Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1904, PART 1, Page 6, Image 6

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    , Jldi'S LOAIiXG Si ELL
Lt rc-.VAUTY HAS llli tr?Z' LD tt nxbrr rcopla Tnacfher
Ara Maloly Ortml"! Without the
ostnmar y rrfi Inqr of
Card aad the I.Ik,
Before and After.
J-"w Tnrk Pun.
' Vn In th rnrh-r ho mv.H r't
,ih ACa-ahi-i at r.lutit.
JTf d e. 1 -i 1 ii tern the i '"'T Awn
lji'taun" it binned fo I ;"l.
Now h-'a h-en ro'ir-e 1 j A yesr,
And rrenns tie ja',-, y .
I y ,se!i; i)i f o "-'ny
jdau.-e toe i , Li,. rti Ou i.
V, i .i .
fc-.A I I
a. ,
h l t ,, - ado !.-,
f.-rry Tol.rv, re mliioir
i'ia. Lar l'':'y at o.d
1 ',..!'. it' c-y et
, o a t. i ;
-t toe.
r fel:l
,-. rontry
.;-) c'"
it 1 " '1
r '
r '
r-K ' " ! lac'h " ' formal affair,
-.- r fvirt, r : : t ntst'"-,
h rr,-et'n,RS nnd ltili)f that gro to
. the regular . brduln, r at a rre
As for this week well, there Is
-tiri :i (a propped to mnka up ft aocieiy
,:.,,.-! . f.vt Kftr-r all, that 3ofl net tr
tiify t . .t ther whi lio nothing, fnr tvrry
t In i -wadaya is gMt-m up on r-hort nrt.-
wfc-i I the formality cf card nn-l -m
tJ.intf r- ay develop before the w--k la over.
)lwvr, If anything la f'.ated the
h.--t rr hostes, as tho case muy be, 9
n!l -. oi: about lt, and tha proxpoct Is
t; t t' i Country and Field clubo. !nnaa
p,wj . -..-ly-g front port-it will bava to tear
tho iTi-tit. H may bo only temporary It la
a h I, . ,i,ol tiiHt It la but vtn the clubs
)... -en dull of lnt. T?ie cirrus, how
eycr, : tis 1M none cf lta chunn fur th
fli'r .i.:blca and Inst V-dr.r "..-' both the
c-liihn w.Mch aro ordlnnrlly thi1r !lv,ilft on
Dint ' y were ilparrtrd for the.V'w tent and
a'l of l'a ottondlnpr et!rotloti. 'I'berewere
rltvim p'rtl- Riilnrfr everybody wonti even
the r; ::'tncr wldowsr In lit lde hta ripe
pnd 1 1oti (?) fife and went out, TTp n
nt i- the nearest approach at nnj'tl '. ij
!!vo!y, "t rrnrly every flay e n ,.!!irg
ji;rty r r ao, and ns there. Is to be ft moon
t')l v - k there will doybtleia be more than
ever. One pnrly baa already been an
Hour,, 1.
TTo r-itter tiow vividly a. toT trotter
fvaj i' scribe bin trave'n, thore Is jioihlr-f?
blie i t faithful caiti.i. after oil, to fclve
':e t folt.s a real nc.t'nn ct thir.R fi
tL'-y i ;U!y fca ppnntd and the roUcctton
iyt ' i shots is not tnfrfl.rj'Titiy tlie more
!i:!3' 'nff part of tho narrative, V.ut It
1 n t ."nurtiol other 'jr.enib' ra of the
I r.rly 1 kodaks, too, and th.:'i It lanic
tl,')M ! nrper.s that ti e tr.ivei.-r'a frWuls
nro i-. ! Ik'ifeil to rley l.iiu un be n; -.irs
f-'.un a ftrlctly 51lutere-ted n,r",'',t. A
pro,';-: t us of the Colivcr tour axcunJ
vori 1, recently recclvexl In Omaha, irlves
aome ve-y lt"r ettnj jilct'iri-i of three
On:. 4 i. ) Vrie iti- .M-' I , f f-ne of
lat y.i''a j.axtk-;!. in the
vory ft x?ftirf one iee Mr. (lould
I s -,,:. r f -is-bion. with bin.?)
rlii-, -d, at the fet of a great atone Image.
T! )owti!iff of his posture mluM be mia
ti !. for reverence were lt not that he
ht.-i 1 ! Y,n tu the Idol. "A Collver party
t i' rla lliiteu of Kamakura," thla view
la r , !lfd and Mr. and Mrs. C N. IHei tre
a! i in the group, ahe aeatei rather In the
in - " ground , nd he prominent among a
sr at the rlKi-i. .
