TIIE OMAITA DAILY DEE: SATURDAY, JCLY 16, 1001.' NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL MISOR MESTIOS. Davit sells drugs. Leffert's glasses fit. Stockert sella carpets. Tor rent, new storeroom, tit Main street. Pictures lor wedding gifts given special attention. Alexander a, fli Broadway. For Bale, several empty piano boxes, at Bourlclua Piano House. 34 H way. Sugar has advanced. Still we give JSV, lbs. for 1. IT. p. Tea Co.. 404 H way. Phone lot Lacqueret makes old furnltura new. Pie turs named. Horwick 211 Main. Tel. AI.O Thera will be special meeting of the Retail Grocers and Dutchers' association Sunday morning at 10:30, when all mem bers are requested to be preaent. V. B. bender, J. B. Long, J. D. Evens and Emmet Tlnley will leave today for Cincinnati to attend the meeting of the Elks grand lodge which opena next Mon day. For sale, driving team, young, gentle, true to pull. Mar Bourlclua, M& B'way. George T. Miller, overseer of poor for Kane township, took fifteen of the coun-, ty'a dependents to the new poor farm yes terday. Thirteen were from the hospitals In this city. After July 1, all the lumber used at the Xagles' Jubilee to be sold at cost. Most Of this material Is It Inch. )4 and 14 loot stork, boaras with no nails In them. U. Hfer. ''hone 2u2. Roy Franklin, a young farm hand re cently committed to St. Uernard's hospital Ty the commissioners on Insanity, died there last evening. Me was u years of age and his home was formerly In Mills county. He has two brothera living near Olenwood. For aale, . Surrey, very cheap; need the room. Mar bourlclua, ill B'way. Calogua Zunaome, an Italian employed by Contractor Wlckham cutting willows for the Illinois Central riprsppmg work at The Narrows, north of the ony. out a deep gash In his ankle yesterday with an ax. He was brought to this city for treat ment. Chairman Miller of the Commercial club committee on organising an Independent telephone company In tills City, called a meeting for last night at the rooms of the Commercial club. Secretary Heed and Chairman Miller were the only two who responded to the call and the meeting waa accordingly declared off. The lack of Interest shown In the Independent telephone prnpostlon la taken to Indicate that the business men of the city gener ally do net favor having two 'phone sys tem In Council Bluffs. Mlssoarlane Shown the Tows, A party of business men from Chllli cothe, Mo., enroute to Bonesteel, B. D., pent Thursday night In Council Bluffs. They came in a special car on the Wabash, but their train was late and they missed connections with the Northwestern here and were obliged to stay In the city over night. Former Mayor Rohrer, who haa an extensive acquaintance In Chlllicothe, his brother having been county treasurer there for several years, did the honors for the nlfv mfHrm mi, tit hA a t mMntsKI in greet the visitors when he learned that the party was stranded here for the night. In the party were former Mayor W. ii. kronen, Aiurrman i nomas j;ngiana, County Attorney Frank Miller, City Mar shal Maurice Dorney, Sheriff Ed Daley, Q. O. Henry, Frank Adams, W. E. Eylenberg, B. B. Stevens, VlrgH Oliver, Garrett Mc Brlds, William Mohrs, Henry Miller, Oeorge , Dodd, M. L.. England, Adam Johns, Charles , Cooper, E. G. Rodgers, Dr. A. J. Simpson, Fred Hswley. Ben Field, M. I Hlgglna, George Fields, Nat Thompaon, Dr. Wolf. William Bcruby, Buel Wigley and R H. Hicks. Nominees Are) I'adecfded. No holes have been shot In It yet and up to last night the county ticket named by the democrats of Pottawattamie county Thursday remained Intact. Al Lenocker of Ok land, named for clerk of the district court against his will, haa notified the central committee that he will take a few days to think over the matter of withdraw ing hla name, Hla friends feel confident now that he will reconsider hla avowed determination not to be a candidate and that he will consent -to head the ticket. P. J. Mcfirlde, named for county reoorder, is also deliberating and expects to reach a decision In a few days. Clay Platner, named for county auditor, la out of the city, so it csnnot be learned whether he will eonsent to make the race or not. L. A. Casper, the nominee for member of the Board ot County Supervisors, la 'still unde cided. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. no. Night SW. Real Rat ate Transfers. Thsse transfers were reported Ao Tho Bee July IS by the Title Guaranty and Trust company of Council Bluffs: C. R. Nicholson to Lamlra King, lots i "?d 8i,nltl . Street's add., w. d.. 1,178 Charles Bowman and wife to Lewis C. Besley. lot 15, block 4. Webster's add., q. e. d ... v i Myrtle W. Darling and husband to Elisabeth A. Fisher, block SO, lots 1 to 14; block fit, lots 1, t. 3 21. 12, 13 and H; block 89. Railroad add . w. d.- S00 R. V. Inness and wife to Flara M. Soar, lot S, Audltora aubdlv., ne acl4 24-75-44, w. d ...... SO Katharine E. Rchott and husband to C. R. Nicholson, lots 4 and t, block t, Street'a add., w. d j ijo , Iowa Tnwnelte company to McClo. , t land Savings bank, lot IS, block It, ' v McClelland, w. d 100 8lx transfers, total .. ...I 1.078 WESTERN IOWA COLLEGE Summer term now open. Students en tering every day. Second Grade, First Grade, 8tate Certlflcute work. Review classes in Shorthand, bookkeeping, Type writing, also beginning classes In all nS. Jects. Write. or eatl for Information. E P. MILLER, Pres. Maaonle Temple. Tliene B814. LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN. It Pearl It, Council bluffa. TPhone ;. Here's Money Saving Prices Again Rolling Beef, per lb 2Ko Pork Koast, per lb He Stilt Pork, lb Ho Rib Roast, boned and rolled, per lb Go Veal Steak, lb , 10o Veal Stew, lb 5o Pot Roast, lb 5o No. 1 Hams, lb 10o Tork Chops, lb 15o THE ORVIS MARKET Special Prices la liatela and Restaavanta. Tel COiaCIL BLUFFS CHILSON DIES OF INJURIES Tuner and Hill, Two Colored Men, Held on the Charge of Murder, STORIES OF EYE-WITNESSES DISAGREE Soma Say Call son Was tbe Acaressor la the Fight, While Others Say that Troabla Waa ttarted hy Colored Men. Oenrge Chlleon, who waa ahot on a motor car while returning from the carnival grounda Thursday night by Robert Turner, a negro, died shortly after 4 o'clock yester day afternoon at the Woman's Christian Association hospital aa a rtault of hla wound. Turner, who is better known aa "Unit" , Turner, and Andy Hill, another negro, who was with Turner, are behind the bars at the county Jail. Hill is said to have handed Turner the revolver and urged him to shoot Chllaon. Accounts as to ths trouble between Chll. son snd the negroes which led to the shooting vary. Some of the eyewltneasea to the shooting say Chllaon was the ag gressor, while others Beamed to think that the negroea started it. Chllson waa con scious for a while yesterday before he died and Coroner Treynor succeeded in securing a statement from hint. In hla statement, vliloh waa more or leaa disconnected, Chll son denied being the aggressor and claimed that one of the negroes atruck him. first. He said) "I waa sitting In the seat directly back of the negroes, when, they eut into our talk. I went around to their seat and told them to cut It out, a we did not want any of their talk. One negro made a pass at me, but I warded off the blow. I atruck one of the negroes and he jumped from the car. The other negro followed hfm arid handed him a revolver. The first one then stepped back onto the step of the car and shot me. Story. nf Man Under Arrest. Andy Hill, one of the negroes under ar rest, denies handing the revolver to Tur ner. Ho says that when the trouble begun he took the gun from Turner, but that Turner snatched It out of his hand again. Hill claims that Chllaon waa the sggres sor. He ssya Chllson came Into the aeut and said: ''What are those remarke you are making about met" Hill says he tried to explain, but Chllson struck him In the. f see between the eyes. Hill's home Is said to be in New York, but he haa resided in Council Bluffs for ssveral years, working as a waiter and porter.' He has alwaya borne a good .character. , Turner when seen at the county Jail yes terday afternoon had not been Informed of Chllson's death. He waa not inclined to say much about the shooting beyond claim ing that he acted In eelf-defense. At the time of his arrest he made no denial of shooting Chllson, but Mater in the day claimed It waa an accident. "I intended to strike the man with the revolver and it went off by accident," he said. ' Turner haa been employed for the last year aa porter at the Neumnyer hotel- He haa the repu tation of being a peacefurand hardworking man. . ' ' . Turner was arrested about I o'elock yes terday, morning while attempting to', slip Into a negro resort at Thirteenth