Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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Insane Patienta at OUrinda Produce Twen-
ty-Six Thousand Dollars Worth.
Interesting Points Raised la Salt to
Enjoin the Pnreha.e at Cer
tain Pattern of Voting
(Trom a Staff Correspondent.)
B8 M01N&3, July, S.-(Speclal.)-The
atata of Iowa makes a' considerable profit
on Its state farms, which are worked by
ths wards of the mate at various charitable
and other Institution. Aa illustration of
this was given In the annual report of ths
Stat Hospital for the Insane at Clarlnda,
where there Is one of the best of the many
tate farms. The annual report shows that
the products of the farm there were turned
Into the supply house for the Institution
on a basis of $K,3 K valuation. Every
Item is accounted for carefully and ths
Institution frm credited with the product
In actual values such as would be paid If
the supplies were bought in th market.
The results at the state farm at Clarlnda
have been duplicated at other farms of the
Convicts Tench Convicts.
The annual report of the prison school at
Anamosa shows thst a number of convicts
are employed aa teachers In the prison
achool. The school was In charge of Miss
B. A. Rettljr for a portion of the year, but
she resigned and the work was given to F.
A." Benton, with Mrs. Benton In charge of
the female depsrtment achool. Four con
victs have also been made use of In teach
ing, namely, Hoot, VanTasaell, Balyarrfs
and Raphael. The average attendance at
the prison school for the year wss flfty
tbree. There were 207 enrolled.
In Coort Over Voting; Machines.
An interesting suit Is being heird In the
district court, being the application for an
injunction to prevent the Board of Super
visors from completing the deal for tha
purchase of fifty-one voting machines to be
used In elections in Dee Moines and Polk
county. The claim' Is made that the ma
chines do not conform to the Iowa law and
that It la entirely possible to commit fraud
by and through them. The machines vote
with a ball Instead of a ballot and the balls
are afterward counted. It was attempted
to be shown to tha court that It was pos
sible to work a chain ballot on the ma
chines through a system of pretended inde
pendent voting.
Poonle of Pnelfle Janetlon Greatly Ei.
cited Ortr It.
PACIFIC JUNCTION, la., July S.-(Spe-
Xst night west of this place to assault
J n littla 8 year old girl. John Jackson's
v v uuub) ilia inu e vtiaj,
and 10 years old, had been to Plattt
mouth visiting soma relatives and had re
turned on tha east bound Burlington train
which arrives here at 5 p. m. While they
were on the train a smooth sort of a fel
low cultivated their acquaintance and had
talked to them all the way over. When
they alighted from th train ha asked
which way they went and they told him
that they lived about two miles west of
i town airecuy out tn railroad track. He
1 aald ha waa going that way and would
I show them th way. When all four of
them arrived at a long bridge Immediately
west of town th man gave ach ot the
little boys a quarter and sent them back
to town for fruit, pop. etc., and said h
and th llttl girl would wait at tha bridge
for them.
After the littla boys were gone he enticed
th llttl girl under tha bridge and at
tempted to assault her. 6 he screamed very
loud and says he tried to hold his hand
m inuum so mat sne could mat
i no noisa, h became frightened and told
I her to go on home and he started back
1 towards town. On the way he met the
V llttl boys and he told" them their sister
IsWwaa wsltlDg for them and that they could
jr har tha fruit as he had decided to ma hark
trt trtwrn Th. 1 1 . . I 1 1. . . . .
,,.vio iuiivb iimn weni oacK
to tha maflr wagon road and found a far
mer going their way and got In and went
home. When arriving home the little girl
told all that had happened and Mr. Jack
son cam Immediately to town and he and
Mr. Zornes, ths marshal, In' company with
Mr. Jackson's llttl son. Scoured th rail
road yards. On th south track about a
half mil from town they found three men
In a box car, one of whom th llttl boy
said waa th man.
