Tin; orr.MTA daily v.r.r.: vi:i:i:r ay. jtly 1 r i. ilOTICES 4 U r t I I IclTcrlli'inrili for tbeee folmii velll fee IsUea intll 12 an. for the rnln( r'ltiloa and until tn. for the rnomtnar and Seaway aillHom. Hates, 1 -2 a ward Itrat Insertion, ) a rar4 thereafter. Kothlac taken for Irs (kia JKo for the rat lnf tloa. These nltr1lMailt taaat be ran ranxeretlrely. Aerertlaers, reajwest In a; a nw hrrr4 eheclt, t dure wfri ad dressed a aambered letter la cara Of lh e. iniwrti mn addressed rrlll be dXlvereit oa presentation af MISCELLANEOUS . SUMMER SCHOOL BOYLE 8 school. Fverjr tlay la ah enrollment day.' I The r.rt.m and bwiiT Bdencei ere our epe iJitii. . .i !. '.pi,' ITae'tt.-f-l Grammar, Book keel,, ,i,k, tote,,oj;iun;y. Touch Typewrit lug, n.o. Cull, wuie or 'phone for Information. . It. i. BOfLfc.ii, 1'resident. , New York Life Bidg. . K IN) CUT-RATK - TICKETS everywhere. P. It J hiil.ui, j.'S rarniiin and ipp. Union sta tloru Tela. 784 and 16.3. K In 5111 liLLLX'S TOW'LL SUPPLY. Tel. 3" 0. R-lsl CITY SAVINGS BAN K pay 4 per cent. R-1S4 -.AiM.B I,oen oftioe; reliable, ftcromniodl tiug; all buaineea confidential. 1301 Douglas. R lis ' ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbago Co., 16-1 N.' Jikh..' 'iel. li'.a. K 188 PR I- 'iSMKN S Delivery Co.. moving nnd storage. 2U N. luth. Tel. Ui6. H-187 PIT.LinTT DESIGNS WHEATON, In the Le bid. R 1S8 fjlON painting. 8. ' Cdte, 1302 1Mu1r, . . K-iod FFR. FIELD Piano Co.. Bee bid.; no In trest; honest values; easy terms. Tel. Ivl. . K-191 IT. V,-. JI'VEA, number, U24 N. ICtn. Tel. 8747 - . K 192 BICYCLES! BICYCLES! OMAHA BICYCLE CO., ISth and Chicago. . i ....... K 1K4 BARGAINS Uncalled for suits and correct trousers, 1(il7 Farnam, upstairs, room 6. Ask for Fortpan. R-196 IPFIRP Stammering and Stuttering. lU lALV j. .Vaughn, Rami Lid.. Oman H M196 . THIS IS THE MONTH whn'ac.r. should be overhauled and repaired. Omaha i fitove Repair Wka., LH)7 Douglas. Tel. SO. . It M317 SI EXPTRT Tilnnn morln. lowest prices, SchmoUer si Mueller, 13i3 Farn. . Tel. Jfi'.'o. STANDARD filter, Hubor. Tel. 8!)t3. 1311 Farnani. R M287 CITY -STEAM LAUNDRY 211 8. 11TH. 'PHONE 264. .Why carry your soiled linen 1 Our wagons rail ana deliver aauio. kills collected monthly, li Missi All J. MELCHOIR, machine works. 13th and Howard. H Um2 All C,C n SILVER. NICKEL, Plating. Cm. I'ltttiiig CO., lb Harney. TeU 2r.3i. DUSESS CHAWCES FIFTY atockholdera at Ji'iO each wanted by local manufacturing concern (Incorpor ated) arranging to Increase output of an article of uulveraal conaumptlon; nteady Income producer. , M. J. Oreevy, 414 Bee Bldg. Thone L-2330. Y M412 ABBOTT-COWAN CO., lat Nat. Bk. Bldg., can get you In or out of business. Y 198 EITOLES-ARM STRONG CO., 73 N. Y. Life. Tel. 4. Y 1S9 IWHEN you want to bur, sell or exchange your propei ty oa- business quick, see J. tl. Johnson, 843 N. Y. Llf.,'iJhone L?27Q, Y 200 TO g-et In or out of business, or If you want to buy or aell rent estate Bee Omaha Re8l l.stnte and Hunliiesa Chance Agency, 4u5 N. Y. Llfa bldtf. Y 234 CET my apeol.il plan of prompt gales of dmsj atorea. F. V. Knleat, 7ul N. Y. Life bUl. TM437 EVl'LOTMEVT i".rm for rale chenp; !env li.if city. AuUre H 14, Lee. Y M.ial A Yl.AKLY ifinoiiie guaranteed to iha onea liiti-iestud vvuti vie, a proposition us pood aa a Kowrrune nl (j"iui; luet month s divi dend "Id aque'- I : ' i -r cent; bank refer Mic n;vi--; wi - 1 r -e--fir and pros- V ' ' v. I ( ; f" VTK.n t' ' , --"I.' v-. . .:. T iVl- Uvt i. J.:.-.. ..g CO., itulttUH'C. v, -.. . Y-M4i7 A18 ill". ! CT' -'-l' KARrT.ANDa. 1 ' Ai'A Al-n -iAL fVMHANY, i KhW Yf.n.K LTF-; tXJ,u., Y-M7(T7 URITK OIL. Is f.-ii,. - moiii with- suddenly acqiiired wonlih t- - I toe undersigned controls noma ch'.l c.l ' id In- the f-t trend of the t'lui ta i - t f-ml can furnish lsses on tliih i in' ... - -."tsonable, conxlderluK the floi' uev. i ...!, one mile to the nouth an.l I;.. . i..-.- i.!.-;.-mce wes. can iie loutui Very t il,! iuito.-ii.mj, one of which Bold iwntiy fr i .::.: : Thin advertisement Iiuiy r.ot fi-iwir s o aii'J If liny Investor i, ....j T(...at lt)tl HALL -a i excer.tlonal offer If taken t . 1 ! a low price on rnv n. c.f i.i .il i. i i . i .iimllxe, Miufetrd In If ... I town i-i i.nrl e.olrMl Jcl; si.k-k '. lnvoi-s : nut L2.-. -.; tuinuiU alta, t -; la in -d aliape and ci,n. (rood 1 . k rcni. j r full .ii-ticulars Mddreog b . i -. . . - . x ham zx iwure. icitflt. il ! !"!'!" e ..il.it, U. i.wi 1 -' i - .i' 1. 1 i tools, tll-0. s I ;i 1 1 I- .- o. t ..w n. ! t f.-r end achange.- ' .1 vrtu tj.tr. iilnM, .n.-a T. C. i ic:n)ng. Beemer, Neh. 1-A17S7 t li v I"1 V'1 wnnt to clear J; VI a' month? Ilitve ' i '''V on eMtal.ll.-li.-.l otiir-e ItwM i ' - ti..l. ,; tl,;.-i7 It ao, uddrtf.-s B t'tt. l::e . .-;'". Y-M 8 il .j . i j i ...... .i w.m . u - i i .. . i u V i.-h ymi the rc.-.l entnte IciBim-cK; 17 j.ii ) n.,tf you: we furnish 1hi-m 1,-t k.i,.U ri...-rty; tnnlie yon our s.c. l., .1 t -rn lr-Miil . " i to )v.f minu.illv; .e . f- y.n.!. nn.l le--onie I- "; tni a ten! I... fni tunes; mt n - write r-.r.