street and Seventh avenue. Acting on Information furnished them by Hill, who went of his own accord to police headquarters after the 'shooting, the officers surrounded the house, believing that Turner waa Inside. Officer Btelnhofel, who waa guarding the back entrance, heard aome one approaching the house through the yard. He halted him and asked him hla name. Turner, as It proved to be. aald his name was Smith, and not recognising the officer In the dark asked Mm If Miss Brown waa at home. The officer pressed his revolver against Tumor's body snd told him to hold up hla hands, which the negro promptly did. Btelnhofel aearched Turner for the revol ver, bnt he did not have the weapon on him. He later etated that he had thrown the gun away In a patch of weeds. "Hill was not detained at' police head quarters by tho night force but as soon as the day detail went on duty yesterday morning he' waa taken Into custody and with Turner charged with shooting with Intent to commit murder, Attorney Secaree Affidavits. Assistant County Attorney Hess yester day aecured worn statements from ssveral eyewltnesass of the ahootlng. . I S. Robinson, a Chicago traveling man. In hla statement made out Chllson the aggressor. He aald that to all appeirancea Chllson had been drinking and seemed anx Iqub to pick n. fight with some one. c:il.'son got up from his seat and although hla companions tried to restrain him went to tha seat occupied by the negroes and after saying something atruck Turner several times. Turner did not strike back but attempted to escape by climbing over, the back of a seat ahead. Chllaon however, dragged him back and after a brief strug gle threw him off the car. Hill foflpw .1 his companion. Turner asked Hill for h e revolver and wreated It from Hill. Tumor then stood on tbe walk by the aide of the car and dared Chllson to get off the car, Thla Chllson declined to do and Hill, so Mr. Robinson stated, then called upon Turner to "plug' Chllson. Turner then fired and Chllson dropped to the floor of the car. Thomas H. Richardson of this city made a sworn statement aubstnntlally reciting the asms story of Robinson only that after the shooting Richardson attempted to rapture Turner. Richardson jumped from the ear and atarted in pursuit of Turner ordering him to halt, and firing a ahot over the negro's head. Turner turned and shouting to Rtchsrdson "You had better atop," fired a ahot at him. Turner then Pork Butts, lb H0 Veal Roast, lb 6o Lamb Stew, lb 6o Skinned llama 13 So Beet Bnoon IIonie-Made Kettle Rendered Lard, S Ibe , 25o Beat Halt Pork...i gc Good Butter (q Leaf Lard. 14 lbs. for 11,00 All kinds of bome-made SauKagvat. BLIFra, Mr W. Broadway. gfj' took to his heels again and disappeared In the darkness. The Inqueet will be held this morning at 10 o'clock at Lunklejrs undertaking rooms where the body now Is. Chllson waa president of the Omaha Boilermakers' union which Includes Oma ha, South Omaha and Council Bluffa He was visiting at the home of B. Gruetse, 719 Mynster street. He Is said to have a brother living In Omaha. , Plumbing and heating. Blxby aV Son. Think Ha le a "Good" Man. In the person of a man giving the name of Harry Robinson, arrested at a late hour Thuraday night by Officer Woods, the po lice are of the opinion they have a "good man." Search of Robinson's room at the Neuraayer hotel brought to light a quantity of stolen goods. Robinson registered at the Neumayer hotel Thursday afternoon, claiming to be from Cincinnati, and on his way to Bone steel, S. V., to register for a land claim. In aome manner he secured possession of a bunch of the hotel keys, evidently taken from the room of one of the employes. Officer Woods learned that the man had tried to dispose of some valuable silks and other dress goods at a well known Broad way resort and took him Into custody. The bed In Roblnson'a room was piled with plunder Of all kinds, Including clothing, a clock and other articles, most of which was identified by guests of ths hotel as their property. Yesterday morning the po lice recovered several suits of clothes which Robinson had sold to a second-hand goods dealer on Broadway named Ben Moore. The police aa yet have been unable to find the owner of the silk and dress goods. Robinson will havs his preliminary hear ing in police court this morning. Good Crowd at Carnival. The Eagles' carnival attracted 'another large crowd last night. It being Woodmen of the World and Modern Woodmen of America night. Large delegations of the order were In attendance from Omaha. Today will be ".