SUIT XT7IAUX '0Xmt--iEE: TT7E3ITAY, JTTLY IB, 1901.' 117 FIGHT f OR LITTLE DAUGHTER Tiller nJ Mother-A PfirArinn Court, to Claim tb Child. DANCING MASTER AND DIVORCED WIFE --o Wife f Voh Girl's Father Hm PoaaeaaUa of Call Until Jaase Decides the Preaeat i Controversy. Judge Troup Monday began hearing the evidence In the case wherein Mrs. W. K. Chambers, the divorced wife of W. B. Chambers, the society dancing academy man, seeks to obtain custody of their Utile daughter, Halcyon. A number of women who had been neighbors of the Chambers at different times were placed on the stand, but gave bo evidence that was especially Important to either side. Both Mr. and Mrs. Chambers were in court, exhibiting a keen Interest in the case and holding fre quent consultations with their lawyers. Halcyon slnoe the separation of her parents baa been cared for by Mr. Chambers and bis second Wife. She la a pretty child and was with her mother for a time in court. Since Saturday she has been in the posses alon of Mrs. Chambers by order of the court. The case may be ended this after noon. One point Monday morning turned on the mental condition of Miss Agnes Huntoon, a nurse, who is a slater of S. A. Huntoon, well known In the express business. Sev cral witnesses declared positively that they knew Miss Huntoon was sane. Special WT a. PLANS FOR JTARGET SHOQT Arrangements Brln Made by Army for Competitions Daring Jaljr sad AnsraaC Extensive arrangements are being tnada by the various army departments for the ' approaching small arma target practice competitions during the latter part of July and early in August. Orders have Just been issued from the War department detailing the following officers for target duty. These officers are ordered to proceed to fort 8heii dan and report not later than July 23 to Major Zerah W. Torrey, Twenty-fourth In fantry, officer In charge of the division of army Infantry competition, for duty as in dicated: Chief of range and ordnance officer, Cap tain Beaborn C. Chiles, Eleventh infantry; adjutant and statistical officer, First Lieu tenant James J. Kemper, Sixth ' Infantry; range officers. First Lieutenants JoseDh Herring, Twenty-fourth Infantry; Thomas' L. Brewer, Twenty-first infantry; William A. Carleton, Thirtieth Infantry; William E, Mould, Eighteenth Infantry; Second Lieu tenants William C. Stoll, Eleventh Infantry; Walter M. Merrill, First infantry; Homer N. Preston, Twenty-first infantry; Edwin Gunner, Twenty-fourth Infantry; Resolve P. Palmer, Sixth infantry. The following officers will proceed to Fort Riley not later than July 23 and report to Lieutenant Colonel Peter 8. Bomus, Sixth cavalry, officer in charge of the division of the army cavalry and pistol competition: Chief range officer, Major Wllber E. Wilder, assistant adjutant general; adju' tnnt and statistical officer, First Lieutenant John Watson, Eighth cavalry; quartermas ter and ordnance officer, Second Lieutenant Emit P. Laurson, Eleventh cavalry; range officers, First Lieutenants Dorsey Cullen, Third cavalry; Joseph C. RJghter, Fourth cavalry; Nathaniel M. Cartmel, Tenth cav alry; Second Lieutenants William 8. Mar tin. Fourth cavalry; E. R. Warner McCabe, Sixth cavalry; Orville N. Tyler, Fourth cav alry; Talbot Smith, Eighth cavalry; Adam F. Casad, John P. Terrell, artillery corps, and Arthur G. Hlxson, Fourth cavalry. - HOLDS PROCESS WAS REGULAR jBdgre Troop Decides Cnse In Favor of Herman Kountae and the Crelghtons. ' Judge Troup baa handed down a decision In favor of the defendants in the suit whereby the four children of the late Mrs. Mary McCreary, a sister of Edward Crelgh- ton, deceased, sought to have a reaccount lug of the administration of the Edward Crelghton