Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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Wheat Yrictt JTorcnral Ilers lull Foin.
AdVanca io. Chicago.
Commercial Wrmt Crop and llirtrtt
CmIp-V)ii H ply DerrMi
-oo4 ' Trading la Cask
Grain In Omaha.
' ' ' . OMATTA, July . 1304.
Tb grain rVisrkctn or t no woiid were all
higher, Llvip... startlr.g the advance, on
. wriet, t iiIcmko following, Umhliy at tlriit,
lmi under th l.i-rshlp of Armour and on ft position coming to tno
front without h-rotion and maiktng up
tho July nciivety over a point In less lima
Irian it tk-a to t-ll It. This would Indi
cate (lint t uicagi, tike Oms-na, has a Juijr
short Intereat u,at la worrying a liula.
'mere Ian t a bushel of contract grade of
wtift In th-Omaha elevators and the
minimum estimate of the shortage that
niuxt either be settled or delivered be
iprn this and the end of the month Is
Vi.oi bushel. There haa been aome talk
of a corner, but thla condition can only be
created by traders selilng what they
haven't got. It may be that Kansas City
may be aula to furnish tha grain, but the
iturtpal long Interested doesn't seem to
be liming sleep over the situation, standing
rea-ly to take the grain IX it la delivered
to la the mentitJ the milling de
mand for cash woeai la good her aud
Rain was a factor again thla morning;, but
the earner map ai.uwed Umi.ed pracipl
taiion save where would do comparatively
' 'iti "harm, aliiiougii btoux City received
good aoaking.
i Tne visible supply of wheat, corn and
, bat all showed material oecreasea, wheat
' being 7t.9,0"U bushels leas than last week.
Hanxaa City reported large receipts and
anticipation of free arrivals tomorrow,
tc the price triBte, whllo-hesitating to a
lener range, early r!H - to a good H
point later on. Now 1'ork, Minneapolis
and Pt. Louis al) advanced oitotatlona
Thera wasn't tmu h, acivity In Chicago
eariy, the nutjoriiy of tra l'-rs being on trie
bull gido and wailing for a move on the
part of the Armour interest and following
freely when Armour commenced to buy.
1 The rno.1 prices on July wheat In Chicago
was 14ic higher than Saturday, c up on
September and a point on Dwember corn
was o better.
in timaria. ihere wsa very little doing
and the nominal market for July wheat
was na lower. Ciunn a fair bualuesa waa
transacted In cash gmln.
The following til-patch shows that the
Minneapolis authority, who was among
the niat of the wheat bulls, has not
changed his position: . Of Commercial West! says:
Wheat cutting will not. begin before. Au
gust 1 to 3 in southern counties of the
northwestern district. This means thst It
will be August In before wheat is received
In Mlnnee-poli, or about one month later
thn usual. '! v" Npr'h Dakota, harvest
wlil not com until- September, so that
wheat movement In tha rmrtbwest will be
delayed and storks w!ii lncreaas slowly up
to October. If spring wheat harvest is
this lata wheat Is very ltkn-iy to encounter
frost. . i ,
Price Current savsi "Latest advice from
Kansas reflect mi:;. a irregularity In extent
of louses by excessive rains, from almost
nothing t6 nearly a total loss, but the bulk
of eeUmates favor a 25 per cent lose. Mis
souri Is not turning out nearly as good a
crop as was expected earlier In the season.
For Missouri, knnnj and Nebraska 80.0 0,.
000 bushels ml. tit be regarded as a con
servative estimate of loos within the last
few weeks. On quality, rather below :he
rage for winter wheat. Advices from
'i .ring wheat suites re.flect about as renson
, Btiie progress, of crop, averago condltlous
being high.
nrif4 of Prices.
; Tho' range of prices on the Omaha mar
ket for future delivery and the close today
' and baturdaf werei ..
Wheat Open. High, tow. Today. Sat.
July Si A 91 A 91 B
HpU 82 A ' .82 A -i A 3 A 83 A
July" 4SHA. 4S'4A t'H
Pept 44tiAy41'A W. '.iA 44
l'eo. 46. A
Opts t ...
July ...... .... .... 41KB
1 fcept ..... 81 A S114A Sl 81 1A
Dec .tX jt.... . M A
A sskod bj.
Omaha Insoectlons: In I ear No. 4 new
rve, 1 car No. S corn,' 1 cars, No. 1 con, 1
car no grade torn, 4 cars No. t bard wheat.
enrs No. 3 herd wheat, 1 car No. 4 hard
wheat, 1 car No. 3 white oats, 1 car No. 4
'white oau; total, H cars.,. Out It cars No.
S corn, ,
deliveries today. 6,0X1 bu. July corn.
".' Cash s.lei: 1 tr No. 8 wheat, Mc; 1 car
No. 8 corn, 41c; J car No. 2 white oats
la, T car No. 8 corn. 47c; 1 car No, 8
wheat, Mc; 1 car No. 3 wheut, 87Hc; 8 cars
No. 4 white oats, 86c. '
Omaha Cash Quotations.
WHEAT N 2 hard. SSc; ?o. 3 hard, 84
fiS7',.jc; No. 4 hunt ''in :o; No. 8 spring, 89c.
COHN No. 2. 4hc; No. 3, 4"nc; No. 4,
4V; No, 2 yellow, 4l'c; No. 3 yellow, 4Vii;
No. 3 white. 4SVc; No. 8 white, 4V'M0; tin
aiade, 420.
t -vATS No. J, 37c; No. 8. Sc: No 4. 36c;
No. 2 white, JKl-; No. a white, S7c; standard,
Sc; No. 4 will to, Zbc .'
Kastern Becefpts for Taesday.
' Wheat. Corn.Oats.
Kansaj City 4"'! f0 J
Oilewgo - V E-7 178
Morld'a Wheat Shipment e.
' Fast week. Last year.
America ." 1,4'.'4.0"U 2S'S,0"O t.'J'.(l"0 1.7aD
lJanuhlan 6A,(WK) . S'-2,)
Argentine l,Rlu,00 l,6'0.t")
Imtia 1,L'4.(0 S.(in)
Aufltrallts 2U1.000 none
Austria-Hungary :,...,.. ''nun - 6I,0X..
Oa Paaaariie.
Wheat, bu. Corn. btt.
Today j..3it.4.0fio . Jii.ltW.dol
Vv'pk att' . ... .4'', 35,8:-4.(u.!0
Year ago i7.te4KM . 1b,0'.;,(iuO
' ; Visible Mnpply,
Whent. ' r.OTS.OW bu; derensed C!4,000 bu;
corn. fc,T7S.iiO bu; deoreaaed 3ni.U04 bu; oats,
j.Wi.000 bu; decreased BiS.UuO bu.
ftorth western Mhut Receipt.
Today. Last wk. Las', yr.
Minneapolis Ui- 174
i".:iu'.H H IS
, Grain Markets EUerrherc.
riosln prices of groin today and Satur
tlity at ihv umrketa uaniud wet as follows:
Wheat v' v , ;v Today. Bat'y.
, July W B W
b.'itenibr .'
liticeinbtr 87l. Wvt
t"ji",,',"n.Ker i 4a3 4
ftrceiuber 4i-J ii
-s. Corn
' -1 ptcmber
77S 7H
J7"SB Ittfi
...... 4H
v V 'scernber
41 el'
i , nr. j-AjL.ia.
K :lrftt
; i t. mber K 8.-H
i In-rt'iiilisr 6a u
Cut n . ,
Krf,(i.!iih,'r 4?; A
Utcei:ibsr 4j;.c! 4j
t ijituubcr ., .....a fc i3
eiiilwr eij
Y!ift- . ,
i-n-umber SCAi Sji
L'et H
. Ni,V XO-viw . ,
r-piember P"'i n
irct't!Lar , ,...... i4
Kioto Front 4". rain 3rkt.
Ilroomhuit g!-es total world wlit j-.ti'.s-rrif
ta at bushels, wt-tlns. i.
I iut k and 7.o2,tMJ bualit:i Wt
-v nrld's sh.tpments of corn for lust weet,
4.4. l.t i Lut.loii, tea couvirvd wltn ,it.,.VAA
btlHl:el .or correei-otulll. etk lkt 'er.
Coiit.-uct g-t. In t't4lt.t t-.tfat ir July
2o. l-if-u.Ti ,.t i-u e, . j ti.i.t) i,f
wheat. !-.'. 4 bua.'icU tt turn and .0j
bu-!ltj,rt tf ('"tot.
Ij.iU.iU wne.t ffoi-ks inerea, Iv.fl
iillb; total. .i '' l.u.lla.
raster ot X!rti.-'.. rosier & Co. eayai
."C.iiuliii.m ,f giotkii.K epiu'g" li!tt ..r
foet and winter v hivet fiany t in-
1 letr.i. If'U t tleiifVe VI -l ill l- .I,V,I)
lii.heis sii.ut of ht tr. Ci.titni.Mi i.f
perfvtl- fct.ou.d Vrt i "' '.J I'.htlS
; - ii nu tr. for n con,! nuns hue."
lu Ciui-asn No. rj and No. 3 l.urd auvsucwd l-'ic a Luchel.
I ivrrpool tirsln Provision.
