Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 29, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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J a! Vhf-.i p -1 Over in C1.5rtgo, with &
1, 1 J in Talncs.
IN CMAliA JULY lluylry advances TO 91
Report ibtt Joly fhort In
terest Had Se'.tlre : r.rx0 Baihrli Vh( f )f-rf la
, I (Imaha-liirUf t Xtwi,
- . I '
OMAHA. July 2.
Chicago price for wh.-at received -Yre
pmlilJ thin morning. The July fu
ture wnjcti J, so bjt (wi more day of lit'.
e the weakeat delivery. Trie way in
which prices lor tht future broke Indicates
tbat the culmination of the dial had been
con MUimnated snd time the haul pressed
'.. rta had pocketed lnsscn, chareed
ti.nn up on tun lodger and turned to mur
dinant speculation.
The goeeip new of the day was but a
shade es bullish than l had tHn fnr
orri time past. 4 rop report continue dis
couraging, the weatuer map w wet end
tr,e harvtst returns equally unfavorably,
l-.vldently the belief In a peaceable settle
ment of. the Anglo-Russian complication
nil the corrent high price for grain !n
encouraged the speculative element to Ui
the hort aide for a tarn end longs to tKi
their prnflt. This ha censed tne break
from (eVl Wednesday CiiiBt to Sti'4C on
July what. a a of about a point oa the
deferred future.
A Chicago dispatch says: Phlppers of th
new wheat are making B'ono very heavy
tlnafts on local receivers. They are loadinx
th- car to the limit and hurrying them
forward to catch the handsome premiums.
Ons car contained l,4i'i bushi-l and brought
i wnii per bushel. The llrm paid a dm ft
of Another smaller car brotieht 4f.
These car were only sample t.f eighty re
ceived for the day. Mtniurio of the Ijflter
heat deal wwe revived by til" r-ceivir.g
houses, who were paving out large nimu
ff money to the country shippers, while
theee wore In turn diHt.rjbUiIng It amviig
the farmer who hauled It to market. If
It develop that current prices are main
tained after the present week It will Mean
an Important. distribution of money among
toe firmer rf southern Illinois, Missouri
and the southwest, where the crop this
yrnr hps bn pnove toe ordinary. T.e
riwlitl demand for the cara yesterday of
course wae from speculator who had made,
sale for July delivery and who were m-!-!!
to get the wheat to make deliveries.
1 Ins demand -will cease with the expiration
Cf the present week. -
The situation In Omaha crow In Inter
est, There were rumors on 'change of a
complete settlement of the July wheat
shortage but as a matter of fact there
have been no deliveries and nor has triers
been any "private settlement." Tho short
ha-e until 11 o'clock Baturday to get In
cut of this trouble either by deliveries or
a discharge from i the capital. It begin
to look as If the deliveries might be fair,
and st the same time there are some Inter
esting hints at possible development in
another quarter, Receipts today were only
12 ears of the contract grade of wheat.
The first quotations on July wheat this
looming wa 63c asked, then a lonjf offere 1
It at yte, afterward the short Intereat
Hd It up to He' without Bales. Beptem
"tmi opened ic lower than on Wednesday,
but recovered to Mo bid or without Vic of
tne final of Wednesday. The. bid price
'on December was He under Wednesday.
Corn was easier elsewhere but both corn
and oat were relatively steady.
Orrmha ' Inspection In: 12 cars No. 1
wheat; cara No. f, 1 car No. 4; 1 car J7o.
8 corn; 1 car No. 2 corn; 1 car No, 4 cats;
total, 23 ears. Out: cara No. 2 corn;
1 car No. 8 corn; 4 car No. S wheat; total,
12 car.
Ofmh Pules: 4 car No. t corn, 4c: 1 car
No. 3 wlilie oat, it.c; 1 car No. S corn at
iiic; to arrive.
Kan; of Frlee.
Tho range of price on the Omaha irtar
ket for future d,!verv anil the ciofc today
and Wednesday were:
i Closed
Wheat Open. High. Low. Today. Wed.
July ...... 61 A M H t'3',A M B P3 B
. fpt C.'.'ili 1 B B 3 B WAB
lieo 7ai 7a!U' 7!i'a HB eO B
July ...... 4 B W Tt 4-B 49 B 49
Sept ...... 4.'. A -B 4f-SA : 4C
leo UH 4'ia oH 4uwU .V
Oat "
July ; .... .4it4fl
Pep! ...... t-0 Tt SO' TJ ft B 2 "r)
Deo Vi M is 'U U'B W B
A nuked. B bid.
Northwestern Car Lot Wkeat.Roeelpta
Today, Lit tveck. IT ear ago.
Mlnneapoll 81 1 19
1'uluUi 60 6 , n
-Chicago f ...
Primary HsTsmeat. 1
7'oiiuy .....
IJt week
I.aat year
Last week
at year
, Receipts, eillpments.
S i.t"J
i.-vi, 6
..f.-V.- i
$02,W) 743,744
:J.!H ' Si".4,?;m
, 132, USO
K n n r a c City Monmeot,
Receipts. Shipments
Wheut iMs.tkO J,7'0
Coi it Z 0 2J,i"0
OntB ti.fA 1,'itM
liroonahall Continental Crops
Kra-tice Our cor reepi.tid.uits report leso
favotuuly retKroiiiti wueut crop In northern
r-;iun. Pimeiit indlcatiuna point to a
j. i.i . n Iwlow ti.e maximum whlcit ha here
tuf.iro been epctd.
Greoce vVheat crop estimate at 30 per
cent tens thun last year, , or 4,jju,(MI lJU.,
against 6.0vu.i J 0 bu. lat yiu'.
itungary w ithout good rain half a corn
crop will be rained.
Austria Harvest report favorable,
Italy orilc.ial repoi t of July iti ihnwi
corn damage'l by drouth. Last year Italy
.vlovd ;k,iu,i'0 bu. of corn.
' utra.illiHnericlttl rain have fallen.
luiunen poll wire stock of wheat rer
tiuood Hou,uou du. in nve day.
Price Current Report,
Winter wheat harvest practically clowed
threshing return llmlteu. lnttkation tor
o K4.piiiitnittni in Indiana; elsawher l;i
Ce .i. .ma gouj. Favoruble weather fur
tin!; t wheat, corn and minor crop. Host
V,.-.M w.-ntl-u pulllta, Al.UllU, asKlliat
Ctala Karket Elitnkers.
Closing price of grain today and Wedne
a.y at t.i Wf" were a lohuw:
" CliiCAGU.
Wh-t- , , Today. Wed
ry cutler ..,.....
1 fcmlier
V. I ..t-
4P14 4n
41' 41'
44 toa
TV 7S'
tb1.4 :5
r .t .1 ruber ... .
l i. i-ouia.
jH, -,i..ri..t - f ,,,,, ,
1 i nut r
Com , '
?---ptemlr :.....,..
i-let:eiiiUt r
.,'l.NMSAi ' 'CXi.
.Wheat '
('.inc.. l-r
i.'..,vii.t.. r ,
, .LUU'IU.
. eioliee
L'" mi. .
i-iii. 'V 1 , iviv.
Vi.. ' -
r-,-. or. .!..- ,,.
i ... wur
4IH4B 4T4,B
"1 41 A
4?4 4'tB
o- .1.
ftum Cralu Market.
eei..f. r.t ektlinate the wheat
t . t .. ..wk at l.-.-l,ij) lu J iw d (1
C. J. !. Bi't J- Pewell of Hetirjrx.
1'fai.k hu" -r ui if t -leui t, S ki. Jn. e
tJ.i.o-.i, It H. Kvi.i.t if 'iec.eva and N.
in.-..t f Un. win v 1.4 tot a on 'vi.unaa
i.i., jr.
It Iiirr, r-K.ita wires: "S.irry to
r it t . t - J ..v.t ii. ..i Is ex-iioualy
- '.i t,j 1 ... It I-. i. i .i.i s,a to t,l
1 .j . 'i fc. : . , t-ot Un j :-.i.tit.iy it
I .d."
' s ! t. .1 ' '" ' 1 1. i o J'.ly .K.ntrs-t were
T .1 I . w V .i i . ; , . v . u 4
i .j I .. I i.ia V 1 . .1 1..X1V- 1
t U i. .:. ' 1.1.1 1. , t. IrU l".(.o t..:-
w . .. ... i
t. - 'I.y. ui 1 . ' r; A.i.lrf fie.ot te
f i t.l .i r. . . . f t t i .l. p i ua r .11
. !..- . t lit... . I i v ...... I,;.' 'i ..
v.... ..r ,t i a v.-. .a i i L... i.t-ii i..l Hint
-.i4 be u. .... i .- 1.
i' .r.ti iiA.jj i.-, t.i I.i'r li f.ifii "...
I . ... .l (.ii..-r ...u . ...i ;...i
. . V, ii.i. t 1.. .... n. -. .1
I. , r v i e..t i- ..... . , i.. . .-, l,, ,, a i ;
I . ' ' I i ..... i 11' m a II i -i .
