Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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:5c wtcz' tr.z-ciD' - 91
The Cmkst mireiicrr S? '
this or any other season.
f i f-y f ' r r
The nrst lot cJ
"Suit Casei mc ever
f had in our store.
from the Ltvmson stock
I 1 i
! ! . . i
1 !
LlJi All l ..':'11S
I i 1 . .4 fc. i i
1 i i
V L i ii k v' i ... 4 i
COllRflS : t
A. - :..
' If you miss Faturdny's sales
you miss the greatest bargain
opportunity of the season.
Come early.
CORSFTr COVERS Worth tip to 6c an
lmmn line slightly soiled a IriC
. D.liir.inV At
' ii i iw pii.-ni rimy, v ,- .7 , - -
CUFMISE AND CORSET CO VF.h.3 Worth up to 75c your 25c
. choice hfllur.lny, nt . .,
LADlf :t' VF.STR-Pllk taped, llslo thread, lace yokes worth up to 25 cents, Qr
your flifiiro ftnturday. each
CHIT.PnyiN'S DRESSES French styles, fancy yokes regular 75-ctnt value. AQr
8.K' AND 75C LADIES' KAT9ER GLOVES In Pllk and lisle, all ehades nnd JfiC
Hips, at 4
KAY f K H STLK GLOVES An Immense line in all shsdes, with Paris Point f ()(
stitching, at . IsVMJ
LAD1LS' LISLE GLOVF.8 In all shades, 'j 2IC
83 l- PKH CKNT DrHr6lTrf BAL&Any' i-idle1 Paraeol In our entire stock one
third off tegular pries Saturday.
On sale Saturday at almost ONE-HALF
of the former prices. On sale in our two big
Shoe Departments and tha'larg'j .Bargain
Square in the west room. The prices have
been cut to clear out ALL the shoos ca Saturday.
Men's $1.00 and SI. 75 Eatln Calf and Dongola Ball
Women's $1.50 up to $?..N fine Strap Sandal. ......
Women's $1.50 and $1.75 Dongoln, lace and button
Hoys' and youths' $1.50 Satin Calf Bals
Women's Canvas, Oxfords and high shoes
Men's and boys' $1.50 Patent Leather Pumps....
jMiFses and t fili.ln $1.00 Dongola lace shoes
Little Gent's Satin Calf lace shoes
Chllds' Sample Lac and Button,, turn sole shoes. ,i
Men'e 75c Imt Alligator and Dongola Opera Slippers.
v. omens boo a-point i uongoia clippers. ...
Women's &oc Seine's Buckskins....
- Men's $1.75 and $2.00 Bat In Calf and Dongola
Wnrann'i II 7S anil 12(10 Vlel Kid lc .
shoes ,
Men's and Women's fine shoes from the Rosenberg and Ho fig &'
Walden a surplus stocks on sale at almost one-third sale I ( fi
. -price at I'W
Made In patent leather and vM, all new, up-to-date styles.
Omaha agents for the STETSON, CROSS KTT ahd John Mit
chell shoes for men, and the ULTRA and GROVEH shoes for
JKa m -tM jr Mil
V2c Dozen
The entire line of fancy and
plain Pearl Buttons from
tLe Levenaon etock H 1
go Saturday
at, doz
All sfjlcs.
AU Trice.
Trip Special
2C0 dozen Cases worth vp to $10.C0,
55.50 nml
Summer Books
All 11.50 Books
All tl.00 Books
All Mo Cooks
All 2".o Novels
Special line of new llainmocLl ,f O
regular 1.5(i values, 1,CiC
I, pi
i res t . Silk 5n Iq Sb nwda v.
Gi'eai Skirl Sell
0 Women'
n W w
12.000 YARDS FIXE SILKS from Jlorris Woolf & Co., 700 and 702 Vfihinton Ave., Ft. Louis,
Thia concern, decided to discontinue certain 'lines because of incorporation, and accepted our of
fer. There are black pilks, white Bilks, fancy silks and plain silks, and the bargains are the great
est of the season.
Black taffeta,, 19 Inohes wllff OQr
worth ( for fcJ'W
E!.ick tsffeta, 19 Inches wide-- ylQf
worth is"c for '
Black talTtta, 87 inches wide flflr.
worth .1.2.v-for j J ,
Plain colored wash silk, 27-f n. Otr
worin we ior ,
.. , t. ; '
Plain colored wash silk, H-ln.
worth 75c for
styles and colors, actual'y
worth $1.00 on sale at
worth up to $1. 2a for ,
Yard wide Mack wash silk
worth $1 GO on sale at
Yard wide pongee silk
, worth "6c on sale at
yard lde black peau e sole
worth 10o-for
Yard wide white wash ellk
worth $1.00 for
Clearing Sne Hals
Ail our 1.50, $2 and 2.50 soft
'felt hats divided Into two lots
for Saturday's selling, newest
styles, all colors your choice
-95c and 51.50
All men's and boys' straw hats
worth up to 35c, at 5c
All men's and boys' straw hats,
worth up to f 1, at ...... .25c
All men's ?1.50, ?2 and $2.50
straw hats, at 98c
We're Always S Lead
Our prices have never ad
vanced in - the face of all the
high prices our competitors are
charging. Give us, a call; we
will prove it to you.
Rib Boll, per lb , F4o
Pot Itotist, per lb tXo
Roast tieef, per lb frgl2lc
Loin Steak, per lb l'ihio
Other Steak, per lb lOo
Mutton Roast, per lb 6c
Mutton Stew, per lb 4o
Corn Beef, per lb 4c
Veal Roast, per lb S(?10c
Veal Stew, per lb . 6c
Hams, per lb.... ll4c
Bacon, per lb J2VSC
Spring Ducks, per lb 16o
Spring- Chickens and all, kinds of Poultry. I
Manufacturer's surplus stock of ladies'
hose, purchased by us at a great bargain, go
on sale Saturday. ' '
$1.00 LADIES' HOSE 3C All the new patterns In lace
and fancy effects, werth up to $1 choice Saturday tW
25C AND 89C LACE AND FANCY HOSE-ell colors, fRr
go at
CHILDREN'8 HOSK-In fine ribbed and lace effects lr
worth 2ac, all flzes. Saturday, at Ijv
CORRETS--Worth from BOo to $1.00 long and short hip
, hose supporters attached, at
$1.00 TAPE GIRDLES 39c
Ranging in price from $10.00 down to .vv
Great Values Saturday in
Jen's Furnishinas
Vlfe Save Your Eyes
,r- xx YOUR TIME
fJ 'v 3 and'
1 J Your Money.
No longer tedious examinations quick
and CORRECT work.
