18 TITE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, JULY 10, 1904. BUSINESS CHANCES LOCAL manufacturtns; concern (incorpor . a ted) desiring to Increase output or an article of universal consumption, will sell limited amount of stock; steady Income producer; facta on iail. M. J. Greevy, 414 Bee Bldg., Omaha. T M35o Ho. 1 New stock of harness and saddlery In good Iowa town, price 81,2"0. or will trade (or I or H-room house in umaha and pay cash difference. No. !ew drug store, with fine fountain comDlete: aood candy and cigar business In one of the bent locations In city; no competition; a great bargain II laaen at once. trice, w.ijiju casn. No. t Have four aood Imuroved farm In Nebraska that we will trade for general merchandise stocks In Iowa or rseoraak-a. No. 4 Will sell or tra.: a good farm near North 1'lntte for merchandise or city property: If Interested call and see ua; this la a bargain. Jjo. Will trade ,iiO stock of clothing and gent's furnishings In Omaha for Improved farm within 15 milee of Omaha. JJo. 6 Have a customer for a good grocery. What have you lor aaie. Omaha Real Estate and. Busi ness Chance Agency 06 New York Ufa Bldg. 'Phone 8781 X ABBOTT-COWAN Co., 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg., can set you In or out of business. s?HOLE9-ARMSTRONO CO.. 721 N. T. Life. Tel. 49 Y 1W J.H.Johnson, HEAL ESTATE. BUSINESS CHANCbS. Has For Sale or Exchange: CENL MUSK stocks, tS.Ouo to 412,000. live IseD. towns, good Dusinem; casn ana in. p. land considered; these are not trading stocks. CHUL'bRT stocks, city or country, I'J.iXK) to 4,ouu: paying business; it you want this kind of business 'twill profit you to see me. Hardware stocks, 12,500 to M.&oo; staple gooos, fine openings, city and country; might consider some trade on large stock. PKLuH, I2,6uu to 6,U(iO; profkablQ business, good Neb. towns; cash and imp. land. IaL'NDKi business In Omaha, 1'r.e trade; pay to Investigate, owner wia.ie to no to mother country; see me 'about It. IMPLEMENTS. Bl'GGIES AND MA CHINERY One 13,60) stocl, line Nib. town. ONE special proportion, wlln 17,uW atock ana business property, &.0A); good western la. town; consider Imp lard. BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY, fine location, In OMAHA; fine opening; if you have clear lot or equity In houso and lot valued at 11,600 you can deal for this. CIGARS. CONFECTIONERY AMD STA TIONERY stock, finest In Bo. Omaha; elegant business; $9u0 will buy It; owner In poor health. HOTELS, i8. 30, 40, 60, 60 rooms, well fur nished, good business. In fine Neb. and la. towns: can make price and turns to suit, ROOMING HOUSES 7 to SO rooms, well equipped, doing god business; furniture for sale reasonable and terms to suit; flno locations In city. OTHER lines of legitimate business on my list. If you have any business or prop erty you wish to sell or exchange turn tnunlcate with ma and 1 am at your service. J. H. JOHNSON, 43 N. V. LIFE Y iWHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your property or business quick, see J. H. Johnson. 841 N. Y. Ufa. TPhone L2270. Y-200 fJTO get In or out of business, or If you want to buy or sell real estate see Omaha Real Estate and Business Chance Agency. 4u6 N. Y. Life bldg. Y-334 GOOD up-to-date threshing outfit for sale or trade. Central Exchange, Council Bluffs. Y M646 PET my speclsl drug stores. F. bldg. plan of prompt sales of V. Knlest, 701 N. Y. Life Y-M43T THE OMAHA APPRAISAL qO. S41 New York Life Bldg. list of business chances for sale. All good, first-class houses, doing good business, bringing large Incomes. Located In . Omaha and vicinity: SALOONS, DRUG STORE. GROCERY STORES, MEAT MARKETS. SHOE- STORES, CIGAJt STORES. RESTAURANTS, ; HOTBIjS, rxRY OOOT8 STORES, COAL OFFICES. MAY FEED AND GRAIN ESTABLISH MENTS AND MANY OTHERS. If yon want to. take up soma business, call Ml III. ' Jf you have a business which you would like to sell, trade or secure a partner for, see us before going any farther Y M918 10 MEN of ability and address, who can give bond, can Improve their condition by call ing on Van II. Lady, 601-1 Brown block. Y M579 1 ,"W ANTED Good business man to sell medicinal malt whisky, absolutely pure, without violating the laws; credit given. M. Sauberllch, special agent, SID Ramge Bldg. Office hours, I to I p. m. Y-678 llx PARTNER, at once; good paying business; quick; $260 cash, A 1, care Bee. Y M648 10 DRY GOODS store, ladles and gents' fur- nisning, etc., nest location In Council Bluffs, la; good trade. Address O 67 uee. Y-M642 10 GOOD established railroad hotel near Omaha, fin location, large business; Ilka to sell at once. Address P 2 Bee. Y M641 10 POOD saloon, must sell at once, leaving town,1 cheap. Address P 14, Bee. Y-tm 11 KAY, feed and coal establishment for sale, Including store, platform scales, coal chute, fencing, sheading, two coal wagons, one three-spring wagon, one set single harness, one set double harness and team, all for $300.00. Address P 15, Bee. k Y M69S 11 MAN wants position In real estate office as office help; low wages; Investigate,. Address P., 16, Bee Y M701 lOx sTOR SALE A well paying business for lady or gentleman, no expense, only profit; Interest 84W, H $000, whole m. Address P 18, Bee. Y-828 10x THE ABBOTT-COWAN COMPANY. First Nat l Bank Bldg. Phone 3906 Omaha, Nebr. We can get you In business. Ws can get you out of business. Have a talk with us, or write. Y 810 10 FOR SALE Coal and feed business. Bin rooms, 600 tons of coal, wagon scales and fixtures complete. Best location, one team and wagon. Small Investment. Ad dress P 17 Bee. Y M732 B. FREE LOTS to advertise N. Y. suburb. Send stamp "for one lot. Oceanvlew. HlKh elevation. Seaside Co., 31 Broadway, N. T. Y-721-lOx I CAN SELL your business or real estate no matter where located. I can get you cosh for your real estate or business, no matter where located, properties and business of all khids sold nulckly In, all parts of United States. Write today de scribing what you have to sell and giving Sash price on same. A. P. Tone Wilson r.. Real Estate Specialist, 413 Kansas ave., Topeka. Kas. Y M729 lOx. DO YOIT want to sell that stock? Will nine million dollars backing help vonT If so, address Granite Securities Com pany, Bradbury building, Los Angelea. Cwl. T 726 lux. FOR BALE Stock of general merchandise In town of 3.000 In eastern Nehrnska; well established trade and good Wstlon; In voice about 12. 