!, , , ,, .. ( ; , ( f ( - ,
' 1 ' ' I . 1 1. I . 1 r . I , .-.
ran b delivered at J cent penslty tlow
ti.e r..n:rrt pr !. sn.l has r" reference to
oii and pew crop a beat at all.
Featarea of ttie Trading an4 Clestnw
Price on Boar4 of Traele.
CHTCAOO, July 79. Liberal arrivals of
new wheat here and lower prices shroad
caused wakne In wheat prif n totlav. the
hrpteniper option rtomrg wi net ioi oi
H'.iVu Crni I dnrni v,o. i ehow a de
cline of c. I 'revision are f.;, i'ic htRtu-r.
At the onteet the wheat mrnt experi
enced severe setback as a result of lower
cst.les, nbfrnl receipt and a continustlon
of good weather in the porthwet. riTtem-
ber opened Vt iStC to . a Ic lower Bt a 'i
"40. A lot of long wheat came out during
the first re minute of trading stvl prices
declined et!l further, September selling orf
to ''iH,.r. lite In tne dty the nu.rket
for distant deliveries became firmer. Much
of the earlier loss was reemned. Heptemher
closing si wo. of wheat and
flour were equal to bushels I'rimarjr
receipt's were 7i4.fViO bushels, compared with
6.1.4.K! bti'hels a vear ego. k! Innes pilis,
I'uluth and Chlcsi.) reported recelptM of
cars, against i-o lsst week and 191 a
Ksvorahle crop report snd weakness or
wheat were the main influyooes nffntlng
the corn market. September epened Vju-o
lower at itWiV''. sold between )c and
W'nKe nd nosed t 4fVc. Local re
ceipt were 2l car, with 21 of contract
grn da.
r ine weather rsport of good crop pros
pect In low and weakneaa of wheat
caused considerable liquidation In oats.
September opened H'PsiC to H lower t
JUo to oJt'.'iMVuc, old down to 327e and
closed at 3Jl'o. Ixtcal receipt were 89
Covering by hort Imparted a Arm tone
to the provision market, but trading was
llirht at the close. 8vterrher pork wa up
7U, h nip at 12.:'V5'8 W- Iard showed again
of .itc. closing at Vi.e'H- Kib were up 6o
at $7 5.Va7.67'. '
Kstlmsted receipts for tomorrow: Whest,
11R cars; corn, loi car; oat. 66car hogs,
.,(! head.
The leading future, ranged as follows:
Articles.-) Open. High.) Low. Close. Tst'y.
a July 9T tw 9V, f-'
bjuly , in P" KiS . 7v
afiept J 9-v,s
b fenpt. Si'-I fc!7;!!SV4ils . '
Cot n l I I
July S 4 r-iH 4!'4l 494 4
fiept. !i-v 4'-" 4f-J 4-! Hv
Ua I I
July S!4 Jri'4 yHIH
pept. 'tr 38Vk-!- J""' 'tVi! '
Iec. Ji.tMi H'tf;33i'.m
Moy 'AoH'Wh fcVfc.'i,B SoiM'.u-i
July 1 85 13 90 1? f 1! 90 13 f2
Sept. 13 85 12 f3 12 13 C5 12 85
Oct. . U 85 U 16 Utft IS le& 128i
Jtily tfV, 00
Bept. 6 90 87 8 B0 6 6 90
Oct. 7 00 7 Wn 7 00 7 (WVt 6 87V4
July 7 '40 7 4-!t 7 4( 7 4H 1 W
Bcpt. ? 7 6.S 1 9) 7 67Va 7 bVi
Oct. ' 7 6,t 7 Ki 7 kTVj 7 67V
No. S. Old. b New.
Caah quotation were a follows:
" I 'LOUR Market steady; winter patent.
4 tai; airalgnts, .zt(f;4.S3; spring pitt-ents4.Jt8-i.70i
atru.lght;v M.j&iM; baker.
..f.foS 20.
WHEAT No. 8 spring, 88898c; No. 8, SS
94o; No. 1 red. 97(ii7Mc.
COKN-No. 2, 4 'Wc; No. 2 yellow, RlViC
OATS No. 2, 8,.i'4c; No. 1 white, XX&
40tec; No. t white, .tso, new,
RYE No. 2, Tlrjr:. '
h A RL h. t Oood leeding, 8&33Sc; fair to
clnl'.'e malting, 4I"ht.jc.
61 1-7D3 No. l'flax. tl.lTH; No. 1 north
wertern, 11.24: prime timothy, 3-00; clover,
contract grade, fit. 26.
P'HOVIS10N3 Mess pork, per bbl., 12.87
12.90. Lard, per loo lbs., kri Sb-tt RVVi. Short
ribs sides (loose), 7.Hf,v7.4S. Short clear
iils boxed, 7.7tnii 8.00.
Following were the receipt and hip'
menta of lipur and grain: .
Receipt. Shipment.
Flour, bbls , !.fi"0 21,0
Wheat, bu M,t0 4S,Hfl
Corn, bu 2M-0 f-'5,lMI
Oat, bu...... ....l.oO 12i0
Hv. bu ?.0"0 li0
Burley. bu.... 23,000 83,m)0
On the Produce exchan, today the but
ter market wa eteady; creameries, 1317o;
dairies, 122 loc. rgs, steady, at mark,
c ae Included, 12'aitic Cheese, steady, "i
Qaotatlau of tbe Day oa Varlon
) ' Commoditle.
ceipt. 11.114 bbl.: exports. 4.0.3 Dbia. :
market showed little belter Inquiry but
trade wa light; Minnesota patent, 5.0uOl
S36; winter paturu, JH.t-txtl'o.iv. wintei
straights... winter extras, K S5
.3.o; Minnesota baker. l-170.ti4.0O; wlntsr
low grades, W.15.&J.70. Ry Hour, sttady; to good, 4. 04 4.26; cholc to fancy,
$4 if f 4 CO. i
w H h. AT Receipts, .C00 bu.; spot easy;
CORNMEAL Inactive; yellow western,
l.oul.U; city, tl.ltrtil.U; kilu dried, e9u
KTE Nominal.
RARLKY Nominal: feeding, nominal, o.
1. f New Yolk: timlui.w. nominal.
WHKAT Recelptd, ,!) bu. ; spot easy;
No. 2 red. no:ninui, elevator, arid 11.01 f.
o. b. afloat: No. 1 northern, Luluth,
11.08V f. o b. aloatt No. 1 bard, Manitoba,
nominal, f. o. b. afloat. War new was
lean acute today and cable being gen
erally weak, with consul higher, wheat
sold off sharply all the eaxion, oloalug
uc net lower. July closed $1.1S2V4; ep
ic:uber, WftM 11-13, closed M-jCi Decem
ber, D'.'j'JiSC. closej - '
CORN Receipt, W,') bu.; exports,
8.2 bu. j spot easy; No. 2, 65c elevator,
and SVio f. o. b. afloat; No. S yellow, 6UVi
No. white, KSo. Option market wa In
active and more or less nominal, closing
V.fM-c net lower. Juiy closed Lite; Bep
ttiiulier closed 64a.
OATS Receipts, SS.000 bu.; exports. 8,245
bu. ; spot eauler; mixed oats, !i to 33
poundw, 41Mie; natural while, ) to S3
pounds, 4: i lc; clipped whtto, 36 to 40
HOi'b tuiet; Paclflo coast, 190J crop, WiP
HIDE3-Staflyj California, SI to IS lbs.,
HAT Easy; s'ulpltiz, , CTc; good to
Choice. B-Vac.
r tt D Irregular; spring bran, '900
pro mt; middlings, t-2.0o prompt; tlty, i-JJ.W
n J . i
I h ATIirrn Firm; cld. 2??23o.
V ( )L steady I domeatlo fieec, 82fl.15c.
H H.'h Steady ; domestic, fair to extra,
h", ..-.i.e; Jei.HM, riooiil-a'..
i UuVIAioNt l.eef, st-adv; family, fin no
PU.iv; mesa, f t-- HOO; lef hams, $C:"1 . 7?.-"
It in: pocket i r,.. i Hi (K); cilv, extra lndia
mea, J'Ci!8 00. Cut meats, quiet; plcK
led be lite. !MiO .tll.fc); pickled shoulders,
o 6of(ii pickled liaiti. $m .i ll.W. ltrd,
firm: western ica-nod, $7 i'j reflned, firm;
continent, 1 f.; America, $7.9.i; com
poundi, ii.Uh l vi . family. ' S :-
short clear, t 3 ' ; 6 0.1; mess, il4.2.i'r,'14. 75.
TALLOW iirm; city, 4vc; coumo, 'tj
Rt. Lent tlral and Provision.
BT. LOU13, July 2. WHEAT Lower;
No. 1 red, tnah, elevator. iHc: track o.r
itiK ; juiv, (h'o; bepieuioer, eijtc;.p.o. i
hard, !- . .do.
CuPNl..ier No. t cash. iiHc: Pentem
ber, -tc; 1 ', 4..c; ti. K, 6v; ..- C.
