THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1904. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Ho Let Up in Boom and Prioei Go Still fiigher.' FARMERS WAIT FOR TOP NOTCH FIGURES Continued Rains Scad Jaly Wheat aa to Ninety Cento and Chnaees Are Gaod for Loftier rji. , . OMAHA, July 7. 1IH. There was no let up In the grain boom to day, and price bounded still higher than yesterday's close. Demand at Umsh la great, but there were no receipt, farmer aeemed Inclined to hold back their harvest ad grain stuffs, looking for even better values, but aa a prominent dealer today re marked, th figure have Just about reached the top. Cash grain anould bring good valuea here, aa all houses are In need. Weather played the bugaboo for bears again today, and on excessive and contin ued rains the July wheat touched 90 cents at Chicago. Old July went even higher there. On this market July wheat went to 88 centa aad waa bid up well, but there were no aeilera whatever, it cloaed at 87 centa asked. Trade here waa dead. One caah sale re ported, but outside of that the deals, If there were any, were of a private nature and email. There were no receipt of grain, and 4here In not likely to be any within the next few davs. The rain of the past ten daya in the southwest have played havoc with' the horta. The weather map showed mora rain during the past twenty-four hous , In the Ohio valley wtst and southwest. The forecast la for more wet weather. Th long have got the boar by the tall and are pinching him unmercifully.. Whan a holder of July twists bruin's appendix a trifle, the market respond with larger figures. It la clear now that thera will be few dellverlea of July grain. If any, and shorts will have to settle on contracts. Kansas City July wheat went up 6 cents and those who have empty bin and big contract on the market ara badly scared. However; they are holding out the hope that the. rain clouds are nearly. If not entirely, exhausted and that bright warm weather la sure to come. In that event their scalps may be saved by a smaller margin than present value would Indi cate. .,..11 In Chicago there wsa good trading In the oat pit but her there was none.- The range of price on the Omaha mar ket for future delivery and the open and close today and Wedneeday were: Wheat Open. High. Low. Close. Wed. July ..,. !5 B in B ?S B ' A M B Sept 74B 77B 7B 7744B 7iB Dec. ..,.. 76B 76B 75B .76B 76 July.'. 47B :B 47R 4M4.A 47 A . ftapt 44 B 44 II 44 B 44B 44 B Dec. 9M,B ,8948 39KB 89B 89B July ....... 8B 3SB 8HR W2 22 Sept, M B 31 B 81 B 31 B 81 B Omaha) Caah Market. .' WHEAT Nominal : No. 3 hard, 82384o; No. 8 hard. 78fj"82c No. 4 hard, 6474e. CORN Nominal; No. 3. 4Wt47c: No. 8. 4Hc; No. 4. 45c: No. 2 yellow, 46'ff 47c; No. 8 yellow, 45'7i4Ko; No. 2 white, 469 46c: No. 8 white, 46i4Ac, nominal. OATS-Nomlnal: No. I. 89S39c; : No. 8, 87i3S8e! No. 4. 8VB37c; No. 3 white, 40c; No. 3 white, 848tc; standard, 3939c; No. 4 .(White. WHU&c. , . Receipts of Grata- tit Omaha Market. , ' '," ' ' - ' In. - Ou Wheat,' ran '. , , 0 - 11 rrCorn, car 0 '' 0 Oata, cars '..,' 0( 0 Grain Markets Elsewhere. Closing- prlcea of grain today and Wednes day at the markers named were aa follows; . CHICAGO. Wheat ' i . - Today. Wednes. July ,...-!.:..... 90 88 - September 84A 83B Corn i . July 49Vi i September 60 43 . - . KANSAS CITY, 75 - 73A December.,... v.,.... ,..-..v.75 ' Wi9 Corn ' - " September 4flT4,f 47 46B December 41M43 40 ST. LOUIS. Wheat September 83 82 December 84. 83 Cm September 48 47B December 44 43B MINNEAPOLIS. Wheat a,K BKU MILT December 83 B 81B wV t DULUTH. September 86 84 NEW YORK. September 84 87 December 88B 86 r Note ot th Grata Market. Liverpool cloaed with July wheat d higher and th September option un ." changed. July corn waa unchanged and September d under. Minneapolis stock for the last five daya have deoreaaed 60,000 bu. One car of No. 8 corn aold for 46o here today. Many believe that a reaction la due In the corn valuea. Two car of groin were Inspected here resterday aa follows: No. t corn, one; No. corn, one. Reports lrom Kentucky aay farmers there are refusing 90 cent for their wheat and that millers are badly in need and cannot buy at any price. Higher cablea and a strong foreign de mand worked In conjunction with the weather conditions In bulling the market here aa well aa elsewhere. If the Kansas flood situation 1 not relieved within a day or two, traffic will be congested and the shipment of what little grain has been har vested there will be tied up. Kansaa City says that dealera at Chicago have little Idea of the seriousness of th situation In that section and that price have not responded aa they would were the faoU realised In their enormity, E. C. Twambley of Twambley, Son Co. returned from a trip to Chloago yesterday, "Com a)l over Illinois and Iowa la stunted,, he aald. 'It la very backward and wet. Looks as though a spell of warm weather, unleaa It comes Immediately, will not be able to prevent heavy loaaes.' HEW YORK GENERAL MARKET notations of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK. July 7. FLOUR Receipts, 16.4K1 bbl. ; exports, 1,916 bbla.; market steady, but buyera acarce; winter patent. t4.9M25.10; winter straights, 34.SOrjM.76; Min neapolis patents, 14. 86(6 16; winter extras, 838Hl3.60; Minnesota bakers', 83.66ins.96; Winter low grades, tS.16ql.60. Ry flour, ?ulet; fair to good, 84. O0'o4.26; choice to ancy, 84.26ff4.80. COR NM HAU-Steady: yellow western 31 1&1.12; city, IUAUU6; kllu dried, Uuuii 1.10. RYE Nominal; No. t western, 70o. BARLEY Dull; feeding, 4o, o. 1. f. New York; malting, nominal. WHEAT Spot atrong; No. 1 red. nominal In elevator and 3111 f. o. b. afloat; No. 3 northern, Duluth, 3104 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 bard, Manitoba, nominal f. o. b. afloat. The continuation of heavy rains throughout the southwest had a demoralising effect on wheat ahorta again todity and prlcea made further big a-alha, notably July. The close hewed lYtflu net advanoe. July, 94QU6'401 cloaed at 94c; September, (tlWJbc, closed at fcStto; JUecember, e7H68c, closed at So. CORN Reoelpt. 13,876 bu.: exports, 34,818 bu. Spot firm; No. I, (4c In elevator and 640 f. o, b. 4lot; No. 8 yellow. 64c; No. 3 white. 