6 TnE OMAHA' DAILY BEE: -SUNDAY, JULY 10, 1904. SOCIEIYIN THE-SUMMER TIME Hot Much Doing in the Way of Formal Entertainment. LOCAL AFFAIRS ARE DECIDEDLY QUIET Oa Brld Offers urn linoTillon Is th War of Preaaptlal Eater talament and Scorn a Derided Hit. A Recipe for Merlnsrae. In a broad, deep hammock, Cupid equipage, . Place embryonic lovers Of a tender age. 81ft the moonlight finely, Half light and half (hade. Letting deepest shadow fall On the bluBhlng maid. Stir the hammock lightly by-a passing breeze. Elide one arm about one waist With a gentle squeeze. Words of honey sweetness prop In, one by one, F!;i.' four Hps together, and The meringues are done. -Edward B. Brlgg. Social Calendar. MONDAY Mile. Eugenie Gerlach's literary matinee at residence of Mrs. C W. Ham ilton: Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Poppleton, evening at bridge. TUEMDAY Muntiecke-Schrelber wedding; Bridge club meets with Mrs. James Wal lace. WKDNESDAT Mrs. Ray Welch, Luncheon at Country club; Midweek hop at field club; Just for Fun club picnic. THURSDAY Mile. Oerlacn s literary mat inee at residence of Mrs. Herman Kounta. FRIDAY Bridg club meets with Miss Ella Mae Brown at Country club. SATURDAY Dinners and dunces at Field and Country clubs. An engagement which will be of great Interest to society Is that of Miss Gertrude McCllntock, the daughter f Mrs. John McCllntock, to Mr. Hunt Lewis of Fort land, Or., which was announced last week In that city at a beautiful luncheon liven by Mr. Lewis' mother, Mrs. C. H. Lewis. Miss McCllntock and her mother, who have spent ' the winter In Portland with Mrs. MeCllntock's daughter, Mrs. E. H. Brooks, were the guests of Mrs. Mil ton T. Barlow last season and are expected la Omaha again the last of the month. Miss McCllntock was considered on , of ' the most popular and charming girls In society during her stay here and made many friends, who will unite In extending Sped wishes. Mr. Lewis belongs to one of Portland's oldest and most prominent fam Ills .,'-. ' ' This week witnessed the disbanding of several card clubs until fall, and the'warm weather has caused a large exodus from town, so that very lew entertainments are on the calendar for this week. ,The enter taining from now on will be decidedly Im promptu and Informal, for few hostesses have the courage to plan anything very far ahead In the summer time. Most of the affairs of the week have been given by the young people who are spending their vacation at home, and they have In prospect a number of picnics and jolly outings. Th only thing of Interest In society is ths course of three literary mat inees which ar to be given a fcrtvau res idences by Mile. Eugenie QerlAch, a very charming and cultured Partslenne, who waa introduced by Mrs. Arthur Crittenden Smith last week. Mils. Oerlach will glv two matinees this week, tomorrow speak ing on "Interesting Peculiarities of the Frnch Language" at the home of Mrs. C W. Hamilton, and on Thursday her sub ject will be "Maurice Maeterlinck and the Symbolist Drama" at ths horns ot Mrs. Herman Kounts. Whenever a girl announoes her engage ment she Immediately becomes an object of great, Interest to all her friends and ac quaintances, and as the time of her mar riage approaches everything she does Is regarded 'with polite curiosity. Her friends vis with one another In entertaining her, and many who have hitherto been mere acquaintances try to beooms Intimate friend at this time In order to get a glimpse of th trousseau and assist at ths all-Important event If possible. All kind of entertainments and showers ar given for prospective brides, but it remained for an Omaha- brld of th last fortnight to Introduce an Innovation, In the way of en tertaining. Th bride had prepared an unusually elaborate trousseau and instead of 'inviting her intimate friends to drop In Informally and see her things If