TITE OMAITA ' DAILY DEE; 8ATURDAY, JULY 23, 1901 0 CRAIY AND PRODUCE MARKET pnow, Price Corrent and Modern Hiller An Bearish on Wheat. ESTIMATE 600,000,000 TO 650,000,000 SSBnsnnSBBninBt Specalators Bell tha Market Down on IWi Finn Harvest and Graw la WtttktiMUniht'i Bail Growing; Materially. OMAHA. July 23, 14. influences In the grain market are varied and uncertain. 'ITie foreign situation was much less effective today, while Snow ap-peaj-ed to b the main factor In turning eirergth to weakness and making the trsde riarvoua over probabilities. The well known, and generally well posted crop expert figure on t&.utio.omi busnela f wheat as the yield of the United States this year. Thia waa large than expected and the beers got busy, Ignoring tha large Juiy shortage and pounding down tha price of July wheat. While at tha eame time giving the Septem ber and other deliveries a shaking out tor lower quotations. Snow was bod enough, but the Cincinnati Frio Current accentuated the chilly estl tnate and went It one better with figures 2&,'M),P. bushels larger. The bears roared with pleasure over the succees and the gen erally favorable weather map and sold more wheat, which the bulla took with good grace, but at lower prices. The estimate by conservative authority of 1.000.000 July wneat shortage la Chicago lone shotiid have counterfeited to a de- free the favorable crop reports. Probably his may have had a steadying effect, but the shorts were not especially nervous, much as they would like to nee the wheat coming to market. There Is but 400.000 con tract wheat In the elevators of Chicago and this la worth more than tha July de livery for milling purposes. Hera Is the Bnow weekly crop estimate; Long delayed winter wheat crop harvest H completed. Threshing Is again under way everywhere and scattered advices from wet districts of tho Missouri valley Indicate a rather better yield at the machine than expected. Spring wheat conditions favor able, the effect of a little too much fain In tns Red River valley being offset by benefit of good showers farther west. Wheat ex pectation, 4O0,0UD.00l to 626.000,000 bushels. High temperature baa caused rapid develop ment of corn and position of crisp is now viBViuijt list I 1MB i")t""J .! 3 weedy fields In the Important districts weft of tha Missouri river. The Price Current wheat crop estimate Is 50,000,000 bushels; allowing 600,000,000 for .home consumption and seeT, there remains 160,000,000 surplus for exportation. The multiplicity of bear news had Its effect immediately on the opening on Chic ago the July feature breaking a point, and, while rallying slightly between the open ing and the close was weak and an even point oft on all deliveries when the closing bell tapped. In Omaha the July feature was allowed to remain at yesterday's closing without any transaction nor any disposition on the part of the shorts to press the advantage of the bear news. The deferred futures wera marked fractionally without much business. In the east corn and oata were both off, but nnlv StftZUn. thla In avmnathv with tha break In wheat and on the good growing (ani Harvesting weatner. In Dinah To fxx) hnshela of No. 8 corn sold at jac: 20.000 bushels or July oats at 41e and 15,000 bushels of September oata at Vlc. inn rerreipvs nerv ere nani kiiu in quality of the grain coming- fh Is not good except two ears of fine ner.- whet; received today. The demand for eah wheat everv where Is exeellerl and It Is selling above the July future price. It Is the !2d day of the month and ihe wheat Is not here for July shorts yet tlma enourh for trouble If It doesn't come In. , . ' Roaae of Prices. The range of prices on the Omaha mar ket for future delivery and the close today ana mursuay were: Closed. Whs.t Open. July 89 B I Sept 83 R Deo 83 B High. 89 B 83HH 12 B Low. Today. Thur. 89 B 8ft B 82HB 83 B 4A 45 B 8A 82A B 49 A 48 A 89A Corn July 49 A 49 A Sept 4n B 46 B y Deo. 89A 40 A Oate Julv 4T ft 41I4.B 4A 4f B 89HA 41 B 81A 41 41B 8TA 81A .... tl B ' rlrpt 81 A 1A Dee A asked B bid. Car lot receipts Wheat. Corn. Oats. Omaha .. Chicago . 6t. Louis ... I -lr. -'1 ... .. .71 ...23 812 - 844 ... 73 a 96 .Omaha Cash Prloae. The quotation committee la responsible for the following quotations: WHEAT-No. x hard, 89c; No. S hard. WM3B7C. CORN No. 8 mixed. 47c; No. t yollo 49o: No. I white. 4tij48V4n. OATS No. 8 white, SeS6ViOi No. 4 white, HW6c. Omaha Inspection In: 1 car No. 8 hard wheat, 1 car No. 4 white oats, 1 ear No, 8 corn, 1 car No. z yellow corn and I car No. 8. Total, 4, Out: 1 cux No. hard wheat, 1 oar No. Cash Bales lO.fxXi bu! No. I corn at 49c i I ear ro. a corn, 'o, Cash, sales late yesterday by A. B. Ja- quitn, 6,000 bu. no. i corn at 4c; 20,000 tu. No. 2 oom at 60(4c. nrata Markets Elsowhoro. Closing prices of grain today and Thurs day at the markets named were as follows: CHICAGO. Wheat- Today. Thur. July : , 96 sH eeptemDer twt e' : pecember . , 87 87" May t3 W July 49U . 4h September 40H 49 December ., .. 4&H 4MS Kansas' 'cift1. Wheat Septembe." December Corn T7HB Tl 4VAB 40B 78B 46A 4ln ; December Wheat September December Corn September bt, Louia .1 87H 88 48 3B ueoemDer Wheat- MINNEAPOLIS. September December Wheat- tfepiemher ... December 8&H 8&H DULUTH. 88Si 86 87 NLW TORK. Wheat - September Doceiuber . Corn . .MiH) tern bar 824 90T4 92 MS Me 64V4 Arsentlaa Grain Shipments,, Wheat. Bu. Corn.Bu. lai weea j.bw.uuu 2,Dtu,uuo Last week 1,032,000 2,70u,OuO Last year , 1,M.(W 2.7.000 From Jan. 1 to date 70,461,000 32,796,000 Year ago U,44.ovo a,10u,ooo Jtotea from Cala Markets. Snow's weekly wheat crop estimates are deoidedly bearish, predlotiug 6o0,ou0,0u0 to fc$,uvO,uiv bushel. v P. b. Smith of St. Edward. Neb., and II. W, Binder of Council Bluff were vis itors at the exchange today. . Minneapolis Commercial Bulletin says: 7'1'he northwest has been favored with Safe temperatures for small grain, and wheat la one-fourth to throe-fourths flllatl as ifar north as the south line of NoriL lakota In all aectlons the crop 1 late and no cutting will be done In July aad harvest Is likely to extend into September. Corn 1 Improving:, but la dragging every where." ' primary receipt of wheat 'today, 571,000 bushels, Chicago received 40,000 bu.. Mine Despoils 91,000 bu., St. Louis 139,000 bu., Toledo 8,000 bu. and Kansas City 190,000 bu. . Duluth stock of wheat decreased loO.OuO bu. : aUnnsapolla stocks decreased slightly. Chicago Keoord-Iieiald esUiiiatee short Interest on the July future In ClUuago at the close of buelne yesterday at l.ouO.OuO bushels. Stocks In elevators only 00,0u0 bushels,'' situation Interesting. A grain elevator with luO.ovO bushels ca- raclty la to be erected by the Nebraska and uwa Grain ootnpany on the southern Omaha line. Premium for old September wheat over new In Chicago waa about 13 oent on the bushel. Old July Is about 1 oetit premium over new July. Two care of new Nebraska wheat were received thla morning, the first In carlot. The wheat graded No. t hard, welshed 41 pounds and was of fine quality. T. D. W or ml I and Q. E. baroe have re turned from Yankton, where they regie tered tor Ihe great land lottery. Worail la laying wugsra that he will win a farm. iiindsircet a clearances of wheat thla week. 1.241 601 bushel; last week, 1.412,4)4 bushels. Com 704.617 buauaUi last week. K4,9a bush!.