TITE OMAIIA" DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JUY 21, 1904. SPECIAL 110TICESpoH"P . Wow open 1 1 at th Jlffw"4:'..i' i?-- OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE r"1 ,,.t" Jll .-fiiT. 1. lot beventeentn and Douglas. " altlm til f fo Students enroll every day. - ve make the morata aad r oaltloa. specialty ol all Public bchool, Business slate. 1 1-te word flrat laaertlon, and Normal Brancnea Also Shorthand, la a word thereafter. Nothlaa; taken Typewriting and Telegraphy. Bend lor for lea (baa SO (or the) flrat laser. Bummer Buiool Announcement, tl... ?r.r .d..rtl...e.t. ...t a. ROURBUUGU BROS. ran eoaseeatl-ely. . . . Advertisers. y reesln " WANTED 26 men o wont on MlcV yard beret cheek, eaa fca- aaawara a- and tendera on brick building. D8h'er drea4 ta a iiabtnt letter la ara Brick Yard Co., Deahler, Neb. B M298 wtTh-. .? r.V.a"t-.-" WANTEU-Two agent, to work from our rill be dell-ered preeatitatian e wagon. C. F. Adam Co., 1619 Howard , street. B 17? atirnilO WANTED FOR U. B. ARM Y-Able-bodled IVlloL-C MllUUw unmarried men between agee of and H; ' " . citizen of United Statoa. of good charac- UIMVFR PHOOI ter and temperate habit, who can pea. OUnliVkCfA 0-.Il ' 'L. rtad ond wr',ts Kngn.i,. For Information BOILtlH SCHOOL apply to Recruiting Officer, 13th and Evry 6y la au enrollment la. Douglas at., Omaha. Lincoln, Neb., or Uhe breao. and Duller science are our ape- Bloux City, la. B-M 7 claltiea. .-.- 1 y Penmanahip, Practical Grammar, Book- MOLER'S BARBER COLLEGE, Denver, keeuuig. Stenography. Touch Typewrit. Colo., wanta men to learn barber trade; Ing etc special Inducemcnta thla month; writa Call writ or 'phone for InformrfHon. tor term. B M668 A7x II. B. BOTL d. President New Tor- Lile bid. R 10 WANTED, men to learn barber trade; 12 i-tw torn M to 18 weekly paid graduate. Few week CUT-RATE TICKET everywhere. P. H. completes by our method. Can nearly Philbln, lodt Farnam and opp. Colon sta- earn expense before finishing: pos.tlons lion. Tla 7M and, 172. . R-181 guaranteed Call or write, Moler karber . College, 1302 Douglas atreet. B M2R6 x TRY KELLT'S TOWEL BUPPLT. TeL 3638 ; R IBS ANY person to distribute our sample; .., 1100 weekly; steady, Igr. "Empire," CITT SAVINGS BANK payg 4 per esat. Grand Boul.V Chicago, 111 R 134 B M467 Sx EAGLE Loan Offloe; reliable, accommdda- WANTED Men for Ice plant. Cull at ting; all bualnea ooaadani 1301 Douglas company's office, 14th and Nicholas, or R 1& Cut-Oft lake. David Talbot Ice Co. . 1 B M171 21 ANTI-MONOPOLY Oarbaga Co., 1621 N. ' r ltth. Tel. 1778. R 136 AGENTS, best money maker on earth; new article; new plan; 98,000 sold in EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., moving and Minneapolis; some agent make 70 BAles ttorag. 214 N. ilth. Tel. 119G. R 127 per day; costs 6c, sell for 26c; resells . to some people; agents outfit 10c. Do- PUBLICITT DESIGNS WHEATON, In mestlo Mfg. Co., Desk 2, Minneapolis, the Be bfdg. R 1SS Minn. B M49 23 x BION painting. 8. H. Cole, 1303 Douglas. WANTED A ealesman who can sell goods ,, ... R US to farmers; salary and expenses; also two solicitors; Thursday afternoon: Mer FETunBLD Piano Co., Bee bldg.: no In- ohanta hotel. A. R. Graham. B M474 21 tereat; honest -value; ay terms. . Tel. 701. . . . R 181 WE WANT competent people to All posl- '. ' ' i ' T tlon as manager, accountants, sales- H- W. WVEA. Plumber. 1124 N. 26th.'' Tel. men, stenographers, hotel clerks, oftlca 1747. H 312 clerk?, etc.; call or write for list of va- . cancles. Western Rcf. Bnd Bond A sen, . BICYCLESI BICYCLES! -ji-LiL-Li-fe- m. l FiMAllA BICYCLE CO., 16th and Chicago. . , - n 1 - h- WANTED FEMALE HELP BARGAINS Uncalled for suits and correct go GIRLS-C&nadian office, lth and Dodge, trousers, 1517 Farnam. upstairs, room 5. u"-vuui k o S Ask tor Forma- R-U5 uirr-a t. nr t o-,... . .,. ,.' WANTED An experienced marker, and BomjJ.Cn,P,nJira W?l.adSS Fri sorter. Hinchey laundry. 409 N. 26th" at., Omce: Bea building, Omaha, Neoj 1st a nm, k, . C uati tearbom at.. Chicago, IJ1.. and 10n st, , Bo- ma- Washington. D. C. JyH WANTED A competent second girl with 1 CHRP Btnmmerlng and -tuttinv. references at mib Cass Bt. C-J70 l J. Vaughn. Ramge bid., Omaha Q K Amerloan-German employment office; , : . .. KM1J oldest, most reliable Omaha. 1B24 Dodge. - ' C M687 AS THIS IS THE MONTH wnTcfu.r. WANTED, ladles to learn halrdresslng, should be overhauled and repaired. Omaha manicuring or facial massage: 112 to- li) Stove Repair Wits., 12oI Douglas. Tel W0. weekly made by graduates. Few weeks R M317 11 completes. Positions guaranteed. Call or write Moler College, 1302 Dotiglas rtreet. EXPERT piano moving;, lowest' prices. , C M285 2 Uchmoller Mueller, 13 Farn. Tel. ltiii. . -1S7 WANTED, woman as first cook, 146 per ' ' ' ' ' 11 .'" month; dining room girl, tlR per month. BTANDARD, flltarg, HuW. TeU 1318. 1301 Address Commercial Hotel, McCook. Neb. Farnam. , , R MSS7 C M413 21 riTv PTr m r AiiMrnv HOUSEKEEPER wanted, respectable mld- 111 OlcAlYl LAUlNUKY d.e-aged woman, one preferring a good HI S 11TH. 