mi is Air I n t TTTT TtTrV QTTVT4AV TTTT."V 1 7 1 QA1 SPECIAL NOTICES AlTtHUeiatati fur t will taken antll IX a, for tbe areata fllllon aad aatll 8 a. a. aa. tut Hates, 1 l-2e vrnrd flrst rtlon, la m word thfrrafltr. gothlnsr taJiea far lees than fr tha nrst laser. nam.' Ttn ad vcrtisemeats asast ae pan oaeetlvely. Advertisers, ajr rtoilln nam ered cheek, eaa hare " ad dressed to namherad letter In eara f Tho Baa. Aninm so addressed will ha delivered on presentation of MISCELLANEOUS Remember Ton can no more gain a practical, thor ough business education In a business collet that Is not business from top to bottom, practical in ita course, In Its teach ers and In Its training of Ha pupils, and thorough In lta discipline and In lta mold ing of ita students' mlnda and business habits, than you can fatten a fanning mill by running wheat through it. Boy lea College baa claim on tha oon ldarattan of everyone thinking of taking up stenography or accounting, because it la absolutely and uniquely business Its in structors are business men and women lta course Is ons formulated by business men .and tested by business as it is practiced with profit by the master business men it instills Into the pupil's mind a deep reali sation of the fascination of business prop erly conducted it puts into its graduates the stuff out of which successful business wen and women are made. BOYLES COLLEGE, H. B. BOYLES, President, OMAHA, NEB. CATALOGUE FREE. K i UT-KATE TICKETS everywhere. P. H. f hilbln, uvi Farnam and opp. Union sta . lion. Tela. M ana 1073. IWtU 1RI KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. 3630 K. 1&2 clTY SAVINGS BANK pay 4 per east. K 184 l.AGLE Loan Office; reliable, accommoda ting: all bualnesa confidential. 1301 Duuglas R ls6 -4 . .VTI-MONOPOLY 16th. Tel. Hit. Garbage Co., 1821 N. R 138 l.XPRESSSIEN'S Delivery Co., moving and storage. 214 N. ith. Tel. 11&6. R 187 JBLICITY DE81GN8 WHEATOK, In tha Bee bldg. R 188 I..IQN painting, a H. Cole, 1302 Douglas. R 1S 1 liRFIELD Piano Co., Bee bldg.j no la tarsst; honest values; easy terms. . Tel. . 70L BW1 ) r. W. ITVEA. Plumber, 1124 N. 28th. Tel. K747. R 393 BICYCLES! B1CYCLESI UAHA BICYCLE CO., 10th and Chicago. R lt . AROAINS Uncalled for suits arfd correct rousers, 1517 Farnam, upstairs, room 5. Ask for Form an. R 196 : ;E9 St CO., Patent Lawyers; advice free. Offices: Bee building, Omaha, Nebj 14 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111., and 1003 F at, Washington, D. C. R-68 Jy21 flTRP Stammering and Stuttering. JllZ, j.vaughn. Ramge bid., Omaha REMISS THIS IS THE MONTH wnhaV,p. should be overhauled and repaired. Omaha .Stove Repair Wks., 1207 Douglna. Tel. 960. R M317 81 XPERT nlano movlnar. - iowsst Drioes. dchmoller & Mueller, 1313 Faro. Tel. 16'iS. lf l TANDARD filters, Firntm, Hubs uber. Tel. (918. 1801 R M2S7 ! OOK for tha Tiger. R M-7 17 CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Sll S. ' 11TH. 'PHONE 264. Why carry your soiled linen! Our wagons i ill and deliver same. Bills collected monthly. R M903 All !' MELCHOIR. machine works, 13th and Howard. R-M962 All FATENTS H. A. Sturgla, registered attor ney. Patents, trademarks, copyrights. ' No fee unless successful: 617 New York Life building, Omaha, Neb. R M-183-A-14 SIDEWALKS LOWEST PRICES McWILLIAMS BROS. C2 PAXTON BLK. TEL. B3M. R TOR SALE HORSES & WAGONS . NEW runabout top buggy to trade for o riving noise. &u n. ioui. rM HAMBLKTONIAN BTALUON . BANNOCKBURN jf vtnds lsH liandahien, weighs over 1,200 ?LiS. ruuiftcu itiau uy a erranaoon, t dam a artuiddaughter of Ilamble innlan 10th. I will race him aKalnst anv t.laUlon In Nebraska, wagon and driver weighing no teas, man sou lua. UA.xrMOC'K. :iUKN Is the aurest breeder I ever auw. ie will atand fur atrnk at 4021 N. ISth HC and R. R. tracks, Omaha. A. THOMP. ..EN. P M934 V. J. LAPAQB carriage and wagon; 2nd' Imnd vehicles for salo. 1107 Jackson. Tel. 1M6S. P M6iS Jly 20 i OR BALE One family horse, 8 years old. ice driver, weigm j.iuu. pis is. inn, t'hone laoi. P 7:4 t,H SALB. a flrat-clnas half StaiihoDe linaeton, imi uw" u- vno yrm, muiju b. new; cost 4J00; will sell cheap. Call Mil H. jj sc. p umx lOH-QRADE rubber-tire runabout jllghtly soiled, at half value. Alsu good .op buggy and harness, cheap. Johnson & Uaniorin. e, w. tor. jum & jonti tus. P-M137 C'lK the fins line of vehtclra for aide by irroet, mia ana jesTanworcn. tr jus '.ETTIE3T phaeton in city for sale; as pood as new. stanhope K'yle, rubber tired, lit elegant shape, will be sold cheap. In- . - r v-, 1T.U . l l i , , Mrs. W. K. tienneiu 1' usa )R BALE Two cars of broken horsee. maiva aim guiainga, at Ainwrin. rs-D. If. W. Sellors P 9h0 17x NTSD A good family horae; must not cost over 16 or M. can ioo a. mn. P Mli4 17x 1 )R SALE Nice pair brown drivers. 6- vear-olds. standard bred and Kound: also n .. (nuil. email but atyliah. aadlle 1 orse. 8 yars old, sound and gentle for -vomen and children. Keiumn for anlllug, );re the "auto erase." Tel. as or s- J' "R SAUJ-Flrle driving mare and phae ton. 16i N. lain. t mm ma FLORISTS iCSS BWOBODA. 1115 Fartifltn. 