THE OMAHA " DAILY DEE: SUNDAY, JULY 31, 1004. IT J. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE H. F. ROBERSON Omaha Real Estate .and.... Business Chance Agency 405 New York Life Bldg." BARGAINS IN CITY PROPERTY. We do a General Real Estate, Rental and Insurance Business. We Solicit Your Patronage. BARGAINS IN CITY PROPERTY. rVK 40 gnod lota, West Farnam district. $500 each. i.VO-4) good loU, West Fnrnsm District, $660 each. $1,600 6-room cottage and barn, not modern, lot 60x150, near 44th and Decatur, will take cash, or stock of merchandise in payment. , . $1,750 Near 4nth and Hamilton, i rooms, city water, good fruit trees; Incumbrance on property $0. We will sell or trade. $t,nno fcuys a good lot on 35th Tletween Dodge nnd Do iglns. $2,000 -room house, bath and furnace, lot ooxlfio, on iu'litsry Avo. Will take 11,060 cash, the balance In monthly payments. 2 (XjO 41-room house on Jones, near 24th, now rented Bt $20 'r month. Win taKB $l,6oo cash, balance to suit buyer. 12 3oa -room, all modern, except furnace! lot 60x150, on Mason, near st street. $2,200 Takes 84x140, with 8-roc.m house, modern except furnace, 2Sth and Davenport. $l,of cash, balanco to suit purchaser, t; aro 7-room house, lot 82x131, 2th end Hamilton. . $2 4 42ml and Harney, lot 60x160, 9-room, all modern except furnace. $2,400 Near 43rd and Harney, t-ronm house, modern except furnace; lot 60X100. Will take H.oipO cash, balance on time. , . ' $2,400 t-room house, near 4ind and Harney, modern except furnace, newly papered ana i painted. Will take $1,000 cash, balance to suit buyer. 2.500 Southwest corner $4th and iMvenport, -room house. 2,&ooFor JWriIXH North 30th street. Will take 11.300 cash, balance to suit buyer. . 2, iOO Davenport near 26th St., (-room, modern except furnace, now rented at tab per month, . , , . . ,. . . ' $2,750 Good 8-room house, all modern. In Dundee, has gas and electric light. $2,MOa-room house and barn, lot 60x120. 8)st and Marcy bu. 83,000 Oood lot, 132x6a, at 25th and Jones Sts. . . , $3,200 -room and barn, lot 33x130, near fcith and Davenport. W ill take part caah, bal ance to suit buyer. . . . . , $3.$"0 Good -room house, modern except furnace, lot 60x120 near 33d and Charlos Sts. $3,700-1812 N. 24th street, one store and one cottage, lot 60x132 feet. Will take l,0u0 cash, balance at 7 per cent. . ,, ' $3,700 Takes 2108-2110 Miami Bt.. one 8-room and one 4-room house, all modem ejecept furnace. There Is $1,600 mortgage at 6 per cent, which can eland. $4.000 New 8-room house, 2ust) Pnppleton Ave., lot 5"xloo o.(Hli and Grace streets, lot 154 x 330. This Is good trackage property. $5,000 rooms, ail modern, hot water heat, lot 100x100, east front, corner of Park Ave, $6,000 TakeiTlSs'tlo'oth Ave., 18 rooms, all modern, oak finish downstairs. This Is a well built brick house, lot 60x150, east front. . . $7,500 Good 10-room house, all modern, hardwood finish throughout, hot water heat, cement cellar and good cistern, east front, 83d near Dodge. $8,009 Two 8-room modern houses and one 14-room modern, near 24th and D streets, Bouth Omaha, Hents for $80 per month. $10,000 Joth and Vinton streets. This property la near the new street car barn and It la a snap for some one who wants to build small cottages to rent. $10,800 26th and Dodge Sts., lot 122x130, 8-room, all modern, good barn; property In cumbered for 12,600, drawing 6 per cent. $12.000 Vacant lot, 100x242, east front, facing Hanscom Park. $14,0o0 Northwest corner of 20th and Farnam, lot 60x143, 8-room, modern except furnace. . . . $15,000 Threw brick flats, 23d and Douglas St., now rented for $120 per month and water rent. There Is a mortgajgo on the property of $8,000, which can be paid $,000T'ostoryebrick building, 1813 Douglas Bt. Will take $5,000 cash, balance at 5 per cent, or will trade for good Denver property. $26,000-4h1xS6, with 3-story brick, contains three stores and nix flats, near Auditorium, rents for 1258 per month. This is a bargain. Cost $40,000. Owner wants to leave the city on account of his health. Aside from the property above mentioned we have a large list of other good pieces and would be pleased to show you our list. BARGAINS IN FARM PROPERTY For a few days only we offer 680 acres at $25 per acre in Buffalo county, six miles from Gibbon, Nebraska. ' 400 acres, six miles north of Ashland. In Saunders county, Nebraska. Price, $60 per acre, $4,000 cash, balance on long time. This Is well Improved slock farm. We also have a large list of good farms in Otoe, Nuckolls, Clay, Adams, Web ster, Boyd and Hnrlan counties. Bight of these farms can be traded for stock of merchandise In Iowa or Nebraska, or Omaha nnd South Omaha improved property; the others are for sale and not for trade. If interested, call and see our list. OMAHA REAL ESTATE & BUSINESS CHANCE AGENCY, 1 405 New York Life Bldz. 