Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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The otity way o
have a friend I
to be one.
Will be our fifth Saturday' this season for closing at 1 o'clock.
Do your Saturday nhoppin;? before that hour.
Patnrdar rnorninj; will bf the final cleanup on Wash fcblrt
Waist Buit, Fills Shirt Waist Puita. Wrappers; also the few
Jackets and Wnnh Skirt loft. While the quantities are not
larjre in any one line, the reduction in prices arc the largest ever
ciade for good merchandise.
siiinr waist slits ,
On 100 WHh Suit, Saturday. 1200. .
Two .M Wa'sli Bull, 'Bittirday, I2.7S.
Five $9.00 Wash "Bulla. Baturday 13 a.
One i0.0u Wash Putt. Saturday, $3.75. .
One $100, Wash Suit,' grturday, 14. no.
Two JlSfi Wash Suit, (taturday. 14 RO.
Two fll.00 Wash Buits. Saturday, J6.50.
Two $50.fl) Wash Suits, Satudray, K M.
Two $1S 00 Ellk 8ulta, Paturday, $9.00, ,
One Silk fiu'.t. Psturdtr, $12.50.
On UO.0O Ptik guit, Saturday, $16.00. '
aturd,y morning: the balance of our
lawn and percale wrappers and mati
nee suits. Bold regularly at $1.M, $1.60
and t&ZS,' your Choice 13c each. Elzea
are broken, ' ' ". -...'
Keraember we ara selling all of our. fins
Tailor-Mad Cloth Bult at the follow,
lng reductions: '- '
All $18.00 Bulta $.00 each.
All $"0.00 Sulta $10.00 each.
AH Suiia pr.K each.
All $"0.00 Bulta $12.00 each.
All $..) lulls $17 CO eaoh.
All $40.09 Suit $20.00 each.
All $O.00 Bulta 6.00 each. ' " "
Daring July, and Avut w
C. if- C A. Cuildir-c, toner
Enssiian Fresg Eayi Great FeTsowilitj
Cai Boeii Eenioved from Etta.
..:t,::n3 is known cf his assassin
if Poll? Huts Any Facta Tticy. Ara
trlaiat Caifefally Guarded to
Mislead All Possible
T. PETERSBURG. July .-The news
papers this morning are filled with very
long Accounts of the aaaase1nf.tlon o! Mln.
lster of Ihe Interior von Flehve, biograph
leal akatohes of the dead stateaman and
comment on his character as a man. All
the papws agree that a, great personality
lias bei.n taken oft In the midst of his
work. " ' " .
TSs ,'ovoe Vremya'sayss " "'; ' "'' ia ''
M. von Flehve, was a atrons. Intellectual
nn, but most of all he haS a, thorough
l'" j?Kt and knew weil what partlculnr
f -iitures were wanting to make up a true
balance of Kusslan ntttlonaj life. ,
The Buss declares that the dead min
l3t,''a faithful name will live In connection
sgsicultural and peaaant reforma, and
that It Is an Infinite pity be was taken off
in the midst of hi work, leaving his plans
all unperfected.
, The Novostl aays:
St. von Flehve waa a great man, with a
t i.i slon tor order, which waa shown In
i .a liaiidiina: of every problem thrown in
I wy. Iris ability to dnl with per
l It-iins crtieUona touchlnff nil cUkkps cf
it (y !i fell Into Ida hands evidenced
I a w.mrterful eirenxth and versatility.
t, tU im a iujtti to our national llfo.
T?ie OffliMul Rfssetiger aays:
I'in dcth Is an lrreparnhle loss to all
truly pntilotlc KuMltna. He was a fHlth-
H er vntit of the throna nnd of the father
l"Pd. was intellecruftt rd of firm will,
f"t eni-irsr hlmaelf in henith. etrensrth or
private Interests where public duty was
(iniinnifj. lie did not norompilhh all he
ft out to do, est f 11 his name must be handed
oown cn tne Uat of the great and true
servants of Ms country.
Xothta Known of Aasaasla.
Nothing has yet been dlnuovered to throw
ny light on the antecedents of Leglo.
Twenty bystanders were Injured by the
explosion of the bomb, but only seven of
them were seriously hurt. 1
M. von Flehve's funeral will probably be
Y.:M tomorrow.' '
Tlie ertapera print unusually full and
fra aocoinHS of ths crime, having been
t'iftclatly tiotifled that rio restriction will be
i!H on news or connr.ent, ave a they
might , Interfere1 with the work cf the po
tiin In unraveling? the conspiracy back tf
the crime, which work la already well un
dtr way. ,
Thi mm of the assassin of Minister
on Fli-hve la given' by the Bourse Ga-i-'
a Frcacf, but this is not conflrmod
t-y th police, v,ho. If satisfied that they
l.sve et;:lH.!isd the Identity, or even the
tmllormhty of the murderer, are carefully
s'uariiinK the facts, perhaps to throw hla
a Conjiilers off the scent. The general
j uM'o l.i disposed tu regard the crime as
!;'.;iniat-ly connected with the far-reaching
terrorist plot revealed last summer by the
rret of Gerschtitiln, t!m Russian revolu
tt'nrf RHltstor at ICIefT, hr he had
j.;ne to orgtmlse an attempt on the em
I oror'fc Ufe at faroff durtnjj the ceremonies
Incident to the canor;iutlon of Bt. Bera
Ihtm. .
Fueral V. !!1 Mela Sniday.
liadame I'!ehve," widow of the dectaed
i i ' brand nerr Ak-Sar-rie u a.dr trbesi Isat eest t"r wM
fa IE: kttda of some sf litslr's fstr i..t.iu. Koo'lA ht laser, tne.,
if fa lulss aetttnar tosit f ear (learlag kraaln.
i Bofi1 Veer,
S I f yoj csn buy M iuota worth kl.
l. iij ou ta buy l.juir wcrti.
t 1' you n buy Bulla, In all
f, J i 1(1 .!. ,i ail ll: lew
- i t I (! Ul to ir. ;.
; t i cu ii t., Kf,t?e tt,t are
i i tj be its iiuast la tii In i.O.
itr, u: to i'i
- iul v.t:us In' beys' and fculs"
Ii ; '1 t i. 'W.
I im- In ri"lerer St Jl..
. , t'ui'.u ."".ii l;i fr.,'.t or 1.".
Iw t (r fci.Kltt I'l l; I-., II Iro
r, July 3. 1?H.
ii omnioirii'ow
: sim mists
DarK colored madraa cloth Watsia, reg
ular 1 1 CO values, at See each,
rretty white lawns with black hair Una
stripes, resu" 00 valuta. at o
each. '
' 'Fancy white lawn Bhlrt Waists, regu
lar tl.TS values, for $1.00 each. ,
Saturday morning- all of our
Hemnsots of Vc Linen Suitings.
Remnants of 25c Egyptian Tlsaues,
Remnant of J"c Voiles,'
Remnanta of 4c Linen Voile.
Remnants of !oe Frlnted Madraa, '
Remnants of 87 Suitings,
Remnanta of 20c Batistes.
Remnanta of 40c Embroidered Grena
- dine, etc., all go at ona price:
5c Per Yard
We will sell the balance of our new
-Printed Paris Mousaellnes, beautiful
'flora! designs, regular 45a values,' at
19c per yard.
The balance of the mixed and plain
colored linen 8ultlngs that sold at S'o,
60c, EEo and IHo at llVio per yard..
The balance ef the whit corded and
fancy figured white piques that aold
at 60c, 75o and $1.00 at 9o per yard..
.. All those goods go on sale at I o'clock.
rfoae Sat urdnyg at 1 O'clock.
Csxtcrzth tnd Dovza !:,
statesman, . arrived here today. She la
broken down, hul Is calm. The sight of her
husband's remains caused the widow, who
suffers from heart trouble, a shock and1 she
f 11 to the floor In A fainting condition.
Doctors revived her anl later went to
the minister's Villa on th) isl of '.the
Nova. The funeral of Von Plehvu has been
fixed for July 31. Requiem massea will be
celebrated dally.' The emperor Is expected
to attend this evening's services
Assassin Esipreneee No Hegrret.
The assassin wits examined by ao In
vestigating; magistrate today and refused
to make any statement.
The post-mortem examination of th
remains of von Flehve shows that h(s
death was Instantaneous.
The assaasln, Leglo, allaa Porose.ff,
carefully planned the crime. He aayo he
was animated, by humanitarian motives
and does not express the slightest ref.ret.
An account of the tragedy published thla
afternoon says that the assassin attompted
to commit suicide by shooting. He bad a
revolver in his hand when seised.
: iThe operation on him was so successful
that he Is expected to recover in tluce
weeks. ... .