'PHONE t4. home than large pay, by unencumbered Why carriryour soiled Uneal Our wagons ni?.btt?n(t7t0T,w'50 r mi ?." call and deUver same. Bills collected child. Address -P, 67. Bee. C-M418 23x monthly' R-MM3AU WANTEIVTwl) -iris to do the work for P. MELCHOIR, chln works, 13th and J,Zi peferences relu,ri,t,AgPr Howard. R M962 All 2 Bo. 87th Bt. , , U 3 x PATENTS H. A. Bturgla. registered attor ney. . Patents,, trademark, copyright:. No fee unless successful; 617 'New York Ufa building, .Omaha. Neb. R M-182-A-14 HO I n SILVER, NICKEL Plating. Om. JJlU piaUrig Co., 1608 Harney. Tel. 2o3jw R 424 BUBS CO., Patent Lawyers: advice free. Three office: Bee building. Omaha Neb.; 184 Dearborn tjJ4cftgil.J 111.," and 1008 F r Washington, T5T C7 Tel. 1G23. N R 89 A19x w ARTIFICIAL STPNB SIDEWALKS LOWEST PRICES ' McWILLIAMS BROS. 431 PAX TON BUL ., TEL.. BUOt. .WANTED In every city In the United States, persona to do writing at leisure; m handsome salary for a few spar mo menta of your time daily; salary mailed weekly: steady employment guaranteed. Ideal Fountain Pen Co., 1430 Masonlo Tern pie, Chic o. R M462 21 x BUSINESS CHANCES FIFTY stockholders at $60-ech wanted by local manufacturing concern, '(incorpor ated) arranging to increase output ot an article of universal consumption; steady lnoonia producer, M. J, Greevy, 414 Bee Bldg." Vhona -23SO. - Y-M412 ABBOTT-COWAN Co.r 1st Nat Bk. Bldg., can get you In or out ot bualnea a T. Y-Ut SHOLES-ARSTRONG CO., 723 N. Y. Ufa Tel. 4a. . Xm WHEN you want to buy, aell or exchange your proporty or business quick, sea J. H. Jot-auo. Stt N. Y. Life. 7Phona 1-370. Y-2u0 TO get in or out of business, or If you want 'to buy or sell real estate so Omaha Real Estat and Business Chanc Agency. 4oS N. Y. Life bldg. Y- 4 GET Ry special clan or prompt1 sales of drug etorea F. V. Knlest. 701 N. Y. Lit bldg. Y M437 GOOD'" established railroad hotel near Omaha; Ana location: large business; like to sell at onoth Address P, X Bee. Y-M132 MEAT market, S00; 8. ltth at.; snap; ch.nc for grocery. P 68, Bee. Y MUS EMPLOYMENT office for sale cheap; leav ing alty. Addreas S 14, Be. Y-M3!U JJEAT MARKET for sale, at Fremont, Nb.- Address P 62, Bee office. Y M1M 21 A YEARLY Income guaranteed to the ones interested with us, a proposition as good aa a government bond; last month's divi dend paid equaled 20 per rent; bank refer ence given; write for literature and pros pectus, which will be forwarded free upon application : representatives wanted. Davl dor Promoting Co., Milwaukee. AVI. . Y-M417 A18 FOR BALK A profitable hartwar and furniture business, established 10 years, In growing town on main line B. A M. Onlv one competitor. Correspond with 8 19, B emce, Omaha. . . Y -426 26 ' FOR 8 ALB Stock of wall paper, fixtures and paints, room and picture molding, lattioe aa d paper hanging tools; stock to be sold at 6oo on the dollar; this la an un usually good Investment for someone de ' airing to go Into this business; this stock MCoT ha sold in two days; store will be i opea from to 6. Sam Newman. ' Y446 20x FOR SALE Stock of wall paper, fixtures ?ind palnta, room and picture moulding, attloe and paper hanging -tools; stock to be sold at 60c on the dollar; thla Is an un usually good Investment for someone do alrlnr to go Into this business: this stork MUST be sold in two days; store will be open from HI to i Sam Newman, 408 No. ltth st Y M464 tlx TCR AIJ0 Absolutely the beat paying tailoring business in Omaha; located on main alreet; rent reasonable: small capi tal required: reliable backing if desired: Al investment to right larty; reason for sell ing out must be personally explained to appreciate thla money making proposi tion. Address B 23. lie offloe. Y-M4 21 WELL established office business for sale; mall investment, large profits; thnroiiKh Investigation accorded. Addree S 3H He. - Y M472 21 FLORISTS HESS A SWOIiODA, 1416 Farnam. aa I HENDERSON, 161 Farnam. Bend for price list of cut nuwers ana pianta V -264 AI.FBFD DONAQliUE, JR., 1607 Farnam. l et I. w GOOD girl for general housework: $6; call evenings. 2216 Fariwim. C M448 22x A COOK wanted at the Wise Memorial hospital, 2226 Sherman ave. C 462 20x WANTED Good, girl cook; no washing; family of four; very desirable position lor gooa gin. Appiy at once. mrs. j. ID. Banm, 3545 Harney. C M46 23n WANTED-S ITU AT "iON"" BAKER, young 'man, second hand on bead wanta. position. Address 1604 Cass st TEMPORARY employment by German teacher, young man, during x no. va cation. Address 1604 Caas st . FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ID-HAND safe cheap. Derigbt 1111 Farnam. 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman JUConnoii irut vuuuu. m ma . FOR SALE Several cholarahlpa in a nrst-cxase iiu, u uwt 411 uuiauu. comprislng compute course in business, shorthand: and typewriting. Inquire at Bee oflioe. Q-6S2 TELEPHONE poles; long fir timbers; cheap cmcaen lence. vi iwugiit, J M232 WI RENT Sewing machines, 76o week. ' We repair and aell parts lor every inaohine manufactured. Second-hand machines - from 66.00 to 10.oa , Nebraska Cycle Co., 'Phone 166- Corner lfith and Harney. Q 3 r- FOR SALE New and second-hand auto mobiles. F. W. Bacon, Baura Iron Co., Omaha. ' ' Q 236 T FOR SALE Solid oak ana mahogany top bank or cashier's fixture, In goo4 condf- tlon, at a uaraain.- nuuinw w. aqh water, roam 100, Bee Bldg. Q 4 BILLIARD and pool tablea 1407 Harney. ii t- Q-M70. UU FOR SALE CHEAP Book rest copy h,.i,ir and letter soale. all In aood con dition. Inquire of K. B. Zimmerman, 311 K. Y. Llf bldg., care. N. Y. Life Ins. Co. Q-M316 Electric nickel In slot, peerless piano play ers and rt F ' 1 " 'i'UD,L mu, mik iiiuiibjt makers, cheap for cash or tlmo. Hchmollor Mueller, U18 Farnam. Tel 1626. Q M614 FOR SALE, kitchen range and Radiant floroe neaier. Auuns, ,y. &o. o 10 BIG reduction in price on new and second- band picycies, narimtu x uin-iurv rruoi Tlrea Louis Flecner, 1623 Capitol Avo- Q MS7V TWO HEAVY STEEL HORIZONTAL TUBULAR BOILERS FOR SALE. Two boilers, 100 horse-power, which have been usea DUt BIX yer; innuv vi (irRDDft steel, triple riveted, butt and strap Joints, insurance oompn.ny permit of pressure of 1 pounds. They are now in use and can be aeen at boiler house rear of Bee building. Can be delivered about August 25. Call or address W. H. Bridges, engi neer, Bee Building. Omaha. Q M901 COMPLETE line new and Id-hand furni ture, t.'iucago jrurnuure CO., 14 1 in.i.' Tel. u-i ELECTRIC fan for aaie, 111; fine condition. Address P 61, Bee. Q-MU1 ICE CREAM 16o pt., 26e qt.. 90c gal.; made from pure cream, bunne.l A Bona, 17th and Clark. v Q-M171 OO TO Diamond Ioan Office for loans; bargains in goods in pawn. 1401 Douglaa A DANE hay loader and Deerlng mower, both In fin shape, cheap. Turner. 