Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1904, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 16, Image 16

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Averlieiiieas fnr tfcese
i t tikri nll IS w. ' th
rtrnlut edition unit aatlt .. f
t -t noralnf anil nay edlttow.
Ilitn, 1 1-Sm m H Beat lserlon,
S word ther.-tter. Ustnlss;
less kaa SO for !
l. These advertlse-meate st
rn emseestlv-ely,
Alrcrtiirrt, lr rees4lss; "
f-ered rhtrk, havs answers
4rp,.rl o iimbfrrd letter In ears
f Tli Rr. .Answers SO aaaressed
will be delivered preseatatlasi ol
You can no mora gain a practical, thor
ough business education In a business col
lege that la not business from top to bot
tom, practical In Its course. In Ita teachers
and In Ita train! tig of Ita pupils', and thor
ough In Ita discipline and In Ita molding of
Jis students' minds and business habit. you can fatten a fanning mill by run
ting: wheat through It.
Poyles Collar baa a claim en tha con
sideration of every on thinking; of taking
CP st-mography or accounting, because It la
absolutely and onlquely business Ita In
structor art business men and woman Ita
eours 1 on formulated by business men
and tested by business aa It la practiced
with profit by the master business men It
ii.itiiia Into iha pupll'a mind a deep realisa
tion et the faaclnatlon of buatneaa properly
conducted It puts Into Ita graduate tha
tuff out of which aucceaaful business man
e.r.4 wsssen art made. .
ti. B. BOYLES, President
CUT-RATE TICKETS everywhere. P. II.
i'hilbin, l&A Jrarnam and opp. Union ela
tion. Tela. 764 and IO18. K Ml
a by kellys towel, supply. Tel. s-rfo.
CITY SAVINGS BANK pay 4 per cent.
EAGLE Loan Office; reliable, accommoda
ting; all bualneaa confidential. 1301 Douglas.
K iM
ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., lfcl N.
loth, lei. ilii. K 184
EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., moving and
storage. 214 N. 16th. Tel. llito. : R 187
tna Bee bldg. K 183
SIGN painting. B. H. Cola, 1302 Douglas.
I'FRFIELD Piano Co.. Bee bldg.; no In-
tret; honest values; eaay terms, lei.
R 191
If. W. M'VEA, Plumber, 1124 N. 26th. TeL
1747 R-192
OMAHA BICYCLE CO.. 16th and Chicago.
R m
BARGAINS Uncalled for aulta and correct
trousers, 1M7 Farnam, upstairs, room 6.
Ask for Forman. R 186
IC IRE Stammering and Btutterlng.
-U IVU j, Vaughn, Ramge bid., Omaha
should be overhauled and repaired. Omaha
fctv Repair Wka., 1207 Douglaa. Tel. jO.
RM317 a
1.''1TRT piano moving, loweat prices,
t tlunoller Mueller, 13J iaru. Tel l-'-i.
(. ' ANOARD Alter. Huber. Tel. 831S. 1301
1 arnam. R M2S7
211 8. HTH. " THONK 264.
V . v carry your Boiled linen! Uur wagons
nil r.nd deliver aame. Bills collected
H.i.uitnly. R-M-.3 All
I'. MKLCHOIR, machine work, M'h and
Howard. It MudJ All
HOI ne,I"VERj. NICKPL Platln?. Om.
VJ UUi i-utlng Co., luus Harney, Tel. J ..U
.'ANTI Itt every cltv In the United
. ... persona to di writing at loUuie.
A hdiidBome salary for a fow sraro mo-i-H.Mi
of your time dally; salary mailed
' i iily- steady ampluynient guaranteed.
1 Hiil Fountain lJen Co., JiJ Muaonlo
'lEinpie, Chicago. , , R (ioij Hx
t .T.L1N8 FIANO CO.. whole.itle and re
t 'I nUKiHl instruments. Talking nia-
:ui-i, l'uiu exchanged. 113 B. lith St..
1 - .t'rt U(4. R
A ! " "vV r'ni&bout tvp buvgy to trii'le fur
c. :vu: horn. 811 N. luui. 1'-
11 AM h t M.T N I A N BT A LUON
is h" hiK-li, we:!S ever 1,200
i i-.v.'lt;Kt.i5, Hired by a grandson,
lia.n ' arendihtiiKhter, of Kainhle
u litth. I will race him asalnt any
i n In Nthrafka, wuRori and driver
'!:ig IIO len.l thH it) JS s. BANNOCK
r in lh surrft breeder 1 ever saw
v. ;-i Ktird f..r stork at 21 N Hn Hr
ii. li. tracks, Ou.uiui. A. Ticip.
. 1 m.sjl
HAI.I-On fanvlly horae. (i yenrs old,
1 e uriv-r, w.ilght 1,1 tiij n. Kih.
1 IjuI. 1 7i4
. H H IK A flrst-clnss half Btnnhfipe
I i. mbioii; tins been ud one year; good as
" : cost ..'0;. will ecli cIibuu. fail n (j.
..i.:l-iiRAHB rul.i'er-tire runatxvut.
, ,ntly soiled, at hulf VaiuS. AJrlO good
t ., tuiKy and hsrne.s, r lira p. Joht.kon
. 1'Kiilorlh, b. W. Cur. Join A Jonen His
the flue line of vehicles for rule by
i i oat. Kill and Liu.iiwurin. I' i t
pietlnnd l ony. safe; set of !i-ht
' aiiiea; 4od and Center sis., 'i ok
Asm 3 .1. 1' Ju.ill U.
V . J J PAi'lH. carriage end wron; 1 1
i '"I vcliKia lor al. lo'i Ja ..n. 1 ui.
' !'.( A ai
t . ' l i I l snd biiHKe wnitoiis for sale
tor lo !, hay or giuln: J. 8 and
' I '--'o.'r l.l..r I'm-m, 4 l:.a':e-ht ae
' oiM.. uii-o,. arr w.ik.iu; emtie
'i l j. Uinafia Tiauer ., 1 M !o-
II. 1 St.
I'-.Ni- i i
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Si.l n.
