A ran njr Sf 1 mJm. V .n ettft, - :' "Is A !! li i v.i. , : r ::j inn i ; nrTAiiLnairD junk id, istl OMAHA, PAT Oil DAY MORNINO, JULY CO, lPOi TWELVE TAOUa 6 INGLE COPY' THREE CENTS. ROSEBUD I KIZE 7h'L73S i Li u list im Tii;i i r n. i ! ; i ' SB-- MV' PAC-REHS I! AY COXFER Ar ,-":'"-,3 t' ,-t T ,;" t'ati&si An' to E Pernio' wh-i Strifeer at Chicago, STRIKTCnCAKES WITH CUN RUNS AVUCK ' Eim to Kill CtrikBin. rrCSIDENT GOLDEN PUT UNDLR AHHiST Leader of the trik; Teamster d In for Talking. e;:hty negroes assaulted hi "i v.ds V f r ITort Belnar Wade to PmoTi r br takers Uhfn Furiooi At C la SIae oa the tea. ' ' ' CHICAGO, Ja!y 23.It is suthori announced thai a conference ha bwwi ar ran.l between trlke leader and M&ji and Ferdinand tulsbrsr of Sohwarxs child & Sulzberger. ' Declaring the Lord hud commissioned him to end th parking house strike by killing fill the strikers, John 'A. Leed, a negro, caused great excitement at the stock yurtis today. II mi arrested after a t ru p-c ;o and found to b carrying a loaded revolver. The police are In doubt whether Lecd la insiin or only shamming. Eighty negroes, being transported from tli stock yard late In two car on the Lake Sliore road, were thrown into a Ptnlc by a furious attack by a mob of ZOO throwing stones, which demolished nearly every window In both cars. Explosion of torpedoes warned the engineer to atop. In stantly a mob rushed out rrom places of roncen!m"t and the rock throwing bfn. Three policemen standing upon platform beat b:ick the rioter, while the frightened negroea hid under th car aeata, while th train pu!ld away from the cene. " Attempt to aniugsl out nonunion meat from the vtock yarda through ublerfune today resulted io an exciting chane and tha complete failure of the plan. The m!tt had been loaded by Armour & Co. Into a wagon by the Great Western Art company and, eluding the vlrllance of the pli keta, the dii r had passed out of the yars. The picket shortly after learned the fota. They mounted a street car, overtook the driver and compelled the man to turn bin k to th yards, whara the meat was unloaded. Arrest Onion OH'.crr. Pieeidiint F. Golden of the teamsters' union turned trtite picket today, defied Police Inspector Klcliola Ilunf and was arrested. Ooldsn discovered a wagon, owned by Terry & Co., being driven past Mb oflice 1 a caliud to. the teiuiwteri "Vlier.ure jou soing?" ' ' "Ai where I pluuiie, so long a X attend to my own buBincua," was th reply, whereupon Goldou ordered tije driver to turn back -.- Tlie Inspector heurd ti'.o conimand stnd riaojiurd U; . ta:wvi, tsllli" him to si on about hi bueinui;.. 1 Then cam a war. . of words. Hunt, Ei-ukioj; hi club at the etrlit: !-adr, decind u. -.e would be an 'liili.il" i.iate arruKt If Uoiaon did aot "Bhut UP" r 1'e ft -' 1 1 Khe'arreat followed. T.io kifahi i.tt;-ia luteu9 eiclteroent and wltliin two m.itutu ve!ii.l tboueand men had gathered to watch the proceedings. , "Tli'rfv. la iin outrage," declared Qoldea 'I have bien g-ullty Ot no otlenae agalnat the law." At the time of Oohler.' arrest ffce polio also took into custody O. T. Buser, who was In the tea.HiUar' headiurters. lie Wus charged wlta faiterf arlng wlUi an-ofO- ccr. r.utli prisoner wr tken to th ta tun in a patrol wagon. HtU was refud tin in niul they Wrre nt tt CBiU. Vh n.entiy proteatl'ig atsn'i'.t what thuy de clared ws itn outrage. .11 was the first tiiu av chief ot th trik iu4 thousauAa waa takn Into custody JUktr, however, Freadnt Golden, after a atonny UJk wtlb. Police Inspector Hunt in which International iTeald1;: is&ea of th teanitr' C!'guJil Uoa took part, was Ulcerated on bii. ' ' Ooh'.ttt Tfa Ulierated only on coadltlon 'that h remaus ao.y froin lilwr bead yuartor until etter his heartiig tomorrow. Ouorge T. Eub, anotl.cr olticlal of th teamster' usilon. wUo was arrxted with Goldun, was likewise trswl on bond. I::t--rr:.;.!-ir!! fr-'" he of r" theihood ot Teict)'s was outopokeo In Ml Cununi'lntton Of th rret of Gulden. "Colorado awstlioij.s stem to prvaU," ld tm ' ilnor5er at Nelson MoitI A Co.' branch In Sou? It CL-lci-go today cau4 th arrest of tlvo ir.jii, who bud sttaukad retail meat ifuioii f'i'f f'r suit .lli-s and overtunutd to wei '-.i. a. The luader wr arrtJ, , ; r CI1 tC Peroral Aid. If t! litt;,,.'. t 1 Uuuii ttulj aliOtiM tt t.-n.pt to' i.ri-iv aisk order fortitddlns ail remtej: ti.-vx Imnuliiijt conlTiUiat to and frj a U i-n..k jzu'u, tb action will b f r.t ty it AiuwViQ Aatl-Boyootl .:: . ch. tiusi. and tlx ftdmU authoritioa will n wScl to iuttrtna. Ik oawU?d lmill Ipavi:purti icvtr.! ai,it of U"sjkoc1 tuou wl.i tJiivcd tji t'i,k:40 from lrldjt j.-urt. n.. t i!iy. T! traSrfli batidlur' ji-.ior ts fliint tt-sl by it council and tluMx uuoiulel pwniiit.if a all from Preidiu i)i:-nr.e".!jr. air. 1 'port aaiil tlie Uiresvt U it!;ii!'.!r to s" In i ' cm e rvusi In tbs Amei !.;: I'u.i;-K y n .. :k ( is.4. "Wa n: I -ordvr frf- !: bnr.fi'er cot to ttutli or- i: i ::r: v. a 1. a t e fruit lactti j -t ti. I.. l t:..t r.-oi.l.t Du!rn-". a..'. li." c 1 is. - .jnt Outran of th fi. lit J,u.i., , t. . -.. lit l i.'d; -Tliat jt j i. at i, it c..i. il so. immM'iu." A tit:i cf tl. a.iiii pac king hotiH ii. li i .... y wan Ui.i.il..l by Uttueml An- ct U I i ; of the tTuton Block luh'.) pi 1 Ti. :'l v-n ;..ny. Tlie Sul.).-vt f a j :. .. 1 -.it by t-.e stnl. el-.. - ci i-. ' -i J aid a c- tl'llli . J to t.O U) til uJ.tvn of ,,-,.!.! : r I t .....id of I'.a 1'i U n f ii i 'it. . t ' and . id to!,;;.--!- .HI d l- a i - w Imitri- l-.-ti. - m . r r-i ttmi. a i" . . TV- -in e u i ? h 4 . y-ji k p. V . II I- l.t i t t !. " c. i a:.d I'uU !.tT . 