64o. Option market- waa quiet all day, butv very firm, reflecting the wheat strength And rear of a smaller movement. Last prices showed H'&AtO net advance. July Cloaed at 64c; September at 640 OATS Receipt, 63.000 bu.f exports. 266 bu. Spot market firm: No. 9 jirfxed, Stiff 32 lbs., 43Vi$4c; natural white, JUj-tt lbs., 46d 47HO- No. 3 clipped, white, 36 to 40 lb., etTo. ' ; . , r' V RICB Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 8W'U6c; Jape.", hoinlital. TALLOW Uu lot: city. 31.00 per Dackaae: ountry (package free), 4U4c. HAY Slow; ahlpplng, 75c; good to choice, 86c. , . ' HOPBEasy; atnte. common to choice, ISO. 366 34j; iwr. t24o; ,i,i, 71Sc: pacific coast, liW4 tKn-'Sc-tliuJ. 2Sc; olda, 7&lJo. HIDES Steady ; Galveston, 30 to 26 lbs., IKe; California. SI to Hi lb., 19c; Tsxaa. try. 34 to 30 lbs.. 14c- ' 3 I.EATHKrt-Hteady: acid, 3So. PROVISIONS Beef, firm; mess, 60 '; beef hams, t.V60tf 2X.0U; packet, 39 C0 tu; city extra In. IK mess, 314 Ou$ Cut meats, steady tlikkd bellies, &9c; plrkled ham. 9'4'61(.-. Lard, quiet; west ern steamed. 37 40. July closed 37 40, nom inal; rerined. steady; continent, 14 75; South America. I Qt. . enmpound. 33 S7mnU2Vi. Pork, firm; family i,if.'V Je 50; short clear, $13 !K,ji6 mi: me. $14.364 M-76. If)L'I'T,Hy Alive, firm; southwestern Kjjly ' l,"8,7c: fowl, I?c; turkeyp. '.UTTER-8teai1y; street price, extra rrtmery, ITV: 'efltrlal creamery, com orvtunery, U-uUVaS- Urtlal prlcea ; Cream ery, common to extra, ICl8c; Ute dairy, common to extra, 13'Sl7e. CHEEflE Irregular; recelpta, 6,608 pkgs. tate, full cream, email white, poor to fancy, ffHVtc; small. Colored, fair to fancy, R-UJiHc; large, white and colored, poor to fancy, 6H7e. EOOB Firm; western, extra aelected, 19c; western, average prime, lfe. CHICAGO GRAIX AND PROVISIONS Featarea f the Trad I a and Closing; Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, July 7. Sensational flood re ports from the southwest today caused an advance of VuHo In the price of September wheat. Corn la up Sfic. Oats show a gain of '&". Provision are practically unchanged. Continuation of heavy rains throughout the winter wheat country gave the wheat market a strong aendoff, opening prices on September being up '6Ho at 83H&S3c. There was an active general demand for both the July and September deliveries, but offering were exceedingly meager. In consequence of the light offer ing, the price wea bid up rapidly. A Kan sas City paper estimated the damage In Kansas and Nebraska at 50.0o0.0u0 bushels. The market closed strong, with September at M84o. July ranged between 88o and 90c, closing at 90S90'4o. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 9,600,000 bushels. Primary receipts were 219,600 bushels, compared with 267,100 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipt of 170 care, against 209 cars last week and 62 cara a year ago. Tor the first time In BOme weeks there waa activity In corn. The improvement re sulted In an advance or irom c io ic. i ne lrerirth nf wheat waa the main factor. although the floods In the southwest af fected the crop. There waa a good gen eral demand the entire day and prices ad vanced steadily throughout the session. The market cloaed almost at the highest point. September opened 4o higher at 49ti49c, sold between 49o and 60V4c, nd cloned at 60360c. I,ocal recelpta were 70 Cars, with 2 of contract grade. The strength ot wheat and corn had a bullish effect on the oata market. There was more trading today than had been witnessed for some time. The market closed strong and near the best price of the day. September opened a shade to ,0 higher at 82ig3Co, Bold between 32Hc and 83c. and cloaed at 3214c. Local receipt a were 28 cara. Provisions experienced ft little setback early In the day aa a result of a weak tone In the hog market, but the atrenath of grain overcame this handicap and enumeni ouring ine latter part 01 tne session waa quite firm. At the close Sep tember Dork was ud 6o at 813.05. Septem ber lard and rlba were unchanged, closing at I'.i'vr ana if. 70 respectively. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 6 cars; corn, 123 cara; oata, 62 cars; hogs, 24,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follow: Article ! Open. I High. Low. Close. Ya'y. Wheat A July b July a Sept. b Bapt. Sept. Deo. Sept. Dec. Sept. Bept. Oct. RlS-r July Sept. Oct. 89f$ 90 89 90 89 88fiS9 90 88 19090 88 86 M 86 86n 84 83 84 83Hj84'i 83 48 49 4Rl49!4H 48fP 49 60 49 5060 49 46$ 47 46 46 46 38f .89 38 , 38 38 32$ S3 32y 82 W 33 333 S3Vi 33 33 12 80 1 3 90 12 80 13 90 12 85 13 90 13 07 18 86 13 05 13 00 7 02 7 07 7 02 7 07 7 05 7 12 7 20 7 10 7 20 7 20 7 20 7 22 7 20 7 22 7 20 7 42 7 60 7 42 7 80 7 47 7 65 7 70 7 60 7 70 7 70 T66 7 76 T66 776 7 75 No. 2. a Old. bNew. Cash quotations were aa follow: FLOUR Market firm; winter patents, 14.6694 65; straights, $4.8094.40; spring pat ents, $4.80$4.?0; straights. 33.90&4.20; bakers, 32.50W9.20. WHEAT No. t aprlng, 9697c; No. S, 85 aocj rtn. j red. xi.uuqfi.w. , CORN'-No. 3, 49 c; No. 3 yellow , 62c. OATS No. J. 8940c; No. 1 white, t l? cm xr a . r - BARLEY Good feeding, S237c; fair to choice malting, 42JT60c. SEEDS-No. 1 flax, 31.1J; No. 1 northwet- ern, rnm iimoiny, xz.k. Clover, PROVISIONSMese pork! per bbl., $12.90 itw. uira, per iw ids., (.(x8i.i;i'. en on rlba aides (looseV $7.S7'&7.60; ahort clear sine tooxeai, .i' Receipts and shipments of flour and grain were as follows: Receipts, Shipments. Flour, bbl. 85.800 39,700 Wheat, bu 83,000 6.900 Corn, bu 321,800 821.900 oats, bu 196,000 87.800 Rye, bu 4.000 x.000 Barley, bu 11,000 8,300 On the Produce exchanse today the but ter market was steady: creameries, liif8 17c; dairies, 1216c. Eggs, firm at mark, caaes inciuaea, i4(tioc. cneese, nrm, tK&otto. St. Lonls Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS, July 7. WHEAT Higher, ex cited by wet weather damage; No. S red, eaah ,1vq tir nnmlnil. t r e, 1 1 . July, 89c bid; September, 3'o bid;' No. 1 nara, tuanc. CORN Higher on mln; No. 2 cah, 49o; track. 60c; July, 9i&480 bid; September, 4o bid. OATS Higher; No. t cash, 40o: track, 40641c; July, 880; September, 3o bid; No. 3 white. 