TFIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, JIILY 51. 1BU4. 19 ! JRAIX AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Short. Deliver 90,000 Bushel and the Fntnr Closed Flat 87. JULY WHEAT DELIVERIES REACH 1 50, 000BU. ensatloaal Close la t hlca oa Wheat an Oata. Former Croatia Dollar Mark Prospect ( Gl oa Situation. OMAHA, July 0. 190. Ther waa a large attendance of operators on the Grain exchange this morning and many visitors wu. The Interest tn the culmination of the July wheat trade was Intense, but thers was nothing approaching the excitement with which the ilay future made Its exit. The last few minutes before the tap of the closing bell were watohed with anxiety, but the shorts had made their deliveries and the longs had taken the wheat, and there was nothing more to It. The shorts had gone to considerable expense and trouble to attend to their part of the matter and the longs bud what "Old Hutch ' used to call the "corpse" on their hands. It hardly looks wi-ll to call wheat a dead one at this time, when Ahe millets fight for It, when rust and "'ioods threaten and when the authorities imve but one opinion, and that Is for higher prices. To an unconcerned but Interested spectator with nonspeculatlve habits It .ooks very much as if the Omaha wheat .teal In the July delivery was an expensive operation to all parties concerned, except the brokers, the sure commission rriiv.r. Certainly the present prices of cash wheat will not let ths longs out, and the shipping of wheat from Kansas City by trains run ning on express schedule, the inspection of Jio. t wheat In store and taking It out and rushing It over the bridge to Council bluffs and blowing a few cents and a lot of dust out of it, In order that It may f""' muiier os iso. i, is an expepsiv op eration. Klght freight trains were run through from Kansas City on express time; 2s cars of No. S wheat were included in the wheat, and they were taken over to Council Blurts und cleaned. The final flarurai of ih. ra.h nr lulu wheat before the tap of the bell were """"I Bic. ine wneat was sold during "le 0 he trada aa high as Mo, In- aewd It was only a day or two. ago that lWo was bid. The Inte arrivals to catch I the marke: were unfortunate and the loss I to the shippers one of those Incidents that 4 nvnrl.hlw ....... 1 . . u - j , . , landed. f The September and' December deliveries arere steady and firmer. The lirst tender "ff August wheat was made this morning, 'when it was offered at 8tVic, without buy. ar. -, i'he deliveries on July wheat this morn ing were (xi.000 busnels, making the total deliveries during the life of July 15o.. IW pushels, placing the rhort Interest three days ago at this amount I'robubly a few traOea were settled privately, or tne rings mad. If )maha failed to furnish excitement Chicago fulfilled expectations. There was a ver heavy shortage of July or casn wheat. nne authority estimated this at 2,0u0.000 bushels, and this had to be bought In this mowilng. The result was that wheat passed th collar mark, reaching ll.uOH. amid great -excitement, and closed vary firm. Not only did Chicago develop a position In wheat, but Jo!y shorts In oats were caught and badly pqueexod, the price ad vancing from a clofee at 41ie yesterday to 4e and closing at 4&c. It was a bad day for Chicago shorts. I There was considerable cash business in omans ana tne market is In ft healthy con- mion. wneat in store, uollvered on July isim cu;i, win ijruuauiy De sninoea ui eiu- cago. Range of Prices. The range of prices on the Omaha mar ket for future delivery and tbe close today nnd Friday werei Closed Open. High. Txiw. Today. Frl. SO DO 87 A 87 A 91 4A JWHA iHA 8HA &1!H MHB 83VH 8.T,,B fttHB 80 B 80B 80 B 8)B 80 B Wheat July ., August Sept. . Deo. . Corn .Tulv . Sept. . , Dec. ., Oats- 49 B 4043 40B Sept . so b myn so b jwb so b umana Oram Inspection In: 60 cars No. 2 wheat; 14 cars No. S; S cars No. 4. Corn 1 car No. 2 yellow; 1 car No. 4; t cars No. 4 white. Oats 1 car no grade whit. Total .73 tars. Out: 1 car No. 8 corn. Cash sale 2 cars No. 4 whit oats, 36Hc; 5 cars No. S hard wheat, 86c; 1 car No. 4, 4&S48Vsc; 2 cars No. S wheat at 86o; 1 car No. 2 wheat hard, 87c. Omaha Cash Vnota tlons. Wheat No. 2 hard, 87c; No. 8, SflffflOHo; No. 4, &Vc: No. 8 spring, 88c. Corn No. t. 48Hc; No. 8. 47348c; No. 4. 46c; No. 2 yel low, 49c; No. 8 yellow. 4Kic; No. 2 white, 4SVc; No. 8 white. 4".(&-t)c; no grad, 42o. Oats No. 2, 39c; No. 8, 3Hc; No. 4, J4o; No. 2 white, 41c; No. 3 white, 88c; standard, 41c; No. 4 white, ibc Northwestern Car Lot Wheat Reeelpts Today. Ttdy. Tr. ago. Minneapolis .... lu 98 144 Iuiluth 49 115 15 Chloago 124 67 90 Total 1D2 270 "Hi Grata Market Elaavrhor. Closing prices of grain today and Fri day at tnt- markets numed wer as follows; CHICAOO. Wheat Today. Friday. July 1 00 A , 98 A Btamier w December 8'JViA 89 B torn July September December Oats July September December KANSAS CITY. Wheat- Septamber December Corn September 4S 49UA 4H 49 46 83$ S3H 794 19 79H 7 484 1V December 41 A 8T. LOUIS. Wheat September December Coru September December Wheat- 8ST4 484 44 884 904, 4SV4 44 DULUTH.. September 91 WB S1U UIUUV1UAI ID Wheal September Dec -her a B 88 90H 88 NtW YORK. W September 95V4 4H 94 JJocenioer otrs fm Grata Market. Ehlpnienl. Wheat. 6C3.0OO bu., against 114, ia4 ba Corn, 248,000 bu., against ttlS.ouo iU. i'rlmary receipts: Wheat. 474.000 bu., agaltiHt ;'3,0u0 bu. Corn, Sn3,000 bu., against ki.ouO bu. Itobert Watk of Ashton, I. D. Clark of Papllllon and J. II. Kutler of Kansas city wr oa ' todgy. Broomhall etltnatrs world's wheat ship ments at 8.000,000 bushels, of which Europe will tuk about bushels. Rust reports coming In from point on Northern J'aclfio tl'ls morning. Duluih hlpmtnts wheat today. 2ii,uuO bushels. Xllnneapoll stock this year. 4,567.004 bufchels: decrease, 412,100 bushels. J-ast yr, !,814.00 bushels; decreb, 54K.H0 bushels. Mlnoeapulls wlrej th following from Wheat on. Minn.: "ConsMerable rust on wheal; uono on oats; will shrink yield li to 80 per cent." This 1 reliable. Wlnoniu Minn., wires: "As near as can lettrn rust I mostly rd rust on the leave and no serious damage done as yet. bad wind and rain all over wheat belt yester day and last night, but cluar and hot this morning." AUniitwpoll elevator manager wires a laig C'hk ago concern as lullowsi "No Chung cash wheat. Demand continues good; No. 1 northern. S1.U2'. Country mills till good buyers. I'nderstand Jkllniieupolla mills good buyers all kinds wntmt in Itali ans City. Flour demand much better timn li.lliera will admlf k'tuur sitles g'Hid tmluy. Crop damage reports more general. Hunt und smut tit southern M 'nrit.i-ote and Du koiA and North Dakota butttd In Willi bud lupous." Weather northwest looks bad Heavy and general rains all oer .Manitoba, also down lu Mmnrsuta anil Ul.uiii.ln, light kud general all over Iowa. The Duki'ias and Nebraska stem lo have mlK"d the storm. Alio clear southweKt end Ohio val ley. HI. 1'aul has HI imhrji of rsin, Qus pelle hss 1 10 and "Winnlprg .4 Inch, bull tslnli.g at Qimpelie. Temperatures x Iikiii northwest. 