1 .a 1-. . . I . 1 a ; li l.lrt it; . .. , . -, . . I- If i v . I f.it. 1 :.!. -1 ... r v .-.a tw i -..-..J - i t 1 y 1 i i ' ... I if- I 'I ! 1 t ' i 111 lo ,MS. ,. Miil.a.-l J . i Ar-,.. ,..; .... i V.-.a..,, ,.r ' i '.- a ( t ait t -I '-... ! ,. t - t 1 11.) ! ( I.. , , , J !! . ,,f, ' . J - t 'i"'t i " ' ( i . I 1- 1 f '1 -.-f K llJr f Marrlo Imfct ri ". it, tt a Analyst Psua )ii. KANSAS CITY, July 19. A special to the Times from .Falmyra Junction, Mo., says John J. Puter, a wealthy and Influen tial citizen of this place, returned from New In-1on, Mo., today, where be had the boi!y of Ms duuithter, Mr. Jones 'Wat son, who died July i, exhumod, and undr the direction of a specialist from St. Lo'tls, had the wlomaeh. spleen and lunr removed for chemlral analyst for trace of poison, Th exairlnatlon wa before a eorrnr Jury, wl.l.-h wiai report on th case Augwt li - On the evenlnff of July S Dr. Jones Vat snn was found presumably unconsctona on a brli!, in a Jnnely rpot near New London nnd his wii was famd under the bridge. Tiielr horse and buirKy were fonnd a short distance away nlnjiir3. Watson explained th death of his wife by snyinj that S plei-e of paper ftuttwed In front of the hiMse, whloh caused a runaway and a serious accident at th bridpe. Dr. Wattion and Iil wife lived In Denver, and were In Missouri on a visit.' Ehortly before la vine; Denver for Missouri, it f.t said, Dr. Watson Insured his wife' life, for W0,0oT In his favor. Although the wo man, according to hla atrrryv was thrown from th brldtre to- Ilia water, a distance of thirty-two feet, she waa not bruised In any manner, and her clothing wis not disarranged. An examination showed that she was not drowned. WESTERN KATTEF.3 AT C;.?iTAL Kara! Roatea EatabZlnkiad and Car . rim- Appointed In - BfebasU. and low, (From a Staff Correspondent.!), ; 'WASHINaTON, July 19. (Special Tel gTam.) Rural fre delivery route ordered established September 16: Nebraska Blue Hill, , Webster county; two . routes; area, seventy square miles; population, 1,001. Iowar-ArmMrojig, F.mmett county; on route; .area, forty-four square miles; popu lation, SCO. Cufthlnc;, Woodbury county; one roule. area, ttwenty-flv square miles; pop ulation. 400. Wukon, Allamakee county i one additional; area twenty-five and a half square miles; popukttlon, 010. - . Iturul carrier appointed: Nebraska Tender, regular, II. Scott; substitute, D. Sheparddon. Iowa Liberty, regular, John Lafrans; substitute, II. Bchutt, Somara, regular, S. I Hall; subtUtute. W. Ii. Martin, ftpencer, regular, H. Q. MUlerj substitute, Wl'.l'am H. Qlaacer. Z. M. Hersley has been appointed post master at Columbia, li'rown county, 8. 13., vice L. C. Wilbur, resigned. CHANGES Gil 'FRISCO SYSTEM St J. Cook Iseeeeda William Campbell n General Freight Agent at Chicago, BT. LOUI3, July 29. Announcement W made from the peneral' omces of the St. Louis A Ban Franclaco railroad tier of th appointment of S. . J. Cook, assistant gen eral freight agent of tha ChUiagiQ. & EUtstp crn Illinois,' to the poaltton at gt-neral frclxht' agent,; to fill the vacancy caused by th resignation of Wllllara OampbelL Mr. Cook' headauartera will be In Chicago. F.,- C. Ilollly, general agent at Clilcago, le appointed assistant general freight agent. The Jurisdiction of General I'ussenjer Agent Hilton Is extended to (include the Chloago V EarterS Illinois. C B. Oreirory, general agent of th ChH-ago St Kasiern Illlnol at Chicago, la two mad genaral agent of th 'Frisco at that point.. W. H. Richardson Is appointed aaelstant general paaweniyer agent of the Chloairo A IOnstera Illinois with headqaarter at Chi. caso. lha K.rmnlrrtmenta are erfeciare at oaos N i:;D!CT?:.Errrs jslccum c2E Padsrat Grand Jnrr naorta tire A ire Res9iialBle for I-eai NEW YORK, July tS. Captain ! Van Ftohatck aid Federal Steamboat Inapeotor Fleming and former Inspector Luiidberg wer tr.dlcted today by th federal grand jury in connection with the disaster to the General -locum on June IS last, when ne.rly lire wer loat. Van Bchalck waa th commander rf th Slocum. llnltd Ktatiaa DiHtrtct Attorney Burnett said that Indictment also ware reported ;;i2nst TTt"?2e?!t Prney, retary At kinson and Treasurer- Dexter of the Knick erbocker Stenmboe-t coitiinny, and Cupiaia John I'oase, the oommodor of Ui com pany' fieet. General Burnett said that wht-n these mn and Cuptain Van 8chaick and Inspector Luntlberg and KleralPg ar arralgneil fii-r plfAdSng ou Voudsy he will l.-.-'.-.-t b1 boina; fixed at t-iJ&Ai la each caee r:o rr,3TCTicr -: ccicnna C11B atd l'rii-ilr Ownar Sw Allowed to Remain In Crlpt.! C --h CHrPFLiu cmr'cic. cvio., JMiy vPn,t- rick lUCirvl, one of the n.r. who T-re 0Iorted ovr tlie Kauaa Hive by ti RuU Uvry early In June, retunid to VI lor wfoci ba has ruperiy, iiicimun a ii ball and a bueiiuva block valund at ti.ivj. When Mctu-vel n.-i-i.WI friira tit traJn be w Uk-n la ciiiuii by IL A. Half' lor, actliig city mar-nhuL liiSJ.rvel WiuS a)k.wel tn s.l'.Bnd to aura bujnx autJr, km tie placed ea board th ftrst outgujiuf ti-ii s, with a warn ing that In future poiloo j-rtHtilim Wiuld cot b arforjtid i.tiu imjij he k-ju re turn. MuCkrvel t'rlfc'.i.ally Was d. i-ortd far openly aipreealnK synipathy with U mliiKis' union biid denouuolng act of Oov trujf Pe.lKdy ajid Ma ii.iiltry buIkwCI isntiK. gKf Over Mr A) (1At(i. ci .(i'l'U- Chi;:. , Co''.... jur i--i,ur imvo .--4 m i.l to Hii:;? of t'i' Ci ! Of k - e ! i ft I y tb a.tr i fi-i m' toy ciii..ui t. a. I ZO fci'i-ii-.u . .h . 1 u f.. Of 1 1. t -. . t a 1 r u . t ' it-r i. - .1 tj rt t . r.t-i ("'-(kii X. t hv I 'ii l t i, iVr t'i .h ii'.'' I t-v C' - - - r j .i . .4 t li, I i ' j'i t't - .1 I it t'.iirt f . Jt. i.; t .