they cared to, she gave two elaborate evening enter tainments. Inviting a arge number of her friends on each occasion. Refreshments were - served and rauslo played a 'pro mi neat part In the evening' . amusements, tmt th crowning feature was the exhibi tion of her wardrobe. Everything was arranged to show to the best advantage, and it can be trujkftilly said that not many brides have suoa elaborate outfits. Dainty lingerie of all kinds, gowns of every de scription with hats and accessories to match, and in fact everything' that the heart of a woman can desire excited the admiration of the beholders but the sight of twenty-five pairs of shoes and slippers (Of a.smsll slse) In all colors and styles with hosiery to matchgcaused exclamations of wonder and amazement on all sides. The laregst dinner given at the Country club last evening waa that of Miss Mae Hamilton. Her guest were: Mrs. W. Foye. Miss Pritchett, Miss Burke, Miss I!gglnon. Miss Conger, Mis Hamilton Captain Doane, Dr. Crummer, Frank Keogh. Jerome Magee, Frank Hamilton Earl Gannett. Fred Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Burns. Major Zallnskl entertained a party of eight as did C. N. Diet and Ward Burgess and Mr. and Mrs. George E. Pritchett each had six guest. Other dinner were given by Walter B. Robert. Judge Vlnsonhaler and W. D. Bancker. Miss Theodora Borglum left for Ne York Saturday to visit her brother. From there she will go to the Maine coast, and on her return home visit the St. Louis ex position. ' The sbove will cheerfully be paid in lawful money of the I'nited States, by the undersigned, proprietors of i Dr. Pierce's Golden Med-; ical Discovery, if(they can not show the original signs-1 tnr of the Individual olunterinf the tes timonial below, and also of every testimo nial among the thousands which they are onalantly publishing attesting the superior: gavrative properties of their several medi tnnes, and thus proving the genuineness and reliability of all the multitude of testi monials volunteered by grateful people, in their bebalt World's Dispbnsasv MkpicAL Asso ciation, Proprietors. Buffalo, N. Y. TUB BEAHON. There is no medicine equal to Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Dis covery, for purifying the blood. It carries Off the poisons which contaminate tbe life, fluid. It increases the activity of the blood-making glands and gives the body an increased supply or pure, body building blood. It builds np the body with sound. healthy flesh instead of flabby tut, pro- notes tbe appetite, feeds the- nerves, snd so rives to weak, nervous people vitality aau vigor. About year ago I had very bad cough ad feared tt would run iuto connimpiiuo," writes Hun. C.eo. ,W. Lvncn, of ? Muuo WrL Worcester. Mi. When s severe attack of couKhtug would corn o vomiting would art in. Hatter accumulated lu now sol my tonsils wxr irritated. Alter reacting of the wonUorlul pure resulting from Dr. 1-itrca a Gulden Med ical Diocoverv oeaao to " it. with some dutihts as to the ft'xid H would do me, I sm (rank to ay. Hut. after I had used our txxite 1 noticed quite change (or the belter. Ordered five moie buttles aud bckire I hud uord tbrm sll the cure was complete. There ia uiX now trace of coush or colj la my eyaleiu sua my bealta is VtriVA." To gain knowledge of your own body ia ickness and healtU send for the People' Common bens Medical Adviser. A book of i out pages. Send si cent ia stamps for paper-covered, or, Jl sumps for cloth. Voaad copy. Addratw Dr. L V. Men, toj Come and Go Gossip. Mr. J. B. Berry has returned from I trip to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Garratt are visit lng In Denver. Gould Diets has returned from a trip to the World's fair. i Mr. W. A. Roger he gon to Denver for a short stay. i Mr. C. J. Ernst and two children were In St. Louis last week.. Misses Frances and Lllo MeOavoek left Wednesday for 8t. Louis. Mrs. L. O. Strickland I spending July at White Bear lake, Minn. Mr. and Mr. V. O. Strickler ar spend In the summer In Denver. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Neely have returned from a visit In Platteville, Wis. Mr. Joseph Baldrige went to Chicago Fri day evening to spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Pierce are rejoicing over the birth of a daughter July I. Mrs. George Shields is entertaining her brother, Paul Caldwell of Bloux City. MIfs Bessie Fowle has returned from visit of several months In the east. Mrs. Ferguson of Troy, N. T., Is a guest of her daughter, Mrs. Laurl Child. Mr. and Mrs. William R. MeKeen, jr. have returned from an eastern trip. Mrs. William Carter of Denver Is visit lng her mother, Mrs.. 8. Warren Chase. Mrs. E. E. Bryson leave soon for an extended trip through th great lakes Mr. and Mrs. 8. G. U. Grlswold have gone to Lake Washington, Minn., for an dut ing. Mrs. H. E. Jennlson Is entertaining her daughter, Mrs. A. F. Holden of Norfolk, Neb., Mr. and Mr. H. G. Strelght and family have gon to- Lake Okobojl for the summer. Miss Florence Putnam of Lincoln waa the guest of Dr. and Mrs. C, A, Hull this week. Mr. H. H. Baldrige and son, Malcolm, were In St. Louis at the exposition this week. Mrs. C. C. Clasell and children have gone to Indiana to spend four or five Mrs. Frank Stltser and niece of Chicago are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Parish. Misses Stella and Florence Singer have returned from a two weeks' stay-in St. Louis. Mrs. Arthur Met and children left on Thursday for a six weeks' stay In Call fornla. ' Mr. J. c. McKell I entertalng her daughter, Mr. William B re inner of De Moines. .Miss Agnes McAusland left Friday even ing for Denver to spend several week with relatives. 'Mis Ora Moore ot Chloago I expected in August to b the guest of Miss Georgia Kennard. Mr. Tom Lynn of Kansas City was th guest of Mr. Thomas McShan the first of the' week. ' Miss Quisle Qutschow ha returned from Norfolk, Neb., where shs has been for the last six month. ' Mrs. John T. Yate and little eon and nepnew nave gon to Buffalo, N. T., to Join Mr. Yates. Miss Edith Fisher, daughter of George L. Fishery is spending her vacation In De troit and vicinity. Miss Jane Blanchard I spending three week in St Louis visiting friend and seeing the exposition. Mrs. L. Clayton Manning and Mrs. Walter O. Hubbard will spend the next Six weeks In California. The Misses Gorden of Bloux City and Mr. Allen Davis of Boston are the guest of Miss Hbrtense Clarke. Mrs. Viotor Caldwsll has gone to Lake Washington, Minn., to Join her family and spend several weeks. The Misses Anna Rl end Jan Orcutt re turned Monday from a delightful visit of several months In Mexloo. Miss Claire Northrup expects to leave oon to visit her Bister. Mrs. W. w. Troxell, In Bancroft, Neb. Mrs. J. P. Lord, Miss Lord and Prentice Lord left this week for the east and will return by way of St. Louis. Mr. R. E. Rogers and daughter. Miss Daisy Rogers, left Thursday for an ex tensive trip through th east. Mrs. George H. Wallace of Toledo, O.. 1 visiting her sister, Mrs. Joseph R. Campbell, on Georgia avenue. Mrs. Douglas B. Wei p ton hag returned from Chicago, where ah was called by J the serious illness of her father. Mra. Arthur Pinto haa returned from 'St. Louis, Mo., where she spent three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Chenery. Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Peck expect to leave this week to visit Mr. and Mra. Henry D. Estabrook at Elberon, N. J. Mrs. Henry Ritter, after Visiting St. Louis,. Chicago and Kansas City, will spend the rest of the summer in Denver. Rev. and Mrs. W. D. Patton left Omaha Friday evening for Chicago, to visit thoir son and daughter, Dly D. H. R. Patton and wiie. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Foye, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Burns, have returned to their home In Kansaa City. Judge and Mrs. Ben 8. Baker left for their home In New Mexico, Saturday even ing, after a most enjoyable visit with their many friends, Mrs.. Freeman V. Loomls and children, accompanied by her sister, Miss Lizsi Needham, have gone, to Osags, Neb., to spend the summers Mr. O. W. Douglas left Thursday for w York. She will visit also Nlaa-ar Falls and the Chautauqua assemblies, re turning in October. Mr. James Wallace and children leave Wednesday for Lake Dkoboji to spend the summer with Mrs. William Wallace and the Misses Wallace. Mrs. William F Allen, who is now in Kansas City. Is expected to return next week from a vUlt of several week In Illinois and Missouri.' Mr. and Mrs. J. H Butler and family, accompanied ' by their nlec,' Miss Ann Brown, expet 16 leave next Week for Colo rado for a short stay. Mrs. Georke E. Barnes and son Orant ar the guests of Mr. and Mra. George Stickney at Lake Mtnnetonka, Minn. They will spend the summer at the lske. Mrs. William E. Crltser and daughters of Salt I-ake City arrived In Omaha Friday for a month's visit wh her mother, Mra H. E. Wllmoth, 107 Spencer street. Mrs. E. V. Lewis. Miss Lewis and Mrs. Wilson 11. Ixw met Mrs. F. A. Brogan In Boston July 4 and spent the day with Mrs. Lewis' uncle, Mr. Brown. Mrs. Flelsbel and son, who have been tbe guest of Mr. and lira a W. Millar weeks, expect to leave for In Csnyon City, Colo., next for several their horn Wednesday. Mr. D. A. Doty left for McMlnnville, Ore., yesterday, accompanied by her sis ter. Mis Gertrude Anderson. Mrs. Doty ha been visiting her father, Mr. Richmond Anderson, and other Omaha relative dur ing the last month. A cablegram received Saturday announces the safe arrival at Naples on that day of Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Whltmere and Miss Eugenie Whltmore, who will spend sev eral weeks In that locality and proceed from there to Rome. Mrs. D. R. Miller, with her two son, Arthur and Jamie, and sister. Miss Martha M. Park, sailed from Montreal July 9 on the steamship Kensington of the Dominion line for Liverpool. Mr. Miller will Join them In the south of England about August 15 and they will return In October. Mrs. L. A. McWhorter Is entertaining' her sister, Mrs. James L. Bevans of Pen sacola, Fla., and three children, Dorothy, Stuart and James. Mrs. Bevans, who was Miss Dessle Mllllken, Is the wife of Dr. James L. Bevans, and has many friend In Omaha. She will probably remain ber for about a month. Social Chlt-Chat. Judge and Mrs. Loblngler expect to leave for their new home in the Philippine early In August, i Mr. and Mr. Heyward O. Leavltt are rejoicing over the birth of a daughter last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Smith of 3526 Harney street are rejoicing over' the birth of a son July 4. Miss Hortense Clarke has recovered from her recent attack of scarlatina and Is again able to be out. Word haa been received that Fred A. Nash, Jr., who with his wife ha been In Europe for some time for his health, has entirely recovered and will sail for horn July 13. Mr. and Mr. . Charles H. Fiaette have sold their home on South Twenty-second street and have moved out to their country home, Falrvlew Villa, about a mil north of the Country club. Miss Fay Hitchcock and sister Hasel have returned from' their school and will spend a portion of their vacation at the horn of their parent, Mr. and Mr. W. E. Hitchcock, 616 Park avenue. Pleasures fast.