T3-We:ik; No. ) r-K; tiack,
s ',; September, it.; No. J white, li
r l i'i H fcii-ti 'v: pew n-i winter patents
U .' 4 lo; old il 9t,..a0u: ern fnncy arid
nt,!, i t, It .. 4 tw; clear, i ; 7i' -t .
r-. ' .'. '1 nuiuy, ateedy; ; 4.. .75.
fVivN Steady ; .6.
1uaN Luwcr; sutno.l tat track, nVt
I ' AY rill tiut hl '',r timothy, 10.0O
16 ; prairie, f. i . ... ... I
IWiN Ct)TT .N J 1 j ..i-rt&c. ' -
l..iflJ.7 - -
5 :h TWl .s c-ic.
1 H.jVISIONS-l'urlt. Mifher; jobblnr,
f :i i.m. lard, higher; j Time tie:im, J -.V
,.Min, Mieedy; boxed exlia rirld, 4Hit;
ci" r rit.H. vil.H; nitort cleur, t--i
t t.i'LTHV-M. uily; chl. - ris. lc; spring,
1,. ; in. key, 1-; Ouck. i; (: . i.v
I-' ' i 1 r.i - I-'uii; cieix-iuiit y, i.r.0; dairy,
J-vjrf bieady, 13c, caae count.
Kmtit-le. tlilpments.
r-nir,' l.l.l 4 .!) fi "i-O
V l. eat. bu I-!") 7ii)
t ', bu . ' i i-0
Ci.ttt, bu.
Pl.liadell.ln. 1' rod nee Markft.
PlUIjtrn.M.PHIA. July M. Ht'TTF.R
3l.--.0. loir ileitmiil; tim wet.-in crt-utn-tr
v .' ; exiin i.cmiI.v pii ta, i-..
1 .i y. ( "l.uiHiid; rarbv
f'fria, 1. i 1 ert Hi; m-Mi-lll r''' l.' .
1 . l n.allvi s-'W I li H; n fiilJ, 1... . c, at
III; ': -!:- fair deo i nd. steady ; New
Yuia I. .il iK, c:.i...e li f iu, C , h-
. lfiB4A )i-lill4 tT8l llA'k.e(. I
! x v . f -t ilj A. Minn. July '
i i j ,.i y. k ; f i i i . r. . ;
, i i ,r t- l i, ,t,
1 , v -i. 1 i.... the. u, i .- .,; :..i, i p.. i -. :,.
f count; o (Icrsralij Eeppond Tromptly to &
Pdgttcr Outlook.
Sew York Bar Bark'a MaeK C.o
from London Wa fold
Darin; Yesterday
NEW TORK, July 2. Tody tock mar
ket turned lo a Isrge extent on the Anlo-
Huesian relation nd wa a strtaing
demonstration of how large an Influence
the earns cause had in yesierdny market.
Not only ecurl'lea, but H other specula
tive markets responded promptly to the
brighter outlook in the relation between
the two powers. Grain markela here re
laxed In spite of some rumor cf unfavor
able developments in the spring wheat re-
?lon. Sterling exchange reacted tioclHlvely
rom the gold export point. New York
bought back a much pnld from London s
was sold yesterday. There was a halt In
the upward tendency, but buying of all the
prominent etocaa was renewed as the day
advanced and the bear were routed and
driven to cover. Bear covering was espe
cially In evidence in the Metropolitan Trac
tion stocks.
United State Steel preferred wss not
along the stronrsat stocks today, although
It was one of the acutest suflerers yester
day. It w strong, however, and was
helped by reports of an Improving demand
for pig Iron. The Bank of England loan
expansion of almost $;u, ono.Ooo for the weejt
Is en Index of the pressure upon the money
market there. That Institution 1 lso
gaining gold rapidly row nd the fact thRt
the governors refrained from advancing the
rate today la accepted ss sssuranrti of bet
ter conditions. The announcement that a
IO.ii.tiO ' payment would be made rext
week on the Cuban loan seemed to be ac
cepted with equanimity. Reports of In
tended further curtailment In the output of
anthracite did not prevent the conlers from
sharing In the riny's strength, with Read
ing as one of the leader of the advance.
The assassination of the Russian minister
cf the interlur w not ft percepttblo fac
tor In the market. The upward impulse of
the market wa renewed In the lute trad
ing In the expectation that the early l.on
d.n mrrket tomorrow would take atocka at
the higher level. The trading beeme duil
at the last, but the closing wa firm und
only blow the best. R'.nds were firm.
Total siile. par valu. 12,1 45,000. United
Slates bonds were uncharged on call.
Following was the range of price on the
Stock exchange today:
Atchison a.S'X) TS 76 77
dopfd 1,) t (! 9iVH
Baltimore & Ohio li.KO si", 8M, M'i
do pfd , 0 ft 9-' S-Hi
Canadian Pacific 8"0 1 4 123 13S
Central of N. J 100 IV lii., 1U3
Cheaareake 41 Ohio... ') a3' M
Chicago o Alton l.iyO -40 W i
do pld 81
Chicago O. W RflO . 18 1314 14
Chicago & N. W I,i0 lkua, 178 1MIV4
C. M. 4k Bt. P 25,409 147 143 47
do pfd 17
Chicago T. T S1
do pfd 14
C, C, C. A St. L .... 74
Colorado (Southern.... ,.t. ., H!4
lo 1st pfd 200 48 48 4S
do 2d pfd lH'i
Delaware A Hudson.. 400 159 If;!) lMVx
I'j., L. St Western..; 2
Uenver & Rio Orand 21
do pfd 100 . 714 Tl4 71
Erie y 6,Su0 24 4 244 U
do 1st pfd 1,700 61- CO Bie
do Ul pfd 34
Hocking Valley 64
do pfd 79'A
Illinois Central 9H) 135 IWVi
Iowa Central 100 ls!4 l',s '
do pfd H5
K. C. 8outhorn 21
do pfd M0 42H 42H
Louisville & Nahvlll 2,6"0 1141,, 1U4 134
Manhattan L u0 1MV4 lftO Iw'H
Met. Securities 15.M0 8 9 86
Metropolltiut 8t. Ry..3t,20 U7U IHVi Hi-
Minneapolis & Bt. L.. l'W 46 41 44
M., Bt. V. & S. Bte. M. 8-10 76. 74',4 74V4
do pfd 100 128 . '128 127
Missouri Pacific .....12,.X 82 91 B-'S
Missouri. K. & T 60 is 174 17
do pfd U9 ' VWi-tWi 31H5
N. R. R. of M. pfd 3iU
New York Central.... 1.700 11 HH ; HK
Norfolk as Western... 1,200 0 60 60
do pfd.... ; .... ' .... -to
Ontario & Western. ..10.UO0 ! "i ' J9 Si
Pennsylvania ... 49,900 1204 11S) 119
P., C, C. & Bt. L... 62
Reading 33,800 E3 51 'A 52S4
do 1st pfd 100 3tt 1 83
' do d pfd fill
Rock Island Co 10.100 22 21 ; 22
dopfd 1,609 66 4 4
Bt. L. & a. F. 2d pfd. OK) 62 61 62
6t. U Bouthweitem.. 100 IS 13 13
do pfd , 6o0 33 32 33
Southern Pacific 340 4!-4 4H 4-
fjouthern Railway .... 4.-V0 2fI 23 1 2
do pfd..: 70 k 83 . H
Texas & Pacific 80 H. 14 25
T.. Bt. L. 4k W 2 25 24 25
do pfd 10 6 88
Union Paclflo 68i0 87 fctl 9n
do pfd i S"0 94 94 ;i
Wabash v ' ?uO 1( 16 16
do pfd i. 40 35 344 S5
Wlieeiing & u E iuO 14 14 14
Wisconsin Central .... l'li
do tifd IK! J 38 3S
Mexican Central 1,8'JO 9 9 9
' ..... ..
JOMlllB JCAI'l ri .... ,.. v
American Express l'.
1'. H. xpreas I'-o
Wells-FHigo Express. 2"6
Ainal. Copper i7,20 51 50 61
American 0. F 2u0 18 U'i 18
do pfd 7
Ametlcan Cotton Oil. 600 27 26 26
do pfd 89
American Ice 6
do pfd 200 27 87 27 J
American Linseed Oil .... 9'
do pfd 100 21 2! 29 .
American Locomotive 4u0 21 2uA 2
do pfd 87
American 8. & R 1.800 , 57 f; 56
do pfd.... 6o0 9f' V f'9
American Sugar Re .. 4,6v0 12)1 l'.H
Anaconda M. Co... 74
Brooklyn R. T. . . -..... 23. 2 61 49 61
Colorado F. 1 1,100 8f Sf
Consoiidated On .... 1,0'K) 1W lti 9$
Corn Products loi) 12 Xl 12
do pfd -
I'ihtii.ei a' Ke..urlll .... 21
General Eloctrlo .... 40 161 ISO 162
lntwiiaoma Paper, Ui.0 13 1 12 13
do t(d lix buva 6-'' 69
International Pump : 31
do pfd
'Lead 1 22 i?i'l 21
merlcan Mo l-' R W
.. i. iij. '. . l ij .i7 or.