1 Tho murderer Is still In the hotpital. He
is a handsome man of about 26 years, with
blonde, regular features.
HU Predecessor In Offlot . Also Met
Death by Assaaslnatloa.
ST. LOUia, July Messrs. Jacob Ood
berg, Max Berkovltas and L. F. R. Robin
eon, constituting the new Russian commis
sion to the World's fair, arrived today
from Bt. Petersburg and are registered at
one of the hotels.
Sir. Oodberg, vho Is editor of the Jm
perlul Court Chronicle and whoso twenty
years of service for ths Rusetun govern
ment have given him n Intimate acquaint
ance with M. von Flehve, the murdored
minister, said:
Von Flehve was a brave man; 1 worked
under him and I knew him well. Me re
pivod every day a stack of anonymous
letters, many threatening- hla life, but he
l-ld no attention to them. He waa too
busy attending to the work of the govern
ment. The killing of von Flehv, In my opinion,
waa not due to personal dislike cf htm It
was more of a protest, najninst the manner
in which the oftlce of the mlnlmer of fie
interior is conducted. His prei:eHor in
ofitco waa sniBilriated In a slintlHr way.
The revohitlonlnta evidently tnotiRht it
would be an opportune time to dlKtinb
the country, when so many of the troops
are at the front.
American newrrp're have been nore
too Kino to von t iriive. As, a matter o
fact, von Flehve helped American news
papers, lie removed the ceneorslilp ftoit)
tne correionuVrn.
When Kir. Mone mil Mr. Thompson of
the Associated Prtss callrd jn lilin a'-lhe
beginning of the war, he agrenj lo let
Auiil.iu correspondents copy all the
war bulletins as fnt as they came to the
government. Previously they could net
see them at all. It ia as a result of von
plchve'a action thtt American newepaper
readers get the bt. Petersburg o;s
patches. OKU tkllc OP y;is VICTORY
aya Racla Lose Is Twice that f
I Japanvae Soldiers.
WASHINGTON, July 29 The Japanese
minister here has received the following
cablegram from the Foreign office at Toklo,
dated today:
General Oku imports that scoordlns; to the
ttntnments of RufKinn omenta captured dur
Inir the recent Iwtle, General Koutopit hln
wms presei.i on nic UiiucmU ai.a tj.t
GeiterniH fcaValorl and Koitdratavltch were
wounded. Also thfi'. the HuHlun cuau.i'ilBS
were atjout l.oO. The JsiiHiiee casuMltita
were nbout l.uut and General Oku r-..o; is
InvestlKutlons hra belnw tnaue rn rdlnrf the
number of prisoners to kret knd quuniity
of 4ininliio!ia of war etc., captured.
tt a rrr
tlrl.' Wcf.r,
We show a lieautlfu) assortment of
white low net k lrHMS, I to 4 years,
S-Sc, $1.25, Jl.liS.
Low neck wl.lte lrfessea for larger
Gill s,' to be worn alih or wktiout
u! I tj It ra,-a, at (i la,
ii 'Ji.
r)u;.e.iti1f r I-'reen.s for f irls from f
I ' it 'M, ruik,(t4 or, at 1(1,
,' Ml, IJ u.' short 2tei..., t cnha
t vents, at (Uuu'm1 pin t, r.-o, tl i ,
4 M i.
(Continued from FIrxl Fag.)
7Qllnon J. Irllcty, Plattmnuth, Isou.
7'f John G. WieHe, ilaroin. Neb.
TA-Mcha V,. Hoi'B. PU Jcs-pn, Mu.
7'') 4eorae E. tvnltb, Juiisu, Neb.
7 '7 Anton N. Vennervelden. tfrln. Neb.
7'1 Jene Frank l:rlnt.-oi. ermint, 111.
7 Joe F. IJenhardt, 1'sreiiDort, Ia.
(,..-W allace H. Hull, hnkomi", ind.
I hrie J. ltorton, t reiTiont, Keb.
S 2-WUUam U. Conl.e. peatrlce, Nen.
V i Just ara A. Bnwr, liatinmonth. Neb.'
H John C. Onk, Hi. Wward, Neb.
VCV Arthur J. Adams. ! ttei.sbnrg. Mo.
1 lieKiore lloleM, Sin: tiliy, la.
I"'? I i ir ni . Abraham. l'recott, la.
Jines Hintonj Kbilar, Okl.
hrmt Hnrv ilrandt, Ilarsboo, Wis,
P!0jr,! C. Woods, Milan. Mo.
til otto JK. Jacobxon, Hioiix City, la.
SI 2 Ax- H. iveis, Wellntore. Minn. .
6iJ I'mnk L.Kera, Akron, la.
Hi-Miss .Mary I-ieethan, SUtser, Wla.
(n5l"icd K. hovder, Kider, is.
fci John Kalletihauser. J'lttslutra;. Pa.
fc17 Kdwln G. Steele, Coffevvllle, Kan.
61 Joseph P. Meek, Maysville. WO.
Iii Allied Usenet. Anouili'uaie. jvjs.,
;eo. Keibo, Dvsart, la..
1 llllam Jyurtenbuch. K.than, 8. D.,
.S .-'.2 Jerome A. Welsh, Gulena, III..
K. John M. Kelly. Ulouiulnglon, 111.,
ht Ijhu- K. r rederi. k ltli niand. Is.,
' fc i irvia B. AtUlnaon, Klrkwood, Neb.,
& ' John A. Anderson. Krankitn, Neb..
"? Henry L H.irrows. Yankton, 8. D.t
t has. H. Rurlow, Ufinneil, a.,
-)llrnm B. Klls. Wayne, Neb.,
ft-k William 1 ttt'c jn i ia, e. D.,
-'l Oisrlea I'anek, Everest, Kn.
S)2 iieoige K. Harwood, Aiii.nea polls,
eO Pertba Tewls. Ponesteel. S. D.
Freilerlck Krsnk, Kutton, Neb.
UoiKe B. ftrahn, llolsteln. la.
t -i John W. Ou sts, jiutier. Mo.
HT John W. McKee. Parker. B. I.
t' Charles W. Lewis, Topek, Kan.
,t'' John Ifloombem, Genoa, Neb.
MO IrvUig B. i iJlcason, Grand Rapids,
t41 Fllas F. Weaver, Boone, la.
fW.! William 8 Wells, Savanna. Mo.
8H I'verett Howell, Kansas Cltv, Mo.
44 William Gilbert, Agent George W.
Robinson. Jjelolt, Wis.
p'o-tiiyde Hoy, Frankfort, S. D.
M'i Mark T. Ilemati, Newmans Grove,
Net - -
K7 White, Cednr Rapid. - la,
ix I.aura A. Holbronk, Orchard, Neb.
' I-rd W esterlnr. Lake City, Ia.
f ) Thnmaa N. Canfield, Hoone, la.
i 1 I!oi:aprt Kobn. Milwaukee, Wis.
t .J 4rand'llle L. Toland, Mitchell, 8. D. Friedman, Council ftlurls, Ia.
SA! vviiiiam '. Towle. Little Fort, I a.
' &,'.. Thorn f.s W. Hruen, l!lencov la.
KH Mlnton J. Kelly, Liberty, Mo.
' -Homer A. Howard. Fremont. Neb,
frJ Lewis C. Young, Geddea, 8. D.
S.'9 Frank Murtagh, Bouth Oniuha, Neb.
f"io John Lamlrt, Hryant, Wis.
' el l.oretua M. Kelley, Shelf Hock, la.
Arthur II. Street, Fort Scott, Kan.
Herbert L. Preston, Luverne. Minn.
t4 Fred S. Newmann, Bizile Mills, NeU.
-6 Hiram W. Estes, Chester, Mo.
C'i Josephine Riley, Tyndnll, B. . D.
8ti7 John C. Connoll, Jackson, O.
Tllila Ilahager, Itamona, 8. D.
iv-3 Gr,rge Williams, Lec:ls, la.
8:o John F. Delaiiunty, Clav Center, Neo.
: 8;i 1-etor Lynn, Hartford. 8. V.
N etcr erbv, SprinKvalley, 111.
fc?3 Joseph J. Hsgan, tlenson, Minn.
874 Iniul Weidron, Ieaven worth, Kan.
' Sif James F. Moore, Osmond, Neb.
f"e-Fred Vdn Golden, Hrunswlck, Neb.
8ii 1 homes Waters, Prairie City, Ia.
tb'D John Kaser, Athen, Neb.
Wallace Bradford Leach, Chillicothe,
Mo. -
8m) Peter E. Glasford, Pedham, Ia.
8M George Schaeffer, Carbondale, Kan.