44Hc. FLOUR Firm; red winter patents, 34.85 P6.00; special brands, 10W26c higher; extra iancyana etraigat. H wuw- SEEDS Clover, $3.70(53.80; timothy, steady at $3.402.75. CORNMEAL Steady at $2.76. BRAN Dull; sacked, east track, TXTSOo. HAY Timothy, steady at IS.OOM.OO; prairie, oulet and lower at $6.0064.60. IRON COTTON TIES 82o, BAQOINO c. - HEMP TWINE c. PROVISIONS - Por. higher; Jobbing, $12.90. Lard, unchanged; prime steam. t 60. Bacon, Arm; extra aborts (boxed), $8.26. Clear rlba, $8.32. Short clears, $3.60. POULTRY Quiet; chicken, 8c; springs, 12?14c; turkeys, 12c; ducks, 7c; geese, 3o, BUTTER Steady; creamery, 1418c; dairy, 1010c. EQOS Steady at 13c, case count. - - Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbl 8,000 8,000 Wheat, bu l.K 29,000 Corn, bu 1.200 82,000 Oats, bu 81,0000 2J.0U0 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, July 7. WHEAT July, 97c; September, 85c; December, 83c; on track: No. 1 hard. 99c; No. 1 northern, 98c; No. 3 northern, 94o. FLOUR First patenta, $5.OO05.1O; second patents, $4.903:5.00; first clears, 83.46I&3.55; second cleara, $2.46. BRAN In bulk. $12.60: shorts. $14.50. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Jury 7. WHEAT Market o higher: No. 1 northern, 99c; No. t north ern. 95ai7c; new, September, 84Vtfl. RYE Market lc higher; No. 1. 6IWro. BARLEY Steady; No. t, 63c; sample, 33 CAOc. CORN Market c higher; No, 8, 60c; Sep tember, 60o, Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOU July T.-WHEAT-Spot nominal. Futures steady; July, 6a tVid; September. 6a 6Hd. CORN Spot quiet; American mixed, new, 4a 4d; American mixed, old, 4a 6d. Fu tures quiet; July, 4a 4d. Philadelphia Prodneo Market. PHILADELPHIA. July 7. BUTTER Weak and prints lc lower; western cream ery, extra, 18o. BOOB Steady: western, 19c, loss off. CHEESE Quiet and ateady, 78Vtc Dnlata Grain Market, DULUTH. July 7. WHEAT To arrive: No. 1 northern. 97Vic No. 3 northern. 96Wc: on track: No. 1 northern, 9iic; No. 3 north ern. 9SV4e; July, 97Wc: September, 8RSe. OATtr 10 arrive, wvc; on track, 87 c. Peoria Grata Market. PEORIA. July 7 CORN Market ouotad higher; No. 3, 48c; No. 4. 46c. Evaporated Applea and Dried Pralts. NEW YORK, July 7. EVAPORATED APPLES The market shows little change. Fulurea are offered freely and ahow an easy undertone, but spot supplies are light and holder are asking full recent price. 1 ommon are qumen ai prim at 6Y3c: choice at tVaSc, and fancy at 7c. CALIFORNIA DRlfc-D FRUITS-Prunee remain In moderate demand, but are hold ing fairly ateady at recent prices, which range from Xtu54c, according to grade. Apricots are quiet. Quotations remain tiomlnally unchanged, with choice held at 9Valc; extra choice at 10Vgl"Vc. and fancy at llllc. Peaches also are quiet. There seem a dlaposltlon to offer new crop fruit for future shipment rather more freely, but prices show no change. Choice are quoted at 7u7V-; extra choice at 7 &8c. and fancy at 95'lOc. toffee Market. NEW YORK. July 7. COFFEE Th market for futurea opened ateady at un changed prlcea to an advance of i points. Bales were reported of 26.2&0 bags. Includ ing July. t OClii cftr; August, ttiuc; Septem ber, 7o: October. 16c; December, leue; April, late; Ma, fct47.00o. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Reaction Oocurt from the Activity of Fast Few Day. RUMORS OF FLOODS CAUSE SOME ALARM United . Stales Steel Comparatively Firmer Than General List Rail road Stocks Alao F I era re In the List. NEW YORK, July 7. Today's stock mar ket waa reactionary again and there was very obvious and very heavy liquidation to take profits on the advance of the Inst two days. The reaction was only partly ef fective In the early dealings and the mar ket was protected by bidding up of special stocks here and there, but this policy be came less effective aa the day advancer! and the reaction became general. Wall atreet la traditionally suspicious of crop scares at this time of the year, but mucn mote effect waa produced on speculative sentiment today by the persistent strength In wheat than waa the case yesterday. Some alarming rumors were circulated of damage by rain and floods in the south west. The weather map was pronounced very unfavorable.' The cotton market shared to some extent In this. The political news of the day was not different from that of yesterday, thus giv ing a rather forced construction to the view that yesterday's rise In prices was due to that cause. United States Steel was comparatively firmer than the general list, which was attributed to the reaffirmation of prlcea of first products by the pools. The local tractions proved an effective support for the early market during the most active period of -profit-taking ealee. In view of the profit-taking nature of the day's selling, the largest declines are not only found In those atock which were most conspicuous in the buying movement, especially Union Paclfio, St. Paul and Pennsylvania, but pretty much all the active stocks In the market figure In the list of 1 to 44 point loss. Th closing waa Irregular and near the lowest of the day. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, $3,630,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. The following were the prices on the Stock exchange today: Bales, tngn.iow.ciose, Atchison do pfd Baltimore 4 Ohio .54,600 ..2.500 . 9,900 76 73-"4 74H 95 94 &4'4 82 81 81K do pfd Canadian Paclfio Central of N. J Cheaapeake & Ohio... Chicago A Alton .... do pfd Chicago at Western. Chicago A N. W C, M. A St. P do pfd Chicago T. ft T do pfd C. C, C. St St. L.... Colorado Southern ... do 1st pfd do 2nd pfd Delaware & Hudson., D. . L. at W tiiOO 125 124 124 162 600 100 600 800 72 16 49 21 71 16ij 48 2.000 158T4 lSrti 151 170 Denver ft R. O. 21 70 24 9 85 v do pfd Erie do 1st pfd .... do 2nd pfd .. Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central .. do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd L. A N Manhattan L .. Met. Securities Met. St, Ry M. ft St. L 100 7,500 2,100 300 8,100 100 70 26 60 .86 66 70 24 69 86 66 82 CO 82 82 700 184 134 133 200 18 18 18 100 84 34 34 30 41 6.000 112 111 111 1,800 150 14!) 148 8.300 M .34,600 117V M.. St. P. ft 8. Ste. M. 1,600 68 do pfd 400 .124 Missouri Pacific 11.600 92 M., K. A T 500 17 do pfd 1,400 38 N. R. R. pf Mex. pfd Now York Centra!..., Norfolk ft Western... 