TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1004. - P0ST0FFICE NOTICE mnlla In arranate on th presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit to port of anlllng. Th final connecting mulls ftopuii t'giatered Transpacific malls wMfh do p. m. fre-Wous d;iy) cloee at the general postomc, Naw York, as follows:" HAWAII, via fn Francisco, elosa at 4:J0 p. m. July llth for despatch per a. a. Alamed.i. FIJI ISLANDS. AfSTHAl.lA -ept Vn(), and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van couver init Victoria, it C, close at : p. m. July 16th for despatch per a. a. Aorangl. CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria, n. C, cloae at $ 30 i. m , July lth for despatch per a. a. f;mpres f India. . (Men handts for V. 8 feats! Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Canada). Hawaii, japan, corea, china and aperially. addressed mall for PHILII1 riNE 1BLANUB, via Ran Fratielsco, cloae at. 30 p. m , July 21st for deapatch per a. a. Mongolia. NEW ZEALAND, AT'STRALIA (except Weat), NEW CALEDONIA. BAMOA, HAWAII and FIJI IBLANDH. vU San Francisco close at :30 p. m.. July 23d for deapatch per a. a. Sonoma. (If the Ctinard . ateamer tarrying the British mnll for New Z'atand dona ant arrive In time to connect with thla deapatch, extra malls closing at 6:30 a. m.. :30 a. m. and ;30 f . m.; Sundays at 4:. TO a, m., t a. m. and SO p. m. will be made up and forwarded -Until the arrival of the Ctinard atenmer.) miLIPPINE ISLANDS, via' San Fran Cisco,- cloae at S 30 p. m., July 27th, for deapatch per V. 8. Transport. "HAWAII. JAPAN, CHINA and PHILIP PINH ISLANDS, Via Ban Franclaco. rloa at 6:30 p. m., Auguat 1st, for deapatch per TAHITI "d MARQUESAS I8LANDS. Via , Ban Franolarov cloae at (:3n p. m., August th for deapatch per a. a. Mariposa. J1ANCHLIUA and EASTERN B1MKRIA at present forwarded via. Kussla, Inaiaad of via Japans the usual route. NOTE Unless otherwise" addressed, Weat Australia la forwarded via Europe; New Zealand vla San Francisco, and certain places In the Chinese Provlncea of Yun nan, Kueichow, Hsechwan and Kwangsl, via British India the quickest routes. Philippine specially addressed "via Can ada" or "vlu Kurope" must be fully pre paid at the foreign rates. Hawaii Is for warded via Ban Francisco exclusively. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster. pnt Office, New York. N. Y. July i, 1901 OOVERKIMENT NOTICES. rimerr-tr nta titc fVivari) T -r'TT vn Quartermaster. 612 Dooly Building, Salt Lake City Vtah, July , 1904. Sealed pro posal. In triplicate, will be received here until 11 a. m.( standard time, August a, 1904, and then opened, for the construction of Macadam Roada and Cement Walks at Fort Douglas, Utah. Bidders will state in their blda the time in which they will com- ?'t the work: Full Information and blank orraa of prranosala furnished on applica tion to thla office. Plans and specification rhay be seen here. United States' reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposale, of any part thereof. Envelnpea containing proposals to be endorsed "Pro- poaals- fur Roads and Walks," and ad dressed, to Captain Sam'l V. Horn, Quar termaster. Jy9-U-ia-lIA7-8 ii i i' ii ' OFF1CB ' CONSTRUCTING - QUART ER maater,'' Shorlday, Wyo.. July 11, 1904. Sealed proposals In triplicate will be re- 'celved here uhtif TO a. m. August 9, 14. for conntrucllng at Fort Mackenxle, Wyo., a brick gymnasium and post exchange building-, Including plumbing, heating, gna-plp- . Ing, elootrtc- wiring and gyrnnastlo ap paratus. Plana, specifications and other In formation may be found at offioea of tha chief quartermaatara .at Denver, Omaha. -At. Pinl anil nhlniio and at thla nrtlne IT. -8. reserve the.' right to Accept or reject any or nil proposal or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposal should be endorsed Fropowue for Gymnasium, ad dressed CAPT- TH09. 8WOBE, Q. M. Jy 11. 12. It, 14-Aug. S. C . 0, M. E. Tel. 611 MESSENGER AND BAGGAGE. ' " ' Fafnatn Street, Vrllii. GET TCtJR BAOGAGB THERB ' ' . . ON TIME. - : - .- . . " , M7 pAILWAY TIMB CARD, KlOlf ( ITATIOJI lOTU Jk.HU MAROY. .Ctia,' Aoeaw IsimA V Paeifls, ' ' ,'. -.. ' ; .a- .; . CAST. , , - Lmv. Antva. Cklesae DarllsM UatM -a I U a Chicago Uajiiabt X-omU .......a T o an a l:M pa Cliloaio KipnM bll l am a 1:11 aai torn Melaa Mxprsaa . t.a : ai aU: m Chlcaa tut aUvrsw ......... l:t pm a la m ... - WBgT, ' Ksaky afoanUla LimRat ......a 1:M aaa ilia Uaoela, Colorado nrlaaa, ' Oaa f r, JPaaMe aa4 wa( a 1:M a 1:0 aa Ctkloaco, Blllwaake - e ' St. Paul. . - - Laave. ArriTa, Chleasa Drll14 Sxprais a I t am U:li m luun jura ........ .a a OTsriaod Limiw4 a 10 pm :K in Paa Main Kipreaa a J: am 1:10 put CallfornU A Oraaua Kxpraaa a 1:10 pa Tim car nadir aauilar, July It, 1S04 Uuiuu Paeiae. 1 ', . - Tli. OwUnd UailM ..I. .....a : aa a :M pa fk rat Mall uil.M am .M a Ta CalKoruU Kxpraaa a :N pa Ta Atlaatl apaoial a t:M pa Ta ' ranianil-caiaaao gpaalal.uk l:W pa a :M pa Tu Atlaallo Kxpraaa pa Tu Ooluro KpaolaJ all: pa a 1:40 aa 1. JLisao ' Bpagia; '. a : a Lliiaoia. UaaWlu a"Usaibiug Kipr ... t 4 :M pa bll tt pa Calaa Local , h :) pa b :al aa Caieaato Sorthweateru. Leav. a t .K) pm .... Jill w aa a :l pa ... a 7 10 am ....a 1:ja am .'..a :l0 pm ,.,.. 