Lee's Egg Tar Soap
Ideal Tooth Powder f .,
Almond Meal bottle. .... . .. ..i
Violet Soa Salt, battle
William's shaving Soap, cake.
$t.00 to' $3.00 Sample
' Shirts 50c
We have given some great values,
but these ara the greatest yet.
All colors, all styles, Immense va
riety of patterns r -v
and fabrics Satur- . illfC
day only uvv
men's Balbriggan Under- Op
ear at OVW
Men's TTnrtershlrts and Drawers
one big lot worth up to , f Qr
' 75c, choice, per garment afw
SSk! fancy Half Hose lQc
Melt's fancy Half Hose worth up
to2So snap Saturday at, Qc
15c four-p!y Linen Collars,
In oil sizes, choice; Saturday..
Rock crystal fruit dish
ca, la-gs sUa, each..
Decorated plcherg 20c,
25o, 30o values, each
Decorated dinner sets, Q QO
oiiAnA Drops the last one
' Splits Even on Series' of Tour Games with
Et. Joe.
Ronrke'a Men Jlnkj Great Effort t
ofUame, bait tha Laad
I Too Great to Ovtr.
featcrday's game of base ball on tha
Vinton street meadow was unllk6 tha con-
X of the day before, when Pa's angels
. a t out tha Chamberlain fcherubs In fine
:yle. The game yesterday for a few
l,.j.!nifs seemed Uka a dream; !t,waa hard
to bclle-va. it, but lt happened. The first
and Mceond 'innings passed into hlatory as
juletly aa a meeting of cemetery directors,
but in the third, fourth and fifth, when the
E ilnta piled up seven runs, the field looked
Ilka a lof of Ak-Ear-Ben bustlers had
broken 1oob. Then Brown let out a little
more canvas and during the last four
innings tha bet the St. Joe bunch could
it iit to get u.te hit and no runs. Brown
was a little late getting limbered up.
Tho protecliiilu , started in the third
lr;nlng. with McConru'll to bat. ."Four
balis," called Kelley, In tones that could
iva hern heard all tha way down to
iiia soup fanory. Mao wa ked. Clark then
iit out a artcrltl';-McIiria eaw Ills fln
1. a when Dolan ate up bis ulzxlar; Hurt
:nan a nafe hit, on which McCoitncll
-ored. Thrn the big show was started
In eaiTieet when the fourth Inning bejtan.
good men and true faced the Ames
C(.S..-ge pltt her lu the fatal fourth. Brown
It.nte first false step iu this inning
ry allowing ileiden to jog to flr&t and then
L" '.n Bia le a wild throw to Polan that
j rmiu-d itslilen to hava his Led and
board on autond bus until help came.
I i - ; i sunn cane In large bund'es. Sthiil
1 k, Wehatifr, MeCYinniMl and Oarvin made
faur m- .sve hits In tha order named,
feit-i 1 kiiulcl, Galvlti tuuii.i iiitu tile
I'kihIs of bin frlfiids wlien Hurunan sent a
li-; tf one out to Welch, who swooped down
c-n it. Of the nine uien up In ttits Inning
tvtr. found tha bull, one walked ond the
Uil was lilt by a pitched ball.
f lttr.jjJnr Hadilenlr htoa.
'i'he dtjwn-rlver t.ani mannetl to w'ire
two more In tho m-xt Inning and thsn
tu klxuuhL-r ti)(.,;d wuh a tliud. The
tub!. were turned and the IijcuI siartid
to a'.r.ln Ilia sixth, muklng tueir tlx
iui.h tn tlu-e limii'i at the laltor end
tt iUe gjillti.
V'H"i.i.y was i.niu-n' diiy und all the
fiilr v'i.' ili'irrj tti, i? hxaraa wiien
li aiJ t-lo a tike In the n'ronl In
t n !-; Howiiivi 5M Hut tourl) the ground
ii.m than iliiK' gulng from first
i i. I'm, .1. It o a grf ai run and thn
. . : f, i u t ut enj left Howard mourn
I ;
i: - ! i., .i t'H e tii the fiound In ()
'i J r.ii.g, ni.t 1 lioy i'.i-d Unte and
i -1 Cl.olt wita ti'tt ttie Ivhu tli?
J ' i ) t'-r thn.nnt he aa t-uilu r In t':e
-s- i"i nt.trtfd the J..I y ! i, I a
I v i-f. 4 (in- hi- il h -viiig uui on rtil.
; : ( ' ' M w .. . .1 Ik i.(i 1' ; t'ft 11 I)t a
I 1 I - ( in i - .-i-il-r rn i.l, but llart
i . ' i- t 1- t li I '1 i.i. hi ci i.und.
i; I 1 Ki i;.r-
-. 1 ( i I .t Lome I-v ( r
I . -. ,t .. it .i ti.i... u ,... m III'
I I - v I 1 11 t V 1 11 I y i I -V . ! .1 U! J
V . I -..I - I it , A I . j U . a
i . . v .. i - I - ) if t-.e i. ..r
j .' - k 1 1 t. o li. - w g
to beard tha lions in their de.ns at St,
Joseph. Attendance, 1,000. Tha score:
A3. R. IL PO. A. E.
McBTlde. ss i
liartman, cf..
Irotte, rf
Beiden, If
Sohcibeck, $b.
w eDster, ZD
Garvin, lb and c...... 3
McConnell, c and lb. I
Clark, p t
:::::: 1
8 27 8
Ail. ft. H. PO. A, E.
Thlei, If 4 2 1 it
Carter, rf j 4 t 0 0 0 0
Howard, 2b 4 0 3 2 4 0
Welch, cf 5 0 0 2 0 0
lolan, ss 8 12 2 2 0
Thomas, lb S O 1 14 0 1
f-.-lupke, ab 4 0 0 0 1 0
Je TKKne, c $ 1 2 6 0 0
brown, p 4 0 0 0 S 0
Totals '. 27 i t 27 H "l
St. Joseph ( 0 1 6 2 0 0 0 08
Omaha 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 $ (' 8
Earned runs: St. Joseph, 6; Omaha, L
Three-bHse hits: McConnell, Thomas. Two.
base hits: Dolan, Thiol, fitolen bases:
Thiel, Howard, iioian. Bucrlfloe lilt: Clark,
fclrat base on balls: OiT Clark, 6; off Brown,
2. Lft on baai-s: St. Joseph, ; Omaha, 10.
Wild plttili: Drown. f"irst base on errors:
St. Joseph, 1; Omaha, 2. Struck out: By
Clark, i: by Prawn, I. Double play; How
ard to Thomas, paissed ball; Garvin. Hit
by pitched ball: Clark, Lexotte, Howard
Time: 1:40. Umpire: Kelley.
