TITE OMAITA" DAILY DEE: TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1904.' T GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET m Gain of Orer a Point in All DeliVeries, December Showing Qresteit Btrength, NORTHWESTERN , -WHEAT. GOSSIP BULLISH afulp- Wfceat Strang;, hat lew Cera aaa Oats Dell, bat Stead First Sample ef Hew Hkral Statlstlee. ' OMAHA. July IX. There doesn't seem to be much of anything to the wliril mantels of the world but the bull side, and In this respect Omaha la In line with the rest of the untverae. The bears and they are rather hard to find may have their inning In the near future, but there la nothing In the newa ef the day to Indicate It, except possibly the Inch prices now current. The unanimity with which values have moved upward and repeated again and again by point and fractions has been decidedly discouraging to their ambitions, nof haa thrre been any diminution In the unfavor able newa retarding growing crops and probable tiarveatlug returns. Chicago aet the pace with a decidedly trong opening. Liverpool followed with a harp Improvement of l'alVtC and Omaha followed with coi responding Improvement. Rains In the Red rlw valley, unfavorable outhweatern crop report and equally un pronialng Canadian advlcea were the chief factors of the opening strength and they were opening to the close. Occasionally there would he a temporary setback of a mail fraction, but lite reverses never reached respectable proportions. Northwestern crop reports were rather discouraging, but It doesn't seem quite pos alble that tue weather of the last ten aays could have been anything but fnvorablo to growing conditions. The Commercial West, acknowledged aa fairly good author ity, became even more bullish than usual on Canadian crop conditions, which Indi cated a loss of SO per cent on previous es timates. The Influences of the near future may change sentiment, but at the present time the only factor favorable or conducive to a break Is the admittedly high prices for wh'sat. Boms traders, both in Omaha and elsewhere, that have been out of the mar ket on good profits are getting In again and soma shorts are so tired that they are go ing out as best they can. One of the largest shorts In Chicago reported as be ing the, heaviest oovered his September trades today. The tempting profits have also Induced many longa to take their gains nd stand from under, so that the evening up process Is reaching considerable propor tions. The gains In wheat, as compared with Saturday's close, were lVc on July, IV' on September and 11c on December. Thsi advances were held up to the close of the session. Htstiatlcs were generally of a favorable Oharncter for the dominant Interest, v the visible supply and the world's shipmcn.b s ho wing a large decrease. The shipment of corn from world's points '-were too heavy to admit of much advance In that staple, and the weather all thnt could be asked for the growing crop. The strength In wheat was all sufficient to pre vent the bears from taking any liberties ' with the cereal and it was a shade firmer than on Saturday. - Reports from the harvest field say that the crop la large. The local market was but little better than nominal, but at the same time steady. The followiiiK table shows the opening, high, low and closing prices on the Omaha Oraln exchunge toduy and the closing of Saturday: J The range of prices on the Omaha mar ket for future delivery and the close today and Saturday were: Closed Open. High. Low. Today, Snt'y. tV heat July ... Sept. .. Dec. ... Corn July ... Sopt .. Deo. ... Oats July ... 944 B 91 B B S24B 81 B 80B 82 80iB S2B 8OS4B 49 B 49 B 49 B 49 B 4471.B 44HB 44?SB 4ST4B 44 HH 44SB .. 894.B ZB 39A 39B .. 40 B .. J1UB 4o B 40 B 40HB " B 3iv;b siur pept. Dec 9U'4B ,B 80AB 804B 80HB A asked B bid. Omaha Cask Market. Ftrnr cars of oats were received too late for todsy's cash market. , 8a lea were f cars No. S corn at 47V4n. Grain Inspected July 18: Wheat, No. f hard, 1 cor; oorn, No. S, 4 cars; total, ( cars. Omaha Grata Stocks. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu;... Oats, bu M,W 129,830 ........ ,o66 Bushels. ., 7ff, 000 W.OuO Visible aapnljr. Wheat,' decreased.... 4 V"rn, arcreaaea Qats, , decreased , . , Contract Corn In Oaiaha. Merrlam elevator. Union Elevator World's Cora Shipments. .&ol,0U0 . 29.767 . 98,932 Last week ,x 8,04.000 bu Previous week ...... 4,t94.t0 bu Last year,. M79,0f0bu World's Wheat Shipment. Iagt week 8,808,000 bu Previous week 6,&o,oX bu Year ago , Iu,326,0u0 bu Grain an Faasaere. Wheat Today, 40,268,000 bushels; decrease, l.toh.lm bushelsi week ago, 4f.5at,OO0 bushels; decrease, l.ooti.uOO busheis; year ago. 18,640, 8u0 bushels; decrease, BiW.OiO bushels. Corn Today, 16.81)4,000 bushels; Increase, SSlOOO bushela; week ago, 16.241i.WIO bushels; decrease, 118.000 bushels; year ago, 17,lli,t00 bushels; Increase, 807,000 bushels. Oraln Markets ttlaerreere.' Closing prices of grain today and Satur day at itie markets ,ia inert were aa follows: CHICAGO. Wheat July (old) September December Corn- Today. Sat'y 88 87 Wft 494 49-). 46 44H . July 49 September 494 December 46 44H May Wheat September December Corn September iJttcember Wheat September December Corn September KANSAS CITY. 7R14 78, 4 41 77 77 4S4 0 ST, LOUIS. 864 7 80 4744 43 December Wheat- MINNEAPOLIS. September December . 89V, U4 8614 NEW YORK. Wheat - September December Corn September 2H 91v 9ig A asked. B bid. Notes trout Grain Market. Weather map shows general rains and good temperature. Corn shipments lather too heavy to per mit of much advance. London Tlmea takes very bearish posi tion on the Russian wheat situation. Chicago wires good foreign bulng of de ferred" tutures, especially ol December. Minneapolis wheat stocks decreased 140,000 bushels for two days. Ultuatlon working Very bullish In northwest Southwestern grain and flour papers are of the opinion that the government crop figures on wheat are six to eight points too high owing to damage from rust. Oats harvesting is progressing In the south and southwest and central portions of this stats. Rather unfavorable reports from Illinois will he the offset by excellent crop conditions elsewhere. The nrat sample ,ot 11 in wheat crop of 19o4 was received today by J. K. Huntley. It came from Cordova, Neo., weighed Mliy three pounds to the busnrl and would grade about No. 4 hard. Commercial West has a Winnipeg cls- ralch stating that wheat conditions call r more conservative judgment than here tofore annouaoU. Weather conditions In Canada have redueed wheat protpicia 18 to Jt per cent. A St. Iuls gossip dispatch said: "St. Louis operators are getting tired buying in this market." Omaha buyers are not tired taking profits yet- St. l-ouls traders are probably luaing more sleep over their sales than their purchases of wheat . C. A. Swevt returned this morning from a trip through Ilia western part of the state, lie said: "Corn never looked bet ter; oats are all harvested and the crop It, fine. Karmrra are complaining of lutt in wheat, but It certainly looks gout) to me." Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. July 18 WH EAT Spot, nominal. Futures, steady; July, 8sJd, beplember, us (d. CORN Spot, quiet: American mixed, new, 4s 4Sd; American mixed, old. 4sHi. r'utures. quiet; July, 4a3d; September, is (Sd. Ml.aeepoll. Grain Market. MINNEAPOI.18. July I8.-WH KAT-July. eV Seplember, 8iH; December, 8c, oo track: No. l hard. H .; No. 1 northern, Kf sjc; No. 2 northern, (sS'S'WHc. 1 liOL'R-rint patenta, A l"fr.W: second patents, tofrl", first clears, 83.56-vi3.o6; eecond clear. 82.W. BRAN In bulk. 14c; shorts, lo. CHICAGO GRA1 AKD fROVISIOSS feat ores of tke Tradlag aatl Cleslag Prices on Hoard of Trade. 'CHICAQO. July 18 -Raln In the Red riv er valley and a sharp advance at Liver pool caused decided strength In the wheat market today. At the close September wheat showed a gain of lVdlc. Corn Is down c. Oata are off Vc. Provlalons practically unchanged. Selling was large ly In the way of profit taking. After Sep tember had advanced to Si1, the market experienced a slight set back as a result of bearish advices from the southwest where harvesting operations were reported again In full blast. Sentiment, however, was bullish the entire day. The clcee on September was at SStiWc. July sold be tween and (Nc and closed at 97H Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to . bushels The amount on passage depressed 8,280, OuO bushels and the visible supply decreased 75.mm bushels. Primary receipts were 613.710 bushels compared with Mt.Oufi buahels a year ago. Minneapolis, Imltith and Chicago reported receipts of 30 cars against I9 cars last aeek and 306 a year ago. In sympathy with the strength of wheat the corn market opened quite firm. Sep tember opened unchanged to Hp higher at 4S4 to 4!V, sold off to 4STc and closed at 49c. Local receipts were 133 cars with 19 of contract grade. The corn market showed a fair degree of firmness at the start and the Influence of the strength of wheat, but selling by pit traders soon catiS"I a reaction. Crop advices were more favorable. After open ing unchanged to Vc higher at 32T'uJ3c; September declined to 32c and clowd at Jl'Vc. Ixical receipts were 127 care. Buying by shorts caused considerable strength In provisions at the start, but much of the early gain was subsequently lost on profit taking. Owing to the advice there was no disposition manifested on the part of trailers or m'ulpers to trade In pro visions and in consequence the market was dull the greater part of the session. At thp close September pork was up 2'4a3cents at 112 i2.92. Lard and ribs were eah up 2Hc at fi.!iii and 7.0 respectively. Es timated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 25 rnrs; corn, 402 cars; oats, 147 cars; hogs, 9,000 head. 1 he Icudlng futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh.l Low. Cloae. Yest'y. Wheat a July b July a Sept. b Sept. Corn July Sept. Dec. Outs July Sept. Dec. May Pork July Sept. Oct. Lard July Sept. Oct. Itlbs July Sept. Oct. 9797, 49H 49V14 97"4j 9 I !74 W! 9714 91 89V,! 904 8 Vo1-!" rsv, 88'vona1 K 414l 49"! 4H 481 49V,' 49 S 9 !! if I 49! 4W 46 ibhM 39T4f40i 32'ifi33 40 S3 82H 89H8940 89 32 83S 82HI 334tW I 12 90 13 1)0 12 92V 18 02'4 18 00 12 85 I 12 85 I 12 80 12 W?if 12 92H 12 87V, 12 H2W U 92iy 12 87V I I ... 12 27V4 KZti 80 8 7 00 6 97H 7 00 I a !'2Vi 7 00 I 7 00 V4 7 00 7 40 7 67H 7 62i 7 40 7 60 7 66 7 S5 7 70 7 65 7 70 7 80 7 63 No. 2. a Old. b New. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOl'H uuiet. hut firm; winter pat ents, 4.60; straights, $4,304)4.60; spring pat ents, 14 6uijJ4.70; straights, e3.9u(aM.20; bakers, 82. 5041 3. 2o. r WnliAT-No. 2 spring, SscfJrfl.Ol; No. t spring, 88f(i9c. CORN No. 2, 49V4c; No. 2 yellow, VW9 OATS No. 2, 42V4c; No. 8 white, 40fM3Hr.' RYE No. 2. 70c. BAULKY Good feeding, 35$ 38c; fair to choice malting, 4r&o0e. SEEDS-No. 1 flux, 8115, No. 1 northwest ern, 81.21. Prime tlmothv, J2.95. Clover, contract grade, J10.76iail.00. PHOVIhlONS Mess pork, per bbl., 812.85 612.90. Lard, per 100 lbs., 18.80S4l.R2H. Short ribs sides (loose), I7,25a7.40. Short ciear sides (boxed.', 7.26i8'7 50. Following were tne receipts o.' flour and grain: . . . Receipts. ShlpmonU. Flour, bbls i7.w0 11.2i0 Wheat, bu 18,000 83,Wi Corn, bu . 27,7oO 224.8u0 Oats, bu 148,600 108,700 Rye, bu 2,000 ...... Barley, bu tl.X 6.CO0 On the Produce exchange today fhe but ter market was steady; creameries, 13QT7c; uuiries, i2ilac. frggs, ilrm; at iuark,:.tMes Included, 14HtPloo. Cheese, easy-, 7sHc- 1 i NKWj YORK GKNERAL' HiRKBT Quotations cf tke Day Tarloae Comiuodltlea. NEW YORK, July l.-FLOUR-7lecelpts, 13 bbls.; exports, 6,381 bbls. Maraet firmly held but dull; winter patents, 84 86 $6.10; v Inter straights, I4.ti0t4t.76; Mb.ne sotn patents; 4-9j'to-6; winter extras, 83.85 4)8 90 Minnesota akel, i3.04 0u; winter low grades, 3.16'8.,0. Rye flour, firm; fair to good, Huo-a 4.25; choice to .'ancy, 84.26(64.60. CORN MEAL Market 1rm; yellow west ern, tl.u8ifrl.10; city, fl.10tjl.12; kiln t'ritd, 2W3.JO. RYE Nominal. UAKLEi Hlow; feeding, 4Hc, c. L f. New York; ina!tlng, nominal. WHEAT Receipts, 12,000 bu.; exports, 31, 918 bu. Spot Ilrm; No. 2 red, ncminal ele vator, tl.otH new crop f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 11.1UV, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b. afloat. Options generally strong and ac tive all day. A few brief reactions fol lowed occasional sales for profit, but In the main the market was firm all das, closing HlHc net higher. May, 2Vi92V,o, closed 2c; July, 21.0244T-02H. closed 1.02H; September, 92ij92Vo. closed 92",o; December, 8Ki91c, closed 91c. CORN Receipts, 28,i00 bu.; exports, 1,050 bu. Spot steady; No. 2, 64c elevator and 64c f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 6tiHc; No. 2 white, 56Vc. Option market was neg lected all day and nnmlnaHy weaker on account of the weather, closing net un changed. July closed at 64c, September at 644c. OATS Receipts, 63.300 bu : exports. 3ti bu. Spot market dull; mixed, 26 to 32 lbs.. 4,'i'fl46c; natural white, 30 to 32 lbs., 4'i'tf 47c; No. t white, clipped, 36 to 40 lbs., 4"Vi(ft51c. FEED Quiet: spring bran, 819 00, prompt shipments; middlings, 821.26, prompt ship ment; city, t20.60&ir50. HAY- yulet; shipping, 70c; good to choice, 95c. HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice, 19u8, 2Mi33e; 1"2. Ilih23c: old, 7fril3c; Pacific coast. li)3. 22ift28c 1902, 20Jt22c; old, ifllSe. HIDES Firm; Galveston, M to 25 pounds, 17c; California, 21 to 25 pounds, 19c; Texas, dried, 24 to 80 pounds, 14c. LEATHER Steady; acid, ?3fi25c. RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, PROVISIONS Beef, firm: family, 19 tyfti 1060; mess, 8850&9.00: beef hams. 82!.6'fr 13 00; city, extra India mess, i4.((Ki is.ro. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies. H.fO'J 9.76; pickled shoulders, 86.50; pickled hamx, lit) 00ii 10.76. Lard, steady; western stesmed, 87.30; refined, steady; continent, 87.35; Smth. America, 88.00. Pork, firm; family. 