47 to 68; northwest. SK to PJ. west. 6u to 7f; southwest, 70 to 7b; Ohio la'ley. 04 to 70. Peurla Ural Market. rKOniA. July SO.-WHISKY-On th bsbls of tl 28 tor niacin, 1 .ooUs. ToleU e Market. tJV?TPA .Ju1,y !-SCr:rCTover. cash. tW Hd; October, W.Ju, l'il,n aleike, 841 bid; August. M S bid Prime timothy, $1.60; Beptemlier. fl.W bid. CHICAGO GRAM AID PROVISIONS Featarcs of tfca Trading; an4 Claslag Price osi Boar el of Trade). CHICAOO. July SO Reports from the northwest of damage by rust combined with the anxiety ot July shorts to cover sales caused a strong but erratic wheat market her tod.iy. At the clos fclepieniher wheat waa a shsde above yesterday's clos ing figure. Corn is oft t'o"' oats ar down a shade and provisions I'M lie. Under active covering the July option showed a gain of about lo at the imme diate start, the opening quotation being at 9Hc. September was a shad lower to Vfao higher, at SoOHc. The price Of September was lifted to DIVfec, but reacted again to S"'ic. Mean time July mad about In advance from the opening price. 1atsr the demand from shorts became so urgent that July made a sudden rise to Jl.OV Under the influence of this sharp return distant deliveries also advanced. September selling up to 91SC A quick reaction, however, fo'lowed. Renewed covering by shorts again startej July upward nd final figures were at P!"4c. September finally closed at W'V. Clesrsnces of wheat and flour were equal to bu. Primary receipts wer 74. 100 bu., against KlltfiO bu. a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 2S2 cars, compared with 270 cars last week and 249 cars a year ago. Jn sympathy with the strength of wheat a firm tone was manifested In the rorn market. September opened un ch.ingcd to a shade higher, at 4tB to 4'l Blrc, gold between 49'4c and 4c and closed at 49Vjy,,o. ora' receipts were 201 cars, with 10 of contract grade. A small flurry in July Immediately after the opening was the feature of trailing In oats. The market showed an Inclination to follow corn. Septemler opened a shado lower at 83V.C, sold between &c. and 83 Wo and closed at the low point. Local receipts were 120 cars. Provisions were easy on selling for out side account and on a lack of support from packers. A weak hog market had r depressing Influence. The market c'osed near the low point, with September pork down 12V4tnfc, at $12.!2V412 So. Iard was off 2tyQSc. at li.OMn.fW. Hlbs were down 2'4c at $7.87H. Estimated receipts for Mondav: Wheat, 160 cars; corn, 227 cars; oats. 129 cars; hogs, 30,000 bead. The leading future ranged as follows: Articles ! Open. Hlgh.j Low, Close.Test'y. Wheat a Julv b July a Bcpt b Sept Corn July Frpt Dec Sept Dec May Pork July Sept Oct Srpt Oct. Sept. Oct 9 v$ l.oo 874 I 1M W SMil l.WHii 97 :, 9m fl( 9H 8V90fc1l 90V4QV lM 9Vi 4V 49N. 48 4S 494 49 49V 49 V' I 4b-vtm ( I 46 f 414 S343S4iij '41H-SH - i5'4 1J 'i 83H 12 924 12 924 83T S3?,ii;S3V'i 85H 12 97H IS 07: 35 V. 36 V4 12 97H 12 9241 13 074 13 074 13 074 96 7 124 7 06 J 3 ( IS 06 13 10 12 9.4 13 00 6 90 7 024 7 06 7 10 7 68 7 70 7 70 7 00 7 024 7 074: 7 10 7 074 7 824 7 05 7 0741 7 82H 7 H24' 7 0 7 674l 7 70 7 70 I 7 724 7 06 7 70 No. 2. a Old. b New. Cash quotation were a follows: FLOUR Market teadv; winter patents, $4.85(8600; straight. $4.84.66; prfng pat ents. H .tvil-t.tu; htraignts, JM.ti(aM.-J; bukrs, S2.f33.50. WHEAT No. 2 spring, 98(SS9e; No. 3, 8S 94c; No. 2 red, 9Ktc. CORN-No 2, 494c: No. 2 yellow, 514c OAT8-N0. 2, 45c; No. 2 white, 404SViCi No. S white, 29Hn. RYE No. 2, t8c. BAKLKV-Good 'feeding;, 8&(338c; fair to chilce malting, 42iS50c. SEEDS No. 1 flax, $1'.14; No. 1 north western, $1.24: prime timothy, W.OWdS.oe; clover, contract grade, 111 25. PROVISIONS Mesa pork, per hbl., 112.90 12.95. Lard, per 100 lbs, til .904j6.924. Short ribs sides (loose), l7.6o(&'f.624; hort clear Idea (boxed), tS.lXXS8.25. Following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain. Reeelpts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 17.900 18.400 Wheat, bu 90,000 29 GfO Corn, bu 188,100 1 59 800 Oat, bu 142.100 11S.50) Rye, bu 11.000 8.600 Barley, bu 12.100 7,800 On the Produoe exchange today the but ter market was steady; creamery, 13jT17cs dairies, 1216o. Eggs. Arm; at mark, cases Included. 12164c. Cheese, Steady at 7- 84o. SEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Qaotation of the Day on Varfoa Commodities. NEW YORK, July 30,-FLOUR-Recelpt. 18,frH5 bbls; exports, 18,406 bbls. Market firm, with light Inquiry. Minnesota patents, $5.00 4i36; Minnesota bakers', $3.70w4.00; winter patents, $4.W,1j6,10; winter straights, $4.50. 4.76; winter extra. $3.3563.90; winter low grades, $3.1f&8.70. HYK FLOUR Firm ; fair to good, $4.00 4.25; choice to fancy, $4.2.r(i4.C0. ' CORNMUAL Firm; yellow western, $1.08 1.10: city, 1.10tI.lSj kiln dried. S2.85fff3.10. WHEAT Receipts. 44,000 bu; exports, $72 bu. Spot firm: No. 2 red, nominal, ele vator; No. 2 red, $1.00. f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth. $1,104 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b. afloat. The wheat market was strong end active all the forenoon on good foreign buying, higher rabies, heavy rain In the northwest and vigorous covering. It closed rather stronger at He net advance. May closed 96c; July, fl.024fl.024; Beptemlier, 9149540. closed 854c; December, 93QQi:, closed 94Hcl CORN Receipt. 81,700 bu; expoyts, 12.699 bu. Spot firm; No. 2. 5.r4c elevator and 5&Ho f. 0. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 67c; No. 2 white. 56c. Option market was rather quiet,, but with an upward tendency, fol lowing wheat, closing at 4c net higher; September closed b-ic; December closed 62c. OATS Receipt, 42,000 bu; export, 9.476 bu. Spot dull; mixed oata, 2v;a2 lbs. 41c; natural white, Wft'-Vl lbs, 45i46u; clipped white, 36?y40 lb. 4r((51c. HAY Dull; shipping, fC.73; good to choice, $9.21. HOPS Steady: tnte. common to choice, I808. 2tiH34o; 1902, 21fi23c; olds, 7ffl3c. Pa cific coast, lfcjfl, 262tic; 1902, :ifc23c; olds, 7lfil3e. HIDES Firm: Oalveston. 