- Mies Julia Officer entertained informally on Thursday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Scott Evans of Minneapolis. Miss Francesca von Goat gav a de lightful dinner Thursday evening at the Woods horn on North Thirty-eighth ave nue. The table was prettily decorated in the national colors, and waa laid for six guest. . , Miss Belle Dewey, Mr. Earl Gannett, Mr. Frank Hamilton, Captain Doane, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Stewart, second, and Mr. and Mrs. Stlllman of Council Buffs made up a plcnlo party Friday evening at Lake Manawa, and afterward attended th dance at the Boat olub. Th Fourth of July ' was celebrated In a Jolly Informal manner Monday morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Butler by the Misses Anne Brown, Natall Mer rlam, Marlon Hughes, Mabel Marr and Messrs. George Redlck, Arthur Lewis, June Brown and Harry Montgomery. A pleasant dinner party at the Field club Monday evening was composed of Miss Gertrude White, Miss Leila Bertbner, Miss Ruth Dahtman, Miss Henrietta Bartlett, Miss Marlon Connell, Miss Mabel Christie, Mr. Lee Kennard, Mr. Gall Martin, Mr. Wernler, Mr. Wood, Mr. Collett and Mr. West. Mrs. W. A. Challls gave a musical and elocutionary recital Thursday evening in he nor of Mrs, Valentin and Miss Valen tine of Dunkirk, N. Y., who are the guest of Mrs. Will EJlbourn. Mrs. Challls was asslated by Miss Valentine, mandolin and guitar, aitd Mr. B. Gibson, pianist and vocalist. s Miss Beast Moorehead entertained at cards Wednesday afternoon for her, friend, Miss Merrill of Boston. Guest were Misses Connell, Congdon, Bartlett, Alice French, Krledsr, Gertrude White, Daisy Leo French, Leila Sorlbner, Pauline Schenck, Merrill, Nell Carey, Christie, Hoel, Dalman, Mcintosh. A Jolly party, composed of the Mtsse Lena Rehield, Hattie Drlefuss, Mae Roth- chlld and Messrs.' George Sellgson, Julius Drlefuss and Eugene Schloss, were the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Levy of Ne braska City for a few days, They were ac companied home by Mlsi Hattie Rehfeld, who had been visiting there for several week. Dr. and Mrs. J. 8. Pinto entertained In formally Wednesday evening In honor of Miss Maywood Schrelber and Mr. Harry Munneck, whose wedding will take place Tuesday evening. The evening was pleas antly speat with informal amusements, and the room were prettily decorated with red popple. Twenty guest were present. The young people of th Hillside congre gational church gave Miss ' Maywood Schrelber a granite shower Thursday even- ng. The board of directors of the Woman' olub met Thursday afternoon to plan for a farewell banquet to be given in honor of Mrs. C. 8. Loblngler before she and Judge Loblngler leave for tbe Philippines In Au gust. Th board of director has under advisement th desirability of .procuring a fine lecturer for the household economics department for the second called meeting of th club year. Another meeting will probably be called next weel to complete inonisbad arrangements. In honor of Mis W. P, Fell of Cleveland, O., Mra. Harry P. Deuel entertained the Friday club most delightfully Friday after noon. SIX-handed euchre was played, the prise being won by Mrs. Hawes and Mrs. Guild. Those present were Mesdames Ed ward Rosewater, N. P. Fell. Victor Rose- water, Charle Rosewater, Walter Wllklns, H. Korty, Royce, A. S. Ross. J. D. Fos ter, & V. Smith, Palmer, James Wallace, Charles Deuel, F. B. Kennard, J. R: Man chester, Robldoux. J. H. Eyler, Hawes, John Guild and Edwin Haney. Complimentary to her guest. Miss Merrill of Boston, Miss Bessie Moorehesd gave a delightful heart party Thursday afternoon. Th prises were won .by Miss Nell Carey and Miss Mabel Christie, Those present were Miss , Laura Congdon, Miss Marlon ConnH, Miss Gertrude White, Mis Ruth Dahlman, Miss Lel'a Scrlbner, Miss Alice French. Mls Henrietta Bartlett, Miss Nell Photographic Instruments and Supplies AT JOBBERS1 PRICES. Compare' These with Prices Asked ty Other. No. I BUCKEYE CAMERA Cfl for 3x3 Eastman Film fcJU No. 2 BUCKEYE CAMERA lor 4x5 Eastman Film No. 3 FOLDINd POCKET BUCKEYE for Stx4t Eastman Film .4.00 7.50 12.00 No. 4 FOLDINQ POCKET BUCKEYE for 4xS Eastman Film FOLDINQ POCO 4X COMPLETE with automatic shutter, bulb release, double plate A Qf holder and carrying case TOw FOLDINQ POCO 5X7 COHPLETE same description a above . 