0. Address P 10 Omaha Bee. Y M722 13x. HALF Interest In first-class real estate business, snlendld location, best town In northeast Nebraska; large list Innda. Ad dress P 11, care Res, Omaha, Neb-eska. Y-774 10X CorW.l? store, grocery and hardware: In voice S5.0U0: doing $5.00 business: must g-t nut of buslnesa account 111 health. Ad dress P 40. Uee. y MW 13 FOR SALE, st Bddvvllle, Neb., a IB-room hotel, centrally located. Kor particulars Inquire lsnd department Union Paclflo aiu4 Cv, Omaha, ttet J-M l BUSINESS CHANCES Sholes-Armstrong Company 728 N. Y. Life. Telephone 4. REAL ESTATE TO TRADE Business block In the wholesa'e district. splendid 3-story brick, renting $,m" per annum. Lot 142 feet square, will trade for clenr land. Three modern bricks, one block from post office, renting for $2,6Jv per year, to trada for clear land Three modern dwellings on comer lot, now renting for 1.7.50 per month. Frlce, w.tMi. Very desirable location. Will trade for farm In Doug'.as, Sarpy or Saunders county. 160 acres of good but unimproved farm land rear Spencer to tradS for clty,prop erty. Price, 1.2. 14 acres, well improved, two miles from t.ouncll Minn's court house, trice a.o. Very desirable for a-arden. 12 acres, well Improved, two miles from Park car line. Price $3,250. Will trade for city cottage. 640 acres Irrigated land In Keith county to trade for Omaha Improved property, will assume mortgage. 160 acres. Improved, near Meadow Grove. Price 14.ono This Is very chean. Land all around It. no better, selling for 140 and $45 per acre. V HI trade this for a clean stock of merchandise. 810 acres. Minor county. South Dakota. land, clear of encumbrance, worth the money at $.17.50 per acre. To trade for good merchandise stock. List your property with us for sale or trade. We do the business. Sholes-Armstrong Company, H22 N. Y. Life. Tel. 49. Y MARRY RICH-Can you get the kind of a husband or wife you wish. Pay when married. C. H. Rowan, Milwaukee, .Wis. FOR SALE, a stock of drugs In a good uerman t.atnonc town, inquire oi . an.. Wilson, Templeton, la. Y DON'T work for others; be tr boss; start a Mall-Order Business; we help you. Plan and new catalogue for stamp. Cen tral Supply Co., Kansas City, Mo. Y WE HAVE INVESTORS WANTING UNION STOCK YARDS STOCK. LIST YOUR STOCK WITH US FOR QUICK SALE. R. C. PETERS & CO. Y-83 10 ARE YOU satisfied with your Income? Wo teacn you the real estate Duainess. capital starts you. We furnish large list of saleable property; make you our special representative, co-operate wltn it nd assist you to earn from $3,000 to $5,uu0 annually. Work with us a few years and become Independent. Others making for tunes; so can you. Write and we'll show you how. H. W. Cross & Co., 326 Otis block, Chicago. Y YOU can never profit by business chances unless you have some money; small sav ings are the foundation of large fortunes; start a savings accounts with J. L Brandels Sons, Bankers, 16th and Doug las Sts. Assets over $400,000.00. Y A Ten Dollar Note for a Flyer Will carry a 25-word Classified Ad vertisement into a million homes one time. This is the list. Where else can you get a better combination for the money? Boston Herald, Omaha Bee, Phlla. No. American, Buffalo Courier, Syracuse Herald, Roch. D. 4 Chron., Pittsburg Dispatch, Providence Telegram, Baltimore Herald, Cleve. Plain Dealer, St. Louis Globe-Dem., Dee. M. R. Leader, Washington Post, Denver Post, Mil. Free Press, San Fran. Chronicle, Cincinnati Enquirer, Atlanta Constitution, Minneapolis Tribune, Dallas News, Detroit Free Press, Chicago Inter Ocean, Indianoplls Sentinel, Kansas City Journal. GIVE THIS LIST A TRIAL RUDOLPH GUENTHER, Newspaper and Magasine Advertising, 10S U1LUU ot., i. o ivrft. ,r i.io iui wua- blnatlon Offers, Magasine Lists. Y FOR 8 ALE On aooount of death In family I will sell my Roller Mill, wtiicn is in best running older and has a capacity of (0 barrels flour a day. Also seven lots of ground with It and some ether buildings. Mill is side of railroad track and located in town, with liberal patronage from sur rounding country. Am also willing to trade same off for good farm land. For further particulars apply to or address Mrs. John Jenny, Hartlngton, Neb. Y 784 10 JAMES J. O'MALLEY A CO. Future Books paid 15 per cent ror tne ween ending june 18th, which Included the Suburban Handi cap, Sheepshead Bay, New York, and the American Derby, Chicago, paid 1UV4 per cent for the week ending July 3, whioh In cluded the great World's Fair Derby, St. Louis. Write for particulars. James J. O'Malley A Co., 186 Dearborn St, Chicago. T 762 10x THE BEST OPPORTUNITY IN EXIST ENCE for the Investment of small and large sums of Idle money where It will produce a large and steady monthly reve nue without risk of loss. Principal back on demand. For full particulars address W. H. Latimer, 1 Walnut St., Phila delphia, Pa. . Y 760 lOx PATENTS GUARANTEED PATENTS secured or fee returned. Send model or sketch lor iree opinion as to patentability. Send for Illustrated QUIDS BOOK ana list of