261 . HKJIDERSON. ttll Farnam. Send far prta Jtst ef out ilswers ana puu" f.S. ji tKXNAUllTJK. JR lw7 Ir'axoa WANTED MALE HELP FALL TERM of tha Omaha Commercial College 17th and Douglas Sts. Begins September 1, 1904. Catalogue Free. Rohrbough Bros., OMAHA. NEB, WANTED 26 men to wont on Wick yard and tenders on one duuuiiis ,,-Tfii"Q-" Brick Yard Co.. Deshler. Neb. B-M288 WANTED-Iwo agent to work from .out wasons. J. n. aiuiu wi street. B 177 WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMT-Able-bodled unmarried men between ages 01 i aim . cltltens of United S'ates. of good chsrac ter and temperate habits, who can apeaK, read and write English. For lnformatloa spply to Recruiting Officer, 13th and Douglas sts., Omaha, Lincoln, Neb., or, Sioux City, la. B taJW WANTED 600 Omaha school boys, 14 to IS t years, to make money for themselves easily and quickly. This Is a Bennett proposition, and because It comes from Bennett's It's "on tha square." Monday morning 8 o'clock sharp at Cafe, third floor. THE BENNETT COMPANY. b m-n MEN of ability and address, who can giya Dona, can improve tneir conaruou oy tail ing on Van B. Lady, 601-1 Brown block. B M581 la MOLER S BARBER COLLEOB, Denver, Colo., wanta men to learn barber trade, special inducements this month: wnta for term B M668 A7x WANTED Man for oomroon labor; good wages. Inquire W. I Belby, room rat Board of Trade Bldg., Ird floor. B-OT0 WANTED A young man aa stenographer to manager or. umana nrm; opporiuiuiy for future advancement for man who is not afraid of work; make application in long hand, stating experience and educa tion in detail and salary asked. Ad dress P 64. care Omaha Bee. B 117x WANTED Nonunion stationary fireman. Apply room 110, Millard hotel. H Ml 94 1SX ELECTRICIANS wanted who desire to Suallfy for high-salaried positions aa raftsmen, electric machine designers, managers of plants and superintendents. Must read and write English. Write at onoe. stating age, experience and position wanted. L C. S., Box 1173, Scranton, Pa. B 228 17x WANTED Men everywhere; good pay; to distribute circulars, aav. matter, xaca signs, etc; no canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. B M192 17x WANTED 600 union stock yard butchers for local branch New independent rack ing Co.; union wages. Answer quick; send 26c for application blanks. Address George B. Kedsle, Labor Dept., 6?6 Stock Exchange. Chicago, 111. B M201 18x LEADING suit case manufacturer wanta resident salesman in umana; must oe acquainted with large trade. This is the popular line In the country; liberal com mission. State reference. Vega 8uit Case and Bag Co., 103 Arch St., Philadelphia. B M200 18x POSITIONS open, all parts of the country. write us ana we win aavise you now to secure one, and send you Hat free. Na tional Registration Co., Toledo, O. B-J36 17x WANTED An old experienced, man, to take charge or ranch for widow, one who would take an Interest In the business. Box 143, Gordon, Neb. B 833 17x CARPENTERS wanted who wish to qual- iry for positions ss Duuaers, architectural draftsmen, or foreman carpenters, and thus Increase their earning powers. Must read and write English. Write at once, stating age, experience and poaltlon wanted. I. C. 8., Box 1773, Scranton, Pa. B-228 17x WANTED 600 Omaha school boys, 14 to 1 years, to make mohey for themselves easily and quickly. This Is a Bennett J proposition, and because It comes from I i Bennett's it's "on tha square." Monday i morning S o'clock sharp at Cafe, third floor. THE BENNETT COMPANY. B SI 5 IT TOUR chancs for good position and salary is as goon ss omers. niuoy electricity, mechanical or stesm engineering, at home by mull. We have helped thousands. 80 page bulletin mailed freo. Electrical En gineer Institute, New York. B 120 00 WEEKLY ' eaally earned (position permanent), fllatrumtlng circulars, sam plen, etc. Send 4c for particulars. Com mercial Advertising Association, Phila delphia, Pa. B 266-17X WE HELP thousands. We can help you also earn good salary and position. Study electricity, mechanical or steam engl neerlng by mall. Book of advice sent free. Electrical Engineer Institute, New lors. WANTED A good man who is cspable of taxing cnarge or credit department in large dry goods store; must have know ledge of bookkeeping, be energetic and well acquainted In Omaha; state former experleniV and salary expected. Ad dress P 64 Bee. B M211 17 WANTED Good bookkeeper In city ac counts in larre retail store: one with experience In dry goods house preferred; state salary desired and previous experi ence In letter of application. Addreas P 66 Bee. M MHZ IT ARK TOU SATISFIED With your present position or salary? Tf not. ante us ror pian anu ooomei. me have openlnga for managers, secretaries, advertising men and salesmen; slao tech nical, clerical and executive men of all kinds, h'sh grade exclusively. Offices In twelve dlrTernnt cities. HAPGOOD8 On. corporated). IK Chemical bldg.. Bt Louts, TUB American Barber College. Omaha, Neb., the leading barber school In tha west. Writs for particulars. B ) 17a WE place