..!'iT! .'J
; , C) J Hun i a. la Vv ..: k
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I kV 1 1 lil.l. hoi .ve,
-V li A '
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M..of the....
Omaha Commercial College
17th and Douglas Sts.
'Opens September 1, 1904.
COUKSES OF STUDY Regular Business, Shorthand,
Typewriting, Telegraphy, renmanship and Civil Service.
QUERY BOOK First issue now out. If you will Bend ua
the names of ten young people who desire a commercial educa
tion, this book will be sent you free. It is of peculiar interest to
GENERAL INFORMATION Students work for board If
desired. Graduates placed in positions. We have a Lecture
Course, Literary Society, College Orchestra, College Band, Board
of Trade, Gymnasium, Public Entertainments, etc. Students
enter any time.
ADVERTISING LITERATURE Sent free to any one.
WANTKD 25 iBn to work on brick yard
and tenders o lck bulldinga. DeshkT
trick i'urd Co., Uealiler, Nob.
WANTED Two agents to work from our
wagons. C. F. Adam Co., 1618 Howard
treet. B 177
WANTED FOR U. B. ARMY Able-bodied
unmarried men between agea of 21 and 36;
cltlsena of United Btatea, of good charac
ter and temperate habile, who can speak,
read and write English. For information
apply to Recruiting Officer, 13th and
Houglae eta., Omaha, Lincoln, Neb., or
Sioux City, la. B 117
Colo., wants men to learn barber trade;
special Inducement thl month: write
for term. BMGi A7x
WANTED A thoroughly reliable man to
carry a first class Una of clgara as a
side line, on commlsalon, for Nebraska
and surrounding territory. Only work
era and thoso that mean business and
are no amateurs need apply. Liberal
layout for right man; state references
with reply. Address Pusher, care thta
office. The Leaser Cigar Co. B Mti2 2S
YOl'NQ MAN for manager; must be fa
miliar with office work and make small
Investment In business. 8., 2, care Bee.
B M4K9 24
WANTED Grocery solicitor, acquainted In
city; atate experience. Address 8 42, Re
office. . B 634 24x
1 always open for n competent man. HI
difficulty la to find It. we have openings
for high grade men of all capacities
executive, technical and clericnl paying
from $l,oo to 110,000 a year. Write for
plan and booklet Offices In twelve cltleg
HAPOOODS (Incorporated), 1 Chemical
building, St Louis. B
WANTED Five Canvasers In Nebraska
and Iowa. IM per week to the right
merP Addresa 8 44 Bee. B M67S SO
DRUG atores on easy payments in Omaha,
western Iowa and all over Nebraska.
Borne anaps for cash. Borne good ones
for land. Drug stores furnished and aold
without delay. Borne splendid opportuni
ties for reglatered clerks and doctors with
some money. All business confidential.
F. V. Knlest, 701 N. Y. Life Bldg.
B 664 24
WANTED, everywhere, hustlers to tack
signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.;
no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertla
ing Bureau, Chicago. B 644 iMx
' i 1 1
WANTED Sharp, daring young men In
every vicinity; 4.oo a day ana expenses;
experience unnecessary. Milwaukee Co
operative Detective Service, Bta, C. Mil
waukee. B 6i8 lix
WANTED, everywhere, people to copy let
ters at nome, spare time, ana return to
, us. Good pay, materials sent free. No
mailing or canvassing. Enclose ad
dreasea envelope for particulars and
waves we pay. Guarantee Co., Dent, hoi),
Philadelphia. Pa, ft.2 21
MANAGER Wanted Every section to ap
point agents for new Bclentlflc Game, re
tilacina; forbiddon slot machine In pub
lic places; evades law everywhere;
playod with nickels- finish beautiful, like
cash register; rented or sold on easy pay
nienta; sample sent on thirty days' free
trial. Proposition will please vou If ve
est 1 1 1 have opening In your section. Inde
pendent Cash Register Co., Jeprtnfnt
57, Chicago, HI. B 6b0 241
WANTKD Men to learn barber trade. New
and practical method, free work, careful
instructions, few weeks completes; can
nearly earn expenses before finishing; po
sitions waiting graduates. Call or write,
Moler Barber College, 1303 Douglas St.
B MuS 29 x
managers, salesmen, bookkeepers and tech
nical men. Salaries. ll.nt)0-Su,0C0. Write
fcr fre list and plan. Iiualueas Oppor
tunity Co., 1 Union Square, N. J.
B-662 24x
WANTED, mf.n everywhere; good pay; to
distribute circulars, art, matter, tack
fiMr.n, etu. No canvassing. National Ail.
Bureau, Chicago. B li.S 24x
I DON'T want money or a postage stamp
for a reply, but can show auy stoiio-
fraphtr or typewriter operator, or ur.y
oriy who knows anything about a type
writer hoiv to mule from i to ?d a day
with the best 6i)-cent automatic type
cleaner tne world ever produced. With
tills attachment the operation of the
keyboard clean the type, no matter how
Ulrts". One operator sold seven in OP
hour's work. Hull Type Cleaner Co.. No,
177 LuSalle lit., Chicago. B 6x6 1
A BRIGHT, experienced newsboy to soil
one of the fastest sailors on the market.
Call Monday morning before 10 o'clock
at The Cnatham, 110 bo. 13th St. for
Dunn. ' ti4 14x
FIVE special representatives, either sxx.
tn sss'ef loral'v fn a!ts preru.sU
tlon. Wide ac'iu&lutnnce preferred. Good
iiay, Easy work, fall at The Chatham,
llO So. l.ih St. Come from 9 o'clock until
4 o'clock Monday. 6 3 tlx
CANVASS Kit 3 to sell automatic screen
door caichea; make big money: exclusive
territory; samole. poatpaid, 26c. Auto
matic Catch Co., Chicago. , B-tl6 24X
WAN 1 i:I Honest men. I S to :5 per week
end e.penaes; no B'-ii'tiff or canvassing ;
eirrU-iu-e uimeCewaary ; send stamp.
