TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: ' THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1904. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL MtSOR MENTIO. ' r ' mmw . Davis sells drug. Leffert's glasses fit. Btcckert sell - carp ta. ' For rent, iiw storeroom, ES MAln St. New line toilet sosp. Morgan St Dickey. Picture for wJti::ig gift given special attention. Alexander. AX3 Rroadwsy. Sugar hM advanced. Btlll we give lbs Xor1.0Q. U. I. Tea Co.. 4o4 B way. Phone lot Lacqurret makea old furniture new. Pic ture framed. Uorwlck. 221 Main Tel. A630. Boda all flavor. Morgan Dickey. Onorge P. Wright 1 In Chicago on busi ness. I LostJewelry' bag. Oood rewsrd offered for return, 2U2 Broadwy. Mr. M. Pfelffer. Mr. Ovlde Vlen ha gone to Montreal, Can., for a two months' visit with rela tlve.' ' Principal P. C. Ensign of the high school 1 In Sidney, la., conducting the Fremont county teacher' normal Institute. E. Bhubert has gone to Bpokane, Wash., for a three months vtrtt wlttt his daughter, Mra. o. A. Yancey, formerly of thla city. The Royal sewing circle of Oak Lest cainj), Koyal Neighbors of Amerlra, will meet this afternoon at the residence of sirs. Ingsll. Hi Mjll streeL After July IK, all the lumber used at the Eagles' Jubilee to be sold at cost. Most of this material hi 12 Inch, 14 and 14 toot lock, nrnrds with no nails In them. C. . Jfer.' Phone 202., I H. J. Landon brought suit In the district court yesterday for divorce from his wife, ; Kate Lan.Ion, whom he marihd In Mis city October 11, lsmo. He complains that I she deserted him three month after their marriage. . These Juror have been drawn for the July term of the superior court: C. Morris, E. W. Levett, 8- W. Morton, A W. Mels- ner. Ham Kirk. William Kvan. Hans Landwlrk, W. L. Kane, Peter Reck. George A. Burke, Walter B. Amy, Charle Lock wood, Hemer, James Dugan, J. M. Pat ton, An .Information waa filed In Justice Ou ren's court yesterday, charging James Bums, M-year-cld boy, with assault and battery on a, little girl named Hazel Law rence. The Burns boy. said to have truck the girl over the head with a tin dinner bucket: cutting a big gash over the child eye. ' The Information was filed by the girl's father. .William" Rosa, a veteran of the Spanlsh Amrtnrin ' war ' who rtlerl Mondsv at his home on florth First street after a year , Illness, waa , burled yesterday in airview cemetery with military honor. Service were held by Rv. W. B Cleramer, pastor of the, First Christian church and a detail froni. Company L, Fifty-fifth regiment, Iowa, National Guard, acted as palloearers and escorted the remains, to the cemetery. Mr. Rosa leaves a -wife and Ave young children in straightened, circumstances, owing to hi long Illness. He served two yeara as a marine on the torpedo boat ae troycr. Yankton. . About Ready for Foundation. ., w. Bcnieuter oi nicago. contractor , M(Jra of ,eM ,nterMt ftttaches to th nam for. the new buildings at the Iowa School ,natlon to be mftde .today for the office of lor the Deaf,, arrived Jtl the city ye.terday connt, attorney and three name are most and will remain here several days looking promnentIy mentioned, namely,' those of after the', work at the- institute. Mr. . w w. Ware of this city, a former mem- Bchleuter, after a visit: to the school, tated 4aat evening . that ; he Was much pleaeed with the progress, which had been I made. ..The excavation for the hospital bulging are -completed, and work on the. foundations will be commenced the Bret of next week. The stone crushing plant la on Its way her aa well aa other machinery and material. Mr. Bchleuter esti mate that there wilt be work for the atone -crusher for at least six months, aa all pt the old atone and brick from the burned building are to. be broken up for concrete When the work: of construction of 'the' Vulldlngs begin In earnest, Mr. Bchlueter intends, maintaining a wagon aervlee between the city and school for the accommodation of the workmen who wl'4 of. necessity have to make their, homes In the city. Henry Buschlng or Chicago- I auperltite'hdent el trie work of constructional at tne scnoot. " Hospital for Encampment. I Mayor Macrae, whd I surgeon major of the Fifty-sixth regiment, Iowa National . Guard, , will leave this morning for Des Molnea with the newly enlisted member of . his hospital corps to attend the brlgado encampment, which begin today and Jasts until July 21. Th members of the corps are: 'First Lieutenant and Assistant Sur geon 8. F. Stover, Marengo) Assistant nJL anrwvttn T MrnrmAtt. r)e Molnea: First ' Class Sergeant Wlillam H. Anderson, Ser geant Arthur Lane,- Private, M. H. War ner, Charles B. Arnold, Egbert Ay'.esworth; Henry W. Evans, James Macrae, Jr., Harry B.' Sackett and Clement H. Smith, Council Bluffs. 1 , . . , New uniform and other equipment were given out to the men yesterday and a final drill was held . last evening la -the Dodge', Light Guards armory. N. Y Plumbing Co. Tel. SO. Night F6S7. . . c . L I ' ''!ets Vacation Trip. Miss Lotta McConnell . of 107 Charles street, 'this city, will leave.. Monday for. a three weeks' trip to the St. Louis exposition.