Th man denied ever having seen th boy
but later admitted he had and then tried
to explain what made tha little girl
A crowd gathered and torn on yelled
Lynchhlm," and for a time It waa feared
that sfl&ethlng desperat might happen
as th crowd was very angry. The fellow
waa hurried to th county jail at CHenwood
at once. The man did not accomplish his
putpose. The little girl tells a pretty
Straight atory so It will make . hard cas.
gainst th man. H gave his nams as
Wanta to Preach Again.
ATLANTIC. la.. July 8.-6peoll.)A
pedal meeting of the Council Bluffs pres.
bytery waa held Sunday in thla city to
consider tha application of J. L. Counter
mine for reinstatement to the ministry
wnue castor or th. ..k, .- .
I . ",imnn cnurcn
at Carson Countermine Is alleged to have
I Th? r- hl Parishioners whloh
V el d t0 ,'th'r ret,lrn or amount for in
tnjr way. and In consequence was dlsmls-.l
iu. num.iry. in Denver presbytery
asks for his reinstatement, but the mitter
waa rfppit k..b . v. - . . -
,u uwi uoay ror further
Investigation. "
Mat Hnnter Will Hot Work
FORT MADISON. la.. July .-9pe-fl -Matt
Hunter, who la In th penitentiary
for th murder of Homer Holland of Leon
Is the only prisoner In the state prison
who refuses to work. He steadily refuse
to do anything and la keeping In excellent
health. All the punishment usualy re
sorted to has been tried In his case and
hi. attorney, have been asked to reason
with him and hav don .0 In vain.
Warrant Awaits glrk Woman
DAVIS CITT. Ia.. July S.-ffipeclul )Mls,
Mollis Btutevllle of thl city Is bring slowly
nursed to life In Mercy hospital In St.
Joseph, Mo. As soon as she Is sufficiently
recovered the physicians In attendance are
pledged to notify tha sheriff so th
warrant tor her arrest can be served upon
her for the murder of W. H Bowman.
Rhod Island 'Bells Building,
ST. LOt'IB. July 8-The Rhode Island
tate building has been sold to a 8t. Louis
fnsn, who will us It far a country home,
in nam of the buyer and the price has
'.JT" announced, but those in chsrse
in- ,!"'1'n8 today stated that the build-
Ihaa k!(So M000 W" e'd tor 1'"
L (KMsUlaM
ll pavia. V
ratnHl r far di-virtvjtt.
3) rp rn rvr
B ls lil k
New Clssn, dependable Merchandise. We have
not as much as a nickel's worth of "transferred"
Stoc t. Our Yatues are unassailable. Our prices are
wholly unbeaten
Clearance Sale..
Women's Petticoats, black spun glass, accordion pleats and ruffle,
usually sold at 98c on Saturday 49c
Black and Colored Taffeta Bilk Tetticoats, full flaring flounce,
splendid quality, at .. 4.95
3ap Pictures
Japanese pictures, the cutest
of the season scenes of home
home life in sunny Japan, in red.
green, blue and black frames,
colored tassels nttached for
hanging good value at 7Jo
sale price Saturday
and Monday 25c
r)And 2 worth of
fil?P&$ JLittle Green
ilSsH Stickers with
I jgi5each picture.
WEAR Saturday we
place on sale 100 dozen
ladies, washable stock col
lars, collar tops, turnover
collars, values 3oc to f 1.00
each, Saturday only, each
13o, and 50c in "S. & H."
Green Trading Stamps. '
rAKASOLS plain and fancy parasols, every one
a new style this season, all on sale at special prices
Saturday and with each sdle double "S. & II."
Green Trading Stamps.
3,000 pairs Women's Sample Hose, including finest lisle, in black,
fancy and plain colors, qualities from 35c to fl.00, all on sale
Saturday at 19c
Women's Undermuslln Great Offering Saturday
XewCorsest Covers, up from 19c
New Drawers, up from 19c
New Gowns, up from.(. . 39c
New Chemises, up from 25c
New Skirts, up from 5Uc
r-i r
All ladles', misses' and children's Oxfords and Slippers must
be closed out in the JULY CLEARANCE SALE. . Qualities
linked to our shattered prices will do the work.