Inventions wanted; finest publication issued for free distribu tion; contains valuable information re garding patents, trade marks and copy rights, how to obtain and sell them, 100 mechanical movements, eto. Patents se cured by us advertised free In the Patent Record; sample copies free. Address Evans, Wilklns A Co., Registered Attor neys. 503 F St.. Washington. D. C. Y GENERAL merchandise stock running and doing good business. Located in good up-to-date town of 1.2O0. Stock will Invoice about $8,000. Owner must have some oash. Will take balance in good land. Write quick and describe what you have to offer fully. Several other stocks to ex change. Charles W. Bummers, 204 Dally News Bldg., St Paul, Minn, Y 840 lOx CORPORATION whose products are han dled ny leading wholesale and retail deal ers want competent man to take man agement of branch office; salary $2,600 per annum and commission. Knergetlo man should earn $6,000 per annum. Must In vest from $1,000 to $5,000 In stock of com pany. Unquestionable references as to ability and Integrity required. Address, Box iSt, Madlsou, Wisconsin. Y-837 lOx WILL sell very cheap some Friday. Hlgh- iana ana iiara Bene mining stocks. Art dress P 23, Bee. Y' 802 10 CAN you get a few friends together with iiiouc-jr lu ur,ciuia JXHIlVaS Oil lanuS 7 Chance to make big money. Address P 24, Bee. Y 806 10 HIOH-CLASS grocery, well located, doing fine uaineas, worth $1,6", well stocked, modern; price at once, $1,250. Address P K Bee. Y-71W 10 $2,200 STOCK of drugs In Omaha; will lump at $l.So0 or sell at Invoice; rent $10 per month; Investigate fully. F. V. Knlest. 701 N. Y. Life Bldg. Y-7H 10 DRUQ stores for s.ile In Omaha, western Iowa and Nebraska; can fit any pocket book, any trade, any terms, any disposi tion, nationality or religion; can get you Just what you want, on the terms ynu want and without a day's delav, F. V. Knleet, 701 N. Y. Life Bldg. Y-800 10 ARE you satlstled with your income? We teach you the real estate business; $.'7 capital starts you. We furnish large list of salable property; make you our special representative, co-operate with and assist you to rnrn from U.ico to $& 00o annually. Work with us a few years and become In dependent; others making fortunes, so can you. Write and we'll show you how. H. W. Cross Co., $26 Tacoma bldg., fhl cago. Y DRY OOOD8 and notion store, paying good money, newly stHrted; good chance for grocery stock with dry goods; brratn' $760. Address t U Be, .. X-Ml Is BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE, three No. 1 Brunswlck-Balke- coiienaer to. aueys lor sjoo. jonn u, Bahde, Wahoo, Neb. Y 9u6 10 I WISH to And buyer for my business here and want to hear from any physi clan desiring a No. 1 location In this state; csn have a lucrative practice from start. Address 1', 41. Bee ofnee. Y-M928 STOCK, grain, provision nd cotton trad ers: Wo are prepared to furnish you our dally market Iftter and telegraphic In formation, giving Inside facts and figures or market condition several days in an vance: positively no money handled; our advantages are your opportunrty; write tor booKiet. Francis Co., 810 unve St., Bt. LOUIS. X 7f9 10X FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SPECIAL 'ANNOUNCEMENT! Economically disposed piano buyers should not fall to take advantage of the cut prices on high grade pianos now of fered by the Schmoller St Mueller Piano Co. We are selling the bankrupt atock of the. W. 8. Stratton Co, Sioux City at half regular price. Beautiful upright pianos, $S6, $115, $186 and up. Excellent square pianos, $28, $38, $48 snd up Estey, Kimball, Mason & Hamlin and other organs, $10, $18, $28 and up. TERMS TO SUIT THE BUYER. We ship pianos everywhere. Schmoller & Mueller, The Big Piano House, Estab. 1859. 1313 Farnam St Tel. 1626. Q 2D-HAKD safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. Q 230 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman & McConncil Drug Co., Omaha. Q 2S1 SECOND HAND MACHINES. Never such "brices for such goods offered before, and If at any time within one year you want to Duy a newmacnine we win take the old one back at exactly what It coat you. ; The following Is a partial list of what wa oner ror sale mis ween: I Domestic 1 Domestic 8 Singers, high arm 1 Singer, new Improved. ..$ 4.00 .. 10.00 .. 12.00 .. 15.00 .. 10.00 ... 6.00 .. 8.00 ... 6.00 1 Household 1 Union 1 White 1 White 1 Wilcox A Qlbbs ., 1 New Home 1 Rlnarer. shoemaker 80.00 10.00 20.00 Modern drop-head machines, slightly used, at one-half the regular price. We rent machines at 76 cents per weak, or $2.00 per month. These are modern, up-to-date machines, with all attachments. We soil needles and parts for and re pair every sewing machine manufactured. Nebraska Cycle Co., Corner 16th and Harney Sts. 834 Broadway, Council Bluffs. BRANCH OFFICE 426 N. 24th, So. Omaha. 1 GUO. E. MICKEL, 'Phone 1163. Manager. Q-S28 10 FOR SALE Several scholarships In m first-class standard school In Omaha, comprising complete course In business, shorthand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee offloe Q 862 TELEPHONE poles; long fir timbers: Q M2U WE RENT Sewing machines, 75o week. We repair and sell parts for every machine manufactured. Second-hand machines from $6.00 to $10.00. Nebraska .Cyols Co., Phone ltn. Corner 16th and Harney, q m MY diamond ring, chsap; In pawn at Dla- . T ft rt 14,11 rin,,l... , I ..' 1 1 Vionu aiu wuii wMa.M, inrj u Show you. Q 234 FOR SALE New and second-hand auto mobiles. F. W. Bacon, Baum Iron Co., Omaha. Q 236 FOR SALt Solid oak and mahogany top bank or cashier's fixture. In good condf- water, room 100. Bee Bldg. Q 824 BILLIARD and pool tables. 