- Miss -McConnell la one of the fortu nate' winner of The Bee's free trips to the expealflon, She secured second place in the fourth contest, which closed April 16. A few days ago she notified the manage ment of The Bee that she was now ready to take her trip; and her ticket, good for thirty days, was promptly delived to her yesterday, Plumbing and beating. . Blxby Sc. Bon. Marriage License. License ta wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence.. . Age Carl M. Leftert, Council Bluffs.., J2 Anne Martin. Council Blurts 27 Fred Shearer. Council Bluffs . tJ Phyllis Powers, Council Bluffs I Ktlwln a. Harrison, LaCmsse, Wis ft! May M. Thomas, Bt. Joseph,- Mo H KICB OR PCOB-TOD K5E0 TEETH ' No one, ok! enough to know better, should be neglectful of that most Vital and useful organ of the human system the teeth the very guards to th gateway of health. 80ZODOK1T TOOTIl POWDER should bo found on the toilet table of every one, be h rich or poor. It will aot tarnish gold work nor scratch the enamel A per ct dentifrice the on for you. , 1 rORMS I LIQUID, POWDER PASTE. WESTERN ; IOWA COLLEGE ..' i Summer term now open. Student en tering .every day. SuCond Grade, First Grada, Bute , Certificate work. - Review classes In Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Type writing, alno beginiilug clasne In all suo-l-cts. Writ or ;nl for Information. E. P. MILLER, Pres. nasoni Temple. 'Phono Bote. LEWIS CUTLER . MORTICIAN. II Pearl sU.; CouaoU bluff. 'Phone ST. BLUFFS DEMOCRATS ARE GATHERING Delegates Find Small List of Candidates to ' Select From. ONLY ONE AVOWED ASPIRANT FOR PLACE Several Other Are . Mentioned, bat They Are Not Cnltlvntlna Their Booms with Any Degree Of Vigor. Delegate from th country precincts to the democratic county convention to be held today began to arrive lit the city last evening In goodly number. Bo far as the candidates for the several nominations are concerned th delegate appeared to be completely at ea and It was perfectly ev ident that no slat had been fixed. Indi cations are that the convention will result In a fight between the two wing of de mocracy. According to the statement of a prominent member of the party yester4 th gilvr.r ei.mei,t will attempt to r.on . " ... . ,... ' th nate a ticket of gold bugs ao tht th can "knife" them In November, and t prominent member of the party yesterday oml- they he gold element, or follower of Judg Parker, will try to nominate adherent of Bryan and Hearst so that they, the gold plank men. can have the pleasure of thrusting the harpoon' Into them when election time rolls around. The only real, live, avowed candidate who had loomed up against the horlson last night was Al Lehocker of Oakland, who, his friends claim, . has nailed down good and strong the nomination for clerk of the district court. Mr; Lenocker at first was an asplrr.nt for the nomination for county auditor,, but a little campaign ing In the eastern part of the county where he resides showed blm, It Is said, that he would stand but little, If any, chance against W. C. Cheyne, the republican can didate for that office, owing to the fact that Mr. Cheyne was formerly a resident of the eastern part of the county .and has a particularly strong following both among the republican and democratic voter of that section of Pottawattamie county. Tbl being the situation, Mr. . Lenocker switched hi aspiration in the direction of the nomination' for clerk of the district court. ber of ,ne ,tttte wifliature; F. W. Miller of ,nl- clt chairman of the democratic county central committee, and Roscoe Bar- toa o( Avoca. Mr. Miller, It has been said wnh more or lee frequency, I not a can- dldate, .but his friends nevertheless are urging his candidacy. W, D. Hardin, who at the spring elec tion waa elected city assessor on the dem-i ocratlo ticket, la said to be a candidate for the nomination of county, auditor, at least hi friends are urging hi nomination. Clay Platner of this city was also spoken of yesterday In connection with this nom ination, It being said that In the event of Mr. Hardin being nominated for auditor Mr. Platner would be content to accept the nomination for recorder' rather than not appear on the ticket. There was some dBUltory, talk- yesterday of., naming -tp. J. J McBrldo of this city for auditor;' but Mr. McBrlde "stated ft was not an aspirant for public office. Former Alderman Charles H. Huber, who was, an unsuccessfulcandidate for sheriff some few years sgo, is said to be In the field with a covetous eye looking for one of the nominations as member of - the Board of Supervisors."' ,..,v ' . ". In ' addition to naming a county ticket, the convention today will -select twenty delegates to the state convention to be held at Iowa City next Tuesday. ' The naming) of these delegates. It Is expected, will bring out a fight .between the two wings of the party which may. prove Interesting if not exciting. " . . : i The convention will be called to order at 11 o'clock In the south' room of 'the county courthouse, by Chairman Miller of the county central committee. 