Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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ensatiomal Keductioes Inaugurated Saturday
Tremendous reductions in nrices will commence here today 011 all the following articles: Men's Outing Suits, Men's Straw Hats. Men's Shirts, Underwear for
Men and Women, Furnishing Goods for Men and Women. These are articles of wearables required by men and women at this season of the year. We aro deter
mined to make a quick clearing of all our summer goods not goods bought especially for a sale, but alt from our own carefully selected stock stamped
with the word "reliable" on every article. If a saving of 35 to 60 per cent appeals to you tomorrow is certainly tho time to make your purchases. Mar
velous as tho reductions aro we stake our reputation that they are bonafido in every instance.
It will pay you to wade through every item hero quoted
you will find these great reductions interesting .
Ml lS
Men's. Summer Neckwear .
Run your optics over this list of furnishings and see how we've
reduced the prices on good, clean summer furnishings.
Neckwear for Men
An ear frar-tn-hands, tecks, bows
and itrlnrs that old tor Zfraand
teo, RKDUCED TO .7.
Men e fancy colored wuh four-ln-banda
that sold for 10a.
Neat wssh string- ties
that sold for lftc per dozen, RE
Fancy china silk and Rheumchunda
string; ties that sold for 15c,
Fancy blue and whits, black and white
summer fnur-ln-hands that sold r?
for 15c, REDUCED
TO v
Your choice of all our newest styles and
latest shapes In high-grade neckwear In
all new light and dark colors that sold
for 60c ana i&c all season,
your choice
Men's Hosiery
Men's Hosiery Reduced in Price 50 Per Cent..
Men' tan rind black
hose, 10c VALUES,
Fancy colored hose that sold
fine quality cotton
hose, neat, fancy patterns,
that SOLD FOR 46c, 36c AND
and lisle thread
Men's Summer Underwear
quality underwear, balbrlprran
r nan net unaerwear.
Men's rood
and a lot o
regular 26c and 36o values.
I Best quality plain and fancy colored bal
brlggan underwear, worth up
to ,5c, REDUCED 3ZC
Mens Combination Suits 69c Saturday
Extra fine grade balbrigfran la salmon colors, mercerized, that sold all AO
season up to $1.25, REDUCED TO....... ......r
Men's Summer Shirts Reduced
Men's shirts that sold all season for 60o and 75c TQn
Reduced to MJ
All of our fine shirts that sold for 11.25, $1.50, tl.75, Oft a
Reduced to JJ
All our btriotly high grade shirts that sold for 12 and 12.50, $3.00, I
Reduced to I.TJ
In this assortment Is a beautiful lot of patterns; mostlyimported cheviots
and ' madras oloth; all are custom made. '
Men's Outing Suits- h m
We hare just four hundred of these fine high grade summer suits that sold up to ?9,
they are the greatest values you have faced this season at their regular prices, but
today something phenomenal in value-giving will take place when we will offer you your
choice of these suits for Four Dollars and Fifty Cents. Every suit in this lot has been
reduced in price. They sold for, originally, up as high as $ 9. Made of imported and
domestic homespuns, flannel and blue serges, some 6ilk quarter lined, others alpaca quar
ter lined, some uulined throughout.
$9 Suits Reduced to $4.50.
Men's High Grade Pants f
Made of high grade worsteds, capsimeres, cheviots, with turned up or plain bottoms.
All nice new patterns and styles. Pants that sold regularly up as high Q fl
as (4 have been reduced in price for Saturday.... '1
This is the Way We've Cut the Prices on Men's
Straw Hats for Saturday.
You certainly can use another Straw Hat this summer, and the way we've cut the life out of the
original prices Insures you of. a big saving.
Men's Straw Hats that sold at 25c, now 15c
Men's Straw Hats that sold at 45c, now 25c
Men's Straw Hats that sold at 75c, now 35c
Men's Straw Hats that sold at $1.25, now 59c
Men's Straw Hats that sold at $1.75, now 95c
Men's Straw Hats worth up to $2.50 and $3, now .1.50
Women's Furnishings.