An--jther picture show tlia party dlnlnff
"a li .7apnna!s(" with (rel-i'ii and mokoa
In .ittend-inc, Tha picture la further
Int. !ed ":lahllht." This t!me one sees
T :. Gould Dletx aeate1 well to the front,
!.: "" two ceisha girls, the more attrac
tl" I v)K!,ijr of n-hlch eeema to be devotlnu
b" litlerition ti an lder!y Kentleroan on
t - - uikr KlJe, whH the one Ha with
:v .i open, starttiK at the array of tea
i ar-d rt;lc-t i"!t!iimp- : cvtvn.l o'.'t
i r'tfr r' ' '" i- -
r V-f-il 'V"'f,
.(! 1, tr'WvK f rth
r:ett I: Mm to !'" k
Chit 1 b"W It k"t
' vrr -1 i' -; '
to f-iml'y f!-: -i .l. ,
be-i fone to T -,
hr aiiKpli-l.ipa and t
out for t lie r'in.1 t
out), then i,ft p, rn--:i to wnlt. J 5 1 a t hr
i!in sina el , t. f..r the wmnn,
f.f.f na; ;ie ba'l t rfMen iimethl' e. tle-p'-mrd
fiver en"-.. tl.ev decided that
ft.-e l I'lfl i- f ' fi 'y i the o'.l "r.
J!r. ?- i :' Ar-imr Ooi. ' entertained
ten a-iei. s at -ner at the t onntry club
I.'i-t rvi:! f, t'.e j ,.-ry n-bl.--:c: Mr. and
Mr. Arthur V r . r ten, Mr. and Mra. A.
O. rron. Mr. and Mia. F.. H. Sprnfn.e.
Mr. find Mm, Ct -trie tii!'intr, '! Illtchle
of Chlcaito mi l ":r. Harry . rf --rnih-k. Mr.
and Mrs. G'r;;i II. I'rlt.- V.ett rntertfilned
nnnther of ti.a lut,"r i-e.ria, their anieata
blvir: Mr. and Mr", I'yrne. ) yrne,
Mr. J'rnnrW Fyrne, Mls I-rltchtt, Ueu
fennnt Allen, Mr. liobert Morarrnn and Mr.
llurrold Frl'-hrtt. J?r. nnd Mrs. Coir'i'T
entertained a'y piu"ty of ai. Jf'. and
Mrs. Howard II. linldrUi were the (t-ietj
of Mr. and Mr, A. C. Hull. Jtr. and Mra.
Charlej Ke.lh-r hi:d Fix guests, Mr. nnd Mrs.
A. T. Aurn i-rn, Mr. Luther Prnk five,
Jiiige and T - t. litwonliitler five, Mrs. H.
S. II. ill five, Mr. J! rvey Clayton thr-c, W.
B. K . !.! la three.
C'en'T) t i C n oalp.
f .. a Co.-kliu i;( at
thoni. Am in tli othi 1
Jn sitthur croKss-lcfscl. '
r:co Is l&rkii-iir ajid ha
to hia feet, Ms exprer-
-"'"nf cf veral !
I'fl Mm '! h's brc,',-ifd,
while in the
1, . 'Mi-a, 14,-1 j f,;,M,
i. ei,Hn!y cf licr
ii-ii l.' on an ehipl.;,
; riext nnd this time th
found, for only a g.
I ; - i .ire,
I: the c
r . r H
C ,1 pa: !y.
nt one does
y rir'5 not so
u i sie cn be
nt Mrs, lijets between tho heads of
hern, while Mr, Qould I-Ieti 13
rco(;r,lzel la under the shnda of
t hat and a mustache. , Tho-y, whh
oilier c!"p:.ant toad; "ie abect to i t
a the "Anbor excur;-: -n." J:, C. N.
i, boW(; i-rf c.-ii, li i I dl."f,v
ed. thm, only Mm luce in vi: In.
ti.Oii tbera are other eroupi, tnu, it
. or 'Inn to Mora t'....i gucti .t U
-, :--r3 are.
Mrs. C. E. Tort vrill apd Auguat at
Watklna Gl'n.n, N. T.
Mis. A. IZ. Cuuit and tciri bave returned
from an outing at White Ue.
Mine Florence L'everell left Enturday
evening for ChlciKO to visit friends.
Mra. Nathan Merrlam and daughter are
apcndiiijr R fw days in Ft. Louis.
Jlra. J. 11. limine and bulo Krnnd-di:sh-ter 1 me rotur.iod from Ptnver.
Mr T. A, Thompson end d-iurhur bsve
returned borne from ihnir vlmt in Chic, go.
, Mrs. A. Li. Howard and Mra, Howard
have giro to CBiifurnla, and Washington.
Mlsn) l ellle McConnell la vllilng . her
brother, Mr. C. B. MeConneil, ct Burr.pter,
M1f Mbwl llalcombe ha returned from
Detroit, wliera the baa ajoi.t tlie laet few
Mr A, K Garner and eon Allan will
leave Tuesday for an outtns at LoJie
Ml Bertha PliiHppl epent part of the
week at '..incolri, the gueot of Mlti Kuth
Mis. Mary PteI of Herkimer, N. T., Is
tho e' of ber daughtev, Mrs. W. It,
Mies irortenn Clnrke frrpecta to leave the
early part of the week to spend lomt tlmo
In the east.
