TITE OMATTA DAILY BEE; THimSDAY JULY "77 T5ul. 10 JULY CONTEST IS LAUNCHED OMAHAThursday, Fair and Warmer. Tan More Tripi to St. Louis Exposition to Be Awarded. EXTRA AWARD TO THE THREE HIGHEST Brc'a e the FIrat Th la the Uaieb, Mar They t"' Barely 1 a " "ruui C Sneceset The Bee's July contest for ten more tripe to the St. Loula exposition promises to be a warm one In mora than one sense and already the air U buzzing with rumore e( adventurous young knLglits and ladies bent on the quest tor votes. An extra Inducement this time I offered to the three highest In the shape of a weeks' acconv modatlon free at the Inside Inn which, will te far more encouraging tor those who aim to be at the top of the list. The contest cloaea July 23. The vote at i p. m. Wed nesday, July , waa: Alva fflocum, Blair, Neb., 3r0. John MatigoL South Omaha, Neb., 106. Bessie Prtterson, Council Bluffs, la-. 2. LOOKS ON. PRACTICAL SIDE Civil Service ronnliflm Eliminates i Ac ad r rate Teata In Employing; Linotype Marnialats. There la more than a mere announcement between the lines of the latest circular of the Civil Service Commission, which gives notice of an examination July 14 for lino type machinists to enter the bureau of printlnr at Manila. The salary attached to such a position Is tl.800 a year, and the applicant must be between the ares of 18 and 40 years, but that Is a small part of the story. The notice states that the physical condi tion of the applicant will be counted as 20 per cent of the credit marks, age 20 per cent and experience 60 per cent. The schol astic or academic examination, which has always been a major factor In civil service examinations, Is eliminated entirely for the first time and right there Is where the point cornea In. "Heretofore the Civil Service Commission has required applicants for government positions of all kinds to pass academic ex amlnatlons, which constituted the greatest factor in the markings," said J. B. Haynes, secretary to Senator Millard. "Whothnr the applicant sought a position as government blacksmith or postal clerk made little difference, he was put to an aoademlo test and upon his knowledge of mathematics was calculated his capabilities at the forge. Consequently great numbers of persona well qualified for certain posi tions hare been fenced out of the service, while others less eligible and Incompetent, perhaps, have worked their way In. "It simply made the civil service the big farce which It la today and I for one have been contending for a number of years that the modus operandi of the commission was a fallible one. "This notice shows that the commission has at last come to Its senses. That It recognizes the fact that a blacksmith can't fix a clock and that a clock-maker la the man to call on. It Is a wide departure from the old orthodox method and will un doubtedly work for the betterment of the ervlae, "I expect to see this plan adopted In every branch of the service. It will bring .about a weeding out of unqualified persons and make for a service that Is what It should 1 in - vc U Li viJ Lb UU mCzrapf mil A Third lay of tha Tlio most extraordinary Bargains in this sa!o of exclusively High Grade Merchandise Every yard of goods and every article was carefully bought for a particular and exacting trade. You cannot go wrong in buying this matchless stock. See List of Special Bargains on page 5. BADLY INJURED BY TRAIN Vniou Paelfle Electrician Hurled from Bridge by Engine, Which Strikes Him. , Am- X. Wold of 8116 Mlama street met with