Dea SXuluoa Gets One.
DE9 MOINES, July . Des Molncs had
better luck totlay tnnn Colorado siDrtnirs
and won, s to 6. Bcort?:. & H.K.
L'ta Moines..,. 01$00ll0 8B4
Colo. fcirlugs. 010021000 $10 4
liattertcs: Dps Moines, Cuchman. nd O.
Cluikv; Culoiuuo bptziiba, Lcirt;, jJmii and
Doti Defeat Blooa City. -
filOL'X CITY, i July 2.-Denver defeated
Binux City, 1 to 1, tnilay in a game niarkud
by rank errors on both aide. The fenre:
Denver 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 03 6 4
Bloux City ....0 0001100 02 i 4
Hiuterles; Eyler and Lucta; Koutal and
Sissdlng of tha Teanta.
Played. M'on. ' ost. Pf,
Colorado Bprlnga....77 iS 2 ,fj
Deliver f Ki :ta mi
Ciinah M
lea Moines M
fct. 79
ibioux Cliy SI
Hit by pitched ball
ay X",
. Bcore, second srame
, Tf LOl'li.
Leach Struck
laherty, T; by Corbett, 3. Time:
J, 100 pieces....
iji m xvj-
Deooratel toilet
White cups gnd sauceri,
Jelly glasses, with tin IC
I w
tops, per dozen.
Jacob Hyman & Co.,
lieu York
Secured by our buyer at about one-fourth their valuedivided
into five lots for Saturday's celling entire center aisle of onr im
merfie Cloak Department devoted to the display of these garments.
TARLK 1-Walkln Bklrts, tn elent
qiiBllty M'ltons, perfect . , KOp
fliilsh, choice OW
TABLE 2 WalVlnsr snd Dress Skirts, In
hvy and . medium weight Meltons.
Cheviots, etc., worth up to , J All
So.Oft, Saturday, at .Jt
TABLE 8 Handsome Skirts, In Ftarnlnea.
eiclllans. etc.. the greatest lot of va!
tver shown In Omaha, worth . O Ti
up to $.), choice Saturday.
TABLE 4 EI"gant Eklrts, in Pllk Peau de
Poie, fine Cheviots and many other fine
Imported and domestic fabrics, worth up.
to $10 00. your cnolce A trt
Saturday..... :
TABLE RFrench Voile Skirts, trimmed
..with tafteta oands, regular '7 R(l
U vo vamea, at.......
BEAUTIFT'L VAIST-In silk taffeta and
Japs, come In all colors and f AQ
black, worth up to $7.00. at s.-
$5 Children's Vash
Dresses Wc
Neat, clear., stylish garments. In ages
from 4 to 14 years. The greatest snap
of the season, ' lQc
at v "rw
Vfasii Vaists
All our ? 00, $S 60 and $4.00
Waa'i Waists, at.......
All our P B0 Waists, -s ' '
Allour $S.0O to $12.00 Waists. ' l QQ
-st- . t - i
7CcWomen'a Walats, 29C
$2.09 Women'a Iwn Wrpprs, ; 3Qfj
One Hour Specials
$1.M Black Underskirts. ' 4Qc
FROM 8:20 TILL :30 A. M.
:v: : 25c
FP.OM TILL-10 A? M. ,
Women'a Klmonss,
at ..i
$1.00 Women'a Wrapper, - '4QC
Groceries Groceries! Groceries!
Omaha's Fresh Fruit, v Duiter and Grocery
sCi n i r ViJ3
Large sacks cornmeal, white or yellow.l2Ho
Potted or flevnea nam, pr u
Potted beef, per cn .
i-'h cans ham soup, per ran ...lio
1-lb! cans tomato, vetretable, o tall,
chicken or mock tuxiia soup ..
Good Japan rice, lb
10 bars best laundry soap
8lbs. breakfast rolled oats
The best corn starch, pkg
uti hulk lHiindrv starch, lb ....
$-lb. cars Boston baked beans
1-lb. cana Boston baked beans ...
1-lb. oans Fancy Alaska saimon
, Oil sardines, per can ...
il Fancy large Italian prunes, lb .
Jj Fancy Muir peaoties, lb ........ .
. .8'C
Fancy Golden Cantos coffee, lb yjf
Choice tea sittings, from finest teaa, lb.lOt
Large bottles pickles, any kind you .
Largo bottles pure tomato catsup
4N-lb. sacks high patent 4-X .lour :,..8U
The best soda, oyster, ' I utter or . uMUc
Fancy large, nweet liurt'ett pe.irs. Ooi lio
Larga Juicy Highlnnd lomonS,' dos. 12o
Irjre ripe fancy bananas, dog . ..Uo
Choloa dairy butter, per pound . . . : . .' 1 . 12Ho
Fancy Beparator Creamery butter, lh.-J
The very best creamery made, lb ...ioo
Farrkll, lb..
Sriannou, rf.
b.-kley, lb.
Emoot, ef...
Brain, 3b....
barvlar. I'--
Bnkrfnss. M.
McFartand, 9 4
I t
1 It
1 0
0 0
I 0
t 0
4 C
1 1
Totals... v. 11 0 14 61
Leach, rb 0 t I 1
baumont, cf 0 S 4 4 0
Kruger, If.... 1119 4
W.gnT, n-tb 1114 1
B,-u.aflelit, lb 4 4 It 14
H'bnng. rf... 0 I 1 0
lliirh.y, aa 2b S 1 I 0
Carlacb, e 1 I t 1
'. ... o 4 4 11
Ljucb. a...,, a 0 0 1 4
St. Louia .,.,..85 "47 88 .8T.J
Boston ,-. , it .66 , .34
Brnok'yo ...91 , 82 ' ' W .8h
Philadelphia .....i.M 22 62 .2b3
Games today: (St. ' Louis at Pittsburg,
Cincinnati jt Chicago, Boston at Brook
lyn, PhilatioiphU at New York.
w 44
Mm liuV C.-ih . O. T V.
Denver at Drs Moinea, Colorado bpriniiij
at bloux .City.