Ill.-o Xtbcl V,'Uxx ha returned frvm
California, where she has epent the laet
three months.
Mica ?ul.'a troita be.s returned nfter two
months' vlGlt with Mrs. IV 'J', Youna of
En It Lake Clti'.
Mrs. A. II. etoddard hna returned from a
month's visit with Jdri tnd Mr W. B.
Mlllurd In Montana,
Tho !tliea Gordon, who have been
gucata of KUn Ilorten.'a C'.Tke, have re
turned to their home,
Mrs.' A. M. Pinto has been f illed to F!r-f-nce.
Wis., by the audlcn dfft'u of ber
Bister, Mra. Oliver Kvans.
r'l"a Conant and Mies I.ihel Conant were
anions thoi,9 who rcgiatered at Bonesteel
the early part of the week.
Mc an 1 Mra. F. I.. V.Tl!a and family
will pnd the aummer at I.,ke Geneva,
ffotng to Worce5(tor In the fall.
Mr. on.t Mrs. Charles ir-.mmond Fiwyer
of Kat'.Bii.s City wero tho quests of lira.
Frank XJoffner for a, few days.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Poppleton, accompa
nied by Mra. Smith, Mrs. f Foppleton'a
mother, are at Colorado Springs.
F. N. Tuttle baa rc;urnd after a brief
visit' to his old home In JLiolchflnlti and St.
Louis. Mr. Tuttle will return later.
' Miss Mildred Gobs has gone to Lk
Minnetonka, where she win apend the re
mainder of the aummer wkh frienda.
Mr. and Mr George indwell, Mr. and
Mr C. W. Lyman and Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Barton have returned from a. western trip.
Miss Anna B. Reitry of Kingston, N. T..
Is the r-ietft of Mrs. Geo ga 8. Cooper. Mlwi
Roary is on the c BtaiX of the Kings
ton Freeman, n ' i
iits. Fred Km, aecuuipai-led by
8'Kte.r, Mtw .net Jfaddt-n, lift
!.:n:uu :.;oii,',,,y ev.-uli,- ti ap.'jej
f .oimer irmtit-s.
-". I-o-we, who tea epent V
b-i-r mother, Mrs,
. ' ii' 1 to Ur hvii,
pr,.,o, s I' - 7 f - l'--
bn.-':t rf t;.it ! - li, ' r -.'ni-i'-nte
Til be ervl o-i f In i. Tl- rnbllc Is
r.-r 'VJIy Invited. . ' -s. I ; ' 1 (l.-ii k.-, bi
ch.irqri of the nrr .i -, ' m' ! ' i.
The inenibera of ! If.-ii.' club will lie
g-ients ni ?.tr. lln-rr Tukey at a anl'lno;
p-irly ot Manawo. Ti, i , ' rvenlnar. The
piity will Include Mr. W. T. linrns. Vlss
! ' I Mn Itrown, ; ' HeF"!e i rally. M"
(!r-, Mix Frs'"i, Mlns I'rltehett tied
y I'nlih Fotter.
Mrs. Jan,es U. I' -v i.iS, who h s -- n the
;ut of hr a'etcr, Mrs. P. A. Mc he-rtrr,
baa srone to lillneia, e,her- cwlnic t lil-h.-Jiltb.
she will take rnmpl-ta ie-t ,t
the end of that time Cepl .in 1! -vans will
Join ber and they wl'l go to th.-lr new uta
th.n at Fort Wrlcht. ! eir i',,U.n,.
c rrr"n
7-rr a r, r-
r v r
liana Itluerarf rriifd ttil
f Dcceotil Time is Anllri
ped by AV.
Omaha fibbers si -.1 h,ne an -pp..rtun!ty
to ml! on the mer-hnnU of about fifty
towns on the lies of the Northwestern road
Atiju't S and . the occasion of the sec
ond tra.lo excursion.
The Itinerary as n,a-le out by the Com
mercial . club and the South Omaha Live
I? 'i"-K ex.-:, i provide f--r a b-i -hie, Uy
fctieiiUua I..' iiuia ii u'cM. (, ' 'i.-1-' l, the time eet for d-part ore, until the
return at 10 r. m. the follow Ins; f'aturday.
Amooff oihr InUOo i.iLruJ of tli
sclieuule the travelers will have en oppor
tunity of taking supper fit Iionesteel and ot
aiaylng in that delectsb'e town until nearly
ml-inight of the first day out.
Aa there will be from 10 to 1, mea in
the party they believe they should be able
to get oway from lionestecl without losing
nmuy valuables, but their namerjc si
strength and their Omaha nppeftea will
make the evening meal at that place any
thing but enjoyable. It baa been auBcsted
tbst It rnitht be we'l to orxanUo an emer
gency coniinlf-.iary depertinent before ven
turing that far away from home.
A charge cf 5 per man covers the actual
cert cf trsrrrjr". !ti n.nd j.i.t.1-.. r f
The full Itinerary la aa follows:
I.eave Omaha 11 p. rn. Wednesday, Au
gust I, making a night run to Norfolk.