Win b A me
PatllliO Mall liB . .-i IS. S3
People On 1,00 S. 9i tw
Pressed Steel Car euO e- o- .:;
1 Uo pld . 7 .4
Pullman Palace Car 278
Republic Slrol 1,10 74 7-4. 7
do Tttd
44 42
Rubber Goods ....
do pfd
Tennbesae C. & X.
V. S. l.aalher ....
.. t'i 1- IS 1S
.. 19 7h' ' 7S '
.. 6,i0 4,'i ' 42i 43
.. 7,rf T-l ? 7
do pfd
7"0 8', :
TT. 8. Realty 2"0 48 48 4i4
U. B. Rubber l l'"4 1" 19
do pfd 6'0 74:4 73 74
TJ. 8. Hteel lft.t'iO 12 n 12
do pfd 6.4"fl t' .
Westlnahoua Eloc... 3iX) 167 li7 17
V. tern I'nlon ...... ; ....
Total aloa for the day. f&9,000 share.
Hew i York Money Market. .
NEW YOP.K. July 28. MONTCY-On call,
easy. 1 1- ciiialng bid. , wneied ad. Tim
luar: stronner; aixly nl i.nnjiy ai, 1$.,
per cent; six months, 8', . .
PRLviB MLiiCAN"niL.i PArEIt-5Si4
per cent.
fctTfc.ti.LINa rXCHANGE Heavy with
s.-toel bunireas In bankers' tiljls at 34 bT'iQ
(1 i.Si.V) tor demand and at 14 n. -4'" "J for
suty day biila; posted rates, H.t. , "MM
end i.t j !.!..,; coniinercittl Mils, .u4?
4 '4
fcri.VFR Par, 6'c; Mexican dollars 4f He
in '. j . J ouvitii nuietit stetidy; railroad
bona ! i in.
1 ciuaing quotation e bond are a
follows; -
U. I. r.1. K
Ho coujoa .,
tft. rg
4lo cuia
do ppC it. r...
Ao trnpn .-
do t.t 4. r....
41 COUuU .......
Ai Ur.u S"a. 4s...
.sj. is.
Au.ji o C. L ...
b tt O. 4s
1"T rH-ili'SM . . U....l"'i
1 I ci.lral it I. 4
l -i ,! d.. Ul liu 1
1 - Mijd m. U im 1 1
l-i 4a
1 . ' I ita ki . , e
N. H. ft. of M. . 4. ;
t. J t; H. ,
So -. ,ii.j 4n
.VI 4,
. 1 ' -m
1" l IS. A W. t. tt
nil . t U A Dr
tVul of !,,. 4 P ieeiin
CO i.t l". l.i)ll,( -!l. tm M
OI..O l " M. U A I M. .I.Kt
IIN..H' A. 111... '!. I a E If. In, f. i'
H. n
U 8. W. u
r. . A a P. i" fni,,4 a u n
(' ft H Vt'. a TS....I en, I .. is
K J. A f. te.
7! ..!. kAMWr-.y M.
,1., U
t . ... a st. 1. .
. 1 t. 4i. . ..
i .1. ii.'.ca 4..
i ...i so. 4s....
I a H. U. 4a
fc. . . er l-ea 4
. ; 4. 1 aa r 1 ).
v T , n. K a w. 4. . '. i
. - Ll.l.Ma 1-i.cirie 4 1'. 4
.' 411 Cel.. 4 1- 4
. . ' e. .l . (, 4
,1" - U,J,.I, ). 1 ,
. .1. o. 1. . ,
. v a u k w i, ;
V - IS In! I.I . ......
.1 S t wlO. ucl Cuul ft.. 1, D
I., i:. ij.
:1.V 4 . .
shows: Avsl'ble cosh bsinnce, l4.f.47
gold. K4.t.i7.2.2.
Bnitnn atAck ttnotatlnns.
prittTOV, Juiv v'-OU loani,
VI, per
rent; time loans.. it v piT cent.
Closing of stock nn.l bonds::
At.-hln ..). ...., IAil.amr
.... Tk
.... Va
.... 114
.... 11
.... !l4
.... WH
.... 4:i
v... 7
.... Pi'l
.... 4
.... 4?4
.... 14
.... II
.... !
.... t4
.... H
.... .'
.... M
.... tl4
.... )'"4)
.... M
.... 74
.... 74
its 4l
;. N. Ali'lllI
Mx I'eelrxl ta..
So p'A
TWfnn Altnr
prt.irtn K I ..-. tei
Fll'-h'X t ...
i.A-Ml,i.'ll1 ..
7 Amr. ,e Eine
K Ai lo
'.. IHnxl.m
iu 'i il. A Heel..
17 . ..ler,n1l
W-X. (nti-
N T., N H H....1
' -.'ler Hns .
2 , Went
Pr Mm.ii,tt ..... il
I.emlnlo Cosl
t nh.a ifte . 'i, t.'rRnklin
Aff.r. Arf, Chm.... ) Ornry
do I.M
I.le Rnval ....
Amir. Pneu. Tube...
Amr. S'lfiAr
so pt4
Amr. T A T. ......
Amer. Wwilen .
So pfJ
Pimtntea I. A ....
FHi.ea yte. !lu
r)nral Fitrle . ..
uml Fte.'trto
i pLl
I'nltea Fruit
t lilted fno Mach...
da lrd
U. B. f-
do pfd
Westing, eommoa ..
4'4 V.min .
t'- . Vi. hla
.I.' . Mont t", A C.
, 1' old Dominion .
, 71 , '".reoi ........
A l'rrot
fl 0..lrrT
let 5'iiupnn .......
, 1"4 Ti.Krrk
. ' Trinity
H". V. S. Mining...
. 491 II. g. oil
. it t'llh
, l!Tl Vl. toria
, 0 Vtnona
, 7B .Wolverins
London ctoek Market.
LONDON. July 2S. Closing:
Onol. money .... M I II K T. Centrtl..,
do ernnat "H rorfotk A W...
Aneonda 1 do pfd
et-hisoa 7t Ontirlo A W...
do pfd HoS l'nnii) l-nia .,
o t
....I If
Bnitlmnra A lUlio.,,. K.. K4UH Mines ....
Cftnudifto Paclflo 13.4kiKAdln
(hen. A ihlo it do lit P"l..
rhlto Ot W 14H do M pld..
r , M. A si. r ltsm no. Ftiis-ix ..
p,Pr IK .to pfd
lienver A It. O tt . Pacini ....
de Bid 7JV. Unlirtl Parlnc ..
Erie i do pld
do st pfd 1. 8. Steel
do Id prd .11 do pfd
Illinois Central 1.4M ahaah
Loula. A Naah Hi do pfd
14., K. A T It panlsh 4s
F1LVI:h Mar, stendy,' 26d per ounce.
MoNRY-3''i-.l'g per cent.
The rate or discount in the open market
for short bills is 1 1B-Ii3 per cent; for
three months' bills, I per cent.
Jtew York .Vlntuc Stocks.
NEW YORK. July !.-Th4 following JO
the closing prices on mining stocks':
Adams Con l Mitle chief
Al.vs 40 Ontario '
Hreera , AO I'tipir Si
3-; Con fhoenlx t
Comlock Tunnl I Pot.. at : 13
Cob. 4Jal. A Va IP iRavana to
Horn Hllvsr 1"0 !Klarra Nevada 30
Iron silver U0 IHmall Hopes to
Leadvlll Coo 1 it-Uanuard. tin)
Foreign Plnanclnl. -
BERLIN, July 28. Trad on the bourse
today was qttlet on account of the assas
sination ot M. yon Piehve, the Russlun
mlniater of the Interior. Exchange on
London, Sim 4ipfg for checks. Llcount
rates: 6hort bills, m per cent; three
months' bills, Jt1 per cent.
PARIS. July W. The weekly statement of
the Bank of Frano shows 'he following
changes: Notes In circulation, decreased
6.2;0,OMif; treasury sccount current, in
creased 83,650, ouof; gold In band, decreased
U.tyiu.oOOf; bill discounted. Increased 127,
0"0,0tif; sliver In hand, incr?:ied l.WO.Otkif.
The tono on the bourse todty was flrra
throughout except In the case of Russians,
which wore affected by the ajsaB)lnrttion of
M. von Piehve. Russian 4s clcsed
at 91 96 and Russian bonds of l:KV at 6n4.
Three per cent rente, 97f i7Hc r the ac
count. Exchange on Londu.i, 25f 4 for
IXiNDON. Juiy JS. Thi belnir Stock ex
change pay day ther was lncreasod strlpg
ency In the money market, UusliiiB on the
Stock exchange opened quHt and unsettled.
Consols rallied well and ilosed strong.
Home rails were firm. Americans opened
weak In sympathy with New York, Im
proved to above parity, becamii Inactive
until the laet hour, hardened and closed
firm. Russians drooped on the assassina
tion of Interior Minister von. Piehve. Japa
nese were Arm. Imperial Japanese govern
ment b of 1904 were quoted at 94. The
weekly statement of the Bank of Kngland
show the following changi: Total re
serve, decreased A -27,000; circulation. In
creased 413.0uO; bullion, Increasoil 155,909;
other securillea. Increased 23,974.000: other
deposits, decreased 1.AX); public de
posits, increased 1,309,000; notes reserve,
decreased 170,000; government securities,
decreased 700,000. J he proportion of the
bank s reserve, to-f liability .bla week Is
47.26 per cent, as compared with 50.70 per
ocnt last week. The. ra-ta of .discount of. th
Bank of Englsnd ws'linohrtnAfed today at
3 per cent. The amount -of bullion taken
Into the Bmi'k of England on balance today
was .111. uuu. - .