82 John E. Arbegast, Palmer, 111.
. Martin Anderson, Charleston Neb.
84 George A. Harnett, Olivet, Kan.
8no Alfred L. McKinlay, Hodgevllle, Wis.
SmJ Henry Lreesaen, Mlllervilie, la.
fc7 Charles L. Wolf, Bliarort, Wla.
8 Flliabeth Slockwell, Yankton, 8. D.
Muihllde Nelsen, Mlnneitpolia. Minn,
KW James H. Burke, liurlintrame, Kan.
.8lil Julius Moasen, Newcsstlts, Neb.
Sl'lt William ii. Koblnaon, fcprlngileld,
si. Thomas E. liomlll, Ulysses, Neb.
84 Lewis L. Bowlln, Hendrlck, la.
H'.'i Chnriea Pean, Nellgh, Neb.
8V4 Bherman Grant Hurry, Tyndall, 8. D.
87 George W. Btrahan. Yankton, 8. D.
8:-S Caas Helford, Carroll, la.
89 Ler.jy C. llower, Kont, In.
CuO barr.uel H. Morrison, Net raaka City,
iil Fletcher C. Boyd, Paulllnn, la.
102 George P. Benedict, Sioux Falls, 8. D.
St".' M. Vioilnge, Atchison, Kim
ft4 Henry K. Rusglee, Clyde, 111.
IH- Frank Hrooklnga, Tekamlih, . feb,
to paul Mahnke, Toledo, la.
o7 Maude I. Kanford, Bloux City, la.
.9 Marit O. Haword, O'Neill, Neb.
9 Jamea J. Harris, Humboldt, 8. .
.910 Robort Bruce. Arlington, We..
911 William M. Wler, Gordon, Neb. .
9!$ Patrick Curran, Fremont, Keb.
fIJ George H Litslnger. Riley, Kan.
914 John H. Btreeter, Armour, S. L.
915 Frark Barta, Gypsum, Kan.
919 Matthew Hansen, Dubuque, Ia.
917 James Flnchawj Silver City, Ia,
918 Scott Iouglaa, Marshall, Minn.
9i9 (Jeorje W. Fense, Iloneeteel, B. Dw
8:0 Henry Cool. Platxe, S. D,
921 )lla H. Hansen, Vermilion, 8. D.
9:2 (Klla M. Thompson, Indlnnapolla, Ind.
9: Frank Cole. Kihan, 8. D.
6'4 Alexander Morrison, Ireton, la.
ii"5Frcd Millsre, Bereford, S. D.
! 9''ft Hannah Oshea, Lynch, Neb. '
9:'7 Hannah Noxon, Adams, Neb.
9.x Peter Mueliur, Bliotxnaker. Hartford.
8. D.
8rFrank Plnkerton, Marshal'town, la.
S'.-.') filvei t Anderson. Minneapolis. Minn.
It'll Joseph Nugent, (tloux City. Ia.
912 Charles B. .Fischer, Grand Forks,
Minn. ,
9.c John Oetts, Jr.. -Shelby villa, -Ky.
ii'.'.i Charles A Burkhart, Searitig, la.
9:t5 -John A. Nelsoix, Canton, 3. Jj.
9V-tllit C. Hobba. Lawton, 111.
;7 Albert M. JaeKKS, Dubuque, Ia.
tiJf4 Charles M. i-riieinest, Fairfax. 8. Tt.
J,;i9Gotfrid Noldmer, Bouth Shore, B Tt.
8i0 Lawrence A. Etout, tiiMnesvllle, Wis.
841 Famtiel A. look, Carthage. Mo.
' )2 Snmuel Labclle, Kantiae Clly, Mo.
Se 1 hemaa Polland, Savanna, Neb.
944 Stewart McC'ormfck, Yankton, B. D.
845 F I '.tier Glltnore. Nehawka, Neb.
94U Frank A. '...derson, Wausau, Neb.
947 George H. liakee. Pleraon, Ia.
940 Victor Iieweln. Warrenbura. 111.
iM9Jnmes V. Cook. Gresham. Neb.
Sf,viilirtm A. Pollock, llartlngton, Keb,
9..1 Hnrtold Mann, Herr'igton, Kan.
8.'2 AVHliam l'ayne, Watertown, H. D.
93 Richard Jones, Marysvllle. Mo.
9Lt William J. Piter, Urint' City, Mo.
ir.: James Morrlwon, liilii-k, la.
;.:4 Chester J. Van Perion. Yankton, 8. D.
it it Uranvii.e Priest, biiuouoliuih, la.
ji Hl,ee Arnett, Lincoln. Neb.
)i 9 Adam V. Oleaser, Henry, B. D.
i,tlrvin K. Nutter. Miltonvllle Kan.
IMi William M, 1'ruden. Rnniiolph, Neb.
-',: James Coyle, Council I'lufs, Is.
fe.3 James Fvanauken, South F.ugllah, Ia.
M Joaeph F. Mot tier, Mr. II1.
hi-ftim J. Kills, Cottonwood Jails, Kan.
(f. 'harlea L. Iiyiio, rianburn, Ia.
$,',' Pennls Bteen, M'nn,
8'.S Thoiiias J. Hood, Clare, In.
pew-John L. O'l ery, 1 Plstte, Neb.
S7 WliHnm Hall'.iay, Hancock, Ia.
j7lriPrt?,an fchults, Salem. S. D.
972 Chatties Harnett, fa'.. Josejjh, Mo.
8.3 John F. Spencer, len'ilon. S. I. .
9.4 John F. Knesacek. Omahn, Neb.
&;R Kay Shearer. Fremont, Neb.
9'H Ja.riea 1 oty, Volna, Ia.
i.77 Hubert I Cardwell, Weathorford,
ir,s William W. Puahman, Piennlson. Ia.
9D Autrust Ti'-heta, I'oilHe, Keb.
9v liainus Nelson, 'Kg an, 6. I).
9M Ltmer Ileauchanip. Itanholdl, B. D.
'Lillian McVlcar, "uu Claire. Wis.
:! liieepn roionon. I.iKiint, I.
K Gfitree I'nilaub. K ilmia, Ia.
9sT-Frunk II. Murph". Madison. Nob.
8ii i'ted Johnaon, ChliMKO. ill.
6s7 Arthur Caden. C'tilcaan, 111.
!-a Ole ii. Mold.-n, Chamberlain, 8. T.
!- ft William A Hand, Hhenandusli, It.
Fred T. Oslorne. Y'anktou. H. I.
Cxi .tamea W. I'.inlcliT'. Lexington, Nb.
P'i?-.lBines M. F Irk, Ktf.ribury. Mo.
tfi3 Oliver V7 Jilrd, Wnvrm. Neb.
tri IJpford VMhiuns, Clark. B. T
9'.', ndrew Jotimoii, Waseca. Minn.
(.i chsrKe Morris. Bethlehem, I
i. .7 f'Ktnnel J. CoITuian. Omaha. Neb.
ft.t i.aidee O. Murk a. Lincoln, Neb.
ii :i I urmet H Rime. Hyaart. I'.
p,wi-rd M. Itaiiren, pimtorla. Ia.
li..1M,,odv f ( ouch. st.. Ftilrfna. 8. T.
jf ;(ebert Wur)'i;rv. Vi-in, la
i,:iNaoinl Klnf. (St, nth (.'mnlia. Neb.
Ii4 Humphrey 1.1. I'iil.Hns. ir,,iori, S. D.
ivrry C Wvett. Hone, Kun. 1
p,.jt,.tr Llndal'l Wiirtt-ti Mines. Mo.
ltio; William M. Little. Tore, ion, I.
1..M n,nri-'S F. Toin-y hniita 8. D.
,, ;i''i,i l- G. H..;.,l, M-xi-o, Mo.
V'lllTl"v T l.edvti -h, S.llepi S. 1).
V.l! Wlllla H C'oll'v. hloii Fulls. R. D.
, , Arthur p.. Tjiilnier. hheiumdonh, la.
Jell Carl C. J"liaito'il, O' Neb.
V Ueirit A. iit-nnett, VV llTiomion. 111.
j,.ikAS it'icr F Jnv-e rltt;tiri,l, Nel.
Jeia-S'iin'l '. Yo'O Hut lleelon J.'t., Mo.
J.117 n.irvev . VllilllMH, lii'irhltifi, Xa
j.,.uiotn Ot tiii'ttir ,s 1 11 1 ii 1. I
) "! i I to t-l ll Nenl. I- "tn-a City, Mo.
1 )., I, II T- I"'"'11"' I'HIV. 111.
1 , 1 L. m.-i 'ari'tv, Clnttn, Ia.