1 Following the county convention the dele gates from . Kane . township. . will hold a township coaventlon to place In nomination two candidates ' for Justice Of the peace, two constables, , one , trustee ' and clerk. Justice Ouren is a candidate for renomlna tlon and Is not expected to meet with any opposition. Captain O. H. Lucas, ,at pres ent serving as health officer, If said to be a candidate for the other nomination for Justice.'. Fred. H. Shoemaker Is a candidate for the nomination, for constable.:'' . . ..' MORS LAKE MANAWA LITIGATION Company Made Defendant In Several Damage Snlta. A - The fencing in of certain streets, avenues and alleys at Ma'nawa, .which It la claimed the Board of County Supervisor vacated In Its favor, has brought two or more dam age suits on th motor company. In the suits, original notices of which were filed yesterday, the Cassell Realty company of Omaha appears as plaintiff. The Cassell Realty company represents the real estate holding of the Krug Brewing company, which a few year ago erected a two-atony building known as "Th Country Cub House," on Third street Just outside the Lake Manawa resort proper. Following the fencing in of Third street and the otter thoroughfares by the motor company the Krug building has been nailed up and with out a tenant. In one suit the Casaell Realty company, on behalf of the Krug Brewing company. asks for damages in the sum of $1,000 and an Injunction restraining the motor Com pany from further obstructing with Its fences the following thoroughfares: Park avenue, Portland avenue-the Boulevard, South Third street. South Fourth atreeC South Main street and , all'! intersecting al'.eys. in the second suit the plaintiff company seek to recover 13,000 damages for loss of rentals and depreciation of its property by reason of the closing of theae atreeta by the motor company. In the ault Drought by Chrlsman fk Ro barda and others against the motor com. pany, in which the ruling of the lower court was recently sustained by the su preme, court. Park avenue,., South Third street and the Boulevard were ordered re opened and the obstructing fences. taken down. The supreme pourt held with the lower court that the vacation ot the streets In favor of the motor company was Illegal and deprived property owner at Lake Manawa of their Just right Insofar as use of the public thoroughfares was concerned. According to the attorneys for the Cas sell Realty 6m pany, it ha been discovered Has. vnsLovrs C3Ti:i::a SYfiu? hi W a4 by Million of Volkm tor thaar faulitrva wbli TucllUuf. ft Over fifty Tetu. UK ebllj. uttnus guilt, altars I jiiit. ourea wlue euiufc M Is u fcal IHIiTI-ntl riHTI A StTTLB, since the Institution of the Chrlsman Robarda suit that he vacation of Portland avenue, South Fourth street and South Main street was without. It I alleged, war rant or right. It Is said that In the com , mission Issued to Commissioner Ernest E. Cook, then county surveyor of Pottawat tamie county, by the Board of County Su pervisors that, only a portion of the thor oughfare known a the Boulevard Was mentioned and - that In his report to the board Cook only recommended the vaca tion of this particular thoroughfare, no mention being made at all of the other avenue and streets! Examination, however, of the records of the proceedings of the Board of County Supervisors show that the board. . "acting upon the report and recommendation of Commissioner Cook" ordered the vactlon of the other thorough fares now in controversy. Owing to the alleged defect In the com mission Issued Commissioner Cook, the at torney for the Cassell Realty company contend that the vacation of all the other street except that portion of the Boule vard so named was entirely Illegal and without warrant of law. Several of the street (ought to he opened by these new suits run directly through 4ha company's resort at Lake Manawa and In th event of the court ordering them opened up Lake Manawa will become prac tically uselesr as a pleasure resort, at least so far a the motor- company Is concerned. Rain on Carnival. Despite the threatening appearance of the weather there was a very fair crowd at the Eagles' carnival last night, although the wise one went home early and thus avoided the drenching rain which camo down shortly after 10 o'clock. Tonight will be South Omaha and Omaha night and large delegations of Eagles are expected from both these cities. A number of special feature .have been planned for tonight and If the weather clerk will pro vide n decent kind of weather the attend ance tonight promises to be a record breaker. Real Estate Transfer. These transfer were reported to The Bee July It by the Title' Guaranty and trust company of Council Bluffs: W.' A. Hmlth and wife to Matt Davis, part of lot 1, J-T7-48, w. d to6 Ray Nye and wife to J. B. Belknap. lots 4. 5 and , block , Mornlngslde add., w. d...... , 1,800 Two transfers; total $ i,200 Mr. tJttllnnsrher Will Appeal. . IOWA CITY, la.. July 13.