- tii ii.t ji;.t- t i ' r i ! - -1) ii : ' i ij t ,x I ii i. - -. ? 1 . '. I t t . I. . ; t i (? r A i i . "1 t I" (: v . t ; .- o ' f ,1. i , i ; 1 . i I ' I ? r ' . x .... i COUNSEL HOLD CONFERENCE Attornfjrt ar Tackers md Striker lleet with ELeriST Tower. , LIVELY LITTLE ROW AT SWIFT'S PLANT Watchmen Break Heads with tl.ibs and Fire Hot to Scare Away gtrlher frfn Incemloa; . Itilkrbreskert. eonferenc between T. J. Mnhonr y, representing the Bo-ith Omalia packing Intermt. and C J Bmyth, counrel for th strlkera, was held lat evening In tha ofT.c of trus former in tha Paxton blot k. Th eBKloo lasted over an hour and RhiiS rower waa pt eeriL Mr. Bnuth and the sheriff would not commit themselves aa to the nature qf the meeting. When au.i tionl Mr. Mahowy SnJcl: "We JuM had a 1'y.i conaulratlon, reviewing th day wolk at South Omaha and Its nigntflcanr on th strike situation. The matter ot requesting the governor to call out tha state militia did not enter into our talk." Referring to a New York ttlcprru.tn say ing that, the militia had been requested, Mr. Mahoney declared that lt& knew noth ing of this, and said: "I am sure no in terest would be served by makina; puliilo Just what waa said between us- this en lr.g.M Governor Mickey waa called. up by tele phone about 10 o'clock, and, In answer to a question, said he had not bren asked to uail out the ataia tron. and would not take auch action until sftenhe had maim n investigation. He said he had heard nothing from the strike other than what was- being published In the papers. Wow at Swift fin at. At. the Swift plant shortly a-ftet T yester day moinlnt on allot waa fired In th air and two strikers were struck over the bead with cl.ibs and were compelled to scur th aid of a phyalolan An attempt was being mad to unload a ety of atrtke breaker at the plant. The train waa run up to gate No. 12 and the men began climbing out. Strikers sur rounded the car and endeavored to Induce the new men not to enter the works. No violence waa attempted on the part of the striker only perauaslon. This did not ult the Bwlft watchmen who wer guard ing the oar, and, in puahlng tha crowd of strikers back, clubs wer usod by th packers' guards. There were twenty-seven men In the party of strike breakers, some white and some colored. Four men Joined tha strikers, but the balanoe passed through th gate and Into the plant. It wa while the crowd of tiiVers was push ing close around tha car that one of th watchmen fired a shot !n the air. The two striken who were hurt were W'llllam Ryder, Twenty-seventh and ij streets, and-Joseph Korbe, Nineteenth and B streets. Neither are huit seriously, al though Dr. Buel found it necessary to tak vn stitch in Korbe s head. , . '- Strikebreaker Disappear. About 0:30 o'clock when Sheriff Power and Chief Brig&s were requested to fcuard a street car containing nine men bound for th Cudany plant, tha sheriff 'with tea deputies boarded the car on Twenty-fourth s'ret-t while- Chief Brlggg and Captain ilhlolda drov along1 Q street and picked up a few special policemen. When the car stopped at T-hlrt.y-thIrd street a crowd of abojt 800 surrounded tha motor and quickly induced six of th men to Join their rank. Three succeeded In reaching the Cudahy plant. Sheriff Power declared that the men t-n th car disappeared before he had a Chance to re all i what was going on. After th little performance wa all over Chief Brlgga aalu: "I never siw men disappear so quickly la my Ufa. Hardly a half a minute expired from the tins the oar stopped before it wa empty. Mut th funny part of It waa a large number of the striker disappeared at th earn tlu Use strikebreakers S'.i." ' Afoer thinking tlie matter over for a fe-w momr.U the sheriff remarked t'aai thor must have ben some traitors on th car, nd that .thoa who left at Thirty-third street had been induced to do so on the way down from, Omaha. Both th sheriff and th chief declare that no violence "was used. Creaker Enter Yard. Cudahy during the noon hour managed to get in two car containing K)0 men. The railroad wa used In this instance and th train wa switched onto the stock yards track and run direct to the Cudahy plant, th big gate being opened Juat long enouyh for the train to pass through. So quietly wa thl arrangement carried out that the strikers pickets were taken un aware. Eighty -three men were taken In at Armour's during the morning. From figure given by the packers 21 men were received at three plants yetterdiiy. Th strikers do not appear to be at-all dis concerted by the arrival of men from out aioo, particularly aa they claim that ail are unskilled laborer and cannot be of much ue around a pacI-.Thg plant under two week or a liuuitu. In fact the tr!'tr appeared to be more hopeful laxt cltjht than djrlng the fiwenooo. Wr'la, thoy do not look forward to a vary early ettle ment of th illacuity, they look,, act fcnj talk , hopefuL Vic President Vail, th striker leader, ay that thre la do material ciaii la the situation. "W have not lost any men from our r-' jrt, aarerted Mr. V1L W iu.ur wfuat tfe packers may nay to tha contrary. A careful check la boir.g kepf oa th men atd striae th second walkout not asa lias gon back to work. You m:g!it say further that the report Mutt our nioa tftr-w rtx-ks at the train at Pttrt" this "-rnlcg is uzitrun, I undtn-KUuid that acr-; cf t'e ewlft employes are urieulitlug Cw report timt iw ki wi tlurwwn by the sinker. I know that tM ta tot true, Kvery one of our men is living; within th law nd w propo to bav them keep on doing o. We are gutting- aior.g rei-y iilculy , ft ta and hv no rvtmm to rmirt to vti. 5r.aoo.' ((.