'Phone 3762. STOP. THINK1 What a lot of money you pay for rent and really got nothing for It You ought to BUY A HOME. U.fOO A Jo-dandy cottage of 6 large room city wator, cistern, sewer, lot 34x 168, walking dlatance. $1,300 A very nice Utile 6-roorrt cottage, has bath, gas, city water, etc; barn. $1,2502247 Pierce, rooms, lot 60x161 $2,200 rooms on Harney street near 20th, south front, lot worth the asking $l,000-fl Chicago, 5 rooms, city water, fuU lot. $3,800 On California street, near Crsighton college, 7 rooms, all modern, south, front, full lot. , $2,700 For a new house on Capitol ave. near 26th, 7 rooms, modern except furnace, south front, shade trees. $3,200 A new 8-room, modern house on Maple street near 2oth. electric light and gas, etc. Owner will sell to good Sarty without any cash payment own. Look at this. $5,600 A line D-room, new house on West Harney street near 86th; house Just finished, electric light and gas, line cemented cellar, with laundry, etc. INVESTMENTS. 4 000 Two 8-room, all modern houses, rent- lug for $40 per year. These houses are always rented and are In good repair. , w Two 8-room. all modern houses, rent 5,UUU ing for $720 per year; corner lot, and atreeta paved and puld for, permanent walks; nouses nave juai oeen paumeu uu ut in gooa sua pe, 6 500 A row of 6 presed brick houses or ' 8 rooms each. Koch house Is all modern and has 4 line mantels, hard-wood finish; corner lot, and both streets paved. The Byron Reed Co., 'Phone $97. 112 S. 14th. RB-181 81 GARVIN BROS, Com'l Nat'l Bank Bldg, 1004 Farnam St. BUSINESS PROPERTY. A good brick near 16th and Howard sts., rials for $.,10o; price $26,000. A good brick block on Hlxtennth St., rents $4,200 a year; price $50,uo0 HOUSES ON EASY TERMS. I 6003721 Ohio, rooms, full lot. 6fi0 SOI 7 Martha, 2 houses, full lot. JiiO 2J21 North 26th, 4-room Cottage. " 3117 Marcy. 4 rooms, good lot. 8u0 2U16 Dupont, 4 rooms, full lot. $1100 224 Cubs, 4 rooms, 60-ft. lot. 1W0 2iMii B. 17th, 7 rooms. 60-ft. lot. 1100311!) Hurt. 4 rooms, full lot. 1. 'r0 2-'47 Pierce, C rooms, big lo. 1510 37 N. 26th, I cul taxes, rent $17. 1400 8ilS N. 27th, ( rooms, nice. 2. 0 12-2 B. 7th ave., 6 rooms, modern. 2600 i0 S. 2Gth ave.. 7 rooms. RK 183 31 4-mnm house and brlek basement .on 8. 12th St., lot 25x140, good location; owner must wll till'' week. Price. $1.2i0. R. C. Pi)TEIia CO., BKE Jtl lLDlNQ. HE 2u7 31 H OWE NEAR HANSCOM PARK -room, modern house, In first-class repair, brick baMineiu. cltctern, shade and fruit trees, lot 60x187 $4, OoO. R. C. PETEH8 & CO.. BEE BUILDING. HE 2ob 81 SARPY COUNTY LAND 20 acres very cholco farm land, too acres Seeded to timothy and clover, 40 acres of best alfalfa, culling three tons per acre; good g-rooin house and horse burn tor 14 fiend, cow burn with otonclitons for 20 Cows, new corn crib, large tool house and buggy shed, chlckon houBti. new hog hoiue, 2ox6o; all building newly palnleu and roofed, In t1rst-elua repuir; tubular well, new steel windmill, t Urge tanks, 1 nillas of Page wire fence, all on new ouk po-it; larni all fenced, large feeding yard, with tnlf-feeder and feeding troughs: a un iting water, plenty of timbtir, miles from ureuin, nines iroin Asnianu (u per acre. Will consider some good In come property in Omaha as part payment. H. C. PETUKS 4k CO., lilili ilUlLl'lNU. Kli M 31 F. D. WE AD I houses on a full city lot In good location, built by owner, bringing $uuO rent; owner removed from city and needs money on account of poor health. Will take $j,fo0. U24 Douglas BU RK-308 31 4448 Farnam street, a flne two-story, I room huune, strictly all modern, oil finish, limritel and grate, flne lawn, only 82.BU0. 4--A Ilaruay aueet, a iwu-etory 8-room house. !iu re air, all rmlill, new porcA, veuient Meaik, only JlJud. Payne, Bostwick & Co till IToor, N. Y. Lla Bldg, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE JOSEPH F. KELLY Telephone 3762 BE H Building Lots. H We have them in all parts of the city. Lota In Bluff View addition, cornering on Kountse Place at Bherman avenue and Plnkney, are the best values offered In the north part of the city, big lots 60x134 feet, fine high ground for $600, $660, $f00 and $660. Buy one before the advance In price. Four new houses are now being built In this ad dition. Call and get plat. We can arrange easy terms. Lots four blocks south of Hanscom park, along the new Boulevard, between 80th and 31st streets, $400. Lou In Dumlee, J400, 84SO, fi"0 ana uuo. Lots In Benson, $150, $2(0. $260. ' Lots in Florence, $150, $200 and $250. , HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 610 New York Life bldg. Phone 1908, WILL MOVE TO lflll FARNAM STREET AUGUST 6TH. RE 245 1 75x140 Wlltl CI PlUCu; iiwuvui vkiuui inmor. all on one floor, good barn, one-half block ' from car. worth $2,600. Will tell this week for $2,260. Payne, Bostwick & Co., 6th Floor N. T. Life Bldg. RE-254-31. 5-ROOM COTTAGE, NEAR 2STII AND S PRAGUE. fr-room cottage, near 28th and Bprague, well and new cistern, cemented cellar some fruit trees, sewer In street. Price $1,600. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE 2S9 81 NEW HOUSE EASY TERMS On west side of 22d St. between Clark and uruve, mouern o-rouui vuilurv, wcii uuui. Can't be duplicated for the price. Only 91, ow. Kennard & Lower, Tel. $97. 309-10 Brown block. RE-241 81 IN BEMIS PARK B-room house, two blocks from Harney car line, lot 31 x lo4. price $575, monthly payments on nearly oil of it. Payne, Bostwick & Co., 6th Floor N. V, Life Bldg. RE-2u3-31 STRICTLY MODERN. 8 ROOMS, O.N SOUTH 3STH BT. New S-room, strictly modern house, In A-l locality, stable. Price, $4,0u0. If you de sire a neat, complete and strictly modern house, you should see this. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RK 290 81 H Acres at Reasonable H Prices. 10 acres 1 mile from Ruser'a park, fine view, east slope $1,060 10 acres 1 mtlu south of 30th street and county line, only $900 10 acres M miles from Benson, all flne land, 4-room cottage, burn, well, some fruit, nice place $2,260 $ 6-acre pieces, 10 a rcrt and 15 acres all in Benson and clone to the car line, to $3iii) an acre. These are worth double. 10 acres west of Dundee $1,600 6 acres southwest of Benson, easy terms 160 acres, t blocks from car line in Florence $960 HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 610 New York Life bldg. Phone 1U16. WILL MOVE TO 11 FARNAM STREET AUG 1ST 6T LI RE 24$ 81 A DESIRABLE CORNER FOR SALE, 4,000, Northwest corner 2:nd and Ike Sts., large W-rooin modern Ikiiihc, with barn. Iit 85x140 ft. Fine sliade, all clear, euxy terms. This c. ouosillon is worthy of careful consider tilon. GEORGE & COMPANY, lticl Fuiuum St. RE 275 81 THREE GREAT SNAPS." Widow must sell 2HH-4-S North I9th sve., Ihiko ulx-rooiii hotists; two blocks from Luke street car; good and cheap homes; $1.0u) each. N. . L. Trimble, 1216 Fsrnura si., second floor. RE 6-ROOM COTTAGE, WALKING DISTANCE. -room cottag,.' ncjr 20lli unj Leavenworth street, full lot. xoiiili from. Owuer anx ious to st-ll. ithike us un ofTer JJliMld, i'AXTON BLtx'K. itu-ia FCR SALE BEAL ESTATE Bargain ROxIfiS. Finn lo-room house, east front, paved street, hot water heat, hest plumbing, 10-6 Bo. street; $10,0o0. 5xl32. Double brick, all modern, South front, 12 rooms each, B'thslt pnved street, 1810-lSlJ Chlrago St., $10,010. 60X1S2. Iirge modern dwelling, ent front, pnved street, 16 North k:d street; $7,000. 100x133, Fine seven-room house, electric light, south front, 1 barn, chicken house, fruit; 3S30 Franklin street; , $3,000. ' 92x136. Vacsnt trackage property, 10th and Clark Bis, snap at $2,000. Howard Kennedy & Son, 209 First National Bank Bldg. Telephone 722. SH IMER & CHASE, BUILDERS OF MODERN HOUSES Our experience Is at your disposal. We can suggnnt means by which you can save dollars, inconvenience and annoyance and secure better results. Our Illustrated hook let (free) contains facts of special interest to prospective builders. READY BUILT $1,800 buys a 6-room, new cottage, bath, closet, gas, sower, city water, cemented ce'lar, on car line, south front lot. ' $2,600 takes a 6-room (new) dwelling, bath, closet, lavatory, hot and cold water, gas and sewer, city water, excellent neighbor hood, nenr car, Hanscom Park district. SIX-ROOM COTTAGE $1,$00 One of the cheapest little homes on any list Is the above cottage in good repair, southwest front, gas, city water, four blocks from 24th car. See us quick. MISCELLANEOUS Building sites in best residence districts on which we will build a modern house to SUIT YOU. Investigate. SH1MER & CHASE, 1809 Farnam St. Ground Floor. Tel 367. RE POOR MAN'S CHANCE New house, 8 rooms, flne reception halt and stairway, polished floors, combination gas and e'ectrlc light, cellar under entire house, with laundry sink, furnace, tine bath room, nickel plated plumbing. . Payne, Bostwick & Co., 6th Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-257-31. A NEW 2-story house, reception hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen and large pantry on first floor, 8 large bed rooms, with closets and linen closet, also large bath room on 2d floor; prooelaln tub, lavatory, closet, hot and cold water, nickel pipes and fittings, full slxe basement, furnace, laundry, gas and electric lights, cement walks, large maple shade trees, east front, on 24th, wltn ali paving paid; excellent location, $712 N. 24th St. : first-class material end workmanship. SEE IT AT ONCE and see us for terms. An elegant home and a snap $3,200. SWEET & BEST, 613 N. Y. L. Tel. 1472. RE 287 81 40 ACRES NEAR BENSON $6,000.00 for 40 acres two miles north of Benson and paved road, known as the Horace Olmstead Place. House 6 rooms, one and one-half story, cellar, well cis tern, barn, corn crib and other outbuild ings. Finn orchard and grove. Land all under cultivation. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St. RE-272 81 AVE ST END HOME. 11-room strictly modern house, located wlf hln stone's throw of Joslyn's mansion, the best part of town, two full stories, oak finish on parlor floor, hard pine finish up stairs. Two large east front lots. $4,3U0 takes It. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RL 29$ 81 NEBRASKA RANCH FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE. 8.000 acres deeded land, $80,000. 2.000 acres cultivated, 200 sores alfalfa, WELL Improved, abundance of water, tim ber and shade, considered one of the best ranches in United Slates, TITLE CLEAR TO MANSION IN THE SKIES. OWNER will consider $30,00o. MDSE. or good in come. No realty: some cash and balance on long time. TELL me what you can offer for this. i i. H. JOHNSON. Real Estate and Business Chance Man, 843 N. Y. Lite. RE SOS 81 CORNER acre Hyde park, $150. Corner acre, Brighton, $17o. 8-r. house and barn, and 17 lots, bet. Coun try club and Dundee, easy terms. $2,500. 6 acres near Central Park school, $1,100. 4 acres 6oth and Grand ave.. $1,200. F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS RE 807 31 HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT New 8-room house, strictly all modern exnept furnace, south front, ready to oc cupy at ouce. Payne, Bostwick & Co., 0th Floor, N. Y. Ufa Bldg. RE-2oG-3i. $3,250 New 7-room house close in strict ly modern corner lot 47x115. WESTERFIELD & HILL, 515 First Nat'l Bank. RE 201 81 SNAPS IN COTTAGES :52rt S. 24th, 4 rooms, water. 60-foot lot, $1,500 S. 2lh, ( rooms, water, gas, 46 foot frontage $,650 2SHjS a 24th, 4 rooms, water, lot 160x60.. I,6u0 MILLER & MALONE 324 Omaha National Bank Bldg Tel. 1802. HE-250 S1 VACANT SNAP. 0 feet east front lot on South loth street, near Bancroft street. Only $1,000 if taken at once. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RK-298 81 Building Is a Sure Index Of a City s Growth. Real Estate in a Growing City is a Sure Investment. Now is the time to buy in Omaha. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE Bulletin 73x130, Twelve-room modern dwelling, east front, asphalt paved etreel, dealrahte neighborhood, barn, 618 8. 2Mh street; $!0,0l0. 132xl, Twelve-room frame house, furnace, bath, barn, lawn, fine slvule trees, enr line, D19 Burt Street; $9,000. 0xl;!2, 1 vacant business lot on 9th street, next north Union Pacific headquarters; $8,000. 44x153 eight-room modern house, south front, near car line, IS08 Miami street; $1.H00. 0x120, Two smalt cottages, monthly rental $17.00, Ul-113 S. 28th Ave., $1,600. RE- W. H. GATES 617 N. T. LIFE. "PHONE 11. $?tX 6-room house and lot, 80x100, 1715 Lake. $1,300 7-room 1H story, sewer, water, gas, good order, lot 30x1,15; 2614 Patrick avenue; a cheap home not far out. $1,400 A nice, neat 6-room cottage, modern except furnace; 2412 North 17th. 81,400 t) rooms, lot 33x140; 1843 North Wth. $1,400 7 rooms, 1 story, lot 30x127, sewer, water, gas, paved street; -S18 Franklin. $1,600 rooms, H4 story, 1808 Corby, $1,600 6 rooms, new cottuge and large grounds 80x100, 3S23 North lith. $2,20o A good 8-room house, fully modern, good order, mantel and fireplace In sitting room, large barn, south front, on West Farnam street. If you want a cheap place here it is, located on best street In city and neighborhood that Is Improving. 49x127, south front, 86th and Dodge, only $800. 66x224 Jackson and 85th avenue, lays nice, $1,000. 67x127 Bristol street, near 27th, south front, $700. 106x140 and 7-room house, shade and barn, 2040 North 20th street, $6,500. RE 219 81 OMAHA BEAUTIFUL Did you ever walk up Capitol ave. from 17th st. to 20th st.? It not, do not fall to do so. It Is the finest parked street In our city, commanding a view of our High school building and grounds. Vpien you arrive at 20th st. do not full to look at the southeast corner, which wa have for sale, the most beautiful site upon which to build brick houses for Investment, within easy walking distance and over looking the river and Iowa bluffs In the distance. For further particulars see PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., 6th Floor N. T. Life Bldg., Sole Agents. RE M117 1 H New Houses H Built to Order. . Why not let us build you a now house In our new Bluff' View addition cornering on Kountse Place, Sherman avenue ana Plnkney st. Take a look at the new ones now being built there by day labor and you will see they are being built right. We also have other locations where we can build for you and new houses already built ready to move Into. See us before you buy. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 610 New Tork Lite bldg. Phone 1608. WILL MOVE TO 1611 FARIfAM STREET AUGUST 6TH. I RE-244 81 FOR SALE. In Bemls Park, that new 8-r. cottage on the northwest corner of 33d and Lincoln blvd., just finished. A snap. See us Quick. Payne Iavestment Company First Floor N. T. Life Bldg. Tel. 1781. RE M 11C 1 FOR SALE, HO acres flne farm land; SO acres cultivated, 400 acres pasture, fenced, balance hay land; well, windmill and tanka; Buffalo Co.. Nebraska; $1060 per acre if taken at onco. AddressSSlBee. H Will Move August 6th. H To our new location, 1611 Fnrnnm street, opposite New York Life building. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. RE 247 81 HOME FOR SALE EASY WALKING DISTANCE 1,5 50.00 1551 N. 18th St., 7-room two-story house, city water, sewer, gas, fine shade t.ees; easy terms; gobd place for shop man. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam strset. RE-274 ai ALFALFA BARGAIN 160 acres 6 miles east of Lexington, Neb., lu Dawson county, flo acres undtr plow, luO acres In pasture, 10 acres of hog lot, housw, barn, granaries and other out buildings, all fenceu; one mile to snipping station m per acre. R C. PETeAs &. CO., BEE BUILDING. RE 210 31 IOWA FARM LAND FOR OMAHA PROPERTY 220 acres of very choice farm land, nearly all under cultivation, with $6,000 worth of Improvements, mongageu lor v i,l exchange for good Omaha property. Pr.ce, $4o per acre. Aduress T Bee. RE 211 $1 CoTTAGE ON PAYMENTS WALKING DISTANCE. 5-room cottage In good condition, water, sewer, gas, newly papeied. On 28rd street, bear Leavenworth. Owner has moved out of town and Is anxious to sell father than rent. Price only $1,600. $2u0 down and balance $20 per month. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. KB 293 $1 A flrst-class electric light end power plant in a thriving Nebraska town for sals very cheap. Good responirftite parties can pur chase on partial payments, secuied by a mortgage on the plant It la paying more than 10 per cent net at the present time, which can be Increased considerably by party who can give their attention and time. Price, $8,5tO. Address T 28, Bee. RE 218 31 FOR SALE By parties wishing to leave city, a desirable nlno-roomed house and barn, In excellent Condition; furnace, gaa, city water and cistern, large cemented cellar, storm windows, Hire yard and shade tr.TS. stone walks. Impilre of 11. H. Ernest, 8 S. th St. RE 135 31 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE D. V. SHOLES 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. HOUSES $1,15081$ 8. 24th. 6-room hounc, neat, good repair, walking distance. Price re duced fi r qiil, k sale. KNAP $1,800 Two-story, ,-room house, siphtly lot, 8"xl40 ft., near Central Park school, iron fence In front, some fruit, goou repair HA KG A I.N. $1,800 24 pw N. llh, large 8-room howse. Owner wants to close out this week without fall. Make an onVr. $3,700 ,11st near Pacific, east trout, 50x125 ft., fine 7-room, strictly mixleru house, well constructed and finlched, choice location. $3,8i0 1 .arge 3-rtory. 10-room house, oak flnlMi. tiled vestibule, cemented and 'plastered cellar, 2 flr.e mantels, per manent WAlkn, tillered cistern, lois of fruit (7 bu. cherries thin year), good barn, grounds 10oxl ft., 4 bio, ks from Ames ave. car line: high, slghtlv ground. This Is n burgnln. $4,0002:30 8. loth, lot 6rtxl,18 ft., large 3 story, 9-room house, semer, water, ens; flne repair. Baraain. $4,400 Stith and Farnam, lot 44x120 ft., 2 story, 8-room house, strictly modern, choice location; immediate posses sion. $1500 On Blnney near 2d, corner, 7ox12 ft., large 9-room house, strictly modern, rood barn. Best bargain in Kountze lace. $4,200 Up to date, nearly new, well biil't. 7-room house, east front, North 4th, near Burt St., strictly modern, per manent walks, paving pnld. Lot Sn foot front. Choice location. Nice home. $4,7001011x1.12 ft., east front on 2rth, about a. block south of Leavenworth St., large 9-room house and barn, strictly modern: must sell thia week. Miiko us an offer. $7,200 The John Francis residence', enst front, on 37th nnd Pacific, beautiful grounds, I2x120 ft., corner, fine shade, shrubbery, fruit, etc.; giod barn. Immediate possession. Key at office. VACANT $1,00047x137 ff., north front on Farnam, Just east of No. 4lt'jL permanent wa'k, paving paid. 8NXP. $1,600 00x105 ft., east front on 36th, 137 ft. south of Jackson. t LOTS We're Selling Them The Prices Do It $160 Near car. In Cloverdale, 12 lots, $150 each. $300 and up Briggs' Place, 100 to select from- . . $600 Fine lot on 36th, near Cuming, half block from car. $500 Two nice east front lots, 20th near Bancroft, paved St., $500 each. $500 Corner lot 27th and Lake Sts. Itiiio On 9th between Francis and Dorcas. $ijoo 8. front on Dorens near 10th. $tiOCorncr 20th and Arbor, paved street, $000 Fronting Hanscom Park.on Park Ave. $700 Next to 8. W. corner 3nth and Burt. 1700 Corner 8th and Francis. $700 Corner 9th nnd Dorcas. $750 On loth St., between Francis and Dorcas. $750 South front, on Mnple near 24th. $mk 8. W. corner 30th and Burt. $so0 Fine east frontage on Florence Boule vard. tsr,0 Choice corner 10th and Francis. $s60 Close In on 22nd near Mason, 40x13! ft. $1.750 Corner, 100x150 ft., block from Hans com Park. $2.100 Corner, 102x100 ft., 20th and Bancroft. $2,250 Corner, near Bemls Park; space for 4 houses. $4,750 Corner. 00x132 ft., few blocks from postofflce. $16,000 Choice corner on Farnnm St. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam Street. RE-259 81 SNAPS THAT CRACKLE $1,000 for 6-room house on Canton St., near 17th, good repair, nice yard, fenced, city water good bargain, easy terms. Investi gate thlsi It must be sold. $1,268 for a 5-room cottage on Burt St., near 26th, south front, nice shade trees, walk ing distance, easy terms. $1,660 for a 6-room house on the Boulevard, near Mandereon, east front, good location, city water, sewer, gas In every room. $2,800 for 6-room strictly all modern house on Lincoln blvd., near 83d, south front, nearly new, a nice home cheap for some one. 33RD AND CUMING 66x150 feet, on corner 83d and Cuming Sts. Soma one is going to buy this corner very soon. Two offers made this week. If you want It, now is the time) $2,100 will buy it, no less. Payne Investment Company,; First Floor New Tork Life Building. Telephone 1781. KK-297-31 Near Now Street Car Barns. 8 IX -ROOM Must be seen to appreciate it. COTTAGK Location cannot be excelled. SOUTH 1620 N. 26th St.. South Omaha. OMAHA. Port cash, balance month'y. Rid123-vilx ONE3 OF THE BEST RANCHES IN NEBRASKA. 8,800 acres, plenty of water, good farm, plenty of pnsture, hay land, cut 1,000 tons last year, good buildings, windmills, cattle tanks, farming Implements, with 400 head of cattle, 20 head horses, complete in every respect, for $26,000, on easy. terms. For further particulars see or aaaress SEARS & LEWIS, 821 N. T. Life Bid, 'hE 244 81 BEAUTIFUL ACRE. 1 East front on Miller park and car line; shade and fruit trees; permanent walk; positively the choicest acre for sole In the city; cash or long time. C. 8. Bhepaw, 2004 Wirt St., Omaha. RE 222 31X FOR SALE Ranch of 14.000 acres, adjoining Ruswell, In the beautiful Pecos Valley, New Mexico. All fenced and dlvldnd Info fields and pastures; 1,000 acres under cul tivation; abundance of water from never falling springs: in the artesian water belt; good buildings, corrals, hay sheds, etc. 1,400 head Hereford cattle, thorough bred gradea. Sheep, hogs, horses and mules. Bend for booklet for full particu lars to Geo. G. Newbury & Co.. 204 Dear born St.. Chicago, III. RE-J'S Six LANDS CHEAP. Large bodies of land and ranches; timber lands, fruit and truck farms In Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Old Mexico. Louisiana, Arkansas, Southern Missouri, Colorado, New Mexico and California. Tell me whRt you want and where you want It and how much money you will Invest If suited and I will send you a list of bargains of the kind yon want in the locality. I also have small farms and ranches in nil porta of said states. I am working above mentioned territory thoroughly. Write me and see how well snd how promptly I will serve you, 1 nave lana at 30 cents to ym per acre. UlOuRGE W. MORRIS, Lyndon. Kansas. RE 184 Six FOR SALE. Northwest corner 27th and Webster, ad joining the boulevard, $ lots, gas, sewer and water In street; splendid location for a home. Let us show you. It will be sold cheap. Payne Investment Company Main Floor N. T. Life Bldg. Tel. 17S1. . RE M115 1 FOR SALE By the owner, 8-room, modern house In Hanscom Place, on car lino, paved street, stone walk, flne shade trees; easy terms. Address T 11, Bee. RE 882 31x CORNER, block east Park. C. J. Sulllvnn, Union Stock Yards, Chicago. RE MUST BE SOLD Five complete farms containing 3, an seres, solid body, Wayne Co., Iowa, near R. H., l.fioO acres crops, ba'ance prairie pusiure, fenced 40 (ields, 8o0 acres hog tight, granary holds 45 000 bushels; five good houses nnd sets build ings. Worth $50 acre. Price $30 acre: one-third caah, balam-e to suit. Robert Mather, Cedar Ruplds, Iowa. RE 2S4 31 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE COMPANY, Telephone 49. $2,350 Vixioo ft,, $;'h and Pewey Ave., flneet section ot West Farnam. Choice. North Boulevard East front lots Just south of Clarke, 40 to 60 ft. fronts, at $:'o per foot, within walking distance, clo?e to I', p. shops. These lots are bnrgnliis. Kountze Sub-Division Scavenger Clem-Up These properties must be sold. They are going to be sold: $.10 fox 118 ft. on 6th and Spring; $5 down and lit per month. $150 N. V. corner Ud and Miami, fine Cor ner, .40x127 ft.; $25 down. $10 per m nth. $150 5.rixl91 ft., east front, on 15th St., bock south of Vinton (sign on); $io down nnd $10 per month. $2So Jxl27 ft., north front, Dupont Pt , cro block west of Oeorgl.x Ave. car; $5J down nnd $10 per month. $400 1(1x112 It., north front on Harney, en-it of Sid. $100 150x120 ft., three 50-foot lots, north front, on Lake, Is twcen Ol and 4.1d. $450 N. V. corner 2oth St. Boulevard and Dnlrd. Choice corner. $12i Six lots In North Omaha Addition. $;,0O Each, for choice of seven lols on 4lst between Burt und California. $750 Koch, for two of the tinist east front lots, about 3 feet above grade, line huge oak treov, on 24th St., Just south of Castellar. These are hummers. THIS LAST BUNCH OF PRnpKRTIKS HAS GOT TO UlC ClASi:i OUT. DON'T HESITATK TO MAKE AN OFFER. For Exchange A fine house and lot In West Farnam sec tion, all clear, worth $7.f,i1n. to exchanae for a good farm. Would put In $lo,tmo to $15,000, or assume If value warrants. R1S NEW MODERN HOUSE 2309 CALIFORNIA ST. 54,000.00 8 rooms nnd largo hall, best of plumbing and gas fixtures, large bath room, laundry, flne vard. urtitlclnl stone sidewalks around house. Immediate possession can be given. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1001 Farnam street. RE-273 31 COTTAGE , Nice 5-room cottngc on 2"th Ave., near Arbor, bath, gas, cellar: house well built; barn; owner leaving city and priced to acU-$l,2o0. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam Street. RM M2B0 FARM BARGAIN FOR SALE Hascl-hedge farm, 20 acres, beautiful land, 9-room house, bath room, water system, acetylene gua, telephone,; complete plant for ralxlng poultry; an Ideal country home ONLY $4,900; one half mile from end of Florence cur. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 FARNAM. RE-822 31 FOR SALE One note of $1,800, due In one year; secured by flrt mortgage on good improved Omaha property, bearing U per cent interest, payable semi-annually; also one nolo for $l,6u0, due on or before thies years; interest at 6 per cent, payable semi-annually: secured by first mortgage on good property. Both are absolutely safe and given by respectable parties. Address the owner, S 25, Bee office. RE-M458 TWO brand new cottages, modern except furnace; one $1,800 and the other $2,450. BUIMKK A. CHASE. Builders of Modern Houses. RE 734 Ilus. your property. Baker Bros. Eng. Co. RE 286 CHa Williamson Co.,u- RE-286 FOR SALE Two modern cottages, West Farnam St. district, only Il,0o0 each. Thomas Brennan, Room 1, N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 4ii5 CROPS, flne crops; alfalfa Danner crop; central Nebraska; come and see; send for Illustrated pamphlet. Willis Cadwell, Broken Bow, Nebraska. RE M416 DO YOU WANT A FREE HOME? Why not take a homestead In South Da kota. Inquire W. T. DALY. 7ol 9. 10th. Tel. Z341 . RE-.M42S A2 SOMETHING NEW. Just finished, modern 7-room house In Kountze place facing Kountxs park, full lot, every convenience, furnace, hot and cold water, electric lights, gas, jilckel plumbing, porcelain bath, cemented cellar, double floors, everything In flrstclass shape; will be sold before offering tor rent nt $3,0o0 on suitable terms, w. T. Graham, Bee Building. RE-709 31 DUNDEE PLACE Nice new T-room house, entirely modern, nickled plumbing, furnace, cemented col lar, everything new and clean. A very neat, attractive home. Price, $3,tK. BENSON & CAMICHAEL 642 Paxton Block. RE-7M 81' School snd Indemnity lands on tho Huso bud reservation will t ofleli-d ut public sale August 24, 1904, at Fulrfux, South Dakota. For descriptions, price und terms apply to C. J. Buch, commissioner of school and public lands, Pierre, South Dakota. RE 707 A24 HOME FOR SALE PARK DISTRICT 7,000.00 No. 610 Park avenue, lot 75x140 ft., east front, 9-room house, modern throughout, new plumbing, lias Just been re-decurutcd and 1b In best of repairs; house alone over $8,000 to build. Is vacant so that Immediate possession can bo given. GEORGE & COMPANY lticl Furnum Street, RU-M806 BARGAIN IN HOUSE. On Locust at., near :4th St., modern ex cept furnace, good repuir, large lot, eight rooms; will be offered for a short lime at $2,160. W. T. Graham, Boe Building. Rlf-708 81 FOR SALE Desirable &-room cottuga, well built, all modern excipt furnace, doublu floors, clsl rn, etc. ; fruit and shrul. bury, bargain. II. D. Glrton, 3Slu N. im st. p.e-m;i lx MILIAR PARK LOTS. Choice lots adjoining and overlooking Mil ler park, on puvod boulevard to Fioniicu, and un new ct. r ilne, prices now rantiti from $100 to $:i0, but will soon h ad vanced, us the lots are worth i onslderuldu more. Terms $5 down mid J!i per month. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. li K 233 31 SPECIAL BAItOAIN-2.V-u:! farm, Har rluon Co., Missouri, Juki over line fioin DecHtur Co., Iowa; 1H ucics under culti vation; two acta of Improvements; rich black still; In a splendid farming ("im munity. Worth $K per acre. Unly $2s 50 acre. It. Mather, Cedar Ruplds. Iowa. UE-2S5 31 2527 Davenport street U t' 'i.t W ool worth avunuu ,V.A : .if N. 3'th avenuo 1.5H0 111S H. street '.' i Two east front lots on grade. South 24lh, near new street car barn; $UH for both. Four lots near new streut car barn, H'Xi euch. THOMAS RHF.NNAN, Room 1, N. Y. Life bldg. w. ii cuxnr, Manager Real Estate Dei titirneiii. lli-MHl $ 8th and Farnam, the very choicest resi dence property In timaha; lots 6 H" feet, perfect grade, specials all paid, good shade, permanent walks, sur rounded by $l0.iK to $loo.cuo resi dences. 1'iloe $4.i0 and up. If ou expect to build a home, select one of these lots. They are cheaper than anv other property In the market. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE A DESIRABLE HOME FOR SALE i ON FLORENCE BOULEVARD , 4,300.00 Sooj N. 9'th. St., g-rooun house, all modem. : built onfy four years, has oak finish. doubl I floors, open rJckel plumbing, cemented i basement with laundry, good barn, cement wall., lino shade, nice lawn, plenty ot room and a beautiful view, fcasy term. GEORGE & COMPANY. 