4:u0 pm Arrt i.vt Iva. rirt Cbloago .... Local cako ,.. Mall Iialipht Bl. Paul IlayliaOl L'bicaf Uiuliad Cbloat . Lrfkval Carroll .. ill am I M am 10:00 pm 11 :44 pa 1:16 am :I0 am J:04 am l am 1 40 pm pm 10 :M am 10: at am 1:10 pm 1:10 pm 1:10 pra 4:10 pm 4.W aa rati St, faul.... Uhl Sloas jpny a J put ..a 4:00 pm a BU Vaal. lis laaii Chivago ICtpraa Korluik. a Bbowtaal. Lincoln at Loug rin lilwau A Lincoln. Capr Wromlng... .HaMlinsa-Alblaa ..... Falrfaa-Quoaai! ' ... Boaslat Bpseial .... ..a o am ,.b I U4 am ..a i tO pin ..k 1.40 pm ..b 1. 44 pin ..a f :40 pa ..aU.M pm CUlcaat Great Waaler t. faal , MlDMspelui . u4 at. Paul.' ) Mtsaaapeua .aV pra ......... , Cnlaaga taillaa Cktoaaa !"" lllluot Ceatral. ( J CUicaga XaprM .............. thloaga Umlt4 Mmn. an at. Paul Kapraaa.. - Mian. n4 at. tayil LiiuUmI.. pitaavairl Paalala. b Laala BUpnaa kanaaa City a , W. Laaia (s WaruTa Ya'tf apaw'tV "'.'.'. .a : pa, a T:U aa .a I .a 4 .a 4 :H aa 44 pa a IN al0:4 a 4:4 alO W a I 04 b!4 14 a 1:04 a 4:44 a 14 i :M am :44 pm . am 44 pm to I .a f ..a!4:44 aa .Jll: ..a 4 4 pa Wabaaa. ' ' SC . Loan "Caniroa Bali x .a I .a t a t pa 44 am 14 aa a IN I.V4 a l.aa piaw w aria a raw laxal trua UtaaaU atlaS. BVftUNOTON iTATIOJI lOTU A MAaOn CklaavgiOk arUt tgalaey. ' Laaaa. Arrlv- Chlaaa BaaoUl ,.a 1.4 aa a 144 pa Okieago Vaaibuiad gUpraaa ....a 4:04 pa a U am Cbicaaa Local a 4:14 am ail:00 pa Cbieaaa Uwl(4 a pa a 144 pm raat'.ataU - . 1:44 pm Kaatsaa City! ft. Joaeaa C. fJltaJa. ataaaaa City Day Kapra ......a :li Aa a 4:04 pa t Uaala rift 1.44 am ail:Naa gunaaa Wlif NbA atapr ..aiii i44 pa a 4i44 aa Uurlluatoa a Miaavarl fUver. Wrman, Aaaulsa Uaaala ..a 1:4 aa bl4 4 pa Maorasaa kapraaa ...1M a 1.4 aa t 1:4 ta iMatar Liaitv J II n 1 1 u la black MlUa Puaat Buuaa am-all:! pa a 4:04 pa latara Vasubalaa Vlar a I 4 la Ltuouta Paat Mail a I '41 pa aK .uipm 4ert Uwk aV PUlUmauik......b al pm bio.al am Halkavua 4V Paoio Jauuuua .4lipa a 4.41 aa staUsaa a Pacia Jauciiou ..t Iwwta WKBITEH DKPOl-iaTH Jk WEBITBlt , Miaaoaurl raolgo, ( basT. ARlta aitbraaka LeoaL Via 'Waaplag Waiar ..,....-vf,a-' :W p" raicaT. it- JaaU atlaa. Uaaaba, Twia Cur PaaMBgar 4 aa k 4:14 pa aua CUr Paaarj a 1 11 pa uiati tiakia Local , 4.44 pa , k 4.14 am a Bails, k Bally aaaapt . - 4 Ball a4 alar. Bally aaouK MaaaVa. , ocuun risABiguira. , KOLL&NO-AUERICA LIME. ' hae Twln-a. raw fcitraniar ut 1J.4W l oaa. KaW Vukk korrtHUAal. ma bUUiuM. aVatllug Twatal, at 1 A. M. rlara Jutj N.ionlam ...'. Aug. 14 xiar.ua A.4. Irllalaulam Aug. BI " v-Aua, i -.4aam Aug 40 il-AND.AMKllu'A 1JNK. a Oa.rbora St . till . III.; liarr, Moor., UJl 4amam at.. O. jlMtnarlur. ta4 Paruaa BX J. a. Mafuttloa, 14ul . - " oe' NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL MMOlt MEJTIOS. Davis sella drag. Leffert's glaasea fit. Stockart aella carptta. For rent, new atoreroom. 22 Main Ut. New Una toilet soap. Morgan Dickey. Young girl to aaalst with houeework, 121 So. 7th St. The regular meeting of Excelsior -Masonic lodge will be held thla evening. -Picture lor wvddlng gifta given special attention. Alexandr'a. lit Broadway. Sugar has advanced. Still we give UVtj lba for l.W. U. P. Tea Co., 4i4 U way. Phone 7ol Lactjueret make old furnltur new. Plo turea framed. Borwlck. 221 Main Tel. AtAX Soda all flavora Morgan A DicHey. Justice of the Peace H. O. Ouren-ls home from a week a visit to the St. Douia ex position. The Lady Maccabees will meet this aft ernoon in regular aesslon for the Initiation of candidates. The Sunday school of Trinity Methodlat church will hold its annual picnic Friday at Fairraotint park. Mrs. F. W. Osborn and family arrived home last evening from an extended vlilt with relative In Sioux City. The annual Sunday school picnic of tha First Baptist church will be held Thurs day afternoon at Hanicoin park, Omaha. Jewel court, Tribe of Ben Hur, will hold a public Installation of officer this evi n tng In Maccabee hall, In the Brown build ing. Complaint hue been made to the nolle authorltlee that a number of awning on South Main street are below the required height- . Judge Scott convened the July term of superior court yesterday and announced that he will make an assignment of caaea for trial tola afternoon at i o'clock. Frank L. Gregory of St. Paul, Minn., a former well known resident of Omaha, waa in the city yeaterday visiting friends and Incidentally attending to buelrteea. A. Hansen, custodian of the city hall, passed cigar around at the meeting of the city council last night, announcing the arrival of a young democrat at hla home. Kev. Wilbur T. Crafts of Washington. D. ('., auperlntendent of the International Reform league, will occupy tha pulpit of the Flrat Presbyterian church on Sunday morning, July 24. Mr.- R. B. Wlatt and wife leave thla morning for a week' visit at the St. Louie , exposition, f rom mere tney win go to Chicago for a week's visit with friend and relatives before returning home. Building permit wer issued yesterday to E. Children Bona company for a one atory brick machine shop and warehouse to coat W.0O0 and to F. J. Duerr for a one tory frame cottage to coat 1800. . The annual Sunday achool plcnlo of th Fifth avenua Methodist church will be held Thursday . at . Falrmount park. The children will meet-at the church at 9 a. m., to take tha special cara to the park. William Rosa, a' veteran of the Spanish American war, died last evening at hla home, North First ttreet, aged 99 year. Mr. Itoaa served aa a marine on the torpedo bo'at destroyer Yankton. ' H leaves a wife and tlv children. , A the result of the Jone tax collection, County Treasurer Conslgney yesterda turned Over to City Treasurer True $2,607. 