2(W25 lbs, 17e;, 2126 lb, 19o; Texas dry, 24330 lbs, 14c. I.E ATHF.R Firm : geld, 24r26o. WOOL Firm; domestlo fleece, 32'535c. COATj Nominal. PROVISIONS Jteef firm; family. $105Ofl( II.11O; mess, $85frV00. Beef hams, t21.76g 23 60; packet. $9.l.Krio.60; city, extru India mess, $14 OtVfj-18.00. Ctit meats, stead v; pickled bellies, tti.Oo-tilO.EO; pickled shoulders, 6.U)rt $7.00; pickled hams, flo.uo'fU.OO. Lard, steady; wertrn steamed, $7.40; refined, quiet; continent, $7.45; 8. A.. $7.00; com pound. t.i.874oi 124 Pork. Arm; fnmllv. $16 hi; short clear, JlJ.6uwlti.00; mesa, $M.26-fji 14 75. TALLOW Steady; city (2c per packag), country (package free), 444140. COTTONSEED OIL Bti-adv; prim crude, nominal; prime yellow, (4(2t)io. Bl'TTERBteady i extra creamery. 174 17Hc; other prices unchanged. CHUEtiU vjuiet; smull white, fancy, 7Vt4f 1a. bXiGB -Unchanged St. I.onls Grain an4 Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Mo., July 30.FIX)UR Quiet, advance In wheat checking nnd limiting demand; red winter patents, $4.90 64.70; extra fimry and straight, $4.Kk84.5o; clear $1.&o.Ji3.75. BKED Timothy, steady at $2 40(02.76. COKN MICAL-8teady at $2.75. WHAN bteady; sucked, esst track, 85o. HAY r)uu; timothy, W.OOtJ 14.00; prulrle, IKON COTTON TIE8-06C H AOOIN1 77c HKMP TWIN E 7c. PROVISIONS - Tork. lower; lobbing, $13 06. Lurd, lower) prim steam, $4 3S B. con, teady; boxed, extra shorts. $S374; clear ribs. $8.50; sliort dear. $8.Ki. . ... Rwcelpts. Hhipments. Flour, bbls l,6n) 8.000 Wheat, bu 17 Corn, bu 2o.(i0 2 0N) Omu. bu 80.000 19.0W) Kaa City Grata a ad Provisions. KANSAS CITY, July SO. WHEAT Mar ket steady; July, 8i4c; September, 7V(f 7iSe; iJecember. 7,i;; t-ush, No. 2 hard, u i 4c; No. 8, tc'iiMc; No. 2 rvd, c; No. U, i-yi M'xo; receipts, lii curs. C(H.V-8teud; July, 47H.-; B,pteniber, WVSIiv: l)ecmber. 41a41'c: Mny, 41c; cash, No. 3 mixed. 6:c: No. 3, 49'u-iuVsC ; No 2 whit. 52c; No. S, i'lialc. 1 OATS Htt-ady; No. 2 whlto, 47c; No. I mixed. 4 a 4:14c.. RYF Noinlnul at Wlo. HAY Weuk: choloe timothy, 18.60; choice prairie. fii;6i7.0o. KO( iSr'tr 111: Missouri and Kanxaii, new No. ? whitrwood caxes Included, lc; tase count 134c; i'uwi returned, 41 jrns Hl'Tlr-R Bteady; cieaui.i y, l15c; dairy, lie. Receipts Slilpnier ts Wheat, bu IM 4 1 M,8'0 'oiii, bu 25) 24.01.0 Oats, bu tlM NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Securities Hag the Bottom and Eefuso to ' Be Moved. NORTHERN SECURITIES HAS INFLUENCE Holiday ia London Has m nesoltory Effect oa tbe Market ss4 Prove an lafavorable Factor. NEW YORK, July 30. Ther was prac tically no market for stock today and the body of the market scarcely stirred from the former level of prices. Tne hesvl nee of Union Pacific determined the gen eral tone. Thl stock closed at the lowest of the day at a net decline of V It may have been Influenced by the refusal of the presiding Judge to allow a division In the distribution on Northern Securitle pending the decision of the suit over the distribution of assets, but the dominant position held by Union PaclAc all through the recent advance makes It especially vulnerable to any reactionary tendency. The holiday In the London stock market, with another In prospect for Monday, de prived New York of its usual Initiative from that source, which Is especially re lied on Just now on account of the Im portance of the political situation In Eu rope a a factor In the securities market. Thl waa of great Influence in causing the extreme dullness of the day. Unfavorable crop weather In the north west and another strong advance In the price of wheat were not calculated to cheer speculative sentiment In stocks and there was no amelioration reported In the strained labor .situation. The expected large addition to the record bank reserves wss viewed with Indifference by bankers, owing to the unprofitable rates prevailing for loans and with uneasiness by specula tors as reflecting continued stagnation of business activity. Bankers are quoted as preferring to hold their reserves Idle rather than to attempt to put them out in loans at the present unremuneratlve rates and the decrease of $2,611,000 In the loan Item of the bank bear out th in cerity of the assertion. The market closed Inanimate and heavy. Rnllroad otflclals in their published-utterances on Monday showed a sudden revul sion In sentiment from the discouraged tone of the week before and spoke In a very cheerful ton of the short-lived effect of the wheat crop scare on trafllo offerings and on business sentiment In their respec tive territories. The crop news of most of the week ha also been good, the weather bureau weekly bulletin on Tues day serving to allay much of the anxiety over the damage done to wheat, while re porting hopeful prospect for corn and cot ton. Rut this did not avail to persuade the speculative holder who had bought stocks in the course of the advance of their ability to dispose of them at a profit, and tho unloading process had already be- " The labor outlook, especially in the meat packing, the cotton milling and the an thracite Industrie has weighed upon the market. Tho net resul'. ha been to bring Into question the wisdom or th warrant for the recent large advances In price of securities and to prompt reselling. Bonds have become dull and mewhat reactionary. Total sales, par value, $ United State 2 have declined 4 nd th 8s registered and new 4s 4 Pef cent 0,1 call since last week. Quotations ranged a follow on the New york block; Atchison 2,200 2' 10 1,100 77 95i 834 74 96 83U 76 94 3,n 924 1234 163 33 4 81 13 173 1 16V4 17v 64 13 74 144 48 194 159 Vt 265 21 70 24i 30H 35 644 794 1354 8 204 414 114 lb0'4 do pfd B. 4k O do pfd Can. Pacific Central of N. J Che. 4 Ohio Chicago &. A do pld Chicago Ot. Western C. AN. W C, M. & St. P do pfd Chicago T. & T do pfd C, C. C. & St. L. ... Colo. Southern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Del. & HucNon Del.. L. & W D. & R. Q do pfd Erie do 1st pfd... do 2d pfd Hocking Valley...;... do pfd 111. Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd L. & N Manhattan L .... Met. Securities Met. St. Ry Minn. 4k St. L M., St. P. & S. Ste M. do pfd Mo. Pacific M.. K. T do pfd Nat l R. R. of M. pfd N. Y. Centrul Norfolk & W do pfd Ontario & W Pennsylvania P.. C, C. & St. L.... Reading do lKt pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co....... do pfd St. U & 8. F. 2d pfd St. U S. W do pfd 80. Pacific ' So. Railway do pfd Texas 4 Paclflc Tol.. St. L. & W.... do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabash do pfd W. & Lake Erie Wis. Central do pfd Mex. Central...., Adams Ex American Ex U. 8. Wells-Fargo Ex Amal. Copper Amer. Cur & J" do pfd Amer. Cotton Oil.... do pfd.. Amer. Ice do pfd Amer. Unseed Oil.... Amer. Locomotive... do pfd Amer. Smelt. A R.... do pfd v. -:"" Amor. Sugar Ref.... Anaconda M. Co..... Brooklyn R. T Colo. Fuel & I Con. Oa Corn Product do pfd Distillers' Securities. Ganeiul Electric Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump do pfd Nat'l Lead No. American Paclflc Mall People's (iHS Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman P. Car Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Oood do pfd Tenn. Coul A I V. S. Leather do pfd U. 8. Realty V. B. Rubber do pfd I. 8. Steel do pfd Wustlngh. Electric... 