Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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7.: PATtrnnA"
Ml l il.l i V . . 4 . .," i ti 1.11 kj
It.' "! f -s.-.a.
rtf In et ft eriwia in fr t.'-.t
rjtr rr 7l'h f)' -..-)" f .- iM );-v, to
Ty. Tr. caoe will h f'nitht -1th nrry.
I.. B. Ferrall. reprrtiA Prine 7fni
nw In southwestern Nebraska, Is In tl
rUjr with a number o eijtotnr) vhm to
i-r.a;t purchases will, run wll Into Dr.
iirrni Tn 1 c i'miit ur pun
IIILIlUi inil ILM.O tllAt III; tr.lU
'4rlree Olfce-r f onvril -rtrn Arc Reantr
to to-Ofr(' nllk II In--Uee
ItfHaiMXjitilK for the
Counrltrnan OTrlen him announced triat
he -Ml! le4 a fight In the founcll afralnrt
the granting of a frani-hlae to a second tele
phnno comrmny, but will make a strong ef
fort to - jre r.-i rtfn In the rales now
charaud Uy th KaU.ifia Telephone tern-I-ar.y.
"I have heard enough of dual telephone
aytems to convince me tht we ere prob
ably better off with a single company,"
sny l'r. OTrlnh. "tut I want to may Hint
-e shoul.l use opportunity to make
the Kelirsaka Telephone company come
flown In it. eharjea. both within end with
out the city.
"With' several prfpnd telephone com
pinle elamorlns; t"T admittance the prea
ei.t company,' which has the exc'iiHlve
riebt, el.o'ili be In a mnl to make con
ff filoni. If It desire to Law tl.
all ta itself It afifiulj submit a propr,itrn
for fc' reaacriablav dnrre?.ee In exlstloa
ciiarjes ar.3 a!n a.' iit.i.i (t.n-1 will faoin
both lty effiswr and the people enerally,
, . Other. JE?4e with Him.
"Wliile I think a double telephone system
la not 10 good- aa a sine;!, line system op
ra4 . vto'lr favoraM conditions, still It
pitybt . te a bd iCa, to make a tilal
here 1 we cannot t the prevailing rales
lowered, I thin, tha of the other
cuncl'.men feJ a I do about It end I
s!,ouH like to eee the thins worked out so
that It "will r've the createat good to the
greatest number tt people."
Jt h developed that Jee Herdmon, the
former de moo ratio clerk of the supreme
court,' ia more or Inj Interested In Hie !n
dependont telephone, matter. He la said to
have Brproacned .certain councllmen and
endeavored to Set .them to favor him In e
talillBhln a new company here. -While
Herd man stated that he expected to invest
aome of hia o n money, It Is thought he la
connected with the- Bills enterprise cwnter
Inr at Uncoln, On this subject Mr. Herd
man Is very tight-mouthed.
'Mr. ao4 -M. Herdman will leave thli
week for an' outinK at some of the Minne
sota lake.
Pealea He te'!re4 Prm-wrngrr Tin
Weald Fell nrn of rabll
eallea Coatroveray.
"I have ben quoted by a mtwipipr
S8y1nf tTiat.I thouaht the ecavtnirer law
would be a partial failure because of the
difference between the county treasurer
and the ommliMner concerning publica
tion." y a 1 ' a nt City Attorney llerd
man. "This atatonx-nt Is misleading. What
I do think. Is that the conteet over -the
publication may cause Investors to hold
back or offer smaller sums for property
bcue their title may be aublect to Iltl
gailnn. liut as a lawyer I think, the su
preme court will sustain Judge Day's de
cision, which establishes the sufficiency of
the publication In The Evening Eee. Tre
vidd this adjudication can be obtained
from the supreme court "before much of
the property Is' sold the controversy should
not make any rt?fference.''
Deteetl-vei Diss Gets Mil I St. Voeepfc
Charged' with- Passing '
I iperloea CfcecSt. , . ,
Detective J, T. ;Dunn has gone to Bt.