Mails k Co., Ua May at, Marinette, Wis.
U-i4 24X
. I, , i ... , .
WANT! li, aalefmsn, to cover Iowa, wt'h
a I'ne of harilwiu a, point s, wlndmPlw and
Jdnmlilug uppil-a. htb'rles, Il.SuO to
1 '.o per er. Vest. Kef, & Bond Assn.,
6,0-Ml N. Y. 1.1 ie. 7i7 24
Vi K want competent pe.! to fill poaltlons
as m na"' sali ioieri, accountanle,
(lru.: !!t, cuH-e cteike, tennKraphera,
cob.. i,is, en Call or write 'r iiat of
varaiicb-i and bo -klet of testimonials.
W est. lief. t Ilund Aasn., 840-H1 N. Y.
Lite. B-7U 24
WAN I t H Mff has Mining for good man
to tiavel Id Net.inM.a: staple line; m-
peli..,,i UIiIi"''M""; JjOm ,.! ei),J
ejti enh.'s, pi't f,alv. 1 m lumf ,!V!i.N.i
eiitcioto. Jnpt fc', W Pwiliurn, i.I. imo.
li 6,i i.x
WANTI v-h-n1 tO end OO retail trails
for ma n " fuel tiring li"""; ba-al inrrltory;
a . . fwhiy; em-euae inoi.ey
fro .-ric-.i ; pisviuti. efctri'iica tintic a
,.iy. Auiciicau Houstu, tilar 1,1; 1'g,
t i.: t n . li
A .n i : . ).,. k -i fi b.'!er, niu that
t, v - 14 r o o - r. r ; ei -: y t .fi 1 1.
( '. r, I x : u -i ', , t,. li i. i Zn
i ;
. 'j ' . i 1 II i r
. e i . t
1 ' . . .- : - i
1 i
80 GIRLS; Canadian office. 16th and Dodge.
C fin
WANTED An experienced marker and
orter. Hinchey Laundry. 409 N. jth at,.
South Omaha. C M9&J
WANTED A competent second girl, with
reference, at 2oltl Cuss t C 370
O. K. American-German employment otSca,
oldest, most reliable in Omaha, Ki- 4 Dodge.
C M.SS7 Aa
WANTED An experienced girl for general
housework; small family; Jo; refrencea.
1326 S. SOth ave. C M5t4 24
WANTED, competent ' girt for generat
housework In small faml!y. Inquire 867
Howard at. C M517 24
WANTKD 4 good lady demonstrators;
straight salary, paid every day; call
July 26, 2 asd 27 at 2" So, fnth et.. be
tween 9 and 11 a. m. W. H. Gray & Co.
C M616 24x
WANTED 10 young ladles to travel with
burlesque show, experience unnecessary,
but must be well formed; enn also use
one clever sister team and clever female
amateurs and male or female musicians
who play airing Instruments. Those de
sirous address at once and enclose photo
or description to F. Montgomery, general
delivery, Sioux City. Ia. C MB1J 24x
WANTED A competent laundress for
hotel laundry; V per week for summer;
also chambermaid who la waitress, 14.
Address J. Webb, Valentine, Neb.
C-MS41 28
LADIES, J10 weekly earned. Plain sewing
at home. Experience unnecessary, no
canvassing. Materlnl sent free every
where. Send stamped addressed envelope
for particulars, Le Roy Co., 41 Journal
Building. Boston, Mass. C Sol 24x
WANTED Ladles to learn hairdresslng,
manicuring or facial massage; positions
waiting graduates $10 to IIS weekly;
diplomas granted; few weeks completes;
can nearly earn expenses before finish
ing. Call or write, Moler College, 1302
Douglas St. C-MDhS 23x
LADIES to do piece Work at their homes;
we furnish all . materials and pay from
27 to IU weekly. Send stamped envelops
to Royal Co., 84 E. Moproe at., Chicago.
C-6S1 24X
COMPETENT girl for general housework,
where second girl U kept 2225 Farnam st
C-M71S 24
ACTIVE Cathollo lady to work at home; f3
raid for 12 days' trial; permanent If satis
factory. John Engwall, Lakeside Bldg.,
Chicago. C 676 24x
LADIES who are plain writers earn $10 to
$12 weekly writing for us at -home.
Stamped envelope for particulars. Wilson
Specialty Co., Benton Harbor, Mich.
C 574 21
WANTED Situation by experienced fitter
to take charge of fitting room In cloak
department Address at kl. Bee office,
A 607 24x
WANTED Employment by young man as
bookkeeper or stenographer; some ex-
Serlence; good references. Address 8 46,
lee. A-4J74 24x
SITUATION Wanted Experienced in ste
nography and clerical work; good refer
ences. Addresa S 27. Bee. A MOW 26x
BIG MONET Irf squabs; tney sell for $2 to
$) a dou: cheaply raised In only four
weeks; write for our free book about this
rich industry. Plymouth Rock fcquab Co.,
2d Atla.itlo Ave., Boston, Mass. , J
W ANTbl) Men and women to sell coffees,
teas, spices, etc., to the family trade in
communities of from 1,000 to lO,on popu
lation. Only such as want permanent
employment need apply. Cash cotnmls.
sion paid. Energetic persons can make
big weekly earning. For further par
ticulars, address Bodenhelmer Coffee and
Tea Co., bu Louts, Mo. J
Mme. Yale Is no offerlne- lH''y Sfents
freat inducements for selling her funioue
ine of facial remedies and toilet prepara
tions. Jiany of her anenta are making
end more a week 'lieauty Ilooka" that
acuauy sen tna tooan are turmsueu ageing
for free distribution. They never fail to
1 Interest ladles to the extent of placing
an oider. A rich harvest can now be
reaped at the different summer resorts.