- Ualei avt lltiii, Thar u no flu! i--k1 J clj.i.jt la fl OuiidlUtfa oj atrlr Uu u'ttht. Wtvu th LlM pV,Vjrt went aa duty thy wer limuiH.UMl by t.'- Kritdds to be vt&Uitrit but ftulii)iu tkixd uii.lr aa cirtiwtKiu: cuiiLiiut an a- t of rluiiiiim t'rt-)y tb psiiiit-rs bt-re pn.3.,.,d on this uarVet 1.16 hiKil of tu!o, l.'.i.n In.,, Una band ci si.-'-;j- The aiit-uM-ut U vtiu'. t;'.t t!i U.i-th.taiiiig: ati.j iM g d. .j.: Ittiniitji ui tyidt.g r.tNrat4 li f..n ! i4 at tli I ttin. Ail if t - i.i. h.r uU tiaijx 4a i. r fl-p.r-i-.u as w.k fa r in r a njut l . , a:... ,-.-..- , .y t -l a.!-., 1-s.J luix.f ri ' Ctit a.ri. -4 t . ... o-i 1 kuimi at i - '.j a,ud ' I . I t is l-Kttv ' 1 ai : !, ... t t i l..ry t .,, f ,- 1 . .-. a ' - i.. -i ; ;. i ( t , . .. i , ,,, nusGiA n::3S cc;.7r.',:.r.; lllrH 1Hnt J - t rri .l from intrlcs n A)Mtila la Liable to trliure VLjAIHVOSTOII, July r The llormsn stfamer Arabia, umier chartfr of an Amer ican compsr.j, which whs captured by the Russian cruiser Uromobol July 22 h'O miles north of Yokohama, has arrived htrs in charpe of a prie- c.i-ew, Tliat portion of the stemer' cars;o which Is alleged to be contraband .. cornee from Portland. . Ore. The Arabia, with two other rUii of the Hamburg-American Trading cornpnn , la i under charter for three years to tV Amoritui Trading com pany whl'-h. It Is aceprtPd, Is engaaea In carrying contraband. It Is commended by Captain Dahle nnd hoji a crew of ten Oormons and twenty sr-ven Chinese. Ac cording to stHtuments by the Chinese on board maiif American ateajuers are en (rngfd In carry't'S contraliand, including Hre arms. The Aral. In J.-.". Poitiund July I with a cargo of flour s i rullroud material. The greater portion of the flour 2.706 totm was addi-psMod to Honf Kong and Is not llRhle to wiiurA, ut 4J tons of flour snd f42 tons of rallw; tniili-ilnl are edilreesed to Yokohama, I -e end Nagasaki and consequently are ontraband The Iron of the cargo con.--!. of pi.tt forma. ', wheels, axl .a, boilers snd rarts of hrldjres. As the contraband of v,.i- iil.trd the Arabia forms lengthen half Iff carg-j the venxel ltslf Is not liable to -liira. After the con traband has b". j dlsr-harged, therefore, the ship will pr. ' bly be released. The final docir-ion a? to its rllEposltlon rests with tb pti8 -:-:- :rt. The prlie crrsv on bourd consisted of Lieutenant VlaUii-kale and forty-two men from the cruiser Cromboi. Claim to loliow Hulea of War. The naval men here cannot understand why the British and American paper should be questioning the lottallty of the action of th Vladivostok squadron in th Pacific. The P.iuwlaOj cruisers, it la as serted, are actlnir under the rules formu lated la regard to prises and Imperially confirmed March 71. 1R!5. They were then published for the iaiorma.tlon of all the powers and for nine years neither Great Britain nor any other power ha protested. Paragraph, a of these rxilo roads: In extrem cast-, where -te retention of shtpa is Impowdhle owing u thir bad con dition, whrn tlier are of stnnil value or In dantrer of recapture by tno enemy, iviir-n at a feieet dlatance froin a home port or when th-e I uunger for the al-lp which baa. taWwii the prl.. tha rominitiicior, upon Ida persotiHl rewo-Mialliliity, ma burn or sink the muiurwi M-i, aftr previously takins; off 1 crew and as far as pos ble Its vjarso. Its docuinonts must be pre served, and even witneiMW can be held for the purp..r of giving; teniimctiy before the prize court. The destruction of the British steamer Knight Comman- r is held to have been JustiflaM under above rule. It is further c: d UiaJ. the British gov ernment, lrist.--.- -f cwnlain!n!r, should take step to i ;l its hip owners to desist from carr coatrabind, in accord ance with King i Jward'a neutral procla mation, la which f e. said: . I give notice t' i all our subjects who trarsirrS8 will r so at their own peril and risk and wl: tnder no circumstance receive our1 prott iru, - WshlBtna Mii iB&t itross Prstrst. ; lVAgIIi.MaTO.", uly..2. Vuiiard Myo denws a New York atortiey, representing the- carsjd owners of the steamer Knight Commander, sunk by . the - Rututlan Vladl jvestok svxadron, oaliod at the Btata d. parttnant today and had a short Informal conference with Solicitor Penfleld respect in: a foratal presentation to the Russian government of thecjalma of these owners for tlx destroyed 'cargo. It was arranged that: . a written brief should be submitted later, on embodying the lg&l points sought to be mad In this oan. 14 le clear to th offlcltU her yat. regardless of any rules which Russia may have laid down for it own xwBjmmnt recpeoting the sinking of heutral ships, tha practice, opposed aa it la to aull . modern principle of International iar, cannot b permitted by this govern ment without a strenuous protest. ' PORTLAND, Geek, July 18. Besides th Portland Flouring Mill? company, on be half cf wbioh Orm Senator John If Mitchell protested against the selsur of flour on t'o Portland Aaitio ooropanyts steamer Arabia by th Russian Vladivostok squad ron to the Butte department, Balfour Guth rie A Co. and the Multnomah bL'lla com pany of thla city shipped ..our on th Arabia to Hong Kong. Th PortUtnd Flouring Mill company con signed its entir shipment to a Chinese port, but the other houses, together with T. M. Btwvens 4 Co. of Portland and th Eddy, F(jlk A 'American Trading company of Ban Francisco also dispatched flour to Japan, the dastinatione being Y'olioham, Kobe, Moj! and Nagasaki. The railway material in the Arabia wis consigned to a