-harlty" day at the car nival. The Eagles and the management of the Parker company have agreed to each donate SH per cent of their groes reeelpta to the charitable organisation of Council Bluffs. It is expected that a neat sum will be realised to be distributed among the different organisations. , Speoial, arrangements were concluded yes terday whereby the various attractions of the Parker Amusement 'company will re main open Sunday afternoon and even ing. Arrest Alleged Pickpocket. Deputy City Marshal Cru'm after a lonf and strenuous chase which Included a buggy drive, a ride on a bicycle and a ride on a freight car, succeeded yesterday af ternoon In capturing B. A. Peffebtllng, an alleged pickpocket charged with robbing a sister-in-law of S. L. Namen of 615 West Broadway, In Omaha Thursday afternoon. Marriage Licenses. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Age. William C. Mcintosh, Pottawattamie county, la. IB Augusta Rlef, Pottawattamie county, la,, IS Clyde MeCreary, Council Bluffa 18 Ada Clarlc, St. Joseph. MO .19 Harrison Republicans Nominate. MISSOURI VALLEY, la.. July 15-Spe. clal.) Yesterday morning at U o'clock at the opera house In Missouri Valley the republican county convention convened'. H. A. - Kinney was chosen chairman and J. C. McCabe secretary. The following commit tees were' appointed: Credentials, A. B. Hoebrook, W. H. . Johnson and C. W. Reed; organisation, G. W. McCord, F. S. Patrick and C. E. Cutler; resolutions, J. B. Lyon, John A. Traver and F. M. Ferry. The following nominations were made: Auditor, George W. Atkins, Persia; re corder, H. L. Harvey, Logan; clerk, W. R. Cox, Missouri Valley; county attorney, L. W. Fallon, Logan; supervisor, M. Murray, Little. Sioux; delegatea to atate convention, A. J. Enbody, Thomaa Arthur, C. W. Kel logg, R. D. Parker, A. G. Dole, J. Z. Adams, George W. McCord, H. B. Kling, J. B. Lyon, E. I. Dewell, Robert Ivens, L. K, Moore and Charles House. George A. Kellogg was re-elected chairman of the county committee. Odd Fellows Elect Officers. WOODBINE. Ia.. July 15. (Special.) The Boyne Valley encampment of the Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellowa recently In stalled the following officers for the ensu ing term: E. Mafferd, C. P.; C. J. Shcrett, S. W.j J. C Arnold. J. W.; D. M. Klnnls, treasurer; L. W. White, scribe. This lodge was organised Just one year ago with thirty-three charter members. Today It has sixty-six. The Eleanor Rebekah lodge of Woodbine will install the following officers O , Vernle McEwen; I. G., Nellie Eclleck, this evening: N. G., Belle Truer V O., Fanny Rounday; secretary, Bessie -Donaldson; treasurer, Emma Glddlngs; R, B. N. G., Ida M. Haas; L. 8. N. O., May Black man; R. 8. V. a , Flora Kllng; L. S. V. G. O. G. ; Jennie Howorth; warden; Inez Porter; conductor, Grace pumond; chap lain, Frances Landee, Old Settlers to Gather at Maa-nolla. MAGNOLIA, la., July 15.-(Speclal.)-The annual reunion ofthe Old Settlers' associa tion will ba held at Magnolia August 26. The following committees have been appointed:- Speakers and program, A. M. Pyrands and J. D. Stuart; music, C, F. Cadwell and F. S. Lawrence: stands and privileges, W. T.. Fslloa snd W. C. De well; water and ice, E. Mahoney and Wil liam Maaske; grounds and seating, O. P. Murphy, W. B. Oelkerson. r. p. Mills. Frank Bolch, 8. R. Girton and 3. W. Nlles. Promlivent lovran Is 111. ONAWA, la.. July 15.-(Speclal.)- Let ters from the family of Fletcher Howard, president of the Pharmacy board and sec retary of the Iowa State Pharmaceutical association, at Dea Moines, states that he ia quite ser!os!y 111 at h'.a home there. Mr. Howard lived at Onawa for eevrral years before moving to Des Moines and all his relatives In the west Uve at Onawa. Ha had a severe attack of pneumonia last spring and never fully recovered. Persia Odd Fellows Install. 1 PERSIA, la., July lS.-(8peclal.)