1,500 pairs Ladies' Oxfords, in tan and black
vici kid, worth 2.50, at $1.49
And $2.00 in Little Green Stickers
200 pairs of men's tan calf patent leather and vici
kid Oxfords worth $3.50 and $4.00 at $2.98
400 pairs Misses' vici and patent leather San-
M&jmml dal8' worth L 25 and L 50, at 79c
jfejj And $2.00 in S. & II. Green Trading Stamps
NOTE Saturday, until noon, you get double "S. & II."
Green Trading Stamps1 with all purchases in the Shoe Section.
Saturday up till noon.
A Smart Deal m
Ladies Belts
Here's a belt It is a true photograph
of It so you know what we are oTerlng.
It's Bplendld value It's.
renteel, aubetantlal It's even swell. It's an All - SUk Crush
Belt conies In black, red and brown
Saturday for
And $2 in "S. St U." Green Trading S amps thrown In.
: 39c
July Clearing Sale Ladies' Lace Gloves and
mitts. All our istock of high grade, lisle and
silk lace mitts and gloves, long and short
length in black, white and cream, values up to
$1.70, Saturday, 50c pair,
And $1 in "S. & II." Green Trading Stamps.
0M AH ASaturday, Fair and Warmer.
dozen illC
It may be the last opportunity to get these
sweet flowers this season at such a low price.
Sold in Grocery Department Saturday only.
Chocolate Creams . f
special pound t
12c round. 12c Pound.
Optical Optical
Your Eyes:
Moat ltkrljr thy nrfd oar attention.
Satlofartlon .lanrrt on op-to-rtat
solrntlNp liar. rrlrn strlrtlr
soaable. Ask for th optician.
ORDERS. Every drop or in
gredient we use is just what
your trusted physician would
have us use. This we absolutely
guarantee. We save you money
on prescriptions.
The kodaker has all the vaca
tion delights that others have
and has pictures besides.
Cameras (f
up from vpI.W
Kodaks at most any price.
ror quality and price Ben
nett'a basr market la the anly
one vrest ot Cblcaa-o.
Spring Lambs
hind quarters lb. 12
Spring lamb
fore quartere lb O
Choice Round 10ln
Steak per lb . Ii2
Shoulder Steak
3 pounds for... ..v
Lamb Roast C
per pound .- C
Lamb Chops
3 pounds for asjJC
Leaf Lard 1 A A
15 pounds for ... 1UU
Best Regular ,
Hams pound .... ImC
Lean Breakfast f1
Bacon pound ....laC
0 a. m.
until 10
Pa R1.
wo will
of Mb.
worth of
"S & H"
Green Trad
ing Stamps
each can.
july mimm sail
llavlland & Co. .Limoges unina Decorated Teacups
and Saucers, Tea Plates and Breakfast Plates!-
new, up-to-date decorations each... 35c
And $2.00 in Little Green Stickers.
Bennett's Pure Gum Rubber Fruit Jar Rings
goods that have been tried and found not want
ing dozen ' 10c
And $1.50 in Little Green Stickers Limit of three
dozen to u customer.
One quart Root Beer Bottles with patent stoppers
per dozen . . . . , tOc
And $5.00 in Little Green Stickers.
J. Pouyat's White China Steins 50c values at 29c
Johnson Bros.' English porcelain 100-piece Decorated Dinner
Sets $7.88
Better get one now. Oure are remarka
ble for their perfection of Interior arrange
ment and the problem of preserving food
uncontamlnated t-.nd keeping the Ice bills
low at the same time Is solved tn every
one of them.
A refrigerator don't cost you much
money, either.
Attend the
Raging Bargain
Sale of Granite
ware Saturday.
o) r? rsn rn
12) 15 UJ
Lhtle Interest Taken in Primaries to Be
Held Tbii Evening.
Delegratea to Be Selected for the
Cosjatr Nominating Convention
to Be Held Neat Week
Democratic caucuses to select delegates
to the county convention to be held next
Thursday will be held In the several pre
cincts of the city this evening. Very little
Interest apparently Is being taken in the
primaries, as up to last night only a few
of the precinct committeemen had an
nounced the places for holding the cau
cuses. Those announced are as follows:
first Ward First precinct, Jennings'
barn; second precinct, McRoberts' office.