Here's the way we have sacrificed the prices on women's furnish
ingsThe greatest saving of the season can be obtained in this
department. Glance over these items carefully they are of
great interest:
Ladies' Hose.
that sold for 10c REDUCED TO.m.
that sold for 25c and S5c REDUCED TO.. -
LADIES' BEST QUALITY" lace and plain lisle and fancy styles
embroidered Insteps a most
beautiful selection that sold for 7Bo and 50o REDUCED TO ...
LADIES' EXTRA FINE QUALITY Imported hose, lisle thread and Imported
novelty pattrens, hose that sold for 76c, $1.00 and 11.60 REDUCED TO...
Ladies' Belts
LADIES' BELTS In silk, leather, velvet and elastic with fancy metal
trimmings, that sold for 26c and 85c REDUCED TO
LADIES' BELTS In the latest style crus hed leather and ellka, with, new nickel
. and gun metal buckles black, white and tan
- 5c
. 29c
that sold for 60c and 75c REDUCED TO
..... 29c
Ladies' Gloves
LADIES' FABRIC GLOVES In silk finished and lisle, In
black, white and gray, that sold for 2Go 36c, 60c All slies
plain and lace, ' colors,
19 c
Ladies' Knit Underwear
LADIES' COMBINATION 8UITS-ln plain white lisle thread, silk trimmed neck and
arms, lace trimmed, umbrella shaped drawers
that sold for 75c, 11.00. $1.60 REDUCED TO
LADIES VESTS low neck, sleeveless, jersey ribbed
sold for 15c REDUCED TO
LADIES' VESTS-flne Quality lisle finished, Jersey ribbed, full silk taped with
lace and embroidery trimmed neck, sold for 15c and 25c, REDUCED TO....,
LADIES' VESTS Extra line Quality lls.e and silk pleated, ribbed vests,
full silk taped and silk trimmed, sold for 60c and 75c REDUCED TO
... 3c
... 9c
Muslin Underwear Reductions.
All Gowns, Corset Covers. Skirts and Drawers
that are strictly high grade and made of the
best muslin, trimmed with the best trim
mings, that originally sold for 85c,
$1. $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 reduced to...
Irery'i Shrill Whistle Heralds Into City
Delegation from California.
Oat City Deles;ates to OvmnA Lo4ST
Probably "Will lipvori Baltimore
BUta to Graed Exalted
At ' yesterday moraine hundreds In
Omaha (ueased that the packing trades
strike had been settled. The cause of the
guess wa the continued blowing of ths
siren whistle at the Avery Manufacturing
company's plant,, but the surmise was in
correct. The whistle blew to herald ths
special train , bearing- the California Elks
on their way to the national meeting of ths
lodge in Cincinnati.
Ths train came in over ths Union Paolflo
with colors flying and a happy party of 104
members of the organisation aboard. In
addition to ths members of the party there
was plenty of edibles and "drinkables" on
the train. One car was loaded with de
licious California fruits and wine and all
the brother Elks in this city who went to
the train were given generous bounties.
The party came in over the Union Pa
clflo from the west and wjmt east via the
Illinois Central. A stop of about ten min
utes was made here. Clarence - Haydock,
commercial agent of the Illinois Central in
Ixs Angeles, was in charge of the train
and F. L. Dow, superintendent of dining
car service, and Trainmaster Munlfee of
Fort Dodge met the train at Omaha and
went east, Mr. Manlfee as far as Fort
Podge and Mr. Dow to Chicago.
Omaha Supports Baltimore Mil.
Omaha Elks will be represented at ths
grand lodge meeting In Cincinnati, which
opens Tuesday, by George P. Cronlc, past
grand exalted ruler; L. C. Oibson and Dis
trict Deputy George W. Shields, it is im
probable that any others will go from ths
local lodge, as no effort has been made to
excite a pilgrimage to the central meeting
this year. Each of the eight other Elks'
lodges In ths stats will be represented by
one member.
Ths Omaha and Nebraska delegates prob
ably will support ths candidacy of W. J.
O'Brien of Baltimore for grand exalted
ruler, although there has been no definite
expression on this point. The contest for
ths place la 'said to lie between O'Brien
and Bam H. Needs of Cleveland. Nebraska
will have no Candidates for grand lodge
positions this year hut other 'states In
ths' west will have several.. Among them
ars Fred C. Robinson Of Dubuque,' la.,
who is out for the position of grand sec
retary, next In Importance to grand ruler,
and Colonel R. J. 'Woods of Sioux Falls,
who has been placed in line for grand es
teemed leading , knight. There may be
others from ths west, but they ars being
played as dark horses.