1.1VKUI-MU July !iVlirAT-r'v,t,
ootnui, tuloiea, ruin; July, li M.o.fii; tep-
r, s fci-.d; Iwi-nnlier, 1.
i ' -;i 5-f ih.I, gulst; Atui'l'P all lnU"l. peiv,
i 4 ,.t; Allitlloiu tiOk.'l, Old. 4-" I 1. f D-
, tiuitt; July, imiuioikl; t (.iriui'i r,
' Y'iHIC, Ju'y T.t 1't n . , : fn ai. ..ty
1 ...
m: rro b,. rt,rr,. ta en h pve 71" oo
In ; r,r., I'm. i t,u. Harlny, bu.;
decrease. 2M.C0 bu.
Feateree f the Trad las; and Closing
frleee era Bosrd f Traae.
CITICAOO. July 25. Possible complica
tions between Hussla and other powers
played an Important role n the whsal mar
ket today. As a resuit September wheat
at the close here showed a gain of an even
cent. Corn la up e; oats sre 40 higher.
1'rovlslons were down tVjlZVto.
Ouotations on Peptomber wheat were tip
U.f(iV4e at (irii?1". The uncertainty sur
rounding the new developments In the prog
ress of the Russo-Japanese war was an all
Important fnctor In causing bullish tentl
mint during the latter part of the divy.
After touching Heptemher closed at
87?c, Clearances of wheat and Tour were
o)i:al to B!"1 hu. The amount on passage
decreased JW.(V f, Bn tnB visible supply
d creased &44,i hu. primary receipts were bu., comparpd' with 6:S,7no bu. a year
ago. Minneapolis. Iuluth and Chicago re
ported receipts of 4.a cars, against 30 cars
Inst week and 274 a year ago.
Trading In corn was rather slow, the
Strength that developed In the market be
ing more the effect of the advance In wheat
than the result of iny large demand. The
close waa practically at the high point.
September opened a shade to 4,c higher at
4'-i4itV,e. Bold between 4iVft49ft and 4f"o
and closed at 4S49'c. Local receipts
were 3" com. with U of contract grade.
In sympathy with other grains tho oats
market ruled Arm. Kentember opened a
Khade higher at 3-'c, ranged between 3iTio
and 3.114c and closed at 2i0. Local
receipts were 102 cars.
No interest was manifested In the pro
vlalon pit, trading being rrnctlcaliy dead
owing to the strike. A little long stuff
came out later In the day. causing a de
cline at the close. September pork was
down 12Ho at 112.70; lard was off fi'fXiVsO at
Ids. 1; ribs were down lOo at I7.4J.
Kstlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
17 cars; corn, 627 cars; oats. 178 cars; hogs,
6,000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Artlcles.l Open. High. I Low. Close.l Sat'y.
Wheat I
a July 85 !"'ti
bJuly r - W
a Petit. WVI
b Sept. HI i"'Vs 88
4!,f?,4 40i
Pept. ' 4!"4i 4'Mi
lliec 4o 46
. July 39 30
pept. SS
Iee. ' S3V4 .iSSfrHt
May S4iS5
Tork I
July 1? tcTi 13 S?(
BepU 12 M 12 fr,'
Oct. U 87V4 12 8T1
July Bept 6 86 8 96
Oct. , 7 00 7 00.
July Pept. 7 S?H 7
Oct. 7 &t .7 62VI
P4 M
, 4T4
mkii"A T!i
4r I . 4B41
49 fiV40-'f?H.
4b 4W
sn 3!4l
wnffii 32T4''.J
34 vi! 36 l34('s
1! 70
12 70
1? TO j
H 70
12 72V4
13 75
12 R?
12 &fc
7 00
6 87 V
6 82l
1 n 1 1 to
7 44l 7 42M,! 7 R'
. t . I , r- ,
47 7 47 7 HO
No. 3. aNew. bOld.
f'nsh quotations were as follows:
FIX)Ull Quiet, stead v: winter patents,
I4.804c5.0i):- straights. 84.3&f4.KS: spring pat
ents, 84 3OS4.70; straights. 33.60?4.2O; bakers,
WHEAT No. spring, 9r?c; 'No. 8
spring. 8Wic; No. red, WlrtiKe.
COHN No. I, 4Pc: No. 3 yellow, 81c.
OATS-No. 2, 3UMiS33Tic; No. 3 white,
liYP No. 2. 710.
BARLKY Good feedins. 3r(fJ3Sc; fair, to
ch ilce malting; 4?,960c.
8KKDH No. 1 fiax. l.lfl; No. l north
western, 81 23. Prime timothy, $2.95!S3.00.
Clover, contract grade, $11.25.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.', 811.70
12.75. Ird. per 100 lbs.. S .77i?.80. Bhort
ribs sides tloose). 87 ?r.f;.37. Short clear
aides (boxed). I7.254r7.50.
Following were the receipts and ship
ments of flour and grain:
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 17,7'H l.4n.7
Wheat bu 2.000 27.8u0
Corn, bu 3M.&) 622. 90
Oats, bu 1 111.70 41,000
Rye. bu 8,000
Barley, bu 10,9O 3.000
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market as steady; creameries, 13tfl7o;
dairies. 2(fifc. Kges, steady; at mark,
rases included, 14l6c Cheese, steady,
Quotations of the Day on Varlons
, . NEW.TOBK. July 26.-FLOT.-R Kecalptsl
12.7S8 bbla ; exports, 2,766 bbls. 1 Market
Bttady but . dull; winter patents,
$4.8ttj5.10; winterMraights,t4.Bor)4.75; Minne
sota patenta.; winter extras, $3.36
t!3.90; Minnesota bakers, I3.7(i4.u0; winter
low grades. 83.1ffi3.70. Rye Hour, steady;
fair to good, I4.0uj24.25; choice 'to fancy,
4.JSfi'4 SO.
CORNMEAL Inactive; yellow western,
ll.0Sttfl.10; oity, $l.lai.l2; kiln dried. fUMi
BARLEY Nominal; feeding, nominal,, c.
1. 1. New York; malting, nominal. '
WHEAT-r-Spot market weak; No. 8 red,
nominal In elevator; No. 3 red, 81-00, nomi
nal, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth,
$107, f. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 hard Mani
toba, nominal, f. o. b.. afloat. Options
were strong, lower consols and higher
Budapest cables being chiefly responsible.
A sqtieexe of July shorts closed that option
2Hc higher and other months closed up
lo; July, $1(iwl.0. closing at $1.02; Sep
tember. tM yulc. clotting at 92c; Decem
ber, WWI'hC, closing at 9ic.
CORN Receipts, 2J,0''fi bu.: exports. 121.
690 bu. Bpot market firm: No.. 2, BiVic In
elevator and 54c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2
yellow, bfic; No. 2 red, BfiHc. Option mar
ket was unlet all day, but ruled hlKher,
with wheat, closing at 'ri c net advance;
July, RSticvc. closing at f5'4c; Scptem
bor, t-tio; Lecember, C2'if52cI closing at
B2. 1 ...
OATS Receipts, 6S 800 bit. Spot market
dull; mixed oats, M to 3 lbs., 4;Vi0c; natu
ral white, 30 to 32 lbs . 4Gf47c; clipped white,
!lti to 40 pounds, 47'jXlo.
FEED Irreaular: spring bran, $19 00
pro ipt; mlddltuKS, 8C2.0O prompt; city, $.0.60
H W Quiet; shipping, 70c; good to choice,
8t3c. ., .
HOPS Firm: state, common to choice,
lftoil. 26i''f1c; I'm?. Xoiol't-: olds. 7'.T3c. Pacific
const, ISuO, 2m28o; liw2. 2ti'22o: olds, 7t13o.
M 1 PES Stead v; Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs.,
17c; California. 21 to i& lbs., 19c; Texas dry,
24 to 30 !!.. lie.
l.KATHER Firm; acid. I325c.
WtiOL-Stoady; domestie fieeoe, J2fiST)C.
RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra,
SVv'ufic; Japan, nominal.
TALLOW Dull; city. $2; per pkg 4c;
country (okas, free), 4Hitfn'vf,o.
PROVISIONS! Beef, steady; family $10 W
if 11.00; uiena, Vf.'". :i 00; bef bams, $Ji.b.
;m.u: r"''kft. ; Uju 10.0O; city, extra India
mens, Jll.Otiy M no. Cut meats, quiet; phik
led belllea JJ-n W; plekled shoulders,
fi.76; pickled hams. $ 10.5041 11.60. Lard,
dull; western steamed, $7.20; rellned. easy;
continont, $7.', South America, $7 S5; com
pound, $5 S.I. ;!.l 'V Pork, family, $14 60s
short clear, $i3.ho-i i5.60: mess, $H 2i,?! 14.76.
POULTRY Alive. nominal. Presaed
weaker; western broilers, l3tf'17o; fowls,
12'lic; turkeys, 14(i'iluo.
ti UTTER Steady ; receipts, 9.S37; street
price extra creamery, l'((,170. Otllclal
Iirlces, oreamery, common to extra, la-rp
'.'-; state dairy, common to extra, 1M17C
CHKKSK titeady : receipts. 1.2:-i7; slate,
full cream, sina.ll white fancy. 7-.c; do, fair
to good, 7Vi7hc; large wrnie fancy, 7Sc;
do, fair to good. 7&iV: do, poor, (?!7c;
do, poor, CHliiic; large colored (amy,
7sic: do, to good, 7m'i'c; do, poor,
V" c.
