather backward
and It will be ten days or mors before th
Canning factory can commence work. The
eailler corn had to be replanted.
SPRING FIELD, July 30.-The Sprtnpfleld
waterworks toiuis which have been held tip
on account of an error in advertising hav
St lHt been sold and the svslem will be put
in immediately. Contractor Nicholson has
On your first appear
to' whom you' are
diced for or against you by your cf lice
stationery. The best is, ,'fione tea
good. ...
Any B
most of th material on the ground and 1
expects to have it In operation inside oil
txty day. ,
BEATRICK, July ft-Wrt. Iett
Kent yetrdy Instituted mt fnr tllvor a
In district court agninst her husbnnd, Iiu -son
R, Kent, on the ground of extreme
oruelty and Oesrtton, They have lived Pi
Oage county for many yor end plaintiff
1 at present residing a short distance east
of th city with relative.
WEST POINT. July 30. Th County
Board of "upervisor at their Jast meeting
decided to erect a new teel bridn aero
the Kikhorn river at a point three miim
below the city. Thl will aflord scow t
the town to th farmer 'In lowr f I.
Charles township. Th business ot toe c-f
I expected to benefit materially by ,ti.a
erection of thl bridge. ,
FLATTSMOUTH, July J0.P.ay Ktiiot
charged with arson, wa given a pre"-"-innry
hoarlng before Justlca Ardo r t ' - r.
The dwelling was owneo by I., is. J..-. j
Kepple, now of Omaha, where :.e runs &
boardliiK hotise, but she wss hero nt tv
time r,f the attempted burins; of the iw -
I .. -L . . V .1,,., stw-v -. , A
II, H. 1 II. U.llll . WVV M , V. . v....
dtntrlct court
HASTINGS, July 80. The 140 V0 rhnol
bonds which were voted in Ilnieem j -6
for ths construction of a new knn xi '" I
were sold toiiay at po eic auction, i
bond lfer bought by Noble. hios A Co,
of Detl'Oit, Klcii., throtisH the i.scimri
National bsni of !i in- at a prenm.
of tl.OfiO. They are f,,r twenty ytiars
bear 4V4 per cent Interest.
PLATTE MOUTH, July 80 F lier" ITc
Brlda returned from OmaN tins nnwn.,- i
brlnglntr, with hlrn Jsjiim liraumy, coloc .
Who ml arrested In Ornnha together wn
his beet (ft rl, iiinnlo I iihhu. . 'i hev hi, I
pawned a lady' gold watch which i.a-i br
tolen from Mrs. J. W. Gsmhle wmie .i
wa boarUing with F. J. Dean In S'pt .
thia county. Both are charged wttn tarn g
committed Oie oriine.
AURORA. Juiy . The ertn'ertr.T f r
the horn orTce buliii:nif of the Ical i
lander was ticee-?,Ci uliy laid ti ,r sii- e
noon. The executive roitimlttee. -, ,iic-j r r
President W hi. tlhe rtv, who delivered
priuclvwl iJLrsmS, co:. acted lha !".'":".
Musio waa furnished ty tri iurni -riv i
Castle drum oorp of snj n 1
ltrothers' quartet. "i he tniuuins l b,i
one of the finest In this part of t.t si&t.
BEATRICE, July ' Th emi hives of
ths Dempster Mill Manurftui c ni,.
pany, at their aanaal Inne.i.. i . r- -.. v,
elected trie foilow.oif onicers: vV. i ,. i.e.,
hart, president; William A. Or P. mi, i -
Jireaideot; 1). W. Carre, secretu'r; A. i.,
l,l,.,-ntl T.. 14. Mnn. A. i'. I- .in v.
V.' 12. lnhart, J. A. fir.ethent, e..t;ve
conmiittee, Ths report of the -r. -i y
showed tlie organization, to be in sj.iem.,.1
Shapo fUinliciaii. r
FLATTSMOUTII, July Sa-Chc! l'r,
vett of this city met with an i I , i
the farm of Chsties timpyier wi i.f
ulted In his left lew hetn nacttireii ni v
the ankle. The threshing iiiac.:..n .
slopped for repairs and i rivett ",t I .
the blower, and when the m'' , v. .-,
'started h Wus cfiodht In the I
threw the belt oit or he wool I i i
have beeii killed. The 'rijorel i - ,i vn
taken to the home of L.iyd t;., i ,-.-.r
Murray, and Dr. LS li'inioii rc.u. . j
the pali
I 141 IV-k,
, writing
5 1