Joseph to bring Harry St. Clair to Omaha
to answer the charge of forgery. It U al
leged St. CI sir passed a ?0 check at the
Merchants hotel during the latter part of
May. He .posed as a theatrical man dur
ing his wcek'a stay, at the hotel and the
spurious check was made payable to him
self rnd signed .'Ttees Printing company,
show printers." It Iff snld 8t. Clair has-
acknowledged passing the check. .
liiere Sywdieatea Fia4 Oxmhn Prices
More Favorable Thaa Chicago
' COmulp of Jobbers.
Omaha Jobbers have been fortunate In
being able to -convince the mammoth Dlers'
ros. syndicate that they could 'sail goods,
general merchandise, 'to Just as good ad
vantage as Chicago or New York.
This. syndicate, of wlUoh Frederick Dlers
Is the epofecsman, Is composed of si
brothers and throe oloae relatives, operating
stores at MadiKon, Humphries, Fullerton,
Wolbach, Oresham, Seward, Ulysse ,. Cedar
!cpid and Ioulsville nine stores at nine
prominent Interior points of Nebraska.
The members of this syndicate have been
In Omaha this -week and hare favored the
Jobbing ','trade 'with .orders for t&O.OOO to
J"Ui,0 worth, of grinds.;. The dry goods Sines
.have been especially hear-, but the Jobbers
of boots, shoes, hats and general merchan
dise have htd their full shares of the good
Nebraska dcllara. .' .
For years this syndicate has made pi!;
e-jr.f fo-. CWc?.sohpd othe&. e,sstern
I ntK iU fall orders and the-' fact -that
Omaha has demonstrated ompttltlve abil
ity Is a source of congratulation to the
trade and to the . workers vfor . the good of
the city generally..
.Montana la'alHo puslilng along tha good
work of building yp Omaha's Jobbing bust
nets. James Hi Chambers, representing
the Poplar City, Commercial. compny f
Anaconda, stopped rolf . here and found
j.roes so tempting that he dnclded to stock
ud at once,! p.'J. Heimejusey, representlnS
;art:V.-J-.' Coen of But. followed Mr.
Chambers' example and both left Tery
he?ivy c-rters t?r rnersl merchandise.
The pucker' stiTe Is ceufflrujr a Int-up In
tne buHines of rubbr goods, bolting an4
kindred lines. . .. . 1
freiM lib Jobblnsr T'tstrlet.
S. IJ.. Murphy 6f 'the' Lewis Euppiy oom
I? r,y was the recipient of r.uiiurous con
itulatlons on having drawn "XiV la the
J . Mbud lai.d opening . J!r, .Murphy has
1 Inform hl tvlt-nxU that It was another
member ef the Murphy family, rec If the
lulilals were. the same. . ' .
' W. II. Gibson of 'Valpwra.iao and K. li. j
Writtx. of Wolbach' are' la town buying
The' Regent Shoe com piny is operating
lis factory full time on fall goods In an
tlc'l'utton of a fine 'trade. . John Kelley,
prtBldcnt of tba company. Is Calling In
M binesota, ...
t harle Kronln of Pscldo Jonrtinn was
.... kuiulilnf supply of teow for his
t -e. -. ; ., . , .
T Aust?, -ttiiUnt Of the American
ind-Eswed f hoe company, la attending
the funeral oi" his brother-in-law, 'W, C.
bn.iCn. at Marion, Tnd." .
And now the manufacturers' of shoe are
liovlng their troubles with the rellroadj.
T" V. , l 1.0. , ....... .