A determined light Is. on for the secre
taryshlp, the only office that carries emolu
ment Besides Robinson, T. R. A. Burke of
Richmond, Vs., and David L. Watson of
Terrs Haute would like to have It while
the Inoumbent Qeorge A. Reynolds of
Saginaw, Mich., who has had ths plaoe
for ten years,' in loath to part with It
No attempt will be made by ths Omaha
or Nebraska delegates to travel in a body,
Mr. Cronk left last night and will transact
personal business enroute. Buffalo, Sara
toga Springs, N. T., Syraouse, Dallas, Tex.,
and San Francisco want the grand lodgs
meeting next year. '
City Eleetrleiaa Still After Ifasn. let
Actlost on Baspeasioa Area
: Lamp Matter. v
City . Electrician Mlchaelson has ad
dressed a note to President Nash of ths
Omaha Electric Light and Power company
asking what has become of the latter's
proposition to Install a system of aro lamp
suspension downtown that would be ap
proved by the electrician.
Early In June President Nash notified the
electrician by letter that he had representa
Uvea collecting Information In eastern
cities and hoped In about ten days to
present a plan which he thought would
please Mlchaelson. Since then a month and
a half has passed and the light company
has been silent
Ome) Compartment of City Jail Too
mall for Two Colored Female
Llssle Burns and Ballle . Tyler, colored
residents of North Eleventh street have
been arraigned In police court on the charge
of disturbing the peace by fighting at ths
solemn hour of midnight. It was necessary
to place the women In separate cells at the
city Jail to keep them from destroying each
other. Miss Burns wss fined $10 and costs
and Miss Tyler 15 and costs. ,'
"I suppose It would havs been IX and
costs If I bad given her a good punch on
the nose," replied the Bums woman when
she paid her fine to Clerk Orler.
For general
Physical Weakness
. When you have that tired, worn out
feeling, the appetite is poor, you are
nervous and sleep does not refresh
take v
Horsford's Acid Phosphate
Mrs, Jessie Dickinson Lyman Secures Sep
aration in Beoord-Bieaking Time.
Not Even Clerk of Court Is Per
mitted o Read Petition
Mother Gets Custody
of Child.
Jessie Adele Dickinson Lyman obtained
a divorce from Dr. Henry Stoddard Lyman
In record-breaking time yesterday. In less
than two hours after the tiling of the pe
tition and the answer tho Judge's decree
was on record.
Mrs. Lyman Is ths daughter of Edward
Dickinson, formerly general manager of
the Union Pacific railroad and now vice
president of the Orient and her husband
is the so 9 of C. W. Lymaa, president of
the Commercial National bank. The mar
riage of the young couple took place about
four years ago, and they are the parents
of a son about a year old.
It is Impossible at this time to learn upon
what grounds the dlvorcs was sought and
obtained, for the proceedings in court were
rushed through with ths utmost secrecy.
A little before 11 o'clock W. W. Morsman,
attorney for Mrs. Lyman, met Judge Sears
In Judge Day's court room snd held a brief
whispered conversation with him. A few
minutes later Mr. Morsman filed both the
petition end the answer in the divorce case
In ths clerk's offloe, but h allowed ths
papers to go out of his possession only
long enough for the clerk to use the filing
stamp on the covers. Even the olerk was
not permitted to peruse the documents.
At 1 o'clock Judge Sears met the plaintiff
and her attorney in his court room on ths
top floor of the Bee building, and after a
hearing that must necessarily havs been
brief granted tho decree prayed for. Mrs.
Lyman was given the custody of her child.
It is understood that Dr, Lyman did not
appear In court
quently the squatters,- though living In
houses that are more worthy the name
shacks, aro persons well-to-do and In com
fortable circumstances. Their neighbors
pay taxes, but they do not as on the plats
in the tax commissioner's office the land
upon which they habitat is classed as the
street Last year one ejected squatter was
found to be worth $5,000 in cash and con
siderable real estate in other parts of the
Claim Agent Proposes to Exeente
Law Aa-alnst ghack
Active efforts are to be made by the city
this summer to eject squatters from the
streets or compel them to pay rent, accord
ing to Claim Agent George C. Cockrell.