1 -'i 1 11 l'e.,,i;.H. J-..i 0. -ii. la.
1 .- ., M. j.i ' le. . I. tv Center. Kan.
I , .Ihiivfi A K.x-.'eii O rl, t'tl.
)., .,..; ,' .1.1 l.rtltl! Ktl.
,. .,1 .,,). 1. 'lens. 1 l.lwfi. III.
l ! . ; r I't :.-i .n. t t,,H r,a, fs , I,.
.. H !. ''nf ' t -ii, ( i fii- in, 8. D.
1 .- .; 1,0 e I,.. 1 , I i.
1 -. i ,. v I -i- le !- 4 1
o A hi ....ii. 1 Kt-'i.
I I- An . - I : .1 K. i'.
i ., ... I- 1 - 1, e. J e
. - . ;...(. .. .1..
a i ... , . . j 1 . i.
I'-' JmiM M. Nsvlor, fi"'fr, Nclv
J.. , -s., Kii'e'T, V?' iii'-'t.n. S. i,
(. y. tii,),,mi, eniHl'j. Neb.
j.. 'i r Frnli k, l"ehury, la.
i'-'rt 't i.iiam iitrg-n. I'eiknum, R. 0.
1"4I John A. 'miKhlall, Sioux City, la.
l-4.' Arthur Tregu, oUtt, . D.
J;"3 irsnvllle Ii. Currier, I'resoott, la.
vn liiinm F. Hol.'in, les Momna, la.
I'-ie John Wbeblon, itsCriw, Wis,
l4Uli.nm Kiilj-h, Lwigrit, Ksn.
J.H7 WuilHin F. Gi'beit. l.'o. PinrTs, la.
l"t Frank Maxwell, T'dono, t
J't't Jens Jensen. IliriMlin. Neb.
1" Arthur J. (.aronoeil, Honeateel, 8. D.
J" I neie. i. Mn4, t.'ntry, ato,
1 ' 2 Alvln R. Suiilii, Moniesuma, la,
10.4-gesse H. Johnson, W ilislilre, O.
l't C'hHs. O. Upper,-Flnnklnton, 8.- D.
l'- Bay C. Carroll, Wheeier, S. .I.
1 'I Juniea Fox, Yankton. 8. L).
l'-7 tiscsr A, iinnniin, JNewrsstli. Neh.
Jtts Luther K. Slvter, Howard, Okl.
jo.ii (irsv McGraw. Yankton. H. I.
liiO Oeorge A. Isvenput, Norfolk, Neb.
l-ti.i n. .s., valley Junction, la.
1 ? perdltiand l itets, l'lerce. Neb.
1" Altn-rt Zenl'ek. Fort Ooilae, ia.
I1-4 Alliert B. lillston, Montevbllo, Minn.
JO'.e Jess Jt. Schuyier, Lincoln, r0.
mj Anton I,!, i'erry. Ia.
1 i't? Henry A. Neber,. 1'roy, Kan.
p. n Joseph i'naer, l'arkst'nn, S. D.
l' Joshua Lew is, l oselo. ind.
joO Jens H. J'etersnn. Mtirouette. Neb,
lu.'l Andrew J. Lowery, Cieary, OkL
107 J 1 ia Bowman, Yankton, B. 1.
1. 3 diss. W, Mover, Denver, Colo.
1U.4 perry Hale, i'nmppm, Mo.
pi.5 J'd Siidicul. Crelarhton. Neh.
Ji7ii E. Moore. Beaver Cfoln', Neb.
n,7 Adolph ilarkl, hock Kaplds, la. v
)e7 Jacob Gordon, Omahn, Neb.
ji7 r A nthonv Wells, Correetlonvllle, la.
pe-'i Jtoyal A. Garner, Pollock, Mo.
J1 Heln Ftencp, Howaid, 8. D.
li'J-j. W. Sfiehlnfcton. Wskefldd, Neb.
jum David J, AVatters, I'rimahar, Ia.
pivi Maria M. Hlmmnn.' Rrsniliin. B. f.
in-5 Thomas K.. l eterson, Omaha, Neb, ,
Alma M. 1 is hi, t of ton wood, an inn.
J 1x7 f ieorge Pedmon, Craig-, Mo.
I"" John R. Waiters, Lenxa, Kan.
Ill J, Hammett. Mitchell 8. D.
lui -Andrew B. Down, Omaha, Neb.
pl John Kltworth, Extra, la.
1.": Wm. A. Hnnanck. Oeorre. Ia.
1:4 J. J. Schenehman, Stromahurg. Neb.
I ('4 Lewis Market, Yankton, B. D.
lir.5 Arnold I tolling. Chsmberlnin, B. D.
in:; Phillip Pastlan, Scotland B. D.
lo"7 W. V. GreKg, Inromar, O.
jn Hohart W. Howell. Omnha, Neb.
jo'in Wm. Plnman, Crofton, Neb.
lino Clarence E. Wright, Oak Park. 111.
lliil lavld Flynn, Bavenwood, O.
llhS Rudolph Schulx, Moulton, la,
Ilu3 David Lane ilvde, Dubuque, Ia.
Hot Martin T. Shonrn, Delhi, la.
J 1 1 sF) Arthur Reynolds, Dee Moines, Ia. .
U Chris Hocklo, Scottvllle, Neb.
11111 A It red Seilstrom, Chicago, 111.
I;."S noijei t J. Lyle, butler. Mo.
Jl'"i9 Ixnita R. Juhnkei iankton, S. D.
II IOi-Robert Rchultx. l'lerce, Neb.
1111 Sarah Best, l'lerce, Neb.
1113 Daniel Smith. Hanover, Kan. .
1112 John F. Shield, Cherokee, Ia.
1114 Thomas F. McCarthv, Chicago. III.
1115 Clarence L. Gideon. Kansas City, MO.
Ilia Katie VsnDorn.- wisner, Neb.
1117 May Williams, 8t, Je-seph, Mo,
1118 Thomas Hearson, Ponca, Neb.
1119 Iver Held, Hanson. 8. D.
1120 Fred W..Brortegard, Omaha. Neb.
II kit Dan Dickenson, Sioux City, la.
jiFrsnklln Bnrchell, Ornnd River, Ia.
11:3 Alonso H. Ranes, Chicago, III.
1124 Phillip H. Btever, Omaha, Neb.
1136 Clyde C. Slmrpe,. Hubbard, Ia.
llai John A. Jones, Cherokee, la.
1127 Hiram S., Wood, Oskaloosa, la,"
11 a Alexander Whltton, Holt. Mo,
1U-9-Laura Crum, Osage City, Kan.
1 1 3. C. Nicholas, BurllnKton Jet., Kan. .
11H1 Frank 8. Kern, Lusorne, Ia.
11112 Joseph P. D. Craney. Vail, In.
1133 J. AV. Morris- Bethlehem. I a.
11.14 Ma Glbb. StaplehurBt. Neb.
JH5 W. U. Trvnn, rhampalgr,. 111
11 3ft S. C. Pevny, Chicago, 111
1137 O. T. McLaughlin, chamberlain, 8.D.
Hits hiimer R. Mcl'herron, MaRnet, Neb
1139 Lilar N. Reynolds, Omaha. Neb.
1140 John T. Evans, Lincoln. Neb.
1141 M. A. Chamberlain, Verml .on, 8. D
1143 John T. Dowdlna;, Waterloo. Ia.
1143 Fred Voltner, Brunring, Neb.
1144 Idartln J. Caney, St. Jou!s, Mo.
114l Ueorge Klnt. CJelweln, Ia.
114 John G. Mooht, Morrlstown, Minn,
1147 William Kelly, Villlsca, la.
1145 Sidney McDonald, Garnet, Kan.
1149 George W. Bobbins Tracy. Minn.
ll.r0 Oliver Purrlnnoe, King City, Mo.
1 151 W. R. Montgomery, Colorado Bpr'gS.
llf.J George Cudg;, Dwlght, Kan.
Hfi3 fulllck M. Knudson. Wascon, Minn.
1154 Roy Gnffev, Dixon, III.
llnS-Chas. E. Murphy, Kansas City. Mo.
1156 A. W. Newman Grove City, Mlsa.
1157 Ann K. Sherman, Valley Falli, Kan.
116-Carrle MrCulla. But hei land, la,
1159 Alliert Kims, Tima, la.
116b Henry Delaney, Denlaon, ta,
1191 Daviii O, Beck, Ka'-tlngton Nob.
llf Charles Levlnspa,- '.Minneapolis, Minn.
11' 8 AL M. Easterly, ftlechanicnvllle, la.