1407 Harney. Q M706 Jy22 FOR SALE CHEAP Book rest, copy holder and letter scale, all In good con dition. Inquire of E. E. Zimmerman, 311 N. Y. Llfa bldg., car N. Y. Life Ins. Co. Q M318 Electric nickel In slot, peerless piano play ers and Itesnna music toam, Dig money makers, cheap for cash or tlma. Schmoller & Mueller, 1318 Farnam. Tel 1626. Q-M514 MEN of ability and address, who can give bond, can improve ineir conamon oy can ing on Van B. Lady, 601-2 Brown block. Q M582 1 FOR SALE, 16 Station Bastedo cash and bundle carrier ai aooui one-iounn reg ular price. J. L. Brandels Sc Sons, Omaha. Q-M578 12 FOR SALW, Plymouth Rock homer pigeons., 1871 in. ax si. w moio ux 1 FURNITURE, 4-room cottage, close in cottage lor rent, juiaress in b uee. Q M646 lOx FOR SALE, kitchen range and Radiant noma neaier. Auurcsi r v, hot. w o 1 o DENSMQRE machine for sale cheap. 1016 N. 1. Ls. ' FOR SALE Three good fresh cows and calves; one fine jersey, zsza Webster St. Q 710 12x FOLDINO BED Cost $66; sell for $15. Call 625 Bouth ZlSt St. O 707 10X t COWS. 814 N. f7th ave. Q-703 llx FOR SALE, second-hand brick. Must be sold; will sell cheap for cash. A. W. Carl ton, 2813 Dewey ave. Q 718 llx. BICYCLE In good condition, $1000, 2620 Davenport t. Q 820 lOx BARRET) PLYMOT'TH ROCKS for sale at a sacrifice. One Bradley Bros. male, cost $20. f ne male and four females. T-atham strain, cost $40; also 140 young stock, with Incountors, coops, etc. 1412 North Twenty sixth St. Q-O810x FOR SALE Piano. Am leaving city and no further use ror ir. tjuu arter 7 o eioeic p. m. 2016 Douglas St. Q 871 10 BTO reduction In price on new and second hand bicycles. Hartford Puncture Proof TlVes. Louis Flescher, 1622 Capitol Ave- Q M876-23 FOR SALE Fine polished oak dining room set, round pedestal table, buffet and six leather bottom chairs. 11$ S. 26th st. Q 912 10 FOR SALE, two high bred English setter puppies, $ and 9 months om. cheap. West ern Mascot t Kennells, Wahoo, Neb. Q-907 10 SCOTCH COLLIE PUPS; llttre nice ones. 30th and center. yinm ux TWO HEAVY STEEL HORIZONTAL TITM1'IAR BOILERS FOK HAIOli. Two boilers, 100 horse-power, which have been used but six years; meoe or nrenox steel, triple riveted, butt snd strap joints. Insurance company permits of pressure of 125 pounds. They are now In use and can be seen at boiler house rear of Bee building. Can he delivered about August 23. Call between 9 a. m. and 12 m., or address W. H. Bridges, engineer. Bee building. Omaha. Q M902 FOR BALK Concessions "Old Settlers' Re union. Fairmont. Neb.. August 10 to 11. Address O. H. Dennis, Fairmont. Neb. TT 941 10 BRASS FOUNDRY BRASS and aluminum casting, nickel plat ing ana nnisning. ttpecitnty Mlg. CO.. 41 N. MaU st. Council BluO THIS FOR THAT WILL trade sewing machine for type writer. iNeo. cycle Co., loin ana Harney. 4 iva 10-IN. DISC records taken In exchange for new records. Columbia Phonograph Co, 1621 Farnam. Z 210 AVE I . . W I t- ,n I I- W . with Record Cabinet, will exchange or sell st a bargain. Address P .2, Bee. 10 WHAT have you to exchange for a pla Perflelri Plinn Ua hMv Tl 701 lano? Z 211 IF THERE is nothing In this column yon wsnt, put an ad. In and you will soon get it. jls WILL exchsngt second-hand phonogrsrh ir-vinua icir omers in guoa conniiioo. M. Bee office. Z M222x ONE plsno and piano player for exchange. wnst nave you to trade? COLLINS PIANO COMPANY, 113 fltv 17th at. Z-874-10" FOR SALE OR EXCHANOE A fins milli nery stock, in a good Iowa town. Ad dress N. M., Bee. Z M29 MEN of ability and address, who can glv bond, can Improve their condition by call Ing on Van B. Lady, 601-2 Brown Mock. Z Mb8C 19 STEAM merry-go-ronnd for cash or com mission. (Carroll, write me). Merry-go- round Bill, Trenton, Neb. Z-MN llx ONE Columbia phonograph, one record cabinet, and 120 records. COLLIN'S PIANO COMPANY. 113 So. 17th St. Z-873-10 BEAUTIFUL upright piano for driving or draft horse. Schmoller & Mueller, 131 Farnam. St. Tel. 1025. Z-M514 IF YOU have city property or merchandise to trade for a good farm, write full de scription of what you have to Lock Box vo, .Kansas City, Mo. Z 746 10 WILL exchange National electric) auto mobile. In first-class condition, cost $1,310. for first-class upright piano and piano riayer, or standard make. Address p w. woe. z M i34 its REMINGTON No. and Smith-Premier No. 2 typewriter, both good as new. taken In exchange and we have no use for mem. What have you to trade. COLLINS PIANO COMPANY, 113 So. 17th St. Z-872-10 FOR EXCHANGE, nearly new extension top z-seatea surry and phaeton. What have you to offer? Room 634, Paxton diock. z 717 10 WILL trade a block of stock In one of the best known Black Hills mines for a farm r- atock of merchandise. Address P 22, nee. z 803 10 what nave you to trade for stock In a wen Known gold miner Address y 21. Hoe. z 804 10 A F'NB 160 to trade for hardware or gen em stocK, 3,60o; Antelope county; clear; ouick oeai; no agents, piease. 1 are o: Bee. Z 940 lOx MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS MONEY. If you are annoyed by numerous small bills mat nave accumulated during the winter it might be an advantage to you to secure money from us and pay them and then pay us in weekly or monthly payments until you get out of debt We loan on furniture, pianos, llvs stock and other chattels and we make loans to salaried people upon tnejr own agreement to re nay. Our rates are as low as any and a great ui mwer limn Bums, uur service is quick and without publicity. It you have uewi Trim ub auu wo pieasea. ten outers, and if you are displeased, tell us. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2296 (Established 1S92.) 