Ottamnrs la Shot Oat. ,
MARSIULTOWN, la., July 2S.-(Spaclal
Tri.-jirain. I Marshalltown Utitt-at. tl Ot
tuiuvia l.i.lay by -Uie tultless work of the
local i'lichr. 'iha acoie:
Marp-hn'ltown .2 1OOOO02 06 i j
OMiiuia 0 00000000 02 ii
i.atterie: Greene and iiruggeman, thupp
and luamoiiil.
Klbrfll. n. 1
Anderaon. lb. 4 1 10
Vllllania, lb. 1 1 I
fulta, cf 0 4 1
f onroj, lb. . , 0 1 I
Is Itlnow, ... 0 4 4
fowall, Ill
I'ol.n, rf . .. 0 4 0
Iui.- lb.,... 1 ' 0
(HlwOll, If . ... 1
Ktllr, lb, rf 0 1 1
Corcoran, . 0 0 1
Woodruff, lb. 0 0 0
8-l,ll, .... 0 1 4
liallHir, p.... 0 0 1
1 t
V 0
..4 0 10
0 0 0
t 4
i 4
I 1
,9 n u 4
0 0 0 22
0 0 .0 00
Tola la t 11 10 It 1
Pt. Louis. 02000008088
Pittsburg 0 0 1 1 0 10 0 2 0-5
Two-base hit: Sebrlng. Thiee-base hit:
Leach. Sacrifice hits: Shannon, Brain,
fctolen best's: Beaumont, Barclay, fcbay.
Double pliiys: larrfll to Shay to Beckley,
fihay to Karrell to licckley. i'lrst bnne on
eiis: OfT Case. 8; oft Lynch, 1; off McFar
liiml, 1. Hit with pltchfd ball: By Case,
Iiecklry; by Lynch, MoFarland. Struck out:
By Case, X; by Lynch. 1; bv M"-Fr!nnd,
Hits: Off Case, 7, in nine innings; off
Lynch, 8, In one inning. Time: 2:ij. Um
pires: Kniaile and Leever.
Poor FteldtniC Defeata Chlcaajo,..
CHICAGO, July 29. Brown pitched a fine
game for Chicago today, striking out. nine
men and allowing five singles, but his field
went all to pieces In the ninth and the vis
itors scored twice on three errors, a Ps
and Kelley'a hit Attendance. 12.0n0. Score:
K M.O.A.g. H.H.O.A.g.
tliiRilna. lb.. 1 1 4 1 ojSlagia. It 0 0 2 0 1
8ymour, cf.,0 0 4 0 tdw, lb , 0 1 1 1 i
o 0 w liilarna. ID. .u
0 ' Mf-Carttir,' cf. 0
d'Kima, o.,..
1 I, lb. .,
I 0 Tinker, aa. ,
I 0 Harry, M...
S 0 liiovn,
1 i
Totals 1 6 It 18 ol
Clnclnhatl ....'...'...,'0 0 0 0 0
ChlcKO 0 0 0 0 0
Left on bases: Chicago, t: Cincinnati, 4.
Ptolen bancs: r Tinker, Burry, Corcoran.
I'cunie pmy: Kliuac to Tlimtit. Biiuck out:
ltv Biown, S; b liarprr. 4. Bnne on bnlla:
Off Brown, 1. Tlm: 1:S4. ' Cmplrei John
stone. ( ....
thntoots Plenty In Brooklyn.
BROOKLYN, July iC Brooklyn won the
drat game, 1 to 0, Matthewson farcins in
the vvini.lf.g run with a buae on balls.' New
Ynrk w.ui thA Rpmnd cnr.tnt t tn it tifm-
sler s wild tlirnw and a wild pilch giving I Cleveland
ttie viniiorn two runs in the third inning.
Attentiunce, S.ftoO. tK-ore first game:
H M O A S I h tl.O.A B.
ToMn. cf ... 1 0 10 OHMO'M'S. itO 1 1 I 1
1 ttrowiia, rf. . . 0 1 1 0 0
0 luinn. lb 0 0 1 4 0
St. IasIi "Wins n Shower Donqnet of
Goose Krntt.
NEW TORK, July 29,-In a fnt and well
played game tha local Americans defeated
St. Louis today. Pelty pitched well and
gave only one base on balls. Attendance,
1,861. Score:
k.H O.A.aT.I K H 0 A 1.
Pounherty. If 0 0 1 0 Olnurhat, H....0 110 1
0 u Haldrli k. ci . 6 1 4 i 0 0
1 01 HomiUil!, rt. 0 1 1 4
1 OlMoran. Jb.,.. 0 1 0 t
4 O'Jnnea. lb 0 0 10
0 0; Wallace, aa. . 0 1 0 0
Mullin,- 8; by Plank, 8. Time: 1:68. lUmi
plres: O'Loughlln and King. t
-ChtcaiaTo Defeats Boston.
BOSTON, July 29. Owen won the game
from Boston today by a home run In the
tenth. Attendance, 8,922. ticore: .
Jnnaa. ct 1 I t 0 0
Ortan. rt 0
l'hn. K...0
laboll. aa 0
Iionohue, lb...l 1 11 ) f
I'm (Ion, to... 0 0 1 1 01
L Tan chill, 81)0 1 t 1 1
Sulllnn. O....0 0 I 1
Owen, p ..0 10 1
110 1
1 4 0 v
0 1(1
H.H O.A S.
8Ihoh, If.... 1 0 4
Collins, tb....l 1111
Ktdhl, ct 0' 110 0
rrMman. rl. ,.1 1 4 0 4
Parent, aa 0 114 0
lAi-h&nce. lb. .0 0 11 I
Kama. lb.....O 1111
Karrall, t 0 0 4 1 0
Olneen. p 1 114 0
'lauacniti ....f u 9 9 0
4 0
I 0
1 o,
PBoilnn, 3b... 0 0 4 4
rfuften, c." 4 0 I a
felly, p 4 0 0 0
New York .
Cleveland ..
St. Louis ...
1 4
1 I
0 0
Kill .n, lb 0 1 14 1
Lum.'cy, rf . .. 0 1 1 0
E:.r- k.-J. It.. 0 I I 0
Hiri., lb.... 0 1 1 4
ilal.O, sa 0 1 1 1
b.i,-n, c 0 1 0
M 1: 'nj-h. b 0 0 0 S
Cruiilo. p..... 0 0 I 1
0 it cnn, )b.. I 11 0 '
0 Klrir, It.... 4 4 4 0 0
0 I".I l-0, M... 0 1 0 1 0
0 CHi...t. 2n... 0 0 0 4
0 Honirnian. c. 0 0 1 0 0
0 ltttl.u, pd 0 0 $ 0
GAMLS I Tlltl A l ius 4L IKAMH
Pittsburg; and tit. l.uats Play Iluoblc
UtaJcf and DlTltle.