For years the municipality has been trying
to get its streets In the lower part of town
along the river cleared from the small and
dilapidated dwellings. Out of a total of 150
about one-third have been compelled to
move, while close to an even hundred re
main. Suits against most of these tenants have
been undertaken and judgment against them
obtained by the city, but only a few have
moved. Now Claim Agent Cockrell Is going
to make a demand upon the mayor and
council for authority and power to forcibly
eject the squatters and remove their build
ings 'from the public domain. In cases
where the rights of the publlo ars not
interfered with tho squatters ars allowed
to stay if they will sign leases and pay
rent They are ck'stered at different point
in the lower streets from Pino north to
I sard and some of them "oPeupy ground
that ths city does not use until soma
business enterprise makes trafflo on ths
street a Some of the squatters contest the
right of the city 'to take possession of the
land they have used for years,-but most of
them hsvs lost on the plea of adverse
According to Claim Agent Cockrell, fx-
Tax Commissioner of Omaha Road
Thanks Fleming; and Submits
statement to Him.
Tax Commissioner T. A. Polleys of the
Omaha railroad, in a computation, has
found that the estimated value placed by
City Tax Commissioner Fleming upon S20
pieces of Omaha realty Is 91.30 per cent of
the selling price. On July IS he wrote ths
following letter to Mr. Fleming, which
gave the latter much gratification:
OMAHA. July 13. 1904.
Mr. W. Fleming. Tax Commissioner.
City: Dear Sir I have Just finished the
computations based upon my investiga
tions into Omaha land sales and assess
ments and (as promised) give you the re
sult of the same.
I used 320 transfers, all by warranty deed
filed between January 1 and May 1. 1904.
the lands being scattered through 119 dlf-
zereni aaaiuons ana suoaivimons witmn
the city. I did the best I could on the face
of the transactions, to eliminate aooarentlv
annormai transactions, wnetner tney bore
one way or tne otner. ine total consiaera
tlon lh the 820 transfers was 990,Mo; the
total assessments thereof by you for 1904,
3904,740. or 91.30 per cent of selling price.
If either yourself or other Interested par
ties deslrs me to do so, I shall be happy to
lay my memoranda before you, showing
tne precise transrers, i nave taken into ac
count In reaching the above conclusion,
and to aid In any other way in testing the
accuracy of such conclusion. All I want Is
to know the truth as nerwly as it can be
arrived at. Again thanking you and your
office force for courtesies shown, I am,
very truly yours, T. A. POLLEYS,
Tax CommlsHioner Chicago, St. Paul, Min
neapolis ft Omaha Railway Company, St
Paul, Minn.
Because Its Forl Is Submitted to
Alexander McMillan, M. D., a prominent
physician of Lansing, Mich., writes: "On
three cases I have tested Herplrlde for
dandruff and the result has been allr that
eould be desired."
Herplrlde is made upon an entirely new
principle, that Is, that dandruff and falling
hair are caused from a microbe that Infests
the hair bulb, snd, by destroying the mi
crobe one's hair is bound to grow luxuri
antly. Herpiclde Is the only hair remedy
that claims to, and really does, destroy the
dandruff germs.
Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c tn
stamps for sample to Ths Herpiclde Co.,
Detroit, Mich. Shermsn A McConnell Drug
Co., special agents.
lurid reports with sincere regret and spoke
of it oaly In whispers.
Tlte order recalling him reached Captain
Cook at Honolulu.
Jacob Llpp Killed by Falling; from
Missouri Faelflo Train at
St. Louis.
Chief of Police Donohue Is In receipt of
a telegram from the authorities at St
Louis, saying ths 'body of Jacob Llpp la
being held there awaiting Instructions of
the dead man's relatives in Omaha. Ths
message does not state in what mannyr
Llpp met death. The deceased has a sister
living at Twentieth and Vinton streets.
A private message to The Bee says ths
man's skull was fractured by a fall from
a Missouri Paclflo train.
Former Omaha Army Officer Will Not
Co to Manila, as at First
Captain Frank A. Cook, formerly chief
commissary of the Department of the Mis
souri In Omaha, will not take up his work
in the Philippines for the government as
directed in the orders under which he sailed
from San Francisco June 1, and it Is said
to be .possible the captain, who had a high
standing In Omaha, may not continue as
sn attache of Vncle Sam's War department.