a. Very painful and probably serious ac cident at the Union Pacific bridge this morning. Mr, Wold Is an electrician In the employ of the engineering department of the Union Pad no and was busy on the bridge at the west end repairing some of the wiring, Train No. 4, crossing the bridge, struck him and knocked him to the ground, a distance of twenty feet, lie rolled about 100 feet down a steep embankment after striking the ground and was picked up where he had lodged against the high fence about the Willow Bprlngs distillery. It was found that he had suffered severe contusions about the head and there Is a ' probability that his skull is fractured. His right shoulder also was dislocated by the fall. He was given medical attention at the Union depot, to which he was removed as soon after the accident as possible, and was then taken to St. Joseph's hospital In the Union Paclflo ambulance. Wold la 27 years of age and married. It la thought probable he will recover, but the attending physician would not state Just What the prospects are. The train Which struck Wold was in charge of En gineer Bay and Conductor Powers. Upon later examination at thp hospital It was found that Wold hnd sustained a crushed shoulder and that his skull was fractured. It is Impossible for the attend ing physician to tell at this time what the result of the Injuries will be. Invoicod at $100,740.08 Wo bought stock at $45,200 Entire Stock goes at One-Half KELLEY-STIGER Prico it DIES FROM THE ACCIDENT ffaa Struck by locomotlve Succumbs . . at Heapltal to Fracture V of Shall. Ou Johnson, who waa struck last Friday by a locomotive near Fifth and Burt ' streets, died Tuesday night at Clarkson ttoapital. At the time of the accident John boo waa walking north on the truck and - did not hear the train coming behind him. ' 2 Us skull was badly fractured. , The remains will be burled Thursday aft- ' urnoon from the undertaking rooms of the Maul-Davis oompany. Interment will be ' made at Laurel Hill cemetery. The deceased was 48 years of age. He Is survived by a mother and three sisters liv ing In California, a slstor in Omaha, Mrs. 'A. J. Stanley of 8)14 Decatur street, and a brother, frank, of the Oxford hotel. AnnMBcemeata of the Theaters. This evening at the Itoyd theater the Ferrta Btoek Company will present "Way Out West," a play written especially for Mr. Ferris, and one of such value that ho Waa compelled to defend his rights to tn e long suit Instituted by Charles Froh raan, Mr, Ferris won the suit, and still play, the leading role tn the piece. He came in from the north yesterday, and Will remain until after the matinee on Bun day. On Bundny evening the bill will be O hanged to "The Octoroon,' and for the toot half of next week "When Hearts Beat True," a really fine society play, will be given. Half Fare tn OkohnJI. On every Friday and Saturday, tlrkets from Omaha and Council Bluffs will be old to Iake Okobojt and return at half faro by THIS CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE BT. PAUL, RAILWAY. Everybody anye Okubojl la more beautiful this year than ever. The bathing Is de lightful, the flKlitng great, the Baturday night dancing parties are swell. Better aro UP for two or three days. Tickets 1624 Famura fit Omaha; 620 Broadway, Council ailuffa, .... WHERE... THE BEE may be found in St. Louis: ARTHUR nOTALING, 1503 Washington Ave. WILSON & WILSON, 217 N. 17th Street JEFFRIES & LAUER, 1804 Olive Street. E. T. JETT NEWS CO., 806 Olive Street. UNION NEWS COMPANY, Union