PITTS-111 .'. Ju!y !t.-l'Utl.ur won tha
diet game lluuuili tiic hue wi-it of rluh
eriy. tie not iniiy k it th hint B, aM ii-,i
but l. lt.-i lu Hum. I ... a i-.riois and buses
i.ii I.i, i m iu-i ictK.i'H hie fur ttie lo (,f
ine nc. .nil Kiiiiic. hinniie liad tils wriMt
l.i l.'y,.T by a f .ul tip in the rtrrt ln
li'na ami I'"' to i i re from the gume,
Ai ici.d .'. nee. b,''-i'j. ri' i'itt, liisi biaiiie:
rn ici'i ci. i sr. to"i
M ii O A Ii I K .i II A U
!.h lb.... 1 4 I Kerr-!l, 1B...0 I I f (,
! :.i ttl t I I l 'i .'ia. rfo, 0 1 II
r. if ... i f I 0 I-- ..-. ID.. 0 0)0 1 0
... r ... . . 1 I It t If ' .-.i. cf 0 0 0 0 0
l.. .I.I. ll I I 13 0 1 aa I 4 I)
r v v . v v
.. It, 0 0 I 0 0
-r 0 0 0 t 0
. c 0 0 4 1 1
ou, p.... 0 I 1 1 0
... 1 111 II 1
. 0 0 J 0
It. 1. 1.- I I II II
I,..,. u c ... 0 I t ) 0
1 .... . I. p.. 1 I 0 1 0
1 ul.U 10 lu 21 !! j
Cleveland .
Totals 1 I 17 14 li Totals 0 I 14 0 I
Br.Miklvn ...r 1 0 0 0 0 0 u 0 1
New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
First tt on errors: Brooklyn, 1; NaT"
York, 1. I rt n tHr: iroi.klvn. K; lew ry, cf
York, 7. rnrt Use on balla: Oil .-.liitthew- J imsiow. c
eon. 8. Struck cut: By Crunln, 1; hv Mjt- I Juas, p
tiicwstiii, 7. 'I iiri-e-bane lilt; McGann,
Hlula 1S4: M.rtes Doulile piny: Mo-
.-inn (uniisc'-ttu). Time: l.'iO. Umpire:
toctifrt e-cfnd game:
MiV Yi'HK. I li(XlKI YN.
U.ll O A E I k H O I t,
H Wim k, ct 0 0 t 1 0 P U s. cf i) 0 1 V
It it, was, rl... 1 110 0 Im. on. lb.... t 0 14 0
1 0 tv...f. Id... 0 ' I IK 1 1
1 0 ! ....... y. rf .. 0 0 1 0 0
0 flt'.-..,. K...0 0 10 0
0 kir... in.... 0 0 0 0
1 0 J i . Jo ... 04110
4 1 I 4 4 4 1
1 1 T....-r 1 0 1 0
0 I M 1.1 ni b. lb 0 1 1 0
- -- It.nrvlu, p 0 0 0 t
I Totla 0 4 1? lb 1
Hid fur Iiubb in ninth.
ltrlt 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 (V-2
0 0 0 0 0-0 I's..
I. -ft f"
I'Miii. lb...
Kuoflnn, lb
) k If-.
J.AIllMll, KS.
I i,raw, ss
(..ilrl. Id.
a i ir.
i I
0 11
1 0
0 0
0 0
Total 2 t 17 14 Ol Total 0 4 14 1 1
New Vork 0 1 001000 2
St. Louis ., OOOO6OO9 00
Two-baaa hit: Williams. Stolen bases:
Hemphill, Moron. .Double plavs: Williams
to Anderson, Conroy to Wllliurns to Ander
son, juen on uaes: sc. ixiuis, 4; iNew
lork, S. First bane on balls: Oft Pelty,
1. Hit by pitched -ball: By Powell, 2.
Struck out: By Pelty, 3; : by Powell, L
Pa.taed ball: ;tvleinow. Time: 1:35. Um
pire; Sheridan.
Split Btb at Washington.
' WASHINGTON. July 2. - Washington
end CievHnd srsln ppllt even in a double
header. The firet game ran twelve in
nings, a wild pitch by Moor letting in
the only run scored. The aocnnd n'ms
was called at the end of the seventh ln
rlng, by sgr-rncnt. vi catch a train. At
tendance. 2,0i,u. Score, first game:
n.H.O.A.B K H O.A.g).
t'ougniin, sa.. .v u 0 I 0 flick, rf 0 I 1 0
110 0 Hiov!!. If 0 1 1
0 A 1 P- i-s.i..v, Hh. . 0 1 I
1 It 0 0 IjI.'Is. lb 0 0
0 1 0 .0! Hi. kmu, lb. .0 I 11
0 14 O.'luruer, as 0 0 I
0 1 11 cn.v, ef 0 1 I
111! Hn,ls. e 0 0 11
0 0 4 i'l Miuira. n 6 1 1
, . j bill, cf 0 0 1
Total ......1 14 15 il ToUl ...... 0 IVH 10 1'. ss.... 1 I
Two out when winning tun scored. 1
Washington ...0 0000000001 1
0 000000 0 000 00
Two-baae hits: Stovall, Flick. Three
base hit; Hickman. Stolen bases: Cou.sin
lln, Klttrettge, Bradley. Bases on bails:
Oit Jacobaen, 1; off Moore, 8. Struck out:
By Jacol.sen, 4; by Moore, 12. Left on
bane: Washington,.!: Cleveland, $. W1UI
pitch: Moore. 'I line: 2:10. Umpire: Dwver.
Score, second game: ' '
Hill, r( 0
f SMSldy, ss. . . A
Smhl, lb 0
O'Nslll. of....O
ML-mlik, lb. I
XIiii.a, 111
hlllrus, o . O
Jscubsca, p...O
0 0
1 0
1 0
4 0
0 0
1 0
1 0
Total 4 I M 14 i
Total 2 10 IT 1
Batted for Dlneen in tenth.
Chicago 0 1000020 14
Boston 0 00100020 03
Two-base hlta: Collins, Stahl, Selbach.