- rtalath Grata Market. DULUTH. July M-WHEAT-To arrive No. 1 iioribern, fao; No. 2 northern. 8l: a track. N X uorthsra, LvvSi No. J northern, mc; July tl.OOH; September, 88V, (j'iK'hc; Deoemlier, S&o. OATS jb track, 2m; td arrive 85c CHICAGO GflAlKI A1ID lHOVIflON9 Featarea of tho Trading; aad Closing Prleee an Board of Trade. CHICAGO, July a. Unresponsive cabins and weather favorable far marketing the new crop were permanent causes of weak re's In wheat today. At the close Septem ber wheat was down an even cent from yesterday's final quotations. Corn Is off H oats show a loss of Vic and provlslona if THc. Under the Influence of comparatively weak cables and Improved weather condi tions there was heavy selling of wheat at the opening. Intttal quotations were st a considerable decline, September being down H1jt,e to i.fio at 88 ttc. The lower prices brought out a liberal demand from pit traders, causing a fair advance. Sep tember going up to 88uKS1tic within the first few minutes The bullish sentiment, however, soon gave way to weakness, and as the session advanced prices continue.! to decline until September had reached 87Mr3. A slight rslly occurred Just before the close on covering by shorts. The final figures on Reptemher were at 871TS774o, July sold between 94e and 96c and closed at Wia. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 100,000 bushels. Exports of wheat and flour for tho week, according to Brad street's, were equal to l.an.OCO bushels. Pri mary receipts were 413.9O0 bushels, com pared with 671.500 bushels a year ago. Min neapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported re ceipts of 301 cars, sgalnst 231 last week and 17B a year ago. The break In wheat and an estimate of liberal receipts for tomorrow was respon sible for a weak corn market. September opened a shade to Hffe lower at 49''ii 4ic, sold down to 49Mic and closed at 49V 49Vic. lineal receipts were 242 cars, with 9 of contract grade. Influenced by the weakness of other fr rains sentiment In the oats Hilt was besr sh. September opened Hftwc lower at 33c to 83K.C, ranged between SVic nnd 33Sc and closed at 33c. Local receipts were 83 cars. The resumption of the strike at the stock yards dominated trading In provisions. The volume of business was extremely light and prlnes showed only slight changes. Liberal receipts of hogs and lower prices at the yards were bear factors. September pork closed with a loss of 6c at $12.77. Lnrd also was down 5o. closing at $ti.uO. Klbs were off 7c at 17.47. Estimated receipts for tomorrow! Wheat, 72 cars; corn, 144 cars; oats, 95 cars; hogs, 15.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. I Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Tssfy. Wheat I I I . 1 a July 9641 97 964 96 9 bJuly 95 94 94 94H 96 ft Sept. 89MS K9 '89 V 90Hi bSept. 8V&k8ilH(-a 87V4J874rt tS Corn 1 July 49499 49 I 49' 49" Sept. 49Vg 49 4Vt49i4''H!4Miia'Te Deo. 46Ta4 46 461 46H! 6 Onts 1 July 89m4 & Slim 89H 39T4 Sept. l3,4Vi 2'4 S3 3SH Dee. 334 S31i Mii334?( 834 May 85 ib U 34 35 12 70 12 75 Sept. 12 72Vi 12 82V4 13 72V4 12 T7H 12 24 Oct. 12 Tl 12 80 12 77Vi 11 77Vi 12 82V 6 82H 8 8iH 6 80 80 86 Sept 9 92 92Vi 6 90 90 K Oct. 6 92H 7 00 6 9 6 95 7 00 Tt lbs July 7 85 7 35 7 82V4 7 32V4 7 40 Sept. 7 50 7 65 7 47V4 7 47Vi 7 55 Oct. 7 66 7 67V4 7 50 7 50 7 62'4 No. 2. aNew. bOld. Cash quotations were ns folfows:- FLOUR Steady: winter patents, 11.60; straights. 84.30fi4.50: spring patents. $4.50'(i 4.T0; stralehts. $3.90fff4.20; bakers. 32 fiOfi3.20. WHEAT No. 2 spring. 97Sr9Sc; No. 3, 88 96c. CORN No. 2, 49e: No. 2 yellow. 61c. OATS No. 2, 4oyS4flHc No. 8 white, 88 43o. RYE No. , 7Bc. BARLKT Oood feeding, 853Sc; fair to choice malting, 42if(60c. SEBDS No. 1 flax, 81.17H; No. 1 north western, 3122: prime timothy, 12.96; clover, contract ncraue, 11. ZD. PROVISIONS Mess Dork, ner bhl.. '70 0112.75. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $6.806.82,. Short ribs sides (loose. 7.2SrT.374; dry salted nouiaers tDOxea), i,.djig,'i.bO. Following were the receipts of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls. 19,600 11,600 wneat. ou....w i,o zo,5JO Corn, bu , 220,000 294,600 OatS. bU -159.600 ' (K.KOA Rye, bu fl.ooo ' 1,500 Dariey, on , SZ.tfUU ....... On the Produce exchange muuy the but ter market was steady; creameries, iag!7o; dairies,. 14ffl5c Eicge. steady) at mark, cases included, ltHilSVo. Cheese, easy at lW6c. . . WBW YORK GEa'ERAIi MARKET teaotatlons of the Day oa Various Commodities. NEW YORK, Julv 22,-FLOTTR-Recelpts, 17,259 bbls.; exports, 18,867 bbls.; market was steady, but Inactive; winter patents,. $4.K6ff5.10; wlnterstralghte,34.60i(j4.7o; Minne sota patents, f4.9oitfa.ui; winter extras, $3.35 O2.90; Minnesota baker, t3.70tT4.00; winter low grades, 33.164ra.70. Rye flour, firm; fair to good, 14.004.26; choice to fancy, 84.264.80. . CORN MEALe Market steady; yellow west ern, U.o&ifrl.lO; city, 31.10ijl.l2; kiln dried, 82.904(3.10. RYE Nominal. BARLEY Slow; feeding. 4CHo, 0. I, f. New York; malting, nominal. WHEAT Receipt end exports, none. Spot, easy; No. 2 red. nominal, elevator: No. t red. 1.07, nominal, f. o. b., afloat: Nc. 1 northern Duluth. tl.oOVs, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal, f, o. b., alloat. Options ruled weak all day and ma terially lower, Influenced by Increasing new wheat receipts, less warlike news from abroad, bearish home crop estimates and favorable western weather. Active liqui dation ensued and the market closed '4fia pet lower. July closed at $101H; September, lfW2He. closed at 92io; December. 90 U-16 4i9l S-16c. closed at BOTio. CORN Receipts, 11,826 bu.; exports, 4S,51Tj wu. . cui, umicij irauj't rtv. i, 00c, eleva tor, and bihic, t. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, 6tiHo; No. i white, 65Wo. Option market was dull uurlng the day ,v but rallied near the close and wns Anally V.'ZrHc net higher. July, 65Vc. closed at 56Ho; September closed at 64c; December closed at 61c. OATS Receipts, 84,520 bu.; exports, 18.000 bu. 8pot, slow; mixed, 26 to 32 lbs., 43ft 46c; natural whits, 80 to 32 lbs., 40TJ47C: Clipped white. 86 to 40 lbs., 47V&9C1C. FEED Quiet; spring bran, 418.00, prompt shipments; middlings, $21.25, prompt ship ment: city, 3M.00U 21.60. HAY Steady; shipping, 70c; good to choice, t5c. HOPS Quiet; state, common' to choice. 1903, 25"f33c; 1902. 2123o; old. 7T13c: PaclfU Coast 1903, E(&2Sc Wi, 20iS22c; old, 713o. HIDES Firm; Qulveston, 20 to 23 pounds, 17c; California. 