Depot. SOUTHERN nOTEL. PLANTERS nOTEL. SUIT CASES AND GRIPS At 20 Per Cent Discount Not a lot of odds and ends but our-regular- stock and them Is none better to be had Made of best- material- by skilled workmen lasting and strong. to g DR. BRADBURY 1506 Farnam DENTIST. TEL. 17S6. W positively remove Fourteen Year Same Location Painless Extraction Without das. Filling 30c ud Oold Crowns, $3.90 up Brldre Work $2.50 up Lady Attendaat nsrvea from teeth with oat tbe least particle ol pain. Plates $2 up. Open Sundays 10 to 1 2 jgamem jiaMjy n il Here is sx Tan Shoe Sale We have taken all our odd palra and odd sires In women's, men's and children's Tsns nnd rnnrie four lots just to close them out quirk. W omen s Tan t'lg.muh 75e. Women's Tan Shoes $1 U0 Many of them sold at IS, $4 and none less than i. Jkllsses' and Children s Tan Oxfords, at o Misses' and Children's Tan Shoes, at 75c Many of these sold at 12.60 and none leea than 1-U Come In early tomorrow and you will be sure to get a bargain. DREXEL SHOE CO., 1419 Farnam Street. Omaha's Up-to-Dats She. tleast SELECT THE BEER YOU LIKE As a tonic or beverage It equals any beer brewed. Served in all first class hotels and restaurants throughout the entire west. Order a trial case quarts or pints. CONVINCED There's no better beer brewed. Fred Krug Brewing Co. Oaaaka'a Model Brewery. Telephone 420. OMAHA 02 A BEAUTIFUL U0"Jt1 baftM &mm.& to On. Imperial Hair Regenerator t AbU M lam da vrorliiod. Kblv-JMlly ftrpllM. Aba ). aplw of hlr eol TpOIdeli4j4 0OUa4ea Utile will remedy Uila Aayalwy treat Black colon are nimDi aolutoiv hr)aA.. ores tree. Cenapnndeuca IMPE2UL CHEMICAL MM. CO.LU W. XM ft.. Near Tata, SCHOOLS AND COLLKGRS. For a cauloca at the Oiaeet ass Larsreet Military School la Um atlMU Wtat. asanas 1 1 i t a r v Wentworth great July LEAQID6 Everything that's new, clean, fresh and up-to-date in depen dable and high-grade merchandise; noth ing jobby nor stale nor second hand not a nickle's worth everything is straight from the fac tory, the loom and the mills and never touched a" counter till lieu, nett's Love iu eight It isn't economy to buyehoddy stuff when you can get genuine, fresh, new, clean goods at easier prices. Wash Goods for Thursday WASH GOODS AT 7c A big table full of pretty Swisses, lawns and dimities, all colors, big assortment of styles, every yard worth 15c and 20c all go at,lyard 7c AT lOo A YARD A handsome lot of pretty suitings and voiles that sold at 18c and 30c a yard, all go at, yard .1 0c AT 3c A YARD A big table full of fine white organdies,, white checked nainsooks and printed lawns yard 3c mm SALE OF SOFA AND PORCH PILLOWS 10 dozen extra large down sofa and porch pil lows, all nicely covered with sateens and silk olines, regular 1 ones Thursday only, each i. 75c $2.00 in little green stickers 18 Vsaaaf'Nah"a SPECIAL EMBROIDERY SALE DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS ON ALL OUR EMBROIDERIES, THURSDAY. 500 pieces of embroidery edges, insertions and corset cover widths,, the assortment is im mense. Prices at 2c up to. I Double Green Trading Stamps Thursday en. run as high aa yard OUt EXTRAORDINARY SALE MANUFACTURERS' SAMPLES OF WOMEN'S HIGH GRADE HOSIERY 200 dozen black gauze lisle, black cotton summer weight, the latest styles in black, white and cplijred lace, and this season's new shades in fancies, while they last we will sell them at, pair 19c values 1 A' this lot positively worth up to 89c a pair1 Crockery! Crockery! July Clearance It's impossible to enumerate all the