400 117 3,900 68 uu piu , Ontario ft Western... 9.100 Pennsylvania 66.900 P., C. C. ft St. L.... - 600 Reading .84,600 do 1st nfd 400 do tnd ufd 1,700 Rock Is&ad Co 13,800 do pfd 800 St. L. ft tl F. Sod pfd. 100 St. L. & W 400 do pfd ,. 300 Southern Paclfio 28,600 Southern Railway .... 8,400 do pfd 400 Texas ft Paclfio 1,700 T., St. L. ft W 200 do pfd 600 Union Paoiflo 46,300 do pfd 800 Wabash 200 do pfd 600 Whaallna- ALE 36 116 Wlsoonsin Central ... 200 17 do pfd 800 88" Mexican Central 1,600 6) Adams Express American Express U. S. Express Wells-Fargo Express Amal. Copper 13,900 61 Am. Car ft Foundry.. 1,100 lv do pfd 300 72 Amer. Cotton Oil .... 200 37 do pfd American Ice ......... 300 6" do pfd 300 17i, Amer. Linseed Oil .... 100 7 do pfd Amer. Locomotive .. 900 20t do pfd 800 82 Amer. 8. A R 1,100 644 do pfd 600 971 Amer. Sugar Refining; 1,600 128 Ana. Mining Co Brooklyn R. T 89,400, 614 Colo. Fuel A Iron .... 800 814 Consolidated Oas .... 1,700 39 Corn Products 800 11V do ofd 60 16 72 26 19 82 Distillers' Securities General E'ectrlo .... Inter. Paper do pfd Inter, Pump , do pfd National Lead North American .... 100 31 300 168 1,000 18 400 70 800 20 20 Paclfio Mail ..i People's Oas 1,000 Pressed Steel Car 600 do pfd Pullman Pal. Car Republic Steel loo do pfd 6,000 Rubber Goods goo do pfd , 100 Tenn. Cosl A Iron.... 1,40 U. S. leather 6"0 do pfd 700 9K 98 27 U. B. Realty &7i do pfd 600 6S 6S 57 U. 8. Rubber 1.300 17 16 16 do pfd 1,000 67 66 67 U. 8. Steel 17.500 11 10 10 do pfd 60,700 68 67 67 Westlnghouse Elec 166 156 1M Western Union 87 Total sales for the day, 644.600 shares. Hew York Money Market. NEW YORK. July 7.-MONEY On call easy, 1; closing bid, 1; offerings at 1; time loans, easy; 60 dava 1 per cent; 90 days. 32; 6 months. 1. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-SiZN per cent. STERLING E'X CHANGE Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at 14. 8726 fj 4 8730 for demand and at $4.85S'4 8635 for 0-day bills; posted rates, $4.86t?4.R8; com mercial bills. $4.8515114.8525. BILVEH Bar. 6c; Mexican dollar, 4o. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Irregular. Th cioalng quotation en bonds are as follows) V. t. nf. ts. reg. do coupon do Is, rag do coupon do new 4o, rs 1044(1 Manhstun a. g. 4S...106U, ..104 ..ins ..104 ..1SIU do lat loo 11. Minn. St. L. 4a . M M., K. A T. 4s do coupon . ..lit ,.. au to old 4a, rcg 114 N. R. R. of at. ta.... T7 do coupon inu N. Y. C. a. IUa Mil ..luSH N. J. C (. ta. do adj. 4a Atlantic C. L. 4s. .. t No. raclno 4 .. M I do ta ..losu. N. A w. a. .... .. M O. i. U te par. ..Ill Pann. eonv. Ia. . B. A O. 4s do la Central of Oa. Is. do lat Inc. . , it Hatains gan. rnca. a Ublo 4a....iut It. u a I..M. c. ta..lll -vnieago m a. ata.. ias si. l,. at . r. rg. 4a. 11 C.. B. A Q. n. 4a.... Mt St. U S. W. la W C. M. P. a 4a.. 1074 asaaboard A. L. 4a.. 44 C. N. W. e. 7a. . . . llh So. Pacific 4 tsv. C. ft. I. 4 P. 4a.... In i So. kallwaj i 114, do col. 6a to iToiaa A P. la 111'. iix'. a si u s 4a..l'xn t. , St. L, a w. 4a.. Tl 14 inicaro Tar. a 74 ii'nion raciao 4a., Cos. Tobacco 4a 43 do conr. 4a ..lf4 ...1U1 ... T7"4 ...11IH . .. l ... 41 ... IW ... H Colo. So. 4a. 04 1 1' S. Steel J to Wabaah la f do dab B 44 W A U B 40 K3 Wla. (ntral 4a li7 Colo. fuel c. U D. K. O 4a ... Krla prior Han 4a... do gon. 4o F. W. p. C. is.. Mocking Val. 4Ha.. L AN. unl. 4a... 1(W Bid. Offered. Metal Market. NEW YORK. July 7-METAI.8-Tln ap peared to be meeting with a little better drmand In today'a markets, although bui-l-neas waa comparatively quiet owlaav to moderate offerings and prices ruled sr?itly higher. London rloeed at 117 12s 6d for spot and 117 17s 61 for future. Locally spot. Is quoted at 36 7oa36 9a Copper wa unchanged in London, clnalng at 467 5s for spot and 67 3a 3nd for futures. Locally de mand Is light, but Ultra Is H iaessur 400 82 31 81 3O0 39 89 38 300 80 80 80 500 14 13 13V4 100 171 171 171 1.200 146 144 144 178 6V 15 71 16 49 20H aaalnat the market, whtclr-while quiet shows a firm undertone. Lake la quoted at $12.2Hti12 87H; electrolytic tt $13.6ivtill.75, and rastlna at tl2.2f-a li.50. Lead was un changed at $4 254.35 In thelocal market Sbelter waa unchanged In both markets. London cloelng at 22 and New York at $4.854r496. Iron closed at 61s In Glssaow and at 42s 10Vd In Middle.' bom. Locally Iron was quiet No. 1 fnundr' northern Is quoted at $14.60116.00; No. 2 feundry north ern at $13.76; No. 1 foundry eouthern and No. l foundry southern port at 13 rc'jru.To. Pig Iron warranta are nomlnsj at is.oo. ST. LOUIS. .July 7. M RTALS-Lead, strong at $4.12. Spelter, firm St $4.77. Boston Stock ttaotat lone. BOSTON. Julv 7. Call loans. 2d534 per cent; time loans, HC' per cent. Official closing of stocks and bon os: Ati-hlaon ad). 4s. ... M14 Westing, common do 4a ,101m AdTtnture Mn. Central 4a. Allouci Atchlaon 74 Ama Igamatrd do pfd 4St Amartran Zlno ... Bnaton A Albanr...44 Atlantic Bnatnn Ac Maine Hlngbani Bout nn Elavated ....14f l'l. A Hocla Fltchburg pfd I.t4 Cantannlal Mai. Central TH'Cnppcr Rtngo ... N. T . N. H. & H..1M .Pair Want , Para Marquette T4 'Dominion Coal ... t'nlon Pacific Franklin Amar. Arge. Chnna... 13a4 O-ancy do pfd w T 'Ialo Rorale Amar. Pncu. Tube... 4Si.Ma. Mljilng ... Amar. ftugar 1I7S1 Michigan do pfd Mohawk .-. Amar. T. T 12 Mont. 17 C... Amer. Woolen 11 Old Dominion .... do pfd 74 Oaceole Pomlnlon I. 8.... 74H Parrot Edlaon Elee. I11U....242 gulncy Oenaral Electric Shannon Masa. Electric Tamarack do pfd 11A Trinity Maaa. Oaa 19V V. 8. Mining , .. 71 ... 1-4 ... ... U ... ... T ... H ...440 ... r ...4) ... ta4 ...41 ... T ... I ... T4 ... 4 ... l ... 414 ... ... I!4 ... o ... I44- ... 12 ... IS ... to ... t ... 11 a- a7 la ii.t let a a-lll' ,.. 1"4 ,.. MS ... I4 United Shoo Mach!'.!! tl do pfd 2f4 I!. 8. OH. Vtah ......... Victoria ..... U. S. gtcel lnu winona ,.. T ... Tl do pfd 67 H Wolrcrlno Bid. "Ex-dlvldend. London Mock Market. LONDON, July 7. Closing: ConaoU, money 894 N. Y. Central 12l4 do account Anaconda Atchlaon So pfd Baltimore A Ohio. Canadian Pacific . Cnea. Ac Ohio Chicago Of. W C. M. & St. P.... DeBcara D. A R. 0., do pfd Krla do lat pfd . do Id pfd. Illinois Central ... Loula. 3c Naah..'... 19 l.i-ll Norfolk W.... ... J'i do pfd ... 