THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, JULY 10. 1904. Monday is the B j A Fifth Day of jpj The Greatest Value Giving in H.stnrv of Omrv Ka DEN'S i Bargains From Boston Store Stock Note tlie difference in prices. You save from 50 to 75 per cent on staple merchandise Monday by taking advantage of the Boston Store bargains. per pair Boston at .... Boston Btore 10c Velveteen Binding at Boston Store 15s Metal Back" Combs nt Boston Btoro 15o Curling Ironi Qq at Boston Store 10c Tack Pullers at Boston Store'2oc Belt at :..... Qg Boston Store 10c Embroideries 2iC 3C Boston Store 50c Lnces IOC Boston Store too Veils . lOr- Boston Store 15o Corset Steels Stf. at lJV- . .5C Boston Store 25c Pearl Buttons 3C Boston Store 2oc Back Combe tir at ,,w 3c Boston Store 60c Laundry Bans ljjc IOC EoBton etore Dresser Scarfs I5c Sweeping Price Reductions In Furniture Values " Our Inventory has shown us that we are slightly overstocked on certain line. Have a few lines that are not moving right and somo slightly shop worn furniture. WE MUST UNLOAD DURING THE NEXT TEX DAYS AND AS A STARTER FOR NEXT WEEK WE OFFER: i V "jf- V - ' ..v -.v,V Vfct.. I 1 WTf?E STOCK OF THE WELL-KNOWN BOSTON STORE, Council Bluffs. In Combination With Unprecedented Summer Clearing Sale Values from QUR OWN GREAT STOCK Makes this the greatest of all great Bargain Sales ever inaugurated in Omaha. Don't rniss Monday's Bargain Carnival. Common Sense Sfafemenfs of Business Facts Prefacing the GREATEST MONEY SAVING SALE OF DKY GOODS the west has ever known. We have on sale an enonutfus bankrupt stock. . We bought this at a very low figure. We are selling this at half and less than what it cost the original owners. We have satisfied thou sands with bargains the past Meek. We place on sale this week GliEATER BARGAINS than have yet been offered and have ut the price on our regular stock goods to clear our shelves for fall goods, now in transit. Backward season has left quantities of the choicest summer fabrics unsold, and THESE go Monday- on fcnle with the GREAT BANKRUPT PURCHASE. During the coming week, commencing Monday, we place on sal All the Ginghams, Madras and Cheviots from C. B. Boston Store Stock, at, yd. All the Dress Linings, all kinds, worth from 12ic to 75c yd., at, yd. All the yard wide black and colored mercerized Sateen from the C. B. Boston Store Stock, worth up to 40c, at, yd AH the Fine Shirt Waist Linen Suitings from our own stock, sold up to 85c yd. ' your unrestricted choice Monday.. High Grade Dress Goods Dept. VOILES! VOlLESll VOtLESUl Black and colors, in plain and fancy. Lupin's and Priestley's goods. You know what that means in quality the best. Start ing at $L50. We will sell any Voile in the house at one-half regu lar price for Monday only. ?2.J)S Black and Colored Voiles Monday's sale ......49 2.50 Black and Colored Voiles Monday's sale 1.25 ?l.!)S Black and Colored Voiles Monday5 sale 9Qc $1.50 Black and Colored Voiles Mouday's sale 75c MONDAY WE CLEAN I'P ALL THE BOSTON STORE'S DRESS GOODS ALL NEW CHOICE GOODS PROM THE BOSTON STORE OF COUNCIL BLUFFS. Inch Albatross, nil colors, nil v ool, I ."I'-ineli Itlmk, Who unit Iti'own (Sicilian now Roods ltoxton Store price j sold ,v tlio Huston Store of ;,r. 10c 5c rized 15c ;s from 25c All the Finest White Waistings from our stock, sold up to 60c, all go on sale Monday, at, yd 1V All our yard wide Champagne Pongee if Q (silk and linen), at, yd HfZJC All our $1.25 yard wide Pongee (silk and linen), in tan. black, champagne, gray, green Q and light blue, at, yd. . . , This sale in our Main Wash Goods Dept. f.50 Go-Cart like cut rubber tires, Potter hub cap, removable cushions fl rreat snaD at J.tJJ 4.50 Reed Rockeri-llke cut well braced-great bargain St.. 2.93 him $i.S8 Iron Bed like cut or full slie 1- incn pillars win last a Hie- 7 eii ' M time price HO 50 solid oak Extension Tables like cut eight feet long unsurpassed T M Value at . 