Third Ward-First precinct, Hotel Mar
tens, South Main street.
Fifth Ward First precinct, county build
ing, corner of Fifth avenue and Twelfth
street: second precinct, county building,
Fifteenth avenue and Thirteenth street.
Sixth Ward First precinct, county build
ing, Twenty-fourth street and Avenue B.
The several precincts are entitled to the
following number of delegates:
First Ward First precinct, eight; sec
ond precinct, seven. Socond Ward First
precinct, seven; second precinct, five.
Third Ward First precinct, six; second
precinct, four. Fourth Ward First pre
cinct, four; second precinct, four. Fifth
Ward First precinct, six; second precinct,
four. Sixth Ward First precinct, six;
second precinct, one.
Elks and Eagles Fraternise.
The members of tha Council Bluffs lodge
of EH Its have arranged to attend In a body
Tuesday evening the Eagles' midsummer
jubilee and there will be something doing
on the show grounds that night. Thursday
has been designated as South Omaha day
and a large crowd Is looked for from the
packing city. Tuesday will be children's
day and on thst afternoon all young folks
undr It years of age will be admitted free.
The ornate arch at the main entrnnce on
Avenue A Is nearly completed and when Its
SOO Incandescent lamps are lighted It will
present a brilliant spectacle. Work on the
construction of the concession booths Is
progressing rapidly and the carnival
grounds arc fast assuming definite shape.
The Woman's Christian association will
have an emergency hospital tent on the
grounds under ths charge of a trained
nurse and assistants. St. John's English
Lutheran church and tha Union Christian
church ars both putting In booths. Ths
Parker Amusement company with lta thirty
cars of attractions is expected to arrive
here Sunday.
First Draft en Carnegie.
Contractor Cullen of the firm of Win
chester Cullen, which Is bulld!ng tbe Car
negie library, has written to members of
the board, saying that the outfit for driv
ing the concrete piling waa to be shipped
by the subcontractors Thursday mrtit and
thnt work would be begun the first of
next week. One hundred and sixty con
crete piles are to be driven and It Is said
ft hey csn be driven In one week. As soon
aa one aide Is completed the work of lay.
lng brick for the foundation will be begun.
The first draft on the $70,000 given by
Mr. Carnegie for the new library .has been
drawn by the board. The draft Is In favor
of Fatton & Miller, the Chicago architects,
and Is for 11,650. The draft is drawn on
R. A. Franks at Hoboken, N. J., Mr. Car
negie's financial secretary. The drafts in
payment for the construction of the build
ing will be made In sums of $5,000 and $10,000
on certificates of the architects aa the
building progresses. The drafts in each
Instance will be signed by President Rohrer
and Secretary Balrd of the IJbrary board.
Get n Larger Dredge.
At a special meeting of the City council
yesterday afternoon a new contract for a
dredge for Indian Creek waa entered into
with the Bellefontalne Foundry & Ma
chinery company, by which the city will
secure a larger machine than at first pro
posed at the original cost of $4,800. . Tbe
company now proposes to furnish a dredge
with a thirty-five foot boom Instead at a
thirty-two foot one and with a 4Sxl08 boiler
In place of a 42x108 one. The longer boom
will give more orking range for the ma
chine while the increased else of the boiler
Will give It greater capacity, The change
was made at the request of the company
which has a machine of the larger else
In stock and can therefore deliver It sooner
than the one originally agreed upon which
would have to be manufactured specially
to fill the order.
The contracts for the construction of tha
boiler house at the city buildings and the
installation of the new heating plant wore
approved and ordered clgned by the mayor.
The house has to bs built by August 1$
under a penalty of $10 a day after that
The aldermen inspected the recently com
pleted paving on Fifth avenue between
Third street and Clark avenue but deferred
passing on the assessment schedule until
next Monday night, to which time the coun.
ell adjourned. The city l( Is expected will
have to bear about $1,000 of the cost of
Improving this street, some of the abut'
ting property being of insufficient value
to carry the entire cost.