KtJti.4 Irregular; receipts, 13.614; state.
Pennsylvania and nearby fancy lectfld
white. ?4"; firsts, lluc; western extra se
lited; do. firs'a, 1h i'o; south
erns. J.lHjic; do, infill tors, li jui.
t, leale Crala and Provisions.
8T. LOUIS. July 26. WHEAT Higher,
on forvign news; No. 2 rt-d caah, elevator,
5- 'Ho: track. l July, Sic; SeptemU-r.
6- v '; No. i bard, twisiic.
f'UHN-li-aher; No. I rash, 60c; Beptem
ber, 4 'c; lmeniber, l:;1. y, ,uc; track, 6i1---c.
')ATS Biudy; No. 1 i iaii, one; trat k. 4m (
'.; fejiiember. fce; No. 9 white, 4tc.
EIil'K Oiuady; red winter fiatenta,
$4 ;! 4 i; extra fancy. . Il.8-v4.40; clear.
It '- 7s.
M l- I) Timothy, stondy; 4iVi2.76.
I'oltM hi;
RKAN ftteaily; aat-kud, east track, 809
HAY Ptrong for beet grades: tlmothv.
$ o 10 mi; the top for fane-j' old; prali le,
$j (- 'JO.
1 . COTTON TIL882c.
) - . I S-.-.
1 :' TWINBc. '
i 1 .i.iVISlt'iNri I i.ik. weak- jobl leg,
$ 2 (i. Lul lower; prime steam. $.j 2, 4.
l aeoii, sieii-tv; Imn-il, extra snorts, $j lo;
cletr rl'-s. S ST'i,; eh.-rt clear, pw.
lOl'L'l'ltlf Htrolig, rhlckrlia, l"e; Springs
14-; tnllf--V3l. lu-; ci,lik-l. 7c; rfeB. ie.
I I "i It.i-lmil; in', uiery,; dairy,
1'. '".
1 i i ; '!-8t-ady ; 13 count
ItcceM'''- flhlpments
Eloiir. bbls & 6 o.i bu 2 ? -I
for ii, hu '..I 1-'. o.i
(htit, bu 4.11-0 lJ" )
I'eurla t.rnta iirl.t.
! ' Jo'v i.,.- 1 '' v Mion-d lii t.
; . ..j. 4. 4 . ,. v.
1 -o t:.e t-o.s vf tl ii for 1
; i 4, ..
Ejieculation is Dispirited and Eccompl De
cidouly Uninterf stipg.
Reversal of Sentiment Observed la
Railroad Com menl, bt General
Ton of ts Market Is
NTW TORK. July . peculation In
stocks today was dlssrlrlted and decidedly
uninteresting. The market was dull. The
recent notable firmness of the undertone
In spite of the declining activity of the
demand was lacking to'nv and the market
was Inclined to sag. The movement was
desultory and showed no signs of the pre
cipitation which usual'y marks the cul
mination of an active speculative advance.
This week railroad officials assert that
there has been a sudden revival of cheer
ful sentiment and an Increase of traffic
Offering In proportion. A seasonable In
crease In the rrnln movement is also re
ported, although of moderite dimensions.
Cheerful reports from the Iron arid steel
trade were regardod In the same way.
There la no great doubt remaining amongst
the speculative contingent that the regular
quarterly dividend on United States Hteel
preferred will be declared tomorrow. That
stock was heavy, nevertheless, with the
common list.
Domestic crop news was mostly favorable
and the strength In the grain markets was
fenerally attributed to the engreness of a
oreiim demand and to reports of renews!
uneasiness over the political outlook
abroad. The labor troubles made the most
positive Influence on the side of reaction.
The threatening aspect assumed by tl.e
meat packers' strike was tho news from
one direction, while the determination of
the cotton workers to go out on strike
was reported from the New Engliind Bide.
A considerable retrenchment in the Inbor
cost of railroad operation Is a recognised
necessity for the conservstlon of net earn
ing', and the growing spirit of discontent
In various circles of labor causes some
Sterling exchange made a rather violent
advance In response to the demands of the
Ixmdon money market, and there waa
discuSRlon of the possibility of gold exports
In spite of the near approach of the period
of normal outgo for our principal mer
chandise exports. No effect was produced
on our money market, owing to the extra
ordinary level of the bonking surplus.
The market closed Irregular at some
slight recovery from the lowest.
Bonds were heavy and dull. Total sales.
far value, $1.740.fV). United States 2s and
h old 4s declined "4 ref cent on call.
The following were the quotations on the
Btoclt exchange.
24.SoO 7!i 7
do pfd 400 74
400 87 W
Baltimore & Ohio.....' S.800 84
do pfd
Canadian Pacific 1,400 124 124
Central of N. J.-.
Chesapeake Ohio.... l.OoO 34 33
Chicago & Alton 8.7U0 40 3a
do pfd
Chicago at. Western
Chicago & N. W
C. M. & St. P
do pfd
800 UK
14 14
17K 178
400 179 17K
12.600 148 147 147
Chiongo Term. T... 200 6
do pfd
C, C, C. A St. L 200 ,76
Colo. Southern
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd 200 20
Delaware & Hudson.. 1,300 lfil
Pel., Lack. & West
Denver & Rio Grande
20 . M4
169, lli
do pfd
Erie 7.000
do 1st pfd 4.100
do 2d pfd 700
Hock. Valley, offered
no pra
Illinois Central .,
Iowa Central ....
600 137 l.Ti
100 19 19
do pfd
K. C. Bouthem
do pfd
Louis, ft Nash., exdlv 1,400 116 113
Manhnttan L
Met. Securities
Met. St. Ry
Minn. & St- Louis...
M . St. P. A S. S. M
do pfd ,
Missouri Pacific
Mo., Kan. ds Tex
200 87 87 M
4.4u0 116 '115 116
2,700 76
i0 12SV
ao prd 1
N. Ri R. of Mex. pfd.
N. Y. Central ....
Norfolk tt Western.
600 , 40
JOO 37
600 119 n 11R1
400 . 61
do pfd .. ..... . 87
Ontario Western.... 2.000 80 80 , o
Pennsylvania ...26,200 120 120 l-4
P.. C. C. Ht. Li
23,4 K4 H
300 . 83 83
61 74
do 1st pfd ,
do 2d pfd
Rock Island Co
do pfd
Pt. L. & S. F. 2d Pfd
, K'O
Ht. Lotus a. w
do pfd 800
Southern Psclflc 45.300
Southern Railway .... 2,t?fi0
do pfd
Texas & Paclflo ..
T St. L. & W
do pfd
Union Paclflo
do pfd
do pfd .'
Wheeling & L. E. .
Wisconsin Central
do pfd
Mexican Central ..
Adams Ex
. ROfJ
. 100
. IfO
. 700
. soo
. 1.30.1
A merles n Ex
United States Fjt..
Wella-Fargo Ex...
Amal. Copper .....
Am. Car & Foundry.. 1,200
do prd
Am. Cotton Oil
do pfd
Am. Ice
do pfd
Am. Linseed Oil ....
do pfd
Am. locomotive
do nfd
Am. Smelt. & Rofng
do pfd
Am. Burar Reins?
1,300 ia 12
Anaconda M. Co
Brooklvn R. T
Colo. Fuel Ik, Iron...,
12.0oa B'H
, 4.900 SR
Kro 194 -
600 11
100 70
Consol'dsted Gaa
Corn Products
do nfd ,
193 194
' 13
Distillers' Securities...
Oeneral Electric
International Paper...
800 162 1C1
do pfd
International Pump
no prd ,
National Lead 1,000
North American
21 21
Pacific Mail
Peoole's Ons
700 -rv4 100 jnn
Prsed Steel Cor
. 60
do pfd
Pullman Palace Car
Republic Steel '
do pfd
Rubber Ooods ........
do pfd 1.,
Ter-n. Coal Iron...
IT. 8. leather
do pfd
TT. s. Healtv
tT. S. Rubber ,
. 100
'.' 8 600
. 4.000
'.' "irtri -.Sl.oan
. 60
.'. "inn
77 .
do pfd i
V. 8. Pteel ifiVio
do nfd 58.800
Westinahoitse Elec.
100 v
Western Union
100 R8
Total sales for the day, 413, 0 shares.
Tlnsten tnrtr 4notatloas.
BOSTON, July 26 Call loans. t?Vi per
cent: time loans. 8'fr4 oer cent. Official
cloln of stocks and r-nnrts:
Afklaon )). 4a HH Waning, commoa ... Tt
Ha 4a 1.. VAIlmil H
Mx. On I ml to to
Ati-hlaon tilk
do l)M 97
p., mm a, Albany J.
.ton A Wains 14
AnialRamt4 .,
Ainerleaa K1A0
Tal Hocls..
CojirMur hanae .,
.. 1
.. K?4
... H
b' Klevaled ..
Kltctiuui-g plU ....