0J 92.00 Sewing Itocker, like, cut, Golden Oak, bolted . arm, at ' , D.76 Sanitary S'eel Davenport like cut win mane run sized bed at .7.85 FLANNEL DEPARTMENT White Wool Flannel, width 27 Inches, good value Boston Store price 80c f Bp our price, per yard ...-' Plain and fancy stripe extra fine Zephyr Gingham Boston Store,' price 10c lr our price, per yard vlaV Drapery Cretonne, fancy stripes Boston Store price 15c our price.., JTxtra. heavy white Shaker 'Flannel Boston Store price 12c our price, Extra heavy Cotton Flannel Bos ton Btore price Inc. our price 64c 6ic ..6c S6-Inch wide Drapery Swiss Beston ftlc Btore price 15c our price ...UI 10c Extra heavy Feather' Tlcklnt ' BoBton Store price 20c our price.. Oenulna Marseilles Bed' Spreads xtra su perfine quality, with heavy and rich bor ders, In beautiful raised floral patterns extra laree Boston Store f( price $3.00 our price r Defective Vision Carefully Corrected PROPER CLASSES AT POPULAR PRICES. China Department Specials Tip Top Jelly Glasses, J? dozen : . . . iJv Fine decorated Dresden China Cups and Saucers, regular $1 values, on sale Monday at 25c 6 pairs to cus- "JC tomei' at sMj Half gallon Majolica Water Pitchers at ... . Ice Tea Tumblers at Fine thin blown Water Tumb lers, ha ndsomely engraved at j . . . . 19c 4c 'umb- 5c GROCERIES I GROCERIES 1 1 Omaha's Headquarters High Patent Minnesota 48-lb. sack Flour, per sack 11.20 10 bars best Laundry Soap itoc I lbs. hand-picked Navy Beans for 19c S lbs. good Japan Rice for IBe lbs. Breakfast Rolled Oats for 19c Force, VlKor, Vim, Nutrila, Kgff-O-Soe or A.-CCIO, . D The best Soda. Oymer, cracKers, per lb The best crisp Ginger Snaps, per lb. per pkg 7Vo .uuticr or Mute 6c 6c The best Corn Stkrch, per pkg c The best bulk Laundry Htarcn, per lb.. tVtc t-lb. can Boston linked Boans 8vuc Larga bottles Pickles, any kind you want SVic Large bott'e pure Tomato Catsup....... Sc Large bottle Uormradlsh Mustard 8'SC inallnh pint bottle Lazenby's Chow Chow or Gherkins. . 20c 1-11) can fancy Alaska Salmon 8a U-lb. can Potted or Deviled Hnm Sc U-lb. can Potted Beef 8Vo -lb. can Peerless Dried Beef ic H-lb. can Luncheon Soup So 1-lb. can Ham Soup 1-lb. can Roast Chicken 29c for Pure Food Products, LEMONS. LEMONS. LEMONS. ' LARGE, JUICT, SEEDLESS HIGHLAND LEMONS, per doi C Large. Juicy, sweet Oranges, per doz.... 12c Fancy California White Clover Honey, per rack 12c California White Fls, per pkg 5c Fancy Hallowe'en Date, per lb Bo OMAHA'S PURE BUTTER QUARERS. HEAD. WE DO NOT HANDLE ANT SUBSTI TUTE. Good Country jButter per pound 12V4o Choice Separator Dairy Butter, per lb. ltio Fancy Separator Creamery Butter, lb. 17c The very best Creamery Butter noth ing finer made per pound 20c COMING The first carload of Peaches khlpped direct to Hoyden Bros. Watch the nnnrra Monday evening for their arrival and nrlco ner crate. GREATEST SILK SALE OF THE AGE All Silks Flow Boston Store Stock. ' Monday, commencing our sec6nd week, we. will, afford even' greater and grander bargains than the first. Such intense excitement was never1 known at any silk sale, and the verdict of all Omaha is that the biggest and best silk bargains to be had are those offered from the great sale nil .10 mi to our prlco OO" Monday 7C .lust rccpivod our cvirly f;:ll lln of l-'im-oy Crwvetirtteil Sirtlinns. in nil tlio new stylos, ."'i tni'lies vt ik per yard $3.50 to 1.25 fo. Jliufl's for jiSf, our price fits-inch Kluck nnd Hlue Slelllnn -Boston Store price $1.25 71 j our price V ? 5.00 25c of the Boston Store stock. Boston Store Silks--new lot that sold up to 1.00 at.. Boston Store Silks Colored Taffetas and Louis ene worth up to 75c and f 1.00 5Q on sale ...... ....... i. Boston Store Silks -AH the 44-inch wide Black Grenadines that sold up to Ajt . $2.50 at Boston Store Silks 27-ineh Black Taffeta, finest rustling quality 25 pieced worth uprt to $1.50 at C Boston Store Silks Imported White Wash Silk 27 Inches wide worth up to 7Art 75c at BoEton Store Silks 100 new pieces Fancy Silk for suits worth up to $1.00 yf Q t.v; at Boston Store Silks Handsome silks made for shirt waist suits worth up to CI $1.50, at.... UUC Boston Store Silks Yard wide all silk Peau de Soie that sold for $1.75 at , 98c Boston Store Ribbons. 