Japanese Arm and is sup posed to b intttnded for the us of the road connecting Yokohama and Kobe. There wer thre shipment of cars from this port, the first lot going on the steamer N!cod.ma, wMoh waa not mi.iuM, and 19 now about to return here from the Orient. The second shipment went forward on the Arabia and a third consignment 1 aboard the Aragonia, which sailed yesterday and now is at Astoria, while over thirty ear yet remain here waiting transportation. Less than SoO tons of th 8,000 tons of flour carried by th Arabia, Is subject to seizure, as only VA tons were Mliud to ports In th mikado's realm. Tha ofSulals of the Portland dt Aslatlo company do not antici pate the Arabia will be detained at Vladi vostok fur any great length of lima, aa less than half its cargo comes under the head of contraband goods. It is expected th vtweul will b released and permitted to proceed to ft regular port of call almost immediately. Th assertion that the Port land & Aslatio company Is engaged in the transportation of ooutraband goods Is re futed here. Th oompar.y is conducting Its business on tae same basis as othar lines, cperathiff to the Orient from the coast, all of which at carrying cargoes of similar character. It is held by the ecmpany that proof must be furnished by Ruz!a that th ship ment gulag io Hang Koug was a shipment to Japua or that ehlpnwnia going to Jbp&n Wire diedned tor the naval or land forces of tW tuUdo. I&BMlen Cralwr nt St-o!t. tXiSlmiX, JUST -Priiil.- lfcslfi.ur. In pitiitffd rev8' k C" ii:ii uirRuicd by Thomas tjilmon Eowlrt (txKiamrvatlve) Ui t! II -ma cf Commons Jjly , SjnHln tr fc.t. .taiartia rtr4-ar;.ig- tik arft. tit Cli' TuMii.a es ifcniut IteneV-j in thn 5-.....-! Kii-ma, tiin.1ni.i-4 ttt .:U :t.t by lif. llsW.a tul tJkJ l!at t:.e I : . a a-wrrua:iit' W t C.J any fjj -;i'g c- I t r pi, v '.r tt-iua tv-j fir t.i.tt it U bi.ul.i ri.oi.I tuit ti:ir he KdK-ki --..., .-i.;.i4Mt, A.i- y v - .1 o i VIjii it - . J 'r ii..- tt w o, ..' '.it! t '- -a . h "- i I ! - , m . . ..-i 1- r 1 a a . t-.i--. . . 1-, J I --..;.. K.k tj I.. STILL DRAWING FOR LAND Intorcstpi Crowd Witnesses Selection of Eecond TnotiRand. CHANCES CF REMAINDER NOT SO BRIGHT H hen Present l ist Is SetinSrd C'lelnsa Left for the Hrnialn4er fnt Valnahle Seme flaying; It Oat. CHAMBERIAIr. 8. D.. July 19. (Special Telegram.) Fully as large a crowd wit nessed the second day's drawing for claims on the Rosebud as on the first. The pro ceedings were watched with much Interest, though tha excitement was not so great as when the first choices were being drawn. As the nuinbf-m ntuired the J,) mark and the spec tc tors who had not be-n lucky snw their chances of securing a really valuable claim fade s tay, much of the Interest was lost. A large number, however, will remain to see It all over. Following are the names of the fortunate ones: V JstTK-s- Jacob. Ploux Falls. B. D. 4r Hi hl J. t.Hdi-n, l.tmar, la. 4 Martin Y. Or'-olt-y. l'hoiilx. Neb,' 407 Harvey W. Majors. Om.-tha. : Hpnry H. York, t enter. !sb. 4-Invld G. f-hnr.non. Dell Rapids, 8. D. !' Wm. H. Tnr,Htt, Jr., Yankton, 8. It. 411 Fr"d Fredrlcnimn. I'anainf Neb, 412 Louis A. Kitiitt', Yankton, 8. D. 415 ustln M. Wilkinson, Hloomfleld, la. 4i Joseph ChsrlctMMi, Hurt, la. 4liv John f. Bchnls, Hubbard, la. 416 Franklin t'rt-tks, Grrson, la. 417 Tyndall Mlll.r, Graml City, Mo. 4 IS Jarpps Wright ReTpan, Mercer Mo. 4ii CiiaiiS' K. Nli-iiiiiis Ninryviile, Mo, 40 Charles J. ration, Peru, la. 421 William D. Myers, KeduYM, S. D. 4 2 Walter F. treble, Kile, Mich. 4.0 Pnmiiel K. F.e, Brvce, 8. T. A-M Wlillnm S. Miller. Ciofton. Neb. 4:f Henry Human. Klkhnrn, Neb. 4:'9 Richard 11. Watsnn, Kenny, 111. 427 Albert W. Oilkersoti, Nswcustle, Nab. 4? trrtrude Snods-rss. SIolx Cltv, la. 4:,-Mary A. Clark. Denver, Coio. a0 Aron Temler, AHn, la. 41 d E. Kervr. U Nelll, Neb. HiOncAT A. Clecker, Sta.-iton, Neb. 4.tfi,lie K. Cook. Knowltnn, Ja. 4i4 Clarence Kathburn, Spring Valley, Minn. 4B Melvlne Bilvey, CofTeybur(f, Mo, . 4 -ii John ' W. Quiaiey, I Hi i. bury, la. 4 '7 H. R. Celon, lilack XHver Fail-'. Wis 4H George Hough, 8t. Helena, Neb. 4,-J. Obon, Story City, la. 4-" Frl Robinson, Wesslntrlon, B. D. 411-Jo W. brldall,' Macedonia. la. 442 Alexander L. Rimer, Cedar Rap 15, la. -. . .lames Mallory Ishpemlng, Mich. 44 Lawrence Ct Meliidy. 81-iux t ity, Is, 4-Henry n. lesxett. Omaha, Neb. 4-t C'Bhefl W. Bryant, Auburn. Neb. 447 Clsnde D. lice. Lewis, la. 4 William Wheeler, Urootntleld, Til. .4a Paul Flemmlng, Corrertlonvllie, la. , 4-0 Peter O. Greenland, Chlcaso, III. bl Mary K, Carpenter, Mount Maria, Mo. 4..t-Mrlln. R. Flnley, South Omaha, isieo. 4i"-$ Daniel E. Collins, Orsetttnger, la. 4i-47-Nelson U. Barber, Fullerton, Neb. 4t5 Kdr Trusx, Les Mlnes, la. 4i-ft Bernhard JBehlken. Lurvi. Neb. 4-7 Dexter N. Oarrett, Clermont, Mo-4-! John N. Hamm, Penon, Neb. ,i 4.- Grace A. Lllston. Bonesteel, B. D. 4'0 James A. Church, Cedar Fails, la, ,4'1 Maurice Sharttier, Elm Grove, Neb. 4'J Geora-e E. Curncy, Creeton, la. 4t Patrick H. Mahon, Greenville, O. 4M Orrin V. Lamb, Bloux Falls, 8. D, 4ti6 Phillip Mavisen, I'll more, Minn. 4t Peter Jenson, Blair. Neb. 4H7-Oharlcs Capron, lilooralleld. Neb. 4' Ijiura Luts, Iroquot. 111. A. ,1 1 . - 7 . . 1 , I , -I. I 1" V- T 1 Ala sr . . I . W , Am. : 4 .0 Jonathan. L Bach Norfolk, Neb. i 4 1 .Ion .P. Jensen, - lulu. la- - 4.2 xseuie UriiKOerg, uuini n, MPs v . . ' 4ia Van A. Inson, Yunktuit, D. 4V4 Andrew C. Lawrence, Lenver, Colo. 47& Fred ij. Klrton. Winner. Neb. 47G Cornelia A. Gauaway, Gentryvllle, Alio. 477 Charlla Johnston Princeton, Mo. ' 478 Roy Summer Whitley, Bp! lit Lake, Is, 479 Frank P. Hamilton, Omaha, Neb.' 4H0 George WSllard, Bereaford, 8. D. ' 4N1 Thomas J. Ru, DorcheM.er. Net) ' 4J JamcB Mahoney, (leruiantown. Neb. 4"3 John Sanderson, Seward, Neb. 4M Frank A. Ham, Yankton, S- D- . 