16th and Center st. Q-M430 12x STANDARD mske. good as new. late Im proved typewriter, cheap. Adireaa B 10, Bee. Q M437 21X FfTt SALE Freeh cows and cslvea nrg debater Bt. t 411 24x FOR 8ALK Elght-horae power sraenlln en- gine.iui4 i:i'iioijive. u-MUO Zl SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. T. Life. 31 FACBIMII.FI letters, envelopes addressed. Boyles college. 284 When You Write to Advertisers remember it only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the faot that you saw too aa in The M Ulf ANTS ' WORK WONDERS I Every person who uses Bee " great returns they bring -they are the most economical The Bee prints the most paid Want Adsalways. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European. 16th A '-jgjfj0' DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Karnsm. . S 220 11.2S PER WEEK, Do ran houae, 422 8. lth. E 221 VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fine rooms, ladles' cafe, private dining r.j open nlgMa THE FARNAM. 19th and Farnam Bt. E 224 APARTMENT HOUSE FOR MEN The Chatham; luxuriously turmshea rooms and amoklng parlors; appointments tlist class. 110 13th St, opposite Millard hotel. - K226 SINGLE room, modern, largo lawn, "phone lh21 Douglaa. E-MW0 8 ROOMS; light housekeeping. 11 S. 11th. LARGE, nicely furnished front room suit able for two; modern. 1817 Leavenworth, flat 6, top floor. E 407 24 COOL rooms on second floor, modern ; board optional. 618 8. !Ud. 'Phone A-22S2. E M415 25 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD FURNISHED, cool, outside rooms, with or without board. Midland hotel. 16th and Chicago. T . F-22S THE MERRIAM, 26th and Dodge, 'phone sfi: nice, lia-ht. airy rooms: ensultes and single rooms; veranda entire length of building. F227 BOARD A room. 14; meals, 16c 1612 Dodge. FURNISHED rooms and board. 316 S. 26th, O. M. E. TEL. 611. MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. F M729 HOARD AND ROOM. THE PRATT, 212 So. 26th st 'Phone 31J8. r .lit BOARD and room for one or two gentle men, in private family. xei. jhm. F 198 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOUR-room flat.t complete for housekeep ing, bath and gas furnished. 622 N. 23d. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS MONEY. If you are annoyed by nuinorous small bills that have accumulated during the winter it might be an advantage to you to secure money from us and pay them and then pay us in weekly or monthly payments until you get out of debt. b loan on furniture, pianos, live stock and other chattela and we make loans to salaried people upon their own agreement to re pay. , Our rates are as low as any and a great deal lower than soms. Our service Is Sulck and without publicity. If you havs ealt with us and are pleased, tell others, ' and If you are displeased, tell us. Omaha Mortgage Lor.n Co., lit Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2296. (Established 1S12.) m South 16th St X-252 LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE, PIANOS. LIVE STOCK, ETC. PAYMENTS AND RATES TO 8UIT YOU. RELIABLE CREDIT CO." ' ' 807-308 PAXTON BLK. TEL. 1411. ' X M971 MONEY LOAN v Phoenix Credit Co., , 648 Paxton Blk. X- DON'T BORROW MONEY . On Salary, Furniture or Pianos UNTIL YOU SEE U-. If you cannot call, writ us or telephone 1607, and we will send agent to explain and arrange loan at your residence. J. A. HUTTON CO., 614 Paxton Block. X-J66 3 P. C. YEAR FROM 1100 to 16,000 loaned on your personal UOte at P-H CENT PER YEAR. All good loans wanted. Call or write and get my system. W. astman Co.. 114 Farnam. Omaha. - X 166 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and other with security; eaay payments; largest business in 48 principal olties. Tolman, room 440. Chant ber of Commerce Bldg. X-267 MONEY to loan on furniture, horses, etc, at half usual rates. Dr. Prlbbenow, room 216, at io9 S. Uth St Tel. B-2964. A 0 CHATTEL, salary and JewJry loans. Foley SALARY and collateral loans. Tern pie ton. 211 B Hlug. T- 204- X-269 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Keed. 81 9 s. Uth. X 260 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR X-M261 SEE FULLER, 426 Paxton Blk., for loan on watches, diamonds and ;ewelry. X262 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES TWO-flTQRY building, 1612, and the second floor 1506-10 Howard. W. H. Bushman. 1 28i IF A GOOD light is needed, we can show you a north front cfflce on the fifth floor a nplendld room, at the moderate price t 120. R. C. Peters A Co., ground floor Bee building. 1-621 STORE ROOM, 617 B. lth Bt. Inquire of Clark Powell. 1616 Capitol Ave. 1-282 A 110 office in til Bee building carries with it all of the conveniences and advantages In the way of heat, light, Janitor service, all night and all day and Sunday elevator service. A 110 office la now vacant. Call at once. R. C. Peters A Co., ground floor. Bee building. 