acreeohlng bargains. Listen: If you are looking tor reliable ware at less than coat to manufacture, BENNETT'S July Clearance Sale Is Your Opportunity. One gallon stone lac" IOC and tie) in Little Green BMckera. Limit ot three. and WOO tn Little Green Stickers. iliiiil July Clearance Sale in the Shoe Section KJJj OT OUR LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S OXFORDS AND CLIPPERS MUST GO THIS MONTH. IJoU Daira Tji . Oxfords In tan onj black vlcl k,,,, zth m " in "8. H" Green Trading Stampa t Mt 1.49 HALF GALLON fP";"!s5T5$l I MASON FRUIT gagS&gl I 65c TIN TOP JEL LIES, per and 13.00 In Little1 Green Btlckera. s!b,...;:25c SI JOHNSON BROS' ENGLISH POR CHLA1N 10U-PIKCE l-UN.NKK BETH nice, bright, pink decoration and gold treatment, one of our Xt values, July clearing sale $7 65 QUART ROOT BEER BOTTLES with patent stop- Kr"w...90c and 1500 In Little Green Stickers. MM S0 pairs Misses' vlcl and patent leather sandals, worth 11.25 and 11.60 nd J2.00 in 8. 4 79c 167 pairs of. Men's tan calf patent leather and vlcl kid Oxfords, worth W.50 and 4.0o! for..., .Jo Bennett's for Coffees 0.00 worth of Green Trading Stamps with each lb. pkg Bennett's Cap- Itol Coffee. ..-20C SI Don't fail to take advantage of this special offer. Thursday only. Our Wagon Deliveries They cover every section of the ctty and all out-lying points Dundee and West Side. Orchurd 11111, Walnut Hill, Clifton Hill, Benson, Old Fort Omaha, North Oinahu, South Omaha, Council Bluffs. These places are cov ered every day. Perishable goods, such aa butter, cheese and meats, are carried In the wagon refrigerators, In suring a satisfactory condition when delivered. Telephones No trouble jretttntr BENNETTS on the wire. We hare an ample telephone senrlee, with expert op erators at our eod who know the stocks, who are posted on tbe bar gains, who are salesmen and can give Intelligent answers to all Inquirers. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. Brovvnell Hall. Omaha. A home school for young women of purpose. Academlo and College. Prepara tory Course. Certificate admits to Yasser, Wellesly, Mt. Holyoke, Smith, University of Nebraska and University of Chicago. Excepttpnal advantages In muslo and art. Well equipped gymnasium and generous provlsloa for out-door sports under profes sional director. Send for Illustrated catalogue. Address, MISS MACRAE. Principal, B LEE S ACADEMY. ESTABLISHED UMf. Equipment unequaled by any other military school in the United States. Keeks th9 best boys and offers them the best training. For Tmt Book aoS full I afarmatloa adaraaa Coleael F. W. V. BLEKS, Seperlst teadent, 1T rert Bleea, P.O.Maeon.lIo. -rwTTwrrfc A Y raT T 7 IT FOR YOUNG LADIES r V Zl,IrZ IrM. Tf An u IU I IF r ..uu4 k, ihmU; ...Imrntn. taiHW in r i'4.'.K Iml Uta. IIA11DIN COLLEGE AND CONStmVATYJJtl HAY DEN'S TURCHASE OF ENTIRE STOCK BOSTON STORE, Council Bluffs NOW ON SALE Never Before,Never Again Such Bargains Be Here Early Thursday Mornipg. FtERE ARE A FEW OF THE MANY SPECIAL BARGAINS: 25c Fancy Peari Buttons, Dozen, 5c From the Boston Store stock perfect, lstest styles, best sizes Just the thing for shirt waists and children's cr dresses, per doi 10c Pearl Buttons, Dozen, 2c From the Boston Store stock. They were long on buttons, so sre we. We cannot afford to add them to our stock, so put them st a price which will dis pose of them, at, dos 10 Yard-Laces-Wc Yard WHITE SILK LACES, CREAM SILK LACES, BLACK SILK LACES. WHITE WASH LACES. CREAM APPLIQUE LACES, WHITE WASH INSERTIONS. ECRU APPLIQUE