estate. The suit was against John A. Crelghton, administrator and trustee, and Herman Kountze and James Crelghton, trustees, and it was alleged that the first named had riot made a full ac counting for a large herd of cattle, said to be valued at 3800,000, which roamed in Wyoming near the Nebraska line at the time of Edward Crelghton's death in 1874. The herd was aold at auction for about 176.000, John A. Crelghton being the suc cessful bidder, the sale being confirmed by a Wyoming 'court. The plaintiffs held that the administration, being in Wyoming, did not apply to he cattle that waa on the Nebraska state line, and alleged that this never had been accounted for by the trustees. Judge Troup held that there had been no fraud, that the matter had been adjudicated time and again and that the proceedings ware In every way regular and correct, Inasnfuch aa the whole herd of stock belonged to a single ranch In Wyoming. J0SLYN TO RETURN TO OMAHA Haiti-Millionaire Who Fleea to New York Becanae of Taaea Telia Frlenda Ho Will Come Back. George A. Joalyn on the occasion of his recast visit to the city from his new home at Saratoga, N. Y stated to a few frlenda that It waa hia Intention to reauma his residence In Omaha, reporta to the con trary notwithstanding. Mr. Joslyn seemed to be somewhat apprehensive relative to the proposition to cut a street through bis property for boulevard purposes and will undertake to prevent the proposition being carried out Look for the Tiger. Half Faro to Okobojl. On every Friday and Saturday tickets from Omaha and Council Bluffs will be sold to Lake Okobojl and return at half fare by THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY. Everybody aaya Okobojl ia more beautiful thla year than ever. The bathing Is de lightful, the fishing great, the Saturday night dancing parties are swell. Better go up for two or three days. Tickets 1621 Far nam 8t, Omaha; 620 Broadway, Council Bluffs. A Della-htfBl Water Trip between Detroit and Buffalo via the Detroit ind Buffulo Steamboat company is the priv ilege of the holder of any ticket from the west reading via the Grand Trunk Railway System to or through suxpt-milon bridge. Further particulars, including illustrated Bescrlptlve literature, wili be mailed on ap plication to Advertising Department, Grand Trunk Railway System, 135 Adams 8t., Chi. . mgo, George W. Vaux, A. U. P. 4; T. A. Maaoala. Bpeclat meeting of Nebraska Lodge No. t Tuesday evening, July U, at I p. m. Labor In E. A. degree. CHARLES L SHOjjK. Master. W. C M LEAN, Secretary. K. aredUliig rlnga LUhulm, jeweler. irn Fv-rv U I U J Day i Ojlf en SALE t TOLlEttU ALL THE nnnnr uJ Li L mm FROM THE flops' suck AT EXACTLY ONE HALF PRICE. All of Kelley-Stiger's fine white goods, piled high on bargain squares, and the most extraordinary bargains of the entire sale. Thousands of pieces of Bookfold, India Linons, Persian Lawns, India Dimities, Sea Island Nain sook, Organdies, Batistes, etc., all at half price. for all goods "worth 10c yard. "fie Yd for all goods worth 15a yard. for all goods worth 25c yard Percales 5c Yd Kelley S tiger's Punjob, Sea Island and Imported percales have been in display in front show window go at, yard imported 5c "Ginghams 24c yd Standard Apron Gingham 10, 000 yards of it It is a rare bargain n, S. price So yard at ,2c All of Kelley-Stiers 75c and $1 Petticoats at 39c x Petticoats of mercerized sateen, wide ac cordion pleated flouucea tucked and piped also wash skirts of gingham and seersucker 3T TX dozen's of styles and pattern Kelley- U Iff Stiger's price 75c and f 1 at Jr J And hundreds of other bargains fully as remarkable as these. OMAHA-Weather Tuesday, Fair and Slightly Cooler m rp rn