1822 A PHYSICIAN or dentist will And a choice of two desirable rooms in Up Bse build Room 604 is divided Into a good-sized wait ing room and a private oftlca It Is di rectly in front of the elevator. The price Tt(?fpeters A Co., Ground Floor. Bee Building. I 83 BEST location Drug 8tore and. Laundry, S201 N. 28d. 1-711 BTORB ROOM CENTRAL LOCATION. IOI Howard st, with basement, 8C0. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St I-MS28 26 t.AnriK room. Dartltloned: suitable for office; centrally located. Apply Sarha' Cigar Store, 220 8. 14th st I-M4 26 W. J. LA PAGE carriage and wagons, second-hand vehicles for sale. 1507 Jack son. Tel. 2466. P;M466A20 WANTED TO BUY 6IIONFELD, the ANTIQUARIAN, 8 N. Y Life, pays hlghaat price for book. Teli WANTED To buy. good hardware store; In Scandinavian town preferred; about U.OuO; reply at once. Address P It, Bee. N-M1U2 WANTED, good sreond-hand Nstlonal cash rf-gloler. Adrea O M P. N MtW CLAIRVOYANTS QYLMER, palmist, 716 N. 83d. TeL B-t?4a FOR SALE REAL ESTATE TWO brand new cottages, modern except furnace; one 11,800 anu the other 82,40. BHIMER CHASE. ' Builders of Modern Houses. v RE 734 Illua your property. Baker Broa Eng. Co. cAe Williamson Co., v.?, RE 234 FOR SALE Two modern cottages. West Farnam Bt. district, only 11,600 each. Thomas Brennan, Room 1, N. Y. Life Bldg. - RE SOME choice lots for sale 8 block from Benson school, a bargain If taken soon. Inquire ot E. II. Olson, Benson, Neb. HE 631 20x 1,000 ACRES fine Improved land 176 miles ironi Omaha, will sell or tradefor mer chandise. For particulars addreas P 67 Bee. RE 078 x CROP8, fine crops; alfalfa banner crop; central Nebraska; come and see; send for Illustrated pamphlet. Willis Cndwell, Broken Bow, Nebraska. RE M416 WHY DON'T YOU BUY A HOME? Here is a nice 6-room, modern cottage on South 20th. near Custellar, has gas, city water, bath, etc., nice yard, meter in cellar. Price, 11,300. Here Is another bargain 6-room, modern cottage on 26th street near Caldwell; house would rent for 115 per month. You cn have It for 11,000. 4619 Chicago street is a nice 6-room cottage, with full lot. Owner is leaving town and will sell thla week for 11.000. This Is a good 7-room. all modern house on California street, just west of Crelgh ton college, faolng south, right on car line. Owner la asking 83,300 on payments. On Capitol ave., near 26th street, we have a new 7-room, all modern house, south front, shade trees, etc. Yours tor 82,T0u. On Harney, street, near 20th, 6 rooms, on lot 30x132. city water in kitchen; 1200 cash, balance 126 per month. See us about this. 6 acres In Benson tor 8800; very easy pay ments. , THE BYRON REED CO., 212 S. 14th Street SPECIAL. New 8-room, all modern house. Just com pleted. Will sell for 13.200, and to the right man will consider selling on monthly payments without a first down payment. , THE BYRON REED CO. RE 421 21 PRICED TO SELL 11,250 buys ' a good cottage on 22d near Mason, city water in kltcnen. ll.itto buya nne cottage, porcelain bath, gas; beautiful little home; large corner lot, on Pierce street. !2,Ouo buys 9-room, modern house, 19th, near Lake. 12,000 buys 9-room house, modern except furnace, near 42d and Harney, full lot; 1300 cash, balance monthly. 14,600 buys 9-room, modern residence, close In, on Cass street. 14,700 buys modern residence on S. 20th, near Mason, with 100-ft frontage. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam street. . RE 426 DO YOU WANT A FREE HOME? Why not tako a homestead In South Da kota. Inquire W. T. DALY, 701 8. 16th. Tel. 2341. RE M428 A2 A SNAP 4-room house, good repair, 2373 8. 28th st, near car; 1400; time. Leavlitt, "Phone 1720. RE M439 24x A GOOD 7-roora, . J-story house; city water and sewer; permanent walks and pavod street; lot 80x127, south front, on Franklin St. ' Only 81.400. W. . H. Gates, 617 N. Y. Lifej: 'Phone 1284. REM438 82 ' BEAUTIFUL BELLEVUE. ' : A choice new residence in the beautiful suburb of Bellevue, near college, school and church; 7 rooms; well built and finished, polished floors;' half block of ground, with quantities of fruit of all kinds; a1 lovely home. Price $3,200. GEORGE G. WALLACE, Brown Block. ' ' RE 4'-0 21 FOR SALE One note of $1,800, due In one year; secured by first mortgage on good improved Omaha property, bearing 6 per cent Interest payable semi-annually; also one note for 11,600, due on or before three years; interest at 6 per cent, payable semi-annually; secured by first Ynortgace on good property. . Both are absolutely safe and given by responsible parties. Address the owner, 8 26, Bee office. REM458 FOR SALE IN BEMIS PARK 102? HAWTHORNE AVE. HOUSE, ALL MODERN. FINE LOT. LAWN FROM CURB TO ALLEY. ELM SHADE TREES. WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU. RE M460 21 MODERN -HOUSE SACRIFICED FOR BUSINESS INTERESTS U-room, modern house, completed July 1 for a home, but owing to business mat ter owner desires to place this fine home on the market at a very low price; first floor has large living room, having mantel and open hie place; parlor, dining room, den and kitciien. marvel lavatory. Up stairs there ace live sleeping rooms, bath room and linen closet, billiard room and store room; cemented basement under whole house, having laundry, furnace room, coal rooms, trult and vegetable rooms, servant's cloeet A nice balcony opens of! second floor, commanding a view, of several mllee to the south and west A aoiled clothes chute extend from second floor to laundry room. The house has hard-wood floors laid over other flooring, with best felt paper be tween. It Is back plastered and eaulpped with a first-class furnace, which has the return, system of heating, making a big saving in fuel; rooms all good alse and the arrangement cannot be Improved upon. The lot Is 62xl20, nicely sodded; cement walks. See us at once, for this bargain will not be on the market but a fen days. R. C. PETERS A CO., BEE BUILDING. RE 447 20 DO YOU WANT TO ' SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch tall the farmers and stock raisers about it Tb beat way to reach them 1 through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER The agricultural weedy goe to 80,000 homes or farmers and stock ralsera so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among them. The coat of an advertisement Is small 1 cents per word in small type or $2.26 per inch if set in large type. PRINTING PRlNTlNfl I H1' 0r" wr I. . i - .. 