Mx. Cvutrsl
N. Y., M M A H
l'c-r 2dnr(ii.tte .,
t r-iy w
.. 1
.1(1 I iJoiulnloa. Coal 42
. .4 rraiialtu , 14
. tuVflran. r e. I. t'i
t nioa rapine
lin.r. Ait.. ( UtlS... 14 '' Rl'ala , !
do M Tt M.aa Mlulng
Amr. 1-iieu. Tabs.... 41. W u-iiiir.a 4
Aiuar. Kumar iMubask .1
lu pfd lf al'nt. C. A C Jl4
An,.r. T A T out Cvnnlnloo 13-
Atnr. WuolMl Jl : Oaraiua, 42
do pfd 7 vramt i4
I'limhifiin I. A R...
... IS
l-'ilM.n Kliic. tlla....iK
t.narsl k,ictrlu lul
1,mnrh ...
... f.44
... aa
... 14
... -4
... 11
... IS
... S4
... 1
... 7
kluaa. Elai-trtr.
oa p;d .
P. 8. Mining..
3 t V . Oil
l" Vtah
4t 'vi.-irl
i..4 w i,una
IV 4, V. lUvorQS ......
st.M. t,Ka
t lilted I rlilt
b 11 Had Shu Itach..
oo prd
V. . t-yt
do pid
Kuratxa ttnantrlal.
PFHIJN. July 88 The bourse was oulet
to-ii-.v in -t. in 1 1,111 of Intel tiai tonal pollti
Crtl iv.-loi n,ei,i Ann-ricaus were lontisr.
1' A tt I -4. July w. 'I lading on the bourne
touji y .m, Tne toue a.iruev.hl Ini-
piov.-l. Hua-ian bill t-ll tl 43 tailed Kl a.: t4
and h i-.- iii t...uo of 1.-4 at br. The f.ri
ie in-, of i -.,ouiLt v-. 17-14 per c.-nt.
1 1.1 ee ir 'ni rvni, t -i 7o t-.r Or ac
'"11 I. 1. xi buiuje tin London, 2. f 2i,.o f-ir
III-. 14
I .. . , 1 i .1' Of I 1
nil ti.O ai
iK- r'i The trmn'-r to t'c
H..-I ... toe 1,0. . , --,,,,1 ,1 , r
loU I.I.1...AJ t-. 11 : ...
74 74
i 12S 17
P4 83 9;i
in1! 10
40 40
87 37
market to1sr. Tb" P'ok eehnnr wm
Piora cheerful, although quiet. Clinanla
ojened firm, eased later and closed a frsc
' in abfive the lowest quotations of the
day. Amerlrnris opened Irregular. There
was a firm undertone and tbey moved
allehtly above parity. Grand Trunk wis
Tut on reports rf a decrease In traffic.
United States S'eel preferred opend strong
and close-l Imperial Japanese gov
ernment 6s of l;4 were Quoted at 96.
8w Ysrk Maaey Market.
NEW TORK. July 25 MONET On call,
rerv easy at 1 per cent; closing bid, per
Cent; offered at 1 per cent; time lonns,
easy; sixty and ninety days. 2ij2 per cent;
six months, a'.fi"v, per cent.
per cent-
actual business In bankers' bills at $4 8770if
4 8775 for demand and at 84.86.-lf4.8olo fir
tvday bills; posted rates, $4 RS and $4.8V(J
4.8: commercial bills, $.8?.i4.fc3.
SILVER Har, fcj Mexican dollars,
46 r
PONDS Oovernment, weak; railroads,
The closing quotations en bonds are a
V. 3. rat. la, re(....lfMS Vanhattas e. g. 4t..lfH
fl roupos 1ii4,iM.x. Cantrml 4a 4
do la, rag 1H io lt Inf 14
do eenpn irVMinn A Si. 1. 4s... '
do new 4a, res innl.. K. T. 4 11
4i coupes ml in 2a an
da old 4a, rag l-ilst. R g. pf M r 4a.
dn roupon ino N. Y. C. at IH aai
Ati-hlann ga. 4s K!'4j N. J. C. g. ta US '4
d adj. 4a W'iiNo. Pacltlo 4 li
Atlantic C. L. a ' in la H
B. O. 4a 102 ; V. & W. e. 4a JOiii,
da IHa (tM, o s. U 4a A par 7'4
Ctntral of Us. la lti repn. tonr. ia "4
do 1st tnr TV Readlns go. 4e
rtiaa. Ohio t u I. M. e. (a .114
Chleago A A. lt.... 7H St. Li. 8 F. tg. 4a. .vi
C, B. A Q. B. 4a.... 74, St. 1 8. W. II
C. M. A S. P. g 4t..Pai4'sahnH A. L. 4a
C. A N. W. e. 7a . ..IS" 'So. Prflf 4s 14
C, R. I. A P. 4a.... tm Pa. Rllwar (a He
do eol. la lit iTeraa A P. la J1H
rcc. A St. I,, a. 4a..lH. T.. Kl. U W. 4a..
thlcago Ter. 4a 7't fnlon -Pacille 4a lrH
Con, Tobaeo 4s 44
Colo. A 8o. 4a
P. A . O. 4a loo
do en.. 4a lnH
V B. steel M la 7Vi
Woah la 117'
Erl prior ban 4a.... "'V do dati. P
do gaa. 4a my,'W A u R. 4a.
F. W. A n. C. la lfMiIWI. rantntl 4a
Hocking Vat. 4V4a....lo7i,jcolo. Fuel C. Il
Loula Naah lOOV ,
I.oadon gtocfc, Market.
LONDON, July 26. Closing:
Coaaola, ir.oney ,., 119.10 y t'entral 1?t
do arrount if Norfolk A W 4114
Anaconda 1 do - pfd II i' nmarto W 11 H
do pfd M'4 PennarWanla
Paltlmore A Ohio "4 Rand Mines 't
Canadian Paclflo 12" V Heading Si's
Chas. A Ohio IA , do lt pfd 4J"1
Chlcaso Ot W.., 15 do 2d pld "4
C. , M. ft 8t. P 1ft 80. Rllar 2TH
Dafteara ) do pfd 4i
D. A R. 0 1 Bo. Paclrtc f?t
do pfd 74t4 llntoa Paclflo r?S
Erlo Hi do pfd W,
do lat pfd 1414 V. B- Rieei IS
do Id pfd St1 do pfd 4444
Illinois Central 14" Vi Wabash 1B
Loula. A Naait do pfd S7'4
It., K. A T 111 Fpanlah 4a KVi
SILVFR Par, steady, 213-16d per ounce.
MONEY 3i(3 per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 2iig2 16-16 per cent; lor
three months' blils, 2 lo-ltyutf per cent.
New York Hlalag Stocks,
NEW YORK, July 25. The following axe
the closing prices on mining siooks:
Adami Con
Uttle Chtaf
... 6
... 11
... II
... tl
praeca ,
Brunswick Con ..
Comstocx Tunnel
Coo. CM. A Vs..
Horn Btlvar
Iron Btlvar
Laadrllla Con ....
.. 25
.. 19
.. I
Phoenix ,
Pavaga .'.,.....
Blarrs Navada .
Hniall Hopas ..
Bank Clearings. 1
0M:AIIA, July 25. Bank clearings for to
day, $l,0st),608 &i a decrease of $188,744.43
from the corresponding day last year.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK, July 26. COTTON-Rpot
cloaed quiet, 10 points lower; middling up
lands, 10.80c; middling gulf, 11.06c; sales,
2,600 bales.
Steady; sales, 360 bales; ordinary, 8 8-ldc;
good ordinary, 9c; low middling, 10c;
middling, 10c; good middling, ' 11 1-ltic;
middling fair, 11 6-16c; receipts, 1.534 bales;
stock, 66,733 balea. Future quiet and
steady; July, IO.6O0 . bid; August, 10.23
10.26c; September, .72fu9.74e; October, 9.46
fa.47c; November, 9. 43 fi -9. 44-c; December,
9.43'&.44c; January, 9.4bcu 9.49.
BT. LOUIS, July 25. COTTON Nomin
ally unchanged; middling, 10c; sales, 63
bales; stock. 11,064 bales, "-ri.
LIVERPOOL, July. 25. -COTTON Spot In
moderate demand, with prices 2 points
lower; American middling fair, 8.33d; good
middling. 6.22d; middling. rtSi2d: low mid
dling, 6.96d good ordinary, ,6.J4(J; ordinary,
5.64d. Futures opened easier and -closed
quiet.' American middling, g. o. c.,' July,
6.90d; July-iAugust, 6.88d; . August-September,
6.72d; bcptember-October, ' 6.4i'd; October-November,
6.2i)d; November-December,
6.26d; December-Janyary, 6.23d; Janu-ary-B
ebruary, 5.22d; February-March, tV2id;
March-April, 6.23d. - (l. . 1
Metal Market. :'
NEW YORK, July 25. METALS The tin
market underwent a. considerable reaction
during the day's trading. In London prices
broke to 122 7s fid for spot and 122 12s 6d
for futures, while spot closed locally at
$al.754i 27.60. The declines were due to a
disposition to consider that the recent ad
vance had been more, rapid . than Juetlfietl
by actual trade conditions. 'Copper was a
ahsde lower in London, spot there closing
at 67 3s 6d and futures at 37 5s td. Locaiiy
copper wits unchanged; lake quoted at
$12.8i'512 87; electrolytic, $12.6'(jl2.75;
eustliiK, $liai'ftl2.K. Lead waa unchanged
at 11 15a In London, but was lower in the
local market, closing at $4.25. ripelter was
unchanged Jocaliv at 14 .oi'r4.w. tn ionaon
It was a shade higher, cloning at 22 7s 6d.