-(Speclal.) Mrs. Sarah Ellen Gallaugher, About to be tried for perjury In the case in which she was accused of murdering her husband, ha served notice on the lower court. Judge Bylngton, that she will appeal from his decision In sending the case to Iowa county on a change, of . venue. Her attorney, George B. Holbert. aver that Iowa county Is a prejudiced as the court admit John son 1. The attorney also says the court has no right to order a trial at all, as the supreme court has dismissed the case en tirely In reversing It. This point will also go to the supreme court. Another bitter fight Jn thla notorlou ult is evidently ahead of the state and defense. Judge Bylngton has taken under advisement the plea for a postponement of th trial pend ing the supreme court's rullne on Its own decisions. ' ' t ' . Duplex th Doe;. . , :. . OTTUMWA, la., July l.-(Bpecial.)-C. O. Coatee and L. ' E. Goets are .under arrest for practicing fraud on, the -city vof Ot- tumwa. They got themselves appointed dog ..catchers and' Oo, worked days and 1 Coatee nights. ' Goets .rounded up- dog , about the city and took them, to .the police, where he was paid per capita for his work and a description- of the dogs taken. The dogs wero then' pot In the pound and Coates at night took them from the pound and again delivered them to the police, where they were paid for the second, time and a ' description taken. The police be came suspicious of the prosperity the two men enjoyed. ' .'. Shew May Snealc n Denlnn. 0ENISON, I July 13;-(8peclal.) Th laying of the cornerstone of the new court house has been postponed from July 23 to July 80. . The chairman of the Board of Supervisors tins written to L. M. Shaw, secretary of the treasury, asking him to be in Denlson on that date and make the I address. As ths is Shaw's old home it is expected that ho wilt- accept the Invita tion, in which ease the day will be made a holiday or the citizens of Crawford county.- Prepare tor Omaha Picnicker. MIS80UBI VALLEY, la., July -(Special.) Yesterday C. M. Manahan of Omaha tent No. 75, Knights of the Maccabees, and George F. West, passenger agent 'of the Northwestern at Omaha, together, with P. B. Robinson. lnnl mm r,r v a in speeted the park and decided that Missouri Valley should be the location of a great Maccabeeplcnlo to be held August JJ, River Sloax Hrs Blew School House. LOGAN, la., July l$.-(SpeclaI.)-Th new chool building at River Sioux, which I being built to replace the one deetroyed by lire last spring. Is rapidly nearlng comple- uon. it is now Doing plastered and will be entirely finished about the middle of Au- gust, it is a one-story frame structure thirty by sixty .feet in else and will cost $2,600., Harrison County Tenehera Buy." WOODBINE, la.. July lS.-(Steclal.)-The Harrison county summer teachers' school, which has been In session here since June i , . win close Juiy au. it is held at th - Normal building and yesterday had an at- tendance of 110. The first week In will be devoted to a regularjnstltute. which I win re conauctea along the lecture plan, i Extend Water Sratem. MISSOURI VALLEY. Ia.. July 1$.-(Bdo- clal.) C.- W. Ford, city water commis sioner, with a force of twenty-three men, ha Just begun to lay 1.300 feet of water main leading Into Willow Park addition. When this work 1 completed a main will be laid into Odell addition. Admit Bclngr IforsrthlcTc. NEWTON. la.. July 13.-(8peelal.)-Koder. a highly respected farmer, with one Cole man, hav been arrested for horse stealing. Both have confessed. K odor's aged mother Is prostrated. NORDICA'S DIVORCE HOLDS Appellate Division of Supreme Coort Decide Caa In Favor of the Famon nightingale. NEW YORK,- July lt-Th divorce ob tained by Lillian Nordica. th Inger, from Zoltan Doeme wa upheld today by the appellate division of th supreme court, which decides that the interlocutory decree ae not obtained by fraud and collusion, as wa charged by Mr. Doeme. Hala Affects Northwestern Grain. MINNEAPOLIS, July 13 Today s rain covered th entire northwest. Condition ar such a greatly to disturb th grain trade. The downpour waa especially heavy in th Red river valley, where the ground la already soaked. President J. J. Inn of th Great Northern railway said today that In hi opinion th state will not rale more than eW.uuO.Oi bushel of wheat with lh beet poeatU condition front now tun. DISPOSE OF THE RAILROADS Bute Board Strike a Snag in the Express Company AatetsimeftU CASE OF LESS TAXATION OR A FIGHT Term of Parole Which Forfeit Coed Time Allowance of 'Prisoner Held by Court to Be . Invalid. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DEB MOINES, la., July 11 (Special.) The state executive council disposed of the matter of the hearing of the " represent atives of railroad companies In shorter time this year than for a long time. Today they took up other matter, and especially express property, Interurbsn and freight lines. They came plump against a new proposition In regard to the assessment of express property. The two big companies, the American and United States, filed with the council letter which Indicate that un less the assessment I reduced there will be a test of the matter In the courts and the Iowa assessment or Iowa law may be knocked out. In both case the companies cite a decision by the United States su preme court rendered last year in which it wa held definitely that a stat canriot tax interstate business and that Including property values In other- stares In making a prorate valuation on mileage In any one state Is an- Indirect form- of taxing values In snother state.'