1144 Chas. Vt'. Dpbbins. CUy Center, Kan.
1155 Clarence O. Stewart, .Henderson, la.
1156 Silas S.iow, Croekflald, Mo.
1167 Krneat Brandon, Ki.ig City. Ia. . .
l:,a Mlron A. Dalln Nauvoo, Til.
1769 John Samer, Norfolk, ' Neb. -:
il7v-Goorge A.- Shadle, Sienandoeh, la.
I. 71 Harvey J. Crook, Scotia, Neb,
117 Deedie M. Bailee, Meslco, Mo.
ll'K John. Monar, Clinton, Mo,
ll'it Henry J. King, Chamberlain, 8. D.
U71W. If. Biebert, Garnervllle (no state).
U7-Fr.nk A. Plnney, I'arme? City. Neb.
1177 Jo Hellhrum. Cenova. CCD.
1178 John T. Fteffea, Kumrhrey, Neb,
1170 Edward Krause, Tyndall, S. D.
1W-Mat Casey, Klevenville, Wis.
11H1 tiuy J. Martin, Thurman, la.
112 Hugh L. DoiiRherty, Britton, 8. D.
IKi Jaa W. Neeley, Wetmore. Kan.
lis-Jullua B. I-tikett, St. Lords, Mo.
lliii-John M. Scott, Avenue City, Mo .
Ii" Dennis O'Leary, Woodbine, Ia.
)ii-John L. Larson, Dtinlap. Ia.
llkH Aloert Brown. Central City, la.
lis Herbert Socor, Armour, B. Vt.
ll' Frank H. Smith, Fort Dodge. Ia.
Jim Tim O'Connor, Mentorvllle, Minn.
IH'2John Lane;, Perry, Ia.
lli'J James O'Brien, Omaha, Nib. :
114 Jesse Raum, Newton, ta.
IP'S John Miiander, Ceresco, Neb.
llml Hayes A. Fry, Iowa City, la.
11D7- George M. Burkett, Center, la.
IP'S John Ackermann, Sutton, Neb.
II. 19 Andrew B. Powera, Chicago, I!!.
lAn-ttuat H. Erickson, Bt, Louis, Mo.
ljol Michael 8. Ryan. Waseoa, Minn.
Piei Henry Schllchblng, Wausa, Neb.
1J.3 Mark I. Parker, Logan, la.
l::ot Michael Walarh, Parkson. 8. T.
1' Charles 11. David, Madison, Neb.
l?on Richard Hasklns, Milwaukee, Wla.
Ii7 Irving Proud, Hartlngton, Neb.
' Kanatser, bavery, Kan.
im W. 11. Moore, Missouri Valley, Ia.
1310 Fast B. Dlckerson, Irene, S. IJ.
im W illiam Behroer, Bloux City, la.
iii Frank M. V.'niier. Luckport, 111.
IliS Lottie M. Rogers, Ames, 1.
1214 William R. Walston, blocton. Ia,
1"15 John 1- Cooper, Colorado City, Colo.
1216 John V. Neville, Campbell. Neb.
1217 Catherine Malioney. Manilla, la,
12ii John E. West, Siojk City, la.
Hit Clair Ryr'.-d. lic.nBon, Is.
J'.' i) F. A. Dfcugenliaiigh, Anil, la.
1221 Wels C. Petersen, S'oux City, la.
1.! George U. Harger, Dearborn, Mich.
1 . prj pel,... (lonev Creek, la.
It 4 John A Whipple, Waukegan, 111.
L' -iS-Juliua Slel.-r, Trlpr., S. D. .
l 'lW, F. Thompson,' Cedar Bluffa. Neb.
12 tivlveatri B. Stewart, Pe. Neb.
1. H c barlr.a li, Armatroitg, Hortello. Is,
p 1 -njam'.n F. Macey. Stella. Nob.
1- tt-Gem-tfe Ira, Pintee, Neb.
i;n Leonard Hortinan, Fremont, Neb.
1:2 John Andrews, RoassvllJe, la.
j ; 1.4 William C. Boyer, Council Bluffs, la
; 4Ksy E. Powerrnan, Mitchell, H. Lt.
Ij.. 5 Charles E. Billiard, IJncoln, Neb.
1 jicnj. V. Bmtlett. Sprlngrield, Mo.
1 "7 Jtobort H. Wilson, Linkvlile, Mo,
p. ci oy A Richardson, Orchard, NeO.
12 Phillip Blsany nanborn, Minn, N lieckman, Bruiiawiik. Ind.
1' il Otto E Slli"' Jeioiie In.
1?Wrn. Pi fci'eeer, Newkirk, O. T.
Ut Oeorge H. baser, Iawler. Ia
j;M4Um E. Haline, Carroll, la.
pan Framwa Runaell, Cbainlierlaln, B. T.
12UJ Joseph W. Kelley, Kensa City, Mo.
14,- Kick Hemdel. Caledonia, Minn.
IMS Charles N. Crlppen, Council LiurTs.
j-01 Margaret Cliapman, Benton, la.
l--,i) FiederlcK N. Brown, Kimball 8. D
l'l lante: Sneehan. St- Joseph, Mi.
X-l i-.iieu Nye, Yankton, 8. p.
P .4 F. E. Dougla-e, Correctlonvll)e la.
1 .4 Lisbon (. McKIm, Clearwater, Neb.
l'.i L. M. Wicket aham, Kanevlila, Mo.
l ie-Charles F. Holtman, Norfolk, Nb.
j jpeba Mackay, pipeatone. Minn.
1 j W llllam Zulauf, Pierce.' Neb.
1. a Patrtek linoysan, Henry, H. D.
j .,1 I.ula Meriui i-ioii, Jackaon, Neb.
p.. I Anthorv J. Hjkets, Uavnl'o, B. I,
1 . : John 1 lllbach. obh. Wis
1 -a Henry Crdes, Plttabnra. Kan.
j -..41 ed Ellisfaoii, Cant lewood, D.
po Henrietta 1'atilk, Yankton H. D.
p. 4Wtti. H. pHKleton, Decatur. Neb.
1 waiter E Itoblnson. Linn, Minn,
j . j (joy Baxter plus Rlilaa. Mo,
1: 'I'boinaa Fuji. Columbus, Nm.
1 i-'iBTikt Johnson, lliurmrai. Nfb.
j t . 1 A nt hon v W. C..!llns, H-re-ford, 8. p
1 lllla W. Peaniev,' KelleHoll, I.
J ' i ;.-(. i KB M. Kelley, Noriolk. NcO.
1 4-J.ilin A- JohiiMin, Otis.-i). Minn,
p :v j,,k,h F. l ebls. Geneva, Nell.
rn-ci tileeon, h.uth Unmlm. N.
I 7-riuir'rs N. Itcusn. ! ebon, Kan.
1 ' i James A. P.mkms, llull, la.
1. i.M.(jret Vii.eil, Vittl, I.
J ...i-.i.iii J. 1 m. n. North lmii. Neb.
1 ii ..trtivi.itt N. t. iiiiiiliilium, 'mo .
) tt-w tn t BnMet, New Loiid in, Mo.
J -i,'ir.n H .lfH, Akron. 1.
J i-ii.-i.ty 8. hi, nui. i..ialla. Mo.
1 "-AiiiiIb K Ale-.. I. B. IX
i i-1... In !... r. "I yndsll. (4 D.
1 --..! . I n ( I ,,i.i.-v Jen.r-oii. . D.
I li-i.-r Kii -n Hoes,-.!!' Neb. i
I . ; . , o. e, i.eo. W s u Hon, la.
1 i A i li 1 . . ii, t 'in. I i.
) I I AMI-1 .i W Ne'.
i.., lvtu.(i H. i,rrott, .iitiii.i, . K
1-4 -Airred J. rt, Tr'-'on, Mo.
1 i 1 r' srtfndrr. V' tnnebaan, Neb.
I -I I His Pnntiey, Avhel!, Kan.
1' 7! 1. Kennedy. WeTlns; Water, Neh.
1 lied J. Yocek. Soutii Omshs, Neb
1 lwis H. larlh, D"cstur, ill.
I'll- m I'f pienhauer, Yankton, 8. D.
J , . W illiam Hosing, Behlen. Net).
1 F.lwsr.l Multl, Tankt.-n, P. IX
i '-.-I rr ShaT-r. IMjou Ullia. K. I).
1 4 Irfir J. Mesbelm, lieorwh, la.
j .., Herman F. Wagner, Yankton, 8. D.
i4-JniN Vadgrlft, Centralis, Mo.