600 "'906 6,300 394 146V 14 . 140 100 700 70 24 70 244 00 130H 1354 700 114 5'0 1504 600 K8 3,9tX US' 1134 15 4 Nl 8(4 117 117 74 1284 91 17 884 86 lis 60 90 30 11 624 61 82 67 21' 64 61 4 124 324 ' 48 23 874 24 244 874 914 9S4 1664 1,100 81T4 IH 100 604 04 SO 119 29 119 4.400 4,100 62 61H 200 "360 "ioo 1,Wp0 800 22 6i 33 4I4 23 21 61 33 484 23 1,709 9 3,800 100 18 200 26 100 2uQ 1.4'0 2'0 100 2o0 6"4 844 192 9l) 89 !:-, 600 434 . 43 2o0 600 8O0 7,4uO 19 1' 764 7; 11 Western Union.. 100 V8 88 Total sales for the day. 77.600 share. Kew York Mlalna: Storks. NEW YORK. July 80-Th followin g are the closing prices on mining stocks; AdauM Con AH'' Bra Brunswick Con .... Cuiustoik Tunnal . Cud. al Vs... Horn Sllvtr Iron silver LadTtllt Coo 10 Mills Chl.l ... I ...l' ... T ... II ... So ... to ... 10 ...KM .. U ... 11 ... .. . im no .160 .. Ontario !Oiair Phoenix ,) Savsgs ISiarrs Navada .. . . jbinall Hopes taudara learla lloas Averages. NEW YORK, July 80 The statement of aversg'S of the clearing house batiks of tills city for the week shows: Loan, $1, (",. S.H.IK1; decrease, $2.611. lOu. Deposits, $1,24. 9m'. urn; increase. $3 R22 ). Circulation t.Ji -9h:ia): decrease, $n,9,7.i. Legal tender $ ("ts.ino; Increase, $1 .03.100. Specie, $ 71 1! !n!; Increase, $5 2.7 5oo. Reserve, $ii7.. r:l.ii; Increase. $0.26u.i. Reserve required, $i.!4l,4'; Increase. $M,6ia. Surplus. $."i.. 9'J,iiD0; increase, $6 JsO.OiiO. Ex-l i.l'ed Stales Oi piwlts, .'1,101.025; Increase, i. 282,6. '5. Forelita l-'tnaurlal. LONlxTN, July . Today Is a holiday on the Stock cKrhung'v bar silver Is quiet at 24'VI per OS. Money, S'u2 per cent. The discount rate fur short and three l a' t ills Is 2 16-1 ier cent. liLULIN, July k-tuliauta oa Loudon, 20m 2fi4rfgs for checks. The discount rate for short nnd three month' bills Is 2 15-1 per cent. Trading on the Bourse today was quiet. Ameriouns were wenker. PARIS, July 31). Three per cent rentes, 97f 74o for the account. Exchange on London, 2of 24c for checks prices on the Bourse today were weak and business was insctiva. Russian Imperial 4s closed at 92 26 and Rii!slatt bonds ot 1904 at &4. The private rate of discount Is 1 per cent. Sew York Money Market. NEW YORK. July 80. MON EK On call, nominal; no lonns. Time losns, firmer; 60 days, 2 per cent; 90 days, 24 per cent; 6 months. 34114 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE FAPER-384 per cent. STERLIXO EXCHANGE Nominal, with Btual business In bankers' bills at II STOntf 4 8 770 for demand and at $449oi4.85 for Ixty-dav bills: posted rstes, $4..:4i4.r, and l..v..( 1 kvu,; commercial bills, $t.MVlf 4 M SILVER Krir. Uc: Mexican dollar. 45 c. BONDS Oovernment, easy; railroad, Ir regular. The closing quotations an Donds ar at follows: V. 8. ref. la, rex IMH Mantiattan e. r 4i,..10fS o tnupon I'M, Hii. rntral 4s fl'i ila tr. rag 104'. do ll Inc 14 do roopon I"f4 Minn A St. L 4a.... 4 do saw , res Il M.. K. T. 4s do emipon 13iV4' do :a nn do old 4a, rsg 1.','N. It. R. of M. e. 4s. Tf do coupon pid'i N. V. r. I. 10 Atrhlaon gi-n. 4 H'34i N. i. C X- it 1'! do adj. 4a. iNo. Tarlflc ..llfit Atlantic C. L. 4a V ia Ja 74'4 B. & O. 4a 1W N. A W. p. 4a lm, do Sia s if) s. L. 4 par.... 7 Tentral of Oa. ia lin'4 Pann. rona. 3h,t Vi do lat Inc 7K Paadlnf (trn. 4a Tiira. lit Ohio 44a....l14, St. L. A I. M. c. Ir.ll'H ThliBso A- A. J',a... Pt. L. A 8. F. f. 4f. !4 C, B. A Q. n. 4a ... Hi St. L. 8. W Is C. M. A S P a. 4a.. in Saabnard A. L. 4a.... 7Hi C. N. W e. 7a 13" So. Paclflc 4i n C. n. I. A P. 4a.... 1 So ttillway (a 114' do col. 6a tlH Taiaa A P. In 117'4 CCC. A Bt. b. f. 4a. .lot T , St. L. A W. 4a.. 7!' Chlcano Tr. 4a is'tifnlon Pacific 4a lix.1 t'fin. Tobacco 4a 4V do cona. 4a 101 rolo. So. 4 S5 ;V. . Stl M 5a 7it panrer S, R. O. 4a. ..101 Wahaah la 11 Erie prior lien 4a !, do dan. H 5'4 do sen. 4a S4" W & I.. E. 4s 1 V. W n. T. Is. ..lm Wis. t antial 4e 9 Hocking Val. 44a.... los t olo. Fuel cona. .. T4' Loula. A Naah. 4a... ll"4 auffered. Boston BOSTON, July cent; time loans, fork Quotation 80. Cai! lonns. S4'a44 per cent. 2?f4 per Official $14 K 11 H S 4T5 t4 B 11 cloalnB of stocks aAtehlson adj. 4at... do 4a aMax. Central 4a Atchison do pld aRoaton A Maine.... aMi. Central Pare Marquette .... t'nlon Pacific Amer. Arge. Cheia. . do pri Amer. Pnen. Tu,,, Amer. 8uxar do pfd Amer. T. A T Amer. M'oolen do pf4 Dominion I. A B. ... Edlaon Ble. ills Ofneral Electrlo .... Maaa. Electric do pfd Maes. Oil Inlted Shoe Mach... do pfd V. 8. 8teel do pfd Weetlns. common .. Adventurs Bid. "Asked. and bonds: . MViAllnuei .102 V Amalgamated ., . eVj Amerlran Zlno . . 7K-V, Atlantic . !Vt Blnfham .113 lacal. A Hecla.. . mlcentennlal . t'4 jt'opper Rana .. . HVPily Weal . 14 I Dominion Coal , 75 Kranklln . 4Stlr,rajicv -128V, Isle Royals .12:Maea. Mining .. Mlchlsan . 1144 Mnhawk . 74 Old Dominion .. . I "4' Oar en la .US I Parrot .mVilQulnry . 17i Shannon , 41 H Tamarack . 444 . , 's . 10 . 4 4 . 414 , 124 , t . !4 , tl , 64 . 17 7T, HH , M4 :V , 1 , Tl J 1 Trinity (0 V. 8- Mining. V. g. Oil I'tah Victoria Winona Wolverine .... II US ' 85 Wool Market. ' BOSTON, July 80 WOOL Prices remain firm; territory wools continue flrmt pulled wools are firm and the anie Is true of for eign grades, though the market 1 quiet. Leading quotations are: Idaho Fine, W ISc; heavy fine, lt'cfUc; fine medium, 17a 18c; medium, ltVrjJuc: low medium, lc. Wyoming Fine, lt(17c; heavy fine, 14(jjl6c; fine medium, liftlSc; medium, 2tKrj21c; low medium, 204i22c. I'tah nnd Nevada Fine, lt)4'?i MYiC; heavy fine, 14'(15c; fine medium, 17(b18c: medium, gL'lc; low medium, 21W 23c. Dakota Fine, 17fil8c; fine medium, li 4il8c; medium, 18;i20c; low medium, 21S22c. Montana Fine choice, 2iKi21c; flno average, lWiaic; fine medium clioice, 20$ Jlc; average, 19q20c; staple, 2lie':,:c; average, WqIOc; staple, 21Sj23c; medium choice, 22(ff23c. ST. LOU13, July 80. WOOL Strong and active; medium grades, combing and cloth ing, 20(&26c; light Jlne, 16-g20c; heavy fine, 12iil6c; tub washed, 21244c LONDON, Julv au.