50c and 75c Fancy Ribbons, at i9c This lot of new, Fancy Ribbons, goes on sale Monday Morning. COME EARLY. i t t5t to 25c Ribbons, per yard, 5c A beautiful line to be closed out Monday, at, per yard ,5c Clpnnest, best selected stock In Omaha, to yourself see those Roods before buying. Think of Itl $15 and $18 Tailor Suit af $5. Plain all wool cheviots nnd fancy miX' tures, with silk line Jackets tho great est bargains' ever offered In Omaha at . . . .' , J25 Tailor Suit at $8.98. Beautiful voiles, otamines and silk taf fetas, better bargains thajv those sold last Tuesday worth up to ft QQ $25 Monday choice OiilO Displayed in Kith street window. , Exquisite Dress Suits $25. Most exclusive designs, llnest fabrics, elegant weaves, regular $50, $00 nnd $75 garments 50 suits In ftC flfl all, to go nt eCUiUU 17 Walking Skirts $1.98. Newest materials, plaiu and mixed col ors, worth up to $7.00 most remark able values ever offered, QQ See display in 10th street window. $10 Women's Skirts $5. Voiles, etaniines, (Sicilians, plain colors, and fancy mixtures, worth up to $10.00 your choico . . 5.00 Great Bargain Opportunities In Women's Suits, Skirts, Waists, Wrap pers, etc COUNCIL BLUFFS Boston Store Stock, L Holstein & Co.'s and Our Own Immense Stock. at prices that are money savers. In Justice Waists. Waists. Waists. Thousands of them nt less than cost of materials. Handsome Wash Waists 95c. Newest styles, best materials, embroid ery nnd lace trimmed, fegulnr $2.50 nnd $3.50 values Oft ft choice JU 6 Exquisitely Designed Waists In .Taps, linens nnd lawns, trimmed with fine laces nnd with ploated fronts garments that sold as A TA high as $7.00 choice imU Special Naff Hour Sales. From SilSO Till D A. M. $1.25 women's black Mer- A (I A ceriBod Underskirts fgC From ft Till OiSO A. M. Women's Wrappers In light and dark colors worth up to $1.00 30C From OiOO Till 10 A. M. Lawn and calico Klmonas and dressing sacquos $1.00 lawns, vesting and ' , batiste Skirts Rt ........ ... 25c 39c Monday in Omaha's Greatest Domestic Room New Goods from the BOSTON STORE -Was Never on Sale Before. 10c 10c 10c .. lc NO PEDDLERS OR DEALERS SOLD IN THIS ROOM. Boston Store's Ir" 10c Lawns JifW Boston Store's 12c D! nil tie Boston Store's Ijo Satines , Boston Htoro's 15c Percales Boston Store's lUa Dotted SwIwBes '. BuKton Store's 25c Organdies... Boston Store's IDo Irish Diinltiee Boston Store's Holly UatiHte, worth 16c 5c 5c 5c 7ic 7ic 7Jc 3ic Boston Store's 2oc French in.- Organdies Boston Store's 2oc Imported 1Hr Madras " Boston Store's 75c Double-fold Silk Ifin Embroidered Swisses vW Boston Store's 3Ko French tfin Ginghams ,u Boston Store's 12MiC Everett . Cc Classic's Ginghams Dobton Store's tiftc Ucrmuu Blue Ciln Cullco OJW Boston Store's 5c Shirting 2?C Prints 8V Boston Store's io Silk Mercerized Ginglinms , Boston Store's J3c Fine Cotton Voiles Boston Store's 2&c Fine Oxford Suitings Boston Store's 6o Cambric , Linings Boston Store's 25c Black Mercerised E Linings Boston Store's 25c Black Paris AClc Sateens I WW Boston Store's Tin 25c Pique d i Boston Store's Ilk; Printed Royal En Fallo Pique ow EITKA SPKCIAl.S FROM 9 TO lO A. M. We will sell short and long remnants of Wool Dress Goods, worth from 60c to H.OO per yard only one pattern to Bp cutomer at, yard uw FROM lOklfl TO lltSO A. M. We will sell German Blue Calicos, "c worth 6Vic yard, at, yard , -'v FROM 2 TO i80 V. M. We will sell 2oc Mereerlaed .Black Linings, double-fold, yard wide, and only CXic 10 yurds to customer, at v Tables will be changed every hour and new bargains nut on. Monday the Greatest of all Great