- - - -a I. i.ic.i tm to
rl charge, . Ti mUroads are eriueaT
frii:g to force the msmjfiicturers to bind
t -r,ir cufi.-a ''wit h fel cr. Iron scrape to
rrevet pstrarlriir. The mfc-nufaettirers as
e. i t that this VfiuH entsll va large In-
Goer . from Omaha To Chicago need
oarteri of Baral Free ID-. ' -
Ilrery Serrlce. ,r
John Swetison of the Omaha letter car
rier force. No. 2, on the South Sixteenth
street route, has Just received notice of (it
promotion to the position of rural free de.
livery route Inspector.- He T-II1 be assigned
to duty at Chicago He does not . know
Just when he will have to report' to. Chi
cago for duty, and he merely received the
notification of his appointment this morn-?
. . , . ..... . .... ,
LAST Ili tN BATTLIS toxight. . .
I . . i
Final Reproduction of Battle of
tnlmgaa Glvra at Mtitwi Tbla
The flnsT presentation of the battle of
QulBKiia by the Omaha Guards and Thurs
ton Blfles will be given at Manawa ' to
night. Larse crowds have attended the
spectacle at every performance, but the
record breaker la expected this evening. -v
The drills and dress parades Were better
than usual last night and the charge on
the Filipinos' entrenchments more realis
tic, a constant firing being kept np by both
sides for fully ten-mlnutee." '
, The exhibition will begin tonlghtUt S:4&
. . World's FIr -Visitor.
The pavilion erected by the Frisco-Bock
Island. Systems, at main entrance. of the
World's JFalr ia surely a place of no little
Interest, In fact. It Is one of the' many at
tractions. 1 . - - . .
Visitors to the Wprld's Fair are cor-
$!alJy4riyitedv.JUj lncect the. Frlsco-Rocki
Island System-'.bullfllnsji vHere war to
found a plft-ce of -rest, tourteou attention,
besides, there will be distributed, free pt
cost, souvenirs and descriptive literature
of the great southwest. . The reader wbi,
undoubtedly, overlook a very Important at
traction In ease of failure to visit the
Frlsoo-Jlock Island Byten pavilion. ,
. Remember, main entranoe World's Fslr.
AnrcmHti of tle Tbeaters. -'
Thi afternoon and evening the Ferris
Stock company wlSl again give ts succeiii
full production of "A Poor Relation" at
the Boyd theater. This quaint and pailietla
little comedy has proved one of the 11 ".ts
of the season," Mr. Raymond'' portrsyal
of the excellent character of Noah Van,
the eccentric Inventor, being a splendid
bit of acting, while the supporting cast
represents the strength of the 'company.'
The bill will remain -until af tor ft matinee
on Sunday. Sunday evening' the last wek
of the engagement will begin with 'ITUe
Creole.' . , . '
. J ""'''" r ( s fif m rum !
: ! i J .-' .-' i . L ... ' ; I
; iii 4.. d m - L, 4 4 . I
Dr-r aj A- - - I
r" T " " " 1 . '
J la, 1 .
i, .
i1 .tt:
i j i.::.. t.. r i .
: I-.::: t: c.
' - i. i i!
Low Hates to Caltforala. ,
On account of the triennial conclave of
Knlshts Templar at San Francisco, the
Union Faciflo will sell round trip tickets
from Missouri river, (Council Bluffs v
Kansas City Inclusive), to Saw Francisco
and return ' at l-A.OO. Tickets On. "wile
August 15 to September lit Inclusive.
Ehorteat line, fastest time. Eleotrlo-lf ghted
trains.' Pullman" palace sleeping cars, din
ing oMie. Hieais a U ci'"- twiirut'. ci.s,
etet For further Information Inquire iity
ticket oflloe, lul Farnans street, " "ptjone
fas. - '-
rieaseet Mays lor sommer Br ,.
are the Urand TTunk-Lenlifh Valley, route,
ChlcsfO to New York via Niagara Falls;
t',M rjfnnd TT'ir.k-Illinols Central ns
through car l!ne front St. Louis to Mon
treal; the Grand Trunk-Central . Vermont.
Boston and Maine Route frcirt Chicago to
Boston and the Grand Trunk BnUway Eas
tern to Montreal, Quebeo and Portland.