-wOO.i- Although the values of Merino and cross-bred wools are maintained, trade In the manufacturing district Is not active, the high prices mak ing business difficult. The arrivals of wool for the fifth series of sales amount to 41,756 bales, including 12,500 forwarded direct to spinners. The Imports this week were: New South Wales, l,4til bales; Queensland, 8.209 bales; Victoria, 2,50 bales: -New Zen Isnd, t.W bale; Cape of tlood Hope and Natal, 255 bales; elsewhere, 541 bales. - f Oils and Boaln, NEW YORK. July 30 OILS Petroleum, quiet: refined, New York, $7.70; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $7.85; in bulk, 4.75; turpen tine, easy, 6ti4ifi67c. ROSIN Steady; strained, common to good, $2,624- OIL.C1TK, Pa., July 30 OIL Credit bal ances, $1.50; certificates, no bid; shipments, 50.294 bbls.; average, 80,803 bbls.; runs, 102,775 bbls.; average, 76.124 bbls.; shipments, Lima, 68,201 bbls.; average, 62.210 bbls.; runs, Lima, 76,042 bbls.; average, 58.669 bbls. SAVANNAH, Ga., July 30. OIL Turpen tine, firm. ROSIN Firm; A. B and C, $2 35; D, $2.40; B, $2 45; G. $2.50; II, $2.70; O. $3.15; K. $3 65; M, $8.80; N, $3.90; W. O.. $4.38; W. W., $4.60. Susrnr and Molasses. ' NEW YORK, July S0.SUGAR Raw, firm; fair refining, 34c; centrifugal, 96 tet, 8 15-16i64c. Molasses sugar, 3V.C Refined, firm; No. 6, 4.65c; No. 7, 4.80c; No. 8, 4.55c; No. 9, 4.50c; No. 1, 4.46c; No. 11, 4.40c ; No. 12. 4.35c; No. IS, 4.30c; No. 14 4.25c;' confec tioner' A, 4.90c; mould A, 5 40c; cut loaf, 6.75c; crushed, B.75c; powdered, 5.15c; granu lated, 5.05c; cube, 6.80c. MOLASSKS Firm; New Orleans open kettle, good to choloe, 315137c. NLW OHLi-ANti, Juiy ?0. SfGAR Strong; open kettle, 2uc; open kettln centrifugal, 34c; centrifugal white, 4c; yellow, 8ft,44c: seconds, 2(g2Hc. MOLASS&B Steady. BYRUP Nominal, 20025c. Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS, July 30. COTTON Fu-d - ... J... ... ,J 111 - . . , f, fq. lures Bieuuyi August, lu.ofc, uuiouci, v-ooty 9.54c; November, 9.50ig9.51c; December, t ile; January, 9 tnu'J.wc; March, t.ti(9.fttiu. Spot, steady; sales, 400 bales; ordinary, 8 11-liic; ood ordinary, 9-y;; low middling, 10c; mld llng, loc; gwd middling, 10 15-16o; mid dling fair, li 8-16o ; receipt, 1,184 bales; stock, 38.998 bale. ST. LOUIS. July SO. COTTON Nominal; middling. loHc; sale, none; receipts, none; hlpmenta, 98 bales; stock, 10,246 bale. Metal Market. NEW YORK, July SO. METALS Th de. niaml wa light for all metal and quota, tlnns showed practically no change from prices lust reported. Tin, whll quiet, h:il a firm undertone at S26.95fj-27.10 for gpot. Copper, dull and unchanged: lake, $12.C24'a) 12.S74; electrolytic, $12.W4fil2 76; casting. $12. 374(?j 12.50. Spelter, $) 8b't.95. Lead, $4 2 4.25. Iron quiet and nonilnuliy unchanged. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, July 80.' OFFEE Trie market for coffee futures oi' tied .steady ut an advance of 6 points. Hales were re ported of 6.250 bags, Including September, tf ojS.lOc; December, li 3556 40c; March, 00 ititi 05c, and MHy. 6.80c. Spot Rio, steady; No. 7 invoice, 7c. Mild, steady; Cordova, 84 13c. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHI.4,. July ' 80 BUTTER Steady, quiet; western creamery, ISc; neuil; prints. 20c. EGGS Steady, fair demand; fresh nearby firsts. 17V(18c t mark: western, 18c. fllEKHK- Steady, lair demand; New York full creama, choice to fancy, 8ijj!4c; fair to good, 74'74io. Dry Uooili Market. NEW YORK. July 30.-DRY GOODS Buyers are preserving a cautious policy and operations ate not ms general or as active a at the beginning of the week. The in dependent position of purchasers Increase rather than otherwlae. and on certain lines quotation are refused In the hup that more can be secured later. Exports anil Imports. NEW YORK, July 80-Total Import of dry goods and general merchandise at the port of New Yoi k for the week ending today were valued at ts.TUi.lii. Expotts at kpecle from . New York for th week were $3, (am gold and $797,815 silver. Im ports of specie at New York during th week were Js8.V,3 silver and $30,402 gold. Mlnueapoll firaln Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Julv SO. WHEAT Jul v. fl.Ni4; H'-ptemher, 91'(i14c; December, Me; No. 1 hard, $1 No. I northern, $1.02; No. 2, northern, $1.ii0. KLOUR-Flrxt patents, $-M0W5 2: second patents, $: C'j5 l(r. first clears, $3.5ttfl ; second clears. $2 50. UKAN-In bulk, $14 00; shorts, $16.50. Ilulatli Urals Market. u i.i ill. Jiny . ncAi io n m No. 1 northern, $1 02; No. 2 northern. Hi1 On track: No 1 northern, $1,024; No iiortnern, vfv July, $1024; September, bl ll.r.n,l. k7a rt 4c. 1 He; tiAl.S-t'lr track, I74c; to arrive, Svc; Sopttinber, 330. ( OMAIIA LIVE STOCK MARKET Oattl Prices Decline Ten to Fifteen Cents the Put Two Dijs. HOG MARKET DULL AND LOWER Receipt Fair at All Market Prlre Oa I.awer Sheea Market Moderately Sapplled and Bltaa tlon laehaageal All Aroaad. BOT'TH OMAHA, July 80, 104. Receipts were: Cattle. hog. Sheep. OfTlclal Monday 418 63 Offl.-lnl Tuesday 2Ti 709 Ofllcial Wednesday 1.1U4 3 M OfliclHl Thursday 1.172 i.fc7 4.:08 Official Frldny I.? 4. 718 24b Official Saturday 1W 4 St) 1.000 Total this week 4. 893 14.817 1",9M Ssin days last week.... .772 17.6SO I.W1 Bame days week before.. 4.92 11.710 10,49 Same three weeks ago..l2.:i 4H.695 13.3i: Same four week ago.... 9'1 f'.3v2 17.1149 Same day last year 12.5S5 2S,9.-o 28, M7 Average price paid for nogs at South Omaha for th last everal day with comparison: Data. 1904. 1908.19O. 1901. lts. 11899. 1S98. 1 83 6 851 I 92i 6.85, 6 1 t 041 t 02! 6 131 $ 9fli $ 96! t 70 4 041 S -.3 4 l $ ti 4 051 $ 77 J l $ 77 I I 83 4 01 4 10 S S3 7 79 1 77, T 721 I 1 5 16 OSi a ' 76! 5 771 S S3 5 im 6iZ s 2;l 5 22, 5 26 5 251 6 1S 6 061 i 4 96 4 98 6 051 6 03 T 22 I 94 7 7wi 6 -M 7 73 I 58 7 66 i 5 83 1 t 681 I 02) 4 I'll 4 87 4 9i 4 9Si 607 8 5 151 6 051 5 02 6 OH 6 13 a 1 6 os! 4 ' I 4 19 4 21 4 84: 3 SS 3 Si 3 79 8 S2 7 52 7 41 7 82 7 411 7 53 7 52, 67 6 7v I 691 i 74) 6 KS I 4 86'. 4 31 1 4 27 4 32! 4 33 1 4 32 I 89 3 87 3 V7 3 07 3 72 S 74 6 88 7 63, 7 55 7 47 6 47 6 561 Indicate Sunday. ' Th official number, of car of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sh p. H'ti Wabash 1 .. .. Mo. P. Ry I U. P. system 1 19 8 6 C. N. W. Ry 1 .. .. F., E. A M. V. R. R.. .. 29 1 19 C., St. P., M. & O. Ry .. S B. & M. Ry 4 li 1 K. C. 4 St. J 1 C. R. I. & P. Ry., E.. .. t .. C, R. I. A Pi Ry., W. ..1 Illinois Central 1 .. Total receipt 6 71 4 26 The disposition of th day' receipt was a follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: - Cattle. Hog Sh'p. Swift and Company 596 Armour ft Co 126 991 972 Carey & Benton' 23 Morrill 128 North Pkg. Co 415 Boyd ft L 1ST. OMier buyerg 86 24 Total 175 2.33$ 972 RECEIPTS FOR THE YRAR TO DATE. The following .able show the receipt of cattle, hog and sheep at South Omaha for the year to data, with comparison with last year: 1904. 