-l well fow ou Low. u. t'ru.-ia to, 5 I'erottK H'.ln ., fx ,- etore. .-I il.h. :..-. IS I I -iv ,i9 In t ;.elrni i b o.. 1 - Y-MM3 Six i o i . or . : S W.E. n i ' ..n n. i t..! Mn Ht .H C. en- , ex--1 ; M"-d IS yei.ie; gix.d town; ... t. ...if. J i. ii , T 1. l-.-e Y 1 ' ; .'It - N -- -.v - M wl 1 ft r f'ft avori.V-ri'H ' 1 a v v. ..-it i r f 'HI i. - tin Miftl R fj-i l f -i i c iiM'tniii ti f n t' ilts ( ;i(1' : ;i i'J- ' if Mi, Y 1 i ' . V,: - - t t ti (), 4 f,f .i , t.. 4i i' 1. in tul . 4 ' 1"- WA'iTED f".LE HELP- SU.MMCU SCHOOL Now oren at the OMAHA COM M II RC I A L CO LLC G 0 Seventeenth and Iouia. Etndents enroll every cisy. w mnVa a S.ecn;iy of all I'uhllc School. I;uinea nnd .Normal Jirancl.a. AI.'O Bhortnand, 'J ypewriting and Telegraphy. bend lor fcuuir".or t-chool A nrx.unc-n.ent. ltUiiKBUUljli LLuS. WANTKIi 7a men to work on brick yard and tenciere n brick buildings. L'ei.Mer l'rlck lard Co.. Leehler, ISeb. B WANTEO-Ttro irnti to wtrk from our w pons. C. F. Auninl Co.. 161 V5 .i4 street. B III WANTED FOR l. fl. ARM Y Able-bodied U'"narrle4 men between ages of "1 snd So; cltirens cf United tJtales, of good chsrnc ter and temperate hal.lts. who ran l'. read nd write Ki al'eh. For Information ai.ply to Keorulting Officer, l: ih and LoiiRlas pis., Omaha, Lincoln, Neb., or Kiou City. la. B MJ7 MOLER'8 BARrtEIt COLLFHR. Denver, Colo., wants men trt (earn brler trade; special Inducements tlua month; write for terms. B MwiS AiX WANTED A thoroughly, reliable, man to cniry a first clnss linn of, rigrs as , a. side line, on ronirnlssion, for Nebrasaa and aurrounding territory.. Only wcrl" eis nnd those that mean business and are no amateurs need apply. Liberal biyout for right man; slate references with reply. Address TviFher, care this ofllce. The Lesser Cigar Co. B M502 it WANTED Five Canvaacta In Nebraska and lows. $5 rer week to the rlsht men. Addresa 8 44 Bee. B 44073 M WANTED Men to learn barber trade. New ami pi actiral method, free work, careful Instructions, few weeks completes; enn nesrly earn etpenses before finishing: po sitions waiting aradiifttes. , fall or write, iloler Barber College, Li..i3 'Douglas H. B-MiS9 2! WANTED, atenosrnphera to prepare for government pomUons; salnry and chances tor promotion; excellent positions per manent. Address S 61, Bee. . B M764 2Sx WANTED Ladles' suit and cloak assist ant An excellent opportunity with good salary attached is oi'lered by one of the leaning western department stores to forignt young man who has had experience la the general dry goods business, and par ticularly in bamlling suits and rlonk. Address 8, 62. Bee. B M.'SO ii WE WANT competent people to fill posi tions o managers, accountants, - sales men, stenographers, hotel clerks, office clerks, etc.: call or write for list of va cancies. Western Ref, and Bond Assn., 4V-641 N. Y. -Lif B-795 20 BLACKSMITH, must be good plow snd re pair man; good whres and steady Job. , W. O. C. Wooater, Fairbujy,' Neh. ARE YOU SATISFIED With your present position or lryT if not. writ us for plan and bookiet. Wa have openings for managers, secretaries, advertising men and solesmcn; also tech nical, clerical ard executive men of ail kinds, hich grade exclusively. C .T.ceS In twelve ditferent ci'ies. tt AI-'OOODS (in corporated), iii Chemical bids., LoiHs. WANTED A man capable of making from LOW) to $1,51)0 per yeaf to take charge of a new line of work in this city. Call at the Henahaw, room 48, between W a. ra. and 2:M p. m. Wednesday. B 7S 26 WANTED FEMALE HELP 80 GIRLS; Canadian office, loth s-nd Dodi; .. . Cr-JiuH WANTED Ai experienced marker snd sorter. Htnchey Laundry, 409 N. 2lth et., Bouth Omaha, C M9SS WANTED A competent second girl, with references, a'. 2olt Cass St. C SiO O. K. American-German employment offlca, oldest, most reliable in Omaiia, 1524 Dolge. C MjS7 Ai WANTED Ladles to learn halrdresslng. manicuring or facial massage; positions waiting graduates 110 to 815 weekly: diplomas granted; few weeks completes; can nearly earn expenses before finish ing. Call or write, Moler College, lh02 Douglas St. C MtS 29g . GOOD GIRL wanted at the Creche, 11th and Harney. C 754 27x WANTED Girl for gjenersi housework. 515 No. 26th St. C-6O0 28 WANTED, first-claBS millinery trimmer and designer; also flrst-ciHss makers for one of the largest millinery departments In the west; apply by letter only. Ad dress 8 67, Bee. C MS17 23s GIRL for general housework. 2211 THnney St. j ; C M7K3 5 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED, work by young man; am not f .articular what the work la, lust so I get t. Address S 69, Bee. A M7s3 ?ix STENOGRAPHER Young man, experi enced, wauls l-iui.c. Au.ireaa B 4S. Bee. A 7i2 i.ic MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS . MONEY. If you are annoyed by numerous small bills that have accumulated during the winter Il jnlidit be an advantage-to ou to secure rnont-v from us and pay thein and then pny us In weekly or month'y payments i n.ll you get out of debt. We loan on furniture, . pianos, live stoclt and other chai'eds and we make loans to salaried pcopio upon their own agreement to re pay. Onr rates are as low as any and a great deal lower tl.HTT 'some. Our service Is t,i..:.k an -J -without publicity. If you hsva Oeiiit w,in ua ami are piensed, teii otuera, and If Von are displeased,: tell us. Omaha Mortoage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trniio Bi.lg. Tel. 2TX. (Establlhlied 1S1.2.) t , . Swi South 5-ith' St. X 23 LOANS ON PALAPTEfl Fl-RNiTFRW. PIANOa LI V P! ST(K"K. ! '-!'C. PAYSrrNTS AND BAT: -i TO UIT TOU. PLLIABLE CKEDIT CO. ttrr-SuS I'AXTON II L1C.' TEL. 1451. - X-..57l MONEY LOAN rhotmx Ciedlt Co., Jm N'T 1- ' ! -.