Ylalt the seaxide and mountains and take
your occupation with yoi. combining
business and pleasure. Write for terms
and books of particulars. Address Mme.
M. Yale. Flatlron bid.. New ork City.
AGENTS WANTED He sure to get my
sneciai Julv offer, with ree samples. '1 .
M. baymari, Xul Franklin ave., bt Loula,
Mo. J
AGENTS WANTED Bidl our $1 bottle finr
saiiarliia for S.V; best sellrrj 2iW p-r cant
pioflt; write today for Urran and terri
tory. F. It. Greotie, 115 Lake street, Chi
cago. J
ACiENTS Campaign buttons, badges, litho
graphs, photoKi aphs; largest, beat and
cheapt-et Hue ever offered; 2,CW duTerent
noveltius for summer resorta, fairs, cele
brations. Sampies of button, 10 cents.
Catalogue free. Miller, 134 Park Row,
New Itork J
WANTED Agent for Perpetual pencils;
"always sharp"; never need sharpening;
AGENTS $' a week guaranteed; auto
mata washers sell tbemaeives. Agent
wrlies: 'ril lblted samile to ten women;
took tan;" time o minutes; protit
over i.-o; goaiuntewi to dn vvuslili ,g in 30
minute; fuinia!is Ita own power, n tuIrK
In labor; coats leas than any other ma
chine; free sample and exc'.' lv terri
tory furnlnb.-l. Automatic Wanber Co.,
btatlon I', t hlcago. . 1.0 21X
guarantee a year; -iin .y.ijm'.ij
everymhere rapidly; particulars on appil
catlon or samples, etc., for 2.'. Anieiican
I-ad Pencil cionpany, 46 Weat Fourth
street. New York. J 4iW 2x
An Advertisement Should Tell
What the Person Will Want to Know Beore He Buys -Tell
Pl:i:ily What You Offer and the Price.
Nebraska Business College
A. C ONG, A. M., LLB., Tres,; A. J. LOWRY. Prin. 17th & Harney Sts.
'The bey gnd girl of today are the man and woman of tomorrow" bearing tha
responsibilities of life. Their fitness to cope with the world dep. fids upon their prac
tical echoed training. If they can do that which everyone caniiot do, and which the
business man want done, then their services are In demand. This school devotes
Its every energy in training young people In those branches of study necessary to
meet the demand of business men. It Is for the young man itnd woman to decide
"today" What their services will be worth "tomorrow." If yoti wish to command
twice the aalary of lour friend, you must become skillful and trained along the
lines of work that will pay It. There Is a school in Omaha that has every facility
for equipping young people to be Independent, aelf-reiiant and Bolt-supporting. That
Institution la the Nebraaka Business College.
Thousands of students from all over the world atiend Tale. Harvard and other
classical institutions, that they may be under the tuition of the most learned In
structors, reallxlng the vast difference between the superficial nnd the killful. It
parents and young people stop to think a moment they will readily ,see that the
worth cf a school lies In the teaching force. The Nebraska Business College has
the strongest faculty of Instructors that money will procure. It has recently added
two of tun best and most practical teachers to be secured in the east. They were
chosen from a list of over forty applications, s'rtctly from n standpoint of superior
aualliicaiione, long experience and high standing in their profeasion. This accession
to the faculty of teachers gives to this school a strength of teaching force that will
be keenly appreciated by nil students who may .save the happy fortune to be under
their Instruction. I'rof. Z.lmmer and Miss Miller a -e both recognised n the ens.t ss
having no superiors and few equals. If you wiah to know niore about them and
their high attainments, call or writ for speciaj announcement
Everyone naturally declrea the latest and best of everything. Every decade bring
vast Improvements In science and art W are astonished at reoent discoveries, In
ventions and Improvements. Within the lest ten years a new system of shorthand
has been devised, tested and proven most i'ractlcal. Its marvelous possibilities
have so far surpassed tb old system that ninny of the noted reporters using an old
time system have changed to this, the Gregg System, and find It much easier to
learn, easier to write end easier to- read, and Its possibilities for speed Incompar
able. In this, a In every other superior device, attempts have been made to Imi
tate, but the crude. Impractical Imitations thus far brought forth have only served
to prove the true merits of tha genuine. It is only the superior and meritorious
that attempt Is made st imitation, for very good reasons the only achool in Omaha
that makes a specialty of this system Is the Institution well known for Its prog
ressiveness and aggresslvenesa, the institution recognized as having the ablest fac
ulty of teachers in the west, the Institution that affords every facility, every ad
vantage and does even fore for Its student than It promises, the
Apply for catalogues, the finest ever published by a buslneas college.
WE START you selling diamonds; don't
fs!l rrettlrg our liberal ofTrr; $5 dally sure.
Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y.
Mention paper. J 633 24x
WANTED Person of fairly good educa
tion to solicit for large publishing house;
splendid salary guaranteed. Address S 21,
Bee. J 600 24x
MAKE yourself worth a larger salary by
developing your ability a a letter writer;
Cody's course In letter writing Is prac
tical and complete; 60 lesaona for a short
time only, we offer at a reduced price,
full particulars on request. Prontabl
Advertising, 140 Boylston t, Boston.
J 666 24X
AGENTS wanted. Patent novelty fans sell
everywhere, to everybody. A bonanta for
picnic, fair, show and street salesmen.
Big profits. No competition. Enterprise
Co., Ia6 Lake St, Chicago, 111.
CANVASSERS, Ladles and Gents 250 per
cent, profit; two dnndy sellers; dome
sharied perforated skillet covers; prevent
grease splashing; victuals and boiler pro- I
lector. Am, Novelty Works, Rending, j
Fa. j oot zx
AGENTS wanted to sell a line of comic
travs; hit of the exposition: big money
makers, fiend 10 cents for simple line.