1 '7 will K. bcurr, CorTey villa, Kan.
j i .ijrfig c. Bsamnssen. Falrvlew, 8. D,
1 W. Nled'trhauser. Msrehslitown, la.
p, i-Herman Hasp. Omnhs, Neb,
li'l-Wm. B. IXckaon, Pender. Neh.
pit: John R. Ptimleil, Horlev, B. D.
l.U.t Mslh. T. Swelleoearl, I'srkston, 8.D.
ptit Andrew Thompson, Clittoa, Kan,
P!5 Wallace Kill, Yankton. 8. D.
ma Wm. W. Bailey, Northboro, la.
Hi 7 Sol Sage, FTiend, Neb.
l:i8 James H. Linville, Boanrd, Mo.
le Olsf Knudson, Iike Altlea, 8. D.
I'O August Vaklner. Scrlbner. Neb.
P 1 tleoige H. Phlllso, Carroll, Neb.
P f Wm. T. McLean. Chamberlain, 8. D.
pe t Jos. J. Klnsel, Clerhorn, ia.
1.1 4 Leo M. tiletsen, ( nlumbvia, Neb.
1 .('.! H. Pettv, Montrose, la.
p rt Martin Brua, Vlborg, 8. 1.
1' .' Albeit J. Phnlten, Hull. Ia.
J3 M James G. Imnlsp, tPt. Joseph, Mil,
l-! C. K, Armentrout. t.'hamberlaln, 8.D. Joseph, Fhilr, ClUjuet, Mo,
D31 Joiin H. Lemiter, Arcadia, la.
1-2 Boy M. Conley. Huron, 8. IX .
p 3 luaae McCollom, .anenvllle, O.
13' 4 James D. Robertson. entrr, Mo.
p 'i H. O. Muehlbxtrg, Carven, Minn.
1- V-Prank A. Idxon, Chlcsgo. III.
1Mb' Fred A. Reynold Kimball, 8. D.
p s John Koch, Sshetha, Ksn.
. -Frank Kllpatrl-'k. IJindclph, la.
J i" Henry Koch, Toxica, Jll.
C. M. Granger. Bsttle Creek. Neb.'
aa Qeornw 8. Andrew, South Omaha,
j U3 Henrietta Mliliredt, Sioux. City. Ia.
p44 Cirlsndo C. Broaden. Nellgh, Neb.
j.".,wjames N. Shu ne. Kenova, W. Va.
13-u Alfred Allen Butte, Neh,
1347 Samuel N. Clayton, B.-hiiyler, Neb.
Ifiia C. McLotichlln, West I'olnt, Neb.
1?9 WH'lam Hammond St. Joseph, Mo.
IWKJII71M Jt. Debolt, New I'olnt, Mo.
13.71 Joseph Blnnden, Green, Ia.
pv,.:W alter F. I'lum, Anadarko, Okl.
1. 3 Harry A. Klndiff. Holsteln, la.
l i 4 Herbert M. Trakl". Bloomer, Wis.
DA Albert A. Plev, Madlaon, Neb.
13 Edward D, Headlund, (ienoa, Neb.
13.i 7 John H. Darrsh. Charlton, la.
IV-s-Wm. II. Addlngton, Castana, Ta.
13 .a f.liarlea P. Foras Ponesteel, 8. D.
13i) Franklin Larson, I'lalnvlew, Neb.
l.''i;t Char,, Tl Vnnntf VnnltlAii IB 11
13'-2 Emll (3. Werner, Blue Springs,' Neb.
UM-Aimon Wurd, Audubon, la.
134 Louis Schaefer, Storm Lake. Ia,
Looelyn Pratt, King City, Ma
133? John Foor, Illocton, Ia.
13H John L. Hughes, Bismarck. N. D,
pii.S Harvey D. Beebe, Bonestel g. D,
13hH Lewla Craig, Blue River, w'ls.
1370 William J. Knight, Monroe, Wis.
1371 Charlie P. Dicken. D-Soto. Kan.
1373 E. Brhaefendberg. Hartlngton, Neb.
jji4 can La. rora, wiins, Kan.
1374 Frank N. Crowe, Omaha, Neb,
137V-Jes VanBore, Tanktcn, 8." .
1376 John Allen. Tarklo, Mo.
1377 Logan Robinson, Kansas City Mo.
1S79 Wm. O. Cahlll, Green Mountain,'!.
ji-i wm. A. iou;iass, Denmon. Kan.
131 John Or Peterson, Craig. Neb. .,.
13x3 John Hame. Norfolk. Neh.
, 18 Clotlleb Kerb. Butte, Neb.
i4 onarie M.,i-ltibr, Yankton. B. u.
13K5 Felix N. I.eslle, Avoca, Ia.
UiMoIII Mllliken. Yankton, 8. D.
13X7 Carl Sheeper, Germantown. Neb.
l.Utj Samuel Eakln, Ciiamberlain, 8, j).
13I-9 Irene F. Burnett. Omaha. Neb.
1330 Cha. 8. Cavender, BIythevi:ie, Mo.
Ufl Clirlat Benton, Burr, Neb,
P'-2 T. W. Plummeiv Yatee Center, Kan.
j 1-JH--J acoo rj. ixiy, uxrora, ia.
H4 Eilwced Pracher, Biou City. Ia.
1 i'i" John F. Emerson. Catalna. Neb.
Vf.0J. P. Jones, Cottonwood Fa'la, Kan.
pine-Matnew Funiic, Mlillln, wis.
13" John F. Wells, Peoria, 111.
13J. Arthur Smith, Boneateel, S. D.
PtitO Michael Cullen. Cumberland, Ia.
llPPt,.r o. Brandvald, Wellmar, Minn.
14"3 I lilio Pennyt White Cloud.Kan.
14i3 Frank Sheelmeyer. West Bend, Ia,
14i'4 Joseph H. Morrlsey, Danbury, Ia.
14 Charles W. Mot.'Huelnnd, Bonalr. Ia,
14.14 Francl McKenna, Tyndall, 8. 0.
14H7 Robert B. Pattlsnn, Pleraon, Ia.
J"S Charles Reed, Lorton, Neb.
14(-F.dgar M. Cox. Omaha, Neb.
1410 Robert T. Glrvln, Marion, Neb. er
1-411 George 8. Sullivan. Jackson, Nil.
1412 Albert Larsen, Marlndahl, S. p.
14)3 John B. Fennessey, Aloenter, 8. D.
1414 John It. Black, Springfield, Mo, ,
1418 Ruby Folsom, Achillea, Kan.
1416 Alfred Krlatlnnsen, West Boone, Ia.
H17 Allie Hatch, Contervllie, 8. D.
1418 Paul T. Brown, Lewis, Ia.
1419 JosiLh H. Woods, Elkhart, Ind.
1430 Llovd D. Heflln. Anadarko. Okl. ' '
! 1421W. R.I Lawrence, .Tacoma, Wash.
I 14. -2 Jamea E. Richardson. Armour, 8,13.,
14:-OHver J. Wiggings. Weatherby. tlo.
" 14 4 Joha-W. Robinson,-. Tarklo,' Mo.
1421V Charles w. Campbell, Mitchell, B. v,
1426 Richard E. Tomlln, Omaha, Neb.
1427 A. B. Montgomery, Kansas City, Mo.
142 Ben J. Woodbury, Endlcott, Neb.
1429-John C. 'Wolff. Pontine. 111. '
. 1430Guy H. Bryan, Plankin. 8. D.
1431 i'eter A. uison, Milan, ninii.
1432 AItert E. Holden, Otterbine, Ind.
143S Bcnney Ranberg. Mlnneot. Minn.
14.4 William M. Lewis, Elgin, Ia.
14:5 May Hoyem, Yankton, B. tt.
143 M. M. Nightingale, Atkinson. Neb.
1437 John Nyberg. Webster, 8. P.
14.-S Iulu Lewis, Bloux City, Ia,
14 : Kmll Gurthner. Brldgewetar, S..D. .
leu i George Bennett. Cambridge, III.
14-tl Robert H. Bammons, Duidee, Minn.
1442 Mary Maud Houck, Montroeo, B, D,
14-tS Print Latham, IJncoln, Neb.
1444 Lil'hle J. Parker, Butte, Neb.
144A N. Bay Hall, Lincoln, Neb.
l4tf ?arvln C. Freeman, Blnger, Okl.
1447 Elliott Anh. Allien. Minn.
14-48 Jeffrey O'Cunner. Correetlonvllle. Ia.
14 Chariea A. Irish, Mt. Vernon, B. P.
J4(i0 Hllmers Olson, Elkhart, 111.
1K.1 John L. Meffert, Centralla. Mo.
Hi 2 Richard II. Wade. St. Joseph, Mo.
U i Ada Bryant, f iou Citv, la.