Just prior to his departure from, San
Pranciaoo Captain Cook's name appeared
tn the columns of San Francisco papers as
that of ths hero of a very thrilling and
hilarious episode which transpired at nlgh
In which the hero was represented as get
ting decidedly the worst of ths spree. The
captain's friends in Omaha read ths rather
One Cent a Mile Chicago to Boston
and Return, Account National
Encampment G. A. R-,
Aagrust, 10O4.
Stopovers granted at Detroit Niagara
Falls, Toronto, Montreal and Portland,
Tickets optional between Detroit and Buf
falo in either direction by boat or rail.
River Jrlp through ths Thousand islands
and rapids of St. Lawrence river, Kingston
to Montreal, on additional payment of
34.60. Liberal side trip arrangements
Tickets can also be purchased via Orand
Trunk-Lehlgh Valley route through New
Full particulars of selling dates, fares,
limits, etc., can be obtained by writing
Advertising Department, Grand Trunk
Railway System, 13! Adams St., Chicago,
Geo. W. Vaux, A. G. P. A T. A.
Town Lot Sale Rlaard, la., Tuesday,
July 19.
Th-i Chicago Great Western railway will
on J ily 19 sell special excursion tickets to
Rlnsrd at a very low rate for the round
trip. For further Information apply to
S. D Parkhurst, General Agent 1612 Far
nam St., Omaha, Neb.
Homeseekers Rates to Worth Dakota.
Every Tuesday until October 28 the Chi
cago Oreat Western railway will sell round
trip tickets to points in ths above named
ststs at a great reduction from the usual
fare. For further Information apply to
Oeo. F. Thomas, general agent Far
nam street. Omaha. Neb.
25c Saturday
Healthful and refreshing sum
mer drinks.
31.00 In dreen Trading p.AA
Stamps with every bottle.
If It comes
It must be
Ilk "'
1309 Farnam Street
Omaha. Noli.
Quicker and for
than other
cures all special dlseaiei
of men iudaey. bltdiir
and diseaeoe oc waan
BieosPoittu TJr'lZA:
saouta, tongue, tnroat hair and eyebrewa,
tfalllne out) dlMDoear completely forever.
VitlcoM Vita snc'uu":?:
nag, puin ur ims of dim. Mover (sua
QuU-kl cure la the worUL
Wjii, .Oldie tiil VaausJ:
tUsliiiy, earl aecUne. laok of vlaar eaa
eireug u.
Trealmant bv mafL M vmts ns BTTr
ujtriL rAt lit itt on.
aer t Jala sua itenajaa
Shoe the Boy
With shoes that are mads for boys
Shoes that will stand tho hard knock
a real live boy will give them.
has always been a special price with
us on a special boy's shoe and It's a
shoe we guarantee.
All solid leather from the sole tip
You're making no experiments whef.
you buy this boy's shoe Special help
that know how to (It boys' shoes.
1419 Farnam Strrst.
Omaha's Up-to-Dtt ghs)s HsiidI
Tim Beat Farm Paper.
Reaches the Live Stock Men.
Onimod Shoes
Because they combine elegance with
durability. We make them for dress,
business or street wear 190 new styles
In alL Our
shoes appeal to the economical man
berause their equal costs 35.00 at any
ordinary shoe store. Our
shoes equal any other 33 W shoes sold
in Omaha.
Onimod shoes have a snappy appear
ance. They wear well, too.
$3.50 and $2.50 Always.
Regent Shoe Co.,
205 S. 15th St., Omaha.
LetiighlValey Railroai
Croat Double Track
Sconic Highway to
New York, Philadelphia and Atlantic
Coast Resorts.
All Tickets Go 3d for Stop-over at Niagara Falls.
For information gad Illustrated daorlptivo matter address
6E0H6E EADE, Jr., Wt stera Passenger Agent, 218 Clark St., Chicago
or CHAS. S, LEE, Gid'I Pass. Agt, 143 Libert; St., New York.
(i WW "OHM lUJ-l! J.'il,.."1!!! ",",' i!W','L',!im '"'WMI1 1 "WHR-S II 'MU"M"S1MJ1.I! 1 B j