21 to 25 pounds, 19c; Texas, drled,f4 to 80 pounds, 14c. LEATHER meady ; acid. 23f26c. PROVISIONS-HeeC flrro: famllv. tlOOOUi 11.00; packet, 10 5Of.ni.O0. Cut meat, firm: Slckled bellies. 89.0fS10.60; pickled shoul ers 8604j6.75; pickled hams. 810.50ifi 11.50. Lard, firm; western steamed. 17.20; refined, steady; continent. 87.2S; South America. 38; compound. 5.82g.12H. Pork, quiet; family. 814.50; short cleur, 113. &Cff 15.60; mess, tJ4,2'il4.7R. ..PJCE-Bteityi domestic, fair to extra. POUT.TRY Alive, Irregular; southwest ern soring; chickens, 18c; fowl, 16o; tur keys, 10c; dressed, weaker; western broilers. Ifjlde; fowls, lSn; turkeys. 14ai5q. RtiTTER Steady, unchanged. CHEESE-Easy, unchanged. nFSaw,l"'r; western extra selected, 2CK(j2UHo; average, prime. 1919Vlo. Kansas City Grain sad Provlslaas. KANSAS CITY. July 22. WHEAT Lower- July, 81c; September. VWXfnKp; December. fie; cash No. 2 bard. new. 87ffl r9" ms,c; No. I red. 90if91c; Wo. I, iyIFJf"I-ower: JuIy- WHc: September, ifi.DeCv,mbJr'-4nc: C8"n "o. mixed. No oifiMo ' N" 1 WhUe' b016 9Ai8,"lrm' N. 1 white, 41(ff42c; No. I mixed, 40c. ''TE "-Creamery, lsffl6: dairy. 12c. EQQS Firm; Missouri and Kansas, new. No. 3 whitewood cases lnctided, 16c; ease 0VinA.1?ty1:.c,MM, returned. Ho less. ifAI2S?k; choi'' timothy. 88.60; choice prmriB, n uo, RYE No. X nominal at 62c' . . Receipts. Shipments. Wheat bu lu) 41000 fnrn nil tm cw. Oats, bu 6,000 2,000 Liverpool Grata aad Provisions. LIVERPOOL, July C -WHEAT Snot, nominal; futures, quiet; JiHy, 6s VAi; Sep tember. 6s 9d. CORN Spot, quiet: American mixed, new, 4s 4Hd; American mixed, ild. 4x641. Fu tures, steady; July, nominal; Brptember, nomlnaL Philadelphia Prodoee Market. PHILADELPHIA, Julv 2?. BUTTER Steady; extra western rreamery, 18c. EXK3S Steady; fresh western, Jotyc, loss off. CIIEE8K Steady, 7HT8Hc Toledo Seed Market. - TOLEDO, July tt SEEDS Clover. caJk 88 80; Octolier, 86 50. prime alxike, til 60; . MOM Vl, ... . , . L . -1 All!. uiiu, wv uw. iiiue uhiv(ii, ei.s)at bcv totuber, 81.60. SEW YORK STOCKS ASD BONDS Markst Dulltr and More 81uggi8a in Tone Than for a Long lima. EXCESSIVE IRREGULARITY OF PRICES Crisis la tho Helatloae at Great Urltai aad Rassla Has a De pressing Inflaenoe oa All Markets. NEW YORK, Juiy la. The stock market Waa uulior aua mure siugguh in tue iu uay tuan lor a long time Ada 10 tn.s y.w wvMV lliguiikllb of iue pin.w kiuteuieiti ait Oay nu tne uncei taim ui me stxcuiauve biooa win be unuer.iotM. mi uiui utiuertune wulcn nas .uunnuea iiuuuivei Sinus tne hesitation In, lne al vance urst oeveioped was stilt peroep.iule. 'in.s was partly una to tne suslaiiitu luu.i euce 01 a uuuiuer ut scruiia icauic. 111 uie uirL 'itie ciials lit iue ietuons te icen the Russuiti nu uaii,u .jve.u uienis I a repressive irutuenoe on ku u.ai aeta anu ma 00 expouie.! 10 .. jai.,,uo so until ti.e incident Is aednitely alspueed vl. 'ine opniiig auvances on uie siUi.it ux uhanga met conquerable sale to realise sua was intUiemeu also uy the rmewul u( the meat packers' itrlae. The discon tentment amo.igsi tne new Englanu eo. lun workers and rumors ot tnreateiied trouble amongst rallroau operatives, u e pieasnd witn leireuchmcnt meuures, gave me labor question some auuea innucnce upon sentiment. L'ltlteu States Steel was one of the points of early revival on the market ai.a Its advance maiked the returning on fuil time of practically all of the Carnegie mills. Steel stocks also reflected the reported feeling of hopefulness In the trade, tho southern companies enjoying bevlues tha advantage of a reporteu auvunce In mxiIh em pig iron. The nominal caure of the rl;e 111 Amalgamator Copper was too div.u.ni declaration by a suovlriiary company. The Pacifies and St. Paul also roso at one t.me. The demonntratlop In these was not Vry convincing and the advances were not heid. The forecast of the currency movement Indicated that no effect Has been vro duced on the flow to New York by any le vlval of bueiness In the Interior. With the fraln on subtreasury operations an Increase n cash reserve Is Indicated In upward of 89.000,000. Rates for call loans Indicate a redundancy of day to day funda. Rut the time loan market Is called steadier. For eign exchange also advanced ugaln todty In response to the hardening discount mar ket In London. A late profit-taking move ment left little of the day's gains, but the closing waa fairly steady. Bonds were Irregular. Total ealce, par value, f2,U5, 000. United States bonds were unchanged on call.' The following were the closing quotation on the Stock exchanger Bales. Illgti. Low. Close. 24,000 7sH 78S W4 Atchison do pfd Baltimore 6b Ohio... do pfd' Canadian Pacific.... Central of N. J Chesapeake A Ohio. 3,400 1244 124 800 .166 164 400 84 Chicago & Alton 1,000 3934 uo pia Chicago Gt. West.. '700 Chlenao A N. W... 300 180 14,100 148 Chi.. Mil. A St, P.. do pfd Chicago Ter.. & T.. do pfd C, C C. & St. L.. Colo. Southern do 1st pfd ,. do 2d pM Del. & Hudson Del.. Lack. A W... Denver & R. Q do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley .... do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central '26A 100 '166 100 do pfd K. C. Southern da pfd Louisville tt Nash.. Manhattan L Met. Securities Mat. St. Hy... l,7i Minn. & St. L M , St. P. St B. 8. M. 2.100 73 do pfd 1,000 128 Missouri Pacific 12,600 4T4 M , K. A T 10Q Wi do pfd 1,300 41 n a 1. or mcx., prow ....... New York Central... 1.200 119tt 119 Norfolk A Western.. 2.800 6244 ' 6144 .62 do Dfd .... 4 87 Ontario A Western.. 8.800' 81 ' 8014 "80H Pennsylvania 25.200 121V4 120 121 Pits., C. C. A St. Reading do 1st pfd ....... L, , 63 ...43.700 64A 63 63T ... 200 83 83tt 83 ao za pia Rock Island Co 9,700 S3 do pfd , 1.000 66 Bt. L. A 8. F., 2d pfd 1,600 63 St. L. Southwestern.. 100 13 do pfd 800 83 Southern Pacific 26,700 61 Southern Railway ... 1,400 24 do pfd Texss Pacific 900 26 Toledo, St. L. A W.. 100 2H do pfd V 100 88 Union Paclflo 40,400 97 do pfd 700 94 Wabanh do pfd 800 86 Wheeling A Lake E Wisconsin Central.!.. 100 18 do pfd ' Mex. Central 1,200 9' Adams Express .... .. Amer. Express ... U. S. Express , Wells-Fargo Express Amal. Copper 22,400 621 Am. Car & Foundry. 600 IK; do pfd 100 78 Am. Co' tton Oil.... do pfd American Ice 400 do rtd 1,800 Si 28' Am. Linseed Oil do pfd Am. Locomotive .... 100 21 21T4 ii do pfd 800 87 S8H 8(l'i Am. Smelting; A R.. 1,600 67 6714 5714 do pfd 300 99 98V4 9RS Am. Sugar Refining. 1.700 129H 129',, 129 Anaconda Mining .... vi ia iu it Brooklyn R. T 16.600 Colo. Fuel A Iron.,. 