1903. Inc. Dec. Cattle 483,168 538,669 75.503 Hogs 1,467,227 1,454,348 12,879 Sheep 749.945 669,96 8",040 CATTLE The situation remain practi cally unchanged, although there Is a slight Increase in the capacity of the different houses. Most too many cattle reached the market yesterday for the good of the trade and prices broke sharply ut all markets. The week finishes with little Improvement In the general conditions surrounding the beef cattle market, as packers are yet un able to handle anywhere near the normal number of beef steers. The bad break yes terday is followed by a dull market today, with little of oonBeuuence on sale. Values on beef steers are 10ii20c lower than ear lier In the week. Butcher stock fared littla if any better than beef steers. The murket broke 10ijj,15o yejterduy on the few saleable kinds of cows ana heifers, and canning and coarse lots are not wanted at all. The movement continues small, with capacity for handling not so veiy much Increased. The feeder trade continues dull and weak. Only a few arrived tl.l week and the country demand I very limited. The de pression in fat cattle ha exerted mo.' or less InSuenco on the feeder market and trade hua ruled extremely dull and unsatis factory ever since the labor trouble began. BEEF STEERS. N. At. fr. No. Av. Pr. 1 840 4 40 COWS, 1 910 I no it 938 I n 1 460 I 71 .11 bt $ 00 HEIFERS. 4 Ill IM STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 13 978 I 40 W. Ferdon Neb. 18 heifer.. 60S 2 15 11 heifer.. 774 I 05 89 cows 947 8 06 HOGS A further decline In, price on hog9 I noted again today, beside th trado was rather dull. Packer had small orders to flil, bu: demanded reduced figures, and chipper were also on the bear aids of th deal. The marke: ia not at all satis factory, owing to the uncertainty attending the trad. Buyer were slow and beside were more Particular than usual In selecting their roves. This condition of affairs resulted In an uneven, unsatisfactory market; be side, buyers were more Indifferent than usual. Th market was Irregularly lower, but as a rule mostly a nickel off, except on fancy grades. Occasional nlo of choice lot wer quoted not much If any lower, but as a rule prices wer ofT, tut noted. Receipts at all market the pust two or three days have been considerably in excess of the demand, owing to th strike trouble, and shippers should keep close watch of the situation at all times. , No. A. Bh. Yr. No. v. ih. Pr. 79 127 10 OS 71 M6 .40 5 074 74 m UO I 06 71 tn 80 8 mJ, J, 21 ... t 05 Tl ID ... 6 074 47. ...... .Ml ... t 06 74 tM 140 I 07U IIS ...... M 10 00 147 HiiO 120 6 074 0 If) 80 I 00 tl iU to t 074 7 247 ... 6 0t4 6 7 60 I 07U T7 Ml 40 ( 0H, It 110 lto (174 tt S80 ... 0ft t 1S7 40 I 074 71 Ill ... (06 " "5 10 I 111) Tl tl 40 I 01 SO S67 10 6 074 15 II J 160 06 7 IH 10 4 07j 74 934 ... I OS Tl 10 40 S 07', 1 244 110 ( 0 ti 15 100 6 07i, St Ill SO 04 7t 110 ... i 074 C CM 200 OS ST !21 ... (10 1 ! too I OS U t47 SO i 10 47 tM 40 I OS , 74 t"5 ... I 10 ST 174 ... I OS 74 tt7 40 I 10 44 34 40 I 0 81 lot 40 I 10 II ...IM SO I OS Tl 110 SO S 10 3 HO 80 I OS 14 C61 40 I 10 7 tM 140 06 Si fi'4 ... I 10 ... o ... I 124 o i i:5 0 I 14 Tt lat 10 I 01 IS Sil I! 150 too I 06 II til T3 tSI ltO S 01 It S0J U 32. 80 I 00 14 8ill ... I 15 71 211 40 I m 76 lot ... I 174 TS,. 211 ... I 07 H SHEEP None received end none wanted. Ther 1 no open market for fat sheep, and such wanted are ordered in, There Is nome Inquiry for feed'ne; stock and prices In that direction are satisfactory. Quotations for grass sheen and lambsi Oood to choice yetrllnes. $4 2."(ET170j fair to good yearlln. 3.50cu4 35: good to cho'ce wethers. 44.uovi4.2i, fait to good wethers, $T 50(7 4. 00; good to c hn're ewes. J3 503.701 fair to aood ewes. $H2jfi3.50; good to choirs bimbs. $5 50075.75; fair tn good lambs, $"..00(31 50. Representative rales: No. Averasre. Pries. 24? Wyoming ewes and wethers. 88 8 15 730 Oregon twes and wethers... 95 3 75 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady, Hons Klv Cent Lower anil I. a nibs Firm. CHICAOO, July 80-CATTLE-Recelpt, l.Ouo head; market steady; gioi to prime steers, $.1 40!S1.40; poor to medium. $4.ISigi f, 4: Blockers and feeders. $2.00ff(4.00; ciwa, Jl 50fl4 35: heifers. J.(iij4.76: caimers. $1 60 Ifj2.50; bulls, $2 00fo4 2": calves, $2.0 & 1.5); Texsa ftd steers. $3.0ift5.00 HOG 8 Receipts. 11.000 hesd: market stsndy to 6c lower; mixed and butchers, $5 3(u.724; good lo choice heavy, $5 4"( 8 70; rough heavy, $5 ("Kit". 40; light, 6. 70: hulk of sa'es, $5 401i5 o BHKKP AND LAM BH Recelnts, I.OTO hesd: Ismhs steady; good to choice we'h er. $S. 75i 4 50; fair to choice mixed, $30Jf 1 7a: weitern heen. $2 401(60: ri'ttv lamb, $40u&7.00: western lambs, $1 8'i(.75. Kansas City Lire (lock Murket. KANSAS CITY, July SO. CATTLE R. ralpts, 1,100 head. Including r'X) southern: market unchanged: choice export nd dresned beef teers, $n frijrt 25; fslr to rood. $4.f4M5.2S; western fid eteers. 'l.7"?i6.76; Blocker snd feeders. $2 75(i4 60; southern strers. $3 0o'cj4 76: southern cows. 11 7.ilCi 5i; nxtlve ciws, $1 754 45: native heirnm. I? 60 fiS.'JS; bulls, $2.r.Vy3 7f: calves, ' $2 TS'uo.'Xt; receipt fur week, 7 7iQ t,ad. IH HIS-Receipts 6,0o bead; market 5f) W.n l..wr- I. m rirlr t1Ji. Ktilt, .. $j 15'y5 35; heavy, $fi 2t:-i:5 30: fiackers. $5 'iwf 6 40; .plats nnd light, $4 5tv.6 20; recrlpls .. a i ... u 1 1. ....1 811 KEP AND LAMriS-Recelpls, none; sum I. el nominally sirudy; nsilve lainlm llft'dut'1; western laml.p $1 iKnTO.f'd: fed we. tJ OOiaa 75; Texa clipped j rai lings. July 10... I 1 July 11... I IV July 12 July 13... 5 024 July 14... t 134 July 15... 6 11 July 1... S 18 .lulv 17... Julv 18... I 6 21 I July 19... 6 18 July SO... 6 04 July 21... 6 n July 22... i 064 July 23 July 24... , July 25... S 054 July 28. ..I 5 lt4 July 27... 6 104 July -28... 6 194 July 29... S 104 July 30... 6 09 .Bra!T4.7S; Tex clipped sheep. $3.25774 00; (tuckers and feeders, tJH,'03.25; receipt for week, 2.000 hed. 1. I.onls LIt Mock Market. RT. LOUIS, Julv SO. CATTLE Receipts, l.joo head, Inclmllng l.OSn Texans; market steady for natives; Texnns slow; native shipping ami export steers, 4.6'-ij '. ; dressed beef nnd butchers steer, $4.0i'tf 6. 60; steers under l,ow younHs. $35v5.0n; Btockers snd feeders, t2 i;t4 ."i; rows snd heifer, t2.2.vt,5 50; cntini rii. II 5'i4i2.S6: bulls, $2 .tH'Ti4 .00; calves, f.1 5"ja.isi; Texak nd In dian" steers, tJ.00?j4.); cows and heifers, 8 F--fj4 a). HOUS Receipt, hC) head; market lower; rigs and lights, t4.5"T 56; packers, $5 snfl 6.5"; butchers and best heavy, lo .4: "34 So. SHEKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.000 head; market steady nnd fairly active- na tive muttons. t3.75'tf4 25; lambs. tVoo-g 75; culls and bucks, ti. '04.26; stockers, $2.0tiljj S.tJ; Texans, $.I.B'i4.o0. New Tork LIt gtork Market. NEW YORK. July SO BEEVES Re. ceipts. Sf9 head; no trading; dressed beef steady at &Vllc. Exports were 1.0i cattle and 2.0X) quarters of neef. CALVES Keielpta, 20 head; market steady; veals sold at $5 501(7.25; nothing prime offered: no buttermilks; city dressed ve Is firm at 0:ij'124c. HOGS Receipts, 1.278 head; market notnlnnllv weak. FHKEP AND IMB!t-Recelpts, T.