114 5"; short clear, tit. Sob 16.00; mess. H 25'ol4.'.5. ' I'OTATOES Weak; Long Island, in bulk, per 10 pounds. tl-6081 76; Jersey, prime, per barrel, II. 50tyl.76;. Norfolk, prime, per barrel. 11 ,50frl.75; Jersey sweets, per bas ket. 1. 2Mil. 75. TALLOW Quiet; city. (12.00 per parktge) 4Uvp: countiy, tpackafes freel, 4VJt' H"- Ul.'TTER Firm; Street prices, extra creamery, 17HWlcc: official prices, cream ery, common to extra. ISiSTHHc; state dairy, common to extra, 12f te ; western factory, common to choice. lHjlSe. CHEESE Irregular; state full cream, small white, poor to fancy, 6V4li7e. EtiOS Firm; western, extra selected, W.ic; western, average prime. 19iflVH-'. POULTRY Alive, nominal; drersed, very firm; western broilers, llt2c; fowls, 13Hcj turkeys, 14jl5c. St. I.ools Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS, July 18. WHEAT Higher, on war scare; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, noml. nul; track, rW(97c, new; July, 94V; Sep tember, 86ftS6e; No. 2 hard, 97!&7c, new. CORN-Weaker; No. I caah. 4c: track, 10 iioc: July, 47o; September, 43443Vu. OATS-Firm; No. 2 cash, 8Kc; track, 88xf 39c; July, 38c; September, 82c; No. 2 white, 45c. FLOUR Quiet and unchanged; red win ter patents, S4.9i6.10, special brands 10026c higher: extra fancy and straights, 34.So3 4.90; clear. 13 M(3 90. CORN M E A L S lee d y , 82 40 8KKI1-Timothy, steady, t2.4(xfi2.70. UK AN Lower; sacked, east track, 80c. HAY' Steady and unchanged; timothy, t6.U04IR.OO: prairie. tTi ftii9 M. IRON COTTON TIE8-82C. , RAGGING 6c. PROVISIONS Po-k. higher; Jobbing, 112 90. I.aru. steady; prime steamed, IS.1i. llucon. unchanged; boxed extra shorts, MM; clear ribs, ft 87; khort clear. ti.aO. POULTRY Steady; chlcker.s, 8o; springs. 13c; turkeys, 13c; ducks, fc; geese. 80. MUTTER Quiet; creamery, IKtflfc; dairy, 101 15c. K.OOS Steady, 13c, ease count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 4. COO . 4 "0 Wheat, bu 12 6.0 M.110O Corn, bu 170 41. 00 Oats, bu ti.M 4y,wu NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Etock Market Showed Good Digeftira Fower on Pressure. STARTS ON A NEW UPWARD COURSE Haaalaa Arts Toward the Ships of Neutral Xatloas Have Their Kffecta on the Stock Market. NEW YORK, July 18 Very large selling to take profits occurred today, but th stock market showed good digestive power and recovered from the pleasure and started on a new upward course. This result undoubtedly had an Important re uxsurlng effect upon speculative sentiment, which was somewhat apprehensive of re action, even In quarters where great con fluence 011 the strength ot the market exist. The extent and duration ot the auvaace are such that protesxional atten tentlon was awakened tor a pause in tne rise today. Tne strong closing lat week after the great activity and considerable advance in prices which had been eeen was counted on with confidence to bring In a large accumulation of orders over Sunday, which wou.d likely be executed in the opening dealings wltn the result of causing a strong opening. Hut It was much leared that .illh a large professional movement to take advantage of this out side demand dispose ut . the market would be left in an unprotected po sition and open to attack by tne profes sional traders to recover their holdings ut a lower level of prices. The most ob vious profit taking was conducted in the Pacifies, St. Paul and United States Steal preferred. But it was accompanl"d with out serious inroads upon the prices of any of these stocks except United States Steel preferred, and part of them enjoyed a considerable advance after the (list res iling wus over. The realizing In United titutos Steel preferred was facilitated by reports of the reopening of the mills at Homestead. The trunk lines were alo benefited by the favorable color of the weekly I rattle reports of officials In that territory. Otherwise the rise In stocks had Utile news to go on. Foreign markets were sufferers from the diplomatic friction which has res 11 tod from Russian acts towards ships of neutral na tions and the same cause helped to lift the price of wheut. Ofllclals of western railroads quite gen erally admitted the halt In' business re vival which has been caused by the re ported damage to. the wheat and' the danger that another period of business hesitation may be thereby caused. Tnis did not prevent a two-point rise In Atch ison, which pluced It In the leadership of the market. The Irreconcilable attitude of the par ties to the meat packers' strike disap pointed hopes held last week of an early adjustment. Money continued very easy and the subtreasury paid out 81.783,000 on account of newly arrived Japanese gov ernment bonds deposited at San Francisco. Renewed pressure to take profits In tne St. Paula, Eries, Northwesterns and United States Steel preferred In the final hour caused a material reaction In the market, carrying the last two stocks a point bo low last week, but the market steadied again and closed Irregular. Bonds were somewhat irrrgular and not very active. Total sales par value 12,790,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Following was the range of prices on the Stock exchange: Snles.Hlgh.Low.Close. Atchison , do pfd B. A O do pfd Canadian Pacific... C. of N. J C. & O C. & A do pfd C. G. W C. & N. W C, M. & St. P do pfd Chi. Ter. & Tran... do pfd , C, CT. C. A St. L7. C'jlo, Southern ... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Del. & Hudson .... Del., Lack. & West d. & r. a do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking va"ey do pfd Illinois Central ... low Central . do pfd ... K. C. Southern .... . do pfd ...w. L. A N..... Manhattan L Met. Securities .... Met. St. Ry il.tnu iRH "H 'R .31,000 .28,700 96 '4 86 94 94V M 94 li6H 166- 31' 411 NO 1 954t IMVS W 12i 165 84t 3X 77 14 177 148 I7 6 76$ 14 10 20 160 270 100 froi) 126 200 166 35H 40 80 6,600 100 200 1,800 14 1,700 177H li ..39,400 149v- 148 600 600 400 1,100 ey 16 76 16 60H 14 76 16 60 21 159 269 400 100 21 4.800 160 100 209 400 22 22 72 , 26 62 39 68 2 78 24 63 tt 57-V 80 300 17,900 2,800 1,400 400 100 71 26 63 89 68 1 81 1.700 1M 136 :m 400 19 1H - 200 600 1.600 36 224 26 S8 H6 161 87 716 44 70 127 93 17 40 86 4il 8,900 119 900 151 2,700 88 16,700 117 116 87 116 46 69 126 3 :.s 40 37 :w 62 86 30 120 i2 5.1 83 71 22 60 13 32 60 24 89 25 26 38 95 93 17 36 16 18 40 10 226 200 108 204 63 IS1 77 27 88 6 27 8 26 22 87 98 120 74 60 33 194 !-' 21 164 13 68 32 76 23 69 28 luo 88 76 220 7 43 77 39 62 18 76 12 162 M. & bt. 1. M . St. P. & 8. Ste. M 300 46 100 300 70 127 94 18 40 do pfd ., Missouri Pacific ... M., K. St T di pfd N. R. R. of M. pfd., N. Y. C Norfolk tc Western do pfd Ontario & Western, .26,900 . 4i0 . 1,300 ! 4300 . 8.7C0 120 119 02 2 . 9,400 30 29 ,76,OoO 121 119 ... 600 3 0.' .76,90) 63 62 ) Pennsylvania P., C. C. Bt. L... Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd 100 Rock Island Co 13,300 do pfd 5,000 St. L. & 8. F. 2d pfd. 7,700 72 72 23 22 67 66 49 13 82 0 24 89 26 26 38 61 13 33 61 St. L. Southwestern K) do pfd Southern Paclfio . Southern' Railway do pfd Texas Pacific .. Tol., St. L. & W.. do pfd Union Paclflo do pfd , Wabash do pfd W. L. E Wisconsin Central do pfd Mexican Central . Adams Express Co . 