Iron closed at 41s 9J in oiasgow ano 4i 111
Mldd!eaijorourh. Ioc-ally Iron waa quiet
and easier; No. 2 foundry Is quoted at $12.)
. . . . ' ...... .11 VI 1. I I C 1, nu, a luuiiui j 11, ,h a.v.
No. 1 foundry soutnern aua mo.. 1 iounary
southern soft, $13.26 13 60.
BT. LOl'iH, July zo MBTAtiS ueaa,
lower; 84.004.02. Spelter, dull; $4.75.
Dry Good! Market.
market Is Increasingly firm. Advices from
Vail River are that uracticaiiy an tne nuns
are nhut down and the outlook la for a
protracted struggle. Huylng is not appre
ciably Increased, but buyers And It diillcult
to secure goods nt current prices, especially
for nearby delivery. The outlook Is visibly
ICbasaa City Grain and rrottsloaa.
Sfic; September, 77tyo; December, 7Vfi
774c; cash, No. 2 hnrd, 83((5e- No. 8. tuniiJ
81 c; wo. 4, Vuttjyic; iso, i rcu, ou-iiooc; ino. ,
CORN Julv. tyc; BeptemDer, 4.c; ie
ceniber, 4l-!llac; cash. No. 2 mixed, 52 31
52 c; No. 8, 61'ii'JSc; No. 3 while, 62JI
63U.c; No. 3. 63c.
OATS No. 2 mixed. 40c; No. 8 white, 420
43c. 1 '
11UTTER Steady; creamery, 13316c;
fnncv riiiivv. 12il. .
LOGS Missouri and Kansas, cases In-,
eluded, 16c; ease count, 14c; cases returned,
o less.
HAY Lower; choice timothy, 87.00g8.50j
choice prairie. $5.7r,'7.60.
RYE Nominal; te.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu lftn.fX) tt".0"0
Corn, bu 24.4"0 10,4'jO
Oats, bu I. S.CoO
Dnlnth sTirafn' WarVef. ''
DULI"TH. Julv 25. WHEAT To arrive:
No. 1 northern, 39c, No. 2 northern, 9!ic.
Oil tuo-k: No. 1 iiiiilheru. $1; No. 2 nortii
ern, iwic; July, $1; September, 8hc; Deceaj
ber. Sf.c.
FLAX To arrive, on track and , July.
11.23; September. $l.24; Octobor, $1.24;
December, H.lltVa.
OATS On truck. 87c; to arrive, 85c;
Sentember, 33'c.
ftYE To arrive, 75c; on track. oc.
Receipts, bhipmenta.
Wheat, bu.., 104,u7 3i,o
Philadelphia Produce Market. -
Steady; extra western creamery, ISo; extra
lienrby prints, 16c.
EviOS-iSiiaily: freh nearby, 2t-, loss ofT;
frepih western, 20c, at murk: frtori south,
wesii-rn, ),'iyic: fn-nh aoiitht-rn, Holiic.
CHt;.EHE iSteady ; Now Vork full creams
rhnice to fancy, 8;-M.e: New York full
creams, fair to goud. 7r"i.c. .
Milwaukee Ciraln Blarket.
Mil. Wa UK KK. July 26.-FX,OUR Steady.
WHEAT hlgt-hr; No. 1 northern,
$1 01; No. J northern. eo; September,
8,-1,0 asked; puts, fc.'c bid: caila, ano
4IAT8 Weak; standard, 41i4?c.
CORN flatly; No. 8, 6'ii.ltj: Rcptenf
ber, 4tio bid; puts, ic; culia, 4110.
tiiaaiayulli Urals Market.
MINNEA11II.I3 July ?6 -WHE.,T-Ju!v.
9l-e; b.-ptiiiiber. !(,c: lwrnilicr, fc;.t,c. q
track: No. 1 bard. 1"; No. 1 noiiuerti,
Hi1.!; No. 3 noiiiiern, 1 -. " '.' 1 .
1- IA l R-1 11 1 pat.-nle, ii F, BO; awtm-l
putenta, lii 1 lo. lust ili-ufH, 4sl ;.. j.u.;
Sci-oijd cl. a m l 1.1
LltAN lu bum, 14c; hori, ltio.
T4jnt4 Sr-1 Ki.trt.
' Til Jul - : . i 1 1 C'.ioar. r
i ( i . r, i. i '. , 1 .0. ii 1. :. i
' " " 1 -i. i r-''i. i.u.i. i. J. ...
T il
Trada Etiil Demoraliitod by EnppenRion of
Work in Fading flints.
Practically Tfeere Is 5o Market 5
Rffort Belac Made to Get
Stock la from the
SOUTH OMAHA, July 25. 1304.
Receipts were: Cattle, liogs fcheep.
Offlclal Monday fr v lul
fame day last week.'.. 775 14 V3
Psme day week before. 2,6Ji S,31o -0 4.1
Pame three weeks ago Holiday
Pame four weeks ago. ..l S-V) 8.M 4.5)0
Same dsv week before. 2,6:6 3,316 10,4.J4
1 he following .able shows the rectlpts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
the year to date, with comparison with last
year: ,
1!)"4. Inc. Dec.
Cattle 47874 647.S17 68.913
Moga l,'.2..'r0 1.43.. 2" 17.146
Sheep 72S.4S1 644.287 4,li4
Average ptices paid for hogs at Bouth
Omaha for the last several days with com
parison: Data. 1 1904. risos.iirxia.iisoi.iisw.iiriirs.iugs.
July 1....
July 8....
July $....
"July 4..
July 6....
July T....
July 8 ...
July 8 ...
Julv 10...
July 11...
July 12...
July 13...
July 14...
July IS...
July 16...
Julv 17...
Julv JS...
July 19...
Julv 20...
July 21...
July 22...
July 23...
Juiy 24...
July 26...
6 0 7 64
8 671 T 84
6 801
8 831
4 M
( Oil
6 0
6 16
8 731 3 fl
3 a
( 601 7 621
5 74
t 781
5 2
6 If
6 ISA.
8 65
8 7i
8 M
8 e
$ 14
3 78
3 7
3 78
3 n
$ 77
8 77
6 7W
5 rl
I 41 7 K
I 11
I 13
8 13
6 04
6 02!
3 II
6 ,V4
T 8:
8 86i
8 80
8 16,
6 44
( $'.!.
1 6
5 8J
6 82
5 9 .
7 81
t U
I 3
I 7i
3 t'
S 3S
7 77
4 041
5 02'4
6 8.".i
5 131
4 01
6 13
5 11
5 IS
C 21 I
8 lit ,
6 04
6 10
6 Jl
T 7
7 7
6 77
5 OS,
1 n
4 0:
t 16
I 33
8 11
5 2
6 12
6 2
7 22
7 -:.
7 73
7 06
7 52
7 41
5 64
I 3 83
5 6H
5 D8
4 87
4 9l
4 eii
4 ll 1 82
4 2 3 sv
4 191 3 88
4 21 8 61
4 34 8 79
I 8 K2
4 1
4 31 I 88
b o-
i 6a
4 S
6 07
6 IS.)
5 16
6 06
5 06
t 67
5 7ol
6 601
5 74
0 21
1 181
t 0j
T 81
7 41
7 63
5 06
Indicates Sunday. Indicates holiday.
The official number of cars of stock
brought in today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Hrs.
C. M. ft St. P. Ry 2 .. .
IT. P. system 1
F E. M. V, R. R.. J ,1
C, Pt. P.. M. A O. Ry.. 1
B. ft M. Ry 4
K. C. ft St. J I .. ..
C. R. L ft P. Ry., east.. .. .. 1
Illinois Central 1 ..
Total receipts 18 1 1
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the
number of head Indicated:
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs.
Swift and Company 241
Swift Co., from K. C 136 .....
Vanaant ft Co 26
Carey ft Uenton 63
Hill ftHuntsinger 1
Wolf & Murnan 58
Lelghton ft Co. ..v 83
Hodden 143
Agar Packing Co. - 648
Boyd ft L - ls
Hcgartv ft Co. , 39 "
Other buyers til
Totals 615 1,063
CATTLE-rFresh receipts numbered eight
een cars. Including a half dor.en loads di
rect to packers. The situation Is compli
cated and markets very dull. Packers were
doing little, especially on beef steers.
A few sales of beef steers were mode to
packers, but there Is practically no mar
ket today. The trade Is completely de
moralised and no effort was made to do
much business In this line this morning.
A little trading was done In butchers
stock this morning, but scarcely enough to
banc any reliable estimate as to the gen
oral condition of the trade. To all Intents
and purposes there was no market anl
shippers should govern themselves accord
ingly. The feeder trade wits poorly supplied,
while the country demand was also limited.
Yard traders picked up the few offerings at
quotahly unchanged figures. The market In
this line continues rather quiet all around.
...BEEF STEERS.- ' - v ..
Ko., At. -. Rr. 11. No. .-. . ' .. -ft.