(a!5 head: market stendv: sheep sold at $3 In f $0u; extra at $5 25; culls, $100; lambs, tS.WXJ 7 S6: one deck, ImpO; dressed muttons tady at i'sllo; dressed lambs. (Hi 134c. Stork In Slaht. Following are the receipts of llv tock ror the six principal western, cities yester day 1 Cattle. Hons. Sheep. South Omaha... Chicago . Kansas City.... St. Wiuls St. Josoph Sioux City Totals ... 150 ... !.( ... 1.100 ... 1,2' 61 . . . 2(10 4. ivy i.fv 12.ia St " 6. 8.117 450 S.oiai 1,000 11 . .. 8,714 30.087 4,012 Slonx City Live gtoek Market. SIOUX CITY, la,, Julv S0.-(Speclsl Tls gram. ) CATTLE Receipts 2n0 head; mar ket steady; beeves, $4.(!in.75; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.4vff4.00; stockers and feeders, $2.7573 75; calves and venriings. t2 fiO'rJS BO. IIOOS Receipts, 4.500 head; market 10c lower, selling at $5.00(ti5.:5; bulk. $5.05ii5.10. flt. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., July SO CATTLE Receipts, 64 head; market unchanged. HOUS Receipts, 3,137 head; market 5c lower; light,; medium nnd heavy, $').c"rf.2n. SHKEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 12 head; market unchanged. OMAHA WHOLES) A Liu MARKETS Condition of Trade and annotation on Staple and Faney Produce. EGGS Receipt liberal; firm, fresh can dled stock, 150. LIVE POL LT RT Hen, tc; rooster, ac cording to le, 6c; turkey. 13c; ducks, 7o; geese, be; broilers, ICc. BUTTER Packing stock, 11c: cbolc to fancy dairy, 12(ul4c; separator, 1&TJ174C. FRESH FISH Trout, 11c; pickerel. Sc Pike, 10c; p'.Tch, 7o; bluefish. 12c; whlteflsh, 14c; salmon, 14c; redsnapper, 11c: lobtr, green, 26c; lobster, boiled, 80c; bullheads, lie; catfish, 14c; black has, 20c; halibut, 10c: crapples, l?c; roe had. $11 buffalo, c; Ivhlte bass, 11c; frog legs, per do, 86c. BKAN Per ton. $18. , HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' nssoclatloi: Choice No. 1 upland, $8; No. 2, $7.50; medium, $7; coarse, $0.60. Rye straw, $5.50. These price ar for hay ot good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts light. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Navoi, cholc. larg il. $3) fancy novels, all Blzes. $3.50: Mediterranean sweets, choice, all si see, $j.OU&3.26; Jaffna, all sizes, $2.Vifc3.00; Valencia, all lie, 3.W "leMONB California fanoy, 270-300-880, $3.764jl.26; choice, $2,7043.00. CAJ-,lFORNIA FIGS-Pcr 10-lb. carton, (0c; imported Smyrna, ll-crown, Uo; crown, 14c; 7-crown, 15c. BANANAS Per nieuiuin-led bunch, 12.00 2.6u: Jumbo, $2.7oiij,3.26. DATES Persian, per box of 80 pkg., $2; In 60-lb. boxes, 6c per lb.; Oriental stuffed, per box, $2.40.' PINEAPPLES In crate of 34 to 41, per crate, $3.25 FRUITS. APPLES Green, per 4-bu. box, 6C0. RASPBERRIES Per 24 qt.. a; per 24 pts., $1.60; red raspberries, per 24 pt., Vush., 3. MM , BLACKBERRIES Arkansas, par 24 qU.. $2. STRAWBERRIES Colorado, per 84-o.t. case. $2.50. , . CHERRIES California, Royal Ann or Tartarian, per vox, i-Si; home grown, per 14 qts., 11.21 GOOSEBERRIES P"r 24-qt. ca. tl.28. PEACHES Texas, per 4-basket erate. oOc; California Alexandra, per oox, i. PLUMS Calnornlo, Trogoy, Burbarkn, PEARB-California, $2.7 per box. APRICOTS California. $.oi. CANlELOCPt.-1'oxaiai per crate. $2,503 2.75; Calif ornitt, per crate, $6.26&6.i6. WATERMELON tf Per lb. .craved), 14o; tach, 8oa4uc. ... CURRANTS Red and white, per 24-tjt CMQ. tl.i. VEGETABLES. , , POTATOES New Xexa Red tock. In (ackjs, per bu., 5oc. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. t2.162.4. ONIONS Bermuda, per 60-lb. crat. $3.00; Louisiana, In scks, per lb., 24c. CABBAGE Horn grown, lo per lb. CAUUFLOWER Per do., 6c. CUCUMBERS Per do., ic. TOMATOES Texu. 4-basket crat, $L RALISHES rer do, bunches, 16o. LETT UCE T-v. Vtr dox., uo. TURNIPS ctouthern, per do., 25c. FEETB Southern, per do., 25o. CARROTS Southern, per do., 30o. ' PARSLEY Per do., fcc. BEANS Wx. per bu. box, tl.OO; per H bu. basket, 60c; string, per bu. box, $2 00; per 4 bu. box, 76c; Wisconsin blue bean. 16-qt. box, $2.10. GREEN PEPPERS Per -bakt orate, SQUASH Horn grown, per do., 75c. PEAS Per bu. box. $1.00. EGG PLANT Southern, per dog., $1.60. MISCELLANEOU& MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., lOo. HIDES No. 1 green. 6c; No. 2 -ren, lc; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, 8&c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lb., c: No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 64c; dry salted, 8iSl2c; sheep pelK, 24fr27c; hors hide, tl.6oJr2.50. CHEESE Wisconsin twin, lull cream, He; Wisconsin young America, 12c; block Swiss, lc; Wisconsin brick, 134c; Wiscon sin llmherger, 13c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft hall, per lb., 15c; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. 8 oft (hell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb.. 12c; f eeans. large, per lb., 12c; small, pr lb., Oc; peanuts, per lb., c; roittd pennuta, per lb.. 8c; Chill walnut, per lb., l:::y l34oi larg hick nuts, per lb., 11c: almonds, oft shell, per lb., 15c; hard shell, 13o (hellbarks. ber bu., $2.00; black walnut, per bu., t$)2a. Evaiiorated Apple and Dried Fruits. NEW YORK. July 80. EVAPORATED APPLES Continue Arm. In spite of the light demand; common, IfiJe: prime, D 8c; choice, e'ti&efcc; fancy, 7i74c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prune continue to move In small quantities, but some grades ar pretty well cleaned up on spot, and prices ore firm, with quota tion ranging from 3c to 6Vic. according to grade. Apricot show no material change, either In price or general conditions, choice being quoted at 94lffl0c. extra choice nt Kiff;04c and fanev at UifilSo. Penches nre steady to firm, with choice held at 7tf7';o, extra choice at T40Bc nnd frtney at 94f10c. NORTH DAKOTA LAND IS NEXT Grand Fork Prepara for Hush to Fort Totten Indian Reser vation. GRAND FORKS, N. D July 80-Thl city I preparing for a rush of landseeker who are expected here lo participate In the drawing of lands on the opening of the Fort Totten Indian reservation, the regis tration for which will be held from August I to 20. Twenty thousand person are ex pected. The reservation land represent 40.000 acre, part of which I held under allot ment by Indian. The drawing will occur at Devll'g Lake. REAL E9TATEC TBA.MI'EItl, Deeds Hied for record July i as furnlahed by the Midland Gum run too and Trust company, bonded ubKtructer, 1414 Far nam street, for The Hie: Johcph CiM'kn..ld and wife to Iyoils H. rrniar.r.. lots 7 and 8. Drake's add.