7.50 NOTEThe Folding Poco Camera take the Prerno Film Pack Adopter making the camera interchangeable for Film or Plates. Photo Albums Choapor Than Card Mounts for Ono Week. Pnnuiiu llhiimP Carbon black cover and leave, 10 leave In UUiinai HlUUIilO each Album and neatly bound with silk cord. Slit Frlce cars Site Prk t ic Sit rkf etc Folding Pocket Kodak. No. 1, 5ii7. ..6c I No. 2, 7Ji9i 9c I No. 3, 91HI i,....l5c Regular price 25o and 50c. Received in stock July 9th DUflTfl MK ..-Cutout for printl IIIUIU l.inunu various other different neat deeign, 15 different designs in each package, regular prion 25o, at.. ng ovals and Squares, also 0c THE mm i DEuPSTEEi 1215 FAR NAM STREET. 5 If "BROWNIE" WELL DRESSED MEN Wear Onimod Shoes Because they combine elegance with durability. We make them tor dress, business or street wear lao new styles In all. Our $3.50 hoes appeal to the economical man because their eaual costs 5.00 at any ordinary shoe stors. Our $2.50 shoes equal any other $3.60 shoes sold In Omaha. ONIMOD SHOES have a snappy They wear well( too. appearance. ' $1.50 and 12.50 Always. Regent- Shoe Co., 205. S 15th St, Omaha. have you seen the window? sale starts at 10 a. m. monday. July 11th be prompt! lilpatrick & Co. Thomas TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Send for Sample Copy. MyStomach "It feels so uncomfort able. Food distresses me. I get blue and despondent. I fear it J3 my heart. But my doctor says it's my stomach." And what did your doctor tell you to take? Ayer's Sarsaparilla? .Quite likely, for he knows. All Iruu'lstS. When the liver Is wrong, everything Is wrong. The digestion is weak. Tbe disposition ia weak. The nerves are weak. Nothing acts well. Just one of Ayer's Pills esch night will make these wrong things right. tttnts. 4. C. ATU CO, Lmll, Mm. rnm i' i uwniA mm STERLING PHOTO FRAMES You should see them beautiful, Inexpensive $2.76 to 20.00. Equally nice (or your own use or tor a gift. Drop in and see tbem. J3 lit AND DOUGLAS STS. OMAfA,,Afa. Atfhe 3 oJa Fountain i4 I. wfflZtim There are many things to drink many do not quench the thirst many are not good for too you are safe in ordering DIB0RAH Ginger Ale To be sure you sr getting a pur Singer ale, have them pour It from a Deborah bottle. Deborah Ginger Ala won't spoil your appetite fur dinner like' ice cream sour your stomach like phosphates or make you blllloua like beer. It tones th srtomach and quenches ths thirst an Ideal summer drink. It has that snappy, ling-err taste Deborah Mineral Springs. council Diarra jowa. "2EB& Krelder, Miss Pauline Bchenck, Miss Fred erlcka Mcintosh, Miss Daisy French, Miss Merrill, Miss Jessie Nason, MIhs Faith Hoel, Miss Mabel Christie, Miss Nell Carey and Miss Loralne Comstock. One of the most enjoyable affair of the week was the dancing party given at the Country club Wednesday evening by Miss Mildred Rogers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Rogers, in celebration of her birth day. Dainty refreshments were served, and a long program ot dances was enjoyed by the following young people: Misses Kate Moorea, Marthena Harrison, Car mellta Chase, Jean AycrlgK., May Rlch- ardHon, Mary Alice Rogers, Margaret Wil liams, Mildred Cooper, Dorothy Morgnrt, Elizabeth Pickens, Milium Patterson, Pau- lln Mills Mary Lee, Katherlne Grable, Messrs. Porter, Charlton, Hugh and Gard ner McWhorter, Kenneth Patterson, Fred erick Potter, Roger Williams, Ben Galla gher, Herbert French, Joe Rlngwalt, Har. o'.d Keller, Harry Cope, Clement Chate, Robert Bhlverlck. Milton Williams, Charles Mats, Charles Meyer, Allen Ite snd Rob ert Churllon. Mrs. E. II. Bprugue, Mrs. I. A. Coles, Mrs. ChrlHtlancy, Mrs. Clement Chase, Mrs. Ktchardxon, Mrs. D. H. Wheeler, Jr., and