rn j3 C""3 C"3J sw3 hJ m Choice of all our $2.50 and $3 Ladies' Oxfords Tuesday will go at SU NS Rcaal the Sunday Ad Again! Bee those hot shot bargains in Laces, Wash Goods, Linens, Tray Cloths, Dresser Scarfs, Bed Spreads, Black Dress Goods, Silks, Women's Wash Shirt Waists, Ladies' and Misses' Skirts, Women's and Misses' Suits at one-half off Those specials in Millinery, and these Bennett BOOK SALES that are being talked about. ARE CONTINUED TUESDAY ALL DAY. Hourly Sales on Our Main Floor Tuesday JOHN COATS THREAD For one I METAL BACK (2ENUINB , HORN hour, :30 to 10;30 On ' COMBS worth 25c for one Or per spool. I hour. 1 to i YK SKWING SILK Full 100 yards, black CRUSHED LEATHER BELTS worth only, for one hour 10:30 E-. I 75c to $1.26 for one hour, On to 11:30, per spool uc to 4, at LADIES' NECKWEAR Bulgarian stock collars, worth 25o to lOr" tto for one hour, 4 to 6, at avrw Sensational Hourly Sales on 2d Floor Tuesday WOMEN'S WRAPPERS Fine per cales, lawns and dimities sold at Jl, 11.26 and $1.50 for one hour, A fir" V to 10, nt OC DRESSING SACKS Fine lawns and dimities, every color, formerly sold from 75c to 11.25, for one nOr hour, 10 to 11, at OVW WOMEN'S PETTICOATS Finest spun glass, accordion pleats and ruffles, wortli Site for one hour, 10r 2 to 3, at OVW BOYS' WAISTS AND BLOUSES Laundered and unlaundered-Former prices 60c, 75c and 11 For CXOc one hour, 11 to 12, at Hourly Sales in China Department Tuesday Only FROAf 8 TO 9 Small size glass y Lemon Juicers aeC Large size. 4c FROM 9 TO 10 White Uaviland Breakfast Plates, each . . . . . t a. i 20c FROM 10 TO 11 Pure lead blown, nicely en graved Table A Tumblers, each TC FROM 12 TO 1 White China Shakers, each Limit of six to customer. FROfl 1 TO 2 White Uaviland Cups and Saucers, each. . . . .V; Limit of two to customer. 5c 20c GROCERIES LEADERS IN FIRST CLASS NEW, FRESH AND PURE GROCERIES AT LOWEST PRICES. fill Tea Sif tings, pound f Qs- package And jloo worth "S. & H." Green Trading Stamps. $2.00 worth "S. & H." Green Trading Stamps with each flMr w w pound Tea Bennett's Capitol 1Cn Coffee, lb. tkg..."OW And 1 worth "S & H" Green Trading Stamps. 1.00 worth "SA H." Green Trading Stamps with each sound New York Full . Olr Cream Cheese....' $1.00 Green Trading Stamps with b. "4-pound can Mustard IOW $7.00 in "S. & H." Green Trading Stamps for the above list of first class goods, every Item guaranteed for $1.19. Baking Soda, package 4o ' Potted Ham, can 4c Oil Sardines, can 6o Salmon, 1-pound can loo BUTTER CARNIVAL Tons of butter direct from the best dairies in tl j coi'itry. To make a 1')Ick sale, we offer for Tuesday only. $1.00 worth "S. & H." Green Trading Stamps with two pounds Fresh Country Butter. Qr at. Der Dound 'Ov CANDY Tuesday Special 60o worth "8. & H." Green Trading Stamps with glass Jar as- 1 fir sorted Candles More School Boys Waited To act as Bennett's school-boy salesmen. Good money for the little fejlow who is willing to hustle. Apply Advertis ing Manager's Office, Basement, Bennett's Green Trading Stamps Every Time GOING AWAY? If you are, let us put your watch in order before. you go. we employ the best workmen, xou.wm enjoy your trip better if you know your watch Is all right. LOOK FOR THE NAME. W. S. Lindsay, Jeweler. 1516 Douglas St. 20 Per Cent Discount on Suit Gases and Grips When you go to St. Louis or take your vacation don't carry a cheaD or wornout ki'Id or suit case, when we sell you the best for such a low price. We also have a complete line of high grad . trunks at prices tnat will save you money. OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY Bend for Catalogue. 1209 Farnam St. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES, SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. BELLEVUE COLLEGE, AniiouncementtoSummerGuesfs . BUILDINGS NOW 0PLN TO GUESTS. Rates $1.00 per day. and from $5.00 to $7.00 per week, according to rooms. Other than $7.00 rooms are $t.00. If occupied by one, and $5.00 each, if occupied by two. Children under ten years, $3.60 per week. A room for one night, Hoc, Dinner, &a Other single meals, iuc ' Conveyance to and from the station may be had at 10a per single trip. If one half day'a notice be given before train time. Baggage: trunks, 16c, smaller pieces 10a Guests with child) en will be assigned to special uauiaing. Strangers must give reference. Occuuants of rooms. If they wish bad spreads, window draperies and table covers. must furnish them. Furniture broken or unnecessarily marred will ba charged to oc cupants of rooms. - Everything will be done for the comfort and pleasure of guests, to the extent of our ability. former guests are applying for room. Tralna leave Omaha via Burlinsrton route at 12:15 P. m.. 4 P. m.. and 7:60 p. m. for Bellevue. Trulns leave Bellevue for Omen at 8:H a., m. and S:30 p. m. For further Information address . BELLEVUE COLLEGE, Bellevue, Neb. 1 JjjSfflaaHaBala" (q) jomoo ' - W A Kin DE-TIIDM 1 iar lib! villi.! m m -1 3 EVERY DAY to Sept. 30th, f f I Inclusive, with final return I 1 limit Oct. 31st, 1904, via ' I 1 UNION PACIFIC FROM 1 OMAHA ; Wustratod publication "The RocMea, Great Salt Lakt J I and Yellowstone" free on application. Inquire at ' J OITT TICKET OFFICE), V 1S24 FAHJVAM STREET. jf 'Poone alt. jF 1. A, HARDIN COLLEGE AND CONSERVATORY FOB LADIES 'Uk 82dyer. The College UnlYerilty trmlned faculty. German . ii l u o ua u evwuwa inruij iuauuou ij mvioiiawt avuiio a IUICb 11 artr ft am s-Bme. Vlntktaal. aBak I nauiam. Uaairi. Unhatrta. ThAaaB. ll!l444 Kiumcl4roroaUkffueaddreM . CENTRAL COLLEGE aSgJS r.r..t Mini. BMrtlaipapll. Ilailto4in. Th. (imurf.Ur; mt Mula, u4. YOUNG LADIES I II. tud R L FruirMi Ik llrtl. iiaetaHule, uuAmr dlredtiu of D. . 0enr4. A U. I(HrllBK ! f rery high mirll. Hehuolt ur Art and KUwullAn rxmductt tiT mccaful in-i.feeBsia. KMBlifvtud havlthful lt av Uoi.. BmliolinamcHUi.. lbTaitt tu. CkutMit. AI1BEL rKaMkLIN IMITH. PrldML UiImUr. M. Western Military' Academy Up?un:,on ifeth year. New llrprotf buildlnc. ut)t. llattiiful lonatiian. Numlr! lWuitjr. Thorough iiJitry ud odiuio dexwriv M fwlairn Minlna . Numlr limited. Htmng Aueint LoceU rltrnoav Col. A. M. JACKSON, - . EVENT FOR STATE OFFICERS Heceptlou t Be Teudered at M'.ra- mmu Hall to G. A. H. aad The three Grand Army posts and the three Woman's Kellef corps will give a reception to the officers of the Nebraska Urand Army of the Kepublio and Woman's Kellef corps departments at An elect Order of United Workmvn hall this evenln. Elaborate preparations have been made for the aventHMid aa Interesting program will T ba carried out Tbla will comprise abort welcoming addreasea to the visiting de partment officials, with responses from the latter, also short addresses from various Grand Army of the Hepubllc and Woman's Relief corps people along the Una of a camp-fire meeting. Mimto will also be pro vided and the event will tie made the more Interesting by the serving of aeuaonabie retreahments. Per Bale at Oaea. Furniture, carpets, shades, eto., of B-roora cottage, mostly new. Mrs. Wia. Copley, Blondo street- NON-INTOXICANT apt LIFE MALT TONIC TUB BEST POSSIBLE Recommended by physlclang every where. Nothing to equal It for NURSING MOTHERS convalescents or Invalids. One trial is all that Is necessare to prove Its effilclency. ".old on Dining aad Buffet Cara. Fred Krug Brewing Co. Omaha's Model Brewery. Telephone 420. OMAHA CHOOLB AND COLLEGES. tor a eauloiea