1.100 .20.700 .li.JOO . 1,9H) . 2,800 . 900 . 2.700 .60,800 . 100 . 400 . 1,800 . 800 . 70) . 100 . 4.800 25 89 26 26 89 86 94 94 17 17'2 36 36 1 18 ml 10 16 18 40 8 Am. Express to ... U. J3. Express Co Wells-Fargo Exp. Co 2"0 207 206 63 18 78 8:1 6 Ara. Copper 48,3ik) Am. Car 4 Foundry.. 700 do Pfd 100 64 78 Am, Cotton Oil . do pfd American Ice ... do pfd Am. Linseed Oil. do pfd Am. Locomotive d. nfd 100 200 200 27 90 6 9.600 23 ?2V 700 Am. Smelt. & Reftn'g 7,801 67 do ufd 1.600 ?9 6ti 88 Am. Sugar Refining.. 6.H 130 129 Anaconda Mining Co. 800 76 76 B. R. T ao.100 61 60 Colo. Fuel & Iron..., 6"0 33 36 Consolidated Oa 6o0 194 J94 Corn Products 1,500 12 12 do Dfd 700 70 70 Distillers1 Securities.. 200 22 . 22 General Electric .... International Paper. 1,900 166 164 300 13 13 do pfd International Pump.. do pfd National Lead North American Pacific Mall People's Oas Pressed Steel Car ... do pfd Pullman Palace Car.. Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods An iM Tenn. Coal Iron.... 2.6o0 U. S. Leather do pfd U. S. Realty do pfd U. 8. Rubber do pfd U. 8. Steel do pfd Westing. Electric Western union 8 Total sales for the day, 801,000 shares. Forrlara Flnaaolal. LONDON. July 18 Bullion to the amount of 11, OH) was taken Into the Bank of England today and 60,000 was withdrawn for shipment to Java. Money was in strong demand on the payment of the various calls. Trading on the stock exchange was Inactive, being affected by the condition of the money market. Con sols were weak on the scarcity of money and Russia's aotlon in the Red Sea. Home ralla were likewise influence'! somewhat, thouglv the prosjjects of dividends helped to sleudy them. Americana remained at about partly. The operations were mainly professional. Stocks Improved later and closed firm. Foreigners were firm on con tinental support. Imperial government Japanese of 1914 were quoted at 96. Grand Trunk was dull on the traffic re turns. Uar gold, 77a 9d. American eagles, 76a d. BERLIN, July 18 Exchange on Ijndon, 2"m. 43pfgs. for checks. Stocks generally on the bourse today were depressed. The weekly statement of the Hank of Ger many shows the following changes: Cash In hand, inereated S7,ii0.0iiu. ; treasury nott Increased 1,280, OtWin ; tilbsr securities 300 33 S3 100 77 77 1,600 24 23 900 69 89 C 400 28 28 1,700 101 100 600 83 22 600 76 76 2.706 "A" "7 4,3lA) 44 43 "166 'ikL '78V4 40 89 I,") I'M 3"0 84 83 400 7 7 800 62 62 1.8)0 18 18 9,600 76 73 84.6t-0 12 12 60.200 83 61 HO 165 163 8iH) 884k 88 decreased n oo.oooni ; notes In circulation decreased 1.1,M0,(if m. PARIS, July 18. Three per cent rente. If. 2 centimes for account. Exchange on Ixmdon, 2it. 18 centimes for checks. Prices on the bourse today were dull and heavy. Russian Imperial 4s closed at 93, and Rnselan bonds of 1904 at 17. The pri vate rate of discount wss 1 t-16 per cent New York Money Market. NEW YORK. July 18-MONEY-On call, easy; highest, 1 rer cent; lowest 1; rul ing rate. 1: last loan. 1 ; closing bid 1. offered at 1. Time money easy; sixty days. 2 per cent;' ninety days, 2; six months. 33. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 3 4 per pent. STERLING EXCHANGE Weak, with Actual business In bankers' bills at4S9r-ft 4.86 96 for demand and at 4 84 Jo 84 36 for sixtv day bills; posted rates, 4.s6.4.86 and 4 88; commercial bills. 4 84. SILVER BAR 5.83.8; Mexican, 4 BONDS Government steady; railroad bonds Irregular. The closing quotations en bonds are a follows: V. . ret. H, tt I04X Manhattan 0. g 4I...10S do coupon 1M Mri. I'entrsI 4s. 44 4a li. rsg 104 V '4n In Inc 1 o rmipon 10.", Minn t U 4t... no n'w 4. ret M . K. A T. 4. 9 do .-ousoa 1'tV 00 2f M 4.1 old . reg 1(44 N. n. R. of M . 4. tT n coupun loti N. Y. C. f. mt Af-hlenn (n. 4i lr N. .' c h Wii o a .11. 4 5 No PilBo 4a : Atlantic ('. L. 4s ... H do is IS B. A O. 4a lUH N. A W. e. 4a 101 4 I ', ', O. S. L 4a ear... M Central of Qa Is. ..11" fenn. con. JSa do lat Inc 7nRdlni sen. 4a ' Chea. A Ohio 4a ,..mt ft. I, A I. M. c. ta. lK Chlraro A A. Jp.... T" St. L. A S. F. fg. 4a. C. n. A g. n. a.... J7i4j 8t. L. 8. W. la i C., M. A St.P. I 4a lnT4 abonro A I.. 4 C. A N. W. r. 7a...lt? So. Pailflp 4a M C, R. I. A r. 4a.... Tl- Sn. Rallwar oa US do rol. ta iihThih A P. la US rrf. A St. L. (. 4a.. ldl T.. St. L. A W. 4a.. 18 Chlcato Tar. 4a T4,tJnlon Pai-lfle 4a lOP1 Con. Tobacco 4a 44 do ronr, 4p lot's Polo. A So. 4a -S4MVU. 9. Steal li 8a 79' r. A R. O. 4a 100 iW'abaah la Brio prior lien 4a.... t'Vt do dab. J t do ran 4a M'w. A 1 K. 4a 1 F. W. A D. C. la 10Wls. Tantral 4 1 Hoeklnt Val. 44a. . . .10?i icolo. Fuel e. 6a 11 L. A N. tinl. 4a 100 offered. Boaton ftoek lootatlona. BOSTON, July 18-Call loans. 23 per rent; time lonns. 3S4 per crlit. Official closing of stocks and bonds: Aichlaon adj. 4a s' Wratlns. common .. 80 da 4a 101 Ve Adr.nturo 1 Mel. Central 4a 41 Allouaa Atrblaon 7V Amaliamateil H do pfd i American Zinc 10 Riiston A Albanr....l47 Atlantlo Uoaton A Mains. ...144 Blnabam !F4 Boston Rlerated 1M .'al. A Hacla 4 Pltchburs pfd 137 Cantennlal tft Met. Cantral t oppr Ran( US N. T.. N. H. A H..17S 'naly Weal 1 Per Marquatta 74 Dominion Coal 44'a fnlon PaclBc &H rranklin 7( Amer. Arge. Chem... 14i Orancjt J1 do pfd 74Iale Rovala 10' A mar. Pnsu. Tub.... 4St Maaa. Klnlng 44j Annr. Suiar 12Vi Mlchlaan 4t do pfd IS14 Mnhawk 4SH Aimr. T. A T IJO'VMont. C. C H Amer. Woolas HVi Old Dominion H do pfd rt (lareola 4:V Dominion I. A 8 I4 Parrot tS gdlaon K. !:lu... 141 Quinsy Oanaral Klactrlc Wi Shannon H Maaa. Klectrle 1 Tamarack to do pfd 74 Trinity 7t4 Maaa. Oaa 40 V. S. Mining 1H I'nlted Fruit 104 V. . Oil VI United Shoe Mach.... 4H Vtah 87 do pfd tt Victoria V 8. Steel 114 Winona do pfd 42 Wolrcrlna 75 Bid. "Asked. I.ondnu StoeW Market. LONDON, July 18.--Closing: Conaola, monar . . tl 14-14 N. T. Central., ...ltJVi ...44 ... II ... 11 ... 41', ... 10 'a ... t ... 4J ... t1 ... Jf.vi ... HVi ... 6! ... M4 ... UH ... IS ... 44H ... vv, ::: Sft do account at J-ia Norfolk ft w... Anaconda its do Dfd Atchiaon do pfd Balttmnra A Ohio. Canadian Paclflo .. Chea. A Ohio Chicago Ot. W.... (' , M. A St. P... Delteera D. A R. a do pfd Erie do lat pfd do id pfd Illinois Cantral ... IjouIb. A Naab.... .. va'a Ontario A W.. .. a7 Pennaylvaiila ... 7 S4j Rand Mlnea.... . .1 ! Readlns ..16 I do lat pfd.. .. 14V, do Id pfd.. ..lf!'4 go. Railway .. -.. 1S' do pfd .. SH Bo. Pacific ... ... 74t4' do pfd . 27' fnion Paclflo .. 6 S ,. 40 , . .11 ..lllVi V. s. rtei do pfd Wabaah do pfd St., K. A T Bpanlah 4a SILVER Bar, steady, 36d per ounce. wtji i WQirsi per ceiii. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 2 8-lCt2 per cent; for three months' bills. 2aa per cent. New York Mlnlagt gtoeka, NEW YORK, July 18. The following are the closing .prices on mining stocks: Adama Coo Uttl Calat 8 Alice 10 lOntarlo 100 Hraec W jOpblr i I0 Brunawlck Coa iPotoat 1 Comatock Tunnel 8.Savasa 18 Con. Cal. A Va loo glerra Naa Si Horn Sllrar l,,rmall Hopea 15 Iroa BlUar 1 W 4 tyaudard JOd Laadrllls Con ?; .Bank 'clearings. OMAHA, July 1. Bank clearings for today $1,189,372.42, a decrease of 3169,626.78 from the corresponding day last year. Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL, July 18. COTTON-Spot In loir demand; prlres unchanged- American middling, fair. .74d; good middling, 6.6'Kl: middling, e.oOd; low middling, 6.36d; good ordinary, 6.18d; ordinary, pH8d. Futures opened firm and closed quiet; American middling, g. o. c, July. 6. I'd: July and Au gust, 6.10d; August and September, 6Sud: September and October, B.40d; October and November. 6 2fkl; November and December, C.2M; December and January, 5.20d; Janu sry and February, 6.13d; Februnry ant Hnrch, 6.19d; March and April, 6.19d. ST. LOUIS, Mo.. July 18 COTTON Nominal and unchanged; middling, 11c. Sales, 240 bales; receipts, none; shipments, 21 bales; stock, 468 bales NEW ORLEANS, July 18 COTTON Fu. tures. steady; August, 10 nlti 10. 62c; eeptem. ber, .7S.7R; October, 8.429.430; Novein her! l.38'T39c: December, 9.38(ii9.3Sc: Janu ary, 9.449.46c. Spot steady; sales, 1,250 bales; ordinary, 8 7-16c; good ordinary, 9o; low middling, 10c; middling, 11c; good middling, 11 6-18o; middling fair, 11 l-16c; receipts, 1,331 bales; stock, 63,487 bales. ' Kansas City Orala and Prorlalons. KANSAS CITY, July 18. WHEAT Lower; July. 82c: September. 78V,318o: December, 7878c: cash No. 2 hard, SI'S Me. new; old, Mc: No. 3, new, 88800 ; old, 82c; No. 2 red, 98$99c; No. 8, 2tI14c. CORN Higher; July, 48c; September, 48c: December, 4Hic; cash, No 2 mixed, 62 iBt5c: No. 3. 61(&!lc; No. 2 white. 62 Ql 62c; No. S, 6lc. OATS-fltesdy; No. 2 white, 40ff42c; No. 2 mixed. 3c. RYE Steady t 62e. HAY Lower; choice timothy, tl 601Q.50; choice prairie. JS.OOIO.OO. lltlTTER Cresmery. ISS'lSc; drtlry. 12c. POOS Firm ; Missouri and Kansas, new No 2 whltewood cases Included. 14c; case count, 12c; cases returned. a less. Receipts. Shipments Wheat, bu 12,800 10,400 Corn, bu 7.-00 17,600 Oats, bu 8.000 Visible Munplj- of Grain. NEW YORK. July 18. The visible supply of grain Saturday, July H, as complied by the New York produce exchange, Is as fol lows: Decrease. Wheat bu 12.719,000 806, W Corn bu fi f! tW DO.ooO Oats' bu J,88o.fiOfi 6M 00) Rye bu. TW.Irw f.OW Barley, bu 236.W0 5 50,000 rklladelphla Prodoee Market. PHILADELPHIA, July 18. BUTTER steady and fair demand: extra weiitern creamery, 18c; extra nearby prints, 19c. EOGB Firm and c higher; western. 20c. loss off; southwestern, 19c, loss off; southern. 18c. loss off. CHEESE Steady, fair demand. New York full creams, choice to fancy, 80 8c; fair to good. 70c. MUwaakee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, July 18.-W!IEAT-Flrm; No. 1 northern, fl.0KSl.0I; No. 2 northern, 97cifillo0: new September. 88c, asked. RYE Firm; No. 1, 77l678e. BARLEY Steady; No. 2, 62c; sample. 14 A6DC. CORN Steady; No. t, 504551c; Septem ber, 49c, bid. nnlatk Greta Market. DI'LUTH, Minn., July 18 WHEAT Closed: To arrive. No. 1 northern, 81.03; No. 3 northern, 99c; on track. No. 1 northern. $1.03; No. 2 northern. 99c; July, $1.03; September, 69'-,c; December, 8:.c. OATS To arrive, 8c; on track, I3c. Toledo leed Market. TOLEDO. July 18.-8EED8-Clover, cash. $.8); October, $ 26. Prime alslke. $8 50; Au gust, $8 70. Prime timothy, $160; Septem ber. $160. Dry (ioods Market. NEW YORK. July 18.-DRY GOODS An unmistakably better feeling was evident and, while transactions show no apprecia ble Improvement, sellers are inclined to hold for better prices and will not ac cept certain of the flgiiies which they would have taken a few weeks or even davs ago. Buyers, while holding off as long as possible, are more Inclined to place orders for sctual needs, of which the ev idence 1 lucrtaaliig aajiy. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Beoeipta Moderate and Market Ac tive and Stronger. LIGHT HOGS SELL 5 AND 10 CENTS HIGHER Parkers Aaneaare at Noon that They Cea (roan Saw oa HaaaU 1,200 Cat tic and K,(M)0 to tMMto llos a Day o Sheep Ueninnd. SOUTH OMAHA. July 18, 1!"4. Recelp'a were: Oattle. Hogs. Sneep. Offlciul Monday 6"M l.oto cJ Sanm day last week ... i,t-L o.aiii 10.44 baine any week betnre. lloliUsy. rir iliiie weeks ago.. I.'jA1 s.4 4j,60tl Same lour weeks ago... l,l4 t.j4t 4.il Same day last year :.13 6.828 11,128 i.ui.- . & run THE lr.AR IV DAIK. ine ;onoMi,g tabie t-tiows tne leceipis uf Call., nogs alia sbecp at ooutn oinana for t.ie year to uale, wilt, ouiupaiitfou Wltn la.il year; .tKH. i.. inc. leo. CKlUe a.i.nuJ ua,iui no.ss l,t.,-4 1,J,V4 I eneep Ji.wo li4,il Avti'ai ptiues p.uU lor nugs at souwi uiumj.u tor me laav several uas wilta Coiu pai isou; Date. I 1804. 1803. 11802. 11901. 18w.;iM.lMW. June 27.. JU1IK A., June June mi. . July 1... Juiy I... J my ... "July 4. July ... Juiy (... Juiy 1... Juiy 8... Juiy 9... Juiy 10.. juiy 11.. Juiy id.. Juiy u.. Juiy 14.. juiy la.. July 16.. juiy li.. July H.. I 8 14! I I Vi .1 a ta 1 I "i I , I ' I I I I I I , I 18-SJl I leVki I im '.i ill j I o 02S4i I . B 11 I I 8 18 I I 1 6 u I b 6b 0 tk tU s l I 5 0U .....J 6 66 4 S W s 41, 5 U a o I 6 38 lt li 6 iKt O 14 7 62 I o I 7 1 I M i H) i .... 7641 7 li I ki 7 bui 7 Wi 7 V' 7 7ii l 7 2i i U 7 181 6 91 "l 6 8V I 6 68, Mi a V4; I e ii 0,9, 6 82 a M, 0 8j 8 i a 9j! 6(Su 6 7i 6 64 6 04 1 U 4 l 4 I 4 VI i vt I 1 'J0 i 1b, k 11 1 8 13 0 1 6 V4; e tui 6 U e Oo, I 6 02j 1 84 1 3 tU 4 (a 4 84 4 Mi 4 00 $ av 8 ou 3 id, 3 ul I 3 HI I ;8, i'iai'i'bi a ei 8 W 4 H 4 i 1 so, 4 l 1 3 ib $ 90 3 tni 3 70 4, M4 3 ol 4 tit) I 4 U 4 tAi 4 II 3 Kt ' I 1 82 4 01, 4 18 3 82 b Hi u no, Indicates Sunday. 'Indicates holiday. Mile otlicial number ot cars ot stock brought in today by each road was: Catlie.Hogs.Sneep.U'ses. C, M. & Bt. P. Ryv 1 Wabiisli 1 Union Pac. aystvm.. 7 4 3 44 C. A N. W. lty 1 F., E. AM. V. R. R. W 6 C, St. P., M. A. O. Ry .. 2 .. I li. M. Ry 11 t .. 2 Illinois Central 1 .. Total receipts 28 - 21 S 62 j ne uispustiion ot the day's receipts was as tollows, each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs.Sheep. Omaha Packing Compttny ..1j3 .. Swift and Company 9 .. 6-2 Cuuuhy Packing Company ... .. 3 Armour 4 Company 117- 478 Carey ot Benton 121 .. li. Hamilton 41 L. V. Huss 6 Agar Packing Company 318 ., North Packing Company 403 Lay ton Ml .. Oilier Buyers 8b ., Total 762 1466 866 CATTLE Receipts were limited and de mand llkewlr small. The lew loads of lfcrtd sold readily to packers at saliafftc toty prices, but the conditions surrounding the market are yet very uncertain. In the cow and heiler division there is 110 special change noted. The few coming are selling lreeiy at good prices, but aa la beet stems the demand is yet uncertain. Hales mis morning compare favorable with prions oefore the break with only a Very ..lulled number ou sale. Blockers and feeders are selling In about last week's notches. The conditions sur rounding the beef cattle trade exerts a more or less depressing Influence In feeders and the market Is very dull. The move ment to the country last week was very small and the trade Is very quiet at the prices. BEEF STEE3RS. No. ' At. Pr. 1 780 $ 44 No. Ar. Pr. 1 1140 4 M 1 710 I 18 1 .