-The Rebekah lodge of Persia has Installed the following officers: N. G., Mra. Ellaabeih Newland; V. G., Mrs. Clara Cheney; treas urer, Mrs. D. D. Valller; secretary, Mrs. Nellie Alter; financial sfcretsry, W. 8. Cheney. The Independent Order of Odd Fel lowa officers are: N. G., F. S. Campbell; V, Q., George Funk; treasurer, A. C. Duepree; secretary, Richard Mix. Veteians to Meet at Logan. LOO AN. Ia.. July 18. (8peclal.) The Western Iowa Ventersns' association has decided to hold Its annual reunion at Logan this year. August 21 and U. The aisnclstton embraces the following counties: Ida, Bae, Monona, Crawford. Shelby, Harrison and Pottawattamie. Denies Bale of Road. IOWA FALLS. Ia., July U.-(Bpeclal ) -President E. 8. Ellsworth of ths Das Moines, Iowa Falls A Northern, denies moat emphatically that the Des Moines short line Is to become a link in a trunk line from Minneapolis to the gulf, con trolled by HUL ONLY ONE PLACE CONTESTED Biz Aspirants for tbe domination, of Bail road Commissioner. KETCHUM OF WARSHALLTOWN IN LEAD All Other Republican State Officers Certain of Renoanlaatton by Accla mation Knights Templar Elect. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, July 15.-(3peclal.)-Wlth the republican state convention only five days off and with only one contest for nom ination in sight It is passing strange that nobody undertakes to predict with any de gree of assurance the exact makeup of the republican state ticket for Iowa this year. The one uncertain spot appears to be about as uncertain as It was last year when the preliminsry movements were made. There are six avowed candidates for railroad commissioner and every one will enter the convention with some follow ing. The chance for a tie-up Is therefore excellent. The candidates are: N. 9. Ketchum, Marshalltown, Fifth district; Dr. Frank Porterrteld. Atlantic, Mntu district; Owen Lovejoy, Jefferson, Tenth district, Ed ward Sits, Peterson, Eleventh district; Chris Ottosen, Humboldt, Tenth district: Welcome Mown', Clutler, Fifth district. Thla will probably be the order of rela tive strength of the six candldatea named. It has been evident ever since E. C. Brown of Sheldon, the present member of the commission, uropped out ot the race for renominatlon that the leading candidate would be Mr. Ketchum, who gave Commis sioner Dawson a close race two yeara ago. He haa maintained his lead very nicely and hoe apparently gained In strength all the time without arousing any direct an tagonisms. On the other hand Dr. Porter field haa been making an active canvass for the place and has done much personal work! so that lils friends are able to apeak with some confidence of the fine showing he will make In the convention. Messrs. Lovejoy and Ottosen have both done con aiderable personal work and by letter re cently. But It Is generally regarded aa certain that the fight will be between Por terfleld and Ketchum. There Is no contest on any other portlou of the ticket and the present State officials will oe a nominated by ' acclamation. Promotion for Railroad Man. C. L. Brown of this tlty, for a long time trainmaster of the Doa Moines Valley di vision, of the Rock Island railroad, has Just been mada auperintendent of the Da kota division with headquartera at Eathef vllle. . Mr. Brown entered the service of the company In 1875 as a brakeman and has held many different positions. Affects Insurance Isw. Attorney General Mullan today discovered that the points on which the Iowa supreme court has decided the law regulating home co-operative investment concerns are Iden tical with thoae relating to tha anti-compact Insurance law of the atate which Judge McPherson of the federal court de clared unconatltutlonal. Whether the Iowa court's opinion will have any weight in that caae Is problematical. Judge Mo Pherson decided that the state and it was the' same in the Nebraska caae has not ths right to interfere and regulate private business, and this was the same question decided in the home co-operative case, but the Iowa court makes a decision so broad as to .include all forms or business which affect the public Knights Templar Officers. The Iowa Knights Templar, In session at Spirit Lake, elected the following officers: Commander, Samuel I. Williams of Charles City; fenerallsslmo, Cromwell Bowen of Dea Moines; captain, A. A. Rodman of Washington; aenlor warden, J. W. Edwards of Mount Pleasant; Junior warden, A. It. Molyneux of Cherokee; prelate, W. W. Merrlt of Red Oak; treasurer, Charlea C. St. Clair of Marehalftown; recorder, D. M. Brownlce of Sioux City. The camp Is being held at Templar park, on the shore of Spirit lake. . - Denlson Isaacs Bonds. DENIBON. Ia July 15 (8peclal.)