Sales in our Linen and Domestic Department. TRICES BELOW Ready Made Bleached Sheets. SlxSK Bos ton Store price Soo-pour sale price for Mon day only, at, euch 4Sc. Atlantic Shietti.g, unbleached, t yards wide, equal to' I'tloa Mills regular price S&c on speclul , salo at, pur yard, 19c. SO yards I'nl'leachcd Muslin,, sold regular at 2Vc yard! Monday we will sell 20 yards tor DSc. ( Oil boljed Turkey Red Table Cloth, guar anteed fast color, 2V4 yards long Boston Store 11.50 value Monday' we will limit I tp customer, at, each 60c. 35o Pure White Table Damask, from Boston Btore Stock, In the latest and most beautiful patterns, at, per yard, I'M. Very large Huck . Towel, hemstitched, pure linen Boston Store prlco 40c on spe cial sale Monday, each 25o. Glass Toweling, linen finish, 18-ln. wide, In red nnd blue check regular 8H value i Goods. Come and see one big square piled on special sale, per yard, I'ic. I high with everything in thut line, at 10c, Prices go down with a crash on White I 7Vic, 5c and 3Hc yard. Hardware, StOVeS anrf HnuseflirnishingsSpecial Mid-Summer Bargains. 2 Burner Gasoline Stoves. $2.29 National Gas Oven )1.2S Wood Frame Wringer $1.19 Warranted Hose .' 8c Hardwood Hose Reel 49o Admiral Lawn Sprinkler 19c 10-qt, blue and white Enameled Pall 09c Large blue and white Enameled Busln..24c 10-tine Garden Ruke 15c 2 Large Boxes Tooth Picks i--5o Feather Dusters Sc lee Chest, hardwood M.BS White Enameled Refrigerators $14.95 lMrln. 4-panel Screen Doors 89o Adjustable Hardwood Screens 19o The Best Screen Wire lHo "O. K." Rotary Washers...... $4 05 $2.00 Folding Ironing Board 89c BINDING TWINE SISOL AND STANDARD lOVio BROOMSTICK BREAKS RECORD Wim the $25,000 Handioap at Brighton Beach. IRISH LAD LAME. BUT LEADS TO FINISH Falters aud Winner Coo I'nder the Wire Lending; by a Nose in Sti02 4-JV Hlahball Fin Ishes Slow. NEWT YORK, July 9. -A new world's rec ord for one and one-fourth miles was cre ated at the Brighton handicap at Brighton Beach this afternoon. Broomstick, from the stable of Captain 8. S. Brown of Pitts burg, won by a short head from Irish Lad. Highball, winner of the American derhy t Chicago, wss third. The time, 2:02H. Is the. best on record now for the distance over any kind of a track. Irish Lad led from almost the beginning to the end. He faltered In the last jump, when Broomstick, having kept step with him for the last quarter of a mile, shoved his nose In front as they passed under the wire. When Irish Lud came back to the stand he could scarcely hobble along, having gone lame In the last few rtrldes of his journey. Waterboy and Ort Wells, heavily played as first and second choice, were never prominent In the running and finished fifth and sixth, respectively. Per fect weather drew 30,000 personsto the track. At the mile post the Broomstick candi date shoved his nose in front for a mo ment, but he could not gain an Inch, and they came down the stretch side by aide with Irish Lad Just enough In the lead to appear certain of victory. The grand strug. gle, which had evoked volleys of cheers from the moment the horses had passed the half mile post, brought everyone to Sale Ten Million Boxes aYear. Tha BEST HOT WEATHER MEDICINE An DroctlsU PREVENT ALL SUMINEft DOWEL TROUBLES J his feet, each screaming lustily for his favorite. A few yards from the Judges' stand, with a mighty roar of applause ringing in his ears, Irish Lad faltered and his head drooped. Broomstick Jumped into the lead and as they shot under the wire showed a short head In front. Highball was six lengths away from Irish Lad and the otljers were strung out. The race was worth. $35,000, of which $2,000 went to sec. ond and $1,000 to third horses. The frac tional time was b:ZS, 0:36, 0:4H. 1:00, 1:12. 