el tte Oldeat saS Larajeel Mill tax? Mck.vl la U. Mlddl Wt. tilint Military m y. IVenttrortbsjss TERRILL SELLING OUT At one-half of cost price Entire Stock Must Be Sold by 'Rug. 1st. IMPORTED DRESS GOODS Silks, Laces and Trimmings. Sacrificed at nti unheard of price. Boys' Knee Pants Suits, Worth up to $3.50,$1.95 THE! RELIABLE STORK. Men's Outing Suits, Worth up to $12.05 $5 Interesting Store News LADIES' UNDERWEAR BARGAINS $i Gowns Wc s luii ii r i fill "M Tucked and embroidery trimmed, a, worth up to 11.00, beautiful llne, M 49c 25c Children's Drawers 12k Actually aold at 35o to Co, tl mined wltb embrolden'i 12ic tha irreatest shad rot. , eaee.eae.eeae i Tuesday's One Hour Sales From 10 Till 11 A. M. From 11 A. M. Till 12 M. Ladles' Hose Drop atltch lisle Ladles' Fancy Vesta Laoe yoke allk thread, plain and fancy colors, tape, worth up to 26o, worth up to S9o, Tuca- fli - Tuesday, for one hour, jf day. for one hour, fliL choice , r choice i $1 LADIES' CORSETS Wc 2Co dozen high grade Corsets, all alias and new styles, worth up to tl.OQ, unoice x uesuuy r. 49c iaaa Men's Underwear FROM BOSTON STORE STOCK Bhlrts i-nd drawers In plain and fancy colore, worth from 50c to 98c per lOr garment, your choice Tuesday MEN'S FANCY HO8K-600 doa. In plain anc.i tancy colors, an elegant assortment, ,81c worth up to 25o, Tuesday at BOYS' SHIRTS-In light and dnrk colors, with separate collars and cuffs, worth from 60c to TBq, OOp choice Tuesday One More Chance 50c Wide Embroideries, 15c Long mill ends of beautiful wide embroide ries, suitable for corset covers, skirt flounces, children's skirts, etc., worth long 15c fully 60o yd.,' Tuesday aa as tnay taat, por ya. THESE EMBROIDERIES HAVE PEEN ON DISPLAY IN OUR 16TH ST. WIN DOW FOR SOME DAYS PAST. Tuesday More New Fancy Silks for Suits Flftv new nieces added to the 49A and E!ki lnta. inaklna- tha flnput uanrtmanf. r Inn. priced silks for suits in Omaha. Embroidered pongee, best quality, sold for J1.00 and $1.26. at 1,000 YDS. WHITE WASH SILK Finest grade, regular retail price $1.00, on sole ............. 69c 69c PEACHES! PEACHES!! The Car Arrived in Fine Condition 50c Tomorrow (Tuesday) we will place on sale this car of elegant free stone Alexandria,Colo., peaches, shipped to us direct fromGrand Junction, Colo. This is fine fruit, elegant flavor, and we will give everybody a chance to preserve peaches at the ridiculous price per crate of . NO LIMIT ALL YOU WANT. HARDWARE SPECIALS . 79c : . 2.29 59c No. 8 eoriper nickeled tea Kettles No. 3 burner gasoline stove , 60-1 b. flour cans. decorated lS-quart blue and white enameled pall 6-quart blue and white 'enameled kettle Wire photo holders Hardwood adustable screena ..; , lH-lr-ch 4-panel screen doors ........ 29c 5c 19c 69c fin LfU Mid JV wo it mm In the Rosebud Mian Reservation ; Opened (or Settlement JULY 5th TO 23rd Special reduced roundtrip tickets on sale July 1 to 22 good returning till August 31 Omaha, for descriptive pamphlets. Trains for Bonesteel and Fairfax leave Union Station at 8:05 a. m., 2:50 p. m., 11:50 p. m. The chance of a lifetime. An Office In The Beo Building For $IO.OO Per Month We have a vary deatrable small office, that Is vacant todajr. at the price mentioned above. There are enly a few of thee amaller ofneae In the building-, but in point of comfort and dealraWllty they are very satis factory to anyone who needs enly a small floor apace. Thla price Includea all tha edvantagea of the building perfect Jani tor service, all day and all night and Sunday elveto service, elecUlo light, water and beat Tbeee Uttle offices are usually snapped up quickly. Better call today. R. C PETERS & CO., Rental Agents Gro hnd Floor, The Bee Bu ilding. i i-