806 South 16th St X 253 MONEY v LOAN Phoenix Credit Co 633 Paxton Blk. X 263 3 P. C. YEAR FROM $100 to $5,000 loaned on your personal note at 8 PER CENT PER YEAR. All gooa loans warned, can or write and get my system. W. L. Eastman & Co., UOH Farnam. Omaha. X 266 DON'T BORROW MONEY On Salary, Furniture or Pianos UNTIL YOU SEE US. - w....w. w, us ur leiepnon 1607, and we will sendagent to explain and arrange loan at your residence. A TIT" rT"1"V . 1 ei. 1 1 . a. v., iui LUU JSIOCK. X-266 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE ana ocnora witn security; easy payments' largest business In 49 principal cities. Tolman, room 440, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. X-267 MONEY to loan on furniture, horses, etc.. l ua-11 uoun.i mir,. ur, rriDMnow. room 215, at 209 8. 16th St Tel. B-2964. . X-626 CHATTEL, salary and jewelry loans. Foley XJU.II WV., WV1 ,'MIIMU OU A 20S SALARY and collateral loans. Templeton, ill tee mug. 1 ei. 11m. x 269 MONEY Moanefl on pianps, furniture, Jew- eiry, norsee, cuwe, eic. u. . need, 318 a. 13th. X 260 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR X-M241 I SEE FULLER, 426 Psxton Blk., for loans on watches, diamonds and jewelry. X 262 . CASH II you are financially embarrassed, THAT8 YOUR BUSINESS. If you do not know where to get the money. THAT'S OUR BUSINESS. SALARY AND CHATTEL LOANS. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. 807-808 PAXTON BLOCK, TEL. 1411. ' X-M911 MEDICAL HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tail, enerman st aicunneu, umioa. -27$ DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and irregularities or women, from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with stump. Dr. Pries, 1611ft Dodgs st, Omahs. 279 PRIVATE hospital during confinement; DSDies aaopieu, jura, uirucn, uiq diaries. Tel. A-2618. 280 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba- Dies KQopira. jnre. JT. Jliug, oue IN. lttla. 8d floor. Tel. 8669. M333 JylS PRIVATE home during confinement; bablos aooptea. . i n uooa namanian eanitarltim, 728 1st ave. .Council Bluffs.Ia. Tel. 774. -62a DR. CUSCADEN, 216 Bee Bldg. ; 11 a. m. to 4 p. m. ; teiepnone, omce 3M; res. 4t. M134 Jy27 DR. CUSCADEN, 216 Bee Bldg., 11 a. m. to 4 p. m.; teinpnons omce bm; res., 496. M-134 Jy27 LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal ruis are tne oest. Bare. renaDie. 1 axe no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars, "Relief for Ladles," in letter by return mail. Aak your druggist Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. DR. W. HUTCHINSON. Specialist of women and children: 30 years practice. Office, 2206 Cuming. Residence telephone. 8606; office, 8C67. LADIES When In need send for free trial or our never-railing remedy; relief quick rnd safe. Paris Chemical Co., Milwaukee. Wis. When You Write to Advertisers ' remember It orly takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention ths fact that you saw taa a4 la Tba iise OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, 615 N. Y. Life bldg. T. 1MI 218 DR. GRACE DEEGAN, 832 N. Y. Life. Tel. 2s. 314 MRS. JOHN R, MUSICK. Osteopathic Phy sician; omce, uougiaa diock. lei. zxa. -21S DR. FAR WELL, specialty nervous disease. 604 Panton. 2i LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED P. MELCHIOR, machine works, 13th snd tiowira M9O4jyi0 E. E. LAWRENCE, 2703 Leavenworth: 'phone Llh76. M903Jyl0 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING A. C. VAN S A NT'S school. T17 N. Y. Life. -284 FACSIMILE letters, envelopes addressed. Boyles college. 285 GETTING TOO HOT!! To writ long adds. Com and 1j.ffTl arv UB e nave uver t,uw rSj properties, all descriptions, lo- a bJ cations ana prices. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. Sales Dept. J. M. WELSHANS, Mgr.; OEO MARSHALL. ALSO RENTAL8. ABSTRACTS, INSUR ANCE, (all kinds.) A couple choice per cent mortgages $800 and $900. ' O. M. E .Tel. 611 MESSENGER AND BAGGAGE. 1613 Farnam Street. WILL GET YOJR BAGGAGE THERE ON TIME. -M761 RAILWAY TIME CARD VftlOlf STATION IOTH AND MARCY. Chicago, Rook Island Paclfle. BAST. IiMT. ArrlTS. Ckleago Daylight Limited ... Chicago Darlifht Liooal ... a I M am ,. 7 0S am ,.bll 01 tm ,. 4 Sw pm ..a 4.M pm s I W m a I 14 tm bU H am a lish pm s 8:M sm iniosuo sxprM Di Molooa Eiprm ........ Chleass Put Kxpraae Reeky MounUln Llmltee ..'....a : am 14Dooln, Colorado sprlnga, Doa Tr. nMDio sne west a 1:19 pa Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul. Laara. Arrlva. Chlcato Dsylllht Eiprem. ... Etatera EinnM ,... I ll am 11:14 pm ....a 4:44 pm ...a 1:10 pm !: am ,...a 1M am 1:10 pm ...a 1:10 pm July 10. 104. Overland Limited Del Molnfta ICmMM CalKornla A Oragoa Exprsw. Time card oflectlro Sunday, L'uiou raclSo. Ths OrarlAnd LlmltA a :4 am a I'M a 1:40 am a $:M a 4:M pm , a t:M Bpaalal.kSi l:0 pm a 4:M ......... y... ...... f :M atl:U pm il M Tho Past Mall . Tho Callforula buna Tho Atlantis SdocUI Tha Pctrtland-l'hlftAvA The Atlantlo Cipraas Tha Colorado bpaolal 1 h Chicago Bpaelai Lincoln. Uaatrloo at BtroriSMirg .... a 1.4 s 4:00 pm bli a k l: la bs:M Columbus Chicago northwestern. Ian. A ,H. Fan Chicago s l:(o pm 1.10 am Local Chicago . all :10 am tail a 1:10 Dm 1:10 am Daylight St. Paul a 7:10 am 10:00 pm Daylight Chicago .at :10 am 11:40 nm Limited Chicago a $:24 pm 1:16 am Local Car roll a 4:00 pm 1:10 am Past St. Paul a 1:11 pm 1:01 am Local Sioux City SU Paul.... a 4:00 pm 1:10 am Faat Mall a 1:10 am Chicago Kxpraaa a 1:46 pm Norfolk A BoncstMl a 1:05 am 10:16 am Lincoln A Long Pino b 1:06 am 10:16 am IMadwood A Lincoln a 1:10 pm (:10 pm Caaper A Wyoming e 1:60 pm 6:10 pm Haatlnaa-Alblon b 1:10 pm 1:10 om Palrfax-Bonsatoel a 1:60 pm 1:14 nm Boaastoel Special all:(0 pm 1:10 am Chicago Great Westerav. t. Paal A Minneapolis Llnv ltas a I S) pm a 1:U am St. Paul at Mlaaoaseus la- snss a T nam