-HI0 8 10 ill) 3 00 140 1M4 t 16 BliChJltS Ainu COW tt. , Tab 4 II .. Ml 6 18 83.. .1.. 4 14 16 1...... 1 cow a. m 14) 1 u $ 0 , 414 $ 4 1 879 8 40 Mil 8 46 8 U41 4 0 BULLS. , 1140 I to t 12U I a 1 1M0 $ 38 I 170 1 U . CALVl'id. 14T I 00 KTOCKEKrt AND FEEDERS. 4.. I IU 1 00 1 170 8 W 8 7S0 8 M 1 160 I 44 1 490 8 10 1 440 8 44 i 471 I 8 Ia I M 1 164 t N 1 44 3 44 1 at I 44 4 4M I 40 I IN 8 60 1 Vti I H - COWo AND llfc.lrli.tib. 81 too 3 4 fc-v McMonlgal Idaho. 1 bull 1710 I 60 ( cows...,, (9 I 26 1 cow 12O0 2 SO 14 cowp 805 2 80 41 feeders. . 840 8 66 HOUS There Is no special change In thja conditions surrounding the hog market. There Is a moderate Inquiry for good light shipping grades and a limited de mand from packers, but the trade Is yet very unsettled all round. Shippers took on a few bunches of de sirable light hogs at prices 6&10c higher than Saturday, or from $5.25(0.87. Oood medium weights also sold for shipment at somewhat higher prices. Only one packer was attempting to purchase, and prices In this direction sere dttle If any better than Saturday. Packing lots fetched around $6.1iV((5.), about the same as Saturday, wltk the demand very limited at the prices. No. At. on. Pr. No. at. bu. Jr. at 170 ... 8 18 41 244 40 I I2hi SI 141 40 6 16 76 101 10 I U 64 Iti 40 I II 47.. 144 ... I 26 6 160 40 $ 17Va 11 14 ... 6 SO 71 141 140 5 11St 14 !l t 71 334 60 6 17 l al 171 ... I 35 61 341 124 6 17Vi 76 2:4 40 6 11 '4 SHEEP About 600 ....ii an ant head arrived on orders ami sold to the trade. The situation re mains unchanged and there Is practically no market for sheep of any kind.. Quotations foi grass sheep and '.ambs: Good to choice yearlings, H.tj&i.iV; fuir to good yearlings, ;i On'n 1.25; good to choico wethers, $4.00(34 26; fair to good wethers, 3.ui'u4.uo; good to choice ewt-s, $3.a'o- ; fair to good ewes, $3.2&4f3.50; good to choice lambs, 3a.Sur&.76; fair to good lambs, $6.uu tin do. No. Av. Pr. 1M Idaho ewes 93 3 70 326 Idaho ewes 94 t 70 list Idaho wethers and yearlings 91 4 05 71 Idaho wethers and yearlings 90 4 05 bo Idaho wethers and yearling 91 4 u6 64 Idaho wethers and yearlings is) 4 U5 77 Idaho yearlings 81 4 20 CHICAGO LIVB STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady to Ten Cents Lower lloaa Good Sheev Steady. CHICAGO, July 18. CATTLE Receipts, 8,000 heud; market steady to 10c lower; 6.30; poor to medium, $4.5otf.26; siockers and reeoers, m.hhui.w, cows, ai.wyi.ii.. iirunn, $3.0U4i6; canners, $l.6tKtf2.40; bulls, $2.rj 4.00; calves, $2.5o6.75; Texas fed steers, $3 00 tj.on. HOQS Receipts, 10.000 head; eitlmated tomorrow, 6.0U0; left over, 4,290; market good, hogs 10c higher, others steady; mixed and butchers, 85. 164(6.75; good to choice heavy, f6.6fVrfo.76; rough heavy, f5 OCjy5.30; neavy, i.oriro. io, iuurii iikhvj, ejm" light, $5.3((6.76; bulk of sales, 15. 4ixfl-5 tl. fill t! I .' T , VII" I A l l,U U . I I h 8,000 HI 1 C 1. i J i ' . V ...1 ,, ...... .11, D.vv 1 J. .. I . . lanil.a unrl i mrtnA in llfOU, llicri, ninn , ," a.vnuj , " choice wethers, f4.00f'4 60; fair to rholoe mixed, t3.75-4.0O: western sheep f2.50O4.15; native lambs, $4.007.26; western lambs, $1.00 rg.75. New Tork'Llve Stock Market. NEW YORK, July 18-HEKVr-Re-relpts, 6,086 head: market demoralised and prices declined 6ojr76c; steers sold at $4.40(3 8.00 per 100 lbs.; bulla, .1.0'y-4.26; extra bulls, $4.Sfi',4.76; cows, $1.76i&4.10; extra cows, $4 67. Dressed beef quotations uncertain, but generally estimated to sell at lojll-'o Ir lb. European cables steady. CALVES Receipts, 4.94s head: 75cfc1l lower on veal; buttermilks fl,0tisjl.26 lower; rommon to prime veals sold al ti.Wtfl.W, with a few sales at $7.2fya7.60; buttermilks, M i&yj 60; several hundred calves unsold; city dressed venls lower at I0fcl2fc per lb. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1,621 head; market demoralised; sheep sold at a decline of 25&60c; lambs were oil fl.fcfj2.00; sheep, t((-4 75, with a choice lot at $4.80; exrt wethers, fS 80; common to choice lambs, fri.OiKKT.OO; dressed muttons lower at lltflla per lb.; dressed lambs lower at 126 13c. IK KJS Receipts. 8.01 head; prima state hogs, $6.25 per 100 lbs. Bt. Louis Live 8 took Market. ST. LOl'lH, July 18 CATTLE Receipts. 40. i heud. Including 376 Texans. Market strong; native ahliiping and export steers, $1 Kb Of); dreaaed beef and butcher steers, $3 9tfi6.4o: steers under I ') lbs., $3 7f4l410: stockers and feeders, $2.7Mi46'; rows and helfera, $2.36ti3 25; runners fl lSoCl 2 30; bulls, $ ' &'n 3 86 , calve. $4 fcicu 7.80; Texans and In dian sieers, $?T5434.5o; rows and helfera, 11 1 m J 76. I HUUlr-Recriptg, tot hetUU Mafktt was strong; pigs and lights, ftViOtoogn; packers, $.' 2'"iij.4o; tun hers and best heavy. 46 1 6(0. SHEEP AND IAM US Receipts, 200 hesd. Market strong; native muttons, f 1.2in 4 : lambs. t3 Kii.O0: culls and bucks, I2.i6tt 3.60, stockers, H.TMtiKi. Texans, $.i.O0'4j4.6V Kansas City I.lve Stoek Market. KANSAS CITY, July lS.-CATTI.E-Re-celpls, I,6n0 head. Including $. southern,; market icefloe lower; cholre export im'l dressed beef steers, $. If ti (to ; fair to gootl, 84.754? M; Blockers and feetlers, $3.16ti4.i0; southern Steers, fJOinM.lO; southern cows, f2.iatr4.4o; nstlve cows, $2 :t;tn 40; BitUve heifers, . $3.00j'4.75; bulls, 3.tMvS.ir0; culves, fj.&i 50. HOUS Receipts. 8.8X head, market l'tj 15c lower; top, 16 30: bulk of sales, $5 1.4 6 25; heavy, fo.16tio.25i pirs and lights, fo.lu Jo. SHEEP AND LAM LS -Receipts, l.iOo head; market notnina.iy sfaii) ; lamns. 4 (A); fd ewes, $.'l.2ji(3.i; Texas rllped yearlings, 8SI.''U-t7i; Itxas clipped stieep, M.2.''fl4.iA'; stockers and fteuera, St. JosepU Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. July 18 .--CATTI J"- Ho celpta, l.ouo iiead; market lOsfilic lower; n 1- Iiirs, Hxiitw; cowl ana iieurr, i.itv I 00; rtockrrs and feeders. $3 08 7o. HOOS-Rcelpts. 1.810 heid; market 5410, lower; light, 80 2c; n tdiura ahd heavy, $5.20 tjti 26. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Reeelpta, 148 head; market dull and steady: lambs lower. silonx City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, July 18 Special Tele gram. CATTLE-Receipts, 600 head; mar ket strong, stockers steady; Beeves, 84 fc'u' 5.75; cows, bulls and mixed. I5''a4 6c; stockers and feeders, $3.0txp 4.; calves and yearlings, 62.76(12 75. HOUS Receipts. 80) head; market 5 10c higher, selling $6.o0tj5 .6; bulk, !0 10-rj016. Stork la Sight. Following are the receipts of live stock for the six principal western cities yes terday; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 5"0 l.iaw 6'J Chicago 8.0H0 lO.fUHI 8.0"0 Kansas City 9,500 8,nt) l.tioii St. Louis 4iXI firt St, Joseph 1,0c HI 1.C10 MS Sioux City 500 8(10 Totals 24.400 22,710 9,848 OMAHA WHOI.KAI.K MARKET" Condition of Trade and usotatlosa on Staple and Fancy Produce. EGOS Receipts liberal; firm; fresh can dled stock. 1.V-. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 9c: roosters, nc cordlng to slxe, 5c; turkeys, 13c; ducks, 7c; gcesp, 5c; broilers, ISo. BUTTER Packing stock, 11c; choice to fancy dairy. 12iffl4c: separator, lS(fil7c. FRESH FISH-Trout, 11c; pickerel, 8c; pike, lOo; perch, 7c; bluedsh, 12c; whlteflnh, 14c; salmon, 14c; redsnapper, 11c; lobster, freen, 2c; lobster, boiled, 30c; bullheads. Ic; catfish, 14c; black bass, IXlc; halibut. 10c; crapples. 12c; roo shnd, $1; bulTalo, 8c; white bnss, 11c; frog legs, per tlox, 36c. BRAN Per ton. $18. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesalo Dealers' assoclntlo 1 : Choice No. 1 upland. $N; No. 2, f7.50: medium. f7; coarse, $0.50. Rye straw, fS.io. These prices oro for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts light. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Navel, choice, large slxe, $.1; fancy navels, all slses, $3.60: Mediterranean sweets, choice, all sizes, J3.0uUJ.2u; Jaffas, all sixes, f2.7c2(3.00; Valenclus, all slses, $3.60 4)3. 7; LEMONS California fancy, 270-300-360, $3.7564.26; choice, f2.7K&3.00. CALIFORNIA FlUS-Pur 10-lb. carton, 60c; lmpurtud Smyrna, 2-crown, 12c; e crown, lJc; 7-crown, 16c. BANANAS Per rnedlum-Hlsed bunch. f2.00 62.50; jumbo, $2.75433.15. DATES Persian, per boa: of 30 pkgs , f2; In 60-11). boxes, ic per lb.; oriental stuffed, per box, $2.40. 1 PINEAPPLBS-In crates of 34 to 2, per crate, $3.26. ITRUITS APPLES Oreen, per -bu. box, 75c. RASPBERRIES Per 24 qts., $u; per 24 pts., fl.oO; red raspberries, per i pto-. vtasn., 13. 1 13. BLACKBERRIES Arkansas, per 24 Qts., STRAWBERRIES Colorado, per 24-jt. case, $160. CHERRIES California, Royal Ann or Tartarian, per bos, $1.25; borne grown, per 24 qts., 31.2U OOOoEBERRIE4-Per 24-qt. case. $1.30. PEACHES Texas, per 4-busket crate, a)0c; California Alexandra, per yaox, fl, PLUMS California, Tt'ogOy, Burbarka, 11.85. PEARS California, f2.76 per box. APRICOTS California, ff.. IM CANTELOUPE Texas, per crate, $2.60 176; California, per crate, $5.00.00. WATERMELONS Per lb. (orated), lo; each, 30jH0c. CURRANTS -Red and white, per- 24-qt. case, $1.86. VEGETABLES. POTATOES New Texas Red stock. In sacks, per bu., 60c. NAVY BEANS Per bu., f2.16i&2.28. ONIONS Bermuda, per 50-lb. crate, $2.00; Louisiana, In sacks, per lb., 2o. CABBAGE Home grown, lo per lb. CAULIFLJWER Per dos.. 65o. CUCUMBERS-Per dos.. 26c. TOMATOES Texas, 4-basket crates, fL RADISHES Per dox. bunches, 20o. LETTUCE Top, per dos., 30o. TPRN1P8 Southern, per dux., 26o. BEETS Southern, per dog., 26c. CARROTS Southern, per dox., 26c. PARSLEY Per dox., 25c. BEANS Wax, per bu. box. fl.OO: per bu. basket, 60c; string, per bu. box, M.00; por bu. box, 75c; Wisconsin blue beans, 16-nt. box, $2.00. UREEN PEPPERS Por f-basket crate, $2.(W. SQUASH Home grown, per dox., 76c, PEAS Per bu. box. fl.OO. EOG PLANT Southern, per dog., fl.H0. CELERY Knlamnzoo, per doi., 26o. M 1 9CELLAN EOL'8. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb.. 10c. HIDES Na. 1 green. Cc; No. 2 green. Bet No. 1 salted, 7c; No. t salted. 6c; No. 1 veal calf, t to 12 lbs., c: No. 2 veal rslf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c: dry salted, 8H12c; shep pelts, HOTo; horse hides, tl.5GP2.S0. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full crenm, 11c; Wisconsin young America, 12e: block Swiss, 16c; Wisconsin brick, 13c; Wiscon sin llmberger, 13c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 roft shell, per !b., 15c; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb, 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb.. 8c; Chill walnuts, per lb., 1213c; large hickory nuts, per lb., 11c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., l"'c; hard shell, 13c; shellbarks. per bu., $3.00; black walnuts, per bu., $).2 Metal Market. NEW YORK, July U.-METAL8-Tln was quiet and unchanged during today's session In both the foreign and domcstlo markets. London closed at 119 12s 6d for spot, and 4E120 for futures. Here spot was quoted at f26.254f26.60. Copper ruled Una In the London market with cables showing a slight advance, spot closing at Ml lis 3d, and futures 57 10s. Locally copper was firm. Lake is quoted at fliTVS'lS 0): electrolytic, f 12.?12.76; .casting, flJ.3i(Jr 12.50. Lead, unchnnged at 1 lis fd In London, and ft.25fi4.35 Ir: the local mar ket. Spelter la also unchanged In both markets. Loudon quoted spot at 22 2s 6d, and the local quotation was U.Sblfi.Si. Iron closed at 61s 9d In Olasgow, and ut 42s td In Mlddlesboro. locally Iron is un changed. No. 1 foundry, northern, I14.6l3 15.00; No. 2 foundry, northern, $18. 75'14.25; No. 1 foundry, southern, and No. 1 foun dry, southern, soft, $13 2513.75. Pig Iron, nominal at IK. 00. ST. LOCIH. July 18. METALS Lead, firm, $416. Spelter, firm, f4.80. -Wool Market, BOSTON, July 18 WOOL Market strong and active with the volume of sales i. niarkably heavy. Territory wools are firm, with a good demand In progress. The lead ing quotations are; Kentucky, Indiana, etc. three-eighths and fne-quarter blood, 270 28c; braid, 2324o. Idaho fine, 17ln; heav fine, 144tl6c; fine medium, )f''le; medium, 18(?7'19c- low medium, 20-(21c. Wyo ming fine, lnul7o; heavy fine, )4'tfl6c; fine ttiedlum, nlic; medium, l!42oc; low me dlum, 20Ji22c. Utah and Nevada fine. 16 H17c; heavy fine, 14''fl5c; fine medium, W17c; low medium, 2I'hi27c. Dakota fine. lTiylHc; fine medium, 17918c; medium, r.1'1 2oc; low medium. 21ti'32c. Montana fine, choice, 20ii21c; fine average, l&'uOc- line medium choice, 19(J2co; average, liitt-jnc; staple. 21i&'J2c; medium cliole. 224i03c. ST. I5UIS, July 18 WOOL Steady; me dlum grades, combing and clothing, -4 24c; llaht tine, loiyisc; heavy tine, 12il3c; tub washed, 83c. Saver and Molasses. NEW YORK. July 18 SUGAR Raw, very sleady; fair refining. 8c; centrifugal, 98 test, 3 15-liu4c; molnases sugar, 3V4c; re fined, sleady; crushed, 6 7uc; powdered, 6.15c; grunuUted, 6 06c. NEW ORLEANS. July If. SUGAR 8teady; open kettle, xn".l 13-15c; open ket tle, centrifugal. 3t8c; centrifugal whites, 4c; yellows 8 8-16c; seconds. 2S'a3c. MOLASSES Nominal; open kettle, yVft 25c; centrifugal, H16c, syrup, nominal, 20 (&.26C. Evaporated Apples and Dried Kralts. NEW YORK. July 18. EVAPORATE i APPLES I Jght demand, but old cmp stocks are cleaning up very well and st tractlve fruit Is firmly held Common arc ouoted at 44t6c. prime at H,?j"0c, choice at 6,,tY44.c and fancy at Ic. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes remain quiet, buyers showing so disposition to take s-ipplles other thnn for Immediate rqulranents, in spit of the comparatively low range of prices, wljeh would seem to promise no material decline, quotations ranging from it to 6,c. Arncots and peaches are attracting a very small busi ness for future delivery and rule steady to firm on a small trade In spots. Apricots sre quoted at W0' for choice It4)tfl0o for extra choice and HiSglSo for fancy. Choice pesches are held at 7tf7e. extra choice at 7'!io and fancy st 8'lji0c. Oils and Roata. NEW TORK, July 18 OI1JS Cottonseed, dull; prime crude, nominal; yellow. ??t 2!Hc. Petroleum, easy; refined, New York, fT.70; Philadelphia and Baltimore. fi.SS: same In bulk, $4.75. Turpentine, steady, 67 Ri.8IV-Sie.idy; strained, common to gool. tff.i3 00 . OIL 'ITY. Juljf 18-4in.