Hllison Manufacturing Co., Bis Holland
Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. J 6t.2 24x
AGENTS WANTED Slot machines are
deed ones; we have the only substitute:
particulars for stamp. Geneva Toy tt
Game Co.. Geneva. N. Y. J-660 24x
WANTED, reliable men in every town to
aell our fine line of teas, coffeea, spices,
eto.. direct to consumers. No capital re
quired. We furnish the goods; also fine
wagon for delivery. Big pay. Write for
terms. Grand Union Tea Co., 113 B. Wth,
Omaha, Neb. J 723 24
$100.00 TO $200.00 per month easily mada
handling our hand laundry machine and
ae'llng to laundries, hotels, -restaurants,
hospitals and private families eur Famous
A perfect steam laundry reduced to fam
ily else. Write at once for full particu-i
la'rs. statlnr choice of territory. COR-B1TT-WATTS
J 86 24x
WANTED Agents and solicitors to repre
sent largest sick and accident society in
the country; big commission; easiest seal
ing policy In the world. American Benevo
lent Association, St Louis,, Mo.
J 583 24x
OUR MEN make $3.00 to $10.00 per day fit
ting glassea; our 24P. Free Eye Book
tells all shout it. Write Jarksonlan Op
tleat Co!lege, College Place, Jackson,
Michigan. J-580-24X
176 AND EXPENSES easily made writing
hea'th and accident Insurance. Experi
ence unnecessary. Write Royal Fraternal
Union. St Louis. Mo. J 674 24 x
WANTED A representative in your section
capable of esrnln $160.00 ner m"ntH.
Address, statin ir road experience. J. H.
Cnrr. Pavton, Ohio, J 7J 24x
VAN"IKD Experienced clothing sales
men for Nebruska; none but men of
experlt'iieo with established trade need
, apply. Address Felix Rothschild &
Co., 21S Market st, Chicago, makers
of inen'g, boys' and children's clothing.
SALESMEN make 600 per cent commission
selling "Novelty Sign Cards," merchants
buy 10 to 100 on sight, 800 varieties. Cata
logue free. Sullivan Co., 1133 Maplewood
Ave., Chicago, 111. 662 24x
SALESMEN, road experience, wanting per
manent position, write us. State ex
perience, W. J. Lorak, Bales Manayer.
SALESMEN WANTED Two first-class
traveling salesmen capable of presenting
the merlta of a atraiKht business propo
sition In a convincing manner. High
grade specialty men worth $3.(100 to 5.000
er year. r.aiary or wniniuiuiiin. du
ress S 22, Bee. &3 24x
a I 'vim KN Just published Rami Mc-
ISaliy to. s I'Oiitioai Alias. win pen
In ev-ry city, town and village in the U.
S. Ist prealdential campaign our agents
made big money selling a similar work.
The new Atlao Is better, the sale will be
larger. This opportunity conies only once
In four yenrs. Don't mlM if. Write at
once for descriptive circular and terms
to agente. Rand, McNally & Co.. Chi
cago. 6"0 24x
CAPAL-LK salesman to cover Nebraska
. with ataple line; high commissions with
advance of $io0O monthly; permanent
position to rbht man. Jess It fcmlth
Co., Detroit, Mich. 6tai Ux
KAi h.ltlENCKD traveling salenrnsn to fill
vacancy Auguat 1: establtslietl Cleveland
hoime; gnnarul mercantile trade; high
ronimlMHlons and $."" ekly. . W. S.
M-rle & Co., ko prospect Bt, Cleve
land, O. M 2)x
SA LKSMEN Ixscal or traveling, to- sell
fireproof salfes to buvlneas men and
fanners; experience unnecessary; quick
sales; big !ofiis. Alpine Safe Co Cin
cinnati, Ohio. 6oi lix
liquor house In Ihe west, 10 experienced
salesmen to aell goodo direct to conaomer
at high Wiigts; such as can upcak Uer
n.att or fawnllrfh or Bohemian, besides
Knglish, preferred; first clans references
riuired; state particular aa to aga,
prewmt poahlon, former occupation etu.
Adilrt.s b 4ii, Bee office. to4 24
TRAVELING salesman; one good man for
each stale; experience unneceaaary, Just
hustlers. lWm.'uunt. Good pay. IJberal
ruiinii:' expense account E. M. Arthur
Co.. Dot roll, Mich. frftJ Ux
TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska by
laine ivhwl, "H e house; good payinK, per
manent position to right man; references
requited. Diawer "8, Chicago. 6 24x
NEW patented dally household necessity
for merchants; salesmen profit tJ4. Cap
Co., 1531 Curtis St., Denver, Colo. 647 24x
WANTED Capable specialty salesman by
large Patent Medicine Co., sell to medicine
dealers only; good permanent contract.
. Plneule Medicine Co., Chicago.
-6S4 2lx
SALESMEN W ANTED To sell houFe paint
to dealers; experience unnecessary. Try
It on In a few towns and let ua show you
our steady income results for hustlers.
Kinloch Paint Co., Mfrs., St. Louis, Mo.
&i2 24x
SALESMEN wanted. If you want a side
line paying better than your regular with
, your spare time, selling stapla of well
rated concern, write Mgr. Stuart, 6j6
Locust, St. Louis, Mo. 681 24x
WANTED Salesman acquainted with tha
mining and manufacturing Interests
throughout Colorado, Utah and Mon
tana. None but thoe having had expe
rience Belling mill auppliee and can fur
nish best of references, which must ac
company application, need apply. Ad
dress Lock Box 140, Station C, Cleve
land, O. , M-4C6 23s
Special Bargains in Pianos
We have a Knabe, a Kranlch & Bach, a
Chlckertng and two Kimball Pianos that
wo will' aell for Just H of what other
dealers ask for the same makes. Terms,
$10.00 cash and $5.00 per month.
Manufacturers of the Celebrated Schmollcr
& Mueller Piano.