Fares, descriptive literature, etc., wllbe
mailed on ap-.lliatlon to the Advancing
lHipartmnrit, OraJid Trunk Railway fiystera,
136 Adams bt-, ClilcaiO, Coo. W. Vauz,
A. O. P. & T. A. I
4 rt ef Uaiilti,
I doelre to tlmi.k the frlsmts of Omaha
for their klaar.tsa during the tllnesa and
death of Rty bulnved wlfa. Mrs. Ida Erics
son, and I am fiitul!y grtteful to the
tri"mber of the A. O. U. W. IiiOjh, ihm
AdKU A KUey I'U:ilr.jf . Will .Oiiiupany
Slid Alfred Llum for litjiiiil dontitlna, alio
to the Prudt'Ctiui Insurance company fur
the proiuut pnymeut of Insurance claim.
. tli'KiB lOt'l-H KrtlCKSON,
South Anh 6u
rr. i c;i mm t:t
lKBital ticiMlua m of
J-ylM- ,
loultvllle, Ky., Au(rust IS- IS.
'Hie Chlcaao Great Wextein railway will
on Autist 12h to 16 ;h, tnulueive, l tick
ets to Ixiuisvl ) at vtry uw ratis f.r the
round trip. ji"d to return uatll August
Jiit For fjll tnfui mat!.u apply to M D.
i'arkhuist, S"ni.fil ajfciit. V-.i iluu.'a St.,
Ou.nlie. Neb.
ralK of Innian ii'aorx' in,
Al-KUBt f ll 11. Iiu binivo, tl; i : fcJtO
(.'.'tut Viiirn rl!wiy wi.l e-ll iu.ksi to
Iv.lis lata and tbi-ron, N. I',, at one
fnie jihid tJ ii iita f'.r the round tilji. o.M.i
to return uctll b. ,-t.-iiii.-rr li- 1 --r fvrtl.or
Iriforiiiattou !'!' to . li. l'arkhurat. O.H-
e'rl jlvut, i 1 'i-UiO fe-'.ic'.'t, Oir..l.4,
lentehtri' isi-t-a t -orili ISjU'itM.
A Fevr Folnte Qoeatloos. '
OMAHA, July 23.-TO the Editor of The
r-e: I was much Impressed on remllng
The Bee this morning by one phase of the
strike alttiatliin. locally. It appears that
o Charles Wehrner, of whose irsonal
Pluiiliy no satisfactory account is given,
has sworn to a complaint alleging that
rdnety-one men, residents of 8oulh Omaha,
hve been guilty of a breach of the peace
by threatening to fight This complaint
was drawn up by one Thomas Crelgh, one
of the attorneys for the Cudahy Packing
company. He presented It to Duncan M.
VInsonhaier, Judge of the county courtln
and for Douglea county, who promptly is
sued a blanket warrant for the ninety-one
accused men. A deputy sheriff went out
to make the arrests' and succeeded In find
ing six of the accused, who surrendered
themselves as soon SI notified and repaired
at once to the court wherein judge Vlnson
eohhaler holds sway. Once there they
asked to be acquainted with the charae
r charges against themselves, and were
told that they had broken tbe Jeace by
threatening to fight Neither Wehrner,
who swore to the complaint, nor Crelgh,
who filed It. was present In court, nor was
the county attorney, who prosecutes In
the, name of the people, nor any of his
assistants present So Duncan M. Vlnson
balert acting aa examining magistrate,
proceeds to bind over In bonds 'of tW each
these six local cltliena, charged with the
benous crime of threatening to fight.
If the men had been guilty of a crime Instead-of
a misdemeanor, what sort of bail
do you suppose Judge VInsonhaier would
have asked T
.During the week one of the many men
being brought here by the packing com
panies to take the place of strikers kicked
a striker In the mouth and knocked out
several of hi teeth. What spectacle do we
eee here? General John C. Co win appears
In the police court at South Omaha to
defend the imported strike breaker and
when Jud&e King f.iu-d the man who ac
tually committed an assault General Cowin
Indignantly gave notice that the. case would
be appealed. What sort of money do you
think would be necsssary to get John C.