1 .....1140 9 so ......... ...fl' I 71
W 171 I 00 i '
COWS. 1 -
1 IM IM 1 1040 I 11
I lluO I M - 1..... 20 I 71
I l I M 1 1010 I 00
1 110 I 10 1 tno 3 00
81 100 I 10 1 1 10 I 00
1... llob t 71 1 967 I 90
I M I lit
00 1 ; IS t-Jf
U I to a Hi I ts
1 M IK'
I ....ism Sin
t 160 4 71
1 ao I on
I4 I 00 1 411 a 10
I K0 I 00 1 aK0 I II
II 830 I 00. t lott HI '
5 feeders. .1050 3 00 b7 feeders.. 874 3 80
HOG8 Only one load artlved this morn
ing .but there were about 1,600 head car
ried over from last week, making about
I. 700 on sale. Packers were out of the mar
kot entirely, but there was a sufficient ship
ping demand to hgDdle the larger portion
of the offerings.
Tho market ruled 5tf?10c higher on such
hogs as could bo handled for shipment,
sales ranging from $4.8&fi6.10 todav, its rom
PHred with $l.90fu6.06; for similar stuff on
Saturday. Hogs that couM not be uaed by
shippers were unsaleable and wero carried
The situation Is similar to last 'week, as
sellers are oomned to depend on a rather
uncertain shipping Inquiry to move any
hogs they may receive and there Is no very
stable condition to the market.
No. Av. Kh. Pr. No. At. He. Fr.
t. Til o 4 n II, IT0 10 I 08
10 I 1,'Vi 31 M0 90 6 06 .
!" li.S .. I 00 121 271 ... I 10
6. ...... .116 110 I 014 ' 141 .. 110
I J.iJ 110 I 0:4 '70 J30 .. 106
.. ...... Ina .. I I n Hit M I 06
1 171 ..4 05 l 244' .. 106
m .. I 06 17 2M 10 I 06
17 17 .. 1 06 7! IS1 .. 106
II t44 .. I 14 44 J;:4 .. I 06
16 ( 180 I 06 I 140 .. 6 06
8HEEP None received and none wanted.
There is no inquiry from parkers appar
entlv and no effort Is being muds to get
stock to market.
Quotations for gras sheep and lambs:
Good to choice yearlings. $4.26(04.70; fnir to
good yeai lliijis, $r..i."7.4.2o: o.jJ. to choice
wethers, 84.004.25; fnir to good- wethers.
$3.y.SJ4.00: good to choloe ewes, $3.6o-!(370;
l-.l. In A .... .1 ,:.,,? en. . A ... .....I...
... . T V O, ..J.MIt tf.UU, BIIUU I yj lllllll Q
Inmbs, $ojo'u,5.75; fair to good larnbs, io.OuJ
Cattle Strong;, Hoars Ten Cants Higher
and Sheep Steady.
CHICAGO. July 2S. CATTLE Receipts,
8.O0O head, Including 6(0 Textr.s; market
steady to strong; good to prime steers,
t6.Kii.tO; poor to medium, S4.26v5..6l
stockers and feeders. $? Ckj4 .00; cowa, $1 60
t4 6; heifers, 1 f-"r5 00; canners, . tl 5'.
250; bulla, $2.00(4.00; calves, $2.00tf7.0i;
Texas fed steers, S3 00 5 6.00.
HOOS Receipts, 6,000 head; market was
mostlv lOo higher; mixed and butchers,
$j.lfioG.65; good to choice heavy, Sri.i5.6ii;
rouah heavy, S4.75'i5.i6; light, ic.ltnbd .60;
bulk of Balea, 85 .2iu.40.
bllEEP AND LAMES Receipts. 8,000
head; market steady snd 10c lower: good
to choice wethers, $4 OlvM 25; fair to choice
mixed, $3,011 filial; western sheep, t3.0O-j4.25;
native lambs, $l,0tf7.00; western lambs,
New York Live Stock Market. -
NEW YORK. July 56 DEEVES-Re-celpts,
8,714 head; market for steers, lorfifco
higher; for bulla, firm; for cowa, steady
to lho higher. All sold. Steers sold St
Si 6t.ju.C0; one car extra, $fiji: clems and
oxen mixed, St.ili; bulls. $2,767)4.40; cows,
$1.7i. 7 4.26; extra cows. $4 60; dreased beef
lower at bS'jllo. Cables from Iondon
and Liverpool quoted live cattle lower at
liti3c. drexsed weight. Bheep steady; no
exports todav.
CALV1 8--Reeelpts, t TtS head; market
active id loji.'ic higher: common to
choice veala, $4 0o(i7.5o; buttermilks. S3 .25
8 75: western calves, $4 00; city drard
veils, 1im11c pt-r pound.
HoOS ltecelpta, 8.5.a head; market 10-ft
IR,- b.-r; aliite and Pennsylvania hogs,
$o 70 on MS.
rillf-i P AND LAMPS-Receipts, 17 ?;S
heed; uiarVei for shcrp li.rr..,c higher; for
lambs. 3....rf-c higher for ail evc-tol trastt
and stole eiock; utieeyi sold at llOOit.h;
extra. i 00; culls. J 01 i-1 ,yi; lambs t '.(.'
7 00; stale and trasu. H ini-M w, dreoerd
iiH'tton. t ire per pound; dreal lambu
more active at I'.iUo.
fit. Ji.a. ,,! l ive atock liarVat,.
rr. J .' I i', July 2...-rATTI );-Re-c.
:o, I- : , ai'-iiy to 1 i-; ti
t . t . . , t . , a mil I. '.-in. Si ji
i, is 1 f .il. 1 U 1 15
.... 3 - i l, i. . i i,.u .i. -0 hi ;
light. 4.."fj .15; medium and heavy, 8S.0o.ji
feloCEr AND LAMP? No receipts.
Kansas City Live Stock Market.'
Clpia, 4,000 htsd. Including I. its) head of
southerns. Market steady to" liic higher;
choice export and dres.-.?-! beet steers
strong to uc. h'ner, $- am.i.ui; lair to o.'l,
strong to luc hiner, 4m.o; wesirn fed
Steois titrmng to i'Kj Higher, -i J. fii.ou; cock
ers ami fi"jn sieaoy, i ''M , Bjutnern
steers strong to hlgntr. 2 V.-m 1 .an; southern
COTis strong, jLTiy... Jo. natlva tow strong.
$i.T.Vi4 .jo; native neiters strt.r.g, ti iua 0j;
bulls strong, $i,J;"o j.,o; calves strong, 4uj.5u
HtHiS Receipts, 1.0V1 hea: market lS20o
higher; top, ."'.; bulk 01 sales a'.
$.j4tio.S0; heavy. So ilt-a.Sj; packers, I6.1u3
5.i'i; pl?a, 14 o"i.i ti. i,
BHLtlP AND LAMPS Recelpis. nope;
market, nomlnillv siteady; native lam lie,
S4.0utu4.0O; western lamos, $4imii0u; fed
ewes, S3.2Fti3.7i; Tries clipped jtarllnia,
Sl"1i4.75; Texas clipped sneep,;
stockers and feeders. 82 60ij3.ti.
St. l.onls Live Stock Market.
PT. LOUIS. July 23. CATTLE Receipts.
1.7im head, including ISM Texan! ; market
slow, hut there was some busing by pack
ers, prices being shout steady with last
week. Native shipping and expert steers,
$4 6iw5.76; dreased beef and butcher steers,
$4.00uji4 .40; steers under l.nOO pounds, tUi f0iji
5.10; stockers and feeders, $1 2,'tf4 60; pows
snd helfr. $2 2o'irii 0i; canners. Sl.oo-h.lSn;
bulls, $2 So-jt 27; calve $4.ii-ij f; Texne
and Indian steers, S3.ixvgi.76; cows and
heifers, S2.iK'3M.
HOGS Receipts, 400 head; market ' stow
snd Irreguiarl higher; pigs and lights,
$4.75?5.1rt; packers.; butchers gnd
best heavy, S5.1i'iri5 AO.
SHR1-;P AND LAM HS Receipts, 400 hetd;
market quiet and steady; nstlve muttons,
$16o.rt 2-i; lambs. t4.fUU.V: culls and burka,
$2 tVi-'o-t 2?.; stockers, S2.26'!j3.0O; TVxans,
$3 5f- ;4 "0.
RIaox City Lire gtock Market.
SIOUX CTTT, Ta; Julv- 25. (Special Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 200 head; mar
ket, dull; stockers. steady: beeves, $4.6K(8
6.76; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.4ivu'4.00; stock
ers and feeders. $2.75413.85; calves and year
lings. S2.ovi)3.60.
HOOS Receipts. 500 head; market, 6c
lower; shippers free buyers: selling at S4.80
jS.00; bulk of sales, t4.8594.90.
gtock In Klarfct.
Following are the receipts of live slock
for the si principal . western cities yes
terday: catiie. nogs, tsneep.
South ' Omalia
Chios ge ...., .
Kansas City .
Pt. Louis ...'..
Pf. Joseph
Sioux City ...
Totals .....
.. im
.. 200
..8.728 7.670 8,400
Condition of Trade and Aaotatlons on
Staple and Fancy Prodnc.
EGOS Receipts liberal; firm; fresh can
dled stock. 15c.
LIVE POULTRY Hens. 9c: roosters, ac
cording to else. 6c; turkeys, 13c; ducks. 7c;
geese. 5c; broilers, ICc.
BUTTER Peeking stock, lie: choice to
fancv dairy, i:"?714c; separator, lftfrl7e.