Bank Clearing-,-
OMAHA, July 2S. Bank c'.earlngs for to
day, S.stu.434.96, a decrease of $74,4ir(.16 from'
the correJiponding day last yean.
Cotton -Marker, 1 ' y
moderate demand; prices 4(yS points lower;
American middling, Hind; good middling,
6. ltd; middling. 6.u4d; low middling, 6.(vd;
good ordinary, 6. Sod; ordinary, 6.4id. Fu
tures opened quiet and clouod very steady;
American mlddlinir, g.' o. c. July, 64j
July and Augutit, b Hld; August and Septem
ber, 6 68d; Beptember and October, 5.41di
October and November, 4.9td; November
and Ueceniyer, B.27d; December and Janu
ary, 6.24c ; January and February, 6.26d
February and March, 6.iod; March and
April, 6.2id.
NEW YORK, July 28. COTTON Spot
dosed quiet; middling uplands. 10.70c; .mid
dling gulf, 10.9dc. Sties, 115 bales.
ST. LOL'fS. July Ml. COTTON Nominal;
middling, 1'iV'. bales, hi bales; shipments,
ISl bales; stock, 10.U4 .bales.
tures steady: July, lO.liiJc, nominal; August,
10. Wo 10.30c; September, 9 i f 9 h4c: October,
9 .61. (i il.6ic; November, i Efi u 9 67c; December,
9 6o.ii 9.67c; January, 9 &. u Spot quiet.
Sales, 350 bales. Ordinary, 8 l-18c; good or
dinary, 9c; low nilddllng, 10c; middling,
ltivsc; good middling. 10 15-liic; middling
fair, 11 13-lc. Keceipta. Siil bbies; slock,
69,168 bales.
Metal Market.
London tin market whs easier for spot,
which cloned at 122 7s 6d, whll futures
were unchanged at 122 l.ui. Locally -the
market was quiet and unchanged, at
tS .8?Vi7.'J6. 4,'opper remains unehangnd
In th local maritet. Lake la quoted at
$'6UVCm.BiA; electrolytic st tiS.?V
JJ.75. and casting at ia.37Vi'( 12.50. The
Loudon copper niarket was a litll higher,
closing at 57 lis tkl for both spot and
futurts. Lead was unclianKed at 11 13
9d In London and at in the New
York market. Fpelter declined In London
to i-'-'i 6s. Locally the market Is steady
at M hcii4.95. Iron was unchanged In the
foltaiu nmikt, Qiuha.'W illnii.a at via 3d,
and MlddlcKboro at 42s 9d. locally Iron
Is quiet; No. 1 foundry, northern, is
qtlbled at 114 1.'714.60; No. 2 foundry,
northern, HS.iiul4 Oo; No. 1 foundry, south
ern, and No. I foundiy, southern, soft,
i3.o0yl3.76. ' .
Wool Market.
BOSTON, July WOOL. Prices re
main firm. Territory wools continue Arm.
Pulled wools are firm and the sitma Is true
of foreign grade, thoiiKh Lhe market la
quiet. Iieatiliiif quotation are: Idaho
Fine, 17;-.': lieuvy fine, l4;1oc; fin
meilluin, 1.' 'So; medluiu, l-.jxi; low
tnedluni, S-fri". ' Wyoming Fine, irl7r:
beavv fine, 14 ."lfic; line medium. 1 1 .. ! ;
medium, fr-r-'ie; low meiimm, .1 Oe. Ivan
and KuvaiU- r'lne, l..1 i'.'iC; beuvy floe,
l-i tRc; boo medium. l,.4ioc; medinin,
:; low medium, 21 : ' . lmV ita fclne, 17
.::.; f'ce r.!.i.".n. 1 '!-.:, lh.ii;Tk".;
low medium, tt uic. A Kine choice.
2"tr-'lc; fine avernae, :- ; fine medium
choice, 2 y-lo: ft verage. 1: , ; staple, ii'i
'iu - avereee. lSjii.e; piapio,; medium
uj ';ci, 2 in.
r-r. Ij.i irt, July 21 WOOr-fltroniT nd
active Medium ferad. g con and clothi
l". ' c; liflit fin.-, l i..-c; heavy fine,
UlSc; tub washed, IH ...'so. .,
b;vnorated Apple and IJrled V'rnlt.
AJ'i'l I H -1 l.a market lor evaporated l
p'es BiiovAs no cltaiiKS. Few spot goods
are and tti. market conse
fluently ml. a bun In spite i f th iiKl.t
tnklnM'. 1'. mmou are quoted at l'io'n;
piline at th,o-; chuioe at t'tjioi,c; fancy
"caLu-irtNTA PRlKt) FRt!lT-Pruue
are In lii.t tU it.aiul for si.ot and fut.uoa.
i'lir.a Iciin.lti oil the recent level, ranpr
in tf from 1 .. .c, according to gradn. Acil
coU are quiet; choice are iiiiutt.l at 9v t
l'c: em! cli'.lo at loVj.. 10'jc; fancy at
li .'3c. I vu. liee ate r..,.r 011 the coast,
but roiiii.ii. 1 im. I. Hi... 1 so fur a a tbe
local iiciktt for frutt ja concerned.
Choice i qimied at 7i.'c; viioic at 7.4
fum y t S !:. .
Coffee Market.
tiiMihet for toiurea opened at 4
decline ot five poinl. The vol. una of
fie-.ll Inieinen Wa !rg Hl.d I .
f.i..;o 1 t.0 1 .i.0 t...v. lii. In. II :af
at ; 1 ; An.i.M at '' .: t- . i.-n;ty.-r t
I.. i..: 1 .-nil.-r at a.. ,.....; t,ir. h
at .... Aiy u-t t .;. s
r.. ,r A il,i. '
; (1,. 1 1 J : l J.-lf ' -.1-: : 'r T' -
. .'(..,. 1 . , i, ., '... P.. ""i k' ''18
Cattl. Karksv Kolentelj Supplied and
' Trade ActiT.
Faekeri Take on Fevr Shipper let
the Rest Sheep Market Some
what Higher, bnt Ko Open
Market a Vet.
BOUTH OMAHA. July W. 1904.
P.eelp' were:
Catt'e. Hogs Bh,eep.
Omcial Monday ....
tx'lclnj Tuesday ....
t't'lclal Wednesday
Othoial Thursday ..
4-a tvj
21 7'b
1.1 4 S."o it
1 .4 i0 2,S0 4.0")
Four days this week... .' .'':7 442
Fame davs last week ... 4.6 'i 10 4T lt,K9
home da Veek before.. .r."5 SSI 10.4-;
rnme tin e weeks (0.. I." 2 ni.t4
fame four week ago.... 8.M7 42.2-'4 ln.2xi
fcame day last yer lO.feJ 19.US 26.1418
Average price paid Tor hog at Bouth
Omaha for the last several day with com
parison: Dale. 1904. 19i4.19"a.lll.19W.t1!tO.lS9.
July 10.
e t1
7 3
t t 1S
6 i 6 04
4 04
4 0?
July 11.
7 s
7 77
t 70
I '.t
I fl
I 77
6 6
B 04
July 13
July 14.
July IS
5 '
I 11
a I
I 02;
t 18
t 04
I 10
6 1
7 7!
a 99
7 22
J'llv 17.
July 18.
5 j
k t
4 Km
4 01
t 22 T 7
i H 4 67
4 10 1 8J
July 19
I I Ml
IE .
B VI 4 9. i
I 6s 4 i
5 7 i
5 7o, I IS
i 4-
t 81
I 79
I 8?
t V
4 19
July 21
July t2
Juiv 23
6 it ; 7 62
4 21
6 Govt,
7 41
4 94
4 '
S 2
7 J
Jtlly ?4
July i6
( IS
7 4t
5 Ofi-4,1
6 0o 7 M
I 74 ( 0i
5 68 1 6 It!
S 6s 6 0
4 91
4 r,
July an.
I lov.
i tw
July il.
Indlrntes Puntlay
Th following .able bow the receipt of
cattle, hog and sheep at 8otith Omaha for
the year to date, with comparison with last
year: ' .
' 1vh. isos. Ino. Deo.
Cattle 4X1, 4B7 654.0" 7,918
Hoas 1.41A4..7 1.441.9.9 16.4M
Sheep 74S.433 6.")7.734 H6
The official number of car of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Un p. H'r's.
C, M. & Bt, P. Ry.... I ...
Wabash ! .
Missouri PacJno 2
Union Poclllo System .11 e 1
F., K. & M. V. K. H....10 12 .
C, bt. P., M. & O. Ry. 1 . ..
li. & M. Ry 0 11 1
C, B. 4k tj. Ry 1.1 ..