Breakfast at Norfolk; dinner at Niobrara
cn Thursday, Auguat 4.
Thursday: Visit Hadar, Fierce, Foster,
rialnvi-iw, Creighton, Wlnnetoon, Verdi-
aria. Niobrara, Verdol, Monowl, Lynch,
FrlBtow, Spencer, Anoka, Frlrfax and
ijoueBleel. Supper at iioncntetoi; ue'-urt 10
p. m. fur night run to Long . Fine and
breakfast. ' i
Friday: Visit Bassott, Newport, Stuart,
Atkinson, Emmet, O'Neill, Inman, Stafford,
Ewlng, Clearwater, Ncligli, Oakda'.e. Til-
den, Meadow Grove and Battle Creek.
Dinner at O'Neill; supper at Norfolk. Re
main at Norfolk over nltlil. Saturday run
from Norfolk to Scrlbner.
Saturday: Visit Elgin, Fetorsburrj, Lor
etto, Albion, Bradlth, Newman's Grove,
IJndsay, Cornlea, Humphrey, Creston,
I. eigh, . Clark -on, Ilowel's, Dodge, Enyilsr
and terlbrier. jbieakfaet at Norfolk! din
ner nt Albion; supper at Fremont arrle
ht Oniaiia '! p. m.
The Bitcnuanca will depend to a consider
able extent ou the ability of the South
Omaha contingent to leave their business
iutercpts at the time cf the excursion.
I 'I f. f, l i I' 1 "TV
There is a growing f.-elh;s among the wo
men of Omaha, the women who have ri
inter' s-t In the rnl"" welfare and hV3
nn are at'll g'.vlrg unsparingly of their
time and their Influerce In I's behalf, that
the tlmo has coin when (he women of
the, city should be represented on lta chool
board. For more than three year this
sentiment has Ix-en growing and the re
riretnble attempt of the board to dislodge
several principals and teachers a few weeks
ceo will doubtless cyrefali'.ie this feeling
h ;.- some definite anl .n on part oT the
,ni'a. Owing to the, general scattering
f r the summer thero -will be nothing done
until September, bu by that lime the
clubs will have resumed their meetlnfis
and the medium of communication be re-r-stablirhed.
There will be ample tlmo be
fore tho primaries, v. hleh will probably 'be
held the early part of October, 6"d the acl
tatnra propose: thit the women sha'l erter
the conttst from the very start. Though
Omaha lias never bad a woman on Its
school board, there is notlilng to prevent
one being elected t,- aooh fi posrion, ond,
ahotibl ant h on eff.. rt bo r,-. and r so
Iiibii properly qiiallued be nomii'-ntf-d. tixtre
Is no doubt but tnat ho w-;ld r eolve the
. t-rt of many of t1- t- t i ---n of the
ci'y ns well as of the women, rrr""Ms8
of PRrty. In fact, the women lnvo b"wn
asnur'rd ff the support of ame -f the
most prominent men of Omaha shoui-1 they
undertake to put up a candidate. They
realize fully the di cer Of being made
tools of, because cf their inexperience., but
there aro plenty of women In town cojable
of gerving on the school board and the
women foci i'iiat it la tiu.a for them to be
gin. The annual Young Woman's Cbrlsiian
association conference for city work wiil
be held at Lnki Geneva, August 13 to T9.
The Young Women's Christian as-"-'"on
camp ! one of the most beautiful mots,
at the lake, and Is open from June to Sep
tember. During the summer special mn
fervnoe aie liei'l for Lilo stuJy v,- r-r.d
special lnsircctlon in Young ilcn'a and
Young Women' Christian association
. t .
Ar.i.;;;) wx si. Luis!
Lt T.a E
o' J -1 V,'-
Leu's Tr'j s.
Ilnrk llorari (nt . Flamrr, tnt
Merit p Ftatterlea Io t'onislilrabie
Mischief Mr. Inn tr Only Sor
vlvor of Inside Inn Trli.
Contrary to till pre onf excellence th-s
dark borrie cut no very email ft'-ure. at tho j
close of Th l'ee's July voting content
eKlerdriy, only one of two tlat entire, 1
succeeding ia , captutlrg a ptl.e. The j
storage vote was much ree-re efT.-etlv. ills-
lodging four of the ten ho;he.-t on the !it !
of the previous doy. On the Ii.slde Inn
row only one, Mr. Harry G. Long cf Coun- I
cil lilufFs, was long enough to renin!,:, i
Nannie ChristiHn and Helen Oberg of j
Omah Fhnre tho honors of winning a j
week's aecommndatlon at the Inside lo.n, 1
the former making the banner arora of tho j
contest. The scores at the close were: " i
Xannle ibirlsilwn, Giuaha
Hurry . Long, Council III lifts,
Jt'lcn Oiierj, (lull ,
j idJ L LiiLuO . ii IsiilL . LidJli ij )N9
l ,:t l I ; ;
7,1 -ii ;
I .
i t..-.
i .;r: .
i,r ;
it r r Ti-
,J i:,led by her
Will -.-lve r,r.