4.'i George A. Jackleh, Blou City, la, , 4ms Charles Vilder, Yarkton, 6. D. 4H7 Winfred L. Tucker, Trenton, Mo. ' Fredrtoka Henley, Mlndeti, la. 4 Johajian 8. Williams Iruton, la, 4J James Faker. Carroll, Neb. dstl P.si.;l! tiartman, Broadhead, Wis, ' 4i Theodore Johrmlon, LliKHiln, Neb. 4"ft Carlton C. Msrlay, Ilnc-iln, Nsb. 4M Iieila Egfin. tiloux Cliy, la. 4-S Thoma .K., Ch1i1, Hulson. B. P. 4;nt Herbert. J. WUiUuus, luuunt Holt, Kan. 4i7 Andrew J. Lang, Murphystoro, 111. 4ms James E. Cook, Victor, la, 4ii Vtieu B. Lullts ' Welisbei's", la. IV-jO Axel Therasen, Willow- Lt.ke, 8. D. u'J Harry C. bilkeneon, Bereuiorq. 8. D. tM tieoiso W. Kirk, Plaiuvlew. Neb. 604 ChiiBilan Mam, Mcon, llo. tin Charles Johiiaon, Btramsoei;, Neb, r Alonso A. Melalnger, Bluir, Ne'o. Hi Oliver D. Swamaa. Mouno, 8. iX Wi Iwrence Luuden Oscooia, tiib. fcoH Hny Ollverlus, West I'oint, Nob. 605 Julius K. IsatMie, hilgin, Neb. 610 Harvey B. Hlnion, atat for Duvld F. DitMCell, Omabu, Neb. , 6U John A. J-iecksteader. Wlnteniet, In. bi3 Adam G. irVVker, Delhart, l.exaa. E11J Uherk-a K. nhwilni, FaUisx, a.- D. 614 Chiiallan . Alaulus, C- ldes. 6, . Ritt Peter it. Penny, Whit Cloud, Kan. fcift John Chenck, Rulo, Nell. . t'7 Jennie CHwurt, Yaikton. 8. V. ' 6-8 (soar 8. Mathre, biencr. Neb. ' &' Ouy P. ii-ysr, Mound Citf, U'X ( i Nsille L. 1'aul, Harlan, la. I 1 v'r; Anderson. Luton, la. h i Peter A. Nc4vllle, Waterly. S, J. fc.3 Wiliiam Loi.Krk, Kncxvlile. Is, t 4 Jihn Oixm, fetromHburir, leb. t & Tracy Vvtllianis. t isritula, ! I 4 Csi.i Burkland, kuuiisin. 8. D. ..:; H!n B. Kueaell, Yajikton, it. D. f.5 J"rcd Jc? it, Ehcrjir.aoah, la. 1-1 Vaclav Chusfa, Omaha, iseb. t ) Henry F. KUue, Osmond. Nob. bil viaus B. Toungdahi, bloux Cily, la. b j Daniel Leru nor. Aurora, Nb. John C. Oliiandonf, laaroua, la. tat Thomas ti. Vv iiitord, hj.ur City, Mo. Is' Alfred L. Fgan Randolph. Neb. t Juhu Powden, Norwood, bio. I -7 William B. l.'eep, liml. n-n, Wis. ti Leonard C Joi.oeou, 2iailutlltvwc. la. 6H9-John A, Beiitsll, rroward, Kan. KtoKoae A. Anderson, VerndL'on, (i. H HI Jatue Niim, bloux City, la, 143 Joseph bekir. Irjrin, 14. tii Jstnoe SScDeniioff, Wii.fi-i;J, Kan. M4 William .-iiifl,ll, Miiiii. rt.,n fa, Arcine rr. Clili..ra, rrotilen.o, Kan. i-tt Ida C. ChriMieiiaon," Oiiutba, is fn7 Hanna IL 1 erg. V auea, Nob. tt-Arcliltid if. llltchoouk, tiidiuora, Ua. 6'! Wllllm Ptaacb Walnut. J, t ' Oeotue Cui t, Thurmuu, la. ti Jncuti M. titflln. Woodward, Is, fi-4 Jb.mil Pry, lnuViton, 6. St. I'Ji John (jul-lt, ttilrburr, r?et. tc.4 1 loimaa W- Ifnrek, V errnl 0 D, t Cir&iu-e B. fr;ier, Js-tri-i. Nb. t --Ji.uallian It. Joiu,on, biding Viiy, M-on. b William C. Mt-Kldd, Kaneavillc, Mo. Ujs JJUuric t'. .Hudou, tivn Aiuipiu, Xa. t-.B James TX Peel. Dekalb, Mo, fK v uiiajtn J. ilug. uiauoa Junction, Wi. M-JViIiin Imriue- Ctttiniil Bluffs, I. St i-Jttinw i.vstfc, iL..i.psytt. b, D. b -lirirtip 1.:'U, lAiinint -ie, Ndb, t l.niiua be' lrrlwLo:ii, lar.a&v-n. fi. D. t& Juui L. l(cixeiu, Pftuoo Junction, IL Jam, Cai-bcti, la. t-j-joosfii H. t mtn, 1 Uiu Centor, Net. 1 , a Jnhriathain fferr, Naper, Kvb, C-e i'..-irc t-ir-lrumi, Vu &. li. t ' J-i n t '.i 'n, ti,Mi, Is. IX i I Ai'- a 4.'-, I - w.'t I- ku. t m 1- I (!,.. ' . 77. T. I s-'ti-k tpr: y, l';ioi'i', ) r.ii. B lntuJ I", i vrr a, it kI.ij, I. t --J'iliJ t llu-s, l'..rt"M. v,u. 1 I' viuy W. lirhlMUl, -.Hi s . f'. h. l. b '-- 4 liuirl fclevens. i.-if,.,i, A- -i.i P. t'.'o.p, j.iii.nf, ;-l, I w 1 m K I....M, l4 1.. u. if.,,u. li - V l- .u xLr cjii Aai.iud, x.ii-r- 1 i -j n v'. t-'- ''b.r 1:. T- 1 1 I 1 -li J. 1 -vi 1 .. I A .' . i . ..t A., .-'-'f ; 1, ' :,, i ll'r, 7 KECP.A3KA WEATHER FCHECAST Fair a-d Cooler atnrdy. Sanday Fnlr. Trmstrslsn nt Otnaka Yealerdeyt Hoar. new. llonr. Ie. ft n. m Tl 1 p. a M a. m TO 8 p. m "T T n. m Tl 9. " (4 a. nt r. 4 p. ns W a. as TO B r. en ..... . 0 10 a. w...... TI ' P- sa & 11 a n T3 T p. " ta nt Tl P. m p. m ft Peter Johnson. Bloux City, I. h-1-IUiTV L. y.lmmerman. ion ire. Is, f, .vj.-re'nce CHrpenler, I-msrs. Is. b'i Csrl H. Anderson, Wanes, N'b. bi Robert J. Farrin. Cedar iil-r, Neb. bO kUry Ii Rlchy, l oum ll I u, la. b4 Clnr iUwi'in, Alexaiult fc D. b'VVV llllam l".Hiis, Ni-ttleton, Mi. John M. Lynch, BrotiHon. la. , ; Wxlter H- Btamni. CIiI'-bbo, i-H Kmnnuel J. Casteter. I'lale, Neb. b it Frank V leek, Fulrfnx, S. D. frv Hntnuel M'-tiearv, llatavla la, 6,l-'jii"i Puffer, Fort AlklnH-n, lav . t. 2 Jne t. BlRnm, AbliliiKl-ill, 111 6-iT William li. Haull. Omaha, Neb, A4 Charles H Lloyd, Warner, S. D. s Fred Thsnberrv, Des Molnea, 1. . Wlllinm H. Miller, Milwaukee, Wis. 7 Alonte I. Or-, llreenlop. Mo. Charles L. Hov-se, Helvldere. Neb. 6" Karl H. Herrkk, (ilenaood. la. Sn Charles Iamus, itinkvlile, Ind. 611 -lleoive II Krause, llanilieitu, 8. D. 613 Andrew M. -Fountain, Missouri Val ley, la til;; Jacob E. Gretschamm, Bprlngfleld. 8. I. 614 Kverett West. Battle Creek, la. SiS John Deaffsk, Vankton, 8. D. e 1 ij i-.dw.ird L. Kastm.m, MaHsona, Is, bl7 James P. Hyan, Minnetowa, Neb. 61 Abraham KinK. Hoperlor, Neb. Dull John A. Ramuehon, .Sioux City, la. Be-John J Owens, Kirkviile, la. CI -Ti.uii ins :.t-Muhon, llafrer City, wis. 6 a ward Mniii, Mitchell, 8. D. & .1 John I'arnetV ClrclnnHti. O. 64 Benjamin F. lUnhart, Wakerton, ind. 1 6,,5 John W. Anderson, Onawa, la. 61H George F. ,1-anoel, Wlsner, Neb.. 62i 4)eoiae H. Young, Magnet, la. : Frank W. Carr, Flandreau, 3. D. R2!i Charles, Wehrer, NorfolJ-, Neb. (MO Albert ivirenson, Khiishs City, Mo. 31 Walter Pu'nam, Hamburg, la. 6.2 Allem Ditney, Brown h Valley, Minn. SO lliiam J. Hiialeross, Ulootnneid, Mb, (tt4Ttentaniln 11. Trahs in. Hioux City la. Mft Badl M. Skirvlng, O NeliL Neb. H8 Carl A. Linda hi, Canera, S. V- 6.17-John H. Belmont, Yankton, 8. D. 6.