1,400 62 35 Consolidated Oas Corn Products do pfd Distiller' Securities. Oeneral Electric International Paper. do pfd International Pump. do pfd National Lead North American ... Pacific Mall People's Oas Pressed Steel Car..., do pfd Pullman Palace Car Republlo Steel .... do pfd Rubber Oood do Dfd Tenn. Coal A Iron.. U. 6. Leather do pfd V- S. Realty U; 8. Rubber do pfd U. S. Steel do pfd West. Electric .... Western TTnlnn 200 800 400 12,600 78,800 Total ale for tne aay, uz.oou snares. London Itoek, Market. LONDON. July 22. Closing: Consols, on.y ... M 4-14 N. Y. Central ltt to account H Norfolk A W.A Anaconda so pfd II AtchlMS Onurlo A W 814; do ntd i W4 PnnirlYnla 421 Ptltlmors tt Ohio,... I7S Rand atlnsa H Canadian Factne Hill HH11D Jiw . W I do 1st pfd 41 .14 do Id ptd WH .1(1 go Rllwjf M . IH do ptd 1 . 8ZS4 80. PsolAe H , U Vnloa Paclas M . Ma do pfd . u U. a. atMi 11 . 4 do ptd 4S ,14i-St Wbk II ilKi , do pfd I'H . U Bpsnlsh 4s L Cbaa. A Oslo... fhlraio Ot. W. C, M, Bt. P- DDora t. A R. Q do pfd Brts do ''lit pfd..., do Id ptd.... Illlools Control . lxiuu. A Naah.. bt., K. T SILVER Rar, quiet. 26 ll-16d per ounce. MONEY per cent. The rste or discount In the open market for short bill Is I lS-lfrJf24 per cent; for three months' bills, t per cent. Foreign Financial. BERLIN. July 22. Prices on the bourse today were firm: business whs quiet. rARIS, July 22. Three per oent rentes, for the account. Kxchsnge on London, JSf 23c for uhecks. The tone of the bourse today wss hesitating and prices were heavy, nlng to continued fears of Inter national complications growing out of the action of RuHBlnn cruiser In The Red sea. hlo Tlntoa lost 10 points. Russian Imperial 4 cloned at 92.H5 and Russian bonds ot 1904 at 5s. The private rste of discount was 1 Tier cent. LoNDt'iN, July 22 The demand for money was Increased today by the payment of cl2.6uO.000 in new treasury Mils, and local loan rails amounting to 8.7yvoOO. be sides repayments to the Lank of England. Operators on the Stock exchange were cheerfully disposed. The market was still somewhat weighed down by tha political 5,800 85K 84 86 I 94 124 1A4 34 33T4 89 39 . . . . 79 1414 14V4 144 179 179 147 148 178 6H 6 6 14 14 14 74 14 14 14 49 49 48 20V 300 161 161 161 205 21 72 6.600 25 5 26 1,900 62 62 2 8!X 38 3H 3Si 100 G7 C7 67 200 81 81 79 8001 137 137 137 700 19 18 -19 36 21 43 8.960 117 lisii 117 '606 87 86 87 DO 116H 116 1164 .7 .... 46 70 72 127 1274 9344 94 18 18 40 41 I 119 61H 53 S4 94ty .... 19314 100 12H 12 124 69 100 21 21H 21 400 162 102 162 200 ' 14 14 ' 13 500 69 69 69 81 73 400 22 22 21 2X 89 89 89 4 17 27 2 4V0 100 100 100 1,400' 33 83 83 100 76 16 76 221 900 7. 7H 74 . 1.400 44 42 44 J8H 78 .' t'.ioi) 41 4 41 . 800 7 7 7 83 4f 4R 48 19 19 1 77 77 76 12 11 12 63 61 62 169 300 6SU RSi 88 situation. Consols fluctuated. For the ac count they opened at 8 and advanced to W't and then dropped sharp- to 88 7-16. Home rail wavered. Americana opened dull, recovered a fraction, became Inactive and closed steady. Foreigners were quietly dull. Japanese were easier. Imperial Jap anese government 6a of 1904 were quoted at . BISIXE9S OP AlSOCIATED 1IIKI Clearing of tho Great Commercial Centers of Conntry. NEW YORK, July .-Th following table, complied by Hradstreet, shows the bank clearings at the principal cities fot the week emied July II, with the percent age of inoreese and decresse as campsreJ with the corresponding week last year: CITIES. Clearings.) Inc.! Dec. New York Chicago Boston Philadelphia Ht, Louis Pittsburg ....... i,... San Francisco Baltimore Cincinnati Kansas City New Orleans Cleveland Minneapolis Detroit Louisville OMAHA k Milwaukee Providence, Buffalo Indiannpolls Bt. Paul Los Angeles St. Joseph Denver Columbus Memphis Seattle Richmond Washington Savannah Albany Portland, Ore Fort Worth Toledo, O Salt Lake City Peoria Atlanta Rochester Hartford Nashville Des Moines.. Spokane, Waohl Tacoma Grand Rapids New Haven.......... Inyton .., ; Norfolk Springfield, Mass... Worcester Portland, Me Augusta Oa......... Topeka Sioux City Syraouse Evansvllle Birmingham Wllmlnsrton. Del $l.S21.9.0n9l ltU.612,7-6! Ut. !..?('( I 1.W.1S3.5MI 49.4';.taa 8,13.'10i I, tvwoi tl.5bi.3V3, 29.479.460 l.326.3ni! 13.6K.438i :i,6!a,7iia, 13.037, 7791 II. r73.7li6 H.ZALlSj .1.. iil. 23.1,.. 16 .?:4I 'iu'.i 'ii.i 'ii.'t .8 16 4 .6, 85.1 'ii 29.7, 6,4-16.5.-0!.. 18.7 6.9 4.0 6.6 7.41,418j 6 6i,3'X 6.2o3,4 .1; .9.6.650i 6.iW.374 6 652.933, 2, 144, 9421 4.112.421! 4.130.0(101 l.HStftij 4,428,791, l.l. .1,. 15.0, . 2?. 8 14 3 13.0 8.7. i'.b 6.3 4,8a0,22l; 3.781,475 2.751.6171 8,744,72i 8,281,7'.iBi 3.2K8.403; 8.4M.411 2.038,913 2.431.371 2.H6.W6 6.1 11.4 18.4 40.6 'ib.i "i'.i 22.0 , 10.8 , 3.7 2,5l'i,3) 1.74,(416 6.1 2.2S2.9j 8.6 1.K14.69I 1,878,631 2.311.0H8 L518.m "i'.i i:, 5.1 ! 1.690.7421 ' 1.645,129 1.453.956: l,6.3i,02l' 940.2'iO Mi "i:i 24.8 8.8 67.6 8C9.959I 8S6.654I l,rj.oy6 l,OT6.716i . 1.0t2.67fti .2 'i.i 23.4 7.1 1.9 971. MS 1.357.367 Knoxvllle Davenport Little Rock...,, , Wllkesbarre Fall River Macon , Wheeling, W. Va..., Wichita Akron , Chattanooga '. 8jrlngfle!dT 111 Kalumaioo, Mich.., Youngstown Helena ....... -. , Lexington Fargo N. D New Bedford Canton, O Jacksonville, Fla..., Lowell Chester, Pa Oreensburg, Pa,,.,., Rockford, 111 Blnghamton Springfield, O Bloonilngton, 111 Qulncy. Ill bloux Falls, 6. D... Mansfield, O Decatur, 111 Jacksonville, III Fremont, "-Neb tHouston tQalveston , Charleston, S, C.... Cedar Rapids Totals. V. 8 Outslds New York.. 71-8.676 661.11 21 !4,122 2.6 594. 24X 309.604 724.140 816 6 7.6 48.8 3.1 62.4 616.7(0 t.6 722.651; 712.223 6(i6.(W4 436.6',S 777.921 608 4:9 3117.9561 7.i 43:? ..... 6.6 10.2 19.7 2S.1 433.6)8 4i)5,OO0 803.168 473.897 468.425 156.4 6.8 15. t 27.2 81 2.7 19.0 "i'.i "li 'ii'.i 842.164 496.625 436.5001 315.947 - 831. 2H 13.0 . . 319.45 ' 1S1.S95 " l'.2.-8 254.743 2.0 163,3!6 124.3A0 9.138.293 6,333.000 943.615 877,4761 12,171.836.208! 849,851.199 CANADA. Montreal . . ! 21.431.378 ' lf.044.618 ' 704.649 2,180.14ft 26.6 10.7 Ottaw Hallfax Quebec rax y."V':..':L c vv 1,83.372 .-V27.3ai I,710.68 1,115.659 860.137 .... , . 1 . 10.; Vancouver, B. C, Hamilton London. Ont St. John, N. B. Victoria, B. C. Totals, Canada.., 8.5 4 1 16.8 1,006.2X8 753,162 60.0 I 64.166,2081 4! tNot Included In totals because contain ing other Item than clearings. fNot Included In total because of no com parison for laet year. New York Money Market. WTTTlf VrtUTT n. -a st "481 per cent, close offered at per cent; iinno money, easy; sixty and ninety days, K2Aer cent: Mx months. 8f3H per cent. PRIMB MERCANTILE A?tfR-3H(&4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with actual business In bankers' bills at 64.87.20 tf4.87.26 for demand and at 4.84.60a4.84 86 ir. Blx,v 1av b'n"- Posted rates, If RSUff 4R4HBn Commercial bills, 14.84 SILVERBar. E8c; Mexican dollars, 46Ho. BONDS Government, steady; railroad bond, Irregular. ' The closing quotations en bond are at follows! V. a. nt. la, ra,....104lManliatta . g. 4s.. .105 do coupon ...KHii'Mfx. Central 4s. U do la. reg 1041 to 1st Inc I4H do coupon 1051iMlnn. St. 1 4... K do fuiunun t - - - 1 , .H, , (V. QE x. oa 1W ."It do la M ..IOSh. Y. C. a. ma W .