K. C. & St. J 15
C, R. I. A P. Ry., east ! ,
Chicago Ureut West n.. 1 ,, ..
Tour receipts 62 it 17 2
The disposition of the day's receipts ws
as follows, each buyer purchasing th num
ber of head 'indicated: .
Buyer. Cattle. Hogs. Bh'p.
Omsna Pack-rig- Co i ...
Swift and Company 210 , 1 1001
Cudahy Packing Co Hul ... .
Armour A Company 213 . 417. 492
Omaha Pckg Co., from IC. C. 68 ,.i
Swltt & Co., from K. C 117 ... .i.
Armour & Co., from K. C... 48 ... ...
Vansant & Co. 8J
Carey Benton 74
W. 1. Siephen ..e. 15
Hamilton 21 .' ..
KlnKun A Co 4S1
North P. At P. Co v... ... 411 t..
Cudahy Bros. 6-l4) ...
Boduen h 2?5 '
llghlon 23 ...
OUitr buyers .....29 .
Total 1392 248 190
CATTLE The market was ngaln only
moderately supplied, but ther seemed to
be Just about fc sufficient number to supply
th demand. The general situation show
very little change thla morning from that
of the lat few day. .
A fair port of the run counted again of
beef steer Packer were In position to
handle the offerings and picked up the re
ceipt In good season at satisfactory flg
uies. Price were usually quoted by seller
steady to A trifle stronger, and all things
considered the market Is In fair shape.
Toppy grades of cows and heifers sold
freely at fully "steady prices. ' 'Jdodlum lots
did not far qui1 to well and th trend in
that direction wa rather lower. Canning
f.-udes are not wanted and unsuitable of
erlngs of All kknds are A drug oa the mar
ket at this time.
The movement in the feeder division con
tinue moderate and there Is no life to the
market. The few coming ar selling along,
but prices are nowise Improved. Th coun
try demand continues very poop and (he
market Is devoid of energy.
At. Pr. No. A. Pr.
....11? i OS S -. 1141 5 tt
...,iii.- t a mil ( to
.... 11110 (Id 74., .....UM! 4 70
,...!) i 14 . M U4l I H
....UZS It !t .
....ii'?s 6 eo lj to
....l"il ,1 ca ,
4 IS
uu w o.
.... in t oti
.... H IM 14
.... f-'O i W S
.... 910 J 40 1;;5 I 2 1
..1054 10
.. sho i to
.. 6 I 14
..14S0 4 00.
4 (V)
.. 40 4 K
.. liO 4 15
. T0
7d 0
t !
4 0 t
1K0 4 M
4 tm I....
l?0 4 s
liO 4 40
t;.0 4 74
IM) t no
1 two t il. ao 764 I 44
A. H. Parker Wyo.
24 feeder.. !WS 4 36 2 steer.... 275 ITS
HOGS There Is no material change In th
situation. Receipts were moderate, while
the demand was fully sudicient to tak
car of the small number offered. 0 far as
th market today I concernedthe trade Is
In very fair condition.
. Borne of the packers wer on the rrtsrket
looking fnr a limited number, but th
larger part of the receipts sold for ship
ment, so that the Inuniiy from these two
sources was kunb lently strong enough to
force price conalderably blather from the
start,' and the market ruled aotlv at the
r rices. Bale today were largely at 46.1ifJ
20 with tope up to 45.30. against a bulk
yesterday of 4& and top 46.26. Corse
packing grade and extreme heavy lot
are pracucmiy uiialtU nJ ar not
wanted at all
At. Bh.
Ho, AT. h. lr.
i 141 40 I 40
14 .. .J 44 4 40
ttl LI Ir 4 W
41 ...14 40 , 4 0 '
44 t 5 44 4 W
01 i-1 ISO M
44 i.2t 40 I 40
tt.......,lH ... 4 M
e',. ...,... 1 ... 4
it 1-3 ... 4 in
70 n ... I K
41. Ml 40 4 tO
IJ i"t e.. 4 fi '
i is ... 4 t7V4
44........:4 ... 4 4o.
.ri sou
I 14
ino tt 124)
s is
..140 ut 4 15
.114 40 I 15
.. tm
90 i 16
40 4 14
so 4 n4
so 4 n
mo 1 n-
BO 4 11 vi
20 4 17 vtj
10 4 ')
... 4 44
BIIELP Beventeen
loads, ahmtt 4.0M
Of tnls number only
head, arrived today.
a few were som nere, aim me, ,r.c ... -dered
In from lb country yesterday. Ther
I no change In the situation. Ther 1
practically t-. oj en market end rmroia1nn
men order In only ucn a are wanted.
Born) stuff sold 16o blither today than
same hep brought yeeterday, but were
boiiaht to arrl a noted.
Quotation fur ittiMi sheep and !amb:
Good to cholc yearllnita, 4W . ;4.,'.t; ftr to
good yearlings, Htxta..; good to ciiolc
wethers. 44 0 i4 ib; fnlr to ?.d,
4 &.-i-4.iu; good to cholc we, $a.t.-;.: 4 i0(
ffclr to rood ewes, 43 4 60; good to hole
lamb,; fair to good lunibs, 1-.U,.J
4 60. Represeuuitlve Bales:
No. Av. Pr.
Ui Oregon wC and wethers.... 9ti 1 05
' it. flock Market.
BT. 1")U1S, July "8 CATTL K Receipt,
4 f0 head, Incluuliig 4,(V Texan; market
iiong at U11 oiienii.g. but low and lower
later; native tampplng and export Btetrs,
44i.-7 7fc; Ktrlctiy furicy Belling up Id
$ .i: die.KSed tseef and butcher steers, 44 15
4 .1 40; i-er under l.tsiO pouoda, J.) 6. . i 11 ;
blockers an-i feeders, 42 i; . ..ibO; canoets,
fl 6" -.1 Sr.; cow and belfeia, : .ii.tlo; bulla,
4- 9--.u4.ow; t-slves, 4.1.it4.; Tea a and ln
cnaii utaets, Jo.71i-u4.6o; cow and liwfers,
1 -. J 24.
lii 1. ,4 Receipts. 4 000 head; market ac
tive steady to troc". p'ms and iwbts, 4"i 10
wi; packer. 4'. ; j.ic'i butcher and
b i.t I - ivy, 4 4 .'!.
uilti.l' AMa I. AMr.S- Receipt. l.f
tieud: i-isrVrt stron. seilve; native ruut-l-
114. 4.1 latubst. 4A IM- -471.: 4-v.iis and
bu. K I" I 0t.; ktoikal, 4-0a li. ju; lea.
ana, il if 4 tJ.
Kaiinat flly I Iv stock Market.
K A NHArl CITY, Mo.. Jul iS.-fAlTi.r? -e
1 Vcalpl. 0O liwiel. irci.i !;- (..-I oiil .
rllia, 11. Billet le y . a! Tower; 4 ' fc.i.1 li'"-. 1 beef s.-.-rh, A; 6 .lO'I
t r, J-.,.. it' Sr.--'H f.- 1 F ..-.a,
, !. f , (.! MM - 1 I - -1 . . y i I 'i: 4 I- .;
m Bi t ' 1 1 - I- -' ' ' ' . 11 . . - 14,
A i ...-I- --.'-'.. i ' ' i ri-'ot
i -. ; .. - . i. .. . . . i . ,
,..,i4 i 1 ; r ,., ' t 1 ;
bad; bisrket strong; ns'lve lan., H OKI
HKi; western lanibs. 4 ! (; 1; fed e,
f 2.f4 on; Ten llpte j eor'intis, 4.1 ;M
4 i; Tex clipped si.eep, tli $ 4.141; stcHk
ers and feeders, 4.' 6ou3.iS.
Cnttlo l,nr, Hog Yen Cent Hlgker
nnd hee Steady.
CHICAGO. July 18 CATTLE Receipts,
.ij head. Including nun head Texsns; mar
ket itnir to 10c lower; good to pilin
Bteers, i.i.4.'fiH IS: poor to medium, 4.a.if
J ko; sioeker snd feeders, 'i iti4 M; cowa, A.-J'; tieifei. ti.tmio.tot; Tetta led
tcers, - 0 4 -o -J; western steers, 44 V6, rn
ners, S1.6tii.a; bulk, C.!)?"li; calve. ao0
lli,(gBeeelpts, U0 head; market to bio higher: mixed ml butcher.
t.9f,-i.S.iS0; good to choice heavy, Iri.xlxiii SO;
rousn heay, J.. o i 5 60; light, .4o.uti.i0;
buik of rales. JVC t;6.7S . ,
SIIKF-P ANO i.AMPf-Recelpts, 12.tK)
head, market steadv to ho lower; lambs,
stendv ti it- lower; tod lo choic wethers.
Jl 7.'.'u4 .26; fair to choice Mixed, H lion i"6;
wenern sheep. i.t 1V1 a 4. ; native lambs, 44.00
lll.iu; western lambs, 46.iiuii.ti5.
Kewr Ynrk l.Jr- gtoeW Market.