-C. L. Voss, city treasurer, haa advertised the .sale of 120,000 of 4 per cent bonda to the lowest bidder. The money will be used to pay oft the city's present Indebtedness, which draws I and ( per cent Interest. Five thousand dollars will be payable at the end of ten years, 13,000 at the end of fifteen yeara and the reat at the end of twenty years. , Town Finally Disappears. SHELL ROCK, la.. July 15.-(Bpeclal.) The last building in Butler Center, for twenty years tho county seat of Butler, haa been removed. The county scat Is now at Allison. Two 130,000 court houses havs been abandoned In the removal of the county seat from Clarksvllle to butler Cen ter and again to Allison. V Damage from High Water. ONAWA, Ia.. July 15.-(8peclal.)-M. M. Krats Of Ashton township has sued L. T, Hicks of the same township in the Monona county district court for 1260 damages on account of thirty acres of wheat and tame grass destroyed by defendant draining water upon his premises by digging ditches. CHARGES HIROER. TO JIM M'CLOl'D Witness to Killing of Ben Mlnnlek Is Located and Will Testify. CHEYENNE. Wyo., July H-(Speclal Tel egram.) Detectives who have been at work on the case for over a year have solved the mystery surrounding the assassination of Flockmaater Ben Minnlck who was kil led at hla camp on Black mountain a year ago last February and they announce that Jim McCloud. a partner, of the late Tom Horn, and who Is now serving a four year term In the Wyoming penitentiary for post office robbery, committed the deed, Wil liam Mason, a herder, who wltneaaed the killing from hla hiding place In the brush and who fled from the country In fear of meeting Mlnnlck's fate, has been found and will tell what he knows. As soon as McCloud serves his term he will be arrested and tuken to Big Horn eounty for trial. Rl'SH TO REGISTER CONTINUES Pass tho Twenty-Five Thousand Mark at Yankton. YANKTON, 8. D., July U.-(Bpeclal Tel egram.) The Yankton registry office today pasaed tha 15,000 mark by several hundrej The heat was Intense and made standing In line most uncomfortable. People ruan Into the line without waiting for mee!e. but food and drink is brought them In abundance. On Broadway one man rents chalra to people and the whole Una Is at times aeated. The Northwestern train this afternoon brought 700 people In the last section and (00 in the first. One party from Chlllicothe, Mo., had chartered a aleeper. About half of this party are women. The affair la a great outing to most of the people. All seem to under stand that they have no cinch on a claim. Many come to see the country. CHAMBERLAIN, 8. P., July 15. -(Special Telegram.) The registrations today for the Rorcbud drawing were a tittle lesj than Arrivals this evening for tomor row morning's registration are about the j same, tignt arbitrations nave oeen mnn to the local United States land office for a townalte In the Rosebud, which appllca I Al... II. w. J t . . I nun win uv fmnvv uu uj ui in.ciai wiiu office before filings are received for the land In general. One townsit la sl.'o be ing laid eut on lands secured from heirs of deceased Indiana. In addition the state Is also advertising for sale on August ?S at Falrfaa one quarter from six different sections of lend, which, it Is presumed, will be secured by the townelte' boomers, so that there need not be any fear of a scarcity of towns for all purposes and kinds of people. RANGES ARB IN FINE- CONDITION Prospects Never Better Since Stock men Came. STt'ROIB, 8. D.. July lB.-(8peclnl.)-S. G. Sheffield came In this week .from the cattle ranges. He says that feed was never better since cattle were put on the range. A peculiar feature of tho business this ysar is that cattle have drifted up aa far aa Montana, due to the southeaat winds that occurred last winter and this spring. In fact the roundup this year has been an exceedingly herd one, as cattle hnve drifted In all directions, and the grrnt amount of rain has not only made water holes numerous and widely scattered, but has caused all creeks to rise. Stock was never In better condition than at present. Everything Is sleek and fat, not a rough animal to be seen anywhere. Start to Christen Cruiser. " PIERRE. 8. D.. July 15.-(Speelal.)