Maslcale Attracts Many.
One cf the most pleasing social events of
the week was the musicals given yester
day morning at the residence of Mrs. T. J.
Foley on South Sixth street under the
auspices of the Woman's auxiliary of Bt.
Paal's Episcopal church. Mrs. V. W.
Sherman had charge of the program and
the affair waa attended by over 100 women.
This was the program given:'
Duet On Rosy Wings xbt
Mrs. W. W. Hherman and Mrs. N.
O. Ward.
Piano Solo Second Nocturne Llacheteky
Miss Ida Weis-Heybert.
Vocal Solo
la) "La t'hauson de Ma Mle" Rogers
b Mlnnelled ' Brahms
Violin nolo Uereceuoe Oodard
Miss Hulitte.
Vocal Solo When Lov At. Idee. . . .Lelghter
Ir. Claude Lewis.
Vocal Solo Your Lips Have Said Vou
Love Mf. ; Hawley
Miss Lulu Van Brunt.
Piano Solo Impromptu Chopin
Mis. lua Wels-Reylert.
Vocal Solo
la) "I Wandt-r the Woods" Ronald
(b) "The Rosy Morn" Cluiaam
Miss Price.
Reduce Number of Referees.
Judge Smith McPherson of the I'nlted
Slates court hss Issued an order relieving
fourteen of the twenty-two referees In
bankruptcy tn the southern district of
their duties and they have been requested
to turn in all books and papers relating to
their offices to the clerk of the court at
Des Moines. Only eight of the twenty
two have been retained under the new
ruling which divides the southern Jurisdic
tion of the state Into eight districts of
from two to eleven counties each.
Roferee W. 8. Mayne of thla city, who
heretofore only had three counties, Potta
wattamie. Shelby and Harrison, will now
have in addition Audubon, Crawford, Car
roll and Green. This will bring all bank
ruptcy matters in these seven counties to
Council Bluffs for adjudication.
N. T, Plumbing Co. Tel. 260. Night Vttl.
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The
Bee July 8 by the Title Guaranty and
Trust company of Council Bluffs:
Edgar Harding snd wife to T. Seeman,
lots 16 and IT, block 12, Burns' Addi
tion, w. d $ 140
Andrew C. Graham to Margsret Gra
ham, lot , Graham .Terraoe, w. d.. 1
Robert J. Hatcher et al. to Catherine
Mcintosh, part lots t and $. Auditor's
subdlviHlon, ne!4 neH 26-77-44
J. H. Holxfaster and wife to William
Reed, lot 6, Loan's subdivision, seS4
swfc 2-74-40, w. d MO
J. L. Btackpole, trustee, to Bridget
Durgan, lot 14, block I, Hughes &
Doniphan's A addition, w. d $60
L. D. Goodrich and wife to John
Kraack. lot 4. Auditor's subdivision
block 20, Neoln, w. d 660
George E. Cotter to Genevieve Hogan,
block 57. Railroad addition, w. d tO0
H. G. McGee and wife to C. W. Foster,
lot 8. Mount Lincoln in Thomas El
der's addition, w. d SSO
Elisabeth Myers to Rockford township,
part wtt se'4 nwfc $5-77-44, w. d $6
B. P. Shepherd to Zaeharlah B.
Thompson, lots 15 and 18. Auditor's
subdivision, lot 6, Mallett's subdivi
sion, w. d $60
J. H. Pnce and wife to John Schmld,
lots 1, $, 5, 7, 9. 11. 1$. 16 and IS. block
6, Snckett's addition, and lota 4 and
6. block E8. Everett's addition, q. c. d. I
John Schmld and wife to 1. H. Pace,
lots 2, 4. (, 8. 10. 12. 14. 17 and 1,
, block 6. Beckett's addition, and lots
$ and 8, block 26, Everett's addition,
Q. c. d i
Twelve transfers, total $8,178
Move for Another Wird,
Residents of the south part of tha city
are agitating the redisricting of the wards
so aa to make that portion of the city
south of Sixteenth avenue and east of
Sixth street a ward In Itself. As It Is al
present the South Slders are districted In
portions of the Fourth and Fifth wards.