capable men and woman into Cood positions, such as managers, book epers. stenographers, traveling aalee tuen, etc. Call and Investigate our plan. WfiaT. kef. mirju nrMm a-aa m, s- 4 WANTED MALE HELP Nebraska Business College A. C ONG, AJVL, LUB., Pres.; A. J. LOWRY, Prin. 17th & Harney Sts. " COLLEGE NOTES. "Show me your teacher and I will Judge of your ability," Is a saving brim full ot logical tmth. This Institution has a faculty of teachers of an entirely dl rTerent men tal caliber from those uwially employed In business colleges. This school employs none but college people aa principals of the different departments They P"" only that thorough, generaf education, but have practical training and long P"''"ce in the business office themselves, thus enabling them to teach the thinga the business men excect one to know and Is not found In txt books. . . Prof A. J. Lowry, principal of the Commercial Department, Is probably the beat known commercial teacher In the west. He has spent over twenty years as principal of schools and behind the dek of the accountant His students, who have gone out by the hundreds, end in one voioe pnjclBlm his skill. They are working In Ave differ ent hanks of Omaha, and In almost every wholesale house and office of the railroads Prof. A. A. Zlmmer, principal of the Shorthand Department, la a graduate of thrse institution, being the first honor man of a class of over ninety In the far famed Gait College. Canada. After this he spent two yenrs In special preparation for hie life work: he has since had nine years' practical experience in business offices and the school room. His equal would be hard to find. v. Miss Mary E. Miller, principal of the Typewriting and English Departments, has devoted years of careful study in the bt schools with a view of high niiallflcatlon as a teacher. She Is a grsduate of the Missouri State Normal, two years In the Uni versity of Missouri, finished with class honors all the courses In the leading buslneas college of Illinois and holds a diploma from the noted school of Chicago, Oregar Shorthand School for Teachers." These qualifications, together with four yesrs of the moet Successful experience as Instructor, give Miss Miller a rank In her profes sion far above the mediocre teacher too often found in schools. It means everything to a student to bounder teachers of rank, learning and dis tinction. It means disappointment, defeat end failure to the student to be under poor, Inexperienced and Impractical teachers. Don't forget the saying "The teacher makes the school." This institution has employed the most skillful teachers to be found east or west. Do you not wish to be under the bestt GREGG SHORTHAND There have been a great many systems of shorthand devised, yet only a few have been found practical. The Gregg Shorthand has made a record In , the past few ears never before made by any system. This Is by reason of Its simplicity, its wonderful possibilities for high speed, and the fact It Is so easily learned and written. The wnn li inaite a record the last few years that Is phenomenal. "The Nebraska business College Is the only school In Omaha and If you are contemplating a course of this you by the most efficient, skillful teachers to ranted In saying that this Institution employs more pracucw ana nis"? teacher than all tha schools in Omaha combined. Apply for catalogue. NEBRASKA BUSINESS GOLLEGE. WANTED, men to learn barber trade; 12 to 18 weekly paid graduates. Few weeks completes by our method. Can nearly earn expenses before finishing; positions guaranteed. Call or write, Moler Barber College, 13DJ Douglas street. B M286 22x WE WILL pay any man 85 per month and all traveling expenses such as horse hire, R. R. fair, hotel bills, etc., to take orders for the greatest portrait house in the world. Your salary will be guaran teed and paid to you weekly if preferred. Address R. D. Martel, Dept. 636. Chicago. 111. B 240 17x YOUNG men wanted, able to read and write, who want to auallfy for positions In mechanical or electrical engineering or architecture, in which they can earn their living while learning their profes sion. State age, experience, If any, and profession you prefer. I. C. 8., Box 1773, Scranton, Pa. B 22S 17x YOUNG men wanted who cannot afford to attend college, but want to quanrv as mechanical, electrical, steam, civil or mining engineers, or architects. Write for full particulars of a plan whereby you can get the necessary education at a very small expense, and without loss of time from work. State age and profes sion you prefer. I, C. a, box 1773. Hcran ton. Pa. B 228 17x CANVASSERS to sell automatic screen door catches; make big money; exoiusive territory; sample postpaid 260. Automatio Catch Co., Chicago. B 275 17x WANTED 600 Omaha school boys, 14 to .16 years, to make money for themselves easily and quickly. This Is a Bennett proposition, and because It comes from' i Bennett's ifs "on tha square." Monday morning I o'clock sharp at Cafa, third floor. THE BENNETT COMPANY. B 31717 WANTED Everywhere, people to copy letters at