-Gov-ernor and Mrs. Herreld and Misa Grace have gone to Chicago end will go from there to San Francisco, where Miss Grace will christen the cruiser South Dakota, which ia to be launched on July 21. The party which will go through will leave Omaha Sunday morning next, and so far as is known at present will consist of Governor and Mrs. Herreld and Miss Grace, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crane, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Nash, Judge J. M. Brown and wife of Eureka, and Misa Alda John son, a daughter of A. C. Johnson. The party wUl not be In California for any great length of time, as Governor Her reld must Ns here by August 1 to meet With the State Board of Equalisation. DEATHREC0RD. George R. Ponrsona. FORT DODGE, Ia.. July 15. (SpecinU The death of Hon. George R. Pearsons, a pioneer capitalist and land owner of Iowa, occurred at 6 o'clook yesterday morn ing at his residence In thin city. The de ceased was a brother of D. K. Pearsons, the Chicago millionaire and philanthropist, and the father-ln-lnw of United States Senator J. P. Dolllver. Mr. Pearsons was widely known throughout Iowa and neigh boring states for having reclaimed Owl lake, a small lake in the northern part of Iowa. The bed of the lake, comprising about 1.000 acres, was drained by him by means of a mammoth ditch at nn enormous expense. It was then settled by squatters claiming their right to a government claim thereon. After dragging through the minor courts for a number of yeara the case was at last taken before the United St tea supreme court and there a settlement was brought about which gave tho entire bed of the lake to Mr. Pearsons. Mr. Penr sons was the owner of one of the most beautiful resldencea in Northwestern Iowa, a vast expanse of beautiful farming land, and leaves an estate valued at nearly 11,000,000. Death was due to heart failure with which he had been sick but one day, Gerard Relter. 8T. LOUIS, July 15 -Gerard Relter, su preme secretary of the Catholic Knights of America, with headquartera In St. Louis, Is dead at his home here. Mr. Relter was S3 years old and had lived In St. Louis since his election as supreme secretary In 1901. He formerly lived In Vlneennes, Ind. He was vice president of the German Na tional bank of Vlneennes, and prior to his election as supreme secretary was supreme treasurer of the Catholic Knights. He Is survived by a wife. Mies Bertha Ward. TEKAMAH, Neb., July 15.-(Speclal.) Miss Bertha Ward, daughter of Judge F. E"., Ward of our city, died yeaterday fore noon and will be burled from the residence at 4 p. m. today. Miss Ward was sn ac complished young Jady and had assisted her father in his office work for several years, up to about one year ago, her health failed and she waa sent to Washington In hopes that it might benefit her, but quick consumption set In and caused her death. Torpid, Congested Liver g primary cause of disease. One bottle of rake's Palmetto Wine cures. A trial bouia tree. Drake Formula Company. Chicago. OCBAN BTKAMSUtrS. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE. Maw Twls-Bcrew Stumers of U.I00 Ton. HgW YORK ROTTBHIMM. vis BOULGilNB. SaliUis TlMiU. st 1 A. M. Potriaia Julr 1 NnonUm Atif.lt RotUnUia Aug. ? StaumUm us. !M Ryndara Aug. tPotadam A'is. KOM.AND-AMBRICA UNI. t Uwartorn St., Chi cago, 111. llanT Moortia, lfi)l rarnam St., C. Rutuarfort. IUS rarnam Bt. ; J. B. Hejpolda, 1K)I yarnam St. The Summer Girl at Play A series of beautiful illustrations a 1 in the August number or the Metropolitan Magazine R. H. Ruaaell. Publithet, New York Cry Local Agents everywhere are enjoying comfortable) 1 incomes getting subscriptions for this ideal American Magazine. Students, teachers and others who wish to turn their vacation time into a money-making season should write us at once for particulars, addrccsir; CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT METROPOLITAN MAGAZINE (80-18) H fiu flu trail HrfCV r n PleTT a w W H VS IIHUIisai tot issi A parent may transmit a weak sex ual organism to his offspring, but It is usually the result of abuse, excesses or ovrrwork. Emissions once estab lished have a tendency to Increeee, Day loeses. waste In urine and marked aexual d'dlne often follow together with a train of mental and physical symptoms, and the man passes from tho bound-trim of health Intj the con fines of dlneasr. He Is verv nervous, eepily confuted, nbsent-mlntied. forget ful, continually possessed of doubts and