FRESH FISH Trout. 11c; pickerel, 8cj
pike, 10c; perch, 7c; blueflsh. 12c; whlteflsh,
14c; salmon, 14cj redsnapper. 11c: lobster,
green, 2(tc; lobster, boiled. 80c: bullheads,
lie; catfish, 14c; black bass. 20c; halibut,
10c: crapples, l?c: toe shnd, tl: buffalo, 8c;
white baas. 11c; frog legs, per dog. S5o.
BRAN Per ton, $18, ," ,
HAY Prices quoted bv Omaha Wholesale
Dealers' BBsocfatloi; Choice No. ' vplsrid,
!; No. 2, $7.60; medium, $6.50! coarse, W.
Rye straw, 15.60. These prices sre for hay
of good color and quality. Demand fair
snd receipts light.
ORANGES Navel, choice, large siie, $3;
fancy navels, all sties. $3.50: Mediterranean
sweets, choice, all sises,; Jaftaa.
ail sises. $2.7114.00; Valenclas. all sisea, tW
iiZ 75 --
LEMONS California " fancy, 270-300-360,
t3.7iw4.26: choice, .S2.7tMtf3.Oik
CALIFORNIA FICJrt-Per 10-lb. carton,
50c; Imported- Smyrna, 3-crowa, Uo; 4
crown, 14c; 7-crown, 16c.
BANANAS Per medlum-slied bunch, 83-00
C2.50: lumbo, S2.76ltf3.25. ,
DATES Persiau. per box of 80 pkgs.. $2;
In 0-lb, boxes, bo per lb.; Oriental stuffed,
per box, $2.40.
PINEAPPLES Ia crates of 24 to 42, per
crate. S3.26.
- APPLES Green, per -bu. box, 75o.
RASPBERRIES Per" M qta.. i; per 84
pts., $1.60; red raspjerrles, per 24 pt..
Wash.. S3. f'.- . ' ;;'.'
BICKERRSAliacsas, per 24 qt.,
TRAWBERRIE 8 Colorado, ' per 84-t.t.
case, $3.60. ..
CHEKKIES California, Royal Ann or
Tartarian, per. box. 51.26; home grown, per
ll-..i:'!h a
V(Jt.LJn,flrtl.B -er
PKACHls-S Texas, per 4-basket crate, 800;
California Alexandra, per oox. Si.
PLUMS Caliloruto, Trogajf, iuruaurn,
it Art a t-auiornia, w-id wr w. - -
APRICOTS California, ti.60.
CANTELOUPE-Texan per crate, 82.500
176; California, per crate S5.00ttf.00.
WATERMELONS Per lb. tcratedj, 1C;
kach, 30t)40c. ,
CURRANTS Red and vrt.'te. per 24-qt.
case. tl.2u. .
POTATOES New Texas Red Block, lu
sacks, per bu., 60c.
NAVY BEANS Per bu., $116tj3.2o.
ONIONS Reisauda, per i)-lb. crate, 83.00;
LoulHiana, In sucks, per lb., 2c.
CABBAGE Iloma grown, lc pt-r lo.
CAULlFLOWER-rper do.. two.
CUCUMBERS-Per tloa.. 2:.c.
TOMATOES Texas, 4-basket crates, tX
RADISHES Per dos. bunches,. 2oc
LETTUCE Tcu. fr dot, Soo.
TURNIPS southern, per dos., 250. .
' BEETS Southern, per dos., 2ic
CARROTS Southern, per do., 26c
PARSLEY Per dos.,- 26c
BEANS Wax, -per bu. box, tl.CO; per
bu. basket, 50c; string, per bu. box, $20u;
er bu. box, 76c; Wisconttln blue beans,
6-qt. box. $2.00.
OREEN PEPPERS Per 6-basket crate,
$2.00. ' r
SQUASH Home grown, per do., 75c.
PEAS Per bu. box, $1.00.
EGG PLANT Southern, per doi., SL60.
MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10o.
HIDES No. 1 greeu, 6c; No. t gfarn, 8c
No. 1 aalted. lc; No. 2 salted, fic; No. 1
veal calf. to U lbs., c; No. 2 veal calf,
12 to 15 lbs., 6Ho dry salted, P'2c; sheep
pelts, it'!'.'',c; horse hides, H.5w;i.5o.
CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream,
He; Wisconsin young America, 12c; block
Swiss, 16c; Wisconsin brick, 13 c; Wiscon
sin llmberger, 13c.
NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, nsr lb.,
16c; hard rhell. per lb 14c: No. 2 soft shell,
per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c;
Deoans. large, per Ib.t 12c: mall, per lb..
loc; peanuts, per lb., c; ronsied peanuts,
' per lb.. 8c; Chill svalnuts, per lb.. 12513c;
large nicKory nuts, per in., 11c; aunonas.
soft shell, per lb., INe; hard shell, He;
shellbarks. jer bu..'$2.00: black walnuts,
per bu., $1.2.
Wool Market.
BOSTON, July 25. V-WOOL Territory
wools ore firm; pulled wools are quiet with
small offerings; foreign wools hold firm In
sympathy with strong conditions abroad.
Leuaing quotations are: lanno, nr.e,
18c; heavy fine, 14(ffil5c: fine medium, l7fTlc;
mdlum, 19ii'.'oc; low medium, 2o'--1c; Wyo
ming, fine, lK'i'17c; heavy fine, UiyiSc; fine
medium, J7ftibc; medium, 19ri20c; low me.
dlum, 'iO'fi&c; Utah and Nevada, fine, 16.t
17c; heavy fine, 14ifl5e; fine medium, li-ji
luc: medium, leo-finc; low ineftiuni, 2i'fi:tc;
Dakota, flue, 111 Ho; fine medium, 17nlc;
medium, 18a 20c; low medium, 3j'a!2c; Mod
tnna, fne, choice. 20-J)21o; fine, average, It
:Ao; fine medium, choice, 5fn-r21o; average,
r."i-"JC; staple, 21ii e; medium, choice, 23
21 ."'c. . ,
ST. IXUIS, July 26. WOOL Strong and
In active demand: medium grades comb
ing and clothing. 20(yfe; liht fine. l' Moj
huavy fine, 12wik); tub washed, il'a-3(c.
Evaporated Apple and Dried Frolts.
APPLES Firmly held, with common
quoted nt 4f?i4'.j,c, prime nt 6t,(36o, choice
at l.fite and fum y nt 7'',-7ic.
Steady, In spite of the unsatisfactory posi
tion of futures, quotations ranging frotu
2c to Cc. according to grade. Apricots
are not attracting touch attention for fu
ture shipments, but spot supplies are being
pretty well denned up and the murket for
this delivery rules firm, with choice quoted
at SVtuloc. extra rhnice at l'Vu'iic; and
fancy at Ufti.'lc. Peaches ate In pracUcnlly
the aanie polttjn as apricots, choloe being
quoted at 7'f7c extra choice at 7rjsc
and lanry at 8dl0c.
teffee llirktt.
N1H7W YORK. July 25. COFF FB-Fn-tures
tn.eiied firm at an advance of IO1715
point. In resoonaei to firm Europeiin mar
kets, rontiiiutid sti-adlnees lit prlinnry mar.
ki-ts and report of bulllnh conditions in
l iKXil. Ruira T.-r 0n bugs, iiulufling
h 1 ti-ii.ber at Ci'r4).lf; I ui eniber .&,
t4w; January. Cfco; March. ttv-aO-CSc.
usrar and Molasses.
NEW YORK. July 2i S I 'OA R I: aw,
firm; f-tlr itiin'i'lt. 3.o; --utilf gl, '.'4 t.-t
3 I i ll. '.; ..m.--f '0-,-. ..' tl.Ioi.'l,; iriinh.ol,, p.iv-.oied, 6 i-.. , kt'iiia-
St oi-:i.rtd. jo'v ;s -f (!. p
fc'.loi'i.. li-44 IVU..-, ; i t,.(.l ii'.tilf;
centrlfiiril. .,'it-: eer,trlf-i1 white, 4a,
yellow, .ii, .- 4 4;.-; seconcla, IS.3V.
l.l.A-i.-4 -Non lonl. opan kettle, 2V?
X; renirlfiisal, 1'il'U-c. . - - i - ;
SYRUP Nomlnui. 2- I: -C. '
Oil and Ivnaln.
NEW YORK, July 25.-OILS Coltons-f di
I easy; rirlrne crude, nominal; yellow, t J
fitc. Vstrolenm, quiet; refined. New Vm (
17. iu; Phliadeipnia and rotnimore. I.
same in bulk, 1 1 75. Turpentine, steady,
Hi is IN Weak; strained, common to good,
$3 71 2
OIL CITT, July 25.-OII.S-r,redit bal
ances, $1 certificates, po bid .Pulp,
menta, 1iW,877 bhls.; s-erage, til Ii4 bh s
runs, 142.446 bhla ; averaga, 73.6ki Phlp
ments, Lima. l.'VSO? btos ; sveiage, K2 f.48
bbls.; runs, Lima, K2.142 bbls.; average,
67.3.H bbls . i
SAVANNAH. July 25 t)Il"8-Turpentln,
firm; 6:c.