7u. being the municipality's proportion; and to School Treasurer McQe $2,068.14, being the achool district' share of the eolleo tolna. I Kev, W. S. Barnes, pastor of the Flrat Presbyterian church,- will, leave thla week for a aix weeks' vacation trip to New York, Philadelphia . and other eaatern polnta. During hla abaence there will be no regular preaching aervlcts at the church. Mrt. U. 8. Ferguson, wife of John T. Ferguson of Teeumseh, Neb., died Sunday evening at the home or her daughter, sufl South Sixth street. Beaidea her husband, two daughtera and one eon aurvlve hr. The remain were taken . yeaterday to Te eumseh. for burial, Julius Katolman has brought suit In the district court against Mrs. Isabella Bias aim to recover I1H1.94 for the use of a party wall. Mr. Blnxslm, ao Katelman alleges, reoently - constructed a building adjoining hla on South Main street, uanl lita, waJl without recompensing him for It s John - Bandel nfl Thoma - Peterfbft; charged with violating the City-ordinance by engaging in the business of acavangera without -flrat obtaining a, llcenae. were fined 15 and 910 and coata respectively in police court yesterday morning. The. fines were subsequently suspended during "good be havior." . , Denwood, the t-year-)Old ' son of Mr, ' and Mr. W. A. Smith, died Sunday at J6 North Eighteenth street. Omaha,, from cerebro-aplnal menlngltla. Tha funeral waa held yeaterday aftprn'oori from th residence of the child' grandfather, T. J. Smith. 1600 Madison avenue, thla city. Burial wu In Clark cemetery. Frank W. Oaborn of 828 First avenua has resigned his position aa traveling aalea man for the Pioneer Implement company of this city to assume the general agency In thla city of the Haye Pump at Planter company. Mr.' Oaborn haa been With the Pioneer company for ten yeare and ia one of the best known agricultural Implement aaleamen In thla aectfon of tha country. Jamea Stewart, a deputy aherlff of Spokane, Waeh.. wa int the city yeaterday enrout home from Ohio, where he had taken a prisoner. Mr. Stewart, waa. prior to 1883, a resident of Council blurt and waa -an engineer In the ftock Island yarda here at the time of the explosion of a car of dynamite. He had a narrow escape at the time, being In charge of th' engln which waa coupled to the burning car, but dropped It after pulling It to a place of comparative safety JuM In time to eacape being hurled to death in the terrific ex plosion. , 'Ail . Plumbing and heating. Bixby A Bon; ' 4aaMaaaaa-Waaaa O. A. R. Staff. Department Commander St. John of th Iowa Grand Army, of th Hepubllo an nounced his staff appointee aa followai Chief inapedtor,, 8. H. Johnaton, Keokuk; Judg advocate, Charles Mackenzie. c' De Molne; chief muaterlng officer, J. C. MUllman, Logan; aenlor aide and chief of staff, L. B. Cousin, Council Bluff. Marriage Licenses. Licenses to wed wr lsud yeaterday to the following: Name and Residence. - - Ag. Fred HaTward, Omaha",'...'.... 28 Bertha Abell. Crelghton, Neto... 18 Burton It. Cole, Bloux Falls, 8. D Bertha Claebusch, Council Bluffs 18 William Brown, Omaha tl Jeraldlne Row, Omaha 21 WESTERN IOWA COLLEGE Summer term now open. Student en tering every day.. Second Grade, First Grade, State Certificate work. Review classes In Shorthand, Bookkeeping,. Type writing, also beginning cUaaea, In all sub ject. Writ or call fof Information. E. P. MILLER, Pres. Hasoalo Temple. 'Phone Bttla. PROF. KIR0, The World Famous Palmist, Clairvoyant and Adviser. . Reduced Prices u'JILc,ri 202 Fourth 5t, Couaicll Bluffs, Iowa Corner Fourth and Willow Ay. ' Hour From S. to to 1:00 p. m LEWIS CUTLER ' MORTICIAN. B Peart Bt, Couuon. iUufla. 'PVw!. BLUFFS WIRES REMAIN IN THE AIR City Council Pigeonhole, the Electric Oon dait Ordinance. ADVERTISE FOR NEW FIRE APPARATUS Saperviaor Baker Inaal to Do Aay tkJag for Road to School for Deal laleaa Ho laea City' Por tloa of Road Faad. Th city council last night, acting on th recommendation of the committee of the whole, decided to pigeonhole the ordi nance requiring the placing underground of all telegraph, electric light And other electric wire, except trolley wlrea, within th bualneaa center of the city, a wa required of the telephone company. No reason wa ascribed for placing thl ordi nance at ret, but the committee on water work, telegraph and telephonea waa ln airucted to confer with the official of the Weetern Union company with a view to Inducing It to lessen th number of its polee On Broadway. The new billposter' ordinance waa pasaed to Ita second reading and then laid ovor under the rule. City Solicitor Snyder sub mitted an ordinance regulating the dis tribution ot advertising matter, samples, etc., and providing a llcena of $25 a year or 16 a month or I1.S0 a day. Under the ordinance distribution of sample of patent medicine, food ituffs, etc, I permitted provided auCh aample are placed In th handa of an adult. Mayor Macrae objected to thla provision and gave 1 as hi opinion that the distribution of patent medicine sample ought to be prohibited under any form. " Advertise for Fire Apparata. On recommendation of the commute ot th whole. It was decided to advertise for bid for a combination chemical engln and hose wagon and 1,000 feet of hoe for the new engine house In the southern part of th city. The waiver of property