home, spare time, ana return to us. Good pay, materials sent free. No mailing or canvassing. Enclose addressed envelope for particulars and wages we pay. Guarantee Co., Dept. 30, Philadel phia, Pa. 223 17x DETECTIVE Can you spare part of your time for profitable detective worsif xo experience needed. Write American De tective association, Indianapolis, Ind. B 234 17x DETECTIVES, men everywhere; also a few bright women; good salary paia; ex perience unnecessary; we Instruct you. National Protective Agency, Pioneer Press Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. B 282 17x WE ars placing men and women of charac ter and aoility into gooa positions aaaiy. Ask for booklet of testimonials from satisfied applicants. WEST. REF. & BOND ASSN., 840-841 N. Y. Life. B 877 17 YOUNG men and women wanted to qualify for United States government positions. Must be Americans, 18 years or over, and read and write English. Write for particulars about civil service examina tions. State age. I. C. S., box 1773, Scranton, Pa. B 228 17x MACHINISTS wanted who want to qualify for positions as foremen, draftsmen or machine designers, and thus increase their earning powers. Must read and write English. Write at once, stating r resent position and position desired. , C. 8.. Box 1778. Scranton, Pa. B-23 17x YOUNG MEN of ability who can make a small Investment and take salaried posi tion with established firm; references re quired. Address S 16 Bee. B M378 13 YOUNG man or women who want to qualify in spare time at home, and at small expense, for positions as bookkeep ers or stenographers. Address, stating age, and poaltlon wanted. I. C. fl., box 1773, Scranton, Pa. B 223 17x WANTED Man over 31 for collecting In Nebraska; f0 monthly and expenses to start, advancement It satisfactory; po sition permanent; self-addressed envelope for particulars. Mgr. GUUs, 35S Dearborn, Chicago. B-237 17x A POSITION NOW OPBN. Manager, 13,000; bookkeeper. U,2O0; sales man, O.600; technical, 12,500. Write for free list of positions. Business Oppor tunity Co., 1 Union Square, N. Y. B 24S 17X DISSATISFIED people wanted who are looking for more congenial or more profit able employment, and who are willing to qualify for a new position. Write for full 'particulars, stating age and position wanted. I. C. 8., Box 1773, Scranton, Pa. B 'i'M 17x TRUSTWORTHY person, each district, to look after business Interests of long-established, well known wholesale bouee; 3-v weakly salary and expenses; experience not essential. General Manager, 8u0 Como Block. Chicago. 246 17x WANTED, person to call on retail trade for manufacturing house; local territory; salary S4 paid weekly; expense money advanced; previous experience unneces sary. American House, Star Building, Chicago. B 244 17x WANTED SITUATIONS POSITION WANTED By lady stenog rapher, at general offioe work. Several yesrs' experience In law and Are Insur ance business. Address P 26, Bee. A-M127 17x If You Desire to Keep Posted on What the People Want, and Knew What They Want to Sell That You Want to Buy THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY READ THE BEE WANT ADS. .Bea Want Ads Bring Best Returns- Always. WANTED FEMALE HELP that makes a 'r tthlt ayttrm, kind, Gregg Shorthand will be taught be found east or west, we are war qualified 10 GIRLS Canadian office, 15th and I)odge. WANTED Girl for general housework. 1618 Madison ave. C M37 WANTED An experienced marker and sorter. Hlnchey laundry, 40t N. 26th at,. So. Omaha. C M983 WANTED A competent second girl with references at 2016 Cass St C 870 O. K. American-German employment office; oldest, most reliable Omaha. 1624 Dodge. C M587 A5 WANTED A good girl for general house work, four In family; must be experienced. Apply to Mvs. T. P. Redmond, 620 South 27th St. C 633 WANTED A girl. References required. Mrs. C. W. Hamilton, 2103 Leavenworth. C 70s WANTED A capable second girl. Pine at. Mrs. Marsh. C 11" 604 117-17X WANTED First and second cook; also I dining-room girls; will pay good wages. Cooper hotel, Denlson, la. C 147 20 GOOD girl wanted; no washing or ironing; references required. 143 N. 31st ave. C 146 A GOOD GIRL, who understands general housework, can get a gooa position Dy calling on Mrs. K. S. Wilcox. 2109 Wirt St.; good wages and no washing. C 188 17 WANTED Girl for hotel; small town, near Omaha; good wages. Henry rewmyer, Bennington, Neb. C M202 19x HOUSEKEEPER wanted, respectable middle-aged woman, ons preferring a good home than large pay, by unencumbered gent; no objection to widow with one child. Address P 67 Bee. C M214 18x WANTED A capable bookkeeper on city accounts In a large retail store; one with experience In dry goods house preferred: state in application your experience and salary desired. Address P 66 Bee. C-M218 IT GIRL wanted for general housework; three In family. 