Mrs. W. A. Aycrlgg were also present and enjoyed watching the young dancers. avenue. A large reception will follow th ceremony. . Tbe wedding of Mis Mary Donovan to Joseph P. Donnelly was solemnized at St. Theresa's procathedral, Lincoln, Neb., Thursday morning, July 7, at 10 o'clock. Rev. Father Shine officiated. During th afternoon the Bisters of Charity, of which society Mr. Donnelly' sister is a member, tendered the bridal party an Informal re ception at the convent, Mr. and Mrs. Don nelly left on the evening train for Ban Francisco, their future horn. HEADQUARTERS FOR EDISON PHONOGRAPHS AND- Victor Talking Machines FROM $10 to $75 20,000 Records to Select From Ourdrat Terms Come to our store and take machine home with ou and pay later, on easy weekly Installment. W prepay express charges on All retail oraers. Geo. E. Mickel, Mgr., NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. Phone 1663. Corner 15th and Harney Streets. 334 Broadway, Council Bluffs. 625 N. 24th St. Omaha Neb. Quarts C 40 Mill Pints' : Willi re Look for th Tiger. plc- romlnsr Kvents. Th Just-for-Fun. club will give a tile at Krug's park next Wednesiiy. Mrs. Ray Welch will entertain at lun cheon at the Country club Wednesday. Mrs. James Wallace will entertain the Iirldgt Club at her home Tuesday morn ing. Miss Inez Moore ot Council Bluffs will entertain at supper this evening for Miss Wtbster. Mr. and Mrs. William Suars Poppleton 111 entertain at bridge whist Monday aventng fur Miss Conger, who is Mlofl Hlg- flnson' guest. Weddings axad Kngaaenients, The engagement of Miss (Si-rtrude Mc Cllntock and Mr. Hunt Lewis ot Portland, Ore., has been announced. The wedding of Miss Maywood Bhrelber and Mr. Harry Munnecke will take place next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at the residence of the bride's uncle. Mr. James Wlnspear, Kill Nona Twenty-i(htn Miss Margaret Boulter has returned from Chlcaro and will resume her piano teach ing morning through July and August. Btudlo, CIS McCague building. Mr. J. R. Henderson has reopened his studio of wood carving at room ill Paxto:i block. For terms and other Information call at studio. Tk little barrels ot Ioa Cream that just at tbe pocket. TTiroe flavor la each barrel. Tali oe ham with ros. Jim fluff Look for th Tiger. Don't forget the sule of furniture at 1313 Farnam street, I p.' m. Tuesday, July 1!, at whirl) sole nine pieces solid mahogany furniture 100 years old will bs offered. RURAL FREE DELIVERY MOVE Omaha Headquarter to Do Abaadoaeit After th suth of July. An order ha been Issued from th head quarters of the rural free delivery service that does away with the Omaha office of that branch of the poatoftlc administra tion. , Superintendent Rathbone will be trans ferred to Clnclr.nati. Nebraska Is to be attached to ths Ksnsas City office, and Iowa is to be attached to the Bt. Louis office. Inspectors who have been reporting at Omaha will be scattered aome of them reporting at Kansas City, some at Bt. Louis snd some at Bt. Paul. This move Is a sudden one, no new Of It having reached Omaha prior to the re. celpt of the order, which earn yesterday, directing Superintendent Rathbon to close up the affairs of his office her by July and arrange for th change a Indicated. lies Want Ada bring the best r turns.' M. BLISS 1417 Douglas St . Haviland China Dinner Set, $25.00. Large line jardinieres at cut prices. American Beauty Plates. f fmmmmm i SUMMER Mrs I. BENSON. Tan Lace Hose. The liale lace tan hone, that so many ladies have been asking and waiting for Lave come in. A line quality at 50c. Embroidered quality at 75c. Km broidery and late combined at $1.25. Children's and miKes' tan hone, size 5 to 9 25c. WHITE SILK AND MULL 5I1IRT WAISTS. .We are showing the prettiest waists in Omaha. Price from the lowcat to the best. Special cut in prices of $0.75, $3 & $4.50 waistH.