1. 1'., 10
., l'oneitf-fil "rei-r," wb!,h ha bean,
-.'.--! : , h- f.,. I -sllte
r i-n t.-a ,e -,ei tent remark of i--,-,,-".y woman win-SB loyulty to
!,i --, org man, !n Ka of parent ,1
l-'-s f .T-,:ov,:. ,,,, bios- t,- o. .;
'.'.si --J to tfilk about dorln.r the r o-,t
i or tti, coutrllmted to a Sil !. coin.
coin, mat lia-J iiuuudl u
,'i b-.u-j-ein dirliig the flret f.'v i!.t. e
!-ontrtel tu."-:i. The mother was
. f t '.?. i f-.-r the we. k and during their
n I e. fie.;v-.' t v' !',,-r t.t the
- (.,,3 -.- ' -- i S '' i i - ti..i a r- ii
; I o.. to t- -r one f-.-oy l.e
a I o i - t- - . .
. i.i.3 s . ; ,i i; be wouij be buck In
j of (i..jH. V.'i'.h her t!-r.s changed
, , , ;, j i s;, -:',y Invulog a a a r.-.-.b-
; t '! C.-.'jfl fl-'Tld a f-W fJoy
: ,V I , i 1,1 Cle.O. U, 4, ...1 l.l
i r.f -;?- i, no il.iwn utiitre In street
; 1. 1 v l n a u:t Cbao. Wit the car
r i be f a t.l.i, ii way tl v, .is no
. r t -t ( i i j r ' ex
.. r-ti Ij li.J .,rt ..;i!a ..... . . 4 Jr
-:, ::c. ei ; .i.- o ra
. . -. t!i:-t e' v-. - , - ei I
, .. 'l & f.., i fi: 1 It e.oyo'io
1 nr honed to Kr tr-ftt rhe was
- t i e. Ti.. u wi;. a f- w i r',.f in
. si -.,., t. I. ', i :.. n the
, : v, ..A u.'i ,.. t 1 v u i -. ,1 b-.r, t-i
. ! - - h t-i v I - i . , -i i f -' i .r
" f t 1 l ,e I ! . f . T. J- ! O 1.
1 t 1 .,VS I . i- V 'I 1 , 1 C"t Ik t
r i -. 1 i.i i . . ,-i ; i - t iiioi .-
I I . V !.,...-. I i
,, i- i t . : t n - 1 ''
i t i .--'ft' . i ; ..sir
t iily p..; t or , i
spend t..e sw ,
Mr Arthur i). Lrandoia arid -o'lBi.ghter
Uuih have returu-d fro'o Q trip abroad and
wlil spend the snmrner at the Israndoia
country honi at Calhoun.
Mrs. Lueile Matthews, accompanied by
ber brother, Mr. Frank Fnhner, spent the
terly port of the wwi; t i, .netcel,
they regie i. red for a claim.
Mr. an ! Mrs. eamnel ISnma. are quests
of Mr. F ,-r' rlsler, Mr Kvlly. at J unsror,
Irfe'and. thin meek, v hart they attended th,3
podding of Mlh.-i Halena Kbl'y.
Mrs. M. 13. Iavenport, accompanied by her
c.:i.2rcrt r,:;d niuthr, ilia. Hani. ah
field, left Saturday morning for Murray,
Mi., where tho injjith wi'.l be
Mrs. Zulii.hUi, wife of Major M. G, 2a
llnskl, IT. a. A , was called to New London,
Conn., ia.'it week by the serious ilin-e-j of
,,,.!' i ,. i Ih.ii. Ausnhiua ioandi-eo.
;.!., (;. ; Wri'.d.-r of i-oi tland, Ore.,
v ''I bo ti- gueat of Mt a. A. C. l'owell for
several s-ks. enrouta from the eaxt,
Wb-ra she fi-.- t the Rioter, to ber i)n;n.
' "' Iie!i.oi loav.-j, Mi
George i'. L'onner and Miss Margaret A' la
cent left Mund-iy for Frankfort, Mich.,
!" y ' 1 e. "d the rcn.uind. r of tho
JiiB. J. Fi! ! -r leavi-s toriht for .
tlei!, wiil le i,v M:iii,tt
Lake lirie on July is for Ihirope, She w.ll
be gone four month and during that time
wtil Liverpool, lin l j, A'U-un ai.d
'- t W. ?. T rr;. Ti h has Uc.-s
sta.1 l.uie-1 r.t F..rt Mjullric. B. C-, for the
List three ye. .-a. Is vh-hlr.g Ma mot her.
:Jim. )!:,:;, j., Oii.ab. 3 la w.4 re..,li.
boie Ml: 1 1 1 Aogttet, vi hen !, will return
0 a ni, to to t "... ;,o..-d i,t F.-il .nroe.
Cijdu l.i,ii.i io,,,i or f in i- ran, i.-- j
!i the gio.-t if ber;, i'.r. and :. .