1128 South Slat. O 217 11 LADIES 25 cents sn hour paid, plain sew ing, at home. Material sent free every where. Send stamp for particulars. The National Specialty Company, 1133 Broad- . way. New York City. O WANTED A competent girl; family of three. Mrs. B. B. Davis, 1306 Georgia ave. C-308-17X LADIES $10 weekly earned. Plain sewing at home; experience unnecessary; steady employment; material sent free everywhere: stamped addressed envelope brings particulars. Le Roy Mfg. Co., 41 Journal building, Boston, Mass. C M7-17X STENOGRAPHER, with business experi ence. Address In own handwrltlne-. 8 I, Bee. C-M258 18 WANTED, ladles to learn halrdresslng. manicuring or facial massage; tit to 1 4) weekly made by graduates. Few weeka completes. Positions guaranteed. Call or write Moler College. 1302 Douglas street. C M286 22x LADIES, to do piecework at their homes: we rurnian an muBnaia mm pay num i to 812 weekly. Send stamned envelops to Royal Co.. S4 E. Monroe St., Chicago. C 278 17x WANTED, unincumbered ladles hare tn city at light, honorable employment; wages 12 per day. Only those who mean business and are willing to work need anoly. ly, Address D. F. Charles, umana, Neb.. Gen. Del. C-253 lTx HELP wanted to copy letters at home. Ap ply, with addressed envelope. Acme Sup ply Co., 42 Decatur St., Burllnrtor Vt. HOW Women Mav Earn Money at Home; 84 pages; over 100 ways; priee. 10c. Crock ett Co., Box 659. San Antonio, T;x C 247 17x WANTED, bright woman over 21 to travel for mfgr.; 318 per week and expenses; ex penses advanced; salary weekly. Chance for advancement. Card See., 366 Dear born St.. Chicago. C 246 17x WANTED, competent girl for general housework In small family. Inquire 8587 Howard. C MS58 1 WANTED, washerwoman, at onoe. MOB N. th. C-865 IT WAN ITEL AG ENTS $10 EVERY day; pay every night. B. X Fltzpatrlck, 6 16 6tn Ave., tnicago. Ave., Chlcai J ZSS 17X AGENTS 430 to $50 weekly profits. We send proof, read in dark, namepistes, numbers and signs. Send for sample. Ymir name on poatal will do. Wright Supply Co., Englewood, III. J 333 17x OUR MEN make $3 to $10 par day fitting glaaae; our 24-page free eye book tells all about It. Write Jacksonlan Optloal college, College Place, Jackson. Mloh. J 231 17x AGENTS for a fast selling smokers' ar ticle, automatic cigarette eass, sells at sight, the boys all want them, the slick, est thing you havs handled for a long time; write quick for territory and terms; sample 26a Dodge Mfg. Co., 304 Indus trial Trust Bldg., Providence, R. L J 634 IT AGENTS, local and traveling, to canvas offices and stores with novel specialty. Permanent and profitable business 88 sured capable men. Levlck. 48 Marion Su New York City. J-340 lTx WANTED Traveling salesmen to sell pat ant cob pipe as aide line to retail stores: , exclusive territory will be given; beat ' references required. Kismet Novelty Works, 66 Franklin, New York. J SOC lTx $76 AND expenses easily made WTltlng Health and Accident Insurance: experi ence unnecessary. Write Royal Fraternal Union. St. Louis, Mo. J-241 lTx . I AGENTS WANTED run ntNl rUKNIontU nUUMo rUrt ;all MiutLUAmLuud MEN of ability and address, who ran give feond, can improve their condition by call ing on Van B. Lady, 601-1 Brown block. J MW0 1 BIG MONEY sn squabs; tftey sell for $2 to $a a dosan; cheaply raised in only four weeks; write for our free book about this rich Industry. Plymouth Rook Squab Co., Kt Atlantic Ave., Boston, Mass. J WANTED Men and women to sell coffees, teas, spices, etc .to the family trsde la communities of from 1.000 to 10,000 popula tion; only such as want permanent em ployment nefd apply; cash commission paid; energetlo persons can make big weekly earning. For further particulars address Bodenhalroer Coffee St Tea Co., St. Louis, Mo. J LADY AGENTS WANTED. Mme. Yale la now offering lady agents fireat Inducements for selling her famous Ins of facial remedies and toilet prepara tlona. Many of her agents are making 0 and more a week. "Beauty Books" that actually sen toe goods are furnisnea s gents for free distribution. They never tail to tntereat ladles to the extent of placing an order. A rich hnrveat can now be reaped at the different summer resorts. Visit tha seaside and mountains and take your occupation with you, combining bualnesa and pleasure, write for terms and books of particulars. Address Mme. M. Yale, Flntlron bldg., New York City. AGENTS WANTED Be sure to get my special July ofTer. with free samples. T. M. Sayman, 1127 Franklin ave., St. Louis, Mo. J AGENTS WANTED Bell our $1 bottle Sar aaparllla for 86c; best seller; 200 per cent profit; write today for terms and terri tory. F. R. Greene, 116 Lake street. Chi cs go. J AGENTS Campaign buttons, badges, litho graphs, photographs: largest, best and cheapest Una ever offered; 2,000 different novelties for summer resorts, fairs, cele brations. Samples of button, 10 cents. Catalogue free. Miller, 184 Park Row, New York. J WANTED Applicants for salaried posi tions, guaranteed capable men or women, youngor old. S 6. care Bee. J 807-17x AGENTS WANTED, patent novelty fans; sell everywhere, to everybody. A bonansa for picnic, fair, show and street salesmen. Big profits; no competition. Enterprise Co., 156 Lake St., Chicago, 111. J-2S1 17x LADIES Handy Hat Fasteners. Sew to hat. Do awav with hatpins. Send for our