. Now the express companies claim that when the Iowa as sessors make a prorata valuation Including property in other states, and especially real estate not used In the business, In estimat ing the per. mile values, it Is-contrary to this decision of the United 8tates court. While the companies da hot directly say so there Is an intimation in the letters filed today that there will be a lawsuit on hand If the assessment Is not reduced. Last year the assessment per mile on these companies was Increased from MO to $46 for taxation purposes, m from $160 to $1 8 per mile. The American files now a computation showing a total valuation of the entire property to be 27. 540,000, and after deductions there remains In the ex press business property- valued at $7,106.96$. A proportional valuation -would give $35.05 as actual value per mile In Iowa. But ex cluding ocean mileage It Is figured out at $53.47 per mile. The company- claims this would be on property In Iowa valued at actually less than 2 if he-United States Express companv" mrtde a'' computation showing actual v"';'e"..ot property per mile Including ocean mileage to be $12.12, and excluding this, " $93.61. But', .the company would prefer computing ten mtlee of Ocean mileage equal to one of land mileage and this would give $55 a mile as actual value. These computations show something of what the- companies will claim If they go Into court to have deteipnlned the question of the Justice of the Iowa assessments. Faroled Convict sv Winner. The Supreme court of . Iowa today de cided a case of the greatest .Importance to all prisoner In the state penitentiaries of Iowa. . The cpurt decided tn the case of Frank Davis versus WardpvHunter, from Jdnes county, tat th' Vgood time" earned by a prisoner cannot .be revoked by the governor," even ttiough thi convict has en tered into a contractu Alie effect that It ahall be revoked in casi'of violation of a parole granted. DaVls'tnifl "teen sentenced to a term of seventeen, years for murder In the second degree.- He served nine years and, - counting his "goodj'ime," had yet to serve only sixty-three day of his time. He was paroled by Governor Shaw, The usual stipulation wap macje fhat in case' of violation of his parole he would yield his good time earned and serve out the full term. He violated the .parole and was arrested In Connecticut . and returned to prison. On the expiration of the sixty three days he was released on a writ of habeas corpus from the, district .court of Jones county; Today th supreme court uphold this decision, stating that the "good time" provided for is statutory and cannot be effected by any contract made, by the governor.' ' It has been customary for the governors to revoke the good time as well am the remainder" Wf' tfie unexpired term when a parole Is Violated, but Gov ernor Shaw issued an order under which ho attempt was made to frevgke good time. Governor Cummins rescinded the order, hence the suit. It ,wllj affect every paroled prisoner and probably result In the revision of the entire law.. , v 4, . . . Court Disperse. Again, i The supreme court filed a large number of decisions' today, geherstl-" of minor Im portance. The court. is nominally in ses- I alon but there were ' no submissions of coses. The Judges had a good many cases ready for announcement and. met Inform ally to file the decision after consultation. They will not "get . together for consulta tion again until in the fall, but they have k large number of cases m -hand on which they will work during the summer months. The members of tke court will nearly all attend the State Bar ' association meeting at Ottumwa this week., ...' Court' Decision. The following were the. decisions filed by the court today: . - . Harry Hoag, appellant, against L. A. An- arws; carrou county, vuuge junurch; af- firmed, by Sherwin. 1 llll Gu Guy Huber, appellant, against Cedar Rao- lrijl A Marlon Rnflsnv- T.tnn i-Aiinlv tnvii J irjmpi , jirjiTipBon; anirmea, opinion tiy Laa t n ..... t w, , ' vcmiiBi earner l,l uv ir II nun, I arpellant; Buchanan county, Judge Piatt; Bm..rr"i. DV oo. Charles Mayo against George Haley, ap pellant; Story county, , Judge .Richard; af firmed, by MoClaln. . ' Mary J. Talbot, appellant, against Maud Snodgrass; Pottawattamie county, Judge Wheeler; affirmed, by McClaln. Elisabeth Wltham, appellant, against C. N. Blood; Jones county, Judge Thompson; affirmed, by Weaver. . - City of Waukon. appellant,, against Carl D. Ftsk; Allamakee county, Judge Fel lows; affirmed, by Weaver. George A. Jewett, appellant, against J. P. Shoemaker; Pocahontas county, Judge Bailie; affirmed, by Ladd. Joseph H. Hen against Henry Moore, ap pellant; Harrison county, Judge Wheeler; affirmed, by I.add. Bertha O. Gavlk against Burlington, Ce dar Rapids St Northern Railway... appel- UK mm LJJ a mother should be a source of joy to all, but the suffering and danger incident to the ordeal makes its anticipation one of misery. Mother' Friend is the only remedy which relieret women of the great pain and danger of maternity ; this hour which ia dreaded at woman' severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is