1601 Farnam street. . RK tit $1 i Will exchange two lots, 100x150 feet, north west corner of street, giving south aiwl . east ixposure; both streets p:vert, rerma- : nent walk, in the best residence- district of Omaha; will exchango for good fnnu land. Address, T 25, Bee. RE il$-l 1 MONTHLY PAYMENT BARGAIN. , S-room cottage near i!4lh and Ames avs nne, brand rcw: south front; fine shade tre- s: nice lawn; good looa'lty. Prlos) $!,; $ViO down and haiance $J0 monthly. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RR-m 81 BARGAIN to home purchaser If you mea business. Call 446, Board of Trade. HK-M401 A21 SNAP FOR HOMEBODY. Stock farm of 64o acres, Buffalo county, four miles from railwav. For particulars see J. 14. PIPER, Bee building, Omaha, sole agent. HE 40 $1 TROLLEY EXCURSIONS. At 2 o'clock Monday or any other day or hour you like. DOIH1E STREET LINE. The only 6-room eottngu with furnace for such a price, $1,500. Chajige cars to . WALNUT HILL LINK. New listings, 7 and $-r $l,8"0 to $3,000; all modern; bran new 5-r. and 7-r. cottages, I il.Hv and $J,5uO 111 Orchard Hill; 8-r. ail modern, very bi'st location. $-M. For other car lines' get transfers to the other papers. Open Tuesday evenings. CH AS. K. WILLIAMSON CO.. Ground floor U. S. National Hank bldg. Sale dept. Geo. Marshull. J. M. WelehansV manager. RK 242 81 FOR SALE By owner, 3380 Mandersna street. 6-room house, giu, water, largo lot, fruit, chicken house, etc. Better call and see place and talk terms. RE 2158 S TB'i-acre farm near Florence, otdy 8 miles irom Omaha, 8-room house, $ barns, other outbuildings, well, spring nd runnln water; 40 acres cultivated, fl timber. l,oi bearing apple trees, small fruit $7,6tA)a part cosh, balance 6 per cent. Till! NEW SNOW CHURCH CO., First Floor N. Y. Llfo, RE $21 81 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES TWO-STORY building, 1612. and the second floor lbOs-10 Howard. W, II. Bushman. , x881 ; IF A GOOD light Is needed, we can show ' you a north front Office on the fifth floor a splendid room, at the moderate price ' of $lo. R. C. Peters Sc Co., ground floor Boe building 1 &3 STORE ROOM, 617 S. IRth St. Inquire of Clark Powell, 161$ Capitol Ave. 128$ A $10 office In the Bee building carries with It all of the convententes and Advantages In the way of heat, light. Janitor service, all night and all day and Sunday elevator service. A $10 office Is now vacant. Call st once. R. C. Peters ft Co., ground floor. Bee building. 1 tSj BEST location drug store and laundry, 2201 N. 23d. I 713 STOREROOM. CENTRAL LOCATION. No. 1611 Howard St., with basement, $90. CEORGE & COMPANY 1601 Farnam Street. 1-MS08 1 FOR RENT STORES Two excellently located store rooms on South "16th St. in the very heart of retail district. R. C. PETERS & CO.' Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. ELEGANT suite of rooms on second floor of the Paxton block, Sixteenth street side, opposite elevators; can give possession In a few davs. Apply to W. Furnam Smith tk Co.. laio Farnam street, or at room 638 Paxton block, l M869 4 THREE-STORY and basement brick bldg., 1003 Farnsjn, 22xloo, hydraullo elevator, suitable lor whoiesalo or mfg. 814 1st Nat. bank bldg, I M877 Look Here U. S. National Bank Building You Want an Office or Desk Room We can glvo you cither. We havs fin ground floor otllce and both lurge and small offices uptttnlrg, single or en suite. All strictly modern; heat and janitor service f urnlstied. Detk room In largo, ground floor nfllces heat, light, Janitor iui($ telephone service furnished. Large win-, down for display advertising. Cull and. see us. Chas. E. Williamson, Oround Floor U, B. Nat. I'.nk Bldg, j l-Mlt h -3 FOR SALE HORSES &. WAGONS A NEW runabout lop buggy to trade for driving home. Ml lullt, P- $02 FOR SALE A first-class half Stanhope phaeton; hus been used one year: gooa Z14 new; coat IJoo; will sell ciisup, ('all 8u4 U. Uild St. l' Mt4x HIGH-GRADE rubber-tire runabout, mtihtly soiled, at half vulue, Also gouif, tup buggy und harness, cheap. Johnsoit &. Duniorth, S. W. Cor. lOlh ft bt'4 BEE the fine line of vehicles for pale by Frost, 14ih and Leavenworth. P Kufl W, J, LAPAGE, carriage and wages. 84 hand vehicles for sale, 1507 Jackson, TL 24.4. P 4W A20 FOR SALE Two-seated phuoton and bars nrs, nearly new. Apply Mrs, F, M. Youngs, 61" '2 Florence Boulevard, P 880 $og OMNIBCHEB and baggage wagons far sals or trade for horses, buy or sraini two 8 and lo-passcnger Miller bussns, 4 slnglit horse wagons, double Htudehaker wagon, Come anil see us. Onmha Transfer Co., 13M-10-1H Howard St. P M20B $1 FOR SALE Cheap, a good horse, buggy nnd harness. Inquire M Pierce st. P-M271 it FOR S ALE 1 Columbus hiixgy trap, rub. ber tins, In perfect condition. Also j Columbus bupav pl.iatoii, roomy and In good reonlr. Hne Tom Dakar, barn mus ter, Bennett's barn, 17th ami Howard. P MJ18 2X BRASS FOUNDRIES BRASS snd aluminum rssllng, nlokel plat ing and flnlahliig. Knecixltr Mfg. Co., 41 N. alula st,. Council Bluffs.