-IMS. M. J. C. la. .11,5 do old 4a. rog. do coupon .... Atchlaoo adj. 4a. do adl. 4a t, El!1- 04 4S.... H4l . Atlantis C L. B. A O. 4s..., do IUi L. 4s A par.... 7 llJHp.nn. . H,a:..: 71 ;Raadtns son. 4a M .Jo; at. U A I. M. e. la.. Ill Central of Oa la., do 1st Ine Chce Ohio 4 Ha Chlcaco A A. Ia v., b. A q. 0 c. M. A S. C. A N. W 0. ta....ll ;g0. Paclllc 4 an? C. K. I. A P da eal. la. . . 1 Taxaa AP I, CCC. A Bt. U I. 4. Chlaato Tar. 4a..., Con. Tohaooo 4a.,.. Colo. A Bo. 4s D. A R o. 4 Krla prior Ilea 4a.. .101 ,. ft . 1114 . .100 T., Bt. L. A W. Is..' 11 Union PacUe 4s 14 v conT. fa..... It. B. Steol d la aak. .. 71 ..S..117 8H wanaan la . da dub. n 00 gen. 4s It P. w. a n o t- i i. W. A U B. 4 Wl. Cantrsl 4a... . (JfTerj. Boston Stock Qnotatlons. e.??SlT,N- ,3u,y a -Call loans. 2,g$ par r"'1 J0n' Per cent. Official -w-,B u4 iiwh ana Donas: ' -'."Jr" 'dJ' "' V4 Wctln. common K) H 14 Atchlaon , u.,,.. mMm . nil. n't Amalgamated pf Boalon A Albany boaton A Maine. Buaton Ulavatad , Pltohburg pfd .. Uax, Control ... ..I4 .Atlantic, .1 i Diuiiin ..11 Cal. a Hacla. ..1M Canlanalal ... 14(4 ....4T .... I44 .... M .... ll4 4H .... 7H .... I .... H ...I 4- 4 :::: 4!5 .... u .... .... M .... aT .... I I .... 1 .... I J 14 .... II U .... 1 414! Copper Range N. T., N. M. A n...l4 Para Marquetts 74 iim7 waat ... Dominion Coal vnioa Paolda 17 Kranalln in.r. Araa. UBasL. llttlOraneT Mo Dfd 74 llala Horala ... Amar. pnau. Tuba Amer, Sugar do ptd Amer. T.A T Amer. Woolen .... do pfd '. Pomlnlon I. A I.. Bdlaon Eloc. lllu.. . 4Maai. Mining ., .1144 Michigan ..... .Until Mohawk , .181 Mont. r. c. . ll'(Ud Dominion . , U Oafo . ly, Parrot 141. Qulncy Oonaral Electric 141 Shannon , Slaaa. Electric do pfd Maaa. Oaa I'nitad fruit ..... United Shoo ktach. do pfd V. 8. Stool do pid Bid. Asked ) Tamanuk 7814 Trlnltr 4o U. I. Mining... i4 v. a. on...".. Wi ,1'tas 40 Victoria U Winona Wlrrln Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON, July Si.-Today state, merit of- the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $160,000,0u0 gold reserve In the division of redemption tsliowss: Available cash balance. 8149,ito,3li goij, 14o,yv4,D77. Bisk Clearlaaa. OMAHA, July 22. Bank clearings for to day M6 802.24, a decrease of tm,U$.4x from the corresponding day last year. Evaporated Apples anal Dried Frnlts. NEW YORK, July 21-EVAPOHATEl) APPLES The market continue to reflect light ntTt-rlngs; rules firm at recent prices. Common are quoted at tiflic, prime at 644 Cl6c, and fancy at 7c. CALIFORNIA 1R1ED FRtMTS-Prunes remain quiet, will) demsnd steady, but for small lula ss a rule, Vjuotatluna range from 24i'jic. aooordlng to grade. Apricots are attracting a light trade; choice are held at Vul0c; extra ehuloa at llrmalOko. and fancy at 1110. " OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Market Badly Demoralised Owing to Btrike. . HOG MARKET OPENS LOWER, CLOSES FLAT Renewal of Labor Olfflealty' Caaaes . Mack Tronnle All Markets Finish Flat Few Sheep fold lOo to lSe Lower. SOUTH OMAHA, July 22, 1801. RecelDls wera- Cattle. Hogs Sheep. Official Monday 775 1.44 3 SI 4 Official Official Official Official 1 uesday... . Wednesdsy. Thursday... Friday 1.4(i8 4 1.442 2.000 l.i47 t.8K2 D.5O0 Five days thla week.... 6.436 17.C87 Same days last week.. 4.63.' 1".'10 Same days w k before. 10.41 4 S.TS Same thiee weeks ago. .t- lt',S.t Same four weeks ago.. 11. 624 4.0.'7 Same day last year...l:,87 85.748 Receipts for tbe Year to Date. The following table shows the receipt of cattle, hog and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, with comparison with last year: 1901. IPOi. Inc. Deo. Sheep 787.560 63o.6.'0 202.040 Cattle 477,054 64-.812 64.83) Hogs I,4o0.o& 1.414.877 35.812 Average puces paid (or hogs at South Omaha for the last several days with com parison: Date 1904. 1803.102. 101. luu.1699.il!i98. July l.... July .... Ju:y I.... July 4.. July 6.... July 6 ... July 7.... July 8.... July .... July 10... July 11... July 12... 6 1.1HI t 601 6 l8Vs 6 67 7 64 7 61 6 StU i 831 4 2 & 741 i 01 8 73! .1 61 2 61 7 62j I 78! .1 ft W1 ( 26 7 64 a 6 06 i'78 I 66 3 06 t 76 3 87 8 78 a 3 70 3 .8 8 i'2 3 77 3 77 3 i. 6 WVi 6 65 6 4.1 6 I 3 83 7 75 6 11 a 6 13 6 I.') 6 04 6 02 3 61 2 h; a 8 90 1 to 4 04 9 ItHa 6 SH 6 44 6 82 t 3D a 6 SS 7 82 6 82 5 164,, 7 80 7 83 6 83i o fv' 5 92 6 i 5 77 6 11 7 777 J my u July 14 6 G2 5 Vi 4 09 4 05 3 W: 6 161 6 US Julv IS.. 11 6 18 5 21 6 18 6 04 I 10 6 06 5 16 83 7 7S 7 22, July 16... July 17... Juiy 18... July U... July 20... July 21.., July 22... 6 'A ( 02) 7 i b .hi, 4 871 4 01 4 Ml a 82 4 it, 4 1 3 M 4 21; 3 SI 4 34 3 7 I 221 7 73 6 681 ; I DO 6 22 i 22, 7 62 6 26 7 41 o nj 6 tk a 6 67 4 V 4 US 6 07 Indicate Sunday. Indicate holiday. The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. bncep.Ii'r's. .-., M. St. p 4 11 Wabash t a Missouri Pacific 7 4 18 2 17 9 22 4 'i 1 2 Union Pncltlc system 23 18 "i 'i C. A N. W 1 F.. E. A M. V 24 C, St. P., M. 4 O.... 1 H. A M 11 C, B. A Q 13 K. C. A Et. J 6 C, R. I. A P.. east.. 8 Illinois Central 2 Chicago Qt. Western .. Total receipts 99 82 21 1 The disposition of the day's receipts wa as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of bead Indicated: t Cattle, Omaha Packing- Co...... 19 Hwli'l n H r.nm,.n., OAA iks. Sheep. m 24i 901 54 200 766 473 226 606 284 "." " . v.. f ...... tt Cudahy Packing Co...... 448 Armuur ex to i rim Vttr r'n 1.- r. i , 1 v.... - "O I . will .V . . 4V Armour, from Sioux City .... U F. Hub 4 Morrell .... Other buyers 116 1,522 Totals 1,471 1,616 3.318 CATTLE The market ts again completely demoralized owing to the renewal of the labor trouble. The situation is very grave and shipments should be held back at all hasards. The market opened lCKffl&c lower on beef steers and only a portion of the receipt were sold even at that mucb decline before the break occurred. After that the trade was simply flat and there was practically ho market at anv Dries. r Cows and heifer fared 'even worse than beef steers, as prices at the opening on the stock was 16f2fic lower and verv dull After the trouble was begun there was no The feeder trade was also weakened mor or lea from same causes and tb mirk.i In that line istalso very dull and unsatis factory. BEEF HI E. KilS. No. I. ... 1... 14.... II. ... 14.... 4.,., II...., II...., IS.... At. .. M0 .. WO ..low ... 441 ..1117 ..1001 ..1044 ..1040 .. 1ST ..1044 ..l!30 ..II.U Pr. I M i n 4 tO 4 71 4 78 I 00 I 00 I 10 6 10 I n I M Ma I... 34... Aw. ....1241 ....117a .,..1111 ....1110 ....1317 ....ntt ,.1!H ...,160 ....mi ....1540 ....14ftl ....Hit Pas I 44 I M I Ci I 69 I II I W I ? I 74 I 88 I W I 9 II.... II.... II.... 10.... II.... 7.... II.... II.... 11 II I M I H 41 . .1170 STEERS AND COWS. I ..108 IK) If an ..04 I 18 STEERS AND STAGS, ..1061 I 10 COWS, I 40 14... ... ISO ...11M ... 416 ... M0 ...1056 ...1140 ... r.o .... tT ...looo ... m ... 