7l'k Ontario A W ... in ' j Pannaylvanla ... sr.- Rand Mlnea , OT I'm 4!t Reading do lat t)fd ... I4'.a, do Id pfd 80. Railway do pfd So. Pacific t'nlon Pacific do pfd V. 8. ("teal do pfd Wabaah do pfd ,..151 ,.. ID 21 M4 49-4 ... 2S ... 72 ... 2H ... till. ... 37 ..137H, ...110 ... II I 4 M 0 la.. K. d T. Spanish 4a SILVER Par, steady, 26 13-18d per ounce. MONfc)r 4f24j per cent. The rale of discount In the open market for short bills Is 22 per cent; for three months' bills, 2S2 per cent. New York Mining; Stocka. NEW YORK, July 7. The following ara the closing prices on mining stocks Adams won SO 24 10 Little Chief .. I ..100 ..20 .. II .. II .. ii .. II .. It ..206 Allca Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Potoal Savage Sierra Nevada Small Hopes .. Standard Brooco Brunawlck Con . Coraatook Tunnel . f .100 Con. Cal. Va Horn surer . Iron ailror .. Leadrllla Coo 144 lit) t Condition ot the Treasury, "WASHINGTON, July 7. Today' state ment of the treasury balance In the general fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold re serve In. the division of redemption, shows the available cash balances-$160, 408,188; gold, $64,188,031. .- . - , . ' ' 'I Bank Clearlua-s. OMAHA. July 7)-Barvk 'clearings for to day, $U4. 69.40, a decrease of $202,477.13 from the corresponding day last year. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS 1 Condition of Trade and annotations on Staple and. Fancy Trodace. EGOS Receipts liberar;. market - steady; fresh candled stock ltHa;- oaae count, 13c. LIVE POULTRXj-llein, Hc: roosters, according to slxe, 6c; turkeys, 13c; ducks, 7c; geese, 6c: broilers, lbitf 18c. BUTTER Packing stock. He: choice to fancy dairy, 12$14c; separator, Ifinc. FRESH FISH Troilt, He; pickerel, 8c; pike, 10c; perch, Jc llueflsh, 12c: whlleriah, l4ci salmon, ' 14o; TdsMiper, lie; lobster, srreen. 26c: lobster, boiled. 30c: bullheads. lie; cattish, 14c; black bass, 20c; nail but, locj orappies, lie; roe snaa, si.uu; ourtaio, so; wnite Daas, lie; irog legs, per uui, ooc. BRAN Per ton. 318.00. HAY Prlcea quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers association: Choice no. 1 upland, $8.00; No. 2, $5.60; medium, $7.00; coarse, 36.00. Rye straw, 36.50. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demaud fair and receipts light. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Navels, choice, large alse, $3.uo; fancy navels, all sixes, $3.6u; Mediter ranean aweeta, cnolce, all sizes, $3.0ia.25; J a ft as, all sizes, $2.753.00; Vaienclaa, all sizes, $3.oU(&3.76. LEMONb California fancy, 27v-800-86Tj, $8.704.25; choice, $3.60)3.75. CALIFORNIA FIGS Per 10-lb. carton, 60c; Imported Smyrna, 2-crown, 12c; 6 crown, 14c: 7-crown, 15c. BANANAS Per medium-sized bunch. $2.0O2.60: jumbo, $2.Vo3.2u. DATES Persian, per box of 30 pkgs., $2.00; In 60-lb boxes, 6c; per lb.; Oriental stuffed, per dsx, $140. PINEAPr iKH In crates, of 4 to 43, per crate, $3.26. FRUITS. APPLES Green, per H-bd. box, 76c. RASPBERRIES Per 24 qts., $2.50; per 34 pts., $1.60; red raspberries, per 2a pta., U i). BLACKBERRIES Arkansas, per 24 qtat, iiTRAWBERRIES Colorado, por 34-ot case, 32.60. CHERRIES California, Royal Ann or Tartarian, per box, $1.50; home grown, per 24 qts., $1.25. GOOSEBERRIES Per 24-qt. case. $1.30. PEACHES Texas, per 4-oaaket crate, 90a; California Alexandra, per box, $1.00; Texas Albcrtas, per 4-basket trate. $1.2o. . PLUMS California Clyman, $1.8j. APRICOTS-Californla, $1.6U CANTELOUPE Texas, per crate, $2,600 1.76; California, per crate, $6.60. WATERMELONS Per lb., crated. lKc; each, Wu0c. CURRANTS Red and white, per 24-qt. case, $1.25. VEGETABLES. POTATOES-New Texas Red etock, !n sacks, per bu., $1.00. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. $2.1&S)2.26. ONIONS Bermuda, per 60-lb. crate, $2.00; Louisiana, In sacks, per lb., 2V4c CABBAGE California, per lb., 2o. CAULIFLOWER Per doz., 76c. CUCUMBERS-Pcr doz., 60e. TOMATOES Texas, 4-basket crates, 80c. RADISHES Per dox. bunches, 20o. LETTUCE Top lettuce, per dot., 80c TURNIPS Southern, per dos., 26o. BEETS Southern, per dos., 26c. CARROTS Southern, per dos., 26o. PARSLEY Per doz.. 26c. BEANS Wax., per bu. box, 31.00; per -bu. basket, 76c; string, per bu. box, $2 00; per -bu. box, 75c. SPINACH Per bu., home grown, 3540c. ASPARAGUS Per dox. bunches. 40o. GREEN PEPPERS-Per 6-basket crats, $2.00. SQUASH Florida aummer, per doz.. 75c. PEAS Per bu. box, $1.00. EOO PLANT Southern, per dos.. $1.60. LbLi;Hi-naiimiioo, per aos.. 26c, MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10c. HIDES No. 1 green, tic; No. 2 green. 60: No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, 6c; No. 1 veal calf, to 12 lbs., 8c: No. t veal calf, 13 to 16 lbs., 6c; dry salted. Sffl2c; sheep pelts. !4S27c; horsehldes. $1.6032.oO. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, He; Wliconsln Young America, 12c; block Bwlsa. 16c; Wisconsin brick, 18o; Wiscon sin Hmberger, 18c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, tier lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. 3 soft shell, per lb., 13o; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; Jiecana. large, per lb.. 12c; ama II, per lb., 0c; peanuts, per lb., Cc; roasted peanuta, pe.r lb., 8c; Chill walnuts, 12rl8c; large hickory nuts, per lb., lie: almonds, soft shell, per lb., 15c; hard shell. 13c; shell barks, per bu., $2.00; black walnuta, per bu., $1.26. . j Slonz City Live Stork Market. SIOUX CITY, la.. Jury 7.-SpecIal Tele gram. 1 CATTLE Receipts, 100 head. Mar- xer vaioc lower: Deeves.. M ixwa vo; cows, bulls and mixed, $300(64.75: Blockers and feedera, $3.004.00; calves and yearlings, $2.76 1 76. HOGS Receipts, 3,800 head. Market 61T lower, selling st $6.066.26; bulk, $6. 16a 6.20. St. Joseph Live Slock Market. ST. JOSEPH, July T CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,468 head; market 1iV(j'-'6c lower: na tives, $4.00cn.a; cows and helfere. $1.75 5.'6: stockers snd feeders, $30O4.26. HOGS Receipts, 8,741 head; market 6tfri0e lower; light, $5.16!S6.i5; medium and heavy, $6.2tKi6K. SHEEP AND LAMFiS-Reeelpts, 1,S3 head; market steady to 10c higher. Stork In Slant.' Following the the receipts of live stock st the six principal western cities yes- lerauy ; Cattle. Hofrs. Sheep. 