owner on the north aide of Broadway between Bryant street and the angle of Main street and their consent to the replacing of the brick walk with cement and the Increasing of th walk to fourteen feet waa received and, Contractor Wlckham lnatnicted to go ahead with the" work. The motor company waa granted permle alon by resolution to take up IU tracks on Sixteenth street to the Driving park nnd retain Ue franchise rights on the street so that if at some future time It found it necessary to relay the rail It might do so. C. E.' Kimball filed a protest against the removal of the brick walk In front of hla property the Ogden house, on Broadway, and demanding that it be relald, otherwise he would hold the olty and contractor responsible.,. In view of the faot that the new cement walk haa been laid about a week the communication ,.waa ordered placed on file.. Need dry' Road Paad, A communication from Suporvlaor Baker, relative to being unable to do anything toward repairing tha road between - th city and the Suhool for the Deaf unless permitted, to use a portion of the city' road fund, wa referred to the committee on street and alleys. This oomnjunlcation from Colonel Baker wa Iri. respon to on addreaaed him by the secretary - of ' the Commercial club, th matter of repairing thl road having been diacuaaed at the last meeting of the Board of Director of the club.' Mayor Macrae called attention to the n ported unsafe condition of th Bloom bulk. Ing on Pearl street and auggeated that the city have the building examined by some expert so that Ita actual condition could be ascertained. -Alderman Weaver gave It aa hla opinion that the building wa un safe, but a representative of the firm, of Day V Hesa, Mr. Bloom'a agenta, denied thl and said the condition ot the building waa Just aa It waa ten yeara ago. The matter waa Anally dlapoaed of by being re ferred to the committee bn fire and light and the chief of the Are department with lnatructlona to examine the building. Mayor Macrae also called the attention of the council fo the fact that the Council Bluffs. Tabor ft Southern Electric Railway Company waa not making any effort to con etruct it line to the School for the Deaf promlaed. He aaked the aldermen If they wished to take any action In the mat ter but they appeared Indifferent ao the matter waa allowed to drop. Bond of the following acting special po licemen at the Eaglea' carnival with the ftaglea' Midsummer Jubilee company aa urety In each Instance were approved: M. J. Hyan,' C. 3. Dobbins. W. B. Fisher, A. B. Culton, B. It. Summltt, F, J. Nestle bush, C. H. Hnber. E. F. Rogers and H. B. Baekett. Although tha council approved the bonds, Mayor Macrae aald the filing ot them came c a surprise to him because a far a he waa concerned he had made no uch appointment. ' Th council adjourned ; to next : Monday night. Divorced Wife and Father Fined. An echo of the Doerner divorce case wa heard In tho district courj; yesterday after noon when Mrs. Ina Doerner and her father, Julius Korgan, appeared to ahow cauae why they ahould not be fined for contempt In disobeying the mandate of the coi-rt permitting Auguat Doerner to visit hi child at stated times. The defendants were each fined $6 and Costa. At the cloae of the hearing Mra. Doerner filed an application for, a modification of the divorce decree, asking that Inatead of her former husband being allowed to visit the child at her home that aha be per mitted to bring the little one at atated Intervale to aome . office or other place, where the father might visit It. She al leged, and In thla she waa 'supported by her father, that she was afraid of her former, husband and feared thad If per mitted In her home he would do her Injury. Judge Wheeler aet next Saturday for thla hearing and ordered that the child be brought to' tha aherlff offic thl after noon, wher the father might vllt It for an hour, but that pending the hearing of hi wife application h ahould keep away from her home. Auguat "Doerner haa a ault pending in tha dlatiict court to recover damage from hla former father-in-law, Julius Korgnn, for alleged alienation of his wife's AfTao tlona and for having him arreated on a charge of being Insane. K. T Plumbing Co, Tel. 00. Night FWT. Overcoat by Heat. Oga Hansen, employed by Contractor Culien at the Dew Carnegie library build ing, cruahing atone for the concrete work, was Overcome by the heat yeatvrday after noon, and fur awhile waa In a aerloue con dition. He wa taken acroae th street to the JkttrrUuft biota, wbr fee wad attauded by Mayor Macrae and City Physician Tin ley, later being removed to hie home at 920 sixteenth avenue. It 1 expected that he will be abl to resume work In a fw days. Library Board Meeting, M tha meeting of the library board laat night M. F. Rohrer, who waa recently reappointed by Mayor Macrae, Was re elected president, and W. 8. Balrd, sec retary. The neW member, H. W. Binder and Dr. F. W. Dean, took their aeata, auc ceedlng Vlotor E. Binder and Judge O. H. Scott Mr. Mary E. Da! ley wa re-elected li brarian, a were Mra. Sherman and Mr. Black, assistant librarians. Their salaries were fixed th same aa laat year. The question of making Mra. Harknesa an assistant at the aame salary as that re ceived by Mr. Sherman and Mrs. Black waa dlacuased, but action deferred. Mr. Harkness haa been assisting In the library at a nominal salary. Th question