Rosin Firm: A. P. C, 12 T. $" o
E. 82 46; F, Si 46: O. S:60; II. $.'; I.
K. $3 47; M. S3 7?: N, S3.o.Vs; V, (,
$4.a: W W, $1.6:4 55. . .
ElaU Dn.ter MarVet. ' . '
ELOIN. Ill . July 5.-nUTTEn-To,1j
wjs firm, selllca- at 17c a pouhd. This If
the same price as quoted last week,. Sales)
for the week were &J2.000 lbs. -.
The following opinions will be offlclally
reported: .-.'
13171 Aldrloh against Bteen. Appeal front
Cass, on rehearing former Judjiuien mod
ifying decree of the district court vaatdl
Judgment of district court affirmed.. Sedg
wick, J.
1. The district courts of this state" finve
no Jurisdiction of the subject of divorce
except sncn as Is given them ' bv the
statute providing for divorce and alimpy.
2. The residence of one of the parties In)
the couniy in which the action Is brought
Is necessary . to the Jurisdiction of liis
court. .
3. When the record affirmatively showi
the nonexistence of some lsct necessary
to the Jurisdiction o the court over th
subject matter f the action, a Jiulittnenl
pronounced therein will be void au4 may
Lo collaterally attacked. j ....
13214. Todd against County of York. Ap
peal from York. Affirmed. Ilolcoinb, C. J.
1. An ownrr has the right to protect hir
land from surface water end, In the In
terest of good husbandry, to drain lagoon
or basins thereon of-a temporary charac
ter . by discharging such surface waters
by means of artificial channels Into a
natural surface drain on Wa; own, prop
erty, an.l through such-drnln or channel
on and over the land of another, provtited
such person acts In a reasonable and care
ful manner and without : negligence? nn
the Injun". If any. resulting therefrom tt
such lower proprlcter by reason of the It
creaaeed fiowage- In the natural surfac
water drain will be accounted damnum
abaque Injurin. For negligence In the
manner of accompllahing the improvement,
such owner Is responsible snd accountable
to those Injured by his neallgent acts,
2. An owner's right to discharge, surface
waleer . from his premises does not, ex
tend so far aa to permit him. to Collect It
In a volume and by means of ad aruileln!
channel discharge it upon another" a laml
contrary to the natural course of drain
age to the latter s damage and detriment.
H227. Ullle against State. Evrprljuticr.
Affirmed. Sedgwick, J. ,
L In criminal trials the question. ef the
qualification of a Juryman Is one o fact
for the determination of the trial court,
and unless It appears to be sguinst- th
weight of the evidence It will not be over
ruled by this court. ' .
t. In capltsl cases a' new trial' should
not be allowed on account of newly dis
covered evidence, unless Its lnuoductlon
on the trial might have -been beneilcial
to the defendant, and might have led .to a
different result. . ,
8. Proof of a motive to. commit, .tha
crime charged is always competent In mur
der trials; tha fact that, the alleged tno.
tlve Is out of proportion to the crime com
mitted does not require that evidence of
such motive be excluded. Tha supposed t.
danger that the Jury mav give too much
weight to the offered evidence is- not u le
gal ground for excluding-It.
4. When a witness testifies positively, to
a conversation, with an acquaintance, over
the telephone, an objection to the evidence
on the ground that the witness has not
sufficiently identified the person with whom
the conversation was held, should isrt ba
sustained, the witness' knowledge -of snoti
Identity not having been tested by '-cross-examination
or otherwise. The force of the
evidence Is a question tor the Jury..,' , . .
t. In the trial of a defendant charged
with the crime of murder wtth firearms,.
It Is not error to permit evidence that the
defendant has for many years been fa
miliar with tha us -of -sutui tireaTrmr '
6. Under some clrcflffistances. It Is In
the disoretlon of the trial court to permit
evidence of experiments to Illustrate trans
actions that nave been, testified to and,
under the circumstances in this cttse, -the
court did not abuse Its discretion In per
mitting: such evidence. ' . 1 .: :.
' 7. If, In a criminal trial, evidence Is
received that Is not from Its nature nec
essarily Injurious to the defendant and
the receiving of such evidence Is not ob-i
jected to when the same is offered -nop
complained of in the petition .in error in.
this court, the error. If any, wlil be . con
sidered to be without prejudice. ,,v ,,
8. In a trial of an Information for mur
der. It is proper to prove the physical con
ditions existing In tlie vicinity of the mcr
der at the time the crime was commit) i-d.
This applies to evidence of finding of unu
sual articles, as paper and matches, "noon
the floors of the living, rooms of the bouse
where the crime was committed. .. . '
9. In murder trials, It is competent to
prove the conduct, appearance and actions
of the acouaed Immediately after, the crline
was committed, as well a aubsequent
statements of the accused tending; to show
her connection with the transaction, being
investigated. , . , ,
10. In criminal trials, the previous good
character of the defendant hus groat woiglit
aa tending to show the Improbability of
guilt. The weight to bl given such. cvl.
dence la for the Jury to determine. The
court Is not required to tell the jury that.
If the other evidence is sufficient to k(.
Isfy the Jury of the defendant's girilt, thty
must still consider whether previous good
character, when weighed with all' of thej
other facts and circumstances In the case
raises a reasonable doubt of stut!t. - ' --
11. It is not error to Instruct Our" Jury
that the defendant Is under no obligations
to testify In her own Iwhujf, and that Thw
statute expressly declares that her petrloct
to testify shall not create any jpreuuip"i
tion agalust her. , ;., , ,-
12. It la not Indispensable In criminal trials'
that a rrotlve be shown for the commis
sion of the crime charged. If the -evidence
shows beyond a reasonable doubt that tn
defendant committed the crime, the prose
cution does not necessarily fall becauae the
real motive for tho act cannot be ccov
ered and shown to the Jury. - ..'V
13. An Instruction that: "A doub pro
duced by on undue sensibility , In .the jlnd
of any Juror in view of tha -consoqumiocg
of his verdict Is not a euaonanle tioubu
and the Juror Is not a.Ilos,cJ uU,,,. '
sources of materials of doubt by reporting
to trivial or fanciful suppositions :nt. jo
mote conjectures as to a pot.4iblu stale,. t.(
facts diherlng from those eHiaj'lbl,t d by
the evidence. You are not at fllberty to
disbelieve as Jurors, If, from nil the evi
dence, you believe as men. Your Rn
pones on you no obligation tit doubt wh'cia
no doubt would exist If no- oath ni.H i..a
administered," Is not to be oumint'i Jed Is
all caaes, but In view of Die former tier,
slnn of this court In Barney against The
State, 49 Neb., 615, we cannot reverse the
Judgment in this case solely on the erouui
of giving tkls instruction. ,
14. When the evidence relied , upon' tf
establish tt.'. guilt of the defendant is cir
cumstantial, the facia proven l-iy-iiia j,
reasonable doubt must be such, aa to ex.
elude every renaonaliie hypothesis Incon
sistent with the guilt of the defsmfiHiii,
When tho minds ot reaeonabla mni mirlit
fairly differ aa to whuthvr there M i ny
reasonable doubt of the defendant' kuIR,
the rcHpunsibtllty muat be left. w1i.Kj.Hi
law place It, with the Jury. The evident a
In this case, under this rule,' aupuoi la the
verdict and tho Judgment., . .
16. In a prosecution for murder commit
ted with firearms, evidence that Ihq tin
fendant had access lo a weapon t f .that
nature with which to commit Urn crime is
Important, but if it appoais that there wu
an opportunity to cunieul audi wan pun
after the crime was committed, auou evi
dence s not indispensable.
13J.8. Blocker aisKlnel County of Nemaha.
App.'il from Nemaha. Affirmed. Iiuru.i, J
1. Where, on appeal from a Ju-'.o.-nl of
the district court In a still In mmy, it )
found that the evidence fully S11K1401S -th
findings and Judgment! of the ii uit.
such findings will not lie dlslui t.-1. lit
will be adopted by tl. court 'of iclow'-
3. Where one file a claim for oi.mujea
caused by the locttlon uf n publlo. 1 o,.U,
end acciipt the allowance him y
th county board, he cannot thef ifi.-r
maintain an action alio.t iho county tor
damages csused by opening hui ti rou.i. Un
less the sum be negligently and 1. skill
fully constructed anil maintained,
8. WlH-ie a plaintiff In an imiion for l.-m-agea
aliegi-a facia, proof of which would
entitle bun to recover, nod tiui H a
verdict and Judgment agalnvt hhn. It w II
be cenclualvaiy Plexuilieit Unit each of tl
f icl so avrireil diOu ouu.-il neuii rt
blm. ami he furirmt ito-reali. r i.M..iu!,uii 1,11
anion for pilt.,b) lellef Mg., lb ; i iUiO
dif'ioluiit bseu n tlie mine tnm.
1.K IJ. iietu v tHtllUt t-i,i . from
Anleiopf. Alirt..l ki.-.o, i. I , j
1. It U tin- piovtii.-e of n e j,,f to , r.
Ililn 0.e lil.J 1'iHtiets of I ' I ill - ,i .(
HK .i-ll as lu ci.ll ,.. '1 i,, v. 1 . j
hot ,H -t ni.- lu t; 111 i..uit 1. i
c. i i ... In n,nf r ti.n.t (( .si.. , j
1... .mil It, U..U4 it im k. v -.i ...