00 I H I 16 I HO I 60 I 10 I 10 I a I U I 6 JM 00 II S5I I II 1 170 I IS 17 117 IS II Ml I tl 1 10M i io 1 1440 I 10 1 1104 60 II 1101 I 60 1 110 I 40 1 1181 I 46 1 1130 4 00 2 UU 411 it.'!!! ii.... m!!!! 18.... I.... 4.... to It! I 14 COWS AND HEIFERS. .;. Ill t 10 HEIFERS. .. its .. 00 I II i m 1 116 1 610 I oe I 10 BULLS. 1 i ..1110 ..1110 I M ' 1 1400 I ti 1 760 I 40 1(00 I SO 1 00 I IS I 15 I IS ..WW ..1110 CALVES. 1.... 110 I M . 1...., IN (II BTOCKER8 ANlJ fliltlJEKS. I ..... 660 18 1 640 I 90 HOQS At 10 oclocli this morning the snnouncement was made that the labor troubles had been reSewed and from that hour on the market was completely de moralised and at a standstill. The situa tion Is very grave and shippers should hold back until the trouble Is settled. At the start With a normal supply here the market opened In fair shape, especially on toppy grades, and a part of the rsoelpts sold early st from pretty close to steady on choice, to generally a nickel lower. Wild rumors soon bee on to circulate and at the hour named above the report was confirmed nnd the market flattened out completely and at a late hour a good part of the receipts were unsold and no effurt was being made to move them. As far as It went 'sales were largely at 86 (i6.07i or not far from a nickel lower, while a load of fancy butcher weights sold et (6 20, the high price In soma days. Fullv one-half of trie hogs were left In first hands, No. At. 8b Pr. Ne 71.. Tl.. 64.. 76.., 64.. 74.. 4a.. II.. M... 74... 77.. It.. .. 13.. At. Hi. r 14..., 41.... 74.,.. 47.... 71.... 44,... 76... 74.... 10.... II..'.. 66..,. 17.... II.... It.... 67.... 70.... 40.... C4.,.. .160 SO I 00 301 140 I 07 H .141 40 So M 140 4 I 06 ..ISO I C7U ...Ml ...Hi ...HO ,,..no ,...1.10 ...in ...140 ...166 ,,..141 ...161 ,...144 ...tit ....III ...160 . . .17 ,...111 I 06 I 01 c ue I 04 I 08 8 06 I 01 I 01 I 06 ' I 08 I 08 I OS 6 OS I 08 I 07 I 07 ...121 ,.2M . .. . .Iu5 ..120 ..131 ..124 ..148 ...231 ..2.10 ..191 ..til 160 110 'io 111) 160 I 07 I 07 I 07 I 07 ... I 07 I 07 I 07 I 07 I 07. I 07il I 4TJ 1 I 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 10 1M 110 104 10 111 110 120 120 0 so 120 40 40 40.. .11 II ICO 16 nt II 141 11. .224 I S7V4 SHEEP-Hardly one-holf of the arrlvala were sold this morning even at much lower ? rices when the market flattened out owing o the renewal of the labor troubles. At the start sales of mutton sheep were mostly IWU60 lower and slow at the de cline. There was simply no market after the news of the trouble reached buyers. Quotations for grnss sheen and Iiunbs: Oood to choice yearlings 44 2f(ft4 70; fair to good yearllns-s. l3.50tfK.26; good to choice wethers. 14.01x7(4.25; ' fair to good wethers, liWitM.Oo; good to choice ewes, 83.5o&:i70: fair to good ewes, 83.253.50; good to choice lambs, o604jtt.76; fair to good lambs. li.OiXif 8 60. No. A4 erase, 3 Idaho bucks , 236 144 Idsho ewes 92 74 Idaho wethers (& hi Iiluho yeurlliigs Hi 104 Idaho wethers 79 6 Idaho feeder Inmbs 4il 176 Idaho feeder lambs 53 165 Idaho yearlings 93 4) Idsho l.-mtis 64 (36 Idaho lambs 65 Prlrs 8 00 3 00 1 50 3 75 I 80 4 00 4 no i$ t 76 1 60 t 00 V:, 2 (VI 3 VI t 60 4 15 4 60 4 66 I 75 i 60 J'lano 41 Nebrui 11 Idaho 7 Idaho rusKa uu rwe m bUrkS 151 bucks 150 I04 Ni;brnskn ewes !r! 40 Irtuho ewes 107 87 Iduho ewes 114 84 Idaho feeder Inmbs 60 25 I'l.it ho wethers and year- llna-s 40 Idaho lambs 40 Idaho lambs 6 68 66 TO It 4!0 Idaho lambs L Idsho lambs It iuO0 lamb CHICAGO I.I VK stock MARKET Cattle Lower, Hon Drop from Five to t Ten Cents nnd Sheep Lower. .CHICAGO, July 22.-CATTI.E-Recelpts. 8.0UJ heed; market opened stendv and cloacd luwer; good to prime steers, f6.404iti txxir to netllum, 4 ftcjo EH; stockers and feeders. I.'.0in4 00; cows, I1.6('ti4 60; heifers, IJ.wv.io ho; caiu-.ets, fl.siKki2.U; bulls, fci.Otai 4.1"; calves, 2.5ofi.'ii: Texas fed steers, tteeat.fs. 1I(.h3 Receipts, 23.000 hend; market 1(V, i5c lower, clued dull; mixed and butchers, 5.1695.46; gi)d to choice heavy, $.r).25.g5 46; roiih heavy. ISOuyfi .20; light, I6.1((i6.4u; bulk cf sales, 86.2641 5 36- SHEEP AND I.A.MDS Receipts, 8.fid0 head; market for sheep slower, binibs lower; good to choice wethers, $40oii4.:i; fair to choice mixed, 33i"''4.(0; western sheep, 13.364.75; native lamhs, 4.0uu7.60. Kew York Live Mock Market. NEW TORK, July C-HKEVES-Re-celpts. 3.7i8 hesd; market for ster, slow and l'Vil5c lower, for bulls, steady; 'for beef cows, I0jl6c iiwer; for others, steady; steers sold at 4.('ii&.N6; extra at fUO; oxen and stags. 83 8xi5.0O: bulla, 83 0O1i4.1o; eows, 1.7iij3.70; dressed beef slow at l'ullo per pound; a little extra beef at lie. Cables stsady. CAL VES U-ceipts, 886 head; market slow: choice veals 26fj&oc higher; others steady; veals sold at l4.0Ouu.UO; butter milks, $3.0o4f 3.26; city dressed veals slow t H7(12c per pound. HOGS Receipts, 1.680 head; prime state and Pennsylvania hogs, 6.04i6.00; mixed westerns, 6.06t6.30. SHEEP ANI LAMRS Receipts. 8.883 head, market very slow; for choice fresh lambs about steudy; for others. I6f(i,1"o lower; for sheep, k5n lower; sheep sold at I'J.oO (i4.26; common to jrlme lambs, H.00rf..K6; one csr at I6.H0; nothing very choloe on Mile; dressed mutton slow and lower at S'itbmc per pound; dressed lamba easier at glOo. Kansas City Lire Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. July 22.-CATTI.E-Re-celpts, 2,u"0 head, Including 1,100 southerns: market lOtflXc lower; export and tliPMKeu beef steers. 10fi25c lower at $6.50'ii25; fiilr tut good, 10Q2&C lower at 4 00ii4.26; western fed steers, K"h26c lower w 33.76tt6.i'6; stock ers and feeders, weak at $J.60'i4.5o; south ern steers, 10i26c lower at 62 7f'u 4.75; south ern cows, 10f(tl5o lower at II.764i3.5o; native cows I0i)15c lower at 3l.76fi 4 26; native heif ers. llK&lDC lower at 2.8(i'u&.00; hulls, 10)(15c lower at 2 26fg3.76; calves, 2 5ii(?i6.00. HOGS Receipts, 7,5(0 head: market loft l.'ic lower; top. 81.30; bulk of sales, 5.hV(t b.Zo; heavy. 5.2ti:io .30; packers, &.15'u&.2&; plKS and lights. 84.26iii6.20. MiEEP AND LAMHS Receipts, 2,SiX) head; market steady; native lamlis. 24.00i 6.W; western lambs, 14.00'no.OO; fed ewes, I3.26j13 i6; Texss clipped yeurlliiKH, 83.7f.i. 4.76; Texas clipped sheen, 83.26(4)4.00; stock ers and feeders, 12.503.50. t. Lnols Lire Stoek Market. ' ST. LOCIS, July 22. CATTLE Receipts, 8,000 head, Including 2,200 Texans; market slow; native shipping nnd export steers, 14.85'u 6.80; dreHSed beef and butcher steers, I4.mri4.76; steers under l.OuO lbs.. 88.7614.10: stockers and feeders, 32.26fti4.bO; cows una heifers, 2.25'3.20; ennners, 1 5ik12.:'i; hullH, 2.45'(i4.10; caivcs, t4.ifa9.liO; Texas and In dlnn steers, 33.O0oj4.6O; cows and heifers, 32.0Oftj3.O0. HOGS Receipts, 4,500 head; mnrket alow and lower; llgs and lights, 4.76ftj5.2o; pack ers. ts. iX(i6.3u; butchers and best heavy, 85.15ftj6.35. SHEEP AND LAM B8 Receipts, l.OCO head: market lower: native muttons, Ixt.owj; 3.50: lumbs, 84.oiiftlii.75; culls and bucks, I2.nl tTS.OO;, Texans, 33.50!rf4.60. Kt. Joseph Live Slock Mnrket. ST.. JOSEPH, July 22.