LACES BOSTON STORE PRICE 20o TO "5o PER YARD- THURSDAY ALL AT ONE PRICE PER YARD .10c 50c and $1.00 Center Pieces 15c Also Dresser Scarfs, PIUow Shams, Hem stitched Squares, etc Boeton Store price (Or and $1-00 tkC our price .sow Boston Store Embroideries 2 1-2c The balnnce of the stock. Including Inser tions, Headings, Medallion edges, etc. Boston store price loo, 15o and too yard Kreat snap, at, choice, Olp per yard aaJV. Boston Stort Jewelry RJnps, Breastpins, Cuff Buttons, Collar Buttons. Hroaches, Shears, Teaspoons, Hat Pins. Belt Buckles, Shir Waist Sets. Ktti'lc lMna Tlnuw Iln4 At til IHTOTsi STOKE I-RTCE 25c, tOo and 11.00. Not a piece reserved, all will go at a ridiculously low price choice of any . 1lkr article .' , I WW COME EARLY IT'S A SNAP, Great Couch Sale BUT NOW WHEN YOU CAM GET THEM AT LESS THAN FACTORT MICKS. wiiitiKitm!'"' iiiiiiiiiiniii i i '"iiuHiiininiiifti r 'mm $8.26 VETX5UR COUCH 27 Inches wide. feet Inches long- of them-. to be closed out at 112 60 VELOl'R COUCH-30 Inches wide, 6H feet long, steel construc tion spring 38 of them to be sold, at $14.85 VELOUR COUCH 30 Inches wide, 0 foot 8 inches long, steel ' construction spring of them to go at HANDSOME LEATHER COUCH regular value, at $33.60 Oak 6-piece Parlor Suit, upholstered In silk tapestry, Hftle price $19 6 2- piece Parlor Suit, ea.eaeeet aei 2.95 .....8.75 ....9.50 -18.50 M25.00 ..14.50 Exceptional Values Don't Miss Them. The Great July Grocery Sale to be Continued Thursday. THIS ONLT STORE IN THE WEST THAT RETAILS TO THE CONSUMER AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Jell-O, S packages for 25a Wiggle Stick, the new laundry blue.... So 10 bars best Laundry Soap 2jo 14-lb. cans Potted Ham or Tongue 3"o 1-lb. cans assorted Soups 7tao The best Soda, Oyster, Butter or Milk Crackers, per lb So Force, VIror. Vim, Egg-O-See, Neu- trlta or X-Celo. Der ckk Tc The best bu'k Laundry Starch, per lb.. 3Vio The best Corn Starch, per pkg 4a 1-lb. cans fancy Alaska Salmon to S-lb. cans Boston Baked Beans 8Ho 3 bars Wool or Armour's White Soap.. 10c Large bottles pure Tomato Catsup 8'a Large bottle fancy Olives lfo Good Japan Rice, per lb Iftc LEMONS! LEMONS! LEMONS!!! LARGE JUICY SEEDLESS LEMONS, per dos 12c Large Juicy sweet Oranges, per dos.... 12o California White Clover Honey , per rack 12o California White Figs, per pkg 6o Fancy Hallowe'en Dates, per Tb 6o BUTTER! BUTTER!! BUTTER!!! Another large shipment of 10-Ib. and 20 lb. tubs of Fancy Dairy Butter. Tomorrow we will sell: . 10-lb. Tubs, at, each 20-lb. Tubs, at, each , Fancy Separator Creamery Butter, per 1.50 2.90 lb 1T0 The very best Creamery Butter, per lb ...w JOo Good Country Butter, per lb ..12fto HAVDEEti BROS. iasr4' Opened for Settlement r . :;: JULY 5th TO 23rd Special reduced roundtrip tickets on sale July 1 to 22 good returning till August 31 Apply at City Offices, 1401-1403 Farnam St., Omaha, for desenptiye pamphlets. Trains for Bonesteel and Fairfax leave Union Station i r j-ia . A as-a at quo a. m,, :mi p. nu, Srrfl 11:45 p. m. The chance rftmUhw of a lifetime. WORLD'S FAIR ROUTE . .XajOlZiS Elegant Pullman Sleeping Cars, Reclining- Cliair Cars (SeaU Free) Dining1 Cars (Meals a la Carte) EXCURSION TICKETS HOW Oil SALE A handsome World's Fair folder con talning complete Information, views of buildings, etc, and map of Bt. Loul. will bo eent free en request to C W. OODFREX, raaa. sad Ticket At. TOM HUGHES, TvaT. Pass. Agi. aw. . OMAHA, NEBRAkK A. . 7TOIlaaCD,Gam.aa. -md Tleket Aareat. WT. IXVIS, WO. TO