1:25, 1:3TH. 2:02. Hermls was with drawn. Results: First race, mile and a sixteenth: Jack Ratlin, m (Phillips), 12 to 1, won; Gny Lothurlo, 100 (E. WalshV, 8 to 1. second; Atwood, 97 (J. Jones), 12 to 1, third. Time: 1:47. teeond race, Punchestown steeplechase, about two und a half miles: Lavator, 164 (Henry), 9 to 2, won; Adjldamo (V. Heliler), 13 to 3, second. Time: 6:21. Twilight fell. Third race, six furlongs; Bumble Bee, 109 ( Mlldebrand), 3 to 5. won; D.indellon, 113 (Phillips), 4 to 1. second; Buttling. 112 (O'Neill), 16 to 1, third. Time: 1:13. Fourth race. Brlghtun handicap, mile and a quarter: Broomstick. I'i4 (Burns), 6 to 1, won; Irish Lad. 127 (Mlldebrand), 7 to 2, second; Hlphbali. 115 (Odomi. 25 to 1, third. Time: 2:u2d. Eugenia Uureh, Waterbey, Ort Wells und Major DnlngorfWId a'.so ran. Fifth ruce, six furlongs: Et Tu Hrute, 1 w (Hlldibrund), 7 to 2. won; Dlvlnullon, 103 (Martin), S to 1, second: Malor Pithnni, 10 (Corniack), 18 to 5, third. Time: MSH. Sixth r:ice. mile and a fiirlong: Palm Bearer. M Ti'iivitk.'. 6 to 1 won: Stolen Moments lol i Phillips), U to B, second; Pos session, M (Criniiiiliisi, 3 to 1, third. Time: 1:52. Seventh race, five and a half furlongs: Tommy Waddell, 110 tc'oimaclo, jo to 1, won; Mirthless, 107 iPhHllps), 4 to 1. sec ond, Hi'oiidoloth. 110 (Burns), 2 to 1, third. Time: l:u7. KVETII OS TDK IU.MQ Tit At Kg Dtshaltllle Wlnm the Junior (ham. pluiishlp Slakes n( Ml, l.uula. CHICAGO, July t. Allen Avon woe made the medium of a big roup In the second rave at Harlem todaj. veiling at, 60 to L tho gelding was backed down to 20 to 1 at post time. The killing was enjoyed by only a select few, who got their money down with a rush, at long odds. Tokalon and Clifton Forge were the winning fa vorltes. Weather warm; track slow. Re sults: First race six and a half furlongs: Toka lon won, Anola second, Harry New third. Time: 1:26!4. Second ruce, five furlongs: Allen Avon won. Ivan the Terrible second, Handzarra third. Time: 1:04S. Third race, one mllei Bear Catcher won, Foncasta second, Outcome third. Time; 1:47. ' Fourth race, sis furlongs: Clifton Forge won, Skillful second, Van Ness third. Time: MSH. Fifth race, one mile: Bummer won, Orfeo seeond, Albany Girl third. Time: 1:48. Sixth race, mile and 100 yards: Tancred won. Major Manslr second, Louslville third. Time: 1:54V4. ST. LOUIS, July 9 Results: ' First race, six furlongs; Bensonhurst won. The Hebrew second, Blumenthal third. Time: 1:21. Second rsce. mile and a sixteenth: First One won. Seeond Mate second. Bister Lll llsn third. Time: 1:57'4. . . Third race, seven furlongs: Clear the Ooinf for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Don't put yourself in this man's place, but kerp a Lottie of this remedy in your home. It is certain to be needed sooner or later and when that time comet ron will need it badly; you will need it quickly. Buy it now. It may save life, fries, 25 cent; largo sua, 60 ccutt. Arena won, Mattle H second. Pretension third. Time: 1:33. Fourth race, the Junior Championship stakes, six furlongs: Dishabille won, Broomhandlo second. Miss Iiua third. Time: 1:20. Fifth race, six furlongs: Lansdowne won, Our LUlle second, Orient third. Time: 1:21. Sixth race, mile and three-sixteenths: Bessie McCarthy won, Thane second, Hy niettus third. Time: 2:11V Seventh race, mile and one sixteenth: Decoration won, Pouriuorl second, Miss Betty third. Time: 2:00. AX.1AWILL IS QIEEX OF THH DAY Beats Her Own and Goes Very Near Track Record (or Half Mile. Mark Twain's statement that "Difference of opinion makes horse races" was well llluktrated yesterday at the fourth inallnee given this season by the Omuha Driving club on the Sprague street half-mile track. While the held was small, the enthusiasm was plentiful and the track fast. What was expected to have been tho event of the afternoon was cancelled, ow ing to the nonappearance of The Kid, 11. W. Dunn having been called away on business. The Kid and A'nuawlll were to have raced In the Class A pacing event, these two being the only entries. In place of this race Annawlll, with