-CATTLE Re ceipts, l.tiHo lieu d ; market 105j25c lower; na tlvs, 34.35!ijii.26; cows nnd fielfers, $l.liif 0 26; stockers and feeders, 83.2fcji4.10. HOGS Receipts, 6.1H9 head; market CfilOc lower: HbIu. I6.OuhjO.16; medium and heavy, 85.10fti6 12Vs, SHEEP AND . LAMBS Receipts, 922 head; market dull. Stonx Ctly Live Stock Market. SIOl'X CITY, la., July 22.-(8poclnl Tele gram..) CATTLE Krceipts, 50u fiend; mnr ket steady; beeves. $4.5oCy6.S0; cows, bull find mixed, 82.40(34.06; stockers and feeders, 3.00?(4.00; calves and yearlings, 32.7lir3.75. HOG B Receipts, 3.000 heno; market 5c lower, selling at 84.8oft.K3. 15; bulk, 84.95ftio.06. took In Sight. ' Following are the receipts of live stock for the six principal western cities yes terday; , Cattle. Hoss. Sheep Bouth Omaha 776 Chicago 8. ("XI Kansas City...., 2.000 St. Louis 3,ono St. Joseph t... 1,6(6 Sioux City 500 1.404 8. ,5 23,000 7,600 4.500 6,199 8,000 44,4303 8,000 2.800 1,000 822 Totals . .16,841 13,677 Wool Mnrket, BOSTON, July 22. - WOOL - Territory wools are firm; pulled wools arc quiet with small offerings; foreign wool hold firm In sympathy with strong conditions abroad. Leading quotations are: Idaho, fine, 170 18c; heavy line, HftlOc; fine medium, 17(ffl6c; medium, 18lt20c; low medium, 204(21c; Wyo ming, fine, 16jj17c; heavy line, 14(&15c; line medium, 17(gl8c; medium, liJJ20c; low me dium, 2CK822c; Utah and Nevada, fine, 16 17Vic; heavy fine, Hftjlac; tine medium, i'tii 18c: medium, 2V21c; low medium, 21J23c; Dukotn, fine, 17S(18c; fine medium, 17("(ilc; medium, 18aj20o; low medium, 21022c; Mon tana, tine, choice, 204j21c; fine, (average, 19 f30c; fine medium, choice, 2oC21c; average, lSu'JOc; staple, 21$22c; medium, choice, li 230. Regarding the wool market the Com mercial Bulletin tomorrow will say: The market is quieter. The demand, however. Is good and prominent buyers keep up their Interest. Rather more than an av erage week's business has been closed. While the market Is firm, there are plenty of sellers at current prices. A prominent sale of the week was a large line of Mon tana In the original bags at 21HW3c, ac cording to the grude. In the west the Montana clip la practically cleaned up and the highest price of the season, SOVfcc, waa paid this week at both Billings and Great Falls. At St. Louis 26c is reported tmlil ft ' the one-quarter blood Soda Springs wool. The shipments of wool from Bos ton to date from December 31, 1903, aro 117,431,814 pounds, against 124,723.880 pounds at the eame time dipt year. The receipts to date ere 172,453,047 pounds, against 138, 506,368 pounds for the same period lust ST. 'LOUIS. July 22.-WOOL Steady; me dium gradi combing- and clothing', 24ft? 24o; light i.,ie, lOftjlso; heavy fine, 12yl3c; tu-wasliecl, 33a. Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL. July 22.-COTTON-Spot In moderate demand; prices 4 points lower; American middling fair, 6.56.1; good mid dling, 6.42.1; middling, 6 324; low middling, 6.18d; good ordinary, 6d; ordinary, 6.Wh1. Futures opened quiet and closed eusy. American middling, g. o. c July, tic2d; Ju'.y-August, 5.!l7d; August-September, 6.70.1; September-October. 5.44d; October-November, 5.31d; November-December, 5 2'd; De. cember-Janunry, 6.23d; January-Fcliruarv, 6 24d: Februarv-March. 6.24d: March-Am-il. 6.25d. ST. LOUIS, July 22. COTTON-Nomlnal; middling, 10'),c; stock. U,?S ha lis. NEW TORK.'July 22.-COTTONT-Futurej Closed, barely steady; Julv 10.42c; August, lO.S&c; September, 9 64c; Oetbber, 9.61c; No vember, B.mic; December, 8.69c: Jnnuarv, 9.62c; February, .9.63c; March, 9.65e. Spot closed tnilte 10 points lower; mldi'JIng up lnnds, 10.90c; middling gulf, 11.15c; sa'.es, 372 bales. NEW ORLEANS, July 2?. COTTON Futures easy; July, 10.CA& 10.75c; Autrust, 10.8Ki1Q.82c; September. .72n9.73c: Octyber, 9 447i9.46e; November. 8.4KjS.42c; Dercmber, 9.41ir.42c; January, 9 47'i(9.48e. Spot, quiet; sales,. 900 bales; ordinary, 8 7-lflc; good ordinary, 9c: low middling, Wc; mid dling, Uc; nood middling, 11 7-lde; mid dling fair. 11 n-lilc; receipts, 2,Gii8 bales; stock, 67,371 bales. 4111s nnil I n In. NEW YpRK. July 22.8-OlLS-Cottonsced. null; prime crude, nomln'il; vello.. 2Sc. Petroleum, eusy; refined. New York, I7.7U; Phllndelphlfi nnd Hnltlinr-..e, 576) seme in bulk, 84.75. Turpentine 6rtft57e. t-l:idy at liuniTv Htenuy; strained common lo gOOd. ?.Kfi. SAVANNAH. July 22.-OH.S-Turpentlne, firm. 63c- HoSIN Flrtni A. R. C, 82 30; p 8" 40; E. K. 42 45: O. 82.60; H. $.; I. II.Miftm 16; K. t47W ' 13.72V. U, 83.82; W G, $4.22; W W, $4 61. OIL CITj, Jj!v 22.-OI 1.8- Oodlt tnl ences, 81. VI; certificates, no bid. Sl-lp-ments. 77.81 bbls.: aversirc. 68.r"l hbls.; runs. 9fl.2?4 bbls : sveniire. 73.375 bbls. Ship ments. Lima, 56.877 bbls.; average. 02.101 bbls : runs, Lima, 74,250 til ls.; uveriiKi', 66 f77 bbls. Tt)LKIK. July f!2. ffl North Lima, $1.00: South I.lnm and Inrllunn 9. WILM1VGTGN, July 23. iH Turpen tine, nothing doing: crude. $2 23. 4' 00 'md 84.25. Rosin, nothing doing. Ts.', lirm St 18c. aarnr sad Molnsses. NEW ORLEANS. Jily 22A8UGAR Strong: opn kettle. lff(3 8-hic; centrif ugal, :tfti3c: centrlfugHl whiles. 44; ycl luws. 34,'..4Vic; Becondr, i1t 3c. , MOLASSES NuiiiIiihI; unfn kettle, 20f t5c: centrifugal, 1'inlOc. Syrup, nominal, 2tU25c. toffee M'.rket. NEW YORK. July 22 COFFEE The market fur futures npenerLsteudy at un changed prices to an advsnee of 6 points. Bales were 4,'iiH baijs, Jncludlii Jul, t twei Aus-usf, 6.90c; September, .95c; Decembor, 6.2tfta20. OMAHA tVIIOI.F.fALB MARKETS laple nnd Fancy Prodoee. Eons-Receipts libera); firm; fresh died stock, 15o. LIVE POULTRY Hen. roosters, so cording to site, c; turkeys, 13c; ducks, 7o gee. nc; broilers. luC . . Hl'TTKR Peeking stock. 11c; choice t fanrv dairy, 12(ffl4c: sciurntor, lUftfWHc. FRKHIt FISH Trout. 11c; pickerel, sc Pike, lor; perch. 7c; blm-flsh, 12c; whlteflsh. 14c; snjinon, 14c; redsnnrper, 11c; lobster, green, 2o; lobster, boiled. '30c; bullheads, lie: cntdah, 14.-; black buss, Kc; halibut, lcc; crspples, 12c; roe shad, $1: buffalo, 8e white bass. 11c; frog legs, per dos, 36c. Bit AN Per ton. $18. t , , HAY-ITIoes quoted by Omnhit Wholesslei I'ealiTs' ass.x-lntln 1: Choice N A 1 upland, $; No. 2. $7 50; medium. $660: coarse. $. Rye straw. $5.50. The psl.-es Are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts light TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Navel, choice, large elie, $3; fancy navels, ull slis, U.00; Mt-uitevraneau sweets, choke, ull slaos, IA0oit3.i; JalTas. ull sues, l-.i.yioo, VaKiiclas, ull sites. $i.lsl U3.7. LEMONS California fancy. 