Hume runs: Jones, Owen, Sacrifice hits;
Green, Callahan, Isbell. Double plays:
LaChance, Fnrrell, parent arid Farrell;
L. Tannehlll, Dumion and Donohue. Bases
on bails: Off Dlneen, 2. Struck out: By
Owen, 3; by' Dineen, 2. Passed ball; Fvr
reil, Time: 1.55. Umpire: Connolly.
Standing: of the Teams.
Played. Won. LotP.n.
.84 62
87 U
81 48
SI 4
', A
.....77 84
.....fi2 C3
2 1
Games today: Stj Louis at New Tork.
Detroit at Philadelphia. Cleveland at
Washington. . . ,
Seres Innlogs SatHi-lent to Let Kaioas
t Ity Wist. (
KANSAS CITY. July 29. Islwlf hld the
Minneapolis' batsmen eitle tuduy and Dis
plays by the viitltors vilowed Kan."us CHy
to score two runs and win. Attendance,
&Jt. bcore;
H.H. O.A E H H.O.A.I.
Hemphill. Three-base hit: 8tone Home
run: Bateman. Btoien, uases: nemo, .
Clark, Jones. Jackson. Sacrifice hits.
Schaefer, J. O'Brien. Wild pitch: Sessions
Struck out: By Curtis, 6: by Sona, 1.
by -Jones, i. Doub'.e plays: Mnrcan to
Kelly. Left on bsees: Milwaukee. 8, Bt.
laul 4. Hits: Off Sessions, 13 in four n
nlnKs; oft Jones. 4 in four Innings. Tlmo:
1:45. Umpire: Wart and Strlcklett. ,
Toledo Makes Tostly Errors.
TOLEDO, July 29.-Costly errors lost to
day's game for Toledo. Attendance, 2,W0.
Score: '
l)U!SV!MJe. , TOMtpo.
Ksrwin. rf 0
lisllmsn, 1I...0
Qulnlsn, M....0, lb 0
Schrlever, C...I
lrsfiMtisr. Ib..t
Vtbiie. lb 1
Pohsnnon, Cf. .1
Bwormsle4t, p. 4
Hsldj, p 0
0 0
4 1
1 0
I 1
1 i
T 1
t 0
0 1
o o
H.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A.e
Donoran. ir...i i i
jiiurna, lb 0 1
Frisbie. ct....l
lie rf 1
IH llngmsn, s. .
0 Morlaiitr, b 0
1 brown, C 0
fl lirf.r1lng. lb- ,-0
I sinia. a 0
"I Total S t 11 1
Total ....:.t t IT It 4'
LouisvU:e 0 2 0 2 0 0 I 0' 0-
Toledo 0 0 0 2 0 1 2 0 0-8
aacrlflca hits: Cllngman, Beading,
Swormstedt. Two-base bits.: Lee, Cllng
man, Kerwin (2). Brashear. Double playa:
Hallman, yiilnlan. Base on balls; Off
Welnig, 5; off Swormstedt, 4; off Keidy 1.
Struck cut: By Welnlg, 4; by Reidy, 1.
Left on bases: Toledo 7; Louievlile, 7.
Time: 2:10. Umpire; Jvlllen.
gttindtnap of the Teams.
liocf1 Won. LosL P.O.
.....ii , 6 s -en
dtf bS -fin
St. Paul
Colunibus ..
Milwaukee .
Ixtulsville ..
1 luiiu liiil'.iliS
Kansas City
i oioUO
Botiifus. lb.. 0 2 II
N.noe. If 0 10
Ot-sr, rf 110
lloiinsr, lb... 0 0 1
0 0 Msioney. rf . . 0 1
0 0 fcullivao. ct. . 0 4
0 Oil ouiisr, ;f .. 0 0
loan, ib 0
luitlcr, o 1
Isbsll, p 0
0 1
0 0
o o
1 0
1 1
ri.ok. rt I 0 1 0
fCov.ll, If I
Hks it 0
hiN.lley, ?b. . 1
l.'oie, lb...,l
lil.liMiSn. lb..O
Ttiiiitfr. as.....O
iiiiitilln.' Jb .l I I
0 0 Mill, rf 0 0 I
0 Oil ..l-ly, SS....0 0 I
0 .i.iil. lb. 0 0 10
ill, r( .. 1 1 1
0'M'C'n.lok, tb..e 0 0, U..0 0 1
'Isrke, C......0 0 I
Wolfs, p 0 0 0
10 11 4 i
.1 4 11 10 0
si. ii.iiutl y, p. 0
Tolsls Mil II
.0 0 0 0 2 4 0-8
.110 0 8 0 O-
Two-base hit: I-aJole. Three-baae hits:
Bradley,, HI. hiwiii. moIu bancn: Flick.
I n 1. .It-., him; 11. II. UoCoriiilck.
1 ii, k. Bern on f' .l s: nit Jur-a, 1. UU
l y i.ltch.r.1 ball; By Wolfe, 8; by Jiihh, 1.
biruck out: By W olfe. 1. Left on bbc:
aatiinglc n, 4; Cleveland, S. Time: 1:15.
Umpire: Dwyer.
.Third fehnloot tor
PHILAmcl.IHIA, July 29 -I'lillMfl.-lphia.
todny ki.ut ouj intrclt for the lliird uc
ceHie iiiinc. A ttcutluuce, b.-oie;
luiuuti.rniA. i Dfcl'kOiT
H II u .A k 1 t H o A a.
Total 1 t il 10 i
r reinsn, lb. 0 0
A caver, e. . , , 0 0
c4l.irnaglc, o. . 0 1
MrNlch la, tb 1 1
fin. in 0 0
'ivliir. a 0 0
1 houia, . p. ... 0 0
Kansas CHy
Minneapolis .
Total I 1 SI 10 1
.000110 0-2
(Game c.illed during eighth to allow via-,
lt'.ra to catch train.)
Two-base hlta: Hothfuss, Nance. Sacri
fice line: Uritr, Bonne -, hulllvan. Baae on
bitiiH: Off Thomas, 5. tiirmk out: By
Iku-11, 2: by Tliomas. 3. Lett on bancs:
Kanims City, 8; Mlnneupollu, 7. Time; lioxi.
UmX'ire: Klein.
Coluiubus Gets (he Only Rou,
INDIA NAPOLI3. July 29. Indianapolis
faikd to acute asralnst Ctslumbua toaay.
Attendance, l.lliX), iscure;
a.H O.I.I I H.H.O.A.E.