7 f Creuu block, corner at LI IN O 1AU ' ltth at. ana capitoi Ave, KRAMER CHANDLER. QUICK PRINT t,lta. 1108 Farnam. To deliver work when promised is our hobby. 806 J M BIRPLES3. reliable printer. Estab lished 11 years. 808 8. 13th at., Omaha. M lb Alt OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, 616 N. Y. Ufa bldg. T. 1664 XII MRS, JOHN R. MUeUCK. Osteopathic Phy sician; omce, Douglas block. TL 8&21( DR. FARWELl specialty a us disease. 4W4 l a tun. Want Ads Is amazed at the problem solvers that exist. FOR RENT HOUSES THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store H. H. goods. Storehouse. 110-24 N. lltb. Oiflce, -lift Farnam. Tel. lit D-- . PAYNE-BOSTWICK A CO., cholc house. 601-603 New York Lit Bldg. 'Phon 1016. D 247 Unt Jcpcln all part of the ctty. The nUUOtiy, F. DavlaCe.. 60S Be Bldg. D US WE MOVE piano. Maggard Van A Stor age Co. TtL 14H. OfU c 1718 Webster St D 24 HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt Barker blk. D 260 HOI IPQ all part of the city. R. C. nUUOLOrtt,,, A Co., Bee fcuildlng. T k -X.1 HOUSES TO LET. 31.1 Farnam room, strictly modern. $3i. 50 1914 No. Kth-8 rooms 8317.60 2207 Douglas 6 rooms 112.0 W. FARNAM SMITH A CO.. . 1820 Farnam t D M639 CENTRAL, good condition, 8-r. cottage, 220 N. 23d. DiliJO TOR RENT July 1st, 8-room modern brick, 814 N. 23d St Inquire 820 N. 23d. D-M541 CENTRAL A 1. 8-room cottage, 220 N. 23d. , D Mtiol 6-ROOM modern flat 1112 So. 11th. D 124 FIVE minutes' walk from postofflce. 616 N. 19th, between Cass and California. 10 room modern house; rent, 140; will make reasonable repair to suit tenant. Walter Breen. 416 Karbach block. D M614 A BRAND NEW HOUSE of eight rooms, modern and up to date in very particular, at 640 South 24th st, near St Mary's ave., $40.00. GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam St. D- U 688 A NEW MCDERN HOUSE of eight rooms, all modern conveniences and in walking distance, at 417 North Uth st.t $40.00. GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam st D M687 FOR RENT--2664 Harney st, good modern bouse of eight rooms, in perfect condi tion, and walking distance, $32.60. GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam st D MG&8 RESIDENCE on Georgia avenue, near Pa cific, 10 rooms, attic, basement, modern, east front, fine grounds, 66x140, tree. Apply 814 First Nat l Bank Bldg. D 706 NEW cottage, 6 rooms and bath, 2240 8. 16th, between Caslellar and Vinton, $20 er month. Ready about August 1. T. J. 'itsmorrls, Bee ofllce. D 141 81X-ROOM cottage tor rent. 2503 Franklin St ' D 220 FOR RENT. 8-room modern house, 31st and Cass St.. $30 7- room modern house, 3163 Farnam St.... 26 8- room house, 1603 So. 26th st....' 16 6-room house, 1162 No. 16th st 14 THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New .York Life Building. D Mi 28 823 N. 30th st, 6-room cottage, toilet and city water , 12.00 830 N. 24th st, 8-room house, all mod ern . 30.00 832 N. 24th St., 6-room cottage, modern except furnace 22. E0 2907 . Leavenworth, 4-room cottage, modern except furnace 22.60 2909 Leavenworth, 7-room cottage, mod ern except furnace 30.00 806 S 29th st, 7 rooms, 1st floor, modern except furnace 30.00 806 S. 2th st, 7 room, 2d floor 27. bO 2911 Leavenworth, 6 rooms, above store, modern 20.00 M'CAGUE INVESTMENT-CO, 1606 Dodge. D-M432 ii FOR RENT! 6-room modern house, fur nlshed. near Hanscom park. Apply 416 S. Uth or 1136 28th at. D 448 THREE-ROOM flats, newly papered and Sainted, city water; good as new; 713-715 . 27th st, $10. 822 N. 36th St.; 7 rooms and barn; $16. 824 N. S5th sr.; 4 rooms; $8. 1616 N. 17th st; 8 rooms; $22. 10H2 S. 22d st; 6 room and barn; $18. 8417 Jackson St.; 6 rooms; 112. 8418 Jackson St.; 6 rooms; $12. 2121 Cass st; 12 rooms snd barn; 876. Wlthnell building; unfurnished rooms. N. P. DODGE A CO., 1614 Farnam St. D M467 22 BEE Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming. D M461 FOR SALEHORSES & WAGONS A NEW runabout top buggy to trade for driving norsa Ul t. Jtiin. P-201 HAMBLETONIAN STALLION BANNOCKBURN Stand 164 handa high, weighs over 1,200 lb. PEDIGREE sired by a grandson, 1st dam a granddaughter of Hamble tonlan 10th. 1 will race him against any Stallion In Nebraska, wagon and driver weighing no less, than 360 lbs, BANNOCK. BURN Is the surest breeder 1 ever aw. He will stand for stock at 4021 N. 10th Bt. and R. It. tracks, Omaha. A THOMP SEN. P-rM934 FOR SALE One family horse, 8 years old, nloo driver, weight 1,100. 613 S. 14th. 