of aubatlturlng pressed brick for the common article on the aouth weet wall of the Carnegie building waa disposed of by the- board -deciding to uao the commoon brick aa provided for In the specification and : paint to resemble the pressed article. Action on the mat tnr of providing additional light for the basement rooms of the new building wai deferred. The report of Treasurer True showed that there waa H.176 65 In the library fund on July 1 and a balance of $404.01 In the build ing fund resulting from the special levy. The llbrarlan'a report for June ahowed that 3,896 books had been lssiled and there wer 7, Ml visitor to the library during that month. Since' the system waa In augurated, $801.44 ha been received for "rented" hooka, and S580.5S paid out, leav ing a balance of I20.S9 on the credit aide of the ledger.- ' The tax levy for the maintenance of the library for 1904 wa fixed at I mills, thla being In accordance with , the agreement entered Into with Mr. Carnegie and con curred In by the city council. Real Estate Transfer. These transfers were reported to The Be July 11 by the Title, Guaranty and Truet, company of Council Bluffs: ClausUvers and Wife to Henry Mauer, iui a, uioca i, ureal western aaa., MInden, w. d $ S00 Iowa Townalte company to Peter B. Jacobs, lot 19. block 1; lot 1, .block I, Great Western add., MInden, w. d.. 400 Edwin B. Magill and wife to Claua Jvera, lots 9 and lu, block 1, Oreat -Western add.. MInden. w. A 9Kn Chrlatena L. Bock and husband to F. w. m?ck part sevt, aw sec. , part tldU. nwU. sac 10-74-41 w A n John A. Churchill and wife to E. H. ixiugee, lot , block 6, Jeflerls' aub., Jennie "it. " wfl'kins ' andhusband ' Yo . namuei M. welch, part lot 11, block 17. Bayllsa' 1st add., w d. 1 Vl John Roane to Eliza E. Roane, lot p ana part oi iota i ana , Koane a aub.. Neola. w. d . Cher lea L. Boss and wife, Cora, to jurs. narry n. naynes, lot 13, block 14, Evans' 2d bridge add., w. d 650 F. J. Duerr fthd wile to Alexander A. Campbell, lot 14, block 4, Pierce aub., w. d teo Nina transfers, total...... ....v.. ...17,190 Thieve Raaaacac Residence. The reaidence of John T. Mulqueen at 719 Seventh avenue wa ranaaCked by thieves Sunday evening during' the absence ot tha family at take Manawa. The thieves se cured a woman' gold watch, a man's watch, two valuable, rings, a $2.S0 gold piece and a, collection Columbian half dollars. The all ver ware In the aldeboard In' the dining TOom was laid out on the table, but the thieves fad. Idently been disturbed before 'they.fhad time to pack It. Every cloaet and bureau In the bouae-waa turned upside dowiu 3!he thloVes effected an entrance through thecellar, where they found tools with which they sawed out a panel of the door leading to the kitchen. " Eagles' Carnival Opens. The Eaglea' Midsummer Jubilee and car nival opened laat evening with a very Met ering attendance and All the numeroue at ,i action offered by the Parker Arnuae .nont company were well patronised. Thla evening will be Elks' night and the mem bers of the Council Bluff a lodge will attend In a body. This afternoon all children un der 15 years of age will be admitted to the grounds free. - t Harrison County Democrats .to Meet. liOOAN, la., July 11. (Speciftl.)-A dele gate convention of Harrison county demo crats will be held at the court house at Logan Thursday, July 14, at 10 a. m for the purpose of selecting, ten delegate to attend the state convention at Iowa City July 19. There will be ninety-four dele gates In attendanoe. ;' The republican county convention will' convene at Mis souri Valley on the earn day. All town ship caucases throughout the county will be held Tuesday, July If. Delegates to Convention. LOGAN, la.. July ll.WSpeclal.)-At a re cent caucus of Jefferson township repub licans the- followlnar deleaatea vara aa. lected to attend the'etmnty convention at Misaourl Valley July 14: W. H. Johnson, C. W. Hunt, Thomas Arthur, I. N. Berkley, Peter Peterson, Almoe Stern, Charles R. Hardy, George W. McCold, S. . N. Dale, D. H. Seabury, B. ' E. Beck, J. C. McCabe, S. H. Irwin, J. M. Kennedy and T. N. Berry. . ". r, Celebrate Golden Weddlnsr. LOGAN, la., July U. (Special.) Thoma F. Vanderhoof and Jane. Dugan Yander hoof celebrated their golden wedding an niversary last evening. They were married In Harrison county Jury 4, 1854, and have lived her ever since. , Many friend and relative wer In attendance. -Gallanarher Caae Transferred. IOWA CITT, la., July ll.-The Oal laugher perjury case will go to Iowa county, Judg Byington tiavlng granted a change ot venue from. Johnson county on account of the prejudice which It la claimed exIMa. A POSMIHILITir. Tbat Became a Fact and Pleaaoa Many ' People. A. R. Lewie, M. D., In a lengthy article In the column of the American Journal of Health, aaya concerning hair: "Ita de terioration la a constant aourca of worri ment tphumanlty, canaequently,.bald peo ple are 'readily deceived by 'fake' hair restorative. The wlah that a hair prepara tion will "fill the bill' s. father to th fancy that it is likely' to do ao. A rare ce rn point I that of Newbro'a Harpl clde, which actually doe 'rilj th bill.' If. destroy the parasite that attack the hair root, and prevent dandruff, falling hair and baldneas. Sold by leading druggist a. Bend 10 cent a In stamps for sample to The Herplcld Co.. Detroit, Mich: Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co., special agent. Overdo Bark Arrive. SAN FRANCISCO. July 11 -The overdue French bark Montebello, on which IS per cent relnsuiance wa qubted, ha arrived here, 1!) days out front Swap, lie long trip la accredited to calma and 'head winds. It reHirted speaking the British shtp Celtic Monarch In latitude 50 14 south longitude ' 17 14 weo, for the welfare pi which lonaldt-rable anxiety haa been felt.. Aid for Colorado Minors. TRENTON, N. J., July ll.