a l:lt am Chicago Limltse a 4:60 pm alo:lo am Chicago aUpraaa ' .......a 4:M am a 4:01 pm Illinois Central. Chicago Kxpraaa a T:60 am al0:M pm Chleago Llmltad a 7:10 pm a 1:01 am Minn, ana su rsui japraa....B 7: am sio:n pm Minn, and St Paul Llmltod....a 1:60 pm a 1:01 pm Missouri Paclao. Loola aUpraaa . aaaa Cltjr St .al0:4 sm a f :N pa Louis mx- ...aU:44 pm a T:M am World's Fair postal ,. ..a t.M pm Ul am Wabash, St. Loula "Canaoa Ball' gx..a 4 M pm a 1:1 am Now World's Pair a 1:46 am il:Wia Local trom CouaoU Bluffs. a (ill am a : pm BURUNGTON gTATION IOTH a MABON CbleagtOs BmrUagrtoa St 4ataey. LWTO. ATTlTa. Chloage SpmUI a 1: am a 1:66 pm Chicago Vaatlbulaa axproas ....a 4:0 pm a 1:48 am Chlcaso Local a 1:16 am all:00 pm Chicago Limited a t:ut pm a1:4iui Fast Mall 8:44 tia Kaaisaa City, U Joseph ok Co. BlhvJs. City Day Bxprsas a 1:11 am a l ot pm L Lottla Flyaf a 6:14 am aU:04 am Kansas City Mght Kxpraaa ....albio pm till am Burllagtoa Missouri Hirer. Wnaor. Baa trio a Llnoola ..a 1:60 am bU:N sm fabrasaa Kxpraaa a h:M am a I:4ii pm Daavsr UnuUid 4:10 pm a I ta am Black Hllla a Pugat Sound Bx.allilO pm a 4:01 pm Colorado Voatlbulsd Vlyar a 1:10 m Liuooln Fast Malt e :ai pm alj.u4 ym lort Crook A PUttamouth h 1:41 pm bl0:16 am Bsllsvus Paclao Juuouoa ..a 1:M pm a a. 11 am Bellas uo A paowa Juaeuaa ..a l:o am xvilSTER DEPOT 16TH At WEBSTER Missouri Paelae. aVasT. Arrtte. Nebraska Loeai. rla Woapiag Water 4:w pa au:a pa Chicago, St. Paul, Mlua. at Omaha. Twin City Passenger 4:50 am b 1:11 pa Sioux City Passenger 1:00 pm el 1:14 am Oakland Lsoal b 6:41 pm b am a Sails, b sally sxoopt 8un4ay. 4 dally saeept gatarSay. e saily exsest ataaSaj. OCUAJI STEAMSHIPS, HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE. New Twin-Screw Steamers of U.loo Tons. MEW YORK RUTTKHUaM. via BOULOuNa, stalling Tueeoay, at 11 A. at. SUtendam July 1! Ryndam Aug. 1 Potadam July 11 Noordam Aug. 14 Rotterdam Aug. 1 Statendam Aug. 11 NOLLXND-AHGKIUA una. as uearDora i , li cago. 111.; narry atoores. leui varnam pi.; v. Rutherford, 1U1 rsraam St-i i. B. Reynolds. 1101 Farnam St. SAYS ROSEBUD IS ALL RIGHT Beatrlca Mam Fllea oa Land and Brings Good Report of Coa. dltloas. Will C. Dorse y of Beatrice, Neb., Is In the city on his return from Bonesteel, B. D., where he succeeded, with other Gage county parties, In registering. for a slice of Uncle Sam's land. "I was surprised, and agreeably wo," said Mr. Dorsey, "to find the extreme .odera- tlon in prices up there for all the neces saries of life. There is no attempt at ex tortion and prices are no higher there for necessities than here In Omaha or at Beatrice. The hotels are good and their prices are moderate. The crowd la not as large aa I expected to see, and Is orderly, Of course you can run up against any kind of a fake gams there' that you may fancy, but that lies entirely with the In clination of the Individual. Ths distribu tion will be honestly and fairly made and I am thoroughly satisfied that It Jb the In tention of Governor Richards, who has charge of the drawings, to conduct them fairly and Impartially. His record at ths opening of the Kiowa and Comanche reser vation in Oklahoma three years ago will vouch for that. "The country about Bonesteel Is much like that of Nebraska, and I think the lands are fully as good aa any In this state. It reminded me much of Nebraska, and es pecially of the southern part tot the state where I am from. Among those with our party who regis tered was Attorney General Frank N. Prout. We will all go back to Bonesteel on drawing day to see how our chances coin out. LOCAL DEMOCRATS PLEASED Old Friends and Opponents of Bryan Ap proTe Parker and Platform. SUCCESS LEAGUE PLANS A RATIFICATION Will Rab Some Salt oa Bora laots, kit larltes Bryaa to Speak to Giro It Lots Fernet Aspect. Representative democrats of both former factions, Bryan and anti-Bryan, express approval of the nomination of Judge Parker for the presidency and the plat form adopted. A general ratification meet ing has been planned under the auspices of the Democratic Success Aeague, the or ganlsatlon that fought Bryan In the recent Douglas county primaries. This league waa anti-Bryan on every Issue, but was de feated In the only encounter with the "peerless leader." The date of the meeting la not yet set. nor Is the place of holding It, but one of Its principal features has been decided on. that William Jennings Bryan shall be one of the main speakers. The Success league planned the rati flea tlon meeting and appointed a committee to arrange for prominent speakers at St. Louis while the talent was gathered and could easily be reached. This committee, com posed of Ed P. Berry man and C. O. Cun ningham, at last reports had secured Sen' ator Daniel of Virginia, chairman of tha resolutions committee, as a speaker. In order to be magnanimous It Is proposed to Invite Mr. Bryan and make the affair some thing of a love feast as well as an oppor tunity to softly rub salt and other condl orients In the sores of the vanquished. President Cosgrove of ths Success tragus says: "We were confident things would go at Bt Louis Just as they have, and planned the rally accordingly. Only Vie details remain to be worked out We propose to make'lt one of the biggest things of the kind ever held in Omaha. We regard the party as reunited on a sound platform and with a first-class candidate, and we shall do all we can to Induce democrats of every shade of belief to pull together." Metcalfe Endorses tha platform. Concerning the result of the St. Louis oonventlon, Richard L. Metcalfe, editor of the World-Herald, said: 'I think the platform is one of the strongest ever written. Of course, the money question Is omitted, and I don't