14!4-T. A. Kelly, Webater City. Ia.
141-4 A. F. J. Zlncke, 8'airfax, Minn.
IV. W. K. Hollabnugh. Nebraska City.
1457 Daniel Yost, Swanton. Neb.
14,-H John W. Larson, Mlnden Mines, Mo,
14ii9 Isaac O. Stanley. Audubon, la.
14it0 Joseph A.-Peterson, Laurens, I a,
14il Kilwara Lt. Hoberts, Omnha, Neb.
He3 Robert J. Ftiiey, Knoxville. 111.
1.3 Orvlll G. Wtarren. Lovewell. Kan.
14e4 Chas. A. T. Hudilln, Genoa, Neb.
15 Sarah C. Corse. Boneateet, 8. P.
14' Jacob If. Piahle, Cottonwood, Minn,
li l Henry C. Gunn, Bollver, Mo.
14" T. B. Armstrong-. Greenlee f, Kan.
14"" A. P. Pwernon, B-rtrand, Neb.
iii'tH. A. Aiariiu, Chamberlain S. P.
14-n Wm. L. Bell. Thompson. N. D.
14.2 Mervin A. Keplmrl, Wayuevllle, IlL
147 Wm. O. Wllilama, Burwel). Neb.
1474 J. B. Pendleton. Augusta, III.
1475 Bandolp'n Hnnlaeh, Cedar Rapids, la,
j'' Richard Frank, Iitoneateel, 8. D.
1477 Albert Lorenson, Canton, B. P.
4'H John F. Corner, Gray, la.
14 9 Maria Kidman. St. Joseph, Mo,
l4i) 'Alice J. Johnaon. Pptine.'icld, Neb.
4l Daniel M. t rue, Hrtsiol, b. d.
14 J H. L. Holmqiilst, Centervllla, B. P.
11,1 iienno (iets, lurly, B. IX
Jy.4-l.yail C'lelland, Ixivewell, Kan.
1, ' Jacob P. Holveraun, Melville. III.'
J-t-4 Ensign P. l.'lckson. Waverly, Neb. "
?4.f.' John E. Benet, Omaha, Neb.
li S Edward Ri knael (no addresaX
leu Henry F. Arensi Yankton, S. t. '
H Fremont O, Authler, Hloux Cltv, la.
H'd William P. Mllllkert, pernell, Mo.
lv Rachel Wllilama, Koosevelt, Okl.
14n Alexander Kandyka, Merrill. Ia.
1'4 Geor-e W. Coaie, Yankton, S. IX
H '7 George M. Hlrseh, Auburn. Ind.
Hiit John O. Reher, Freeport, III.
14"7 Jnmee H. Stetihens, Dxter. TCan. '-
14 ne!n fl. Mitehfiil, Shelby, Neb.
1' Wllllum J. Hlaliop, Pe Molnea, ia,
lf.'nv John V. Spratt, St. Joneph, Mo.
pvi Hruce B. Chilcot., llonier. Inch,
It.1 2- Jumea M. Muloney, lienua, Neb.
lir AArthur W. Taylor, Swan. In , ,
p. t William J. ItiKllHh, Verden, 8. D.
lifV I'urry IX Brown. Wisner. Neb.
15 4 Clement V. Theobald. Madlaon, .Wa.
pll James E. Casey, Look prir l. 111.
lv.H Andrew iAiiKinml. pt. Blakely.Wssh.
lt'4 sweater A. Iiuden, Custer, Mich.
1,'. 10 Chas. Kli.frstr im, Leed City. H. V. Herbert t u!l urid. S'neon, B. D,
lti3 Hane N. Ide, Scotland. 8. I).
1:) lmnj. H. Hiiasell, tireen Buy, Wis.
114 Paul Bartfih, Mimnlng. la.
Mi-rWtii. Ia Mcl UKli!in. fechuller, la.
l.-iti Hand P. Roacnbe'-k, Deulium, la.
1' 17 Hurry Stewart, Knowlton, la.
p i CluiVfes '. Dodder, ppiil. ling, Neb.
p .is F. Wellington Pin k, Aberdeen. B. T.
1' ! William L. Jiirvta. De Moines, Ia.
P I Wm. A Jeflervs. Councfl Blurts, la.
1. iien lamlii F. Ilrtt il.iig. Trenlon. Mo.
1 .'! I'lli h F. Vaddi n btewartv'll M'nn.
14 1'ercy y, pnteheler. Wake, a 'a a. -
i' t 1'eier J. I irlch. Ysnkton, K. D.
1 rt F;td W. Prior Marlon, la.
1 i Walter E. Palling, Greenwood, Nb.
1 s Iyfoiis Snr, I NiMrs, la
1 i Andrew Unkenkeiirr. rlorence. Neb.
1 Jvlrf OoMohe)', 1-oii'la. In.
1 I 1'enrv Tatiiin I'.lot.oinel.l. Neb.
? barle A. Aiklns Council Blurts, In.
1 i .h.,..-pli 1. oiler, i- lll. Nen. i
1 ' - - I 1 1 C. V.'osel, lilVHIlt, la.
P -v Maisnret V.. 1 "ilapl .me. Civde. Kan.
1 n jKinea H. Ir.Kram. pnci utei 1. S. It.
1 -.Hfirv iletma, bios rt v 1 1 le. Neb.
P v- '1 I.e. id. .1 11. PeUn-ia, 1 leri'f, NeO.
P' Jinn l-ob-i. bt ( berlei Minn.
. to-.!obti '. Weiixla.f Yankton. 8. D.
1 -i I - '1 in. -on s Co-owr, Cbt-vctine, V.'vo.
P , f- -, r i . , j rl M PI p.-nO. 0l..
j .4 i i hi lea M li..i:'ira, Kiilitmry. N b.
i:.4 I ie l ' ti t-1 1, IT Hhelll'il., III.
1 heo.1 .is r T. Pillker, a. D.
1 -. I" I.O.ft - H I '! h ' ,f . I I
ViT h re.l I c iid.i a ,.i i h, P'orfolk. Veb.
p...-( l.Hilra A M.'j AiihiIo II
I . t v I i A. H.t.k, iv Point la.
1 , l . Il.irt !U S. 4 ii y.'f C.. r"l
Aai:;3Twi hLzrA co Iz tbTrco;::li;;aJ
How Is it with tho young people of your household T Are you endeavor
ing to lnrtll Into their mlnd the hsMt of thrift and eoonemy? Will yon
listen to a suggestion? Send them down to th Bsnk with their first dollar
snd let them get sn inkling! In the wsys cf business, that they may be
'Inclined'1 toward thrift.
1 1
f - ' llovi is the fme to have your -
Furnace Cleaned & Repaired.
... ,'! - - I . 1
. No charge for, estimates. , ..... ... ,v e
' Heliable and workmnnshlp, at
. . . , . lowest rmcEs. . . . . ,, ,
Milton Rogers & Sons Co.,,
14th and Farnam Streets,
Labor Diiturbgncet tlia Host UnfaTorabls
Businesa T actor. '
i mmmmm -
Aside froaa tk Indatatrtal Unrest ha
Country- .f cents to It Enjoying ,
Heallhy Comrnerelal
J ' "' Conditions.
NEW YORK, July 19.-R. O. Pun at Co's,
Weekly Review of Trad tomorrow wilt
Kay: :
Confidence appears to be returning de
spit a large aodltlon to the army of tin
employed. Iabsr dlsturbanoes are the
most unfavorable factor In the Industrial
and commercial situation at the present
time, curuiliuH the output of a few uiuch
needed products and reducing th demand
for all commodities. Aside from this ad
vercs influence the situation baa Improved,
although progreae ia slow and frequently
Another week has put much wtTeat and
cotton beyond danger and brought other
crops nearer maturity. Dealers are pro
viding for a future a 11 tie more freely,
and In several Important branches of In
dustry ; orders come forward in greater
bulk. Owing to special condition, th
leading branches of manufacture do not
make uniform progtva. complications as
to supplies of raw material making th
current situation difficult at textile and
ahne plants. Dry goods are quiet In the
principal cities and footwear purchasnre
have taken sample lines to an extent that
promises well for next spring. Earnings
of the railways thus far reported for July
are only 17 per cent leas -than last year. -
There Is deposition to attach too much
Weight to rvport of the past in ascertain
ing present conditions in the Iron and steel
Industry. As a matter of history it la In
teresting to note th amount of earnings
Of the leading producer during the second
quarter of the year, - and there Is also
significance in the tonnage on th books
July L but lt Is far more pertinent to
find the current attitude of consumers
and th extent to which new businesa may
be- reasonably. .expected when - Purchasers
baoome sutinfled that no further conces
sions are forthcoming. It wus a foregone
conclusion that th net earnings of the
Steel corporation- for- the month ending
June SO would fall short of the same Quar
ter last year and th actual decrease of
nearly one-nair arouse no nurprl.--, or
Alarm. , The orders for I,lsi2,277 tona car
ried at the end of the half-year showed a
loss of about 25 per cent, aa compad
with the report of conditions tore months
earlier, but such a tonnage In sight. i by
no means atagnation and would be n est
eatiBfactorv If lt would prove the lowest
point of th depression. Recent evidences
or returning eutmuence suggest tne possi
bility of such a gratifying result.