-8 I'eter A. Kyer, Audubon. Ia. t Frank G. fctewart, MarshHlilown, la. 640-Joseph Mann, 8t. Joseph, Mo. 41 Petra Palsten, Contervflle,- 8. D. 64Ji,liis H. Levlne, Bt. Joseph, Mo, 64J William V. Ptiltx, In-.ars. Ia. 644 Anna Bemelmfin, Parker, 8. D. 4R John B. Flanders, Chicairo. III. 64(1 Orln 8. Winter,, Forest tity, la, 647 George W. Wlisoli, Kpencer, la. ' (Ms (eortre M. Flslier, Botith Omnha, Neb. ' William LauBtunan, Harlan, Ia. A-Charlle F. Condry. Gediies, 8. D. 6id Walter 1 Blue. Charlton. Ia. 6-2 John B. Campbell, Armour, 8. p. M William II. Beastey, Battle Creefc, Mich. ' 6f-4 Theodore Prown, Omaha, Neb. 6-5 Ira B. Wnlker, Swan, Ia. C66 Ella A. Ittner. Omalia, Neb. . 6o7 Granville li. Haulmari, Stnnberry, Mo. 6 Robert M. Ballard, Bethany, Mo, 6iJ lion Knudsen, Kmmens, Minn. 6W ustav Schroeder, Leuvenworth, Kan. 6t.l William A. Wallace, VUltsoa, In. 6iv') Jorgens Lohue, Ileresford. 8. D. fkj Charles Hayes, plensantvllle, la. 6M William V. Gain, Buttle Creek, la, Frauk R. Bonn, Bloux City, Ia. Gaorge Johneon, Hawarden, Ia. 67 Charle bl. Mjeller, Madison, 8. D. & John A. Clark. Walnut, ia. 6'-Harry M. Bailer, Raadwood, 8. IX 7i Anton liarnett, Cuba. Kan. 071 Mary Donovan. Kansas City, Mo. 6f Mark N.Loisgbrs.he, Uaieaburg, 111. k' ,1 Uet-niao J., illinkbiiiiimer, Rock Rnjildff, la.' .' - - - - t 4 PatrloH H. Borden, fit Paul, Minn. 67te-Loulse O. Moran, Fort Randall, 8. D. 67C G"oie MoiKiiy, CliloaRiv III. 677 Willie Anderson, Aaeuoy, Mo. 67fl fttanley McOollum, Siringfleld, B..D. 679-Henry Kurtlnbach, h-vhan, 8. D. ' B0 Charles G. Burk, Farmer, 8 D. b-i Otlile Maurer, SUUer. Mo. ' bAld Fred Stutsman, Averla, la. Fury L. McGannon, Hegan, Neb. 4 tlward Flynn, Staplehurst, Neb. , Gilbert Donahue, Vermiliun. 8. D. 6 Siraan Vesika, Lodge Poie, Nob. bXI Harley H. Bartiett, Bt. Joseph, Mo, -Jacob Jlrlk, Havelook. Neb. 6t0 Annie M. li. Zltaselsberger, Hanson, 6. D. 650 Horaoe J. McDonald, Cross. Wis. 6i'l Laura Fency, Tripp, h. D. Yeans; W. Bbert, Wehstsr, la. ' -.1Joiwph IC Kel, Niobrara. Neb, 6M4 Alboft W. Anderson, Daleeburg, 8. X. '. 6'-iMao G. Lanntfig. Yankton, 8. D. t 6-" 1-Jrneet Benson, Oakland. Neb. 6- 7 dward Ridley, Valautlne, Nab. ' 6 William McCaualand, lionoparte, la, 6 i W'Uiiam Y. iate, tireen, la. . T'fV-laraal M. Ruff, Urnuneburg, Pa. Tul John a Brelsky, Chlcao, 111. . 7n2-JLavld D. Harper, Matioon, 11L 70.V-IMward Haughan, O'Neill, Neb. 7.iijwln Cain. Cusliing, la. 7- i-iJodlrey Lenduuist, btanhop. Ia. 7ui W'eiitworth ilcVadden, Genoa, Neb. 7074-Francls M. Young, C edar Rapids, Ia. . 7tw-iioivic C. Stephenson, Bpencer, Is, f.jm-VSllliiun Monaghan. Denver, Colo. 710 Wiiliaui V. bavtifce, Madison, 8. D. 711- Adolf Sutra Tabor, 8. D.- .. 7li& Andrew G. Jfnseu, Waverly, Neb. 71 John G. iOoliardeun, Dlxou, BL 7i4 Wllilaai G. Rich, Atkinson, Neb. 7ir Martin MoOulre, Albert Lea, Mian. 7iti Linll Heurwkson, Wausa, Neb. 717 Ralph V. Ovenon, Bioooiflold, Neb. fis .uto Haget. Columbus, Neb. . 7i Oeorao Anderson, Randolph, Neb. 7wUoieiiliine McMonagie, Last Cbelton gvnic, iiiilatelphlH, -a- 7'.!l Xanlei Cuinmiogs, Merlden, la, t.ji Caivin 8. b' Haener, rair(a.x, 8. D. 7,-Jjib V.', hlciUiiloy, WcUman, la. 7jlieynid A Siwanson, Ramsey, B. D. f'-s "Hint MiMurtry, Memphi. Tenn. li-, William Janee Ooleiiia:;. CUksaeio. 4'ariie liajl. Yankton, 8. D. 7 S John W. Waddmi. Moilianolls, j.e, 7u John C Loyd Cartwilbt, Burt Worta, Tex. 7Cjvos-.-hiniBH',rwooL Mntie.i, 13iv 1111am A. Smith, Bnerner, Ndb. 7" 3- ;rvis Bherrnin, 'j,arkio,' Mo. T.A Joeeph WaiUuuan, for Frederick B, fiuilen Cedar Falls, la. 7a4 cbarle W. Berry, Oklahoma Cily, Okl. j;o Carl Anderson, Coon Rapids, la, 7 .j-J wepfe J- Flemlnr, Kelly, lian. 77 1 rank V. Allon, Monroe. Neb. 7i Christian Burbesen, Chioago, LU. 7a Milo Moore, ion, I. w t-diiiuul Cillbert, Vllinan, Mo. , ?'l I oy Cul'rton, F1ewoid. I. "lit i-.iuma Kuiii iickett. Lincoln, Neb. -ii.inl Mcbeevar, ian City, huts, 7.4 Uavld T. Morrow, Lureka, liL 7 Iiiiis DrawlNik, rJpeocer, No. Tift -1 a and li .'-"ston, r artoeeburff, Irsd. 74i JKobert L. hhnis, Browusvill, Neb. 7 14 (trvllle L. Bow eta, Wayne, Kan. 7i Mlll O. Hesemsione, Caruln loa. I1L Ti4 4 'onunodor L. Xliwr. lirnall. litd. 7.,1 ivubrrt i a. Cht Im, Uluux Ci'y, ia, ' 7vl- l Jriiot 8. Dowel, JNiaxo ilia, la. 7i -3 1 -ipi B. loy, lioi j. rtiH, Neb, 7i 4 Juiia K. pm knurst, AHOiand. Neb. 710 l-.fyor Kadmiky. b.oux t.ity, Ia. . , 1 ! Cliaateiii K. Hobaon, Huldy Nob. 7)7 Jrry J. t tai.ey, aiadmon, a. 1). 7 8 Abraham Brubu ker, lies Muiiu-a, Ia, 7i Joaph Clilillt, Boiestrel, M. jL. 7ro Joseph Nejenjiinfiky, t.iinaha, Neb. 711 Ft! ward 8. lilr, Aurora, lit. 1 Jitnh I'eslibpny, Chicago, 111, 7 .1 Jacob Hnry Aloyer, ' t,ieiictir. Neb. Va atiet Mchinnie, -Columbus, Neb. J-iine 11. Wile. in, JUoi.lo, la. 7 - rederlck L. W'blltoiiuiuie LJncolu. Neo. 7'l WiHIam Parr, Leavenworth, Kan. I ( b.-i-tilM liiillijia CoLnaan 8. D. t u J n Motioe, Cdt-il, la. t V. iiuani A. 1hr, Lushton, Neb, T 1 John J. hulllvan, Hrtiiigioo, Neb. T I Alexander llnnir, hloux lu l, b. D. T MiAiiit t Jbetittwr. lio'.ie. Nub, 7 4 l iul Anieiwui, lrandi, a. li. T ti tim-ti-e hHiinr, Akron, la. , 7, (,-,. , 1 e Jr .-unit, Vietcimrn, Ia, T 1 Vv i.n.i.10. l- uai- r, V i-o, N'rl. T . t --"It. I '.41-01-.' -i-l. I.-v 7 -J,.-my Nv". Wui'ir, mnni.errv. Mo. ? 