Cowin Into the police court In Omaha to
defend a vagrant who had been charged
with assault and battery?
Why. If any reason exists. Is It necessary
for the packing companies to go apart from
.the regularly established police courts In
order to secure their way over the men
who are out on a strike? Why ts not the
attention of County Attorney Ergllsh
called to the ease of disorder. Instead of
Thomas Creigh. who "prosecutes In the
name of the Cudahy.. Packing company?"
And why does- Judere VInsonhaier so com
rdnoenOy deprive citizens of their r liberty
on the mere, allegation of an unknown
party, at the Instance of the representa
tive of a packing company? And think of
asking $400 ball for the appearance of a
man who Is charged with a mere Infraction
of the peace by "threatening to fight."
ts It any wonder that men lose confidence
In courts of law when such exhibitions are
Riven? , , .....
And when the packers are threatened wlih
arrest because they have violated the Ne
braska law against Importing special po
licemen they Innocently say, "We did not
ask or know where the men came from.
They were sent, to us and we employed
them." It is more than a . suspicion,
though, that the fact that these men
came from Colorado, where they were
lately 'engaged In Sherman Bell's army "of
"conqulstadores" did not lessen their value
In the eyes of the packers. And the fur
ther fact that all of them who have been
arrested so far were , heavily armed, sttl!
further Indicates their, character as peaces
aMejworkingmen, asserting a -legal right to
eek employment .where It may be found. -
' . . .. ' HENRY J. M'COtV '
Colorsdo'a Lone; Strike,,
OMAHA, July 28. To the Editor of The
Bee: Governor Peabodv of Onlnnntn b
called off the militia and now asks that the
miners call off the atrlka. TTnmnHifl u
other explanations. Governor Peabody's re
quest win Impress, as somewhat remark
able, the average working citizen who has
followed the stirring events of the past few
months In that restless state. If Governor
It-abody can deceive himself Into-the belief
that to discontinue a strike Is simply a
matter of callina off the militia why did he
not call off the militia sooner and end not
only the scenes of cfvlc, military 'and In
dustrial disorder and strife which have
brought tie state of Colorado !nin iman.
viable notoriety, but end also the expenses
wmch must Tall heavily upon that state?
At thid distance It lonka It .
not enough strikers left In Colorado to call
ore anything nut a dance program, while
the miners who do remain am mc-t nir.i..
In no mood to appreciate Governo.' pea-
hody s little Joke and make a very cordial
response to his Invitation. The mine own
ers assert that there Is no longer any
struts in Colorado. Doubtless this Is true,
figuratively If not llteraliv. for -th. n.,.4
of " the miners are probably nursing the
strtae in some other state. Possibly It Is
this far which en'r-'.stf.-l n.-wi-,. t-
body to make his request .Colorado's Juris-
aiciion aoe not extend further than the
state lines and beyond those linen it
sens' alllanoe. mJlltaxv and ml no nwn.
cannot go in pursuing ' their prejudices
aia'nst the strikers.
It Is therefore too much to hope that the
men who suffer so much at the han.i, ..r
Colorado s military will ha witting . ..
- i.iv
mere Invitation ' of Governor Pea body to
target inesr wrongs, If they have any. The
moot forcible reminder of t h Inns tanst
bitter fight Is yet to come, This Is the ex
pense whlelvths state encouraged In down
ing the strike. It la aliened that k .i-h. -
cost lb state ll.fJOO.Ofl, but this is prob-
oiay noi ji it coat probably represents
only the State's share of th n.n ...
does not take into consideration the louses
to citizens, merchants, business men and
property. One mlllloh' dollars wmiM
be a very large sum for a rich and popu
lous state like New Tork or Pennsylvania
to take care of. but for Colnrnfin it i
snug sum for the taxpajets to meet.