In the textile Industry the most Im
portant development during the past week
was the Fall Kiver atrlke and It failed to
arouse any anxiety among buyers. Busi
ness In woolen foods has Improved still
further and practically ail the remaining
new lines hav now been opened. Mar
ket conditions, are considered very satis
factory and a good seaaoti Is expected, A
further - advance in rrices must come If
the raw material continues rising.
While the ton of the packer hide mar
ket Is naturally very strong on account of
the packing house strike, there Is no ac
tivity, tanners falling to perceive any ad
vantage In making purchases wheh deliv
eries are ao uncertain. Foreign hides ar
rive slowly and ere in brisk request.
Failures thla week numbered 220 In the
TTnlt. U4o(Aa 1uO l&St Vt.t 80d
eighteen In Canada, compared with nine
teen a year ago.
Crop Conditions Also Bald to B Mneh
Hon Favorable.
1EW YORK, July p.-Bradatreotg to
morrow will aa.y:
Mora activity la noted Bt a fovr western
centers, but fall trade ia slow to assume
form, pending veeuiance as to crop re
sults and settlement of existing Industrial
diMiurbsnces. Crop conditions are, oil the
whole, favorable, though regularity In kev
Uoiia prevents general realization. Fall
Inquiry and tilpurite of good ar llveu
lr uu in She wmt and are expected -to be
come active early In August. The move
ment H mtcr wheat to : lusiui, koUi
what delayed this year, haa beg-un in
mmimI , otnclrifnta II v. Imoroveinent 1
hown at some center and the demand for
money from the country naa aeeumea gooa
proportions this week.
Anvioes irom seme weeiwiu mamrn imrn
to-mure dolus:' In fall dry goods, shoes snd
clothing. Good crop prcapecis favorably
Influences trade, which Is expected to
prove excellent later on.
Trmta at enalern markets Is still rather
q.ilec Th ahue trail aisoiays only moa-
erat aCtlVliy, ouyers imina oiimrrTMiva,
but Iftather la nearly a cent higher on all
oradee. Wool Is rather quiet, thouirh. still
firm, with medium gradee relatively In
t,e.t demand. Di V goods show Utile activity
ttf vai, iiiouK.ii thb ti-T. i t of tho Pill P.iver
eirikej lias been to. render print cloth price
(inner. ; Wholeealo traoe in iiijuors, parno
uiarlv in wiilak.v and Wines, Is reported
dull and collections see iinaaila'actory. On
the Parlfle em, Han Francisco reports a
1,'Kht trn ht present, but a good tall bust
Hers la expet:ted. liMiort bualoca Is af
fueted by war compln atlona. The salmon
pivck W-tli he dleappulniliigly Small en th
enure Pacittc riset.
to rent n liel.inry is a reature or Im
virtanc. The niet strike has renpfned at
eadlng weivlrrn packing center and there
SUW jlCl l i aV-a
all! tig f
Don't tell ycur friends of
It. They vould think it co
strange.- Ycu see, thsy know
Ayer's Hair Vior checks
fii'.linj cf ths hair, restore,
color to xr.y hair, end mikea
ths hair crow. Then v.hy
Uon't you us3 it?
" A few yearg tpi r.ijr heir rot try
dry snd I C'uiU pu It 'i, :.t Ovi tyt .a
hsiulll. Afii-r tsini fee? L-a:;.. of
Aycr't Ifair VI or I tt rtitcf. .'jr
htit ttopieJ fai.mj eel I ret-eivr 4
rm f.ciiJ tf fhlr.'' l.'ti. (i. lUtiti,
-..ii.kse, is.
t.'.l, AlU ...... fC.aV.2CJ.. l.,:8...
t .n
'Phone 124.
la danger of sympathetic, strike embroil
ing raiiroad employes, in ailtlillon to the,
lii.tiOO meat trade strikers, production of
print cloths at Fall Kiver Mas come to en
airaoet c-o.r.plete atop owing to tlia atrlke
Of ai.uon mill hand against a reduction.
In addition to these trouble h dullness
in a-uUir.kc.Ite coal and the cveratocked
conditlpn of all markets rentier serious ex
isting alfputes between operators and
miners. A amnnrwl shutdown of all mine
Is expected to ocour next week. Involving
the Mlenoee of ao.oiil) men. Other lines of
Industry are rather quiet, Iron notably so,
perilling a clearer view of future require
ment. Nalia have been reduced In price
and tin plates have been Cut to the lowest
Quotation in year. The effect of these re
liction is yet to be seen. 1 A little more In
quiry for structural material is noted at
Pittsburg. Tin, copper aud lead, among
the other metals, are all lower In price
this week.
liusinett failures In the United States for
the week ending July 28 number 174, against
is! lust week, leu In the like week in li.
Pig In ln, 160 In 1901 and 170 In likH). In
Canada failure for the week number 17, as
against 19 Inst week and 17 In 4hls week
a-yeur ago. Bank olearlng-s aggregate M,
eV7,lif. a decrease o 8.1 fro-n but week, hut
an inrreo of 12.4 per cent over the like
week In 11AS.
Wheat, Including flour, exports for the
week ending Jul 2H . aggregate l.613,2ii3
bushels, against l,2Sl,6ol last week, t,lill,4l
this week last year, ,4 3m. M4 In lini4 n il
4).4s3,yi bushels In lttoi. From July 1 to dUj
the exports aggregate 6.186,174 bush,v
against lS,oofl,24 lust year, 16.649,840 In IStOi
and 23,67u,t46 buMliels in
Corn exports f",, the week aggregate 415.
044 buahein, nlfjrt 706,647 la-tt week. S-S.-t3
a year ago, Hj,4u5 In li3 and 563H
ushela In lb'! From July 1 to date the
exports cf corn aggregate 2,!TI0,M4 bushels,
galnt 5,3r7.6i In IS, m,Tit in J9oa and
.Li,4,U3 bushel In l&ol. -
Fracccs Uoi son B jrncit
uthor of "Little 1 Lord
Fkuntlcroy," begim a new,
story of child life in
McC lure's
for August. Beautiful pic
tures in colors by Jessie
tyi!lcox Smith.'
" McClure'i ii ut!T famous for its
short itoriei," ayi the Cl itUnd
Lt4tr. There gre levrn in thp
Auguit number by O. Henry,
MarrR. S. Andrew, Smuel Hop
king Adam, Alice Brow.n. Henry
Waljaoe thillip. nd ptherp. - .
Many Pidant in Cflor$ e ,
tOea'copy ""V. '. B-McCtui
11.00 a year .
At all uwt
tanda 4ua a..
:.. JjJ Bt.
New York. N.Y.
The above ant! all other Uadlnffinaa
aziteo vi:i.L tuc4. 4a , tha.. cow
counters at
22 So
vJ JU4.
UO, every one of the 2,381,243
healthily opened pores of your
skin will shout as through a
trumpet, "For1 this reliefmuch
thank3." Five minutes with
HAND SAFOLIO equals Hours
of to-called Health Exercises
Its Use is a fine habltv , .
rest A CrUMPACWE cocktasu
rf fT" Yf
A BSD a fci MR NTS.
ii P Wtiod ward ft .
V Uurgess, tAitt
Tli rrris fctosk toi
Today TonlKht Sunday' MaL
6 j1 binliti i.useeii's f ai'orlt.
A Foo.'t jn t.ATit'N."
Bundiy t ntll Wedrmaiay,
lll H.KiUv"
T'rlt-eelJC. Mc. Vr. .
- Matinees Any loeat VKt.
i.oo pen DAY ,
II ',! Nr-"! Sorii'H(, tw tl' fe t'rl h Walq
r.l.t.l7ll04 I ...!. !"-
... -i .,l f . , I ninint. )ao.'lrlil 'vli sjiritiic f'iit"
sm' t UM iri.'u t ui'i.1 tiittivd lt tt r"u4ft
ilvj M. Ataia vf 6i'
let X
i i-.nii'
u4 laW
ISrixjirou tiunc 41 hp 1 II r It I-oi