1313 Farnam St. Tel. "1825. '
2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, HIV Farnnm.
Q 230
100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman &
. McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q 231
FOR SALE Several scholarships in a
first-clans standard school In Omaha,
comprising complete course In business,
shorthand and typewriting. Inquire nt
Bee office. Q 852
TELEPHONE poles; long fir timbers;
cheap chicken fence, kul Douglas.
Sewing machines, 75o week.
We repair and sell parts
for every machine manufactured.
Second-hand machines
from $6.00 to $10.00.
Nebraska Cycle Co., "
'Phone 1663. Corner 16th and Harney.
Q 233
FOR SALE New and second-hand auto
mobllea F. W. Bacon, Baum Iron Co.,
Omaha, Q 236
rOR SALE Solid oak and mahogany top
bank or cashier's fixture, in good condi
tion, at a bargain. Address C. C. Rose-
water, room luo, Bee Bldg.
FOR SALE CHEAP Book rest, copy
. holder and letter scale, all In good con
dition. Inquire of K. E. Zimmerman. 211
N. Y. Life Bldg., care N. Y. Life Ins. Co.
ELECTRIC nickel in slot, Peerless piano
players and Reglna musio boxes, big
money makers, cheap for cash or time
Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Tel.lt26.
FOR SALE, kitchen range and Radiant
Home heater. Address P 10, Bee. g 6,6
Two boilers, 100 horse- power, which havs
been uaed but six years; made of firebox
steel, triple riveted, butt and strap Jolnta,
Insurance company permits of pressure
of l-'5 pounda. They are now In use and
can be seen at boiler house rear of Bee
building. Can be delivered about August
26. Call or address W. 11. Bridges, engi
neer, Bee building. Omaha. Q MIj2
COMPLETE line new and 2d-hand furni
ture. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge.
Tel. 20:0. , Q M;f4
ICE CREAM 15c pt, 25c qt. 90c gal.; made
from pure cream. Bunnell & Sons, 17th
and Clark. Q M17I
GO TO Diamond Loan Office for loana;
bargains In good tn pawn. 1401 Douglas.
FOR SALE Fresh cows and calves. 2S2S
Webster at. Q 4411 24x
FOR SALE Eight-horse power gasolln
engine. li14 Capitol ave. y M465 27
FINK 5-year-old thoroughbred Jersey
heifer. 1417 Vinton. Q iSH 2tix
HEW HOME, Household. White, Domestic
and Standard sewing machines, ail first
class; supplies fur ull machines; special
attention given to repairing: all work
guaranteed. P. E. FLODMAN A CO.,
iiu4 Capitol ave. QhjS 24
THRF7B second-hand show caaeS; $ celling
electric; fixtures, very cheap. Globe Opt.
'Co., 214 So. 10th. QiM 24
LADIES' diamond ring and full dress oogt
and vest for sala or will trade. Ad
dresa S ti. Bee. (J Out 24
FOR SALE Second-hand Oi.lamoblle. ISOS
model, in flrst-c!as condition. Owner
leaving city and will be sold at a bargain.
Address 3 27. Bee Office. Q tol 24
NO 2 Smith Premier typewriter, condition
perfect Address H 20, lies. (J-Mi'2a 2iX
REMINGTON typewriter, good as new;
must sell. 412 lax ton blk.
Q M724 20x
HOUSEHOLD goods of nice -room flat;
Hat and good now. Address r) t4. Bae.
J Mn2 SOx
$Mrt first mortnage on property wotth
$2 (.; in soul), end of town; H1 per cent
Interest, payable send-annually. Address
S., 1.1, Bee. Q oi3 24
ROYAL HOTEL, European, lfittt & Chicago.
fc, Jil
DEWEY, European hotel, l$th and Farnam.
h. t-o
$128 TEU WEEK, Doran house, 422 S. I'th.
VIENNA HOTEL, 1ml Farnam ; fine rooms,
ladles' cafe, privat timing r.; open rtlnhta.
E a
THE FARNAM. lth and Farnam streets.
E 224
'ihe Chatham; luxuriously furnished rooms
and smoking parlors; appointments first
class. Ho (a. 13tb at, opposite Miliard
hotel. E Z-
8INGLE room, modern; large lawn, 'phone.
ltl Douglas. E Mki0
I ROOMS; light housekeeping. B2 11th.
LARGE, nlceljr furnished, front room, suit
able for two; modern. 1S17 Leavenworth,
flat 6, top floor. E 407 24
COOL rooms, on second floor, modern;
board optional. 618 8. 2-d. 'Phone A-2.2.
jbJ M415 26
NICE cool front room; housekeeping prly.
lieges. 1901 California. K MtkS 24 x
LARGER front parlor; modern; detached
house; lawn. 6-3 No. 2"th. Jv M4S3 24x
ROOMS; sleeping or light housekeeping;
modern. 616 No. 2oth. E MiwO 24
LARGE, cool room; very convergent. J9o
Douglas. K M494 24
FRONT parlor; piano; others light house
keeping. 813 No. 20th. E M501 24
DESIRABLE south front room, 2r"fl Far
nam. K Mb2 21X
THREE rooms, light housekeeper. tVA
houglae. E-MiJi 2Cx
NICELY furnished rooms, board; summer
rates. 61S g. istb, F-K4 ii
TWO housekeeping rooms, partle fur-
Wshed. 241$ Capitol eve. E Mj2 21.x .
FURNISHED HOUSE, modern? during
summer. L 85, Bee. E M627 26
FURNISHED front room, modern. 1759
Leavenworth. E MoJO I6x
F.AROH front room, modern. 'Phone ftfltt
S. 19th. E-M62i &X
NICELY" furnished rooms and board. 710
S. ISth st F M622 25 x
LA ROW front room, housekeeping. VMVk
Douglas. E M523 26x
ROOMS, single or ensulte, modern, nicely
furnished, southeaat exposure; refined
neighborhood, convenient to car, within
walking distance. 618 8. 22d. E 633 25
class rooms and accommodations; pri
vate; Bell phone, single or parties; rea
sonable; references; 4 car lines to exposi
tion or 16 minutes' walk. - Write or call.