'Phone 1301. P 74 FOR SAUB, a first-class half Stanhope phaeton; has been used one year; good a new; cost $300; will seU cheap. Call 904 S. 33d st P M696X HIGH-GRADE rubber-tire runabout, lightly soiled, at half value. Also good top buggy and harness, cheap. Johnson A Danforth, B, W. Cor. 10th A Jones Hts. P-M187 BEE the fine line of vehicle for rale by Frost, 14th and Leayeaworth. P 103 FOR BALE Nice pair brown drivers, 6-year-olds, standard bred and sound; also an extra good, amall but stylish, saddle horse, 6 years old, sound and gentle for women and children. Renaon for selling, have the "auto erase." TeL 33 or t. P 188 21 THIS FOR THAT WILL trade sewing machine for type writer. Neb. Cycle Co., lith and Harney. Z 260 10-1N. DISC records taken In exchange for new record. Columbia Phonograph Co., 1621 Farnam. Z 210 WHAT have you to exchange for a piano? Perfleld Piano Co., Bee bldg. Tel. . 701. Z 211 IF THERE la nothing In th:s column yon want, put an ad. in and you will soon get it Z-U4 WILL exchange aecond-hand phonograph records for others In good condition. N. 64. Be ofQce. Z M222x FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE A fine milli nery stock. In a good Iowa town. Ad dress N. M.. Bee. ZM2SS BEAUTIFUL upright piano for driving or draft horse. Schmofler A Mueller. 1313 Farnam St. Tel. 1626. Z M614 FOR EXCHANGE, fin 8-room, all mod ern house; also 7-room. modern except furnace; both cloae In. Will take cheaper rental property tor part balance rash or easy payments. Address S 10, Bee. Z M364 23 840 ACRES fine rrasa land, in oil dlstrirt: level: black soil; 2 miles from railroad town; 16 acres cultivated; amall houae; splendid land. I want livery barn or implement stork worth 110.000; balance can be settled part cash and part mort gage agnlnst the land. Lock Pox T08, Kanaaa City, Mo. Z M70 21 AGENTS WANTED WANTED Persons of fairly good educa tion to solicit for a large publishing house; splendid salary guaranteed. Address B it Bee. J-l 21 x MAKK YOl'RSELF worth a larger (alary by developing your ability as a letter writer. Cody's course In letter writing is practical and complete; 60 lessons fur a short time only, we offer at a reduced price; full particulars on request, profit able adverthuag, 140 Boylaton st., Boaton. i M463 Ox PERSONAL Da ROT, Chiropody. R. 1 A 8, 1808 Fanrm. DFTECTIVE-Capt. Cormack. U7 Kf-bjcU block. Tel. A U XI MAG N FTI P treatment A bath. M" STEINWAY nlanos are sold evluslvely by Schmoller A Mueller. 1313 Farnam st Germanic vp-to-dat clean- VJCillldUia dyer. Ill 8. 18 St. T. Iff. U 371 Accordion pleating, cheapest, best, quick est Mrs. A. C, Mark, 17lh and Douglaa U 271 TRY KELLY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 3M0. U-272 "VIA VI," way to health. 860 Bee Bldg. U-276 TUB, vapor and alcohol batha 720 8. 13th t U-276 DR. 8LABAUGH. Dentist. N. Y. Life Bldg. U 277 ACCORDION AND SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCHING. 6END FOR TRICE LIST AND SAMPLES. GOLDMAN PLLATING CO. 200 DOUULAa BLK. T-L. 1934 1 ' U-MTO. ROsP PRESSING CLUB; 75c a month. iOtTe. jj;i, 414 N. 16th at U M131 PHILIP BARN HART, come home or write, MAMMA. , U-M177 A14x EDISON gold molded records. 86c. Nebr, Cycle Co., 15th and Harney. U 219 22 CARLUS A JONESON, for some time liv ing in Omaha, whose whereabouts now are unknown, will find something to his advantage by addressing N 38, cure Bee. Anyone giving information as to his whereabouts will be rewarded. Descrip tion: Tall and very fleshy, dark hair and light moustache and blue eyes. U-4H8 20x STRATFORD HOTEL Is all well with you? You know how to reach me. U M411 24x WILL the party who picked up roll of yel low paper with lett!r and notebook re turn same to Mrs. 3. L. Carlson, 1803 No. 1Sth? N. 18th? U U M453 21 X WINSOMR WIDOW, without kith or kin. . worth $85,000, wants faithful, honest hus band. Address Mrs. L., Ohio block, Chi cago U M468 21 x MEDICAL LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best. Safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4o stamps for particulars, "Relief for Ladles," In letter bv return mall. Ask your, druggist Chlchesteg Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa. HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tail. Sherman A McConnell, Omaha. -278 DR. FRIES treats successfully all disease and Irregularities of women, from any cause; experienced and reliable. Addresa, with stamp, Dr. Pries, 1511 ft Dodge st, Omaha. 278 PRIVATE hospital during confinement; babies adopted. Mrs. GTtrdela, 2216 Charles. Tel. A-2618. 280 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium, 728 1st ave. .Council BluffS.Ia. Tel. 774. 626 DR. CUSCADEN, 216 Bee Bldg., 11 a. m. to 4 p. m.; telephone offloe 8649; res., 496. M-1S4 Jy27 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. Mrs. Dr. King. 606 N. 16th, Sd floor. Tel. 3569, - -M255 A16 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE FARM and city loans, low rate. W. H. Thomas, First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tel. 1648. W 238 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Douglaa W-C40 WANTEB, city - loans and warrants. , W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1320 Farnam St. - W-241 MONEY TO LOAN. Payne Investment Co. W-242 WANTED, real estate loan and warranta R. C. Peters A Co., Bee Bldg. W 243 5 per cent loan. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. W44 MONEY to loan on real estate at 6 and 6H per cent. W. B. Melkle, 206 Ramee Bldg. W M442 LOST LOST In Bennett' crowded grocery atore Tuesday noon, lady' leathor wrist ba containing glasses, some money and spms green trading atampa; party was seen to take this wrist bag and Is known; had better return it with contents at once to Mr. W. R. Bennett, main floor, Bennett's. Lost M 444 22x LOST, bank book on First National bank, cash and check enclosed. Reward on return to M. J. Franck, Midland hotel, 16th and Chicago. Lost M431 21x LOST Watch chain; initials C. R. H. on back; reward. Apply at National Biscuit Co. Los-M440 21 REWARD for bracelet lost at Manhattan beach, Manawa, Tuesday evening. Ad drees S 24. Bee. Lost M469 21 x WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Salesman acquainted with the mining and manufacturing Interests throughout Colorado, Utah and Mon tana. None but those having had expe rience selling mill supplies and can fur nish best of references, which must ac company application, need apply. Ad dress Lock Box 140, Station C, Cleve land. O. M466 23x LAW AND COLLECTIONS E. F. MOHEARTY, Atfy., 437 Paxton. Tel. A 1639. 217 ' JOHN M. MACFARLAND. New York Ufa Bldg.. ronms 304 and S19 Tel 1652 218 FOUND FOUND Two railroad mileage books. Ap ply identifying yourself to C. M. Walker at McCord-Brady Co. Found 406 20 O. M. E. Tel. 611 MESSENGER AND BAGGAGE. 1S1J Farnam Street. WILL GET TOJR BAGGAGE THERE ON TIMS. -M7I1 P0ST0FFICE NOTICE (Should be read dally by all Interested, as change may occur at any time.) Foreign mall for the week ending July 23, 104, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at the general poetoffic aa follows: Parrels-post mails close one hour earlier than closing tlm shown below. Parcels-post mails for Germany cloae at I p. m. July Uth and 86th. Regular and supplementary malls' close at Foreign station (corner of West and Mor ton streets) half hour later than closing time shown below, (except that supple mentary mails for Eurons and Central America, via Colon, close on hour later at Foreign station). Tra Mtlaati Mall. THURSDAY (21stl At T a. m. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND, ITALY. BP A IN, PORTUOAL. TURKEY, EGYPT, GREECE and BRITISH INDIA, per a a. La Bavole, via Havre Cnia il for other parts of Europe muat be directed -per s. s. La Bavnle''). SATURDAY (23d) At a. m. for ITU ROPE, per s. s. Bt. Louts, via Plymouth, Cherbourg and Southampton (mall for lraiand must be directed ' PT . St. Louis") ; at 6-0 a. in. for EUROPE, per s. s. Etruria, via Queeustowa; at 8-3A a. m. for BKLOrUif direct, per a a. Fin land (mall must b directed "per s. . Finland "); at 12:30 p. m. for 8COTI.AND direct, per . . Columbia (mail muat be directed "per a Columbia."). After th closing of m supplementary Transatlantic mall named above, addi tional auppl entary mails ar apened en th pur vf th An.nicsa. English. J rncu nt uarmait u uU (- POSTOFFICE NOTICE. main open untn within ten minute of the hour of Bailing ot steamer. Mall for Soath and Ceatral America, West ladle. Etc. THURSDAY (2Tt) At 8 . . for CUBA. YUCATAN and CAMPKCHE, per . . Monterey (mail for other part of Mex ico must be directed "per s. s. Monte rey"); at 12 m. for MKX1CO, per a. s. Niagara, via Tamplco (mail must be di rected "per s. s. Niagara"); at 11::0 a. . m. for BRAZIL, per s. s. Roman Prince, via i'ernambuco. ltlo Janeiro and San tos; at 13 m. for ARGENTINE, UIU' (il'AY and r AH AG U AY, per a. a. 80I- " dlrr Prince: at 10:30 p. m. for POKIO PLATA, per s. a Verona, from Boston. FRIDAY (d) At 9:90 a. m. (supple mentary 10:) a. m.) for INAUt'A. HAITI, SANTA MART A and oiherplaces In MAGDALKNA DiCP'T. COLOMBIA, per s. s. Valencia (mall for other parts of Colombia, via Bavanilla, must be di rected "per s. s.- Valencia");, at 9 30 a. m. (supplementary 10.30 a. m.) for NICARAGUA -(except East Const), HONDURAS (except Bast Coast), SAl VADOR. PANAMA, PEP'T OF CAI CA IN COLOMBIA, ECUADOR, PERU. BOLIVIA and CHILI per s. s. Finance, via Colon (mall for Guatemala must be directed "per a. r. Finance"); at 12 m. (upplcmeniry 12:30 p. m.) fpr BAHA MAS, per s. s Orizaba (mall for iiio tnnamo and Santiago must be directed "per s. a. Orlsaba"); -at 6:80 p. m. for IlKRM UDA, per steamer from Halifax. SATURDAY (2d) At 7:30 a. m. for NEW FOUNDLAND, per s. a. Pllvia; at 8 30 a. m. (sppplemnntary 4):SJ a. m V for TORTO RICO, CURACAO and VENK ZUF.LA. per s. s. Caracas (fnall for C0I- -ombia, via Curacao, must be- directed -"per s. . Caracas"); nt 8:80 a. m. (sun-, rlementary ir:an a. m for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA, ORF.YTOWN and -' COLOMBIA, except Cauca- and.Magda- lena Den'ts, per s. s. Altai (mall for. Costa Rica must be directed '"per s. . Altai"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per a. s. Alorro Ca.stle, via IMivana; at 12.30 p. m for CUBA, per s. s. Ollnda. via Matanzas (mall must be directed "t"f a. s. Ollnda"). - Mail For anted Ovevlana, EteH Ex- . rent Tranapariacr. CUBA Via Port Tampa, Florida, .close at thla office dally, except Thursday, at 12:30 a. m. (the connecting mails clone here on Mondays, Wndnesnays and .Saturdays). MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially addressed for despatch by steamer, closes at this office dally, except Sunday, at 1:80 p. m. and 10:80 p. m. Sundays at 1:60 p. m. and 10:30 p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND (except Parcels-Post ' . Malls) By rail to North Eydney, and thence by steamer, close-at this office daily at 6:30 p. m. (connecting malls close . here every Monday, Wednesday and Hat- uroay). JAMAICA: By rail to Boston, and thence , by steamer, closes at this office at 6:i p. m. luesany ana rnaay. MIQUELON By rail to Boaton. and theno by steamer, closes at this office dally at 6:30 r. m. BELIZE. PUERTO CORTEZ and GUATE MALA By rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, close at this oOlce daily, except Sunday, at 11:30 p. m, and $10:30 p. m Sundays at 1:00 p. m. and l0:30 p. m. (connecting mail cliae her Monday at 10:30 p. m ). . , COSTA RICA By rail to Naw