-The National Brotlierhoud of Operative Potters, In con vention hare today adoptad resolutions sympathising with tho striking miners of Colorado. Aa appropriation aX U,(Aj wa mad lot th mlir GIVE RAILROADS A HEARING Ho Probability of Any Increase in the Assessment This Year. NEITHER IS REDUCTION LOOKED FOR Asaesaor' Rotarns Show a Large Fall ing Off In tho Valne of Live toek la the Btntc Dor I arc Poet Tear, r (From a Staff Correspondent.) DE8 MOINES, July ll.-(8peclal.) The state executive council commenced work today on the annual task of assessing railroad propertied and the property . ot Other corporation In the state. A hear ing, waa given to the representatives of auch railroad companle as desired to b heard. The four state officials comprising the Council the governor, auditor, treas urer, and secretary of state had before them An. abstract of the reports of the companies showing In brief form the chief Items upon which they must baae their Judgment. The most consplcuoua faot waa that while the volume of business done In 19o3 was greater than In any previous year the net earnings were leas than for a number of yeara. Thla called for some explanations and those who spoks In re gard to the matter were plied with ques tion In regard to thla subject. It was explained that during th past year mora waa paid In wages than ever before and that' the pay ot all classes ot employes had ' Increased, ii was also shown that tho coal bills were at least 20 per cent higher and that more coal waa used be cause of the bad winter. Then there was the Item Of expenses Incident to the heavy rains and washouts Of last year. One branch line showed an expense bill of over 1200,000 on account of one bad washout of track and a bridge. Nearly every railroad In the state had unusual expenses during the year. This was the only topic of gen eral discussion followed. ' Those who spoke today were A. 8. Dud ley, tax commissioner for the Milwaukee; Mr. Hobbs, attorney for .the Omaha road; B. 8. Josselyn, general manager for the Union Terminal railway of Sioux City, and Carroll Wright, general attorney for the Rocl Island ' Iri Iowa. 1 It' was arranged that tomorrow Frank E. Crandoii, tax com. mlssloner for the Northwestern A. 8. Woodruff, tax commissioner for the Great Western; George W. Seevers, attorney for the Iowa Central, and others, should apeak. There will, be no discussion of the general principles of taxation, as that haa been gone over by the representatives of the roads before. It Is. regarded as certain that the rail road assessment for this year will remain substantially as at present, with auoh change only as may b necessary to equalise between railroads and between different branches, Th Increase laat year wa enormous and was done to bring th assessment, Up to what has been regarded as actual values,' and no such Increase Is expected this year or until a large ad dition has been made to mileage. Live Stock Valoes Off. Tho final figure on the assessment of personal property ware made up today by the State auditor, the last county hav ing reported. This was. Linn, where th Computations had been delayed by the as sessors. The final figures show a, net loss In taxable value of personal property - i" the state of $1,871,902. This, is one-fourth the actual value looses. The assessment of personal property other than live stock hows an Increase In actual values from 273,1K.S41 to $280,900,346. The assessment on live stock decreased from $175,669,83$ to $100,S1,OG. The soldiers exemptions this year amounted to $573,627 as against $683, 643. last year.!. The loss was therefore en tirely on live stock,, as personal property other than live stock showed a material Increase In" values. Settle Democratic Q-oarrel. Returning delegates from the Stk Lcu!s convention are confident that as the re sult ot the convention the discussion which has been going on for some tlmeas to who shall be chairman of the democratic stat committee will be disposed of easily bo fore the Iowa City convention. A- W. Max well of Symour waa designated by the stats convention to act as Chairman, but E. A. Jackson - has never relinquished his posi tion -as chairman of the committee and th.ua faf the committee has refused to recognize Maxwell. The MaxweU - people hare been trying to secure a Conference and settlement and this- has bean staved Off until now. Tho regular claim that It will now be a Very easy matter to dlspcse of Maxwell. If ho is willing . to stand ml OF 0 C tv ll s a Qd-send to won i Ur iC El them trough their JUaJiVW u ordeal with safetv a No woman who uses ''Mottcr'S Friend" need fear the suffering and danger incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror and insures safety to life of mother and child, and leaves her in a condition more favorable to speedy recovery. The child is olerv Vi bboHm if effAtiiY fltlil 1 good natured. Our book ''l.fMli.rlil " is m-44i lit, 'Motherhood." is worth its weight in gold to every woman, and will be sent free in plain H3 TT -i i aa : i.'