110 0 0 V'-rrssry, ef . .0 0 I - 0 0
0 0 .sun, ss ...0 0 I 4 0
0 111 sir. Hi 0 till
0 ijfcsndr, If.. 0 0 10
Tsvls. rf.
klurtlu, If
klliru. lb.,
krlvl, tl.,
Vs.aer, a
Climcr, cf
0 1 t
0 1 11
0 0 0
0 11
lb... 1
SS...0 0 I
laiarkcy, p.
0 0
0 llosrleyer. rf. 0 0 1
0 0 iH.koy, lb 0 0 li 1
0 0 Heydoa, C .. ..0 1 I I
t I K.iiin, lb 0 0 0 1
1 0 Aucinsng, p...O 0 0 1
i f r I
,. bj
Vd In C
..001 V 1 H 0 0
., nouoOulo
,' .
I'...: ,
( .
0 - 1
1 nmk.m o 0 it o
Kirsi I, a tin errctm: Trti' V Ivr., 2
. n . . 1 k 6; l .- - i b
i-itbrt cu i'iiiis: jft "oirvin, 4, ml li,.
if Miuvk out: l,y i,mi-Iii. 6, 1.' iii
i-iiy 4 Lu l.srd l.l'w: iiiitcr i.l. b.i
! Lit: M.'. .uui. 1 (..!. i !".. i...,
1 il. Ilo'il M 1 is - -, 11. .i.i ,.ri..n k
.1, If . .1 1 1 0 0 Bsrnstt, cf
... f--l
lb 0
w i ( l t- i.:
L u.i-i i c : ' iicu., i .
Slsnalii tf Ike T-. am.
I- V.ik
i i
1 i'l
1 1
I -St
I I 0 0
0 10 0k luijre, ((.. 8 110
1 II 0 t sir. lb 0 0 t t 1
1 1 I ttisofo.!. rl 1 1 0 0
110 0 1 i.O 1 I t
0 111 t.i- nlu. r. lb 0 1 1 1 0
dill brill. c 0 1 I 1 0
I 1 (!. ry. as. ...0 4 1.1 0
1 0 t I) vuiii i. p 0 0 1 t 1
i-Ufv.lle .0 0 0 0
tulskl I 0 11 II -
Tutsls 0 I 14 11 1
Hatted fur (1 Lea ry In ninth.
I l:i. nil. -1,-l.ia 0 0 u 0 0 0 1 12
ti.-tr.iit - .o o m e e o o o o-o
'I W'-hn I !i : ' bnld. rS.ii-rlO.-e' litis:
fcj.,.,,v, i '-k" M. ,'fi ImM icvtr il'l,
1 I I .h ii. L, ' l I'..". 1 Hilt,
6, i i.a.cij 4 1 on I'M . : t't
iiu.iui, 6, i'.t I'iiii.i.. 4. k.laik out; 1
r n t '....,. ,..' ii. " s
""" y. m -r.. .. .
.in- i l .,..ib, a 0
rl- I lsi.s. U 0
Total 1 I P 11 il Total 0 I II II 1
Columbus 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01
lnijianaimlitt 0 0 0 0 V U 0 0 0
Bancs on ba'U: Off AlleiTiann, 2. Htnn-k
out: I v Mal'irkcy, 7. 11. t t v pitched i il:
piwaruicr. 'i so-lmw l.u: Klliru. fii r-'iie
I'll: M;i-ii'ltl. oiurtlll (21. (mili-ll b,.,-!C
Im-ky, Left on burn-si Iihimu
iii.tii'n, 3; Columbus, 7. Time: l.Lii. L m
plie: Uiiin. , ' Wlsa by IIuIIIbk.
MlLWAl'KKi;. Julc 23. Ml'waiikna
tcd the ball hnld I n ro U H tltilll to. lily anil
won. AUdiulunce, 1,4!J. b.-oiu:
M11.W4! .hi. r:. sr. fAl i...
IS IMI A I I 11 11 D A I
if ...4 is r i. .iias. p. i-r...o l
I i ... ..n, rr ...4 1
0 (I V. i, !,:, , 1,. . .0 0
1 ii r i. .ii iu.y. It.. .1 I
4 li h , , i, v lh 0 0
a. n...f..c, as I I
J II II. e ... rf I 1 1
( Iftrk. L I I 0
H....I .kill, rf III
1 -'..,..... 1U I I 11, -il.
0l-T. C.
Ijms, p.
0 1 4
1 1 6
Totsls .....11 li 7 II I
It, ii, cf
ss 0 0
... 0 C
...0 1
... 0 0
...0 0
H 1 1 n n k f -S
n rui
'1 wvbane lii.a
1 Totals 1 it i: 4
...1 5 O 8 2 0 1 0 17
... 01000000 O-l
IKiurnoy, bloi.e, licis.
c:u,n nviiv fnininhin at Indiana polls.
IOiiivllle at Toledo. St. Paul at Kansas
City, Miuneiipoiis at Milwaukee.
achsiier Wlna Hot On.
' eOHTJYLEK. Neb., July 29 -(Speclal Tcle
i , . i..,ol-i- i,.if out U'flhoo tier to-
ii in oi. U the jnoat tenre, lntsrellnq;
and hotly contested games from start to
tininh ever pliiyed here, In spite of the
fact that the locals had among their p ayers
lour mm not regularly in the nine- lld
InkT. In own and Wall were' swiped by the
C'reameiie et Brtitiice, and Wh ting left
to tke up work In Omaha. Uodcnsch
WHger, Stnatlun and Coinplon cf rtthuvlci
anrt Kgan of Tarklo, Mi)., were ur lour
new met. Nearly Wo rooiers, Including an
eacellent band, clime here with brooms for
biiniit rs to weep things clean. The vtaitors
got lo third occasionally, but Pruyn got
uuwn to business when they did. and dug
out of the hole. The score: lui
Schuyler 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 - 4 t 4
V ul.oo OOOOOOOOP-0 7 2
BaiterUs: Schuyler, Pruyn snd K'mi-r;
Walioo, Anderson and Johnson.' buuok
out; bit each. . ,
Beatrice As' Winner.
BEATBICK, Nb., July 29 (Special Tel
egram.) Beatrice made it Ave straisjhl by
winning Horn the Crreeley ball tvnin tiiia
afternoon, the score being 10 to 2. The
f.-aturcs were the batting of WUwin of
Beatilca and Hobart and Lawln lor tho
vIhiiois. Tiie eerb-s cloca witn tomor
row's gairne. The score; R H B
Beatrice ..;.... 1121 1 0-io li 8
Greeley ..0 00IO0O1O-8S6
Batteries: Beatrice, ' Morse and Wilson;
Greeley, Lew In and bryuln. btruck out:
By More. 8; by Lew in. 4. Umpire:
1 liackabt-rry.