Mrs. Win. Mehl, 6037 Bartmer, St Louis.
LARGE, cool front room, lawn. 2538 N. lfith
E M721 26x
LARGE front rooms, modern, reasonable.
620 N. Wth. E M722 2ttX
NEWLY furnished room, new. modern
house. 1508 N. 17th. E M720 2tx
FURNISHED rooms, with board; modern;
large lawn and shade. 2215 Farnam.
F-73 2Cx
THREE pleasant partly furnished rooms,
modern; can be arranged for housekeep
ing; adults only; referencea reaulred. S 01
Woolworth ave.
E 738 24X
NICELY furnished, cool rooms. In modern
cottage, on boulevard. 622 N. l!th.
E M733 26X
WANTED, one or two gentlemen to room
and board; nice front room; excellent
board. 2227 Luke st E 744 24x
NICE room, ood location, modem 1811
Chicago. E 75J ix
FURNISHED, cool, outside rooms, with or
without board. Midland hotel, 141 h and
Chicago. WiUQ
THE MERRIAM, 25th and Dodge, 'phong
85; nice, light, airy rooma, ensulte and
aingle rooms; veranda entire length or
building. F 22)
BOARD and room $4. meals loo. 1619 Dodga.
FURNISHED rooms and board. 218 S. 2'Uk.
O. M. E. TEL. 11
THE PRATT, 212 So. 26th st 'Phone SIS.
F M704
BOARD and room for one or two gentls
nien. In private family. Tel. 2034.
LARGE cool room, modern, 1810 Daven
port at. E M503 24x
ROOMS snd board. 706 North oth.
F 477 Tlx
LARGE, cool, sruth front room: board
optional; new, modern flat. 642 So. 24th.
F M4W I4x
SOUTH front room; cool; board optional,
2308 Douglas. F M-iWi 21 X
FURNISHED room; cool; with or with
out board. 1812 Chicago. F M497 24X
NICELY furnished rooms; first -class? board.
706 S. 18th. , F-M717 26x
COOL rooms, fine neighborhood : flrst-class
board. 424 S. 20th. F-MT19 28
BEAUTIFUL stouth rooms; flrwt-class
board. 1!)?0 Dodae. F 712 Mx
FOUR-room fiat, complete for housekeep
ing, bath and gas furnished. 622 N. 2Sd.
a ois
TWO rooms, unfurnished, modern, 2412
Caes. G Mb8 20
TO GENTLEMAN end wife, three rooms,
modern. 5'o Farnam. G M719 So
WANTED To rent, 4 to 8-room, modern
flat, furnished or unfurnished S adults,
give full particulars. Address 8 43. Bee.
K-02 24X
WANTED Board and room private family
threa adults. References. Address 6 47,
Bee. K 619 J4x
WANTED to rent, one or two furnished
ro ms, walking distance, all modern.
434 So. 24th. K 6u9 24
Dodge sts.
pleasant room neer 5P'h and
Address 8 66, Be. K-741 24x
YOUNG man desires clean, cool room, and
, two meals; vicinity Haiieoom park or
West Farnam; references. Address 0 63,
Bee. K-7-4 tlx
LOST Elks charrn, two elk's teeth, dia
mond in center; name J. f. tiurrity on
I.. irk. Return to B. 6 M. City if.k.t
oilite and recelce reward. Lost 71 fax
LOST Party who picked up lady's wrist
Lag In Bennett s grooery a few days ago
Is known and had lanttor return the
gieaaes; can km-o the grn tracing
si amps, the money and tbo wrist bag.
Return the jrlasnea to Mr, V. R. Bennett,
main floor Befinait'e, and he will ask r.e
qio-siluna. I-ost M713 26x
lAi.if, a week ago Thursd.iv a'
abort tsu Jackst, wl'li silk lining; finder
return to room 10, Bachelurs' hotel, and
recelvs reward. Ixt-7t8 24
UiV. Tburs4ay, a bay horse: bae rut
on front foot Arnold, tbe Itu
N. ldth. Uml .45 14
TAKKM UP, one bay boise straight left
tiout ariklo. Omaha Van & Moikhs i o.
llLsS 4 BWOBODA, 1414 Farnuni. -:.
L. lll.M-KI'.KiM, 1:13 rarnani. U.i ft for
pile ltt t-i tot r.ueeia .in! j'lai.ia
- 2-1
AT' b ' l-uNAUHL't., JR., lv;7 1-air.ani
'ici. i J.
& Mueller
(PjifaMlehefl JRT.J
The beat In the world for tone and dura
bility. Offer great bargains this week In
new and slightly used J'lnnos and Organs
8Toare pianos and Organs, all makes, $U.tO,'
$.j.oo, $. .Y00 and. up.
One Cprlht $ .
One FlHcber, upright l'.S.fti
One Chlrkerlng. upright ISi rt)
(Ine Kimball, upriKht 145.00
One Sterling, upright, beautiful oak
.ia , jH?.nn
One Iiardman. upright, rood aa new.. W00
Terms $p.s cash atnl 00 per month.
New, pianos for rent $.5.vo, $1.00, $6 00 per
mnnt h.
Artistic tuning and repairing promptly done
by factory experts.
We also move pianos by experienced piano
Schmoller & Mueller,
TEL. 1835.
DR. ROY, Chlrcpody. R- 2 A , lutt Farnam.
DETECTIVE Capt. Cormack. M7 Karbach
block. Tel. A-W2.
' U-267
M AniIPTirfment batha Him
Smith. 118 N. 16 2 nr. H . 1
U 626 ASx
ETF1NWAY pianos are sld exclusively by
Schmoller i Mueller, 1313 Farnam st.
fiprmanU Pf Wks. Vp-to-dat clenn
VJtlliiailld sj-,, dy.r,. iu 8. 1$ St T. 27.