Illustrated catalogues. New poods. Fair Mfg. Co., 464 Wis. St., RaclneWis. J 277 17x MAKE yourself worth a larger salary by developing your ability as a letter writer; Cody's course In Letter-writing Is practi cal and complete; 60 lessons; for a short time only we offer It at a reduced price; full particulars on request. Profitable Ad vertising, 140 Boylston St., Boston. J 270 17x WANTED Men and women to sell coffees, teas, spices, etc., to the family trade In communities of from 1.000 to 10,000 popu lation. Only such as warit permanent employment need apply. Cash commis sion paid. Energetic persons can make big weekly earning. For further par ticulars, address Bodenhelmer Coffee and Tea Co., St. Louis, Mo. J AGENTS wanted everywhere to handle Novelty Sign Carda. Every merchant buys from 10 to 100 on sight; 800 varieties; catalogue free. Sullivan Co., 1139 Maple woo ave.. Chicago. 111. J-224 17x AGENTS Street men; exclusive control; World's fair specialty: 600 per cent profit; easy seller Nonplckable Door and Win dow Lock, attached or removed In sec ond; nickeled pocket piece. Write quickly. Imperial Novelty Co., Woodbine, N. J. J 304 17x SALESMEN WANTED MEN of ability and address, who can give bond, can Improve their condition by call ing on Van B. Lady, 601-2 Brown block. M583 19 CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple Una. High commissions with advance of $100 monthly. Permanent po sition to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit. Mich. 265-17X WANTED A good salesman to handle our belt dressing; a good opportunity for tho right msn. Address Bero Specialty Co., Cleveland, O. . M 2S0-18x WE start you selling diamonds. Don't fall getting our liberal offer; $6 dally sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Mention paper. 264 17x WANTED Two traveling salesmen, $76 per month and expenses. Los Angeles Cider Co., St. Louis, Mo. 263 17x TRAVELING salesman; one good man far each state"? experience unnecessary, just hustlers; permanent; good pay; liberal running expense account. E. M. Arthur Co., Detroit, Mich. 179 17x SALESMEN wanted, who can sell "BLUE SKY;" bewitching, enticing, winning. Merchants, buy quick, make money, are satisfied. Commissions; expenses ad vanced to those with successful record. New; $200 weekly being made. Specialty Dept. 841. P. O. Box 355, Chicago. 111. -274 17X TRAVELING salesman, by large wholesale house, to sell general stores In Nebraska. Position permanent. P. A. Watson, Sales Manager, 66 Fifth Ave., Chicago. -271 17X SALESMAN, brainy, pushing. capable drummer; specialty praerred, for Ne braska: country merchants' trade. Will pay competent man $300 month. None of our salesmen paid below $2,000. Address S. Redfleld, Houser Block, St. Loula, Mo. 272 17x LUCRATIVE position for men with rigs, covering several counties, selling our to bacco and cigars to merchants; old estab lished house. Apnly to W. C. Hurt To bacco Co., Danville, Va. 271 17x SALESMAN W A NTED TO travel In Ne braska and Dakota territory; must have good record and be acquainted with grocery and general store trade; per manent position and liberal salary to right man. Address P 80, Bee. 249 17x SALESMEN wanted, to sell house paint to dealers; experience unnecessary. Try It on in a few towns and let us show you our steady Income results for hustlers. Klnloch Paint Co., Mfgrs., St. Louis, Mo. 848 17x SALESMEN visiting the hardware trade to carry our Doorholder and Saah Fasten ers as a side line. Others making $16 to $40 per week; why not you. Samples free. N. N. Neher, Sec'y., Topeka, Kan. -242 lTx SALESMEN WANTTCDIf you want a side line paying better than your regular salary with your spare time selling staple of well-rated concern, write Mgr. Stuart, 606 Locust. St. Louis. Mo. 23 17x WANTED TO BUY 8HONFELD. the ANTIQUARIAN, 822 N. Y Life, pays highest price for books. Tol. 8034. N246 WANTED A furniture and undertaking busluens, furniture and hardware, or half Interest In the same. Address P 63, Bee, N MISS 1 WILL invest $1,600 to $2,000 In house and lot bringing In good rental; prefer to deal with owner direct; state location and all particulars when answering. S 7, Bee. N M313 1 1 WANT two T to 9-room, modern houses, . or ona house with grounds large enougn to build another, or vacant lot for two houses to build on; must be on paved street; prefer West Farnam, H ana com Park or north Kountxe addition districts; spot cash prices considered; give full de tail of premises, location, etc. Address S 6, Bea office. N-M3U3 lx WANTED TO BUT Ten or twenty acres close to Omaha for cash. MILLER St MA LONE, 824 Omaha Nat'l Bank bldg. Tel. 1802. N (01 17 WANTED To buy, good hardware store: In Scandinavian town preferred: about $2,000; reply at once. Addreas P 39 Be. ROYAL HOTEL, European. 16th Clceo DEWEY, European hotel. 18th and rnwn. $1.26 PER WEEK, Do ran noose, 421 S. lth. B HI VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fine rooms, ladles' cae, private dining r.j open nights. 