1 fry u,io 6.5ro $.0"q 8o,(j0 lO.ono l.J 2 5) 660 1 5" 8.6-ti I.etO I.AIA l.Shj ..... 100 8.800 South Omaha Chicago Kansas City .. St. Louis St. Joaeph eioux city .... TotaJs 16,661 H4 17,660 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle BeoeipU Light and Bert Grades Higher. HOGS BROKE FIVE TO TEN CENTS General Trade Slow and Close Weak Sheep Market Active and lOe Higher on Desirable Kinds Receipts Fairly Large. SOUTH OMAHA. July 7. 1904 Receipts were: cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Mcndiv Holldsv. Official Tuesdav 3.309 4.0S8 S. 2.R77 Official Wednesday $.485 7.88 8.498 Offloial Thursday 1.800 12.2O0 6.500 Four dava thia week... 1104 25.MM 12.076 Same days last week.... 8,837 42.254 lTO came cays weeK before.. 10, iu'o ai'.sn Same three weeks sgo... 12.270 46.348 3.115 Sams four weeks ago....l3.3M) 41.051 8.798 Same days last year 13.650 83.364 11.008 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha mr me year to date witn comparison wun last year: 1804. 1908. Inc. Dec. Cattle 402.713 610,387 47.674 Hon 1,3H9,877 1,237,138 102,739 Sheep 712.7VN) 668,861 133,845 Average prices paid tor uugs at South Omaha lor tat last several las with com parison. ' Date I UOt. 11803. 103. 11801. 11800. 18S. 11888. June 17., June 18.. June 18. June 30. June 21. June 'fi.. June ii. June 24. June 26. June 26. June 7.. i J.1'' 4fc 100 I 84 7 38i 7 m! I 831 i 84 II 44 8 C3 a $ 84 3 71 3 88 8 63 3 (4 o 3 $8 $ 81 8 7J 5 ' 841 6 U 6 ti 6 M 1 41 7 43 t 68 84 I 7i 6 91 4 W 6 kHi 5 tMi I I 0al -.1 Ul I t6 0 771 t 11 3 M i S 73 6 67 6 67 5 83 I 8!1 1 17 8 82 1 sn wl 6 14 llHi Wi 6 ut I o 8 63 3 64 'o S 81 8 W I 80 3 W 3 1 4a 6 70 6 6 10 fill 4 89 6 tt 7 62 6 91 87 June 28.. 8 66 - I I DO 6 6 I June 28.. 60j $ 61 June 80. W 1 VI 4 Wi $ b 8 71 o Julv 6 60! 7 4 7 841 6 891 83 July Juiy Juiy July Julv 6 67 2 I li ...1 1 0 IK, o H BUli 6 0s I 14 U 3 7b .125 1 WH I 6 1 0 I E6 7 64 775 t 73 ( 78 1 7R 3 3 83 3 6S July 6 481 Indicate Bunday. Holiday. The official number of cars of brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C, M. A St. P. Ry.... 8 13 Wabash 4 .. Missouri Pacific Ry 2 Union Pacltlo system.. 20 81 19 C. & N. W. Ry 6 3.. F., E. & M. V. R. R.. 7 60 C, St. P., M. & O. Ry.10 7 B. & M. Ry 23 38 1 C, U. ot g. Ry 8 18 K. C. & St. J. 10 7 C, R. J. ot P., east... 6 7.. C, R. I. & P., west... . 4 Illinois Central 1 1 Chicago Ut. Western.. . 8 stock Hs's. Total recelDts ....85 179 20 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purcnaslng tne num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. v Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omana Packing Co 194 612 Swift and Company 424 8,UU7 1,294 Cudahy Packing Co 463 8,lu3 2.104 Armour & Co 414 8,&4 1.W6 Omaha Packing Co., K. G 61 Cudahy Co., K. C , 118 Armour & Co., K. C 77 .... .... Vansant & Co 12 Hill ot Son 84 L. F. Husz 14 Wolf & Murnan 91 J. li. Root 7 Other buyers 83 Total L971 liiwi M97 CATTLE Decreased receipts here and elsewhere had a beneficial influence on the trade and the trend of values Is a sain toward a higher basis on fat cattle. The market on beef steers ruled active and mostly 10o higher on all suitable grades of fat steers. Trading was brisk and the market showed mora lite than has been the case in some time. The bulk of the offerings consisted of beef steers and a clearance was made In good season. Ths supply ot butcher stock was rather limited. Desirable cows and heifers were free sellers at good, atrong prices. Grassy grades, ,. while . selling readily, showed no special change In Value from yesterday. - In the feeder division the trade was very Quiet and dull. The country demand Is very limited and yard traders were slow In taking hold. The market Is dull and weak, with a lower tendency. BEEr oTEERO. No. 4. t. 11. I. 17. tl. 7. II. Pr. No. AT. Ft. I 10 I to I 60 I 10 I 60 I 60 I 60 I 64 I 64 I 10 I 41 I 66 I 1 I 70 I 74 I 60 I 40 I 14 I 74 447 1140 817 40 Ill lot lttl 464 I 16 I 46 4 00 . 4 10 4 U 4 70 4 71 4 N i oo I 04 i 10 I II M I W i 10 I M I 40 II.. 14.. tl.. II.. 14.. 60.. II.. II. . II.. 17.. II.. 10.. II.. II.. tl.. II.. II.. ...mi ...ins ....1117 ...1411 ...1101 ...Mi ...HIT ...1444 ...1141 ...Ull ...1114 ...1326 ...1147 ...1141 ...1171 ...114 ...1111 20.... II.... II.... II.... 17.... 63.... II..... 40 II I ...loir ...1107 ... 941 ...1041 ...1041 ...HIT ...1071 ...1041 ...1044 .1141 STEERS AND COWS, 40 87. ...111! 1141 I 60 II 1011 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 4 160 4 60 COWS. I M IN X Ml IS 17 141 10 U Ill III 4..... 1006 I IS 1 1101 I 40 7 1014 .1 40 1 140 3 10 1 60! I 40 14 1011 I 41 1 170 I 00 II 1111 I It II 1011 t M 1 104 4 00 4 1160 I 16 1 1040 4 16 It 1011 t 16 1 1160 4 60 I Ill 8 It 1 130 4 60 " 4 'heifers. M II 760 3 It 1 170 8 78 7 468 I It tl till TO 1 MO I 48 . BULLS. 1 1104 t W 1 160 I 76 l lioo t it I im i it 1 .....1110 I 11 i 180 I 00 1 1200 I 60 1 1190 I 10 1 1410 I 46 1 1600 I 10 ' m "calves. m tn 1 140 I 00 1 144 I 00 1 160 I 00 1 140 I 16 1 840 I M 1 ISO f If STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 10 464 I 60 1 140 I M NEBRASKA. 6 cows. ( 40 3 26 19 cows.. 840 1 10 J. Robinson Idaho. 1 cow 1120 3 26 1 bull ..12 1 9 8 00 3 00 3 8 60 8 80 8 80 1 cow.. .1080 2 60 3 00 8 16 $ 26 3 66 3 80 1 cow. 920 1008 9X1 770 8 feeders. 7 cows.... . 984 . 977 . 986 .1120 . 984 5 feeders 1 cow.... 1 oow.... 13 cows.... 1 cow 9 feeders 937 18 feeders. 61 feeders.. 1008 24 steers.. 744 4 06 HOGS The run was by far the heavteat of the week and the quality waa also the beat In some time. Conditions were against sellers and a sharp decline In prices re sulted. The market opened slow, generally 6ruJ0e lower, considering the quality, and trading was along that baals during ths morning. A weak provision trsde alao ex erted a bear Influence, besides the market at Chicago waa much lower. Part of the buyers were Inclined to even lower prices noted and a good many hoga sold close to a dime lower, considering quality. Tops reached 86.80, while the bulk at 85.17ViKo5.22 Is about 7o lower than yes tor day. The market finished weak at toe de cllne. No. At. 8b. Pr. Ko, 60 161 M I 0TV4 74 li 191 40 f If 44 ITT ... f 10 74 130 M I 1J 64 UT ... 