27(r-SOOSta $3.ioy4.2t; choice, 42.70300. CALIFORNIA FIGS Per 10-lb. onrton, 5oc; Imported Sinyriiu. .2-crown, 12c; ciown, 14c; 7-irown, lie. ' r. BANANAS Per inediuin-slscd bunch. $204 (j2.u0; Jumbu, 42,;5(ii.l.26. . . DATLa-l eisiaii, p.r box of 30 pkgs , $2 In 60-Ib. boxes, 5c per lb.; Oriental stuffed, per box, $2.40. P1NEA1 PLES In crate ut 24 to 42, pel crate, lo.2o FRUITS. APPLES Urecu, pi r H-bu. box, 75o. HAXPbh.RKll.ti- Per i.4 qt., W; per 24 pt., 41. u; led rau.";errles, per 24 pi-, W'ueh., 13. , , BLACKBERRIES Arkansoa, per 24 qt 8TRAWBERRIE3-Colorado, per 84-Qt. CiicnnlES Cullfornla. Royal Ann 01 Tui tunun, per box. $1.3b; home grown, pal Gouefc.iiERRIE8-Pcr 24-qt. case, $l. l'EACiit-t Texas, per 4-bunket crate, kOO Calaloiiiia Alexaudia, per oox. $1. PLUMS Caiiiornlu, Trogdy, Burbwli PEARS California, $2.75 per box. APrtlcoTts CalUuriila. $i.uO. CANT E LO L'l'E Texair, per crate, $2,604 2.7..; Culiiornla, per crate 80.00446 00. WATERMELONS Per lb. tcr.Ud), 10 each, 3W14UC. ... . CURRANTS Red and white, per 24-qt. case. $1.2o. EG ET ABLES. POTATOES New Texas Red stock, la sucks, pur bu., 50c. .,.,- t iSAV'f BEANd Per bu.. $2.1.S2.26, ONIONS Bei mudu, per 60-lb. crate, $3 0v LoulHlanu, In sucks, per lb,, 2Hc CABBAGE Home grown, lc pur lb. CAULIFLOWER Per dor., 6bo. CUCUMBERS Per Uos., 25c. TOMATOES Texus, 4-basket crates, tL RADISHES Per do, bunches, 20c LETTUCE TCi. pr dos., 30c. , TURNIPS nouilurn. per doi., Z60. tlTTI."rQflr.iithnrn. ner dos.. 25c CARROTS Southern, per do., 2&0. PA RSLEY Per dos.. 26c. BEANS Wax, per bu. box, $1.00; per bu. basket, 50c; siring, per bu. box, $2.00 per hi bu. box, 75c; Wisconsin blue beau, lfi-nt. box, $2 0". . . GREEN PEPPERS Per 6-basket crabs, SQUASH Home grown, per dos., 78o. PEAS-Per bu. box. $1.00. . i EGG PLANT Southern, per do., $1.50. MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., IOC. HIDES No. 1 green, ttc; No. 2 rfreen, Set No. 1 raited. 7c; No. 2 salted, 6c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 9c: No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 6Hc; dry salted, 812c; sheep pelts. 24tt27c: horpe hides. $1,5042.60. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 11c; Wisconsin young America, 12c', block Swiss, 16c; Wisconsin brick, lSVie; Wiscon sin llmherger. 13c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb-, 16c; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., ISo; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 6c; roasted ponnuts, per lb.. 8o; Chill walnuts, per lb., 12&13o; large hickory nut4, per lb., 11c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 15c; hsrd shell, 13c; shel'.barks. per bu-' $2.00; black walnuts, por bu., $XZd. St. Loo la Grain nnd Provlslona. ST. LOUIS, July 22. FLOUR Qulst Mel unchanged; red winter patents, $4.96a.lO; special brands, IftWSe higher; extra fancy und straight, $4.50q4.90; clear, JH.HOJj4i.90. SEED Timothy, steady,. 2.402..o. CORNMEAL Steady. $2.40. BRAN Active; sacked, enst track. 80r82o. - HAY Steady; timothy, 98.O0Q14.0O; prai rie, $5.003fl.5O. IRON rOTTOHgTIES 82c. RA GOING He. HEMP TWINE C . PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobblnjr, $12,874. Lard, steady; prime steam, M Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, 18.2ft clear ribs. $8.8"H; short clear, $8.60. POULTRY Market strong: chickens, 9o; Bprings, 13Hc; turkeys, 13a; ducks, 7c; geese, 3c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 148180; dnirv, ICdflBo. EGGS Steady, 13c, ense count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls .1. f.ooo, 4000 Wheat, bu 140,0n0 66.0OO Corn, bu 19.000 27,000 Oats, bu .....80,000 34,000 Mllvrnnkee drain Market. MILWAITKEB. July 22.-WHEAT- lower; No. 1 northern, $1.01jT.01; No. I northern, 97iif99c; new September, 77(if78o bid. RYE Firm: No. 1. 79c. BARLEY Dull; No, 2, 62c; sample, S4 oe. CORN llrm; No. 8, 60J51c; September, 40c asked. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. July 22. WHEAT Juty, 07V4c; September. 874(ff7c : Decem ber, 81ic; on trnek. No. 1 hard, $1.00; No 2 northern, S(lM''597c. FIUR-Flrst patents, $5.10.2O; second patents, $5.0fKff0.10: llrst clears, $3.66(313.66; efr,nd clears, $2.30. BRAN In bulk, $14.00; shorts, $16.00. Peoria Grain Market. PEORIA, III., Julv 22,-CORN-Hlgheri N01 3. 4Hty.; No 4, 4?C. WIIISKY-$1.2S, Metal Market. NEW YORK. July 22 METALS Tin was active and higher at London, holding, It Is reported. 11 gain early of 10s. Later the advance whs lost, but the market closed firm nt 123 12s 6d" for futures end at 123 for spot. The local market also ruled firm and was SK'Un higher, closing at 327.2.Vfiv27.60. Copuer was steady and unchunKi'd In the local market, with lake minted nt $l?.2H(f12.7V4 and casting nt 312.87V 4P12. 60. The Ixmrton market was un rhnnged nt 57 6s for spot, while futures were slightly higher at 57 8s 9d. Lead wns sternly and a little higher abroad, with snot minted et 11 15s In London. Locally the lend market Is unchanged at $4.8004.35. Spelter ndvunced slightly In Ixindon, clos ing nt 22 6s. Here tbe mnrket Is steady at 84.WrhM.SK. Iron closed jit 46s In Glssgow nnd nt 42s In Mlddlesborough. while locsllv No. 1 northern foundry Is quoted Bt 3l4 60ftl 15 00, No. 2 northern foundry at $l4.06ftJ14 5o nnd No. 1 s""thern nnd No. 1 southern soft foundry nt $13.00(816.00. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, July 22.-DRY OOODfV The market has been lncreanlngly steady during the day especially on such lines as tire nffected by the Fall River situation. Manufacturers nre not Inclined to sell for the future until they know more of tho prohan'e outcome of t fie present crisis. Jobber nre doing a very small business with few buyers In the majority of houses. Ten free trips to the World's fair. See coupon on page two. HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS', Deeds filed for record July 22, 1904. as fur niched by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1014 Farnsni street, for Tim Bi': , Samuel Kutx In Kxstantaa Lanxlim, lot 22, Haas' subdivision $ 160 Samuel Katz nnd wife to Annie Yu lilou.kl, lot 21. .Haas' subdivision.... K0 Samuel Kats and wife to Alex Ya bliuiHkl. lot 20. II ins' subdivision.... 250 Imogen A Benson to Anna L. Gold smith, lots 1, 2 und 3, block 20, Dun die Place $00 Fli"t H'dl-h Methodist ICplrsipal church to Flist People's rhuriM part lot 4, hlrck 22. city 2,500 Jo'.n Flvnn eml wife to Rudolf J. IIInv lot 18. block 3. H.IHC ill's sub division Kr"ilre f'brlstnnf n to Peter llruiiner, lot 31. Oak Hill NelMe HenesHcy lo Hmv J. Mirtln, IoIm 15 htiiI Id. block 3. l.lpton PI ice., Cnimi'i'li, N'-llon-'l bunk to Wilson 500 (00 800 T. tiraniim. i-t 11 1 -u- 0. Myets, Rl -h il'li AV TI'd'-n'M edilltlo-i 200 Jo II 1 11 T 'tie'i to Mi-'- Uie'., part lots 1 end ", bl'-'-k 0 I'irk piece 1,50. Tbeoiloi A. Tho-o-ia io Mnthlil Schwai-s, part lot 14, block 32, Al bright's Choice 7ot Marshall D. lladdox and wife to Llisi r Morton, lot 8, block 2, Kounts (,60