consider that In speaking, but In all that It does say I think the platform is one of the grestest ever constructed, and that It will grow In favor as It la .considered. It Is a platform that every democrat can enthusiastically support With regard to the candidate, every one knows that he la man of very high standing, both as a lawyer and aa an estimable personality. I think be will have the .advantage of going Into the campaign with the united support of all democrats.' This Is some thing that Bryan did not have. But the Bryan men will .not bolt they are not bolters and will do their .utmost to elect the ticket. I think the democrats have more than, a fighting chance to win." James P. Connolly I am satisfied with the work of the St. Louis convention. It seems that proper attention was paid to Mr. Bryan's advice in making the platform and the fact that Judge Parker was not his choice for the presidential nomination should not weigh against the ticket. James P. English The ticket and plat form suit me. I think this Is the time for the unification of tha democratlo party. Harry P. Deuel Judge Parker Is the Ideal candidate for this campaign and the platform Is good enough for any democrat to stand on. I Peter Hofeldt I don't see how any demo- oral can have an excuse for kicking over .. . . ... Hitchcock Exalts - Bryan. Congressman O. M. Hitchcock returned yesterday from the convention. "I left, of course, before It was over," he said. "But It was a great convention, filled with many dramatlo and stirring Incidents. The demonstration in behalf of Mr. Bryan upon his appearance in defense of the Illi nois contest was & surprise to his friends and to tha eastern people as well. There had been a demonstration for Mr. Cleve land, but that was as a high treble to the great outburst for Mr. Byan, which was like a deep roaring bass of mighty sincer ity. There Is no doubt but that the con vention was with him at that moment.but ten minutes later It voted against him. Mr. Bryan came out of tha convention with the highest credit to himself. He dictated the tariff plank and the anti-trust plank and also succeeded in eliminating the gold plank. The convention as a whole was harmonious and I believe U means a united democracy throughout the country." Deputy City Comptroller Fred H. Cos grove, one of Judge Alton B. Parker's ad mirers and president of the Democratlo Succeess league, wired Judge Parker this morning as follows: ( Accept congratulations from the Demo cratic Succeas League of Nebraaka. Its fight for you In this state was lost, but the decision of democracy's highest court af fords extreme gratification. NEWS OF THE RAILROAD RUN O. e A. May Abamdoa Low Grata Rata , Floods Tie Up Trains B. aV M. Cats Time. A report has been received In this city that under pressure brought by other lines the Chicago A Alton will, July 10, abandon the low grain rate of 21 cents from Kansas City to southeastern seaboard points which was put In effect Immediately after the schedule of grain rates was adopted at the conference In Chicago which was called to settle the grain rate war. The il-cent rate Is a reduction of H cents from the regular rate agreed upon at the Chicago conference and the an nouncement that It .would be effectlva by the Alton threatened for a time to lead to another grain rate war, but. It Is said, the cool heads in the freight associations coun seled a waiting game to see f the Alton could not be brought back Into line, and It appears that this has finally boon accom plished. The rate was made by the Alton because tha officials of that Una did not believe their line secured fair deal In the ad justment arrived at in the Chicago meet ings It was maintained by the Alton that the gulf rates agreed upon would result In all the grain business going south via tha gu'.f ports and that it would be cut out of the grain shipments to tha southeastern seaboard entirely. High-Water Obstructs Traffic. Owing to the closing of railways In Kan sas to transportation by the high watsr a large number of people who Intended taking the southern routes to the east and west have been forced to come via Omaha. Friday evening about fifty people who live In the eastern states and who are on their way home from the Paclfio coast came through thla city. Some of them had been laid out at Kanaas points for over a wek and In some eases they had reached points near to Kansas City, but were forced to go bsck west as far as Denver snd then come on to Omaha. A number of persons who were on their way west and who held tickets reading via Kansas City rams north on the Wabash and Burlington and con tinued their Journey westward. la all several hundred people have been farced to rnme through this city who Intended going via routes south of this point. Traasportatloa ( Corpses. At the meeting of the Western Tassenger association to be held next week at Hough ton. Mich., the question of transportation of corpses will be taken up. The present rule Is to carry bodies at the regular pas senger rate when accompanied by one per. son hold a full fare ticket, and to send by express when alone. At various times complications have arisen by persons dying while absent from home and who have held passes for the return trip, and friends have demanded that tha body be returned without the pur chase of a ticket. It is now proposed to make it "binding upon the roads In the Western association to refuse such trans portation and to demand a first-class full far ticket. Barllagtoa Saorteaa Tisn. Tha Burlington will shorten the running time on two of Its most Important passen ger trains. The change will be effective July 34. No. , the fast Omaha train, wiu leave Chicago at the same time as at pres