R. W. Lowry, the owner, up, went against the traek record of George Castle, which Is 1:04 for the half, made on the Sprague street tract last season. The little mare made tne half In l.iAhn yesterday afternoon und un doubted'y would have beaten this had the young man of color with the prompting horse been more alert. As It was Annawlll cut down her own record of this season from l:w to 1 :04. Tony W, with V. A. McKay between the wheels, led the field In both events of the Class H pacing race. Time; l:iM4, 1 : 10- Frank Morlarlty s bay gelding, bam, won both heats of the Class C pacing event. Both heats of this race were Interesting. The entries in the lirst heit were Bam, Red Bud, Philippine. Kddy D and Lady Belle. Kddy D went to the barn ufter several starts and the other four made u rrelty heat, coming In In one, two, thr"c, our order. In the second heat 1'liU'ppliie und Lady Belle broke near the lre. giv ing the heat to Sam and Red Bud. Time: $:UHH. 1:W Myrtle Boy, driven by T. C. Byrne, aud Sadie N, driven by F. A. Nash, were the only entries In the Class D trotting event. Sadie N won both heats In apple pie order. Time: 1:12, 1:1"H- ; Red Bud, owned by J. S. Iman of South Omaha, Is allowing more speed with every appearance. The horse has been advanced to Class C since the last meet and yester day afternoon won second place In both heats of the Class C pacing event. The attendance was lair and the sport thoroughly enjoyed for sport's sake. The officials were: Starter, W. H. Sarp of Council Bluffs; timers, Joe Byrno, G. M. Swlcart. Harry Nolt: Judges, ". K. Young, C. C. Kendall and John Bishop. Omaha's Sext Kundiiy Oiinir. Omaha and Des Moines are trot Ing n'ong very sociably, side by each. Just as Omaha tnd St. Joseph were a little while liark. In the Western league pennant race. This will make the rext home serins a most Im portant one, as It will be between these teams thut aro now making a strong bid i for flrHt pluce liorors. The teams have risen together in the schedule, and have . been making the western trip In company since the season opened They were- to I gether ut the bottom of the heap for a I time, nnd it would be decidedly popular If they could land at the tof together. Next Saturday they will reuch Omaha from Colo. : rado and play at the Vinton street park. I On Sunday afternoon the game will be I made a gala occasion, as nn excursion In I coming from I)es Moines on thut day, end a crowd of 'the Iowa rooters will be pres j ent to see the contest. The Inst Sunday, i game between these teams TT.. of the i prettiest ever seen here, when Brown and I Cushman hal their famous 1 to 0 battle. i An effort will be made to duplicate that ! game. ! . flreeley Center Wins Asa In. GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. July .-(Speclal Telegram.) Grand Ishmd was defeated for 1 the second time (luring the season bv ' Greeley Center today by the score of $ to 1, It an ordeal which all women approach with indescribable fear, for nothing compare! with the pain ana horror of child-birth. The thoutrht of the Buffering and danger in store for her, robs the expectant mother of all pleasant anticipations of the coming event, and casts over her : shadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off Thousands of women have found that the use of Mother's Friend during pregnancy robi, confinement of all pain and danger, and insures safety to life of mother and child. This scientific liniment is a god-send to all wmen at the time of their most critical trial. Not only does Mother' Friend carry women safely through tha perils of child-birth, but its us gently prepares the system for the corning event, prevents morning sickness," and other di- comforts of this period. 7? OTT? TfPJJ ffTF7& 9 Sold by all druggists at fi.oo per bottle, book containing valuable information free. The Qradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, G. STSS3EEJBS