10 If 9tl ... I If 14 Ml ... M T7 124 40 I 11 44 IM ... lit 71 t"4 ... I II Tt IM ... I M 14 11 IM I ITU, Tl 141 140 10 Tl im 40 I 17S4 74 til ... IK) II f IT ... I ITUj 14 Ill 10 I 0 77 Ill 190 111 4:. ...... .140 ... f 90 40 Ill 10 I 17V4 TO Ill 100 I 10 Tl lot 40 I ITU tl 161 ... 110 II in to 8 lit Tl 110 10 I to 4 Ill tO I 1TV, T4 lf.0 40 I 10 HI Ill ... I 174 Tl 110 144 I 10 14 til 140 I 1T II 74 ... M 17 114 10 17 17 144 ... I 10 It 131 ... i 17 H II Ill 110 I 10 71 131 IM I 17 TO til ... 110 II 141 40 I 174 T4 in H IW 7 ! ... I 1T 61 Ml ... I 10 II Ill 10 ITS. 14 Ml ... I 10 II. 110 10 I 17 Tl tl IM IM 14 Ill 160 f 17W Tl. 114 140 I 10 Tl 110 140 I 17 71 144 60 I 10 71 131 ... 117 II tit 40 I 10 6 141 40 I ITU tl 171 ... 10 71 ID 140 I 17 71 140 160 I 10 14 40 I ITU M 174 110 I 10 II 117 10 I 17 41 130 10 I 10 78 141 ... I 10 TO 11T 10 I 10 84 UT 110 I 10 at II 40 I 10 4 141 to f to TO tr.l loo tin 79. til too I to II I4 ... f 10 61 144 ... I 10 Tl Ill IM I 11 71 Ill M 10 Tt 134 ... I 11 10 Ill ... I to 40 141 ,., 1 41 140 ... 1 10 47 itl ... 112 Tl 141 IOI 10 44 IW ... rr io in 140 I to li im to 1 17 to 110 ID I 10 46 171 . . 17V4 17 106 ... I 10 61 170 1 80 I tl4 II 6 110 I 10 64 H ... I2-4 40 176 ... I II 40 144 ... I l: 68 16 . . I If 61 14U M I 12 IM lit M I 14 14 144 10 I M 76 1:0 ... I 10 70 104 ... t 11 II ITT IM I tO Tl 141 ... I 11 M 141 ... 1 10 44 140 140 !: 67 l.lT 10 I 10 II M4 10 I 11 44 Ill ... I 10 U 1.17 ... I !! II.. 144 IM III 0 144 ... ' I ? 46 H9 IM I It Tl 11 10 I t? W 318 Ut lU 81 tat .., I 11 ii in m i n 11 174 IM IH 60 11 ... IK II Itl IM I It 61 Ie ... I M 14 Kl ... I 17 40 tat M I M IT tit lit I M Tt ....... Ill ... I 1 SHEEP Receipts were the heaviest In some weeks, or In fact since the range season opened. but the supply did not retch the demand. The market ruled active, atrong to 10c higher, with yearlings selling up to 340 and ewe at 83.66. A clearance was made In good season, the market closing strong. Quotations for grass sheen and Ismbs: Oood to chotre yesrllnsn, 84 2MM.60; fair to good yearlings. 83.50474 36; good to choice wethers, 34 00(64 25; fair to good wethers, 3.160(54.00; good to choice ewee. H.&OMSO; fair to rood ewes, 83 36413.50; food lo choice lambs, I6.600J6.76; fair to good lambs, 33.00 fr6.60. , . No. Av. Pr. 364 Idaho ewee ins 8 65 1.2M Idaho wethers 1?5 4 15 612 Idaho yearlings and wethers. 97 4 36 110 Idaho yearlings and wethers. 82 4 60 6f8 Idaho wethers M 4 40 201 Idaho wethers 84 4 46 311 Idaho wethers 143 4 45 821 Idaho yearlings 83 4 86 6S8 Idaho grass lambs 66 7 00 CHICAGO . LITE STOCK MARKET Cattle Market Richer, Hess Iteedy 4 Sheep Rale Stroaar CHICAOO. Julv 1 r 4TTLB- Receipts. 8.000 hesd, Including 300 Texans; market ror westerns, steady to higher; rood to prime steers. 3(;.4a6.60: noor to medium 6.166.Z6: stockers and feeders. 32.60(94.26; cows, I1.6OO4 60; heifers, 83.0O6.6O; canners, 31.60tT3.15: bulls, 82.00(04.60; calves, 32.50g.00; Texas fed a leers, 34.60uf.16. HOGS Recelpta, 30,000 head; estimated to morrow, 18,000 head; left over, 2.58 head; mixed and butchers, 36.40(216.60; good to choice heavy. 6.5n4i'5 82; rough heavy, 36.35fi6.45; light, 86.4096.! ot; bulk of sales, ft) 5K6. SHEEP AND LAMRB RecelDts. 10.800 head; market strong and steady; good to choice withers, 34.ioft6.40; fair to choice mixed, 83.6)($4.26; western sheep, J4.0O5J4.9O; native lambs, 84.0007.60. St. Loals Lire Stock Market. ST. LOTJIB. July 7. CATTLE Receipts. 2,600 head. Including 1,800 Texans; market In light demand, good request and priors hlrher; native shipping and export steers, M&OtfM.oO; dressed beef and butcher steers, 34.0Ck2i43.26; steers under 1,000 pounds, 84 36 6.00; stockere and feeders, 82.60(84.26; cows snd heifers, 33.26S.00; canners, 81.6062.60; bulls, 32.50(94.00; calves. I4.OOTJ6.60: Texas and Indian steers, 3.004.2t; cows and heifers. 33 00(93.76. HOGS Receipts, ,500 head; market dull, 601OO lower; pigs and lights, 84.26Q6.30; packers. 35.2C(gt.40; butchers and best heavy, is irrn. ko SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.600 head; market steady; native muttons, 4J.(o 64.50; famba, 85.007.26; culls and bucks, 32.004.00; stockers, J1.60S3 SO; 'Texas shesp, $2.754.00. Kansas City, Lire Stork Market. KANSAS CITT. Julv 7. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,600 head: market dull and lower; choice export and dreased beef steers, 83.50 t!6.66; western steers, 4.0(Kj4O; native heifers, 83.10: native cows, 82.5OS3.90; Mock ers and feeders, 83.00(38.90. HOGS Receipts, 2,500 head: Armour was the only buyer and he cleaned up the offers nt a decline of 10tfl6c, with 86.30 the top PrlBHEEP AND LAM3S-Rcelpt, 650 head; market demoralised. New York Lire Stock Market. ktt.w YORK. Julv 7. BEEVES Re ceipts, 76 head; shipments, 7 head: cattle, 66 head, 100 head of sheep; veals, 85.fW7.60: tailends,; nutcermiiKS, li , ureneeu calves, firm; elty dressed veals, 7(PUc; country dressed, 710c HOOB Receipts, i,si? nesq maraei wao BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 5,465 head; sheep. 83.004.50; culls, fc.00(?2.6u lambs, t7.369.0O. t Wool Market., BOSTON, July 7. WOOL The market may be said to be strong ana active, with a firm" advance under way. Pulled wools are quiet and ter ritory grsdes active. In foreign wools there Is little doing. Leading quotations fniiow. Tdahn fine medium. 17rl8c: me dium, Htj 19c; low medium, I819e. Wyom ing jrine, lsgifc; neavv una, nvm; me dium. 19f?20c; low medium, avjHe. Utah and Nevada Fine, !6ffl7c; heavy fine, 143 16c; fine medium, Ifil8e. Dakota Fine, 17 (fJ18o; fine medium, 17016c: medium, lfc19c; low medium, wane, saoniana r ina uumv., iosfv- nn avarira. 17918c: fine medium choice, 1719e:" average. J718c: staple, SO 22c: medium choice, flfftJo. ST, LOUIS, July 7. WOOL Steady; me dium grades, combing and Clothing. ISO 4Hc; light fine, 1619c; heavy fine, 134716o; tub washed, goflfje. LONDON, July 7. woub-Tne orcenngs at the wool auction sales today amounted tn 12340 bales. Fins merinos were dearer. Inferior merinos aold steady and In buyers' favor. Americans oougnt a tair supply or good greasy hoggetts and some fine cross hreda at full rates. A good supply of scoureds was taken, chiefly by the con tinent. Cross-breds sold readily. Home buyers were the largest purchasers of medium and low grades. Following are the the sales In detail: New South Wales, 1 OfVt hales- scoured ftUdrftls lOd: BTeaSy. SUdtSls Ud. Queensland. 