- 'VV JION'RV On -t,y, r"1 "ure or i iuos 1 IL VoU t-.KK, L'-i. If you rannot cull, write U or telephone i. ud we will aend aitent to and tirur-ea loan l yo..r jriri.c. J. A. liUTTuN CO., ti 1 uAlua Pimlt. 3 P. C. YEAf Fl 'd t'. to ...' l';-'is on yoor p.-riur.j! j,..,e'ai 3 I't.iv i'l-vl' 1-i.il iCiK. Ail K,,d 1...IHS WiUi ted. t Ml or w:;ie and get l.y BVI.ir.lll. W. 1 l.jsii-.:i it. to., l.'i Fdi'iiutu. ottialia. X ivj jioMiV U)NKD RALAKIFD J'i:'ii:-.' .-J otiit-ts wiili security j esay psyme- .s; I.. ...il biiMiict In 41 prlm-iiM vines. 'J oioiaii, l oom -i-iu, t hiAiiibcr of t. cino..-. - e l.l.li;. Jliil. V to loiin on furniture, liorsea, etc., ui I . a : r piii.il lal-5 lr. riilt.en-.w, iwm L.i. at - 6. l.-iia St. Tel. B S. t. A 1! A I'l i- U r-I., i i.l Jew tty lui F y l.i.un to., 1 1 l.ilo.i.l ct. X: ) b t I a !: i ;. I fl' -t.ii'i I. .ana. Tcif.irt..ii, ...... j l . 'i '- - X- i i , , -. ,.. -,' 1.,,....! on pom.., f-irc.i ui e, t , i, i t,. ... ... cows, ti C. A-, itre i ; . .. y t - . :l S- I . A ' ' ! ' I ! ' 'I I 1.1. A.N' I. ' - . , t. 1... ' .-' J A. I.. CiAU 1 f r I., .a v.. I - , t j. no TIIE CHICAGO Tr.IBUNI rnblislicd an article Inst Canday on cl.irsiScd advcrtlfirg In Ttuich-the writer cited fcrcral cases wherein to Us perroaal knowlrdo a man bad pottrn his etart through email "want ads," and br continuous ne of them Kuccecded In building up an extensive bUBincs. A number of 6uch caes could be cited right here in Onmha. Lees than a month ago a new advertiser placed an ad in the classified columns of THE OMAHA BEE at a nominal cost which made hira C53G.O0. The Bee prints the most raid want ads. Bee want ads bring best returns. A trial will ennrince. FOR KENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European, 18th & Chics ro. E ill DEWEY, European hotel. 13th and Farms m. E ii $125 FEH WEEK. Doran house, 43 P. I' h. VIENNA HOTEI,, 1011 Famam; fins roams, ladles' cafe, private dining r.; open nigins. B Ul THE FARNAM, lth and Farnam streets, E 22 1 APARTMENT HOUSE FOR MEN 'Ihe Chatham; luxuriously furnished rooma im i .. . , : .. .. n....'n.,g 'nr.uin, oy fMJi 1 1 1 1( i'i I w iiik class, ll'i b. Wlh St., opposite Millnrd E TNG LIS room, modern: large laws, 'phone, lull Douglas. E M'joO DESIRABLE south front room. 2" Far- "am- . ii-lla Six NICE room, good location, modern. 1KU Chicago. E 753 26x FUHNISHED ROOr.S AND DOARD FrPNIPHED, oool. outside rooms, with o.- Tviiovui uoaru. Aiiuiaua noiei, iom and Chicago. F FURNISHED rooms, with board; modern; iwige inn ana anaue. ziio raruam. F-72Cx THR MERRIAM, 2Fth and Dodge, -phons iiicw, i.kiii, airy rooms, ensuite ana single rooms; veranda emira letiath of building. . F 227 BOARD and room 84, meals Jfic. 119 Torie. FURNISHED rooms ami board. I8 B. 2th. O. M. E. TEL. 611 MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. F-M729 BOARD AND ROOM. THE PRATT, 212 Bo. 25th St. 'Phone 3138, FV-M704 BOARD and room for one or two. gentle men, in private family. Tel, Suoi. F-1M ROOMS snd board, 708 North 3oh. F-477 rx ACCOMMODATIONS for two or three gen tlemen; pleasant, cool rooms; good board; lawn and shade, juifi Farnam. F M823 lx BEAUTIFUL nouth rooms; flrrt-elneg board. 19?0 Dodge. F 712 26x UNFURNISHED ROOS FOR RENT TWO rooms, Cass. unfurnished. modern, 2412 ' G Ml96 SO TO GENTLEMAN and wife, three rooms, modern. 2Mi Farnam. M719 80 WANTED TO RENT S ,OR 3 centrally located, heated, unfur- nisnea rooms. Aaaress a m. Bee. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ID-HAND s&f cheap. Deright, 1113 Frrnnm. 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. y Z31 FOR SALE Several . scholarships In 'a first-class standard school In Omaha, .' comprising - oomplete courss In bualneaa, shorthand and typewriting. Inquire nt Bee otllce. Q S52 TELEPHONE poles; , long fir timbers; cheap cnicKen ience. ytti jjugias. Q M232 WE RENT Eewing machines, 75c week. We repair and sail parts for every machine manufactured, Second-hand machines- from li.OO to HO.Oo. 