-CTedlt bal ances. fl.50; certificates, no hid; shipments, 80.729 bbls.; average, 64 324 bbls; runs, 138.017 hhls average. 72,240 bbls ; shipments, Lima, 59 37 bbls.; average, tU.M4 bbls ; runs, Lima, 12T..ni3 bbls.: nversce. r.6.704 bbls. SAVANNAH. July 18.-OILS-Turpentlne, quiet nt 64r R'-FIN-Firm: A. B, C, f? 46: P. fS.ftl; E. $5 M; F. t2.j: O t25: II. S3 SO: I, ft. 26; K. rv: M. fS.S0: N. $3.90; W O. f4S0; W W, t4 80. tlrooftrliall trot flaares. nrtximhall cables promise world's whest crop: European. 1.6iiS.000,0(Hi bushels, against l,SWS,00n.tioo hushels last rear. American, without I'nlted States, !40,000, 000 bushels, against 20O,no0,0cO bushels Asia. 4K..0HO,0OO bushels, against 851,000,000 bushels. Other countries. ICS, 000, 000 bushels, against 120,00(1.000 bushels. Total without United States, 2.472,000.600 bushels, against 2,628,000,000 bushels last ear, Klein Batter Market. EI11N, 111 . Julv 18 Butter remained tin charged on the Elgin board this afternoon, holding firm nt 17c. Weekly output, 870, 800 pounds. If you have something to trndo advertise It In the "This for That" column of The Bee went ad pnge. HEAI. KSTATE TRASKERS. Deeds filed for record July 18 aa furnished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust com pany. Winded al.etri.cter, 1614 Farnam street, for The Bee: Chris Bar be et al to Sarah F. Smith, lots 4. i and 6. Miller Park Place.. ..f 528 Hugh H. Baxter to Snrah E. Town sand, lot 8. block 3, Lake View 125 Wallace llackett and wife to Nellie P. Buck, lot t, block 120, Dundee Place fOO Isaac 8. Leavett and wife to Nellie P. Buck, lot 7, block 120, Dundee Place.. 700 Anton Vasnk and irlfe to August Jung, lots 16 and 17, block 3, Persons Berry's Add 615 Chas. Posplstl to Joseph ft Paulina PoHplsll. part lot 18, block 21, city.... I.S00 Michael J. Ltickey et al to Thos. E. Luckey, pert lots 1 and 2. block 8, Jetter's Add 1 Florence Company to Win. R. Wall, lot 3, block 253, Florenoe 80 Edwin L. Reeves to same, lots 1 and 2, block 253, Florence 160 Wliinette W. MrllvtUne to Joslo Por ter, lot 6, block 8, Carthage, and othor land 260 Aaron R. Hoel to James F. Prender gast, part lot 120, Nelson's Add 1.000 V. W. JVIeschendorf and wife to Geo. H.. same, lot 7, block 1, Albright's Annex 1 Tukey Land company to Etta L. Marsh, lot 0, block 2, Sherwood's Bub. 4,000 Joseph B. Fradenbiirg. assignee to Frank J. FUxgeraid, lots 3, 4 and 6, block 120. South Omaha IS Geo. A. Mnston to Jas. and Amanda Peterson, part block 6, Marysvllle. , , . 600 Wm. Erlckson ot al to Francis V. Ketchmer, lot 22, hiock 1, West Cum ing Add 60 Alfred R. Toolxrr to Cnrollne E. Tool xer, part lot S, block 197. city 1 Bridget A. Dulllvnn to M. Frank Sulli van et al, lot C. block 11, Hanscom Place 1 Cornelius J. Sullivan and wife to same, and Joseph Homwer Sullivan, undi vided 1-8 lot 18, block 1, Crclghton Heights and other land 1 Leonard B. Dout to Melville D. Onm eron, lot t, block 9, Omaha View.... 200 O. M, E. Tel. 611 MESSENGER AND BAGGAGE. 1618 Farnam Street. WILL OET YCJR BAGGAGE THERB ON TIME. -M70 (A1IAVAY TIMU CARD. NION STATION 1OT1I AKD HAHCT, Cbicagro, Book Island 46 faclde. SUIT. fjeave. AMae. Chlcato Daylight UsaHeg a I II aa Cktcaso fajujhl JLewl a ti4 aaa l:gle I'felcaga Kaaraaa 811 01 pat s 6:16 9m Daa fctolnaa Sapraaa t 4:u pa 811 M aa Chicago ITaat gupraas a 6:4i pm I la saa WSjgT. Reeky Mountain Limited a t:8 am iliHia Llnaoln, Colorado gprlasa, Ueo- ar. ruablo an east a :M pa e f :48 aa Cklcasjo, Milwaukee St. Paul. Arrlra. Chicago Daylight Ki proas a T:W sat a 11:00 pia Ulllllornia-Urasua Sxpraas A 6:46 put a 1:14 pia OvarUud Llmllnl a 1:10 pin a 1:11 a in Daa Molnaa 4 UkuboJI Ka IliUia a I W pat I nlou Paelao. Tha uarlan4 Llraltad....: a 1:44 a I OS am The Colorado and California 81s. .a 4:10 pm 4 44 am Tha Chlcaso-PanlaaU Hpeulal ...a 4:M pia The aalarn a.r.aa a 1:14 pot Tho Columbus Lcal ...b 4:00 pm . 1 .11 am Tin Colorado 8paoUl a 7:46 am Tha Chicane Spaalal a 4 40 am Tha beairloa Local b 810 pm 1:11 Pm The fast Mall , s 610 a 14 110 pm Ckleagt'o at Northwestern, Lear. rat Chicago a l lu pm Ul Chkago 4t : aaa Mall a 1:10 pm Daylight t- Paal 1:30 am Ijallgul Cblraga a1:Mm Un.ltad Chlcaga a 3:M pm ArrlT. LM am 8:10 am 14 00 pm ' 11:40 pm 1:14 am B:lo sua bncal Carrol. a a m pm last St. raul a 1:11 pm Local glout t it) A St. Paul. ...8 4:00 pm r.at Mall Chlraga Xapraaa a Norfolk tc Bonaataal a 1:08 am Lincoln Long tinm b I 04 am liaadwood A Uncolo I 144 pm Caapar A Wyoming 4 1 M pm llaatlnga-Albtoa b I 10 pn Falrfax-Donaaiaai a 8 40 pm Bonaataal 8paoUl all:60 pm tkii'sga Ureal Western. I 04 am a I 14 am 10.14 aw M M am 810 pm e 8:10 pm I 11 pm 8:1 pm ,8:M m St. Paul 4k Mtsasairalis laav. HmA a 8:88 pm s 1:18 am a, ...I a SIhhboUi Ma- praas a 1:M aaa Chicage I.laliad e 4 40 pm Chiaagn Kxprsas a 4;l am Illinois Central. Chicago kipraae a T:M am Chicago Limited af:aupm Minn, and at. faul Kaproaa....b 110 am Mine, and St. Paul Lliuiiad....a 1:84) pm ..Uaavui-l PaetMe. 81. Loula Bapraaa a!0:48 am aaoaaa City 4k St. Loula ax- b,m all a pm wwia a kair SpwUl a - pm av attaaak. St. Loata "Caunoa Ball' Six.. a 8 9 pm Maw warm's lr a 1.44 eat Lacal Irum CeuiuUl iliuaa. ..... a 1:18 am 4 H pm il:M am 4:48 pm el:Mai a 8:0 am 11:11 pm a 4:04 pm a 4:84 pm a 1:4 am S 4:84 am a line pm a 1.4 pm aHKLllkaTO.-v STA 1 IOBI IOTM MASO.f Cblcago, Burllagten ak alney. Laave. . AartM. Chicage Spaclal Cult to Yaaiibulae Bxpraaa Cpl.ago Loaal l!llau L1UUW41 raat Mall ) Maa a I s4 pm .a t.'M pm a 1:44 am ..a i.i am ail :4 pm f 44 pm 8:4 pm .a .ia pm uanaaa City, SI. alueenk 4 V: BlavJs. kauaaa cur lajr axpraas aUam a 4 M pm Si. Loula glyar m w all: 14 am liaaaaa clljr Kishl 8tapraa ....alln4 pm a 1:48 am Uuiilugtoa aW Hlaauurl River. Wroaora, Maalries laaoela ..a I a am 811:48 pm Mabraaka lupras a a.at am I a lauar Uuiiua a 4.1 pia a 4 a am atlack Mllia a Pusal Sound 8U.aU .10 pa, a I. at pm leioradu Vaallbulae fljrw a 8 a pm Liuwiu raal Mall b 8 81 pat ail 04 pm rort Crook 4a ruiumouth b I al pm bi.l am Ballaau PatiBu Jaaotloa ,.t I tn la a 8.81 am baiiaau faaib Juutuoa ..a t.4 am -.V ISBSTISH Dlil'OT IdTH aft WSSITCH Mlseoarl Paclao. laaave. Mahraaka LoeaL via Waaeloa Arrl4k Water b 414 pm ali sj pm t lilrngo, St. raul, Mlaa. V Omaha. Twin Clr Paaaangar 4 M aa k 1:1 pm Sioui City pasaaugar a 1 . 04 pm SU M am Oat land Local b 8.41 pa b 9:18 am a daily, b dally soat Sunday, i dally einarl gaiurday e dally mmm Meudaa. UC1CAN STiCAMSUirs. HOLLAHD-AMERICA LINE. Naw Twlli-Sorsw Staamars of It.ttiO font, pi KW Yi'HK Hull KltnaM, ala liol UK1M4. galling Tuaailar, al 1 A. M. K nt 1 r 'lam Aug KStataadam ....Augll ttyiiilMiik Aug a I'til aitaiti Aug. lit Noordam Aug. II ItnUardam Stol. g Hlll.ItND-AMKHK'A UNI. 4 Daarbora St., Cbl- rago. 111. ; Harry Moor a. lJl Paraaa C C. Kulharfor4. 1M8 rantem 8t( ". It. taiilda, Mas) farnam St.