Matlaee Race at Beatrice.
BEATRICE, Neb. July 28 i Special.)
The matinee races lie Id Bt the driving park
y-i-ti-i day afternoon were not veiy well
attended. In the half mile roadster race,
best tiO In tnree, Fox won hiat place,
Orlando Medium second. Colonel Klddr
thud. Time: 1 , l.'M.
In the race, half mile
hints. Belle look first place; Lockhart
i.l. Nel'ie Mlukler third. Time: l.-A
1 1 .2.
1 lie inilo trotting race, beot two In three,
was w on by Ida H-lie. Mi l 'timjtieror get
lii.g second X'lace, 'lime: 2,1, 1 - w.
Vlt'lury fur Juslcra.
The funiing Blreet Junlois defoaled the
N'lilii hi.l rtiusiH iiy Hie Mcore of IS to
b 1 I o-1 lo l - J.ulors, li.ietfr. I'li.i-en and
ll.-iitisii; kaUMi'i s, AdiriiK end VNliilrtrr.r.
'1 i.s Junloi w itild liKf o jiiiiv any tun
in .,-r 14 eEis t.f ( A-1-lrisi. h;. he
l'iio'iti, ir.'l North Twenty r,!Ui annuo.
Ossns la a loner.
tiNAWA, la. July r.r . il Ttle-
f - o in l i lis I . a I.- .i i'-.l t.-.irn .-
bt l.ici.a tbn
by a score ol 4 to 8.' Batteries': Onswa,
O'Connor and Copple; Little Sioux, E1U
and. Elila. . ' ,,
glbley I.osra at Home.,-, , ' .
J5IBLEY, la., July 29.-j(Specinl 'Tele,
ram.) The Melvln Redblrds defeated th
Sibley team here today at base bal by e
score of 9 to 6. ' . ,v .
The Mlot' and Btretibroom " Wlnia
Favorites at Hawthorn.
CHICAGO, July 29 -The Mist and Blrch
bioom were the only fav.orlte that Won at
Hawthorne today. The t'ther events went
to outsiders. Weather deal1 and warm;
track improved. Kewults:
First face, six furlongs: Harney (CO to 1)
won, Hudson aecond, Coiniiiandvr , third.
f Second 'race, steeplechase, short course:
Weird (8 to 1) won. Nitrate second, Sweet
Jane third: Time: 2:48. . .
Third race, five and a half furlongs: The
Mint (2 to 6) won, Moorlah Damsel second.
Al!n Avon third. Time: 1:09. , . '
Fourth race, mile and seventy yards.
Blrchbroom (9 to 6) won. Port Boyal seo- u
Att,.niirii third Time: l:4oH.
Fifth race, six furlongs: My Alice (10 to
1) won, Julia M secorid, Klolnwood third.
Time: 1:14. ,-.
Birth race, seven furlongs: Major T. J.
Carson (8 to 1) won, Luntllghter. second,
Flo Bob third. Time: l .'n.
NEW YORK, July 2H. -Results:
First race, six furlonga: Weter Light
(t to 1) won, Austin Allen sccoud. Meadow
Horn third. Time: '
Second race, handicap, six furlongs: An
cestor (J6 to 6) won, Graceful second. Lady
Uncas third. Time: -1:14H.
Third race, mile and A e'xteeith: Brook-
lynlte tl2 lo l won, Ringi-aliie aecona,
Courtir.ald third. Time: l:tst. ,
Fourth race, mile and a furlong: Lugenla
Burch (16 to t) won, Uosr-tint second, April
WMower third. Time: 1:54H-
Fifth race, five and a half furlongs:
Bruohup (2 to ll won. Bill Bailey 1 second.
Confessor third. Time: 1 :OH. .
kjlztri race, mile and a aixteenth: Bound
Brook (7 to 2) won, Sir Sliep second. Lady
prudence third. Time: 1 60.
ST. LOUIS. July 2S.-ReHUits:
First race, six and a half furlong, Bell
ing: Tribes (16 to 1) won, Vsrro second,
Flyer third, lime: 1:22.
rieconi race, six furlongs, tviiW: V, ood
lawn Belle (2 to 2) won, Ora Z aecond,
Triple fctlver third. Time: 1:1V
Tlilrd race, six and a half furlongs, sell
ing: Bab to to 1) won, lliwllng Dervish
sec ind, Athel Hose third Time: 1 22.
Fourth race, six fur longs, handicap, 2- ,
yearvdds: Loretts M i7 to 6 won. Wood
lands second, Braden ttilrd. Time: 1.14.
Fifth race, mile; and an elKlilh: Mine
Betty (4 to 1) won, becotid Mme aecond,
Tonv Lepplng third. Time: 1:67.
rlxth race, Bix furlonas, Veiling: J. W.
O'Nell feven) won. Dolly Gi'ay sacond, Siil
Silver third. Time; 1:1b-' . '.
Xlbletes sit WrH'l Pair,
ST. LOt'IS. J'lly 29 The hanjli ap and
Championship meets of the Weiru Asso
ciation t the Amateur Athletic) association
benan on the Stadium and will to
morrow. The entries Include about loj
athletes. Ths contents of both diiys In
cluda the regular truck and held events,
end goid, silver and bror.xo n..; ...! will be
given to point winners in both incuts.
hi. Net. '
t .1 ker and far
? -.ii ott,r
L . C 1 A Lt 5Ts
(tws an e-vm ioi
tl iui y, U.snilci
et.4 SiAsssss vf vfail
f ' u l
d Lime f.-.uui to
rcr4 tor Ui. ki esrr l ea ., I
meuiL. totig-J. tnrt. l.t sn-i e
liuiiing oiiij eMn.s-r t- k f. -.
s. , ruys.X .-- -.' kj asee
..w..J if ssui
!... t.a ur i-f '
Viuuksi.1 cult la v..,
' - If I , , I''.n : -.i. SSK Irs-eb
l..-i fc--,i- s, . 4, sis k.riv.1
a-roiiity. ewik teecj. l. ui nm-MC aie
" '"i '.-'"'i!t ty r M J4 s-rs.a f'W gtit
t i " ,;.,. . . 4e
lb., k l..4 . .
. . i
'rt V