J. il. 1 -.!,! nehard, on (..- t,.t avenue. M s
1 - .-'-I retomed Vi''!,--,y (r-oi :. t.
Lo ,li , wi, i tibe met J.iioj j iuju-tmrd.
m!-J has been vli:tn f.l,-o.;s there. t:he
v.i.l r-.-ttoii to Cu'lf,,inia in about thr.o
to., oil Lit luut.
M'.o-t r F,-,u MoCm.-i,:, k encrtiiiiie.l a
! -.!-'' of o .,11 t , o- . - ijy c f , ,-r noorl
. i o , of l.;, M.h '. .,i,,y
- i s ' 1 ! r fi , , 1 : i t . , ut, ii M .-o to. t
of i! . i '! I. i, : oi l..!' ,,!.c.h h,-i -on-r
i oil..' ' i lit . ,n i.1 f.iicy i.ror-
.....'. I ; ....r-
-s 1 -" o, i 1 , k 1. 1 i 1 . ti
AilCAeal to the PubSio for Assistance lit
the Itefonus that Have Bern
The Civio Improvement league, over the
name of Its president, W. W. plabaugh,
and ita secretary, E. F. McCartney, has
Issued an appeal to the public, of which
the following gives tho substance:
The Improvement league of Omaha,
wbosH object I to Improve and beautify
Omaha, ocl more especially in the way of
eMeel waiks, purkrt, boulevards, yards,
vacant lota, trees.' etc., and to create a
Kt-Moial r-enthnent f,r Improvement, and
hich la composed of people of all classes
Kini rei,e!ou.-i and puliiieal iiliiilat ions, and
Is nonp.oiiieal, h.-m ao'c.nniiilHlied
moirt ihan I'fi sanguine supporters
creamed could bo a coiophbhed by thla
,ce nr.d the co
at loo ap.Kightiy
-t have been re-
--eii prevtoH ing
V--' OS Of pl'O.p.-;
o.-.-o' ami i.-.o-ii-ii
en to the pest
lie, I f. liilrt toe looroie-
as ye-- never
Ooioie e-, o opi'shi-.t to s. v c'tv; o i-
l.-i.der the clo
,.:i,ii;..n of o:,
i" i:l downio
, v i i ; an oro
,, , . ' , ... , ,i
brimnht I'-'
,;!,! lo the t i,
. ot of c!,0 s,
I inllue!
a hi 111,-;
c'. nil 0
ii, rt I
I, ,,
,,.,1 ci i
er to o
,1 Plate
fi nooi hln
hi-.t lo s
coot p,', , es of no,,-., weie yolil an, I o s
ti i. i.i, i 1,.1-oi-c i-on i l o.- il a, Ironi ti iii-n
v.iii w not only flowers, but a s.-ml-lo.-nt
for a Piisliier and more beautiful
orol heller chy.
t,,ieh a woiit has not elsewhere been .
C'lotiiio. 0 liurlng the hist ye-ir of coy
club, nor has It been hero without euort.
'I Ii.-ii-t are only a few of il:e thini',- done
by tl-e club. 8t-,d a sinnll pert of the
Tiork that wlil be done hereafter if It re-c-lv.-s
the am-rort It deserves from those
wiin-ii it beiiei is. lt Is now eniiii e - -1 in a
Woi A of liniuovenient of tnieie:-i to oil
'line ha, in having the maca.i.un or. West
1 :o,l:a Rtrect c-i.!,sf t-'i i-y pHV..mir, I. witii
th- pavement on Forlieth street, thus com
pletion tlie last of our three important
(into... s to and from the city on the
went. The public authorhlet are leo.lirr-r
all ponsihle assistance and it is p reliable
tnai the work will in the near future be
erfi fhllleTi re lor
pi"V'es"ofTeri-d for the best kepi yard, and
tho, h tb ti"k and enp-iws of vowing
li -.'.' v ,.,,s tout a J'.isr avnl o-y be
iiiHoe la const, lers.ble. however, is H not
worth (he eiiort? e-liould not ( t e work
of Ininvovlng our city at.rcu! to all lis
r..H.-, w believe II and w. have
I I ,,f no teed rf ison t" me corn r.iry.
we t,e.-d n,o,,,iais i, ,,1 wt nee. I
1 ti e iotl.-r 1 , V. Colllll
Tho Cldcnco Audubon society seems to
have aet about the right way to dLsaunde
women from ornamenting their hats and
bonnets with the plumage of birds. They
ere going to carry out the threat that they
have been making so long prosecute. The
Illinois legislature hue enacted a law for
bidding the alaughter of certain kinds of
birds, and the milliners have boon notified
that they wlil havi to suffer tho penalty
of buying or ael!!n- the plumage or car
caesea of those birds the killing of which
is unlawful. To add to all of this, the Au
dubon society threatens to "furnish the
necessary Information" concerning thoee
who persist in wearing the forbidden plum
nire. With the persistence of women well
known, when it cornea to carrying a point,
lt will be interesting to watch tho outcome
of this contest.