13 133 THE FARNAM, 19th and Farnam Kts. Yj 254 APARTMENT HOUSE FOR MEN Hie Chatham; luxuriously furnlshea rooms ana smosing parlors; appointments ni al dose. 110 S. 13th St.. ooDoslte Millard hotel. K 126 TWO nice cool rooms; modern; very rea sonable. 1426 N. 17th. B 418 CENTER HOTEL, 60c, 7bo. $1. 210 N. 17th. E Mill JylT SINGLE room, modern, large lawn, 'phone. 1821 Douglas. E M660 THREE furnished rooms, light housekeep ing permitted. 2426 Dodge. E MIS2 17 NICELY furnished rooms, south front, all modern. 'Phone 2499. B M163 17 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, worth. 1621 Ieaven-E-M161 17 3 ROOMS; light housekeeping. 1111 8. 11th. E-962 NICELY furnlahed rooms, with or with out board; modern. Ill S.'17th. K M208 17x LARGE front room: light housekeeping privileges. 615 N. 20th. E M20t IS LARGE front room; modern, detached house; lawn, 'phone. 1923 California. E M210 11 LARGE, south-front room; reasonable; modern. 2406 Cass. E MUM IT NICE, cool rooms; housekeeping privilege. 1901 California. E M206 16x TWO newly furnished, front rooms; mod ern. 320 N. 17th. EM 206 18 THREE furnished rooms; light housekeep ing permitted. 2426 Dodge. E M207 18 i LARGE, airy rooms, four gentlemen, pri vate family; $6 each. 2223 Burt E 224 lTx FOR W'ORLD'S FAIR VISITORS First class rooms and accommodations; pri vate; Bell phone, single or parties; rea sonable; references; 4 car lines to exposi tion or 15 minutes' welk. Write or call. Mrs. WnVMehl, 6037 Bartmer, 8t Louis. E THREE pleasant partly furnlahed rooma, modern; CRn be arranged for housekeep ing; adults only. References required. 2701 Woolworth ave. B 291-17x FURNISHED rooms with private family, table board if desired. 2326 So. 14th. E 161 lTx ABOUT 15 minutes' ride to World's Fair, comfortably furnished rooms In strictly private family; all conveniences. Includ ing bath; 75c and up. Mughes f., 418 Third St., St. Louis. E 2271TX LARGE front room with alcove for one or two gentlemen; gas and bath; private family. 2209 Spencer. E 392 17x ONE large room; reasonable. 2224 Far nam. E-M388 17x LARGE back parlor, furnished. 'Phone 171V Dodge. E M3S3 19x LARGE front room, with alcove; de tached house; lawn. 'Phone 623, No. 20th. E M384 J8X TWO west front rooms; modern; 'phone; very reasonable. 621H So. 19th. E M3S8 18x FURNISHED rooms for light hemsekeep- ing. ZH LK)dge E M393 18X FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD FURNISHED, cool, outside rooma, with or without board. Midland notei, letn ana Chicago. . F 236 THE MERRIAM, 26th and Dodge, 'phone 85; nice, light, airy rooms; ensuites and single rooms; veranda entire length of building. ... $-3X1 BOARD St room, 84; meals, 16c 1619 Dodge. FURNISHED rooms and board. Kt S. 26th. F 66 O. M. E. TEL. 611. MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. F M72 LARGE south front room, with flrst-class board. 2418 Cass. 'Phons A1994. F M7 FURNISHED rooms, with board, choice lo cation, 2216 Farnam. F M121 IQx LARGE front rooms, modern brick house, all modern, phone. 618 S. 19th'j,jin5 LARGE front room, others, modern. 706 S. 18th. F M160 17 LARGE front room, 1812 Chicago. modern, phone. F M166 17 BOARD AND ROOM. THE PRATT. 212 So. 26th at. Phone 3138. F M704 BOARD and room for one or two gentle men, In private family. Tel. 034 F19 WANTED, one or two gentleman to room and board; everything first class; rates reasonable. 2227 Lake St. F-S61 17x OMNIBUS and baggage wagons for sal; or trade for horses, hay or grain; 2, 8 and 10-paaaenger Miller "buses, 4 single horse wagons. 1 double Studebsker wagon. Come and see us. Omaha Transfer Co., 1314-16-18 Howard st. P-369 17 LARGE back parlor: cool; very reason able. The Rose. 2020 Harney. ONE large front room; first class board; modern house; reasonable. JJ0 So. 18th. F M38T 19x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOUR-room fiat, complety for housekeep ing, bath and gas furnished. 612 N2M THREE large' rooms, unfurnished, oitjr water, closet and gas only $6. Payne, Bostwlck & Co.. 601-1 N. Y. 1 FOUR pleasant rooms, first floor; large hall, pantry; modarn; for housekeeping. 836 S. 36th st G M296 14x ROOMS In Wlthnell Building, 15th and Harney; moat convenient location In otty for light housekeeping. References ra ulred. N. P. tODOB St CO.. 1614 Farnam Bt. O 381 IT WANTED TO RENT WANTED Furnished room for two gen tlemen, either with or without board. Address S 1, Bea. K 223 17x BOARD WANTED In private famtly by a gentleman of mature years, used only to home comforts; must be flrst-class; willing to pay fair price; please be ex plicit. Address B 11 Bee. K 372 17x PRINTING PRINTING LYNGSTAD High Grada Wark. Crounse block, corner f Ittb Bt. and Capitol Ave, 204 KRAMER CHANDLER, QUICK PRDJT ERS, 1108 Farnam. To deliver work when promised is our hobby. V J. M. BIRPLES8, reliable printer. Estab lished U years. 203 S. Uth 8t.,nryih OSTEOPATHY Johnson InsUtuts. 