Being thus divided they contend they are
unable to properly unite their Interests.
They feel that they are entitled to an
alderman of their own to represent them
In the city council. The plan for redis
ricting Is still In embryo, but If eventually
carried through the south part of the city
will be known as the Seventh ward and
will mean an additional alderman. Hans
Hansen, Thomas Smith and B. Wesley
have been sppolnted a committee to ley
the matter before the city council and
carry on the campaign for an Independent
Plumbing and heating. Blxby 4V Son.
Tuber I. In Election.
At the annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of the Council Bluffs. Tabor & South
ern Electric Railway company held Thurs
day night at -Tabor these officers were
elected for the ensuing yesr: President,
W. J. Dobbs, Tabor; vice president, R. J.
Mawhor, Tabor; secretary, A. G. West,
Tabor; treasurer, E. M. Sanger, Boeton.
Mr. Sanger, who represents the flim of
Nlrkerson Co., the financial backers
of che road, succeeds H. C. Dye of the Ta
bor bank aa treasurer. Tha directors
elected are; W. R. Goy, A. G. West, R.
J. Mawhor, W. H. Rhode, W. J. Dobba,
Tabor; E. M. Sanger, Boston! George F.
Wright, Council Bluffs.
and hundreds of men are temporarily
thrown out of employment. w The damage
to property will be heavy.
Aeks Heavy Damages,
Mrs. Sadie Clark, wife of A. A. Clnrk,
a well known loan broker of this city,
waa made defendant In a somewhat sen
sational suit brought In the district court
yesterday by Captain W. A. Hayes, In
which he seeks to recover damages placed
at $10,000. On one count. In- which Captain
Hayes charges Mrs. Clark with alienating
the affections of his wife and turning his
children from him, he seeks $5,000 dam
ages. In the second count he charges Mrs.
Clark with assaulting . him and forcibly
ejecting him from her residence, and for
this he asks the other $5,000.
Dleeonnt Water Bills
Until 8 o'clock Monday evening. Office
oloses at noon on Saturdays.
Davis sells drugs.
Leffert's glasses fit.
Stockert sells carpet.
For rent, new storeroom, 229 Main St
Tel. 184. Caae Biors Blue Ribbon beer.
Girl wanted for general housework. 222
8. 7th st.
Spencer Smith is home from a visit to
the Keeline ranch at Gillette, Wyo.
Pictures for wedding girts given special
attention. Alexander's. &J3 Broadway.
Sugar has advanced. Still we give 19 lbs
for $1.00. U. P. Tea Co.. 404 B' way. Phone 7"iJ
Lacqueret makes old furniture new. Pla
tures framed. Borwlck. iil Main Tel. AiiJJ.
Mr. and Mrs. Bcott Evans of Minneapolis
are ' guests of Mrs. Evans' mother, Mrs.
Did you ever notice how cheap lumber Is
at Haisr's. If not buy some and find out.
'Phone 203. . ,
Sheriff Canning arrived home yesterday
from a trip to Wyoming, where he went to
look after his coal property intereats.
Ths Western Iowa college is giving away
perhaps the most elaborate and expensive
souvenir ever given by any college, an
aluminum thermometer.
Deputy City Marshal Crum Is busy these
days serving ( notices on property owiteis
to clip all shade trees to a height of eight
feet from the sidewalk. Those falling to
comply with the order will be hauled Into
O. Green and M. E. Flanagan, salesmen
for an Omaha Installment house, will have
a hearing In police court thla morning
on the charge of peddling without a li
cense. They were selling rugs from house
to hcuse when arrested.
Michael Shaughnessy. working In a rail
road camp at Red Oak, wus picked up by
the police last night at the Rock Island
local depot suffering from an aggravated
attack of the snakes. His condition waa
such that after being placed In a cell City
Physician Tlnley hud to be caned to at
tend him.