'Nebraska. Cycle Co., Phone ICC. Corner 15th and Karney. Q Zj FOR SALE New snd second-hand auto mobiles. F. W. Bacon, Baum Iron Co., Omaha. W iJ3 FOR 6ALF Polld oak and mnhorany top pank or caanier a nxiure, in goo a condi tion, at a bat caln. Ad-lress C C Rose water, room lJ", Bee Bidg. Q 1st FOR SALE CHEAP Book reat, copy holder ana letter scute, an in good con dition. Inquire of E. L. Zimmerman, 811 N. Y. Life Bidg., care N. Y. Life Ins. Co. Q M318 ELECTRIC nickel in Blot, Peerless piano players ana neg-.na musio ooxes, big money makers, cheap for cash. or time, bchmoller & Mueller, 131S Farnam. Tel,li,::5. CtUiH F"Ut SALE, kitchen range snd Radiant i , . . u. A A.lwt.m iJ A li a j TWO HEAVY STEEL .HORIZONTAL TUBULiAll BUlljfc.nd 1'Olt friAljE. Two bollBis, loo horse- power, which have been used but six years; made of firebox steel, triple riveted, butt and strap juinls, ..envtince company penults of pressure t,f 1:5 poiir.dx T!:cy are row in use and can be Been at boiler house rear of Bee buildVj-.g. Can be delivered about August fc, t.ail or aoorees w. 11. iitlUjies. em . ' necr, Itee building. Omaha. y M-juil COMPLETE. Hue new and 2d-hand furni f.re Oilcago Furniture Co., Hid rm.k-. Tel. Q-ilii4 JCE CREAM 15o pt., 2i'.c qt . ijo gal.; made in, in !.... (.Oil. I-.ur.i.cU &. L.A.s, IV ;h and Clark. -MLl CO TO tdamond Loan Office for loans; bargains la goods tn pawn. 1101 Douglas. . - - Q 1J FOR 8ALT-V-KlfTht-horse power gnsollne eiifclua. 1014 Cupltol va. Q M4M. 27 IIOUISEHOLD goods of nice 8-room flat; flat and Boodu new. Address S li. Bee. J M.j.l 3x NEW HOME," Household, White, Domestic snd fetandsrd sewing machines, ail flrat clnss; supplies for all machines; speclnl atientlon given to re..-- .; all work K.,.,,.c.d. i". r.. fix- ...a.-: & f" ri Csplii-I ave 0-W 9 27 WANTED TO GUY E,IJONFELI, the ANTIQUARIAN, tsi N Y. 1 tie, pays nifi neat pi ice lur uwno. i t.i. V.-ii. N-2i k.-T prices paid lor furnUhed fU'.a. H 34. lrt. N IHS tK.lfiD j-ayii'if ealoo.i at once In Omaha or Cuui.uy luAlt. Auarens p ou, ue. WANTfc.ll To buv second land V borse power alow rpoed motor; t.J N. Y. Life. i N l iv.x AV A .NT1-.D. Jewelry atoro In easlern N-Im--..cH or wehtem limn; j.opiiiaiHMi .uit JtV. A.iiite.ta I'. O. HuX ii, A .1.'. i-ll, N is x PATLNT3 PATl-.Nl A. HorriB, r-Klatered at tor- .-. TjI.-mis. 1-..... oil i ... pyi-l. l- i f-.i i.-oi.-na S.o .1; Li7 i . w .;i s. l.iltf bull. ling. Oll.el.a. i-.ell. i i .. . A l4 ! ..-,.t 1 p vyirs: -1 v l ,--e f.e. 'I M i.. n: 1 .-e l.t.i.u.i.g, .'. i - u : j tie.. , i t , I 1,1, J, 1 . 1., 1 i ' J ttl., l.i,ii.i,..;U.i, L. C. lei- 1- 1 Il-i.J .l.'l 11. J. C'AV.::IL. 4 aI I'atton b!k.. t'a--'n. - .... o LVJ .'.') CCLLECTC:.: i' H.1I, i. Lui-Kl 'I. want snr FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE I HAVE a few quarters of good graslng land that must be soid at once; price, 84 per acre. F. J. Dlshner, O'Neill. Neb. K.E AluiO 29 FOR SALE One note of 81. son. due In one year: secured by first mortanse on good Improved Omaha property, bearing C rer rent interest, payaol aeml-annue.;iy ; also one note; for tl '0, due on or befere three years; Interest at per cent, payable semi-annually; secured by first mortrnee on good property. Both are absolutely safe and given by respecahle parties. Address the owner, S ii. Bee o'"ce. RE-M4B8 TWO brsnd new cotteges, modern except furnace; one $tv snd the other 82,40. flllMEH CHASE. Builders of Modern Houses. RE 724 Hus, your property. Baker Bros. Fng. Co. CHit8-Williamson Co.,u- V- RE 'Hi FOR SALE Two modern cottage. West Farnsm at. district, only. l,60O each. Thomas Brennan, Room 1, N. Y. Life Bldg. , RE i6 CROPH. fine crops; alfalfa banner crop; central Nebraska; come and see; send for illustrated psmphlet. Willis Cadwell, Broken How, Nebtaska. RE M41S DO YOU WANT A FREE HOME? Why not take a homestead In South Da kota. Inquire W. T. DALY. 701 K. K.th. Tel.' 2341 . RE MO A2 FOR SALE, 40 teres fine farm land; 98 acres cultivated, 40 acres pasture, fenced, balance hay lend; well, windmill ana tanks, Bu.Valo Co., Nebraska; J 10 .50 per acre If taken at once. Address 8 81. P-e. RE-M4S2 NOTICE We make and sell loans on city and farm property, write fire and accident Insurance In the best companies, rent bouses, look after same and can sell your real estate. KENNY REAL ESTATE A INV. CO., 800 Bee building. RE 31 29 BARGAIN to home purchasers If you mean business. . Call 436, Board of Trade. - re Mm An School and Indemnity lands on the Rose bud reservation will be offered at public sale August 26.. 1504, at Fairfax, South Dakota. For descriptions, price and terms apply to C. J. Bach, commissioner of sohool and public lands,: Pierre, Sou' h Dakota. RE 767 A24 BARGAIN IN HOUSE. On Locust St., near 24th at., modern ex rept furnace, good repsir, large lot, eight rooms; will be offered for a short time at 82,160. W. T. Graham, Bee Building. ... RE 7KS 81 . t SOMETHING NEW. Just finished, modern 7-room bouse In Kountie place facing Kountxe park, full lot, every convenience, furnace, hot and cold water, rlectrlo lights, gas, jilckel plumbing, porcelain bath, cemented cellar, double floors, everything In flratelasa shape; will be sold before onerlng for rent at 83,000 On suitable terms. AV. T. Graham, Bee Building. , RE 769 34 HOU8B FOR SALE TO BE REMOVED. 2008 California St., 9 rms two ptorles. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 1st floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1781. REM.78 27: DUNDEE PLACE . Nice new 7-room house, entirely modern, nlckled pltimbln. furnace, cemented cel lar, every thing. , new and clean. A very neat, attractive, home. .Price, 83,000. BENSON &CAMICHAEL 64araxton Blockv - ft ft. . : RE 799 81 DESIRABLE" -rom eottare, well built, all modern except furnace, double floors, cistern, etc; fruit and shrubbery, bar- . gain. 2S10 N. d st. RB-M7S0 lx FOR SALE ONE OF THE PRETTIEST HOMES . IN BEM1S PARiC 102S HAWTHORNE AVE. COME LOOK IT OVER. . RE MJW 28 IS PERCENT INVESTMENT. l-room cottage, renting for 8;2aY, 4-room cottage ran una; for o.t ana 8-room cot Utite reining for ri fftcing two atreels, wnlklng'distahoe from P. O.; perfect title; everything In tip-top shape; 1, takes them: no leas; Vn cnh .nd balance V'l 60 per month, which will Include interest. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RliM807 23 HOME FOR SALE PARK, DISTRICT 7,000.G0 No. 610 Park avenue, lot 75x10 ft., east front, 9-room buse, modern throughout, new plumbing, hne Just been re-decorated and la tn best of repairs; house alone coat over JS.OOO to, build. Ia vacant so that lmmedinte pos salon can be given. GEORGE & COMPANY 1801 Farnam Street. RE MS05 J SNAP-2175 buys a nice building lot 2Sth ave. and Pratt atrevt; sewer on street. . . It. H. LANDERYOU, 442 Board of Trade. KB M303 IS 8-ItOOM house, on 81st ave., near Docile, unusually attractive In nntoh and arranne inent, haniinoma batn, hardwood llno-h, tieaiic i:-.;.t. .etc., J-0 per rnor.th. 7!e phone Fio.i D Slii4 F. D. VVEAD 12-room house, modern, and barn,' with 70 foot frontage, east front. S'iK N. 21st st. Jf sold at once can be bouit for W.iO. 1514 Douglas. ' , B.I3 M814 29 DO YOU WANT TO . SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch tell the fai u.ei and stuck rubers about It The best way to reach them Is through ' THE v ' TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER " Tbe agricultural weekly goes to 60,000 homes pf farmers and stock raisers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer ainung them. The coat of sn advertisement la small J cents per word in email type or $2 25 per Inch If set in large type. r:.:::EY to loan-real estate FARM nnd city loans, low rates. W. If. 'i nomas, Fliat Null Bank Bit!. Tel. 1'S. AV 2i I-lti VATB money. F. P. AVead. Douitlss v .o AV A NT l-,I-CIv loans bpI warrants AV. l-arimiii Bin. ill Ak C- - bt. W ill llli.NKI T' lJUAS. I'ayua Inteattnent Co. WAN"! I ' - 1 -ii I ertate loans and wsrrnnta. it. t' i rim & l.i., J.ee x...-.g. wl i I er i , i.t 1. O.irvlji Bros., 1j 4 I ;,;--; u I i n or. n 1 st 8 a.' 1 f ' 4 . i lu.l, . n. I... j i... e I , FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT, nine-room detached house, thornuirh renntra. lust llnished. modern throughout, close to high school. Call for key at Morand s, Zhji Dodge St. D ftT.56 8-RCmjm modern bouse at Mfi tleorgm Ave.; wlil rent reasonable to good tenant. Ad dress 4.S Bamge Bldg., or telephone A&tf. D Miitii FOR Rp;NT-A-rnom modern house, fur rlshed. near Hatiscom park. Apply 415 3. 16th or 1135 2Sth at. P 448 THE Omaha Van snd Storage Co. park, move and store H. 11. goods. Storehouse, li -o-24 N. lath. Office, loilVs Farnam. Tel. li.3. P 268 PAYNB-BOSTWICK A CO., choice houses, iwl-txAl New York Life B1U. 'A hone P'lS. D 247 f If li KFQ'n rarts of the city. The IlVJUOCOy. y. Davis CoK Bee F'g. D 248 WE MOArE pianos. Mfcard Vsn A Stor age Co. Tel. 14W. Oliue 171J Webster st. HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwelt, Barker bik. D 250. HOUSES i" r...p "cof. HOUSES TO LET. H7J Farnarrr-8 roon.s, strictly modern. 83, .50 li'it No. 2,'th 8 rooms ' 2.01 Douglas 6 rooms .....J1..00 VV. FARNAM fcMITII A CO., 1220 Farnam St. D M639 CFNTRAI good condlUon, -r. cottige, iju N. 2id. ' P Mail) FOn J.EMT- July 1st 8-reo" jnoAern brick, ili N. iid st Inquire j) N. 2T,d. D -M541 FIVE minutes' walk from postofflce, 516 N. th, between Cass end Cslltornla, 10 room modern house; rent, 8-W; will mnxe reasonable repairs to suit tenant. AValter Breen, 418 Karbach block. D Mdlt A BRAND NEW HOU6B of eight rooms, modern snd up-to-date In every particular, at f.-W South 24th St., near St. Mary's ave., 80.00. GARVIN BROa., 1604 Farnam st RESIDENCE on Georgia avenue, near Pa cific, 10 rooms, attic, bssement, modem, east front, fine grounds, WxHO, trees. Apply 314, First Nai l Bank Bldg. 10-ROOM house In first-class condition, five minutes' walk from postofflce, 518 N. lfth St., between Cass and California, rent 80. . Walter Breen, room 418 Karbach block. D M737 NEW COTTAGE--Slx rooms and bath, 2M0 8. 16th, between Castellar and Vinton; 80 per month. Ready about August L h hos. F, Swift, 2. S. 16th 6t, Brown Block. 'Phone 879. D 141 SIX-ROOM cottage tor rent 2503 Franklin at D 'iM BEE Chris Boyer, 22d and CumlnTM461 NICI3 8-room house, modern, lawn. 719 8. 87th st D 481 A-20x IN DUNDEE Strictly modern 8-room house, opposite Hoagland residence. In quire of owner, Dundee Grocery Co., 402 Cuming st D M184 MODERN house, eight rooms, close In, 125 per month. Gannett, 611 Brown Blk. D-M514 24 DESK ROOM with phone Bervlee. nominal rent J. IL Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. D M67 FOR RENT 708 So. 31st st, modern 8 room house. Inquire la-0 No. 2 1. ... D M.77 28x , l-ROOM cottage. 