616 N. T. Life bldg. JJ MRS. JOHN R MUSICK Osteopathic Phy sician; office. Douglss block. Tel. iis DR. FARWELL. specialty nervous disease, 6u4 Paxton. BRASS FOUNDRY BRASS and aluminum easting, nickel plat ing and finishing. Specialty Mfg. Co., 61 N. lasia k, Cvuooll 10mO Schmoller & Mueller Established 1R69, manufacturers of the celebrated Schmoller & Mueller piano, of fer great inducements In new and sllghtlv used grand and upright pianos. Buyers are Invited to rail at once, Uprights, including such renowned makes as Chtckering, Weber. Hardman, Voao and Kimball. $100 and up. Grand a Including the mAtchless Steln way, Knabe, Kranlch St Bach, Hardman and Emerson, $200 and up. Easy terms If desired. Old pianos taken in exchange at full value. In new pianos we represent Eft el n way, gteck, A. B. Chase, Hardman, Emerson. Read St Sons, McPhall. and tha celebrated Steger St Voeo pianos. Stylish and attractive pianos for rent. Ex pert tuning and repairing. We also move end store pianos at lowest rates. Schmoller & Mueller, Tha Old Reliable Piano House. 13 13 Farnam St. TeL 1625. Q SECOND HAND MACHINES Never such prices for such goods offered before, and if at any time within one year you want to buy a new machine we will take the old one back at exactly what it cost you. The following is a partial list ot what we Offer lor sale tnis weea: 1 Domestic .... 1 Domes tlo $ Singers, high arm 1 Singer, new Improved 1 Household 1 Union .....-... 1 White 1 White 1 Wilcox & Glbbs 1 New Home 1 Singer, shoemaker .$ 4.00 . 10 00 . 12.00 . 16.00 . 10.00 . 6.00 , 8.00 . 6.00 , 30.00 . 1U.0O . 2U.00 slightly Modem drop-head machines mui t nne-haif tha reaular price. We rent machines at 75 cents per week, or $100 per month. These are modern, up-to-date machines, with all attachments. V sell needles and parts for and re pair every sewing machine manufactured. Nebraska Cycle Co., Comer ISth and Harney Sts. 834 Broadway, Council Bluffs. BRANCH OFFICEtho.KOmaha. Phone 1663. Manager. ID-HAND safe cheap. Deright, 1119 Farnam. 109 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman St MoConnoil urug i;o., umnua, x FOR SALE Several scholarships in, flrst-class standard school In Omaha, comprising complete coursa In business, shorthand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee office. W 663 TELEPHONE poles; long fir timbers; cheap chicken fence. 901 Douglas. Q M232 " WK RENT Sewing machines, 75o week. We repair and sell parts for every machine manufactured. Second-hand machines from $5.00 to $10.00. Nebraska Cycle Co., 'Phone 1661. - Corner 16th and Harney. nil BALE New and second-hand auto mobiles. F. W. Bacon. Baum Iron Co., Omaha. Qi3i yOR SALE Solid oak and mahogany top bank or cashier'a fixture, in guoU condi tion at a bargain. Address C. C. Rose UeterVroom 100. Bee Bldg. Q-824 MIXXARDTnd pool tables. 1W Harney. FOR SALE CHEAP Book rest, copj holder and letter scale, all m good con dition. Inquire of E. B. Zimmerman. 811 N. Y. Life bldg., care N. Y. UXe Ina Co. W MUS Electric nickel In alot. peerless piano play era and Regina mualo boxea, big money makers cheap for oaah or time. Schmoller Mmitor. 1&8 Farnam. Tel 1626 1MM6 MTCN of ability and address, who can give bona. esn imi- S"v,'r Ing on Van yiiAi is FOR SALE, kitchen range and Radiant htVr. Address P 10. Bee. Q-674 BIO reduction In price on new and second hand bicycles. Hartford Puncture Proof Tlrei Louis Fleacher, 1623 Capltolva- When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw tha ad tn The Bee. TWO HEAVY STEEL HORIZONTAL Two boilers, 100 horse-power, which have rteel, triple riveted, butt and strap Joints, nsurance company permits of pressure of 125 pounds. They are now in use and can be seen at boiler house rear of Bee building. Can be delivered about August 16. Call or address W. H. Bridges, engi neer, Bee Building, Omaha. qj COMPLETE line new and 2d-hand furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 0. Q-M934 JCLKCTRIC fan for aale, $13; fine condition. Address P 61, Bee. Q-Mlll ICE CREAM 15o pt., 26c qt., 0o gal.; made from pure cream. Bunnell St Sons. 17th inT Clark. -ill73 GO TO Diamond Loan Office for loans; haraalna in aoods in pawn. 1401 Douglas. Q-3 'cVl TEAM of mules for ssle, Moshers barn. 116 No. 26th st., South Omaha. Q M176 17x FINE oak 11-foot cabinet desk, 400 pigeon holes with drawers, doors and book racks. 606 Bee. Q-M166 17 FOR BALE Fresh cows and calves at 282 Webster st Q 148 17x When You Write to Advertisers remember it only takes an extra stroke or two of tha pen to mention the fact that yoa saw the ai .a in The Bee. FOR BALE Fine fox terrier dog, 1057 So. 2Mb. ave. Q-M216 18 FOR BALE Automobiles repaired. 8ev eral Oldsmoblles for sale. Estella. 'Phona 1444. 18th and Cass. Q-MMo lSx FOR BALE Large glass show case. Ap ply Mr. Murphy, People's Btore CLAIRVOYANTS OYLMER, palmist, 716 N. 23d. Tel. BWL YOUR fortune told by the most reliable clairvoyants. Snnd blrthdate, dime and stamp. Prof. (Sri Rolllu, 480 N. (lark St.. Chicago. B-Wtfx MRS. FIB. CARRIE BMITH, sovereign lady luren of clairvoyants; averythlug told, ,ast. present and future; satisfaction or kifT W 1 Ml V. -1 U 14 1 i.Q IT q no pay SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING A. C. VAN BANTS school, T17 N. Y. Life. ' iL i FACSIMILE letters, snvslopea addressed, fcoyleg college, J J;i nrvaW!a;s