Orleang, and thence by steamer, close at this office dally, except Sunday, at 1:80 p. m. and 610:30 p. m., Sundays at 1:00 p. m. and 110:30 p. m. (connecting mall closes her Tuesdays at 110:30 p. m.). IRegistered mall closes at 6 p.' m. previous "av- . a Transpacific Malls, Fto&Wardeaf Over la o Daliri 1 " The schedule of closing of Transpacific malls is arranged on the presumption ot their uninterrupted overland.! transit to port of sailing. The final connecting malls (excepting registered Transpacific malls which close 6 p. m. previous day) close at the general poatomae. New York, as follows: . , JAPAN, CORBA, CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via Vancouver and Vfe-' toria, B. C. close at ;30 p. m., July 19th, for despatch per s. s., Empress of India.. (Merchandise for U. 8. Postal Agency at' Shanghai cannot' be forwarded via tan- Hawaii japan, eorea. china, and. specially addressed mall for PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close at 6:30 p. m., July 21st for despatch per' s. s. Mongolia. .i . .. . NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA (except"! West), yNEW CALEDONIA, SAMOA, HAWAII and FIJI ISLANDS, via Sail Francisco close at 3:30 p. m., July 23d for despatch per s a Sonoma.1 (if the Cunsrd t ! iie.imor carrying tne British mall .fee, New Zealand doei not ..arrive In time .to connect with this despatch, extra malls closing al 6:30 a. m., 9:30 a. m. anil :80v p. m.; Sundays at 4: JO a. m., S n,.m. and 6:2o p. ni. will be made up and forwarded until the arrival of the Cunard steamer.) PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, - via Ban Fran cteco, close at 6.30 p. m., July 27th, for despatch per U. S. Transport. HAWAII. JAPAN. COREA. CHINA and the PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Ban Francisco, close at 6:20 p. m., August 1st, for despatch per s. s. China HAWAII, via San Francisco, close at C;30 p. m., August 1st, for despatch per s. . Alameda. TAHITI and MARQUESAS I8LANDS, via San Francisco, close at 6:80 p. m., August 4th for despatch per a. a. Mariposa: FIJI ISLANDS. AUSTRALIA (except Wst). and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van couver and Victoria, B. C, cioee at 8:30 &m., August Uth, for despatch per s. a. lowers. MANCHURIA and EASTERN SIBERIA at present forwarded via Russia, instead ot via Japan, the uaual route. NOTE Unless otherwise-addressed, West Australia Is. forwarded via Europe; New Zealand via San Francisco, and oertaln placea in the Chlneae Province tt Yun nan, Kuelchow, Bzechwan and Kwangsl, via Brltlah India the quickest routes. Philippines specially addressed ''via Can ada" or "vl:i Europe" must be fully pre paid at the foreign rates. -Hawaii is for warded via Han Francisco exclusively, CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Post Office, New York. N. T. LEGAL. NOTICE! NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Supervisors of Dodge county, Nebraska, will receive aexled proposals for the In stallation of a healing plant In, the Dodae county court house and county J11II. Said sealed, proposals to designate the kind of plant and giving plans and specifications of plant upon which the bid 1 made. All of said sealed bids are to be filed with the county 1 clerk of Dodge county on or before the 1st day of. Auguat, 1904, at 2 o'clock p. m. Each bid must b accompanied with a certified check for 1500.00 on some Fremont bank. - Persons awarded the contrset must give bonds with good and sufficient security. The county board teserves the light to I elect any and all bids. By order of the County Board of Buper risors. 1 . .. Dated July 9. 1904. . "' Address all lids to . . CO. BOB, jHounty CMc. Fremont. Neb. J18 D7t M Sealed proposals will be received at the office of M. N. Welnhrener at , Randolph,. Neb., tip to July 2. 1904, for the plumbing. In puhlio school building at Randolph. Neb. The board reoerrea the right to relect any and all bids. Pbuis and .specification! can be een at the office of M. N. Weinbrener, Randolph, Neb., or at the office of LaVelle A Hogan, Bloux City. la. - J 20 riM COVERS Elf T KOTICE1. FORT MEADE, 8. D-, JULY 18, 1904. Sealed proposal, in triplicate, will be re ceived nntll 2 p. m.; . Auguat 18, 1904, for constructing at Fort Meade, 8. D., a flvo hundred thousand-gallon reinforced cun crete reservoir, putting In new water dis tributing system, consisting of about 7,110 feet 1-Inch pipe. 11,320 feet (-Inch pipe, 41 fire hydrants. Information furnished upon application. United State reerv light to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposal to be marked "PrcpoaaJ for Res ervoir and Water, System," addrfed GEORGE L..BI1UM, Comrtrurtlng Quar termaster. Jyl8-19-':0-21-AJ6-16 BIDS 'FOR COAL. Sealed proposal will be received at the office of the at ate superintendent of pub lic instruction in Lincoln until 11 o clock noon, Monday, August L l"4, for seven hundred, fifty (750) ton, mbr or leaa. of good (team or mine run roal for the ne of the State Normal school st Peru. Coal Is to be delivered at the school, and In stitution weiht to govern. All bids must be accompanied by a bond. The board reserve the richt to relent ny or all blda. W1L K. FOWLER. Seer etary. Jl"M!fm. OCEAN ! AMgHIFS. HOLLAKD-AUERICA LIKE. New Twu-Scr Slu aiar f 11,1m Tun k. HW TURK-KOTTEK A M. l JlOUL Vfc , . . . ' itaUiu Twdi), I A. 14. RMturdiia 4i.. isiiiandsia ,, ....Aui.fl krodaut 1 . ua tr-utso! . , , , a a, as HiUKlm As. Mftoiuuiuoi ....... ll.V.'fD-4MKRlJA Ukt W r.ru . l. a 111 1 I4ar U.m. . . n - . f iiar tar4. tug ramus, 1 ksnuia kt. a 4 a sm ', 1 v..