avoided by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer despondent or gloomy; nervousness, nausea and other distressing conditions are overcome, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the serious accidents so common to the critical hour are obviated! by the use of Mother's Friend. "It is worth its wei( . says many wnn nave used it. bottle at drug stores. Book valuable information of interest to be sent to any address free upon lant: Linn county. Judge Thompson; re-f versed, by Peemer Joseph Statsney against A. J. Pease, ap pellant; Linn county. Judge Thompson; re versed, by Deemer. Wahkonsa Investment -Company, arpel lant. against City of Fort Doopte; Webster county. Judge Whitaker; reversed, by Deemer. Alice P. Goil1lng, appellant, against Phillips St Lansing; Linn county. Judge Remlev; reveroed. by Sherwln. L. Schoonover agslnst J. F. Petctna, ap pellant: Jones county. Judge Thompson; reversed, by McCalaln . P. M. Toung against J. T. Chndlma. ap pellant: Linn county, Judge Thompson; modified and affirmed by the court. F.stste of Samuel Walker; Audubon county, Judre Wheeler; modified and af firmed, by Weaver. ; Robert F. Fitch against Mason City St Clear Lake Traction Company, appellant: Cerrn Gordo county, Judge Kelly: affirmed, by Deemer. IV am CO Cams Crocker. . Governor Cummins and Adjutant General Byers today, after consultation with the regimental officers of the two regiments that go Into camp here this week, decided upon calling the camp "Camp Crocker," In honor of General Mareellus M. Crocker. He was a fine soldier who went out with the Second Iowa Infantry during the wr and after a short and brilliant career broke down In health, returned home and died, his grave being In Des Moines. A number of th regimental officers of the Fifty-fourth and Fifty-sixth regiments arrived today. . Midnight ghootlna: Affray. Aa the result of a drunken carousal and a series of street quarrels culminating at midnight last night. Solomon Bousard, known as "King of the Greek." Is at Mercy hospital with a bullet wound In hi liver and a bruise on his head, and Mart Malloney Is In Jail to await the outcome of the Injuries he Is alleged to have In flicted on the Greek. The affair grew, out of a misunderstanding of a trivial nature and the police were called three times to suppress the quarrel. Finally' Malloney hot Bousard. He was arrested this morn ing. ' ' PAYNE WIRES TO DIETRICH Postmaster General Tell Senator Why Omaha Lost floral Mall Service rieadqoarters. . Senator Charles H. Dietrich has received a frank statement from Postmaster Gen eral Payne at Washington of the reason for removing the rural free delivery serv ice headquarters from Omaha. That state ment was' transmitted to Senator Dietrich at his home in Hastings In this telegram: WASHINGTON, July 12. Hon C. H. Dietrich, Hastings, Neb.: Congrecs re duced the number of rural free delivery di visions. We are, therefore, obliged to con solidate certain districts. ' It was found most feasible to consolidate one with head quarter at Omaha. The department has no discretion but to reduce the number of districts as provided for by act of con-g-ess. H. C. PAYNE, Postmaster General. Senator Dietrich had become deeply In terested In the. matter and immediately took It up directly with the postmaster general when. It became known what the department's Intentions were. He urged the retention In Omaha .of the headquar ters so long a there appeared any ground for hope of success. (From" a Staff Correspondent.)'' ' WASHINGTON, July 13.-(6peclal Tele gram.) Omaha will be abandoned af head quarters of' the rural free delivery service for western division August 1 and Ne braska will be attached to the middle divi sion, with headquarters at St. Louis. The states of Iowa, South Dakota, 'North Dakota will be placed under' the control of Postofflce Inspector M. C. Fosnes, with, headquarters at St. Paul. I This contemplated change was announced several days ago and called forth, So far as Omaha Is concerned, a vigorous protest from the NebrasXa. senators and congress men.'' General Brlstow, fourth -assistant postmaster general,. In speaking .of the contemplated change .today, saldfe--' ( . .. "The department has received a letter of protest from Senator -Millard' and a re ply has been sent to him. The reasons for chsnge of the headquarters from Omaha are that the past session of congress re duced the number of rurel free delivery' divisions . from seven to six, and It was therefore necessary to make an entire re arrangement and consolidation or' certain territory in the older divisions In order to get the number-down to the required num ber of six. 'The postmaster general and myself canvassed the situation most thor oughly and found that the most feasible thing we could do was to merge a portion of the western division with the middle division and remove those now at head quarters at Omaha to St. Louis. We have regretted the. necessity for the' change, but congress in Its wisdom has seen fit to reduce the number of division 'and there was no other course open to us." ROCK ISLAND, RENEWS LEASE r 1 Company Will Use Burlington Track from Cameron o Kansa City , for Five Years. ' , ; i i . KANSAS CITY, July J3.