Reports of the lecen.t meeting of the Na
tional Charities association held at Tort
l.iod. Me., eooMituted an Important part
of the July meeting of the Visiting Nurses
association held Thursday afternoon at the
Faxton hjtel. Mrs. AV. R. Adams, super
intendent of nuts, 1, nn.! Mi s Nan I"oscy
represented the. local association, and
brought back many plans and eur-a-estlons
for the extension e.nd tetter conduct of
the local work. The growth of the work
of the nurses and its Importance as a fac
tor in preventing contagion and relieving
the suffering- of the sick among the city
poor Is generally recognized by physicians
and city authorities, but the expanses and
needs have grown apace with the accom
plishment until adeouatij equipmert. some
thing the association lias never had, have
become necessity. Among the thins;
most needed la diet kitchen ond a home
and buggy for the use of the superintendent
of mines. Mr. Guy Barton has generously
given the horse., but the other needs era
jet to be filled.
or v.
V, MeCiiVtney. secretary,
v., rk Lire t. -r to i.. ...
hhiuc, treasurer. Flit Xi(iou.i M.oK'.
t 1
("! it tO 1
Mner tele !' I'rei-nred l.o.ia
I. lit of AUi-HcUu.ia ftr lilt
Today will be another holiday at Krug
1 -ik. A program of Intettat f,-r ail classea
I. ,.s l e. n arranged. Wnl. h include the fir
lug of a human being f-om n cannon when
I'-.ousar.da of teet iu ion t... a. o..o.. t, r
btt'lo on. J. Waldorf Kail will this
etii, it for the third tlmo this season.
Muster and Ida band lve plnnncd a "re.
oaott" week, nil admirers of bra.-s
hand music iniy bav tnelr favorite reii-e..r.-S
f..r the ashing. M-mes- r ('
u l ta bis f-.M.r s ore, of pel im.nei.t at
p , the r.'.e e.a.iitct, which will
louutl- lt.1 Of tl.8 latest 1.4 V-U OS St.-U-l-
Ui 1 vo. i.i coioi-oalt; ,ns every nfo-inooii and
ev, ,,!i;S during the Int. i .iiis-lons of the i. Tl-i wiil une a dclVbtful eol,-r-t!,,,,,-,,t
.. ol. i; toe ,,o;or hour when the
of patrons am n ppl eoi.i I i og I be
;U' t.ivl.a now oflei.d ly thtj pnrk's
.nana, -eoi, ot. '1 he etmie wet k v. ill be
to tin- : -s o v. o.,a . ,en 1,1
o h.-i ! tie lr I ri-t iii.o,,.,l f..r-
A II of toe CH II,. s v. il
1 1 - e It
,-ny bine Ct,
,.' toe CH,
,t. d f-,r t
, ii o 1 1 '
. f e'l
1 I
Reproduction of the Terrible Phlllp
x.le Conflict at Bfanaw
Thfs Week.
At Oils week will bo given a
reailUo production of the battle of (Juln
i.o;a, by the Omaha, Guards and Thurs ton
To -' s This will be a diversion from the
usio.l features offered at a summer resort,
and will be a treat for all. The nn.n
tiuiiling spectacle, will be the charge acres -,
the rice paddy nfler the ftrp,t repohc-,
When reinforcements arrive the American
soldiers will egaln start an attack, creep
ing forward In""!, by inch nearer the en
emy's entrenchments, despite the terrible
firing. Soon the First Nebraska das'os
over the wall Into the Filipinos'
A bloody tngrtfement follows, but is soon
over, and the captured enemy Is marched
back to the American quarters as the mili
tary band playa. Fach evening's perform
ance will bt-Kln at 8:43.
Iksldes tlila attraction, the admission t
which wilt to 5 cent", th Mw mti
sgement wiil offer to Its patrons, free, tho
marv'io-is Mejroses, who will present bleu
alr dlvertiiiement upon a slender wire and
a bicycle, with balancing feats that love: a ;
of m-iioatlonal acts will want to sea. T,e
two performers will ride a tannem bicyci..
"n n Melt wire lfi feet long, doing 'net- 1
r.l.. i-n,.tnrllons. every afternoon and j
evening this week. j
Covait's band will give an exceptional
pi, and the Oriental Quartet j
aing new and popular coon songs. Fror.
Andrew will give 1,1s, balloon asefnsion to
night, and j.oh Mucklcr v-ill make two
high dives, r.dvi-tiid Vint-ni will ulng lievv
liluolrated cmi;.'. at Oo ra -'oo.
Tha bath!:. if at M ,. pm ! !:ecomir.g
more popular every day. Afterr.oona ami
evenings hundreds visit Manhattan biacrt
and take a cool picnge in the clear water,
Hi,(l,, i- W also ono of the freat drawing
lilt with ti'l.
Mh. It. ti. Aherlj-, fn, Omahn.
A. A. IVi-ven, g. ha ,
II, ti. Ititier, Omaha...