lears. shy. suspicion. Irritable, hntrs female society and would rather lor the needy cure of these diseases thrtt so Insidiously destroy the Intel-,-ct, stiength and very msnhoid. secure the services of the cmiient sptrlallsts cmnected with the 3tMe Medlrxl Institute. Thev will top these unnatural drains with their terrible rsults ana restore "o sound htalth the tlllaOle vic tim of net voxeaual debility, i rain fatlnue and wrecked manhood. WE CURB QUICKLY AND TMOtOVGHl.T: Stricture, Variolic, fmisjlou, Nirva-Scxjal Debility, Imjjjtency, Blosd PjisDi (Syphilis), Rectal, KUney ail Urinary Diseases. and all dlxeasea and weoknesses of men due to Inheritance, evil habits, self abuye, excesses Or the result of specific or private dlaeaaea. CONSULTATION fDFF If yu nnot call write for symptom blank. VViUULIftllUil IHLL Office Hours-S a. m. to p m. Sundays. 10 to 1 only. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 130S Farnam St.. Bet 13th and 14th Sts.. Omaha, Nr. Illinois Central R,R. Round Trip Rates From Omaha D'trolt, Mich., on sale July 5 to 7 .., Ai antic City,- N. J On sale July 0 to 10... Cincinnati, Ohio, on sale July 15 to 17 , French Lick Springs, Ind., on wile July 22 to 20. Boston, Mass., on vale August 11 to .18 , Tickets to points below on sale daily until Return October 31st. Montreal. P. Q $33.00 Buffalo. N. Y I2T.15 Tut-in-Bny, Ohio $22.00 Chautauqua Lake Points. 27.15 Clicago $20.00 CI lea go (via St Louis one wy '$20.00 Ciiarlevolx, Mich 824.25 Windsor, Ont.. 821.50 Quebec, P. Q $38.85 .Vaoklnnc Island, Mich. $26-25 Toronto.., $27.15 Correspondingly low rates to Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Attractive tours of r.be Great Lakes via rail to Chicago or Do lull', and steumer. Before plu lining your trip, call at City Ticket Office, No. 1403 Farnaiu St., or write , . W. If. BRILL. Dist. Pass. Agt., Omaha, Neb. A CEfiUTIFUL VOmn Is oft.it dlttrmMil tr Cn t I) .arh.d Hair. Imperial Hair Regenerator U tht only tuft Anr harmltM rem4y for rhhar, II If tttohitely ff, ai)y ipplled, mil lti th hiir oft nd '). It It tinnt'itlro I . ffrt of Mi.Mirhe. ONH APfLICATJOW Asm MONTHS. Sample oftiilr r olor4 :'.. Prlrftcy 4urt, htAfar pnipMt. IMPERIAL CPtMICAL MFG. CO. US W. 2M Si., H$w Yorfc. Shtvmaa eft MeCunneU Dru Co., Omaha, Pennyroyal -pills sU ll"NV HlntJ ol only Gcftulu. mhw r. ri iwui TajiiiDisj. i.aeii, si iirnn for rillClIKMTKK'S KN GLIM if In r.vl kn4 1M nitialho toi. aft, wn UfftMt.. rnkeibr. R-r !' frnliliailea mm 4 ltlUa tlrMs. tu Af ynr ffrwaxUt. r eta-t 4. la auntrtc ftr I'Mrltf hUi. TettaeMtai lypa ttia.l. 1 ti.lMit Ixsi'monitjls. a)4 b It hfHH hi.. Mt.ter ( Sspaalral 'a.t SVlMte. !.!. Ml ") ,1-11 ILA- TWENTIETH CFNTURY FARMEP The Best Fnrni Paper. '"SoJtiJer. 5 WEST 29th STREET, NEW YORK CITY be alone. The system unstrung, he haa headache, backache, palpitation of heart, shortness of breath, dlislness, dersnaed stomnrh, torpid liver, weak kidneys, poor circulation and la tired, Ureless and worn out. He larks ambi tion, confidence and courage, for the liemor of weakness and disease r.p palls his mind ind rh.ike his body. Unfit for business, stvdy or Tarrls, tie Jeer of men und nock cf women, ho sifters In Sfcr;t Hlnoe, hrivllng over his rondltl n. Strange ns It may rem, t.ie strongest nd most robiia men are often thoae In whom, the local tiirturbanrrs are t'le most severe. CHEAP EXCURSIONS VIA $10.25 $34.00 $22.75 $20.75 $30.50 September 3uto. Cambridge Tprlngs. Pa. $27.15 St. Paul-Minneapolis. . . -$12.50 Dulutn-Superior $16.50 Alexandria, Minn $15.2.S Walker, Minn., (Leech lke $17.10 lUce Lake. Wle $15.00 Wlnnepeg, Mnn $35.00 Watervllle, Minn $10.5ll Madison Lake, ,-nn...tjo.50 Spirit Lake (Okobojl) f-9 95 Waterloo, Iowa $11.85 Cherokee, Iowa $6-85 many ether paints In Illinois. Ontario and New York State. Fer Oonorrhrea, Olaet. Lsueorrhoa. Spt'msler. rhoss, Pllss sntf All Unhealthy Swusl Piichsra- No raiN. No Stain. No Stricture. Frck Svrinqe. SW A rrt-TnitlTe art Plsease.- At Drua-gt.ta. or sent to an; sdilma (or St. M41Y00W MFC. CO., Lancaster, 0., U. A. MENANDWOMEA. r. Bl U fnrvnnatarsl 41. r.,lsflil'oo irnlHlD .v ulorUoM f saitu niaaiferaaae, Palnlua, .! not Mlrta fan ut po7'a'a. SoM by srca-lsta, or an iu slain wrappsa r arstoaa. praaala, tH SI 00. it) hmll.. JU.Ta. Cuaulmr saaa mssat rrWsrMiW 4? TisiiNV I hilltt 4il J O.aaaH'4 M CaVJf a.l l. ilrl.iar. P' 1 rrrt,U fwul.al