ent, but will arrive In Omaha at T:2S In stead of 7:45 a. m., thus reducing the running time twenty minutes. No. I, the Denver-Omaha-Chicago train, will leave Denver at the same time as at present, but will arrive In Chloago at ( p. m. In stead of 8:20 p. m. This train will con tinue to run via Omaha, making a very fast night train from Denver to this city, and a fast day train from Omaha to Chi cago. Frederick Montmorency, assistant general freight agent of the B. M., who has Just returned from a meeting of the Tranamlesourt freight association held In Denver, says: "Work la being pushed aa rapidly aa pos. slble on the Moffatt road. Forty-eight miles of the line have been built west frum Denver, nnd the work Is now progressing at a height of 18,000 feet above sea level. When the great tunnel Is completed the line will run about 11,000 ' feet above tha level of the sea at the point where the tunnel Is located. The roadbed, so far constructed, Is said to be aa fine aa any in the west." - George F. Bldwell, general manager of the Nebraska and Wyoming division of the Northwestern, and J. A. Kuhn, assistant general freight and passenger agent of the same line, have returned from a .trip of Inspection over the Nebraska lines with President Marvin" Hughltt of the system. Mr. Hughltt went direct to Chicago after the trip was completed, leaving Nebraska via Sioux City. KRUG PARK'S NEW PROGRAM Maay Attraetloaa Offered y Manager Cole, Including- tha Kllpat rlelt Circns. A program of rare excellence and one out of the ordinary for novel features has been arranged by Manager Cole for Krug Park today. For the first time this sea son J. Waldorf Hall will attempt his sen sational pastime of last year of being shot from a cannon attached to his bailor n while soaring among the clouds. Many have attempted and failed In trying to Imi tate his attractive balloon feature, but 10 him alone can tho public look for acts of this kind. The great Deboe, the upside down man, makVs his Initial appearance In this country today after his triumphal tour around the world, where he has ap peared In every notable city of the old world. He stands alone In his particular line of work. Boothe Bros., the clever revolving aerlalists who have Jutt closed with the Barnum & Bailey shows, will be ssen In their famous revolving ladder acts and double trapese. Beginning Tues day, July 12, the Kllpatrlck Bros.' shows will return for a special six days' engage ment, closing on Sunday, July 17. The snow In Its entirety will be given free to ' I-ark patrons. Many new performers have """ "uu"" ,l" formance'wlll be given on Tuesday even I been added to their roster. The first per lug and thereafter every afternoon and evening during their stay. Huster and his band and the one hundred other perma nent features will be in vogue to amuse and delight all classes. THE WEEK AT LAKE MANAWA Big Bill of Free Attractions Is Set Down for This Popnlar Resort, A big bill of free attractions will be given at Manawa this week. The headllnee will be Ted and Tata Geyer, the equilibrists, who perform the feat of balancing them selves on a globe while spinning down a steep Incline. The management also offers the Oriental Quartet of Dallas, Texas. These colored singers have won fame throughout the south. Prof. Andrews will mske his balloon Ascension dally. This artist performs feats on the trapeze while suspended in midair. Covalt's band has prepared many beautiful and difficult se lections which will be given. Edward Vinton's Illustrated songs have become one of the most popular attractions. His pro gram for this week consists of the newest pieces In the east. Edison's motion pic tures will also bs shown. One of the new features which the re sort offers Is Roving Tom's gypsy camp and many visit these fortune tellers. The bathing season Is now on In sarneat and Manhattan beach Is well patronized. The Kursaal Is fairly alive with bathers evtvy evenlng. The new row boats are kepi 1 constant use, many greatly enjoying a r In these modern pleasure crafts. Fish in.. Is now very good and many fine catcher have been made. STRICKEN WHILE AT WORK 8 A. Clark goffers Btroko of Heart Disease and Coadltloa Is Proearloas. 8. A. Clark, In charge of the grading work at the old Kountse Memorial church sits, wag stricken yesterday with what Is believed to be heart failure. He was taken to the police station, temporarily at tended by the police surgeons and then removed to St. Joseph's hospital and at tended by Dr. A. W. Riley. Mr. Clark Is said to be In a precarious condition. He Uvea at Eighteenth and Cass streets. Crowd In a Street Cars. "Tf you want to know one needed reform in your country, ' there Is one right before your eyes," said Edward J. Chambara Foxhllls, Womboume Staffs, Englano. Mr. Chambers, who Is one of ths psrty of English mechanical engineers touting the country, was standing bo fore the Grand hotel, pointing at a croweled street car aa ho Spoke. "You cannot understand how disagreeable that looks to an Englishman. We havo such strict laws regarding the crowding of tram cars that ths manner In which you Americans crowd one another is little less than appalling. "Do you know what would happen to the men In charge of that car If that occurred in London? ' I "An officer would take their numbers and the driver and conductor would be sum moned and fined. Why, sir, the other day In Chicago I saw 15 people crowded Into a tram that was built to seat forty people. "Think of It And the strange thing about It all was the wonderful good nature of those poor people. They took It as a matter of course. "We make our corporations provide for the comfort of the people. Here you de tvot." Cincinnati Commercial Tribune.