NEW YORK, July 2S.-CATTLF--Peve,
Receipt, none. lhe feeling was nomi
nally steady. Iressed lieef steady, VjliO
per lb. Cables quoted live cattle and
eheop steady; refrigerator beef yiiiig at
O 4 LV r.S Receipts, V head. Market wn
fte4dy; common to fair veals, 4-VOcffi.OO;
but!rml!kB, t i'?i4.7S; city dressed veals
steady at Kivc pe IfV ' .
HtJviS-Receipts, S.i.62.rurd. Only 7 hoad
on sale. Feeling Arm. . '
P!ifc.i;p ANaJ LAMPS Receipts. 4.89o
head. Market active and 26c hlgner; com
mon to cli.'ice Bbeep, J. .'6116 00. culls, W 16;
weibers, 4-1 .'S; common to . prime lambs,
$6 ui-rr i.bti. Dressed mutton steady, .ulic;
dresed jambs, Si.lJc.
St. Joseph Lire. Stork Market.
Receipts, i,7i0 . head; market lid
2iw lower; native, 44 rn4J.0ti;. cows nd
heifer, 41."r.:y4.76; stockeis and leedwrs,
l3.Sf-n4 1. '
HtAiS Receipts, 2,i9 head; market 1Vj
lower; light, 4o.2iAii4.30; medium and heavy,
45 2155. 2".. .
BiifcKP AND LAMH8-Recr. ,J;
market teady.
' Blons Cltr LIT "took Market.
eiOVX CITY, Ia.A Juljr 28. (Special Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 300 head; mar
ket, steady; beeves 4o.9m5 75; cow, bull
and mined. 22. t."J 1. Co : atockers and fers.
2.76tt3?; calves and yearlings, 45 6o.n3.60.
itlXia tceoeipis, .3 1 neao, mnmri, uu
higher; selling nt 44 IM&V.20; bulk ot sales,
4i.li4i6.ia. (
Stock la Sight. .
Following are the receipt of llv stock
for the six principal western cities yeater-
... 200
Jlotr. Bheep.
20 4,000
13,010 12,t0
lJ.tX) . 1.600
4 ooo (
2.949 2,900
2,400 ......
88,048 21,400
Bouth Omaha
Kansas city .
Bt. Louis
Bt. Joseph ....
Sioux City ....
Totnlg .....
Condition of Tr.d mm QnotMion on
S Staple and Fancy Prodooe.
EGGS-Receipt liberal, firm. frsh can
dled stock, l&c.
LIVK POULTRY Hen, c: rootr. nO
cording to ie, 4o; turkey, lci uoka, ao;
Be.e. 6o; broiler. ICo.
BUTTK R Packing stock, lie; cholc to
fancy dairy. L'Oltc: separator, ltvynvtc.
FRESH Flail Trout, llo; pickerel, 8c:
ftlk, 10c; porch, 7c; bluefiah. lie; whlteflsli,
Jlo; almon, 14c; redsnapper, 11c: lobter,
greens Utic: lobster, boiled, 80c; bullhead,
lie; catllah. 14a; black b. 30c; halibut,
loc: crappie. l?c; roe shad, 41: buffalo, 8c;
shit bass, lie; frog legs, per do. o.
BRAN Per tun, flS. . ,
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesal
fealcrs' assoclatloiT Choice No. t uolnd,
4!; No. 2, 47.60; medium, 47; coarse, 46 60.
Ttva straw. 16 6iV Than nrices ar for huy
of good color and quality. Demand fair
and receipts light.
I HUrit'Alj r ttuu a.
ORANGEY Navel, choice, larg sis, ii
fancy novels, all tes. 43.60: Medlusrranean
sweets, choice, all slses, 4-00iJe3.2o; Jaffas,
ail slues, Si.7tar3:Mi Valencia, all stie, 43-W
LEMONS - California fancy, 870-8O0-4i5al
43.76iiH.; choice, 42.70a.00.
CALir UKlN LA. 1UB ATOr 1VID. onrw".
40o( imported Smyrna, 2-crown, Uo 4
crown, ltcj-J-crown.. 16o.
BANANAS Per mediuro-ied bunch, 82.00
tJ2li Jiimbo,-49.76i83.25. . lJ. ...
DATES-Perslan, per box tf nkg's., 12;
in 60-lb. boxes,- 4c per lb.; Oriental ctuffed,
per box; K.40.
PINEAPPLES In crates of 84 to 42, Pr
crate, 43.2S ' 1
APPLES-Green. per -bu. box. Ko.
RAUPBKRRHiS Per U qt., 44; 1W 24
pt 41-60; ,rd rao-'jerrie, pr,
Vah.. ?3. . ' .
BLACiCBERAlES-Arkansas, per 24 qU.,
Strawberries Colorado, per t-qt.
case. 42 60. .
CHALKKIJUM uailtornia. noa n m
Tartarian, per box. si-ii; home grown, pr
24 qts., 41.2U .
GOOSEBERRIES Per 24-qt. case, $1.56.
PEACHES Texus, par 4-baskrt crate, svo;
Colifoiiiiu. Alexandra, per oox. i.
PLUiiiJ Cailwrnkv, I'roguy, Burbarkg.
....... ....
fiSAB5 vaiirornja,- tt. id w
APitlCO'lb Calilornia. 44.o". .,,
CAN '1 1 1OUPd. l'exa as er crate. 42-J
2.75; California, per crate, 46.2643 ..
WA'i'e.HM.L04ni per lb, tcrs.wid), lAo;
ClfeitANTS-Red and whit, per 24-qt.
ease, i.ii. ,. i '
POTATOES New Ts. Red toclt, la
acka, per bu., bur.
NAVY BEANd Per bu., 41.16'S2 2a.
ONIONS beimuda, per 60-Ib. crat, 42.(0
Loulaiuna. In sacks, per lb., 2Vc.
CALBGE Horn grown, la per lb.
CAU Li FLOW EH Per do., .
CUCUMt' t. fta-Per do., 2ic.
TOMATOl ' d Texa. 4-baaket crate. 81.
RAlI-ilJ! -Per do, bunches, ,16a..
1 -t'TTUChl Ti. per dos., iXio. i
at'IlNIPS Houtharn, per do., 24a
Bb-h, 1 ! fioutnein, Pr do., ik.o, ;
' CAH Hoi rihouthern, per do 80a
PA MS LET Per- dos., it.o.
LEANS Wax. per bu. bcx, tl.OO; pee U
bu. baskvet, otic; etiing, p nil. box, tJ.Kii
cer H bu boK 7ici Wisconsin blu beans,
lt-qt. box, 4:1 10 .
GKEEN PtPPERS Per 8-baket crat,
t tsh 1
bgUABH Horn grown, per do., 7Bo.
PK.Aa Per bu. box, 41. 00.
PLANT-H-iuthern, r' 0.. R-W.
M4PIB SUGAR hlo, per lb., 10e.
lilDf .A No. 1 green, tic; No. 2 rstn, loj
No. 1 salted, Vc; i40. i sailed, 6io; . 1
veal calf. 8 to li It. c: No. 2 veal calf,
14 to 1 lbs., 'vic; dry ealted, i 'Xlc; sheep
pelts, t-. :7c: bors hide. 41.4tv2.60.
ClUI'-iiii-r-WlscuiisIn twin, full oresm,
lie; Wlsoonsln young America, 12c; block,
Bwiss, lo; .Wisconsin brick,, liVtc; Wlauou
sin llmberges. -J.4c.
NU'lt Walnut. No. 1 soft bell, per lb.,
!&c; hard she!!, per lb., 14c: No. 2 ft ahell,
per lb., "lie; No.-8 brd shell, per lb.. 12oj
pecan, large, per lo., 12a; small, per lb.,
0c; peanuts, p'-r lb.. 8o; roasted penning,
per lb.. 4c; Chlil walnuts, pr lo., l-uiuvtoj
larg hlckury nut, per lb., 11c; am.on.'.s,
oft hell, per lb.. 1 .ct hard heii, 1ki;
hallbarka. tr bu., 4200; biack waluuta,
per bu.. U-2-
Kans CSty Grain nnd Provision.
Lower: July, i ' c ; Bepteinber 7Nc ; Dec4.rr
tier, 7lfHo; rasa No. 2 bard, ti. , -.'; No. 8,
S:iti!.in ; No. 4, 7t-ilc; ,N. 2 red, gij c;
No. 8, li' x). '
CORN Lowr: July, i'c; flepUmber, fi'J,
Ci'-tt'.V-: December, 4i ',c; May. 4e4i
cash No. J mixed, tivtac; Nn. 8, eic; no. I
white, 6ic; No. 2, fc.
OATB-Hleudy, No. t whit, 44c; No. t
nilxe-1, t'.o. '
1 TTL ii Craaniery, ISfllf.cj dnlry, lie.
ki'J-GS Firm; k.xi.url and Kann No.
t, wliltewood caw InrluQed, ltk:; esse
count, l'-ic; ciaae returneii. -c lea.
HAY lower; cholc timothy, 4o W; choico
pre H ie. 41. tw.
hit Nominal at oc.