1-euiy ltarll iM- Coleruire, Ntb. ? I i tUiJ li'..,,. it tAdait nct giieli). 1 I - v - f wiihl R flow era, 1'n.it Pails, fi. 1. ' .-rmiiiey it- t !-', 1. in, n, t:. In. iiitl J. Ab.1' 'HI-, t-4iis .11. .1. JNetx V 4 'w.ii'O J. L ia : tt 4i e, Lv I . - aa: fna L Jl a A-uiJiiatt, B li. r iT'. ?l. Cie-W, I-nntt-iil. f -K. '! , - J n-in 1. l.y '1. I"-,.. 1, . ISu, " - .' j-.!.. .Hi. P .1 I c I t. 1 -. . i- in u s in 1, -in, 1 Mi ai D J ' .-1. k i , l - a i, , ' 1 1 . , i -1. J ... . . ft t -. S 1, .m - ii 1 . I i. iOt r n '"""" 8 RA Jip: " hi IJ Ut ii 8L-iiii, EhaDghal EeooiTei Tel'fas Annonnc'ir dispato:es confirm Tit riaST Alleged that British Dset Cruising la Faci2o is Eeo&Ued. RUSSIA FINDS H0!X' COMTRACAf Alleget Caro on tha Arabia ii Liatla it Eeirara. SHIP. RUMS ITCtf PORTUNO to CniENT It Carries Carsro ol Finer nnd Revile rend Materiel for Neatral Port t'e der aa American Charter. , BHANGHAI, July S.-NlghL-A telegram received here from "Wed Hal Wei confirms other telegrams received here today from Che Too to the effect that Port Arthur has been oaptured. Th Wei HaI WbI telegram says also that the BrHish fleet, which ha been cruising, will return there tomorrow. At Wei Hat Wei there to a British wire- lass telegraphy station and the British war ship are equipped with the moan of com munication. It la possible that Wei Hai Wei ha baen in wireie communication with th fleet and that th Information of th tail i Tcrt Wm reueiveu is, this manner. . -. . New Reach London. LONDON, July . 8:40 p. m A dlvpetch to Reuter'B Tlcrrm company Ifom Wei Hsi Wei, dated today, says: It io sup posed here that Fort Arthur has tr.cn captured, aa the Brltiuh fleet la returning here tomorrow. ' " Presumably this report is from the same source as th dispatch k'rom Bhanrhai, re porUng a Wei Hal Wei rumor that Fort Arthur has fallen. The only basis for tha' report known here is that if Russia, no long er occupies Fort Arthur, the BrUln-h, by the treaty, will evacuate Wei Hal Wei, and the Inference is that th British fleet is re turning to Wei Hal Wei io remove the stores, etc., from that place. Not much credence la attached for th moment to the Wei Hai Wei report, though similar reports are flooding- the continent. T4o ifews mt Wuhlncua. WASHINGTON, July .-4:18 p. m. th Bbanghal dispatch reporting tha fall of Port Arthur was communicated to the Japanese minister here. Up to this time, however, no ofticla.1 news on this subject has reached the legation. London Has No C'uifli.uH". LONDON. July p. ra.-Tu Jj.rs- nese legation has no confirmation or indica tion of the fall of Port Arthur c Ut l. j hour. HBATT riGHTLMO AT POET AnTTIUa Russian Trtefuarees Tell of Attack oat ( Russian Stronghold. CHE FOO, July 29. 10 p. m. A Junk con taining thirty refugees from Pott Arthur, wh are all foreigner cf the better class, arrived here tonight, having left Port Ar thur on Thursday. The refugees raport that exceedingly heavy f ghtlng by rand and by sen to th east and northeast of Port Art"- .;r. e in curred on Tuesday, Wednesday anJ Thurs day of thla week, Jind triay express the belief that a general assault was t( eun on Thursday. They say that this bombard ment was the heaviest experienced since th beginning of th siege, and that th Russian fort made very Ilftl reply to the Japanese fire. These foreigners con firm previous report of the serious con dition of th Japanese fleet. Field Marshal Marquis Oyama. accom pnld by his staff, left Port Dalny ca Tuesday. Ha'la conAiiotliig th Japanese operations in person, f v The fresh meat supply In Port Arthur Is exhausted. Only the troops are getting alt meat. Noncorabatant ar subsisting mainly on oatmeal and rice. KCHOKI WAftiTS TO -ADVANOS OfIIer nnd Men Ar Tired of Idleness and Deals- Aellvitr. OKIH LD (-la TER8 IN THHI FlcZ.D (Via Fueen, Cures, July S ) (iiyed tn Transmission.) There U fTat Jubilation in this army pvor tha Japane.se victory ei Ti Tch; TCli. Gi eml . Kui okJ s army hits tssmn so lona; sta tionary that th ofTtoers and suldiora ar anxious to advance mvi cwJua tit Aii-in-sliort and SKgresalv. It 1 proiriUily Impossible Vt oirt r-t s tt mat the effect of th Jap.ttjiH) iv.-injuv tlon of New Chwatig upm the Chi.:- a, to whom Russian occupation ef ti.et , 1-. t was always a blner pliL Tlia Russ-ian bjive sgaln btgurt ntrAi:ch ing themselves in new poaKloii la frunt of Mo Tlon pass. Stio.W tilW'LW Russian Administrator of Nentral Port Ooea to Pfltiiiin'. NEW CIIWANG, July 21. p. m. -Leavr Cring was heard outiie of New ChAuiijj until . J o'clock this, afternoon. . M. Grosas, the Rusain-n ai'uiii"'-'r t.r of New Chwang. lift a'.ria to 11k !:;;. Afte; the ba'tle of T Vrhe Kiao founeen t,li,j were used to oarry away th lt'i.-Ha forces engaged. It is si Id har that m this-- fight th Japanee' e.d not inimi to close quarters, the t-aitm '.;, .j pui-d in artillery duel. The Ruftmian Iom-vs at T Tche Kino are declared here to huv lu cn sJinht. The Japanese torpediwd and i-,.V the Ruatdun torpido boat diotroyiir 1.1. . nut Burusotf and damaaod two other t - - '.' Loat As-H'-ror-erj ixx 1 l.iu by le.et ; y. l-hlalr ('hle ilr! Ji 1 .. Bi?T5:NTSIN, Mani'Iinil.i. Ju y J . ! caa'ttscn de"Jidt3y eataMUtosd, t.' i,.,, sUnta ay. t(.l the CI.UK-M tn t : id Japanese tin, which a.rtiitnta i : tl. exttrtion of thtitr lines of cwiniour.- i-ii..7i. Owing to th bad road t Jt ;...;- . are said to t suffu'tns jr!.) y i.'i.iu i-. e tif to.L tier JCr.r.. t W I u Is t ' f a 1 T. rri 1 - . I, J 1 i - - 1 t K -.f fl'-i.'.-3 v:.e K-H t.-t-i.: li r.tpura pap.- of I' -....'. - t t 1, 1 .i- 1 .11 . at f Li . if I. no. lie 4 - .il, ll 1. .:. , 1. f . i v ... i. .1 e- - --.I I