Alva. Klueaui, Hlatr, .eb.,,
W, I). Usile,, Oniniii
i. i. x-iancK, unmna ,
Anna Johnson, (iRmhA
C'hnrles Tieiiwli?-. Omaha
John MfinK-.iil, f-oulu Omr.ha.....
Mrs. Gc'-i'.-:; John-a,n. Omaha...
iannie Kopahl, Vmoitia
A no, i Noi.iel, inotlia ,
lo ii. Tu.-Mcr, Council Bluffs ..
i lac.ehe Moore, Onoiha .........
I-red A nliace, Omaha
II. Th,uiss, Wayne. Neb
Julius hplclc, Jm iha
,lnl,,l f I..-,... llrrtMhH ........
J. Ih llaliiee, Vienna. 8. D. ......
J li. Lutman, Aftou, la
Joseph (Scheldt, Omaha
n.a i.t
Ustti t
2 ?s4
There aro a, frrcut mony ways cf finlphlng' pioturo tor amabaur
jihoicffraphors. Wa employ exporlcnceil belp Jo tho work" the rlht way
and rr-s-dlisare tho CEST.
If you arfi not nisklo j good r.ogntlves, let us ee thotn and aid you in
lmproTlry your work,
. . . Wll INSTRUCT rilLE . . a
e I. M I n
e Waint
Ads are the i-est isusiness
li from bvQ to
The First Time lt Waa F.ver
Done! Sold the World Over for
BOel Kotar Golngf for 3.icl
Kvery Record tiia Edison Company
ever made. Including their very latest,
goes for 3Sc. Our stock Is the largest
west of the Mississippi. Come in at
once and get a. supply of new record
If you've never bought records of us
before call or Bend in your name for
complete up-to-date list-
IJcbrrha Cyc!c Co.
I3th and Harney. Phons 1653
e :
f p I
Ai oncllf:
cf cczt price
1 1 i
1 1
L is ,e it :
a. a v. t& a.a
iiki HiiiiKini
i -
1 1
1 4
1215 FA.iNAf.l STULIiT.
1 A
- v
at Va ;.
All our handsome Bwis-3 Embroideries from
1-inch wide to i-yard "Vfe ecll one-third oft regu
lar price. :' ;
A largo lot of fine patterns la .Nainsook Edge in narrow
widths, we sell at just half regular prico Monday.
All our Parasols at half former price-
Just received a large lino of yokes and collars In embroidery
and lace. ,' ', i, f -,'.-: ) .
'1 1
f ,i
. ' A
Put your valuables in n, eafe deposit
vault. You know they will be there .
rt ?"
V.M ,o ,
when you retunu .
A aafe depoeit Tault la tha
best Insurance against
fire and burglars.
Or.izf.3 Xz'.'jrd Deposit Vsults,
Basement Omaha National Bank
xt J :V-
We are showing a nice stock from ti tu 1 ': e-bno Jowcl
cases, card rasas, pocket bookfl, b'U tolda, clgaJ caaes.
In seal, alligator and other leathers.
- ----- . , frr'mMi' t e ' .
X JiJArt'' - J'" u,jo. M .j., rrrXZl; '
' i
Entire bloc
Bz Sold by
m rt )
i i
i:.:FonrED dress goods
T'"i"li '
y rt
A. i V ia
f - 1.''. W. 4 , H
H17 Ioy:'-dS
V .J ) J
.jasjain-r .'i1 W" H
- 1 -.. . . ... . o,
unh::i:rd cf price.
r..-T.?rp Tipromtfui innncr i -.t.. ...... h-
llaviland China Do crate l Dinner Bet...S23.C3
SPECIAL PALE ti l week cf -Decorated
tsenn-I orceiain j.nm.
rU..LUrsai It s hum I iil
WariBir f"
Iowa T.i!y
4.3. rj
.-.-.St far
fo-.nduy ur.d Monday:
J-'.-r N brink and KIihims:
warmer hamUy; r.h.o.l.y fair,
For ;.!!.- si-tirl e.nd !!
Harinor i ......o ; Mondy fair.
' or !- i.itli l'n'. ola: I-'air in cast, fchow.
f? 2
.' r
a r j
p ; :
Machines sold on easy payments. Mail
riven prompt attention, Dealers
wanted in every live town. Correspond
ence solicited in our. various
l-'ulr Bad
. t lu weat portion P uiJay; li. ,u-
I nrnl luooi ,',
: i ti 1 1: i i ii :t i-.en i M',
i i.
i i-
x .A at
aw -4
A I .
V I.
; foi.'
l i
' . i , i
wn.'j on, pe::::
, (;:iie,t r.rci:-
. in, 1 1. i ' :-,.:;
. - -...!.- f.'il:.' J.U';v
t r l ; ' i - f r
Mi;.n: ioiori; or vi:nirn::?
mai;e i:oo-,r roi: AUTo.Moiui.r
All : jh'.-i of L'.'h r.'--
x,U ! .,!,! iv---.,r.!i. a,.s of
'.! n i i
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..:!! , i
'I J
1 l.Of
3', hi
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