700 bales; Scoured, Is dls lid; greasy. SH9d, Victoria, SCO bales; scourea, lrun na. ooum Aus tralia, 1,100 bales; greasy, 6dfDlS ld. West Australia. 400 bales; greary. imft(l. Tasmania, 1,700 bales; greasy, 8d!iJla 8d. New Zealand. 1.200 bales: scoured, evidffils. Cape of Oood Hope and Natal. 800 bales; scoured. lOdgls 7d; greasy, 8(fj9d. OUTPUT OF PACKING HOUSES Slight Felling; OsT la Marketlagr ( Hosts as Compared with Pre loas Week CINCINNATI, July 7. - (Special Tele- gram.) Price Current sayt: There was a Moderate movement Of hogs ths past weak. Total western Backing was 420,000, com pared with 440,000 the preceding week and 406.000 last year. Since March 1 the total Is 7,646,000, against 7,330,000 a year sgo. Promlnsnt places compare as follows: Places. 1904. IftOg. Chicago 1,870,000 2,115.000 Kansas City 960.000 fs.ono South Omaha 840,000 886 000 St. Loula 624 000 4S6.0U0 St. Joseph (63.000 812 000 Indianapolis 88. ooo Milwaukee 223,000 197,000 Cincinnati , 1R3.T0 179.000 Ottumwa 190,000 145 000 Cedar Rapids 164.0"0 146 000 flloux City 104,000 175,000 St. Paul 311.000 KiOOO Movements of Ocean Vessels Jnly 0. At New York Arrived: Mongolian, from Glasgow; Citta dl Napoll, from Genoa. Sailed: Teutonic, for Liverpool; United States, for Copenhsgen. At Queenstown Arrived: Merlon, from Philadelphia; Auranla, from New Tork. Salltd: Saxonia, from Liverpool, for Bos ton. At Liverpool Arrived: Michigan, from Boston; Oceanic, from New Tork; Otto man, from Portland; Majestic, from New York. At Southampton Sailed: Kaiser Wllhelm der Grosse, from Bremen, for New Tork. At Copenhagen Arrived: Helllg Olav, from New York. At Dover Sailed: Oref Waldsrsee, from Hamburg and Boulogne, for New York. At Hong Kong Arrived: Athenian, from Vancouver; Empress of Japan, from Van couver, via San Francisco. At Antwerp Arrived: Switzerland, from Philadelphia. At Cherbourg Arrived: Pennsylvania, from New York. Sailed: Kaiser Wll helm der Grease, from Bremen and South ampton, for New Tfork. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for raoord July 1, as furnished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust com pany,, bonded abstracter, 1814 Karnam street, for The Bee: Abble M. Bexten and husband to Na tional Land company, lota 36 and 34, block 3, Druid Hill 32,000 Abble M. Bexten and husband to Na tional Land company, lot 10, block 8, Kountze Place 1,760 Patrick Hoctor and wife to Albert , Plror et al., two acres In ne 9-14-18 ' 600 F. J. Fitzgerald and wife to J. A. Fitz gerald, undivided of lot 9, block 3. First Addition to South Omaha 1,500 Robert M. Dillon and wife to Hamuel L. Dllle, lot 23, block 12, Clifton Hill. 3,450 Omaha Mercantile company to Elisa beth M. Covell, lot 14. Cain Place .... 600 William O Whltmore et al., to Melvln H. Reddeld, lot 7, block 1, Mayns Place 2,800 Georre O. Twiner and wife to Max Hrrechman, part lots I aad 8, block 8, Dituont Place 900 Mary Herschman to Paul Klslckl, lot 12, block 4. Arbour Place 800 Lizzie C. Graham and husband to Fred Bchnnlaw. lot 9, block 7, I'lalnvlew.. 3,000 Theodore Olsen to Charles A. Beattla. lot 11, block 9, ilanaoem Place 1 Piiacllla A. GrlfTt lb. aud husband to Al- fred Thomas, lot 7, block 13, Kounlse Third Addition 1,000 14 Ml ... 8 t M ...11 ... M 61 Ill M I HI 74 lit 40 t It M 11 80 t 10 66. IM M I tO II HI 40 I II 64 171 M0 I M When Traveling READ THE BEE Here is where you will find it in the principal cities) BOSTOS. publlo Library. Vandome Hotel. Boston Press Club, It Boe-worta B4. CFFALO. Genesee Hotel News Stastd. Publlo Library. CAMBRJDCBt MASS, Harvard University Library, WTO. C XL O'ConneU. CHICAOO, Auditorium Annex Mews attain. Auditorium News Stand. Grand Paclfio Hotel Newg fta Great Northern News Stead. Palmer House News Minna, fostoffloe News BtanO. CMCIlfMATL Hotsl Aims R tading Room. CLBVELAJtD. commercial Travel era Temple. The Uollenden. COLORADO spitmos. Printers' Home. M. Slaughter. C. A. Bruner. nnxivnai. CapfUl News and Stationery Co. 4W Nm lit m -A rneauff Bros., 806 16th St. ndtiek Book oV Stat. Co., 814 lTtH tt. Pratt Mercantile Co., 1 rvwnsi as BBS m stuiinvii mm W aaj agfa pw, "wl ract Mercantile Co., lalf Lnrimer ftV Mia no, DBUDWOOD, ft. D. Ftehel Co. i. r. CarwUe. UBS MOIVEt, 1A. Moms Jacobs. Helena, Morr. w. Jkm Moore, st Ave. an MOT PRIM-OS, ft. D. Emll Hargana. A. U JCeksteio. hot srnrxoa, rbc aver A Cm. C. H, Weaver 4k C. L. ii. Cheaper A Co., US Central Ave. KANSAS CITY. SfO. Rlcksecker Cigar Company. Commercial Club. Publio Library. Railway Y. f. C A., 8a. J7, Union Dtwa LBYI14CTON. KT. T. M. & A. Reading Room. LINCOLN. NBB. f. K. Jonsa, U4t KAraUkga ftt V. M. C. A- LOS ANOBLBS. CAU Oliver Haines. 108 ft. ftprlns. KINNBAIHIL1S. MINI. R. O. Heareey Co., 84 Third ftb i'l ubllo Library. MILWAVKBB, WIS. Frank Mulkern, Grand AT, and M (IW YORK. Cooper Union Library. Fifth Avenue Hotel News otaad. Slltn Avenue uotei Jeaaing olland House Reading Hottos. Hoffman House. Imperial Hotel News Stand. Westmlnstsi- Hotel Heading Roonv -N. Y. Press Club. AStor House iNews tana. OODBN. CTAaf. Ogdsn News Co. J. H, Crock well 84th Street Mews SUa4. PARIS. FRANOR. M. T. UeraM Reading Itooat, 80 Av 4 I'Opera. Tnoe. Cook 4 Bona, 1 Ave. de lifers. PORTLAND. ORB. Oregon News Company, 147 8th ttt. Portland Hotel hews attaoA. SALT I.AKB CITT. UTAH. Barrow Bros.. 41 W. 3d Jfto. V LTf. Hammsl, W. 84 aM. ftt. Salt Lake Nsws Company. SAN FRANCISCO, CAU Publio Library. Palace Hotel News Stand. SEATTLE, WASfca. J. U. Lyons A Co. SIOVX CITT, GarreUon Hotel News Stand. - Mondamin Hotel Mews ntano. Gerald Fitsgtbbon News Huand, udiio iiorery. . M. U. A. Holen Bros., (16 Douglas ftt K. V. Rowley, 4U Ilk M. D. Prualnsr. SPOKANE, WASH. John W. Orsha m, 7A Rlvervlea SPEAHFISH, S. It. Henry Court. ST. JOSBFH. MO, Brsndow's Nsws Htand, 721 Ibdmond J. Berger. Y. M. C. A. Reading ytoosn ST. FAIL. MINN. Press Club. ST. LOUIS, MO. E. T. jelt, sui uuve wx. Southern Hotel News Stand, ... . 1 1 . I ki - a. i rianiiia ninw nawa oieixa. . i . WASHIXITOJ. D. , Ariltigton Hotel News SianA. Klggs House.