Accordion pleating, cheapest, best, quick
est Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17th and DnugMs.
On and after Afat 11, we will charg
interest on all piano contracts. Any one
wishing to buy a piano should take ad-
' vantage of thl offer and make their ae
. lection now.
Forty new and many used piano to alect
from, such as Weber. Story & Clark,
Emerson, Ludwlg and thn Smith Nixon
Erand piano In nn upright citsw. See and
ear It Cut price pUno tuning.
No Interest. Easy term. Honest values.
U-72K 24
"VIAVI," way to health. .250 Be Bldr.
TUB. vapor and alcohol baths. 720 S. nth
DR. BLABAUQH. Dentist, N. Y. Life BldgT
. U-277
ROSFEREf,:;lNO CLUB; 76o a month.'
U M131
PHIIJP BARNHART, come home or
writ. MAMMA. U M177A14X
STRATFORD HOTEL Is all well with
you? You know how to reach me.
U M411 24x
E. O. D. Com home again; all is well
and mother wants you. You can havs
everything your own way, but do come.
Remember you havs another change ail
- over again. H
' U r0126x
HARRY Your letter received and It gars
me great pleasure. Writs often. Yes, I
am having a fairly rood time. Glad you
are well. How is Ned? MARY.
U ISO 24x
C Give me your address: all O. K.; am
where you wrote ine to go. You can
com or send for me. Hive a grand offer
for you. Writ and be nappy. B.
U U 24jc
INFORMATION Watted concerning a
family named Dowling, who emigrated
from County Weetmeath, Ireland, to
Hartford in 1858. It will be of financial
Interest to any member of this family
to addresa Mrs. Mary Dowling, ISOVt Oai
, street Ban Francisco. Cat tj 408 2u3
MARRY RICH Can you get the kind of
a husband or wife you wish. Pay when
married. C. H. Rowan, Milwaukee, Wis.
PERSON8 sufTerlng with oonetipauon and
piles CURED FREE. In orCsr Vo prove
It we will send you an order on the drug
gist for a 2fio bottle. American Pharmacol
CO., Evanaton, Ind. Box No. 806. U
complete, $18; send names two reliable
people In your townt your promise you
want fountain to act as agent to sell;
will give you agent's price, $12, and terms,
namely: Bend $8, balance 80 days. No
case will ws give these terms on more
than five fountains at one time; money
refunded If not satisfactory; expreassgs
paid by us; catalogue, book reolpes fifty
Sopular drinks: with fountain and reelp
rink produced Ho glass; syrup, litera
ture, cards, salesmen's outfit. Dentler
Mfg. Co., 8J Walnut, Philadelphia. U
$10 WILL be yours If you will send 28 cents
with a suitable name for my new face
cream; three names for 60 cents, eiarht for
$1.00; don't b afraid to try. Address Lil
lian Ritchett, Denver, Colo. U 43 24x
111 So. 14th St.. Schllti No. 2. Try our 16o
meals; home-made pies with all dinners.
U-ert 24
PERSONS sofferinir with constlnstlon snd
piles CURt.l) FREE. In order to prove
It we will send you an order on ths drug
gist for a 2o bottle. American Prsmacal
Co., UTxnivills, Ind. Box No. C8.
U 663 24x
SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles per.
menently removed by electricity; consulta
tion free and confidential; a'l work guar
anteed. Miss Allender, 423 N. Y. Life.
EAT whnt you want Myers' Papaya Tab.
lets will digest all you eat. A positive
cure for dyspepsia and indigestion. Two
boxes mailed for $1,00. Myers' Remedy
Co., Detroit, Mich. U 607 24x
HEALTH resort The beat water In the
world and an Ideal health and pleasure
resort Is Eldorado Bprlnns, Missouri. Ad
dress N. H. Cruce for Illustrated folder.
U-671 24X
In'iOKS ray stockholders from 2 to 20 per
cent wsealy upon their money; operating
ths yeer round at New York, Chicago,
fet. Lnttls and nn Francisco. Write and
get full par'culars how to brooms a
stockholder, James J. O'Malley, 16 Dear
born 6t, Chicago.
U 868 24
DETECTIVES Strictly confidential evi
dence secured. Dlvorc cases a specialty.
Address B 41. Bee. U fill M
A WONDERFUL French clairvoyant; what
he tells come true: send loc and birthday.
Prof. E. Garnot Box 217H, Boston. Mass.
U 668 24X
MARRY wealth and beauty; Marriage Di
rectory free, pay when married; entirely
new plan; send no money; ad.iiess H A.
Morton, Department 2W, Tskonsha. Mich.
U 64$ 24 r
N A T 1 1 1 N A L t ank references and Dunn tin t
lira. 'meet 2u per cent yearly guarantceo.
poeilvely no risk; see liualnena PU., or
win Vi.'t.,r J lluiiibreriit, I rest , 2.000
Ilex,-1 Liag., Pbliadelpbla. U-4k. 24X
bi .mm r3 WAN. n.lrtdle apred and very
nearby, wnnta lmino.1lai.-ly, cheerful
pun. anions whs. Artless Mr. Al'an, St
Nicholas hotel, Chicago. U 24X
FOR lALI'J-An exceptional offer If tuken
st once I w..l ink a i"W im cm inr
stock of genciul fnvci-liat..;.sa, si;uated In
gi.inl tow. ti In noi llieiii t-etitrAl Iowa;
k ill Invol. i, about $.3.11. i; annual
ertl. s .oxi; Is In f ".. ah u.s snd rlen.
(, ..!, troK r i.oii. J or full nor' iculn rs
aa ;.'- d 4t, I'm. V M.'lO 2
I'M '
1 , y on
. -a !..
r l f.
( m A r
tlt l
n.i'- LAt'l
s"ik; 0 rices
f 7 is Sox