Chris and Toney Borensen, brought in
from Marne by Deputy United States Mar
shal MoCoy Tnursuay nlgnt, had their pre
liminary hearing yesterday morning betore
Commissioner Wright on charges of boot
legging. They were bound over to await
the action of the federal grand Jury, their
bonds being placed at lm each, which they
"Colonel" Fred Stone, the colored pound
master, who was sppolnted to the otlUe
In recognition of the fact that he Is the
only coiored democrat In Council Blurts,
hss sent in his resignation, which will be
acted upon at the iiirrting of thu city coun
cil Monday night and ills successor ap
pointed, btone ever since his appointment
has had mors or leas trouble with the
ponce department.
Fort Dodge Centenarian.
FORT DODGE. Ia., July 8.-Speclal.
The death of Mrs. Luclnda Bell (colored)
occurred last night In this city. Mrs. Bell
was beyond doubt the oldest woman or
even resident of Iowa at the time ot her
death, being 114 years old last April. She
wns a most remarkable woman In a way,
having lived through a youth of slavery
In the south and the terrible war time
caused by It. Bhe Is remembered here by
gray haired men who have known her
during their childhood as looking the same
as at the time of her death.
Mrs. Sarah Otcdrn.
Mrs. Sarah Ogden, wife of J. H. Ogdon,
died Thursday night after a long Illness.
Mrs. Ogden was 60 years of age and lived
In Omaha five years. The remains will be
taken from the residence, 4617 Chlcngo
Htreet, Saturday afternoon to Shenandoah,
Ia., whero the Interement will take place.
Ferdinand Conrad and Wife.
HUMBOLDT. Neb., July 8. (Speclal.)-A
peculiar coincidence was the death of
Ferdinand Conrad and wife, two pioneer
residents of Spetser township, which oc
curred within five daya of each other, both
being lnld to rest In the home cemetery
aide by side.
Summer term now open. Students ei
terlng every day. Second Grade, First
Grade, State Certificate work. Review
clnases In Shorthand. Bookkeeping, Type'
writing, also beginning classes in all sub
jects. Write or call for Information.
E. P MILLER, Pres.
Nsioale Temple.
'Pliene BOH.
$8 pearl St.. Council Bluffs. . 'Phone 87.
Put your want ads In the Bee Want
Ad columns.
Twe Loae Their Lives.
PITTSBURG, July $.-As the result of a
cloudburst at ths headwaters of Turtle
tretk, near here last night two boys lost
their Uvea. Telephone and telegraph wires
are down, many building are damaged,
.Rest Boiling Beef, per lb. . . , .20
Bound Steak, 3 lbs 250
Best Sirloiu Steak, per lb 103
Beef Boast, per lb 6i0
Spare Bibs, per lb , ...4c
Swift's Winchester Bacon, per lb 11c
And all other meats in proportion.
Central Grocery & Moat Market,
600-602 Broadway. 'Phone 24.
Prices That Mean Money For You.
Boiling Beef, per lb 8 l-2c
Pork Hoast, per lb no
Good Steak, 4 lbs., itOo
.Hlb Roast, boned nod rolled,
per lb ki
fpare Hlba, per lb... Ap
Veal gtesk, per lb..,.. Ifte
Veal Stew, per lb Be
Pot Hoaei, per lb Se
Honnd It.ak, il lbs S3c
Hlrloln Mteak, per lb lt
Porterhnnse Steak, per lb lOo
Veal Knast, per II Uo
Iiiab stew, per lb o
skinned llama, per lb ISe
lies! Uaroo, per lb fAe
llonie.Made Kettle Rendered
Lard," 8 lbs no
Best Bait Pork, per lb Oe
t.ood Butter, per lb..,. 1Ao(
Leaf Lard, 14 lbs. for gl.(M)
All binds home-made sanaages.
5pscUI Price to Hotels and Restaurants.
TcUphono 46. COUNCIL BLUFFS. 9J7 W. llroadway,