.X, M. r ' ' " Brad field Regulator Co. Atlanta, Ga. Your Summer Mav be most acrpablv mer resorts and fishing The North-Western Line a Excellent fast train service to nesota and Wisconsin Lake Resorts and score of other pleas ure (rounds via the Chicago Two trains dally to St. Paul, Minneapolis and Duiuth, riving ready access to Lake Minnetonka, White Pear Lake and other Northern bummer Five fast daily trains to Chicago make connection with all lines east. Special low rates .Tickets and full information bn appccHoay Tlskat In: MlBt. squarely on the platform and support Judge Parker he will be elected chairman and be given the thankless task of man aging the campaign In this state, but otherwise a new chairman will bay named Dawson to Re, dominated. The republican congressional conven tion fof th Second district of Iowa has been called forDavenport, July 27. when Albert F. Iawon, private secretary to Senator Allison, will be named aa the re publican candidate to mnke th ace In oppodtlon to Judge' Wade. Mr, Dawaon litre In Jackaon county and ia a news paper man. He ha become well known In the) district In recent yeara because of his connection with the state campaign as manager of the speakers' bureau. All faction have united upon him and will nominal him unanimously for the place. Find Demented Ulrl. Much excitement was caused In the southern part of the state over the disap pearance on July I of Emma Davidson, a young girl of Centervllle. and search haa continued for her until today. She waa found at Trenton. Mo. 8he had wandered away In a demented condition and was found working In a hotel. SIOUX FALLS IS ENJOINED City Reatralned from 'onoletlngr and Patting Into Operation Municipal Water Plant. . 8IOCX FALLB, 8. D., July ll.-Fedcral Judg Carland today granted a permanent Injunction against the city of Sioux Falls restraining the city from building and put ting Into operation a municipal water plant. The court holds that the bonds are In excess of" the constitutional limit of In debtedness. Th city has the plant com pleted, but the old company la under bonda to buy It. ' CROWDS FLOCKING TO YA3K.T0X Yeaterday Wltneaaed Largest Regis tratlon of Any Day Yet. YANKTON, S. D.. July ll.-(8perlal Teie gram.) There wa an unprecedented rush at Yankton today. Three thousand, eight hundred and fifty-one people registered at the government offices for homes on the Rosebud. The number exceeds by 1,000 the record of any former day., The speed with which the government clerka handle the people Is simply marvel ous and proves their claim that they can register (.000 dally. Special trains and dou ble headers are on all roads to carry tho Crowd. Trains arriving this evening will bring l.tOO people for tomorrow. B. W. Marshall, secretary to Commis sioner Richards, arrived In Yankton from Chamberlain bringing W. T. Jones and G. W. Billings, government clerks from the Chamberlain registering office, and placed them In the Yankton offioe to care for the Increasing crowds here. Commissioner Richards has gone to Washington. Landseekers Ponrlngr In. CHAMBERLAIN, & D.. July U.-(8peclal Telegram.) Five hundred and twenty-five new . arrival reached Chamberlain by in coming train today for the Rosebud regis tration. Th work Is progressing quietly, but the government officials anticipate their heaviest work at thla point next week, as correspondence from large numbers indicate trat the writers anticipate registering dur ing the closing days and remaining over for the drawing. The registration places wer opened at 7 this morning to accom modate large numbers who had beon forced to remain - here over Sunday. Otherwise another day would have been required. Nctarte have been warned not to meet and work Incoming trains and hereafter tho work of preparing papers will be done ID the .office. Two Hundred Prisoners at Slonx Falls. . SIOUX FALLS, a D., July U. (Special.) For some months the number of prisoner in the Sioux Falls penitentiary has been crowding; the 200 mark, but through the discharge of prisoners who hod served their terms the number had not reached 200- until the present time. Now, however, for the first time In tho history of the Institution, there are 200 Inmates, the ar rival of two new prisoner having swelled the number to this figure. From the man ner In which the number of prisoners Is Increasing thers evidently will be sufficient overflow to partla'.ly fill the new wing which la how In courae of construction. INDICTMENT JS DISMISSED Mnale, Heer and Blot ' Marhlnes Will Oontinno to Enliven Sunday at St. Lonla. BT. LOU 18, July. 11. The indictment charging James W Soibert, excise commis sioner ot St. Louis, with having conspired to hinder dnd obstruct the administration of the laws through Issuing rules allowing dram shops to keep open oh .Sundays, to have tnuslo and to run gambling devices, was dismissed today In. the St. Louis circuit And many other painful and serious ailments from which most mothers suffer, can be avoided by the use of , "MOtmrl film. This great remedy romen, carrying most critical1 ordeal with safety and no pain. ill Vacation snent At the cool sum grounds reached by the Black Hills, the Iowa. Min at North-western Railway. Resorts. during tli summer. I4SM4M Faraaa It SIS. mm court. The action aa Ihe resit It of a