-The Chicago, Rock Island St Pacific railroad has renewed for five years its. lease of the Burlington tracks from Cameron, Mo., to Kansas City. The lease includes the use of the. Hannibal bridge and the entrance tracks Into the Union depot. The leas expired this year and thee has been talk of the Rock Island building an In dependent line from Eldon, la., to a con nection with the tracks of the Chicago, Milwaukee 4 St. Paul at Braymer. Plans for the line have been in the hands of en gineers for some time, but the renewal of the lease with the Burlington Indicates that the plan has been abandoned, at least tem porarily. The Rock Island also has a con tract with the Milwaukee and the Kansas City Belt railway for the use of its termi nals into Kansas City. SUIT, AGAINST BOER SOLDIER Colonel Vlljoen Defendant In Action for Damage Brought by Gat Keeper MoGlnley. ST. LOUIS, July 1$.-Buit for damages was filed today in tbe St Louis circuit court by Joseph A. McGlnley against Colonel Vlljoen, the Boer soldier and suthor who, It Is alleged, assaulted McGlnley when he was employed aa a gate keeper at a World's fair attraction with which Colonel Vlljoen is connected. Ererj moths-r feels a great dread of the pain and danger attendant upon the moat critical period of her life. ' Becoming 11.00 pt containing all women, will application BUSY AT SAGAMORE HILL President Roosevelt aad Secretary Loeb Tind Plenty of Work. PRESIDENT IS PREPARING HIS SPEECH t,6ri Csplaln Reason Why F.ierntlr Fallen to Meet the Committee -I Miners-'. at Oyster s Buy. r , OYSTER BAT, ,N. T., July . -President Roosevelt ' and Secretary Loeb were en gaged today for several hours In the trans action of official business at .Sagamore Hill. A part of the time was devoted by the president to work In preparation of his speech to be delivered on July 27, when he receives his notification of the nomination. Prior to the arrival of Secretary Loeb the president spent considerable time In exercise about the grounds. A favorite exercise of the president Is chopping wood and he Indu'ges In this every day. it serves to keen down his weight and he enjoys it more thkrt any other of his, diversions except horseback tiding. Concerning the vfslt to Oyster Bay , ye, terday of the Committee representing the Central. Labor unions of Lackawanna and Luserne counties, Pennsylvania, Secretary Loeb today received the following tele grams from John B. Barrett, editor of the Truth of Scranton. Pa.: "Did President Roosevelt personally re fuse to see a committee of miner yester day, as reported in the morning paper?" Ill response to :.thls Inquiry Secretary Loeb sent to Mr. Barrett the following tele gram:, . "Many thanks for your telegram. The committee cam here and Insisted on seeing the president to present a petition at a time when I could not arrange It for them. The president did-tint know they were here. If they had "Sent word they desired to see the president, I should have been glad to . arrange tor them at some . convenient Dime; As It was, I offered to bring th petition to tne personal attention of the president. The statement that the president had any knowledge of the committee's pres ence in Oyster Bay Is not true." It was ststed In the Assoela"cB Press dispatches yesterday concerning the visit of the oommlttee that the president did not persoaally refuse to' receive them. COURT , VACATES JUDGMENT Breaeh of Promise Case Against Abeel Decided by the Supreme ' ": ''' Conrt. ' t NSfyVTORK,' July- 11-The Judgment for 175,000 awarded by a Jury to Eleanor An derson JJ her suit against James W. Abeel for alleged breach of promise was vacated today by the appellate division of the supreme , court, wfilch finds that the ser vice' of summons and complaint In the case was defective. Fooling the Pcoplo Abraham Llnenla Mid you cn fool some peopls all th time. Von can fool all the poopU some tunes Bat you cannot fool nU th peo pie aU the time. THE CoffcsesT re the.eogaet that stay by alt the ptopl all th tlraf. A ik your grocer for the'BELL 1-ponnd parkas Coffee at SO ct. (subject to market iluctiiatlofiai. if mat it your limit. If you pay more, salt for O. A. Plantation, th host tn th world, at 45 ots.t or Crown Braud at 40 cts.l or Impe rial at SA eU.i Bsaati at SO ets.i sad do not forest their RED DRAGON TEA, Bl fcaKpowad ad pouul packaitaa, th aam package FROM JAPAN TO YOUR TABLE. MEN AND WOMEN. U Big 43 for unnatorai dlicharfaa.luflanimatloD. Irritation .r ulctr.tloal ot mucosa membrana. l I t I dan.' ml , lubun PaUloaa, aad sot aalrlav f nt or polMaoua S)ol4 by Ornsctai. or nt In plala wrappao. )r praa, prapald, far SI M. or t b.--it.a S3.7. CUoulax aoat " .t lTHltVAHSCMI0U(5. 