Receipts. Blilp.nenta,
Wheat, bu DS-) 74 40
Corn, bu t4 20 t4
Oata, bu 6.1A0 LwO
Liverpool Grain Market. ,
LIVERPOOL, July 2S- Bpot. nominal: fu
tures, ti-aoy; July, noiiiliisu; bepteinber,
is I.i: i.i-4M.tmr 8 4vd.
couN nild, old 4 4'd; fu.
tore ,qulet; July, iiuiulnal; beptoitiuer, 4
1 '
lluioth Cirain Market.
r.t-T liTW .finn . July 28 WIIf AT-
T.t si-rive: Nj. 1 jioiibern, 81.01; .No. f
northern. F'c; on traei, N i. 1 northern,
4t on,; No. 2 boitbern, THr: July, ll.OVki
b.ptoniber, j'".i; Da-camber, soo.
Tola-do Seed Market,
toi vno ' fl Jolv ?.." H I'D 4""over
e- t, 4- (k,: OriWr 41 7. 4tlm sj'-'ko.
pt""FI V Wek; " tralned, . common lo
r..o.i 4 to
Oil, CITY, P , July ' 2S OI ta-4-.1U
halams, ! SO- rertlfloa t44, no 111. t;i lp
ments, 4,i4. hbla.j average, nvt b1.;
runs, li-Ai bbls; nvernge. 74,4-J lbs.
f-'i-lptneits. I.l-na, 4XVS97 1 1.1 ; r g,
6.M.SI bbl. runs, Lima, M.iVi bbls ; vn -Sge,
67. S v bbl.
SAVANNAH, July J8 01 L-Turpentlne,
ft i m, 6.1 ",c.
ROSiN-rirm: A. C, C, I? r4; I
F, 4? s;4j; F. 4? 44; O. n.ft: !I. 2 : Ji-
K. 43.S": M, Vt.T.'H; N, 84XH; W," 4 iH;
W W, 44.624.
Reporter Who Helped Folk In F.srly
St. Lent ase rasse
ST. JOSFrif, Mo.. Juiy 21.'-Ajme Orl
vln, g enrrenpondent for'th Bt ' Loul
Star, who cm her to tepnrt tn rr.J
ceedlng of the republican state conven
tion, wss found dead In il rord st a
hotel this morning. The rusi'of deatn
wss heart disesse. , n.
Oalvln Is the reporter Ivho was' lr?..--mental
In unearthing th -holesale 'brib
ery ot St. Loul aldermen two ytiir' apo.
. Fertllo Valley of the Mississippi,
Whll It I tru Oklahoma, IndlsW Terri
tory and Texa Invite" the rtomeseeTrM1 and
other In search t?f pfoflfaNinYertmf n
and buslncs compelency,' there I another
field along the Frisco Bytitt-rVt clultV ncent'
ly opened to those Interestert ' Irf per
sonal bettermert of financial resoui-ees.
On Jun 1st, the line .of rsllrdn'here
tofor known the .Bt. Lours, ' Sfemphls
tt Southeastern (now Frisco Bysterft), wa
extended to Bt. Louis, thus .making a ter
ritory In Missouri and Arkansas, Along the,
west bank of th Mississippi rlvriSj a,coess
Ibl by way of Bt. Louis. , ' .
Th present service consist. of Jjassenger
train leaving tTnlon Station 710 a. rn,' dally,
for Cap Girardeau. , Luxora.' arrjither
vllle and Intermediate
also th Cap Glrardeaji .acrnmmodatlon
(dally), leaving Vnion Btatlpn 4:20. p. m.
Borne years ago. perhaps a quarter of a
century, this section wa avoldtd by reason
of want of development of pfogrefwlvf ness;
now; however. It Is edtisldered equal, nt
th homeseeker nrfd Investor "triay mestire,
to Oklahoma, Indian Territory' bn'4" Texas.
Th change In condition throttifhrnit ws
accomplished by Isrg govertimental ex
penditure, ' a progressive people and ex.
tended railroad facilities prbrholetj and
maintained by tli Frisco Bysterri, operating,
a It do, nearly 700 mhos of.rrilay lb
ths Immediate Mlsst-Ssipp! vftjlley; ,1es(t than
800 miles distant from fit. Louis.
Th soil xf eedlngly. fcrttje, crop In
variably abundaot, timber interest ex
tenslv and reeourceful, .'
Those desiring ddlilonal particular will
receive Immediate response.., , (j ,
Address Fatnger .Trafnc .pepartment,
Frisco System, St. Louis.,.- , - ir
World' Fair Visitor.
Th pavilion erected by the Frlgeo-Rock
Island Systems t , mpin entrance of th
World' Fair Is ursdy a plnce p( no little
lnterent. In act, It is on .of ha.m&ny
Vfsltor to th Wprld' ,Flr-. t.r. cor
dially invited to Inspect th Frtsco-Rock
Island System - building.. Her will be
found a place of rest,: oourteous attention,
besides, there wilt . be distributed, free ot
coat, souvenir and descriptive literature
of th great outhwest,. Th reader will,
undoubtedly, overlook a very Important attraction-
In case of failure to. visit the
Frisco-Rock Island System yavtllsn.' .
Remember, main entrance .World s Fair.
" Klckel Pinto Eirr1en .
to poaton. Mass. inA'IrAluViC.iccoiint O.
A. R. National ipncampmet, ft I17.7S for
the round trio from. Chicago.' Ticketg
good on any train August. 12. and 14
and on special train from, Chicago at 8
a. m. August 18; Anal, return, limit, .Septem
ber 80. Alio rat of. 420.70 .for round trip
via New York City and bogt with liberal
stopover returning at that point. If de
sired, stopover can be qbajned at Niagara
Fall and Chautauqua Lk within final
limit. Three trails dally, with , r.odern
sleeping ear. . Particular, at . flty .. ticket
office. 111 Adam street. Chicago, "pr ad
tjres Jobn X. Calaljan, General Ajent. H3
Adams street, room S9S. Chicago, for reser
vation of berth In., through ttandnrd or
tourist Bleeping car." . ... , ,
Leed filed for record July i Vj-i, as fur
nished by the Midland GusrHntee sn.l
Trust company, boimed aowu-aetsr, itiil
Karnam etteet, for J lie Betj;. .
Henry T. Clarke to George A. ' Jos
lyn, lot 2, block in? city :...-. :f. f 1
Emma K. Piper to Charles J., Adams, .
lot 2, Burr Oak ....... . 1
Frank J. Fitzgerald and 'wife 'to 'Wil
liam II. Wilder, lot' 8; ' and ' 4,
block, 130, city , ....V.U.. Hi.".. 8,000
Edward .Klplin and,, wife to Ajb. ar
Brugman, part ol lt.,li r'l4
8-16-14 ...... 800
Melville D. Cameron'-and w4f -t.Ab-ralorn
N. Yost, lot 8 beck idmurba
View 217
Josephine P. Brlsbln end hustmnd. to
rsopbla M. Gorman, lot 1, (dock 61,
Florence ,.t i 4 2i
A. J. Lore and wife to K. K-0"kert,
lot 8, and part of ' Jot 7;'Cfticent
park 8.C0)
Peter Johnson and wife to Anna .
Krbe', lot 21, block 2, Potter A
Cobh'l r... ,.,,,... .;... 8 0
Wlliard Clrk and wife to Lewi H.
Walter, lot 7- and 4 13, biocii ,-Hi,
West Albright ,, 2X)
Charlw R. Campbell ahd wife. td. 'Jo
seph Nevevech, lot 8, Horn 8, hum.
mtt add ,.' ' ..,..'.'.'.. ...-v.; JO)
Charle R. Campbell to Harry O.
JorSsn lots 1 rd !, '.sV4 J.",
nd other property ...f..-v t.COO
Harry G. Jordan to Tiahi Jl fitt;,l-r., '
lot 1 and 2, block 2.s. city and otr, .r
J ...,-;;"'!:!
. i 1 1 s ' -
ri i '
. ..rr
4W li. Ci iii ..;.,
tUiUUli Ui!aJ'
und return. Tickets on sale ;
from Omaha dally until ept-j j
ember 30. 1904.
Rate lo" DuJuth, SuperS.r,
AsJ.IinJ tni Ctyf. e'J und re- j
tufa tlS.f.0., ' h
! Two fast through trains each;
way dally.' !
Low rountt-t.'tn rntcs t 3 sum- ,
j nicr tourist points. '
ij Sumuier vacation too'.'c's and
I ' ''daps on ; li. . aiiofi. ( ' i
, til'. iiwi,t, 41 '4J l 1 I'lllO ll.llU-
l- .V, i.4.'l; t -pieinber, ft tA.
4 - a t 4 It 1 h-
t vV Yt-liii, July ir-4 4 1 1 ,t t ..o -' .
, , . n ..,1- II..-I.I . 1 ,
i , . ; . ' 1.-4
, -,- I . ,.- . -.,, .. .
... , ; i , L . , . , I - . ,. I.i . f.
T;-. i.fc.i - -
4I-I4J 4Vw. 4 !'-....;, '
t. iUI;H
i t . ' f ..'
4 m u I ' i.i ni itf lite 'i v .
;''..!'";. J v - -i . , ,i