$ 800 E. R. Hume and wife to R. J Fergu son, lot 22, block 13, Cliftun Hill 2 Minnie Mullt-iidi-r et si to Adolph E. TurhenliMgiii, lot 2o, block 6, Der Perk 1,275 James Powell to Charl.-s W. Hlnile, lot 11. bloca 8. IJnioln Placed 1,700 MHOil ina M. Thoioiis et al tu Ttionuis Cnlah, uiidlvliluil Interest In part lot U. Bin tli-i t s add VHi W. 8. Wit ten to Eveiett I. Chamber, purl lot 4. block 91. Booth Omaha.... 1,600 South Omaha lnnd company to Jurne J FiU;i rald, lot 7, block Hi, South Omaha 67 CONDITION OFOMAHA'STRADE July Maket Better Showing Than Wa Eipected. LAST WEEK RATHER DULL LOCALLY Roth Jobber and Retailer Talk) Eaeoaraglngly of Present Coa" dltlens and Katar Prospect. With the close of the month business) men hve been looking up their record and the general report from all sources ) to the rflert that July this year ha been better from a business point of view than the corresponding month of lsst year. Thl Is true not only in Jobbing, hut In retail circles ns well. A year ago business wag suffering to some extent from the Inactiv ity prevailing In the building trades and from some other csnprs. This year tha cool weather earlier In the season appeared to delay the movement of some kinds of wsrrn weather merchandise and carried over Into July a certain amount of trad that would under different rlrcumstsnrea have fallen within the limits of June. Then, too, local conditions were favorable during the first half of the month. Ths larg amount of-building that has been going on ha rurnlshed plenty of work ror shlliaa labor in the building trades and labor gen erally hss been well employed During th last half of the month the strike at South Omaha may have had some little Infiuenea In reducing the demand for certain of the necessities of ltf.--.but the effect so far ha been more imaginary than real. As there has been a good deal of talk In some quarters of dull trade during th month It Is quite encouraging to learn that after all the volume of business for th month Is larger than year ago. It I such a well established rustom during the mid-ummer season to complain of the dull ness of trade that It Is a question if a good manv business men do not Indulge In such tslk from a force of habit regardless of actual conditions. Down In the Jobbing district there i a fair movement of merchandise for th1g season of the vear nd the feeling among the Jobber lmot without exception I on of confidence. 80 far this year h shown up verv satisfactorily as compared with all previous years, while there Is no reason for presuming that the remainder of the yer will not be equally gr.od. All report t crop conditions In Nebraska are enenur swing. Corn hss made a wonderful growth and a large yield Is promised in the greater part of the territory tributary to this mar kct. In some section It Is a little back ward, but reasonably favorable weathet) from now on and an absence of unseasona ble frosts will brlnar the crnn out all rtahl even In the least promising sections, whll In much of the territory a bumper crop would result. Countrv merchant who have been in the city this week hve talked In an encouraging way and so far can ba learned at the present time everything: seems to nolnt to a very larg trade the coming fall. The onlv unfavorable feature Is th con ttmmnce of the packing houso strikes at all marVet nefnts. lnrtlrectlv thl" must make Itself felt before verv long. The practical emharsro or. the marketing of live stock 1 dsnrlvlng the country of many million of dollar every week. A a matter of fartt the stock 1 still In the country and will have to be marketed some time, so that business men ar able to look upon the situation without much concern, believing that what they lose now will be made tip later. STANDARD OIL COMPAMY FIGHTS Start Snlt to Teat goath Dakota Law Reejalrlntr Oil Inspection. SIOUX FALLS. 8. D July 80. (Special.) Tha appointment by Judge Carland of the United 8tates court In this city of p clal examiners to take testimony In the case of the Standard Oil company against the tate of South Dakota I th com mencement of a fight between the common wealth and the oil octupu which may ax tend over several year. Soma tlm ago the Standard Oil company wa unmicceenful In It application befor the Vnlted States court 1p this city for aa Injunction restraining th state oil In spector from rejecting a large shipment of Inferior oil. This oil wa shipped Into th tat for the purpose of testing th state oil Inspection law. The Injunction asked for by the company waa refused by Judgs Carland. The Standard OH company has now Insti tuted a auit for the purpose of testing th validity of the state oil inspection law. Judge Carland ha appointed F. J. Adams of this city to take testimony In the case In South Dakota and Illinois. J. Alton Rrook ha been appointed a (pedal ex aminer to take testimony In the state of New York and H. Daughery in Ohio. Tes timony will thus be taken in four state, but. most of St will b In Illinois and South Dakota. AU th testimony must be submitted to Judge Carland by November 1 next. Th utt will be one of th most Important ever tried in the state and may be quite pro longed, aa a similar action Instituted by the Standard Oil company to break down tho nil law of Indiana wa not finally dls-v posed of until (even years after its com mencement. HnatNDamaa-e Wheat. SALEM. S. D.. July 80.-(Speclal.)-An unusual amount of rust I showing up on wheat and oat In Mccook county, caused by hot weather and heavy dew. Compe tent judges estimate that It will shrink th yield at least 40 per cent. Harvest Is b Ing pushed on account of. It. Greatest Opportunity of tha ?Otb. Century for Knormon Profits, THE American De Forest WIRELESS TELEGRAPH COMPANY Balscteft br the V. g. Governmsnt for us la tol t. S. WE ATM BR Bt'REAU, I U. 8. ARM V, U 8 ii A VY Buy It! f' PER CKNT PREFERRED, Cl'Ml'L. T1VB AND PARTICIPATING STOCK AT PAR, $10.04 PER SHARE. A few tiuntlrsa' dollars Invasta ow will mat you INHEI'KNDENT FOR UKK. Payments may ba mada aa follows: 11.0 pof share with ordsr and IX 00 par aharo each noma thereafter until tha full amount is paid. Wrlta today for full Information. t GEO. 1$. MECHEM & CO., OS WALL ST., NEW YORK. 17. Far nam Smith G Co. STOCKS BONDS, INVESTMENT SECURITIES. 1320 Farnan St. Tel. (00 We buy and sell South Omaha Union Stock Yards Stock. The Merchants National Bank of Omaha. INb. U. a. ; assart y Cap) HI tod Surplus, $600,000 raANK MUtrfV. r. Kt S. WOO. V. ra, UUTBfl Malt. C.aoaaf. MUM V ln.TA AsstCsoals. gaeaiv asseiwl at bauiaa, eassara, aasisi stlvi.a, IriM. a4 h4in.U a taaanasia lariua. taialsa gaahaas seat so sol, al Credit uau4. aalll la an ru ot Iha world letorwat Said m Tlaaa Parti! hi a. ml pas .ass, f ilitlois anal Oruoilly m4 aaasiiMi I us I if nasMI i maaa aasaaaa.