1 tiomTi,o.e"l v r Broadway, Filth Avenue Ths only hotel In flinhattaa frontlnr EUROPBAN PLAN. ImlnEinLinLfl HOTEL VICTORIA For An Architect Thsr are two rooms In The Bo bulldlnc, either of whloh. WWU14 malt a splendid offlo for an arohltect, or any one requirtntr sood Ufbt. rites two. oflloe ar on the north side of the building and hare the) i plendld north light, which the dreua-htaman' so much appreciate. One room 1 on th fifth floor, the sts of whicb Is UHs ioet. The ragktaJ price per month 1 130 00. . . , Th other oOct Is a cornsr room on ths first floor, and Is steSl It has windows both on th north and on th eaat and 1 dlrlded Ink a small. prlvaA ofBoe and a large work room. This Is f urcahod through out In hard wood ha running waur very high celling and Is one ef the hsJkdootneat room In th building. fUatal srto per month Is 140.00. R. C. PETERS & C0.t - Rtntsl Agents O. M. E TeL 611 MESSENGER AND BAQQAQK. ISIS Farnam Street. -WILL GET Tl-JR BAQQAUK THERO ON TIKli. -M7S1 RAILWAY TIME CARD IOX STATION 10T It AND MARCT. Chicago. Roes, island Sb'faclfle. - AST, rhJnaro DrUkt UiatMS ., CkU'i l.jlnht Loml ..... Ihtcato Kxprna D moIkm tirrtm Cktc4 (m Bmpras WIST. Rorkr MoaBUln Llmltr .... trfvrs. Antes." ' IUua ' ..a I NW i n ..bil.oi t I it ..4 K SU M ..a I.Mr t la .. T St aa i hib Lincoln, i'olorua Sprln vr. PttDlO ADC WHt .... Chicago, Mllrraake ...a l is n s t sn A St. Pant ' ' Lwrs, ,rrtr . T'U ( ,o . pnt a a t'29 pin : am .a 1 U am l t m Cklrase Dajlljht Krprraa. Cltfornta.uraoa kprM Ovrrlanil Limited lira Molnt St Okobojl Kl t atlou 1'aclno. Tha OTtrlan4 Limited I.m an S.j m Tn Colorado and California Ei. a 4.10 P'U , f to am i,H,-r,ni,iiu Bpwiai ...a i .av im Itaa hiuwrn a.raa The Colutnbua Local t)l:0Spm Th otoraao Special af:4fani Tha Chit-ago fctp'tal a Th llaatni Local ..' b I M pm Th Fart Mall ..a i Warn C'hlcnno NorthweaMrn. I t m l,M am ttt am 1 i pm :! m Lean. Arrt. I.Nia Paat Chicago .... Local Chicago ... Mall LarllJlt St. taui l'aylisht hlcaio .ft.. l.e pot m'l ;55 am .....a 1:1 pm I S ant 1 M am ll:00 rm a l:U am 1140 pm a ( tt pm It am a I w V" I N am a II pm 1 ' am Limited Iktcagu Lvoal Carrol'. Kart St. faul Local Stout City A St. Mul Kaat Mall Chicago Bipraaa Norfolk Binoat 4.... Lincoln Long fmo.'. Oradwood A Lincoln Caaper Si Wyoming Haatlnga-Alblou rairfai-UonaatMi - ...k 4.0 pm a 1 SO am ....a I to p.u ....a ' I 44 pm ....a I M am Id N am I D4 am- 1 it an ....a I 11 pm I 10 pm ... I M pm j It pm ,...b I D po - pm ....a I to pm t iu pm ...allMpm ; Bonnta! Spactal liiiukB Ursat Western. St. Fanl A titnaaapelis Uf ' ' ' a tit tils an IU4 si. ri Mlnoiiipoils ..a IM am a is pa ..a 4 ta pay : am ..a 4.M sat 4.4 pa Ckicaio limit Ckioagn slpr lllluols Central. Chicago Etpnas Chicago Uiultod Minn, and 81. faul Kapraa., Mlna. and St. Paul Llmltad. HLIsaonrl Paclgo. SL Louts Baproas ..a I M aa alt tt rn .. t:to pa. a M am ..kT tOam bu st - ..a T:M n a t.n pa .1!4 sat s t:M pa Kanaaa City St. Mai ' praos alttt pa it aa world's ratr SpoaUl tpai aUM a vubuh. : ' 1 ' U Luala "Canoo PaU' SU, .a I ;S pa a I :M km N.w world pair a t.4t am pa Local from Couaoll BluSs. . tt I' It LI X QTON STATI93I IOTU a StAJOJ Chicago, Burllnarton St tsalney; ' Chicago Chicago Chluago Chloago Spaotal ..;.. 1it aa a t M pa Vatlbtil4 Baproas .... 4:t pa a t at aa Local a til aa auiea pa Luuud ......0 .t pa alittpm 11 ' S: pa raat Kansas City, St. Joseph aft Co. !-. Kanaaa City Iar Bspraaa pm tt. Louts flyw . t t m aU.tg am Kama City Baproas ....al.4 pa tliUu liurtiuatoa V Mtaaonrt Rlymr. ' Wysnrs, Sntrlw lilsoota ..il:Mn klliOS pa Nakraaka Bxpr a kit aa 4 lit wt Danrar Lluiua jk 4.14 pm tl lttn Black Hllia lugal Sound KaUU pa .tt pa t olarado vutlbul iyr .a SiM pa Lincoln Fat Mali b SA7 pa oU.vt pa ton Crook A ruttomoutk k 11 pa kK II aa Bilvu A' yaiiso Juaotloo ..a titopa a till aa Hllu a raotu duuctlo ..a lit aa WEBSTER DEPOT igTU WEBSTSH Mlsaoarl Paclflo, . ' Ian, . Arrtre, Nahraaka Local, via Wosplag . . Witar k 4:lfrpa alliM pa' Chicago, St. Panl, Hlnn dt Uwtnka. Twin Cttf rummf t:t aa . tilt Pa Sioux cur FawwBsar l oo pm U:M aa Oakland Local ,b t;4t pa k til aa a tally. Saturday ' k dally pt Sunday. dally iopt ktondu. d dally aap4 yCHAX ITBAMBUIPB.' HOUftND-Anlt.lCA LINE. Nw Twln-aor Btmrs of U.Wt Tana NEW YORK BOTjtBHtfAaU. 11 JiUtJiMMlNaV Sailing Tuaaday, at It A. U. Potadam July II Noordaa Aua). Rotterdam l...,j...Au. SUtMldaoi' i.a..AV Frhcam : .Aug. t Potadam ..........Aug. Hiji.land-ambhica uni. iwarMra w Dearborn St., Ckl- . rt P .n . at . r ctgo. 111. ! Harry Moor, 1101 ' Rutherftrd, lttl ramam St. 1 J. J. ra.koldA IM rirMD M ',1 V".'.,' . Vcsn&tn . Is lmerotted and huM know ' about lm wouaorrut MARYCL MhtrtiiMj Spray ITS new Vaa-taai Syrlaaa.' hVt. Moat cofiTonient. lak yaa dnanl't fr H. If na cannot aupply tli StAHWKI., acci.t no other, but aeori BUftniD fa' Illustrated oook-aeaM It aire ' full particular ana aurotlona in. alimble to IndlH MtHVKLtl S Park new. new tor. ' For sal by BCHAKFER'S DKUO BTOftEa, ltth SB Chicago Sts. ; 80. Omaha, 2410 ana N fits. Council Bluff. 6th and Mala Sts, - KUHN tt CO.. 16th- n4 ol Street, and 27th St., NBJV YORK In the Center t tti Shop'pln'ir District " ' A Modern Flr.t Olas Hotel. Ac . oonsnaoomt t n for OOO rat. ISO nle with oath. BcotneeA rate for .th 'snmnter month. room with hath 3 a 4ay; '' not and' o o I tt wnter anal tele skoal Sn overr o nt 4 Cntslno nnoxoolleel M - ABSOLUTELY FIRE PRO OF on Broilwty n1 Plftti Xvu. QB0RQB W. 5WEENBY, Proprietor.' Ground Floor, The Bet Building. mm -ttf 7T4. IHW 10 v.. 1 'Tv;.:, 'SBt . . . M ' -f.t. A 'tuittH.iB "mm