demurrer. , . c , . FlaM Over a' XVentani H'.ORIA, 111.. Julv 11. Joaepil SHarkey, a realilrnt of thla (iy. dylns; at llaeana. In Maaon county, km ttw rault of numi r u knife avoiiml Indicted by Henry Moke, klao n realdent of ihla fit jr. Mra. Stnkrs left her hutanl aome wct aso. troll to Havana. Bloai a clulmed lnrk Indue! her to Irnva and. mretlnk Hackev on th street there. Inflicted wounds "n-nlch will cauao lia death. fioKa waa arrawted' at Xlllliourno. eleven miles away. . nr. Lyons PERFECT Too.ii Povdor AN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY Used by people of reflnemont for over a quarter of a century aRlrARKD BY FINGERS ROUGHENED by needle work catch every stain and look hopelessly dirty. HAND SAPOLIO will remove not only the dirt; but also th: loosened, injured cuticle, and re store to the fingers their natural beauty- . V. T0 took well tak tar of vouf complexion. Do aw allow an- 'Jj' Wpi alrhllv Plmolea. felacMieads. tan. " . A or Ireckle to rlemiah your kln. Derma-Royale will remove these like music. v.ure fcciema ana letter. Lied with DrRMA-ROYAi.B Soap, a perUct akin Is Insure!. SOLD BY DRDOOISTS, or way b orderad diract. Dnna-Royale, SI par bottle, express paid. Derma-Royal Soap, C Ceat, by Itisll, . Roth la ons package, S1.28, aspreaa paid. rcrtraltt Bad tmtinonlkll arnt oa raqaatt. THE DERMA.R0ALE CO., Cincinnati, 0. SCHAEFEtTS CUT PRICE DRUS STORE SEMES & SEARLES Omaha. Nab. CURES EUARANTEEJ Qulckr and tot LESS MONEY than othar SPECIALIST. euras all auooial alit4 tf men aiaoey. Dia ji.r 'and tllaea il wotait Stood Poison ""'.Vr E tnout. tonsru. taraat, hair nd yrow (falling out disappear completely 'urevr. Witbeut U4 tint-, pain or loaa ut tim.. taiuv (aulckesi cur la th world. Wi.k, KanosX tya iLtW't. dabllliy, sarur aecllue. lacs; ot visor aad U'entHii. Treatment by msfi. ,J1 year OF SCO CUSSFUL, PHXCTiCtt' IN OfcLtilA. tfc ar of 14 tlx and Douclaa. - ,Evoiy Woman . u lotsnaiea na wobhi imw ;: rDui inj wonaemu MARVEL Whirling Spray iTb naw tailaal Briaa. Jntev. ttummnd Hurtitm. a. Ileal Nat- in obi t;oiiTanini. I tl yaar iracaWI Mr It. ntlir. hm ai.iirl aiainn fo lllDHtialedlxuik-i'af'4. ItRlTe full narltrulara anil i1ll4tton 111 vminnlile to laitlra M4BVKLCO., 41 rlfallta, MW lara, For aai tF " ; BCHAtfFER'S DKUU 8TORE3,' 18th and Chicago Sts.; Bo. Omaha, 24th and N BUS Council duffs, Mil and Main ts. ILUHN Si CO., 15th and Dnusla Btrt Charttea Lmmt Ttwa All Cthdrt. ' DR. felcCREW SPECIALIST. rraft alfrMC DISEASES OF MEN ONLY . A rUdlcal Rixrt . 2 Year Bxpeiioiic. I S Y'ar in Oaiata Nearly Jt,oeo Cat CeraC .... n i a.in ' ' atMaiuaa. a Mn. DaMlitr. La at atnaata aad VlUa, Sir aa all (arm W ahronM dlaaaaaa. Traatmaut br mall. call or write. SaJ BV aU4 mt-r uuaaa, ' " ' MEN ANDW0MR li. Blr 44 forannatnral dlarbaraaa.lDSafnmatloae, Irritation, a ulcuralloa ,( mac ol m.mbraaa. Falalaaa, aad sot a(rta faot or aolaaaou. Mold by nrasariats, or aant In plain wrappa ht ., rrapald. tar SI M. or 4 rnttlta2.7. tinulal aa " aa. i.r.r.Ai. joiKES. , NOT1CK OF TUB BA1.B Of INTERSEC TION BONUS. ...-.'. Sealed propoHHla will lie received by J.J. Olllm, city clerk of the city Ot South Omaha, Neb., until i o'clock p. m. July 14, 19i4, fur the iiurcliaae of mi lntio. ef onds In tli ailin of twenty tlmuaaiid ((Jtl.UM.IM) dnllara. Honda to be laaued In the denom ination of hv hundred ti'iOii.00) doUitra eiich, 'jenrlnar dnt of July I, lw-M, maturing In twenty (2) yours r.fter date, optional after five (n) yexra, p.nd benrliis intereat at th rat of lour and one-half (4H). per rent per annum, payable aeml.uiinuaily. Tliae ar Intersection bonda, laaued for-tli puruoaa of payliiK the coat of Improving- luterHec tlor.a in Improvement districts heretofore or lieiclnal'ter created, l'rlni'lpal nnd in- tereat pnyuble t the Btiite FIbcmI Ajency' ft Nebrawka In the city of New York. All bUlM nitiNt be in writing and must be ac companied by a cer tilled check . for on thoiisanii (ll.tmO) dollnra, (ayable to the city r.f Bout h Omaha, Neb. rurclmaer to ac cept ami pay for suld bonda within thirty daya from date of title by city. The right la reserved to reject any or nil blda. Putd at South Oinuha July 8, 1904., i J-d6tM I'ROPOSAII FOR COITRT IIOU8H. Sealed bids will, be received by the Hoard of County ComiiilHalonur of Sheridan county, Wyoming-, until noon July, 22, 1904, , for the erection end completion of a oourt house for the county of ftherldn, Wyo ming, contractor to furnish all labor ami materials according' to plans and apeulflcay. tlnna prepared by J. U. IJnk and- O. Mc Allater, urchl terta, aald building riot to ex ceed the coat of IIR.OW. . . I'lana and epeclnatlona on fll In tha architect' office, CofTeen-Rldley htilldlnir, and In the offlco of the county clork, Bherl dun. Wyomlnff. . , Tlie aucceaful bidder. will be required to furnish bond In th aum of IfiO.nou. Kxtra plana and apwlnratlon. will be furnlahed contractor at coat ot rejmMiiic InK plan to remain property of arcbiuot. The Hoard of County Commissioner re arvea the- right to reject any ot all bid, or the acceptance of any one. A crtifiet check for 11,000 must accompany all bid a an evidence of good faith. All bids eliould be marked "ITopoanl for court bouae" and, addreaaed to C. 11. liOLaUBri. ClUii C1' k. Bheridjin, Wyo. ' " VII 18 li BEAUTw . . ai w loeriBS i li ; la I4a4ara OaaraalM U CI aal la Mrlalara. P ;J trwm raatoflaa. -0BCm4TI,0