C. C. W.
- .-
- XA-
1 1 I-
J'.e'i A
I ( "Sl
v M
- !
n no
SSof Meas MigSi .Grade SIio
N y ,y
$5.00 on crJc ( i2;
Saturday, at ...... . . .- (
We have purchased the entire eur- (
plus shoes from two of the most '
- , ... i
promineni manuiaciurerB in .America
Colc-Davis Comnanv. Chicarfo
PackardQFicid, Brocktcn, Mass
These two firms haye a national reputation of making high grade shoes and we pur
chased their entire tmrplus stock at a veritable sacrifice, because we were able to handle the entire lot. You can
depend' that these shoes will go fast, as the values are unquestionable.
! I ; t V
I i
V !
Elih Grade
that cold up to
$1.25 Saturday
on sale
75 .Gents.
Ail. oddv lots , have been
gathered together for a
quick clearing Shirts in
this Jot worth up to $1.25
reduced for ' Saturday to
75 cents. -
2ens Fiac Dress Pants
That sold up to "$3.50. on sale F
IS&if urdiiy ox : . :
Saturday we are going to place on special
sale- 75fO men's high grade Dress Pants for
$1.6?. They were taken from suits where
the coat and vest had , been . sold and left
the odd trousers. The pants were taken
from suits' that sold up as high as $12.00,
also our regular stock pants that sold up to $3.50.
They .are made of the handsomest and smartest effects you've ever
seen. We are displaying them inyour Farnam St. window, and you
just come down and s'ee if you can resist these values. You can
not neither can anyone else who sees them.
Boys' Waist
that cold up to
on sale Saturday,
21 Cents
We are "clearing 'cut" til
broken lines of boys' wpists
and blouses, , including all
our "Mother's Friend"
Russian blouses and Faunt
leroy waists that sold up to
"P0LL017 7UE7FLAG."
. r
Utoa uoitl
A p4jrman.rit hvtel, three minutes from
World's fair. Rooms $2.00 per day up. Book
lets free, address W. F. Williamson, man-aer.
li K. eJJJii rlna-s. i-onuloi. Jeweler.
r . ' f- 1 ' ' 1 i I, I ' V
! I ' - t " 1 s
-- f" v ';
. i . . 7.l 1 1 3 ' I V. WJZ j 4
S r
I ' Hasl
.it J v- : ,iy ' )
i .. . j
II j-uu v&j'.t youriiby to grov
i l b uttcr-z. healthy sn4
frt Iw.-- .vy i.- il -. of l.r ' 1 hi, .re
. K " 4 - - -4 $ . - 1-4 V ' l ... .'
h X ilk . ., V iii H t.t -U ft4l U J-VU
- .1 -r
rrr ...... .,
- Jll
1 n H if
mm' no,
' -Tickets sold August llth, 12thand ISth. Long limit and stopovers. '
Special trains will leave, Chicago via Wabash railroad from Dearborn and Polk streets station at 1 P. M. August
14 for all O. A. 11. comrades, their family and friends. .
We return you via St Louis and land you at main entrance World's Fair, saving time and extra
car'fareiid ether line can. .
IncLt upon your ticket reading Wabash aa all agents can eell thia way. For all Information call at
Wabash City Office, 1C01 Farnam, or address,' .
i2a Li.JOOiiULj.Ofi LJu L J:i Li- a. LJa ,L J L-JLiOiu Uiln. Ulinn
fin h
LJ uuuuu
V71 tToIl.t S":!!3
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NO't. Ft UiTIHIrtCC.
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At llruniKi., iul lu 41.7 ! lioe. (or .1.
IVill Vf fhG CO.. ltnr..(r O.llll
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TO Ux.k wtl UU cam of your l'i-0m. 1m iwrt i).W uu Jf
(H f(W.HK fc.eua: tl UUI ftKiO, y
w!!l rcmovt .iu-wm ll'c- H-antC,
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