646 So. 26th ave. D M781 1 NEW HOUSE FOR RENT. 837.50 for No. 2309 California St., rooms, ' strictly modern and up-to-date. ' , GEORGE & COMPANY 1G01 Farnam Street D-M804I AUGUST 1, 8-room house, Just completed; strictly modern. F. D. Brown. Tel. B i424. Y D MS01 28 712 N. 22D ST., 7 rooms, modern, brick, 3; 124 N. 24th St., 8 rooms, modern, j-i": 2ul St. Mary's ave., 12 rooms modern, IM, Lingwa.lt Bioa,, 3ot B. loth st D MS13 NICE 6-room modern cottage. In flrst-claus condition, rhade, etc. Ibla Blnnev. D&I322 2Sx S-ROOM brick dwelling, modern except fur nace. Inquire 84 S. 18th st. D705. FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES TWO-STORY building, 1612, and the second floor liktt-10 Howard. AV. II. Bushman. 1281 IF A GOOD light is needed, we can show you a north front ol.'lce on the fifth floor a splendid room, at the moderate price of 8.o. R. C. Peters A Co., ground Door Bee building. - lb:i STORE ROOM, 617 S. 16th St. Inquire of Clark Powell, 1518 Capitol Ave. I 2S2 A T10 orr.ee In the Bee building carries with It all of the conveniences and advantages in the way of heat, light. Janitor service. nil night and all day aud Sunday eieva-tori service. A io omc is now vacant. Call at onee. R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor. Bee building. I-S2J A PHYSICIAN or dentist will find a chiAce of two desirable rooms In the Bee build in: F..e...l CTl Is Clviacd lr.'o a gr.r.i z'.zt Wilt ing room and a private otiice. It Is di rectly in front of the elevator. The price is t A R, C. Peters A Co., Ground Floor, Bee Building. 1-821 BFST location drug store and laundry, ZmIH. 2d. 1713 ' 1 BRICK barn. 22 stalls, wash rack, elec tric llnrhU; rent .u00. 613 8. 14th St. Tel., liol. 1797 STOREROOM. CENTRAL LOCATION." No. 1611 Howard St., with basement, 8ti0. CEORGE & COMPANY 1601 Farnam Street. , I-MSnJ 1 FLCHISTS HESS A SAVOBODA. 1415 Farnam. -l L. HENDERSON. 1518 Farnnm. Send for l.i ice list ol cut flowers and plants. 2C4 ALFRED DONAGHUE. JR., 1007 Farnsm Tel. . AGENTS WANTED AGENTS W AWTrn-Patent novelty fans, sivll everywhere, to everybody; a iMinntnta for picnic, fair, show and st met rules man: hl profits, no coiooetltion. Entcr- pnee Co., 1I lmha St., Cnicayo, III. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING A. C. VAN SANT'tl school. 717 N. Y. I-lfe. FCHrMILK letters, envelopes adJref d. lo.vlerf e..ilee. i" t LC3T Ltio P, at I h ha Msnaws. i-t.aln and oval l...rl, enn Icliisia 'M- K V."; l.berai Ki.l ii returned to V.d N. l'.'th rt. L-il - fl . -i 2, x When You Vrit. AJvet Users rnu.io i.ter It oi iy te an tiir rtroko or two c( tbe pa" to iic.iiuii me Viivt t il you t- - h t s a i tu '1 '. v l pr;:c;:.'L- DR. BOY. Chirr pt.dy. It 1. I "r'- L -: DFTFCTIVE Cr Cormack, 517 Karbach bl.x k. Tel. A---2. , ... U AfiNPTIf treatment hsth. Mm. AlALlIlt 1 H-6mlth. Ii8 N. 1. If. H .1 U AX JOSHUA D AAV RON Fend address to George H. Dawson, Fort Madison, la. U M..W 27X STE1NAVAT pianos are sold exclusively by S hmoller i. Mueller, 1313 Farnam st. U 270 fiMminil 11v W ks. Up-to-dnte rln- ueiiiiania eril dyeta m s. 13 st. t. s n. U-2.1 Accordion pleating, cheapest, best, "l"t est. Mrs. A. C. .Mark, 17th and Pmiels. U-i".2 TRY KELLEY S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE SlO, U-2.3 VIAVI." was to health. 8T.0 Bee BMr. U 2-5 TUB, vapor snd slcohol baths. 720 B. lth U 27 DR. SLABAUGH. Dentist, N. Y. Life PMg. U 277 ACCORDION AND SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCMING. SEND FOR TRICE LIST AND SAMPLES. GOLDMAN PLLAIING CO. soo Douglas blk. teu iss U M7JU, PfiPPIlES'INO CLUB; 75o a month. lAOCxai. IW.i. 414 N. 16th St. . . . U ML1 PHILIP BARNHART, come borne or write. MAMMA. U M177A14X UATC cl'n'il, shaped and pressed, im I O SMAU8E S HAT FACTORY, 6 No. 16lh. U M774 A3 CONTINENTAL CIGAR STORE LAUN DRY OFFICE; first class work; prices reasonable. U .29 &.x WANTED Information as to the address of Amerleus A. Potter, formerly of Hall county, Neb. Small recovery can be md9 for the Bald party. Address Harvey Spalding A Sons, AVushlngton, D. C. u-763 rx ANY one kr.otvlnjr the whereabouts of : Eratnit osnorn, ihsi neara or inree yer ego in St. Loulaeylil confer a great favor to his sister by addressing Bt3, Bee. U M118 27x X MUST have more this week; intend to leave; come. U 796 27x MEDICAL HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tall. Sherman & McConnell, Omahn. 2T DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women, from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp. Dr. Pries, ( 1511 V Dodge St., Omaha. "-279 PRIVATE hospital during confinement; ba bies adopted. Mrs. Gardels, 2216 Chsrles. Tel.' A 21,18. - 2S0 PRIVATE borne during confinement; babies adopted. The Good fcamaritan Sanitarium, 7Z8 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, la. Tel, T74. -528 DR. CUSCADEN, 216 Pee Bldg., 11 a, m. to 4 p. tn.; telephone office, itn'J; res., 4fil. - k-13ijy27 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. Mrs. Dr. King, &i N. 16th, 3d floor. Tel. ?oi.9. . M255 A18 OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, ElS N. Y. Life bldg.. T. 184 213 MRS. JOHN R. MUS1CK. Osteopathic Phy sician; omce, Douglas diock. xei. ibs. 215 DR. FARWELL, specialty nervous disease. cot paxton. , . a. . Hil.: If J :i cffee rca C"-x sale Frcni i'3 lizxi Vr.:'i en f.';:::J St. HERB IS Alf IDKAl New Leather Quarter Top 0ERy New Rubber Tlrcii Rtinabout. .f 55 New Shetland Pony Cart New IlifiU Grade Frailer Wagon New fl30 H!zh Grade Stanhfpe, rubber tires, tS New High Grade $200 Stanhope, with rubber tiros. .......... gl5 New two-seated Open Surrey, rubber tires. . .,, i tC3 New Canopy Top Surrey, rery lijrht, rubber Urea Sllj N?w f '.".'S Cnt-t'uder Trap, r.!":,i grrade, rubber tlrod tlZQ Fine Kubber Tired 225 Thae- ton .'.tins New $140 Canopy Top Surrey. New $305 Jx'gh grade Leather Top , Two-Soated Carriage. rubber tired....... tZZO Also ta FellowlasT eaat-Haat Carrlagrea Soma Slightly I7ed. Top Iiuggy.'.... J23 Two Good rhaetona, each 25 Cud ,Tvo-f.titd Cirrl2.a"0 , . . Good I'baeton, newly painted. $15 High Grade Top Bugy, rubber tired, paiuted hew J'jg Ou Top Stanhope Rogjy, newly Parted tZQ Gctxl Sln-ipflun Top Coiict.rd lJuryy, rubber tires and new ly tainted $C3 Fine Columbus Top Buggy, new axlos and newly palnud. .. . $35 Good $400 Extension Tcp Car riage, newly painted tICO Fine Coutie. r f I . 1 . 1 t-e . n ... v ..II f A .k Citiiif tiorao uturcij i agou..x,ij Good Top Laundry, Wagon, new wheels and axltiSy newly painted. $C3 AVe also cfTer TWENTT brand new general u'-.!lty liuspiea with 1 1-8 axle !.! wi.t:a, lvilli top oa same body Is d feet ioug at. . . . C3 Tht-ee are $20 below factory cost nnd will make a god solicitor's buf .f. f-ir butcl.er or grocer, and can never be duiilu r.tcd at tlds price. CALL AT VXCld TO G10T ClIOIiK OV 1 t.:. .: I) 4 KOI AI."li AT 4 I) i r r E 1 . a a j j nj J THIS FC1 THAT Wll.l, trse r'wing ni.i.-i.ine for type wilier. Neb. Cycle Co., loll and Ham-v. -2"l V.'HAT have you to erennnce for a planoT 1 rt field Piano Co.. I'-.-e bl.ig. Tel. 7 ;l. . Zr-211 IF THERE Is nothing In this column you want, put an ad. In end yo'J wlil mon. get It. Z l&S- AV1I.I. exchant second hnnd phonograph records f..c others In good condition N. 64, lice 01'ice. Z Mrg FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A fine irllll nery ptock n a good Iowa town. Ad dress N. M, Bee. Z M2KJ BEAUTIFUL uprloht plnnd for drlvln nr ' lira ft horse. Hobmeller. A Mueller Uij i .i.min ri. 101. J..--1. , , Ultuf FOR Tit AIM, hnlf section, Woodson Co, Kan., in oil hell; good lo.proveniciita, rt fenced, r.rcimt.1, gnive, oi acres in culti vation I?"! n.-rea im.hJow, 1"0 acres paa. ture; lensed for third of crop and $1 per acre rash, oil lease with royalty. Price, 80; will consider, trad" In desirable. Omnha residence or rental property. W, Farnam Smith A Co., 13-0 Farnam st. . ' - Z-MS15 . When- You Write, to Advertisers . remember tt only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the set in 1 ne iee. , FOR SALE HORSES & WAGONS A NEAV runabout tcp br.zy to trade for driving horse. 811 N. li ui. I '-202 FOR RALE A flrst-claas half Stanhope phaeton; baa been used one year; good s new: cost 8.WO1 will sell cheep, . Call 9"4 8. 33d St. , ' , 1 MMsSx HIGH-GRADE rubber-tire '. runabout .ll.l.llu ,.lla,l nt I...l uu t -A A l I e.iK'.'... ........ ....... ......... man KOO'l top bujrry and harness, cheap. Johnson A Daniurth, S. AV. Cor, 10th A Jones Sts P-.V137 ' SFE the fine line of vehicles for sale by Frost 14th and Leavenworth. 1' 203 W. J. L'APAOR, carriage and wagon; 2d bnnd vehicles for sale. 107 Jackson. Tel, 2-i.. P 436 A20 BUGGY AND HARNESS. Good. 51V4 N 23rd St.- P M66S 27x I, TIIK UNDERSIGN E I", ex-vctcrlnarian In U. f. army, will be located at Benson, Neb., from Augui.t 1. 1M4. Residence and office at Mr. ii. JJock's. Respectfully, A. Nelson. Tel. 4M. Veterinary surgeon. PM816 27 ' FOR 8ALE Good family horse, single bameos and two-seated top carrlsge. Tel. 4t. a, r . ,. P7&9 FOR SALE. Team of work horses;- weight about 1,900 lbs.; alwo new wagon and good set of brass mounted harness. Call at 3341 80. 17th st, after 6:30 p. m., -or on Sunday. P M779 28x P03T0FFICE NOTICE (Should be read dally by all Interested, ss changes may occur at any time.) Foreign mails for the week ending July 80, J304, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at the general postoflice as follows: Parcels-post mails clone one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels-post mulls for Germany close at 6 p. in. juiy enn ana. August 4U. , Regular and supplementary malls close at l-oreiim station (corner or AVeat and Mor. ton Bireets) half hour later than closing time shown below, (except that supple mentary malls for Europe nnd Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign station). Traneatlantlo Mnlla. . .. WEDNESDAY (27th) At 8:30 a. m. for , ITALY direct, per a s. Citta dl Torino (mall must be directed "per s. S. Citta dl Torino"); at 1:H0 p. m. (supplementary 8 p. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Oceanic, via Queenstown and LIverpdol. THURSDAY fth) At 7- a. , m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND, ITALY, SPAIN, PORTUGAL, TURKEY, EGYPT, GREECE and BRITISH INDIA, per s. s. La Bretagne, via Havre, (mall for other parts of Europe must be directed "per a. ' b. La Bretagne"). . SATURDAY 30th) At 8:80", a. m. for j LIVERPOOL. ., SCOTLAND.; , and IRE LAND, per s. s. Lucania (mall for1 other parts of Europe must be directed "per a. a. Jjticania ) at e a. m. for KUKt-'rli, er s. s. New T ork, via Flymoutn, Cher ourg and Southamnton: st 8:30 a. m. for BELGIUM, direct, per s. a. Vaderlana (snail must be ditected "per si s. Vader land "): at 8:80 a- m. for SCOTLAND di rect, per s. s, Anchorli (mall must he directed "per s. s. Anohorla"); at U a. tn. for DENMARK direct, per s. a Island mall must be eirected "per s. s. Island"). After the closing of mi supplementary . Transatlantic malls named aix-ve, gutu tlonal supplementary malls are opened on tho piers vf the American, English, J I-rencu- un.". oerniMo titeamers, ana re-ws-!. main onen until within ten minutes of the hour cf sailing of steamer. . Halls for Soath and Central America, West Inlea. Etc. AVEDNESDAY (27th) At 11:30 .a. m. for BRAZIL, per s. . Roman Prtnce (mall for Northern Brazil, Argentine, Uruguay and Paraguay must be directed "per s. s. Roman prince"): at 12:30 p. m. (sup plementary 1:30 p. m ) for ST. THOMAS, ST. CHOfX, LF.EAVARD end WIND WART) lStANI'H, BRITISH, DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per s. s. Fonta beile (mall for Grenada and Trinidad must be directed "per s, s. Fontabelle "). THURSDAY (2Mh) At R a. m: for CL'BA, YUCATAN and CAMPECHE. per s. a Esperanr.a (mall for other parts of Mex ico must be directed "per s. s. Esper anza"); at 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. a. Matanzas. via Tamplco (mull must be directed ''per s. s. Matansae"); 6:30 p. m. for PORTO PLATA, per a, s. Llllle, from Boston, FRIDAY ('Jth) At 9:30 a. m. (supplement ary 10:30 a. m.) for INAGUA. . HAITI. SANTA MARTA and other pUces in MAGDALEN A OFP'T COLOMBIA, per s. s. Adirondack fmnfl for other parts of Colombia, via Savanllla, must be di rected "per B. s. Adirondack"): at 1 m. for YU CATAN and CAMPECHE, per a. s. TJomo. ' . BATURDAY (S"th) At 7:S0 a. m. for NEW FOUNDLAND, per s. s. Rosalind; at 8 e. m. for BKHMI'DA, per s. s. Trinidad; at 8 SO a. m. (supplcmentarv at :30 a." m.) for CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per n. S. Zulla (mHtl for Colombia, via Cu iBvaO, un.fcl l.e dliecird "j. r s. s. Zulla"); st a. rn. for PORTO RICO, per s. a. Coamo. vi.i Sin Junn: at 9 SO a m. (sup plementary 10 30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA nnd COLOMBIA, except -Caura nnd Magdaiena Dep'tfl. per a. a. Sarnla (mall for CoMn lilea muat bo directed "per a. t. Barilla"): at 10 a. m. for CUBA., per S. s. Mexico, via Havana: nt 10 a. m. for GRENADA, tt TRINIDAD and ClirTiAD . BuMVAR. per s. a. Mnraval: at 12 m. for A FOE.S. TINE. I'HL'OUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. s. Ocean Monarch. Malls Forararileil Overlaad, Etc., Ex. cent Transpacific. Qyx vi Port Tampa, Florida, close at this ofTire dally, except Thursday, st 5:0 a. m. tine connecting maila closo hero on Mondays. AVeonenoays and Suturdaysi. MEXICO CITY OverUnil, utilesi apecally BiJ.lrenMe.! for despatch bv s'-mner, rlosai at thla cities dally, ex.ent hunday, at LS0 n m. and 10 io p. IU. butiUays at 1:00 p. m. and 10: Jo p. tu. NEWFOUNDLAND (excet.t Parcels-Post NlallM) By fad to North yunev, anil thence by Btclimer, closes lit thll otllce dhlly at 6 20 p m. (connecllrig mails cb'e here eyery Muiiaay, Wednesday and ant ..T.I.Vl. JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thence by ateamer, e:iow hi ii.i wiiitw -r. m Tuesday and Friday. M'ftUELON By rail to liosion, and thnnoe by steamer, ciuees at- 1.114 uju.jq mn B UliE,' PUERTO COI'TEZ and OUATE- MAI, A iiy tan ' ',VT .'..e.., thence by sunnier, rioes at this oln.-e dal'y except Humlay, at (1 :.v) p. m. and f .. W p. m., Fun. lays at l f) y. m. and i 'pi p. rn. (.-"..i.e. -ling tuall cictea here li t.vl Mt ( '.ill P. III-).' C'O.-.TA 1 i A . rail to New Orb-Ans, tml t hi nee t y st. uier, ('loses st llila cim-e d illv em ej.i ! un.iay, ai 11 i p. in aioi 1.1 ..i" p. 111., S irulaya at 11:1-0 p. m. and i i.'l p.' In. (eoli-ieetlllg lliuli CioSS b. ...... i.is nt liu iO P. "i ). lUrKibiEicd mull tios at 8 p. m. prevUja Tranaaavlne Malls- Forwarded Over. 111.11.. The schedule of c:.ii if Ti.inei.aclfia malls la anai'k. 1 c 1 i n 1 1.0. 1,1, ., ct tl.eir Ulll'l'.'ll "l I'' ' Ol. I .. I 'l.,0) p p.il t of J.MII'- '1 I a I ,V ( .one.-!'. lllkil (ek. C I- ' IllhilS W '.I- II I i- - u Ciora at II. i . 11. 1 ..t J t I . . ...OSS,. .. luik, I I HiV ah. lur I-iiii.ii i ; si: 1 f am - f. i i a, l c . . , . , , ...... 1 .-. ', IlV,AH, .Al'A. , I !..".V anl I